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Mohamed Wael Samir, MD
Prof. of Neurosurgery
Ain Shams University
Cairo, Egypt
 Pathology of OPLL
 Clinical presentation
 Diagnosis of OPLL
 Management of OPLL
 1) Cell of origin & pathogenesis
 2) Epidemiology
 3) Macroscopic features
 4) Microscopic features
 5) Immunohistochemistry
 6) Genetic features
 7) Radiological features
 8) Growth pattern & spread
 9) Grading & behavior
 10) Prognosis
 ligament cells from patients with OPLL have osteoblast-like
Factors that intiate these cells to form calcification & ossification are:
 Genetic factors: Genetic locus for OPLL is thought to be located close to
the HLA region, on chromosome 6p
 Hormonal factors: non–insulin dependent D.M., hypoparathyroidism and
 Environmental factors: Mechanical stress in ligaments of the spine
 Life style
Pathogenesis Of Neural Injury In OPLL
 A) Mechanical:
 1) Static compression:
 Occupying ratio greater than 60% indicates high risk of the
development of myelopathy
 SAC < 6 mm
 2) Dynamic compression:
 Degenerative spondylolithesis
 Threshold of SAC
 Normal= 13mm
 with SAC < 6 mm = Static compression
 Myelopathy with SAC 6-13 = Dynamic
 B) Vascular:
 1) Cell of origin & pathogenesis
 2) Epidemiology
 3) Macroscopic features
 4) Microscopic features
 5) Immunohistochemistry
 6) Genetic features
 7) Radiological features
 8) Growth pattern & spread
 9) Grading & behavior
 10) Prognosis
 Incidence:
 In Japanese >30 ys up to 4%.
 In the United States and Europe, up to 1.7%.
 Gender:
 Cervical: Male > Female (2 : 1)
 Dorsal: Female > Male
 Race:
 More in Japanese
 Age:
 Started in 40s and became symptomatic in 50s
 Risk factors:
 Genetic: genetic locus for OPLL is thought to be located close to the HLA
region, on chromosome 6p
 DM
 1) Cell of origin & pathogenesis
 2) Epidemiology
 3) Macroscopic features
 4) Microscopic features
 5) Immunohistochemistry
 6) Genetic features
 7) Radiological features
 8) Growth pattern & spread
 9) Grading & behavior
 10) Prognosis
 Site:
 Cervical (C2-C4): 70%,
 Dorsal (T1-T4): 15%
 Lumbar (L1-L3):15%
 There is high frequency with which cervical OPLL is associated with
thoracolumbar OPLL and OLF
 Character:
 Early: PLL hypertrophy
 Then: Punctate calcification within PLL
 Then: Actual ossification
Four Classical Types Of OPLL
 1) Segmental type (39%),
 2) Mixed type (29%),
 3) Continuous type (27%),
 4) Circumscribed type (5%)
Types Of OPLL
Hill-type Square-type mushroom-type
Continuous type circumscribed type
segmental type
Continuous type
Mixed type
 1) Cell of origin & pathogenesis
 2) Epidemiology
 3) Macroscopic features
 4) Microscopic features
 5) Immunohistochemistry
 6) Genetic features
 7) Radiological features
 8) Growth pattern & spread
 9) Grading & behavior
 10) Prognosis
Microscopic Features
 Early OPLL:
 Hypertrophy PLL due to fibroblastic hyperplasia and increased collagen
deposition with accompanying punctate ossification centers
 Immature form:
 Woven bone with fibrocartilaginous cell proliferation
 Mature form:
 Lamellar bone with well-developed haversian systems
 Mostly endochondral ossification & sometimes membranous
Microscopic Features Of Pathological Changes Of Cord
 Demyelination and loss of axon always found in the posterior and
posterolateral part of the cord (so posterior decompression may insult
the cord whis is alredy insulted posteriorly)
 1) Cell of origin & pathogenesis
 2) Epidemiology
 3) Macroscopic features
 4) Microscopic features
 5) Immunohistochemistry
 6) Genetic features
 7) Radiological features
 8) Growth pattern & spread
 9) Grading & behavior
 10) Prognosis
Genetic Features
 A genetic locus near the human leukocyte antigen site (HLA) on
chromosome 6p
 Ossification of post. Longitudinal ligament (OPLL)
 Ossification of ligamentum flavum (OLF)
 Ossification of ant. Longitudinal ligament (OALL)
 Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH)
 1) Cell of origin & pathogenesis
 2) Epidemiology
 3) Macroscopic features
 4) Microscopic features
 5) Immunohistochemistry
 6) Genetic features
 7) Radiological features
 8) Growth pattern & spread
 9) Grading & behavior
 10) Prognosis
Types Of OPLL
Hill-type Square-type mushroom-type
Continuous type circumscribed type
segmental type
Continuous type
Mixed type
Dural Calcification
 1) Cell of origin & pathogenesis
 2) Epidemiology
 3) Macroscopic features
 4) Microscopic features
 5) Immunohistochemistry
 6) Genetic features
 7) Radiological features
 8) Growth pattern & spread
 9) Grading & behavior
 10) Prognosis
Natural History Of OPLL
 OPLL ↑ in thickness 0.4mm/y & in longitudinal expansion 0.67mm/y
 It is more with continuous- or mixed-type OPLL
 A rapid progression in the 4th decade then gradually decreases in the
5th or 6th decade.
