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South Korea Essay
South Korea
South Korea, officially known as the Republic of Korea, country in northeastern Asia that occupies the southern portion of the Korean Peninsula.
South Korea is bounded on the north by North Korea; on the east by the Sea of
Japan; on the southeast and south by the Korea Strait, which separates it from
Japan; and on the west by the Yellow Sea. It has a total area of about 38,023 sq. mi., including numerousoffshore islands in the south and west,
the largest of which is Cheju (area, 1829 sq. km/706 sq. mi.). The state of South Korea was established in 1948 following the post–World War II
partitioning of the peninsula between the occupying forces of the United States in the south and more content...
South Korea's economy, traditionally based on agriculture, has, since the early 1960s, undergone an extraordinarily rapid industrialization; the
gross domestic product (GDP) expanded by more than 9 percent yearly between the 1960s and the early 1990s. A series of five–year economic
plans begun in 1962 have concentrated on the development of manufacturing, much of it oriented toward exports. Economic aid, especially from
the United States and Japan, was important to the economic growth of the country, which in the span of a generation grew from one of the
world's poorest to a mid–ranking industrial power. In the early 1990s estimated annual national budget figures showed revenues and expenditures
balanced at $48.4 billion.
In the early 1990s the total labor force was estimated at 19.8 million.
Of this figure, some 15 percent were engaged in agriculture, forestry, and fishing; 33 percent in industry; and 52 percent in services. The principal
labor organization is the Federation of Korean Trade Unions, with a membership of more than 1.8 million.
Land distribution programs were carried out after World War II (1939
1945). With 1.6 million farms, the average cultivated land area for each is 1.3 hectares (3.2 acres). Agricultural methods remain largely
traditional and unmechanized. About 21 perceent of the land is arable, and nearly all of this land is under
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Essay about North Korea
This article deals with the United States and its attempts to deal with the dangerous matters of North Korea. Some of the problems that were
brought up in this article were North Korea's plan to restart a plutonium based nuclear program at Yongbyon, North Korea's plan to build a new
highly enriched uranium (HEU) nuclear program, and the tension that emerged between the United States and South Korea. Even though many
problems were occurring, there were some positive things that were happening at the time. The United States began negotiating with North Korea
and South Korea about establishing railroad links, demining portions of the demilitarized zone, allowing athletes to compete in the Asian games,
and allowing abductees to visit more content...
There also have been various reasons why North Korea revealed to us their HEU plan. One theory is that they wanted us to notice them. They did
not want us to disengage and isolate from them.
At the beginning, our response to North Korea's HEU and plutonium programs was very hostile and involved condemning them. Eventually, we
took little baby steps to ease the tension. We also agreed to talk to them, but limited the things we could talk about with them. At the very time all
of this chaos is happening, our relationship with the South Korea is reaching an all time low.
I think there are many things that the United States has to do in order to resolve the problems that are occurring and to prevent more problems
from happening in the future. The first thing that I think the United States should do is to treat them as nicely as possible, even if it means
going against what we believe and letting them get away with bad behavior. In the long run it might be a bad thing to do because it could
influence other nations to think that they can walk over us and take advantage of us. However, I think it would be the correct thing to do right
now because the last thing anyone wants is a nation that is angry with you that holds nuclear weapons. If, however, North Korea refuses to accept
our proposal for negotiations and does not agree with anything that we have to offer, I think the only other option is to attack them with
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Korean War Essays
On 26 June, one day after 90,000 North Korean troops, armed with Soviet weapons, crossed the 38th parallel to invade South Korea, President
Harry Truman directed U.S. military forces to assist South Korea. This began the Korean War, which came at a time when America was becoming
more and more fearful of Communism. The fact that Communist China and the Soviet Union were backing the North Koreans added to American
fears of a "Communist Takeover" of the world. Led by General Douglas MacArthur,American troops spent three years fighting in
Korea. The war ended in stalemate in 1953 with the North Koreans north of the 38th parallel, a border that still separates North and South Korea.
When North Korea invaded South Korea , the more content...
