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preventing a death and saving a life..
	    Niger,	the	6th	poorest	country	in	the	world	has	a	population	of	approximately	15	million	people.	More	than	half	
of	the	total	population	is	living	under	a	dollar	a	day.		Niamey,	the	capital	of	Niger	located	near	the	Niger	River	has	a	
population	of	about	774,915	thousand	people.	The	Niger	River	is	the	major	source	of	water	for	over	3	million	people	
in	Niger.
		   Niger	does	not	have	access	to	many	clean	water	sources	resulting	in	citizens	consuming	polluted	water	con-
taining	bacteria	and	diseases.	Niger	mostly	consists	of	wasteland	due	to	environmental	issues	such	as	deforestation,	
desertification,	soil	erosion,	and	overgrazing.	Many	of	these	problems	are	due	to	the	lack	of	water	for	plantations.	Ni-
ger	lost	over	half	of	its	forest	due	to	the	ongoing	droughts.	A	huge	amount	of	Niger’s	population	is	severely	malnour-
ished,	statistics	show	at	least	2.5	million	people	living	in	Niger	don’t	have	enough	to	eat	and	44%	of	children	under	
five	are	severely	malnourished.	This	issue	has	increased	poverty	levels	because	without	citizens	being	healthy,	there	
is	less	productivity	in	school	and	work.	As	of	2007,	45%	of	Niger’s	citizens	are	enrolled	in	school,	but	only	40%	are	
able	to	complete	it.	The	population	of	men	finishing	school	is	much	higher	than	the	female	completion	rate	because	
women	often	don’t	have	time	for	school	because	they	fetch	water	and	care	for	their	children.	Since	poverty	is	such	a	
big	issue	in	Niger,	children	have	gone	through	child	prostitution	and	labor.	Children	are	raped	and	forced	to	work	in	
order	to	receive	money	for	their	families.	All	of	these	severe	issues	are	caused	by	the	extreme	poverty	in	Niger.		
	    In	order	to	help	Niger	improve	and	become	a	better,	stable	community,	our	organization	has	implemented	a	
plan	to	help	Niger	rise	from	poverty.	In	order	to	address	this	problem,	our	organization	has	targeted	one	main	cause	
of	poverty	in	Niger,	which	is	its	water	sources.	Niger’s	unclean	and	inaccessible	water	has	caused	many	people	in	
Niger	to	become	unhealthy,	which	ultimately	leads	to	unproductivity	and	decreased	enrollment	in	school.	Our	goal	
is	to	clean	Niger’s	water	and	give	more	citizens	access	to	water	to	improve	their	health	and	well	being.	We	will	be	
handing	out	life	straws	to	people	in	Niger,	installing	solar	powered	water	pumps	into	village	wells,	and	creating	water	
purification	systems	along	the	Niger	River.	Life	Straws	are	portable	water	filters	that	remove	impurities,	bacteria,	and	
chemicals	making	dirty	water	safe	to	drink	which	will	supply	immediate	relief	to	help	Niger.	We	will	also	be	installing	
solar	powered	water	pumps	into	village	wells.	Niger	consists	of	many	wells	throughout	villages	but	most	wells	are	
contaminated	with	diseases.	By	installing	these	solar	powered	pumps	the	water	will	be	cleaned	daily	using	energy	
from	the	sun	allowing	safe	consumption	for	families	living	in	villages	in	Niamey.	Lastly,	we	will	create	water	purifica-
tion	systems	along	the	Niger	River.	Since	about	3	million	people	use	the	Niger	River	as	their	water	source,	we	will	
place	water	purification	systems	along	the	Niger	river	every	10	miles	apart	to	allow	a	majority	of	the	people	access	
to	clean	water.	The	water	purification	system	takes	in	water	from	the	Niger	River	and	purifies	it	removing	all	bacteria	
and	chemical	taste	through	a	filter	and	ultraviolet	light	disinfection	process.	Then	the	water	is	stored	in	a	tank	where	
citizens	can	have	access	to	it.	
	    This	will	benefit	Niger	by	impacting	the	environment	and	providing	clean	water	for	crops,	decreasing	the	
amount	of	people	suffering	from	waterborne	diseases,	allowing	women	and	children	more	time	in	the	day	without	
having	to	work	long	hours	to	get	water,	increasing	enrollment	in	schools	and	less	starvation.	Our	project	will	impact	
Niger	for	the	better	by	preventing	a	death,	and	saving	a	life.
Before Imperialism
About	600,000	years	ago,	humans	began	living	on	the	Sahara	desert	in	northern	Niger.	The	largest	groups	in	Niger	
are	the	Hausa.	The	Hausa	people	make	up	over	half	of	Niger’s	total	population.	The	Hausa	are	farmers	who	live	in	
the	southern	areas	of	the	country.		Other	groups	who	lived	in	Niger	are	the	Fulani,		Tuareg,	and	the	Djerma-Songhai.	
Islam	culture	is	widely	influenced	and	practiced	by	the	Hausa,	Fulani,	and	Tuareg.	The	Hausa	states	were	dominant	in	
southern	Niger	from	the	early	10th	century	until	the	early	19th	century	when	Hausa	states	were	conquered	by	Fulani.	
Between	the	10th	and	18th	centuries,	West	African	empires,	such	as	the	Kanem-Borno,	Mali	and	Songhaï,	flourished	
here,	trading	salt,	gold	and	slaves.	Before	the	arrival	of	French	influence,	Niger	was	said	to	be	an	important	economic	
crossroad	and	many	empires	such	as	Gao,	Mali,	Songhai,	Kanem,	Bornu,	and	Hausa	states	had	claimed	control	over	
parts	of	the	area.	

During Imperialism
Around	the	19th	century,	European	explorers	such	as	the	British	and	Germans	explored	the	land	searching	for	the	
mouth	of	the	Niger	River.	The	first	European	to	enter	the	area	was	Scottish	explorer	Mungo	Park	in	1795	to	1805	and	
German	explorers	Heinrich	Barth	and	Eduard	Vogel	in	1850.The	French	took	possession	of	this	area	around	1890.	
In	the	1900s,	the	French	put	effort	into	establishing	peace	with	Niger.	In	1922,	Niger	became	a	French	colony.	The	
French	had	administered	a	limited	form	of	French	citizenship	of	territories	and	the	1946	French	constitution	limited	
participation	in	politics	and	provided	the	distribution	of	power	among	the	people.	The	French	had	removed	all	voting	
inequalities	which	took	away	the	people’s	rights	to	create	self	governments	in	individual	territories	such	as	education	
and	health.	French		promoted	the	growth	of	a	chief’s	power	and	enforced	Niger	to	shift	from	farming	to	cash	crops.	

On	October	4th,	1958	the	fifth	French	republic	allowed	limited	self	government.	On	December	4th,	elections	were	
held	to	see	if	Niger	would	remain	in	the	French	community.	Two	political	blocks	were	involved	in	the	election,	the	Ni-
geren	progressive	party	led	by	Hamani	Diori	and	the	other	block	led	by	Djibo	Bakary.	On	the	18th,	Niger	had	declared	
itself	a	republic	within	a	French	community.	Diori	was	announced	president	in	1958.

                                                                                                                           After Imperialism
                                                                                                                           In	1960,	Niger	became	independent	from	France.	For	14	years,	Niger	was	run	by	elected	
                                                                                                                           president,	Hamani	Diori.	Diori	was	said	to	have	established	one	of	the	most	stable	gov-
                                                                                                                           ernments	in	Africa	due	to	his	friendly	relationship	with	the	French.	Diori	was	able	to	stay	
                                                                                                                           in	power	through	the	1960s	and	early	1970.	However	turmoil	had	struck	Niger	as	severe	
                                                                                                                           droughts	occurred	from	1968	to	1974	which	resulted	in	civil	disorder	and	famine	condi-
                                                                                                                           tions.	That	same	year,	Diori	was	overthrown	by	the	army	led	by	leader	Kountche.	In	the	
                                                                                                                           late	1970’s	Niger’s	economy	had	grown	due	to	uranium	growth	in	markets.	A	few	years	
                                                                                                                           after	this	economic	growth,	Kountche	died,	leaving	Seybou,	an	army	chief	to	be	presi-
                                                                                                                           dent	of	Niger.	Around	the	1980s	uranium	prices	had	collapsed	and	a	drought	in	1983	
                                                                                                                           killed	thousands	of	people	in	Niger.	In	1991,	a	national	conference	was	held	to	prepare	
                                                                                                                           a	new	constitution.	A	new	constitution	was	adopted	into	Niger	in	December	of	1992.	

