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International Conference on Economic 
and Information System Management 
October 17 – 18, 2014 
Jl. Rajawali No.14 Palembang, Indonesia 
STIE Multi Data Palembang
Proceedings of 
International Conference on Economic 
and Information System Management 
Organizer and International Partner 
The conference is organized by STIE MDP in collaboration with STMIK GI MDP, AMIK 
MDP Palembang-Indonesia and Dayeh University of Taiwan. 
ISBN : 978-602-71513-0-7 
Published by 
STIE Multi Data Palembang 
Jl. Rajawali No. 14 Palembang, Indonesia 
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Proceedings of ICE-ISM 2014 
Palembang, October 17 – 18, 2014 
The Effect of Palembang City Government Readiness in 
Accepting The Transfer of PBB-P2 and BPHTB as A 
Local Tax on The Taxpayer’s Perception 
Siti Khairani#1, Trisnadi Wijaya*2 
#Accounting Department, STIE Multi Data Palembang 
Jl. Rajawali No. 14 Palembang, Indonesia 
*Management Department, STIE Multi Data Palembang 
Jl. Rajawali No. 14, Palembang, Indonesia 
Abstract – The objective of this research is to examine the effect 
of Palembang City Government readiness in accepting the 
transfer of PBB-P2 and BPHTB as local tax on the taxpayer's 
perception. Methods of data collection using questionnaire with a 
sample of 100 respondents of taxpayer. The analysis technique 
used in the research is multiple linear regression analysis. The 
results showed that the Regulation, Cooperation, Facilities and 
Infrastructure, Human Resources and Organization, 
Dissemination and Funding variables simultaneously have 
significant effect on the Taxpayer's Perception. However, a 
partially significant effect is only shown by Regulation variable 
on the Taxpayer's Perception. 
Keywords – Government readiness, PBB-P2, BPHTB, taxpayer’s 
perception, multiple linear regression 
Tax is the largest revenue source that is used for 
governance, public services and national development. Almost 
around 70% - 80% of all state revenue comes from taxes and 
this number is likely to increase from year to year in line with 
the needs of country budget. One type of taxes that provide a 
substantial contribution in tax revenues is Land and Buildings 
Tax (Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan). 
The transfer management of Land and Buildings Tax in 
Rural and Urban (Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan Perdesaan dan 
Perkotaan / PBB-P2) and Duty on the Acquisition of Land and 
Building Right (Bea Perolehan Hak atas Tanah dan Bangunan 
/ BPHTB) became effectively on January 1, 2011 and 
Directorate General of Taxation (DGT) still have 
responsibility for managing the PBB-P2 and BPHTB until 
January, 31. But began in December 2013, the responsibility 
in managing PBB is handed over to district / city.[3] This 
policy would be a challenge and an opportunity for local 
governments to regulate and manage its resources more 
effectively and efficiently. For regions that have huge 
resources, both human resources and natural resources, this 
policy can be a great opportunity to increase revenue, where 
one of the sources that provide a substantial contribution to 
revenue is from taxes. With the transfer of PBB-P2 and 
BPHTB as local taxes, the process of data collection activities, 
assessment, determination, administration, collection / billing 
and services of PBB-P2 will be organized by Local 
Government (District / City). 
Palembang Government accepted the transfer of BPHTB 
on January 1, 2011 and for the PBB-P2 on January 1, 2012 By 
accepting this transfer means Palembang Government should 
be able to create a system of taxation which is good as the 
information that has been run by Tax Office, has local 
regulations / SOPs on the PBB and BPHTB, socializing 
changes that may exist, and can provide a quality service to 
the community (PBB and BPHTB taxpayer). With good 
service is expected to increase taxpayer compliance and 
ultimately will increase tax admissions. Public awareness as 
the PBB and BPHTB taxpayer is closely linked to the public 
perception of taxes. Good service will provide convenience 
for taxpayers. Hospitality in providing clear information and 
ease of information systems of taxation, including taxation 
services. Based on the conditions described above, the 
researchers formulate research problem becomes how to 
influence Palembang Government readiness in accepting the 
transfer of PBB-P2 and BPHTB as a local tax on the 
taxpayer's perception. 