 It occurs also postoperative
 In 60- 70 % after posterior decompression
 In 36-64 % after anterior decompression and fusion
Do These mean prophylactic surgery is
Postoperative Progression Of The Ossified Lesion
Causes Of Late Deterioration
 Postoperative progression of OPLL,
 Progressive deformity and instability
 Thoracic myelopathy secondary to OPLL or OLF or both,
 Degenerative lumbar stenosis,
 1) Cell of origin & pathogenesis
 2) Epidemiology
 3) Macroscopic features
 4) Microscopic features
 5) Immunohistochemistry
 6) Genetic features
 7) Radiological features
 8) Growth pattern & spread
 9) Grading & behavior
 10) Prognosis
 Patient’s factors:
 Old age
 Preoperative neurological stat & duration of symptoms
 History of trauma causing acute presentation
 Disease’s factors:
 Occupying ratio of OPLL or SAC
 Sagittal shape of ossification (hill-shaped) especially with posterior
 Management’s factors:
 Progression may be more with posterior decompression
Clinical Picture
 Accidental discovery
 Onset: Usually gradual progressive but may be acute (after trauma)
 Pain:
 Axial pain
 Radicular
 Neurological deficits:
 Myelopathy or myeloradiculopathy rather than radiculopathy alone
 Associated coexisting conditions:
 Diabetic
 Hypoparathyroidism,
 Myotonic muscular dystrophy
Myelopathy Scales: Nurick Scale
The Modified Japanese Orthopaedic Association (mJOA) Scale
 Normal: 18
 Mild myelopathy: 15-17
 Moderate myelopathy: 12-14
 Severe myelopathy: ≤ 11
Plain Radiography
 Based on lateral 6-foot
plain x-rays, the normal
anteroposterior (AP)
dimension of the cervical
spinal canal should
measure 17 mm from C3-
7. Absolute stenosis was
defined as a canal
measuring 10 m or less,
whereas relative stenosis
was defined by a canal of
10 to 13 mm
Types Of OPLL
Continuous type
Circumscribed type
 Thin axial
 Reconstructed 2D- and 3D-CT,
 Myelo-CT scans
CT In Early OPLL
Hill-type Square-type mushroom-type
Continuous type Circumscribed type
segmental type
Continuous type
Mixed type
Dural Calcification
CT Signs of Dural Penetrance (Single-layer & Double-layer
Double-layerSingle-layer (large
central mass with
unilateral “C” signs)
Single-layer (large
central mass with
bilateral “C” signs)
How Much Corpectomy?
CT Dorsal Spine
Radiological Signs Help In Choosing Approach
 Occupying ratio:
 > 40% indicates high risk of the development of
 > 40% carry more risk in posterior decompression
especially with hill-shaped ossification
 Space available for the cord (SAC):
 Normal ≥ 13 mm
 Relative cervical stenosis: 10-13 mm
 Absolute stenosis: < 10 mm
 K line:
A line drawn from the middle of the spinal canal at
the C2 and C7 levels
K line
Documentation Of Fusion
Investigations: MRI
 High incidence of associated disc herniation in
patients with cervical OPLL
 Differentiation between multiple discs & early
OPLL by the contrast enhancement in OPLL and
extension behind bodies.
 Pathological changes in spinal cord
 Conservative management:
 Surgical management:
Conservative Management
 Indications:
 Axial pain without or with subclinical myelopathy (e.g. only extensor
 Main insult is dynamic compression (less than 60% stenosis or 6-13 mm
 Sever comorbidity
 Measures:
 Collar
 Traction
 Carful life stile
Surgery: Indications
Is there a rule for prophylactic surgery?
