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How I Roll:
A Cucumber/git
 Matt Buck, Capital Thought
We make

Capital Thought

                        I work for

• Creating topic branches in git
• Outside-In model of Rails development
• Merging topic branches
• BONUS ROUND: Getting non-technical
  stakeholders involved
$ issue list
    3. Administrators should be able to manage Users
    4. Access should be restricted by Role
    6. Users should be able to edit account settings
    7. Administrators should be able to import Contacts
   13. Authors should be able to manage Posts
   14. Authors should be able to register
$ issue list
    3. Administrators should be able to manage Users
    4. Access should be restricted by Role
    6. Users should be able to edit account settings
    7. Administrators should be able to import Contacts
   13. Authors should be able to manage Posts
   14. Authors should be able to register
$ git checkout -b
Outside-in Rails development
• Write a scenario
• Execute the scenario
• Write a step definition
• red/green/refactor View
• red/green/refactor Controller
  • ensure the proper instance variables are

•   red/green/refactor Models

    •   ensure they provide methods needed by View
        and Controller
•   Write a step definition
•   red/green/refactor View
•   red/green/refactor Controller
•   red/green/refactor Model
Feature: author manages posts
  As an author
  I want to be able to manage the posts on my blog
  So that my audience can read my content

    Given I am logged in as the following active author account:
      | Name | Email address    | Password | Phone number | Fax number   |
      | John | | pass     | 555-555-1212 | 555-555-1213 |

  Scenario: Author adds a new post
    When I am on the create post page for John
    When I fill in the form with the following values:
      | Title      | Body         |
      | First post | Hello, blog! |
    And I press "Add post"
    Then I should be on the show post page for "First post"
    And I should see "Your post has been added."
    And I should see "First post"
    And I should see "Hello, blog!"
    And there should be a new post with the title "First post"
Outside-in Rails development
• Write a scenario
• Execute the scenario
• Write a step definition
• red/green/refactor View
• red/green/refactor Controller
  • ensure the proper instance variables are

•   red/green/refactor Models

    •   ensure they provide methods needed by View
        and Controller
Feature: author manages posts
  As an author
  I want to be able to manage the posts on my blog
  So that my audience can read my content

   Given I am logged in as the following active author account:
     | Name | Email address    | Password | Phone number | Fax number   |
     | John | | pass     | 555-555-1212 | 555-555-1213 |

 Scenario: Author adds a new post
   When I am on the create post page for John
   When I fill in the form with the following values:
     | Title      | Body          |
     | First post | Hello, blog! |
   And I press "Add post"
   Then I should be on the show post page for "First post"
   And I should see "Your post has been added."
   And I should see "First post"
   And I should see "Hello, blog!"
   And there should be a new post with the title "First post"

when /the create post page for (.*)$/
  author = Author.find_by_name($1)
Feature: author manages posts
  As an author
  I want to be able to manage the posts on my blog
  So that my audience can read my content

   Given I am logged in as the following active author account:
     | Name | Email address    | Password | Phone number | Fax number   |
     | John | | pass     | 555-555-1212 | 555-555-1213 |

 Scenario: Author adds a new post
   When I am on the create post page for John
   When I fill in the form with the following values:
     | Title      | Body          |
     | First post | Hello, blog! |
   And I press "Add post"
   Then I should be on the show post page for "First post"
   And I should see "Your post has been added."
   And I should see "First post"
   And I should see "Hello, blog!"
   And there should be a new post with the title "First post"
Outside-in Rails development
• Write a scenario
• Execute the scenario
• Write a step definition
• red/green/refactor View
• red/green/refactor Controller
  • ensure the proper instance variables are

•   red/green/refactor Models

    •   ensure they provide methods needed by View
        and Controller

describe "/posts/new.html.haml" do
  before(:each) do
    assigns[:post] = :post
    @author = Factory.create :author
    assigns[:author] = @author

  it "should render new form" do
    render "/events/new.html.haml"
    response.should have_tag("form[action=?][method=post]",


%h1 New post

- form_for([@author, @post]) do |f|
  = render :partial => "form", :locals => {:f => f}

  %p= f.submit "Add Post"
Feature: author manages posts
  As an author
  I want to be able to manage the posts on my blog
  So that my audience can read my content

   Given I am logged in as the following active author account:
     | Name | Email address    | Password | Phone number | Fax number   |
     | John | | pass     | 555-555-1212 | 555-555-1213 |

