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An Information Systems Documentation submitted in partial satisfaction of the award of a
Bachelor of Business Information Technology.
Project Title: CityMatrp
A Mobile Matatu Route Management System
Student Name: Julie Otieno
Submitted to:
Project Coordinator: Mr.
Submission Date: 8th
Nov 2013
This paper is a system documentation for the development of CityMatrp, a mobile application
for a Mobile Route Management System. The application provides the functionalities of a route
management system on a mobile device without compromising any capabilities of the route
management system. By using this application each waiting time can be converted into a route
management session at the palm of your hands. The application is developed in an android
environment and therefore will be accessible to any smartphones and tablets that run android
Public use of mobile computing devices such as laptops, PDAs and Tablet PCs is increasing.
Such devices, taken in a higher manageability context, have the potential for a major impact on
route management; it will also help the traffic police in tracking down traffic defaulters as well
as managing traffic.
I hereby affirm that this system documentation document is duly my original work and therefore
has not been submitted in any institution for the satisfaction of any academic award.
Student Name: ________________________ Signature: _________________
Date: _____________________
Supervisor Name: ________________________ Signature: _________________
Date: _____________________
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Abstract........................................................................................................................................................ ii
Declaration.................................................................................................................................................. iii
Table of Contents....................................................................................................................................... iv
List of figures.............................................................................................................................................. vi
Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................................ vii
Chapter 1: Introduction .............................................................................................................................8
1.1 Background Information............................................................................................................8
1.2 Problem Statement............................................................................................................................8
1.3 Aim.....................................................................................................................................................9
1.4 Specific objectives .............................................................................................................................9
1.4.1 Project objective...........................................................................................................................9
1.4.2 System objective ..........................................................................................................................9
1.5 Justification .......................................................................................................................................9
1.6 Scope ................................................................................................................................................10
Chapter 2: Literature Review.................................................................................................................11
2.1 Definition of Mobile Route Management System (M-RMS).......................................................11
2.2 The Matatu industry and its stakeholders....................................................................................11
2.3 The Concept of Route Management Systems...............................................................................12
2.4 The Growth in mobile technology .................................................................................................12
2.5 The Mobile platforms .....................................................................................................................13
2.5.1 Android ......................................................................................................................................13
2.5.2 iOS .............................................................................................................................................13
2.5.3 BlackBerry.................................................................................................................................13
2.5.4 Windows Phone .........................................................................................................................14
2.5.5 Why Android .............................................................................................................................14
2.6 Advantages of deploying mobile route management systems.....................................................14
Chapter 3: Methodology...........................................................................................................................16
3.1 Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) approach..................................................................16
3.2 Data Collection................................................................................................................................17
3.3 Requirements & Analysis...............................................................................................................18
3.3.1 Functional System Requirements...............................................................................................18
3.3.2 Non-Functional system Requirements.......................................................................................18
3.4 Design...............................................................................................................................................18
34.1 Architecture.................................................................................................................................18
3.5 Deliverables .....................................................................................................................................19
3.5.1 System modules .........................................................................................................................19
3.6 Development Tools..........................................................................................................................20
Chapter 4: System Analysis and Design Description.............................................................................21
4.1 Analysis............................................................................................................................................21
4.2 Design...............................................................................................................................................22
4.2.1 Architectural Design Approach..................................................................................................22
4.2.2 Class diagram...............................................................................................................................23
4.2.3 Sequence diagram........................................................................................................................24
4.2.4 Data Dictionary............................................................................................................................25
4.2.5 Database schema..........................................................................................................................26
4.2.6 Data Flow Diagram......................................................................................................................27
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing.................................................................................................31
5.1 Implementation methodology ........................................................................................................31
5.1.1 Tasks ..........................................................................................................................................31
5.1.2 A web-based application produced............................................................................................31
5.1.3 A mobile application produced..................................................................................................31
5.1.4 Features not implemented..........................................................................................................32
5.2 Testing..............................................................................................................................................32
5.2.1 Test Basis...................................................................................................................................32
5.2.2 Test Approach............................................................................................................................32
Chapter 6: Summary Conclusions and Recommendations...................................................................34
Appendix A: Website............................................................................................................................36
Appendix B: Android Mobile Devices.................................................................................................37
List of figures
Figure 1: Android ........................................................................................................................................14
Figure 2: waterfall model............................................................................................................................16
Figure 3:Architectural design .....................................................................................................................22
Figure 4:Class diagram ...............................................................................................................................23
Figure 5:Sequence diagram.........................................................................................................................24
Figure 6:Data dictionary .............................................................................................................................25
Figure 7:Database schema ..........................................................................................................................26
Figure 8:Data flow diagram........................................................................................................................27
Figure 9:Mainpage......................................................................................................................................28
Figure 10:Login page..................................................................................................................................29
Figure 11:Administrator..............................................................................................................................30
Figure 12:Website.......................................................................................................................................36
Figure 14:Android Mobile Devices ............................................................................................................37
ADT - Android Development Tools
SDK : Software Development Kit
SDLC : Software Development Life Cycle
App(s): Acronym for mobile applications
Mat: Acronym for Matatu a Swahili word for a van.
API: Application Programming Interface.
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Background Information
CityMatrp is be a mobile application that serves as a Mobile Route Management System
(M-RMS). This app is set to provide the basic functionalities of an online route management
system within a mobile device. It is be aiming to avail information about matatus, connections,
routes, online route maps and for free. Now you can search for any route to any destination
around Nairobi.
Mobile guides through the use of wireless mobile technology allow anyone to access
information and directions at any time. As a result, there are reduced frustrations experienced by
people when travelling. With mobile route management system, people are able to know where
to find the bus stations to their various destinations and get alerts from respective personnel in
charge of the various routes whenever and wherever they want. City council officials, traffic
police and drivers are empowered since they can use the mobile technology to communicate with
the public from anywhere and at any time. At the same time, all users of the application can
share their frustrations, report unlawful acts and post traffic alerts on the application’s forum.
