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Who Would Be The Audience
For Your Media Product?
This thriller opening “LUST” is about a girl who gets kidnapped by her
obsessive Ex-boyfriend. Our thriller opening contains sufficient amount of
suspense and enigma codes which entitles the audience to stay engaged
by asking themselves many questions throughout the opening such as:
who is that man following the girl? This media product comes under the
physiological thriller sub-genre attracting a large amount of target
audience. The target audience for this product is aimed at people aged
between 14-28 years old. However, in my opinion our product would
attract more teenagers specifically female viewers as they would be able
to relate to the female character and even could imagine themselves being
in the character’s position as this opening is based around a female
character who get’s kidnapped by her Ex-boyfriend.
Target Audience Mood Board And
Individual Profiles Of Your Target
As shown on my mood board and individuals profile they both representing the
typical teenagers. Typical teenagers who are interested in sports, shopping, Social
networking sites and films. On the mood board we see a reflection of an typical
teenage girl and boy: nail vanish, high heels, boys playing basket ball and football.
On the other individual profile of our target audience we are presenting a female
teenager who likes to watch thriller/ horror films. She likes to go shopping in stores
like “Debenhams” and “Top shop” with her friends. Their favourite TV drama
would the typical East enders.
Feedback From Our Target
Tiana Lea –17 years old
"It was really good and the plot was
executed well... Near the end I
actually felt genuinely tense and
scared! I want to know, what
happens? Does she die or?"
Katie Bruce - 22 years old
"Credits to whoever came up with
the idea for this opening... this would
never have occurred to me and for
that reason I really thought that the
whole opening was great to watch"
George Pesron– 28years old
"The acting was really good and the
whole opening was very realistic to
reality and I just really enjoyed the
whole thing"
Charlie Gardun – 19 years old
“I really enjoyed every second of
that opening, the usage of enigma
codes are amazing,,, But there
should of been some action at the
Katrin Sukmanova – 16 years old
“OMG, this is a typical thriller
opening the building up of suspense
in the last scene was great ”
Rose Annabel - 24 years old
“ I like the use of different types of
camera shots very well executed...
The non-diegetic sound effects in the
background were also fantastic.
But, I think you should of shown to
the audience what the boy did to
the girl at the end.”
To Discuss Issue Raised And
Target Audience Feedback
After the filming our Cafe scene, we noticed an error in between the shot’s whilst
editing. The location for that scene was not correct as there was a rather large mirror
and a window with bright light shinning through it. This meant that we accidentally
filmed the scene with the tripod shown in the mirror and lightening being an obstruction
to visibility. In result we had to re-film that scene again with the right type of location,
which we managed to do perfectly well in at the end.
Target Audience Feedback
For our feedback we choose a different types of age groups 16- 28 which gave us a wide
range of perspective for our target audience . The feedback we received from our target
audience was a very crucial part of this media product as that gave us an idea whether
we had met the aim to create an typical thriller film for our target audience or not. The
majority of the audience gave us a positive feedback commenting on the technical terms
for example: camera shots, non-diegetic sound which was really nice to hear,
considering that the time spent on our planning for this opening when deciding the
different types of camera shots and sound by creating shot list’s and animatic didn’t go
to waste.
However, on the other hand there were some criticism as some of the audience
preferred to have some type of action theme in the opening but as a group we had
decided earlier on that we strictly stick to the invention of typical thriller without
including other types of subgenre in it. Some of the audience found it difficult to figure
what had happened to the female character at the end which was normal as this was
only the opening of the film . There by the suspense has been created there on purpose
to make the audience keep on guessing by the key enigma codes.
How did you attract/address
your audience?
In my opinion thriller genre is a type of genre which is most popular amongst
teenagers as it contains thrills and the key enigma codes which are both
admired by the young audience as it keeps them engaged with and
entertained whilst watching the film. Therefore, we decided that to be able to
create a thriller opening which will be suitable for out target audience our
only aim was to tick all the four main criteria boxes:
• Genre conventions
• Media Language
• Music
• Similarities with other films
Genre Conventions
Genre conventions contains four areas which are characters, themes ,
iconography and narrative. To attract our target audience for the opening it was
highly important for us to have covered all four of these conventions equally and
in the right way. Firstly I will be discussing the traits for each of our character in
this thriller opening and how they can appeal to our target audience.
In the opening the female character‘s are first
being introduced walking in a street whilst looking
down at their phone’s and bump into each other .