                                                                                                                           In	1993,	Niger	held	its	first	multiparty	election	where	Ousmane	Mahamane	was	elected	
                                                                                                                           president.	Ousmane	Mahamane	had	only	brought	corruption	to	Niger	so	Mahamane’s	
                                                                                                                           guards	assassinated	him	in	1999.	In	result,	Tandja	Mamadou	was	elected	president.		In	
                                                                                                                           2004,	Niger	had	a	major	locust	outbreak	and	drought	which	lead	to	a	severe	famine.	
                                                                                                                           3.6	million	Citizens	were	suffering	from	malnutrition	and	president	Tandja	claimed	the	
                                                                                                                           famine	to	be	propaganda	made	up	by	opposing	countries.	In	the	war	against	Iraq	and	
                                                                                                                           the	U.S,	Niger	was	said	to	be	helping	Saddam	Hussein	by	giving	him	uranium	for	his	
                                                                                                                           nuclear	weapons.	This	accusation	was	false.	President	Tandja	suspended	the	constitu-
                                                                                                                           tion	in	May	of	2009	and	planned	for	a	new	constitution.	Voters	endorsed	his	plans	
                                                                                                                           which	gave	Tandja	the	power	to	remain	in	office	for	3	more	years.
                                                                             1991-	National	conference	to	prepare	constitution

                                                                             1992-	New	constitution	adopted	into	Niger

                                                                             1993-	First	multi-party	election,	Ousmane	Mahamane	elected	president

                                                                             1996-	New	constitution	giving	increased	powers

                                                                             1999-	Ousmane	Mahamane	assassinated,	Mamadou	Tanja	elected	president

                                                                             1999-New	constitution	restoring	balance	between	executive	and	legislative

                                                                             2001-	Niger	bans	hunting	to	save	wildlife	population

                                                                             2003-	U.S	president	George	W.	Bush	claims	Iraq	acquired	uranium	from	Niger

                                                                             2004-	Major	locust	outbreak	and	drought	led	to	severe	famine

                                                                             2005-	Widespread	protest	over	tax	increase	of	up	to	20	percent	for	basic	goods

                                                                             2006-	Unions	call	national	strike	to	protest	against	high	cost	living

                                                                             2006-	Aid	agencies	warn	of	dwindling	supplies	of	food

1804-	Mungo	Park	(Scottish)	seek	source	of	Niger	River	                      2009-	President	Mamdou	Tanja	suspends	constitution

1850-	German	explorers	seek	source	of	Niger	River                            2009-	New	constitution	states	president	Tanja	rules	for	three	more	years

1890-	French	occupy	Niger	                                                   2010-	President	Tanja	ousted	in	a	coup,	senior	army	promises	to	return	Niger	to	a	democracy

1898-	French	signs	Niger	convention

1922-	Niger	becomes	a	French	Colony

1946-	French	constitution	limits	participation	in	politics

1950-	Niger	is	allowed	internal	self	agreement

1959-	Uranium	deposits	discovered

1960-	Niger	becomes	fully	independent	with	Hamani	Diori	as	first	president

1968-1973-	Severe	drought	devastates	Niger’s	livestock	and	crop	production

1930-	Niger’s	economy	grows	due	to	uranium	growth	in	markets

1974-	Hamani	Diori	overthrown	in	military	coup,	Kountche	takes	over

1980-	Uranium	prices	collapse

1983-	Drought	killed	thousands	of	people

1987-	Kountche	dies,	Seybou	assumes	presidency
Millenium Development Goals
Niger,	one	of	the	poorest	countries	in	the	world	has	been	struggling	economically	and	environmentally.	With	the	
help	of	the	Millennium	Development	Goals,	the	Nigerian	government	has	adopted	programs	and	projects	to	im-               Millenium Development Goals
prove	the	country.	Niger	has	made	the	most	progress	in	reducing	child	mortality.	Niger	has	adopted	the	Institutional	
                                                                                                                                                                                              Data                     Impact
Strengthening	and	Health	Sector	Support	Project		which	has	strengthened		public	health	programs	and	reduced	             4. Reducing Child Mortality
child	mortality.	Niger	has	made	the	least	progress	in	eradicating	extreme	poverty	and	hunger.	Niger	struggles	as	one	
of	the	poorest	countries	in	the	world,	but	they	have	adopted	the	poverty	reduction	strategy	to	improve	conditions	
                                                                                                                         A. Immunization against measles Children 12-23 months               (1990) 25%                Positive
of	the	people	and	help	this	goal	be	achieved.	This	strategy	focuses	on	the	development	of	rural	areas	and	improving	
                                                                                                                                                                                             (1995) 40%
access	for	the	poor	to	social	services	such	as	schools,	hospitals,	offices,	and	more.	Although	Niger	has	struggled	to	
                                                                                                                                                                                             (2007) 83%
improve	throughout	the	years,	Niger	continues	to	implement	projects	and	plans	to	benefit	the	country	and	achieve	
the	Millennium	Development	Goals.                                                                                        B. Mortality rate of children under the age of 5 (per 1,000)        (1990) 304                Positive
                                                                                                                                                                                             (2000) 230
                                                                                                                                                                                             (2007) 176
                                                                                                                         Progess being made: Nigeran Goverment has adopted Institutional Strengthening and Health Sector Support
Millenium Development Goals                                              Data                      Impact                Project to strengthen major public health programs (Reproductive health, Malaria, nutrition, etc.)
1. Eradicating Extreme Poverty and Hunger
                                                                                                                         5. Improving Maternal Health
A. Population below $1.25 a day                                         (1995) 78%                 Positive
                                                                        (2007) 66%                                       A. Morality rate per 100,000 livebirths                             (2007) 1,800              Negative
B. Employment to Population Ratio Ages 15-24                            (2007) 51%                 Neutral               B. Adolescent birth rate per 1,000 women ages 15-19                 (2000) 218                Positive
C. Prevalence of Malnutrition, Children under 5 years old               (2000) 43.6%               Positive                                                                                  (2007) 157
                                                                        (2007) 39.9%                                     C. Births attended by skilled health staff                          (2000) 16%                Positive
Progess being made: Nigeran Goverment has adopted the poverty reduction strategy to improve conditions                                                                                       (2007) 33%
of the people.                                                                                                           Progess being made: Nigeran Goverment has adopted Institutional Strengthening and Health Sector Support
                                                                                                                         Project to improve essential drugs and medical supplies.
2. Achieving Universal Primary Education
                                                                                                                         6. Combating Disease
A. Literacy rate of females ages 15-24                                  (2007) 23%                 Negative
B. Literacy rate of males ages 15-24                                    (2007) 52%                 Negative              A. Prevalance of HIV both male and female                           (1990) 0.1%               Negative
                                                                                                                                                                                             (2007) 0.8%
C. Primary Completion rate                                              (1990) 16%                 Positive
                                                                        (2000) 18%                                       B. Incidence of tubercalosis (per 100,00 people)                    (1990) 125                Negative
                                                                        (2007) 40%                                                                                                           (2007) 174
Progess being made: Nigeran Goverment has adopted Basic Education Project to increase enrollment and                     Progess being made: Nigeran Goverment has adopted Multi-Sector STI/HIV/AIDS Support Project to slow the
completion in basic education programs.                                                                                  spread, expand support, and care for infected.

3. Promoting Gender Equalitity                                                                                           7. Ensuring Environmental Sustainability

A. Ratio of females to males                                            (2007) 71%                 Positive              A. Access to an improved water source                               (2006) 42%                Negative
in primary and secondary                                                                                                 B. Improved sanitation facilities                                   (1990) 3%                 Negative
education                                                                                                                                                                                    (1995) 5%
B. Ratio of females to males primary enrollment                         (1990) 61%                 Positive                                                                                  (2007) 7%
                                                                        (2000) 69%                                       C. CO2 emissions( metric tons)                                      (2005) 0.1                Positive
                                                                        (2007) 75%                                       Progess being made: Nigeran Goverment has adopted The Community Action Program Project for the mul-
C. Ratio of females to males secondary enrollment                       (2007) 61%                 Neutral               tiple global environmental benefits such as reduction of vulnerability to climate change and conservation of
                                                                                                                         biodiversity and agro-biodiversity.
No current progress is being made to reach the goal of gender equality.
Since	gaining	independence	in	1960,	citizens	of	Niger	have	had	few	political	rights.	In	
HUMAN RIGHTS   Niger,	there	are	many	predicaments	with	human	rights	such	as	women’s	issues,	civil	
               liberties,	and	children’s	issues.	A	major	problem	for	women	in	Niger	is	the	growing	
               population	of	woman	having	to	undergo	the	procedure	of	FGM,	which	is	removing	
               parts	of	the	female	genitalia	and	sewing	it	closed.		Domestic	violence	and	social	dis-
               crimination	against	women	continue	to	be	a	serious	problem.	Another	issue	in	Niger	
               is	child	labor	and	prostitution.	Child	prostitution	occurs	often	in	Niger	due	to	poverty	
               and	the	desire	for	money	or	goods.	Civil	liberties	and	rights	put	citizens	of	Niger	under	
               governmental	control	and	has	taken	away	some	of	their	natural	rights.	

               Children’s Issues
               A	serious	human	rights	issue	in	Niger	is	child	prostitution.	The	main	reason	for	this	
               issue	is	poverty	and	the	desire	for	money	or	goods.	According	to	statistics,	approxi-
               mately	60%	of	the	population	in	Niger	lives	off	a	dollar	or	less	a	day.	The	children	
               undergoing	prostitution	are	in	between	the	ages	seven	and	fourteen	and	are	mostly	
               from	poor	families.	In	Niger,	65%	of	children,	ages	five	to	fourteen	are	involved	in	child	
               labor.	Children	are	forced	to	work	in	different	fields	of	labor	such	as	domestic	services,	
               prostitution	and	commercial	labor.	The	children	shine	shoes,	work	as	merchants,	guard	
               cars,	and	work	as	street	beggars.	Niger	has	also	been	said	to	be	a	main	source	of	traf-
               ficking	where	children	are	sold	to	other	countries	for	slavery,	sexual	abuse,	and	forced	
               labor.	Children	are	often	forced	to	work	rather	than	attend	school	especially	during	
               planting	seasons.	Statistics	show	only	34%	of	children	are	enrolled	in	primary	school	
               and	71%	of	the	children	were	only	able	to	reach	grade	5.	Children	who	have	suffered	
               child	labor	have	lived	with	severe	poverty,	discrimination,	the	lack	of	protection,	social	
               exclusion,	and	educational	opportunities.	

