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Chapter 1: Electrolytic Solutions
Electrochemistry is a branch of chemistry that
studies chemical reactions which take place in a
solution at the interface of an electron conductor
and an ionic conductor, and which involve
electron transfer between the electrode and the
electrolyte or species in solution.
The study of the relationship between electricity
and chemical reactions is called
Digital watches, automobile starters, calculators
are few devices that depend on the
electrochemically produced power.
Corrosion of metal is an electrochemical process
Electrolytic Solutions
 Solution is a homogenous mixture which may a
liquid, gas or solid formed by dissolving one or more
 Depending on the amount of solute present, solution
is divided into saturated, unsaturated and super
saturated solutions.
 But based on dissociation into ions, solutions can be
divided into electrolytic and non-electrolytic
 An electrolytic solution is a solution that
generally contains ions, atoms or molecules that have
lost or gained electrons, and is electrically
 For this reason they are often called ionic solutions. 2
 A substance which allows electric current to pass
through it is called a conductor.
 These are 2 types:
1) Metallic conductors
2) Electrolytic conductors
1. Metallic conductors:
 The substances which conduct electricity under the
influence of an applied electric potential through a
flow of electrons.
 So electrons are considered as charge carrier in
 Therefore, these conductors are also called
electronic conductors.
 The flow of electricity does not cause any physical or
chemical change in the conductors.
Eg: all metals, graphite, human body 3
2. Electrolytic conductors:
 Conductors, through which passage of an electric
current through them results in actual transfer of
matter or brings about a chemical change in them,
are called electrolytic conductors or electrolytes.
 Electrolyte solutions and molten salts conduct
electricity through the migration of ions.
 When the current is passes through an electrolyte
solutions decomposition and changes occur in the
composition of electrolytes.
 There is a special class of conductors, which conduct
partly electronically and partly electrolytically, are
known as mixed conductors
Difference between electronic & electrolytic
Electronic Conductors Electrolytic Conductors
 Flow of electricity take
place without
decomposition of
 Flow of electricity takes
place with decomposition of
 Conduction is due to flow
of electrons.
 Flow of electricity is due to
movements of ions.
 Conduction decrease as
temperature increases.
 Conduction increases with
increase temperature.
Conduction in Electrolyte Solutions
The passage of current through solutions of salts
results in the liberation of these metals at the
cathode and from solutions of salts of the metals.
 If the anode consists of an attackable metal, the flow
of the current is accompanied by the passage of the
metal into solution
 When the anode is made of an inert metal, e.g.,
platinum, an element is generally set free at this
electrode; from solutions of nitrates, sulphates,
phosphates, etc., oxygen gas is liberated,
 The decomposition of solutions by the electric
current, resulting in the liberation of gases or metals,
is known as electrolysis.
Strong and Weak Electrolytes
 Solutes giving conducting solution in a suitable solvent
are called electrolytes.
 On the basis of degree of ionization, these electrolytes
have been divided into two categories.
(i) Strong electrolytes
(ii) Weak electrolytes
Strong Electrolytes
 Substances, which are highly dissociated and give
solutions with high conductance in water, are called
strong electrolytes.
 Due to the high degree of dissociation of strong
electrolytes these substances are good conductor of
electricity. 7
Aqueous solutions of these substances have high
value of molar conductance and on dilution the
increase in their molar conductance is very small.
Solutions of electrolytes that have high molar
conductance, and increases very slowly on
dilution has a high degree of dissociation is
called strong electrolyte.
During the passage of an electric current through
solutions, flow of electricity is associated with
the movement of particles, which are called ions.
The ions carrying positive charges and moving in
the direction of the current, i.e., towards the
 Those carrying a negative charge and moving in the
opposite direction, i.e., towards the anode, are called
Weak Electrolytes
 Substances that dissociated only to a small extent at
reasonable concentration; this group of compounds
in general are called as weak electrolytes.
Weak acids and weak bases
e.g., amines, phenols, most carboxylic acids and some
inorganic acids and
bases, such as hydrocyanic acid and ammonia, and a
few salts, e.g., mercuric chloride and cyanide,
 The mechanism of electrolytic conduction suggests
that the dissolved substance consist of particles with
positive and negative ends.
 When a potential is applied, The positive end of the
particles will be attracted to the negative electrode,
while the negative end of the particles being attracted
to positive electrode.
 Electrical conduction is a transport phenomenon in
which electrical charge (carried by electrons or ions)
moves through the system.
 The electric current I is defined as the rate of flow
of charge through the conducting material.
 where dQ is the charge that passes through a cross
section of the conductor in time dt.
 The SI unit of current is the ampere (A) and equals
one coulomb per second:
 Ohm’s law states that ‘The magnitude of current (I)
passing through a conductor is directly proportional
to the potential difference (E) applied across it and
inversely proportional to the resistance (R) of the
i = E/R
 Thus, metallic conductor and electrolytes obey Ohm’s
law. Conductance is the reciprocal of resistance and is
expressed in Siemen (S).
Conductance = 1/R
 Where E is the magnitude of the electric field. The higher
the conductivity , the greater the current density j that
flows for a given applied electric field. 12
Specific Conductance or Conductivity
 The resistance of the bar to the passage of electricity
through it is proportional to its length ‘l’ (cm) and
inversely proportional to the area of cross section ‘a’,
therefore, the resistance ‘R’ is given by the
 Where, ‘ρ ‘ is a constant known as specific resistance
or resistivity. If, l = 1cm., a = 1 cm2 Then, ρ = R ohm
 Specific conductance of any conducting material is
defined as the reciprocal of its specific resistance.
It is given the symbol ‘κ’ and is stated in reciprocal
ohm cm-1 , nowadays called “Scm-1 ”.
 a
R 
 The conductance, C is the reciprocal of
resistance, i.e.,
Example: The resistance R =100 was measured in
potassium chloride solution. Each of the electrodes
had a surface area of 4cm2, and the distance between
them was 2 cm. calculate the conductivity of the
C k
Equivalent and Molar conductance
Equivalent Conductance: is the conductance of one gram
equivalent of the electrolyte dissolved in V cc of the
 To understand the meaning of equivalent conductance,
imagine a rectangular trough with two opposite sides made
of metallic conductor (acting as electrodes) exactly 1 cm
apart, If 1 cm3 (1 mL) solution containing 1 gram
equivalent of an electrolyte is places in this container is
 Equivalent conductance is represented mathematically by:
 Where, κ = Specific conductivity V = Volume of solution
in cc. containing one gram equivalent of the electrolyte.
kv k
  