 Myelopathy or radiculo-myelopathy with predominant myelopathy
 Role of prophylactic surgery in asymptomatic patient
 Sever canal compromise:
 SAC less than 6mm or
 Occupational ratio more than 60%
 Presence of cord signal in MRI
 SSEP is affected
 Young age (less than 65ys)
Surgical Procedures
Anterior surgery: Single/multilevel (up to 4)
 Corpectomy with removal of calcified mass
 Corpectomy without removal of calcified mass (ant. floating method)
 Open Window Corpectomy (removal of post1/2 of body leaving the ant.
 Oblique Cervical Corpectomy
 With fusion & halo vest or with fusion and fixation
 Posterior surgery:
 Laminectomy
 Laminectomy + fixation & fusion
 Laminoplasty (open-door or double-door laminoplasty)
 Combined anterior-posterior surgery:
Choice Of Approach
 Factors in favor of ant. approach:
 Presence of facilities & expertise
 Occupying ratio more than 60%
 Hill-shaped calcification
 Kyphotic deformity or degenerative instability
 Limited corpectomy levels (up to 4)
 Factors allow post. approach:
 Comorbidity prevent more lengthy procedures
 Occupying ratio less than 60%
 Plateau-shaped calcification
 Preserved lordotic spine or maximum straightening
Anesthesia & Monitoring
 Awake fiberoptic intubation/positioning
 Intraoperative neural monitoring
 Motor evoked potentials,
 Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (SEPs),
 Electromyography
Posterior Approaches
 Laminectomy:
 Laminectomy + fixation & fusion
 Laminoplasty (open-door or double-door laminoplasty)
 Advantages:
 Simple procedure
 Effective in selected cases
 Disadvantages:
 Post laminectomy scar formation may
compress cord
 ↑ incidence of kyphosis & instability
 ↑ incidence of POLL progression
 Procedure:
 C3-C7 (possibility of OPLL progression)
 + < 25% of medial facetectomy (for root
Laminectomy & Fusion
 Advantages:
 ↓ risk of postoperative kyphotic deformity & spinal instability
 Disadvantages:
 Potential risk of vertebral artery or neural injury
 More lengthy procedure
 Procedures:
 Cables can be used in sublaminar, interspinous, or facet wiring techniques
 Screws & rods/plate construct fixation can be uses with lateral mass
plating or pedicular screw fixation
Expansive Laminoplasty
 Advantages:
 Simple with relatively with low
complication rate
 Less risk of kyphosis deformity &
 Less risk of scar tissue formation
compressing cord
 Disadvantages:
 Risk of OPLL progression
 Limited effectiveness in severe kyphotic
deformity or large OPLL
 Procedures:
Ant. Approach
 Corpectomy with removal of calcified mass
 Corpectomy without removal of calcified mass (ant. floating method)
 Open Window Corpectomy (removal of post. ½ of body leaving the
ant. One)
 Oblique Cervical Corpectomy
 Fusion & halo vest (for 6-8 weeks) or
 Internal fixation & fusion
Corpectomy & Removal Of Calcified Mass
 Soft tissue dissection & discoidectomy as in ACDF
 Corpectomy width
 From preoperaztive CT < interpedicular distance
 The distance between the base of uncovertebral joint
 average 20- 25 mm
 3 layers of bone: cortical (ant. Vertebral surface) → cancellous
(vertebral body itself) → cortical (post. Vertebral surface & OPLL)
 Don’t separate the 3rd layer from lateral gutter till it is thinned out
 Separating the 3rd layer completely (sup./inf. & from both sides)
leaving the OPLL floating
 Tray to dissect the mass from dura
 Dural tear and CSF leak are the major drawback.
The Anterior Floating Method
 More extensive lateral exposure (>25 mm) to facilitate anterior
migration of the OPLL mass
Open Window Corpectomy
Oblique Cervical Corpectomy
Fixation By Halo Vest
 6-8 weeks
Fixation By Plating System
 Dynamic plates much more better than fixed plate in bone fusion
OPLL & OLF (Ossification of the Ligamentum
Flavum) of the Thoracic Spine
 They may be combined in upper thoracic region
 In mid & lower thoracic region OLF is more common
 OPLL at thoracic levels is more frequent in women than in men
 OLF treated by posterior decompression
 For upper dorsal (T1-4) OPLL: laminoplasty can be used safely
 For mid. & lower dorsal OPLLL: Laminectomy followed by
instrumentation is recommended
Ossified Posterior Longitudinal Ligament (OPLL)

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Ossified Posterior Longitudinal Ligament (OPLL)

  • 1. OPLL Mohamed Wael Samir, MD Prof. of Neurosurgery Ain Shams University Cairo, Egypt
  • 2. ILOs  Pathology of OPLL  Clinical presentation  Diagnosis of OPLL  Management of OPLL
  • 3.
