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Jesus Christ As The Center Of Discipleship
When someone think about Jesus Christ being the center of discipleship there are two things that
comes to mind; change and commitment within the disciple. One day Jesus Christ was walking by
the sea of Galilee when He saw Simon and Andrew fishing; he said to them, "Follow me and I will
make you fishers of men" Matthew 4:19 . The next verse show them immediately dropping their
nets and followed Jesus Christ. The actions of Simon and Andrew is described best by Putman,
Harrington, and Coleman in the text book Disciple Shift. The text breaks Matthew 4:19 into three
key elements; which are "Following Christ, is being changed by Christ, and is committed to the
mission of Christ". It is the intent of this paper to show the importance of Jesus ... Show more
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They realize it is a lifelong process in which God molds them to be more like Jesus. Paul said in
Romans 8:29, "For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of
his Son, that he might be the first born among many brethren". As a disciple of Jesus Christ our
hearts have to be Christ centered, so our lives will follow and show forth His glory.
Obedience is defined as defined by the American Heritage College thesaurus, "The quality, state, or
act of willingly to carrying out the wishes of others" Carrying out the wishes of others for a disciple
this would be the commandants of Jesus Christ; one commandment is that of the Great Commission.
Matthew 28:19–20 says, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded
you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world, Amen." As a disciple of Jesus
Christ obedience is a key factor, but we cannot do it alone we need the help of the Holy Spirit. The
Holy Spirit will guide, teach, and seal us with the seal of salvation the Holy Spirit will also be a
comforter for the believers. John 14:16 says, "And I pray the Father, and he shall give you another
comforter, that he may abide with you forever." The very next verse tells
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The Passage, Revelation 3 : 14-22 Essay
The passage, Revelation 3:14–22 talks about the lukewarm church in Laodicea. The passage
explains that the believers, in Laodicea, are spiritually wrecked. The only way that Christ would
give them spiritual sight, was for them to repent and be zealous for Him. The church had pushed the
Lord outside of it, consequently, was seeking to reenter. The only way for the Lord to reenter, was
for them to repent; consequently, for them to know they need God. If anyone hears God's voice, the
believers will open the door to Him; moreover, he will come in . Once they let God into their
church, they will see that they have been wrong; consequently, the church will anew with God. The
doctrinal view holds that the author of Revelation is the Apostle John. John also wrote the fourth
Gospel and the three letters of John. In chapter 3, it talks about the church in Laodicea. Laodicea is
45 miles southeast of Philadelphia; also, it was 90 miles east of Ephesus. The city was located on a
high plateau; nonetheless, was very secure from enemy attack. Antiochus founded the city, before
253 B.C. It received its name from Laodicea, Antiochus' wife. Antiochus was the second king of
Syria, by whom he rebuilt and beautified the city. Laodicea was in a terrain predisposed to
earthquakes. In 60 A.D., Laodicea experienced a devastating earthquake that tore everything down.
They had to rebuild without relying on financial assistance from Rome. God did this to remind them
of their spiritual poverty, so
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Reflection Paper
Going to church and watching people become baptized, and giving their lives to God, reminds me of
why I am saved, and in church. My brother is my hero because he is the reason why I am in church
today. If it weren't for my brother a few years ago getting into a youth group, then I wouldn't be who
I am today, or where I am today. I am thankful that my brother pushed me to go to church because it
made me a better person than who I was. I remember watching my brother getting baptized, every
time I watch someone get saved or baptized. Agreeing to go with my brother to his church youth
group one night was one of the most life–changing decisions I have ever made. I was in my
brother's Mercedes and I was very nervous. I was going to a youth ... Show more content on ...
As we started to play the game, and failed horribly, I knew that coming to the youth group with my
brother was a good decision. My brother won the game, and we all took a seat and worship opened
with prayer. We went through worship, quickly but in great detail, and I really got into going deeper
in my faith that night. After worship closed with prayer, I went to the pastor, with my brother behind
me, and asked him to save me. That night I was saved, all due to my brother asking me to attend
church with him that Wednesday night. After that night, I started to regularly attend that church with
my brother on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings. I really enjoyed attending that church,
discovering who I am, and worshipping my God. That next Sunday my brother decided to get
baptized in a few weeks. I was happy for my brother, and his big decision to dedicate his life to
Christ. A few short week later, my brother was baptized in front of the church, and my entire family.
My brother being baptized made me realize that I want to be like my brother, and dedicate my life to
Christ. My life changed forever when my brother got baptized, it inspired me to be a better person. I
am seeking to dedicate my life to Christ, just like my hero. My brother impacted me emotionally in
a good way, because by making me a better person, has emotionally affected me to want to be better.
Heroes can be anyone, and everything, with some
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The Quaker Practice : Spiritual Baptism
Thus, being a member of my Quaker in–group involves being prepared to right this particular
misconception and also being willing to explain what Quakerism in fact is. This, I think, is what
makes Quakers different from most other religious denominations in America–we frequently have to
explain who we are and where we came from (what we believe) *"What we believe" goes better
with "practices" below. This creates a strong sense of group identity, for I have to know and be able
to explain my in–group's history and practices at any given moment. With these explanations, I am
constantly reminded that my denomination is unique and that I should carry my membership with
pride. The characteristic of little to no symbolism leads to the next foundational Quaker practice:
spiritual baptism. Quakers believe that water baptism is a public way to express your decision to
follow Christ and that the practice is not wrong, but also not necessary for one to be saved. Spiritual
baptism derives from the Bible verse, "I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes
one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with
the Holy Spirit and fire" (New International Version, Matt. 3.11). This verse was spoken by John the
Baptist, a man who frequently baptized people in the Jordan River. He was describing to those
listening that after the coming of Jesus, there would be a greater baptism than that which used
water–a baptism of the Holy Spirit
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The Baptism of the Holy Spirit Essay
The baptism of the Holy Spirit. What is it and how do I get it? A teaching from Pat Robertson. The
first of two parts. – The question has been asked, "How do I get the baptism of the Holy Spirit?
What is it and how do I get it?".
Before Jesus left, He said to his disciples, "You tarry in Jerusalem until you are endued with power
from on high." And He said, "You will receive power after that when the Holy Spirit comes upon
you. And then you will be my witnesses, in Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria and to the utter–most
parts of the earth."
The first thing is power. Now, there are two kinds of power. Jesus said, "I have all power in heaven
and earth given unto me. That is a Greek word exousia that means authority.
The ... Show more content on ...
Fruit grows slowly and gradually.
But I'm here standing possibly 14 miles from the Atlantic Ocean. Were I to go down to the shores of
Virginia Beach and get into the water, before long, the water would be up to my knees and then up
to my waist and then up to my neck, and before long, I would be underneath the water. I would be
baptized, immersed in the water.
Now it's me in relation to water, but the difference is incredible in terms of the dimension between a
glass of water inside of you and you being in the middle of the water.
Now the Holy Spirit takes you and puts you into Jesus when you come to Him. "Nobody can come
to Me, except the Father draws him." And who draws him is the Holy Spirit.
He convicts the world of sin and righteousness and judgment. He brings conviction in our heart that
we need Jesus and He takes us and leads us to Jesus.
And in terms of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, Jesus is the baptizer. He places you into the Holy
Spirit's power. Jesus, is the baptizer in the Spirit . And you seek Him. You don't seek the Spirit. You
seek the Lord and ask for His power, and He places you into the Holy
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September 11 2001 Case Study
The events of September 11, 2001, pose a huge and unexpected problem with which U.S. resident
had to cope. To cope effectively with such problems, we often must marshal all available personal
resources. In the week after September 11, US national polling organizations reported anywhere
from 6% to 24% increase in church attendance and this trend continued through October to
November. Members of many religious bodies sensed a revival of faith. However, this was not as
the influx of churchgoer had receded to pre–September 11 levels. Pargament identifies the initial
step in the coping process as appraisal. First, when an event takes place, the person implicitly ask,
what does this mean to me, is it irrelevant, positive, or negative?. If the answer
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The Ethical Implications Of The Teaching Design
Once the curricular content is established, I, as the pastor, will offer direct instruction with the
intentions of the learner fully comprehending the implications of the sacrament of baptism in their
own ministry, including the ethical ramifications of bearing witness to God's continuing salvation
through baptism. The ultimate purpose of the teaching design is for the learners to become the
Most RCA congregants are paedobaptized and grow up understanding the priority of baptism. An
RCA pastor should establish the historic Reformed understanding of God's covenant. According to
Genesis 17:7, "I will establish my covenant between me and you, and your offspring after you
throughout their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your offspring
after you." God made a covenant with Abraham which extended corporately to all of Israel. Israel
was expected to follow God, love others, keep the Law, and proselytize Gentiles to maintain
covenantal status. Although God promised not to break God's covenant, there were still expectations
for Israel and when Israel did not meet these expectations, God punished the nation. Additionally,
God's covenantal call was intended to start with Israel, but branch out to the rest of the world. Jesus
comes as the second Adam to fulfill this expectation and includes both Gentile and Jew into the
covenant. All are now one in Christ according to Galatians 3:27–28. How does baptism play into
this covenant? Brownson
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North American Christian Convention Research Paper
In October 1927, the first ever North American Christian Convention was held in Indianapolis,
Indiana. It was one of many conventions that was held at the time and are held still to this day.
Throughout this time, the North American Christian Convention has grown and developed, but how
did it all begin and how has history shaped it into becoming what it is today? Throughout this paper
I will be discussing the different events and people, that shaped and molded the North American
Christian Convention into what it is today. To understand why the North American Christian
Convention was started we must first take a step back and look at some past events in history. The
early 1800s marks the beginning of the Restoration Movement. In 1804 a man ... Show more
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A year later, the second convention was held in Kansas City, Missouri and the third took place
another year later in Canton, Ohio. In 1930 there was no North American Christian Convention, in
order that everyone would gather together at the International Convention, in washington D.C., to
celebrate the nineteenth centennial of Pentecost. It was year of unity between the two conventions.
The following year the North American Christian Convention was held and there was division
between the two conventions once again. They were so close to the goals of Campbell's movement,
yet they were so far away. In the the following two decades the North American Christian
Convention was held only seven times because of World War II and the depression. Wartime
restrictions made travel difficult and attendance dropped during those years to 1,300. In 1950 the
convention became an annual convention and a policy was put into place to make it truly a national
convention by moving it to a different area in the United States each year. I love how intentional
they were with this policy and I think it really holds true to what the Stone–Campbell movement
was. They were not keeping to themselves in one area of the county but instead they went to
different areas of the country, to try and get everyone
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The Restoration Movement: A Possible Study
Let say for example, a new college student is living his or her life trying to find there place in the
world. When a young enthusiastic man comes up to you and befriends you and invites yourself to a
nondenominational bible study. You believe him and attend this bible study and actually like it. The
people at the this bible study seam genuinely caring and loving. This people group call themselves
the International Church of Christ. So you continue to addend weekly study's and learn about the
love of Christ and the doctrine of the Church of Christ. As you are making connections and making
relationships with the congregation of this group, you realize that their teachings about how
salvation is attained is different than any church you have been ... Show more content on ...
The plan was that each would start a campus outreach program through the local churches. They
would use the churches as the staging ground for the operations. McKeen started an aggressive
program of evangelism and discipleship. Although successful in manny areas, the program that
McKeen taught was quite controlling and very manipulative. (At What Price of Success). In 1979,
McKeen moved to Boston where he joined the Lexington Church of Christ. McKean established his
program of aggressive evangelicalism and radical discipleship and the result was huge. The church
he was apart of went from 30 to 1000 members in just a few years. By 1983 the church had to rent
out the facilities of the Boston Opera House every week for their meeting. And they meet in houses
for the midweek services. Later that year the Lexington Church of Christ changed its name to the
Boston Church of Christ. This one church launched an aggressive missions program, sending out
hundreds of teams throughout America and throughout the world. Churches were established in
many of the worlds largest city's witch includes "London (1981), Chicago (1982), New York City
(1983), Toronto and Providence (1985), Johannesburg, Paris, and Stockholm (1986), and Mexico
City, Hong Kong, Bombay, and Cairo (1987–88)." Each church founded keep the name of the city
they were in with the phase "Church of Christ". (At What Price of
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Faith Family Church Experience Paper
Upon the entrance to Faith Family Church, greeters filled the doors with genuine enthusiasm. Not
one person who walked through the doors failed to receive a high–five or hello. The worship center
is located to the right after walking in the main doors. During Wednesday nights at 9:30pm The U is
a worship service for all ages 18–24. After entering into the room, it was like a dark tunnel radiated
with light. Lights flashed from side to side in sync with the ear blasting music. This service is a
unique concert. Faith Family's main goal is to draw in young adults to an upbeat and exiting way to
practice their faith. Looking toward the front of the room their arms were reaching high towards the
ceiling with hands wide open. The beliefs of the Church ... Show more content on ...
