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Shear Strength Enhancement of
Compacted Soils Using Geopolymer
Soe Thiha
A Thesis Submitted of the Requirement for the Degree of
Master of Engineering in Geotechnology
Suranaree University of Technology
25 May 2015
 Background and rationale
 Research objectives
 Scope and limitations
 Research methodology
 Literature review
 Sample preparation and collection
 Basic property test
 Compaction test
 Direct shear test
 Conclusion
 Future study
Back Ground and Rationale
Back Ground and Rationale …
 To increase the strength of soil properties
 To decrease the permiability.
 To decrease soil slope failure.
Back Ground and Rationale …
 Cutting the world’s carbon.
 Low price of materials
 Better compressive
 Fire proof.
 Low permeability.
 Eco-friendly.
 Excellent properties within
both acid and salt
Research Objective
 This study is to experimentally assess shear strength
enhancement of compacted soil using geopolymer in three-
ring shear testing device.
 The test results from the research will figure out how shear
strength of compacted soil samples (with water and with
geopolymer) between curing and non-curing under room
temperature (27  30 C).
Scope and Limitations
 Three types of soils are used.
 The soil samples are mixed with water and with geopolymer.
 Geopolymer is a mixture of fly ash and alkaline liquid with
equal amount of Na2Sio3 and NaOH.
 Na2Sio3 and NaOH are liquid state.
 The curing time has two stages as non-curing (for 0 day) and
curing (7 days) under room temperature.
 Normal stresses (n) are 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1 MPa.
Research Methodology
Basic Properties Tests Three-ring direct shear test
Sample Collection and Preparation
Literature Review
Resolving and Comparison
Discussions and Conclusion
Thesis Writing
Literature Review
 Bagherzadeh-Khalkahali and Mirghasemi (2009) studied the
effects of particle size on macro and micro mechanical
behavior of coarse-grained soils. The results showed that the
internal friction angle the sample dilation increases with
growing the particle size.
 Bhat et al. (2003) researched the effect of shearing rate on
residual strength of kaolin clay and showed that hardly
increases in residual strength with increase shearing rate of
kaolin clay (0.233 - 0.586 mm/min).
Literature Review …
 Begrado et al. (2006) proposed that the internal frictional
angle of compacted clay is high at low normal stress and
decreases with increasing normal stress.
 Sonsakul et al. (2013) proposed the performance
assessment of three-ring compaction and direct shear testing
device and found that shear strength and MDD obtained
from three-ring mold are higher than ASTM standard mold.
 Davidovits (1978) coined the geopolymer which are new
material explored in many scientific fields and industrial
 Moayedi et al. (2011) reported that the effect of Na2SiO3 on
UCS of soft clay become less and less with longer curing
time. Temperature and curing period are significant in
influence of strength development.
Literature Review …
 Sukmak et al. (2013) studied the geopolymerization
decreases with increasing moisture content due to the
reduction of alkaline liquid activator (L). At low moisture
content, low strength is obtained by inadequate L.
 Phummiphan et al. (2014) found that the optimum liquid
alkaline activators for lateritic soil – fly ash geopolymer
specimens decreases as NaOH solution increases. The fly
ash geopolymer could improve the mechanical properties of
the marginal soil.
Literature Review …
 Chimoye (2014) studied the strength of soft Bangkok clay
improved by palm fuel ash geopolymer and found that higher
percentage of NaOH or palm fuel ash would give higher
compressive strength of Bangkok clay.
 Chanprasert et al. (2014) studied the strength and
microstructure of water treatment sludge-fly ash geopolymer.
The geopolymerization increases with heat duration and
weld clay and FA particles, and fill up the pore spaces..
Literature Review …
Sample Collection and Preparation
 In this study, the soil samples are mixed together with
geopolymer blended raw materials, fly-ash and alkaline liquid
activator homogenously.
 Raw materials are collected as three types of soils:
 from Bang Nong Bong, Muang district, Nakhon
 from Bang Khen water treatment plan, Bangkok.
 from Dan Keen, Chock Chai district, Nakhon
Sample Collection and Preparation …
 Fly ash (FA) is a by-product of waste materials obtained from
Mae Moh Power Plant in Northern Thailand. According
ASTM D618, FA is classified as class F.
 Alkaline liquid is a mixture of Na2SiO3 and NaOH.
 Na2SiO3 is composed of 15.5% of NaOH, 32.75% of
SiO2 and water of 51.75% by weight.
 NaOH is 12.5 molars in solution.
Sample Collection and Preparation …
Fly-ash (FA) Sodium Hydroxide
Sodium silicate
0 10 20 305 15 25 mm
Basic Property Test
 All basic property tests are followed ASTM standards and
procedures. They are included as follow as:
 Natural water content (ASTM D2216)
 Specific gravity (ASTM D854)
 Atterberg’s limit (ASTM D4318)
 Grain size analysis (ASTM D422)
 Unified soil classification system (ASTM D2487)
Particle Size (mm)
Silty Sand (SM)
Sludge (MH)
Clay (CH)
Basic Property Test …
Grain size distribution curve for three types of soils
Basic Property Test …
Soil plasticity chart (Casagrande, 1942)
Silty sand (SM)
Passing (no.4) - 100%
Passing (no.200) - 30%
LL - 12.7%
PI - 0.6%
Sludge (MH)
Passing (no.4) - 100%
Passing (no.200) - 98%
LL - 58%
PI - 25.5%
High plasticity clay (CH)
Passing (no.4) - 100%
Passing (no.200) - 93.2%
LL - 68%
PI - 39.2%
PI =
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Liquid limit
0 10 20 305 15 25 mm
0 10 20 305 15 25 mm
0 10 20 305 15 25 mm
Table. Basic property test results of soil samples
Locations W (%) SG LL(%) PI(%) Soil Types
Ban Nong Bong 3.0 2.68 12.7 0.6 Silty sand (SM)
Dan Keen 10.5 2.67 68.0 39.2
High plasticity
clay (CH)
Bang Khen
Water Treatment
5.6 2.56 55.0 23.0
High plasticity
silt (MH)
Basic Property Test …
Compaction Test
 Compaction is essential in many geotechnical applications to
improve the engineering properties of soils (Horpibulsuk et
al., 2013).