It was 21/2 miles (4 kilometers) wide along the final battle line. South Korea gained about 1,500 square miles (3,880 square kilometers) of
territory. Both sides agreed not to increase their military strength. "The Forgotten War." "Police Action." TheKorean War has endured many names
over time. However, it was more importantly recognized as the first major conflict between the East and West, and an important milestone in the
initial years of the Cold War. But this war had a most devastating toll. TheKorean War was one of the bloodiest wars in history. Over a million
South Korean civilians were killed and several million were made homeless. Approximately 580,000 UN and South Korean troops and
approximately 1,600,000 Communist troops were killed, wounded or reported missing. For US Forces, over 33,600 dead and almost 100,000
wounded and missing in action, with US Air Force totals at 1,841 killed, wounded or missing in action. It's important to note that no one service
claim victory over another, but all made immeasurable contributions to the Korean War effort, with the Air Force no exception. Once again we
must take this time to remember that Freedom is Not Free and to honor our fallen heroes. Time Line up to 14 July June 25 – Early morning –
North Korean People's Army under General Chai Ung Jun, invades South Korea with seven assault infantry divisions, a tank brigade and two
independent infantry regiments. United
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South Korea Communism
mmunism. After North Korea's invasion of South Korea, it became evident that South Korea's survival required outside intervention. The United
States was to take action alone, but reconsidered due to the high risk of a Soviet and Chinese response and then referred the issue to the United
Nations where member nations were asked to provide assistance to South Korea. Therefore, the Korean war was an international war in which the
United States used the United Nations to Further its anti–communist policies due to the fact that communism was democracy's greatest enemy.
The Civil war that raged on in North and South Korea wasn't a just a war against nations, yet a war against political views.Because both nations
had different views the two wouldn't agree upon "Both claimed to be Korea's rightful government and launched raids across the border".(Berkin,
698) Consequently, North Korea took more content...
Most nations joined the war effort after "Truman asked the UN Security Council to intervene".(Berkin, 698) South Korea had the aide of the
United Nations which included american and british forces while North Korea had the aide of the Soviet Union.This showed just how intense
the war was going to become as some of the world's largest nations were going to clash against each other. Almost all americans sought to unify
korea and then "the United Nations on October 7 approved a new goal to liberate North Korea of Communist rule".(Berkin, 700). When
liberating Communism from North Korea, China got involved once UN forces moved towards the Chinese/Korean border. As a result, warfare
intensified and casualties grew in numbers which made President Truman give up all hope on a unified Korea and so peace talks began. Later on
during the peace talks, "The Eisenhower Administration finally concluded a ceasefire in july 26, 1923". (Berkin, 701) . The United States ended
up expanding its
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Essay on Korea
The Korean Religious Heritage
Korea's religious heritage has contributed to the teaching of the Unification Church. Since it first appeared on Korean soil and was nourished by
the Korean philosophy of life, the new movement was naturally influenced to some extent by its environment. Just as Eastern Orthodoxy cannot be
understood apart from Christian Hellenism, and Roman Catholicism is a product of Latin civilization, so the Unification Church greatly profited
from the religious development of its homeland.
Korea's indigenous religion, like that of most early cultures, was a form of shamanism. This original faith has never completely disappeared and
still exerts considerable influence. Ancient Koreans believed in a variety of more content...
Let me mention five. First, Buddhism is a religion which stresses the need for salvation. According to Gautama's four–fold truth, every man
suffers because of his insatiable desires. Men find themselves caught in a ceaseless craving for pleasure which inevitably results in disappointment,
pain, frustration and emptiness. What Buddhism offers is a way to escape this meaningless merry–go–round.
Secondly, according to Buddha, liberation or enlightenment can only be achieved as a result of self–discipline and self–denial. There is no easy
way out of the human predicament. An individual must curb his sensuous desires and master his body. Gradually but vigorously he must
extinguish the craving for physical pleasures. To accomplish this, Buddhists have to practice strenuous moral and intellectual disciplines.
Thirdly, Mahayana Buddhism reinforces the stem ethic of Gautama's teachings with a vivid eschatology. Those who live morally here on earth
will be rewarded by the bliss of the Pure Land Paradise. But those who violate the moral commandments will be punished in hell until they have
paid for their folly. At least in popular Buddhism (that taught to the laity), the promise of heavenly reward and the threat of hell's torments have
been an important stimulus to ethical behavior.