1.2 Problem Statement
Nairobi City is well known for its congestion around East Africa. This causes a big
nightmare to travelers from upcountry, students and visitor who come to the city for the first
time. The situations in the bus stations are usually chaotic and tend to intimidate the public. The
city council of Nairobi introduced a system where all routes within the county shall be uniquely
number and vehicles registered to specific routes. This system was effective in the past but as the
number of vehicles increased the more the more the increase in paperwork. Currently the
paperwork has overwhelmed the county officers and they have since stopped registering Matatu.
This has made it difficult to enforce some measure to tame the situation. The public has also
since stopped receiving announcement about the various routes within the city through the public
address systems in the bus stations. The process of registering matatus to the various routes
wastes time and is inherently error prone, creating a data maintenance nightmare. A mobile
application that run on largely used platform, aiming to avail information about matatus,
connections, routes, online route maps and for free, could effectively solve this problem.
1.3 Aim
The objective of this project is to develop a Mobile Route Management System aiming to avail
information about matatus, connections, routes, online route maps and for free. Enable the public
to search for any route to any destination around Nairobi Metropolitan area.
1.4 Specific objectives
1.4.1 Project Objectives
i. To identify ways to control and organize matatu organization.
ii. Analyze ways to maximize productivity for all the stakeholders in the matatu
1.4.2 System Objectives
i. To design a system architecture consisting of a centralized route numbers
repository based on the routes information
ii. To solve the issues arising when registering matatus to various routes through the
use of their mobile phones.
iii. To create a notification system to allow users of the app to get announcements
using their mobile phones.
iv. To create a standard model of a route management system in a mobile
v. To test the system
1.5 Justification
Building a Mobile Route Management System to augment the current existing web-based route
management system will ease the access to routes information and reduce paperwork involved in
rout registration. It will also help the police in tracking down traffic defaulters as well as
managing traffic.
1.6 Scope
This project is specifically be about development of a route management system in a mobile
application without compromising any capabilities of the route management system. Additional
modules may be added to create the interactive capabilities of a mobile system. Since a mobile
route management system must always have a web-based route management system as its
backbone, I have develop a route management system in a web environment to support this
mobile application.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Definition of Mobile Route Management System (M-RMS)
Mobile Route Management System (M-RMS) is a type of management information system that
in focused on route administration and route information that happens when the users of the
system are not at a fixed, predetermined location, or route management functionality that
happens when the user takes advantage of the opportunities offered by mobile technologies. In
other words, mobile route management system decreases limitation of route administration
location with the mobility of general portable devices.
M-RMS is not intended to replace the web-based route management systems but instead
augment the latter by presenting the functionalities of the web-based route management systems
on a mobile device. Through the use of mobile technologies, the public and route directors have
a simplified experience as they can access avail information about matatus, connections, routes,
online route maps anytime anywhere.
2.2 The Matatu industry and its stakeholders
The Matatu industry in Nairobi city could be described as organized chaos. However, by getting
to understand its stakeholders and networks, it becomes easier to understand how the industry is
actually organized. The stakeholders in this industry include the matatu owners, matatu drivers,
matatu conductors, touts, the traffic police, the county government and the public. This creates a
need for a well-planned and organized system that will enable all the stakeholders to be
seamlessly incorporated in a timely manner. This will lessen the complexity involved in the
process of managing the matatus and ultimately, the true economic potential of the city can be in
turn realized. The mobile app will also seek to address the lack of data and transport knowledge.
There has been no consistent data available regarding matatus this has led to the complexity of
the system. It also hinders the stakeholders from making informed choices concerning
acquisition of matatus, which route to register or total number of matatus in the city.
2.3 The Concept of Route Management Systems
Route Management Systems are computer systems, designed to plan a (optimal) route between
two geographical locations using a journey planning engine, typically specialized for road
networks as a road route planner. It can typically provide a list of places one will pass by, with
crossroads and directions that must be followed, road numbers etc. It also usually provides an
interactive map with a suggested route marked on it (“Route planning software”, n.d., para
1).This concept cannot be automatically implemented in the transport system in Nairobi that is
more of a paratransit system. This is because it supplements larger public transit systems by
providing individualized rides without fixed routes or timetables. Thus, a tailored well-planned
and easily accessible system that will seek to address the issue is needed in urgency. By creating
CityMatrp, I will tackle the situation effectively as there are a number of android mobile users in
the city currently. Users may however need to keep the data in their devices up to date this may
involve some operator charges.
2.4 The Growth in mobile technology
The twenty-first century has been characterized by the rapid rate of technology and social
change. This has also seen the rise in mobile industry as a tool for internet access than a tool for
voice communication/telephony. As a result communities are no longer only based on
geographic proximity and new “tribes” (Rheingold, 2002) are developing. Mobile phones free
users from the boundaries of desktops (Mehta, 2008) and allow accomplishing tasks from
anywhere. Power of computing is continuing to be more mobile as more sophisticated gadgets
get smaller. This has seen change in the way developers tackle the existing problems in the
society through mobile apps. The documentation of the existing mobile architecture and
frameworks has led to an increase in mobile developers both globally and locally. The current
system user tends to go for more convenient ways to tackle their daily life problems. Now any
waiting time, even in a restaurant, can be used to manage and get matatu route information.
2.5 The Mobile platforms
A mobile platform is also described as an operating system. It includes a hardware architecture
and application framework, where the combination allows applications to run. It is crucial in
application development as it offers the developer an undertaking that logic code will run
consistently as long as the platform is in place (Lashkari & Moradhasheil, 2011).The major types
of mobile platforms are:
2.5.1 Android
Android is a free and open source platform from Google Inc. It is a Linux based operating
system designed for touchscreen mobile devices. This open source code allows software to be
freely modified and distributed by device manufacturer. Android applications are written in java
programming language. For software development, it provides Android SDK.
2.5.2 iOS
iOS is a mobile operating system developed and distributed by Apple Inc. It was primarily
introduced in 2007 for the iPhone but has been extended to support other Apple devices. It does
not license installation on non-Apple devices. It boasts the largest app store with over 500,000
applications (Lashkari & Moradhasheil, 2011).
