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Romeo And Juliet Essay
Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet (Pearson Education, Boston, Massachusetts, 2007) is considered to
be one of the greatest love stories ever told, but is not relevant to me. Romeo and Juliet tells the
story of two "star–crossed lovers" who come from rival families, and face hardships on their
attempt to be together. Romeo and Juliet is not culturally relevant to me because the characters
and their experiences are dissimilar to events I undergo in my life. Romeo and Juliet is the story
of two teenagers who fall love and face the obstacle of their rival families. Romeo and Juliet
secretly marry, and Romeo gets into a fight soon after, and is banished for killing another character.
Juliet fakes her death to run away with Romeo, but more content...
Juliet and I differ in dating/courting decisions, and so do our parents. Juliet is also younger than
me by a year and is an only child. I have three younger brothers and cannot visualize having no
siblings, or servants she can call upon. Romeo is not relatable at all since he is male, a couple years
older, and even more impulsive than Juliet.
It is hard for me to imagine living in Verona, Italy in the time period of Romeo and Juliet, because
I live on a different continent and country, and a different era. I have never been to Italy, so I cannot
picture what it would look like to live there–much less in the time period of Romeo and Juliet. The
events in the play's setting would never happen in my hometown because Juliet would not be
exposed to males of Romeo's age, and would not able to find someone to marry them willingly.
Juliet would not be able to get her parent's consent for her marriage, or find a drug to make her
appear dead. Romeo would not be able to see Juliet's body because it would be locked in funeral
home. Juliet would not even be engaged to Paris because there are no princes in America, and she
would be too young to marry.
The families of Romeo and Juliet and their lifestyles are very contrasting to my family. My parents
do not have servants, or hold feasts and masquerades like the Capulet family. As I stated earlier, my
parents are not ready for me to be involved with a boy and certainly would never
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Loyalty in Romeo and Juliet Essay example
Romeo and Juliet– Loyalty Loyalty plays a big part in Romeo and Juliet. Ties of loyalty are woven
throughout the play, binding certain characters together. The main theme is the feuding families of
Romeo and Juliet that holds an "ancient grudge" against each other: the Montague's and the
Capulet's. Romeo's family and friends despise Juliet's family, the Capulet's, and as the play
progresses you will find them defending each other in the face of an enemy. Romeo and Juliet have
to defy their parent's expressive wish not to see each other, and accept the consequences of their
forbidden love. They question the fact that there's no solid fact that the two family's hate each other:
merely time has blown the feuding out of proportion. more content...
For example Juliets Nurse and Friar Laurence roles in the play affect both of their lives
immensely. When Romeo is banished from Verona, Juliet does not follow him blindly. She
makes a logical and heartfelt decision that her loyalty and love for Romeo will be her main
priority, and she will do whatever it takes to make their love work. The moment Romeo realises
he loves Juliet his loyalty becomes divided, between what he knows is right and what his heart
says. As I've said before, loyalty had both positive and negative outcomes. Romeo and Juliet might
not have met if it weren't for Romeo's friends urging him to gatecrash the ball. As he was loyal he
did not argue, however he probably had an ulterior motive: to catch a glimpse of Rosaline, who he
thought he was in love with. If Juliet's Nurse had not been devoted to Juliet, she would have told the
Capulet's which could have resulted in Romeo and Juliet's end a lot sooner. On the other hand, you
could argue that loyalty lead to both of their deaths, with the reasoning that had Romeo not been so
attached to Mercutio he would not have killed Tybalt when Tybalt fatally injured Mercutio. If he had
not slain Tybalt, he would not have been banned from Verona, and in turn they might have thought of
a different plan than the one they eventually chose which was wrought with complications and took
both of their lives. If Juliet had not trusted Friar Laurence so greatly, she might have thought of a
more foolproof
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Romeo and Juliet: Who is to Blame? Essay
Many have said that romance brings love and affection, but when taken to the extreme, it can lead to
tragedy and despair. Among the great literary tragedies, Romeo and Juliet may be the most famous
of them all. The eternal feud between the Montegues and Capulets prohibits the love of Romeo and
Juliet and ultimately results in their unfortunate deaths. It may be difficult to truly determine who is
to blame for the tragedy, because their lives had been influenced, criticized, and controlled by many
figures. Among the most important characters, Friar Lawrence enables the forbidden marriage of
the two lovers and devises a plan to ensure that they end up together. On the other hand, Lord and
Lady Capulet feed into the rivalry between the more content...
With a flicker of hope that the marriage will work and end the feud, Friar Lawrence remarks that,
"this alliance may so happy prove to turn [their] households' rancor to pure love" (II iv 91–92). The
blame can be placed on Friar Lawrence because he cares too much for Romeo and Juliet and
eventually takes an extreme and risky approach to facilitate their union. Lord Capulet's firm and
merciless control can also be blamed for pushing his daughter to the extreme and ultimately her
untimely death. When Juliet refuses to marry Paris, Lord Capulet proves his insensitivity, even
threatening to disown his daughter and cast her to the streets if she does not obey his wishes. He
warns her that she may "graze where [she] will, [she] will not house with [him]... for, by [his] soul,
[he] will ne'er acknowledge [her]" (III v 200–205). These threats instill fear in Juliet, and in her
despair, she seeks the advice of Friar Lawrence who gives her a potion that will make it appear as
if she is dead the morning of the wedding. Lord Capulet can be blamed for his stubbornness and
insensitivity despite his daughter's sincere requests not to marry Paris. Lady Capulet is even more
inconsiderate of her daughter's wishes than Lord Capulet. She had little role in raising her daughter
that Juliet considers the nurse more of a mother than Lady Capulet. Lady Capulet shows her desire
for revenge when
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Romeo And Juliet Pride And Prejudice Quotes
Comparison essay Comparison essay Compare the relationships in Romeo and Juliet and pride
and prejudice BOTH CHARACTERS (Juliet and Elizabeth ) PRESENT THEIR LOVE AND
"O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or, if thou
wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I'll no longer be a Capulet". Juliet This means Juliet is asking,
in allusion to the feud between her Capulet family and Romeo's Montague family is "Romeo, why
are you a Montague?". Furthermore their love is impossible because of their family names and she
asks Romeo to change his surname, or Juliet will change hers. This quote presents Juliet's love to
Romeo more content...
Juliet takes her mothers line – "The County Paris, at Saint Peter's Church shall happily make you
there a joyful bride." Juliet changes it to a negative, responding to her mother with – "By Saint
Peter's Church and Peter too, he shall not make me there a joyful bride." Therefore this shows
Juliet is completely against marrying Paris and does not agree that Paris will make her a 'Joyful
bride'. At this point Juliet's mother is outsmarted by Juliet's intelligence and responds with "Here
comes your father. Tell him so yourself, and see how he will take it at your hands." This shows
that Lady Capulet does not have control over her daughter and passes it over to Lord Capulet to
deal with because she is weak and is frightened of her husband because he is controlling. Then
Juliet's father enters and he is furious that Juliet is refusing to marry Paris. Shakespeare shows this
by using rhetorical questions, by using rhetorical questions this shows that Lord Capulet is not
willing to give Juliet a chance to speak or answer any of his questions. Lord Capulet's anger results
in him threatening Juliet. He uses the phrase "My fingers itch." This means he wants to hit Juliet
because she has refused to marry Paris. Juliet feels so angry she is acting strong and she defies her
father, but in that action she learns the limit of her power. Disobedient as she
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Essay On The Conflict Between Romeo And Juliet
William Shakespeare's play, "Romeo and Juliet," takes place in Verona
– a city in Italy which is
governed by a prince. There is also a Friar named Laurence, who is a religious figure that citizens
go to for advice and to be married. In the City lives the Capulets and the Montagues who have been
disputing for generations. Both families have children and one child from each family are the
protagonists– Romeo is a member of the Montagues and Juliet is a member of the Capulets. Romeo
and Juliet will end up falling for each other. However, they end up dying young because Friar
Laurence married them in private, he gave Juliet a potion which knocked her out which lead to her
and Romeo's suicides, and he trusted Friar John to deliver the letter more content...
