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Firestarter Book Summary
I recommend the book Firestarter because the book has so much excitement. The book also has a lot
of mystery. you don't know what will happen next and you don't know what happened back in the
past. The characters always talk about their past and it explain only a little bit about it. There is so
much thrill in the book there is some crazy stuff that happens in the book like how the FBI and CIA
follow the dad and daughter. The books excitement is when Andy, the dad, and Charlie, the
daughter, were walking down New York late at night and they were being followed. Andy kept
trying to get a cab in the middle of the city. When Andy finally got a cab the people who were
following him got out the car and tried to stop him from leaving they yelled police stop and Andy
told the taxi driver to step on it. ... Show more content on ...
Andy had a bad headache and he was thinking about the past on how they paid him 200 dollars to
try drugs and how he met Charlie's mother.The book's mystery is when Andy would think about his
past and how and why the cops were following him. The police were looking for Andy and Charlie
because Charlie had special powers from some drug experiment. They were trying to get Charlie
before she had hurt anyone. Andy would think about the past a lot. He would think about how he
went to go try the drug experiment and that is how he met Charlie's mother. Andy had let her barrow
a pen and then they became friends after that they would be in the same room when the injected the
drugs into them.The books thrill is when Andy and Charlie get to the airport and Andy tells Charlie
to go to a pay phone to call her mother. But Charlie got scared because a security thought she was
stealing and was going after. Then Charlie set his shoes on fire and he ran into the women's
bathroom and put his feet in the toilet. Charlie went back to Andy and stated crying. Andy
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The Book Thief Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1
The book starts off with Liesel, aka the book thief, on a train traveling to Munich with her brother
named Werner and their mother. But on the way there the train stops working and Werner ends up
dying, but while he is being buried Liesel takes a book from one of the gravediggers. After getting
on another train they get to Munich where Liesel is giving away to foster care. She really doesn't
want to leave but she knows that it's for the best that she leaves her mother and go into foster care.
Chapter 2
In the second chapter of the book, Liesel starts to really get used to her new life and new foster
parents. She also figures out that the person responsible for the deaths in her family was Hitler the
person she was dreaming ... Show more content on ...
Liesel and Rudy also decide to go out to the mayor's house to steal again. But he really doesn't know
that Ilsa keeps her windows unlocked on purpose so she can steal the books.
Chapter 7
In this chapter, Hans starts to regret helping another Jew, especially one where they pretty much
know that he is going to die soon based on his health. He feels as though helping him brought even
more of a risk than taking Max in. Then Ilsa kind of forgives Liesel for her outburst towards her and
want to encourage her to continue reading. Also in this chapter, Liesel starts to figure out the power
that words can have on others. Hans also kicks Max out of the house because he doesn't want to hurt
the family any more than he feels he already has.
Chapter 8
In this chapter of the book, the Nazi soldiers are trying to convince Rudy's parents to let him join a
special military school. When he had won all them medals at Hitler's carnival he showed everyone
his skills but they refused to let them take him. Afterward, Hans and Rudy's dad is drafted into the
Army and is forced to leave but he knows he is even lucky to be alive after being caught helping a
jew. Ilsa gives Liesel the present that Max made her a book and she reads it over and over
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The Book Of Esther Summary
The book of Esther takes place in the Persian Empire during the reign of Ahasuerus. He was the son
of Darius the Great and he reigned from about 486–465 B.C. Esther was a descendant of the
Benjaminites, they came from a part of the kingdom of Judah. Esther was born of the Jews who had
been captive into Babylon nearly 100 years earlier. Many Jews did not return to Jerusalem even
when it was possible, they preferred to continue living where they had settled in the Persian Empire.
Esther was raised by her cousin Mordecai after the death of her parents. Mordecai served in the
palace of the Persian ruler and is more than likely the writer of the book of Esther. Esther tells a
compelling story, filled with drama and excitement, with clear definition of who the heroes and
villains are. The book of Esther reveals deep spiritual truths about God's power to deliver us from
oppression and danger, even when rulers are planning to do evil to God's people. God's name does
not appear in the entire story, but God's presence and deliverance of His people is obviously implied
throughout Esther's story.
Chapter's 1 and 2
In the beginning of chapter two the king begins to look for a leading–edge queen. A queen that
would be pure, beautiful, young and a virgin. Whomever the servants found that pleased King
Ahasuerus would become his new queen. Esther, recalled as the daughter of Avihail and the cousin
and adopted daughter of Mordecai (Esther 2:5–15). Along with other
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Book Summary: The Bronze Bow
Bronze Bow Good Copy
His life was changed. His parents were snatched from his world by the Romans. Now Daniel is set
on avenging their death. Daniel is stuck in a world of dark hatred. He needs to find the light in the
world, and become a better person. The Bronze Bow is a book about an 18 year old Jewish boy
named Daniel. It's about how Daniel has changed from a not very loving person, into a completely
different one. At first Daniel wasn't one to be kind towards the Romans, he didn't follow Jesus or
understand him and he left his family. Leah, his sister, was left alone with only her grandma, and she
was consumed by demons. She missed Daniel at first, then she forgot him. When Daniel left he
didn't come back for a really long time. He was never around because of what happened to his
parents. Daniel changed over the course of this book. I believe this because I think he chose to leave
his hate behind and he turned into a new person. ... Show more content on ...
Near the very end of the book things change. Daniel finds out that his sister Leah has been hanging
out with a young Roman guy named Marcus. He figured this out when Marcus arrived at Daniel's
and Leah's doorstep with a basket of fruit. Daniel hits the basket of fruit to the ground, and tells the
Roman to get out. Daniel started the book with so much hatred towards the Romans but near the end
of the book he realizes what he did to the Romans and Marcus, was wrong and he goes out to talk to
him. Once he is finished he asks Marcus if he would like to come into his house and say "hi" to
Leah. I still don't think that all his anger towards the Romans has subsided, but I do believe that it
has softened because he chose to treat his sister differently by putting Leah above himself. I believe
this is a way that Daniel has changed throughout the book because he he shows kindness towards
the Romans, he also does what's important to
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The Book Thief By Markus Zusak: Summary
Plot Summary
The Plot of "The Book Thief,by Markus Zusak is interesting because it tell the time where the main
character Death (Narrator) first time seeing the book thief on a train. The book also shows that it is
between a first person or third person point of view. The book grabs your attention as which it has
sad moments where Wener (Liesel Brother) Pass away and have to get off the train to bury his body.
This book is dated back in Sydney Australia in 1975. Character Analysis
In the novel The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak, Death seems to be omniscient type of narrator
describing all the characters thoughts and emotions including his own. Liesel Is a moral character
because she understands the pain of loss after her father communist sympathies then later her
brother and mother. Another thing is that they discovered she couldn't read or write. It was important
because in terms of Liesel's growth and change throughout the book. ... Show more content on ...
He motivate others and helps them too. Rosa Hubermann is Liesel's stepmother. She is in fact very
kind and caring but shows a little type of toughness. Max Vandenburg is a lodger, he show a lot of
anger toward hitler, and it motivate him to want to stay alive. Rudy Steiner is the best friend of
Liesel, he is very athletic and have great talents. Alex Steiner is Rudy father and was drafted into the
army because of him sacrificing his son.
Foreshadowing was a theme in the book that i caught in example when character have died. Another
example from the book is when Hans Said " A girl"(talking about liesel), "an accordionist". Also
when Max said " a Jewish fist fighter". Mark Zusak's use foreshadowing to keep readers focus on
what the actual processes and the futility of character actions in war. Cultural
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The Graveyard Book Summary
The Graveyard Book is about a boy named Nobody Owens (Bod) who lives in a graveyard to be
protected from the man Jack, who murdered his family, but failed to kill Bod. After being raised by
a vampire named Silas for a few years, Bod meets a friend named Scarlett Perkins, whose parents
believe Bod to be an imaginary person. One day, she come to the graveyard to tell Bod that her
family is moving away to Scotland. Silas leaves the graveyard for a few days, so he has a woman
(werewolf) named Miss Lupescu. Bod wishes for Silas to come back because he doesn't like Miss
Lupescu, but eventually, she saves his life. After many years, the man Jack is still searching for the
baby he has failed to murder, fearing that if Bod survives, his secret society,
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The Book Of The Courter Castiglione Summary
Would Castiglione Like Competition Shows?
Competition television shows have made the world a better place! In "The Book of the Courtier"
there is a discussion about characteristics of a good courtier. One of the characteristics was
sprezzatura. This characteristic means that the courtier should go about showing off their skills and
talents in a nonchalance way, even if they worked hard behind the scenes. If Castiglione watched
television today his least favorite genre would be completion shows.
Importance Of Sprezzatura
Castiglione thought that sprezzatura was important to show skill as an effortless talent. He
highlights this point flat out by saying "Practice in all things a certain sprezzatura [nonchalance], so
as to conceal all art and make whatever is done or said appear to be without effort and almost
without any thought about it" (Bizzell & Herzberg, 2001, p.661). Even if a person practiced for
hours on end they should not let others know. Instead the skill should be presented as a natural
talent. Presenting a skill in this way keeps the audience in the dark on the preparation that went into
making the speaker come off as effortless. Consequently this point leads me to believe that
Castiglione would dislike completion shows because this goes against nonchalance.
Americas ... Show more content on ...
The offhandedness of the model's expression heightens anxiety in the reader by concealing the
back–breaking labor that went into the time consuming and prohibitively expensive task of being
fashionable" (Harris, 1993, p. 133). While the model in the moment they may have to push past
obstacles in their way to maintain a nonchalant attitude. Previously I mentioned that Castiglione
would disapprove the competition show Americas Next Top Model, but I think he would appreciate
print work. The magazine shows the nonchalance clearly and the audience is ignorant to the details
of the time and effort put into getting the
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A Summary On Jonah : The Book Of Jonah
Jonah (The Book of) Jonah is a book of the Bible written by the Johan himself approximately 785–
760 BC. (BibleGateway, n.d.) This book of the Bible has only four chapters in it and it is fixed in the
Bible after the book of Obadiah and before Nahum. In the four short chapters for this book of the
Bible Johan goes from turning his back on the Lord, going back to the Lord, the once again
questioning the Lord. The first chapter shows Jonah's defiance of the Lord. The Lord asked Jonah to
go Nineveh and announce the Lord's judgement. But Jonah turned and went the other direction away
from the Lord. (Johan 1:3) Then while on the ship getting away from Nineveh Jonah is swallowed
by a whale. In Chapter 2 Jonah was inside the whale and he starts to pray again to the Lord, telling
him that even though he is in the situation he is in, he will still turn to the Lord always. So, the Lord
commands the whale to sit Jonah out. (Jonah 2:10) The third chapter explains how Jonah is asked by
the Lord to proclaim his message of judgement on Nineveh, Jonah did as the Lord instructed. The
people off Nineveh changing their ways and the judgement was spared by the Lord. Chapter four of
Jonah explains how Jonah becomes angry with the Lord because he does not believe the Lord
should have been so gracious with the people of Nineveh. Jonah believed that they should not have
been spared. (Jonah 4:1–2). Even though this is a short book it has a major theme to it, the Lord's
compassion for
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Book Summary: The Book Thief
Entry 1
In the book The book thief it consists of only 5 main characters. The characters are Liesel meminger,
Hans hubermann, Rosa hubermann, Max, and Rudy. This book takes place in 1939–1943 in
Molching, Germany during world war ll. The big plot of this book/conflict is that. The young girl
Liesel and her little brother Werner are on a train going to there new foster parents for a unknown
reason at the time. But during this train ride her brother Werner dies. At his funeral she picks up a
book called The Grave Digger's Handbook that falls from a grave diggers coat. When she found this
book with me being the reader I honestly had no clue what she was going to do with it herself but as
I read on I found out that this Grave diggers book was very ... Show more content on ...
Because while this little girl is growing up she sees her little brother die and she is pulled from her
mother and has to live with a new family. The next character Max is somewhat like Liesel. He has
already gone through a lot of pain by deciding to leave his mom and going on to live his life. For
him to be able to do that he must feel a lot of guilt and sorrow. The next character Hans Liesel foster
dad is just so nice, loving, and caring. I think that he is all of these things because he didn't have to
decide to just accept Liesel and Max but he does anyway and puts his life in danger. The next
character is Hanses wife Rosa hubermann. At the beginning of the book she comes off as very mean
and acts as if she doesn't want the child there at all but towards the end she reveals her true colors
and shows she's not as bad. And the last character Rudy is Liesel best friend. He's always by her side
and helps get her out of trouble every time he can and doesn't hesitate while doing it. I would say the
theme of this book is courage because everyone of the characters show it Max shows it when he
leaves his mom. Liesel shows it when she steals the book. Hans shows it by taking care of
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The Standover Man Book Summary
–Ten year old Liesel is on a train with her mother and her brother
–Her brother, Werner, dies.
–Liesel steals her first book.
–On the same day Liesel has to go live with Hans and Rosa Hubbermann.
–She has nightmares about her dead brother.
–Hans begins to teach her to read and write.
–She becomes good friends with Rudy Steiner.
–She steals another book from a book burning on Hitler's birthday after finding out that he is the
reason her family suffers.
–Ilsa Hermann sees her stealing the book, and soon after invites Liesel to her library.
–Max, a young Jewish man arrives and stays in the Hubbermann's basement.
–Max and Liesel become close friends after Max giver her The Standover Man.
–Liesel brings some snow to Max.
–Soon after
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Summary Of ' The Book ' Of Judges '
Women in the book of Judges The Book of Judges talks about ancient Israel, and how they extended
their territory by acquiring lands from the non–Israelites. The book narrates how Israelites
conquered and reclaimed their lost land from non–Israelites and how they used to turn from God
whenever they are satisfied. But it is written in the Bible that, the guilty are by no means cleared, as
Exodus (34:7) says this is the reason why the Lord used several Kings and Judges like Deborah to
help the people of Israel find their way back to Him. As the book reveals, it is evident that most of
the judges were men (as they were most of the times referred to as Judges). The book talks about a
great woman Deborah, also referred to as the "bee", as a key judge in the entire book. This book
unveils the importance of women (through acts and strengths of Deborah (mainly) and other heroic
female characters) and their power to the readers. The Book of Judges narrates six women who are
and will always be remembered by their outstanding and remarkable work. They are, Achsah,
Deborah, Jael, Japhthah's daughter, Delilah and the identity of two of them is not revealed.