  • 4. Pathology  1) Cell of origin & pathogenesis  2) Epidemiology  3) Macroscopic features  4) Microscopic features  5) Immunohistochemistry  6) Genetic features  7) Radiological features  8) Growth pattern & spread  9) Grading & behavior  10) Prognosis
  • 5. Pathogenesis  ligament cells from patients with OPLL have osteoblast-like characteristics Factors that intiate these cells to form calcification & ossification are:  Genetic factors: Genetic locus for OPLL is thought to be located close to the HLA region, on chromosome 6p  Hormonal factors: non–insulin dependent D.M., hypoparathyroidism and hypophosphatemic  Environmental factors: Mechanical stress in ligaments of the spine  Life style
  • 6. Pathogenesis Of Neural Injury In OPLL  A) Mechanical:  1) Static compression:  Occupying ratio greater than 60% indicates high risk of the development of myelopathy  SAC < 6 mm  2) Dynamic compression:  Degenerative spondylolithesis  Threshold of SAC  Normal= 13mm Myelopathy  with SAC < 6 mm = Static compression  Myelopathy with SAC 6-13 = Dynamic  B) Vascular:
  • 7. Pathology  1) Cell of origin & pathogenesis  2) Epidemiology  3) Macroscopic features  4) Microscopic features  5) Immunohistochemistry  6) Genetic features  7) Radiological features  8) Growth pattern & spread  9) Grading & behavior  10) Prognosis
  • 8. Epidemiology  Incidence:  In Japanese >30 ys up to 4%.  In the United States and Europe, up to 1.7%.  Gender:  Cervical: Male > Female (2 : 1)  Dorsal: Female > Male  Race:  More in Japanese  Age:  Started in 40s and became symptomatic in 50s  Risk factors:  Genetic: genetic locus for OPLL is thought to be located close to the HLA region, on chromosome 6p  DM
  • 9. Pathology  1) Cell of origin & pathogenesis  2) Epidemiology  3) Macroscopic features  4) Microscopic features  5) Immunohistochemistry  6) Genetic features  7) Radiological features  8) Growth pattern & spread  9) Grading & behavior  10) Prognosis
  • 10. Pathology  Site:  Cervical (C2-C4): 70%,  Dorsal (T1-T4): 15%  Lumbar (L1-L3):15%  There is high frequency with which cervical OPLL is associated with thoracolumbar OPLL and OLF  Character:  Early: PLL hypertrophy  Then: Punctate calcification within PLL  Then: Actual ossification 
  • 11. Four Classical Types Of OPLL Circumscribed  1) Segmental type (39%),  2) Mixed type (29%),  3) Continuous type (27%),  4) Circumscribed type (5%)
  • 12. Types Of OPLL  Hill-type Square-type mushroom-type Continuous type circumscribed type segmental type Continuous type Mixed type
  • 13. Pathology  1) Cell of origin & pathogenesis  2) Epidemiology  3) Macroscopic features  4) Microscopic features  5) Immunohistochemistry  6) Genetic features  7) Radiological features  8) Growth pattern & spread  9) Grading & behavior  10) Prognosis
  • 14. Microscopic Features  Early OPLL:  Hypertrophy PLL due to fibroblastic hyperplasia and increased collagen deposition with accompanying punctate ossification centers  Immature form:  Woven bone with fibrocartilaginous cell proliferation  Mature form:  Lamellar bone with well-developed haversian systems  Mostly endochondral ossification & sometimes membranous
  • 15. Microscopic Features Of Pathological Changes Of Cord  Demyelination and loss of axon always found in the posterior and posterolateral part of the cord (so posterior decompression may insult the cord whis is alredy insulted posteriorly)
  • 16. Pathology  1) Cell of origin & pathogenesis  2) Epidemiology  3) Macroscopic features  4) Microscopic features  5) Immunohistochemistry  6) Genetic features  7) Radiological features  8) Growth pattern & spread  9) Grading & behavior  10) Prognosis
  • 17. Genetic Features  A genetic locus near the human leukocyte antigen site (HLA) on chromosome 6p  Ossification of post. Longitudinal ligament (OPLL)  Ossification of ligamentum flavum (OLF)  Ossification of ant. Longitudinal ligament (OALL)  Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH)
  • 18. Pathology  1) Cell of origin & pathogenesis  2) Epidemiology  3) Macroscopic features  4) Microscopic features  5) Immunohistochemistry  6) Genetic features  7) Radiological features  8) Growth pattern & spread  9) Grading & behavior  10) Prognosis
  • 19. Types Of OPLL  Hill-type Square-type mushroom-type Continuous type circumscribed type segmental type Continuous type Mixed type
  • 21. Pathology  1) Cell of origin & pathogenesis  2) Epidemiology  3) Macroscopic features  4) Microscopic features  5) Immunohistochemistry  6) Genetic features  7) Radiological features  8) Growth pattern & spread  9) Grading & behavior  10) Prognosis
  • 22. Natural History Of OPLL  OPLL ↑ in thickness 0.4mm/y & in longitudinal expansion 0.67mm/y  It is more with continuous- or mixed-type OPLL  A rapid progression in the 4th decade then gradually decreases in the 5th or 6th decade.  It occurs also postoperative  In 60- 70 % after posterior decompression  In 36-64 % after anterior decompression and fusion Do These mean prophylactic surgery is indicated?