You can see the "Two households, both alike in dignity" (Act I PROLOGUE) fight even when
they are so similar. The conflict of the two households quarreling arises when Romeo meets Juliet
at the Capulet's party and they both fall for each other at first sight hence the phrase "love at first
sight". At the time, religion was very important so when Romeo would talk about Juliet, he
would say "Oh, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do. They pray; grant thou, lest faith turn to
despair" (ACT I SCENE V). In this time, Romeo is asking for Juliet to kiss her because when you
pray, your hands touch; and Romeo wants to do with lips what hands do. This comparison shows
the connection from everyday life to religion, which is part of the reason Romeo went to Friar
Laurence. Romeo and Juliet are also Roman Catholic which means that once they marry, they
cannot divorce or be remarried. Friar Laurence knew this going into the marriage and the fact that
Juliet was to be soon married off to Paris in a political wedding. Friar approved and said, "For this
alliance may so happy prove to turn your households' rancor to pure love" (ACT II SCENE III). He
later marries them in secret without telling anyone which will lead to two other mistakes made by
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Essay On Suicide In Romeo And Juliet
Desperate Times, Desperate Measures Suicide is a horrible tragedy and should never have to happen,
but unfortunately, some people think there are no other options. In "Romeo and Juliet" by
Shakespeare, the main characters, Romeo and Juliet, take their own lives. They decide to do this
because they feel the only way out of their current situation is to kill themselves. They were so
desperate that it got to the point where they couldn't handle the pressure. Although readers agree on
how they died, an argument occurs when this question is brought up. What pushed Romeo and Juliet
past the breaking point that eventually led to their desperate actions? Some readers blame internal
forces such and immaturity and impulsive behavior, while more content...
Second, when Juliet was asked about marriage and when she wanted to be wedded, she told her
parents she had no interest in marrying, and she thought she was too young. "Marry, that 'marry' is
the very theme I came to talk of.–Tell me, daughter Juliet, How stands your disposition to be
married? It is an honor that I dream not of."(1.3.68–71) This is the first time Juliet is asked about
marriage, and she clearly makes it known that she is not interested. Out of nowhere, Capulet
arranges the marriage of Juliet and Paris on Thursday. Juliet says she does not want to be married
to Paris, and says that she will not truly be happy. Lord Capulet does not like what Juliet says, and
gets very angered with her. He even goes on to say that she is not welcome under his roof if she
doesn't marry him. Without having any support from her parents, Juliet feels very alone. First,
she does not want to get married to Paris, and second, she is in love with a Montague. This is all
frowned upon from both families, and the only people Juliet seems to trust are Friar Lawrence,
and the Nurse. Unfortunately, Nurse even suggests she marry Paris, so the only people she feels
are on her side are Friar Lawrence and Romeo. When Romeo and Juliet decide to take their own
lives, the fact that they didn't have many other people besides themselves made suicide more
appealing to them.They were desperate to be with each other. Finally, fate had a big impact on the
future of Romeo and Juliet and was the
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Romeo And Juliet Journal Essay
Romeo and Juliet Journal
Act I:
Hi. I am Roberto Montague, Romeo's cousin. This is the first of five entries to this journal.
Many things happened today. Some of these things are that Sampson and
Gregory were talking, and then Abram and Balthasar entered the room. After
Abram started to quarrel, they started to sword fight, but then Benvolio came in and broke up the
fight. After Benvolio broke up the fight, Tybalt entered and started to fight with Benvolio. Soon later,
an Officer entered the room with three or four citizens all armed with clubs, bills, and partisans, or
Lord Capulet and Montague with their Ladies entered the room and started to quarrel aswell, but the
Prince set them more content...
Romeo soon rushes off, and then the Nurse pushed Peter to see if she still has authority over him.
Juliet starts to think why the Nurse hasn't showed up after she sent her to meet Romeo. It had been
three long hours before she returned with Peter, but she soon sent Peter back to the gate. The
Nurse's bones are so weary from her long journey, and she was out of breath, but Juliet needed to
know what she and
Romeo talked of. The Nurse finally told Juliet the plans for her and Romeo's marriage. Act III:
This is the third of five entries to this journal.
Benvolio, Mercutio and some men walk up to a public place talking about the weather. A second
later, Tybalt and others come to the public place and begin to quarrel a bit with Mercutio and
Benvolio. Another second or two later,
Romeo enters the public place. Tybalt calls Romeo a boor, a clumsy stupid fellow and Mercutio
draws his sword and calls Tybalt a ratcatcher. Tybalt draws, they begin to fight! Romeo standing
aside yells for Benvolio to beat down their weapons, and then says for them to stop, not to have this
outrage in the public streets of Verona. Tybalt under Romeo's arm thrusts Mercutio in, just wounding
him. Tybalt leaves and Mercutio sends for a surgeon to heal his cut. Benvolio helps Mercutio to a
house so he wouldn't faint. Benvolio then entered telling
Romeo that
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Romeo And Juliet Essay
In the story "Romeo And Juliet", we find two star–crossed lovers in love, but their love is soon
interrupted by a feud between their parents which in the end causes them to end their lives. The
lovers first meet at a party where they find themselves falling in love at first sight, but soon the
feud tears them apart and pushes them to suicide when Romeo gets banished and later receives a
note and finds Juliet "dead" in the Capulet tomb after drinking a potion gave to her by friar
lawrence which puts her in a deep sleep, and when Romeo finds her, he believes shes dead, and
commits suicide and she awakes to him dead and takes a dagger to the stomach and dies. The
people who caused this to happen are Tybalt and Romeo. I believe Tybalt more
Instead Romeo caused his own banishment and this causes Juliet to cry making her parents think
it's Tybalt's death and then she has to marry Paris when she's really crying over Romeo's
banishment, so then she gets a potion and it makes her sleep. But Friar Lawrence doesn't get the
note that tells Romeo about the potion to him in time and that essentially causes Romeo to kill
himself and then she wakes up to Romeo's dead body and stabs herself in the stomach. "...when
presently through all thy veins shall run a cold and drowsy humor..." (IV.I.95
–96) this line is
important because it means she will appear dead. "Thou shalt awake, shall Romeo by my letters
know our drift, and hither shall he come..." (IV.II.113–115) and in this it tells about how Romeo gets
a note but he doesn't get it and misses out on Juliet waking and assumes she's dead and kills
himself. But the reason that Romeo didn't get the note was because the bubonic plague was
spreading and people weren't allowed to leave, so the message wasn't delivered on time. The other
side might believe that it's Friars fault because he didn't personally give Romeo the note, or that it's
all Juliet's parents fault for trying to make her marry Paris when she didn't want to. Which is wrong
because even though Juliet's parents did help with this they didn't cause her to die. It was Tybalt's
death that caused Romeo's banishment and that made Juliet's dad try to make her happy and force a
marriage which forced her
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What Is Romeo And Juliet Plot Essay
SYNOPSIS Theater Romeo and Juliet was written by William Shakespeare is about a couple of
teenagers who fall in love but are limited by both their families. Capulet tells Paris that he could
not marry the daughter Juliet so she gets older. Romeo and his friends tried to attend a party held
by the Capulets and decided to go as Masquers. At the party, Tybalt sees Romeo but prevented from
fighting by Capulet. Romeo and Juliet meet and they immediately fell in love with each other. After
leaving the party, Romeo and his friends back to Juliet. They exchanged vows of love. Friar
Laurence tells Romeo what happened and she agreed to marry them. Benvolio tells Mercutio that
Romeo Tybalt had given a challenge. Romeo joined them and visits by more content...
Plot The plot begins when a fight broke out between the servants of the feuding noble families of
Capulet and Montague. Montague, tries to stop the fight, but he was involved when the rash
Capulet, Tybalt, arrives on the scene. After citizens outraged by the constant violence beat the
warring factions, Prince Escalus, the ruler of Verona, trying to avoid any further conflict between
the family and the death of any individual who disturbs the peace in the future. Next, a brother of
the prince of Paris, proposed to marry Juliet. His father Capulet, though happy in the competition,
asked Paris to wait two years, because she has not aged enough. Capulet dispatches a slave with a
list of people to invite to a masquerade and his feast day is traditionally held. He invited Paris to
feast, in the hope that Paris will start to win over Juliet. Romeo and Benvolio, still talking with
Rosaline to face the Capulet servant that contains a list of invitees. Benvolio suggests that they also
attend as this will allow Romeo to compare her boyfriend with another woman in beautiful Verona.