To have community in the beliefs of FFC is a family. Having a sense of community creates
networking opportunities, life long friendships, and the ability to be a disciple of Christ. Allen,
frequent U attender for a year, said he loves the atmosphere and family like fellowship. This joy is
God given. The unique aspect of the U is the age range. Finding a church during college years often
times poses a challenge to find for most. At the U, the entire staff is full of U attenders and connect–
groups. Connect groups are bible study groups on Monday nights that are broken down into male or
female groups to go deeper into relativity and fellowship. Another great aspect of the U is self
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Pastoral Intern At The Vineyard Christian Church Of Evanston
Situation: The situation involves me as a Pastoral Intern questioning two different security guards at
my Field Site about a certain man I had interacted with earlier that Sunday morning. The encounter
had sounded suspicious in his attitude and this led me to ask the security guards to learn about him
and his reputation.
1.Background: I serve as a Pastoral Intern at the Vineyard Christian Church of Evanston. The church
is located at 2495 Howard Street, Evanston and is a non–denominational church. The church hosts
two English services and one Spanish service. The first English service is held at 9:30 am in the
main auditorium while the second English service is held at 11:30 am. The Spanish service is held
also at 11:30 am in the LaVina ... Show more content on ...
In case of emergency if any child either does not feel comfortable in that space or needs immediate
attention, wants to be with his or her parent/parents, or is lost, the staff in these respective rooms is
required to use a pager to let out that information to people that are in charge of the sound system
and, that information is shared on the television screens inside the church, even if the sermon or
worship is going on. On another note, if the pager does not work, the staff serving at the welcome
desk is responsible for letting out that information in the same way asking sound system operators to
The main door to the church auditorium opens to the south of the coffee lab. A nursing room for
mothers is adjacent to the right side of the main auditorium. People who choose not to attend the
church service in the main auditorium hang out in the coffee lab, eat bagel, drink coffee or tea and
watch live service on the large sized LCD television screen that is installed in the coffee lab. People
in the coffee lab are either busy listening to the sermon, hanging out in the space taking care of their
personal businesses, talking, eating or drinking or the kids are seen moving about and mothers
carrying their babies.
2. Description of the event: Around 9:15 am, on November 22nd 2015, I was at the Vineyard
Church. I was standing near the welcome desk and was talking to one of the volunteers Rosita
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My Profession Of Faith Essay
I remember the first time I was told about making my Profession of Faith. It was back when I was in
the sixth grade, during Wednesday night youth group at American Reformed Church. My youth
leader, Rosalyn De Koster, talked to us about how big of a step it is for kids to make their Profession
of Faith in front of the church. She told us, "Your Profession of Faith is an important part in growing
in your faith". At the time, I was not at all ready to make this step, but it was good to learn about.
Finally, two years later, I made the step in making my Profession of Faith to grow in my faith and
more... I was baptized. Being raised in a Mennonite Church, I was never baptized. In the Mennonite
faith, baptism is not performed when a newborn ... Show more content on ...
We usually tended to meet in his office and slowly worked through curriculum specifically for
making your Profession of Faith and being baptized. Throughout the curriculum, we worked
through the book of John in the Bible. It was a great experience hearing my pastors view on Jesus'
life and how we can live it out. Words truly did jump out of the pages of the Bible when reading
through scripture and the book of John. I had never read through all of John so it helped me get a
very detailed and fascinating view on Jesus Christ's life. Throughout the reading and curriculum, I
asked Pastor Mike many questions, challenged the readings, and truly learned a lot through the
experience Overall, the curriculum helped change my way of thought and feelings towards scripture
and the church. Finally, in May 15, 2016, I was ready to make my public Profession of Faith. Pastor
Mike helped work me through and answer questions that further developed my faith, but now it was
time to prove it in front of American Reformed Church's congregation. First, I wrote my Statement
of Faith. A few weeks later, I was baptized and made my profession in front of the church. #8 As I
said my profession in front of my church congregation, I could feel the warmth of the Holy Spirt
and love of Jesus Christ over me. I realized how much God cares for me and how important it is to
live my life out as a good Christian. After my profession, my baptism occurred where water was
poured over my head
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Summary Of ' Mark 16 : 17-20 Essay
"And he said unto them, 'Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that
believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these
SIGNS SHALL FOLLOW them that believe; In my name (Strong 's G3683 "onoma"–authority &
character) shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents;
and if they drink any deadly things, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and thy
shall recover. ' So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat
on the right hand of God. And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with
them and CONFIRMING THE WORD with signs following. Amen. " Mark 16:17–20 Jesus flowed
in miracles. It 's a fact. He went about healing and casting out demons. It 's what He did. It 's who
He was! We can like it or hate it, but the Word is clear on the subject. And then, immediately before
ascending back to Heaven, He speaks a powerful declaration! It is in these verses that I 'd like to
camp out today. They 've been misquoted, misrepresented, and misinterpreted. I have noticed people
in the church avoid or breeze past these verses due to the stigma that exists. Let 's get this straight!
Let 's reason together, shall we? Jesus is about to ascend to Heaven, but first He utters a final set of
instructions, pretty important right? I would think that what He said would be a foundational
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Revelation Papers
Revelation Paper
Bob Entler
Ohio Christian University
John wrote to the seven churches explaining the need for a relationship with Christ. After speaking
to the seven churches that are in the Roman province of Asia, the book of Revelation moves forward
in the prophecy. Revelation 4:1 tells us that we moving forward: "After this" and "what must take
place after this." The point is to show us that the information concerning the seven churches has
stopped. A new series of images is beginning. John sees a door standing open in heaven. The voice
that spoke to John at the beginning that sounded like a trumpet. Christ is speaking to John and
calling him into heaven. John does not actually go into heaven, as we see in verse 2. John is having
a new vision and John is going to see into the throne room of heaven. As we are taken into this
vision, we must visualize the picture before us. Try and picture this in your head and see what is
going on in heaven (–bible–study/view–of–
heaven.html) John was told by the voice to write down the things that ... Show more content on ...
Ephesus was the influential capital city of Asia Minor on the Aegean Sea. Ephesus is now known for
its huge metropolis of ancient streets, arches, and ruins.
Smyrna – The persecuted church that suffered poverty and martyrdom (Revelation 2:8–11). Smyrna
was located north of Ephesus in a powerful trading position on the Aegean Sea known for its
harbors, commerce, and marketplaces. The primary ruins of Smyrna are located in the modern
Turkish city of Izmir.
Pergamum – The worldly church that mixed doctrines and needed to repent (Rev. 2:12–17).
Pergamum is located on the plains and foothills along the Caicus River in Western Turkey. It was
considered a major city in Asia Minor since the 3rd century BC and became a Greek and Roman
hub for temple
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Chapter 4 : Roanoke 's Christian Church
Chapter 4: Roanoke's Christian Church (Disciples of Christ): "Not the Only Christians, But
Christians Only"
In downtown Roanoke, on Church Avenue, an old church building still stands, having been erected
over one hundred years earlier. For the same period of time, it has been occupied by a congregation,
whose denominational origins lead back to a rural part of Kentucky in what was called the
Restoration Movement, initiated by reformers who yearned for a primitive, apostolic form of
Christianity, with "no creed but Christ." Although "backcountry" in the denomination's heritage, this
particular congregation began in a boomtown. While striving to become a "first century" church,
reminiscent of the apostles' ministries and the church life from ... Show more content on ...
David Edwin Harrell, Jr.'s "The Agrarian Myth and the Disciples of Christ in the Nineteenth
Century" as well as "The Sectional Origins of the Churches of Christ" magnificently provide readers
with a thoroughly researched historical context relevant to Southern religious history in particular.
In the former article, Harrell discusses, "At the heart of the myth of the garden," or the agrarian
myth, "was the conviction that rural life was superior to urban life." For many in the Christian
Church, Harrell demonstrates that they sought to initiate the "millennial hope" via the garden myth
ideology, but in time, "The most fervent millennialists in the movement by the end of the century
were the supporters of the new industrial order. Many still believed that the American farmer was a
specially prepared instrument of God, but it was perfectly obvious that he was neither gaining in
influence nor improving his status in society." Harrell, elsewhere, delved further into this urban
versus rural idea, and how it, along with class and geographical contentions, affected the schism that
divided the Disciples of Christ (Christian Church) into two major factions, one conservative, leading
to the "Church of Christ," and the other liberal, retaining the Disciples of Christ name. As helpful as
Harrell's article on sectionalism is, he also explained how Virginia was a bit of an anomaly in the
South, where liberals "won virtually all of the churches," when
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Christianity In The Middle East
Imagine being unable to pray or attend church without the risk of being murdered. Living in
constant fear that your whole way of life will be swept right from under you. Would you be willing
to risk your life for your religion? Middle Eastern Christians are not persecuted because they are
criminals, but because of what they believe. They simply want the freedom of faith and religion that
Americans experience every day. Each day, Christians in the Middle East are slaughtered, tortured,
raped, kidnapped, beheaded, and forced to flee the birthplace of Christianity. If these indignities
continue, Christianity in the Middle East could disappear. The persecution of Christians in the
Middle East is not new. In fact, it traces back to the Roman Empire ... Show more content on ...
By the sixth century, Western churches were using Latin compared to Greek in Eastern Churches. In
addition to the language differences, they were also a number of religious practices that separated.
For example, leavened or raised bread was used for Eucharist in the East, but not in the West. The
West required celibacy while the East allowed some marriages for clergy. Theologically, the two
groups fought over a clause inserted into the Nicene Creed in 589 by a Western ecumenical council
in Toledo. The clause was known as the filioque. "It indicated that Holy Spirit proceeded from the
Father and the Son; the Eastern Churches rejected the addition of and the Son" (Bailey 52). When
the Patriarch of Constantinople and the Roman papal legate excommunicated each other in 1054, it
only furthered the growing schism between Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches. A few
years after the major schism, the Crusades began and completely tore apart the relationship.
Catholic crusaders killed Orthodox Christians along with Muslims. All hope of reconciliation was
ended when the soldiers of the Fourth Crusade raided the Church of the Holy Wisdom in
Constantinople in 1204. Not only have Christians had trouble with other Christians, but also
conflicts with groups of other
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Essay on Thessalonians
Thessalonians Thessalonians is based on two different letters that was written to the Christian
community in Thessalonica. The purpose of the first letter was to clear up some of the
misunderstandings about the return of Christ. The second letters purpose was to still clear up some
of the misunderstandings about the Day of the Lord for they thought the day had already come. The
first letter to the Christian community was sent from Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy, though Paul was
the main author. Paul was writing to them to clear up their misunderstandings about the return of
Christ, also considers it as instructions in holy living. Paul wrote about his longing to visit the
church in Thessalonica but he couldn't because Satan had stopped ... Show more content on ...
There are many arguments about when the 2 Thessalonians was written, because they believe that
Paul did not write the letter. Depending on the actual authorship of the letter would be what the date
of it was written would depend on. Stating that if the letter was written by someone else but in
Paul's name, it is said that it may have been wrote in the late first or perhaps the early second CE.
With that being said it is not sure on the exact date or time frame that the 2 Thessalonians was
wrote. With many opinions about the date and who wrote the 2 Thessalonians it will not be known
until the authorship of the letter is cleared up. There is enough evidence on when 1 Thessalonians
was written. How they correspond the dates to when he was traveling and that he was on his mission
in Corinthian, which would be around the 49–51 CE. Paul was writing the letter to the churches of
Thessalonica which is the capital of the Roman province of Macedonia. His purpose of writing was
to praise them on their "faith and love" that Timothy had brought and to focus on the instruction on
how to live their Christian lives. Paul was writing this letter while he was on his mission in
Corinthian where he was farther south in the province of Achaia. He wants the letter to be read
aloud "to all his brothers" which means all his believers in Thessalonica. In 1 Thessalonians 4:3–4 it
is confirmed of the conclusion that the churches of Thessalonica was mostly composed of gentile
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He tells the church to rule among yourselves, which are then broken down into four parts. We are to
be watchful so that any under our charge or that we are ministering to do don't fall into the traps of
the evil one. We are to rule amongst ourselves, in which certain people take the leadership roles in
the church and guide the congregation. We as a congregation are called to lead, just as it said in
Hebrews 13:17 not with pushing, or demanding, but rather commanding, not as Gods, but as
leaders. Finally to live as example in all that we do ethically, morally, family, work, service to
others. We can se this idea of "rule among you" in 1 Peter 5:2 when it says, " 2 Be shepherds of
God's flock that is under your care, watching over them–not because you must, but because you are
willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; " (NIV) Campbell
calls us to have congregational autonomy "in every city" as to appoint elders in every city so that
they may watch over their flock that they are now responsible for, as it says in Titus 1:5, "5 The
reason I left you in Crete was that you might put in order what was left unfinished and appoint
elders in every town, as I directed you." (NIV) Lastly when talking about congregational autonomy
Campbell tells us that we need to have "overseers" as in elders. Elders originally meant an older
man, because older men have wisdom and experience through age which then gives then the
capability to oversee, as it
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Reflection Of The Book Of Revelation
The book of Revelation opens with an astonishing glimpse of future events that Jesus revealed to
John. God gave Jesus the revelation, and Jesus sent the revelation to His servant John by an angel.