 Proctor (1933) proposed the compaction test for MDD and
OMC, known as Proctor compaction test.
 The proctor compaction test is easy to perform in the
laboratory due to workability of simple equipment.
Compaction Test …
 To find OMC and MDD of compacted soils, the empirical
equations are used as follow as:
 =
𝑉 𝑚
 𝑑 =
𝑤 (%)
Where  = moist unit weight, W = moist weight of soil,
Vm = moist volume of soil, d = dry unit weight,
w = water content of soil
Compaction Test …
Table1. Modified compaction test (ASTM D1557)
Method A Method B Method C
≤ 20%
retained on
sieve No.4
>20% retained on
No.4 and ≤ 20%
retained on sieve 3/8”
>20% retained on
sieve 3/8” and <30%
retained on sieve 3/4”
Passing Sieve No.4 Sieve 3/8” Sieve 3/4”
Mold Dia. 4” 4” 6”
Layer No. 5 5 5
No. of
25 25 56
Ø 114.3 mm
Ø 101.6 mm
457 mm
Standard mold and dropped hammer (ASTM D1557)
Compaction Test (cont.)
 Two types of samples are prepared as sample with water
and sample with geopolymer.
 For sample with water, soil sample and water are mixed
together as a normal way.
 For sample with geopolymer, fly ash and dry soil are mixed
together with a ratio FA/soil = 0.1 for five minutes. Then, the
mixture of liquid activator and water (LA/water = 0.1) is
added to soil-fly ash mixture and blending for next ten
minutes to be homogenous.
Compaction Test …
Mix design for test samples
Compaction Test …
Soil Water
Mixture with water
Sample with
ASTM Compaction Test
FA/Soil = 0.1 AL/Water = 0.1
Mixture with geopolymer
Sample with
Compaction Test …
 Soil mixing process take a time for almost 15 minutes to get
homogenous mixture for compaction test sample.
Silty sand compaction results between sample with water and
sample with geopolymer
Sample with water
MDD – 1940 kg/m3
OMC – 7.8 %
Sample with geopolymer
MDD – 1925 kg/m3
OMC – 9.5 %
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Water content (%)
Compaction Test …
High plasticity clay compaction results between sample with
water and sample with geopolymer
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Water content (%)
Sample with water
MDD – 1634 kg/m3
OMC – 21 %
Sample with geopolymer
MDD – 1571 kg/m3
OMC – 19 %
Compaction Test …
Sludge compaction results between sample with water and
sample with geopolymer
0 20 30 40 50
Water content (%)
Sample with water
MDD – 1360 kg/m3
OMC – 26 %
Sample with geopolymer
MDD – 1250 kg/m3
OMC – 33 %
Compaction Test …
Soil Type
OMC (%) MDD (kg/m3)
Silty sand
Water 7.8 1940
Geopolymer 9.5 1925
High plasticity
clay (CH)
Water 21 1634
Geopolymer 19 1573
Water 26 1360
Geopolymer 32 1250
Table. Compaction parameters of three types of soils
Compaction Test …
Direct shear test
 Direct shear test is the oldest and simplest form in laboratory
and it is used to measure shear strength of soil (Das, 2010).
 Cohesion and friction are main parameters and they are
calculated by Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion.
f = c + n tan  (3)
Where f = shear strength in failure, n = normal stress,
c = cohesion of soil,  = friction angle of soil
 In this study, the shear strength is measured by using three-
ring direct shear test device.
 Three-ring direct shear test has an advantage to measure
shear strength after compaction without sample disturbance
due to changing mold (Sonsakul et al., 2013).
 Three-ring direct shear testing device has two portions:
 Three-ring compaction and shear mold
 Direct shear frame
Direct shear test …
Ø107.6 mm
Ø101.6 mm
Upper ring
Middle ring
Lower ring
Three-ring compaction and shear mold
Direct shear test …
Method A
(ASTM D1557)
Three-ring Compaction
(Sonsakul et al., 2013)
≤ 20% retained on
sieve No.4
Passing Sieve No.4
Under 10 mm
(max. grain size)
Mold Dia. 4” 4”
Layer No. 5 6
No. of Blow/Layer 25 27
Energy 2700 kN-m/m3 2700 kN-m/m3
Table. Comparison between ASTM and Three-ring method
Direct shear test …
Three-ring direct shear testing device
Vertical Dial
Normal load
Shear force
load cell
Shear force
dial gauge
hand pump
Direct shear test …
Side view of three-ring direct shear testing device
Direct shear test …
 Three-ring direct shear test is performed to measure the
shear strength of two kinds of soil samples under two curing
 As two kinds of soil samples,
 sample with water and sample with geopolymer
 As two curing conditions,
 non-curing (0 day) and curing (7 days)
Direct shear test …
Direct shear test …
ASTM Compaction Test
Three-ring Compaction
Curing (7 days) Non-curing (0 day)
Direct Shear Test
FA/Soil = 0.1 AL/Water = 0.1
Mixture with geopolymer
Sample with
Mixture with water
Sample with
 The test samples for curing are under ambient temperature
(27  30C) in laboratory for 7 days before shearing.
 For non-curing samples, they are sheared directly after
compacting in three-ring mold with the normal forces (0.4,
0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 MPa).
 The shear displacement rate is 1 mm/min (approximately) to
be obvious different outcome in shearing soil grains.