The objectives of this research is to examine to the effect 
of Palembang City Government readiness in accepting the 
transfer of PBB-P2 and BPHTB as local tax on the taxpayer's 
A. Theoritical Background 
Tax is dues to the country (which can be enforced) payable 
by the compulsory payment to them under the rules, with no 
achievement got back, which can directly appointed, and that 
the point is to finance public expenditures in connection with 
the task of organizing state government.[12]
Proceedings of ICE-ISM 2014 
Palembang, October 17 – 18, 2014 
Local tax is tax levied by the local government either level 
region (provincial tax) as well as the second level (tax district 
/ city) and used to finance household each area.[9] 
Tax on Land and Buildings of Rural and Urban is a tax on 
land and / or buildings which are owned, controlled, and / or 
used by an individual or entity, except for the area used for 
plantation, forestry, and mining. [11] Earth is the earth's surface 
that includes land and inland waters and territorial sea of the 
district / city. The building is a construction technique that is 
planted or permanently attached to the land and / or inland 
waters and / or sea. 
According to the Law No. 29 of 2009 on Regional Taxes 
and Levies, the Tax on Acquisition of Land and Building 
(BPHTB) and Land and Building Tax of Rural and Urban 
(PBB-P2) were transferred as a local tax. This is a big change 
in favor of regional autonomy and fiscal decentralization.[1] 
The objective of transfer PBB-P2 into local tax in accordance 
with the Tax Act and the Local Levies are: 
1. Increase the accountability of local autonomy, 
2. Provide new opportunities for the region to impose a new 
levy (add local taxes and levies), 
3. Provide greater authority in taxation and levies by 
expanding the local tax base, 
4. Provide authority to the region in the determination of 
local tax rates, and 
5. Submit tax functions as an instrument in the region’s 
budgeting and management. 
With the issuance of Law No. 28 of 2009 on Regional 
Taxes and Levies, Local Government now has an additional 
Own-Source Revenue (Pendapatan Asli Daaerah – PAD), 
which is derived from the regional tax, so the current tax types 
Regency / City consists of eleven types of taxes, the Hotel 
Tax, Restaurant Tax, Entertainment Tax, Advertisement Tax, 
Street Lighting Tax, Non Metallic Minerals and Rocks Tax, 
Parking Tax, Groundwater Tax, and Swallow's Nest Tax, Tax 
on Land and Building of Rural and Urban, and Duty on the 
Acquisition of Land and Building Right. Surabaya City is the 
first city to receive the transfer of PBB-P2. Thus the 
government of Surabaya became a pilot project for the 
implementation of the transfer of revenues from the PBB-P2. 
The success of Surabaya City Government in managing 
admission PBB-P2 can be an example and reference to other 
districts / cities. 
With this transfer, the admission of PBB-P2 and BPHTB 
will fully enter into the district / city that are expected to 
increase the amount of own-source revenue. When PBB-P2 
administered by the central government, district / city only 
receive a share of 64.8% and BPHTB only receive 64%. After 
this transfer, all revenue from PBB-P2 and BPHTB will enter 
into local government coffers. One example of region which 
increase its own-source revenue post diversion of PBB-P2 and 
BPHTB is Surabaya City. Mayor of Surabaya, Ir. Tri 
Rismaharini, MT. bears witness that in 2010, PAD of 
Surabaya City only Rp1 trillion. In 2011, PAD of Surabaya 
City will be Rp2 trillion. He add that the cause of increase in 
revenue was derived from the PBB and BPHTB. (Media 
Keuangan Vol. V No. 40/December/2010, p.8). 
Fig. 1 Comparison Revenue of PBB-P2 and BPHTB 
Before and After The Transfer 
Perception can be expressed as a process of organizing, 
interpreting to the stimulus by an organization or individual 
that is a significant and an activity in an individual. This 
perception is influenced by factors such experiences, learning 
and knowledge. According to David Krech and Richard S. 
Crutchfield[2] from the University of California, determinant 
factors of the perception could divided into two, namely 
functional factors and structural factors. Functional factors are 
factors that derived primarily from the needs, moods, past 
experience and other things which include what we refer to as 
individual factors. Structural factors are factors that derived 
solely from the nature of the physical stimuli and the neural 
effects which evoked in the nervous system of the individual. 
It will be very influential on human when observing a 
psychological object in the form of events, ideas or situations. 
