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Few-shot Natural Language Generation for Task Oriented Dialog
TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments
Dates: 2021.06.06
진명훈 백지윤 황소현
TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments
Natural Language Generation
for Task Oriented Dialog
TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments
TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments
New Benchmark FewShotWOZ
New Baseline SC-GPT
SOTA @ MultiWOZ 2.0
TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments
What is Task-Oriented Dialogue (TOD)?
TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments
Natural Language Generation for TOD
TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments
Natural Language Generation for TOD
TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments
Natural Language Generation for TOD
Natural Language
Generation (NLG)
• Response는 user에게 보이는 결과물
• 때문에 사용자에게 매력적으로 다가갈 수 있도록 유창할 수록 좋고
• 주어진 Task를 충실히 수행할 수 있어야 함.
TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments
Natural Language Generation for TOD : Typical methodology
1. Template-Based
• Domain knowledge 필요
• 요구되는 의미적 정보를 담기엔 적합
• 유창하지 않기에 UX에 좋지 않음
• 즉, Fluent X || Semantic Response O
2. Statistical-Based
• Ex> Neural Network
• Labeled Corpus로부터 유창한 반응을 학습하여 생성
• SC-LSTM: dialog acts를 one hot 표현으로 encode, 이를 문장 생성을 위한
extra feature로 이용
• Domain specific data 필요
• Dialog acts가 많아질수록 scalability issue 발생
• 즉, Fluent O || Semantic Response 어려움 (많은 annotated data 요구)
TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments
Few shot NLG for TOD
• 위 문제를 해결하기 위해 Few-Shot Manner로 Dataset 구축 FewShotWOZ
• TOD에서 Few shot learning setting을 테스트할 데이터 셋
• MultiWOZ, Cambridge NLG Dataset에 based
• 각 domain 별 50개의 labeled utterance 존재
• + 위 데이터셋에 대한 benchmark로 SC-GPT 모델 개발
• 3 State Training Strategy
1. Pre-trained on plain text
2. Pre-trained on large amounts of dialog-act labeled utterance corpora to acquire the ability of controllable generation
3. Fine-tuned for a target domain using very limited amounts of domain labels
TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments
Typical TOD: pipeline architecture
NLU: user intents와 기타 key information 추출
DST: dialog의 current state를 유지하는 모듈
POL: DST의 출력(formatted information)을 입력받아 DB, KB에서 검출된 facts
혹은 entities에 기반하여 dialog act를 제공하는 모듈
NLG: POL에 의해 생성된 dialog act로 natural language system response를 생성
TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments
Controllable Pre-Trained Model
• ELMo, BERT, XLNet, Roberta, CTRL, GPT-2, Soloist: Pre-trained model
• GPT-2의 유일한 단점? → Controllability
• 이를 극복하기 위해 Salesforce는 CTRL 제안
• text style, content description, task-specific behavior 등의 control code로 학습
• Grover는 authors, dates 등을 조건으로 한 새로운 기사를 생성하도록 설계
• 그러나 이전 Controllable 연구들의 control code는 dialog에 적용하기엔 적절히 학습되지 못함
TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments
Semantically Conditioned GPT
𝒜 = [ 𝐼 (𝑠1 = 𝑣1, ⋯ , 𝑠𝑃 = 𝑣𝑃)]
Intent Slot-value pairs
Intent: system actions e.g., inform, request, confirm, select
Slot-value pairs: utterance를 표현하기 위한 정보의 category와 content
𝑝𝜃 𝑥 𝒜 = ෑ
𝑝𝜃(𝑥𝑡|𝑥<𝑡, 𝒜)
Auto-regressive generation model MLE Loss
ℒ𝜃 = ෍
log 𝑝𝜃(𝑥𝑡,𝑛|𝑥<𝑡,𝑛, 𝒜𝑛)
TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments
Three-stage procedure as the training recipe.