2.5.3 BlackBerry
It is a proprietary mobile operating system developed by BlackBerry Ltd. (recently RIM) for its
BlackBerry line of smartphone held devices. The available BlackBerry API classes enable third-
party developers to create apps for BlackBerry devices.
Figure 1: Android
2.5.4 Windows Phone
Windows Phone is a series of proprietary mobile operating systems developed by Microsoft. It is
the successor to the Windows Mobile operating system and targets consumer market. It supports
c# as its development language (Lashkari & Moradhasheil, 2011).
2.5.5 Why Android
First it is inexpensive; the cost of a device running on android is relative cheaper than the cost of
a device running on blackberry, IOS or windows operating system.
This has been major factor to the buyers of
new smart phones in Kenya than the features
of various systems. Secondly android is
most flexible with a wider market base, it is
the best segment to target as many people
can get access to an android smart phone.
2.6 Advantages of deploying mobile route management systems
i. Majority of city residents have mobile phone compared to PC or laptop
ii. Mobile phones are of smaller size and lighter in weight and therefore can be carried around
iii. Increased visibility; Today’s route managers need to make quicker decisions based on real-time data.
With increased visibility, matatu routes become more agile and more responsive to changes.
iv. Organization in the matatu industry as the county officials can directly have control on matatu
v. Reduced traffic congestion as matatu can be blocked from registering in routes with high number of
Chapter 3: Research Methodology
3.1 Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) approach.
The SDLC methodology to be deployed is the Waterfall Methodology. Using this methodology I developed
the mobile application through is a sequential design approach. It was very simple to understand and use. In
a waterfall model, each phase must be completed fully before the next phase can begin. At the end of each
phase, a review takes place to determine if the project is on the right path. Below is a diagram to illustrate
this process:
Figure 2: waterfall model
I chose to use the waterfall development methodology because:
i. It is simple to understand and use.
ii. Easy to manage due to the rigidity of the model – each phase has specific deliverables and a
review process.
iii. Works well for smaller projects where requirements are very well understood
iv. Phases are processed and completed at one time
3.2 Data Collection
In order to understand the requirements specification for this mobile application, I collected various data
from the target users prior to the design phase of the development. The data collection methods used
a) Interviews.
This involved both formal and informal interviews to collect the views and opinions of different users about
the idea of a mobile route managing system and possibly identify what areas to put emphasis on during
implementation. I asked questions relating to:
i. Current route management processes.
ii. Technical expertise and development capabilities.
iii. Likes and dislikes about current system/methods.
iv. Communicating events within the bus stations
v. Route numbers used in Nairobi
vi. Design recommendations
b) Questionnaires.
Closed-type questionnaires were mostly used to assess the system modules that this mobile application
should have and also identify any preferences from the target user.
c) Online research.
I did a thorough research on the already existing mobile route management solutions and identifying the
insufficiencies that may be compensated for in this new system. This involved carrying out a bench mark
assessment of any route management system, fleet management and vehicle tracking systems deployed in
various part of the world.
3.3 Requirements & Analysis
System requirement are all the capabilities that the news system must have. The purpose is to provide
information for the next steps in the analysis phase to define the scope of the system. An analysis strategy
consists of require analysis techniques and information gathering techniques.
3.3.1 Functional System Requirements
The functional system requirements are:
i. Availing matatu route information.
ii. Registering matatu to various routes
iii. Displaying number of matatu registered to a specific route.
3.3.2 Non-Functional system Requirements
The non-functional system requirements are:
i. Security – Some users are be require to go through an authentication process to login the app.
ii. Consistency of the routes – users may have to keep their app update so as to have the changes made
to the route updated.
3.4 Design
34.1 Architecture
The architecture of our system is centered on a Nairobi city routes repository. This relational database will
contain tables with the different routes information and matatu details. All routes registered in the system
will store their data in this repository. This will enable all app users to access the route data. It will be
necessary to use SQLite database for this type of system be successful.
The application can be used to manage the route information within the repository. Routes created with the
app will be hosted on a central server connects to the routes information repository using a physical three tier
architecture (Olson, 2012) . Thus, apps will have a URL that reflects the central server's name.
3.5 Deliverables
3.5.1 System modules
The mobile route management system modules to be delivered in this project include but not limited to:
Public module
This interface displays information about the different routes. It is accessible to all users of the app;
Main Activity (Page) and Tracking system for matatus.
Route director module
Enables route directors to register matatus in the various routes in the city. Route directors are able to
track no. of matatus in their respective routes.
Administrator module
Administrators are able to add/create new routes into the system. They can register new route
directors into the system.
Sms module
Enable all app users to post alerts and announcements about routes, traffic updates, matatus strikes
and report traffic defaulters; that can be received by all app users.
3.6 Development Tools
The mobile application was developed by the following development tools:
a) Android development Kit (ADT)
ADT (Android Developer Tools) is a plug-in for Eclipse that provides a suite of tools that are integrated with
the Eclipse IDE. It offers you access to many features that help you develop Android applications quickly.
ADT provides GUI access to many of the command line SDK tools as well as a UI design tool for rapid
prototyping, designing, and building of your application's user interface.
b) Android SDK
Android Software Development Kit (SDK) is set of development tools comprising of debuggers and libraries
for Java programming applications.
c) Eclipse IDE
Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a base workspace for developing applications in Java
and other programming languages (via plug-ins).It is the best IDE to integrate with the android SDK; hence
the decision to include it in this project.
Chapter 4: System Analysis and Design Description
4.1 Analysis
The requirements for a system refer to the descriptions of what the system should do—the services that it
provides and the constraints on its operation. These requirements reflect the needs of customers for a system
that serves a certain purpose. Software Requirements Analysis is the process of finding out, analyzing,
documenting and checking these services and constraints. There are two system requirements appreciated
during the development ie. Functional system requirements and Non-functional system requirements
(Extensively covered in Chap. 3.3)
So as to fully understand the various functions the program should perform the following tools were used:
Feasibility Studies – determining whether the product or project is worth the time and effort. It describes
features and benefits of the product, itemizes costs, resources and staffing then describes the projects
potential profits or value to the organization.