B. Previous Researches 
Research on the readiness of the city / county in the 
transferee of the PBB-P2 and BPHTB as local tax has not 
been done, because of this new policy implemented by several 
regions and many regions are not yet ready to accept this 
transfer. The research conducted by the Padang (2012) which 
examines the readiness of Sleman District Government in the 
transfer of PBB-P2 and BPHTB: Overview of New 
Institutional Economics Perspective (NIE) reveals that there is 
no perception of the respondents before and after the transfer 
of PBB-P2 and BPHTB. And there is no significant effect 
between regulation, information asymmetries, transaction 
costs, property rights, and human resources (HR) against the 
government's readiness before and after receiving the transfer 
of PBB-P2 and BPHTB. 
Ananda et. al. (2012) study titled Impact Analysis of 
Regional Transfer of Voting Against BPHTB to Local Fiscal 
Conditions conclude that the data is a matter of urgent 
problems, including updating existing data in the database in
Proceedings of ICE-ISM 2014 
Palembang, October 17 – 18, 2014 
addition to the role of local government is very important in 
the operation of human resources management in the region 
BPHTB. For it is necessary to develop cooperation with other 
institutions (KPP) for the development and strengthening of 
human resources in local government. Good cooperation with 
relevant institutions such as the Notary, PPAT, BPN, KPP, as 
well as its own local government is very important to get the 
value of the transaction is approximately correct and improve 
service to taxpayers. 
C. Hypothesis 
H1: Palembang City Government readiness has partially 
significant influence on taxpayer’s perception. 
H2 : Palembang City Government readiness has 
simultaneously significant influence on taxpayer’s perception. 
This research used a causal relationships approach to 
determine the Palembang City Government readiness in 
accepting the transfer of PBB-P2 and BPHTB as local tax on 
the taxpayer's perception. The research object of this study is 
DISPENDA (Dinas Pendapatan Daerah) of Palembang City 
located at Jalan Merdeka No. 21, Palembang. 
The population of this research is PBB-P2 and BPHTB 
taxpayer recorded in DISPENDA of Palembang City was 
305,586 taxpayers from 16 districts. The research sample is 
determined 100 taxpayers with Slovin’s formula. 
Descriptive Statistic 
Fig 2. Educational Background of Respondents 
Based on Figure 2 showed that respondents who have 
educational background from Diploma 3 (D3) are 7 people 
(7%), undergraduate (S1) are 67 people (67%) and master 
(S2) are 26 people (26%). Descriptive statistics of each 
variable used in this research, both for the independent 
variables and dependent variable can be seen in Table 1. 
Variables Mean Variance 
X1 10.69 5.368 2.317 
X2 11.41 4.547 2.132 
X3 10.89 5.210 2.283 
X4 11.60 5.657 2.378 
X5 11.44 5.178 2.276 
X6 11.85 5.402 2.324 
Y 63.90 133.000 11.533 
Multiple Correlation Analysis 
Variables rxy Prob. 
X1 0.580 0.000 
X2 0.531 0.000 
X3 0.503 0.000 
X4 0.523 0.000 
X5 0.521 0.000 
X6 0.452 0.000 
Based on Table 2 above showed that all the independent 
variables have a positive and significant correlation to the 
dependent variable because the value of r statistic > r critical 
(0.197) at α = 5%, df = n - 2 = 100-2 = 98. Correlation 
coefficients for Funding variable (X6) is 0.452 included in the 
category of weak correlation, whereas for variables X1, X2, 
X3, X4 and X5 are included in the category of moderate 
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis 
Multiple linear regression model can be built based on the 
values of regression coefficients from each independent 
variables including constants can be expressed in the equation 
form as follows: 
Y = 16.733 + 1.333X1 + 1.023X2 + 0.315X3 + 0.765X4 + 
1.017X5 – 0.228X6 + e 
Y = Taxpayer’s Perception 
X1 = Regulation 
X2 = Cooperation 
X3 = Infrastructures 
X4 = Human Resources and Organization 
X5 = Socialization 
X6 = Funding 
e = Error term
Proceedings of ICE-ISM 2014 
Palembang, October 17 – 18, 2014 
Hypothesis Testing 
F Statistic Prob. 