STAGE 1> Massive Plain Language Pre-training
• Pretrain @ OpenWebText (GPT-2 inheritance)
• Text prompt로 realistic sentence 생성
STAGE 2> Dialog-Act Controlled Pre-training
• (dialog act, response) pairs
• 사용한 Dataset @ Scheme-Guided Dialog Corpus, MultiWOZ, Frame Corpus, Fabebook Multilingual Dialog
• Token size: 40k
• Dialog act를 sequence of control code로 변환
STAGE 3> Fine-tuning
• Stage 2와 동일하게 학습 @ few-shot dataset
• 아래 세 가지 장점이 존재
1. Flexibility: delexicalization없이 sequence 연산
2. Controllability: 적절한 intent, slot-value information으로 문장 생성 + fluency 유지
3. Generalizability: SC-LSTM보다 훨씬 일반화를 잘함 (why? Large dataset)
ℒ𝜃 = ෍
log 𝑝𝜃(𝑥𝑡,𝑛|𝑥<𝑡,𝑛, 𝒜𝑛)
ℒ𝜃 = ෍
log 𝑝𝜃(𝑥𝑡,𝑛|𝑥<𝑡,𝑛)
TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments
Three-stage procedure as the training recipe.
STAGE 1> Massive Plain Language Pre-training
• Pretrain @ OpenWebText (GPT-2 inheritance)
• Text prompt로 realistic sentence 생성
STAGE 2> Dialog-Act Controlled Pre-training
• (dialog act, response) pairs
• 사용한 Dataset @ Scheme-Guided Dialog Corpus, MultiWOZ, Frame Corpus, Fabebook Multilingual Dialog
• Token size: 40k
• Dialog act를 sequence of control code로 변환
STAGE 3> Fine-tuning
• Stage 2와 동일하게 학습 @ few-shot dataset
• 아래 세 가지 장점이 존재
1. Flexibility: delexicalization없이 sequence 연산
2. Controllability: 적절한 intent, slot-value information으로 문장 생성 + fluency 유지
3. Generalizability: SC-LSTM보다 훨씬 일반화를 잘함 (why? Large dataset)
ℒ𝜃 = ෍
log 𝑝𝜃(𝑥𝑡,𝑛|𝑥<𝑡,𝑛, 𝒜𝑛)
ℒ𝜃 = ෍
log 𝑝𝜃(𝑥𝑡,𝑛|𝑥<𝑡,𝑛)
inform ( name = assab eritrean restaurant ; price = between 7 and 11 euro ) & assab eritrean restaurant meal -s cost between 7 and 11 euro
['in', 'form', '_(', '_name', '_=', '_ass', 'ab', '_er', 'it', 're', 'an', '_restaurant', '_;', '_price', '_=', '_between', '_7', '_and', '_11', '_euro', '_)', '_&', '_ass', 'ab', '_er', 'it', 're', 'an', '_restaurant', '_meal', '_-', 's', '_cost', '_between', '_7', '_and', '_11', '_euro’`]
Byte Pair Encoding
[259, 687, 357, 1438, 796, 840, 397, 1931, 270, 260, 272, 7072, 2162, 2756, 796, 1022, 767, 290, 1367, 11063, 1267, 1222, 840, 397, 1931, 270, 260, 272, 7072, 9799, 532, 82, 1575, 1022, 767, 290, 1367, 11063]
(1, 38, 1024)
(1, 38, 1024)
(1, 38, 50257)
𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑥, 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠 = − log
exp(𝑥 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠 )
σ𝑗 exp(𝑥 𝑗 )
= −𝑥 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠 + log ෍
exp(𝑥 𝑗 )
(bsz, seq_len, |V|)
(bsz, seq_len)
(bsz*seq_len, |V|)
TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments
Revisiting NLG Benchmarks
• E2E NLG (Novikova et Al., 2017)
• BAGEL (Mairesse et al., 2020)
• RNNLG (Wen et al., 2016a)
TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments
Revisiting NLG Benchmarks
Two issues
I. Labeling cost high: All the datasets contain a large number of labelled training samples for each domain
II. Delexicalised dialog acts overlap ratio too high: difficulties in evaluating the model’s generalization ability for new domains.
TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments
Three advantages
I. More Domains
II. Less training instances (to few shot)
III. Lower training/testing overlap
More domains
Low overlapping
Less instances
TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments
FewShotWOZ - statistics
How to collect?