In this opening scene of Revelation, John heard a mighty voice behind him speaking to him. When
he turned to see who was speaking he saw a graphic view of seven candlesticks with a man standing
amid them. The display of seven candlesticks and the One in the middle of them was significant to
the totality of the vision that John received to be written down for an everlasting record of the things
that must certainly come to pass for all believers. John, the servant of Jesus Christ, had been exiled
on the Isle of Patmos because of his witness and testimony of the word of God, and because of his
all–embracing commitment to Jesus. He proclaimed that he was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day
when he heard a mighty, powerful voice speaking behind him. Upon hearing the voice, he
immediately gave heed to the direction of the voice and saw seven candlesticks and the One
standing in the midst of them. The significance of the candlesticks was that they were symbolic of
the seven churches that were in Asia. The Lord assigned John the task of writing to the seven
churches and reporting the revelation to them that was divulged to him by Jesus. Jesus analyzed
each of the churches and revealed to John a status report of His findings. The very candid reports,
whether good or bad,
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Literary Elements Of The Odyssey
Book: Testament: Literary Genre: Justification:
Genesis Old
Narrative It is telling a series of events as they occurred. It is also sharing things that happened in
epic proportions.
Exodus Old Narrative It is telling a series of events as they occurred. It is also sharing things that
happened in epic proportions.
Leviticus Old
Law It tells of God's sovereignty. It shares "God's law" How the people are to act, worship, eat,
build the temple, behavior towards God and others, etc.
Numbers Old
Narrative It is telling a series of events as they occurred. It is also sharing things that happened in
epic proportions.
Deuteronomy Old
Law It tells of God's sovereignty. It shares "God's law" How the people are to act, worship, ... Show
more content on ...
It is also sharing things that happened in epic proportions. This book also has a splash of the history
of the early church.
Romans New
Epistle These are specific letters written to churches during that time from the different apostles.
They are full of information that we can still learn from today and grow in Christ as they suggest.
I Corinthians New
Epistle These are specific letters written to churches during that time from the different apostles.
They are full of information that we can still learn from today and grow in Christ as they suggest.
II Corinthians New
Epistle These are specific letters written to churches during that time from the different apostles.
They are full of information that we can still learn from today and grow in Christ as they suggest.
Galatians New
Epistle These are specific letters written to churches during that time from the different apostles.
They are full of information that we can still learn from today and grow in Christ as they suggest.
Ephesians New
Epistle These are specific letters written to churches during that time from the different apostles.
They are full of information that we can still learn from today and grow in Christ as they suggest.
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Church, Cultures And Leadership, Mark Lau Branson And Juan...
In their book, Churches, Cultures and Leadership, Mark Lau Branson and Juan F. Martinez point out
the perspective of "Practical Theology." (Part 1, 39) They also explain the purpose of "Interpretive
Leadership." (133) Their stories helped me understand how the circumstances challenge church
leaders. (Introduction, 19)
The authors focus on the continuous practice of "reflective discernment," to help church leaders
learn what is the idea required for a church to depend on God. (39) One of the authors named Mark
mentions an instance when he as a university chaplain intern, was invited by an African American
student and experienced a group prayer. Because Mark was a Scotch–Irish, his initial experience of
prayer in this group of students made no sense to him. Later he realized that it was the use of
language that had left a different impression on Mark. Also, he felt that his own theology in
comparison to one of the students named Keith who invited him was not the same. (40)The author
Mark mentions that after his reflective discernment, Keith's theology started making sense to him
and differences that seemed differences to him in theology, began changing. This instance, reminds
me when I first visited the Evanston Vineyard, a non–denominational church, which is the same
church where I am serving as a Pastoral Intern. The first time I attended a service here, I noticed an
African American woman responding in words to the pastor's sermon. At first, I felt very annoyed,
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Writing Assignment 1 Essay
Writing Assignment 1 – Christ in Discipleship
Submitted to Dr. Buddy R. Lowman, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of
the course
DSMN 500–D11
Discipleship Ministries
Christ is the central person in Christian discipleship. Without Christ, Christianity would not exist
and there would be no followers of Christ. To be true followers of Christ, believers must be willing
to learn of the ways and teachings of Christ. Christ is central to Christian discipleship because He is
the teacher of His disciples. Through the Holy Spirit and Word of God, Jesus Christ calls His
disciples to Him and then ... Show more content on ...
God disciplines those whom He loves and uses those whom follow His commandments. Jesus was
hanged on a cross and crucified so that we would have the opportunity to be saved. He suffered for
us, so we should take up our cross on a daily basis and follow Him. Christians must submit to Christ
in order to be used by Christ. When a person submits to Christ, the Holy Spirit will empower him to
be used of God. If a person does not submit to Christ, then the Holy Spirit will be quenched and the
Christian will be disciplined by God. Disciples of Christ do not receive salvation because they obey
God, but they obey God and submit to Christ because they have salvation (Rogers, Adrian, 2005).
Jesus told the disciples that if they call him Lord they must do what he commands (Matthew 7:22).
To be a disciple of Christ, we must submit to Jesus and trust that He is our Lord and Savior. We
must have faith in Him and look to Him as our guide. Disciples of Christ should obey Jesus because
God is not a man, but a sovereign God who has every right to command His disciples. Christ is not
just a sovereign God, but also a saving God who suffered on a cross so that humans could receive
salvation. Disciples of Christ who are saved by grace are not their own, but bought with a price that
Jesus paid on the cross. Dietrich Bonhoeffer: The disciples are called blessed because they have
obeyed the call of Jesus.2 To be a disciple of Christ, we must
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Recovery Church's Hymns In The Bible
It is said in the Bible that no man can see God's face since the person who sees Him will die, as well
as God has said it himself no idol should be made in any form, thus there has not been a clear
images, or any status of God; yet many Catholic and Christian churches nowadays put up the status
of Jesus's crucifixion and pray to it. However, there are some churches that follow what is said in
the Bible, one form of those churches is "Recovery Church." Since God is invisible, Recovery
Church worships God by singing, calling on Jesus Christ's name, and reading Bible and materials
that are written to crysitalize the underlying meanings of the Bible. Songs that are made for
religions are called Hymn; some of the tunes are shared among different kind of churches, some are
unique for recovery churches since those are composed by the members within the church. Lyrics
are usually originated from the lyrics writers in the church; if not, some lines are edited, deleted, or
re–written if the words used in the hymns do not follow the Recovery Version Bible. Couple hymns
will be quoted to explain how God is portrayed in Recovery Church's hymns, and how are those
hymns keeping the ... Show more content on ...
Experience of Christ almost lists out everything that Christ is –– "the Sun of Righteousness," "the
Tree of Life," "the smitten Rock," "the fountain," "my life, my light, my way, my comfort, and my
health, my peace, my rest, my joy, my hope, my glory and my wealth;" these are just few things are
cited here, the hymn goes on talking about what Christ is to its believers. Qualities of God
mentioned are spread all over the Bible, and hymn like this is rare since it touches on various
aspects of God instead of elaborating one quality as the theme of the whole
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Questions on Christianity Theology
Although I have been a Christian most of my life and have gone through Christian education my
whole life, there are still some theological topics that I wrestle with. These are things I will I will
probably continue to wrestle with. The topics I have trouble fully understanding are the views of
baptism, the elect, security of salvation, and the roles of women in the church. The first topic I have
wrestled with is adult baptism versus infant baptism. I grew up in the reformed church, so I was
baptized as an infant. When I was in fourth grade my family began attending a Wesleyan church,
where they practice adult baptisms. Baptism involves identification with Christ in His death and
resurrection. It is a public display of one's decision to follow Christ. As a child I did not understand
this. I had not yet made this decision to follow Christ. My parents have told me that I should get re–
baptized now that I am an adult. Is it wrong for me to choose not to? Is there a right or wrong way
of baptism? I agree believers should be baptized, but does the form fall outside of orthodoxy? I have
had other people ask me similar things. They ask if they should get re–baptized since they were
baptized as an infant. I do not believe being baptized as a child will get one to heaven if he or she
dies before understanding Christ and making the choice to follow Him. I see it as symbolic of one's
faith, but not a detrimental part of salvation. I want to believe I do not have to to get
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Personal Narrative : A Personal Experience : My Experience...
I am a part of Time to Revive, which came from Dallas in 2015 to my home city of Fort Wayne,
Indiana. We were taught and equipped to go out into the community and share the Gospel in such a
way that made it easy for anyone to do it. Several are still doing this every week from different
churches. We gather, worship, train, eat, pray, and go out into our community to pray with, and
share the Gospel. We have seen many healings, salvations, and several being baptized in the Holy
These past several weeks we have focused on a specific side of town and have seen so much fruit
it's as if people are just waiting for us to come to them so they can hear what we have to share. One
specific encounter happened two weeks ago. We approached two young men sitting in front of their
homes talking to each other. As we were talking, curious others came out of their homes to see what
we were doing. We now had five people listening to what we have to say. By the time I finished, we
had five new believers, two miraculous healings, and two that received the baptism in the Holy
Spirit. I was amazed at what just happened! But it didn't finish there. As we were talking we found
out not only was there a great spiritual need, but also a great physical need. One family had
experienced two job losses and was unable to buy any food. Another family also was without jobs,
without electricity, no food, and thinking about moving to Chicago closer to family. As we received
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Reflection Paper
On November 26, I went to my first service at a non–denominational Christian church. My friend
and I took the 20–minute drive to Lake Mills to the Word of Faith Dominion Church. Being that I
consider myself a Christian, I figured that I would enjoy this service regardless of the differences
between being non–denominational instead of Immanuel like my usual, but nothing would have
prepared me for how amazing it actually was. As soon as we got there, we had someone hold the
door for us and someone was at the second door to great us. As we walked into the service area we
had also had another person waiting to great us. As we were there, many people asked us where we
were from and what encouraged us to come there along with telling us that they were happy that we
were there and that they hope that to see us there again. They seemed like a small close church and
they noticed that we were not regulars and made sure to make us feel as welcomed as possible and
seemed very interested in us. We started with singing with some modern Christian music, one of
which I already knew from songs we sing here at Waldorf during chapel. There was a brief sermon
before we watched a short film on people's stories of learning to surrender to God. They played a
music video about surrendering and invited us to surrender ourselves. It was truly an emotional time
for me, to the point where I was physically crying. They replayed the song while inviting to people
to move around and sit, stand, kneel, or
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The Role Of The Church In Orthodoxy Is To Reconcile Man
The role of the Church in Orthodoxy is to reconcile man to God through healing and ultimately
assist man on his quest to deification. The canons are a perfect expression of this journey. In
Orthodoxy, the canons are understood to have a deep and profound meaning in the life of the
believer. They are intended to guide each believer in their respective time and context. To deny the
reality or the expression of the truth in the canons is to deny the influence of the Church Fathers. In
addition, the person who holds this view is blatantly passing judgment on the faithful who lived in a
different context and age. This inaccurate viewpoint often forces one to judge without a proper
understanding of all the relevant facts. Ironically enough it is ... Show more content on ...
St. Nikodemos expresses this clearly, "...Deprive the Church of the holy canons, and disorder at
once intrudes; and as a result of the disorder all her sacred adornment disappears" (Patsavos 28).
The role of salvation has been handed to the Church in order to guide her flock to the ultimate union
with man and God. The cannons are a unique instrument that allows for this goal to become a
reality, "The holy canons help fallen humanity remain united and in a harmonious relationship with
one another in the Church" (Patsavos 27). Therefore, it is clear that in Orthodoxy the canons play a
very important role in assisting the sick in order to be healed. However, Patsavos warns against
diluting the Church into a mere set of rules (Patsavos 4). Obviously, this extreme point of view
ignores all other aspects of the Church and turns the canons into the end and not a means to the end.
This legalism is clearly not the intention of the canons.
The canons are meant to be followed in Spirit and are without a doubt pastoral in nature. If we
ignore the pastoral nature of the canons we turn the Church into a legal institution. This is where the
zeal of many towards the canons often leads to a misunderstanding that the canons must be followed
by the letter of the law. Patsavos provides evidence for this point, "Canon 5 of the Holy Apostles
forbids a bishop, presbyter, or deacon to put away his wife under the pretext of religion. A later
decision of the Sixth Ecumenical Synod
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Southern Baptist Convention
Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) founded in 1845 at Augusta, Georgia, is the largest Protestant
denomination in the United States. The name itself tells us the geographical location of where the
most number of these churches were founded. Although primarily found in the southern region of
the United States, in recent years they have expanded to all regions of the country. "Due to its
expansion their annual convention has been held in cities outside of the southern area, therefore
giving the name "Southern" a large misconception" (Mead, Hill, & Atwood, 2001, p. 64) The
Southern Baptist Convention emerged in the years leading up to the Civil War. In the midst of it all
were disagreements between North Baptists and South Baptists in reference ... Show more content
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They have the freedom to express and celebrate the gospel as they see fit within the scriptures of
Jesus Christ. It is believed the bible is God's revelation to mankind, the word is true and trustworthy.