Flowcharts – this is the diagrammatic representation of a process. It describes a series of steps or
decisions in visual form in a manner that facilitates communication.
Requirements Lists - should be organized by categories. As the list grows, this list helps the analyst
understand the customer's needs and helps limit what features are necessary and which are not.
4.2 Design
4.2.1 Architectural Design Approach
Route director
Android device
Android device
Android device
Network Provider
Route repository
Figure 3:Architectural design
4.2.2 Class diagram
+get name() : string
+get email() : string
+Staff_id : int
+Email : string
+Name : string
-Password : char
+getroute_location() : string
+getroute_no() : char
+getroute_director() : string
+Route_id : int
+Route_director : string
+Route_location : string
+Route_no : char
+getmatatu_regno() : char
+getmatatu_routeno() : char
+getmatatu_driver() : string
#Matatu_regno : char
#Matatu_driver : string
#Route_no : char
+getname() : string
+Name : string
+Email : string
+Route_no : char
1 M 1 1
Adds route Has a
Adds matatu
Figure 4: Class diagram
4.2.3 Sequence diagram
Mobile Route Information
Routes repository
Request Route info
Display route info
submit Sql query
Retrive route information
System administrator
Add route
Status message
Figure 5: Sequence diagram
4.2.4 Data Dictionary
Figure 6: Data dictionary
4.2.5 Database schema
Figure 7: Database schema
4.2.6 Data Flow Diagram
Administrator Add route
Add matatu
Check for
Check for
Route details
Valid route
details Route details
Matatu details
Valid matatu
Matatu details
Matatu info
Invalid detail
Route info
Invalid details
Request route
Submit query
Retrieve route
Route details
Request matatu
Request matatu
Submit query
Submit queryMatatu details
Matatu details
Figure 8: Data flow diagram
Figure 9: Mainpage
Figure 10: Login page
Figure 11: Administrator
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing
5.1 Implementation methodology
5.1.1 Tasks
Similar to the design methodology, an incremental approach to the implementation of the
mobile application was used. A basic mobile route management system was first implemented
and after being tested and debugged the other features were added to the system. After sufficient
number of features for the mobile application were implemented, work on the GUI started. Every
feature was tested individually and in conjunction with the rest of the system as it was added.
Features had then added and modified in both subsystems until a mobile route management
system was produced, which matched the specification. The subsystems were divided as per
modules. The modules in this project included:
i. Public module
ii. Route director module
iii. Administrator module
iv. Database module
v. User Authentication module
5.1.2 A web-based application produced
A fully operation web-based route management system was produced. The web-based route
management system was produced with PHP backend server script. The implementation of
the GUI subsystem was done using GUI done using html and css3. Certain basic features re-
used as there were many available open source PHP route management frameworks. The web
page was developed to provide supplement the functionality of the mobile application and
where the application can be downloaded.
5.1.3 A mobile application produced
The mobile route management system was produced. The mobile route management system
was produced with PHP backend server script and JSON Arrays to fetch data from the
remote database. Certain basic features had to be implemented from scratch since Android
did not provide convenient packages that implemented them. This include populating spinner
dynamically with data from the remote database. The functionalities and subsystems of the
application was later complied and coupled into a single package. The application will be
distributed as CityMatrp.apk.
5.1.4 Features not implemented
A number of features of the CityMatrp were not implemented because of time constraints.
The mapping activity in the application main page was one of these features.
The track matatu functionality was also not implemented, because the select query on schema
was not going through and because the time for completion of the project was running out.
The blog module was also not implemented because of lack in time and limited
documentation on using the blogging framework on Android platform. I decided to use a sms
platform to provide communication between the app users.
5.2 Testing
5.2.1 Test Basis
The testing of the CityMatrp was done as it was implemented. Every element of the system was
individually tested for statement coverage and its functionality verified. Features were only
integrated to the system after they passed the test criteria.
When a feature failed the test criteria, the implementation was debugged and in some occasions
the design revised, until the cause of the error is found and removed.
5.2.2 Test Approach
I used two testing approaches to test the system.
i. Functional testing
ii. Intergrtion testing
Functional Testing
Functional testing was thoroughly performed on the system as a whole. The GUI was tested
whether the appropriate API levels preferences are correctly set.
Most of the functional testing effort was concentrated around the access to the necessary data
either from the local database of remote database.
Intergration Testing
I verified the functionality of the app against a target system and platforms. This was in order so
as to get to see the the app performance in different environs based on different density pixels
and API levels
Chapter 6: Summary Conclusions and Recommendations
Developing the CityMatrp has been a good learning experience. As the research was done, I
became so fascinated with the level of organisation our city matatu can adapt further study in
this field was considered.
During the course of implementation certain issues came to light that would have enabled a
radical re-design of the system. If the project had to be done again, less time would have been
wasted on learning the basics of the programming language choice, since that took a reasonable
time of this project.
Because of lack in time some features were not implemented that would have made the
CityMatrp a better tool. However these features can be easily added to the system, as well as
some other features mentioned previously later on.
Overall the aim of the project was accomplished and a Mobile Route Management System
aiming to avail information about matatus, connections, routes, online route maps and for free
developed. A reasonably easy to use GUI provided the front end of the system.
However all the work done for this project hardly solve major issues with matatus in the city, and
much further work can be done on this project.
Gowell J. & McWherther (2009). Professional mobile application development (3rd
ed.). USA:
Wiley Publishers.
Lashkari A. & Moradhaseli M. (2011). Mobile Operating Systems and Programming: Mobile
Communications.India: VDM Verlag.
Mehta N. (2008).Mobile Web Development (5th
ed.).Great Britain: Pack Publishing.
Rheingold, H (2002) .Smart Mobs:The Next Social Revelution. Arizona: Phoenix.