O'Connor (1980) suggests that, "The book of Judges" demonstrates this disparity as observed;
women assume a vital function in its set–up as the volume's subject is "marginalization" (278).
Women are well known in three major roles, that is, being a mother, a daughter or a mate. Despite
these limited roles, the Book of Judges shows
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A Brief Summary Of The Banning Of Books
What Johnny Can't Read: Censorship In American Libraries
This article aimed to express the concerns and disappointments of those who are not pleased with
the banning of very popular books they loved as a children. These people do not agree with book
banning because in their times, when they were children, they were allowed to read whatever
appealed to them. Amongst these now banned books are; The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,
Black Beauty, Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, The Catcher in the Rye, as well as many other
classic books. But this book banning is not something fairly new. Book banning started in the early
1990s where by 1994, the demand for removal of books had increased by more than 50%.
Many of these people believe that
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Scholastic Book Summary: The Complexity Of The Human Body
Every year, my elementary school would clear out the main lobby in preparation for the wonderful
books, toys and trinkets that would come with the Scholastic Book Fair in the following days. Books
lined every wall, creating a mosaic of bright illustrations and colorful covers. I was drawn in
instantly. I'd drag my parents around to each table, flipping through books and winding up the
display toys. It was a celebration–a day to commemorate all the joys and pleasures that came from
indulging my curiosity in a good book. And on one display, surrounded by chemistry sets and test
tubes, sat a little book about human anatomy. The illustration of a human skeleton, interwoven with
vibrant blue and red veins, caught my eye. I picked it up and inspected it. A blurb on the cover made
a bold promise: it would teach me the unknown complexities of my body. I scoffed at the very idea
of it. To me, there was no mystery; I was quite confident that I knew myself. It challenged me,
goaded me on to prove its assumptions wrong. Upon request, ... Show more content on ...
It was in reading this book that I decided I didn't just want to be content when my body functions
right; I wanted to understand how it works, from the largest body systems to the smallest working
components of our cells. For me, there is so much left unknown about the human body, and I take
that as a personal challenge to fill in the gaps. That's why I seize every opportunity to gain further
knowledge in this field, from attending a lecture about biomedical technology to spending my
period off as a counselor in the health clinic observing the camp doctor. Every little new fact I learn
is treasured, and I hope to continue to grow this collection of information for the rest of my
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Brief Summary Of The Book 'The Outsiders'
The book, The Outsiders, is a fantastic book that you should definitely re–read. If you had read the
book before then you would know that the book is about a 14–year old boy named Ponyboy Curtis
with his two brothers Sodapop, a sixteen year old, and Darrel, a twenty year old who have recently
lost their parents. Now he has to deal with his idea of being separated from society. Common Sense
Media book gave the book a ⅘ starts and stated, "Hinton wrote this at age 16, so the plot has some
too–easy resolutions; such literary missteps are overcome by the power of her honest teen point of
view, which rings so true to young readers." This quote shows that being a teenanger is one of the
perfect times to read the book and re–reading will give a similar
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The Book Thief Chapter Summaries
The story opens with death being the narrator, who claims that he likes a brown sky and that he has
seen a girl three times–at the death of her brother,a crashed plane, and a destroyed town from a
bomb attack. The girl was Liesel Memminger, a nine year old German girl who is traveling with her
mother and brother to her new home–a foster home. Her brother, Werner unfortunately didn't make
it on the way, so they had him buried, and that was when Liesel stole her first book. Upon arriving
to Himmel Street in Molching, she is greeted by Hans and Rosa Hubermann, but mostly Hans. Hans
and Liesel soon grew fond of each other, and as for Rosa, it is the complete opposite. Rosa verbally
abuses Liesel all the time, and although Liesel knows that deep ... Show more content on ...
After a long journey he arrives, Hans brings back a time when he and Max's father Erik fought in
the first world war in which Erik saved his life, making Hans grateful for his action. Not knowing he
had a family till after, Hans felt like owed a debt to Erik, therefore taking his accordion own with
him and learning how to play it–little did he know that this accordion was what gave his foster
daughter comfort for what was yet to come in the later years. Life with Max made things a bit better,
from Liesel entertaining him to pass their time, to his visions that he depicts through his artwork and
book that he is continually writing, he sets a lighter mood which was unexpected and unasked for,
but the Hubermanns liked it, and needed it. Death uses foreshadowing by blatantly announcing
Rudy's death to the readers and justifies his decision by claiming that he dislikes mystery, as
everything will happen in its own time, and that death was inevitable, so we'd had to deal with it.
Times are a bit harder as Germany is losing in the war, resulting in the mayor's letter stating that
they would not need Rosa's services, as they couldn't afford
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The Book Thief Summary
1: The Book Thief Marcus Zusak Plot: Narrated by Death The story of Liesel a nine year old girl
Her mother is forced to give Liesel to foster parents Hans and Rosa Hubermann They live in
Molching, a small town on the outskirts of Munich Book 'begins' in 1939 Book begins as Liesel
travels to Molching with her brother and mother Her brother dies of a cough in the train (possible
Tuberculosis or similar) Hans Hubermann is caring and gentle and he quickly develops a strong
relationship with Liesel Liesel experiences nightmares where she sees her brother. Hans helps her to
cope with the nightmares Rosa Hubermann is tough and loves to swear, but she loves Liesel even if
she shows it in unusual ways. Hans and Liesel take advantage of Liesel's ... Show more content on ...
Last one flying wins. When a kite loses, the kite runners chase it down. Hassan is the best kite
runner. Amir wins the tournament and is thrilled for her thinks he will receive praise and love from
his father. Hassan chases the last kite down, and Amir runs after him. Hassan is confronted by Assef,
as Amir finds him. Amir hides and doesn't attempt to save Hassan. Amir watches on as Assef rapes
Hassan. Amir runs away. When he finds Hassan, he pretends to be ignorant. Amir distances himself
from Hassan overcome with guilt. Amir hides a watch and money under Hassan's pillow and tells
Baba that Hassan sole it. He is hoping that Baba will make Hassan leave so he doesn't have to deal
with the guilt and shame after what has happened. This is significant because Amir tries to hide from
his problems instead of confronting them. Hassan is still loyal in his friendship to Amir, and admits
to stealing even though he is innocent. The story moves forward in time (1981). The soviet army has
invaded, and Kabul has become a war–zone. Baba and Amir are escaping in the back of a truck.
Characters: Amir 12 years old in 1975
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Brief Summary Of The Book 'Hero' By Mike Lupica
This week I read the book Hero by Mike Lupica. In the book a teenage kid name Zach Harriman.
But then one day is life is changes when he finds out that his dad, Tom Harriman, who worked as a
special adviser for the president of the United States, was a super hero with super powers. Until he
died in a mysterious plane crash on a business trip and the weird thing about it is that in the crash
site no bodies were found, which made Zach curious. Zach though that his father's death was
murder. Therefore he wanted to see what actually happened to the plane. While doing this he meets
a man named, Mr. Herbert, who says he has special powers like Zach's father. Zach continues to see
this strange man and figure out that he was like his father. He also train Zach so he know how he
knows ... Show more content on ...
Harriman realizes that people are going to try to take him to the bad side. The only person he tells
this too is Kate, the housekeeper's daughter. Zach's Uncle, John, also knows of Zach's ability he tells
him that even his dad had certain powers. Zach was in a conflict to choose who the right person to
trust was. He decided that Mr. Herbert was teaching him more techniques while Uncle John was
holding him back. Zach's mom works for Senator Kerrigan, and they were having a speech in
Central Park that day. That's when will Zach was backstage listening to the Senator speech, but as
the scanned the crowd he saw a sniper aiming directly at Senator. He dove at the Senator just before
the first shot rang out. Then, out of nowhere Mr. Herbert grabs Zach and moves him out of the way
and tells him to always look out for the second bullet. Zach recognizes that Mr. Herbert was shot
and just before he died he told Zach that he was his grandfather, which made no sense because his
father said he was an orphan. In the end of the novel Zach sets his mind to take on all the Bads, and
that they should be afraid of
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The Book Thief Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1
The book starts off with Liesel, aka the book thief, on a train traveling to Munich with her brother
named Werner and their mother. But on the way there the train stops working and Werner ends up
dying, but while he is being buried Liesel takes a book from one of the gravediggers. After getting
on another train they get to Munich where Liesel is giving away to foster care. She really doesn't
want to leave but she knows that it's for the best that she leaves her mother and go into foster care.
Chapter 2
In the second chapter of the book, Liesel starts to really get used to her new life and new foster
parents. She also figures out that the person responsible for the deaths in her family was Hitler the
person she was dreaming ... Show more content on ...
Liesel and Rudy also decide to go out to the mayor's house to steal again. But he really doesn't know
that Ilsa keeps her windows unlocked on purpose so she can steal the books.
Chapter 7
In this chapter, Hans starts to regret helping another Jew, especially one where they pretty much
know that he is going to die soon based on his health. He feels as though helping him brought even
more of a risk than taking Max in. Then Ilsa kind of forgives Liesel for her outburst towards her and
want to encourage her to continue reading. Also in this chapter, Liesel starts to figure out the power
that words can have on others. Hans also kicks Max out of the house because he doesn't want to hurt
the family any more than he feels he already has.
Chapter 8
In this chapter of the book, the Nazi soldiers are trying to convince Rudy's parents to let him join a
special military school. When he had won all them medals at Hitler's carnival he showed everyone
his skills but they refused to let them take him. Afterward, Hans and Rudy's dad is drafted into the
Army and is forced to leave but he knows he is even lucky to be alive after being caught helping a
jew. Ilsa gives Liesel the present that Max made her a book and she reads it over and over
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The Book Thief Summary
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak was published in Australia by Picador, an import of Pan
Macmillan Pty Ltd., Sydney, in 2006. Markus Zusak, wrote the book thief on based on inspiring
stories his parents told him and his siblings when they were kids. He used their life experiences
during the war of Nazi Germany to make an epic story of suspense, compassion, and sorrow. He has
also, written four books prior to The Book Thief. He attended the University of New South Wales
with a bachelors of arts and a diploma of education. He majored in writing and and history. Besides
being a writer, he taught for a while at Engadine high school where he once was an alumni. Other
books that he wrote; I am the Messenger, Fighting Ruben Wolfe, and Getting the ... Show more
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The protagonist could be death, but he's only doing his job. It could be Hitler or his Nazi thugs that
take over Germany and all of the world's peace. Hitler and the nazis had one goal, and that was to
get rid of all they jews. They tried to wipe out the entire jewish population, and almost made it. It
didn't take much to do this, just a guy and his followers to do as he commands. All he said was that
jews were bad and they were the cause of the war, destruction, and chaos in the world. "They had to
go," he said and they obeyed. It wasn't right to pinpoint a population and make them suffer for
something they didn't do and had nothing to do with it.
Rudy Steiner was her first and only friend in her new home with the Hubermanns. He was a faithful
friend and followed her to the end! He was Liesel's first and only love/kiss. Max Vandenburg arrived
in Liesel's kitchen November 1940. He was a jew that was looking for a place to hide during the
war. Liesel's papa owed Max's dad a favor and was gonna repay him with protecting his boy. He
taught Liesel to live life to its fullest and how to cherish everything it had to
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Book Of Esther Summary
The book of Esther is a book of history that takes place in Persia around 464 BC to 495 BC. It is a
story of Gods redemptive plan using a courageous Jewish woman born Hadassah which means
hidden that is what she would become among the group of Persian women that was brought before
the Persian Emperor Xerxes so he could select his new queen. Xerxes had a Persian queen Vashti
whom he divorced because she disobeyed him and publicly. Xerxes was a careless a foolish ruler
who allowed his right–hand man Haman to rein and rule the kingdom without overseeing his affairs
himself. Now there was young Jewish orphan who was raised by her cousin Mordecai a servant to
the king. When news spread that all beautiful women be brought before the king. Mordecai ... Show
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One day as Mordecai was passing by Haman he did not bow this angered Haman. Knowing
Mordecai was a Jew, Haman sought to kill all the Jews in Persia. He persuaded the king to pass a
law to genocide of all the Jews in the land. Mordecai sent word to Esther go into the presence of the
king to plead with him on behalf of her people. Mordecai and Hamman pass by each other in the
streets Mordecai refuses to bow this enrages Hamman. He ordered special gallows to be built in
which to hang Mordecai by. Earlier Mordecai had learned of plot by Hamman to kill the king he
informed Queen Esther who informed the authorities. One evening the king had requested that the
kingdom events be read to him this is where he learns of the unsung hero. The next day when
Hamman came to visit the king concerning his plans for Mordecai. The inquired of Hamman what
he should do to for a man he wanted to honor. Hamman answered the question with a proud an
puffed up response because he perceived it was him to be honored. The queen had prepared a
second feast for king and Hamman was invited it was there Esther told the king of Hamman plan to
kill her and her people. The king was so enraged that he ordered Hamman to be hung by same
gallows he prepared for
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The Book Thief Summary
1. Title : The Book Thief 2. Author: Markus Zusak 3. Date of Original Publication:2005 4. Novel
Type: Historical Fiction STRUCTURE 1. Point of View: Death 2. Relationship to meaning: 3. Plot
Structure a. Exposition b. Inciting Incident c. Events contributing to rising action d. Climax
(Crisis/turning point) e. Events contributing to falling action f. Resolution g. Other Significant
Structural Elements: CHARACTERS 1. Protagonist a. Name and significance: Liesel Meminger
undergoes the struggle of being separated from her family and being forced to adapt in Nazi
Germany with a Jewish friend. b. Characteristics and thematic significance: Liesel is a young girl
who loses her brother on the way to her foster family`s house. This is important because of the
course of the book the author shows of much she blossoms into a ... Show more content on ...
