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Rails Antipattern 
Hong ChulJu 
• Rails Newbie 
• SW Maestro 5th
mainly about code refactoring
• Monolithic Controllers 
• Fat Controller 
• PHPitis 
• Voyeuristic Models 
• Spaghetti SQL 
• Fat Model 
• Duplicate Code Duplication 
• Fixture Blues 
• Messy Migration
Monolithic Controllers 
• User Authentication 
class UsersController  ApplicationController 
def action 
operation = params[:operation] 
# ... 
Monolithic Controllers 
• Our projects 
resources :users, only: [] do 
collection do 
get 'show' 
get 'sign_in', to: 'users#sign_in' 
get 'sign_up', to: 'users#new' 
post 'sign_up', to: 'users#create' 
get 'email_sent', to: 'users#email_sent' 
get 'verify/:code', to: 'users#verify' 
powerful user
Monolithic Controllers 
• Our projects 
class UsersController  ApplicationController 
def new 
def create 
def show 
def sign_in 
def sign_out 
def email_sent 
def verify 
• UsersController#new 
• UsersController#create 
• UsersController#verify 
• UsersController#show 
• UsersController#sign_in 
• UsersController#sign_out 
• UsersController#email_sent 
• - 
break apart controllers 
[:new, :create, :show] 
[:new, :destroy]
Fat Controller 
class RailsController  ApplicationController 
def create 
# ... 
# transaction, association 
# service logic, etc 
# Suppose that this method contains 100+ lines of code. 
Fat Controller 
class RailsController  ApplicationController 
def create 
active record callback, 
build object 
# ... 
# transaction, association 
# service logic, etc 
# Suppose that this method contains 100+ lines of code. 
service objects, lib
Controller + lib 
class ReservationsController  ApplicationController 
def create 
reservation = 
ticket = 
# ticket code generation 
# ... 
ticket.code = # ... 
reservation.transaction do! 
reservation.ticket = ticket! 
1) to lib?
Controller + lib 
class TicketsController  ApplicationController 
def create 
ticket = 
code_generator = 
ticket.code = code_generator.generate 
# ... 
ticket need to be coupling with code 
may miss it?
Model + lib 
class Ticket  ActiveRecord::Base 
# has a code column 
before_save :generate_code 
def generate_code 
active record callback 
code_generator = 
self.code ||= code_generator.generate 
# TicketsController#create 
ticket = Ticket.create! 
internal transaction 
class ReservationsController  ApplicationController 
def create 
reservation = 
reservation.transaction do 
reservation.ticket = Ticket.create!! 
2) Remove transaction
internal transaction 
class ReservationsController  ApplicationController 
def create 
reservation =! 
end association
Service Object 
class ReservationsController  ApplicationController 
def create 
result = 
Service Object
• Do you know PHP? 
% if current_user  
(current_user == @post.user || 
@post.editable? % 
%= link_to 'Edit this post', edit_post_url(@post) % 
% end %
Useful accessors to model 
• Post#editable_by? (not a helper method) 
% if @post.editable_by?(current_user) % 
%= link_to 'Edit this post', edit_post_url(@post) % 
% end %
Useful accessors to model 
• Our project 
module Admin::UsersHelper 
def pretty_phone_number(phone_number) 
return  unless phone_number 
# prettify logic 
def pretty_rails # ... 
%= pretty_phone_number(user.phone_number) %
Useful accessors to model 
• Decorate a user 
class User  ActiveRecord::Base 
# recommend to use draper 
def display_phone_number 
return  unless phone_number 
# prettify logic 
%= user.display_phone_number %
• named yield block 
%= yield :head % 
%= yield % 
% content_for :head do % 
titleA simple page/title 
% end % 
pHello, Rails!/p
Extract into Custom Helpers 
• Markup Helpers 
def rss_link(project = nil) 
link_to Subscribe to these #{ if project} alerts., 
alerts_rss_url(project), :class = feed_link 
div class=feed 
%= rss_link(@project) % 
Extract into Custom Helpers 
• Our project 
def nav_link_to (text, link) 
active = active if current_page?(link) 
content_tag :li, class: active do 
link_to text, link 
ul class=nav nav-pills nav-stacked col-md-3 pull-left 
%= nav_link_to Unread, notifications_path % 
%= nav_link_to All Notifications, notifications_all_path % 
Voyeuristic Models 
• Situation 
class Invoice  ActiveRecord::Base 
belongs_to :customer 
class Customer  ActiveRecord::Base 
has_one :address 
has_many :invoice 
class Address  ActiveRecord::Base 
belongs_to :customer 
%= %
Voyeuristic Models 
• Law of Demeter 
• No method chaining (Down coupling) 
• Basic refactoring of OOP (why getter, setter?) 