Route planning software. (2013, July 13). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from:
Rudy De Waele (2013).How Mobile Technology is transforming Africa. Retrieved from:
Scott Ambler (2007). The Agile System Development Life Cycle. Retrieved from:
Appendix A: Website
Figure 12:Website
Appendix B: Android Mobile Devices
Figure 13:Android Mobile Devices

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Final documentation second year project

  • 1. i An Information Systems Documentation submitted in partial satisfaction of the award of a Bachelor of Business Information Technology. Project Title: CityMatrp A Mobile Matatu Route Management System By Student Name: Julie Otieno Submitted to: Project Coordinator: Mr. Submission Date: 8th Nov 2013
  • 2. ii Abstract This paper is a system documentation for the development of CityMatrp, a mobile application for a Mobile Route Management System. The application provides the functionalities of a route management system on a mobile device without compromising any capabilities of the route management system. By using this application each waiting time can be converted into a route management session at the palm of your hands. The application is developed in an android environment and therefore will be accessible to any smartphones and tablets that run android system. Public use of mobile computing devices such as laptops, PDAs and Tablet PCs is increasing. Such devices, taken in a higher manageability context, have the potential for a major impact on route management; it will also help the traffic police in tracking down traffic defaulters as well as managing traffic.
  • 3. iii Declaration I hereby affirm that this system documentation document is duly my original work and therefore has not been submitted in any institution for the satisfaction of any academic award. Student Name: ________________________ Signature: _________________ Date: _____________________ Supervisor Name: ________________________ Signature: _________________ Date: _____________________
  • 4. iv Table of Contents Table of Contents Abstract........................................................................................................................................................ ii Declaration.................................................................................................................................................. iii Table of Contents....................................................................................................................................... iv List of figures.............................................................................................................................................. vi Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................................ vii Chapter 1: Introduction .............................................................................................................................8 1.1 Background Information............................................................................................................8 1.2 Problem Statement............................................................................................................................8 1.3 Aim.....................................................................................................................................................9 1.4 Specific objectives .............................................................................................................................9 1.4.1 Project objective...........................................................................................................................9 1.4.2 System objective ..........................................................................................................................9 1.5 Justification .......................................................................................................................................9 1.6 Scope ................................................................................................................................................10 Chapter 2: Literature Review.................................................................................................................11 2.1 Definition of Mobile Route Management System (M-RMS).......................................................11 2.2 The Matatu industry and its stakeholders....................................................................................11 2.3 The Concept of Route Management Systems...............................................................................12 2.4 The Growth in mobile technology .................................................................................................12 2.5 The Mobile platforms .....................................................................................................................13 2.5.1 Android ......................................................................................................................................13 2.5.2 iOS .............................................................................................................................................13 2.5.3 BlackBerry.................................................................................................................................13 2.5.4 Windows Phone .........................................................................................................................14 2.5.5 Why Android .............................................................................................................................14 2.6 Advantages of deploying mobile route management systems.....................................................14 Chapter 3: Methodology...........................................................................................................................16 3.1 Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) approach..................................................................16 3.2 Data Collection................................................................................................................................17 3.3 Requirements & Analysis...............................................................................................................18
  • 5. v 3.3.1 Functional System Requirements...............................................................................................18 3.3.2 Non-Functional system Requirements.......................................................................................18 3.4 Design...............................................................................................................................................18 34.1 Architecture.................................................................................................................................18 3.5 Deliverables .....................................................................................................................................19 3.5.1 System modules .........................................................................................................................19 3.6 Development Tools..........................................................................................................................20 Chapter 4: System Analysis and Design Description.............................................................................21 4.1 Analysis............................................................................................................................................21 4.2 Design...............................................................................................................................................22 4.2.1 Architectural Design Approach..................................................................................................22 4.2.2 Class diagram...............................................................................................................................23 4.2.3 Sequence diagram........................................................................................................................24 4.2.4 Data Dictionary............................................................................................................................25 4.2.5 Database schema..........................................................................................................................26 4.2.6 Data Flow Diagram......................................................................................................................27 Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing.................................................................................................31 5.1 Implementation methodology ........................................................................................................31 5.1.1 Tasks ..........................................................................................................................................31 5.1.2 A web-based application produced............................................................................................31 5.1.3 A mobile application produced..................................................................................................31 5.1.4 Features not implemented..........................................................................................................32 5.2 Testing..............................................................................................................................................32 5.2.1 Test Basis...................................................................................................................................32 5.2.2 Test Approach............................................................................................................................32 Chapter 6: Summary Conclusions and Recommendations...................................................................34 References..................................................................................................................................................35 Appendices.................................................................................................................................................36 Appendix A: Website............................................................................................................................36 Appendix B: Android Mobile Devices.................................................................................................37
  • 6. vi List of figures Figure 1: Android ........................................................................................................................................14 Figure 2: waterfall model............................................................................................................................16 Figure 3:Architectural design .....................................................................................................................22 Figure 4:Class diagram ...............................................................................................................................23 Figure 5:Sequence diagram.........................................................................................................................24 Figure 6:Data dictionary .............................................................................................................................25 Figure 7:Database schema ..........................................................................................................................26 Figure 8:Data flow diagram........................................................................................................................27 Figure 9:Mainpage......................................................................................................................................28 Figure 10:Login page..................................................................................................................................29 Figure 11:Administrator..............................................................................................................................30 Figure 12:Website.......................................................................................................................................36 Figure 14:Android Mobile Devices ............................................................................................................37
  • 7. vii Abbreviations/Acronyms ADT - Android Development Tools SDK : Software Development Kit SDLC : Software Development Life Cycle App(s): Acronym for mobile applications Mat: Acronym for Matatu a Swahili word for a van. API: Application Programming Interface.