This is where we are following the stereotypical
thriller genre convention. By representing the girls
as the typical white vulnerable character’s who
are unaware of their surroundings which appeals
mostly to the female target audience as the could
imagine themselves being in their position.
Although, this revels the character’s identity it does
not give the audience any information or hint in
who they might be (protagonist, antagonist, victims)
which creates the enigma for the audience. This
type of representation of the characters would
appeal more to the target audience as it will keep
them engaged with the opening.
Genre Conventions
Lastly, the third character get’s
introduced to the audience without
their identity being revealed. Whilst he
is watching the two girls talk to each
other. This is a typical of thriller genre
not to reveal a character’s identity to
build up the suspense and excitement
for the audience as well as creating the
enigma in knowing who the character
is and why are they listening to their
conversation? This would again appeal
to more young teenagers and adults as
it reveals nothing about the opening
nor the character which would keep
them guessing.
However, later on in the opening the
unidentified character than gets
indentified with audience for the first time
in the cafe scene in which he is shown as
the typical thriller antagonist by its
costume (hood) and intense facial
expression which creates enigma for the
target audience.
The word Iconography refers to
the visual elements we see on
the screen. These include
costumes, props, lighting. Cars
etc. In my opinion we have
made a great use of
iconography as we had
already planned out what
elements we were going to use
for each scene.
For example: the location in the
first meet up scene of the girls
we choose a rather off-side road
on purpose to build up the
tension and excitement for the
target audience as this follows
the typical thriller genre
conventions. This also creates the
enigma for the audience making
them think whether these
characters are going to be in
For the mise-en-scene we made use of
low-key-lighting in the cafe scene when
the boy (stalker) was sitting behind the
girls starring at them without them
knowing. This again starts to create the
excitement and the tension for the target
audience especially teenagers as the
atmosphere goes dull and gloomy
building up the suspense and tension.
Also, in our opening iconography
was also used well when it came up to
the dressing of the characters. E.g.: the
male character (antagonist) as he was
wearing the hood when stalking the
girl trying to cover his identity which
could be seen as harmful and
intimidating to the audience. This is
typical of the antagonist in thriller
films as this creates the key enigma
code for our target audience.
The word Narrative is simply just series of events that come about over time
and then eventually linked by the cause and the effect. As we have just
created a opening of the film there are not many causes and affects.
However, as it being an opening itself it already has an cause and effect
because whatever is happening in the opening will have an affect over time.
For example: as the kidnapping of the girl has already happened in the
opening this increases the enigma code for our target audience as it arises
many question in their minds “Why is he kidnapping her?” “What is he going
to do to her?” This makes the target audience (mostly teenagers) curious in
which they would have to watch the whole film to find out. Therefore, the
narrative of the film builds up from the opening.
This thriller opening is heading towards the obsession thriller therefore we see
these indication by early mystery created by the antagonist (boy) stalking the
female character throughout the opening . However, in my opinion I do believe
that this opening contains more than one theme as it to has the feel of romance
when in the cafe scene we see a couple’s picture on the phone which would
attract more of our female teenager target audience. However, as the opening
carries on the psychological theme dominates over because throughout the
opening the antagonist was just stalking the female victim. Therefore the theme
actually changes in opening as we see further on. This is the reason why I
believe that this opening is suitable for both male and female target audience
as it contains something for each gender which may also attract many
Firstly, it adds a
romantic theme to the
opening by showing the
picture of them being a
couple which then
moves onto the
kidnapping of the girl
which show a totally
different typical thriller
Media Language
Media language is just what makes the opening takes place through many
media effects. So, there to main areas which we had to cover to be able to
make our opening run more smoothly as well as being attractive our target
audience. Two technique that are used to demonstrate media language are
• Special Effects (Editing)
• Types of Shot
Both of these techniques are used in the thriller opening to show the
importance of genre conventions used in the opening through different shot
types and special effects allowing the opening to come across to the
audience in more significant manner.
Types Of Shots
Within our thriller opening we used variety of different shots in each scene e.g.:
high angle shot, low angle shot, Point of view, Over the shoulder, Close-up as
well as a Tracking shot to create it's effects on the target audience whilst
watching the opening.