Antagonist a. Name and significance: Adolf Hitler and Nazi Party b. Characteristics and significance
3. Other Significant Characters; a. Name and significance; Hans Hubberman, Liesels Foster dad
who shows ber that it is always best to do the right thing b. Characteristics; c. Thematic or plot–
oriented purpose; SETTING 1. Place and symbolic significance: Molching, Germany. Takes place in
Nazi Germany. 2. Time period and contextual significance; WW2. It takes places before the Allies
came to help 3. Time span; January 1939 to 1942 CONFLICTS 1. Main conflict a. type of conflict;
man vs society b. values embodied in conflict (expressed as opposition–something vs. something)
Jewish People vs. Nazis c. Thematic significance of conflict; Max being Jewish prevents him from
living life without the fear of being killed for what and who he is. But as time passes Max accepts
his destiny and becomes more confident. 2. Minor conflicts and thematic significance; Liesel vs.
Liesel– Her conflict is knowing that she is not capable of helping and that she wants to steal books.
SYMBOLS AND MOTIFS (3–5) Literal Symbol Figurative Meaning Relationship to
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Book Summary: The Blackthorn Key By Kevin Sands
Reading Journal #7
The book I am currently reading is called "The Blackthorn Key" by Kevin Sands. It is the first book
in "The Blackthorn Key" series. The genre of this book is Historical Fiction and Adventure.
In this book, Christopher Rowe, an orphan, becomes an apprentice for Apothecary Master Benedict
Blackthorn, the kindest apothecary in London. Christopher enjoyed learning new lessons, herbs, and
remedies at the shop Master Benedict owned. He learned new lessons about everything, saints,
authors, cultures, mechanics, and` much more. Master Benedict had many secret codes and taught
Christopher most of them. They wrote all of their business in code. Everything was perfect until
apothecaries began to be brutally murdered by a cult. The murders trail closer and closer to the
Blackthorn shop. When Master Blackthorn is murdered, he leaves Christopher a cryptic message to
get the one thing the cult is murdering apothecaries for. He must stop the cult, and find the secret
item before they do.
There were many things I liked about this book. First off, this book had a lot of information on
substances that can cure and treat illnesses. For example, madapple can treat asthma in small
amounts, but if you take more than what you should, it's poisonous. ... Show more content on ...
I thought that the King would accuse Christopher of the murder of Master Benedict. All of the
powerful people in the book were closed–minded, and they seemed to think that Christopher hated
Master Benedict. This book takes place in London between May 28, 1665, to June 21, 1665. Back
then, the charge of murder was death. I thought Christopher would be sentenced to death, but I was
wrong. I also predicted that after the King sentenced Christopher to die, he would be killed by the
cult before his execution. Christopher would escape, the crown would be overthrown, and
Christopher and Tom would have to leave London to escape the madness, but I was wrong
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Chemy Called Al Book Summary
The book that I read was the Chemy called Al book. The book was most about a young adventures
girl that had an adventure in a place, she was trapped in a place where she learns about elements and
how they help her get out. It talked about what the elements in the periodic table do and what they
are use and some examples of the stuff made for it. The book is telling us about the states of matter
and how they are use and what they use for with the ways people interact with them.
Julie learns about the periodic table and how it is use and learns the states of matter and what they
are. The first one or one of the state of matter is solids. Solids are matter that have weight or shape
of an object that takes up space on earth, because It is something stable that cant move that easy. The
book and the stuff we have gone over in class are about the same like a solid is atoms that take up
space on earth just like Julie is trapped in Science land and hasn't been before and trapped trying to
figure her way out. Some example of solids is ice cubes ... Show more content on ...
Gas is some what air in my opinion because you cant see it but you can hear it, you can feel air from
the breeze. You can also breathe it because we breathe air for our lungs. People, animals, plants and
machines use gases or convert them into something they can use for their survival. People use gases
from or air from trees that they covert and we use to breathe, we also use gases from natural
resources for energy. Animals rely on air because plants need it to make food and animals eat the
grass or their host that does. We use machines that use gases like propane that burns like gas to
make machines function right. An example of gases is air, propane. This relates to the work we have
done in class in some ways because it talks about some of the experiments we have done with
balloons and air and how much is needed for an object to operate and work
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The Book Of Daniel ( Summary )
Chase Jones Theology P.6 December 1, 2016 The Book of Daniel (Summary) Chapters 1–2, 4–6 1
In the third year of the reign of King Jehoiakim of Judah, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon came to
Jerusalem and besieged it. God let King Jehoiakim of Judah fall into his power. Then the king
commanded his palace master Ashpenaz to bring in some Israelites of the royal family and of
nobility, young men without physical defect and handsome, versed in every branch of wisdom,
endowed with knowledge and insight, and competent to serve in the king's palace. They were to be
educated for three years, so that at the end of that time they could be put in the king's court. Among
them were Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, from the tribe of Judah. The palace master gave
them different names: Daniel he called Belteshazzar, Hananiah he called Shadrach, Mishael he
called Meshach , and Azariah he called Abednego. To these four young men God gave knowledge
and skill in every aspect of literature and wisdom; Daniel also had insight into all visions and
dreams. Among all the young men, no one was found to compare with Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael,
and Azariah; therefore they were stationed in the king's court. In every matter of wisdom and
understanding concerning which the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all
the magicians and enchanters in his whole kingdom. And Daniel continued there until the first year
of King Cyrus. 2 In the second year of Nebuchadnezzar's reign,
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Book Of Ruth Summary
The book of Ruth begins in Bethlehem in Judah.The book of Ruth was written in tradition by the
Prophet Samuel in between 1011 and 931 B.C. There is a man named Elimelek, his wife Naomi and
there to two sons named Mahlon and Kilion. Naomi's husband dies and she is left with her two son
until they married a Moabile women named Orpah and Ruth. Then ten years later Naomi loses her
two sons and is left with her daughter in laws. Naomi tells them to go back to their mothers home.
Orpah listen but Ruth wanted to stay. So Naomi and Ruth head to Bethlehem. Naomi had a relative
on her husabands side of the family that Ruth could possibly marry. The relative was in the clan of
Elimelek named Boaz. Ruth went to the fields to pick up grain but went to ... Show more content on ...
Jerusalem has been known has the City of Daivd for over 3000 years. The City of David was built
between 1040 B.C – 970 B.C. The City of David is narrow and about 80–100m wide. The story of
the City of David begins with King David leading his army to take over the city of Jerusalem. The
Jebusites was a Cananite tribe who lived there at that time.The Jebusite city lasted until the 12th
century. After he defeated them he took up residence and name the city after him. He wanted to
establish it as the capital of tribes of Israel. It is King Davids birthplace in 1040 B.C. and his early
home. The City of David is used in the Old Testament 45 times and in the New Testament only
twice. The city was built around the Gihon Spring. King David was the most important king in the
bible. On the east side of the city is bounded by the Kidron Valley and to the west is the Valley of
Tyropoeon. David's son Solomon built the first temple on Mount Mariah next to the City of David.
In anciet Mediterranean World it was common for a leader to name a city after
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The Book Thief: Summary
The novel The Book Thief takes place in a town called Molching, Germany between 1939 and 1943.
Death narrates the story. Liesel Meminger, the main character is dealing from the death of her
brother and being separated from her mother. Liesel is made fun of in school because she can't read.
She is ashamed that she can't read so Hans teaches her how to read. The book she learns to read
from is a book that she took from her brother's burial called The Grave Digger's Handbook. She
would have nightmares so Hans would sit with her and play his accordion. Liesel then becomes
accustom to Hans presence because he makes her feel safe. The Nazi Party's destroyed Jewish shops
and yellow stars have already been painted on doors and windows, Liesel and Rudy are forced to
join the Band of German Girls and Hitler Youth. Liesel sees a book that survives a fire made of
enemy propaganda and hides it under her shirt.A Jew named Max Vandenburg needs a place to hide
and Max's father saved Hans life during World War I and taught him to play the accordion. Hans
promised Frau that if she needed something she could contact him. Hans hides Max in his basement
and sends the key to his house inside a book written by Hitler. After Max arrives Liesel is curious
and scared about the man in her basement. She realizes that they have a lot in common. They both
have nightmares and lost their families. They also both share the feeling of safety that comes from
Hans accordion. Liesel describes the weather to max, brings him snow, and delivers presents to the
foot of his bed when he gets sick. She continues to play with Rudy and go to school, also while ...
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Liesel's story touches on many things like growing up, Nazi Germany, Jews, rebellion, resistance,
war, poverty, grief, friendship, family, and books. It's about survival and death. The way death is so
unexpected even when it's most expected. It's about love, her love for books and her
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The First Book Of Nephi Summary
Book Review: The First Book of Nephi: His Reign and Ministry Nephi was one of the sons of Lehi.
Lehi received visions from the Lord and began attempting to repent the people of Jerusalem. After
his attempted murder from those angered by his preaching, Lehi listened to God's commands and
left Jerusalem. Shortly afterwards, God commands Lehi to send his four sons back to Jerusalem so
that they may retrieve 'The Brass Plates' held by Jerusalem's powerful leader Laban. The brothers
failed during their first couple attempts to take the 'Plates' from Laban, but once Nephi traveled
alone and prayed to the Lord, he was successful in defeating Laban with his own sword, which had
been commanded by God, and returning the 'Brass Plates' to his father who spend times ... Show
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Not long after Nephi's brothers attempt to kill him, Lehi has a vision of the "Tree of Life" and takes
it as a sign to continue his teachings about God and to convince his family to keep his
commandments. Nephi prays and receives the same vision along with its interpretations that shows
the future for the sons and their children. Lehi' s sons later marry the daughters of Ishmael and
discover in which they use travel the Red Sea to find the Americas. On this journey Nephi proves
once more that there is a God and his commandments should be followed, when his bow breaks but
his strong faith and will strengthened him enough to rebuild another bow and continue to guide his
family on their journey. The brothers are trialed many other times during their journey, but finally
Nephi's abusive older brothers began to exhibit some sort of faith when Nephi commands them not
to kill his father nor touch himself or they would both die. Commanded by God, Nephi then touches
his brothers, making them believers. Once they reached Americas, Nephi was left in charge because
of Lehi's death. Nephi called the people in his land 'Nephites,
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Brief Summary Of The Book 'Scorched'
Book Essay
The book Scorched is a si–fi fantasy book that has the last dragon named Emmy bond with a girl
named Trinity and she is trying to prevent the Scorch,while trying to protect each other from certain
people who want Emmy and Trinity.The author Mari Mancusi always wanted a dragon as a pet but
her house was to small and a dragon would be too big,so she decided to write about one,so that's
how the Scorched series was made.
Scorched should be preserved because it has friendship with a girl who has no parents anymore and
a dragon who was abandoned by her parents.It also has a rush to escape everyone that is after Trinity
and Emmy to use them.Trinity is also trying to prevent the future from people who want Emmy and
will prevent the Scorch. ... Show more content on ...
Here is some evidence from the book when Emmy was hatching."you flew me through the
took away my told me you'd never let me fall.She drew in a breath.Well,Emmy,Ill never
let you fall can trust in can trust in me.As you told me ,we are destined..."
(Mancusi 217).I chose this peice of evidence because it showed the bond and friendship of Trinity
and Emmy and how they will take care of each other.Like in F451 Montag was good friends with
Faber and how Faber trusts Montag."His name was Faber,and when he finally lost his fear of
Montag,he talked in a cadenced voiced,..."(Bradbury
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Summary of The Book of Habakkuk Essay
It is believed that the book of Habakkuk was written to Judah around the year 606 B.C., as Nineveh
no longer exists, so it has to have been written some time after Nahum. There is nothing known
about this prophet outside of this book, and it is believed that Habakkuk wrote the book himself, but
it is uncertain. His name means "embraced" or could even be the name of an Assyrian flower. Also
known as the prophet of the watchtower, he was one of the last prophets to write before the
Babylonian captivity. Habakkuk was not written to prophecy to Judah or Israel about their
destruction, but was written as if to God, with Habakkuk asking Him questions. Among the
complaints and questions that Habakkuk brings to God, the most prevalent is this: ... Show more
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However, God's punishment for the Chaldeans is coming, as we see. "Woe to him who covets evil
gain for his house...for the stone will cry out from the wall, and the beam from the timbers will
answer it". Covetousness is a major problem for most men, back in that time as well as today, but
seeking to gain things through evil and wicked methods is even worse. The Chaldeans seek to
expand their kingdom through evil methods and wicked actions, and yet the things that they have
gained are not to last. Eventually their kingdom will crumble, and they will cease to be a mighty
nation. "Woe to him who builds a town with bloodshed...for the earth will be filled with the
knowledge of the glory of The Lord, as the waters cover the sea." The saying "He who lives by the
sword, will die by the sword." comes to mind right now as we see that because the Chaldeans build
themselves up with bloodshed and murder, the whole world will witness the glory of The Lord, and
will see His power brought against them. They are an unnecessarily bloody nation, and because of
this, I guess you could say they they will soon become an even more bloody nation as they face the
wrath of God. "Woe to him who says to wood, 'Awake!' to silent stone 'Arise! It shall teach!' behold,
it is overlaid with gold and silver, yet in it there is no breath at all. But The Lord is in His holy
temple. Let all
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Brief Summary Of The Book Fire
In an alternate universe, rather than of putting out fire, they have a special job that requires fireman
to burn book, according to that universe where our tale begins it is illegal to read any type of
books;however a very unique fire man decides to change the law. It all started in a little place where
no one he had a big imaginations and had televisions the size of movies theaters screens, and after a
long hard day at work guy encounters a young women who change Guy's perspective of how to
view the world. After that encounter he founds out that his wife Mildred had committed suicide.
After that, Guy had saw that accident that happened last night, he thought that Mildred took her pills
but had forgot that she had taken her pills, then kept taking them until the bottle was empty then
plugged her seashell ... Show more content on ...