Fourthly, Mahayana Buddhism emphasizes the supreme value of self–sacrifice. The highest ideal is to be a Bodhisattva. A Bodhisattva is one
who has earned the right to enjoy the
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Reflective Essay About Korea
When I was my 15 years, I watched my first Korean dorama. Then I did not know how it would exert an impact on my fate and view of life. This
was the world–famous "Boys over flowers", which became an occasion of my acquaintance with the country of morning freshness. I strongly
believe that my life transformed for better and blossomed after watching this Korean dorama was watched by everyone, from the youngest to the
oldest. It drew me in this world – the world of Korean drama, Korean pop and Korean cinema. Knowledge about Korea was increasing more and
more gradually and new sides of Korea were opened. I found out the country is famous not only of the Korean wave, Hallyu, but also of kimchi,
various traditional food, colorful nature and combination of tradition and modernity. And some pieces of the Korean culture and language are
quite more content...
One year ago I joined "Good neighbors" (NGO) a major goal of which was rendering assistance and encouraging to the children from low–income
families in our country, as well as in many other countries. I have been helping to implement the very first project by filling out questionnaires
of children and other tasks of the employees of the organization that had to be done. I was fortunate to be involved in a noble cause in it.
While I was working in this organization, I obtained unforgettable experience. "Good Neighbors" made me feel amenable and responsible for
little children which needed our help. The volunteer experience revealed my feelings to the children, which have become like siblings to me.
A selfless and free aid to people, especially to the children, is a great matter. I understood that everything we did was for the benefit of children.
Even if I do not have enough forces and opportunities to make the world better for everyone, I am realistic about my forces and capabilities and
I strive to make this world better for specific
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Japan and Korea Essay
Japan and Korea
Did Japan modernize or exploit Korea? Scholars have debated this question with vigor throughout this century. I do not believe the answer is so
black and white. While looking at the history of the colonization, evidence of both should appear. The word colonization alone generally means to
move into another people's land and exploit resources. However, positive results can appear during a negative situation.
Regardless of what point of view an individual takes, there is no doubt that Japan has dramatically influenced Korea. This is common with most
nations in the industrialization period or the modernization period. Think about it, every treaty endorsed between nations leads to policy change.
The lessons learned more content...
With Korea's, political in turmoil in the 1800's Korea became an easier target for outside influences. The Korean nobles were trying to gain
more power from the royal family. One strategy used to obtain power was to ensure the kings were weak. If a king died prematurely, they
selected the weakest family member to replace him. If it was not the weakest family member then it was one in which specific families could
manipulate so that there over all real power increased. As this began to occur other noble families began to align themselves with foreign countries
in order solidify or strengthen their political position.
These alliances became very influential in foreign policies. For example, when the Americans wanted to open Korean ports, the initial trade
agreement was not made with the Korean government but with the Chinese government. Why did this occur? Well there are several reasons. First
throughout Korean history Korean's have always looked up to the Chinese in these types of matters. Second because of the family alliances mad
with China, China was given the right to make these decisions.
As stated before family alliances were made with China to strengthen the power of noble families. However, China was not the only country
giving aid to Korean nobles. Russia and
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Essay on Korean Food
Korean Food Korean food is unique. It's known for its spicy flavor and the use of other seasonings to enhance the taste. Dishes are usually flavored
with a combination of soy sauce, red pepper, green onion, bean paste, garlic, ginger, sesame, mustard, vinegar, and wine. The Korean peninsula is
surrounded water on three sides, but connected to the Asian mainland. This environment contributes to theuniqueness of Korean cuisine. Seafood
plays a very important role as do vegetables and livestock. Let's examine three of the most common and famous types of Korean food.
Kimchi is a very popular Korean dish. It is made by fermenting vegetables, usually cabbage and white radish, and seasoning them with red
peppers and garlic. more content...
Like American Barbeque, Pulgoki is usually made from beef, pork, sometimes chicken, and also other more exotic meats like cow tongue.