Molar conductance: is the conductivity of that
volume containing 1 mole of an electrolyte when
placed between two sufficiently large electrodes,
which are 1 cm apart.
 It is represented by Λm.
 Where ν is the “dilution” of the solution in cc. per
mole. If c is the concentration of the solution, in mol
/L, then ν is equal to 1000/c, then it becomes:
 The value of molar conductance increases on
 The increase is due to the fact that molar
conductance is the product of specific conductance
m kv 
 
Factors Affecting Molar And Equivalent
Nature of electrolyte i.e, strong or weak
Concentration of electrolyte
Size of the ions produced
1. Nature of Electrolyte:
 The strong electrolytes dissociate almost
completely into ions in solutions and, therefore,
their solutions have high conductance.
 weak electrolytes dissociate to only small extents
and give lesser number of ions. Therefore, the17
2. Concentration of the solution:
 The molar conductance of electrolytic solution varies
with the concentration of the electrolyte.
 In general, the molar conductance of an electrolyte
increases with decrease in concentration or increase
in dilution.
3. Temperature:.
 With increase in temperature, the conductivity of an
electrolyte increases.
4. Size of ions:
 The ions with smaller size exhibit lower
conductance. 18
Activity and Activity Coefficients
 Activity (a) is a measure of the “effective concentration”
of a species in a mixture.
 chemical potential depends on the activity of a real
solution in the same way that it would depend on
concentration for an ideal solution.
 By convention, activity is treated as a dimensionless
quantity, although its value depends on customary choices
of standard state for the species. The activity of pure
substances in condensed phases (solid or liquids) is
normally taken as unity.
 Activity depends on temperature, pressure and composition
of the mixture.
 The activity of an ion is particularly influenced by its
surroundings. 19
Activity coefficient () measures the degree of
departure of substance, ’ s behavior from ideal or
ideally dilute behavior.
 Is a factor used in thermodynamics to account for
deviations from ideal behavior in a mixture of
chemical substances.
 Raoult's law deviations from ideality are
accommodated by modifying the concentration by an
activity coefficient.
m0 is the standard concentration, (e.g.: 1 mol
 Both a and γ have no unit. On diluting the solution,
c → 0 γ→1 then a = c
 activity and activity coefficient have no unit their
magnitude depend on the concentration units used.
 The value of γ depends on:
Concentration of ions and charge in the
solution (Ionic Strength)
Charge of the ion
Diameter of the ion (Hydrated Radius)
 activity has a greater importance in ionic solution
than that of non-electrolytes.
Ions in aqueous solution
 Strong electrolytes are the ionic compounds that
completely dissociate into ions when they are
NaCl(aq) → Na+(aq) + Cl−(aq)
 Weak electrolytes are ionic compounds that partially
 The chemical potentials for the formation of ions in
aqueous solution
 which also implies that standard chemical potentials
NaCl,aq Na ,aq Cl ,aq
μ μ μ  
0 0 0
NaCl,aq Na ,aq Cl ,aq
μ μ μ  
 Again with standard chemical potential and activity
 It is customary to use units of molality, m, for ions
and compounds in aqueous solution.
 If the solutions were ideal we could write for the
activity of ith component
 and the chemical potential would be written
 As usual, we will use an activity coefficient, γ, and
write the activity as
NaCl,aq NaCl,aq NaCl,aqlnμ μ RT a 
0 i
i i 0
  
 
 Usually we set mi
o = 1 mol kg-1 and mi = mi
 Thus the chemical potential will be written:
 The standard state for this equation is a
hypothetical standard state.
 We will also refer to the ionic compound simply as
the "salt." With this notation we can rewrite former
Equations as:
 In a simplified form:
i i ln i iRT m   
salt    
0 0 0
salt saltln ln lnRT a RT m RT m             
0 0 0
salt saltln lnRT a RT m m             
 The sum of standard chemical potentials is equal to
that of the salt
 The logarithmic term in equ. (x) on the left is
identical to the logarithmic term on the right
 from which we conclude that
 The activity coefficients, γ+ and γ− can't be
measured independently because solutions must be
electrically neutral.
0 0 0
salt    
saltln lnRT a RT m m     
salta m m     
 However, you can measure a "geometric mean"
activity coefficient and, within limits, you can
calculate it from theory.
 For NaCl we define:
 But for a NaCl solution of molality, m, we have m+ =
m− = m so that:
 The chemical potential of salt given in terms of
activity coefficient and molality
     
2 2
salta m  
0 2 2
salt salt lnRT m   
Relationship between Ka and Km
 The equilibrium constant given in terms of activities
is the thermodynamic equilibrium constant.
 Use an example of dissociation equilibrium of a
weak acid to show this relationship;
HA → H+ + A-
 the equilibrium constant of the reaction,
(introducing the standard concentration, mo again)
• Knowing: and m+ = m- = m
a o
1a a m m
a m m
 