• RNNLG, MultiWOZ의 data를 re-organizing
• MultiWOZ: Attraction, Taxi, Train은 multi-domain이
기 때문에, dialog act가 겹치는 경우가 존재함
• 동일한 target utterance를 위해 동일한 delexicalizing
processing을 거침
• Few shot manner를 위해 50개 instance, Taxi는 40개
TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments
Implementation details
• Built upon 🤗 Huggingface transformers
• GPT2-medium with 345M parameters as the initial checkpoint, BPE for the tokenizer
• Linear rate scheduler with start rate as 5e-5
• Adam with weight decay
• For Pre-training, mini-batch of 8 on an 8 Nvidia V100 machine @ 20 epochs with early stopping
• For tine-tuning on FewShotWOZ, @ 5 epochs
TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments
Implementation details
• Built upon 🤗 Huggingface transformers
• GPT2-medium with 345M parameters as the initial checkpoint, BPE for the tokenizer
• Linear rate scheduler with start rate as 5e-5
• Adam with weight decay
• For Pre-training, mini-batch of 8 on an 8 Nvidia V100 machine @ 20 epochs with early stopping
• For tine-tuning on FewShotWOZ, @ 5 epochs
TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments
Automatic metrics
• Following SC-LSTM, BLEU scores and slot error rate (ERR) 사용
• BLEU: 생성된 발화가 얼마나 자연스러운지를 평가
• ERR: 후보 발화의 slot token과의 exact matching을 측정
𝑝 + 𝑞
𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑀: 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 # 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑡𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑔 𝑎𝑐𝑡
• 각 dialog act별 5개의 utterance를 생성, 가장 적은 ERR을 보이는 문장을 출력
TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments
Human Evaluation
• subjective quality를 위해 Amazon Mechanical Turk를 사용하여 human evaluation을 진행
• master level workers를 고용 (good prior approval rates를 가진)
• 각 문장에 대해 Informativeness, Naturalness를 1(bad) ~ 3(good)으로 채점
• Informativeness: 생성된 발화가 dialog act에 지정된 모든 정보를 얼마나 포함하는지?
• Naturalness: 발화가 인간만큼 자연스러운지
• judgement bias를 줄이기 위해 각 질문을 세 다른 작업자에게 분배함
• 총 5,800개의 judgement를 얻음
• SC-LSTM: canonical model, strong baseline that uses an additional dialog act vector and reading gate to guide the uttr generation
• GPT-2: directly fine-tuning without pre-training on the domain-scale corpus of (dialog act, response) pairs
• HDSA: SOTA on MultiWOZ, multi-domain setting에서 transfer가 가능하도록 dialog act structure를 다룸. superior than SC-LSTM
TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments
Performance on FewShotWOZ
TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments
Performance on MultiWOZ 2.0
TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments
Analysis – flexibility, controllability and generalizability
• SEEN: testing set의 dialog act가 training set에 있음
• UNSEEN: testing set의 dialog act가 training set에 없음
TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments
TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments

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제 15회 보아즈(BOAZ) 빅데이터 컨퍼런스 - [리뷰의 재발견 팀] : 이커머스 리뷰 유용성 파악 및 필터링BOAZ Bigdata
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제 16회 보아즈(BOAZ) 빅데이터 컨퍼런스 - [마페터 팀] : 고객 페르소나를 활용한 마케팅 전략 대시보드BOAZ Bigdata
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제 15회 보아즈(BOAZ) 빅데이터 컨퍼런스 - [개미야 뭐하니?팀] : 투자자의 반응을 이용한 실시간 등락 예측(feat. 카프카)BOAZ Bigdata
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[팝콘 시즌1] 최보경 : 실무자를 위한 인과추론 활용 - Best Practices[팝콘 시즌1] 최보경 : 실무자를 위한 인과추론 활용 - Best Practices
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Recommendation System History
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그래프에서 대시보드까지, 서비스를 위한 데이터 시각화Minho Lee

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SCGPT : Few-shot Natural Language Generation for Task-Oriented Dialog

  • 1. Pengbaolin/SC-GPT Few-shot Natural Language Generation for Task Oriented Dialog TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments Contributors: Dates: 2021.06.06 진명훈 백지윤 황소현 1
  • 2. TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments 2 Few-shot Natural Language Generation for Task Oriented Dialog
  • 3. TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments 3
  • 4. TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments 4 New Benchmark FewShotWOZ New Baseline SC-GPT SOTA @ MultiWOZ 2.0
  • 5. TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments 5 What is Task-Oriented Dialogue (TOD)?