Unlike American Barbeque, Korean Pulgoki is almost always thinly sliced and cooked on a built in grill on the table where it will be served.
Kalbi, a type of Pulgoki, is made from thinly sliced beef short ribs. When eating Pulgoki or Kalbi, it is customary to cook the meat then move
it on to a small dish containing either sweet or sour sauce. It will be left in the dish until it is cool enough, at which point it should be eaten.
Pulgoki is very popular in Japan where it is called Yakiniku. It is also available in America. Where Americans may find Kimchi too bitter for
their tastes, Pulgoki's taste is more similar to the popular sweet and meaty taste of American food.
Hoe is the Korean version of sushi. It is made by slicing and serving raw fish. The serving methods may vary greatly, but common garnishes
include ginger, mustard, red pepper paste, and soy sauce. Some of the more popular Hoe dishes in Korea include tuna, croaker, flatfish, oyster,
skate, sea cucumber, abalone, sea urchin, and squid.
Korean food is becoming more and more popular among other countries. There are already many Korean restaurants in America, Japan, China,
and the rest of the world. As the numbers continue to grow, Korean food may become less exotic, and more common.
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Korea Research Paper
The name Korea derives from Goryeo, itself referring to the ancient kingdom of Goguryeo, the first Korean dynasty visited by Persian merchants
who referred to KoryЕЏ (Goryeo; кі л ¤) as Korea.[28] The term KoryЕЏ also widely became used to refer to Goguryeo, which renamed itself
KoryЕЏ in the 5th century.[29] (The modern spelling, "Korea", first appeared in late 17th century in the travel writings of the Dutch East India
Company's Hendrick Hamel.[29]). Despite the coexistence of the spellings Corea and Korea in 19th century publications, some Koreans believe
that Japan, around the time of the Japanese occupation, intentionally standardised the spelling on Korea, making Japan appear first
After Goryeo was replaced by Joseon in 1392, Joseon became the official name for the entire territory, though it was not universally accepted.
The new official name has its origin in the ancient country of Gojoseon (Old Joseon). In 1897, the Joseon dynasty changed the official name of
the country from Joseon to Daehan Jeguk (Korean Empire). The name Daehan, which means "great Han" literally, derives from Samhan (Three
Hans). However, the name Joseon was still widely used by Koreans to refer to their country, though it was no longer the official name. Under
Japanese rule, the two names Han and Joseon coexisted. There were several groups who fought for independence, the most notable being the
Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea (лЊЂн•њлЇјкµ мћ„м‹њм •л¶Ђ/大韓民國臨時政府) more content...
Since the government only controlled the southern part of the Korean Peninsula, the informal term South Korea was coined, becoming increasingly
common in the Western world. While South Koreans use Han (or Hanguk) to refer to the entire country, North Koreans use Joseon as the name of
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Unified Korea
The allied victory of World War II marked the end of the Empire of Japan's 35
–year colonial rule of the Korean peninsula. The Soviet Union and
the United States both agreed to occupy the country along the 38th parallel. The arrangement granting temporary rights to each nation over the
Korean peninsula occurred under the assumption that giving trusteeship would ultimately lead to the establishment of an independent Korea. The
emergence of the Cold War prevented the formation of a unified Korea. Failure to accept United Nations resolutions by the Soviet Union caused
the formation of a communist government in the North, while in the South the United States introduced a democratic government. Two extremely
distinctive countries were more content...