• Not only for rails
Voyeuristic Models 
• General way 
class Invoice  ActiveRecord::Base 
# ... 
def customer_city 
class Customer  ActiveRecord::Base 
# ... 
def city 
%= @invoice.customer_city %
Voyeuristic Models 
class Customer  ActiveRecord::Base 
def city 
def street 
def state 
# many fields below 
Voyeuristic Models 
• Refactoring using delegate (Rails way) 
class Customer  ActiveRecord::Base 
# ... 
delegate :street, :city, :state, to: :address 
class Invoice  ActiveRecord::Base 
# ... 
delegate :city, to: :customer, prefix: true 
%= @invoice.customer_city %
Voyeuristic Models 
• Furthermore 
Spaghetti SQL 
class RemoteProcess  ActiveRecord::Base 
def self.find_top_running_processes(limit = 5) 
:conditions = state = 'Running', 
:order = percent_cpu desc, 
:limit = limit) 
Spaghetti SQL 
class RemoteProcess  ActiveRecord::Base 
scope :running, where(:state = 'Running') 
scope :system, where(:owner = ['root', 'mysql']) scope :sorted, 
order(percent_cpu desc) 
scope :top, lambda {|l| limit(l) } 
Spaghetti SQL 
class RemoteProcess  ActiveRecord::Base 
scope :running, where(:state = 'Running') 
scope :system, where(:owner = ['root', 'mysql']) scope :sorted, 
order(percent_cpu desc) 
scope :top, lambda {|l| limit(l) } 
# Shortcut 
def self.find_top_running_processes(limit = 5) 
Scope vs Class method 
• Almost same, but scopes are always chainable 
class Post  ActiveRecord::Base 
def self.status(status) 
where(status: status) if status.present? 
def self.recent 
Scope vs Class method 
• Almost same, but scopes are always chainable 
class Post  ActiveRecord::Base 
scope :status, - status { where(status: status) if 
status.present? } 
scope :recent, limit(10) 
just ignored
Spaghetti SQL 
• Further reading 
Fat Model 
• Use extend, include module 
• example: too many scope, finder, etc.
Fat Model 
• ledermann/unread 
module Unread 
module Readable 
module Scopes 
def join_read_marks(user) 
# ... 
def unread_by(user) 
# ... 
# ... 
class SomeReadable  ActiveRecord::Base 
# ... 
extend Unread::Readable::Scopes 
Fat Model 
• Do you prefer composition to inheritance?
Fat Model 
• Further Reading 
Duplicate Code Duplication 
• Basic of refactoring 
• Extract into modules 
• included, extended 
• using metaprogramming
Extract into modules 
class Car  ActiveRecord::Base 
validates :direction, :presence = true 
validates :speed, :presence = true 
def turn(new_direction) 