  • 6. TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments 6 Natural Language Generation for TOD
  • 7. TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments 7 Natural Language Generation for TOD
  • 8. TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments 8 Natural Language Generation for TOD Natural Language Generation (NLG) • Response는 user에게 보이는 결과물 • 때문에 사용자에게 매력적으로 다가갈 수 있도록 유창할 수록 좋고 • 주어진 Task를 충실히 수행할 수 있어야 함.
  • 9. TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments 9 Natural Language Generation for TOD : Typical methodology 1. Template-Based • Domain knowledge 필요 • 요구되는 의미적 정보를 담기엔 적합 • 유창하지 않기에 UX에 좋지 않음 • 즉, Fluent X || Semantic Response O 2. Statistical-Based • Ex> Neural Network • Labeled Corpus로부터 유창한 반응을 학습하여 생성 • SC-LSTM: dialog acts를 one hot 표현으로 encode, 이를 문장 생성을 위한 extra feature로 이용 • Domain specific data 필요 • Dialog acts가 많아질수록 scalability issue 발생 • 즉, Fluent O || Semantic Response 어려움 (많은 annotated data 요구)
  • 10. TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments 10 Few shot NLG for TOD • 위 문제를 해결하기 위해 Few-Shot Manner로 Dataset 구축 FewShotWOZ • TOD에서 Few shot learning setting을 테스트할 데이터 셋 • MultiWOZ, Cambridge NLG Dataset에 based • 각 domain 별 50개의 labeled utterance 존재 • + 위 데이터셋에 대한 benchmark로 SC-GPT 모델 개발 • 3 State Training Strategy 1. Pre-trained on plain text 2. Pre-trained on large amounts of dialog-act labeled utterance corpora to acquire the ability of controllable generation 3. Fine-tuned for a target domain using very limited amounts of domain labels
  • 11. TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments 11 Typical TOD: pipeline architecture NLU: user intents와 기타 key information 추출 DST: dialog의 current state를 유지하는 모듈 POL: DST의 출력(formatted information)을 입력받아 DB, KB에서 검출된 facts 혹은 entities에 기반하여 dialog act를 제공하는 모듈 NLG: POL에 의해 생성된 dialog act로 natural language system response를 생성
  • 12. TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments 12 Controllable Pre-Trained Model • ELMo, BERT, XLNet, Roberta, CTRL, GPT-2, Soloist: Pre-trained model • GPT-2의 유일한 단점? → Controllability • 이를 극복하기 위해 Salesforce는 CTRL 제안 • text style, content description, task-specific behavior 등의 control code로 학습 • Grover는 authors, dates 등을 조건으로 한 새로운 기사를 생성하도록 설계 • 그러나 이전 Controllable 연구들의 control code는 dialog에 적용하기엔 적절히 학습되지 못함
  • 13. TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments 13 Semantically Conditioned GPT 𝒜 = [ 𝐼 (𝑠1 = 𝑣1, ⋯ , 𝑠𝑃 = 𝑣𝑃)] Intent Slot-value pairs Intent: system actions e.g., inform, request, confirm, select Slot-value pairs: utterance를 표현하기 위한 정보의 category와 content 𝑝𝜃 𝑥 𝒜 = ෑ 𝑡=1 𝑇 𝑝𝜃(𝑥𝑡|𝑥<𝑡, 𝒜) Auto-regressive generation model MLE Loss ℒ𝜃 = ෍ 𝑛=1 |𝐷| ෍ 𝑡=1 𝑇𝑛 log 𝑝𝜃(𝑥𝑡,𝑛|𝑥<𝑡,𝑛, 𝒜𝑛)