Direct shear test …
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Shear displacement (mm)
n = 1.0 MPa
0.8 MPa
0.6 MPa
0.4 MPa
n = 1.0 MPa
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Shear displacement (mm)
0.8 MPa
0.6 MPa
0.4 MPa
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Shear displacement (mm)
n = 1.0 MPa
0.8 MPa
0.6 MPa
0.4 MPa
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Shear displacement (mm)
n = 1.0 MPa
0.8 MPa
0.6 MPa
0.4 MPa
Shear stresses and shear displacements of silty sand
Water (7 days)
Geopolymer (7 days)
Water (0 day)
Geopolymer (0 day)
Direct shear test …
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Shear displacement (mm)
n = 1.0 MPa
0.8 MPa
0.6 MPa
0.4 MPa
n = 1.0 MPa
0 2 4 6 8
Shear displacement (mm)
0.8 MPa
0.6 MPa
0.4 MPa
n = 1.0 MPa
0.8 MPa
0.6 MPa
0.4 MPa
0 2 4 6 8
Shear displacement (mm)
n = 1.0 MPa
0.8 MPa
0.6 MPa
0.4 MPa
0 2 4 6 8
Shear displacement, mm
Shear stresses and shear displacements of sludge
Water (7 days)
Geopolymer (7 days)
Water (0 day)
Geopolymer (0 day)
Direct shear test …
0 2 4 6 8
Shear displacement (mm)
n = 1.0 MPa
0.8 MPa
0.6 MPa
0.4 MPa
n = 1.0 MPa
0.8 MPa
0.6 MPa
0.4 MPa
0 2 4 6 8
Shear displacement (mm)
0 2 4 6 8
Shear displacement (mm)
n = 1.0 MPa
0.8 MPa
0.6 MPa
0.4 MPa
0 2 4 6 8
Shear displacement (mm)
n = 1.0 MPa
0.8 MPa
0.6 MPa
0.4 MPa
Direct shear test (cont.)
Shear stresses and shear displacements of high plasticity clay
Water (7 days)
Geopolymer (7 days)
Water (0 day)
Geopolymer (0 day)
Direct shear test …
Curing sample with geopolymer ( 7 days )
Non-curing sample with water ( 0 day )
High Plasticity Clay
Silty Sand
Silty Sand Sludge
High Plasticity Clay
Direct shear test …
0 5 10 in 0 5 10 in 0 5 10 in
0 5 10 in 0 5 10 in 0 5 10 in
Direct shear test …
samples with
Peak Residual
cp (MPa) p ( ) cr (MPa) r ( )
Water 0.20 37.8 0.11 32.5
Geopolymer 0.22 43.3 0.12 37.3
Water 0.23 36.7 0.11 32.4
Geopolymer 0.59 51.4 0.13 45.1
Normal stress (MPa)
0.0 0.8 1.0 1.20.2 0.4 0.6
Res - G7
Res - G 0
Res - W 7
Res W0
Peak -G7
Peak -G0
Peak - W7
-Peak W0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Normal stress (MPa)
Direct shear test …
samples with
Peak Residual
cp (MPa) p ( ) cr (MPa) r ( )
Water 0.32 25.0 0.25 23.8
Geopolymer 0.30 27.2 0.19 26.8
Water 0.37 25.4 0.21 23.3
Geopolymer 0.29 41.3 0.08 40.5
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Normal stress (MPa)
-Peak W0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Normal stress (MPa)
Res -G7
Res -G0
Res -W7
-Res W0
Direct shear test …
samples with
Peak Residual
cp (MPa) p ( ) cr (MPa) r ( )
Water 0.38 26.5 0.23 18.0
Geopolymer 0.17 32.4 0.21 26.2
Water 0.48 26.2 0.14 17.4
Geopolymer 0.66 41.8 0.24 25.2
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Normal stress (MPa)
Peak -G7
Peak -G0
Peak - W7
-Peak W0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Normal stress (MPa)
Res -G7
Res -G0
Res -W7
-Res W0
 For silty sand and sludge, the soil samples with fly ash
geopolymer are increase optimum moisture content and
decrease maximum dry density.
 For high plasticity clay, fly ash geopolymer decreases
optimum moisture content corresponding with decrease of
maximum dry density.
 The compaction results point out that fly ash based
geopolymer cannot improve the maximum dry density.
Conclusions …
 The results of three-ring direct shear tests give higher
strengths in shearing when soil samples are mixed with
geopolymer and more higher strengths are attained through
the curing state.
 After compacting with fly ash geopolymer, the soils are
attained a harden state depending upon the curing period.
Conclusions …
 The more laboratory strengths based on curing period under
ambient temperature (27 – 30 C) point out that field strength
can be attained after construction because of chemical
reaction under ambient temperature in actual condition.
 The short time interval of mixing process of soil samples
reflects the advantages on field condition as in-situ mixing
process can be performed as fast as possible.
 Although clay soils are normally low internal friction angle,
the compacted condition with geopolymer gives higher
internal friction angle.
 The geopolymer can increase the shear strength of high
plasticity clay almost double.
Conclusions …
 The compacted soil mixed with geopolymer transform to
more brittle behavior in strain softening.
 Fly ash based geopolymer enhances the shear strength of
soils by increasing of cohesion and friction angle.
“ Soil improvement techniques using geopolymer can be applied
for strengthening the soil embankment, soil slope and earth dam
Conclusions …
Recommendations for future study
 The more soil specimens should be used to experimentally
perform three-ring direct shear test with various shearing
 The various ratios of geopolymer and raw materials might be
performed under high ambient temperature (>30 C) and
more curing periods (>7 days).
 The soil specimens may be under wet-dry cycle process
according to ASTM standard before shearing the sample in
direct shear device.
 Microscopic studies as SEM and XRD may be employed
when shearing for soil specimens with geopolymer.
Recommendations for future study …

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Shear strength of compacted soils using geopolymer

  • 1. Shear Strength Enhancement of Compacted Soils Using Geopolymer Soe Thiha M5640010 A Thesis Submitted of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Engineering in Geotechnology Suranaree University of Technology 25 May 2015
  • 2.  Background and rationale  Research objectives  Scope and limitations  Research methodology  Literature review  Sample preparation and collection  Basic property test  Compaction test  Direct shear test  Conclusion  Future study Outline
  • 3. Back Ground and Rationale
  • 4. Back Ground and Rationale …  To increase the strength of soil properties  To decrease the permiability.  To decrease soil slope failure.