There is only one true God, he is the trinity in unity; the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. "All in one
with different attributes, the Father reigns over the universe, creatures and those who have become
children of God through faith is Jesus Christ" (Southern Baptist Convention, n.d.). The Son, is the
eternal son of God who is incarnated as Jesus Christ, conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the
Virgin Mary. The Holy Spirit, is the spirit of God. This is his power put into action, he is omniscient,
omnipresent, and convicts mankind of sin, righteousness, and of judgement. He harvests Christian
character and comforts them allowing to serve God through his
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The Role Of Religion In The Middle Ages
During the Middle Ages or the Medieval times, religion was a huge aspect of many people's lives,
especially the Christians. During the early Middle Ages, Christianity was a new religion that was
not accepted in the Roman Empire. As it became more popular and the religion spread, it soon
became the religion of the Roman Empire, and people began to worship openly. As the Middle Ages
progressed, it quickly became the most popular religion. Churches were built and they were a huge
influencer. Art was also a huge influencer, as many artists who were Christian created sculptures,
paintings, and other forms of art to display their devotion to Christ. People of the faith would also
use these forms of art to worship. Depictions of Christ in his early life were very prominent during
this time, and people would visit them and worship these forms of art. People would go to or create
these artworks that depicted the early life of Christ, whether they were sculptures or paintings, to
show their devotion to the faith, to worship, and also for expanding their influence. During the
Middle Ages, people of the Christian faith would both create and visit these artworks that depicted
the early life of Christ to show their devotion to the religion. Even though religious art has been
around since the beginning of Christianity, it became very prominent during the central Middle Ages
when an abundant amount of churches, abbeys, and cathedrals were being built. These
establishments were being
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Building Pledge Sunday Essay
Sunday, September 25, "Building Pledge Sunday," is an important celebration in the life of this
congregation of Christ's Church. God has blessed Shady Grove with a much needed building
addition that began in 2009 and was completed in 2010. The addition has made it far easier to host
fellowship meals. It has also become a place for meetings, and fellowship gatherings from large to
small, as well as a Sunday School meeting place, and a place for Youth Movie Night and Vacation
Bible School. The building addition has been a blessing to us and our community. Financially, we
have made great progress. The original cost was $800,000 and because of faithful giving and
financial gifts, we are more than half–way in paying for our wonderful addition. The ... Show more
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(2) Adopt one monthly mortgage payment per year for 3 years ($1,600 for one month). (3) Pledge to
give a monthly amount, what you can afford, for 3 years. (4) Keep us in your daily prayers. Your
gifts and prayer support have already made this building addition a reality! We give thanks to God
and to you for your support of Shady Grove and its ministries! Let us come together and address the
remaining financial obligations for our building addition. We look forward to its use this October,
when we will host our Wednesday Neighborhood Family–After School Meals in the Fellowship
Hall. We firmly believe that God gives us the resources to do what God leads us to do. May we be
faithful with the financial resources that God has granted us. Members of the Finance Committee
who have directed this pledging campaign are Mark Graham, Finance Committee Chair; Sandra and
Ed Ashley; Bo Boyd; Tonya Graham; Mike Hagy; Kristie Kestner; David McCall; Pastor Mark
McFadden; and, special leadership from Jim
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Reflection Paper
"Splash!" I held my breath, then there was complete blackness. Down I went under the water as my
dad and 3 other members of the YangMin Church pulled me down. "Alright, Back up you go!" My
dad shouted as he hauled me back up. I saw the light, I felt peace and joy, and of course, water got
in my nose as well.
Without a doubt, the best thing that had ever happened in my life was that spiritual moment when I
got baptized on July 31st; being born again through the Holy Spirit. The news came to me during
May and I have been praying ever since, asking God to show me his will. However, the decision
was extremely tough and I still wasn't sure by the end of June. Even though I knew and understood
what the Gospel really meant, deep down in my heart I just didn't have the urge of becoming a true
child of God. I've always thought of baptism as a commitment where you're supposed to make a
promise and confess to God that you'll never sin against him ever again after coming out of the
water. This sounded extremely difficult and my insides said that I wasn't going to be able to be pure
like an angel. Even if I were to get baptized, I was afraid that I'd still make mistakes in front of God.
Before that special day when I dedicated myself completely to God, I went through many spiritual
battles and trials that tested my faith.
Many days flew by, and my inaccurate interpretation for what I thought of Baptism as still stayed
the same. I was stuck to this belief until at around late–august when
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Internship At The Evanston Vineyard
1. Background
I serve as a pastoral intern at the Vineyard Christian Church of Evanston. This marks my second
year of internship at this church. I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience of becoming familiar
with the culture of a non–denominational setting of the church. The Evanston Vineyard comprises of
57 nations of the world. The church is not only unique because of this particular diversity (for
example, there is a Spanish–speaking congregation that convenes every Sunday in the La Viña
auditorium, one of multiple auditoria in this church) but also because of its hospitable and
welcoming environment. This church context serves as the backdrop for the events and discussions
that comprise the remainder of this paper.
2. Description of the ... Show more content on ...
Intrapersonal Reflection: Cultivating Self–Awareness
During my conversation with Muria, I was mindful of learning about her as a person–her interests,
her passion and her serious–mindedness about what kind of help she would like to offer to the
church and why. I wanted to encourage her in every possible way I could, and understand what
differences could lie in various church roles and ministries. I advised her talking to the senior pastor
and the executive pastor so as to avoid providing any extra information about the church
Since Muria is not a church member at the Evanston Vineyard, whether it is the English speaking
congregation, the La Viña congregation or the Neighborhood Campus, (this is name of a church
campus at new location), I thought it might be best if I did not personally announce any authority on
her .Though I am a pastoral intern at this church, I am not the sole authority. My conversation was a
source of knowledge to her like the contents of a book that can help her receive some synopsis if it
is a good fit for her or not. Furthermore, if she would be interested in reading and learning about a
hope that can help her discover if that knowledge is of any use to her not. Since this was my second
time talking with her, and I have had only verbal interaction with her on one–to–one and have not
seen her with a person from the La Viña congregation or one that I might know of, I did not want to
have overconfidence on her and overstate the requirements
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Essay On Southern Baptist Denomination
The Bible states that one day you will own your doctrine. The denomination of one's faith affects
them in their life and eternity. Therefore, Christians need to recognize the importance of sect
distinctions. While I am trying to complement each denomination, I am highly in favor of the
Southern Baptist denomination and how it holds true to the Word of God and His plan for His
children. John 3:16 explains the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ. I want to recognize
how different or similar the plan of salvation is for each of the three sects. The Bible warns us to be
careful about what we believe, which is our doctrine, because we will teach others what we know.
1 Timothy 4:16 tells us to take heed of our doctrine. It is a very important ... Show more content on ...
Individuals are quick to tell where they attend church, because they take pride in it. Most of the
church population finds themselves going to what church is popular within the community or to a
family church. A religious sect usually correlates to someone's secular life in some manner.
Religious denomination is weakly related to both types of educational goals, and seems to have no
real influence on occupational goals.
What is crucial about church membership is that it defines one's denomination. The same pride that
is found in church membership needs to be found within the sect. For denomination is far more
important than church membership. People tend to not research and earnestly go to God to lead
them to the right sect. The more one knows about denominations, the more they can choose one that
fits according to their spiritual philosophies. It is so important for believers to know why they
believe what they believe.
Denominations have such an impact on people within their sect that they actually set the rules the
people live by. Such as is it okay to drink or is it not okay. Some argue that denominations have no
part in one's relationship with Jesus Christ. While one's relationship with Jesus Christ is exactly
that–a relationship between an individual and Jesus Christ, one's denomination helps promote and
lead you in your relationship with Jesus
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Analysis Of The Poem ' Dispensation Of Grace '
Dispensation of Grace.
The Dispensation of Grace begins with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Testing of
humanity is no longer in obedience for salvation, but rather the acceptance or rejection of the Lord
Jesus Christ 8 McGee. The Basic of Understanding the Bible p4
with good works as a fruit of salvation. Grace is the love and kindness of God to humanity, John 3:
16–17. When grace is compared with the law it can be observed that under grace righteousness is
given to man Romans 3:22. Grace is a free gift, it saves the bad Dutt.28: 1–6 while the law ... Show
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Revelation is called the book of mysteries and also the book of Saint John the Divine. However, it is
important to note that John was not the source of the revelation but the instrument used to make
known Divine revelation. The very first verse in the book reveals its source. It informs its readers
that the book and its content is all about Jesus Christ. God the Father is the source of the message of
Revelation. He gave it to Jesus to show unto his servant things which must soon come to pass. Jesus
gave the message to his angel who conveys it to his servant John. John is the instrument God used to
get the messages delivered to the seven churches. The chain of command is clearly seen in the
delivery of the heavenly message to the seven churches. This chain of command confirms the
importance of following proper leadership and organization in our lives, in our homes, in our
schools, in our plays and in our churches. John was in exile (prison) on the barren rocky island of
Patmos for preaching the word of God and telling about Jesus Christ. On the Lord's Day, while John
was in the spirit praising and worshiping (he was wrapped up in God's presence and power) he had a
visitation from the Almighty God. He heard a great voice behind him which sounded like a great
trumpet saying I am Alpha and Omega the first and the last – –. John turned to see who was
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Christianity, Religion, And Religion Essay
Christianity, one of the western religion which is accepted by more than 30% of the world
population. Actually, I am not part of this religion: I am from Hindu religion, an eastern religion. In
my religion, there are thousands of gods, but I don 't even know the name of more than 50 gods.
Unlike Hindu, in Christianity, there is only one God, Jesus Christ, who is the central figure in
Christianity. Among the Christianity community, it is believed that God sends his son to the earth to
free the people from pain and suffering. For the salvation of the people son of God took an avatar of
Jesus Christ. It is also believed that Jesus came back after the third day of his death. As I am the
person from a different religion, I find the different concept of God in western religion. We, Eastern
people worship many gods and we have many festivals to celebrate but in Christianity, people only
follow to Lord Jesus. For them, Christmas is their main festival as it is the birth date of Christ,
Easter as the day that Jesus came back from his death.
According to the Christian mythology, Jesus was born from virgin women Mary. Nearly about 2,000
years ago, Mary was informed by the angel named Gabriel that she would have a son, Jesus, who
would be the son of god. And soon, Mary (the virgin women) gave birth to the Jesus Christ in the
stable. At the birth of the Jesus Christ, the angel tells some shepherds that their savior, Christ had
already taken birth. Very soon, the news about the birth
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Is The Dichotomy In Relation To The Baptism In The Holy...
Introduction This paper will compare and evaluate the views of John MacArthur and Keith
Warrington, in relation to the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Particularly, focusing on their views as to
whether the baptism in the Holy Spirit takes place as a consequence of conversion or subsequently,
as a unique experience. Each author's views will be compared and evaluated using other academic
sources, with special reference to Biblical evidence. Finally, a clear conclusion from the evaluation
process will establish which argument is better founded Biblically.
The Initial Argument John MacArthur, a Cessationist, claims that at the moment of salvation all
believers are, "baptised, indwelt and sealed with the Holy Spirit." Furthermore, MacArthur argues ...
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The first part is found in John 20:22 and the second part is found in Acts 2:1–4. Warrington, claims
that a partial filling of the Holy Spirit was given in John 20:22, with a fuller filling given in Acts
2:1–4. Furthermore, the first filling resulted in the authority to forgive and to withhold the
forgiveness of sins, whilst the second filling resulted in a more permanent indwelling of the Holy
Spirit (John 20:23, Acts 2:4).
However, MacArthur counters this claim by stating that in John 20:22, the Holy Spirit was not
given, but only promised. Evidence for this counterclaim is provided in John 20:26, whereby eight
days after this, "pledge" to be filled with the Holy Spirit, the disciples are found to be locked inside
through fear of the Jews. Therefore, the disciples must have lacked the Holy Spirit's manifest power
and presence, proving that the Holy Spirit had not yet been given; a view supported by
In order to evaluate Warrington's claim and to bring a conclusion to this argument it is essential to
analyse these passages in reference to other scholarly
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The Nineteenth-Century: A Conceptual Analysis
In analyzing the Churches of Christ today as they grapple with women in leadership, Lesley F.
Massey points out that "those in the Stone–Campbell Movement who, in contrast, supported
increasing women's rights in the nineteenth–century were able to do so by rejecting the traditional
interpretation of relevant biblical texts such as 1 Cor 14 and 1 Tim 2, and in turn by moving away
from a slavish biblical literalism." This turns the attention back to the issue of hermeneutical
legacy– the adherence to a literalism which is rooted in a commitment to take the Bible at face
value. Unfortunately, what has become apparent in the modern day hermeneutical commitment to
understanding cultural differences, language nuances, and thematic content, is the
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Key Factors Of The Division Over Instrumental Integration...
What were the key factors of the division over instrumental integration into worship? This paper
will discuss the thought process behind the rejection of instruments, explaining; why those who
favored it chose to keep peace, why it was seen as impure worship to those who rejected it, and why
it was not ordained according to positive law. During the Stone Campbell movement, music was a
strict topic because of its significant in worship to God. Since the time that Europeans first arrived
to North America, music has been a very crucial factor to the development and spreading of
Christianity. Christianity is known for the diversity of traditions, as well as the diversity of music
expressions of these traditions. (Stowe, 2010) "The instrumental ... Show more content on ...