  • 8. 8 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Background Information CityMatrp is be a mobile application that serves as a Mobile Route Management System (M-RMS). This app is set to provide the basic functionalities of an online route management system within a mobile device. It is be aiming to avail information about matatus, connections, routes, online route maps and for free. Now you can search for any route to any destination around Nairobi. Mobile guides through the use of wireless mobile technology allow anyone to access information and directions at any time. As a result, there are reduced frustrations experienced by people when travelling. With mobile route management system, people are able to know where to find the bus stations to their various destinations and get alerts from respective personnel in charge of the various routes whenever and wherever they want. City council officials, traffic police and drivers are empowered since they can use the mobile technology to communicate with the public from anywhere and at any time. At the same time, all users of the application can share their frustrations, report unlawful acts and post traffic alerts on the application’s forum. 1.2 Problem Statement Nairobi City is well known for its congestion around East Africa. This causes a big nightmare to travelers from upcountry, students and visitor who come to the city for the first time. The situations in the bus stations are usually chaotic and tend to intimidate the public. The city council of Nairobi introduced a system where all routes within the county shall be uniquely number and vehicles registered to specific routes. This system was effective in the past but as the number of vehicles increased the more the more the increase in paperwork. Currently the paperwork has overwhelmed the county officers and they have since stopped registering Matatu. This has made it difficult to enforce some measure to tame the situation. The public has also since stopped receiving announcement about the various routes within the city through the public address systems in the bus stations. The process of registering matatus to the various routes wastes time and is inherently error prone, creating a data maintenance nightmare. A mobile
  • 9. 9 application that run on largely used platform, aiming to avail information about matatus, connections, routes, online route maps and for free, could effectively solve this problem. 1.3 Aim The objective of this project is to develop a Mobile Route Management System aiming to avail information about matatus, connections, routes, online route maps and for free. Enable the public to search for any route to any destination around Nairobi Metropolitan area. 1.4 Specific objectives 1.4.1 Project Objectives i. To identify ways to control and organize matatu organization. ii. Analyze ways to maximize productivity for all the stakeholders in the matatu industry. 1.4.2 System Objectives i. To design a system architecture consisting of a centralized route numbers repository based on the routes information ii. To solve the issues arising when registering matatus to various routes through the use of their mobile phones. iii. To create a notification system to allow users of the app to get announcements using their mobile phones. iv. To create a standard model of a route management system in a mobile environment v. To test the system 1.5 Justification Building a Mobile Route Management System to augment the current existing web-based route management system will ease the access to routes information and reduce paperwork involved in
  • 10. 10 rout registration. It will also help the police in tracking down traffic defaulters as well as managing traffic. 1.6 Scope This project is specifically be about development of a route management system in a mobile application without compromising any capabilities of the route management system. Additional modules may be added to create the interactive capabilities of a mobile system. Since a mobile route management system must always have a web-based route management system as its backbone, I have develop a route management system in a web environment to support this mobile application.
  • 11. 11 Chapter 2: Literature Review 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Definition of Mobile Route Management System (M-RMS) Mobile Route Management System (M-RMS) is a type of management information system that in focused on route administration and route information that happens when the users of the system are not at a fixed, predetermined location, or route management functionality that happens when the user takes advantage of the opportunities offered by mobile technologies. In other words, mobile route management system decreases limitation of route administration location with the mobility of general portable devices. M-RMS is not intended to replace the web-based route management systems but instead augment the latter by presenting the functionalities of the web-based route management systems on a mobile device. Through the use of mobile technologies, the public and route directors have a simplified experience as they can access avail information about matatus, connections, routes, online route maps anytime anywhere. 2.2 The Matatu industry and its stakeholders The Matatu industry in Nairobi city could be described as organized chaos. However, by getting to understand its stakeholders and networks, it becomes easier to understand how the industry is actually organized. The stakeholders in this industry include the matatu owners, matatu drivers, matatu conductors, touts, the traffic police, the county government and the public. This creates a need for a well-planned and organized system that will enable all the stakeholders to be seamlessly incorporated in a timely manner. This will lessen the complexity involved in the process of managing the matatus and ultimately, the true economic potential of the city can be in turn realized. The mobile app will also seek to address the lack of data and transport knowledge. There has been no consistent data available regarding matatus this has led to the complexity of
  • 12. 12 the system. It also hinders the stakeholders from making informed choices concerning acquisition of matatus, which route to register or total number of matatus in the city. 2.3 The Concept of Route Management Systems Route Management Systems are computer systems, designed to plan a (optimal) route between two geographical locations using a journey planning engine, typically specialized for road networks as a road route planner. It can typically provide a list of places one will pass by, with crossroads and directions that must be followed, road numbers etc. It also usually provides an interactive map with a suggested route marked on it (“Route planning software”, n.d., para 1).This concept cannot be automatically implemented in the transport system in Nairobi that is more of a paratransit system. This is because it supplements larger public transit systems by providing individualized rides without fixed routes or timetables. Thus, a tailored well-planned and easily accessible system that will seek to address the issue is needed in urgency. By creating CityMatrp, I will tackle the situation effectively as there are a number of android mobile users in the city currently. Users may however need to keep the data in their devices up to date this may involve some operator charges. 2.4 The Growth in mobile technology The twenty-first century has been characterized by the rapid rate of technology and social change. This has also seen the rise in mobile industry as a tool for internet access than a tool for voice communication/telephony. As a result communities are no longer only based on geographic proximity and new “tribes” (Rheingold, 2002) are developing. Mobile phones free users from the boundaries of desktops (Mehta, 2008) and allow accomplishing tasks from anywhere. Power of computing is continuing to be more mobile as more sophisticated gadgets get smaller. This has seen change in the way developers tackle the existing problems in the society through mobile apps. The documentation of the existing mobile architecture and frameworks has led to an increase in mobile developers both globally and locally. The current
  • 13. 13 system user tends to go for more convenient ways to tackle their daily life problems. Now any waiting time, even in a restaurant, can be used to manage and get matatu route information. 2.5 The Mobile platforms A mobile platform is also described as an operating system. It includes a hardware architecture and application framework, where the combination allows applications to run. It is crucial in application development as it offers the developer an undertaking that logic code will run consistently as long as the platform is in place (Lashkari & Moradhasheil, 2011).The major types of mobile platforms are: 2.5.1 Android Android is a free and open source platform from Google Inc. It is a Linux based operating system designed for touchscreen mobile devices. This open source code allows software to be freely modified and distributed by device manufacturer. Android applications are written in java programming language. For software development, it provides Android SDK. 2.5.2 iOS iOS is a mobile operating system developed and distributed by Apple Inc. It was primarily introduced in 2007 for the iPhone but has been extended to support other Apple devices. It does not license installation on non-Apple devices. It boasts the largest app store with over 500,000 applications (Lashkari & Moradhasheil, 2011). 2.5.3 BlackBerry It is a proprietary mobile operating system developed by BlackBerry Ltd. (recently RIM) for its BlackBerry line of smartphone held devices. The available BlackBerry API classes enable third- party developers to create apps for BlackBerry devices.