Romeo with Benvolio agreed to go to the feast, but only because Rosaline, whose name he read the
list, will be
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Romeo And Juliet Love And Conflict Essay
All in all, Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet consists of family love, such as when Juliet married the
son of her family's enemy and when the Prince got personally involved in the family feud because
his relative, Mercutio, dies in one of their arguments, friendship love, such as when the loyalty
Mercutio and Romeo gets Mercutio killed and Romeo banished, and romantic love, such as when
Romeo was madly in love with Rosaline and when Juliet and Romeo fall in love and get married.
In Romeo and Juliet love is emotion of deep affection usually if not always accompanied by
conflict. Love and conflict are the same as comedy and tragedy; two sides of the same coin.
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Relationships In Romeo And Juliet
In the twenty–first century many people think "dating" has to be a physical and technological
relationship, while when Romeo and Juliet was written the relationships were romantic and had
more importance. In todays world most of the couples are brought together through match–making
websites which are not necessarily based off of having an immediate connection. Unlike the
twenty–first century, the couple in Romeo and Juliet was more involved with each other and were
brought together by love at first sight. There are many factors that play a role in Romeo and
Juliet's love story, such as their ages, time periods, and parental involvement that determine the
similarities, and differences, among these two generations of "lovers." One of the contributing
factors to the similarities and differences between the two generations of "lovers" is age. In the
beginning of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo expresses his love for Juliet by saying, " Did my heart love
till now? Foreswear it, sight. For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night" (1.5.53–54). Shortly after he
mentioned Juliet's age, which was much younger than that of Romeo's. Even though there is such
a large age gap it doesn't necessarily affect Romeo and Juliet, unlike it would in todays world. In
today's society, there is a law that states "Individuals aged 15 or younger in North Carolina are not
legally able to consent to sexual activity, and such activity may result in prosecution for statutory
rape." Thus meaning that nothing like Romeo and Juliet could've taken place now, like it did back
then, because of their ages. Even though they had claimed to be in love, it wouldn't have mattered
since there were such a large age difference. Another contributing factor to the similarities and
differences between the two generations of "lovers" is the time period. There are many differences
between the two time periods. Romeo and Juliet was written around 1590 when technology was
limited. Unlike today, where everything we do revolves around using technology, whether it is a
phone call, text message, party invites, publishing a novel, or watching a movie. Since there is so
much technology used in todays world, it is much easier to communicate with your significant other
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Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet: Essay
Topic Sentence: Who, in your opinion, is most to blame for this tragedy?
One of Shakespeare's most known plays is the love story between Romeo and Juliet, which ends up
as a tragedy. There are many different reasons and causes to why this tragedy occurred between the
two young lovers, Romeo and Juliet, Friar Laurance, their parents and also the element of fate.
Romeo and Juliet are two young lovers who seem to rush the love between each other by becoming
married to after only a matter of hours of knowing each other. Friar Laurence who should have been
smarter in his actions by marry the two which ending up causing this tragedy, also both Romeo and
Juliets have a role that ended up causing their children a more content...
It is irreversible. From the first page of the play we hear about fate, Romeo and Juliet are mentioned
as `star–crossed lovers' meaning that fate will bring them together. It also says that their love is
`death mark'd' which means that their fate will be tragic. This suggest to us that the end up result
was always going to be the same no matter of what different actions Romeo and Juliet made. The
Fate of Romeo and Juliet's love could also be questioned as unlucky and coincidental. The
Montague boys are accidently invited to the Capulet's "feast" were Romeo and Juliet meet. Friar
Laurence's second letter is never sent to Romeo because Romeo's cousin reaches Romeo before the
letter ever has a chance. Romeo arrives at the tomb just before Romeo sees Juliet waking up and
kills himself think she is dead, which results in Juliet killing herself.
In conclusion I believe that Friar Laurence is mainly to blame for this tragedy between Romeo and
Juliet. Both Romeo and Juliet were just too naГЇve to think about their actions full effect, when Friar
Laurence who is a much older and should have been much wiser did not think of the consequences
when he really should of and gave them both horrible advice. That is why a believe Romeo and
Juliet's tragedy is to be blamed on Friar Laurence's
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Dialogue Between Romeo And Juliet
Act 2: Scene 2
Juliet: Romeo, Romeo, why do you have to be a Montague? Romeo, change your name, but if it's too
much trouble, I'll change mine.
Romeo: Do I tell her I am here? Or do I just keep hiding in the bushes?
Juliet: Do you have to be a Montague? Your name isn't who you are. Without Montague, you'll still
be mine, my love.
Romeo: I believe you. Just tell me you love me and I'll get rid of it.
Juliet: Who's there? Tell me!
Romeo: You asked for a name, but I don't know what to give; you don't like my name.
Juliet: I haven't heard many words fall from your lips, but already I know your voice. Is it you
Romeo: No longer Romeo, if the name displeases you.
Juliet: How'd you get here? If my family finds you here, they'll more content...
Juliet: And I would readily sooth it, but –
Nurse [from within]: Juliet!
Juliet: Just a minute! As I was saying –
Nurse [from within]: Juliet, what did I tell about spying on that nice man across the street?
Juliet: Um, just a minute, Romeo.
[Exit Juliet]
Romeo: Could it be true? Could she love me? It must be a dream!
[Enter Juliet]
Juliet: Sorry about that. What was I saying?
Romeo: You were saying nothing while I was proclaiming my love for you. Juliet, I love you!
Juliet: I love you too, my dearest Romeo, but this is all a bit sudden, so good bye.
[Juliet turns to leave]
Romeo: It is so easy to come to my love, but so hard to leave her.
[Enter Juliet]
Juliet: I keep trying to leave you out here, but time and time again I find myself drawn back to you.
Are you still there Romeo?
Romeo: Yes Juliet, I am here, and I will remain so, my love, until the light in your window has gone
Juliet: Then we may be here forever. It is past time that you leave. I will see you soon my love.
Romeo: I wish that I could be warmed by your heated body while you sleep.
Juliet: I wish the same, my Romeo. For the last time, good night.
Romeo: Sleep well, my love.
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Romeo And Juliet Essay Outline
Romeo and Juliet Outline Essay Title Towards the beginning of the Elizabethan era, in the
mid–1500s, William Shakespeare, a poet, playwright and actor began to flourish as a result of his
renowned plays. Romeo and Juliet, one of his most successful tragedies, precipitated his career and
reputation as a literary genius. This iconic work of art examines two young adolescents in the throes
of forbidden love. The play captures the agonizing emotions the protagonists hold for one another,
and studies the effect this intense love has on Romeo's developing character. Throughout the play,
Shakespeare demonstrates how the spectrum of intense emotions Romeo experiences compromise
his rational thought, producing hasty actions that ultimately lead to fatal results. Romeo's loyalty to
his friends is at odds with his ability to objectively evaluate situations, thus causing him to act
impulsively. Towards the beginning of the play, Tybalt and Mercutio are involved in a brawl during
which Mercutio is killed. Witnessing his close friend's death creates an unchecked anger in Romeo,
that he willingly accepts, causing him to seek out and kill Tybalt. Romeo exclaims: "Fire–eyed fury
be my conduct now" (III.i.123). The intensity and immediacy of his anger consumes his
consciousness and directs his physical being, blinding him from analyzing the potential
consequences of his actions. Shakespeare adeptly utilizes two literary devices– alliteration and
personification– to emphasize the dilemmas
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Romeo And Juliet Ending Essay
Romeo and Juliet both played a part in their ending but they were not the only people who helped
turn the romance into tragedy. The two characters, although being enemies, decided to be
together. Although they did not know their story would end up at the level of tragedy that it did,
they knew the story would not have a happy ending. "An glooming peace this morning with it
brings. The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head. Go hence, to have more talk of these sad
things. Some shall be pardoned and some punished. For never was an story of more woe. Than this
of Juliet and her Romeo." (Act 5 Scene 3, Page 256) This quote shows the lasting effects and the
level of tragedy these two caused with their love. The town that had been separated more
Friar Laurence played a huge part in the ending of this story. Friar is introduced in the story by
romeo when he goes to the wise man for help with Juliet. Friar tells Romeo "Go wisely and
slowly. Those who rush stumble and fall." Friar says this to romeo after he comes to Friar, asking
him to marry him and his love, juliet, whom he met the night before at a party. Friar knows
Romeo is acting foolishly but he has an inkling that the marriage may help the two families heal.