     
  
     
 Where and
2 2
a o
a a m
a m m
  
 
 
a cK K K 
c o
m m
Debye-Hückel Limiting Law
 The theory of Peter Debye and Erich H¨uckel provides
theoretical expressions for single-ion activity coefficients
and mean ionic activity coefficients in electrolyte
 The Debye Hückel limiting law gives the γ ± in terms of
the ionic strength, I, defined as:
 where zi is the charge on ion i, and mi is the molality of
ion i.
 The ionic strength of a solution is a measure of the
amount of ions present.
 The ionic strength is a measure of the total concentration
of charge in the solution.
i i
I m z 
 A divalent ion (a 2+ or 2- ion, like Ca2+) does more to
make the solution ionic than a monovalent ion (e.g.,
What is the value of ionic strength of HCl solution with
molality 0.010:
mH+ = mCl- = 0.01 mol/kg, and
 Notice that for a simple salt of two monovalent ions,
the ionic strength is just the concentration of the
    2 2 -11
0.01 1 0.01 1 0.01 mol kg
I        
2 2
H Cl
1z z  
 The chemical potential or activity of ions cannot be
determined on a purely thermodynamic basis.
 The mean activity coefficient can be calculated at
very low concentrations by the Debye-Hückel
Limiting Law
 Where A = 0.509 / (mol kg-1)1/2 for an aqueous
solution at 25 oC, in general, A depends on the
relative permittivity of solvent and the temperature.
 When the ionic strength of the solution is too high
for the limiting law to be valid
lg A z z I      
Theory of Electrolytic conductance
A) Kohlrausch’s Theory of Independent Migration of
 Friedrich Kohlrausch showed that at low concentrations
the molar conductivities of strong electrolytes vary
linearly with the square root of the concentration.
 This variation is called Kohlrausch’s law.
 The constant is the limiting molar conductivity, the
molar conductivity in the limit of zero concentration and
k is constant.
 Kohlrausch was also able to establish experimentally
that can be expressed as the sum of contributions from
its individual ions.
m m kc
   
 It has been observed that the conductivity of solution
increases with dilution until it reaches its limiting
value at infinite dilution.
 Kohlrausch concluded that each ion contributes a
characteristic value of its own to molar conductivity
at infinite dilution irrespective of the nature of the
other ion present.
 It applies that:
 where is the molar conductivity of the cation at
infinite dilution and is the molar conductivity of
the anion at infinite dilution.
    
 
    m m m
v v, ,
m ,
B) Ostwald’s dilution law
 Weak electrolytes are not fully ionized in solution.
 They include weak Brønsted acids and bases, such
as CH3COOH and NH3
 The marked concentration dependence of their
molar conductivities arises from the displacement of
the equilibrium towards products at low molar
• The conductivity depends on the number of ions in
the solution, and therefore on the degree of
ionization, α, of the electrolyte (degree of
( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) ( )aq l aq aqHA H O H O A   3H O A
a a
 
 It is defined so that, for the acid HA at a molar
concentration c, at equilibrium.
 If we ignore activity coefficients, the acidity
constant, Ka, is approximately
From which it follows that:
 The acid is fully deprotonated at infinite dilution,
and its molar conductivity is then
3[ ]H O c
 [ ]A c
 [ ] (1 )HA c 
( )
{(1 ) 1}
K c
c K
   
 The measured molar conductivity Λm is given by:
 Once we know Ka, we can use eqns (y) and (z) to
predict the concentration dependence of the molar
 First, we rearrange eqn (x) into:
 Then, by using eqn (z), we obtain Ostwald’s
dilution law:
 This equation implies that, if is plotted against cΛm
m m 
  
 
1 1
( )
m m a m
K 
 
  
Transport properties or mobilities of ions
 To interpret conductivity measurements we need to know
why ions move at different rates,
why they have different molar conductivities, and
why the molar conductivities of strong electrolytes
decrease with the square root of the molar
 In a transport process, some quantity is transported from
one place to another. The principal transport processes are
heat conduction, diffusion, and viscous flow.
 In heat conduction, energy in the form of heat is
transported. In diffusion, substances are transported. In
viscous flow, momentum is transported.
The central idea is that:
the motion of an ion remains largely random,
the presence of an electric field biases its
motion, and
 the ion undergoes net migration through the
A) Transport /Transference number, (t): During
electrolysis, the electric charge is carried in the
electrolyte by both cations and anions, but the
amount of charge they transport is different.
 Which is the fraction of current that is carried by
the given type of ion.
Ji is current density and jtotal is the magnitude of total
 It can also be given by:
 where Qi is the charge carried by species i,Q is the
total charge.
 It is obvious that the sum of the transference
numbers of the cations and anions is equal to unity,
 The amount of the transported charge relates to the
velocity with which the ions travel through the
 Where v+ is the velocity of the cation and v− is that of
the anion.
 i
 
 t t 1
 
 
   