McGarvey leads his argument by presenting as fact, the idea that,
...any part of the Jewish worship was discontinued by those who organized the Christian church, is a
direct condemnation of it by the Spirit of God as unsuited to the new institution. (Campbell 1865,
This claim is unsubstantiated, therefore the entire argument is fallacious.
When a church of Disciples of Christ played its first instrument (a melodeon) in worship, it caused
huge controversy. An elder of the church removed it from the church one night and sold it because
he saw it as unscriptural. A man named Huldrych Zwingli who was a well–known instrumentalists,
also rejected instrumental music and banned all playing of organs in worship. Under his influence,
some of his followers went to their churches and destroyed their organs. Reading Monroe Hawley's
article, "Controversy in St. Louis," the "First Church" built a building that included expensive
commodities. One of which was a $3000 organ. (Hawley 1984, 4) Though it seemed like a blessing,
it brought a debt upon the congregation, which led to prompting members to actually rent pews.
This caused a lot of commotion. A woman named Louise Hockday, along with many other
members, pushed to have the organ torn out and sold. But as a vote was made, the organ was
decided to stay and members who opposed left. Because of this, both sides of the controversy met to
settle it on December 27th–30th, 1870.
Some of these arbitrators were Alexander Proctor,
... Get more on ...
Christianity In The Church, Christianity, And Christianity
Christianity today stands as the most popular religion in the entire world. Statistically, out of every
three people in the world one is Christian. During the time of Christ, roughly 30 AD, are the first
examples of Christian worship. The religion spread across the European nations and churches began
to spring up both in the West, Romanesque and Gothic, and in the East, Byzantine.
Both sectors of Europe agree that the main purpose of a church is to establish a connection to
heaven and the center of this relation is the Lord Jesus Christ. Throughout both churches, you find
the Good Shepherd, appears as a child, a beardless man, and a Bearded Man. All forms generally
depict Christ with a halo quartered by a cross about his head. However, the method in which
symbolism incorporated into each church varies.
Byzantine churches created their own little heaven on earth with their churches. Paul Meyendorff
describes each aspect of the church and how to the Byzantines, each part of the church held spiritual
importance to be represented in the architecture thereof. For example, at the east end of the church
the apse resided, the apse alluded to the cave wherein Christ was born as well as the one that held
him after his death.
Andrew Palmer described the domes and barrel vaults of the church of Hagia Sophia as representing
the heavens above and the corners of the earth. Byzantine churches employed massive piers to
support the weight of the heavy dome. The architects added to the
... Get more on ...

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Jesus Christ As The Center Of Discipleship

  • 1. Jesus Christ As The Center Of Discipleship When someone think about Jesus Christ being the center of discipleship there are two things that comes to mind; change and commitment within the disciple. One day Jesus Christ was walking by the sea of Galilee when He saw Simon and Andrew fishing; he said to them, "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men" Matthew 4:19 . The next verse show them immediately dropping their nets and followed Jesus Christ. The actions of Simon and Andrew is described best by Putman, Harrington, and Coleman in the text book Disciple Shift. The text breaks Matthew 4:19 into three key elements; which are "Following Christ, is being changed by Christ, and is committed to the mission of Christ". It is the intent of this paper to show the importance of Jesus ... Show more content on ... They realize it is a lifelong process in which God molds them to be more like Jesus. Paul said in Romans 8:29, "For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the first born among many brethren". As a disciple of Jesus Christ our hearts have to be Christ centered, so our lives will follow and show forth His glory. Obedience is defined as defined by the American Heritage College thesaurus, "The quality, state, or act of willingly to carrying out the wishes of others" Carrying out the wishes of others for a disciple this would be the commandants of Jesus Christ; one commandment is that of the Great Commission. Matthew 28:19–20 says, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world, Amen." As a disciple of Jesus Christ obedience is a key factor, but we cannot do it alone we need the help of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will guide, teach, and seal us with the seal of salvation the Holy Spirit will also be a comforter for the believers. John 14:16 says, "And I pray the Father, and he shall give you another comforter, that he may abide with you forever." The very next verse tells ... Get more on ...
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  • 4. The Quaker Practice : Spiritual Baptism Thus, being a member of my Quaker in–group involves being prepared to right this particular misconception and also being willing to explain what Quakerism in fact is. This, I think, is what makes Quakers different from most other religious denominations in America–we frequently have to explain who we are and where we came from (what we believe) *"What we believe" goes better with "practices" below. This creates a strong sense of group identity, for I have to know and be able to explain my in–group's history and practices at any given moment. With these explanations, I am constantly reminded that my denomination is unique and that I should carry my membership with pride. The characteristic of little to no symbolism leads to the next foundational Quaker practice: spiritual baptism. Quakers believe that water baptism is a public way to express your decision to follow Christ and that the practice is not wrong, but also not necessary for one to be saved. Spiritual baptism derives from the Bible verse, "I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire" (New International Version, Matt. 3.11). This verse was spoken by John the Baptist, a man who frequently baptized people in the Jordan River. He was describing to those listening that after the coming of Jesus, there would be a greater baptism than that which used water–a baptism of the Holy Spirit ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit Essay The baptism of the Holy Spirit. What is it and how do I get it? A teaching from Pat Robertson. The first of two parts. – The question has been asked, "How do I get the baptism of the Holy Spirit? What is it and how do I get it?". Before Jesus left, He said to his disciples, "You tarry in Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high." And He said, "You will receive power after that when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And then you will be my witnesses, in Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria and to the utter–most parts of the earth." The first thing is power. Now, there are two kinds of power. Jesus said, "I have all power in heaven and earth given unto me. That is a Greek word exousia that means authority. The ... Show more content on ... Fruit grows slowly and gradually. But I'm here standing possibly 14 miles from the Atlantic Ocean. Were I to go down to the shores of Virginia Beach and get into the water, before long, the water would be up to my knees and then up to my waist and then up to my neck, and before long, I would be underneath the water. I would be baptized, immersed in the water. Now it's me in relation to water, but the difference is incredible in terms of the dimension between a glass of water inside of you and you being in the middle of the water. Now the Holy Spirit takes you and puts you into Jesus when you come to Him. "Nobody can come to Me, except the Father draws him." And who draws him is the Holy Spirit. He convicts the world of sin and righteousness and judgment. He brings conviction in our heart that we need Jesus and He takes us and leads us to Jesus. And in terms of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, Jesus is the baptizer. He places you into the Holy Spirit's power. Jesus, is the baptizer in the Spirit . And you seek Him. You don't seek the Spirit. You seek the Lord and ask for His power, and He places you into the Holy ... Get more on ...
  • 6. September 11 2001 Case Study The events of September 11, 2001, pose a huge and unexpected problem with which U.S. resident had to cope. To cope effectively with such problems, we often must marshal all available personal resources. In the week after September 11, US national polling organizations reported anywhere from 6% to 24% increase in church attendance and this trend continued through October to November. Members of many religious bodies sensed a revival of faith. However, this was not as the influx of churchgoer had receded to pre–September 11 levels. Pargament identifies the initial step in the coping process as appraisal. First, when an event takes place, the person implicitly ask, what does this mean to me, is it irrelevant, positive, or negative?. If the answer ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Ethical Implications Of The Teaching Design Once the curricular content is established, I, as the pastor, will offer direct instruction with the intentions of the learner fully comprehending the implications of the sacrament of baptism in their own ministry, including the ethical ramifications of bearing witness to God's continuing salvation through baptism. The ultimate purpose of the teaching design is for the learners to become the teachers. Most RCA congregants are paedobaptized and grow up understanding the priority of baptism. An RCA pastor should establish the historic Reformed understanding of God's covenant. According to Genesis 17:7, "I will establish my covenant between me and you, and your offspring after you throughout their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your offspring after you." God made a covenant with Abraham which extended corporately to all of Israel. Israel was expected to follow God, love others, keep the Law, and proselytize Gentiles to maintain covenantal status. Although God promised not to break God's covenant, there were still expectations for Israel and when Israel did not meet these expectations, God punished the nation. Additionally, God's covenantal call was intended to start with Israel, but branch out to the rest of the world. Jesus comes as the second Adam to fulfill this expectation and includes both Gentile and Jew into the covenant. All are now one in Christ according to Galatians 3:27–28. How does baptism play into this covenant? Brownson ... Get more on ...
  • 8. North American Christian Convention Research Paper In October 1927, the first ever North American Christian Convention was held in Indianapolis, Indiana. It was one of many conventions that was held at the time and are held still to this day. Throughout this time, the North American Christian Convention has grown and developed, but how did it all begin and how has history shaped it into becoming what it is today? Throughout this paper I will be discussing the different events and people, that shaped and molded the North American Christian Convention into what it is today. To understand why the North American Christian Convention was started we must first take a step back and look at some past events in history. The early 1800s marks the beginning of the Restoration Movement. In 1804 a man ... Show more content on ... A year later, the second convention was held in Kansas City, Missouri and the third took place another year later in Canton, Ohio. In 1930 there was no North American Christian Convention, in order that everyone would gather together at the International Convention, in washington D.C., to celebrate the nineteenth centennial of Pentecost. It was year of unity between the two conventions. The following year the North American Christian Convention was held and there was division between the two conventions once again. They were so close to the goals of Campbell's movement, yet they were so far away. In the the following two decades the North American Christian Convention was held only seven times because of World War II and the depression. Wartime restrictions made travel difficult and attendance dropped during those years to 1,300. In 1950 the convention became an annual convention and a policy was put into place to make it truly a national convention by moving it to a different area in the United States each year. I love how intentional they were with this policy and I think it really holds true to what the Stone–Campbell movement was. They were not keeping to themselves in one area of the county but instead they went to different areas of the country, to try and get everyone ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Restoration Movement: A Possible Study Let say for example, a new college student is living his or her life trying to find there place in the world. When a young enthusiastic man comes up to you and befriends you and invites yourself to a nondenominational bible study. You believe him and attend this bible study and actually like it. The people at the this bible study seam genuinely caring and loving. This people group call themselves the International Church of Christ. So you continue to addend weekly study's and learn about the love of Christ and the doctrine of the Church of Christ. As you are making connections and making relationships with the congregation of this group, you realize that their teachings about how salvation is attained is different than any church you have been ... Show more content on ... The plan was that each would start a campus outreach program through the local churches. They would use the churches as the staging ground for the operations. McKeen started an aggressive program of evangelism and discipleship. Although successful in manny areas, the program that McKeen taught was quite controlling and very manipulative. (At What Price of Success). In 1979, McKeen moved to Boston where he joined the Lexington Church of Christ. McKean established his program of aggressive evangelicalism and radical discipleship and the result was huge. The church he was apart of went from 30 to 1000 members in just a few years. By 1983 the church had to rent out the facilities of the Boston Opera House every week for their meeting. And they meet in houses for the midweek services. Later that year the Lexington Church of Christ changed its name to the Boston Church of Christ. This one church launched an aggressive missions program, sending out hundreds of teams throughout America and throughout the world. Churches were established in many of the worlds largest city's witch includes "London (1981), Chicago (1982), New York City (1983), Toronto and Providence (1985), Johannesburg, Paris, and Stockholm (1986), and Mexico City, Hong Kong, Bombay, and Cairo (1987–88)." Each church founded keep the name of the city they were in with the phase "Church of Christ". (At What Price of ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Faith Family Church Experience Paper Upon the entrance to Faith Family Church, greeters filled the doors with genuine enthusiasm. Not one person who walked through the doors failed to receive a high–five or hello. The worship center is located to the right after walking in the main doors. During Wednesday nights at 9:30pm The U is a worship service for all ages 18–24. After entering into the room, it was like a dark tunnel radiated with light. Lights flashed from side to side in sync with the ear blasting music. This service is a unique concert. Faith Family's main goal is to draw in young adults to an upbeat and exiting way to practice their faith. Looking toward the front of the room their arms were reaching high towards the ceiling with hands wide open. The beliefs of the Church ... Show more content on ... To have community in the beliefs of FFC is a family. Having a sense of community creates networking opportunities, life long friendships, and the ability to be a disciple of Christ. Allen, frequent U attender for a year, said he loves the atmosphere and family like fellowship. This joy is God given. The unique aspect of the U is the age range. Finding a church during college years often times poses a challenge to find for most. At the U, the entire staff is full of U attenders and connect– groups. Connect groups are bible study groups on Monday nights that are broken down into male or female groups to go deeper into relativity and fellowship. Another great aspect of the U is self ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Pastoral Intern At The Vineyard Christian Church Of Evanston Situation: The situation involves me as a Pastoral Intern questioning two different security guards at my Field Site about a certain man I had interacted with earlier that Sunday morning. The encounter had sounded suspicious in his attitude and this led me to ask the security guards to learn about him and his reputation. 1.Background: I serve as a Pastoral Intern at the Vineyard Christian Church of Evanston. The church is located at 2495 Howard Street, Evanston and is a non–denominational church. The church hosts two English services and one Spanish service. The first English service is held at 9:30 am in the main auditorium while the second English service is held at 11:30 am. The Spanish service is held also at 11:30 am in the LaVina ... Show more content on ... In case of emergency if any child either does not feel comfortable in that space or needs immediate attention, wants to be with his or her parent/parents, or is lost, the staff in these respective rooms is required to use a pager to let out that information to people that are in charge of the sound system and, that information is shared on the television screens inside the church, even if the sermon or worship is going on. On another note, if the pager does not work, the staff serving at the welcome desk is responsible for letting out that information in the same way asking sound system operators to coordinate. The main door to the church auditorium opens to the south of the coffee lab. A nursing room for mothers is adjacent to the right side of the main auditorium. People who choose not to attend the church service in the main auditorium hang out in the coffee lab, eat bagel, drink coffee or tea and watch live service on the large sized LCD television screen that is installed in the coffee lab. People in the coffee lab are either busy listening to the sermon, hanging out in the space taking care of their personal businesses, talking, eating or drinking or the kids are seen moving about and mothers carrying their babies. 2. Description of the event: Around 9:15 am, on November 22nd 2015, I was at the Vineyard Church. I was standing near the welcome desk and was talking to one of the volunteers Rosita ... Get more on ...
