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Think Async
Asynchronous Patterns in NodeJS
- Adam L Barrett
Think Async
Asynchronous Patterns in NodeJS
- Adam L Barrett
Morning Exercise
What is Async?
Async vs Parallel
Async vs Parallel
Why care?
The Patterns…
The Patterns
• Callbacks

• Thunks

• Promises

• Tasks

• Observables

• Generators

• Async / Await

• Streams

• Async Iteration

The Callback
The Callback
Continuation-Passing Style (CPS)

if you’re nasty 
fs.readFile('/foo.txt', (err, data) => {
// If an error occurred, handle it (throw, propagate, etc)
if(err) {
console.log('Unknown Error');
// Otherwise, log the file contents
• Can be called multiple times

• Controlled is given to the producer

• Is the basic JavaScript unit of work
let foo = () => 1 + 2;
let foo = ( callback ) => callback(1 + 2);
// use it
foo(v => console.log(v));
const thunk = require('thunks')();
const fs = require('fs');
thunk( done => fs.stat('package.json', done) )(
(error, res) => console.log(error, res)
function makeASandwichWithSecretSauce(forPerson) {
return (dispatch) => {
return fetchSecretSauce().then(
sauce => dispatch( makeASandwich(forPerson) ),
error => dispatch( apologize(forPerson, error) )
• good for passing around work

• controlling the flow over time

• easy to understand
const verifyUser = function(username, password) {
database.verifyUser(username, password)
.then(userInfo => database.getRoles(userInfo))
.then(rolesInfo => database.logAccess(rolesInfo))
.then(finalResult => {
//do whatever the 'callback' would do
.catch(err => {
//do whatever the error handler needs
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", '/api/ponies-of-equestria');
xhr.onload = () => resolve(xhr.responseText);
xhr.onerror = () => reject(xhr.statusText);
.then(res => res.json())
.then(response => console.log('Success:', response))
.catch(error => console.error('Error:', error))
.finally(() => console.log('I will happen either way'));
• Eager, not lazy

• one value per promise

• immutable value once settled

• Can’t be cancelled (at this time)

• A crazy combination of map and
const task = new Task( (reject, resolve) => {
fs.readFile(path, (error, data) => {
if (error) reject(error)
else resolve(data)
error => { throw error },
data => { console.log(data) }
• Basically like promises without the
eager problem

• better for composition and such

• no crazy behaviour regarding
function listen(element, eventName) {
return new Observable( observer => {
// Create an event handler which sends data to the sink
let handler = event =>;
// Attach the event handler
element.addEventListener(eventName, handler, true);
// Return a cleanup function which will cancel the stream
return () => {
// Detach the event handler from the element
element.removeEventListener(eventName, handler, true);
// Return an observable of special key down commands
function commandKeys(element) {
let keyCommands = { "38": "up", "40": "down" };
return listen(element, "keydown")
.filter(event => event.keyCode in keyCommands)
.map(event => keyCommands[event.keyCode])
let subscription = commandKeys(inputElement).subscribe({
next(val) { console.log("Received key command: " + val) },
error(err) { console.log("Received an error: " + err) },
complete() { console.log("Stream complete") },
[Symbol.observable]() {
return new Observable(observer => {
setTimeout(() => {"hello");"world");
}, 2000);
• Composable

• Lazy (don’t do anything until observer

• declarative

• multiple values over time
function* generator(i) {
yield i;
yield i + 10;
function* idMaker() {
var index = 0;
while (true) {
yield index++;
var gen = idMaker();
console.log( ); // 0
console.log( ); // 1
console.log( ); // 2
console.log( ); // 3
function* logGenerator() {
console.log( 0 );
console.log( 1, yield );
console.log( 2, yield );
console.log( 3, yield );
var gen = logGenerator();; // 0 'pretzel' ); // 1 pretzel 'california' ); // 2 california 'mayonnaise' ); // 3 mayonnaise
function* anotherGenerator( i ) {
yield i + 1;
yield i + 2;
function* generator( i ) {
yield i;
yield* anotherGenerator( i );
yield i + 10;
var gen = generator(10);
console.log( ); // 10
console.log( ); // 11
console.log( ); // 12
console.log( ); // 20
function* yieldAndReturn() {
yield "Y";
return "R";
yield "unreachable";
var gen = yieldAndReturn()
console.log(; // { value: "Y", done: false }
console.log(; // { value: "R", done: true }
console.log(; // { value: undefined, done: true }
const myIterable = {};
myIterable[Symbol.iterator] = function* () {
yield 1;
yield 2;
yield 3;
[...myIterable]; // [1, 2, 3]
co(function *(){
const userResult = yield fetch('/api/current-user');
const { id: user } = yield userResult.json();
const r = yield fetch('/api/books', qs.stringify({ user }));
const books = yield r.json();
return books;
• Crazy powerful primitive for building on
top of

• makes creating iterables a snap

• very imperative

• led us to async / await
Async / Await
async function getCurrentUserBooks(){
const userResult = await fetch('/api/current-user');
const { id: user } = await userResult.json();
const r = await fetch('/api/books', qs.stringify({ user }));
return await r.json();
async function getAllTheThings(){
try {
await doSomethingAsync();
const results = await nowGetResults();
return await results.things.getAll();
} catch (err) {
const fs = require('fs');
const util = require('util');
// Convert fs.readFile into Promise version of same
const readFile = util.promisify(fs.readFile);
async function getStuff() {
return await readFile('test');
getStuff().then(data => {
• Can clean up so much messy code