 
 
v v
t t
v v v v
B) The mobility (u), is defined as the velocity of an
ion at a potential gradient of 1Vm−1.
 It is given as: where vi is the magnitude of the
mean drift velocity of the type of ion.
 E is the magnitude of the electric field and l is the
distance between the electrodes.
 The transport / transference number of a given type
of ion can also be given by relation using ionic
mobilities as:
 The usefulness of ionic mobilities is that they
i iu v
 i
 
 u u u
 Following equation shows the relationship between
an ion’s mobility and its molar conductivity.
 Where z = charge on the ion F= faradays constant
 Transport numbers and ionic mobilities depend on
the concentration of the electrolyte, temperature and
 Three methods have been generally employed for the
experimental determination of transference
Therefore the methods are: Hittorf method
Moving boundary method
zuF 
C) Migrations of Ion
 As in a solution of an electrolyte the electricity is
conducted by migration of ions. The ions move in
solution independently towards the oppositely
charged electrodes.
 This means that:-
 Anion moves towards Anode
 Cation moves towards Cathode
D) Conductivities and ion–ion interactions
(Debye – Hückel – Onsager theory)
 Debye and Huckel in 1923, and Onsagar in 1926 put
forward the modern theory of strong electrolytes
known as Debye- Huckel- Onsagar theory of strong
 Debye-Huckel treatment deals with the distribution
of ions around a given ion and the net effects of
these neighboring ions have on the central ion.
 Debye and Huckel derived an equation based on the
quantitative treatment of inter ionic attraction.
 DHO equation shows how the potential energy of an
ion in solution depends on the ionic strength of the43
 In the case of strong electrolytes the value of molar
conductance at infinite dilution is much less than unity
due to following effects:
i. Relaxation effect:
 Interionic forces are present and each ion has a tendency
to be surrounded on the time average by ions of opposite
charge called the ionic atmosphere.
 A negative ion is surrounded by the ions of opposite
charge called the ionic atmosphere.
 When an EMF is applied, the negative ions migrate
towards the anode
 In the case of the moving ion there will always be an
excess of ions of opposite charge.
 The ions will always be dragged back. This effect will
decrease the mobility of the ions and Molar Conductance.
ii. Electrophoretic effect:
 It is another factor that slows down the motions of
ions at high concentrations.
 It arises from the tendency of ionic atmosphere
associated with hydrated water dipoles, which moves
in the opposite direction to that of central ions
 The solvent molecules attach themselves to ionic
atmosphere and the ions move in the direction
opposite to that of central ion.
 It produces friction due to which the mobility of the
central ion is retarded.
 The electrophoretic effect reduces the mobility of the45
iii. Viscous Effect:
 This effect arises from the viscous drag of the solvent
on the movement of ions.
 The ions moves as directed by the applied field and
the electrical force on ions are opposed by the
frictional viscous force exerted by solvent.
 For a given ion, more viscous the solvent, the greater
the viscous pull, lesser the ionic mobility and thus
decrease in conductance.
Ionic Equilibria
 The most commonly studied solution equilibria are ionic
equilibria in aqueous solutions.
 Savante Arrhenius studied the conduction of current
through water solutions of electrolytes.
 He came to believe that the conductivity of solutions was
due to the presence of ions. He gave four main theory of
1. In solution or molten state, the molecules dissociate partly
or usually into positively charged (cation) and negatively
charged ions (anion).2 ( ) ( )NaCl H O Na aq Cl aq 
  
2. The number of cations may not be equal to the
number of anions produced. But the total positive
charge carried by the cations is exactly equal to the
negative charge carried by anions.
 Here, there is equal number of cation and anion (1:1)
as well as equal number of charge (1:1). But in the
dissociation of FeCl3:
1 cation and 3 anions, the number of charge carried by
both of them is equal (3 +ve charge and 3 –ve
( ) ( ) ( )NaCl aq Na aq Cl aq 
 
3( ) ( ) 3 ( )FeCl aq Fe aq Cl aq 
 
3. The ions are responsible for carrying of electricity
through the electrolyte. When the electrodes are
connected to the terminals of battery the positively
charged cations move toward cathode and the
negatively charged anions move toward positively
charged electrode (anode).
4. Apart from the solvent, the conducting power or
conductance of electrolytic solution depend up on :
The charge carried by the ions
The number of ions
The velocity of the ions
Increase in temperature  increase in
solubility increase in number of charges49
Applications of Conductivity Measurements
 Some of the important applications of conductivity
measurements are as follows:
A) Determination of degree of Dissociation
 The degree of dissociation of a weak electrolyte is
determined by the application of expression
Where is the molar conductance of the solution and can be
obtained experimentally is the molar conductance at
infinite dilution and can be found from the literature.
 The method may be illustrated with special reference to
the determination of the dissociation of phosphoric acid.
 
B) Determination of Solubility Product of a
Sparingly Soluble Salt
 If a slightly soluble electrolyte such as AgCl, BaSO4,
PbSO4 dissociate in a simple manner, it is possible to
determine the solubility of such salts by conductance
 If ‘s’ is the solubility in mole/liter, of a sparingly
soluble salt and ‘κ’ is the specific conductance of
the saturated solution, then its molar conductance
‘Λ’ is given by the relation:
 At infinite dilution,
  1000
s 
s 
C) Conductometric Titration
 The determination of the end point of a titration
by means of conductance measurements is known
as conductometric titration.
 The titrant is added by a burette and change of
conductance as a function of added titrant is used to
determine the equivalence point.
 Generally, potential in the range 5-10V at 1000 –
3000 Hz is employed.
 Some typical examples of conductometric titration
are Acid-Base Titration, Displacement Reactions,
Precipitation Reactions and Complexometric
Titration Reactions. 52