Guy's boss makes him burn his own house after that his boss puts him under arrest for having a stash
of books. Guy runs in hurry because his manager wants to burn him to death, running and knocks
out two guys, while Guy was running, his ex–boss activates hound is to attack him, he runs and trips
the hound bites his leg, he tries to get the hound to shake off him. After Guy begins to run again
trying to walk off the numbness. Guy calls from a payphone another fire that will be need burned.
Guy goes to his friend's house and finds out that the hound and everyone was hot on his trail also
was the news crew. Guy finds out that his friend is going to St. Louis, and trying to communicate
back again with his old publisher. His friend helps Guy with his quest. Guy takes some of his
friend's clothes and takes his clothes and throw them into the lake. Everyone from Guy' s old town
was watching the criminal run away. He finds a crew of mysterious people that help him rebuild
civilations and rebuild
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Old Testament Book Summaries Essay
Cheryl Welch
Bible 104 D67
November 15, 2011
Summary of the books of the Old Testament Books
The genre of this book is law and it was written by Moses, although it is believed that Joshua
reported on his death. The key themes include God's covenant with Israel, instructions on the early
Israelite religion, instructions on the sacrificial system, holiness, cleanliness and the priesthood. God
had intervened and delivered the people from slavery and was now establishing his expectations for
their behavior and conduct. The major events are God speaking to Moses on Mt. Sinai and giving
him the instructions for the structure of the socioeconomic–judicial–political–religious system.
These instructions include ... Show more content on ...
The book of Judges ends with the people in a dire state, with everyone "doing as they saw fit" and
no king top rule them.
The genre of this book is wisdom. Written mostly by King Solomon, the book of Proverbs is filled
with short statements of wisdom and ethics. The key themes are the fear of the Lord, understanding,
and seeking wisdom. Proverbs advises against prostitution and countersigning notes. It councils
people to save for the future, work hard, trust in the Lord, be patient, and accept criticism. There are
no major events in this book. It is filled with expressions and phrases to guide people in their
everyday lives. Proverbs teaches us that the "fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom". It teaches
the young to follow the teachings of their parents and to always look to the Lord for all things and
he will "make your paths straight". Overall, Proverbs contains practical instructions for our lives in
the ways of the Lord, and warns us of the pitfalls of straying from theses basic truths.
The genre of this book is prophecy. The key themes in the book of Isaiah are punishment, holiness,
messiah, salvation, and hope. The major events are the call of Isaiah to be a prophet for the Lord, the
suffering servant, and the prophecy of the virgin birth. Isaiah understands that God is a god of
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Atrahasis And The Book Of Enoch Summary
Sydney A Hall Professor Brien Garnand Interdisciplinary Humanities: Ancient Egypt & The Near
East September 16th 2016 Similar Themes in Ancient Flood Narratives: the Story of Atrahasis and
the Book of Enoch While the Akkadian epic of Atrahassis as well as the Book of Enoch both reflect
a different set of beliefs in different parts of the world, they are similar in that they convey a severed
relationship between mankind and the divine, as well as the divine's attempt to reconcile humanity
by use of natural disasters. The first Book of Enoch opens with Noah's realization that the world has
deteriorated. Noah travels to the ends of the earth and cries out to his ancestor, Enoch, that the world
is in utter disarray (Enoch 65). Enoch then responds to him that he has communicated with the lord
and the world shall be destroyed. There is little direct reference to any particular disaster that occurs
but the syntax conveys a sense of highly symbolic language such as "Convulsion of the waters" that
release a smell of sulfur in the valley of angels who have sinned. Similarly the text opens with Noah
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Humanity has begun to decline. The gods find mankind to be overpopulated, noisy, and chaotic.
Enlil listens to the noise of the humans and concludes that they are too clamorous. Thus, he causes a
massive drought. (Atrahasis II; IV, 22) 600 more years pass and Enlil calls the Annuna[ki] (celestial
gods) to order and enlists the help Enki to create a flood. Enki struggles to commit to the task of
bringing about an apocalyptic flood and in turn, instructs Atrahasis to construct an arc as a means of
escaping the flood (sparing him only, despite Enlil's rage). This draws a parallel to the state of chaos
in the Book of Enoch, as well as the actual flood in
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Brief Summary Of The Book 'The Book Thief'
Riley Spaur
Mrs. Carlson
Contemp. Lit
November 8, 2015
The Book Thief The Book Thief is based around a character named Liesel Meminger. She is called
the book thief because she is known for stealing books to help her read and advance in her
knowledge. The theme of this book is mainly death, which is also the narrator. Death narrates
throughout this whole book and brings a new perspective to the way war would have been seen.
Right before her brother's death we meet our narrator Death in the story who is telling the reader
about how Liesel and her mother are not yet aware of their sons/brothers death. After the train
arrives at a town to bury their late son/brother. This is where Liesel steals her first book. Liesel then
arrives in a distraught
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A Summary Of Disliking Books By Gerald Graff
Disliking Books: A Summary
The essay "Disliking Books" by Gerald Graff gives reason to why so many kids and young adults
dislike reading. Graff mentions things from his childhood, and things from his time as a college
student to explain his reasoning. Being a part of a middle class family, Graff explains the stigma
surrounding studying and enjoying books in his childhood. Graff then shows us his experience that
changed his mind. Graff uses details from his life to give meaning to his ideas.
In Graff's childhood, he explains that if someone were to become a bookworm, they would likely get
beaten up. Even girls had to be careful; otherwise they would be labeled as "stuck up". The idea of
the freedom of knowledge and developing ideas only scared Graff, and that carried on long after.
Finally at college, Graff was able to forget about being beaten up, only to now fear failing his
classes. He often could not force himself to do the required readings, and if he did, he simply did not
know what to say about them in class. Graff didn't have the proper vocabulary to explain his feelings
of the readings, if he even had any. He mentions near the end that the ... Show more content on ...
Eventually though, his defining moment was when his instructor mentioned that the book they were
reading at the time, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, had a controversial ending. He then became
curious, and decided to write his term paper on it. Graff describes reading the critics as picking up
exactly where the class discussion ended. Seeing what professionals thought, gave him the idea that
he was nearly the same as them, as he had the same thoughts, but was not as experienced with the
vernacular. Graff then reread the book, and did so eagerly, as he now had a reason to read. Looking
for issues gave him a sense of purpose, and showed that reading and intellectual discussion actually
had an impact on his
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Summary Of The Book Thief
Summary: The Book Thief is narrated by Death. It's a story of Liesel Meminger. She's a nine–year–
old German who was given up by her mother and forced to live with foster parents, Hans and Rosa
Munermann, in the small town of Molching in 1939. Liesel's younger brother dies from unknown
causes while on their way to the town. She begins to have nightmares about him because of it. Hans
helps her through this difficult and traumatic experience. Hans teaches Liesel to read starting with a
book she took from the cemetery where her brother was laid to rest. Rudy Steiner quickly becomes
Liesel's friend, who falls in love with her. Liesel goes to a book burning where she finds out her
father is being persecuted for being a communist and her mother ... Show more content on ...
Death has a dark sense of humor at first but as the novel progresses and the war gets worse, Death
expresses remorse and weariness about having to collect so many souls. Liesel Meminger is the
protagonist. Liesel is an angry, distrusting character but soon changes to a deeply loving of her
family and friends. By the end of the book Liesel has a strong moral code and is no afraid to
endanger herself to enforce it. Hans, Liesel's stepfather, is patient and gentle with Liesel. He is the
first adult Liesel is able to trust. He never stops helping others, he has a strong sense of right and
wrong causing him to act against is own best interest. Rosa Humermann, Liesels stepmother, unlike
her husband, Rosa is seen as a cold and impatient person. The story reveals though the willingness
to take in Max and how she treats Liesel, however, that beneath her tough exterior she is in fact a
kind and caring person. Max Vangenburg, a Jew, when Max first gets to the Hubermanns', he is
cautious and withdrawn. As the story goes on he gets stronger and reveals his tremendous rage
toward Hitler which helps motivate her to stay alive no matter what. Out of all the characters he
most understands her, they not only become close friends but soul mates. Ilsa Hermann, the mayors
wife, because of her son's death she is shattered, barely functioning as a person, but once she begins
to open up she shows sensitivity and
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The Graveyard Book Summary
For my book report, I read The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman with illustrations by Dave
McKean. It is a fiction book, and is told in third person. The Graveyard Book takes place
somewhere in England in present day in a town called Old Town up on a hill in a graveyard. The
protagonist is Nobody Owens, or known as Bod. The antagonists are the Jacks of All Trades. Some
of the additional characters include Mrs. Owens, Mr. Owens, the man Jack, Silas, Liza Hempstock,
and Scarlett.
The Graveyard Book takes place somewhere in England in a town called Old Town in present day
up on a hill in a graveyard. The protagonist is Nobody Owens, or Bod for short. His family was
murdered by the man Jack, but luckily Bod was mischievous, and escaped the house ... Show more
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They are a very ancient group that date back before Babylon. They had gotten a prophecy that if
Bod grew to adulthood, the order would be destroyed.
The Graveyard Book is a fictional book about a boy named Nobody Owens, also known as Bod,
whose family was murdered. The man Jack murdered the rest of his family because the group, Jack
of All Trades, would be destroyed if Bod grew to adulthood. When the man Jack was killing his
family, Bod slipped out of his crib, climbed down the stairs, and crawled out the front door to the
graveyard where the dead Mrs. Owens and Mr. Owens found him. While the man Jack was
searching, Mr. and Mrs. Owens promised the mother of the child that she would take care of him,
and are trying to convince the other members of the graveyard to keep him. They finally agreed
when Silas said he would be the guardian, and bring him his necessities. Through the years Bod was
raised and taught by some of the dead teachers. In chapter 2, a little girl, Scarlett, started to come to
the graveyard. She met Bod, and one day they went down this tunnel to find treasure. They found
this Indigo Man who was really like a scarecrow for the Sleer, a monster who is guarding some
treasure for their "master."
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The Book Thief Summary
The Book Thief starts off right before the Holocaust, with Liesel on a train with her mother and
younger brother. They are going to meet their new foster parents in Germany. When all of the
Werner her little brother starts coughing, and then leans over and dies! So the train stops and they
get off and buried him and the gravedigger drops his book and Liesel picks it up and takes it with
her, but she cannot even read. When they finally get to the foster parents house she doesn't want to
go in, but some how Hans her foster father gets her to come in. She really likes him, but doesn't
know about Rosa her foster mom.
In the next couple of weeks she starts school and has a very hard time because she doesn't know
how to read. That doesn't stop her from making a friend though, Rudy Steiner is her only friends and
also because a part of the book thievery. Normally every night Liesel has a dream about her brother
dying and Hans comes to comfort her, he finds the grave diggers book in her bed and promises to
teach her to read. So he began to teach her and she finally learns how to read and write! She also
understands what ... Show more content on ...
And Hans tries to help a young Jewish boy named Max. So they hid him in the basement of their
house and that's where he lived for a good amount of time, he and Liesel became very good friends.
But it also makes him feel bad about putting his loved ones in danger. Liesel has another friend ship
with the major's wife,Ila, because Rosa does her laundry and she saw her still the book she lets her
read books from her library. When she doesn't need Rosa's help any more Liesel begins to stealing
book from her, but she doesn't really mind it. Everything changes the night of the Jew Parade when
Hans offers a piece of bread to a Jew and is caught by a guard and makes Max go away, because he
is afraid that they might search his house. So he keeps waiting to see what is punishment might
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Summary: The Book Thief
n November, Warner Bros. are releasing The Book Thief, a much–awaited film based on a novel of
the same name by Markus Zusak. The film, starring Sophie Nelisse, Geoffrey Rush and Emily
Watson, is an adaption of the acclaimed 2005 novel.
The novel tells the story of a young girl called Liesel Meminger in Nazi Germany during the Second
World War. Liesel is separated from her mother, her younger brother is killed and she is sent to live
with Hans and Rosa Huberman in a small town near Munich. Liesel attends the local school where
she is bullied because she cannot read. Hans teaches her to read at night, Liesel quickly understands
the power of the written word and falls in love with books. She begins to feel at home with the
Hubermans and grows ... Show more content on ...
Hans decides to hide his Jewish friend in the basement of the house, endangering the whole family
but enriching Liesel's life forever. Max Vandenburg and the young girl have much in common; they
have both lost their families as a result of Hitler's rule, and are damaged and vulnerable. The Jewish
musician and Liesel begin a tentative and touching friendship which influences her whole life.
Two themes which run throughout the book are death and the power of words.
Death is the narrator of The Book Thief. He introduces himself in the first chapter;
I am in all truthfulness attempting to be cheerful about this whole topic, though most people find
themselves hindered in believing me, no matter my protestations. Please, trust me. I most definitely
can be cheerful. I can be amiable. Agreeable. Affable. And that's only the As. Just don't ask me to be
nice. Nice has nothing to do with me.
Death first meets Liesel when her young brother dies, and despite his best intentions, he becomes
curious about the little girl (he admits that it is the survivors of death that affect him the most). He
witnesses Liesel steal her first book from her brother's graveside, The Gravedigger's Handbook,
death is present throughout the story, understandably busy in Nazi Germany during World War
... Get more on ...
Book Of Kings Summary
The introduction of the book of Kings talks about Solomon being king as well as Jeroboam it then
goes on to talk about the Story of Elijah and Ahab. These two people did not get along. Ahab wanted
the Israelites to worship Baal, Elijah did not want that seeing that, he is a prophet he wanted the
Israelites to worship God. Since Elijah was becoming old he went out to seek out someone who
would be able to take over his position he found Elisha. The next part talks about Elisha's success.