  • 14. 14 Figure 1: Android 2.5.4 Windows Phone Windows Phone is a series of proprietary mobile operating systems developed by Microsoft. It is the successor to the Windows Mobile operating system and targets consumer market. It supports c# as its development language (Lashkari & Moradhasheil, 2011). 2.5.5 Why Android First it is inexpensive; the cost of a device running on android is relative cheaper than the cost of a device running on blackberry, IOS or windows operating system. This has been major factor to the buyers of new smart phones in Kenya than the features of various systems. Secondly android is most flexible with a wider market base, it is the best segment to target as many people can get access to an android smart phone. 2.6 Advantages of deploying mobile route management systems i. Majority of city residents have mobile phone compared to PC or laptop ii. Mobile phones are of smaller size and lighter in weight and therefore can be carried around anywhere. iii. Increased visibility; Today’s route managers need to make quicker decisions based on real-time data. With increased visibility, matatu routes become more agile and more responsive to changes. iv. Organization in the matatu industry as the county officials can directly have control on matatu registration.
  • 15. 15 v. Reduced traffic congestion as matatu can be blocked from registering in routes with high number of matatu.
  • 16. 16 Chapter 3: Research Methodology 3.1 Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) approach. The SDLC methodology to be deployed is the Waterfall Methodology. Using this methodology I developed the mobile application through is a sequential design approach. It was very simple to understand and use. In a waterfall model, each phase must be completed fully before the next phase can begin. At the end of each phase, a review takes place to determine if the project is on the right path. Below is a diagram to illustrate this process: Figure 2: waterfall model I chose to use the waterfall development methodology because: i. It is simple to understand and use. ii. Easy to manage due to the rigidity of the model – each phase has specific deliverables and a review process. iii. Works well for smaller projects where requirements are very well understood
  • 17. 17 iv. Phases are processed and completed at one time 3.2 Data Collection In order to understand the requirements specification for this mobile application, I collected various data from the target users prior to the design phase of the development. The data collection methods used included: a) Interviews. This involved both formal and informal interviews to collect the views and opinions of different users about the idea of a mobile route managing system and possibly identify what areas to put emphasis on during implementation. I asked questions relating to: i. Current route management processes. ii. Technical expertise and development capabilities. iii. Likes and dislikes about current system/methods. iv. Communicating events within the bus stations v. Route numbers used in Nairobi vi. Design recommendations b) Questionnaires. Closed-type questionnaires were mostly used to assess the system modules that this mobile application should have and also identify any preferences from the target user. c) Online research. I did a thorough research on the already existing mobile route management solutions and identifying the insufficiencies that may be compensated for in this new system. This involved carrying out a bench mark assessment of any route management system, fleet management and vehicle tracking systems deployed in various part of the world.
  • 18. 18 3.3 Requirements & Analysis System requirement are all the capabilities that the news system must have. The purpose is to provide information for the next steps in the analysis phase to define the scope of the system. An analysis strategy consists of require analysis techniques and information gathering techniques. 3.3.1 Functional System Requirements The functional system requirements are: i. Availing matatu route information. ii. Registering matatu to various routes iii. Displaying number of matatu registered to a specific route. 3.3.2 Non-Functional system Requirements The non-functional system requirements are: i. Security – Some users are be require to go through an authentication process to login the app. ii. Consistency of the routes – users may have to keep their app update so as to have the changes made to the route updated. 3.4 Design 34.1 Architecture The architecture of our system is centered on a Nairobi city routes repository. This relational database will contain tables with the different routes information and matatu details. All routes registered in the system will store their data in this repository. This will enable all app users to access the route data. It will be necessary to use SQLite database for this type of system be successful. The application can be used to manage the route information within the repository. Routes created with the app will be hosted on a central server connects to the routes information repository using a physical three tier architecture (Olson, 2012) . Thus, apps will have a URL that reflects the central server's name.
  • 19. 19 3.5 Deliverables 3.5.1 System modules The mobile route management system modules to be delivered in this project include but not limited to: Public module This interface displays information about the different routes. It is accessible to all users of the app; Main Activity (Page) and Tracking system for matatus. Route director module Enables route directors to register matatus in the various routes in the city. Route directors are able to track no. of matatus in their respective routes. Administrator module Administrators are able to add/create new routes into the system. They can register new route directors into the system. Sms module Enable all app users to post alerts and announcements about routes, traffic updates, matatus strikes and report traffic defaulters; that can be received by all app users.
  • 20. 20 3.6 Development Tools The mobile application was developed by the following development tools: a) Android development Kit (ADT) ADT (Android Developer Tools) is a plug-in for Eclipse that provides a suite of tools that are integrated with the Eclipse IDE. It offers you access to many features that help you develop Android applications quickly. ADT provides GUI access to many of the command line SDK tools as well as a UI design tool for rapid prototyping, designing, and building of your application's user interface. b) Android SDK Android Software Development Kit (SDK) is set of development tools comprising of debuggers and libraries for Java programming applications. c) Eclipse IDE Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a base workspace for developing applications in Java and other programming languages (via plug-ins).It is the best IDE to integrate with the android SDK; hence the decision to include it in this project.
  • 21. 21 Chapter 4: System Analysis and Design Description 4.1 Analysis The requirements for a system refer to the descriptions of what the system should do—the services that it provides and the constraints on its operation. These requirements reflect the needs of customers for a system that serves a certain purpose. Software Requirements Analysis is the process of finding out, analyzing, documenting and checking these services and constraints. There are two system requirements appreciated during the development ie. Functional system requirements and Non-functional system requirements (Extensively covered in Chap. 3.3) So as to fully understand the various functions the program should perform the following tools were used: Feasibility Studies – determining whether the product or project is worth the time and effort. It describes features and benefits of the product, itemizes costs, resources and staffing then describes the projects potential profits or value to the organization. Flowcharts – this is the diagrammatic representation of a process. It describes a series of steps or decisions in visual form in a manner that facilitates communication. Requirements Lists - should be organized by categories. As the list grows, this list helps the analyst understand the customer's needs and helps limit what features are necessary and which are not.