12.865 0.000 
Based on Table 3 above showed that the F statistic value 
(12.865) is greater than F critical value (2.198) at α = 0.05 and 
df = (7-1); (100-7) so it can be concluded that the Regulation 
(X1), Cooperation (X2), Infrastructures (X3), Human 
Resources and Organization (X4), Socialization (X5) and 
Funding (X6) variables have a significant effect 
simultaneously on Taxpayer’s Perception (Y) variable. 
Variables t Statistic Prob. 
X1 2.444 0.016 
X2 1.688 0.095 
X3 0.540 0.591 
X4 1.501 0.137 
X5 1.788 0.077 
X6 -0.388 0.699 
Based on Table 4 above showed that only t value (2.444) 
of Regulation variable (X1) is greater than t critical value 
(1.986) at α = 0.05 and df = n - k = 100-7 = 93 so it can be 
concluded that the Regulation (X1) variable has a partially 
significant effect on Taxpayer's Perception (Y). This is not in 
line with the research finding of Padang (2012) which states 
there is no significant effect from regulation on taxpayer’s 
perception before and after the transfer of PBB-P2 and 
BPHTB. However, this research finding is in line with 
research finding of Masfita et. al. (2012) which states that the 
one that affects the readiness to accept the transfer PBB-P2 
local government must have clear regulations that have the 
force of good regulation derah, head of regional regulations, 
and SOPs. 
Based on the analysis and results above, the conclusions of 
this research on the effect of the government's readiness to 
accept the transfer of Palembang PBB-P2 and BPHTB as local 
taxes, namely: 
1. Simultaneously, the Regulation (X1), Cooperation (X2), 
Infrastructures (X3), Human Resources and Organization 
(X4), Socialization (X5) and Funding (X6) variables have 
significant effect on Taxpayer’s Perception. 
2. Partially, the Regulation variable has significant effect on 
Taxpayer's Perception. While Cooperation, Infrastructures, 
Human Resources and Organization, Socialization and 
Funding variables don’t have significant effect on the 
Taxpayer’s Perception. 
[1] Ananda, Candra Fajri, et. al. 2012. Analisis Dampak Pengalihan 
Pemungutan BPHTB ke Daerah Terhadap Kondisi Fiskal Daerah. Tim 
Asistensi Kementerian Keuangan Bidang Desentralisasi Fiskal. 
[2] Dewi, Mira Riangga. 2011. Persepsi Wajib Pajak atas Pengenaan Pajak 
Penghasilan: Anteseden dan Konsekuensinya (Kajian Empiris pada 
Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi yang Memiliki Usaha di Kota Kudus). 
[Skripsi]. Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang. 
[3] Direktorat Jenderal Pajak. 2012. Pengalihan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan 
Perdesaan dan Perkotaan (PBB-P2) Sebagai Pajak Daerah. [Online]. 
[4] Hermawan, Budi. 2005. Metodologi Penelitian Bisnis. FE Universitas 
Putra Indonesia, Jakarta. 
[5] Iqbal, Hasan M. 2008. Pokok-Pokok Materi Statistik 2 (Statistik 
Inferensif). Bumi Aksara, Jakarta. 
[6] Masfita, Vitriana, et. al. 2012. “Perencanaan Pemerintah Kabupaten 
Kudus dalam Mempersiapkan Pengalihan PBB Sektor Perdesaan dan 
Perkotaan Sebagai Pajak Daearah.” Wacana, Vol. 15 No. 3, pp. 29-31, 
Universitas Brawijaya, Malang. 
[7] Padang, Abigail Tandi. 2012. Kesiapan Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten 
Sleman dalam Menerima Pengalihan PBB Perkotaan dan Perdesaan 
Serta BPHTB: Tinjauan Prespektif New Institutional Economics (NIE). 
[Skripsi]. Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. 
[8] Ramadhan, Jogi Fahrisal. 2013. “Pengaruh Pelimpahan Pemungutan 
PBB Sektor Pedesaan dan Perkotaan Menjadi Pajak Daerah Terhadap 
Realisasi Penerimaannya di Kota Surabaya”. Jurnal Akuntansi Unesa, 
Vol. 2 No. 3, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya. 
[9] Resmi, Siti. 2011. Perpajakan: Teori dan Kasus. Salemba Empat, 
[10] Sugiyono. 2006. Metode Penelitian Bisnis. Alfabeta, Bandung. 