  • 12. My Profession Of Faith Essay I remember the first time I was told about making my Profession of Faith. It was back when I was in the sixth grade, during Wednesday night youth group at American Reformed Church. My youth leader, Rosalyn De Koster, talked to us about how big of a step it is for kids to make their Profession of Faith in front of the church. She told us, "Your Profession of Faith is an important part in growing in your faith". At the time, I was not at all ready to make this step, but it was good to learn about. Finally, two years later, I made the step in making my Profession of Faith to grow in my faith and more... I was baptized. Being raised in a Mennonite Church, I was never baptized. In the Mennonite faith, baptism is not performed when a newborn ... Show more content on ... We usually tended to meet in his office and slowly worked through curriculum specifically for making your Profession of Faith and being baptized. Throughout the curriculum, we worked through the book of John in the Bible. It was a great experience hearing my pastors view on Jesus' life and how we can live it out. Words truly did jump out of the pages of the Bible when reading through scripture and the book of John. I had never read through all of John so it helped me get a very detailed and fascinating view on Jesus Christ's life. Throughout the reading and curriculum, I asked Pastor Mike many questions, challenged the readings, and truly learned a lot through the experience Overall, the curriculum helped change my way of thought and feelings towards scripture and the church. Finally, in May 15, 2016, I was ready to make my public Profession of Faith. Pastor Mike helped work me through and answer questions that further developed my faith, but now it was time to prove it in front of American Reformed Church's congregation. First, I wrote my Statement of Faith. A few weeks later, I was baptized and made my profession in front of the church. #8 As I said my profession in front of my church congregation, I could feel the warmth of the Holy Spirt and love of Jesus Christ over me. I realized how much God cares for me and how important it is to live my life out as a good Christian. After my profession, my baptism occurred where water was poured over my head ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Summary Of ' Mark 16 : 17-20 Essay "And he said unto them, 'Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these SIGNS SHALL FOLLOW them that believe; In my name (Strong 's G3683 "onoma"–authority & character) shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly things, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and thy shall recover. ' So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and CONFIRMING THE WORD with signs following. Amen. " Mark 16:17–20 Jesus flowed in miracles. It 's a fact. He went about healing and casting out demons. It 's what He did. It 's who He was! We can like it or hate it, but the Word is clear on the subject. And then, immediately before ascending back to Heaven, He speaks a powerful declaration! It is in these verses that I 'd like to camp out today. They 've been misquoted, misrepresented, and misinterpreted. I have noticed people in the church avoid or breeze past these verses due to the stigma that exists. Let 's get this straight! Let 's reason together, shall we? Jesus is about to ascend to Heaven, but first He utters a final set of instructions, pretty important right? I would think that what He said would be a foundational ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Revelation Papers Revelation Paper Bob Entler Ohio Christian University John wrote to the seven churches explaining the need for a relationship with Christ. After speaking to the seven churches that are in the Roman province of Asia, the book of Revelation moves forward in the prophecy. Revelation 4:1 tells us that we moving forward: "After this" and "what must take place after this." The point is to show us that the information concerning the seven churches has stopped. A new series of images is beginning. John sees a door standing open in heaven. The voice that spoke to John at the beginning that sounded like a trumpet. Christ is speaking to John and calling him into heaven. John does not actually go into heaven, as we see in verse 2. John is having a new vision and John is going to see into the throne room of heaven. As we are taken into this vision, we must visualize the picture before us. Try and picture this in your head and see what is going on in heaven (–bible–study/view–of– heaven.html) John was told by the voice to write down the things that ... Show more content on ... Ephesus was the influential capital city of Asia Minor on the Aegean Sea. Ephesus is now known for its huge metropolis of ancient streets, arches, and ruins. Smyrna – The persecuted church that suffered poverty and martyrdom (Revelation 2:8–11). Smyrna was located north of Ephesus in a powerful trading position on the Aegean Sea known for its harbors, commerce, and marketplaces. The primary ruins of Smyrna are located in the modern Turkish city of Izmir. Pergamum – The worldly church that mixed doctrines and needed to repent (Rev. 2:12–17). Pergamum is located on the plains and foothills along the Caicus River in Western Turkey. It was considered a major city in Asia Minor since the 3rd century BC and became a Greek and Roman hub for temple ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Chapter 4 : Roanoke 's Christian Church Chapter 4: Roanoke's Christian Church (Disciples of Christ): "Not the Only Christians, But Christians Only" In downtown Roanoke, on Church Avenue, an old church building still stands, having been erected over one hundred years earlier. For the same period of time, it has been occupied by a congregation, whose denominational origins lead back to a rural part of Kentucky in what was called the Restoration Movement, initiated by reformers who yearned for a primitive, apostolic form of Christianity, with "no creed but Christ." Although "backcountry" in the denomination's heritage, this particular congregation began in a boomtown. While striving to become a "first century" church, reminiscent of the apostles' ministries and the church life from ... Show more content on ... David Edwin Harrell, Jr.'s "The Agrarian Myth and the Disciples of Christ in the Nineteenth Century" as well as "The Sectional Origins of the Churches of Christ" magnificently provide readers with a thoroughly researched historical context relevant to Southern religious history in particular. In the former article, Harrell discusses, "At the heart of the myth of the garden," or the agrarian myth, "was the conviction that rural life was superior to urban life." For many in the Christian Church, Harrell demonstrates that they sought to initiate the "millennial hope" via the garden myth ideology, but in time, "The most fervent millennialists in the movement by the end of the century were the supporters of the new industrial order. Many still believed that the American farmer was a specially prepared instrument of God, but it was perfectly obvious that he was neither gaining in influence nor improving his status in society." Harrell, elsewhere, delved further into this urban versus rural idea, and how it, along with class and geographical contentions, affected the schism that divided the Disciples of Christ (Christian Church) into two major factions, one conservative, leading to the "Church of Christ," and the other liberal, retaining the Disciples of Christ name. As helpful as Harrell's article on sectionalism is, he also explained how Virginia was a bit of an anomaly in the South, where liberals "won virtually all of the churches," when ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Christianity In The Middle East Imagine being unable to pray or attend church without the risk of being murdered. Living in constant fear that your whole way of life will be swept right from under you. Would you be willing to risk your life for your religion? Middle Eastern Christians are not persecuted because they are criminals, but because of what they believe. They simply want the freedom of faith and religion that Americans experience every day. Each day, Christians in the Middle East are slaughtered, tortured, raped, kidnapped, beheaded, and forced to flee the birthplace of Christianity. If these indignities continue, Christianity in the Middle East could disappear. The persecution of Christians in the Middle East is not new. In fact, it traces back to the Roman Empire ... Show more content on ... By the sixth century, Western churches were using Latin compared to Greek in Eastern Churches. In addition to the language differences, they were also a number of religious practices that separated. For example, leavened or raised bread was used for Eucharist in the East, but not in the West. The West required celibacy while the East allowed some marriages for clergy. Theologically, the two groups fought over a clause inserted into the Nicene Creed in 589 by a Western ecumenical council in Toledo. The clause was known as the filioque. "It indicated that Holy Spirit proceeded from the Father and the Son; the Eastern Churches rejected the addition of and the Son" (Bailey 52). When the Patriarch of Constantinople and the Roman papal legate excommunicated each other in 1054, it only furthered the growing schism between Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches. A few years after the major schism, the Crusades began and completely tore apart the relationship. Catholic crusaders killed Orthodox Christians along with Muslims. All hope of reconciliation was ended when the soldiers of the Fourth Crusade raided the Church of the Holy Wisdom in Constantinople in 1204. Not only have Christians had trouble with other Christians, but also conflicts with groups of other ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Essay on Thessalonians Thessalonians Thessalonians is based on two different letters that was written to the Christian community in Thessalonica. The purpose of the first letter was to clear up some of the misunderstandings about the return of Christ. The second letters purpose was to still clear up some of the misunderstandings about the Day of the Lord for they thought the day had already come. The first letter to the Christian community was sent from Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy, though Paul was the main author. Paul was writing to them to clear up their misunderstandings about the return of Christ, also considers it as instructions in holy living. Paul wrote about his longing to visit the church in Thessalonica but he couldn't because Satan had stopped ... Show more content on ... There are many arguments about when the 2 Thessalonians was written, because they believe that Paul did not write the letter. Depending on the actual authorship of the letter would be what the date of it was written would depend on. Stating that if the letter was written by someone else but in Paul's name, it is said that it may have been wrote in the late first or perhaps the early second CE. With that being said it is not sure on the exact date or time frame that the 2 Thessalonians was wrote. With many opinions about the date and who wrote the 2 Thessalonians it will not be known until the authorship of the letter is cleared up. There is enough evidence on when 1 Thessalonians was written. How they correspond the dates to when he was traveling and that he was on his mission in Corinthian, which would be around the 49–51 CE. Paul was writing the letter to the churches of Thessalonica which is the capital of the Roman province of Macedonia. His purpose of writing was to praise them on their "faith and love" that Timothy had brought and to focus on the instruction on how to live their Christian lives. Paul was writing this letter while he was on his mission in Corinthian where he was farther south in the province of Achaia. He wants the letter to be read aloud "to all his brothers" which means all his believers in Thessalonica. In 1 Thessalonians 4:3–4 it is confirmed of the conclusion that the churches of Thessalonica was mostly composed of gentile ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Christianity He tells the church to rule among yourselves, which are then broken down into four parts. We are to be watchful so that any under our charge or that we are ministering to do don't fall into the traps of the evil one. We are to rule amongst ourselves, in which certain people take the leadership roles in the church and guide the congregation. We as a congregation are called to lead, just as it said in Hebrews 13:17 not with pushing, or demanding, but rather commanding, not as Gods, but as leaders. Finally to live as example in all that we do ethically, morally, family, work, service to others. We can se this idea of "rule among you" in 1 Peter 5:2 when it says, " 2 Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, watching over them–not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; " (NIV) Campbell calls us to have congregational autonomy "in every city" as to appoint elders in every city so that they may watch over their flock that they are now responsible for, as it says in Titus 1:5, "5 The reason I left you in Crete was that you might put in order what was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town, as I directed you." (NIV) Lastly when talking about congregational autonomy Campbell tells us that we need to have "overseers" as in elders. Elders originally meant an older man, because older men have wisdom and experience through age which then gives then the capability to oversee, as it ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Reflection Of The Book Of Revelation The book of Revelation opens with an astonishing glimpse of future events that Jesus revealed to John. God gave Jesus the revelation, and Jesus sent the revelation to His servant John by an angel. In this opening scene of Revelation, John heard a mighty voice behind him speaking to him. When he turned to see who was speaking he saw a graphic view of seven candlesticks with a man standing amid them. The display of seven candlesticks and the One in the middle of them was significant to the totality of the vision that John received to be written down for an everlasting record of the things that must certainly come to pass for all believers. John, the servant of Jesus Christ, had been exiled on the Isle of Patmos because of his witness and testimony of the word of God, and because of his all–embracing commitment to Jesus. He proclaimed that he was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day when he heard a mighty, powerful voice speaking behind him. Upon hearing the voice, he immediately gave heed to the direction of the voice and saw seven candlesticks and the One standing in the midst of them. The significance of the candlesticks was that they were symbolic of the seven churches that were in Asia. The Lord assigned John the task of writing to the seven churches and reporting the revelation to them that was divulged to him by Jesus. Jesus analyzed each of the churches and revealed to John a status report of His findings. The very candid reports, whether good or bad, ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Literary Elements Of The Odyssey Book: Testament: Literary Genre: Justification: Genesis Old Narrative It is telling a series of events as they occurred. It is also sharing things that happened in epic proportions. Exodus Old Narrative It is telling a series of events as they occurred. It is also sharing things that happened in epic proportions. Leviticus Old Law It tells of God's sovereignty. It shares "God's law" How the people are to act, worship, eat, build the temple, behavior towards God and others, etc. Numbers Old Narrative It is telling a series of events as they occurred. It is also sharing things that happened in epic proportions. Deuteronomy Old Law It tells of God's sovereignty. It shares "God's law" How the people are to act, worship, ... Show more content on ... It is also sharing things that happened in epic proportions. This book also has a splash of the history of the early church. Romans New Epistle These are specific letters written to churches during that time from the different apostles. They are full of information that we can still learn from today and grow in Christ as they suggest. I Corinthians New Epistle These are specific letters written to churches during that time from the different apostles. They are full of information that we can still learn from today and grow in Christ as they suggest. II Corinthians New Epistle These are specific letters written to churches during that time from the different apostles. They are full of information that we can still learn from today and grow in Christ as they suggest.