  • 22. 22 4.2 Design 4.2.1 Architectural Design Approach Public Route director Administrator Android device Android device Android device Network Provider Database Route repository Figure 3:Architectural design
  • 23. 23 4.2.2 Class diagram +get name() : string +get email() : string +Staff_id : int +Email : string +Name : string -Password : char Administrator +getroute_location() : string +getroute_no() : char +getroute_director() : string +Route_id : int +Route_director : string +Route_location : string +Route_no : char Route +getmatatu_regno() : char +getmatatu_routeno() : char +getmatatu_driver() : string #Matatu_regno : char #Matatu_driver : string #Route_no : char Matatu +getname() : string +Name : string +Email : string +Route_no : char Director 1 M 1 1 1 M Adds route Has a 1 0..* Adds matatu Figure 4: Class diagram
  • 24. 24 4.2.3 Sequence diagram Mobile Route Information System Routes repository Request Route info Display route info submit Sql query Retrive route information System administrator commuter Add route Status message Figure 5: Sequence diagram
  • 25. 25 4.2.4 Data Dictionary Figure 6: Data dictionary
  • 26. 26 4.2.5 Database schema Figure 7: Database schema
  • 27. 27 4.2.6 Data Flow Diagram Administrator Add route Add matatu Check for validity Check for Validity Director Commuter Route Matatu Process request Route details Valid route details Route details Matatu details Valid matatu details Matatu details Matatu info Invalid detail Route info Invalid details Request route details Submit query Retrieve route details Route details Process request Request matatu details Request matatu details Submit query Submit queryMatatu details Matatu details Figure 8: Data flow diagram
  • 31. 31 Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing 5.1 Implementation methodology 5.1.1 Tasks Similar to the design methodology, an incremental approach to the implementation of the mobile application was used. A basic mobile route management system was first implemented and after being tested and debugged the other features were added to the system. After sufficient number of features for the mobile application were implemented, work on the GUI started. Every feature was tested individually and in conjunction with the rest of the system as it was added. Features had then added and modified in both subsystems until a mobile route management system was produced, which matched the specification. The subsystems were divided as per modules. The modules in this project included: i. Public module ii. Route director module iii. Administrator module iv. Database module v. User Authentication module 5.1.2 A web-based application produced A fully operation web-based route management system was produced. The web-based route management system was produced with PHP backend server script. The implementation of the GUI subsystem was done using GUI done using html and css3. Certain basic features re- used as there were many available open source PHP route management frameworks. The web page was developed to provide supplement the functionality of the mobile application and where the application can be downloaded. 5.1.3 A mobile application produced The mobile route management system was produced. The mobile route management system was produced with PHP backend server script and JSON Arrays to fetch data from the remote database. Certain basic features had to be implemented from scratch since Android did not provide convenient packages that implemented them. This include populating spinner dynamically with data from the remote database. The functionalities and subsystems of the application was later complied and coupled into a single package. The application will be distributed as CityMatrp.apk.
  • 32. 32 5.1.4 Features not implemented A number of features of the CityMatrp were not implemented because of time constraints. The mapping activity in the application main page was one of these features. The track matatu functionality was also not implemented, because the select query on schema was not going through and because the time for completion of the project was running out. The blog module was also not implemented because of lack in time and limited documentation on using the blogging framework on Android platform. I decided to use a sms platform to provide communication between the app users. 5.2 Testing 5.2.1 Test Basis The testing of the CityMatrp was done as it was implemented. Every element of the system was individually tested for statement coverage and its functionality verified. Features were only integrated to the system after they passed the test criteria. When a feature failed the test criteria, the implementation was debugged and in some occasions the design revised, until the cause of the error is found and removed. 5.2.2 Test Approach I used two testing approaches to test the system. i. Functional testing ii. Intergrtion testing Functional Testing Functional testing was thoroughly performed on the system as a whole. The GUI was tested whether the appropriate API levels preferences are correctly set. Most of the functional testing effort was concentrated around the access to the necessary data either from the local database of remote database.
  • 33. 33 Intergration Testing I verified the functionality of the app against a target system and platforms. This was in order so as to get to see the the app performance in different environs based on different density pixels and API levels
  • 34. 34 Chapter 6: Summary Conclusions and Recommendations Developing the CityMatrp has been a good learning experience. As the research was done, I became so fascinated with the level of organisation our city matatu can adapt further study in this field was considered. During the course of implementation certain issues came to light that would have enabled a radical re-design of the system. If the project had to be done again, less time would have been wasted on learning the basics of the programming language choice, since that took a reasonable time of this project. Because of lack in time some features were not implemented that would have made the CityMatrp a better tool. However these features can be easily added to the system, as well as some other features mentioned previously later on. Overall the aim of the project was accomplished and a Mobile Route Management System aiming to avail information about matatus, connections, routes, online route maps and for free developed. A reasonably easy to use GUI provided the front end of the system. However all the work done for this project hardly solve major issues with matatus in the city, and much further work can be done on this project.
  • 35. 35 References Gowell J. & McWherther (2009). Professional mobile application development (3rd ed.). USA: Wiley Publishers. Lashkari A. & Moradhaseli M. (2011). Mobile Operating Systems and Programming: Mobile Communications.India: VDM Verlag. Mehta N. (2008).Mobile Web Development (5th ed.).Great Britain: Pack Publishing. Rheingold, H (2002) .Smart Mobs:The Next Social Revelution. Arizona: Phoenix. Route planning software. (2013, July 13). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from: e&oldid=564159275 Rudy De Waele (2013).How Mobile Technology is transforming Africa. Retrieved from: is-transforming-africa/ Scott Ambler (2007). The Agile System Development Life Cycle. Retrieved from:
  • 37. 37 Appendix B: Android Mobile Devices Figure 13:Android Mobile Devices