The resulting strengthening of manipulation and corruption that took place has evolved into South Korea's chief technique of upholding business
success and effectiveness in the global community. The chaebols have become a core stake in the South Korean economy, but they have
dissuaded economic growth. Not many small businesses and companies are able to survive against the business conglomerates. There are a
select few businesses that can outweigh the financial and political advantages of the chaebol. Consequently, the economic inequalities have
developed substantially. Not much of the economy is left after the chaebol have used their power and authority to consume more than their
share. This disparity is most visible in times of financial catastrophe. In 1998, following the South Korean IMF crisis, the Gross Domestic
Product of South Korea dropped by 7 percent. While the top 5 percent of South Koreans only saw their income decrease by 2 percent, the bottom
30 percent of Koreans saw their income drop by almost a
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Essay About Korea

  • 1. South Korea Essay South Korea South Korea, officially known as the Republic of Korea, country in northeastern Asia that occupies the southern portion of the Korean Peninsula. South Korea is bounded on the north by North Korea; on the east by the Sea of Japan; on the southeast and south by the Korea Strait, which separates it from Japan; and on the west by the Yellow Sea. It has a total area of about 38,023 sq. mi., including numerousoffshore islands in the south and west, the largest of which is Cheju (area, 1829 sq. km/706 sq. mi.). The state of South Korea was established in 1948 following the post–World War II partitioning of the peninsula between the occupying forces of the United States in the south and more content... South Korea's economy, traditionally based on agriculture, has, since the early 1960s, undergone an extraordinarily rapid industrialization; the gross domestic product (GDP) expanded by more than 9 percent yearly between the 1960s and the early 1990s. A series of five–year economic plans begun in 1962 have concentrated on the development of manufacturing, much of it oriented toward exports. Economic aid, especially from the United States and Japan, was important to the economic growth of the country, which in the span of a generation grew from one of the world's poorest to a mid–ranking industrial power. In the early 1990s estimated annual national budget figures showed revenues and expenditures balanced at $48.4 billion. Labor In the early 1990s the total labor force was estimated at 19.8 million. Of this figure, some 15 percent were engaged in agriculture, forestry, and fishing; 33 percent in industry; and 52 percent in services. The principal labor organization is the Federation of Korean Trade Unions, with a membership of more than 1.8 million. Agriculture Land distribution programs were carried out after World War II (1939 –
  • 2. 1945). With 1.6 million farms, the average cultivated land area for each is 1.3 hectares (3.2 acres). Agricultural methods remain largely traditional and unmechanized. About 21 perceent of the land is arable, and nearly all of this land is under Get more content on
  • 3. Essay about North Korea This article deals with the United States and its attempts to deal with the dangerous matters of North Korea. Some of the problems that were brought up in this article were North Korea's plan to restart a plutonium based nuclear program at Yongbyon, North Korea's plan to build a new highly enriched uranium (HEU) nuclear program, and the tension that emerged between the United States and South Korea. Even though many problems were occurring, there were some positive things that were happening at the time. The United States began negotiating with North Korea and South Korea about establishing railroad links, demining portions of the demilitarized zone, allowing athletes to compete in the Asian games, and allowing abductees to visit more content... There also have been various reasons why North Korea revealed to us their HEU plan. One theory is that they wanted us to notice them. They did not want us to disengage and isolate from them. At the beginning, our response to North Korea's HEU and plutonium programs was very hostile and involved condemning them. Eventually, we took little baby steps to ease the tension. We also agreed to talk to them, but limited the things we could talk about with them. At the very time all of this chaos is happening, our relationship with the South Korea is reaching an all time low. I think there are many things that the United States has to do in order to resolve the problems that are occurring and to prevent more problems from happening in the future. The first thing that I think the United States should do is to treat them as nicely as possible, even if it means going against what we believe and letting them get away with bad behavior. In the long run it might be a bad thing to do because it could influence other nations to think that they can walk over us and take advantage of us. However, I think it would be the correct thing to do right now because the last thing anyone wants is a nation that is angry with you that holds nuclear weapons. If, however, North Korea refuses to accept our proposal for negotiations and does not agree with anything that we have to offer, I think the only other option is to attack them with Get more content on