self.direction = new_direction 
def brake 
self.speed = 0 
def accelerate 
self.speed = [speed + 10, 100].min 
# Other, car-related activities... 
class Bicycle  ActiveRecord::Base 
validates :direction, :presence = true 
validates :speed, :presence = true 
def turn(new_direction) 
self.direction = new_direction 
def brake 
self.speed = 0 
def accelerate 
self.speed = [speed + 1, 20].min 
Extract into modules 
module Drivable 
extend ActiveSupport::Concern 
included do 
validates :direction, :presence = true 
validates :speed, :presence = true 
def turn(new_direction) 
self.direction = new_direction 
def brake 
self.speed = 0 
def accelerate 
self.speed = [speed + acceleration, top_speed].min 
Write a your gem! (plugin) 
module Drivable 
extend ActiveSupport::Concern 
included do 
validates :direction, :presence = true 
validates :speed, :presence = true 
def turn(new_direction) 
self.direction = new_direction 
def brake 
self.speed = 0 
def accelerate 
self.speed = [speed + acceleration, top_speed].min 
‘drivable’ gem
Write a your gem! (plugin) 
module DrivableGem 
def self.included(base) 
module Module 
def act_as_drivable 
include Drivable 
ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, DrivableGem)
Write a your gem! (plugin) 
class Car  ActiveRecord::Base 
How about Metaprogramming? 
class Purchase  ActiveRecord::Base 
validates :status, presence: true, 
inclusion: { in: %w(in_progress submitted ...) } 
# Status Finders 
scope :all_in_progress, where(status: in_progress) 
# ... 
# Status 
def in_progress? 
status == in_progress 
# ... 
How about Metaprogramming? 
class Purchase  ActiveRecord::Base 
STATUSES = %w(in_progress submitted ...) 
validates :status, presence: true, 
inclusion: { in: STATUSES } 
STATUSES.each do |status_name| 
scope all_#{status_name}, where(status: status_name) 
define_method #{status_name}? do 
status == status_name 
How to improve reusability?
How about Metaprogramming? 
class ActiveRecord::Base 
def self.has_statuses(*status_names) 
validates :status, presence: true, 
inclusion: { in: status_names } 
status_names.each do |status_name| 
scope all_#{status_name}, where(status: status_name) 
define_method #{status_name}? do 
status == status_name 
Use extension! 
class Purchase  ActiveRecord::Base 
has_statuses :in_progress, :submitted, # ... 
Fixture Blues 
• Rails fixture has many problems: 
• No validation 
• Not following model lifecycle 
• No context 
• …
Make Use of Factories 
• Rails fixture has many problems: 
• No validation 
• Not following model lifecycle 
• No context 
• …
Make Use of Factories 
module Factory 
class  self 
def create_published_post 
post = Post.create!({ 
body: lorem ipsum, 
title: published post title, 
published: true 
def create_unpublished_post 
# ... 
Make Use of Factories: 
Factory.sequence :title do |n| 
Title #{n} 
Factory.define :post do |post| 
post.body lorem ipsum 
post.title { } 
post.association :author, :factory = :user 
post.published true 
Factory(:post, :published = false)
Make Use of Factories 
• Rails fixture has many problems: 
• No validation 
• Not following model lifecycle 
• No context 
• …
Refactor into Contexts 
context A dog do 
setup do 
@dog = 
should bark when sent #talk do 
assert_equal bark, 
context with fleas do 
setup do 
should scratch when idle do 
assert @dog.scratching? 
Refactor into Contexts: 
• context is alias of describe 
describe #bark do 
before(:each) do 
@dog = 
context sick dog do 
before(:each) do 
@dog.status = :sick 
# ... 
Messy Migrations 
• You should ensure that your migrations never 
irreconcilably messy. 
• Never Modify the up Method on a Committed 
Migration : obviously 
• Always Provide a down Method in Migrations
Never Use External Code in a Migration 
class AddJobsCountToUser  ActiveRecord::Migration 
def self.up 
add_column :users, :jobs_count, :integer, :default = 0 
Users.all.each do |user| 
user.jobs_count = 
If No User, No Job? 
