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smart city km4city big data iot data analytics semantic computing social media open data data mining lod linked open data smart city api smart cloud snap4city node-red urban platform eclap ioe bigdata fi-ware sentient city digital library anomaly detection mqtt mobility and transport rdf store servicemap open source smart city ontology mobility cloud computing knowledge representation performing arts dashboard gdpr lorawan sigfox sentiment analysis social media monitoring twitter vigilance api firenze smart city interoperability natural language processing content management social graph arcgis heatmaps iot application internet of things prediction industry 4.0 sii-mobility control room resilience smart city framework city resilience smart city for beginners data warehouse hackathon natual language processing hadoop linked open graph transport systems smart cities date disambiguation workflow virtualization e-learning recommendations smart city life cycle containers interoperability situation room smart city control room energy what-if scalability gis predictions elastic search node.js traffic flow reconstruction security privacy iot applications select4cities living lab iot edge machine learning routing environmental data development tool mobile app resolute h2020 replicate h2020 early warning open smart city platform replicate user engagement decision support system smart decision support smart city ecosystem data management services sme private data servicemap api data analytic cloud reconciliation artificial intelligence data mining and understanding mobile application overview android icaro project infomobility reasoning cloud intelligence cognitive computing automated back office vip disambiguuation europeana back office indexing indoor navigation metadata assessment micro grid media grid parallel architecture social networking social learning mystoryplayer gis data big data science data shadow eosc smart city iot as a service co-cocreation coworking development tools snap4industry configurations dockers virtual machine deploy development life cycle iot dashboards smart routing snap4city library on node-red microservices iot app disces heatmap ftp geojson https coap etl xml json microapplications javascript html5 platform independent user participation user monitoring mobile app development kit mobile programming web programming control dss city officials operators what-if analysis gov od matrics people flow smart parking iot data shadow solr cloud bigdata indexing gdpr iot end-2-end secure orion broker onem2m bigdata analytic mosaic weee bigdata analytics human behaviour iot ontology géomarketing node-js service infrastructurem protection iot/ioe framework platform end-to-end security geo drill down drill down solr banana traffic flow iot backoffice traffic analysis shadow visual analytics jsfoundation iot interoperability iot device roboust scalable iot button tensor flow keynote ieee smart city disitlab social media analytics twitter analytics app development kit smart city tools sustainable mobility smart manufacturing industria 4.0 smart systems smart city data prediction models health data tuscany data traffic data social media data traffic flow data first aid data navigation parking data cutural and tourism data embedding smart city frame smart city lighthouse advanced smart city smart city for experts sentient urban platform howto virtuous behavior users behavior km4city for beginners transform data into value city strategies real time monitoring smart city platform business intelligence city expert system from data to value integrated urban platform resolute city ontology urban framework garr 2016 predictive models sentment analysis twitter social media analysis sentiente smart city scewc2016 sentient smart city smart city expo world congress user behaviour analysis suggestion smart city overview system thinking european guidelines on resilience functional resonance urban transport system uts data licensing big data store resilience decision support resolute project critical infrastructure resilience fram smart city resilience smart city big data smart city decision support km4city ontology smart urban platform km4city affiliation suggestion on demand data aggregator user behavior city smartening resience city user analysis business data driven master big data people flow in the city citta' metropolitana big data smart city linked data log twtitter monitoring twitter monitoring presence prediction semantic computing unexpected correlation personal twitter monitoring beginners ecosystem cini smart transportation stragegic pla paticipatory actions city plan smart city 360 iclos icaro cloud smart cloud engine cloud ontology disit lab intelligence mobile app development model faster mobile development making city smarter data aggregation making smarter a city city smartener how to smart city rdf indexing rdf versioning rdf store versioning knowledge base methodology performance graph database nosql database public administrations smart city tutorrial smart decision support system dati aperti valore data as a service aggregation toscana log.disit.org florence sustainability smart city; km4city risk assessment smartcity ontology knowledge engineering ontology engineering tutorial mobile development smart city application disit services on map rdf stores data automation data quality ld open data day open data services. turorial servizi al cittadino incontri con la citta citta' intelligenti ditgital information smart city engine decision support data rendering real time data ingestion od content aggregation querying suggestions scalabity architecture social network process scheduling taking decision linked open graph. validation and verification of knowledge base knowledge base construction sparql entry points knowledge base browsing lod browsing semantic models and computing distributed systems digital rights management and conditional access ontology modelling metrics definition and assessment ig data formal models high performance content and data licensing and protection knowledge mining and representation smau smart tv semantic query cloud learning blended learning smart tv learning continous medical education iphone ipad technology enhanced learning mobile learning elearning anywhere learning mapreduce ontology smart specialization smart specialisation data engineering rescue team managment emergency management maintenance menagement comparison taxonomy applications communication disables collaboration actuators intelligent transport system sensors smart mobile application development mobile content augmented reality media computing formal methods coghitive computing content management system social network service social sciences socialgraph media reproduction multicamera view annotation video synchronization vip name geonames persona names disambiguation dbpedia q uality assessment multilingual cross media dms2013 roba energict scienze della vita meccanica automotive maintenance hospital management. mobile emergency maxi emergenze maxi emergergency cas cultural heritage conditional access ipr drm progetto icaro models and tools best practice open access matchmaking clock and time ordering emergenze emergency gestione interventi riduzione tempi e costi hospital ospedali p2p systems from basic to knowledge management soocial media similarity distance metrics social network optimization social architecture semantic tool media relationship video audio annotation semantic player social learning management system mobile scalabla analytics. content analytics non linear audiovisual annotation social networks
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