 Scenario: Author adds a new post
   When I am on the create post page for John
   When I fill in the form with the following values:
     | Title      | Body          |
     | First post | Hello, blog! |
   And I press "Add post"
   Then I should be on the show post page for "First post"
   And I should see "Your post has been added."
   And I should see "First post"
   And I should see "Hello, blog!"
   And there should be a new post with the title "First post"
Outside-in Rails development
• Write a scenario
• Execute the scenario
• Write a step definition
• red/green/refactor View
• red/green/refactor Controller
  • ensure the proper instance variables
    are assigned

•   red/green/refactor Models

    •   ensure they provide methods needed by View
        and Controller

describe "responding to GET new" do
  def do_get(params = {})
    get :new, {:author_id => @author}

  it "should expose a new post as @post" do
    post =
    assigns[:post].should equal(post)


def new
  @post =[:post])

  respond_to do |format|
    format.html # new.html.erb
    format.xml { render :xml => @post }
Feature: author manages posts
  As an author
  I want to be able to manage the posts on my blog
  So that my audience can read my content

   Given I am logged in as the following active author account:
     | Name | Email address    | Password | Phone number | Fax number   |
     | John | | pass     | 555-555-1212 | 555-555-1213 |

 Scenario: Author adds a new post
   When I am on the create post page for John
   When I fill in the form with the following values:
     | Title      | Body          |
     | First post | Hello, blog! |
   And I press "Add post"
   Then I should be on the show post page for "First post"
   And I should see "Your post has been added."
   And I should see "First post"
   And I should see "Hello, blog!"
   And there should be a new post with the title "First post"

when /the (create|show) post page for (.*)$/
  author = Author.find_by_name($2)‚Ä®

  case $1
  when /create/
  when /show/
Feature: author manages posts
  As an author
  I want to be able to manage the posts on my blog
  So that my audience can read my content

   Given I am logged in as the following active author account:
     | Name | Email address    | Password | Phone number | Fax number   |
     | John | | pass     | 555-555-1212 | 555-555-1213 |

 Scenario: Author adds a new post
   When I am on the create post page for John
   When I fill in the form with the following values:
     | Title      | Body          |
     | First post | Hello, blog! |
   And I press "Add post"
   Then I should be on the show post page for "First post"
   And I should see "Your post has been added."
   And I should see "First post"
   And I should see "Hello, blog!"
   And there should be a new post with the title "First post"

it "should redirect to the created post" do
  post :create, :post => {}
  response.should redirect_to(author_post_url(@author, @new_post))


# POST /posts
# POST /posts.xml
def create
  @post =[:post])

  respond_to do |format|
      flash[:notice] = 'Post was successfully created.'
      redirect_to author_post_url(@author, @post)
      render :action => "new"
Feature: author manages posts
  As an author
  I want to be able to manage the posts on my blog
  So that my audience can read my content

   Given I am logged in as the following active author account:
     | Name | Email address    | Password | Phone number | Fax number   |
     | John | | pass     | 555-555-1212 | 555-555-1213 |

 Scenario: Author adds a new post
   When I am on the post creation page for John
   When I fill in the form with the following values:
     | Title       | Body          |
     | First post! | Hello, blog! |
   And I press "Add post"
   Then I should be on the show post page for "First post"
   And I should see "Your post has been added."
   And I should see "First post"
   And I should see "Hello, blog!"
   And there should be a new post with the title "First post"
Fast forward...
Feature: author manages posts
  As an author
  I want to be able to manage the posts on my blog
  So that my audience can read my content

   Given I am logged in as the following active author account:
     | Name | Email address    | Password | Phone number | Fax number   |
     | John | | pass     | 555-555-1212 | 555-555-1213 |

 Scenario: Author adds a new post
   When I am on the post creation page for John
   When I fill in the form with the following values:
     | Title      | Body          |
     | First post | Hello, blog! |
   And I press "Add post"
   Then I should be on the show post page for “First Post”
   And I should see "Your post has been added."
   And I should see "First post"
   And I should see "Hello, blog!"
   And there should be a new post with the title "First post"
Feature: author manages posts
  As an author
  I want to be able to manage the posts on my blog
  So that my audience can read my content