def self.down 
remove_column :users, :jobs_count 
Never Use External Code in a Migration 
class AddJobsCountToUser  ActiveRecord::Migration 
def self.up 
add_column :users, :jobs_count, :integer, :default = 0 
UPDATE users SET jobs_count = ( 
SELECT count(*) FROM jobs 
WHERE jobs.user_id = 
def self.down 
remove_column :users, :jobs_count 
No dependancy
Never Use External Code in a Migration 
class AddJobsCountToUser  ActiveRecord::Migration 
class Job  ActiveRecord::Base 
class User  ActiveRecord::Base 
has_many :jobs 
def self.up 
add_column :users, :jobs_count, :integer, :default = 0 
Users.all.each do |user| 
Provide definition internally 
Alternative to raw SQL 
user.jobs_count = 
# ... 
Never Use External Code in a Migration 
• Further Reading 

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Rails antipatterns

  • 3. Speaker Hong ChulJu • • • Rails Newbie • SW Maestro 5th
  • 4. RAILS ANTIPATTERN mainly about code refactoring
  • 5. Index • Monolithic Controllers • Fat Controller • PHPitis • Voyeuristic Models • Spaghetti SQL • Fat Model • Duplicate Code Duplication • Fixture Blues • Messy Migration
  • 6. Monolithic Controllers • User Authentication class UsersController ApplicationController def action operation = params[:operation] # ... end end
  • 7. Monolithic Controllers • Our projects resources :users, only: [] do collection do get 'show' get 'sign_in', to: 'users#sign_in' get 'sign_up', to: 'users#new' post 'sign_up', to: 'users#create' get 'email_sent', to: 'users#email_sent' get 'verify/:code', to: 'users#verify' end end powerful user
  • 8. Monolithic Controllers • Our projects class UsersController ApplicationController def new end def create end def show end ?? def sign_in end def sign_out end def email_sent end def verify end end
  • 9. • UsersController#new • UsersController#create • UsersController#verify • UsersController#show • UsersController#sign_in • UsersController#sign_out • UsersController#email_sent • - break apart controllers ActivationsController [:new, :create, :show] SessionsController [:new, :destroy]
  • 10. Fat Controller class RailsController ApplicationController def create # ... # transaction, association # service logic, etc # Suppose that this method contains 100+ lines of code. end end
  • 11. Fat Controller class RailsController ApplicationController def create active record callback, build object # ... # transaction, association # service logic, etc # Suppose that this method contains 100+ lines of code. end end service objects, lib
  • 12. Controller + lib class ReservationsController ApplicationController def create reservation = ticket = # ticket code generation # ... ticket.code = # ... reservation.transaction do! reservation.ticket = ticket! end end end 1) to lib?
  • 13. Controller + lib class TicketsController ApplicationController def create ticket = code_generator = ticket.code = code_generator.generate # ... end end ticket need to be coupling with code may miss it?
  • 14. Model + lib class Ticket ActiveRecord::Base # has a code column before_save :generate_code private def generate_code active record callback code_generator = self.code ||= code_generator.generate end end # TicketsController#create ticket = Ticket.create! profit!
  • 15. internal transaction class ReservationsController ApplicationController def create reservation = reservation.transaction do reservation.ticket = Ticket.create!! end end end 2) Remove transaction
  • 16. internal transaction class ReservationsController ApplicationController def create reservation =! end end association
  • 17. Service Object class ReservationsController ApplicationController def create result = end end ServiceObject
  • 19. PHPitis • Do you know PHP? % if current_user (current_user == @post.user || @post.editors.include?(current_user)) @post.editable? % %= link_to 'Edit this post', edit_post_url(@post) % % end %
  • 20. Useful accessors to model • Post#editable_by? (not a helper method) % if @post.editable_by?(current_user) % %= link_to 'Edit this post', edit_post_url(@post) % % end %
  • 21. Useful accessors to model • Our project module Admin::UsersHelper def pretty_phone_number(phone_number) return unless phone_number # prettify logic prettified end def pretty_rails # ... end %= pretty_phone_number(user.phone_number) %
  • 22. Useful accessors to model • Decorate a user class User ActiveRecord::Base # recommend to use draper def display_phone_number return unless phone_number # prettify logic prettified end end %= user.display_phone_number %
  • 23. content_for? • named yield block html head %= yield :head % /head body %= yield % /body /html % content_for :head do % titleA simple page/title % end % pHello, Rails!/p
  • 24. Extract into Custom Helpers • Markup Helpers def rss_link(project = nil) link_to Subscribe to these #{ if project} alerts., alerts_rss_url(project), :class = feed_link end div class=feed %= rss_link(@project) % /div
  • 25. Extract into Custom Helpers • Our project def nav_link_to (text, link) active = active if current_page?(link) content_tag :li, class: active do link_to text, link end end ul class=nav nav-pills nav-stacked col-md-3 pull-left %= nav_link_to Unread, notifications_path % %= nav_link_to All Notifications, notifications_all_path % /ul
  • 26. Voyeuristic Models • Situation class Invoice ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :customer end class Customer ActiveRecord::Base has_one :address has_many :invoice end class Address ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :customer end %= %
  • 27. Voyeuristic Models • Law of Demeter • No method chaining (Down coupling) • Basic refactoring of OOP (why getter, setter?) • Not only for rails
  • 28. Voyeuristic Models • General way class Invoice ActiveRecord::Base # ... def customer_city end end class Customer ActiveRecord::Base # ... def city end end %= @invoice.customer_city %
  • 29. Voyeuristic Models class Customer ActiveRecord::Base def city end def street address.street end def state address.state end # many fields below end ??