For instance: in the cafe scene we used high
angle shot of the two female characters to
represent then as vulnerable and powerless
characters. This is typical of thriller
conventions to always present their female
charters in damsel in distress and helpless in
front of the antagonist. This will also make
our target audience feel sympathy for the
character helping them to connect with them
Along with that there was also an use of
low angle shot of the antagonist to
emphasize the size of the characters being
filmed and add to a point of view
perspective. This makes the character seem
more dominant making the other character
seen small and week giving the audience a
sense of danger coming it’s way for it’s
Types of Shots
Extreme close- up’s has also been used
in the opening of the antagonist eyes
whilst looking at the female character
in the subway scene. The purpose of
this is to draw our target audience
closer as well as to build up the elation
and tension by making them worried
for the female character as they get a
warning that something is about to go
Another shot type we had used in the
opening was tracking shot of the feet
in the subway scene when the boy
(stalker) was following the female
character in a fast pace. This allows
the audience to follow the characters
each action in a more fluent way.
Special Effects
In this thriller opening we
have used many editing
techniques such as: match
on action when in the cafe
scene one of the female
character get’s up from the
chair to pick up her bag.
This allows the audience to
see a smooth action despite
a cut in the shot.
Also, within our opening we have also made use
of Dissolve which is used when the antagonist
(boy) looks at the his phone with his and one of
the female characters picture on it, this then
dissolves to one of the female characters phone
looking at the time. This technique is used to link
two scenes together as well as showing the
audience that the time is moving emphasizing the
idea that the characters have been in the cafe for
a long time as well as telling the audience that
the couple have broken up.
Special Effects
We have also used a fading in
and out technique when the
female character, the boy
(stalker) walks out from the cafe
which then fades onto the next
scene where they walk down the
subway. A fade to black
suggests to the audience that
time has passed allowing the
audience to imagine what has
happened in between the fade.
With the use of these editing
techniques it makes the scene
look more fluent and continuous
in the opening enhancing the
understanding of the audience of
this thriller opening more
Fade to the
subway scene
In this thriller opening there was the use of non-diegetic and diegetic soundtrack
which was playing throughout the opening. The non-diegetic soundtrack we had
chosen was suitable and perfect for our opening as it contrasted well with the
theme by following the typical thriller convention mysteries, suspenseful etc. Both
of the soundtrack were used from the beginning to the end. For example: in the
first scene when the girls bump into each other on the road there is this
suspenseful non-diegetic music used in the background every time the camera
goes onto the antagonist (boy) stalking the female character. The music in the
background gives the target audience a little hint of who there characters might
be (antagonist) which starts to create enigma making them wonder what is he
going to do to the girls?
Also, there has been use of Diegetic sound in the cafe scene when both of the
female characters are talking to each other and they could here the noise of
other people talking in the background. Diegetic sound helps to set the mood
of the character behaviour as well as making the target audience see the scene
as realistic helping them to connect with the opening more.
Non-diegetic was also well used
at the end when it started to
build up the suspenseful music in
the background whilst the boy
(stalker) was following the
female character in the subway
scene. This soundtrack appeals to
our target audience as it
indicates the field of this opening
making the scene more intense
and suspenseful for the
audience. As the soundtrack
starts of slow and then slowly
starts to build up as it picks up
the pace nearer the end along
with the use of heartbeat track
which is mostly popular between
our teenager target audience as
it creates the effect of them going
to edge of their seats in fear with
the fact that something is going
to happen to victim.
Similarities With Other Films
Our initial idea for this thriller opening came from the film “The Boy Next Door”
therefore it can relate to this movie in some aspects. In the original movie a
female character is being stalked by a guy who just wont take her no for an
answer and tries to get to her in many ways and which contains a theme of
obsession which is very similar to our opening. Also, the obsessive ex in our
thriller opening is similar to the character of Ryan Guzman in the boy next door
as they are both very assertive and determined to get what they want and this
feel of obsession about them makes them both equally as creepy in both our film
opening and the actual 'boy next door' film. I believe the similarities between the
film and the opening would appeal to our target audience as they would know
what is to be excepted from the opening by looking at the successful film which
followed the same theme.