He does in fact marry them, knowing it is wrong. He then proceeds to give Juliet an sedative and
an plan to get out of marrying Paris. Juliet is to take the sedative and Friar is to send a message to
Romeo that he must come save her. The message gets stuck and it sends the story into an
spiraling downfall. After Juliet and Romeo's bodies are found, dead by suicide, Friar was left
with a lot of explaining to do. Friar played a tremendous role in the conclusion of the young kids
lives. The notorious question: Was the ending of Romeo and Juliet decided by fate, with the stars
perfectly aligned against the two, coming to an unexpected end? Or was it decided by the
characters and their choices? There are many examples of how all of the characters choices came
together in the end to form a butterfly effect. The main characters in this story sadly caused their
own romance to turn
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Romeo And Juliet Argumentative Essay
Romeo and Juliet Argumentative Paper
Have you ever heard of a story about two lovers who commit suicide because of a secret that was
kept to keep them together? In the book Romeo and Juliet , by William Shakespeare, is about two
lovers who come from two families who are enemies. The two fell in love and their parents refuse to
let them marry each other. At the end both the lovers die. This connects to my topic because of one
secret that was kept to save them killed six people. Even though some may believe otherwise, there
are times when secrets must be told so it doesn't lead to more problems. There are times when
secrets must be told because it causes deaths. Romeo, son of Montague, and Juliet, daughter of
capulet more content...
First, because of Friar Lawrence kept the plan as a secret. Romeo thought Juliet was dead and
kills himself. After that Juliet saw Romeo dead she kisses him then she stabs herself then She
dies. This one secret cost Romeo's and Juliet's lives. Second, this secret caused problems by
taking Romeo's and Juliet's lives. Others may say, secrets must be kept because they can hurt
people. In an article by Irene Van, says that you can keep secrets about family and friends. Irene
Van says, " Gossip about family or friends unless this is about something that worries you, in
/ which case you should tell a adult you trust" (Van.II). This proves that, Irene Van believes that
secrets about family and friends should be kept because it can really hurt your friends feelings.
Second, this could be true because if I tell my friend one of my secrets, I trust this person. If he or
she is going to go and tell my secret to someone, I am not going to tell he/she any secrets.
However, on the other hand, in the same article Irene Van says that any kind of touch should not
be kept as a secret. Irene Van says, " Secrets that are not safe to keep:/ Any kind of touch" (Van.II).
First, I would tell my parents if this happens to me because if I tell this secret to my friends, and
they spread it, it would hurt me. Second, this can lead to more problems if I kept this as a secret
from my parents because, the same thing will continue if I don't take
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Romeo And Juliet Essay
What makes Romeo and Juliet so important that we still study it today? Romeo and Juliet is a
renowned romance tragedy, written by william shakespeare in the 16th century, in fact it is so
interesting that people, today, still study Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet is extremely effective
for modern audiences considering several universal themes which are still applicable to modern
today society including love, conflict and fate. Romeo and Juliet is a love story between two young
people from families who loathe each other. And due to the pressures of society, families and friends,
both of them kill themselves because they can't live without each other, resulting in peace between
the two feuding families. Love is a predominant more content...
But they can never fully abandon or reject that authority. But this is still a challenge for teenagers,
who are dismissed as idealistic or melodramatic and who must balance the intensity of their feelings
against the expectation of the world around them In Romeo and Juliet, the theme of fate is one of the
main themes presented which assists in connecting to a modern audience. Immediately in the
prologue, Shakespeare reveals to the audience of predetermined destiny of Romeo and Juliet,
"star–cross'd lovers take their lives." By announcing the ending of the story to the audience, it
gains attention. Dramatic irony is shown, leaving the audience to ponder on the concept of fate
and as a result of the audience knowing the fate of Romeo and Juliet, they are unconsciously
hoping for the characters to take a different course. Despite this, their fate is secured, forcing the
audience reflect and question their own destiny and ability to make free choices. Throughout the
play, the characters attempt to take control of their fate but by doing so, ironically, they fulfil their
destinies established in the prologue. When Romeo hears of the news of Juliet's 'death', he buys the
poison from the apothecary to die with Juliet. He shouts "I defy you stars", he thinks that the world
wants him to grieve over Juliet for the remainder of his life. But in reality, he is fulfilling his destiny
that was set out for him at the beginning of the play
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Romeo And Juliet Essay
A Detailed Insight of Shakespeare's Famous Romantic Tragedy Romeo and Juliet...a topic that has
been discussed and interpreted countless time, with all different outlooks and viewpoints, yet I
doubt that you've heard this one. Have you ever noticed that Romeo and Juliet seems to have a
subtle aurora of warn–ing? As if these characters should know better? Well a lot of people just throw
that at–mosphere out the window, because it might not make sense to them. We 're going to
elaborate on the idea instead of ignoring it. I believe that Romeo and Juliet is an undis–covered
prophetic vision of the future given by God. If you look at this present genera–tion and generations
before that you can see the resemblance of how actions made on a more content...
Now there is an–other character that was put in spiritual authority, the Prince. The Prince was also
given spiritual authority over the situation between the household and so was the Friar, nei–ther of
them gave the households tools given by God on how to handle the situation.Let's face it
communication is key. Communication with God is important, very important because then you can
re–align yourself with his plans and his thoughts. None of these characters followed that. Not one
of these people look a moment to look the situation over and ask God what to do. They got
consumed in their anxiety, fear and revenge. "I leave you peace; my peace I give you. I do not
give it to you as the world does. So don't let your hearts be troubled or afraid." (John 14:27). If only
these people took a moment to look over this scripture before entering into this scenario. An
impor–tant part of communication is trusting God to heal your wounds; that's something that
everyone in this play failed to do, and in the end it payed a great cost. Now to focus on the
communication between characters. If the Friar had thought this through more he could have come
up with a better plan that didn't rely on other people. They didn't take into consideration that some
things may not go to plan, "She will beshrew me much that Romeo hath had no notice of these
accidents"(5.2–25). Spoken by the Friar..need I Killian–Keup 3explain more? This also ties into the
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Romeo And Juliet Compared To Today
The story of Romeo and Juliet can be compared to modern lives of teenagers, by comparing their
actions, personalities and emotions.
Juliet never agreed with her parents and always wanted to do things her own way. Capulet and Lady
Capulet where only doing their jobs as her parents to help her out. Through their eyes they where just
being helpful to Juliet by finding her a suitable Husband. However Juliet disagreed with many of
their ideas. These situations may resemble teens today and how they rebel against their parents even
though they might only be guiding them with good judgment.
Juliet chooses her words carefully while talking to Count Paris so that she doesn't commit herself to
him or say that she doesn't want to be his wife. This deceiving word play is copied by teenagers in
the present day. They also talk themselves out of a tuff situation by misleading whoever they are
talking to. This could be with relationships, school work or teachers. Personally I find that this is
common and teenagers speak in certain ways that will benefit more content...
In the time of Romeo and Juliet, everything was about pride and honor. Whenever someone did
something, it affected their pride and honor. That is the same in our time as well. Teenagers have
reputations to keep which they will do almost anything to
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Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet was Shakespeare's most famous play which is about love of two teenagers of
two rival families. Since Romeo's family and Juliet's family are rivals, their families don't agree
with the marriage of their children to each other. However, Romeo and Juliet despite the
opposition of their families secretly get married at church and insist on reaching their goal of
being together. The whole story is played in the theatre style of the Renaissance; audiences could
see violence, young boys are playing female rolls without wearing masks, many scenes and time
change. However, if it was played in Greek theatre style, the audience could see a different style of
performance and there would be a different effect. In Greek Theatre we more content...