  • 4. Korean War Essays On 26 June, one day after 90,000 North Korean troops, armed with Soviet weapons, crossed the 38th parallel to invade South Korea, President Harry Truman directed U.S. military forces to assist South Korea. This began the Korean War, which came at a time when America was becoming more and more fearful of Communism. The fact that Communist China and the Soviet Union were backing the North Koreans added to American fears of a "Communist Takeover" of the world. Led by General Douglas MacArthur,American troops spent three years fighting in Korea. The war ended in stalemate in 1953 with the North Koreans north of the 38th parallel, a border that still separates North and South Korea. When North Korea invaded South Korea , the more content... It was 21/2 miles (4 kilometers) wide along the final battle line. South Korea gained about 1,500 square miles (3,880 square kilometers) of territory. Both sides agreed not to increase their military strength. "The Forgotten War." "Police Action." TheKorean War has endured many names over time. However, it was more importantly recognized as the first major conflict between the East and West, and an important milestone in the initial years of the Cold War. But this war had a most devastating toll. TheKorean War was one of the bloodiest wars in history. Over a million South Korean civilians were killed and several million were made homeless. Approximately 580,000 UN and South Korean troops and approximately 1,600,000 Communist troops were killed, wounded or reported missing. For US Forces, over 33,600 dead and almost 100,000 wounded and missing in action, with US Air Force totals at 1,841 killed, wounded or missing in action. It's important to note that no one service claim victory over another, but all made immeasurable contributions to the Korean War effort, with the Air Force no exception. Once again we must take this time to remember that Freedom is Not Free and to honor our fallen heroes. Time Line up to 14 July June 25 – Early morning – North Korean People's Army under General Chai Ung Jun, invades South Korea with seven assault infantry divisions, a tank brigade and two independent infantry regiments. United Get more content on
  • 5. South Korea Communism mmunism. After North Korea's invasion of South Korea, it became evident that South Korea's survival required outside intervention. The United States was to take action alone, but reconsidered due to the high risk of a Soviet and Chinese response and then referred the issue to the United Nations where member nations were asked to provide assistance to South Korea. Therefore, the Korean war was an international war in which the United States used the United Nations to Further its anti–communist policies due to the fact that communism was democracy's greatest enemy. The Civil war that raged on in North and South Korea wasn't a just a war against nations, yet a war against political views.Because both nations had different views the two wouldn't agree upon "Both claimed to be Korea's rightful government and launched raids across the border".(Berkin, 698) Consequently, North Korea took more content... Most nations joined the war effort after "Truman asked the UN Security Council to intervene".(Berkin, 698) South Korea had the aide of the United Nations which included american and british forces while North Korea had the aide of the Soviet Union.This showed just how intense the war was going to become as some of the world's largest nations were going to clash against each other. Almost all americans sought to unify korea and then "the United Nations on October 7 approved a new goal to liberate North Korea of Communist rule".(Berkin, 700). When liberating Communism from North Korea, China got involved once UN forces moved towards the Chinese/Korean border. As a result, warfare intensified and casualties grew in numbers which made President Truman give up all hope on a unified Korea and so peace talks began. Later on during the peace talks, "The Eisenhower Administration finally concluded a ceasefire in july 26, 1923". (Berkin, 701) . The United States ended up expanding its Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Korea The Korean Religious Heritage Korea's religious heritage has contributed to the teaching of the Unification Church. Since it first appeared on Korean soil and was nourished by the Korean philosophy of life, the new movement was naturally influenced to some extent by its environment. Just as Eastern Orthodoxy cannot be understood apart from Christian Hellenism, and Roman Catholicism is a product of Latin civilization, so the Unification Church greatly profited from the religious development of its homeland. Korea's indigenous religion, like that of most early cultures, was a form of shamanism. This original faith has never completely disappeared and still exerts considerable influence. Ancient Koreans believed in a variety of more content... Let me mention five. First, Buddhism is a religion which stresses the need for salvation. According to Gautama's four–fold truth, every man suffers because of his insatiable desires. Men find themselves caught in a ceaseless craving for pleasure which inevitably results in disappointment, pain, frustration and emptiness. What Buddhism offers is a way to escape this meaningless merry–go–round. Secondly, according to Buddha, liberation or enlightenment can only be achieved as a result of self–discipline and self–denial. There