  • 14. TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments 14 Three-stage procedure as the training recipe. STAGE 1> Massive Plain Language Pre-training • Pretrain @ OpenWebText (GPT-2 inheritance) • Text prompt로 realistic sentence 생성 STAGE 2> Dialog-Act Controlled Pre-training • (dialog act, response) pairs • 사용한 Dataset @ Scheme-Guided Dialog Corpus, MultiWOZ, Frame Corpus, Fabebook Multilingual Dialog • Token size: 40k • Dialog act를 sequence of control code로 변환 STAGE 3> Fine-tuning • Stage 2와 동일하게 학습 @ few-shot dataset • 아래 세 가지 장점이 존재 1. Flexibility: delexicalization없이 sequence 연산 2. Controllability: 적절한 intent, slot-value information으로 문장 생성 + fluency 유지 3. Generalizability: SC-LSTM보다 훨씬 일반화를 잘함 (why? Large dataset) ℒ𝜃 = ෍ 𝑛=1 |𝐷| ෍ 𝑡=1 𝑇𝑛 log 𝑝𝜃(𝑥𝑡,𝑛|𝑥<𝑡,𝑛, 𝒜𝑛) ℒ𝜃 = ෍ 𝑛=1 |𝐷| ෍ 𝑡=1 𝑇𝑛 log 𝑝𝜃(𝑥𝑡,𝑛|𝑥<𝑡,𝑛)
  • 15. TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments 14 Three-stage procedure as the training recipe. STAGE 1> Massive Plain Language Pre-training • Pretrain @ OpenWebText (GPT-2 inheritance) • Text prompt로 realistic sentence 생성 STAGE 2> Dialog-Act Controlled Pre-training • (dialog act, response) pairs • 사용한 Dataset @ Scheme-Guided Dialog Corpus, MultiWOZ, Frame Corpus, Fabebook Multilingual Dialog • Token size: 40k • Dialog act를 sequence of control code로 변환 STAGE 3> Fine-tuning • Stage 2와 동일하게 학습 @ few-shot dataset • 아래 세 가지 장점이 존재 1. Flexibility: delexicalization없이 sequence 연산 2. Controllability: 적절한 intent, slot-value information으로 문장 생성 + fluency 유지 3. Generalizability: SC-LSTM보다 훨씬 일반화를 잘함 (why? Large dataset) ℒ𝜃 = ෍ 𝑛=1 |𝐷| ෍ 𝑡=1 𝑇𝑛 log 𝑝𝜃(𝑥𝑡,𝑛|𝑥<𝑡,𝑛, 𝒜𝑛) ℒ𝜃 = ෍ 𝑛=1 |𝐷| ෍ 𝑡=1 𝑇𝑛 log 𝑝𝜃(𝑥𝑡,𝑛|𝑥<𝑡,𝑛) inform ( name = assab eritrean restaurant ; price = between 7 and 11 euro ) & assab eritrean restaurant meal -s cost between 7 and 11 euro ['in', 'form', '_(', '_name', '_=', '_ass', 'ab', '_er', 'it', 're', 'an', '_restaurant', '_;', '_price', '_=', '_between', '_7', '_and', '_11', '_euro', '_)', '_&', '_ass', 'ab', '_er', 'it', 're', 'an', '_restaurant', '_meal', '_-', 's', '_cost', '_between', '_7', '_and', '_11', '_euro’`] Byte Pair Encoding [259, 687, 357, 1438, 796, 840, 397, 1931, 270, 260, 272, 7072, 2162, 2756, 796, 1022, 767, 290, 1367, 11063, 1267, 1222, 840, 397, 1931, 270, 260, 272, 7072, 9799, 532, 82, 1575, 1022, 767, 290, 1367, 11063] Encode (1, 38, 1024) Embedding (1, 38, 1024) (1, 38, 50257) lm_head 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑥, 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠 = − log exp(𝑥 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠 ) σ𝑗 exp(𝑥 𝑗 ) = −𝑥 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠 + log ෍ 𝑗 exp(𝑥 𝑗 ) (bsz, seq_len, |V|) (bsz, seq_len) (bsz*seq_len, |V|) (bsz*seq_len)
  • 16. TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments 15 Revisiting NLG Benchmarks • E2E NLG (Novikova et Al., 2017) • BAGEL (Mairesse et al., 2020) • RNNLG (Wen et al., 2016a)
  • 17. TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments 16 Revisiting NLG Benchmarks Two issues I. Labeling cost high: All the datasets contain a large number of labelled training samples for each domain II. Delexicalised dialog acts overlap ratio too high: difficulties in evaluating the model’s generalization ability for new domains.