  • 5. Back Ground and Rationale … Source Material  Cutting the world’s carbon.  Low price of materials  Better compressive strength.  Fire proof.  Low permeability.  Eco-friendly.  Excellent properties within both acid and salt environments. Advantages
  • 6. Research Objective  This study is to experimentally assess shear strength enhancement of compacted soil using geopolymer in three- ring shear testing device.  The test results from the research will figure out how shear strength of compacted soil samples (with water and with geopolymer) between curing and non-curing under room temperature (27  30 C).
  • 7. Scope and Limitations  Three types of soils are used.  The soil samples are mixed with water and with geopolymer.  Geopolymer is a mixture of fly ash and alkaline liquid with equal amount of Na2Sio3 and NaOH.  Na2Sio3 and NaOH are liquid state.  The curing time has two stages as non-curing (for 0 day) and curing (7 days) under room temperature.  Normal stresses (n) are 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1 MPa.
  • 8. Research Methodology Geopolymer Basic Properties Tests Three-ring direct shear test Sample Collection and Preparation Literature Review Resolving and Comparison Discussions and Conclusion Thesis Writing Water
  • 9. Literature Review  Bagherzadeh-Khalkahali and Mirghasemi (2009) studied the effects of particle size on macro and micro mechanical behavior of coarse-grained soils. The results showed that the internal friction angle the sample dilation increases with growing the particle size.  Bhat et al. (2003) researched the effect of shearing rate on residual strength of kaolin clay and showed that hardly increases in residual strength with increase shearing rate of kaolin clay (0.233 - 0.586 mm/min).
  • 10. Literature Review …  Begrado et al. (2006) proposed that the internal frictional angle of compacted clay is high at low normal stress and decreases with increasing normal stress.  Sonsakul et al. (2013) proposed the performance assessment of three-ring compaction and direct shear testing device and found that shear strength and MDD obtained from three-ring mold are higher than ASTM standard mold.
  • 11.  Davidovits (1978) coined the geopolymer which are new material explored in many scientific fields and industrial disciplines.  Moayedi et al. (2011) reported that the effect of Na2SiO3 on UCS of soft clay become less and less with longer curing time. Temperature and curing period are significant in influence of strength development. Literature Review …
  • 12.  Sukmak et al. (2013) studied the geopolymerization decreases with increasing moisture content due to the reduction of alkaline liquid activator (L). At low moisture content, low strength is obtained by inadequate L.  Phummiphan et al. (2014) found that the optimum liquid alkaline activators for lateritic soil – fly ash geopolymer specimens decreases as NaOH solution increases. The fly ash geopolymer could improve the mechanical properties of the marginal soil. Literature Review …
  • 13.  Chimoye (2014) studied the strength of soft Bangkok clay improved by palm fuel ash geopolymer and found that higher percentage of NaOH or palm fuel ash would give higher compressive strength of Bangkok clay.  Chanprasert et al. (2014) studied the strength and microstructure of water treatment sludge-fly ash geopolymer. The geopolymerization increases with heat duration and weld clay and FA particles, and fill up the pore spaces.. Literature Review …
  • 14. Sample Collection and Preparation  In this study, the soil samples are mixed together with geopolymer blended raw materials, fly-ash and alkaline liquid activator homogenously.  Raw materials are collected as three types of soils:  from Bang Nong Bong, Muang district, Nakhon Ratchasima.  from Bang Khen water treatment plan, Bangkok.  from Dan Keen, Chock Chai district, Nakhon Ratchasima.
  • 15. Sample Collection and Preparation …  Fly ash (FA) is a by-product of waste materials obtained from Mae Moh Power Plant in Northern Thailand. According ASTM D618, FA is classified as class F.  Alkaline liquid is a mixture of Na2SiO3 and NaOH.  Na2SiO3 is composed of 15.5% of NaOH, 32.75% of SiO2 and water of 51.75% by weight.  NaOH is 12.5 molars in solution.
  • 16. Sample Collection and Preparation … Fly-ash (FA) Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) Sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) 0 10 20 305 15 25 mm
  • 17. Basic Property Test  All basic property tests are followed ASTM standards and procedures. They are included as follow as:  Natural water content (ASTM D2216)  Specific gravity (ASTM D854)  Atterberg’s limit (ASTM D4318)  Grain size analysis (ASTM D422)  Unified soil classification system (ASTM D2487)
  • 18. 0 20 40 60 80 100 PercentPassing(%) Particle Size (mm) 10.00 Silty Sand (SM) Sludge (MH) Clay (CH) Basic Property Test … Grain size distribution curve for three types of soils 0.075 4.75
  • 19. Basic Property Test … Soil plasticity chart (Casagrande, 1942) Silty sand (SM) Passing (no.4) - 100% Passing (no.200) - 30% LL - 12.7% PI - 0.6% Sludge (MH) Passing (no.4) - 100% Passing (no.200) - 98% LL - 58% PI - 25.5% High plasticity clay (CH) Passing (no.4) - 100% Passing (no.200) - 93.2% LL - 68% PI - 39.2% U-line PI = 0.9 (LL-8) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 CL-ML CL or OL ML or OL CH or OH MH or OH A-line Liquid limit Plasticityindex 0 10 20 305 15 25 mm 0 10 20 305 15 25 mm 0 10 20 305 15 25 mm
  • 20. Table. Basic property test results of soil samples Locations W (%) SG LL(%) PI(%) Soil Types Ban Nong Bong 3.0 2.68 12.7 0.6 Silty sand (SM) Dan Keen 10.5 2.67 68.0 39.2 High plasticity clay (CH) Bang Khen Water Treatment Plant 5.6 2.56 55.0 23.0 High plasticity silt (MH) Basic Property Test …
  • 21. Compaction Test  Compaction is essential in many geotechnical applications to improve the engineering properties of soils (Horpibulsuk et al., 2013).  Proctor (1933) proposed the compaction test for MDD and OMC, known as Proctor compaction test.  The proctor compaction test is easy to perform in the laboratory due to workability of simple equipment.