These shifts from sunlight to sunset and again to sunlight are shown as time change in Renaissance
theatre. If Romeo and Juliet were played at Greek theatre style then we wouldn't have time changes
and it would play continuously; the time change during performance would be announced to
audience instead of changing scenes with purpose of showing time change. In conclusion, Romeo
and Juliet is the most common love story written by Shakespeare. It was played in Renaissance
Theatre and we can see a lot of violent actions, we can see young boys were playing female act
without masks, many scenes, and time changes throughout the play. However, the Renaissance is
very different theatre style from Greek Theatre. If the Romeo and Juliet were played in Greek
theater, then we would have no violent actions and the narrator would tell the story about the fight
instead of showing violent actions. Also, in Greek Theatre we would have men characters to play
women parts by pretending that they are women and covering their faces through masks. At Greek
Theatre we wouldn't have time change, instead it would play continuously and the setting would be
shown in one
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Romeo And Juliet Essay Topic

  • 1. Romeo And Juliet Essay Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet (Pearson Education, Boston, Massachusetts, 2007) is considered to be one of the greatest love stories ever told, but is not relevant to me. Romeo and Juliet tells the story of two "star–crossed lovers" who come from rival families, and face hardships on their attempt to be together. Romeo and Juliet is not culturally relevant to me because the characters and their experiences are dissimilar to events I undergo in my life. Romeo and Juliet is the story of two teenagers who fall love and face the obstacle of their rival families. Romeo and Juliet secretly marry, and Romeo gets into a fight soon after, and is banished for killing another character. Juliet fakes her death to run away with Romeo, but more content... Juliet and I differ in dating/courting decisions, and so do our parents. Juliet is also younger than me by a year and is an only child. I have three younger brothers and cannot visualize having no siblings, or servants she can call upon. Romeo is not relatable at all since he is male, a couple years older, and even more impulsive than Juliet. It is hard for me to imagine living in Verona, Italy in the time period of Romeo and Juliet, because I live on a different continent and country, and a different era. I have never been to Italy, so I cannot picture what it would look like to live there–much less in the time period of Romeo and Juliet. The events in the play's setting would never happen in my hometown because Juliet would not be exposed to males of Romeo's age, and would not able to find someone to marry them willingly. Juliet would not be able to get her parent's consent for her marriage, or find a drug to make her appear dead. Romeo would not be able to see Juliet's body because it would be locked in funeral home. Juliet would not even be engaged to Paris because there are no princes in America, and she would be too young to marry. The families of Romeo and Juliet and their lifestyles are very contrasting to my family. My parents do not have servants, or hold feasts and masquerades like the Capulet family. As I stated earlier, my parents are not ready for me to be involved with a boy and certainly would never Get more content on
  • 2. Loyalty in Romeo and Juliet Essay example Romeo and Juliet– Loyalty Loyalty plays a big part in Romeo and Juliet. Ties of loyalty are woven throughout the play, binding certain characters together. The main theme is the feuding families of Romeo and Juliet that holds an "ancient grudge" against each other: the Montague's and the Capulet's. Romeo's family and friends despise Juliet's family, the Capulet's, and as the play progresses you will find them defending each other in the face of an enemy. Romeo and Juliet have to defy their parent's expressive wish not to see each other, and accept the consequences of their forbidden love. They question the fact that there's no solid fact that the two family's hate each other: merely time has blown the feuding out of proportion. more content... For example Juliets Nurse and Friar Laurence roles in the play affect both of their lives immensely. When Romeo is banished from Verona, Juliet does not follow him blindly. She makes a logical and heartfelt decision that her loyalty and love for Romeo will be her main priority, and she will do whatever it takes to make their love work. The moment Romeo realises he loves Juliet his loyalty becomes divided, between what he knows is right and what his heart says. As I've said before, loyalty had both positive and negative outcomes. Romeo and Juliet might not have met if it weren't for Romeo's friends urging him to gatecrash the ball. As he was loyal he did not argue, however he probably had an ulterior motive: to catch a glimpse of Rosaline, who he thought he was in love with. If Juliet's Nurse had not been devoted to Juliet, she would have told the Capulet's which could have resulted in Romeo and Juliet's end a lot sooner. On the other hand, you could argue that loyalty lead to both of their deaths, with the reasoning that had Romeo not been so attached to Mercutio he would not have killed Tybalt when Tybalt fatally injured Mercutio. If he had not slain Tybalt, he would not have been banned from Verona, and in turn they might have thought of a different plan than the one they eventually chose which was wrought with complications and took both of their lives. If Juliet had not trusted Friar Laurence so greatly, she might have thought of a more foolproof Get more content on
  • 3. Romeo and Juliet: Who is to Blame? Essay Many have said that romance brings love and affection, but when taken to the extreme, it can lead to tragedy and despair. Among the great literary tragedies, Romeo and Juliet may be the most famous of them all. The eternal feud between the Montegues and Capulets prohibits the love of Romeo and Juliet and ultimately results in their unfortunate deaths. It may be difficult to truly determine who is to blame for the tragedy, because their lives had been influenced, criticized, and controlled by many figures. Among the most important characters, Friar Lawrence enables the forbidden marriage of the two lovers and devises a plan to ensure that they end up together. On the other hand, Lord and Lady Capulet feed into the rivalry between the more content... With a flicker of hope that the marriage will work and end the feud, Friar Lawrence remarks that, "this alliance may so happy prove to turn [their] households' rancor to pure love" (II iv 91–92). The blame can be placed on Friar Lawrence because he cares too much for Romeo and Juliet and eventually takes an extreme and risky approach to facilitate their union. Lord Capulet's firm and merciless control can also be blamed for pushing his daughter to the extreme and ultimately her untimely death. When Juliet refuses to marry Paris, Lord Capulet proves his insensitivity, even threatening to disown his daughter and cast her to the streets if she does not obey his wishes. He warns her that she may "graze where [she] will, [she] will not house with [him]... for, by [his] soul, [he] will ne'er acknowledge [her]" (III v 200–205). These threats instill fear in Juliet, and in her despair, she seeks the advice of Friar Lawrence who gives her a potion that will make it appear as if she is dead the morning of the wedding. Lord Capulet can be blamed for his stubbornness and insensitivity despite his daughter's sincere requests not to marry Paris. Lady Capulet is even more inconsiderate of her daughter's wishes than Lord Capulet. She had little role in raising her daughter that Juliet considers the nurse more of a mother than Lady Capulet. Lady Capulet shows her desire for revenge when Get more content on
  • 4. Romeo And Juliet Pride And Prejudice Quotes Comparison essay Comparison essay Compare the relationships in Romeo and Juliet and pride and prejudice BOTH CHARACTERS (Juliet and Elizabeth ) PRESENT THEIR LOVE AND EFFECTION TO THEIR LOVE ONES BY APPROACHING THEM IN A FORMAL MANNER. "O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I'll no longer be a Capulet". Juliet This means Juliet is asking, in allusion to the feud between her Capulet family and Romeo's Montague family is "Romeo, why are you a Montague?". Furthermore their love is impossible because of their family names and she asks Romeo to change his surname, or Juliet will change hers. This quote presents Juliet's love to Romeo more content... Juliet takes her mothers line – "The County Paris, at Saint Peter's Church shall happily make you there a joyful bride." Juliet changes it to a negative, responding to her mother with – "By Saint Peter's Church and Peter too, he shall not make me there a joyful bride." Therefore this shows Juliet is completely against marrying Paris and does not agree that Paris will make her a 'Joyful bride'. At this point Juliet's mother is outsmarted by Juliet's intelligence and responds with "Here comes your father. Tell him so yourself, and see how he will take it at your hands." This shows that Lady Capulet does not have control over her daughter and passes it over to Lord Capulet to deal with because she is weak and is frightened of her husband because he is controlling. Then Juliet's father enters and he is furious that Juliet is refusing to marry Paris. Shakespeare shows this by using rhetorical questions, by using rhetorical questions this shows that Lord Capulet is not willing to give Juliet a chance to speak or answer any of his questions. Lord Capulet's anger results in him threatening Juliet. He uses the phrase "My fingers itch." This means he wants to hit Juliet because she has refused to marry Paris. Juliet feels so angry she is acting strong and she defies her father, but in that action she learns the limit of her power. Disobedient as she Get more content on