  • 23. Postoperative Progression Of The Ossified Lesion
  • 24. Causes Of Late Deterioration  Postoperative progression of OPLL,  Progressive deformity and instability  Thoracic myelopathy secondary to OPLL or OLF or both,  Degenerative lumbar stenosis,
  • 25. Pathology  1) Cell of origin & pathogenesis  2) Epidemiology  3) Macroscopic features  4) Microscopic features  5) Immunohistochemistry  6) Genetic features  7) Radiological features  8) Growth pattern & spread  9) Grading & behavior  10) Prognosis
  • 26. Prognosis  Patient’s factors:  Old age  Preoperative neurological stat & duration of symptoms  History of trauma causing acute presentation  Disease’s factors:  Occupying ratio of OPLL or SAC  Sagittal shape of ossification (hill-shaped) especially with posterior decompression  Management’s factors:  Progression may be more with posterior decompression
  • 27.
  • 28. Clinical Picture  Accidental discovery  Onset: Usually gradual progressive but may be acute (after trauma)  Pain:  Axial pain  Radicular  Neurological deficits:  Myelopathy or myeloradiculopathy rather than radiculopathy alone  Associated coexisting conditions:  Diabetic  Hypoparathyroidism,  Myotonic muscular dystrophy
  • 30. The Modified Japanese Orthopaedic Association (mJOA) Scale  Normal: 18  Mild myelopathy: 15-17  Moderate myelopathy: 12-14  Severe myelopathy: ≤ 11
  • 31.
  • 32. Plain Radiography  Based on lateral 6-foot plain x-rays, the normal anteroposterior (AP) dimension of the cervical spinal canal should measure 17 mm from C3- 7. Absolute stenosis was defined as a canal measuring 10 m or less, whereas relative stenosis was defined by a canal of 10 to 13 mm
  • 33. Types Of OPLL Continuous type Plateau-shaped Circumscribed type hill-shaped
  • 34. CT  Thin axial  Reconstructed 2D- and 3D-CT,  Myelo-CT scans
  • 35. CT In Early OPLL
  • 36. CT  Hill-type Square-type mushroom-type Continuous type Circumscribed type segmental type Continuous type Mixed type
  • 38. CT Signs of Dural Penetrance (Single-layer & Double-layer Signs) Double-layerSingle-layer (large central mass with unilateral “C” signs) Single-layer (large central mass with bilateral “C” signs)
  • 40. 3D-CT
  • 42. Radiological Signs Help In Choosing Approach  Occupying ratio:  > 40% indicates high risk of the development of myelopathy  > 40% carry more risk in posterior decompression especially with hill-shaped ossification  Space available for the cord (SAC):  Normal ≥ 13 mm  Relative cervical stenosis: 10-13 mm  Absolute stenosis: < 10 mm  K line: A line drawn from the middle of the spinal canal at the C2 and C7 levels
  • 45. Investigations: MRI  High incidence of associated disc herniation in patients with cervical OPLL  Differentiation between multiple discs & early OPLL by the contrast enhancement in OPLL and extension behind bodies.  Pathological changes in spinal cord
  • 46.