[11] Undang-Undang No. 28 Tahun 2009 tentang Pajak Daerah dan Retribusi 
[12] Waluyo. 2011. Perpajakan Indonesia. Salemba Empat, Jakarta.
STIE Multi Data Palembang 
Jl. Rajawali No. 14 
Palembang, Indonesia 
ISBN: 978-602-71513-0-7

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  • 1.
  • 2. PROCEEDINGS International Conference on Economic and Information System Management October 17 – 18, 2014 STMIK/STIE MDP Building Jl. Rajawali No.14 Palembang, Indonesia STIE Multi Data Palembang
  • 3. Proceedings of International Conference on Economic and Information System Management Organizer and International Partner The conference is organized by STIE MDP in collaboration with STMIK GI MDP, AMIK MDP Palembang-Indonesia and Dayeh University of Taiwan. ISBN : 978-602-71513-0-7 Published by STIE Multi Data Palembang Jl. Rajawali No. 14 Palembang, Indonesia Phone : +62-0711-376400 Website : Email : Copyright © 2014 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any forms or any means without permission from copyright holder. All articles in this proceedings are openly accessible at
  • 4. Proceedings of ICE-ISM 2014 Palembang, October 17 – 18, 2014 The Effect of Palembang City Government Readiness in Accepting The Transfer of PBB-P2 and BPHTB as A 145 Local Tax on The Taxpayer’s Perception Siti Khairani#1, Trisnadi Wijaya*2 #Accounting Department, STIE Multi Data Palembang Jl. Rajawali No. 14 Palembang, Indonesia *Management Department, STIE Multi Data Palembang Jl. Rajawali No. 14, Palembang, Indonesia Abstract – The objective of this research is to examine the effect of Palembang City Government readiness in accepting the transfer of PBB-P2 and BPHTB as local tax on the taxpayer's perception. Methods of data collection using questionnaire with a sample of 100 respondents of taxpayer. The analysis technique used in the research is multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the Regulation, Cooperation, Facilities and Infrastructure, Human Resources and Organization, Dissemination and Funding variables simultaneously have significant effect on the Taxpayer's Perception. However, a partially significant effect is only shown by Regulation variable on the Taxpayer's Perception. Keywords – Government readiness, PBB-P2, BPHTB, taxpayer’s perception, multiple linear regression I. INTRODUCTION Tax is the largest revenue source that is used for governance, public services and national development. Almost around 70% - 80% of all state revenue comes from taxes and this number is likely to increase from year to year in line with the needs of country budget. One type of taxes that provide a substantial contribution in tax revenues is Land and Buildings Tax (Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan). The transfer management of Land and Buildings Tax in Rural and Urban (Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan Perdesaan dan Perkotaan / PBB-P2) and Duty on the Acquisition of Land and Building Right (Bea Perolehan Hak atas Tanah dan Bangunan / BPHTB) became effectively on January 1, 2011 and Directorate General of Taxation (DGT) still have responsibility for managing the PBB-P2 and BPHTB until January, 31. But began in December 2013, the responsibility in managing PBB is handed over to district / city.[3] This policy would be a challenge and an opportunity for local governments to regulate and manage its resources more effectively and efficiently. For regions that have huge resources, both human resources and natural resources, this policy can be a great opportunity to increase revenue, where one of the sources that provide a substantial contribution to revenue is from taxes. With the transfer of PBB-P2 and BPHTB as local taxes, the process of data collection activities, assessment, determination, administration, collection / billing and services of PBB-P2 will be organized by Local Government (District / City). Palembang Government accepted the transfer of BPHTB on January 1, 2011 and for the PBB-P2 on January 1, 2012 By accepting this transfer means Palembang Government should be able to create a system of taxation which is good as the information that has been run by Tax Office, has local regulations / SOPs on the PBB and BPHTB, socializing changes that may exist, and can provide a quality service to the community (PBB and BPHTB taxpayer). With good service is expected to increase taxpayer compliance and ultimately will increase tax admissions. Public awareness as the PBB and BPHTB taxpayer is closely linked