  • 21. Galatians New Epistle These are specific letters written to churches during that time from the different apostles. They are full of information that we can still learn from today and grow in Christ as they suggest. Ephesians New Epistle These are specific letters written to churches during that time from the different apostles. They are full of information that we can still learn from today and grow in Christ as they suggest. Philippians ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Church, Cultures And Leadership, Mark Lau Branson And Juan... In their book, Churches, Cultures and Leadership, Mark Lau Branson and Juan F. Martinez point out the perspective of "Practical Theology." (Part 1, 39) They also explain the purpose of "Interpretive Leadership." (133) Their stories helped me understand how the circumstances challenge church leaders. (Introduction, 19) The authors focus on the continuous practice of "reflective discernment," to help church leaders learn what is the idea required for a church to depend on God. (39) One of the authors named Mark mentions an instance when he as a university chaplain intern, was invited by an African American student and experienced a group prayer. Because Mark was a Scotch–Irish, his initial experience of prayer in this group of students made no sense to him. Later he realized that it was the use of language that had left a different impression on Mark. Also, he felt that his own theology in comparison to one of the students named Keith who invited him was not the same. (40)The author Mark mentions that after his reflective discernment, Keith's theology started making sense to him and differences that seemed differences to him in theology, began changing. This instance, reminds me when I first visited the Evanston Vineyard, a non–denominational church, which is the same church where I am serving as a Pastoral Intern. The first time I attended a service here, I noticed an African American woman responding in words to the pastor's sermon. At first, I felt very annoyed, after ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Writing Assignment 1 Essay LIBERTY UNIVERSITY BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Writing Assignment 1 – Christ in Discipleship Submitted to Dr. Buddy R. Lowman, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of the course DSMN 500–D11 Discipleship Ministries by 10/27/201 INTRODUCTION Christ is the central person in Christian discipleship. Without Christ, Christianity would not exist and there would be no followers of Christ. To be true followers of Christ, believers must be willing to learn of the ways and teachings of Christ. Christ is central to Christian discipleship because He is the teacher of His disciples. Through the Holy Spirit and Word of God, Jesus Christ calls His disciples to Him and then ... Show more content on ... God disciplines those whom He loves and uses those whom follow His commandments. Jesus was hanged on a cross and crucified so that we would have the opportunity to be saved. He suffered for us, so we should take up our cross on a daily basis and follow Him. Christians must submit to Christ in order to be used by Christ. When a person submits to Christ, the Holy Spirit will empower him to be used of God. If a person does not submit to Christ, then the Holy Spirit will be quenched and the Christian will be disciplined by God. Disciples of Christ do not receive salvation because they obey God, but they obey God and submit to Christ because they have salvation (Rogers, Adrian, 2005). Jesus told the disciples that if they call him Lord they must do what he commands (Matthew 7:22). To be a disciple of Christ, we must submit to Jesus and trust that He is our Lord and Savior. We must have faith in Him and look to Him as our guide. Disciples of Christ should obey Jesus because God is not a man, but a sovereign God who has every right to command His disciples. Christ is not just a sovereign God, but also a saving God who suffered on a cross so that humans could receive salvation. Disciples of Christ who are saved by grace are not their own, but bought with a price that
  • 24. Jesus paid on the cross. Dietrich Bonhoeffer: The disciples are called blessed because they have obeyed the call of Jesus.2 To be a disciple of Christ, we must ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Recovery Church's Hymns In The Bible It is said in the Bible that no man can see God's face since the person who sees Him will die, as well as God has said it himself no idol should be made in any form, thus there has not been a clear images, or any status of God; yet many Catholic and Christian churches nowadays put up the status of Jesus's crucifixion and pray to it. However, there are some churches that follow what is said in the Bible, one form of those churches is "Recovery Church." Since God is invisible, Recovery Church worships God by singing, calling on Jesus Christ's name, and reading Bible and materials that are written to crysitalize the underlying meanings of the Bible. Songs that are made for religions are called Hymn; some of the tunes are shared among different kind of churches, some are unique for recovery churches since those are composed by the members within the church. Lyrics are usually originated from the lyrics writers in the church; if not, some lines are edited, deleted, or re–written if the words used in the hymns do not follow the Recovery Version Bible. Couple hymns will be quoted to explain how God is portrayed in Recovery Church's hymns, and how are those hymns keeping the ... Show more content on ... Experience of Christ almost lists out everything that Christ is –– "the Sun of Righteousness," "the Tree of Life," "the smitten Rock," "the fountain," "my life, my light, my way, my comfort, and my health, my peace, my rest, my joy, my hope, my glory and my wealth;" these are just few things are cited here, the hymn goes on talking about what Christ is to its believers. Qualities of God mentioned are spread all over the Bible, and hymn like this is rare since it touches on various aspects of God instead of elaborating one quality as the theme of the whole ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Questions on Christianity Theology Although I have been a Christian most of my life and have gone through Christian education my whole life, there are still some theological topics that I wrestle with. These are things I will I will probably continue to wrestle with. The topics I have trouble fully understanding are the views of baptism, the elect, security of salvation, and the roles of women in the church. The first topic I have wrestled with is adult baptism versus infant baptism. I grew up in the reformed church, so I was baptized as an infant. When I was in fourth grade my family began attending a Wesleyan church, where they practice adult baptisms. Baptism involves identification with Christ in His death and resurrection. It is a public display of one's decision to follow Christ. As a child I did not understand this. I had not yet made this decision to follow Christ. My parents have told me that I should get re– baptized now that I am an adult. Is it wrong for me to choose not to? Is there a right or wrong way of baptism? I agree believers should be baptized, but does the form fall outside of orthodoxy? I have had other people ask me similar things. They ask if they should get re–baptized since they were baptized as an infant. I do not believe being baptized as a child will get one to heaven if he or she dies before understanding Christ and making the choice to follow Him. I see it as symbolic of one's faith, but not a detrimental part of salvation. I want to believe I do not have to to get ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Personal Narrative : A Personal Experience : My Experience... I am a part of Time to Revive, which came from Dallas in 2015 to my home city of Fort Wayne, Indiana. We were taught and equipped to go out into the community and share the Gospel in such a way that made it easy for anyone to do it. Several are still doing this every week from different churches. We gather, worship, train, eat, pray, and go out into our community to pray with, and share the Gospel. We have seen many healings, salvations, and several being baptized in the Holy Spirit. These past several weeks we have focused on a specific side of town and have seen so much fruit it's as if people are just waiting for us to come to them so they can hear what we have to share. One specific encounter happened two weeks ago. We approached two young men sitting in front of their homes talking to each other. As we were talking, curious others came out of their homes to see what we were doing. We now had five people listening to what we have to say. By the time I finished, we had five new believers, two miraculous healings, and two that received the baptism in the Holy Spirit. I was amazed at what just happened! But it didn't finish there. As we were talking we found out not only was there a great spiritual need, but also a great physical need. One family had experienced two job losses and was unable to buy any food. Another family also was without jobs, without electricity, no food, and thinking about moving to Chicago closer to family. As we received more ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Reflection Paper On November 26, I went to my first service at a non–denominational Christian church. My friend and I took the 20–minute drive to Lake Mills to the Word of Faith Dominion Church. Being that I consider myself a Christian, I figured that I would enjoy this service regardless of the differences between being non–denominational instead of Immanuel like my usual, but nothing would have prepared me for how amazing it actually was. As soon as we got there, we had someone hold the door for us and someone was at the second door to great us. As we walked into the service area we had also had another person waiting to great us. As we were there, many people asked us where we were from and what encouraged us to come there along with telling us that they were happy that we were there and that they hope that to see us there again. They seemed like a small close church and they noticed that we were not regulars and made sure to make us feel as welcomed as possible and seemed very interested in us. We started with singing with some modern Christian music, one of which I already knew from songs we sing here at Waldorf during chapel. There was a brief sermon before we watched a short film on people's stories of learning to surrender to God. They played a music video about surrendering and invited us to surrender ourselves. It was truly an emotional time for me, to the point where I was physically crying. They replayed the song while inviting to people to move around and sit, stand, kneel, or ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Role Of The Church In Orthodoxy Is To Reconcile Man The role of the Church in Orthodoxy is to reconcile man to God through healing and ultimately assist man on his quest to deification. The canons are a perfect expression of this journey. In Orthodoxy, the canons are understood to have a deep and profound meaning in the life of the believer. They are intended to guide each believer in their respective time and context. To deny the reality or the expression of the truth in the canons is to deny the influence of the Church Fathers. In addition, the person who holds this view is blatantly passing judgment on the faithful who lived in a different context and age. This inaccurate viewpoint often forces one to judge without a proper understanding of all the relevant facts. Ironically enough it is ... Show more content on ... St. Nikodemos expresses this clearly, "...Deprive the Church of the holy canons, and disorder at once intrudes; and as a result of the disorder all her sacred adornment disappears" (Patsavos 28). The role of salvation has been handed to the Church in order to guide her flock to the ultimate union with man and God. The cannons are a unique instrument that allows for this goal to become a reality, "The holy canons help fallen humanity remain united and in a harmonious relationship with one another in the Church" (Patsavos 27). Therefore, it is clear that in Orthodoxy the canons play a very important role in assisting the sick in order to be healed. However, Patsavos warns against diluting the Church into a mere set of rules (Patsavos 4). Obviously, this extreme point of view ignores all other aspects of the Church and turns the canons into the end and not a means to the end. This legalism is clearly not the intention of the canons. The canons are meant to be followed in Spirit and are without a doubt pastoral in nature. If we ignore the pastoral nature of the canons we turn the Church into a legal institution. This is where the zeal of many towards the canons often leads to a misunderstanding that the canons must be followed by the letter of the law. Patsavos provides evidence for this point, "Canon 5 of the Holy Apostles forbids a bishop, presbyter, or deacon to put away his wife under the pretext of religion. A later decision of the Sixth Ecumenical Synod ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Southern Baptist Convention Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) founded in 1845 at Augusta, Georgia, is the largest Protestant denomination in the United States. The name itself tells us the geographical location of where the most number of these churches were founded. Although primarily found in the southern region of the United States, in recent years they have expanded to all regions of the country. "Due to its expansion their annual convention has been held in cities outside of the southern area, therefore giving the name "Southern" a large misconception" (Mead, Hill, & Atwood, 2001, p. 64) The Southern Baptist Convention emerged in the years leading up to the Civil War. In the midst of it all were disagreements between North Baptists and South Baptists in reference ... Show more content on ... They have the freedom to express and celebrate the gospel as they see fit within the scriptures of Jesus Christ. It is believed the bible is God's revelation to mankind, the word is true and trustworthy. There is only one true God, he is the trinity in unity; the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. "All in one with different attributes, the Father reigns over the universe, creatures and those who have become children of God through faith is Jesus Christ" (Southern Baptist Convention, n.d.). The Son, is the eternal son of God who is incarnated as Jesus Christ, conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. The Holy Spirit, is the spirit of God. This is his power put into action, he is omniscient, omnipresent, and convicts mankind of sin, righteousness, and of judgement. He harvests Christian character and comforts them allowing to serve God through his ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Role Of Religion In The Middle Ages During the Middle Ages or the Medieval times, religion was a huge aspect of many people's lives, especially the Christians. During the early Middle Ages, Christianity was a new religion that was not accepted in the Roman Empire. As it became more popular and the religion spread, it soon became the religion of the Roman Empire, and people began to worship openly. As the Middle Ages progressed, it quickly became the most popular religion. Churches were built and they were a huge influencer. Art was also a huge influencer, as many artists who were Christian created sculptures, paintings, and other forms of art to display their devotion to Christ. People of the faith would also use these forms of art to worship. Depictions of Christ in his early life were very prominent during this time, and people would visit them and worship these forms of art. People would go to or create these artworks that depicted the early life of Christ, whether they were sculptures or paintings, to show their devotion to the faith, to worship, and also for expanding their influence. During the Middle Ages, people of the Christian faith would both create and visit these artworks that depicted the early life of Christ to show their devotion to the religion. Even though religious art has been around since the beginning of Christianity, it became very prominent during the central Middle Ages when an abundant amount of churches, abbeys, and cathedrals were being built. These establishments were being ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Building Pledge Sunday Essay Sunday, September 25, "Building Pledge Sunday," is an important celebration in the life of this congregation of Christ's Church. God has blessed Shady Grove with a much needed building addition that began in 2009 and was completed in 2010. The addition has made it far easier to host fellowship meals. It has also become a place for meetings, and fellowship gatherings from large to small, as well as a Sunday School meeting place, and a place for Youth Movie Night and Vacation Bible School. The building addition has been a blessing to us and our community. Financially, we have made great progress. The original cost was $800,000 and because of faithful giving and financial gifts, we are more than half–way in paying for our wonderful addition. The ... Show more content on ... (2) Adopt one monthly mortgage payment per year for 3 years ($1,600 for one month). (3) Pledge to give a monthly amount, what