  • 18. TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments 17 FewShotWOZ Three advantages I. More Domains II. Less training instances (to few shot) III. Lower training/testing overlap More domains flexibility Low overlapping Less instances
  • 19. TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments 18 FewShotWOZ - statistics How to collect? • RNNLG, MultiWOZ의 data를 re-organizing • MultiWOZ: Attraction, Taxi, Train은 multi-domain이 기 때문에, dialog act가 겹치는 경우가 존재함 • 동일한 target utterance를 위해 동일한 delexicalizing processing을 거침 • Few shot manner를 위해 50개 instance, Taxi는 40개
  • 20. TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments 19 Implementation details • Built upon 🤗 Huggingface transformers • GPT2-medium with 345M parameters as the initial checkpoint, BPE for the tokenizer • Linear rate scheduler with start rate as 5e-5 • Adam with weight decay • For Pre-training, mini-batch of 8 on an 8 Nvidia V100 machine @ 20 epochs with early stopping • For tine-tuning on FewShotWOZ, @ 5 epochs
  • 21. TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments 20 Implementation details • Built upon 🤗 Huggingface transformers • GPT2-medium with 345M parameters as the initial checkpoint, BPE for the tokenizer • Linear rate scheduler with start rate as 5e-5 • Adam with weight decay • For Pre-training, mini-batch of 8 on an 8 Nvidia V100 machine @ 20 epochs with early stopping • For tine-tuning on FewShotWOZ, @ 5 epochs
  • 22. TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments 21 Automatic metrics • Following SC-LSTM, BLEU scores and slot error rate (ERR) 사용 • BLEU: 생성된 발화가 얼마나 자연스러운지를 평가 • ERR: 후보 발화의 slot token과의 exact matching을 측정 𝐸𝑅𝑅 = 𝑝 + 𝑞 𝑀 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑀: 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 # 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑡𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑔 𝑎𝑐𝑡 • 각 dialog act별 5개의 utterance를 생성, 가장 적은 ERR을 보이는 문장을 출력
  • 23. TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments 22 Human Evaluation • subjective quality를 위해 Amazon Mechanical Turk를 사용하여 human evaluation을 진행 • master level workers를 고용 (good prior approval rates를 가진) • 각 문장에 대해 Informativeness, Naturalness를 1(bad) ~ 3(good)으로 채점 • Informativeness: 생성된 발화가 dialog act에 지정된 모든 정보를 얼마나 포함하는지? • Naturalness: 발화가 인간만큼 자연스러운지 • judgement bias를 줄이기 위해 각 질문을 세 다른 작업자에게 분배함 • 총 5,800개의 judgement를 얻음 Baselines • SC-LSTM: canonical model, strong baseline that uses an additional dialog act vector and reading gate to guide the uttr generation • GPT-2: directly fine-tuning without pre-training on the domain-scale corpus of (dialog act, response) pairs • HDSA: SOTA on MultiWOZ, multi-domain setting에서 transfer가 가능하도록 dialog act structure를 다룸. superior than SC-LSTM
  • 24. TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments 23 Performance on FewShotWOZ
  • 25. TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments 24 Performance on MultiWOZ 2.0
  • 26. TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments 25 Analysis – flexibility, controllability and generalizability • SEEN: testing set의 dialog act가 training set에 있음 • UNSEEN: testing set의 dialog act가 training set에 없음
  • 27. TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments 26
  • 28. TITLE Introduction Background SC-GPT FewShotWOZ Experiments 27
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