After that it then goes on to talk about the End of the Omrid Dynasty as well as the end of Israel and
Judah. Naaman had been embarrassed of the way he looks due to his Leprosy. He felt embarrassed
because he was the army commander of the king and thought that since he had Leprosy people
would look at him differently and treat him differently. So, he went to the king of Israel to help with
the cure, the king tore his garments to pieces. Naaman went to Elisha, a prophet at the time. Elisha
told Naaman to go to the river and jump in seven times. Naaman did what he was told his flesh was
then clean. As it talks about in the "Good Looks" article people in society today are embarrassed of
how they may look because they may not look like the models they see on TV. ... Show more
content on ...
They also see on TV models who are fit and look perfect, today in society there is a big obesity
problem, when students see those commercials they feel they need to be just like those models. So,
that's when the disorders anorexia, bulimia, and suicide comes in to play. Just like it had been
discussed in the article "Good Looks". We can relate this all back to an early lesson that we had
talked about, Image of God. God had created us all in his own unique image and however you may
look God accepts that, because he thinks you are
... Get more on ...

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Firestarter Book Summary

  • 1. Firestarter Book Summary I recommend the book Firestarter because the book has so much excitement. The book also has a lot of mystery. you don't know what will happen next and you don't know what happened back in the past. The characters always talk about their past and it explain only a little bit about it. There is so much thrill in the book there is some crazy stuff that happens in the book like how the FBI and CIA follow the dad and daughter. The books excitement is when Andy, the dad, and Charlie, the daughter, were walking down New York late at night and they were being followed. Andy kept trying to get a cab in the middle of the city. When Andy finally got a cab the people who were following him got out the car and tried to stop him from leaving they yelled police stop and Andy told the taxi driver to step on it. ... Show more content on ... Andy had a bad headache and he was thinking about the past on how they paid him 200 dollars to try drugs and how he met Charlie's mother.The book's mystery is when Andy would think about his past and how and why the cops were following him. The police were looking for Andy and Charlie because Charlie had special powers from some drug experiment. They were trying to get Charlie before she had hurt anyone. Andy would think about the past a lot. He would think about how he went to go try the drug experiment and that is how he met Charlie's mother. Andy had let her barrow a pen and then they became friends after that they would be in the same room when the injected the drugs into them.The books thrill is when Andy and Charlie get to the airport and Andy tells Charlie to go to a pay phone to call her mother. But Charlie got scared because a security thought she was stealing and was going after. Then Charlie set his shoes on fire and he ran into the women's bathroom and put his feet in the toilet. Charlie went back to Andy and stated crying. Andy ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. The Book Thief Chapter Summaries Chapter 1 The book starts off with Liesel, aka the book thief, on a train traveling to Munich with her brother named Werner and their mother. But on the way there the train stops working and Werner ends up dying, but while he is being buried Liesel takes a book from one of the gravediggers. After getting on another train they get to Munich where Liesel is giving away to foster care. She really doesn't want to leave but she knows that it's for the best that she leaves her mother and go into foster care. Chapter 2 In the second chapter of the book, Liesel starts to really get used to her new life and new foster parents. She also figures out that the person responsible for the deaths in her family was Hitler the person she was dreaming ... Show more content on ... Liesel and Rudy also decide to go out to the mayor's house to steal again. But he really doesn't know that Ilsa keeps her windows unlocked on purpose so she can steal the books. Chapter 7 In this chapter, Hans starts to regret helping another Jew, especially one where they pretty much know that he is going to die soon based on his health. He feels as though helping him brought even more of a risk than taking Max in. Then Ilsa kind of forgives Liesel for her outburst towards her and want to encourage her to continue reading. Also in this chapter, Liesel starts to figure out the power that words can have on others. Hans also kicks Max out of the house because he doesn't want to hurt the family any more than he feels he already has. Chapter 8 In this chapter of the book, the Nazi soldiers are trying to convince Rudy's parents to let him join a special military school. When he had won all them medals at Hitler's carnival he showed everyone his skills but they refused to let them take him. Afterward, Hans and Rudy's dad is drafted into the Army and is forced to leave but he knows he is even lucky to be alive after being caught helping a jew. Ilsa gives Liesel the present that Max made her a book and she reads it over and over ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. The Book Of Esther Summary Introduction The book of Esther takes place in the Persian Empire during the reign of Ahasuerus. He was the son of Darius the Great and he reigned from about 486–465 B.C. Esther was a descendant of the Benjaminites, they came from a part of the kingdom of Judah. Esther was born of the Jews who had been captive into Babylon nearly 100 years earlier. Many Jews did not return to Jerusalem even when it was possible, they preferred to continue living where they had settled in the Persian Empire. Esther was raised by her cousin Mordecai after the death of her parents. Mordecai served in the palace of the Persian ruler and is more than likely the writer of the book of Esther. Esther tells a compelling story, filled with drama and excitement, with clear definition of who the heroes and villains are. The book of Esther reveals deep spiritual truths about God's power to deliver us from oppression and danger, even when rulers are planning to do evil to God's people. God's name does not appear in the entire story, but God's presence and deliverance of His people is obviously implied throughout Esther's story. Chapter's 1 and 2 In the beginning of chapter two the king begins to look for a leading–edge queen. A queen that would be pure, beautiful, young and a virgin. Whomever the servants found that pleased King Ahasuerus would become his new queen. Esther, recalled as the daughter of Avihail and the cousin and adopted daughter of Mordecai (Esther 2:5–15). Along with other ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Book Summary: The Bronze Bow Bronze Bow Good Copy His life was changed. His parents were snatched from his world by the Romans. Now Daniel is set on avenging their death. Daniel is stuck in a world of dark hatred. He needs to find the light in the world, and become a better person. The Bronze Bow is a book about an 18 year old Jewish boy named Daniel. It's about how Daniel has changed from a not very loving person, into a completely different one. At first Daniel wasn't one to be kind towards the Romans, he didn't follow Jesus or understand him and he left his family. Leah, his sister, was left alone with only her grandma, and she was consumed by demons. She missed Daniel at first, then she forgot him. When Daniel left he didn't come back for a really long time. He was never around because of what happened to his parents. Daniel changed over the course of this book. I believe this because I think he chose to leave his hate behind and he turned into a new person. ... Show more content on ... Near the very end of the book things change. Daniel finds out that his sister Leah has been hanging out with a young Roman guy named Marcus. He figured this out when Marcus arrived at Daniel's and Leah's doorstep with a basket of fruit. Daniel hits the basket of fruit to the ground, and tells the Roman to get out. Daniel started the book with so much hatred towards the Romans but near the end of the book he realizes what he did to the Romans and Marcus, was wrong and he goes out to talk to him. Once he is finished he asks Marcus if he would like to come into his house and say "hi" to Leah. I still don't think that all his anger towards the Romans has subsided, but I do believe that it has softened because he chose to treat his sister differently by putting Leah above himself. I believe this is a way that Daniel has changed throughout the book because he he shows kindness towards the Romans, he also does what's important to ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Book Thief By Markus Zusak: Summary Plot Summary The Plot of "The Book Thief,by Markus Zusak is interesting because it tell the time where the main character Death (Narrator) first time seeing the book thief on a train. The book also shows that it is between a first person or third person point of view. The book grabs your attention as which it has sad moments where Wener (Liesel Brother) Pass away and have to get off the train to bury his body. This book is dated back in Sydney Australia in 1975. Character Analysis In the novel The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak, Death seems to be omniscient type of narrator describing all the characters thoughts and emotions including his own. Liesel Is a moral character because she understands the pain of loss after her father communist sympathies then later her brother and mother. Another thing is that they discovered she couldn't read or write. It was important because in terms of Liesel's growth and change throughout the book. ... Show more content on ... He motivate others and helps them too. Rosa Hubermann is Liesel's stepmother. She is in fact very kind and caring but shows a little type of toughness. Max Vandenburg is a lodger, he show a lot of anger toward hitler, and it motivate him to want to stay alive. Rudy Steiner is the best friend of Liesel, he is very athletic and have great talents. Alex Steiner is Rudy father and was drafted into the army because of him sacrificing his son. Theme Foreshadowing was a theme in the book that i caught in example when character have died. Another example from the book is when Hans Said " A girl"(talking about liesel), "an accordionist". Also when Max said " a Jewish fist fighter". Mark Zusak's use foreshadowing to keep readers focus on what the actual processes and the futility of character actions in war. Cultural ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Graveyard Book Summary The Graveyard Book is about a boy named Nobody Owens (Bod) who lives in a graveyard to be protected from the man Jack, who murdered his family, but failed to kill Bod. After being raised by a vampire named Silas for a few years, Bod meets a friend named Scarlett Perkins, whose parents believe Bod to be an imaginary person. One day, she come to the graveyard to tell Bod that her family is moving away to Scotland. Silas leaves the graveyard for a few days, so he has a woman (werewolf) named Miss Lupescu. Bod wishes for Silas to come back because he doesn't like Miss Lupescu, but eventually, she saves his life. After many years, the man Jack is still searching for the baby he has failed to murder, fearing that if Bod survives, his secret society, ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Book Of The Courter Castiglione Summary Would Castiglione Like Competition Shows? Competition television shows have made the world a better place! In "The Book of the Courtier" there is a discussion about characteristics of a good courtier. One of the characteristics was sprezzatura. This characteristic means that the courtier should go about showing off their skills and talents in a nonchalance way, even if they worked hard behind the scenes. If Castiglione watched television today his least favorite genre would be completion shows. Importance Of Sprezzatura Castiglione thought that sprezzatura was important to show skill as an effortless talent. He highlights this point flat out by saying "Practice in all things a certain sprezzatura [nonchalance], so as to conceal all art and make whatever is done or said appear to be without effort and almost without any thought about it" (Bizzell & Herzberg, 2001, p.661). Even if a person practiced for hours on end they should not let others know. Instead the skill should be presented as a natural talent. Presenting a skill in this way keeps the audience in the dark on the preparation that went into making the speaker come off as effortless. Consequently this point leads me to believe that Castiglione would dislike completion shows because this goes against nonchalance. Americas ... Show more content on ... The offhandedness of the model's expression heightens anxiety in the reader by concealing the back–breaking labor that went into the time consuming and prohibitively expensive task of being fashionable" (Harris, 1993, p. 133). While the model in the moment they may have to push past obstacles in their way to maintain a nonchalant attitude. Previously I mentioned that Castiglione would disapprove the competition show Americas Next Top Model, but I think he would appreciate print work. The magazine shows the nonchalance clearly and the audience is ignorant to the details of the time and effort put into getting the ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. A Summary On Jonah : The Book Of Jonah Jonah (The Book of) Jonah is a book of the Bible written by the Johan himself approximately 785– 760 BC. (BibleGateway, n.d.) This book of the Bible has only four chapters in it and it is fixed in the Bible after the book of Obadiah and before Nahum. In the four short chapters for this book of the Bible Johan goes from turning his back on the Lord, going back to the Lord, the once again questioning the Lord. The first chapter shows Jonah's defiance of the Lord. The Lord asked Jonah to go Nineveh and announce the Lord's judgement. But Jonah turned and went the other direction away from the Lord. (Johan 1:3) Then while on the ship getting away from Nineveh Jonah is swallowed by a whale. In Chapter 2 Jonah was inside the whale and he starts to pray again to the Lord, telling him that even though he is in the situation he is in, he will still turn to the Lord always. So, the Lord commands the whale to sit Jonah out. (Jonah 2:10) The third chapter explains how Jonah is asked by the Lord to proclaim his message of judgement on Nineveh, Jonah did as the Lord instructed. The people off Nineveh changing their ways and the judgement was spared by the Lord. Chapter four of Jonah explains how Jonah becomes angry with the Lord because he does not believe the Lord should have been so gracious with the people of Nineveh. Jonah believed that they should not have been spared. (Jonah 4:1–2). Even though this is a short book it has a major theme to it, the Lord's compassion for ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Book Summary: The Book Thief Entry 1 In the book The book thief it consists of only 5 main characters. The characters are Liesel meminger, Hans hubermann, Rosa hubermann, Max, and Rudy. This book takes place in 1939–1943 in Molching, Germany during world war ll. The big plot of this book/conflict is that. The young girl Liesel and her little brother Werner are on a train going to there new foster parents for a unknown reason at the time. But during this train ride her brother Werner dies. At his funeral she picks up a book called The Grave Digger's Handbook that falls from a grave diggers coat. When she found this book with me being the reader I honestly had no clue what she was going to do with it herself but as I read on I found out that this Grave diggers book was very ... Show more content on ... Because while this little girl is growing up she sees her little brother die and she is pulled from her mother and has to live with a new family. The next character Max is somewhat like Liesel. He has already gone through a lot of pain by deciding to leave his mom and going on to live his life. For him to be able to do that he must feel a lot of guilt and sorrow. The next character Hans Liesel foster dad is just so nice, loving, and caring. I think that he is all of these things because he didn't have to decide to just accept Liesel and Max but he does anyway and puts his life in danger. The next character is Hanses wife Rosa hubermann. At the beginning of the book she comes off as very mean and acts as if she doesn't want the child there at all but towards the end she reveals her true colors and shows she's not as bad. And the last character Rudy is Liesel best friend. He's always by her side and helps get her out of trouble every time he can and doesn't hesitate while doing it. I would say the theme of this book is courage because everyone of the characters show it Max shows it when he leaves his mom. Liesel shows it when she steals the book. Hans shows it by taking care of ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. The Standover Man Book Summary –Ten year old Liesel is on a train with her mother and her brother –Her brother, Werner, dies. –Liesel steals her first book. –On the same day Liesel has to go live with Hans and Rosa Hubbermann. –She has nightmares about her dead brother. –Hans begins to teach her to read and write. –She becomes good friends with Rudy Steiner. –She steals another book from a book burning on Hitler's birthday after finding out that he is the reason her family suffers. –Ilsa Hermann sees her stealing the book, and soon after invites Liesel to her library. –Max, a young Jewish man