  • 22. Compaction Test …  To find OMC and MDD of compacted soils, the empirical equations are used as follow as:  = 𝑊 𝑉 𝑚 (1)  𝑑 =  1+ 𝑤 (%) 100 (2) Where  = moist unit weight, W = moist weight of soil, Vm = moist volume of soil, d = dry unit weight, w = water content of soil
  • 23. Compaction Test … Table1. Modified compaction test (ASTM D1557) Method A Method B Method C Material ≤ 20% retained on sieve No.4 >20% retained on No.4 and ≤ 20% retained on sieve 3/8” >20% retained on sieve 3/8” and <30% retained on sieve 3/4” Passing Sieve No.4 Sieve 3/8” Sieve 3/4” Mold Dia. 4” 4” 6” Layer No. 5 5 5 No. of Blow/Layer 25 25 56
  • 24. 116.43 mm Ø 114.3 mm Ø 101.6 mm Lower Ring Upper Ring 457 mm Standard mold and dropped hammer (ASTM D1557) Compaction Test (cont.)
  • 25.  Two types of samples are prepared as sample with water and sample with geopolymer.  For sample with water, soil sample and water are mixed together as a normal way.  For sample with geopolymer, fly ash and dry soil are mixed together with a ratio FA/soil = 0.1 for five minutes. Then, the mixture of liquid activator and water (LA/water = 0.1) is added to soil-fly ash mixture and blending for next ten minutes to be homogenous. Compaction Test …
  • 26. Mix design for test samples Compaction Test … Soil Water Mixture with water Sample with Water ASTM Compaction Test OMC & MDD FA/Soil = 0.1 AL/Water = 0.1 Mixture with geopolymer Sample with Geopolymer (GP)
  • 27. Compaction Test … 3 2 1  Soil mixing process take a time for almost 15 minutes to get homogenous mixture for compaction test sample.
  • 28. Silty sand compaction results between sample with water and sample with geopolymer Sample with water MDD – 1940 kg/m3 OMC – 7.8 % Sample with geopolymer MDD – 1925 kg/m3 OMC – 9.5 % 1780 1820 1860 1900 1940 1980 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Water content (%) Drydensity(kg/m3 ) Compaction Test …
  • 29. High plasticity clay compaction results between sample with water and sample with geopolymer 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Water content (%) Drydensity(kg/m3 ) Sample with water MDD – 1634 kg/m3 OMC – 21 % Sample with geopolymer MDD – 1571 kg/m3 OMC – 19 % Compaction Test …
  • 30. Sludge compaction results between sample with water and sample with geopolymer 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 0 20 30 40 50 Water content (%) Drydensity(kg/m3 ) 6010 Sample with water MDD – 1360 kg/m3 OMC – 26 % Sample with geopolymer MDD – 1250 kg/m3 OMC – 33 % Compaction Test …
  • 31. Soil Type Compaction Characteristic OMC (%) MDD (kg/m3) Silty sand (SM) Water 7.8 1940 Geopolymer 9.5 1925 High plasticity clay (CH) Water 21 1634 Geopolymer 19 1573 Sludge (MH) Water 26 1360 Geopolymer 32 1250 Table. Compaction parameters of three types of soils Compaction Test …
  • 32. Direct shear test  Direct shear test is the oldest and simplest form in laboratory and it is used to measure shear strength of soil (Das, 2010).  Cohesion and friction are main parameters and they are calculated by Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. f = c + n tan  (3) Where f = shear strength in failure, n = normal stress, c = cohesion of soil,  = friction angle of soil
  • 33.  In this study, the shear strength is measured by using three- ring direct shear test device.  Three-ring direct shear test has an advantage to measure shear strength after compaction without sample disturbance due to changing mold (Sonsakul et al., 2013).  Three-ring direct shear testing device has two portions:  Three-ring compaction and shear mold  Direct shear frame Direct shear test …
  • 34. Ø107.6 mm Ø101.6 mm 50.8 mm 50.8 mm 50.8 mm Upper ring Middle ring Lower ring Three-ring compaction and shear mold Direct shear test …
  • 35. Method A (ASTM D1557) Three-ring Compaction (Sonsakul et al., 2013) Material ≤ 20% retained on sieve No.4 - Passing Sieve No.4 Under 10 mm (max. grain size) Mold Dia. 4” 4” Layer No. 5 6 No. of Blow/Layer 25 27 Energy 2700 kN-m/m3 2700 kN-m/m3 Table. Comparison between ASTM and Three-ring method Direct shear test …
  • 36. Three-ring direct shear testing device Vertical Dial gauge Normal load Three-ring mold Shear force load cell Shear force dial gauge Hydraulic hand pump Direct shear test …
  • 37. Side view of three-ring direct shear testing device Normal force Shear force Direct shear test …
  • 38.  Three-ring direct shear test is performed to measure the shear strength of two kinds of soil samples under two curing condition.  As two kinds of soil samples,  sample with water and sample with geopolymer  As two curing conditions,  non-curing (0 day) and curing (7 days) Direct shear test …
  • 39. Direct shear test … ASTM Compaction Test Three-ring Compaction Curing (7 days) Non-curing (0 day) Direct Shear Test FA/Soil = 0.1 AL/Water = 0.1 Mixture with geopolymer Sample with Geopolymer (GP) Water Mixture with water Sample with Water Soil OMC & MDD
  • 40.  The test samples for curing are under ambient temperature (27  30C) in laboratory for 7 days before shearing.  For non-curing samples, they are sheared directly after compacting in three-ring mold with the normal forces (0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 MPa).  The shear displacement rate is 1 mm/min (approximately) to be obvious different outcome in shearing soil grains. Direct shear test …