  • 30. Voyeuristic Models • Refactoring using delegate (Rails way) class Customer ActiveRecord::Base # ... delegate :street, :city, :state, to: :address end class Invoice ActiveRecord::Base # ... delegate :city, to: :customer, prefix: true end %= @invoice.customer_city %
  • 31. Voyeuristic Models • Furthermore • delegates-to-avoid-long-method-chains. html • on-rails-delegate/ • explained/
  • 32. Spaghetti SQL class RemoteProcess ActiveRecord::Base def self.find_top_running_processes(limit = 5) find(:all, :conditions = state = 'Running', :order = percent_cpu desc, :limit = limit) end end Reusability?
  • 33. Spaghetti SQL class RemoteProcess ActiveRecord::Base scope :running, where(:state = 'Running') scope :system, where(:owner = ['root', 'mysql']) scope :sorted, order(percent_cpu desc) scope :top, lambda {|l| limit(l) } end Reusability!
  • 34. Spaghetti SQL class RemoteProcess ActiveRecord::Base scope :running, where(:state = 'Running') scope :system, where(:owner = ['root', 'mysql']) scope :sorted, order(percent_cpu desc) scope :top, lambda {|l| limit(l) } # Shortcut def self.find_top_running_processes(limit = 5) end end
  • 35. Scope vs Class method • Almost same, but scopes are always chainable class Post ActiveRecord::Base def self.status(status) where(status: status) if status.present? end def self.recent limit(10) end end Post.status('active').recent Post.status('').recent Post.status(nil).recent nil
  • 36. Scope vs Class method • Almost same, but scopes are always chainable class Post ActiveRecord::Base scope :status, - status { where(status: status) if status.present? } scope :recent, limit(10) end Post.status('active').recent Post.status('').recent Post.status(nil).recent just ignored
  • 37. Spaghetti SQL • Further reading • active-record-scopes-vs-class-methods/
  • 38. Fat Model • Use extend, include module • example: too many scope, finder, etc.
  • 39. Fat Model • ledermann/unread module Unread module Readable module Scopes def join_read_marks(user) # ... end def unread_by(user) # ... end # ... end end end class SomeReadable ActiveRecord::Base # ... extend Unread::Readable::Scopes end
  • 40. Fat Model • Do you prefer composition to inheritance?