arrives and stays in the Hubbermann's basement. –Max and Liesel become close friends after Max giver her The Standover Man. –Liesel brings some snow to Max. –Soon after ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Summary Of ' The Book ' Of Judges ' Women in the book of Judges The Book of Judges talks about ancient Israel, and how they extended their territory by acquiring lands from the non–Israelites. The book narrates how Israelites conquered and reclaimed their lost land from non–Israelites and how they used to turn from God whenever they are satisfied. But it is written in the Bible that, the guilty are by no means cleared, as Exodus (34:7) says this is the reason why the Lord used several Kings and Judges like Deborah to help the people of Israel find their way back to Him. As the book reveals, it is evident that most of the judges were men (as they were most of the times referred to as Judges). The book talks about a great woman Deborah, also referred to as the "bee", as a key judge in the entire book. This book unveils the importance of women (through acts and strengths of Deborah (mainly) and other heroic female characters) and their power to the readers. The Book of Judges narrates six women who are and will always be remembered by their outstanding and remarkable work. They are, Achsah, Deborah, Jael, Japhthah's daughter, Delilah and the identity of two of them is not revealed. O'Connor (1980) suggests that, "The book of Judges" demonstrates this disparity as observed; women assume a vital function in its set–up as the volume's subject is "marginalization" (278). Women are well known in three major roles, that is, being a mother, a daughter or a mate. Despite these limited roles, the Book of Judges shows ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. A Brief Summary Of The Banning Of Books What Johnny Can't Read: Censorship In American Libraries This article aimed to express the concerns and disappointments of those who are not pleased with the banning of very popular books they loved as a children. These people do not agree with book banning because in their times, when they were children, they were allowed to read whatever appealed to them. Amongst these now banned books are; The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Black Beauty, Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, The Catcher in the Rye, as well as many other classic books. But this book banning is not something fairly new. Book banning started in the early 1990s where by 1994, the demand for removal of books had increased by more than 50%. Many of these people believe that ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Scholastic Book Summary: The Complexity Of The Human Body Every year, my elementary school would clear out the main lobby in preparation for the wonderful books, toys and trinkets that would come with the Scholastic Book Fair in the following days. Books lined every wall, creating a mosaic of bright illustrations and colorful covers. I was drawn in instantly. I'd drag my parents around to each table, flipping through books and winding up the display toys. It was a celebration–a day to commemorate all the joys and pleasures that came from indulging my curiosity in a good book. And on one display, surrounded by chemistry sets and test tubes, sat a little book about human anatomy. The illustration of a human skeleton, interwoven with vibrant blue and red veins, caught my eye. I picked it up and inspected it. A blurb on the cover made a bold promise: it would teach me the unknown complexities of my body. I scoffed at the very idea of it. To me, there was no mystery; I was quite confident that I knew myself. It challenged me, goaded me on to prove its assumptions wrong. Upon request, ... Show more content on ... It was in reading this book that I decided I didn't just want to be content when my body functions right; I wanted to understand how it works, from the largest body systems to the smallest working components of our cells. For me, there is so much left unknown about the human body, and I take that as a personal challenge to fill in the gaps. That's why I seize every opportunity to gain further knowledge in this field, from attending a lecture about biomedical technology to spending my period off as a counselor in the health clinic observing the camp doctor. Every little new fact I learn is treasured, and I hope to continue to grow this collection of information for the rest of my ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Brief Summary Of The Book 'The Outsiders' The book, The Outsiders, is a fantastic book that you should definitely re–read. If you had read the book before then you would know that the book is about a 14–year old boy named Ponyboy Curtis with his two brothers Sodapop, a sixteen year old, and Darrel, a twenty year old who have recently lost their parents. Now he has to deal with his idea of being separated from society. Common Sense Media book gave the book a ⅘ starts and stated, "Hinton wrote this at age 16, so the plot has some too–easy resolutions; such literary missteps are overcome by the power of her honest teen point of view, which rings so true to young readers." This quote shows that being a teenanger is one of the perfect times to read the book and re–reading will give a similar ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The Book Thief Chapter Summaries The story opens with death being the narrator, who claims that he likes a brown sky and that he has seen a girl three times–at the death of her brother,a crashed plane, and a destroyed town from a bomb attack. The girl was Liesel Memminger, a nine year old German girl who is traveling with her mother and brother to her new home–a foster home. Her brother, Werner unfortunately didn't make it on the way, so they had him buried, and that was when Liesel stole her first book. Upon arriving to Himmel Street in Molching, she is greeted by Hans and Rosa Hubermann, but mostly Hans. Hans and Liesel soon grew fond of each other, and as for Rosa, it is the complete opposite. Rosa verbally abuses Liesel all the time, and although Liesel knows that deep ... Show more content on ... After a long journey he arrives, Hans brings back a time when he and Max's father Erik fought in the first world war in which Erik saved his life, making Hans grateful for his action. Not knowing he had a family till after, Hans felt like owed a debt to Erik, therefore taking his accordion own with him and learning how to play it–little did he know that this accordion was what gave his foster daughter comfort for what was yet to come in the later years. Life with Max made things a bit better, from Liesel entertaining him to pass their time, to his visions that he depicts through his artwork and book that he is continually writing, he sets a lighter mood which was unexpected and unasked for, but the Hubermanns liked it, and needed it. Death uses foreshadowing by blatantly announcing Rudy's death to the readers and justifies his decision by claiming that he dislikes mystery, as everything will happen in its own time, and that death was inevitable, so we'd had to deal with it. Times are a bit harder as Germany is losing in the war, resulting in the mayor's letter stating that they would not need Rosa's services, as they couldn't afford ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. The Book Thief Summary 1: The Book Thief Marcus Zusak Plot: Narrated by Death The story of Liesel a nine year old girl Her mother is forced to give Liesel to foster parents Hans and Rosa Hubermann They live in Molching, a small town on the outskirts of Munich Book 'begins' in 1939 Book begins as Liesel travels to Molching with her brother and mother Her brother dies of a cough in the train (possible Tuberculosis or similar) Hans Hubermann is caring and gentle and he quickly develops a strong relationship with Liesel Liesel experiences nightmares where she sees her brother. Hans helps her to cope with the nightmares Rosa Hubermann is tough and loves to swear, but she loves Liesel even if she shows it in unusual ways. Hans and Liesel take advantage of Liesel's ... Show more content on ... Last one flying wins. When a kite loses, the kite runners chase it down. Hassan is the best kite runner. Amir wins the tournament and is thrilled for her thinks he will receive praise and love from his father. Hassan chases the last kite down, and Amir runs after him. Hassan is confronted by Assef, as Amir finds him. Amir hides and doesn't attempt to save Hassan. Amir watches on as Assef rapes Hassan. Amir runs away. When he finds Hassan, he pretends to be ignorant. Amir distances himself from Hassan overcome with guilt. Amir hides a watch and money under Hassan's pillow and tells Baba that Hassan sole it. He is hoping that Baba will make Hassan leave so he doesn't have to deal with the guilt and shame after what has happened. This is significant because Amir tries to hide from his problems instead of confronting them. Hassan is still loyal in his friendship to Amir, and admits to stealing even though he is innocent. The story moves forward in time (1981). The soviet army has invaded, and Kabul has become a war–zone. Baba and Amir are escaping in the back of a truck. Characters: Amir 12 years old in 1975 ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Brief Summary Of The Book 'Hero' By Mike Lupica This week I read the book Hero by Mike Lupica. In the book a teenage kid name Zach Harriman. But then one day is life is changes when he finds out that his dad, Tom Harriman, who worked as a special adviser for the president of the United States, was a super hero with super powers. Until he died in a mysterious plane crash on a business trip and the weird thing about it is that in the crash site no bodies were found, which made Zach curious. Zach though that his father's death was murder. Therefore he wanted to see what actually happened to the plane. While doing this he meets a man named, Mr. Herbert, who says he has special powers like Zach's father. Zach continues to see this strange man and figure out that he was like his father. He also train Zach so he know how he knows ... Show more content on ... Harriman realizes that people are going to try to take him to the bad side. The only person he tells this too is Kate, the housekeeper's daughter. Zach's Uncle, John, also knows of Zach's ability he tells him that even his dad had certain powers. Zach was in a conflict to choose who the right person to trust was. He decided that Mr. Herbert was teaching him more techniques while Uncle John was holding him back. Zach's mom works for Senator Kerrigan, and they were having a speech in Central Park that day. That's when will Zach was backstage listening to the Senator speech, but as the scanned the crowd he saw a sniper aiming directly at Senator. He dove at the Senator just before the first shot rang out. Then, out of nowhere Mr. Herbert grabs Zach and moves him out of the way and tells him to always look out for the second bullet. Zach recognizes that Mr. Herbert was shot and just before he died he told Zach that he was his grandfather, which made no sense because his father said he was an orphan. In the end of the novel Zach sets his mind to take on all the Bads, and that they should be afraid of ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Book Thief Chapter Summaries Chapter 1 The book starts off with Liesel, aka the book thief, on a train traveling to Munich with her brother named Werner and their mother. But on the way there the train stops working and Werner ends up dying, but while he is being buried Liesel takes a book from one of the gravediggers. After getting on another train they get to Munich where Liesel is giving away to foster care. She really doesn't want to leave but she knows that it's for the best that she leaves her mother and go into foster care. Chapter 2 In the second chapter of the book, Liesel starts to really get used to her new life and new foster parents. She also figures out that the person responsible for the deaths in her family was Hitler the person she was dreaming ... Show more content on ... Liesel and Rudy also decide to go out to the mayor's house to steal again. But he really doesn't know that Ilsa keeps her windows unlocked on purpose so she can steal the books. Chapter 7 In this chapter, Hans starts to regret helping another Jew, especially one where they pretty much know that he is going to die soon based on his health. He feels as though helping him brought even more of a risk than taking Max in. Then Ilsa kind of forgives Liesel for her outburst towards her and want to encourage her to continue reading. Also in this chapter, Liesel starts to figure out the power that words can have on others. Hans also kicks Max out of the house because he doesn't want to hurt the family any more than he feels he already has. Chapter 8 In this chapter of the book, the Nazi soldiers are trying to convince Rudy's parents to let him join a special military school. When he had won all them medals at Hitler's carnival he showed everyone his skills but they refused to let them take him. Afterward, Hans and Rudy's dad is drafted into the Army and is forced to leave but he knows he is even lucky to be alive after being caught helping a jew. Ilsa gives Liesel the present that Max made her a book and she reads it over and over ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Book Thief Summary The Book Thief by Markus Zusak was published in Australia by Picador, an import of Pan Macmillan Pty Ltd., Sydney, in 2006. Markus Zusak, wrote the book thief on based on inspiring stories his parents told him and his siblings when they were kids. He used their life experiences during the war of Nazi Germany to make an epic story of suspense, compassion, and sorrow. He has also, written four books prior to The Book Thief. He attended the University of New South Wales with a bachelors of arts and a diploma of education. He majored in writing and and history. Besides being a writer, he taught for a while at Engadine high school where he once was an alumni. Other books that he wrote; I am the Messenger, Fighting Ruben Wolfe, and Getting the ... Show more content on ... The protagonist could be death, but he's only doing his job. It could be Hitler or his Nazi thugs that take over Germany and all of the world's peace. Hitler and the nazis had one goal, and that was to get rid of all they jews. They tried to wipe out the entire jewish population, and almost made it. It didn't take much to do this, just a guy and his followers to do as he commands. All he said was that jews were bad and they were the cause of the war, destruction, and chaos in the world. "They had to go," he said and they obeyed. It wasn't right to pinpoint a population and make them suffer for something they didn't do and had nothing to do with it. Rudy Steiner was her first and only friend in her new home with the Hubermanns. He was a faithful friend and followed her to the end! He was Liesel's first and only love/kiss. Max Vandenburg arrived in Liesel's kitchen November 1940. He was a jew that was looking for a place to hide during the war. Liesel's papa owed Max's dad a favor and was gonna repay him with protecting his boy. He taught Liesel to live life to its fullest and how to cherish everything it had to ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Book Of Esther Summary The book of Esther is a book of history that takes place in Persia around 464 BC to 495 BC. It is a story of Gods redemptive plan using a courageous Jewish woman born Hadassah which means hidden that is what she would become among the group of Persian women that was brought before the Persian Emperor Xerxes so he could select his new queen. Xerxes had a Persian queen Vashti whom he divorced because she disobeyed him and publicly. Xerxes was a careless a foolish ruler who allowed his right–hand man Haman to rein and rule the kingdom without overseeing his affairs himself. Now there was young Jewish orphan who was raised by her cousin Mordecai a servant to the king. When news spread that all beautiful women be brought before the king. Mordecai ... Show more content on ... One day as Mordecai was passing by Haman he did not bow this angered Haman. Knowing Mordecai was a Jew, Haman sought to kill all the Jews in Persia. He persuaded the king to pass a law to genocide of all the Jews in the land. Mordecai sent word to Esther go into the presence of the king to plead with him on behalf of her people. Mordecai and Hamman pass by each other in the streets Mordecai refuses to bow this enrages Hamman. He ordered special gallows to be built in which to hang Mordecai by. Earlier Mordecai had learned of plot by Hamman to kill the king he informed Queen Esther who informed the authorities. One evening the king had requested that the kingdom events be read to him this is where he learns of the unsung hero. The next day when Hamman came to visit the king concerning his plans for Mordecai. The inquired of Hamman what he should do to for a man he wanted to honor. Hamman answered the question with a proud an puffed up response because he perceived it was him to be honored. The queen had prepared a second feast for king and Hamman was invited it was there Esther told the king of Hamman plan to kill her and her people. The king was so enraged that he ordered Hamman to be hung by same gallows he prepared for ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Book Thief Summary 1. Title : The Book Thief 2. Author: Markus Zusak 3. Date of Original Publication:2005 4. Novel Type: Historical Fiction STRUCTURE 1. Point of View: Death 2. Relationship to meaning: 3. Plot Structure a. Exposition b. Inciting Incident c. Events contributing to rising action d. Climax (Crisis/turning point) e. Events contributing to falling action f. Resolution g. Other Significant Structural Elements: CHARACTERS 1. Protagonist a. Name and significance: Liesel Meminger undergoes the struggle of being separated from her family and being forced to adapt in Nazi Germany with a Jewish friend. b. Characteristics and thematic significance: Liesel is a young girl who loses her brother on the way to her foster family`s house. This is important because of the course of the book the author shows of much she blossoms into a ... Show more content on ... Antagonist a. Name and significance: Adolf Hitler and Nazi Party b. Characteristics and significance 3. Other Significant Characters; a. Name and significance; Hans Hubberman, Liesels Foster dad who shows ber that it is always best to do the right thing b. Characteristics; c. Thematic or plot– oriented purpose; SETTING 1. Place and symbolic significance: Molching, Germany. Takes place in Nazi Germany. 