               Woman’s Issues
               A	major	human	rights	issue	for	women	is	violence.	Violence	against	women	is	com-
               mon	especially	within	couples.	70%	of	women	in	Niger	suffer	from	daily	beatings	and	
               rape	from	their	husbands,	fathers,	or	brothers.	Women	do	have	the	right	to	report	
               physical	abuse	and	violence	to	official	courts	but	very	little	do	because	their	fear	of	
               being	a	disgrace	to	society.		Another	issue	for	women	is	FGM,	which	stands	for	Female	
               Genital	Mutilation.	Female	Genital	Mutilation	is	the	process	of	removing	all	or	part	of	
               the	clitoris.	This	procedure	was	kept	hidden	until	1987.	This	procedure	kept	females	
               from	having	sexual	intercourse	and	caused	women	to	stay	a	virgin	until	marriage.		Af-
               ter	the	procedure	was	done,	the	vagina	only	consisted	of	two	small	openings	for	urine	
               and	the	menstrual	cycle.	Reports	show	that	only	about	2.2%	of	females	between	the	
               ages	of	fifteen	and	forty	nine	have	had	this	procedure	done	since	2006	compared	to	
               5.8%	in	1998.	Most	women	in	Niger	do	not	work	although	they	have	the	right	to	work;	
               only	fewer	than	7%	of	women	do.	Most	women	do	not	work	because	of	their	health	
               and	the	need	to	care	for	their	children.	Women	who	worked	would	help	in	farming,	
               childcare	and	water	gathering.

               Civil Liberties
               Lastly,	another	human	rights	issue	is	civil	liberties.	Although	citizens	have	some	rights	
               they	are	still	under	governmental	control.	The	government	allows	women	the	right	to	
               buy	and	sell	land,	but	most	women	don’t	have	access	to	any	land.	Most	of	the	land	in	
               Niger	is	dry	and	desert,	so	the	good	fertile	land	that’s	left	is	usually	owned	by	the	men.	
               Niger	allows	freedom	of	religion.	The	most	dominant	religion	in	Niger	is	Islam.	Niger	
               citizens	have	freedom	of	assembly	according	to	their	constitution	of	1999,	but	the	
               government	places	restrictions	on	gatherings	involving	politics.	Niger	opposes	free-
               dom	of	press	and	the	government	has	tried	to	constrain	it,	but	throughout	the	years	
               newspapers	and	the	radio	have	prospered.	Radio	has	become	an	important	public	
Many	countries	in	Africa	deal	with	environmental	issues,	but	one	country	in	particular	is	suffering	from	severe	
damage	to	its	environment.	In	the	country	of	Niger,	there	are	many	environmental	issues	occurring.	Most	
of	these	issues	are	due	to	Niger	being	dependent	on	farming	as	the	backbone	of	their	economy.	As	Niger’s	
population	increases,	forest	lands	have	been	decreasing.	Statistics	indicate	between	the	years	of	1990	and	2005,	
Niger	has	lost	almost	half	of	its	forest.	Niger	is	currently	suffering	from	overgrazing,	soil	erosion,	deforestation,	
desertification,	and	threats	to	its	wildlife	populations.	Overgrazing	is	where	plants	are	fed	upon	by	animals	for	a	
long	period	of	time	without	a	time	of	pause	to	re-grow,	mainly	caused	by	too	many	animals	in	a	small	area.	Soil	
erosion	is	the	washing	away	or	removal	of	soil	by	the	flow	of	water	or	strong	winds.	Deforestation	is	the	process	
of	clearing	or	removing	forest	lands	for	farming	purposes	and	desertification	is	the	change	from	habitable	land	
to	dry	desert	lands	caused	by	severe	climate	change.
                                                                                                                          ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS

                                                                                                                         Causes of Environmental Issues
                                                                                                                         In	Niger,	forested	lands	are	suffering	from	desertification	and	soil	erosion.	Desertification	is	40-60%	caused	by	human	
                                                                                                                         activities	such	as	abuse	to	land	by	cultivation	or	urbanization,	severe	droughts	or	rainfall,	and	overgrazing.	Soil	erosion	
                                                                                                                         is	mainly	caused	by	strong	winds	during	dry	winter	seasons	in	Niger.	These	strong	winds,	called	Harmattan	also	con-
                                                                                                                         tribute	to	the	cause	of	desertification	and	overgrazed	land.	One	of	Niger’s	biggest	environmental	issues	is	Deforesta-
                                                                                                                         tion.	The	average	annual	deforestation	rate	is	3.17%.	Between	the	years	of	1990	and	2005,	Niger	has	lost	34.9%	of	its	
                                                                                                                         forestlands	due	to	deforestation.		Deforestation	is	becoming	a	huge	problem	for	Niger	because	it	is	caused	by	human	
                                                                                                                         activities	such	as	the	need	for	land	to	farm,	and	as	the	population	growth	in	Niger	increases,	the	deforestation	also	
                                                                                                                         increases	and	destroys	the	forests	and	trees.	As	the	population	growth	continues	to	increase,	the	demands	for	forest	
                                                                                                                         goods	and	food	also	increases	causing	farmers	to	remove	more	forest	land.	Deforestation	is	also	a	huge	cause	of	
                                                                                                                         desertification	because	clearing	Niger’s	forestlands	leaves	more	dry	deserted	lands.			

                                                                                                                         Species of Animals and Plants
                                                                                                                         Niger	has	a	population	of	684	species	of	animals,	approximately	40	of	them	being	endangered.	There	are	131	mam-
                                                                                                                         mals,	493	birds,	and	58	reptiles.	There	are	also	1,460	different	types	of	plants.	In	Niger	there	are	many	endangered	
                                                                                                                         species	such	as	the	addax,	dama	gazelle,	slender	horned	gazelle,	and	wild	dogs	but	the	most	endangered	species	are	
                                                                                                                         the	Niger	giraffes.	Due	to	severe	droughts,	habitat	loss,	farmland	conversions,	food	scarcity,	and	hunting,	giraffe	popu-
                                                                                                                         lations	in	Niger	have	dramatically	declined.	Ten	years	ago,	giraffes	had	a	population	of	140,000	but	it	has	dramatically	
                                                                                                                         decreased	to	100,000	due	to	poaching	and	desertification.	According	to	statistics	today,	it	is	said	that	giraffes	are	mak-
                                                                                                                         ing	a	comeback	and	populations	have	been	expanding	12%	each	year.	

                                                                                                                         Water Quality in Niger
                                                                                                                         Death	rates	are	increasing	in	Niger	due	to	poor	hygiene	and	sanitation.	In	Niger,	having	access	to	safe	drinking	water	
                                                                                                                         is	nearly	impossible.	Less	than	45%	of	Niger’s	population	has	access	to	a	clean	water	source.	Every	day,	women	and	
                                                                                                                         children	struggle	to	find	clean	water	for	their	families	to	drink.	When	women	or	children	do	have	access	to	a	wa-
                                                                                                                         ter	source	such	as	ponds	or	lakes,	the	water	is	often	contaminated	and	contain	waterborne	diseases.	Waterborne	
                                                                                                                         diseases	have	killed	over	20%	of	children	below	the	age	of	five.	Since	1970,	Niger	has	experienced	severe	droughts	
                                                                                                                         that	have	affected	water	resources.	The	Niger	River,	which	is	the	main	water	source	for	the	people	has	been	greatly	
                                                                                                                         affected	by	the	severe	droughts	causing	the	annual	inflow	to	decrease	by	30%	since	1970.

The	country	of	Niger	is	known	as	one	of	the	poorest	countries	in	the	world	with	more	than	half	of	its	population	living	under	a	dollar	a	
day.	Niger	suffers	from	issues	regarding	the	environment,	women’s	rights,	children’s	rights,	education,	and	diseases.	All	of	these	issues	
are	caused	and	perpetuated	by	the	extremely	high	poverty	occurring	in	Niger.	Poverty	has	severely	destroyed	Niger’s	environment.	
Niger	suffers	from	deforestation	due	to	farmers	needing	land	to	harvest	food	which	has	left	over	half	of	the	country	as	wasteland.	Due	
to	the	environmental	issues	Niger	experiences,	a	clean	water	source	is	very	difficult	to	find.	The	water	in	Niger	is	usually	contaminated	
and	has	caused	diseases	which	led	to	many	deaths	of	children.	Poverty	has	highly	affected	both	women	and	children.	Women	are	un-
able	to	go	to	school	due	to	the	need	to	care	for	their	children	and	social	discrimination.	A	serious	issue	due	to	poverty	and	the	desire	for	   Poverty effects on Children
money	or	goods	is	child	prostitution	and	child	labor.	These	two	issues	have	also	limited	children’s	opportunities	in	education.		People	of	     Due	to	poverty,	children	have	suffered	in	order	to	get	money.	Child	trafficking	and	prostitution	is	common	in	Niger.	Children	have	also	
Niger	have	little	access	to	schools	and	a	shortage	of	teachers.	All	of	these	severe	issues	are	caused	by	poverty	and	continue	to	increase	      undergone	other	types	of	child	labor	such	as	shining	shoes,	guarding	cars,	and	working	as	street	beggars.	Children	are	also	forced	to	
because	of	the	cycle	of	people	being	malnourished,	making	people	less	productive	and	the	economy	continuing	to	decrease.	In	order	              work	in	commercial	labor,	prostitution,	and	domestic	services.	Poverty	has	driven	children	to	be	physically	and	emotionally	beaten.	
to	help	Niger	become	a	better	community,	Niger	needs	to	increase	financially	to	create	a	stable	environment	for	all	citizens.	If	poverty	       Children	are	often	forced	to	work	rather	than	attend	school,	so	most	children	are	not	educated.	If	Niger’s	economy	grew,	children	could	
levels	decrease,	all	of	these	issues	become	less	severe	and	help	the	community	as	a	whole	to	live	in	a	better,	more	stable	environment.         leave	this	lifestyle	and	go	back	to	school	to	educate	themselves.	This	could	increase	the	enrollment	in	schools	and	completion	rates.