The shot types in the film and
our opening are also similar to
each other. E.g.: In the film there
is a medium shot of the
antagonist staring at the girl in
contrast we have also made use
of Medium shot of the boy
(antagonist) starring at the girl
whilst she walks out of the
Unique Selling Point
Our thriller comes under the sub-genre of obsession therefore it’s target is to
keep the audience guessing by enigma codes throughout the opening e.g.:
Who is the boy in the hood? Why is he following the female character? Why
was he listening to their conversation? This keep the audience engaged with
the opening whereas if this was a action thriller opening it would not have
created that connection with it’s target audience which makes out thriller
opening unique. Also, the fact that we have dialogue in our opening is key
factor as it allows the audience to understand the situation more clearly
rather than getting them confused about the narrative or the situation in the

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  • 1. Who Would Be The Audience For Your Media Product? This thriller opening “LUST” is about a girl who gets kidnapped by her obsessive Ex-boyfriend. Our thriller opening contains sufficient amount of suspense and enigma codes which entitles the audience to stay engaged by asking themselves many questions throughout the opening such as: who is that man following the girl? This media product comes under the physiological thriller sub-genre attracting a large amount of target audience. The target audience for this product is aimed at people aged between 14-28 years old. However, in my opinion our product would attract more teenagers specifically female viewers as they would be able to relate to the female character and even could imagine themselves being in the character’s position as this opening is based around a female character who get’s kidnapped by her Ex-boyfriend.
  • 2. Target Audience Mood Board And Individual Profiles Of Your Target Audience As shown on my mood board and individuals profile they both representing the typical teenagers. Typical teenagers who are interested in sports, shopping, Social networking sites and films. On the mood board we see a reflection of an typical teenage girl and boy: nail vanish, high heels, boys playing basket ball and football. On the other individual profile of our target audience we are presenting a female teenager who likes to watch thriller/ horror films. She likes to go shopping in stores like “Debenhams” and “Top shop” with her friends. Their favourite TV drama would the typical East enders.
  • 3. Feedback From Our Target Audience Tiana Lea –17 years old "It was really good and the plot was executed well... Near the end I actually felt genuinely tense and scared! I want to know, what happens? Does she die or?" Katie Bruce - 22 years old "Credits to whoever came up with the idea for this opening... this would never have occurred to me and for that reason I really thought that the whole opening was great to watch" George Pesron– 28years old "The acting was really good and the whole opening was very realistic to reality and I just really enjoyed the whole thing" Charlie Gardun – 19 years old “I really enjoyed every second of that opening, the usage of enigma codes are amazing,,, But there should of been some action at the end.” Katrin Sukmanova – 16 years old “OMG, this is a typical thriller opening the building up of suspense in the last scene was great ” Rose Annabel - 24 years old “ I like the use of different types of camera shots very well executed... The non-diegetic sound effects in the background were also fantastic. But, I think you should of shown to the audience what the boy did to the girl at the end.”
  • 4. To Discuss Issue Raised And Target Audience Feedback After the filming our Cafe scene, we noticed an error in between the shot’s whilst editing. The location for that scene was not correct as there was a rather large mirror and a window with bright light shinning through it. This meant that we accidentally filmed the scene with the tripod shown in the mirror and lightening being an obstruction to visibility. In result we had to re-film that scene again with the right type of location, which we managed to do perfectly well in at the end. Target Audience Feedback For our feedback we choose a different types of age groups 16- 28 which gave us a wide range of perspective for our target audience . The feedback we received from our target audience was a very crucial part of this media product as that gave us an idea whether we had met the aim to create an typical thriller film for our target audience or not. The majority of the audience gave us a positive feedback commenting on the technical terms for example: camera shots, non-diegetic sound which was really nice to hear, considering that the time spent on our planning for this opening when deciding the different types of camera shots and sound by creating shot list’s and animatic didn’t go to waste. However, on the other hand there were some criticism as some of the audience preferred to have some type of action theme in the opening but as a group we had decided earlier on that we strictly stick to the invention of typical thriller without including other types of subgenre in it. Some of the audience found it difficult to figure what had happened to the female character at the end which was normal as this was only the opening of the film . There by the suspense has been created there on purpose to make the audience keep on guessing by the key enigma codes.
  • 5. How did you attract/address your audience? In my opinion thriller genre is a type of genre which is most popular amongst teenagers as it contains thrills and the key enigma codes which are both admired by the young audience as it keeps them engaged with and entertained whilst watching the film. Therefore, we decided that to be able to create a thriller opening which will be suitable for out target audience our only aim was to tick all the four main criteria boxes: • Genre conventions • Media Language • Music • Similarities with other films
  • 6. Genre Conventions Genre conventions contains four areas which are characters, themes , iconography and narrative. To attract our target audience for the opening it was highly important for us to have covered all four of these conventions equally and in the right way. Firstly I will be discussing the traits for each of our character in this thriller opening and how they can appeal to our target audience. In the opening the female character‘s are first being introduced walking in a street whilst looking down at their phone’s and bump into each other . This is where we are following the stereotypical thriller genre convention. By representing the girls as the typical white vulnerable character’s who are unaware of their surroundings which appeals mostly to the female target audience as the could imagine themselves being in their position. Although, this revels the character’s identity it does not give the audience any information or hint in who they might be (protagonist, antagonist, victims) which creates the enigma for the audience. This type of representation of the characters would appeal more to the target audience as it will keep them engaged with the opening.