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Chapter 1 ppt

  • 1. Chapter 1: Electrolytic Solutions AMU, CNS, DEP’T OF CHEMISTRY March, 2020
  • 2. Introduction Electrochemistry is a branch of chemistry that studies chemical reactions which take place in a solution at the interface of an electron conductor and an ionic conductor, and which involve electron transfer between the electrode and the electrolyte or species in solution. The study of the relationship between electricity and chemical reactions is called electrochemistry. Digital watches, automobile starters, calculators are few devices that depend on the electrochemically produced power. Corrosion of metal is an electrochemical process 1
  • 3. Electrolytic Solutions  Solution is a homogenous mixture which may a liquid, gas or solid formed by dissolving one or more substances.  Depending on the amount of solute present, solution is divided into saturated, unsaturated and super saturated solutions.  But based on dissociation into ions, solutions can be divided into electrolytic and non-electrolytic solutions.  An electrolytic solution is a solution that generally contains ions, atoms or molecules that have lost or gained electrons, and is electrically conductive.  For this reason they are often called ionic solutions. 2
  • 4. Cont’d… Conductors:  A substance which allows electric current to pass through it is called a conductor.  These are 2 types: 1) Metallic conductors 2) Electrolytic conductors 1. Metallic conductors:  The substances which conduct electricity under the influence of an applied electric potential through a flow of electrons.  So electrons are considered as charge carrier in metals.  Therefore, these conductors are also called electronic conductors.  The flow of electricity does not cause any physical or chemical change in the conductors. Eg: all metals, graphite, human body 3
  • 5. Cont’d… 2. Electrolytic conductors:  Conductors, through which passage of an electric current through them results in actual transfer of matter or brings about a chemical change in them, are called electrolytic conductors or electrolytes.  Electrolyte solutions and molten salts conduct electricity through the migration of ions.  When the current is passes through an electrolyte solutions decomposition and changes occur in the composition of electrolytes.  There is a special class of conductors, which conduct partly electronically and partly electrolytically, are known as mixed conductors 4
  • 6. Cont’d… Difference between electronic & electrolytic conductors Electronic Conductors Electrolytic Conductors  Flow of electricity take place without decomposition of substances.  Flow of electricity takes place with decomposition of substances.  Conduction is due to flow of electrons.  Flow of electricity is due to movements of ions.  Conduction decrease as temperature increases.  Conduction increases with increase temperature. 5
  • 7. Conduction in Electrolyte Solutions The passage of current through solutions of salts results in the liberation of these metals at the cathode and from solutions of salts of the metals.  If the anode consists of an attackable metal, the flow of the current is accompanied by the passage of the metal into solution  When the anode is made of an inert metal, e.g., platinum, an element is generally set free at this electrode; from solutions of nitrates, sulphates, phosphates, etc., oxygen gas is liberated,  The decomposition of solutions by the electric current, resulting in the liberation of gases or metals, is known as electrolysis. 6
  • 8. Strong and Weak Electrolytes  Solutes giving conducting solution in a suitable solvent are called electrolytes.  On the basis of degree of ionization, these electrolytes have been divided into two categories. (i) Strong electrolytes (ii) Weak electrolytes Strong Electrolytes  Substances, which are highly dissociated and give solutions with high conductance in water, are called strong electrolytes.  Due to the high degree of dissociation of strong electrolytes these substances are good conductor of electricity. 7
  • 9. Cont’d… Aqueous solutions of these substances have high value of molar conductance and on dilution the increase in their molar conductance is very small. Solutions of electrolytes that have high molar conductance, and increases very slowly on dilution has a high degree of dissociation is called strong electrolyte. During the passage of an electric current through solutions, flow of electricity is associated with the movement of particles, which are called ions. The ions carrying positive charges and moving in the direction of the current, i.e., towards the 8
  • 10. Cont’d…  Those carrying a negative charge and moving in the opposite direction, i.e., towards the anode, are called anions. Weak Electrolytes  Substances that dissociated only to a small extent at reasonable concentration; this group of compounds in general are called as weak electrolytes. Weak acids and weak bases e.g., amines, phenols, most carboxylic acids and some inorganic acids and bases, such as hydrocyanic acid and ammonia, and a few salts, e.g., mercuric chloride and cyanide, 9
  • 11. Cont’d…  The mechanism of electrolytic conduction suggests that the dissolved substance consist of particles with positive and negative ends.  When a potential is applied, The positive end of the particles will be attracted to the negative electrode, while the negative end of the particles being attracted to positive electrode. 10
  • 12. Cont’d…  Electrical conduction is a transport phenomenon in which electrical charge (carried by electrons or ions) moves through the system.  The electric current I is defined as the rate of flow of charge through the conducting material. dQ I dt   where dQ is the charge that passes through a cross section of the conductor in time dt.  The SI unit of current is the ampere (A) and equals one coulomb per second: 1 1 C A S  11
  • 13. Conductance  Ohm’s law states that ‘The magnitude of current (I) passing through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference (E) applied across it and inversely proportional to the resistance (R) of the conductor’. i = E/R  Thus, metallic conductor and electrolytes obey Ohm’s law. Conductance is the reciprocal of resistance and is expressed in Siemen (S). Conductance = 1/R  Where E is the magnitude of the electric field. The higher the conductivity , the greater the current density j that flows for a given applied electric field. 12