  • 41. 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Shearstress(MPa) Shear displacement (mm) n = 1.0 MPa 0.8 MPa 0.6 MPa 0.4 MPa n = 1.0 MPa 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Shearstress(MPa) Shear displacement (mm) 0.8 MPa 0.6 MPa 0.4 MPa 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Shearstress(MPa) Shear displacement (mm) n = 1.0 MPa 0.8 MPa 0.6 MPa 0.4 MPa 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Shearstress(MPa) Shear displacement (mm) n = 1.0 MPa 0.8 MPa 0.6 MPa 0.4 MPa Shear stresses and shear displacements of silty sand Water (7 days) Geopolymer (7 days) Water (0 day) Geopolymer (0 day) Direct shear test … Under shear rate 1mm/min
  • 42. 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Shearstress(MPa) Shear displacement (mm) n = 1.0 MPa 0.8 MPa 0.6 MPa 0.4 MPa n = 1.0 MPa 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 0 2 4 6 8 Shearstress(MPa) Shear displacement (mm) 0.8 MPa 0.6 MPa 0.4 MPa n = 1.0 MPa 0.8 MPa 0.6 MPa 0.4 MPa 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 0 2 4 6 8 Shearstress(MPa) Shear displacement (mm) n = 1.0 MPa 0.8 MPa 0.6 MPa 0.4 MPa 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 0 2 4 6 8 Shearstress,MPa Shear displacement, mm Shear stresses and shear displacements of sludge Water (7 days) Geopolymer (7 days) Water (0 day) Geopolymer (0 day) Direct shear test … Under shear rate 1mm/min
  • 43. 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 0 2 4 6 8 Shearstress(MPa) Shear displacement (mm) n = 1.0 MPa 0.8 MPa 0.6 MPa 0.4 MPa n = 1.0 MPa 0.8 MPa 0.6 MPa 0.4 MPa 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 0 2 4 6 8 Shearstress(MPa) Shear displacement (mm) 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 0 2 4 6 8 Shearstress(MPa) Shear displacement (mm) n = 1.0 MPa 0.8 MPa 0.6 MPa 0.4 MPa 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 0 2 4 6 8 Shearstress(MPa) Shear displacement (mm) n = 1.0 MPa 0.8 MPa 0.6 MPa 0.4 MPa Direct shear test (cont.) Shear stresses and shear displacements of high plasticity clay Water (7 days) Geopolymer (7 days) Water (0 day) Geopolymer (0 day) Direct shear test … Under shear rate 1mm/min
  • 44. Curing sample with geopolymer ( 7 days ) Non-curing sample with water ( 0 day ) Sludge High Plasticity Clay Silty Sand Silty Sand Sludge High Plasticity Clay Direct shear test … 0 5 10 in 0 5 10 in 0 5 10 in 0 5 10 in 0 5 10 in 0 5 10 in
  • 45. Direct shear test … Soil Type Curing time (days) Tested samples with Peak Residual cp (MPa) p ( ) cr (MPa) r ( ) Silty Sand (SM) 0 Water 0.20 37.8 0.11 32.5 Geopolymer 0.22 43.3 0.12 37.3 7 Water 0.23 36.7 0.11 32.4 Geopolymer 0.59 51.4 0.13 45.1 Normal stress (MPa) 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 Residualshearsterength(MPa) 0.0 0.8 1.0 1.20.2 0.4 0.6 - Res - G7 Res - G 0 Res - W 7 Res W0 Peak -G7 Peak -G0 Peak - W7 -Peak W0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Peakshearstrength(MPa) Normal stress (MPa) 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0
  • 46. Direct shear test … Soil Type Curing time (days) Tested samples with Peak Residual cp (MPa) p ( ) cr (MPa) r ( ) Sludge (MH) 0 Water 0.32 25.0 0.25 23.8 Geopolymer 0.30 27.2 0.19 26.8 7 Water 0.37 25.4 0.21 23.3 Geopolymer 0.29 41.3 0.08 40.5 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Peakshearstrength(MPa) Normal stress (MPa) Peak-G7 Peak-G0 Peak-W7 -Peak W0 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Residualshearstrength(MPa) Normal stress (MPa) Res -G7 Res -G0 Res -W7 -Res W0 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0
  • 47. Direct shear test … Soil Type Curing time (days) Tested samples with Peak Residual cp (MPa) p ( ) cr (MPa) r ( ) Clay (CH) 0 Water 0.38 26.5 0.23 18.0 Geopolymer 0.17 32.4 0.21 26.2 7 Water 0.48 26.2 0.14 17.4 Geopolymer 0.66 41.8 0.24 25.2 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Peakshearstrength(MPa) Normal stress (MPa) Peak -G7 Peak -G0 Peak - W7 -Peak W0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Residualshearstrength(MPa) Normal stress (MPa) Res -G7 Res -G0 Res -W7 -Res W0 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0
  • 48. Conclusions  For silty sand and sludge, the soil samples with fly ash geopolymer are increase optimum moisture content and decrease maximum dry density.  For high plasticity clay, fly ash geopolymer decreases optimum moisture content corresponding with decrease of maximum dry density.  The compaction results point out that fly ash based geopolymer cannot improve the maximum dry density.
  • 49. Conclusions …  The results of three-ring direct shear tests give higher strengths in shearing when soil samples are mixed with geopolymer and more higher strengths are attained through the curing state.  After compacting with fly ash geopolymer, the soils are attained a harden state depending upon the curing period.
  • 50. Conclusions …  The more laboratory strengths based on curing period under ambient temperature (27 – 30 C) point out that field strength can be attained after construction because of chemical reaction under ambient temperature in actual condition.  The short time interval of mixing process of soil samples reflects the advantages on field condition as in-situ mixing process can be performed as fast as possible.