  • 7. Genre Conventions Lastly, the third character get’s introduced to the audience without their identity being revealed. Whilst he is watching the two girls talk to each other. This is a typical of thriller genre not to reveal a character’s identity to build up the suspense and excitement for the audience as well as creating the enigma in knowing who the character is and why are they listening to their conversation? This would again appeal to more young teenagers and adults as it reveals nothing about the opening nor the character which would keep them guessing. However, later on in the opening the unidentified character than gets indentified with audience for the first time in the cafe scene in which he is shown as the typical thriller antagonist by its costume (hood) and intense facial expression which creates enigma for the target audience.
  • 8. Iconography The word Iconography refers to the visual elements we see on the screen. These include costumes, props, lighting. Cars etc. In my opinion we have made a great use of iconography as we had already planned out what elements we were going to use for each scene. For example: the location in the first meet up scene of the girls we choose a rather off-side road on purpose to build up the tension and excitement for the target audience as this follows the typical thriller genre conventions. This also creates the enigma for the audience making them think whether these characters are going to be in danger?
  • 9. Iconography For the mise-en-scene we made use of low-key-lighting in the cafe scene when the boy (stalker) was sitting behind the girls starring at them without them knowing. This again starts to create the excitement and the tension for the target audience especially teenagers as the atmosphere goes dull and gloomy building up the suspense and tension. Also, in our opening iconography was also used well when it came up to the dressing of the characters. E.g.: the male character (antagonist) as he was wearing the hood when stalking the girl trying to cover his identity which could be seen as harmful and intimidating to the audience. This is typical of the antagonist in thriller films as this creates the key enigma code for our target audience.
  • 10. Narrative The word Narrative is simply just series of events that come about over time and then eventually linked by the cause and the effect. As we have just created a opening of the film there are not many causes and affects. However, as it being an opening itself it already has an cause and effect because whatever is happening in the opening will have an affect over time. For example: as the kidnapping of the girl has already happened in the opening this increases the enigma code for our target audience as it arises many question in their minds “Why is he kidnapping her?” “What is he going to do to her?” This makes the target audience (mostly teenagers) curious in which they would have to watch the whole film to find out. Therefore, the narrative of the film builds up from the opening.
  • 11. Themes This thriller opening is heading towards the obsession thriller therefore we see these indication by early mystery created by the antagonist (boy) stalking the female character throughout the opening . However, in my opinion I do believe that this opening contains more than one theme as it to has the feel of romance when in the cafe scene we see a couple’s picture on the phone which would attract more of our female teenager target audience. However, as the opening carries on the psychological theme dominates over because throughout the opening the antagonist was just stalking the female victim. Therefore the theme actually changes in opening as we see further on. This is the reason why I believe that this opening is suitable for both male and female target audience as it contains something for each gender which may also attract many audience. Firstly, it adds a romantic theme to the opening by showing the picture of them being a couple which then moves onto the kidnapping of the girl which show a totally different typical thriller theme.
  • 12. Media Language Media language is just what makes the opening takes place through many media effects. So, there to main areas which we had to cover to be able to make our opening run more smoothly as well as being attractive our target audience. Two technique that are used to demonstrate media language are • Special Effects (Editing) • Types of Shot Both of these techniques are used in the thriller opening to show the importance of genre conventions used in the opening through different shot types and special effects allowing the opening to come across to the audience in more significant manner.
  • 13. Types Of Shots Within our thriller opening we used variety of different shots in each scene e.g.: high angle shot, low angle shot, Point of view, Over the shoulder, Close-up as well as a Tracking shot to create it's effects on the target audience whilst watching the opening. For instance: in the cafe scene we used high angle shot of the two female characters to represent then as vulnerable and powerless characters. This is typical of thriller conventions to always present their female charters in damsel in distress and helpless in front of the antagonist. This will also make our target audience feel sympathy for the character helping them to connect with them more. Along with that there was also an use of low angle shot of the antagonist to emphasize the size of the characters being filmed and add to a point of view perspective. This makes the character seem more dominant making the other character seen small and week giving the audience a sense of danger coming it’s way for it’s victim.