to the public perception of taxes. Good service will provide convenience for taxpayers. Hospitality in providing clear information and ease of information systems of taxation, including taxation services. Based on the conditions described above, the researchers formulate research problem becomes how to influence Palembang Government readiness in accepting the transfer of PBB-P2 and BPHTB as a local tax on the taxpayer's perception. The objectives of this research is to examine to the effect of Palembang City Government readiness in accepting the transfer of PBB-P2 and BPHTB as local tax on the taxpayer's perception. II. LITERATURE REVIEW A. Theoritical Background Tax is dues to the country (which can be enforced) payable by the compulsory payment to them under the rules, with no achievement got back, which can directly appointed, and that the point is to finance public expenditures in connection with the task of organizing state government.[12]
  • 5. Proceedings of ICE-ISM 2014 Palembang, October 17 – 18, 2014 146 Local tax is tax levied by the local government either level region (provincial tax) as well as the second level (tax district / city) and used to finance household each area.[9] Tax on Land and Buildings of Rural and Urban is a tax on land and / or buildings which are owned, controlled, and / or used by an individual or entity, except for the area used for plantation, forestry, and mining. [11] Earth is the earth's surface that includes land and inland waters and territorial sea of the district / city. The building is a construction technique that is planted or permanently attached to the land and / or inland waters and / or sea. According to the Law No. 29 of 2009 on Regional Taxes and Levies, the Tax on Acquisition of Land and Building (BPHTB) and Land and Building Tax of Rural and Urban (PBB-P2) were transferred as a local tax. This is a big change in favor of regional autonomy and fiscal decentralization.[1] The objective of transfer PBB-P2 into local tax in accordance with the Tax Act and the Local Levies are: 1. Increase the accountability of local autonomy, 2. Provide new opportunities for the region to impose a new levy (add local taxes and levies), 3. Provide greater authority in taxation and levies by expanding the local tax base, 4. Provide authority to the region in the determination of local tax rates, and 5. Submit tax functions as an instrument in the region’s budgeting and management. With the issuance of Law No. 28 of 2009 on Regional Taxes and Levies, Local Government now has an additional Own-Source Revenue (Pendapatan Asli Daaerah – PAD), which is derived from the regional tax, so the current tax types Regency / City consists of eleven types of taxes, the Hotel Tax, Restaurant Tax, Entertainment Tax, Advertisement Tax, Street Lighting Tax, Non Metallic Minerals and Rocks Tax, Parking Tax, Groundwater Tax, and Swallow's Nest Tax, Tax on Land and Building of Rural and Urban, and Duty on the Acquisition of Land and Building Right. Surabaya City is the first city to receive the transfer of PBB-P2. Thus the government of Surabaya became a pilot project for the implementation of the transfer of revenues from the PBB-P2. The success of Surabaya City Government in managing admission PBB-P2 can be an example and reference to other districts / cities. With this transfer, the admission of PBB-P2 and BPHTB will fully enter into the district / city that are expected to increase the amount of own-source revenue. When PBB-P2 administered by the central government, district / city only receive a share of 64.8% and BPHTB only receive 64%. After this transfer, all revenue from PBB-P2 and BPHTB will enter into local government coffers. One example of region which increase its own-source revenue post diversion of PBB-P2 and BPHTB is Surabaya City. Mayor of Surabaya, Ir. Tri Rismaharini, MT. bears witness that in 2010, PAD of Surabaya City only Rp1 trillion. In 2011, PAD of Surabaya City will be Rp2 trillion. He add that the cause of increase in revenue was derived from the PBB and BPHTB. (Media Keuangan Vol. V No. 40/December/2010, p.8). Fig. 1 Comparison Revenue of PBB-P2 and BPHTB Before and After The Transfer Perception can be expressed as a process of organizing, interpreting to the stimulus by an organization or individual that is a significant and an activity in an individual. This perception is influenced by factors such experiences, learning and knowledge. According to David Krech and Richard S. Crutchfield[2] from the