  • 48. Conservative Management  Indications:  Axial pain without or with subclinical myelopathy (e.g. only extensor planter)  Main insult is dynamic compression (less than 60% stenosis or 6-13 mm SAC  Sever comorbidity  Measures:  Collar  Traction  Carful life stile
  • 49. Surgery: Indications Is there a rule for prophylactic surgery?  Myelopathy or radiculo-myelopathy with predominant myelopathy  Role of prophylactic surgery in asymptomatic patient  Sever canal compromise:  SAC less than 6mm or  Occupational ratio more than 60%  Presence of cord signal in MRI  SSEP is affected  Young age (less than 65ys) 
  • 50. Surgical Procedures Anterior surgery: Single/multilevel (up to 4)  Corpectomy with removal of calcified mass  Corpectomy without removal of calcified mass (ant. floating method)  Open Window Corpectomy (removal of post1/2 of body leaving the ant. One)  Oblique Cervical Corpectomy  With fusion & halo vest or with fusion and fixation  Posterior surgery:  Laminectomy  Laminectomy + fixation & fusion  Laminoplasty (open-door or double-door laminoplasty)  Combined anterior-posterior surgery:
  • 51. Choice Of Approach  Factors in favor of ant. approach:  Presence of facilities & expertise  Occupying ratio more than 60%  Hill-shaped calcification  Kyphotic deformity or degenerative instability  Limited corpectomy levels (up to 4)  Factors allow post. approach:  Comorbidity prevent more lengthy procedures  Occupying ratio less than 60%  Plateau-shaped calcification  Preserved lordotic spine or maximum straightening
  • 52. Anesthesia & Monitoring  Awake fiberoptic intubation/positioning  Intraoperative neural monitoring  Motor evoked potentials,  Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (SEPs),  Electromyography 
  • 53.
  • 54. Posterior Approaches  Laminectomy:  Laminectomy + fixation & fusion  Laminoplasty (open-door or double-door laminoplasty)
  • 55. Laminectomy  Advantages:  Simple procedure  Effective in selected cases  Disadvantages:  Post laminectomy scar formation may compress cord  ↑ incidence of kyphosis & instability  ↑ incidence of POLL progression  Procedure:  C3-C7 (possibility of OPLL progression)  + < 25% of medial facetectomy (for root decompression)
  • 56. Laminectomy & Fusion  Advantages:  ↓ risk of postoperative kyphotic deformity & spinal instability  Disadvantages:  Potential risk of vertebral artery or neural injury  More lengthy procedure  Procedures:  Cables can be used in sublaminar, interspinous, or facet wiring techniques  Screws & rods/plate construct fixation can be uses with lateral mass plating or pedicular screw fixation
  • 57. Expansive Laminoplasty  Advantages:  Simple with relatively with low complication rate  Less risk of kyphosis deformity & instability  Less risk of scar tissue formation compressing cord  Disadvantages:  Risk of OPLL progression  Limited effectiveness in severe kyphotic deformity or large OPLL  Procedures: 
  • 58.
  • 59. Ant. Approach  Corpectomy with removal of calcified mass  Corpectomy without removal of calcified mass (ant. floating method)  Open Window Corpectomy (removal of post. ½ of body leaving the ant. One)  Oblique Cervical Corpectomy +  Fusion & halo vest (for 6-8 weeks) or  Internal fixation & fusion
  • 60. Corpectomy & Removal Of Calcified Mass  Soft tissue dissection & discoidectomy as in ACDF  Corpectomy width  From preoperaztive CT < interpedicular distance  The distance between the base of uncovertebral joint  average 20- 25 mm  3 layers of bone: cortical (ant. Vertebral surface) → cancellous (vertebral body itself) → cortical (post. Vertebral surface & OPLL)  Don’t separate the 3rd layer from lateral gutter till it is thinned out  Separating the 3rd layer completely (sup./inf. & from both sides) leaving the OPLL floating  Tray to dissect the mass from dura  Dural tear and CSF leak are the major drawback.
  • 61. The Anterior Floating Method  More extensive lateral exposure (>25 mm) to facilitate anterior migration of the OPLL mass
  • 64. Fixation By Halo Vest  6-8 weeks
  • 65. Fixation By Plating System  Dynamic plates much more better than fixed plate in bone fusion
  • 66.
  • 67. OPLL & OLF (Ossification of the Ligamentum Flavum) of the Thoracic Spine  They may be combined in upper thoracic region  In mid & lower thoracic region OLF is more common  OPLL at thoracic levels is more frequent in women than in men  OLF treated by posterior decompression  For upper dorsal (T1-4) OPLL: laminoplasty can be used safely  For mid. & lower dorsal OPLLL: Laminectomy followed by instrumentation is recommended