  • 14. Types of Shots Extreme close- up’s has also been used in the opening of the antagonist eyes whilst looking at the female character in the subway scene. The purpose of this is to draw our target audience closer as well as to build up the elation and tension by making them worried for the female character as they get a warning that something is about to go wrong. Another shot type we had used in the opening was tracking shot of the feet in the subway scene when the boy (stalker) was following the female character in a fast pace. This allows the audience to follow the characters each action in a more fluent way.
  • 15. Special Effects In this thriller opening we have used many editing techniques such as: match on action when in the cafe scene one of the female character get’s up from the chair to pick up her bag. This allows the audience to see a smooth action despite a cut in the shot. Also, within our opening we have also made use of Dissolve which is used when the antagonist (boy) looks at the his phone with his and one of the female characters picture on it, this then dissolves to one of the female characters phone looking at the time. This technique is used to link two scenes together as well as showing the audience that the time is moving emphasizing the idea that the characters have been in the cafe for a long time as well as telling the audience that the couple have broken up.
  • 16. Special Effects We have also used a fading in and out technique when the female character, the boy (stalker) walks out from the cafe which then fades onto the next scene where they walk down the subway. A fade to black suggests to the audience that time has passed allowing the audience to imagine what has happened in between the fade. With the use of these editing techniques it makes the scene look more fluent and continuous in the opening enhancing the understanding of the audience of this thriller opening more effectively. Fade to the subway scene
  • 17. Music In this thriller opening there was the use of non-diegetic and diegetic soundtrack which was playing throughout the opening. The non-diegetic soundtrack we had chosen was suitable and perfect for our opening as it contrasted well with the theme by following the typical thriller convention mysteries, suspenseful etc. Both of the soundtrack were used from the beginning to the end. For example: in the first scene when the girls bump into each other on the road there is this suspenseful non-diegetic music used in the background every time the camera goes onto the antagonist (boy) stalking the female character. The music in the background gives the target audience a little hint of who there characters might be (antagonist) which starts to create enigma making them wonder what is he going to do to the girls? Also, there has been use of Diegetic sound in the cafe scene when both of the female characters are talking to each other and they could here the noise of other people talking in the background. Diegetic sound helps to set the mood of the character behaviour as well as making the target audience see the scene as realistic helping them to connect with the opening more.
  • 18. Music Non-diegetic was also well used at the end when it started to build up the suspenseful music in the background whilst the boy (stalker) was following the female character in the subway scene. This soundtrack appeals to our target audience as it indicates the field of this opening making the scene more intense and suspenseful for the audience. As the soundtrack starts of slow and then slowly starts to build up as it picks up the pace nearer the end along with the use of heartbeat track which is mostly popular between our teenager target audience as it creates the effect of them going to edge of their seats in fear with the fact that something is going to happen to victim.
  • 19. Similarities With Other Films Our initial idea for this thriller opening came from the film “The Boy Next Door” therefore it can relate to this movie in some aspects. In the original movie a female character is being stalked by a guy who just wont take her no for an answer and tries to get to her in many ways and which contains a theme of obsession which is very similar to our opening. Also, the obsessive ex in our thriller opening is similar to the character of Ryan Guzman in the boy next door as they are both very assertive and determined to get what they want and this feel of obsession about them makes them both equally as creepy in both our film opening and the actual 'boy next door' film. I believe the similarities between the film and the opening would appeal to our target audience as they would know what is to be excepted from the opening by looking at the successful film which followed the same theme. The shot types in the film and our opening are also similar to each other. E.g.: In the film there is a medium shot of the antagonist staring at the girl in contrast we have also made use of Medium shot of the boy (antagonist) starring at the girl whilst she walks out of the room.
  • 20. Unique Selling Point Our thriller comes under the sub-genre of obsession therefore it’s target is to keep the audience guessing by enigma codes throughout the opening e.g.: Who is the boy in the hood? Why is he following the female character? Why was he listening to their conversation? This keep the audience engaged with the opening whereas if this was a action thriller opening it would not have created that connection with it’s target audience which makes out thriller opening unique. Also, the fact that we have dialogue in our opening is key factor as it allows the audience to understand the situation more clearly rather than getting them confused about the narrative or the situation in the scene.