  • 51.  Although clay soils are normally low internal friction angle, the compacted condition with geopolymer gives higher internal friction angle.  The geopolymer can increase the shear strength of high plasticity clay almost double. Conclusions …
  • 52.  The compacted soil mixed with geopolymer transform to more brittle behavior in strain softening.  Fly ash based geopolymer enhances the shear strength of soils by increasing of cohesion and friction angle. “ Soil improvement techniques using geopolymer can be applied for strengthening the soil embankment, soil slope and earth dam foundation.” Conclusions …
  • 53. Recommendations for future study  The more soil specimens should be used to experimentally perform three-ring direct shear test with various shearing rates.  The various ratios of geopolymer and raw materials might be performed under high ambient temperature (>30 C) and more curing periods (>7 days).
  • 54.  The soil specimens may be under wet-dry cycle process according to ASTM standard before shearing the sample in direct shear device.  Microscopic studies as SEM and XRD may be employed when shearing for soil specimens with geopolymer. Recommendations for future study …

Editor's Notes

  1. Outline This presentation is composed of 11 outlines such as….
  2. Background and Rationale… In soil engineering works, unconfined compressive strength and shear strength are very important to be stable soil structure in cases of Earth dam, soil embankment, soil slope which can be improved by mechanically or chemically. Especially…..For long term period against slope failure, shear strength is essential for those structures and that shear strength relies on cohesion and friction angle of soil.
  3. -The soils can be compacted by using machines mechanically. -The purpose of compaction is to increase the strength of soil properties such as compressibility and shear strength and to decrease the permiability. Moreover, it can decrease soil slope failure. - To achieve more compaction, the chemical methods are used together with mechanical method.
  4. Nowadays Geopolymer is becoming new green material and friendly environment by reducing CO2 emission instead of Portland cement. The combination of three-materials (such as source or raw material, by-products and alkaline liquid activator) give a geopolymerization and become a higher strength alternative materials. It contribute the advantages to many sectors of Engineering works. It can be used to be low carbon, cheap and higher strength, fire proof, low permeability, eco-friendly and durability in sulfate water.
  5. The objective of this study is to experimentally assess the shear strength enhancement of compacted soil using geopolymer in three- ring shear testing device. The test results figure out how shear strength of compacted soil samples between curing and non-curing under room temperature.
  6. As scope and Limitations, three soil types are used. And, soil samples are mixed with water and with geopolymer. Geopolymer used in this study is a mixture of fly-ash and alkaline liquid. That alkaline liquid has an equal amount of Na2SiO3 and NaOH. These Na2SiO3 and NaOH are liquid state. The curing time has two stages as non-curing for 0 days and curing for 7 days under room temperature. For the direct shear test in the laboratory, vertical normal stresses are 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1MPa respectively.
  7. - Research methodology has described as 7 steps from literature review to thesis writing as shown in this figure.
  8. In 2009, Bagherzadeh and Mirghasemi studied the effects of particle size on micro and macro mechanical behavior of coarse-grained soils. They found that the internal friction angle and the sample dilation increases with growing the particle size. In 2003, Bhat and colleagues researched the effect of shearing rate on residual strength of kaolin clay and showed that hardly increases in residual strength with increase shearing rate of kaolin clay . The shear rates for their study are ranging from 0.233 to 0.586 mm/min.
  9. In 2006, Begarado found the internal frictional angle of compacted clay is high at low normal stress and decreases with increasing normal stress. Sonsakul and the researchers proposed the three-ring compaction and direct shear testing device in 2013. They found that shear strength and MDD obtained from three-ring mold are higher that ASTM standards mold and results are closer to in-situsoil condition.
  10. Davidovits (1978), he stared to use and call as a “geopolymer”. The geopolymer is a new green material explored in many scientific fields and industrial uses. It can reduce the CO2 emission from production of Portland cement and it is an alternative material of Portland cements. As related on geopolymer material, many researchers have researched already. In 2011, Moayedi and another reaearches reported that temperature and curing period are significant in influence of UCS strength development by the effect of Na2SiO3.
  11. Sukmak (2013) studied the geopolymerization decrease with increasing moisture content due to the reduction of alkaline liquid activator. In 2014, Phummiphan found that the optimum liquid alkaline activators for lateritic soil-fly ash geopolymer specimens decreases as sodium hydroxide solution increases. The fly ash geopolymer could improve the mechanical properties of the marginal lateritic soil.
  12. - Recently, Chimoye studied the strength of Bangkok clay and found that higher percentage of sodium hydroxide or palm fuel ash would give higher compressive strength of Bangkok clay. - Chanprasert found that the geopolymerization increases with heat duration and weld clay and fly ash particles and fill up the pore spaces.
  13. -Sample collection and preparation… - To collect and prepare the test samples, three types of soils are mixed together with geopolymer. In this study, geopolymer is a mixture blended raw materials, fly ash and alkaline liquid activator homogenously. - Sometimes, raw material are called source material. This study used raw materials as three types of soils from Bang Nong Bong, from Bang Khe water treatment plant and from Dan Keen.
  14. - Fly ash is a by-product of waste materials obtained from Mae Moh Power plant in Northern Thailand. According ASTM D618, that fly ash is classified as class F. Alkaline liquid is a mixture of Na2SiO3 and NaOH which are common use in local business. Na2SiO3 is composed of 15.5% of NaOH, 32.75% of SiO2 and water of 51.75% by weight. NaOH is 12.5 molars in ready solution.
  15. - There are geopolymer materials to make a fly ash based geopolymer to mix with soils.
  16. Basic property test… All basic properties tests are followed ASTM standards. Natural water content, specific gravity, Atterberg’s limit, grain size analysis and unified soil classification system are included as Basic property test for soil samples.
  17. - The grain size distribution of each soil types are as shown in this curve. White circle represents silty sand from Bang Nong Bong White square represents sludge from Bang Khe water treatment plant. And black color triangle represents clayey soil from Dan Keen. This sieve analysis is performed according to ASTM D422.
  18. The figure from left is the soil plasticity chart for fined grain soils proposed by Casagrande since 1942. The water holding capacity of soils are shown in right. Sludge and high plasticity clay are located on the chart to separate the soil types below and above of A-Line. Green point is sludge and red point is for high plasticity clay. Silty sand is not located on the chart because the passing sieve no. 200 is more than 50% being different from fined grained soil.