  • 5. Essay On The Conflict Between Romeo And Juliet William Shakespeare's play, "Romeo and Juliet," takes place in Verona – a city in Italy which is governed by a prince. There is also a Friar named Laurence, who is a religious figure that citizens go to for advice and to be married. In the City lives the Capulets and the Montagues who have been disputing for generations. Both families have children and one child from each family are the protagonists– Romeo is a member of the Montagues and Juliet is a member of the Capulets. Romeo and Juliet will end up falling for each other. However, they end up dying young because Friar Laurence married them in private, he gave Juliet a potion which knocked her out which lead to her and Romeo's suicides, and he trusted Friar John to deliver the letter more content... You can see the "Two households, both alike in dignity" (Act I PROLOGUE) fight even when they are so similar. The conflict of the two households quarreling arises when Romeo meets Juliet at the Capulet's party and they both fall for each other at first sight hence the phrase "love at first sight". At the time, religion was very important so when Romeo would talk about Juliet, he would say "Oh, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do. They pray; grant thou, lest faith turn to despair" (ACT I SCENE V). In this time, Romeo is asking for Juliet to kiss her because when you pray, your hands touch; and Romeo wants to do with lips what hands do. This comparison shows the connection from everyday life to religion, which is part of the reason Romeo went to Friar Laurence. Romeo and Juliet are also Roman Catholic which means that once they marry, they cannot divorce or be remarried. Friar Laurence knew this going into the marriage and the fact that Juliet was to be soon married off to Paris in a political wedding. Friar approved and said, "For this alliance may so happy prove to turn your households' rancor to pure love" (ACT II SCENE III). He later marries them in secret without telling anyone which will lead to two other mistakes made by Friar Get more content on
  • 6. Essay On Suicide In Romeo And Juliet Desperate Times, Desperate Measures Suicide is a horrible tragedy and should never have to happen, but unfortunately, some people think there are no other options. In "Romeo and Juliet" by Shakespeare, the main characters, Romeo and Juliet, take their own lives. They decide to do this because they feel the only way out of their current situation is to kill themselves. They were so desperate that it got to the point where they couldn't handle the pressure. Although readers agree on how they died, an argument occurs when this question is brought up. What pushed Romeo and Juliet past the breaking point that eventually led to their desperate actions? Some readers blame internal forces such and immaturity and impulsive behavior, while more content... Second, when Juliet was asked about marriage and when she wanted to be wedded, she told her parents she had no interest in marrying, and she thought she was too young. "Marry, that 'marry' is the very theme I came to talk of.–Tell me, daughter Juliet, How stands your disposition to be married? It is an honor that I dream not of."(1.3.68–71) This is the first time Juliet is asked about marriage, and she clearly makes it known that she is not interested. Out of nowhere, Capulet arranges the marriage of Juliet and Paris on Thursday. Juliet says she does not want to be married to Paris, and says that she will not truly be happy. Lord Capulet does not like what Juliet says, and gets very angered with her. He even goes on to say that she is not welcome under his roof if she doesn't marry him. Without having any support from her parents, Juliet feels very alone. First, she does not want to get married to Paris, and second, she is in love with a Montague. This is all frowned upon from both families, and the only people Juliet seems to trust are Friar Lawrence, and the Nurse. Unfortunately, Nurse even suggests she marry Paris, so the only people she feels are on her side are Friar Lawrence and Romeo. When Romeo and Juliet decide to take their own lives, the fact that they didn't have many other people besides themselves made suicide more appealing to them.They were desperate to be with each other. Finally, fate had a big impact on the future of Romeo and Juliet and was the Get more content on
  • 7. Romeo And Juliet Journal Essay Romeo and Juliet Journal Act I: Hi. I am Roberto Montague, Romeo's cousin. This is the first of five entries to this journal. Many things happened today. Some of these things are that Sampson and Gregory were talking, and then Abram and Balthasar entered the room. After Abram started to quarrel, they started to sword fight, but then Benvolio came in and broke up the fight. After Benvolio broke up the fight, Tybalt entered and started to fight with Benvolio. Soon later, an Officer entered the room with three or four citizens all armed with clubs, bills, and partisans, or spears. Lord Capulet and Montague with their Ladies entered the room and started to quarrel aswell, but the Prince set them more content... Romeo soon rushes off, and then the Nurse pushed Peter to see if she still has authority over him. Juliet starts to think why the Nurse hasn't showed up after she sent her to meet Romeo. It had been three long hours before she returned with Peter, but she soon sent Peter back to the gate. The Nurse's bones are so weary from her long journey, and she was out of breath, but Juliet needed to know what she and Romeo talked of. The Nurse finally told Juliet the plans for her and Romeo's marriage. Act III: This is the third of five entries to this journal. Benvolio, Mercutio and some men walk up to a public place talking about the weather. A second later, Tybalt and others come to the public place and begin to quarrel a bit with Mercutio and Benvolio. Another second or two later, Romeo enters the public place. Tybalt calls Romeo a boor, a clumsy stupid fellow and Mercutio draws his sword and calls Tybalt a ratcatcher. Tybalt draws, they begin to fight! Romeo standing aside yells for Benvolio to beat down their weapons, and then says for them to stop, not to have this outrage in the public streets of Verona. Tybalt under Romeo's arm thrusts Mercutio in, just wounding him. Tybalt leaves and Mercutio sends for a surgeon to heal his cut. Benvolio helps Mercutio to a house so he wouldn't faint. Benvolio then entered telling Romeo that Get more content on
  • 8. Romeo And Juliet Essay In the story "Romeo And Juliet", we find two star–crossed lovers in love, but their love is soon interrupted by a feud between their parents which in the end causes them to end their lives. The lovers first meet at a party where they find themselves falling in love at first sight, but soon the feud tears them apart and pushes them to suicide when Romeo gets banished and later receives a note and finds Juliet "dead" in the Capulet tomb after drinking a potion gave to her by friar lawrence which puts her in a deep sleep, and when Romeo finds her, he believes shes dead, and commits suicide and she awakes to him dead and takes a dagger to the stomach and dies. The people who caused this to happen are Tybalt and Romeo. I believe Tybalt more content... Instead Romeo caused his own banishment and this causes Juliet to cry making her parents think it's Tybalt's death and then she has to marry Paris when she's really crying over Romeo's banishment, so then she gets a potion and it makes her sleep. But Friar Lawrence doesn't get the note that tells Romeo about the potion to him in time and that essentially causes Romeo to kill himself and then she wakes up to Romeo's dead body and stabs herself in the stomach. "...when presently through all thy veins shall run a cold and drowsy humor..." (IV.I.95 –96) this line is important because it means she will appear dead. "Thou shalt awake, shall Romeo by my letters know our drift, and hither shall he come..." (IV.II.113–115) and in this it tells about how Romeo gets a note but he doesn't get it and misses out on Juliet waking and assumes she's dead and kills himself. But the reason that Romeo didn't get the note was because the bubonic plague was spreading and people weren't allowed to leave, so the message wasn't delivered on time. The other side might believe that it's Friars fault because he didn't personally give Romeo the note, or that it's all Juliet's parents fault for trying to make her marry Paris when she didn't want to. Which is wrong because even though Juliet's parents did help with this they didn't cause her to die. It was Tybalt's death that caused Romeo's banishment and that made Juliet's dad try to make her happy and force a marriage which forced her Get more content on
  • 9. What Is Romeo And Juliet Plot Essay SYNOPSIS Theater Romeo and Juliet was written by William Shakespeare is about a couple of teenagers who fall in love but are limited by both their families. Capulet tells Paris that he could not marry the daughter Juliet so she gets older. Romeo and his friends tried to attend a party held by the Capulets and decided to go as Masquers. At the party, Tybalt sees Romeo but prevented from fighting by Capulet. Romeo and Juliet meet and they immediately fell in love with each other. After leaving the party, Romeo and his friends back to Juliet. They exchanged vows of love. Friar Laurence tells Romeo what happened and she agreed to marry them. Benvolio tells Mercutio that Romeo Tybalt had given a challenge. Romeo joined them and visits by more content... Plot The plot begins when a fight broke out between the servants of the feuding noble families of Capulet and Montague. Montague, tries to stop the fight, but he was involved when the rash Capulet, Tybalt, arrives on the scene. After citizens outraged by the constant violence beat the warring factions, Prince Escalus, the ruler of Verona, trying to avoid any further conflict between the family and the death of any individual who disturbs the peace in the future. Next, a brother of the prince of Paris, proposed to marry Juliet. His father Capulet, though happy in the competition, asked Paris to wait two years, because she has not aged enough. Capulet dispatches a slave with a list of people to invite to a masquerade and his feast day is traditionally held. He invited Paris to feast, in the hope that Paris will start to win over Juliet. Romeo and Benvolio, still talking with Rosaline to face the Capulet servant that contains a list of invitees. Benvolio suggests that they also attend as this will allow Romeo to compare her boyfriend with another woman in beautiful Verona. Romeo with Benvolio agreed to go to the feast, but only because Rosaline, whose name he read the list, will be Get more content on