Poverty effects on Women                                                                                                                        Poverty effects on education
63%	of	Niger’s	population	lives	below	the	poverty	level,	with	women	being	two-thirds	of	this	population.	Due	to	the	severe	poverty	in	          Education	in	Niger	is	very	poor.	Niger	is	said	to	have	one	of	the	lowest	literacy	rates	in	the	world.	Most	women	and	children	are	not	
Niger,	women	are	unable	to	go	to	school	because	of	the	social	discrimination	occurring.	According	to	statistics,	men	are	more	likely	to	        being	educated	due	to	the	effects	of	poverty.	Most	citizens	who	complete	school	are	men.	Niger	citizens	have	poor	access	to	schools	
complete	their	education	than	women	because	women	get	married	at	the	early	age	of	15	and	need	to	care	for	their	children.	Only	15%	             and	a	shortage	of	teachers	due	to	lack	of	money.	Statistics	shows	only	29%	of	primary	school-age	children	obtain	an	education.	Many	
of	women	are	able	to	read	and	write	compared	to	43%	of	men.	Poverty	has	caused	women	to	contract	diseases	such	as	HIV	and	AIDS	                 children	and	women	do	not	attend	school	because	they	are	suffering	from	diseases	their	body	can’t	fight	off	which	makes	them	very	
due	to	unsanitized	tools	used	in	the	procedure	of	female	genital	mutilation.	Most	women	are	malnourished	and	have	suffered	from	wa-             weak.	If	Niger’s	economy	grew	there	could	possibly	be	better	supplies,	a	better	school	environment,	and	more	teachers	teaching.	More	
terborne	diseases.	If	Niger’s	economy	grew,	women	could	finally	attend	schools	and	have	an	education	and	the	population	of	women	               citizens	would	be	educated	about	their	rights	and	possibly	help	the	country	by	using	their	knowledge.
battling	diseases	could	decrease	rapidly	leading	to	less	deaths.
                                                                                                                                                Poverty effects on diseases
Poverty effects on the Environment                                                                                                              In	Niger,	there	are	many	diseases	that	are	killing	people	every	day.		In	2006,	there	were	said	to	be	614	cases	of	meningococcal	disease	
Niger’s	environment	suffers	from	many	severe	problems	such	as	overgrazing,	soil	erosion,	deforestation,	and	desertification.	Most	of	           and	44	deaths.	In	Niger,	meningococcal	was	caused	by	dusty	weather	conditions,	close	contact	with	people,	and	the	lack	of	sanitation.		
these	problems	are	caused	by	human	activities	such	as	farming	and	abuses	to	land	by	cultivation	and	urbanization.	Between	the	years	            Almost	a	quarter	of	Niger	citizens	suffer	from	the	disease,	bilharzias.	Bilharzias	are	caused	by	bathing	in	water	contaminated	with	urine.	
of	1990	and	2005,	Niger	has	lost	34.9%	of	its	forest	cover.	Due	to	poverty,	farmers	have	been	clearing	forest	land	in	order	to	harvest	         13.4	million	people	in	Niger	suffer	from	schistosomiasis,	a	parasitic	skin	infection.	This	disease	was	caused	by	poor	sanitation,	housing,	
goods	to	sell.	More	than	half	of		Niger	is	wasteland	because	of	the	dry	deserted	area	that	had	been	cleared	away.	Droughts	and	severe	          and	water	supply.	The	risk	of	being	infected	by	a	disease	in	Niger	is	very	high	since	most	diseases	are	spreadable	through	contact.	There	
climate	change	have	also	caused	these	lands	to	dry	up.	Most	of	Niger’s	population	lives	in	Southern	Niger	because	it	has	few	trees,	a	          is	a	high	population	of	malnourishment	in	Niger.	When	the	body	is	malnourished,	it	can’t	fight	diseases,	which	make	the	body	sicker	
marketplace,	and	a	river.	This	population	growth	in	the	capital	of	Niamey	has	caused	more	deforestation	to	occur	slowly	turning	the	            and	less	productive.	This	is	the	main	reason	children	or	women	don’t	go	to	school	or	work,	because	their	body	is	too	exhausted	and	
economy	worse	than	it	had	been.	If	the	economy	grew,	Niger’s	environment	could	make	a	drastic	recovery.	Forest	cover	and	planta-                weak	from	diseases.	Hospitals	in	Niger	are	not	very	effective	at	treating	all	the	diseases.	Therefore,	if	the	economy	grows,	Niger	could	
tions	could	slowly	rise	again	and	food	production	could	increase	leaving	fewer	citizens	starving	and	malnourished.		Statistics	show	at	         build	a	hospital	with	professional	doctors	able	to	help	people	diagnosed	with	diseases.	This	could	help	prevent	diseases	from	spreading	
least	2.5	million	people	don’t	have	enough	to	eat	and	80,000	children	are	at	risk	of	becoming	severely	malnourished	in	Niger.	                  and	decrease	the	death	rate	in	Niger.
Due	to	the	severe	poverty	crisis	occurring	in	Niger,	im-
mediate	relief	is	needed.	One	main	issue	that	contributes	
to	this	conflict	is	the	lack	of	clean	water	in	Niger.	We	have	
proposed	a	plan	that	will	provide	immediate	relief	and	
long	term		positive	effects	to	help	Niger	recover	from	
the	severe	effects	poverty	has	caused.	In	order	to	help	
poverty,	we	have	created	a	plan	that	will	improve	the	            Where to begin
amount	of	clean	water	sources	and	availability	in	Niger.	         The	capital	of	Niger	is	Niamey,	located	south	near	the	Niger	River.	Most	of	Niger’s	population	lives	in	Niamey	or	
To	supply	immediate	relief,	we	will	go	to	every	village	          surrounding	villages	because	the	Niger	River	is	the	only	water	source	they	have	access	to.	Our	project	begins	here,	
and	give	as	many	citizens	a	life	straw,	which	will	allow	         where	we	will	give	out	life	straws	and	install	the	solar	powered	water	pumps	in	the	wells	of	the	villages.	Fellow	citi-
them	to	have	access	to	clean	water	wherever	a	water	              zens	living	in	Niamey	will	be	able	to	access	clean	water	without	having	to	walk	far	and	spending	3	hours	working	to	
source	is	found.	The	life	straw	is	a	portable	water	filter	       get	the	water.
that	will	last	approximately	a	year.	During	that	year	we	
will	also	be	installing	solar	powered	water	pumps	in	             The Life Straw
local	wells	to	allow	every	village	access	to	safe	drinking	       The	life	straw	is	a	portable	water	purification	tool	that	cleans	surface	water	so	it	is	safe	for	people	to	drink.	The	life	
water	for	many	years.	Although	villages	will	have	access	         straw	is	a	plastic	pipe	filter	that	removes	impurities,	chemicals,	and	bacteria	that	could	cause	waterborne	diseases.	In	
to	clean	water,	citizens	living	along	the	Niger	river	won’t.	     the	country	of	Niger,	many	people	need	to	travel	far	distances	to	find	a	clean	water	source.		By	providing	each	citizen	
We	will	then	install	a	water	purification	machine	along	          with	a	Life	straw,	people	could	easily	access	clean	water	wherever	they	go.	Niger	has	many	wells	filled	with	dirty	
the	Niger	River	that	takes	in	water	and	purifies	it	without	      contaminated	water;	by	using	the	life	straw	citizens	could	easily	drink	from	wells	close	to	the	village	or	drink	from	the	
using	electricity,	which	will	help	people	living	along	the	       biggest	water	source,	the	Niger	river.	The	life	straw	is	a	simple	device	that	anyone	could	use,	every	day.	It	is	low	cost	
river	who	don’t	have	access	to	village	wells.	The	creation	       and	research	shows	it	cleans	99.999%	of	waterborne	bacteria	and	98%	of	waterborne	viruses.	Providing	citizens	with	
of	these	projects	will	benefit	all	of	Niger’s	citizens	by	pro-    a	life	straw	will	supply	immediate	relief	and	access	to	clean	drinking	water.	The	life	straw	will	support	Niger	citizens	
viding	cleaner	water	to	save	time,	labor,	health,	and	the	        for	about	a	year	while	the	construction	of	solar	powered	water	pumps	are	being	made,	giving	them	more	access	to	
environment.	Many	villages	in	Niger	do	not	have	access	           water.	
to	a	clean	water	source	which	has	caused	many	water-
borne	diseases	and	deaths	at	a	young	age.	Children,	who	
                                                                  Solar powered water pumps
fetch	water	for	their	families	must	travel	far	to	local	wells,	
                                                                  Solar	powered	water	pumps	are	used	for	pumping	water	for	drinking	water,	livestock,	crop	irrigation	and	water	sup-
and	this	has	caused	children	to	work	more	than	they	go	
                                                                  ply.	The	goal	of	this	project	is	to	ensure	that	Niger	families	are	able	to	access	clean	water	without	having	to	walk	long	
to	school.	Many	children	are	not	able	to	go	to	school	
                                                                  distances	or	working	3	hours	in	order	to	get	water	from	the	well	manually.	By	installing	solar	powered	water	pumps,	
because	they	are	either	too	sick	from	the	contaminated	
                                                                  Niger	wells	will	automatically	pump	clean	water	from	the	bottom	of	the	wells	up	to	the	top	in	order	for	women	and	
water	or	too	busy	spending	hours	fetching	water	for	
                                                                  children	to	easily	scoop	out	the	amount	of	water	they	need.	This	water	pump	is	solar	powered,	it	works	using	energy	
their	families.		Due	to	the	lack	of	water	for	farming,	
                                                                  from	the	sun.	Niger	weather	consists	of	sun	and	clouds	daily	which	will	allow	these	water	pumps	to	work.	There	are	
Niger’s	environment	has	been	from	suffering	deforesta-
                                                                  not	many	wells	in	the	villages	of	Niger	we	will	build	more	in	surrounding	villages	to	ensure	that	the	whole	communi-
tion,	overgrazing,	desertification,	and	soil	erosion.
                                                                  ty	will	be	benefitted.	By	digging	boreholes	we	will	be	able	to	create	more	wells.	Installing	these	solar	powered	water	
                                                                  pumps	into	village	wells	will	supply	immediate	relief	to	Niger	civilians	by	providing	clean	water	in	every	village	pos-
                                                                  sible	and	to	every	family	possible.	This	project	will	be	put	into	action	by	providing	Niger	with	the	solar	water	pumps,	
                                                                  which	are	easy	to	install	and	use.	We	will	install	solar	powered	water	pumps	into	villages	to	support	an	estimated	
                                                                  population	of	774	thousand	citizens	living	in	Niamey.		