  • 41. Fat Model • Further Reading • 2012/10/17/7-ways-to-decompose-fat-activerecord- models/
  • 42. Duplicate Code Duplication • Basic of refactoring • Extract into modules • included, extended • using metaprogramming
  • 43. Extract into modules class Car ActiveRecord::Base validates :direction, :presence = true validates :speed, :presence = true def turn(new_direction) self.direction = new_direction end def brake self.speed = 0 end def accelerate self.speed = [speed + 10, 100].min end # Other, car-related activities... end class Bicycle ActiveRecord::Base validates :direction, :presence = true validates :speed, :presence = true def turn(new_direction) self.direction = new_direction end def brake self.speed = 0 end def accelerate self.speed = [speed + 1, 20].min end end
  • 44. Extract into modules module Drivable extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do validates :direction, :presence = true validates :speed, :presence = true end def turn(new_direction) self.direction = new_direction end def brake self.speed = 0 end def accelerate self.speed = [speed + acceleration, top_speed].min end end
  • 45. Write a your gem! (plugin) ex) module Drivable extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do validates :direction, :presence = true validates :speed, :presence = true end def turn(new_direction) self.direction = new_direction end def brake self.speed = 0 end def accelerate self.speed = [speed + acceleration, top_speed].min end end ‘drivable’ gem
  • 46. Write a your gem! (plugin) module DrivableGem def self.included(base) base.extend(Module) end module Module def act_as_drivable include Drivable end end end ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, DrivableGem)
  • 47. Write a your gem! (plugin) class Car ActiveRecord::Base act_as_drivable end
  • 48. How about Metaprogramming? class Purchase ActiveRecord::Base validates :status, presence: true, inclusion: { in: %w(in_progress submitted ...) } # Status Finders scope :all_in_progress, where(status: in_progress) # ... # Status def in_progress? status == in_progress end # ... end
  • 49. How about Metaprogramming? class Purchase ActiveRecord::Base STATUSES = %w(in_progress submitted ...) validates :status, presence: true, inclusion: { in: STATUSES } STATUSES.each do |status_name| scope all_#{status_name}, where(status: status_name) define_method #{status_name}? do status == status_name end end end How to improve reusability?
  • 50. How about Metaprogramming? class ActiveRecord::Base def self.has_statuses(*status_names) validates :status, presence: true, inclusion: { in: status_names } status_names.each do |status_name| scope all_#{status_name}, where(status: status_name) define_method #{status_name}? do status == status_name end end end end Use extension! class Purchase ActiveRecord::Base has_statuses :in_progress, :submitted, # ... end
  • 51. Fixture Blues • Rails fixture has many problems: • No validation • Not following model lifecycle • No context • …
  • 52. Make Use of Factories • Rails fixture has many problems: • No validation • Not following model lifecycle • No context • …
  • 53. Make Use of Factories module Factory class self def create_published_post post = Post.create!({ body: lorem ipsum, title: published post title, published: true }) end def create_unpublished_post # ... end end end
  • 54. Make Use of Factories: FactoryGirl Factory.sequence :title do |n| Title #{n} end Factory.define :post do |post| post.body lorem ipsum post.title { } post.association :author, :factory = :user post.published true end Factory(:post) Factory(:post, :published = false)
  • 55. Make Use of Factories • Rails fixture has many problems: • No validation • Not following model lifecycle • No context • …
  • 56. Refactor into Contexts context A dog do setup do @dog = end should bark when sent #talk do assert_equal bark, end context with fleas do setup do @dog.fleas @dog.fleas end should scratch when idle do @dog.idle! assert @dog.scratching? end
  • 57. Refactor into Contexts: rspec • context is alias of describe describe #bark do before(:each) do @dog = end context sick dog do before(:each) do @dog.status = :sick end # ... end end
  • 58. Messy Migrations • You should ensure that your migrations never irreconcilably messy. • Never Modify the up Method on a Committed Migration : obviously • Always Provide a down Method in Migrations
  • 59. Never Use External Code in a Migration class AddJobsCountToUser ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up add_column :users, :jobs_count, :integer, :default = 0 Users.all.each do |user| user.jobs_count = end end If No User, No Job? def self.down remove_column :users, :jobs_count end end
  • 60. Never Use External Code in a Migration class AddJobsCountToUser ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up add_column :users, :jobs_count, :integer, :default = 0 update(-SQL) UPDATE users SET jobs_count = ( SELECT count(*) FROM jobs WHERE jobs.user_id = ) SQL end def self.down remove_column :users, :jobs_count end end No dependancy
  • 61. Never Use External Code in a Migration class AddJobsCountToUser ActiveRecord::Migration class Job ActiveRecord::Base end class User ActiveRecord::Base has_many :jobs end def self.up add_column :users, :jobs_count, :integer, :default = 0 User.reset_column_information Users.all.each do |user| Provide definition internally Alternative to raw SQL user.jobs_count = end end # ... end
  • 62. Never Use External Code in a Migration • Further Reading • like-a-boss/ • •
  • 63. EOF