is no easy way out of the human predicament. An individual must curb his sensuous desires and master his body. Gradually but vigorously he must extinguish the craving for physical pleasures. To accomplish this, Buddhists have to practice strenuous moral and intellectual disciplines. Thirdly, Mahayana Buddhism reinforces the stem ethic of Gautama's teachings with a vivid eschatology. Those who live morally here on earth will be rewarded by the bliss of the Pure Land Paradise. But those who violate the moral commandments will be punished in hell until they have paid for their folly. At least in popular Buddhism (that taught to the laity), the promise of heavenly reward and the threat of hell's torments have been an important stimulus to ethical behavior. Fourthly, Mahayana Buddhism emphasizes the supreme value of self–sacrifice. The highest ideal is to be a Bodhisattva. A Bodhisattva is one who has earned the right to enjoy the Get more content on
  • 7. Reflective Essay About Korea When I was my 15 years, I watched my first Korean dorama. Then I did not know how it would exert an impact on my fate and view of life. This was the world–famous "Boys over flowers", which became an occasion of my acquaintance with the country of morning freshness. I strongly believe that my life transformed for better and blossomed after watching this Korean dorama was watched by everyone, from the youngest to the oldest. It drew me in this world – the world of Korean drama, Korean pop and Korean cinema. Knowledge about Korea was increasing more and more gradually and new sides of Korea were opened. I found out the country is famous not only of the Korean wave, Hallyu, but also of kimchi, various traditional food, colorful nature and combination of tradition and modernity. And some pieces of the Korean culture and language are quite more content... One year ago I joined "Good neighbors" (NGO) a major goal of which was rendering assistance and encouraging to the children from low–income families in our country, as well as in many other countries. I have been helping to implement the very first project by filling out questionnaires of children and other tasks of the employees of the organization that had to be done. I was fortunate to be involved in a noble cause in it. While I was working in this organization, I obtained unforgettable experience. "Good Neighbors" made me feel amenable and responsible for little children which needed our help. The volunteer experience revealed my feelings to the children, which have become like siblings to me. A selfless and free aid to people, especially to the children, is a great matter. I understood that everything we did was for the benefit of children. Even if I do not have enough forces and opportunities to make the world better for everyone, I am realistic about my forces and capabilities and I strive to make this world better for specific Get more content on
  • 8. Japan and Korea Essay Japan and Korea Did Japan modernize or exploit Korea? Scholars have debated this question with vigor throughout this century. I do not believe the answer is so black and white. While looking at the history of the colonization, evidence of both should appear. The word colonization alone generally means to move into another people's land and exploit resources. However, positive results can appear during a negative situation. Regardless of what point of view an individual takes, there is no doubt that Japan has dramatically influenced Korea. This is common with most nations in the industrialization period or the modernization period. Think about it, every treaty endorsed between nations leads to policy change. The lessons learned more content... With Korea's, political in turmoil in the 1800's Korea became an easier target for outside influences. The Korean nobles were trying to gain more power from the royal family. One strategy used to obtain power was to ensure the kings were weak. If a king died prematurely, they selected the weakest family member to replace him. If it was not the weakest family member then it was one in which specific families could manipulate so that there over all real power increased. As this began to occur other noble families began to align themselves with foreign countries in order solidify or strengthen their political position. These alliances became very influential in foreign policies. For example, when the Americans wanted to open Korean ports, the initial trade agreement was not made with the Korean government but with the Chinese government. Why did this occur? Well there are several reasons. First throughout Korean history Korean's have always looked up to the Chinese in these types of matters. Second because of the family alliances mad with China, China was given the right to make these decisions. As stated before family alliances were made with China to strengthen the power of noble families. However, China was not the only country giving aid to Korean nobles. Russia and