                                                                  Water Purification Machine
                                                                  The	solar	powered	water	pumps	will	give	villagers	access	to	clean	water,	but	people	living	along	the	Niger	river	won’t	
                                                                  benefit	as	much.	By	installing	water	purification	machines	such	as	the	Villager,	near	the	Niger	River,	more	people	can	
                                                                  have	access	to	clean	water.	The	water	purification	machine	is	put	near	a	water	source,	where	it	then	sucks	up	the	
                                                                  water	and	runs	it	through	a	filter	and	ultraviolet	light	disinfection	process.	The	carbon	block	filtration	removes	dirty	
                                                                  tastes	and	odors,	so	the	water	could	be	clean	and	safe	to	drink.	Then		the	water	is	transported	back		into	a	tank	that	
                                                                  people	can	get	water	from.	The	water	purification	machine	is	a	simple	filtration	machine	powered	by	a	solar	panel.	It	
                                                                  is	able	to	pump	water	12	gallons	a	minute	which	can	provide	for	families	and	farming.	Several	will	be	set	up	along	the	
                                                                  Niger	River	to	support	the	population	of	approximately	three	million	people	who	use	the	Niger	River	as	their	water	

By	providing	every	citizen	with	a	life	straw,	installing	solar	powered	water	pumps	into	village	wells	and	placing	water	
purification	machines	near	the	Niger	River,	our	group	will	impact	the	daily	lives	of	Niger	citizens	by	providing	Niger	         Positives                                             Negatives
with	clean	accessible	water.	This	will	benefit	the	environment	by	increasing	crop	plantations	and	farming	by	provid-
ing	clean	water	for	good	fertile	land	and	plants	to	grow.	During	rainy	seasons,	plantation	in	Niger	increases,	but	Niger	
is	suffering	severe	droughts	which	have	effected	plant	growth.	The	conditions	of	the	land	is	very	dry,	but	providing	
                                                                                                                                •Villagers	can	access	clean	water	easily.             •The	filter	could	fail	adding	to	the	diseases	instead	of	reduc-
clean	water	will	result	in	more	moisture	in	the	land	for	plantations	to	grow,	increasing	forest	cover	in	Niger.	Women	                                                                ing	them
                                                                                                                                •Impacts	environment	by	providing	clean	water	for	
and	children	will	no	longer	have	to	travel	far	to	gather	water	for	their	families.	This	will	save	time	and	work	for	the	citi-
                                                                                                                                crops                                                 •The	filters	will	have	some	sort	of	build	up	and	it	could	pile	
zens	of	Niger	and	give	them	more	time	for	education	and	jobs,	increasing	annual	income	and	enrollment	in	schools.	
Having	cleaner	water	will	decrease	the	population	of	citizens	suffering	waterborne	diseases	ultimately	leading	to	a	                                                                  up	without	proper	cleaning	on	a	regular	basis.
                                                                                                                                •Less	water	borne	diseases
decrease	in	the	death	rate.	Our	projects	will	help	purify	the	water	so	there	will	be	less	people	suffering	from	diseases	
and	less	people	dying	because	of	them.	                                                                                                                                               •	Life	straws	can	increase	consumption	of	contaminated	
                                                                                                                                •Women	and	children	spend	less	time	gathering	        water	if	filters	are	not	strong	enough	to	remove	bacteria	and	
                                                                                                                                water	for	their	families	and	will	have	more	produc-   diseases.	
Although	there	are	many	positive	impacts	our	projects	have	on	the	country	of	Niger,	there	are	negative	ones	as	well.		
                                                                                                                                tive	time	for	school
Some	of	the	negative	impacts	our	projects	can	result	in	are	dirt	build	up.	If	our	pumps,	pipes	or	filters	are	not	cleaned	
on	a	regular	basis,	dirt	will	build	up	in	them	and	possibly	contaminate	the	water	making	it	not	useable.	Also,	if	by	
mistake,	the	filters,	pipes	or	pumps	are	not	put	together	correctly,	they	could	fail	later	on	and	stop	cleaning	the	water	
which	could	lead	to	more	water	borne	diseases.	People	could	think	the	water	is	clean	and	drink	more	often,	giving	
them	a	higher	risk	of	disease.	We	will	make	sure	to	use	the	best,	most	durable	pipes,	pumps	and	filters	so	this	doesn’t	
happen,	and	we	will	make	sure	we	maintain	everything	clean	so	nothing	goes	wrong.

                         Short Term: The Life Straw

                         August	2010:	
                         -Present	our	plan	with	organization	members	and	discuss	its	benefits.
                         -Meeting	with	organization	members	to	discuss	the	amount	of	Life	Straws	we	need	and	purchase	them.

                         September	2010:	
                         -Begin	visiting	villages	and	educating	people	on	the	purpose	of	the	Life	Straw	and	how	to	use	it	properly.
                         -Distribute	Life	Straws	to	every	citizen	of	Niger

                         Long Term: Solar Power Water Pumps

                         September	2010:
                         -Meeting	with	organization	members	to	discuss	the	locations	of	villages	in	need	of	wells	and	placement	of	water	
                         -Purchase	all	the	needed	materials;	solar	pumps,	solar	panels,	piping	and	water	tanks.

                         October	2010:
                         -Install	solar	panels	and	attach	them	to	pumps	through	piping	underground.

                         January	2011:
                         -Install	filtration	systems	into	water	tanks	located	underground	in	pipes.

                         March	2011:
                         -	Test	water	supply	and	purification	results.
                         -	Once	tested	clean,	allow	citizens	access	to	wells.
                         -	Collect	data	on	effectiveness	of	having	solar	powered	water	pumps

                         June	2011:
                         -Build	more	wells	in	villages	in	need.

                         Long Term: The Water Purification Machine

                         June	2011
                         -	Meeting	with	organization	members	to	discuss	the	placement	of	the	machine	and	purchase.

                         July	2011
                         -	Place	water	purification	machines	near	Niger	River,	one	every	10	miles.
                         -	Test	out	for	effective	results	of	purification	of	the	Niger	River.