   Given I am logged in as the following active author account:
     | Name | Email address    | Password | Phone number | Fax number   |
     | John | | pass     | 555-555-1212 | 555-555-1213 |

 Scenario: Author adds a new post
   When I am on the post creation page for John
   When I fill in the form with the following values:
     | Title      | Body          |
     | First post | Hello, blog! |
   And I press "Add post"
   Then I should be on the show post page for “First Post”
   And I should see "Your post has been added."
   And I should see "First post"
   And I should see "Hello, blog!"
   And I should see "This post contains 22 characters"
   And there should be a new post with the title "First post"

describe "/posts/show.html.haml" do
  before(:each) do
    @post   = Factory.create :post
    @author = Factory.create :author
    assigns[:author] = @author
    assigns[:post]   = @post

  it "should display the length of the post in characters" do
    render "/events/show.html.haml"
    response.should have_tag("span#length", :text => 24)


%h1= @post.title

%span#length= @post.total_length

it "should return the length of the body and title in characters" do
  post = Post.create :title => "Title", :body => "Body"
  post.total_length.should == 9


def total_length
  title.size + body.size
Feature: author manages posts
  As an author
  I want to be able to manage the posts on my blog
  So that my audience can read my content

   Given I am logged in as the following active author account:
     | Name | Email address    | Password | Phone number | Fax number   |
     | John | | pass     | 555-555-1212 | 555-555-1213 |

 Scenario: Author adds a new post
   When I am on the post creation page for John
   When I fill in the form with the following values:
     | Title      | Body          |
     | First post | Hello, blog! |
   And I press "Add post"
   Then I should be on the show post page for “First Post”
   And I should see "Your post has been added."
   And I should see "First post"
   And I should see "Hello, blog!"
   And I should see "This post contains 22 characters"
   And there should be a new post with the title "First post"
$ git checkout master
$ git merge --squash 13_authors_manage_posts
$ git commit -m “Implemented <...> Closes #13”
$ git checkout master
$ git merge --squash 13_authors_manage_posts
$ git commit -m “Implemented <...> Closes #13”
$ git checkout master
$ git merge 13_authors_manage_posts
Bonus Round
How do we get
stakeholders involved in
   the story creation
Credits, etc.

• Cucumber roll image:
• Github Issues CLI:
• The RSpec Book:

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How I Roll - A Cucumber/git workflow