  • 14. Cont’d… Specific Conductance or Conductivity  The resistance of the bar to the passage of electricity through it is proportional to its length ‘l’ (cm) and inversely proportional to the area of cross section ‘a’, therefore, the resistance ‘R’ is given by the relationship. or  Where, ‘ρ ‘ is a constant known as specific resistance or resistivity. If, l = 1cm., a = 1 cm2 Then, ρ = R ohm cm.  Specific conductance of any conducting material is defined as the reciprocal of its specific resistance. It is given the symbol ‘κ’ and is stated in reciprocal ohm cm-1 , nowadays called “Scm-1 ”. a R 1  a l R  13
  • 15. Cont’d…  The conductance, C is the reciprocal of resistance, i.e., Example: The resistance R =100 was measured in potassium chloride solution. Each of the electrodes had a surface area of 4cm2, and the distance between them was 2 cm. calculate the conductivity of the solution. 1 C R  a C k l  14
  • 16. Equivalent and Molar conductance Equivalent Conductance: is the conductance of one gram equivalent of the electrolyte dissolved in V cc of the solution.  To understand the meaning of equivalent conductance, imagine a rectangular trough with two opposite sides made of metallic conductor (acting as electrodes) exactly 1 cm apart, If 1 cm3 (1 mL) solution containing 1 gram equivalent of an electrolyte is places in this container is measured.  Equivalent conductance is represented mathematically by:  Where, κ = Specific conductivity V = Volume of solution in cc. containing one gram equivalent of the electrolyte. 1000 kv k Normality    15
  • 17. Cont’d… Molar conductance: is the conductivity of that volume containing 1 mole of an electrolyte when placed between two sufficiently large electrodes, which are 1 cm apart.  It is represented by Λm.  Where ν is the “dilution” of the solution in cc. per mole. If c is the concentration of the solution, in mol /L, then ν is equal to 1000/c, then it becomes:  The value of molar conductance increases on dilution.  The increase is due to the fact that molar conductance is the product of specific conductance m kv  1000m k c   16
  • 18. Cont’d… Factors Affecting Molar And Equivalent Conductances: Nature of electrolyte i.e, strong or weak Temperature Concentration of electrolyte Size of the ions produced 1. Nature of Electrolyte:  The strong electrolytes dissociate almost completely into ions in solutions and, therefore, their solutions have high conductance.  weak electrolytes dissociate to only small extents and give lesser number of ions. Therefore, the17
  • 19. Cont’d… 2. Concentration of the solution:  The molar conductance of electrolytic solution varies with the concentration of the electrolyte.  In general, the molar conductance of an electrolyte increases with decrease in concentration or increase in dilution. 3. Temperature:.  With increase in temperature, the conductivity of an electrolyte increases. 4. Size of ions:  The ions with smaller size exhibit lower conductance. 18
  • 20. Activity and Activity Coefficients  Activity (a) is a measure of the “effective concentration” of a species in a mixture.  chemical potential depends on the activity of a real solution in the same way that it would depend on concentration for an ideal solution.  By convention, activity is treated as a dimensionless quantity, although its value depends on customary choices of standard state for the species. The activity of pure substances in condensed phases (solid or liquids) is normally taken as unity.  Activity depends on temperature, pressure and composition of the mixture.  The activity of an ion is particularly influenced by its surroundings. 19
  • 21. Cont’d… Activity coefficient () measures the degree of departure of substance, ’ s behavior from ideal or ideally dilute behavior.  Is a factor used in thermodynamics to account for deviations from ideal behavior in a mixture of chemical substances.  Raoult's law deviations from ideality are accommodated by modifying the concentration by an activity coefficient. m0 is the standard concentration, (e.g.: 1 mol kg-1), 0 im a m  20
  • 22. Cont’d…  Both a and γ have no unit. On diluting the solution, i.e. c → 0 γ→1 then a = c  activity and activity coefficient have no unit their magnitude depend on the concentration units used.  The value of γ depends on: Concentration of ions and charge in the solution (Ionic Strength) Charge of the ion Diameter of the ion (Hydrated Radius)  activity has a greater importance in ionic solution than that of non-electrolytes. 21
  • 23. Cont’d… Ions in aqueous solution  Strong electrolytes are the ionic compounds that completely dissociate into ions when they are dissolved. NaCl(aq) → Na+(aq) + Cl−(aq)  Weak electrolytes are ionic compounds that partially dissociate.  The chemical potentials for the formation of ions in aqueous solution  which also implies that standard chemical potentials NaCl,aq Na ,aq Cl ,aq μ μ μ   0 0 0 NaCl,aq Na ,aq Cl ,aq μ μ μ   22
  • 24. Cont’d…  Again with standard chemical potential and activity  It is customary to use units of molality, m, for ions and compounds in aqueous solution.  If the solutions were ideal we could write for the activity of ith component  and the chemical potential would be written  As usual, we will use an activity coefficient, γ, and write the activity as 0 NaCl,aq NaCl,aq NaCl,aqlnμ μ RT a  i i 0 m a m  0 i i i 0 i ln m RT m    i 0 i i m a m   23
  • 25. Cont’d…  Usually we set mi o = 1 mol kg-1 and mi = mi o  Thus the chemical potential will be written:  The standard state for this equation is a hypothetical standard state.  We will also refer to the ionic compound simply as the "salt." With this notation we can rewrite former Equations as:  In a simplified form: 0 i i ln i iRT m    salt     0 0 0 salt saltln ln lnRT a RT m RT m              0 0 0 salt saltln lnRT a RT m m              24
  • 26. Cont’d…  The sum of standard chemical potentials is equal to that of the salt  The logarithmic term in equ. (x) on the left is identical to the logarithmic term on the right  from which we conclude that  The activity coefficients, γ+ and γ− can't be measured independently because solutions must be electrically neutral. 0 0 0 salt     saltln lnRT a RT m m      salta m m      25
  • 27. Cont’d…  However, you can measure a "geometric mean" activity coefficient and, within limits, you can calculate it from theory.  For NaCl we define:  But for a NaCl solution of molality, m, we have m+ = m− = m so that:  The chemical potential of salt given in terms of activity coefficient and molality 2       2 2 salta m   0 2 2 salt salt lnRT m    26