2. Time period and contextual significance; WW2. It takes places before the Allies came to help 3. Time span; January 1939 to 1942 CONFLICTS 1. Main conflict a. type of conflict; man vs society b. values embodied in conflict (expressed as opposition–something vs. something) Jewish People vs. Nazis c. Thematic significance of conflict; Max being Jewish prevents him from living life without the fear of being killed for what and who he is. But as time passes Max accepts his destiny and becomes more confident. 2. Minor conflicts and thematic significance; Liesel vs. Liesel– Her conflict is knowing that she is not capable of helping and that she wants to steal books. SYMBOLS AND MOTIFS (3–5) Literal Symbol Figurative Meaning Relationship to ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Book Summary: The Blackthorn Key By Kevin Sands Reading Journal #7 The book I am currently reading is called "The Blackthorn Key" by Kevin Sands. It is the first book in "The Blackthorn Key" series. The genre of this book is Historical Fiction and Adventure. In this book, Christopher Rowe, an orphan, becomes an apprentice for Apothecary Master Benedict Blackthorn, the kindest apothecary in London. Christopher enjoyed learning new lessons, herbs, and remedies at the shop Master Benedict owned. He learned new lessons about everything, saints, authors, cultures, mechanics, and` much more. Master Benedict had many secret codes and taught Christopher most of them. They wrote all of their business in code. Everything was perfect until apothecaries began to be brutally murdered by a cult. The murders trail closer and closer to the Blackthorn shop. When Master Blackthorn is murdered, he leaves Christopher a cryptic message to get the one thing the cult is murdering apothecaries for. He must stop the cult, and find the secret item before they do. There were many things I liked about this book. First off, this book had a lot of information on substances that can cure and treat illnesses. For example, madapple can treat asthma in small amounts, but if you take more than what you should, it's poisonous. ... Show more content on ... I thought that the King would accuse Christopher of the murder of Master Benedict. All of the powerful people in the book were closed–minded, and they seemed to think that Christopher hated Master Benedict. This book takes place in London between May 28, 1665, to June 21, 1665. Back then, the charge of murder was death. I thought Christopher would be sentenced to death, but I was wrong. I also predicted that after the King sentenced Christopher to die, he would be killed by the cult before his execution. Christopher would escape, the crown would be overthrown, and Christopher and Tom would have to leave London to escape the madness, but I was wrong ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Chemy Called Al Book Summary The book that I read was the Chemy called Al book. The book was most about a young adventures girl that had an adventure in a place, she was trapped in a place where she learns about elements and how they help her get out. It talked about what the elements in the periodic table do and what they are use and some examples of the stuff made for it. The book is telling us about the states of matter and how they are use and what they use for with the ways people interact with them. 1 Julie learns about the periodic table and how it is use and learns the states of matter and what they are. The first one or one of the state of matter is solids. Solids are matter that have weight or shape of an object that takes up space on earth, because It is something stable that cant move that easy. The book and the stuff we have gone over in class are about the same like a solid is atoms that take up space on earth just like Julie is trapped in Science land and hasn't been before and trapped trying to figure her way out. Some example of solids is ice cubes ... Show more content on ... Gas is some what air in my opinion because you cant see it but you can hear it, you can feel air from the breeze. You can also breathe it because we breathe air for our lungs. People, animals, plants and machines use gases or convert them into something they can use for their survival. People use gases from or air from trees that they covert and we use to breathe, we also use gases from natural resources for energy. Animals rely on air because plants need it to make food and animals eat the grass or their host that does. We use machines that use gases like propane that burns like gas to make machines function right. An example of gases is air, propane. This relates to the work we have done in class in some ways because it talks about some of the experiments we have done with balloons and air and how much is needed for an object to operate and work ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. The Book Of Daniel ( Summary ) Chase Jones Theology P.6 December 1, 2016 The Book of Daniel (Summary) Chapters 1–2, 4–6 1 In the third year of the reign of King Jehoiakim of Judah, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it. God let King Jehoiakim of Judah fall into his power. Then the king commanded his palace master Ashpenaz to bring in some Israelites of the royal family and of nobility, young men without physical defect and handsome, versed in every branch of wisdom, endowed with knowledge and insight, and competent to serve in the king's palace. They were to be educated for three years, so that at the end of that time they could be put in the king's court. Among them were Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, from the tribe of Judah. The palace master gave them different names: Daniel he called Belteshazzar, Hananiah he called Shadrach, Mishael he called Meshach , and Azariah he called Abednego. To these four young men God gave knowledge and skill in every aspect of literature and wisdom; Daniel also had insight into all visions and dreams. Among all the young men, no one was found to compare with Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah; therefore they were stationed in the king's court. In every matter of wisdom and understanding concerning which the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters in his whole kingdom. And Daniel continued there until the first year of King Cyrus. 2 In the second year of Nebuchadnezzar's reign, ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Book Of Ruth Summary The book of Ruth begins in Bethlehem in Judah.The book of Ruth was written in tradition by the Prophet Samuel in between 1011 and 931 B.C. There is a man named Elimelek, his wife Naomi and there to two sons named Mahlon and Kilion. Naomi's husband dies and she is left with her two son until they married a Moabile women named Orpah and Ruth. Then ten years later Naomi loses her two sons and is left with her daughter in laws. Naomi tells them to go back to their mothers home. Orpah listen but Ruth wanted to stay. So Naomi and Ruth head to Bethlehem. Naomi had a relative on her husabands side of the family that Ruth could possibly marry. The relative was in the clan of Elimelek named Boaz. Ruth went to the fields to pick up grain but went to ... Show more content on ... Jerusalem has been known has the City of Daivd for over 3000 years. The City of David was built between 1040 B.C – 970 B.C. The City of David is narrow and about 80–100m wide. The story of the City of David begins with King David leading his army to take over the city of Jerusalem. The Jebusites was a Cananite tribe who lived there at that time.The Jebusite city lasted until the 12th century. After he defeated them he took up residence and name the city after him. He wanted to establish it as the capital of tribes of Israel. It is King Davids birthplace in 1040 B.C. and his early home. The City of David is used in the Old Testament 45 times and in the New Testament only twice. The city was built around the Gihon Spring. King David was the most important king in the bible. On the east side of the city is bounded by the Kidron Valley and to the west is the Valley of Tyropoeon. David's son Solomon built the first temple on Mount Mariah next to the City of David. In anciet Mediterranean World it was common for a leader to name a city after ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. The Book Thief: Summary The novel The Book Thief takes place in a town called Molching, Germany between 1939 and 1943. Death narrates the story. Liesel Meminger, the main character is dealing from the death of her brother and being separated from her mother. Liesel is made fun of in school because she can't read. She is ashamed that she can't read so Hans teaches her how to read. The book she learns to read from is a book that she took from her brother's burial called The Grave Digger's Handbook. She would have nightmares so Hans would sit with her and play his accordion. Liesel then becomes accustom to Hans presence because he makes her feel safe. The Nazi Party's destroyed Jewish shops and yellow stars have already been painted on doors and windows, Liesel and Rudy are forced to join the Band of German Girls and Hitler Youth. Liesel sees a book that survives a fire made of enemy propaganda and hides it under her shirt.A Jew named Max Vandenburg needs a place to hide and Max's father saved Hans life during World War I and taught him to play the accordion. Hans promised Frau that if she needed something she could contact him. Hans hides Max in his basement and sends the key to his house inside a book written by Hitler. After Max arrives Liesel is curious and scared about the man in her basement. She realizes that they have a lot in common. They both have nightmares and lost their families. They also both share the feeling of safety that comes from Hans accordion. Liesel describes the weather to max, brings him snow, and delivers presents to the foot of his bed when he gets sick. She continues to play with Rudy and go to school, also while ... Show more content on ... Liesel's story touches on many things like growing up, Nazi Germany, Jews, rebellion, resistance, war, poverty, grief, friendship, family, and books. It's about survival and death. The way death is so unexpected even when it's most expected. It's about love, her love for books and her ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The First Book Of Nephi Summary Book Review: The First Book of Nephi: His Reign and Ministry Nephi was one of the sons of Lehi. Lehi received visions from the Lord and began attempting to repent the people of Jerusalem. After his attempted murder from those angered by his preaching, Lehi listened to God's commands and left Jerusalem. Shortly afterwards, God commands Lehi to send his four sons back to Jerusalem so that they may retrieve 'The Brass Plates' held by Jerusalem's powerful leader Laban. The brothers failed during their first couple attempts to take the 'Plates' from Laban, but once Nephi traveled alone and prayed to the Lord, he was successful in defeating Laban with his own sword, which had been commanded by God, and returning the 'Brass Plates' to his father who spend times ... Show more content on ... Not long after Nephi's brothers attempt to kill him, Lehi has a vision of the "Tree of Life" and takes it as a sign to continue his teachings about God and to convince his family to keep his commandments. Nephi prays and receives the same vision along with its interpretations that shows the future for the sons and their children. Lehi' s sons later marry the daughters of Ishmael and discover in which they use travel the Red Sea to find the Americas. On this journey Nephi proves once more that there is a God and his commandments should be followed, when his bow breaks but his strong faith and will strengthened him enough to rebuild another bow and continue to guide his family on their journey. The brothers are trialed many other times during their journey, but finally Nephi's abusive older brothers began to exhibit some sort of faith when Nephi commands them not to kill his father nor touch himself or they would both die. Commanded by God, Nephi then touches his brothers, making them believers. Once they reached Americas, Nephi was left in charge because of Lehi's death. Nephi called the people in his land 'Nephites, ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Brief Summary Of The Book 'Scorched' Book Essay The book Scorched is a si–fi fantasy book that has the last dragon named Emmy bond with a girl named Trinity and she is trying to prevent the Scorch,while trying to protect each other from certain people who want Emmy and Trinity.The author Mari Mancusi always wanted a dragon as a pet but her house was to small and a dragon would be too big,so she decided to write about one,so that's how the Scorched series was made. Scorched should be preserved because it has friendship with a girl who has no parents anymore and a dragon who was abandoned by her parents.It also has a rush to escape everyone that is after Trinity and Emmy to use them.Trinity is also trying to prevent the future from people who want Emmy and will prevent the Scorch. ... Show more content on ... Here is some evidence from the book when Emmy was hatching."you flew me through the took away my told me you'd never let me fall.She drew in a breath.Well,Emmy,Ill never let you fall can trust in can trust in me.As you told me ,we are destined..." (Mancusi 217).I chose this peice of evidence because it showed the bond and friendship of Trinity and Emmy and how they will take care of each other.Like in F451 Montag was good friends with Faber and how Faber trusts Montag."His name was Faber,and when he finally lost his fear of Montag,he talked in a cadenced voiced,..."(Bradbury ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Summary of The Book of Habakkuk Essay It is believed that the book of Habakkuk was written to Judah around the year 606 B.C., as Nineveh no longer exists, so it has to have been written some time after Nahum. There is nothing known about this prophet outside of this book, and it is believed that Habakkuk wrote the book himself, but it is uncertain. His name means "embraced" or could even be the name of an Assyrian flower. Also known as the prophet of the watchtower, he was one of the last prophets to write before the Babylonian captivity. Habakkuk was not written to prophecy to Judah or Israel about their destruction, but was written as if to God, with Habakkuk asking Him questions. Among the complaints and questions that Habakkuk brings to God, the most prevalent is this: ... Show more content on ... However, God's punishment for the Chaldeans is coming, as we see. "Woe to him who covets evil gain for his house...for the stone will cry out from the wall, and the beam from the timbers will answer it". Covetousness is a major problem for most men, back in that time as well as today, but seeking to gain things through evil and wicked methods is even worse. The Chaldeans seek to expand their kingdom through evil methods and wicked actions, and yet the things that they have gained are not to last. Eventually their kingdom will crumble, and they will cease to be a mighty nation. "Woe to him who builds a town with bloodshed...for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of The Lord, as the waters cover the sea." The saying "He who lives by the sword, will die by the sword." comes to mind right now as we see that because the Chaldeans build themselves up with bloodshed and murder, the whole world will witness the glory of The Lord, and will see His power brought against them. They are an unnecessarily bloody nation, and because of this, I guess you could say they they will soon become an even more bloody nation as they face the wrath of God. "Woe to him who says to wood, 'Awake!' to silent stone 'Arise! It shall teach!' behold, it is overlaid with gold and silver, yet in it there is no breath at all. But The Lord is in His holy temple. Let all ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Brief Summary Of The Book Fire In an alternate universe, rather than of putting out fire, they have a special job that requires fireman to burn book, according to that universe where our tale begins it is illegal to read any type of books;however a very unique fire man decides to change the law. It all started in a little place where no one he had a big imaginations and had televisions the size of movies theaters screens, and after a long hard day at work guy encounters a young women who change Guy's perspective of how to view the world. After that encounter he founds out that his wife Mildred had committed suicide. After that, Guy had saw that accident that happened last night, he thought that Mildred took her pills but had forgot that she had taken her pills, then kept taking them until the bottle was empty then plugged her seashell ... Show more content on ... Guy's boss makes him burn his own house after that his boss puts him under arrest for having a stash of books. Guy runs in hurry because his manager wants to burn him to death, running and knocks out two guys, while Guy was running, his ex–boss activates hound is to attack him, he runs and trips the hound bites his leg, he tries to get the hound to shake off him. After Guy begins to run again trying to walk off the numbness. Guy calls from a payphone another fire that will be need burned. Guy goes to his friend's house and finds out that the hound and everyone was hot on his trail also was the news crew. Guy finds out that his friend is going to St. Louis, and trying to communicate back again with his old publisher. His friend helps Guy with his quest. Guy takes some of his friend's clothes and takes his clothes and throw them into the lake. Everyone from Guy' s old town was watching the criminal run away. He finds a crew of mysterious people that help him rebuild civilations and rebuild ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Old Testament Book Summaries Essay Cheryl Welch L24623773 Bible 104 D67 November 15, 2011 Summary of the books of the Old Testament Books Leviticus The genre of this book is law and it was written by Moses, although it is believed that Joshua reported on his death. The key themes include God's covenant with Israel, instructions on the early Israelite religion, instructions on the sacrificial system, holiness, cleanliness and the priesthood. God had intervened and delivered the people from slavery and was now establishing his expectations for their behavior and conduct. The major events are God speaking to Moses on Mt. Sinai and giving him the instructions for the structure of the socioeconomic–judicial–political–religious system. These instructions include ... Show more content on ... The book of Judges ends with the people in a dire state, with everyone "doing as they saw fit" and no king top rule them. Proverbs The genre of this book is wisdom. Written mostly by King Solomon, the book of Proverbs is filled with short statements of wisdom and ethics. The key themes are the fear of the Lord, understanding, and seeking wisdom. Proverbs advises against prostitution and countersigning notes. It councils people to save for the future, work hard, trust in the Lord, be patient, and accept criticism. There are no major events in this book. It is filled with expressions and phrases to guide people in their everyday lives. Proverbs teaches us that the "fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom". It teaches the young to follow the teachings of their parents and to always look to the Lord for all things and he will "make your paths straight". Overall, Proverbs contains practical instructions for our lives in the ways of the Lord, and warns us of the pitfalls of straying from theses basic truths. Isaiah