  • 10. Romeo And Juliet Love And Conflict Essay All in all, Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet consists of family love, such as when Juliet married the son of her family's enemy and when the Prince got personally involved in the family feud because his relative, Mercutio, dies in one of their arguments, friendship love, such as when the loyalty Mercutio and Romeo gets Mercutio killed and Romeo banished, and romantic love, such as when Romeo was madly in love with Rosaline and when Juliet and Romeo fall in love and get married. In Romeo and Juliet love is emotion of deep affection usually if not always accompanied by conflict. Love and conflict are the same as comedy and tragedy; two sides of the same coin. Get more content on
  • 11. Relationships In Romeo And Juliet In the twenty–first century many people think "dating" has to be a physical and technological relationship, while when Romeo and Juliet was written the relationships were romantic and had more importance. In todays world most of the couples are brought together through match–making websites which are not necessarily based off of having an immediate connection. Unlike the twenty–first century, the couple in Romeo and Juliet was more involved with each other and were brought together by love at first sight. There are many factors that play a role in Romeo and Juliet's love story, such as their ages, time periods, and parental involvement that determine the similarities, and differences, among these two generations of "lovers." One of the contributing factors to the similarities and differences between the two generations of "lovers" is age. In the beginning of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo expresses his love for Juliet by saying, " Did my heart love till now? Foreswear it, sight. For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night" (1.5.53–54). Shortly after he mentioned Juliet's age, which was much younger than that of Romeo's. Even though there is such a large age gap it doesn't necessarily affect Romeo and Juliet, unlike it would in todays world. In today's society, there is a law that states "Individuals aged 15 or younger in North Carolina are not legally able to consent to sexual activity, and such activity may result in prosecution for statutory rape." Thus meaning that nothing like Romeo and Juliet could've taken place now, like it did back then, because of their ages. Even though they had claimed to be in love, it wouldn't have mattered since there were such a large age difference. Another contributing factor to the similarities and differences between the two generations of "lovers" is the time period. There are many differences between the two time periods. Romeo and Juliet was written around 1590 when technology was limited. Unlike today, where everything we do revolves around using technology, whether it is a phone call, text message, party invites, publishing a novel, or watching a movie. Since there is so much technology used in todays world, it is much easier to communicate with your significant other Get more content on
  • 12. Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet: Essay Topic Sentence: Who, in your opinion, is most to blame for this tragedy? One of Shakespeare's most known plays is the love story between Romeo and Juliet, which ends up as a tragedy. There are many different reasons and causes to why this tragedy occurred between the two young lovers, Romeo and Juliet, Friar Laurance, their parents and also the element of fate. Romeo and Juliet are two young lovers who seem to rush the love between each other by becoming married to after only a matter of hours of knowing each other. Friar Laurence who should have been smarter in his actions by marry the two which ending up causing this tragedy, also both Romeo and Juliets have a role that ended up causing their children a more content... It is irreversible. From the first page of the play we hear about fate, Romeo and Juliet are mentioned as `star–crossed lovers' meaning that fate will bring them together. It also says that their love is `death mark'd' which means that their fate will be tragic. This suggest to us that the end up result was always going to be the same no matter of what different actions Romeo and Juliet made. The Fate of Romeo and Juliet's love could also be questioned as unlucky and coincidental. The Montague boys are accidently invited to the Capulet's "feast" were Romeo and Juliet meet. Friar Laurence's second letter is never sent to Romeo because Romeo's cousin reaches Romeo before the letter ever has a chance. Romeo arrives at the tomb just before Romeo sees Juliet waking up and kills himself think she is dead, which results in Juliet killing herself. In conclusion I believe that Friar Laurence is mainly to blame for this tragedy between Romeo and Juliet. Both Romeo and Juliet were just too naГЇve to think about their actions full effect, when Friar Laurence who is a much older and should have been much wiser did not think of the consequences when he really should of and gave them both horrible advice. That is why a believe Romeo and Juliet's tragedy is to be blamed on Friar Laurence's Get more content on
  • 13. Dialogue Between Romeo And Juliet Act 2: Scene 2 Juliet: Romeo, Romeo, why do you have to be a Montague? Romeo, change your name, but if it's too much trouble, I'll change mine. Romeo: Do I tell her I am here? Or do I just keep hiding in the bushes? Juliet: Do you have to be a Montague? Your name isn't who you are. Without Montague, you'll still be mine, my love. Romeo: I believe you. Just tell me you love me and I'll get rid of it. Juliet: Who's there? Tell me! Romeo: You asked for a name, but I don't know what to give; you don't like my name. Juliet: I haven't heard many words fall from your lips, but already I know your voice. Is it you Romeo? Romeo: No longer Romeo, if the name displeases you. Juliet: How'd you get here? If my family finds you here, they'll more content... Juliet: And I would readily sooth it, but – Nurse [from within]: Juliet! Juliet: Just a minute! As I was saying – Nurse [from within]: Juliet, what did I tell about spying on that nice man across the street? Juliet: Um, just a minute, Romeo. [Exit Juliet] Romeo: Could it be true? Could she love me? It must be a dream! [Enter Juliet] Juliet: Sorry about that. What was I saying?
  • 14. Romeo: You were saying nothing while I was proclaiming my love for you. Juliet, I love you! Juliet: I love you too, my dearest Romeo, but this is all a bit sudden, so good bye. [Juliet turns to leave] Romeo: It is so easy to come to my love, but so hard to leave her. [Enter Juliet] Juliet: I keep trying to leave you out here, but time and time again I find myself drawn back to you. Are you still there Romeo? Romeo: Yes Juliet, I am here, and I will remain so, my love, until the light in your window has gone dark. Juliet: Then we may be here forever. It is past time that you leave. I will see you soon my love. Romeo: I wish that I could be warmed by your heated body while you sleep. Juliet: I wish the same, my Romeo. For the last time, good night. Romeo: Sleep well, my love. Get more content on
  • 15. Romeo And Juliet Essay Outline Romeo and Juliet Outline Essay Title Towards the beginning of the Elizabethan era, in the mid–1500s, William Shakespeare, a poet, playwright and actor began to flourish as a result of his renowned plays. Romeo and Juliet, one of his most successful tragedies, precipitated his career and reputation as a literary genius. This iconic work of art examines two young adolescents in the throes of forbidden love. The play captures the agonizing emotions the protagonists hold for one another, and studies the effect this intense love has on Romeo's developing character. Throughout the play, Shakespeare demonstrates how the spectrum of intense emotions Romeo experiences compromise his rational thought, producing hasty actions that ultimately lead to fatal results. Romeo's loyalty to his friends is at odds with his ability to objectively evaluate situations, thus causing him to act impulsively. Towards the beginning of the play, Tybalt and Mercutio are involved in a brawl during which Mercutio is killed. Witnessing his close friend's death creates an unchecked anger in Romeo, that he willingly accepts, causing him to seek out and kill Tybalt. Romeo exclaims: "Fire–eyed fury be my conduct now" (III.i.123). The intensity and immediacy of his anger consumes his consciousness and directs his physical being, blinding him from analyzing the potential consequences of his actions. Shakespeare adeptly utilizes two literary devices– alliteration and personification– to emphasize the dilemmas Get more content on
  • 16. Romeo And Juliet Ending Essay Romeo and Juliet both played a part in their ending but they were not the only people who helped turn the romance into tragedy. The two characters, although being enemies, decided to be together. Although they did not know their story would end up at the level of tragedy that it did, they knew the story would not have a happy ending. "An glooming peace this morning with it brings. The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head. Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things. Some shall be pardoned and some punished. For never was an story of more woe. Than this of Juliet and her Romeo." (Act 5 Scene 3, Page 256) This quote shows the lasting effects and the level of tragedy these two caused with their love. The town that had been separated more content... Friar Laurence played a huge part in the ending of this story. Friar is introduced in the story by romeo when he goes to the wise man for help with Juliet. Friar tells Romeo "Go wisely and slowly. Those who rush stumble and fall." Friar says this to romeo after he comes to Friar, asking him to marry him and his love, juliet, whom he met the night before at a party. Friar knows Romeo is acting foolishly but he has an inkling that the marriage may help the two families heal. He does in fact marry them, knowing it is wrong. He then proceeds to give Juliet an sedative and an plan to get out of marrying Paris. Juliet is to take the sedative and Friar is to send a message to Romeo that he must come save her. The message gets stuck and it sends the story into an spiraling downfall. After Juliet and Romeo's bodies are found, dead by suicide, Friar was left with a lot of explaining to do. Friar played a tremendous role in the conclusion of the young kids lives. The notorious question: Was the ending of Romeo and Juliet decided by fate, with the stars perfectly aligned against the two, coming to an unexpected end? Or was it decided by the characters and their choices? There are many examples of how all of the characters choices came together in the end to form a butterfly effect. The main characters in this story sadly caused their own romance to turn Get more content on