  • 28. Cont’d… Relationship between Ka and Km  The equilibrium constant given in terms of activities is the thermodynamic equilibrium constant.  Use an example of dissociation equilibrium of a weak acid to show this relationship; HA → H+ + A-  the equilibrium constant of the reaction, (introducing the standard concentration, mo again) • Knowing: and m+ = m- = m a o HA HA HA 1a a m m K a m m              2       27
  • 29. Cont’d…  Where and 2 2 a o HA HA HA a a m K a m m          a cK K K  2 c o HA m K m m   2 HA K     28
  • 30. Debye-Hückel Limiting Law  The theory of Peter Debye and Erich H¨uckel provides theoretical expressions for single-ion activity coefficients and mean ionic activity coefficients in electrolyte solutions.  The Debye Hückel limiting law gives the γ ± in terms of the ionic strength, I, defined as:  where zi is the charge on ion i, and mi is the molality of ion i.  The ionic strength of a solution is a measure of the amount of ions present.  The ionic strength is a measure of the total concentration of charge in the solution. 21 2 i i i I m z  29
  • 31. Cont’d…  A divalent ion (a 2+ or 2- ion, like Ca2+) does more to make the solution ionic than a monovalent ion (e.g., Na+). Examples What is the value of ionic strength of HCl solution with molality 0.010: mH+ = mCl- = 0.01 mol/kg, and  Notice that for a simple salt of two monovalent ions, the ionic strength is just the concentration of the salt.     2 2 -11 0.01 1 0.01 1 0.01 mol kg 2 I         2 2 H Cl 1z z   30
  • 32. Cont’d…  The chemical potential or activity of ions cannot be determined on a purely thermodynamic basis.  The mean activity coefficient can be calculated at very low concentrations by the Debye-Hückel Limiting Law  Where A = 0.509 / (mol kg-1)1/2 for an aqueous solution at 25 oC, in general, A depends on the relative permittivity of solvent and the temperature.  When the ionic strength of the solution is too high for the limiting law to be valid 1/2 lg A z z I       31
  • 33. Theory of Electrolytic conductance A) Kohlrausch’s Theory of Independent Migration of Ions  Friedrich Kohlrausch showed that at low concentrations the molar conductivities of strong electrolytes vary linearly with the square root of the concentration.  This variation is called Kohlrausch’s law.  The constant is the limiting molar conductivity, the molar conductivity in the limit of zero concentration and k is constant.  Kohlrausch was also able to establish experimentally that can be expressed as the sum of contributions from its individual ions. 1 2 m m kc     m   m   32
  • 34. Cont’d…  It has been observed that the conductivity of solution increases with dilution until it reaches its limiting value at infinite dilution.  Kohlrausch concluded that each ion contributes a characteristic value of its own to molar conductivity at infinite dilution irrespective of the nature of the other ion present.  It applies that:  where is the molar conductivity of the cation at infinite dilution and is the molar conductivity of the anion at infinite dilution.            m m m v v, ,   m,   m , 33
  • 35. Cont’d… B) Ostwald’s dilution law  Weak electrolytes are not fully ionized in solution.  They include weak Brønsted acids and bases, such as CH3COOH and NH3  The marked concentration dependence of their molar conductivities arises from the displacement of the equilibrium towards products at low molar concentrations. • The conductivity depends on the number of ions in the solution, and therefore on the degree of ionization, α, of the electrolyte (degree of ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) ( )aq l aq aqHA H O H O A   3H O A a HA a a K a    34
  • 36. Cont’d…  It is defined so that, for the acid HA at a molar concentration c, at equilibrium.  If we ignore activity coefficients, the acidity constant, Ka, is approximately (x) From which it follows that: (y)  The acid is fully deprotonated at infinite dilution, and its molar conductivity is then 3[ ]H O c  [ ]A c  [ ] (1 )HA c  2 ( ) 1 a c K     1 2 4 {(1 ) 1} 2 a a K c c K     m   35
  • 37. Cont’d…  The measured molar conductivity Λm is given by: (z)  Once we know Ka, we can use eqns (y) and (z) to predict the concentration dependence of the molar conductivity.  First, we rearrange eqn (x) into:  Then, by using eqn (z), we obtain Ostwald’s dilution law:  This equation implies that, if is plotted against cΛm m m     1 1 a c K     2 1 1 ( ) m m m a m c K        1 m 1 m   36
  • 38. Transport properties or mobilities of ions  To interpret conductivity measurements we need to know why ions move at different rates, why they have different molar conductivities, and why the molar conductivities of strong electrolytes decrease with the square root of the molar concentration.  In a transport process, some quantity is transported from one place to another. The principal transport processes are heat conduction, diffusion, and viscous flow.  In heat conduction, energy in the form of heat is transported. In diffusion, substances are transported. In viscous flow, momentum is transported. 37
  • 39. Cont’d… The central idea is that: the motion of an ion remains largely random, the presence of an electric field biases its motion, and  the ion undergoes net migration through the solution A) Transport /Transference number, (t): During electrolysis, the electric charge is carried in the electrolyte by both cations and anions, but the amount of charge they transport is different.  Which is the fraction of current that is carried by the given type of ion. Ji is current density and jtotal is the magnitude of total i i total j t j  38
  • 40. Cont’d…  It can also be given by:  where Qi is the charge carried by species i,Q is the total charge.  It is obvious that the sum of the transference numbers of the cations and anions is equal to unity, as:  The amount of the transported charge relates to the velocity with which the ions travel through the electrolyte.  Where v+ is the velocity of the cation and v− is that of the anion.  i i Q t Q    t t 1             v v t t v v v v , 39