  • 62. The genre of this book is prophecy. The key themes in the book of Isaiah are punishment, holiness, messiah, salvation, and hope. The major events are the call of Isaiah to be a prophet for the Lord, the suffering servant, and the prophecy of the virgin birth. Isaiah understands that God is a god of mercy, ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Atrahasis And The Book Of Enoch Summary Sydney A Hall Professor Brien Garnand Interdisciplinary Humanities: Ancient Egypt & The Near East September 16th 2016 Similar Themes in Ancient Flood Narratives: the Story of Atrahasis and the Book of Enoch While the Akkadian epic of Atrahassis as well as the Book of Enoch both reflect a different set of beliefs in different parts of the world, they are similar in that they convey a severed relationship between mankind and the divine, as well as the divine's attempt to reconcile humanity by use of natural disasters. The first Book of Enoch opens with Noah's realization that the world has deteriorated. Noah travels to the ends of the earth and cries out to his ancestor, Enoch, that the world is in utter disarray (Enoch 65). Enoch then responds to him that he has communicated with the lord and the world shall be destroyed. There is little direct reference to any particular disaster that occurs but the syntax conveys a sense of highly symbolic language such as "Convulsion of the waters" that release a smell of sulfur in the valley of angels who have sinned. Similarly the text opens with Noah ... Show more content on ... Humanity has begun to decline. The gods find mankind to be overpopulated, noisy, and chaotic. Enlil listens to the noise of the humans and concludes that they are too clamorous. Thus, he causes a massive drought. (Atrahasis II; IV, 22) 600 more years pass and Enlil calls the Annuna[ki] (celestial gods) to order and enlists the help Enki to create a flood. Enki struggles to commit to the task of bringing about an apocalyptic flood and in turn, instructs Atrahasis to construct an arc as a means of escaping the flood (sparing him only, despite Enlil's rage). This draws a parallel to the state of chaos in the Book of Enoch, as well as the actual flood in ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Brief Summary Of The Book 'The Book Thief' Riley Spaur Mrs. Carlson Contemp. Lit November 8, 2015 The Book Thief The Book Thief is based around a character named Liesel Meminger. She is called the book thief because she is known for stealing books to help her read and advance in her knowledge. The theme of this book is mainly death, which is also the narrator. Death narrates throughout this whole book and brings a new perspective to the way war would have been seen. Right before her brother's death we meet our narrator Death in the story who is telling the reader about how Liesel and her mother are not yet aware of their sons/brothers death. After the train arrives at a town to bury their late son/brother. This is where Liesel steals her first book. Liesel then arrives in a distraught ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. A Summary Of Disliking Books By Gerald Graff Disliking Books: A Summary The essay "Disliking Books" by Gerald Graff gives reason to why so many kids and young adults dislike reading. Graff mentions things from his childhood, and things from his time as a college student to explain his reasoning. Being a part of a middle class family, Graff explains the stigma surrounding studying and enjoying books in his childhood. Graff then shows us his experience that changed his mind. Graff uses details from his life to give meaning to his ideas. In Graff's childhood, he explains that if someone were to become a bookworm, they would likely get beaten up. Even girls had to be careful; otherwise they would be labeled as "stuck up". The idea of the freedom of knowledge and developing ideas only scared Graff, and that carried on long after. Finally at college, Graff was able to forget about being beaten up, only to now fear failing his classes. He often could not force himself to do the required readings, and if he did, he simply did not know what to say about them in class. Graff didn't have the proper vocabulary to explain his feelings of the readings, if he even had any. He mentions near the end that the ... Show more content on ... Eventually though, his defining moment was when his instructor mentioned that the book they were reading at the time, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, had a controversial ending. He then became curious, and decided to write his term paper on it. Graff describes reading the critics as picking up exactly where the class discussion ended. Seeing what professionals thought, gave him the idea that he was nearly the same as them, as he had the same thoughts, but was not as experienced with the vernacular. Graff then reread the book, and did so eagerly, as he now had a reason to read. Looking for issues gave him a sense of purpose, and showed that reading and intellectual discussion actually had an impact on his ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Summary Of The Book Thief Summary: The Book Thief is narrated by Death. It's a story of Liesel Meminger. She's a nine–year– old German who was given up by her mother and forced to live with foster parents, Hans and Rosa Munermann, in the small town of Molching in 1939. Liesel's younger brother dies from unknown causes while on their way to the town. She begins to have nightmares about him because of it. Hans helps her through this difficult and traumatic experience. Hans teaches Liesel to read starting with a book she took from the cemetery where her brother was laid to rest. Rudy Steiner quickly becomes Liesel's friend, who falls in love with her. Liesel goes to a book burning where she finds out her father is being persecuted for being a communist and her mother ... Show more content on ... Death has a dark sense of humor at first but as the novel progresses and the war gets worse, Death expresses remorse and weariness about having to collect so many souls. Liesel Meminger is the protagonist. Liesel is an angry, distrusting character but soon changes to a deeply loving of her family and friends. By the end of the book Liesel has a strong moral code and is no afraid to endanger herself to enforce it. Hans, Liesel's stepfather, is patient and gentle with Liesel. He is the first adult Liesel is able to trust. He never stops helping others, he has a strong sense of right and wrong causing him to act against is own best interest. Rosa Humermann, Liesels stepmother, unlike her husband, Rosa is seen as a cold and impatient person. The story reveals though the willingness to take in Max and how she treats Liesel, however, that beneath her tough exterior she is in fact a kind and caring person. Max Vangenburg, a Jew, when Max first gets to the Hubermanns', he is cautious and withdrawn. As the story goes on he gets stronger and reveals his tremendous rage toward Hitler which helps motivate her to stay alive no matter what. Out of all the characters he most understands her, they not only become close friends but soul mates. Ilsa Hermann, the mayors wife, because of her son's death she is shattered, barely functioning as a person, but once she begins to open up she shows sensitivity and ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. The Graveyard Book Summary For my book report, I read The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman with illustrations by Dave McKean. It is a fiction book, and is told in third person. The Graveyard Book takes place somewhere in England in present day in a town called Old Town up on a hill in a graveyard. The protagonist is Nobody Owens, or known as Bod. The antagonists are the Jacks of All Trades. Some of the additional characters include Mrs. Owens, Mr. Owens, the man Jack, Silas, Liza Hempstock, and Scarlett. The Graveyard Book takes place somewhere in England in a town called Old Town in present day up on a hill in a graveyard. The protagonist is Nobody Owens, or Bod for short. His family was murdered by the man Jack, but luckily Bod was mischievous, and escaped the house ... Show more content on ... They are a very ancient group that date back before Babylon. They had gotten a prophecy that if Bod grew to adulthood, the order would be destroyed. The Graveyard Book is a fictional book about a boy named Nobody Owens, also known as Bod, whose family was murdered. The man Jack murdered the rest of his family because the group, Jack of All Trades, would be destroyed if Bod grew to adulthood. When the man Jack was killing his family, Bod slipped out of his crib, climbed down the stairs, and crawled out the front door to the graveyard where the dead Mrs. Owens and Mr. Owens found him. While the man Jack was searching, Mr. and Mrs. Owens promised the mother of the child that she would take care of him, and are trying to convince the other members of the graveyard to keep him. They finally agreed when Silas said he would be the guardian, and bring him his necessities. Through the years Bod was raised and taught by some of the dead teachers. In chapter 2, a little girl, Scarlett, started to come to the graveyard. She met Bod, and one day they went down this tunnel to find treasure. They found this Indigo Man who was really like a scarecrow for the Sleer, a monster who is guarding some treasure for their "master." ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. The Book Thief Summary The Book Thief starts off right before the Holocaust, with Liesel on a train with her mother and younger brother. They are going to meet their new foster parents in Germany. When all of the Werner her little brother starts coughing, and then leans over and dies! So the train stops and they get off and buried him and the gravedigger drops his book and Liesel picks it up and takes it with her, but she cannot even read. When they finally get to the foster parents house she doesn't want to go in, but some how Hans her foster father gets her to come in. She really likes him, but doesn't know about Rosa her foster mom. In the next couple of weeks she starts school and has a very hard time because she doesn't know how to read. That doesn't stop her from making a friend though, Rudy Steiner is her only friends and also because a part of the book thievery. Normally every night Liesel has a dream about her brother dying and Hans comes to comfort her, he finds the grave diggers book in her bed and promises to teach her to read. So he began to teach her and she finally learns how to read and write! She also understands what ... Show more content on ... And Hans tries to help a young Jewish boy named Max. So they hid him in the basement of their house and that's where he lived for a good amount of time, he and Liesel became very good friends. But it also makes him feel bad about putting his loved ones in danger. Liesel has another friend ship with the major's wife,Ila, because Rosa does her laundry and she saw her still the book she lets her read books from her library. When she doesn't need Rosa's help any more Liesel begins to stealing book from her, but she doesn't really mind it. Everything changes the night of the Jew Parade when Hans offers a piece of bread to a Jew and is caught by a guard and makes Max go away, because he is afraid that they might search his house. So he keeps waiting to see what is punishment might ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Summary: The Book Thief n November, Warner Bros. are releasing The Book Thief, a much–awaited film based on a novel of the same name by Markus Zusak. The film, starring Sophie Nelisse, Geoffrey Rush and Emily Watson, is an adaption of the acclaimed 2005 novel. The novel tells the story of a young girl called Liesel Meminger in Nazi Germany during the Second World War. Liesel is separated from her mother, her younger brother is killed and she is sent to live with Hans and Rosa Huberman in a small town near Munich. Liesel attends the local school where she is bullied because she cannot read. Hans teaches her to read at night, Liesel quickly understands the power of the written word and falls in love with books. She begins to feel at home with the Hubermans and grows ... Show more content on ... Hans decides to hide his Jewish friend in the basement of the house, endangering the whole family but enriching Liesel's life forever. Max Vandenburg and the young girl have much in common; they have both lost their families as a result of Hitler's rule, and are damaged and vulnerable. The Jewish musician and Liesel begin a tentative and touching friendship which influences her whole life. Two themes which run throughout the book are death and the power of words. Death is the narrator of The Book Thief. He introduces himself in the first chapter; I am in all truthfulness attempting to be cheerful about this whole topic, though most people find themselves hindered in believing me, no matter my protestations. Please, trust me. I most definitely can be cheerful. I can be amiable. Agreeable. Affable. And that's only the As. Just don't ask me to be nice. Nice has nothing to do with me. Death first meets Liesel when her young brother dies, and despite his best intentions, he becomes curious about the little girl (he admits that it is the survivors of death that affect him the most). He witnesses Liesel steal her first book from her brother's graveside, The Gravedigger's Handbook, death is present throughout the story, understandably busy in Nazi Germany during World War ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Book Of Kings Summary The introduction of the book of Kings talks about Solomon being king as well as Jeroboam it then goes on to talk about the Story of Elijah and Ahab. These two people did not get along. Ahab wanted the Israelites to worship Baal, Elijah did not want that seeing that, he is a prophet he wanted the Israelites to worship God. Since Elijah was becoming old he went out to seek out someone who would be able to take over his position he found Elisha. The next part talks about Elisha's success. After that it then goes on to talk about the End of the Omrid Dynasty as well as the end of Israel and Judah. Naaman had been embarrassed of the way he looks due to his Leprosy. He felt embarrassed because he was the army commander of the king and thought that since he had Leprosy people would look at him differently and treat him differently. So, he went to the king of Israel to help with the cure, the king tore his garments to pieces. Naaman went to Elisha, a prophet at the time. Elisha told Naaman to go to the river and jump in seven times. Naaman did what he was told his flesh was then clean. As it talks about in the "Good Looks" article people in society today are embarrassed of how they may look because they may not look like the models they see on TV. ... Show more content on ... They also see on TV models who are fit and look perfect, today in society there is a big obesity problem, when students see those commercials they feel they need to be just like those models. So, that's when the disorders anorexia, bulimia, and suicide comes in to play. Just like it had been discussed in the article "Good Looks". We can relate this all back to an early lesson that we had talked about, Image of God. God had created us all in his own unique image and however you may look God accepts that, because he thinks you are ... Get more on ...