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Niger Country Plan

  • 1. preventing a death and saving a life..
  • 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Niger, the 6th poorest country in the world has a population of approximately 15 million people. More than half of the total population is living under a dollar a day. Niamey, the capital of Niger located near the Niger River has a population of about 774,915 thousand people. The Niger River is the major source of water for over 3 million people in Niger. Niger does not have access to many clean water sources resulting in citizens consuming polluted water con- taining bacteria and diseases. Niger mostly consists of wasteland due to environmental issues such as deforestation, desertification, soil erosion, and overgrazing. Many of these problems are due to the lack of water for plantations. Ni- ger lost over half of its forest due to the ongoing droughts. A huge amount of Niger’s population is severely malnour- ished, statistics show at least 2.5 million people living in Niger don’t have enough to eat and 44% of children under five are severely malnourished. This issue has increased poverty levels because without citizens being healthy, there is less productivity in school and work. As of 2007, 45% of Niger’s citizens are enrolled in school, but only 40% are able to complete it. The population of men finishing school is much higher than the female completion rate because women often don’t have time for school because they fetch water and care for their children. Since poverty is such a big issue in Niger, children have gone through child prostitution and labor. Children are raped and forced to work in order to receive money for their families. All of these severe issues are caused by the extreme poverty in Niger. In order to help Niger improve and become a better, stable community, our organization has implemented a plan to help Niger rise from poverty. In order to address this problem, our organization has targeted one main cause of poverty in Niger, which is its water sources. Niger’s unclean and inaccessible water has caused many people in Niger to become unhealthy, which ultimately leads to unproductivity and decreased enrollment in school. Our goal is to clean Niger’s water and give more citizens access to water to improve their health and well being. We will be handing out life straws to people in Niger, installing solar powered water pumps into village wells, and creating water purification systems along the Niger River. Life Straws are portable water filters that remove impurities, bacteria, and chemicals making dirty water safe to drink which will supply immediate relief to help Niger. We will also be installing solar powered water pumps into village wells. Niger consists of many wells throughout villages but most wells are contaminated with diseases. By installing these solar powered pumps the water will be cleaned daily using energy from the sun allowing safe consumption for families living in villages in Niamey. Lastly, we will create water purifica- tion systems along the Niger River. Since about 3 million people use the Niger River as their water source, we will place water purification systems along the Niger river every 10 miles apart to allow a majority of the people access to clean water. The water purification system takes in water from the Niger River and purifies it removing all bacteria and chemical taste through a filter and ultraviolet light disinfection process. Then the water is stored in a tank where citizens can have access to it. This will benefit Niger by impacting the environment and providing clean water for crops, decreasing the amount of people suffering from waterborne diseases, allowing women and children more time in the day without having to work long hours to get water, increasing enrollment in schools and less starvation. Our project will impact Niger for the better by preventing a death, and saving a life.
  • 3. THE HISTORY Before Imperialism About 600,000 years ago, humans began living on the Sahara desert in northern Niger. The largest groups in Niger are the Hausa. The Hausa people make up over half of Niger’s total population. The Hausa are farmers who live in the southern areas of the country. Other groups who lived in Niger are the Fulani, Tuareg, and the Djerma-Songhai. Islam culture is widely influenced and practiced by the Hausa, Fulani, and Tuareg. The Hausa states were dominant in southern Niger from the early 10th century until the early 19th century when Hausa states were conquered by Fulani. Between the 10th and 18th centuries, West African empires, such as the Kanem-Borno, Mali and Songhaï, flourished here, trading salt, gold and slaves. Before the arrival of French influence, Niger was said to be an important economic crossroad and many empires such as Gao, Mali, Songhai, Kanem, Bornu, and Hausa states had claimed control over parts of the area. During Imperialism Around the 19th century, European explorers such as the British and Germans explored the land searching for the mouth of the Niger River. The first European to enter the area was Scottish explorer Mungo Park in 1795 to 1805 and German explorers Heinrich Barth and Eduard Vogel in 1850.The French took possession of this area around 1890. In the 1900s, the French put effort into establishing peace with Niger. In 1922, Niger became a French colony. The French had administered a limited form of French citizenship of territories and the 1946 French constitution limited participation in politics and provided the distribution of power among the people. The French had removed all voting inequalities which took away the people’s rights to create self governments in individual territories such as education and health. French promoted the growth of a chief’s power and enforced Niger to shift from farming to cash crops. On October 4th, 1958 the fifth French republic allowed limited self government. On December 4th, elections were held to see if Niger would remain in the French community. Two political blocks were involved in the election, the Ni- geren progressive party led by Hamani Diori and the other block led by Djibo Bakary. On the 18th, Niger had declared itself a republic within a French community. Diori was announced president in 1958. After Imperialism In 1960, Niger became independent from France. For 14 years, Niger was run by elected president, Hamani Diori. Diori was said to have established one of the most stable gov- ernments in Africa due to his friendly relationship with the French. Diori was able to stay in power through the 1960s and early 1970. However turmoil had struck Niger as severe droughts occurred from 1968 to 1974 which resulted in civil disorder and famine condi- tions. That same year, Diori was overthrown by the army led by leader Kountche. In the late 1970’s Niger’s economy had grown due to uranium growth in markets. A few years after this economic growth, Kountche died, leaving Seybou, an army chief to be presi- dent of Niger. Around the 1980s uranium prices had collapsed and a drought in 1983 killed thousands of people in Niger. In 1991, a national conference was held to prepare a new constitution. A new constitution was adopted into Niger in December of 1992. In 1993, Niger held its first multiparty election where Ousmane Mahamane was elected president. Ousmane Mahamane had only brought corruption to Niger so Mahamane’s guards assassinated him in 1999. In result, Tandja Mamadou was elected president. In 2004, Niger had a major locust outbreak and drought which lead to a severe famine. 3.6 million Citizens were suffering from malnutrition and president Tandja claimed the famine to be propaganda made up by opposing countries. In the war against Iraq and the U.S, Niger was said to be helping Saddam Hussein by giving him uranium for his nuclear weapons. This accusation was false. President Tandja suspended the constitu- tion in May of 2009 and planned for a new constitution. Voters endorsed his plans which gave Tandja the power to remain in office for 3 more years.
  • 4. TIMELINE 1991- National conference to prepare constitution 1992- New constitution adopted into Niger 1993- First multi-party election, Ousmane Mahamane elected president 1996- New constitution giving increased powers 1999- Ousmane Mahamane assassinated, Mamadou Tanja elected president 1999-New constitution restoring balance between executive and legislative branch. 2001- Niger bans hunting to save wildlife population 2003- U.S president George W. Bush claims Iraq acquired uranium from Niger 2004- Major locust outbreak and drought led to severe famine 2005- Widespread protest over tax increase of up to 20 percent for basic goods 2006- Unions call national strike to protest against high cost living 2006- Aid agencies warn of dwindling supplies of food 1804- Mungo Park (Scottish) seek source of Niger River 2009- President Mamdou Tanja suspends constitution 1850- German explorers seek source of Niger River 2009- New constitution states president Tanja rules for three more years 1890- French occupy Niger 2010- President Tanja ousted in a coup, senior army promises to return Niger to a democracy 1898- French signs Niger convention 1922- Niger becomes a French Colony 1946- French constitution limits participation in politics 1950- Niger is allowed internal self agreement 1959- Uranium deposits discovered 1960- Niger becomes fully independent with Hamani Diori as first president 1968-1973- Severe drought devastates Niger’s livestock and crop production 1930- Niger’s economy grows due to uranium growth in markets 1974- Hamani Diori overthrown in military coup, Kountche takes over 1980- Uranium prices collapse 1983- Drought killed thousands of people 1987- Kountche dies, Seybou assumes presidency
  • 5. Millenium Development Goals Niger, one of the poorest countries in the world has been struggling economically and environmentally. With the help of the Millennium Development Goals, the Nigerian government has adopted programs and projects to im- Millenium Development Goals prove the country. Niger has made the most progress in reducing child mortality. Niger has adopted the Institutional Data Impact Strengthening and Health Sector Support Project which has strengthened public health programs and reduced 4. Reducing Child Mortality child mortality. Niger has made the least progress in eradicating extreme poverty and hunger. Niger struggles as one of the poorest countries in the world, but they have adopted the poverty reduction strategy to improve conditions A. Immunization against measles Children 12-23 months (1990) 25% Positive of the people and help this goal be achieved. This strategy focuses on the development of rural areas and improving (1995) 40% access for the poor to social services such as schools, hospitals, offices, and more. Although Niger has struggled to (2007) 83% improve throughout the years, Niger continues to implement projects and plans to benefit the country and achieve the Millennium Development Goals. B. Mortality rate of children under the age of 5 (per 1,000) (1990) 304 Positive (2000) 230 (2007) 176 Progess being made: Nigeran Goverment has adopted Institutional Strengthening and Health Sector Support Millenium Development Goals Data Impact Project to strengthen major public health programs (Reproductive health, Malaria, nutrition, etc.) 1. Eradicating Extreme Poverty and Hunger 5. Improving Maternal Health A. Population below $1.25 a day (1995) 78% Positive (2007) 66% A. Morality rate per 100,000 livebirths (2007) 1,800 Negative B. Employment to Population Ratio Ages 15-24 (2007) 51% Neutral B. Adolescent birth rate per 1,000 women ages 15-19 (2000) 218 Positive C. Prevalence of Malnutrition, Children under 5 years old (2000) 43.6% Positive (2007) 157 (2007) 39.9% C. Births attended by skilled health staff (2000) 16% Positive Progess being made: Nigeran Goverment has adopted the poverty reduction strategy to improve conditions (2007) 33% of the people. Progess being made: Nigeran Goverment has adopted Institutional Strengthening and Health Sector Support Project to improve essential drugs and medical supplies. 2. Achieving Universal Primary Education 6. Combating Disease A. Literacy rate of females ages 15-24 (2007) 23% Negative B. Literacy rate of males ages 15-24 (2007) 52% Negative A. Prevalance of HIV both male and female (1990) 0.1% Negative (2007) 0.8% C. Primary Completion rate (1990) 16% Positive (2000) 18% B. Incidence of tubercalosis (per 100,00 people) (1990) 125 Negative (2007) 40% (2007) 174 Progess being made: Nigeran Goverment has adopted Basic Education Project to increase enrollment and Progess being made: Nigeran Goverment has adopted Multi-Sector STI/HIV/AIDS Support Project to slow the completion in basic education programs. spread, expand support, and care for infected. 3. Promoting Gender Equalitity 7. Ensuring Environmental Sustainability A. Ratio of females to males (2007) 71% Positive A. Access to an improved water source (2006) 42% Negative in primary and secondary B. Improved sanitation facilities (1990) 3% Negative education (1995) 5% B. Ratio of females to males primary enrollment (1990) 61% Positive (2007) 7% (2000) 69% C. CO2 emissions( metric tons) (2005) 0.1 Positive (2007) 75% Progess being made: Nigeran Goverment has adopted The Community Action Program Project for the mul- C. Ratio of females to males secondary enrollment (2007) 61% Neutral tiple global environmental benefits such as reduction of vulnerability to climate change and conservation of biodiversity and agro-biodiversity. No current progress is being made to reach the goal of gender equality.