University of California, determinant factors of the perception could divided into two, namely functional factors and structural factors. Functional factors are factors that derived primarily from the needs, moods, past experience and other things which include what we refer to as individual factors. Structural factors are factors that derived solely from the nature of the physical stimuli and the neural effects which evoked in the nervous system of the individual. It will be very influential on human when observing a psychological object in the form of events, ideas or situations. B. Previous Researches Research on the readiness of the city / county in the transferee of the PBB-P2 and BPHTB as local tax has not been done, because of this new policy implemented by several regions and many regions are not yet ready to accept this transfer. The research conducted by the Padang (2012) which examines the readiness of Sleman District Government in the transfer of PBB-P2 and BPHTB: Overview of New Institutional Economics Perspective (NIE) reveals that there is no perception of the respondents before and after the transfer of PBB-P2 and BPHTB. And there is no significant effect between regulation, information asymmetries, transaction costs, property rights, and human resources (HR) against the government's readiness before and after receiving the transfer of PBB-P2 and BPHTB. Ananda et. al. (2012) study titled Impact Analysis of Regional Transfer of Voting Against BPHTB to Local Fiscal Conditions conclude that the data is a matter of urgent problems, including updating existing data in the database in
  • 6. Proceedings of ICE-ISM 2014 Palembang, October 17 – 18, 2014 147 addition to the role of local government is very important in the operation of human resources management in the region BPHTB. For it is necessary to develop cooperation with other institutions (KPP) for the development and strengthening of human resources in local government. Good cooperation with relevant institutions such as the Notary, PPAT, BPN, KPP, as well as its own local government is very important to get the value of the transaction is approximately correct and improve service to taxpayers. C. Hypothesis H1: Palembang City Government readiness has partially significant influence on taxpayer’s perception. H2 : Palembang City Government readiness has simultaneously significant influence on taxpayer’s perception. III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This research used a causal relationships approach to determine the Palembang City Government readiness in accepting the transfer of PBB-P2 and BPHTB as local tax on the taxpayer's perception. The research object of this study is DISPENDA (Dinas Pendapatan Daerah) of Palembang City located at Jalan Merdeka No. 21, Palembang. The population of this research is PBB-P2 and BPHTB taxpayer recorded in DISPENDA of Palembang City was 305,586 taxpayers from 16 districts. The research sample is determined 100 taxpayers with Slovin’s formula. IV. ANALYSIS AND RESULTS Descriptive Statistic Fig 2. Educational Background of Respondents Based on Figure 2 showed that respondents who have educational background from Diploma 3 (D3) are 7 people (7%), undergraduate (S1) are 67 people (67%) and master (S2) are 26 people (26%). Descriptive statistics of each variable used in this research, both for the independent variables and dependent variable can be seen in Table 1. TABLE 1 STATISTIC DESCRIPTIVE Variables Mean Variance Standard Deviation X1 10.69 5.368 2.317 X2 11.41 4.547 2.132 X3 10.89 5.210 2.283 X4 11.60 5.657 2.378 X5 11.44 5.178 2.276 X6 11.85 5.402 2.324 Y 63.90 133.000 11.533 Multiple Correlation Analysis TABLE 2 MULTIPLE CORRELATION ANALYSIS RESULTS Variables rxy Prob. X1 0.580 0.000 X2 0.531 0.000 X3 0.503 0.000 X4 0.523 0.000 X5 0.521 0.000 X6 0.452 0.000 Based on Table 2 above showed that all the independent variables have a positive and significant correlation to the dependent variable because the value of r statistic > r critical (0.197) at α = 5%, df = n - 2 = 100-2 = 98. Correlation coefficients for Funding variable (X6) is 0.452 included in the category of weak correlation, whereas for variables X1, X2, X3, X4 and X5 are included in the category of moderate correlation. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Multiple linear regression model can be built based on the values of regression coefficients from each independent variables including constants can be expressed in the equation form as follows: Y = 16.733 + 1.333X1 + 1.023X2 + 0.315X3 + 0.765X4 + 1.017X5 – 0.228X6 + e Which: Y = Taxpayer’s Perception X1 = Regulation X2 = Cooperation X3 = Infrastructures X4 = Human Resources and Organization X5 = Socialization X6 = Funding e = Error term