  • 17. Romeo And Juliet Argumentative Essay Romeo and Juliet Argumentative Paper Have you ever heard of a story about two lovers who commit suicide because of a secret that was kept to keep them together? In the book Romeo and Juliet , by William Shakespeare, is about two lovers who come from two families who are enemies. The two fell in love and their parents refuse to let them marry each other. At the end both the lovers die. This connects to my topic because of one secret that was kept to save them killed six people. Even though some may believe otherwise, there are times when secrets must be told so it doesn't lead to more problems. There are times when secrets must be told because it causes deaths. Romeo, son of Montague, and Juliet, daughter of capulet more content... First, because of Friar Lawrence kept the plan as a secret. Romeo thought Juliet was dead and kills himself. After that Juliet saw Romeo dead she kisses him then she stabs herself then She dies. This one secret cost Romeo's and Juliet's lives. Second, this secret caused problems by taking Romeo's and Juliet's lives. Others may say, secrets must be kept because they can hurt people. In an article by Irene Van, says that you can keep secrets about family and friends. Irene Van says, " Gossip about family or friends unless this is about something that worries you, in / which case you should tell a adult you trust" (Van.II). This proves that, Irene Van believes that secrets about family and friends should be kept because it can really hurt your friends feelings. Second, this could be true because if I tell my friend one of my secrets, I trust this person. If he or she is going to go and tell my secret to someone, I am not going to tell he/she any secrets. However, on the other hand, in the same article Irene Van says that any kind of touch should not be kept as a secret. Irene Van says, " Secrets that are not safe to keep:/ Any kind of touch" (Van.II). First, I would tell my parents if this happens to me because if I tell this secret to my friends, and they spread it, it would hurt me. Second, this can lead to more problems if I kept this as a secret from my parents because, the same thing will continue if I don't take Get more content on
  • 18. Romeo And Juliet Essay What makes Romeo and Juliet so important that we still study it today? Romeo and Juliet is a renowned romance tragedy, written by william shakespeare in the 16th century, in fact it is so interesting that people, today, still study Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet is extremely effective for modern audiences considering several universal themes which are still applicable to modern today society including love, conflict and fate. Romeo and Juliet is a love story between two young people from families who loathe each other. And due to the pressures of society, families and friends, both of them kill themselves because they can't live without each other, resulting in peace between the two feuding families. Love is a predominant more content... But they can never fully abandon or reject that authority. But this is still a challenge for teenagers, who are dismissed as idealistic or melodramatic and who must balance the intensity of their feelings against the expectation of the world around them In Romeo and Juliet, the theme of fate is one of the main themes presented which assists in connecting to a modern audience. Immediately in the prologue, Shakespeare reveals to the audience of predetermined destiny of Romeo and Juliet, "star–cross'd lovers take their lives." By announcing the ending of the story to the audience, it gains attention. Dramatic irony is shown, leaving the audience to ponder on the concept of fate and as a result of the audience knowing the fate of Romeo and Juliet, they are unconsciously hoping for the characters to take a different course. Despite this, their fate is secured, forcing the audience reflect and question their own destiny and ability to make free choices. Throughout the play, the characters attempt to take control of their fate but by doing so, ironically, they fulfil their destinies established in the prologue. When Romeo hears of the news of Juliet's 'death', he buys the poison from the apothecary to die with Juliet. He shouts "I defy you stars", he thinks that the world wants him to grieve over Juliet for the remainder of his life. But in reality, he is fulfilling his destiny that was set out for him at the beginning of the play Get more content on
  • 19. Romeo And Juliet Essay A Detailed Insight of Shakespeare's Famous Romantic Tragedy Romeo and Juliet...a topic that has been discussed and interpreted countless time, with all different outlooks and viewpoints, yet I doubt that you've heard this one. Have you ever noticed that Romeo and Juliet seems to have a subtle aurora of warn–ing? As if these characters should know better? Well a lot of people just throw that at–mosphere out the window, because it might not make sense to them. We 're going to elaborate on the idea instead of ignoring it. I believe that Romeo and Juliet is an undis–covered prophetic vision of the future given by God. If you look at this present genera–tion and generations before that you can see the resemblance of how actions made on a more content... Now there is an–other character that was put in spiritual authority, the Prince. The Prince was also given spiritual authority over the situation between the household and so was the Friar, nei–ther of them gave the households tools given by God on how to handle the situation.Let's face it communication is key. Communication with God is important, very important because then you can re–align yourself with his plans and his thoughts. None of these characters followed that. Not one of these people look a moment to look the situation over and ask God what to do. They got consumed in their anxiety, fear and revenge. "I leave you peace; my peace I give you. I do not give it to you as the world does. So don't let your hearts be troubled or afraid." (John 14:27). If only these people took a moment to look over this scripture before entering into this scenario. An impor–tant part of communication is trusting God to heal your wounds; that's something that everyone in this play failed to do, and in the end it payed a great cost. Now to focus on the communication between characters. If the Friar had thought this through more he could have come up with a better plan that didn't rely on other people. They didn't take into consideration that some things may not go to plan, "She will beshrew me much that Romeo hath had no notice of these accidents"(5.2–25). Spoken by the Friar..need I Killian–Keup 3explain more? This also ties into the Get more content on
  • 20. Romeo And Juliet Compared To Today The story of Romeo and Juliet can be compared to modern lives of teenagers, by comparing their actions, personalities and emotions. Juliet never agreed with her parents and always wanted to do things her own way. Capulet and Lady Capulet where only doing their jobs as her parents to help her out. Through their eyes they where just being helpful to Juliet by finding her a suitable Husband. However Juliet disagreed with many of their ideas. These situations may resemble teens today and how they rebel against their parents even though they might only be guiding them with good judgment. Juliet chooses her words carefully while talking to Count Paris so that she doesn't commit herself to him or say that she doesn't want to be his wife. This deceiving word play is copied by teenagers in the present day. They also talk themselves out of a tuff situation by misleading whoever they are talking to. This could be with relationships, school work or teachers. Personally I find that this is common and teenagers speak in certain ways that will benefit more content... In the time of Romeo and Juliet, everything was about pride and honor. Whenever someone did something, it affected their pride and honor. That is the same in our time as well. Teenagers have reputations to keep which they will do almost anything to Get more content on
  • 21. Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet was Shakespeare's most famous play which is about love of two teenagers of two rival families. Since Romeo's family and Juliet's family are rivals, their families don't agree with the marriage of their children to each other. However, Romeo and Juliet despite the opposition of their families secretly get married at church and insist on reaching their goal of being together. The whole story is played in the theatre style of the Renaissance; audiences could see violence, young boys are playing female rolls without wearing masks, many scenes and time change. However, if it was played in Greek theatre style, the audience could see a different style of performance and there would be a different effect. In Greek Theatre we more content... These shifts from sunlight to sunset and again to sunlight are shown as time change in Renaissance theatre. If Romeo and Juliet were played at Greek theatre style then we wouldn't have time changes and it would play continuously; the time change during performance would be announced to audience instead of changing scenes with purpose of showing time change. In conclusion, Romeo and Juliet is the most common love story written by Shakespeare. It was played in Renaissance Theatre and we can see a lot of violent actions, we can see young boys were playing female act without masks, many scenes, and time changes throughout the play. However, the Renaissance is very different theatre style from Greek Theatre. If the Romeo and Juliet were played in Greek theater, then we would have no violent actions and the narrator would tell the story about the fight instead of showing violent actions. Also, in Greek Theatre we would have men characters to play women parts by pretending that they are women and covering their faces through masks. At Greek Theatre we wouldn't have time change, instead it would play continuously and the setting would be shown in one Get more content on