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  • 10. Essay on Korean Food Korean Food Korean food is unique. It's known for its spicy flavor and the use of other seasonings to enhance the taste. Dishes are usually flavored with a combination of soy sauce, red pepper, green onion, bean paste, garlic, ginger, sesame, mustard, vinegar, and wine. The Korean peninsula is surrounded water on three sides, but connected to the Asian mainland. This environment contributes to theuniqueness of Korean cuisine. Seafood plays a very important role as do vegetables and livestock. Let's examine three of the most common and famous types of Korean food. Kimchi is a very popular Korean dish. It is made by fermenting vegetables, usually cabbage and white radish, and seasoning them with red peppers and garlic. more content... Like American Barbeque, Pulgoki is usually made from beef, pork, sometimes chicken, and also other more exotic meats like cow tongue. Unlike American Barbeque, Korean Pulgoki is almost always thinly sliced and cooked on a built in grill on the table where it will be served. Kalbi, a type of Pulgoki, is made from thinly sliced beef short ribs. When eating Pulgoki or Kalbi, it is customary to cook the meat then move it on to a small dish containing either sweet or sour sauce. It will be left in the dish until it is cool enough, at which point it should be eaten. Pulgoki is very popular in Japan where it is called Yakiniku. It is also available in America. Where Americans may find Kimchi too bitter for their tastes, Pulgoki's taste is more similar to the popular sweet and meaty taste of American food. Hoe is the Korean version of sushi. It is made by slicing and serving raw fish. The serving methods may vary greatly, but common garnishes include ginger, mustard, red pepper paste, and soy sauce. Some of the more popular Hoe dishes in Korea include tuna, croaker, flatfish, oyster, skate, sea cucumber, abalone, sea urchin, and squid. Korean food is becoming more and more popular among other countries. There are already many Korean restaurants in America, Japan, China, and the rest of the world. As the numbers continue to grow, Korean food may become less exotic, and more common. Web Sources:
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  • 12. Korea Research Paper The name Korea derives from Goryeo, itself referring to the ancient kingdom of Goguryeo, the first Korean dynasty visited by Persian merchants who referred to KoryЕЏ (Goryeo; кі л ¤) as Korea.[28] The term KoryЕЏ also widely became used to refer to Goguryeo, which renamed itself KoryЕЏ in the 5th century.[29] (The modern spelling, "Korea", first appeared in late 17th century in the travel writings of the Dutch East India Company's Hendrick Hamel.[29]). Despite the coexistence of the spellings Corea and Korea in 19th century publications, some Koreans believe that Japan, around the time of the Japanese occupation, intentionally standardised the spelling on Korea, making Japan appear first alphabetically.[29][30][31] After Goryeo was replaced by Joseon in 1392, Joseon became the official name for the entire territory, though it was not universally accepted. The new official name has its origin in the ancient country of Gojoseon (Old Joseon). In 1897, the Joseon dynasty changed the official name of the country from Joseon to Daehan Jeguk (Korean Empire). The name Daehan, which means "great Han" literally, derives from Samhan (Three Hans). However, the name Joseon was still widely used by Koreans to refer to their country, though it was no longer the official name. Under Japanese rule, the two names Han and Joseon coexisted. There were several groups who fought for independence, the most notable being the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea (лЊЂн•њлЇјкµ мћ„м‹њм •л¶Ђ/大韓民國臨時政府) more content... Since the government only controlled the southern part of the Korean Peninsula, the informal term South Korea was coined, becoming increasingly common in the Western world. While South Koreans use Han (or Hanguk) to refer to the entire country, North Koreans use Joseon as the name of the Get more content on
  • 13. Unified Korea The allied victory of World War II marked the end of the Empire of Japan's 35 –year colonial rule of the Korean peninsula. The Soviet Union and the United States both agreed to occupy the country along the 38th parallel. The arrangement granting temporary rights to each nation over the Korean peninsula occurred under the assumption that giving trusteeship would ultimately lead to the establishment of an independent Korea. The emergence of the Cold War prevented the formation of a unified Korea. Failure to accept United Nations resolutions by the Soviet Union caused the formation of a communist government in the North, while in the South the United States introduced a democratic government. Two extremely distinctive countries were more content... The resulting strengthening of manipulation and corruption that took place has evolved into South Korea's chief technique of upholding business success and effectiveness in the global community. The chaebols have become a core stake in the South Korean economy, but they have dissuaded economic growth. Not many small businesses and companies are able to survive against the business conglomerates. There are a select few businesses that can outweigh the financial and political advantages of the chaebol. Consequently, the economic inequalities have developed substantially. Not much of the economy is left after the chaebol have used their power and authority to consume more than their share. This disparity is most visible in times of financial catastrophe. In 1998, following the South Korean IMF crisis, the Gross Domestic Product of South Korea dropped by 7 percent. While the top 5 percent of South Koreans only saw their income decrease by 2 percent, the bottom 30 percent of Koreans saw their income drop by almost a Get more content on