you can afford, for 3 years. (4) Keep us in your daily prayers. Your gifts and prayer support have already made this building addition a reality! We give thanks to God and to you for your support of Shady Grove and its ministries! Let us come together and address the remaining financial obligations for our building addition. We look forward to its use this October, when we will host our Wednesday Neighborhood Family–After School Meals in the Fellowship Hall. We firmly believe that God gives us the resources to do what God leads us to do. May we be faithful with the financial resources that God has granted us. Members of the Finance Committee who have directed this pledging campaign are Mark Graham, Finance Committee Chair; Sandra and Ed Ashley; Bo Boyd; Tonya Graham; Mike Hagy; Kristie Kestner; David McCall; Pastor Mark McFadden; and, special leadership from Jim ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Reflection Paper "Splash!" I held my breath, then there was complete blackness. Down I went under the water as my dad and 3 other members of the YangMin Church pulled me down. "Alright, Back up you go!" My dad shouted as he hauled me back up. I saw the light, I felt peace and joy, and of course, water got in my nose as well. Without a doubt, the best thing that had ever happened in my life was that spiritual moment when I got baptized on July 31st; being born again through the Holy Spirit. The news came to me during May and I have been praying ever since, asking God to show me his will. However, the decision was extremely tough and I still wasn't sure by the end of June. Even though I knew and understood what the Gospel really meant, deep down in my heart I just didn't have the urge of becoming a true child of God. I've always thought of baptism as a commitment where you're supposed to make a promise and confess to God that you'll never sin against him ever again after coming out of the water. This sounded extremely difficult and my insides said that I wasn't going to be able to be pure like an angel. Even if I were to get baptized, I was afraid that I'd still make mistakes in front of God. Before that special day when I dedicated myself completely to God, I went through many spiritual battles and trials that tested my faith. Many days flew by, and my inaccurate interpretation for what I thought of Baptism as still stayed the same. I was stuck to this belief until at around late–august when ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Internship At The Evanston Vineyard 1. Background I serve as a pastoral intern at the Vineyard Christian Church of Evanston. This marks my second year of internship at this church. I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience of becoming familiar with the culture of a non–denominational setting of the church. The Evanston Vineyard comprises of 57 nations of the world. The church is not only unique because of this particular diversity (for example, there is a Spanish–speaking congregation that convenes every Sunday in the La Viña auditorium, one of multiple auditoria in this church) but also because of its hospitable and welcoming environment. This church context serves as the backdrop for the events and discussions that comprise the remainder of this paper. 2. Description of the ... Show more content on ... Intrapersonal Reflection: Cultivating Self–Awareness During my conversation with Muria, I was mindful of learning about her as a person–her interests, her passion and her serious–mindedness about what kind of help she would like to offer to the church and why. I wanted to encourage her in every possible way I could, and understand what differences could lie in various church roles and ministries. I advised her talking to the senior pastor and the executive pastor so as to avoid providing any extra information about the church administration. Since Muria is not a church member at the Evanston Vineyard, whether it is the English speaking congregation, the La Viña congregation or the Neighborhood Campus, (this is name of a church campus at new location), I thought it might be best if I did not personally announce any authority on her .Though I am a pastoral intern at this church, I am not the sole authority. My conversation was a source of knowledge to her like the contents of a book that can help her receive some synopsis if it is a good fit for her or not. Furthermore, if she would be interested in reading and learning about a hope that can help her discover if that knowledge is of any use to her not. Since this was my second time talking with her, and I have had only verbal interaction with her on one–to–one and have not seen her with a person from the La Viña congregation or one that I might know of, I did not want to have overconfidence on her and overstate the requirements ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Essay On Southern Baptist Denomination The Bible states that one day you will own your doctrine. The denomination of one's faith affects them in their life and eternity. Therefore, Christians need to recognize the importance of sect distinctions. While I am trying to complement each denomination, I am highly in favor of the Southern Baptist denomination and how it holds true to the Word of God and His plan for His children. John 3:16 explains the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ. I want to recognize how different or similar the plan of salvation is for each of the three sects. The Bible warns us to be careful about what we believe, which is our doctrine, because we will teach others what we know. 1 Timothy 4:16 tells us to take heed of our doctrine. It is a very important ... Show more content on ... Individuals are quick to tell where they attend church, because they take pride in it. Most of the church population finds themselves going to what church is popular within the community or to a family church. A religious sect usually correlates to someone's secular life in some manner. Religious denomination is weakly related to both types of educational goals, and seems to have no real influence on occupational goals. What is crucial about church membership is that it defines one's denomination. The same pride that is found in church membership needs to be found within the sect. For denomination is far more important than church membership. People tend to not research and earnestly go to God to lead them to the right sect. The more one knows about denominations, the more they can choose one that fits according to their spiritual philosophies. It is so important for believers to know why they believe what they believe. Denominations have such an impact on people within their sect that they actually set the rules the people live by. Such as is it okay to drink or is it not okay. Some argue that denominations have no part in one's relationship with Jesus Christ. While one's relationship with Jesus Christ is exactly that–a relationship between an individual and Jesus Christ, one's denomination helps promote and lead you in your relationship with Jesus ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Analysis Of The Poem ' Dispensation Of Grace ' Dispensation of Grace. The Dispensation of Grace begins with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Testing of humanity is no longer in obedience for salvation, but rather the acceptance or rejection of the Lord Jesus Christ 8 McGee. The Basic of Understanding the Bible p4 with good works as a fruit of salvation. Grace is the love and kindness of God to humanity, John 3: 16–17. When grace is compared with the law it can be observed that under grace righteousness is given to man Romans 3:22. Grace is a free gift, it saves the bad Dutt.28: 1–6 while the law ... Show more content on ... Revelation is called the book of mysteries and also the book of Saint John the Divine. However, it is important to note that John was not the source of the revelation but the instrument used to make known Divine revelation. The very first verse in the book reveals its source. It informs its readers that the book and its content is all about Jesus Christ. God the Father is the source of the message of Revelation. He gave it to Jesus to show unto his servant things which must soon come to pass. Jesus gave the message to his angel who conveys it to his servant John. John is the instrument God used to get the messages delivered to the seven churches. The chain of command is clearly seen in the delivery of the heavenly message to the seven churches. This chain of command confirms the importance of following proper leadership and organization in our lives, in our homes, in our schools, in our plays and in our churches. John was in exile (prison) on the barren rocky island of Patmos for preaching the word of God and telling about Jesus Christ. On the Lord's Day, while John was in the spirit praising and worshiping (he was wrapped up in God's presence and power) he had a visitation from the Almighty God. He heard a great voice behind him which sounded like a great trumpet saying I am Alpha and Omega the first and the last – –. John turned to see who was ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Christianity, Religion, And Religion Essay Christianity, one of the western religion which is accepted by more than 30% of the world population. Actually, I am not part of this religion: I am from Hindu religion, an eastern religion. In my religion, there are thousands of gods, but I don 't even know the name of more than 50 gods. Unlike Hindu, in Christianity, there is only one God, Jesus Christ, who is the central figure in Christianity. Among the Christianity community, it is believed that God sends his son to the earth to free the people from pain and suffering. For the salvation of the people son of God took an avatar of Jesus Christ. It is also believed that Jesus came back after the third day of his death. As I am the person from a different religion, I find the different concept of God in western religion. We, Eastern people worship many gods and we have many festivals to celebrate but in Christianity, people only follow to Lord Jesus. For them, Christmas is their main festival as it is the birth date of Christ, Easter as the day that Jesus came back from his death. According to the Christian mythology, Jesus was born from virgin women Mary. Nearly about 2,000 years ago, Mary was informed by the angel named Gabriel that she would have a son, Jesus, who would be the son of god. And soon, Mary (the virgin women) gave birth to the Jesus Christ in the stable. At the birth of the Jesus Christ, the angel tells some shepherds that their savior, Christ had already taken birth. Very soon, the news about the birth ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Is The Dichotomy In Relation To The Baptism In The Holy... Introduction This paper will compare and evaluate the views of John MacArthur and Keith Warrington, in relation to the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Particularly, focusing on their views as to whether the baptism in the Holy Spirit takes place as a consequence of conversion or subsequently, as a unique experience. Each author's views will be compared and evaluated using other academic sources, with special reference to Biblical evidence. Finally, a clear conclusion from the evaluation process will establish which argument is better founded Biblically. The Initial Argument John MacArthur, a Cessationist, claims that at the moment of salvation all believers are, "baptised, indwelt and sealed with the Holy Spirit." Furthermore, MacArthur argues ... Show more content on ... The first part is found in John 20:22 and the second part is found in Acts 2:1–4. Warrington, claims that a partial filling of the Holy Spirit was given in John 20:22, with a fuller filling given in Acts 2:1–4. Furthermore, the first filling resulted in the authority to forgive and to withhold the forgiveness of sins, whilst the second filling resulted in a more permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit (John 20:23, Acts 2:4). However, MacArthur counters this claim by stating that in John 20:22, the Holy Spirit was not given, but only promised. Evidence for this counterclaim is provided in John 20:26, whereby eight days after this, "pledge" to be filled with the Holy Spirit, the disciples are found to be locked inside through fear of the Jews. Therefore, the disciples must have lacked the Holy Spirit's manifest power and presence, proving that the Holy Spirit had not yet been given; a view supported by Köstenberger. In order to evaluate Warrington's claim and to bring a conclusion to this argument it is essential to analyse these passages in reference to other scholarly ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Nineteenth-Century: A Conceptual Analysis In analyzing the Churches of Christ today as they grapple with women in leadership, Lesley F. Massey points out that "those in the Stone–Campbell Movement who, in contrast, supported increasing women's rights in the nineteenth–century were able to do so by rejecting the traditional interpretation of relevant biblical texts such as 1 Cor 14 and 1 Tim 2, and in turn by moving away from a slavish biblical literalism." This turns the attention back to the issue of hermeneutical legacy– the adherence to a literalism which is rooted in a commitment to take the Bible at face value. Unfortunately, what has become apparent in the modern day hermeneutical commitment to understanding cultural differences, language nuances, and thematic content, is the ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Key Factors Of The Division Over Instrumental Integration... What were the key factors of the division over instrumental integration into worship? This paper will discuss the thought process behind the rejection of instruments, explaining; why those who favored it chose to keep peace, why it was seen as impure worship to those who rejected it, and why it was not ordained according to positive law. During the Stone Campbell movement, music was a strict topic because of its significant in worship to God. Since the time that Europeans first arrived to North America, music has been a very crucial factor to the development and spreading of Christianity. Christianity is known for the diversity of traditions, as well as the diversity of music expressions of these traditions. (Stowe, 2010) "The instrumental ... Show more content on ... McGarvey leads his argument by presenting as fact, the idea that, ...any part of the Jewish worship was discontinued by those who organized the Christian church, is a direct condemnation of it by the Spirit of God as unsuited to the new institution. (Campbell 1865, 187) This claim is unsubstantiated, therefore the entire argument is fallacious. When a church of Disciples of Christ played its first instrument (a melodeon) in worship, it caused huge controversy. An elder of the church removed it from the church one night and sold it because he saw it as unscriptural. A man named Huldrych Zwingli who was a well–known instrumentalists, also rejected instrumental music and banned all playing of organs in worship. Under his influence, some of his followers went to their churches and destroyed their organs. Reading Monroe Hawley's article, "Controversy in St. Louis," the "First Church" built a building that included expensive commodities. One of which was a $3000 organ. (Hawley 1984, 4) Though it seemed like a blessing, it brought a debt upon the congregation, which led to prompting members to actually rent pews. This caused a lot of commotion. A woman named Louise Hockday, along with many other members, pushed to have the organ torn out and sold. But as a vote was made, the organ was decided to stay and members who opposed left. Because of this, both sides of the controversy met to settle it on December 27th–30th, 1870. Some of these arbitrators were Alexander Proctor, ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Christianity In The Church, Christianity, And Christianity Christianity today stands as the most popular religion in the entire world. Statistically, out of every three people in the world one is Christian. During the time of Christ, roughly 30 AD, are the first examples of Christian worship. The religion spread across the European nations and churches began to spring up both in the West, Romanesque and Gothic, and in the East, Byzantine. Both sectors of Europe agree that the main purpose of a church is to establish a connection to heaven and the center of this relation is the Lord Jesus Christ. Throughout both churches, you find the Good Shepherd, appears as a child, a beardless man, and a Bearded Man. All forms generally depict Christ with a halo quartered by a cross about his head. However, the method in which symbolism incorporated into each church varies. Byzantine churches created their own little heaven on earth with their churches. Paul Meyendorff describes each aspect of the church and how to the Byzantines, each part of the church held spiritual importance to be represented in the architecture thereof. For example, at the east end of the church the apse resided, the apse alluded to the cave wherein Christ was born as well as the one that held him after his death. Andrew Palmer described the domes and barrel vaults of the church of Hagia Sophia as representing the heavens above and the corners of the earth. Byzantine churches employed massive piers to support the weight of the heavy dome. The architects added to the ... Get more on ...