  19. The test results are tabulated as shown in table . The soil from Ban Nong Bong is silty sand according to USCS (ASTM D2487) and another two soils are High plasticity clay and high plasticity silt.
  20. Compaction test…. Compaction of soil is an essential in many geotechnical application to improve the engineering properties of soils. For compaction of soils, since 1933, Proctor proposed the Proctor compaction test which give a Maximum dry density and optimum moisture content. The Proctor compaction test is very useful and easy to perform in the laboratory.
  21. As an empirical equations, there are two equations for compaction test. r = w divided by vm and r d = r divided by (1 +….) …………………….
  22. The table is shown as characteristics of ASTM modified compaction test. In this study, Method A is used to perform the soil samples because all types of sample have grain size under sieve No.4 (4.75 mm).
  23. - The ASTM standard mold and dropped hammer are as shown in Figure.
  24. In compaction test, all of soil samples are performed as two types of samples: with water and with geopolymer. The soil sample with water is same to normal procedure of ASTM standards. For sample with geopolymer, dry soil and fly ash mix first and the ration of fly ash by soil equal to 0.1 for five minutes. After that, the mixture of liquid activator and water as a ratio of liquid activator by water equal to 0.1 also added to soil-fly ash mixture to mix for 10 minutes homogenously.
  25. - The mixing process for test samples is procedure as shown in figure.
  26. - It is the soil mixing process in the laboratory.
  27. The figure shows the compaction results of silty sand with water and with geopolymer. Red circle is for sample with geopolymer and blue circle is for sample with water. The maximum dry density of samples with geopolymer is lower than the sample with water, but optimum moisture content is higher.
  28. - This is compaction results for the high plasticity clay with water and with geopolymer. - The MDD and OMC are lower in sample with geopolymer.
  29. - For sludge sample, the MDD is lower and OMC is lower than sample with water as silty sand.
  30. All soil sample results with water and with geopolymer are tabulated here. The maximum dry density of all soils samples with geopolymer are similarly lower than samples with water.
  31. Direct shear test Direct shear test is used to measure shear strength of soil due to the oldest and simplest form in laboratory Cohesion and friction are main parameters and they are calculated by Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. f = c + n tan  Where tf = shear…………….
  32. In this study, the shear strength is measured by using three-ring direct shear testing device. That three-ring device is proposed by Sonsakul in 2013. She reported that the advantage is to measure the shear strength after compaction without sample disturbance due to changing mold. It has two components as three-ring compaction and shear mold and direct shear frame.
  33. It is the three-ring compaction and shear mold with measurements. Three-ring mold is mainly composed of upper ring, middle ring and lower ring as shown in figure. The rings for compaction mold are kept together of screw and clumps on base plate, meanwhile for shear mold, the middle ring is pushed by lateral force to shear the compacted soils.
  34. The methods of this study for compacting soils are compared with each other. The same characters are mold diameter 4 inches and compactive energy as 2700 kN/m3.
  35. The three-ring mold is fixed up in shear frame and later force pushes to the middle ring to shear. The normal load applies to the mold constantly. The shear displacement and the axial deformation are measured by precision dial guages. The later load and vertical force are come from hydraulic pump. This three-ring direct shear testing is controlled manually.
  36. The side view of three-ring direct shear testing device and…… The shear mold are applied by shear force and normal force as shown in circle shape.
  37. - As in compaction test, two kinds of soil samples with water and with geopolymer are prepared under two curing conditions….non-curing state ( for 0 day) and curing state for 7 days.
  38. The mix design process is similar to sample preparation in ASTM compaction test. After ASTM compaction test, OMC and MDD of each soil samples are attained and the soil samples are prepared for three-ring compaction test with those MDD and OMC results. Here, Alkaline liquid to water ratio is 0.1 and the water pecent is OMC of soil. Thus, Alkaline liquid bases on OMC of soil in three-ring compaction test.
  39. After compacting, the soil samples are cured under ambient temperature in laboratory for 7 days as curing samples. For non-curing samples, they are directly sheared in shear frame without curing period. The shear displacement rate is 1 mm/ min to be obvious different outcome in shearing soil grains.
  40. These graphs represent for silty sand in shearing of all kinds of soil samples with same shear rate (1mm/min). The shear strength between non-curing and curing is not different. The shear strength with geopolymer 7 days is different and increase a lot rather than geopolymer for 0 day.
  41. It is shear stresses and shear displacement of sludge between sample with water and sample with geopolymer. The shear behaviors between water and geopolymer and between curing and non-curing is similar in previous silty sand. Water 0 day and water 7 days is similar and geopolymer increase the shear strength than water. The highest strength among samples is attained from curing samples mixed with geopolymer.
  42. The third sample, high plasticity clay also behave as previous soil sample. But the geopolymer 0 day is not different with water 0 day ad 7 days in shear strength. Only the strength of geopolymer 7 days is attained as highest and increases almost double strength.
  43. All samples are shown after shearing in three-ring device as you can see. Upper row is for non-curing samples and Lower row is for curing samples.
  44. This figure is shown as a function of shear strength and normal stress of silty sand The figure in left side is for peak strength and right side is for residual strength. The table is shear strength parameters for silty sand under peak and residual state. As mention in previous slides, the friction angle and cohesion of 7 days sample with geopolymer is higher in both peak and residual state.
  45. It is for sludge and left side is for peak and right side is for residual. Sludge shear parameters are tabulated. The strength of 7 days sample with geopolymer is also higher than others, especially in friction angle. The cohesion cannot be higher than the samples with water because geopolymer reacts the soil more brittle state as in previous slides.
  46. This graphs is for high plasticity clay. Left side is for peak and right side is for residual state. This table is shown the shear parameters for high plasticity clay. Likewise silty sand, the friction angle and cohesion are higher than samples with water.
  47. -