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  • 3. Agenda • Creating topic branches in git • Outside-In model of Rails development • Merging topic branches • BONUS ROUND: Getting non-technical stakeholders involved
  • 4. $ issue list 3. Administrators should be able to manage Users 4. Access should be restricted by Role 6. Users should be able to edit account settings 7. Administrators should be able to import Contacts 13. Authors should be able to manage Posts 14. Authors should be able to register
  • 5. $ issue list 3. Administrators should be able to manage Users 4. Access should be restricted by Role 6. Users should be able to edit account settings 7. Administrators should be able to import Contacts 13. Authors should be able to manage Posts 14. Authors should be able to register
  • 6. $ git checkout -b 13_authors_manage_posts
  • 7. Outside-in Rails development • Write a scenario • Execute the scenario • Write a step definition • red/green/refactor View • red/green/refactor Controller • ensure the proper instance variables are assigned • red/green/refactor Models • ensure they provide methods needed by View and Controller
  • 8.
  • 9. Write a step definition
  • 10. red/green/refactor View
  • 11. red/green/refactor Controller
  • 12. red/green/refactor Model
  • 13. Feature: author manages posts As an author I want to be able to manage the posts on my blog So that my audience can read my content Background: Given I am logged in as the following active author account: | Name | Email address | Password | Phone number | Fax number | | John | | pass | 555-555-1212 | 555-555-1213 | Scenario: Author adds a new post When I am on the create post page for John When I fill in the form with the following values: | Title | Body | | First post | Hello, blog! | And I press "Add post" Then I should be on the show post page for "First post" And I should see "Your post has been added." And I should see "First post" And I should see "Hello, blog!" And there should be a new post with the title "First post"
  • 14. Outside-in Rails development • Write a scenario • Execute the scenario • Write a step definition • red/green/refactor View • red/green/refactor Controller • ensure the proper instance variables are assigned • red/green/refactor Models • ensure they provide methods needed by View and Controller
  • 15. Feature: author manages posts As an author I want to be able to manage the posts on my blog So that my audience can read my content Background: Given I am logged in as the following active author account: | Name | Email address | Password | Phone number | Fax number | | John | | pass | 555-555-1212 | 555-555-1213 | Scenario: Author adds a new post When I am on the create post page for John When I fill in the form with the following values: | Title | Body | | First post | Hello, blog! | And I press "Add post" Then I should be on the show post page for "First post" And I should see "Your post has been added." And I should see "First post" And I should see "Hello, blog!" And there should be a new post with the title "First post"
  • 16. features/env/paths.rb when /the create post page for (.*)$/ author = Author.find_by_name($1) new_author_post_path(author)
  • 17. Feature: author manages posts As an author I want to be able to manage the posts on my blog So that my audience can read my content Background: Given I am logged in as the following active author account: | Name | Email address | Password | Phone number | Fax number | | John | | pass | 555-555-1212 | 555-555-1213 | Scenario: Author adds a new post When I am on the create post page for John When I fill in the form with the following values: | Title | Body | | First post | Hello, blog! | And I press "Add post" Then I should be on the show post page for "First post" And I should see "Your post has been added." And I should see "First post" And I should see "Hello, blog!" And there should be a new post with the title "First post"
  • 18. Outside-in Rails development • Write a scenario • Execute the scenario • Write a step definition • red/green/refactor View • red/green/refactor Controller • ensure the proper instance variables are assigned • red/green/refactor Models • ensure they provide methods needed by View and Controller
  • 19. spec/views/posts/new.html.haml_spec.rb describe "/posts/new.html.haml" do before(:each) do assigns[:post] = :post @author = Factory.create :author assigns[:author] = @author end it "should render new form" do render "/events/new.html.haml" response.should have_tag("form[action=?][method=post]", author_posts_path(@author)) end end app/views/posts/new.html.haml %h1 New post - form_for([@author, @post]) do |f| = render :partial => "form", :locals => {:f => f} %p= f.submit "Add Post"
  • 20. Feature: author manages posts As an author I want to be able to manage the posts on my blog So that my audience can read my content Background: Given I am logged in as the following active author account: | Name | Email address | Password | Phone number | Fax number | | John | | pass | 555-555-1212 | 555-555-1213 | Scenario: Author adds a new post When I am on the create post page for John When I fill in the form with the following values: | Title | Body | | First post | Hello, blog! | And I press "Add post" Then I should be on the show post page for "First post" And I should see "Your post has been added." And I should see "First post" And I should see "Hello, blog!" And there should be a new post with the title "First post"
  • 21. Outside-in Rails development • Write a scenario • Execute the scenario • Write a step definition • red/green/refactor View • red/green/refactor Controller • ensure the proper instance variables are assigned • red/green/refactor Models • ensure they provide methods needed by View and Controller
  • 22. spec/controllers/posts_controller_spec.rb describe "responding to GET new" do def do_get(params = {}) stub_author get :new, {:author_id => @author} end it "should expose a new post as @post" do post = Post.should_receive(:new).and_return(post) do_get assigns[:post].should equal(post) end end app/controllers/posts_controller.rb def new @post =[:post]) respond_to do |format| format.html # new.html.erb format.xml { render :xml => @post } end end