  • 41. Cont’d… B) The mobility (u), is defined as the velocity of an ion at a potential gradient of 1Vm−1.  It is given as: where vi is the magnitude of the mean drift velocity of the type of ion.  E is the magnitude of the electric field and l is the distance between the electrodes.  The transport / transference number of a given type of ion can also be given by relation using ionic mobilities as: where  The usefulness of ionic mobilities is that they i iu v E  l  i i u t u    u u u 40
  • 42. Cont’d…  Following equation shows the relationship between an ion’s mobility and its molar conductivity.  Where z = charge on the ion F= faradays constant  Transport numbers and ionic mobilities depend on the concentration of the electrolyte, temperature and pressure.  Three methods have been generally employed for the experimental determination of transference numbers. Therefore the methods are: Hittorf method Moving boundary method zuF  41
  • 43. Cont’d… C) Migrations of Ion  As in a solution of an electrolyte the electricity is conducted by migration of ions. The ions move in solution independently towards the oppositely charged electrodes.  This means that:-  Anion moves towards Anode  Cation moves towards Cathode 42
  • 44. Cont’d… D) Conductivities and ion–ion interactions (Debye – Hückel – Onsager theory)  Debye and Huckel in 1923, and Onsagar in 1926 put forward the modern theory of strong electrolytes known as Debye- Huckel- Onsagar theory of strong electrolyte.  Debye-Huckel treatment deals with the distribution of ions around a given ion and the net effects of these neighboring ions have on the central ion.  Debye and Huckel derived an equation based on the quantitative treatment of inter ionic attraction.  DHO equation shows how the potential energy of an ion in solution depends on the ionic strength of the43
  • 45. Cont’d…  In the case of strong electrolytes the value of molar conductance at infinite dilution is much less than unity due to following effects: i. Relaxation effect:  Interionic forces are present and each ion has a tendency to be surrounded on the time average by ions of opposite charge called the ionic atmosphere.  A negative ion is surrounded by the ions of opposite charge called the ionic atmosphere.  When an EMF is applied, the negative ions migrate towards the anode  In the case of the moving ion there will always be an excess of ions of opposite charge.  The ions will always be dragged back. This effect will decrease the mobility of the ions and Molar Conductance. 44
  • 46. Cont’d… ii. Electrophoretic effect:  It is another factor that slows down the motions of ions at high concentrations.  It arises from the tendency of ionic atmosphere associated with hydrated water dipoles, which moves in the opposite direction to that of central ions motions.  The solvent molecules attach themselves to ionic atmosphere and the ions move in the direction opposite to that of central ion.  It produces friction due to which the mobility of the central ion is retarded.  The electrophoretic effect reduces the mobility of the45
  • 47. Cont’d… iii. Viscous Effect:  This effect arises from the viscous drag of the solvent on the movement of ions.  The ions moves as directed by the applied field and the electrical force on ions are opposed by the frictional viscous force exerted by solvent.  For a given ion, more viscous the solvent, the greater the viscous pull, lesser the ionic mobility and thus decrease in conductance. 46
  • 48. Ionic Equilibria  The most commonly studied solution equilibria are ionic equilibria in aqueous solutions.  Savante Arrhenius studied the conduction of current through water solutions of electrolytes.  He came to believe that the conductivity of solutions was due to the presence of ions. He gave four main theory of ionization. 1. In solution or molten state, the molecules dissociate partly or usually into positively charged (cation) and negatively charged ions (anion).2 ( ) ( )NaCl H O Na aq Cl aq     47
  • 49. Cont’d… 2. The number of cations may not be equal to the number of anions produced. But the total positive charge carried by the cations is exactly equal to the negative charge carried by anions. Example  Here, there is equal number of cation and anion (1:1) as well as equal number of charge (1:1). But in the dissociation of FeCl3: 1 cation and 3 anions, the number of charge carried by both of them is equal (3 +ve charge and 3 –ve charge). ( ) ( ) ( )NaCl aq Na aq Cl aq    3 3( ) ( ) 3 ( )FeCl aq Fe aq Cl aq    48
  • 50. Cont’d… 3. The ions are responsible for carrying of electricity through the electrolyte. When the electrodes are connected to the terminals of battery the positively charged cations move toward cathode and the negatively charged anions move toward positively charged electrode (anode). 4. Apart from the solvent, the conducting power or conductance of electrolytic solution depend up on : The charge carried by the ions The number of ions The velocity of the ions Increase in temperature  increase in solubility increase in number of charges49
  • 51. Applications of Conductivity Measurements  Some of the important applications of conductivity measurements are as follows: A) Determination of degree of Dissociation  The degree of dissociation of a weak electrolyte is determined by the application of expression Where is the molar conductance of the solution and can be obtained experimentally is the molar conductance at infinite dilution and can be found from the literature.  The method may be illustrated with special reference to the determination of the dissociation of phosphoric acid. m m      m m   50
  • 52. Cont’d… B) Determination of Solubility Product of a Sparingly Soluble Salt  If a slightly soluble electrolyte such as AgCl, BaSO4, PbSO4 dissociate in a simple manner, it is possible to determine the solubility of such salts by conductance measurements.  If ‘s’ is the solubility in mole/liter, of a sparingly soluble salt and ‘κ’ is the specific conductance of the saturated solution, then its molar conductance ‘Λ’ is given by the relation: i.e.  At infinite dilution, 1000m k s   1000 m k s   1000 m k s    51
  • 53. Cont’d… C) Conductometric Titration  The determination of the end point of a titration by means of conductance measurements is known as conductometric titration.  The titrant is added by a burette and change of conductance as a function of added titrant is used to determine the equivalence point.  Generally, potential in the range 5-10V at 1000 – 3000 Hz is employed.  Some typical examples of conductometric titration are Acid-Base Titration, Displacement Reactions, Precipitation Reactions and Complexometric Titration Reactions. 52