  • 6. Since gaining independence in 1960, citizens of Niger have had few political rights. In HUMAN RIGHTS Niger, there are many predicaments with human rights such as women’s issues, civil liberties, and children’s issues. A major problem for women in Niger is the growing population of woman having to undergo the procedure of FGM, which is removing parts of the female genitalia and sewing it closed. Domestic violence and social dis- crimination against women continue to be a serious problem. Another issue in Niger is child labor and prostitution. Child prostitution occurs often in Niger due to poverty and the desire for money or goods. Civil liberties and rights put citizens of Niger under governmental control and has taken away some of their natural rights. Children’s Issues A serious human rights issue in Niger is child prostitution. The main reason for this issue is poverty and the desire for money or goods. According to statistics, approxi- mately 60% of the population in Niger lives off a dollar or less a day. The children undergoing prostitution are in between the ages seven and fourteen and are mostly from poor families. In Niger, 65% of children, ages five to fourteen are involved in child labor. Children are forced to work in different fields of labor such as domestic services, prostitution and commercial labor. The children shine shoes, work as merchants, guard cars, and work as street beggars. Niger has also been said to be a main source of traf- ficking where children are sold to other countries for slavery, sexual abuse, and forced labor. Children are often forced to work rather than attend school especially during planting seasons. Statistics show only 34% of children are enrolled in primary school and 71% of the children were only able to reach grade 5. Children who have suffered child labor have lived with severe poverty, discrimination, the lack of protection, social exclusion, and educational opportunities. Woman’s Issues A major human rights issue for women is violence. Violence against women is com- mon especially within couples. 70% of women in Niger suffer from daily beatings and rape from their husbands, fathers, or brothers. Women do have the right to report physical abuse and violence to official courts but very little do because their fear of being a disgrace to society. Another issue for women is FGM, which stands for Female Genital Mutilation. Female Genital Mutilation is the process of removing all or part of the clitoris. This procedure was kept hidden until 1987. This procedure kept females from having sexual intercourse and caused women to stay a virgin until marriage. Af- ter the procedure was done, the vagina only consisted of two small openings for urine and the menstrual cycle. Reports show that only about 2.2% of females between the ages of fifteen and forty nine have had this procedure done since 2006 compared to 5.8% in 1998. Most women in Niger do not work although they have the right to work; only fewer than 7% of women do. Most women do not work because of their health and the need to care for their children. Women who worked would help in farming, childcare and water gathering. Civil Liberties Lastly, another human rights issue is civil liberties. Although citizens have some rights they are still under governmental control. The government allows women the right to buy and sell land, but most women don’t have access to any land. Most of the land in Niger is dry and desert, so the good fertile land that’s left is usually owned by the men. Niger allows freedom of religion. The most dominant religion in Niger is Islam. Niger citizens have freedom of assembly according to their constitution of 1999, but the government places restrictions on gatherings involving politics. Niger opposes free- dom of press and the government has tried to constrain it, but throughout the years newspapers and the radio have prospered. Radio has become an important public communication.
  • 7. Many countries in Africa deal with environmental issues, but one country in particular is suffering from severe damage to its environment. In the country of Niger, there are many environmental issues occurring. Most of these issues are due to Niger being dependent on farming as the backbone of their economy. As Niger’s population increases, forest lands have been decreasing. Statistics indicate between the years of 1990 and 2005, Niger has lost almost half of its forest. Niger is currently suffering from overgrazing, soil erosion, deforestation, desertification, and threats to its wildlife populations. Overgrazing is where plants are fed upon by animals for a long period of time without a time of pause to re-grow, mainly caused by too many animals in a small area. Soil erosion is the washing away or removal of soil by the flow of water or strong winds. Deforestation is the process of clearing or removing forest lands for farming purposes and desertification is the change from habitable land to dry desert lands caused by severe climate change. ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS Causes of Environmental Issues In Niger, forested lands are suffering from desertification and soil erosion. Desertification is 40-60% caused by human activities such as abuse to land by cultivation or urbanization, severe droughts or rainfall, and overgrazing. Soil erosion is mainly caused by strong winds during dry winter seasons in Niger. These strong winds, called Harmattan also con- tribute to the cause of desertification and overgrazed land. One of Niger’s biggest environmental issues is Deforesta- tion. The average annual deforestation rate is 3.17%. Between the years of 1990 and 2005, Niger has lost 34.9% of its forestlands due to deforestation. Deforestation is becoming a huge problem for Niger because it is caused by human activities such as the need for land to farm, and as the population growth in Niger increases, the deforestation also increases and destroys the forests and trees. As the population growth continues to increase, the demands for forest goods and food also increases causing farmers to remove more forest land. Deforestation is also a huge cause of desertification because clearing Niger’s forestlands leaves more dry deserted lands. Species of Animals and Plants Niger has a population of 684 species of animals, approximately 40 of them being endangered. There are 131 mam- mals, 493 birds, and 58 reptiles. There are also 1,460 different types of plants. In Niger there are many endangered species such as the addax, dama gazelle, slender horned gazelle, and wild dogs but the most endangered species are the Niger giraffes. Due to severe droughts, habitat loss, farmland conversions, food scarcity, and hunting, giraffe popu- lations in Niger have dramatically declined. Ten years ago, giraffes had a population of 140,000 but it has dramatically decreased to 100,000 due to poaching and desertification. According to statistics today, it is said that giraffes are mak- ing a comeback and populations have been expanding 12% each year. Water Quality in Niger Death rates are increasing in Niger due to poor hygiene and sanitation. In Niger, having access to safe drinking water is nearly impossible. Less than 45% of Niger’s population has access to a clean water source. Every day, women and children struggle to find clean water for their families to drink. When women or children do have access to a wa- ter source such as ponds or lakes, the water is often contaminated and contain waterborne diseases. Waterborne diseases have killed over 20% of children below the age of five. Since 1970, Niger has experienced severe droughts that have affected water resources. The Niger River, which is the main water source for the people has been greatly affected by the severe droughts causing the annual inflow to decrease by 30% since 1970.
  • 9. DESCRIPTION OF NEED The country of Niger is known as one of the poorest countries in the world with more than half of its population living under a dollar a day. Niger suffers from issues regarding the environment, women’s rights, children’s rights, education, and diseases. All of these issues are caused and perpetuated by the extremely high poverty occurring in Niger. Poverty has severely destroyed Niger’s environment. Niger suffers from deforestation due to farmers needing land to harvest food which has left over half of the country as wasteland. Due to the environmental issues Niger experiences, a clean water source is very difficult to find. The water in Niger is usually contaminated and has caused diseases which led to many deaths of children. Poverty has highly affected both women and children. Women are un- able to go to school due to the need to care for their children and social discrimination. A serious issue due to poverty and the desire for Poverty effects on Children money or goods is child prostitution and child labor. These two issues have also limited children’s opportunities in education. People of Due to poverty, children have suffered in order to get money. Child trafficking and prostitution is common in Niger. Children have also Niger have little access to schools and a shortage of teachers. All of these severe issues are caused by poverty and continue to increase undergone other types of child labor such as shining shoes, guarding cars, and working as street beggars. Children are also forced to because of the cycle of people being malnourished, making people less productive and the economy continuing to decrease. In order work in commercial labor, prostitution, and domestic services. Poverty has driven children to be physically and emotionally beaten. to help Niger become a better community, Niger needs to increase financially to create a stable environment for all citizens. If poverty Children are often forced to work rather than attend school, so most children are not educated. If Niger’s economy grew, children could levels decrease, all of these issues become less severe and help the community as a whole to live in a better, more stable environment. leave this lifestyle and go back to school to educate themselves. This could increase the enrollment in schools and completion rates. Poverty effects on Women Poverty effects on education 63% of Niger’s population lives below the poverty level, with women being two-thirds of this population. Due to the severe poverty in Education in Niger is very poor. Niger is said to have one of the lowest literacy rates in the world. Most women and children are not Niger, women are unable to go to school because of the social discrimination occurring. According to statistics, men are more likely to being educated due to the effects of poverty. Most citizens who complete school are men. Niger citizens have poor access to schools complete their education than women because women get married at the early age of 15 and need to care for their children. Only 15% and a shortage of teachers due to lack of money. Statistics shows only 29% of primary school-age children obtain an education. Many of women are able to read and write compared to 43% of men. Poverty has caused women to contract diseases such as HIV and AIDS children and women do not attend school because they are suffering from diseases their body can’t fight off which makes them very due to unsanitized tools used in the procedure of female genital mutilation. Most women are malnourished and have suffered from wa- weak. If Niger’s economy grew there could possibly be better supplies, a better school environment, and more teachers teaching. More terborne diseases. If