  • 23. Feature: author manages posts As an author I want to be able to manage the posts on my blog So that my audience can read my content Background: Given I am logged in as the following active author account: | Name | Email address | Password | Phone number | Fax number | | John | | pass | 555-555-1212 | 555-555-1213 | Scenario: Author adds a new post When I am on the create post page for John When I fill in the form with the following values: | Title | Body | | First post | Hello, blog! | And I press "Add post" Then I should be on the show post page for "First post" And I should see "Your post has been added." And I should see "First post" And I should see "Hello, blog!" And there should be a new post with the title "First post"
  • 24. features/env/paths.rb when /the (create|show) post page for (.*)$/ author = Author.find_by_name($2)‚Ä® case $1 when /create/ new_author_post_path(author) when /show/ autho_post_path(author)
  • 25. Feature: author manages posts As an author I want to be able to manage the posts on my blog So that my audience can read my content Background: Given I am logged in as the following active author account: | Name | Email address | Password | Phone number | Fax number | | John | | pass | 555-555-1212 | 555-555-1213 | Scenario: Author adds a new post When I am on the create post page for John When I fill in the form with the following values: | Title | Body | | First post | Hello, blog! | And I press "Add post" Then I should be on the show post page for "First post" And I should see "Your post has been added." And I should see "First post" And I should see "Hello, blog!" And there should be a new post with the title "First post"
  • 26. spec/controllers/posts_controller_spec.rb it "should redirect to the created post" do Post.stub!(:new).and_return(@new_post) post :create, :post => {} response.should redirect_to(author_post_url(@author, @new_post)) end app/controllers/posts_controller.rb # POST /posts # POST /posts.xml def create @post =[:post]) respond_to do |format| if flash[:notice] = 'Post was successfully created.' redirect_to author_post_url(@author, @post) else render :action => "new" end end end
  • 27. Feature: author manages posts As an author I want to be able to manage the posts on my blog So that my audience can read my content Background: Given I am logged in as the following active author account: | Name | Email address | Password | Phone number | Fax number | | John | | pass | 555-555-1212 | 555-555-1213 | Scenario: Author adds a new post When I am on the post creation page for John When I fill in the form with the following values: | Title | Body | | First post! | Hello, blog! | And I press "Add post" Then I should be on the show post page for "First post" And I should see "Your post has been added." And I should see "First post" And I should see "Hello, blog!" And there should be a new post with the title "First post"
  • 29. Feature: author manages posts As an author I want to be able to manage the posts on my blog So that my audience can read my content Background: Given I am logged in as the following active author account: | Name | Email address | Password | Phone number | Fax number | | John | | pass | 555-555-1212 | 555-555-1213 | Scenario: Author adds a new post When I am on the post creation page for John When I fill in the form with the following values: | Title | Body | | First post | Hello, blog! | And I press "Add post" Then I should be on the show post page for “First Post” And I should see "Your post has been added." And I should see "First post" And I should see "Hello, blog!" And there should be a new post with the title "First post"
  • 30. Feature: author manages posts As an author I want to be able to manage the posts on my blog So that my audience can read my content Background: Given I am logged in as the following active author account: | Name | Email address | Password | Phone number | Fax number | | John | | pass | 555-555-1212 | 555-555-1213 | Scenario: Author adds a new post When I am on the post creation page for John When I fill in the form with the following values: | Title | Body | | First post | Hello, blog! | And I press "Add post" Then I should be on the show post page for “First Post” And I should see "Your post has been added." And I should see "First post" And I should see "Hello, blog!" And I should see "This post contains 22 characters" And there should be a new post with the title "First post"
  • 31. spec/views/posts/show.html.haml_spec.rb describe "/posts/show.html.haml" do before(:each) do @post = Factory.create :post @author = Factory.create :author assigns[:author] = @author assigns[:post] = @post @post.stub!(:total_length).and_return(24) end it "should display the length of the post in characters" do render "/events/show.html.haml" response.should have_tag("span#length", :text => 24) end end app/views/posts/new.html.haml %h1= @post.title %span#length= @post.total_length
  • 32. spec/models/post_spec.rb it "should return the length of the body and title in characters" do post = Post.create :title => "Title", :body => "Body" post.total_length.should == 9 end spec/models/post.rb def total_length title.size + body.size end
  • 33. Feature: author manages posts As an author I want to be able to manage the posts on my blog So that my audience can read my content Background: Given I am logged in as the following active author account: | Name | Email address | Password | Phone number | Fax number | | John | | pass | 555-555-1212 | 555-555-1213 | Scenario: Author adds a new post When I am on the post creation page for John When I fill in the form with the following values: | Title | Body | | First post | Hello, blog! | And I press "Add post" Then I should be on the show post page for “First Post” And I should see "Your post has been added." And I should see "First post" And I should see "Hello, blog!" And I should see "This post contains 22 characters" And there should be a new post with the title "First post"
  • 34. $ git checkout master $ git merge --squash 13_authors_manage_posts $ git commit -m “Implemented <...> Closes #13”
  • 35.
  • 36. $ git checkout master $ git merge --squash 13_authors_manage_posts $ git commit -m “Implemented <...> Closes #13”
  • 37. $ git checkout master $ git merge 13_authors_manage_posts
  • 38.
  • 40. How do we get non-technical stakeholders involved in the story creation process?
  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 43. Credits, etc. • Cucumber roll image: photos/stuart_spivack/464718611/ • Github Issues CLI: github-cli/tree/master • The RSpec Book: titles/achbd/the-rspec-book