  • 7. Proceedings of ICE-ISM 2014 Palembang, October 17 – 18, 2014 148 Hypothesis Testing TABLE 3 SIMULTANEOUS HYPOTHESIS TESTING RESULTS F Statistic Prob. 12.865 0.000 Based on Table 3 above showed that the F statistic value (12.865) is greater than F critical value (2.198) at α = 0.05 and df = (7-1); (100-7) so it can be concluded that the Regulation (X1), Cooperation (X2), Infrastructures (X3), Human Resources and Organization (X4), Socialization (X5) and Funding (X6) variables have a significant effect simultaneously on Taxpayer’s Perception (Y) variable. TABLE 4 PARTIAL HYPOTHESIS TESTING RESULTS Variables t Statistic Prob. X1 2.444 0.016 X2 1.688 0.095 X3 0.540 0.591 X4 1.501 0.137 X5 1.788 0.077 X6 -0.388 0.699 Based on Table 4 above showed that only t value (2.444) of Regulation variable (X1) is greater than t critical value (1.986) at α = 0.05 and df = n - k = 100-7 = 93 so it can be concluded that the Regulation (X1) variable has a partially significant effect on Taxpayer's Perception (Y). This is not in line with the research finding of Padang (2012) which states there is no significant effect from regulation on taxpayer’s perception before and after the transfer of PBB-P2 and BPHTB. However, this research finding is in line with research finding of Masfita et. al. (2012) which states that the one that affects the readiness to accept the transfer PBB-P2 local government must have clear regulations that have the force of good regulation derah, head of regional regulations, and SOPs. V. CONCLUSION Based on the analysis and results above, the conclusions of this research on the effect of the government's readiness to accept the transfer of Palembang PBB-P2 and BPHTB as local taxes, namely: 1. Simultaneously, the Regulation (X1), Cooperation (X2), Infrastructures (X3), Human Resources and Organization (X4), Socialization (X5) and Funding (X6) variables have significant effect on Taxpayer’s Perception. 2. Partially, the Regulation variable has significant effect on Taxpayer's Perception. While Cooperation, Infrastructures, Human Resources and Organization, Socialization and Funding variables don’t have significant effect on the Taxpayer’s Perception. REFERENCES [1] Ananda, Candra Fajri, et. al. 2012. Analisis Dampak Pengalihan Pemungutan BPHTB ke Daerah Terhadap Kondisi Fiskal Daerah. Tim Asistensi Kementerian Keuangan Bidang Desentralisasi Fiskal. [2] Dewi, Mira Riangga. 2011. Persepsi Wajib Pajak atas Pengenaan Pajak Penghasilan: Anteseden dan Konsekuensinya (Kajian Empiris pada Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi yang Memiliki Usaha di Kota Kudus). [Skripsi]. Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang. [3] Direktorat Jenderal Pajak. 2012. Pengalihan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan Perdesaan dan Perkotaan (PBB-P2) Sebagai Pajak Daerah. [Online]. Available: [4] Hermawan, Budi. 2005. Metodologi Penelitian Bisnis. FE Universitas Putra Indonesia, Jakarta. [5] Iqbal, Hasan M. 2008. Pokok-Pokok Materi Statistik 2 (Statistik Inferensif). Bumi Aksara, Jakarta. [6] Masfita, Vitriana, et. al. 2012. “Perencanaan Pemerintah Kabupaten Kudus dalam Mempersiapkan Pengalihan PBB Sektor Perdesaan dan Perkotaan Sebagai Pajak Daearah.” Wacana, Vol. 15 No. 3, pp. 29-31, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang. [7] Padang, Abigail Tandi. 2012. Kesiapan Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Sleman dalam Menerima Pengalihan PBB Perkotaan dan Perdesaan Serta BPHTB: Tinjauan Prespektif New Institutional Economics (NIE). [Skripsi]. Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. [8] Ramadhan, Jogi Fahrisal. 2013. “Pengaruh Pelimpahan Pemungutan PBB Sektor Pedesaan dan Perkotaan Menjadi Pajak Daerah Terhadap Realisasi Penerimaannya di Kota Surabaya”. Jurnal Akuntansi Unesa, Vol. 2 No. 3, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya. [9] Resmi, Siti. 2011. Perpajakan: Teori dan Kasus. Salemba Empat, Jakarta. [10] Sugiyono. 2006. Metode Penelitian Bisnis. Alfabeta, Bandung. [11] Undang-Undang No. 28 Tahun 2009 tentang Pajak Daerah dan Retribusi Daerah. [12] Waluyo. 2011. Perpajakan Indonesia. Salemba Empat, Jakarta.
  • 8. STIE Multi Data Palembang Jl. Rajawali No. 14 Palembang, Indonesia ISBN: 978-602-71513-0-7