Niger’s economy grew, women could finally attend schools and have an education and the population of women citizens would be educated about their rights and possibly help the country by using their knowledge. battling diseases could decrease rapidly leading to less deaths. Poverty effects on diseases Poverty effects on the Environment In Niger, there are many diseases that are killing people every day. In 2006, there were said to be 614 cases of meningococcal disease Niger’s environment suffers from many severe problems such as overgrazing, soil erosion, deforestation, and desertification. Most of and 44 deaths. In Niger, meningococcal was caused by dusty weather conditions, close contact with people, and the lack of sanitation. these problems are caused by human activities such as farming and abuses to land by cultivation and urbanization. Between the years Almost a quarter of Niger citizens suffer from the disease, bilharzias. Bilharzias are caused by bathing in water contaminated with urine. of 1990 and 2005, Niger has lost 34.9% of its forest cover. Due to poverty, farmers have been clearing forest land in order to harvest 13.4 million people in Niger suffer from schistosomiasis, a parasitic skin infection. This disease was caused by poor sanitation, housing, goods to sell. More than half of Niger is wasteland because of the dry deserted area that had been cleared away. Droughts and severe and water supply. The risk of being infected by a disease in Niger is very high since most diseases are spreadable through contact. There climate change have also caused these lands to dry up. Most of Niger’s population lives in Southern Niger because it has few trees, a is a high population of malnourishment in Niger. When the body is malnourished, it can’t fight diseases, which make the body sicker marketplace, and a river. This population growth in the capital of Niamey has caused more deforestation to occur slowly turning the and less productive. This is the main reason children or women don’t go to school or work, because their body is too exhausted and economy worse than it had been. If the economy grew, Niger’s environment could make a drastic recovery. Forest cover and planta- weak from diseases. Hospitals in Niger are not very effective at treating all the diseases. Therefore, if the economy grows, Niger could tions could slowly rise again and food production could increase leaving fewer citizens starving and malnourished. Statistics show at build a hospital with professional doctors able to help people diagnosed with diseases. This could help prevent diseases from spreading least 2.5 million people don’t have enough to eat and 80,000 children are at risk of becoming severely malnourished in Niger. and decrease the death rate in Niger.
  • 10. PROJECT PROPOSAL Due to the severe poverty crisis occurring in Niger, im- mediate relief is needed. One main issue that contributes to this conflict is the lack of clean water in Niger. We have proposed a plan that will provide immediate relief and long term positive effects to help Niger recover from the severe effects poverty has caused. In order to help poverty, we have created a plan that will improve the Where to begin amount of clean water sources and availability in Niger. The capital of Niger is Niamey, located south near the Niger River. Most of Niger’s population lives in Niamey or To supply immediate relief, we will go to every village surrounding villages because the Niger River is the only water source they have access to. Our project begins here, and give as many citizens a life straw, which will allow where we will give out life straws and install the solar powered water pumps in the wells of the villages. Fellow citi- them to have access to clean water wherever a water zens living in Niamey will be able to access clean water without having to walk far and spending 3 hours working to source is found. The life straw is a portable water filter get the water. that will last approximately a year. During that year we will also be installing solar powered water pumps in The Life Straw local wells to allow every village access to safe drinking The life straw is a portable water purification tool that cleans surface water so it is safe for people to drink. The life water for many years. Although villages will have access straw is a plastic pipe filter that removes impurities, chemicals, and bacteria that could cause waterborne diseases. In to clean water, citizens living along the Niger river won’t. the country of Niger, many people need to travel far distances to find a clean water source. By providing each citizen We will then install a water purification machine along with a Life straw, people could easily access clean water wherever they go. Niger has many wells filled with dirty the Niger River that takes in water and purifies it without contaminated water; by using the life straw citizens could easily drink from wells close to the village or drink from the using electricity, which will help people living along the biggest water source, the Niger river. The life straw is a simple device that anyone could use, every day. It is low cost river who don’t have access to village wells. The creation and research shows it cleans 99.999% of waterborne bacteria and 98% of waterborne viruses. Providing citizens with of these projects will benefit all of Niger’s citizens by pro- a life straw will supply immediate relief and access to clean drinking water. The life straw will support Niger citizens viding cleaner water to save time, labor, health, and the for about a year while the construction of solar powered water pumps are being made, giving them more access to environment. Many villages in Niger do not have access water. to a clean water source which has caused many water- borne diseases and deaths at a young age. Children, who Solar powered water pumps fetch water for their families must travel far to local wells, Solar powered water pumps are used for pumping water for drinking water, livestock, crop irrigation and water sup- and this has caused children to work more than they go ply. The goal of this project is to ensure that Niger families are able to access clean water without having to walk long to school. Many children are not able to go to school distances or working 3 hours in order to get water from the well manually. By installing solar powered water pumps, because they are either too sick from the contaminated Niger wells will automatically pump clean water from the bottom of the wells up to the top in order for women and water or too busy spending hours fetching water for children to easily scoop out the amount of water they need. This water pump is solar powered, it works using energy their families. Due to the lack of water for farming, from the sun. Niger weather consists of sun and clouds daily which will allow these water pumps to work. There are Niger’s environment has been from suffering deforesta- not many wells in the villages of Niger we will build more in surrounding villages to ensure that the whole communi- tion, overgrazing, desertification, and soil erosion. ty will be benefitted. By digging boreholes we will be able to create more wells. Installing these solar powered water pumps into village wells will supply immediate relief to Niger civilians by providing clean water in every village pos- sible and to every family possible. This project will be put into action by providing Niger with the solar water pumps, which are easy to install and use. We will install solar powered water pumps into villages to support an estimated population of 774 thousand citizens living in Niamey. Water Purification Machine The solar powered water pumps will give villagers access to clean water, but people living along the Niger river won’t benefit as much. By installing water purification machines such as the Villager, near the Niger River, more people can have access to clean water. The water purification machine is put near a water source, where it then sucks up the water and runs it through a filter and ultraviolet light disinfection process. The carbon block filtration removes dirty tastes and odors, so the water could be clean and safe to drink. Then the water is transported back into a tank that people can get water from. The water purification machine is a simple filtration machine powered by a solar panel. It is able to pump water 12 gallons a minute which can provide for families and farming. Several will be set up along the Niger River to support the population of approximately three million people who use the Niger River as their water source.
  • 11. IMPACT ANALYSIS By providing every citizen with a life straw, installing solar powered water pumps into village wells and placing water purification machines near the Niger River, our group will impact the daily lives of Niger citizens by providing Niger Positives Negatives with clean accessible water. This will benefit the environment by increasing crop plantations and farming by provid- ing clean water for good fertile land and plants to grow. During rainy seasons, plantation in Niger increases, but Niger is suffering severe droughts which have effected plant growth. The conditions of the land is very dry, but providing •Villagers can access clean water easily. •The filter could fail adding to the diseases instead of reduc- clean water will result in more moisture in the land for plantations to grow, increasing forest cover in Niger. Women ing them •Impacts environment by providing clean water for and children will no longer have to travel far to gather water for their families. This will save time and work for the citi- crops •The filters will have some sort of build up and it could pile zens of Niger and give them more time for education and jobs, increasing annual income and enrollment in schools. Having cleaner water will decrease the population of citizens suffering waterborne diseases ultimately leading to a up without proper cleaning on a regular basis. •Less water borne diseases decrease in the death rate. Our projects will help purify the water so there will be less people suffering from diseases and less people dying because of them. • Life straws can increase consumption of contaminated •Women and children spend less time gathering water if filters are not strong enough to remove bacteria and water for their families and will have more produc- diseases. Although there are many positive impacts our projects have on the country of Niger, there are negative ones as well. tive time for school Some of the negative impacts our projects can result in are dirt build up. If our pumps, pipes or filters are not cleaned on a regular basis, dirt will build up in them and possibly contaminate the water making it not useable. Also, if by mistake, the filters, pipes or pumps are not put together correctly, they could fail later on and stop cleaning the water which could lead to more water borne diseases. People could think the water is clean and drink more often, giving them a higher risk of disease. We will make sure to use the best, most durable pipes, pumps and filters so this doesn’t happen, and we will make sure we maintain everything clean so nothing goes wrong.
  • 12. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION Short Term: The Life Straw August 2010: -Present our plan with organization members and discuss its benefits. -Meeting with organization members to discuss the amount of Life Straws we need and purchase them. September 2010: -Begin visiting villages and educating people on the purpose of the Life Straw and how to use it properly. -Distribute Life Straws to every citizen of Niger Long Term: Solar Power Water Pumps September 2010: -Meeting with organization members to discuss the locations of villages in need of wells and placement of water pumps. -Purchase all the needed materials; solar pumps, solar panels, piping and water tanks. October 2010: -Install solar panels and attach them to pumps through piping underground. January 2011: -Install filtration systems into water tanks located underground in pipes. March 2011: - Test water supply and purification results. - Once tested clean, allow citizens access to wells. - Collect data on effectiveness of having solar powered water pumps June 2011: -Build more wells in villages in need. Long Term: The Water Purification Machine June 2011 - Meeting with organization members to discuss the placement of the machine and purchase. July 2011 - Place water purification machines near Niger River, one every 10 miles. - Test out for effective results of purification of the Niger River.