• highly composable

• limited in all the ways promises are

• no top level await (yet)
(async function(){
await initializeApp();
console.log('App Initialized');
const fs = require('fs');
const server = require('http').createServer();
server.on('request', (req, res) => {
fs.readFile('./big.file', (err, data) => {
if (err) throw err;
const fs = require('fs');
const server = require('http').createServer();
server.on('request', (req, res) => {
const src = fs.createReadStream('./big.file');
const { Readable, Writable } = require('stream');
const { Transform, Duplex } = require('stream');
Readable - example fs.createReadStream()
Writable - example fs.createWriteStream()
Duplex - example net.Socket
Transform - example zlib.createDeflate()
const { Writable } = require('stream');
const outStream = new Writable({
write(chunk, encoding, callback) {
const { Transform } = require('stream');
const commaSplitter = new Transform({
readableObjectMode: true,
transform(chunk, encoding, callback) {
this.push( chunk.toString().trim().split(',') );
• Should be your goto async abstraction
for nodejs

• somewhat declarative composition

• handles complex parts, like back
pressure for you

• Saves memory and resources
Async Iteration
async function asyncSum(asyncIterable) {
let result = 0;
const iterator = asyncIterable[Symbol.asyncIterator]();
while (true) {
const object = await;
if (object.done)
result += object.value;
return result;
// Signature: AsyncIterable ! AsyncIterable
async function* numberLines(lines) {
let n = 1;
for await (const line of lines) {
yield `${n} ${line}`;
async function* readLines(path) {
let file = await fileOpen(path);
try {
while (!file.EOF) {
yield await file.readLine();
} finally {
await file.close();
• Composable

• built in for-await-of

• still declarative

• multiple values over time
import Channel from 'async-csp';
let channel = new Channel();
async function puts(ch) {
await ch.put(1);
await ch.put(2);
await ch.put(3);
async function takes(ch) {
console.log(await ch.take()); // resolves to 1
console.log(await ch.take()); // resolves to 2
console.log(await ch.take()); // resolves to 3
// Channel × Channel ! void
async function numberLines(inputChannel, outputChannel) {
for (let n=1;; n++) {
const line = await inputChannel.take();
if (line === Channel.DONE) {
outputChannel.put(`${n} ${line}`);
import Channel from 'async-csp'
async function sleep(duration) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, duration))
async function player(name, table) {
while (true) {
let ball = await table.take();
if (ball === Channel.DONE) {
console.log('${name}: table is gone!');
console.log('${name}! Hits: ${ball.hits}');
await sleep(100);
await table.put(ball);
async function pingPong() {
console.log('Opening ping-pong channel!');
let table = new Channel();
player('ping', table);
player('pong', table);
console.log('Serving ball...');
let ball = {hits: 0};
await table.put(ball);
await sleep(1000);
console.log('Closing ping-pong channel...');
await table.done();
console.log('Channel is fully closed!');
console.log('Ball was hit ${ball.hits} times!');
import Channel from 'async-csp'
async function sleep(duration) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, duration))
async function player(name, table) {
while (true) {
let ball = await table.take();
if (ball === Channel.DONE) {
console.log('${name}: table is gone!');
console.log('${name}! Hits: ${ball.hits}');
await sleep(100);
await table.put(ball);
async function sleep(duration) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, duration))
async function player(name, table) {
while (true) {
let ball = await table.take();
if (ball === Channel.DONE) {
console.log('${name}: table is gone!');
console.log('${name}! Hits: ${ball.hits}');
await sleep(100);
await table.put(ball);
async function pingPong() {
console.log('Opening ping-pong channel!');
async function pingPong() {
console.log('Opening ping-pong channel!');
let table = new Channel();
player('ping', table);
player('pong', table);
console.log('Serving ball...');
let ball = {hits: 0};
await table.put(ball);
await sleep(1000);
console.log('Closing ping-pong channel...');
await table.done();
console.log('Channel is fully closed!');
console.log('Ball was hit ${ball.hits} times!');
await table.put(ball);
await sleep(1000);
console.log('Closing ping-pong channel...');
await table.done();
console.log('Channel is fully closed!');
console.log('Ball was hit ${ball.hits} times!');
Opening ping-pong channel!
Serving ball...
ping! Hits: 1
pong! Hits: 2
ping! Hits: 3
pong! Hits: 4
ping! Hits: 5
pong! Hits: 6
ping! Hits: 7
pong! Hits: 8
ping! Hits: 9
Closing ping-pong channel...
pong: table's gone!
Channel is fully closed!
Ball was hit 9 times!
ping: table's gone!
• Composable

• Great Separation of concerns

• error handling may be odd

• simple but powerful
The Patterns
• Callbacks

• Thunks

• Promises

• Tasks

• Observables

• Generators

• Async / Await

• Streams

• Async Iteration

Think Async
Asynchronous Patterns in NodeJS
- Adam L Barrett

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Think Async: Asynchronous Patterns in NodeJS

  • 1. Think Async Asynchronous Patterns in NodeJS - Adam L Barrett
  • 2. Think Async Asynchronous Patterns in NodeJS - Adam L Barrett JavaScript
  • 11. The Patterns • Callbacks • Thunks • Promises • Tasks • Observables • Generators • Async / Await • Streams • Async Iteration • CSP
  • 13. The Callback Continuation-Passing Style (CPS)
 if you’re nasty 
  • 14. fs.readFile('/foo.txt', (err, data) => { // If an error occurred, handle it (throw, propagate, etc) if(err) { console.log('Unknown Error'); return; } // Otherwise, log the file contents console.log(data); });
  • 15. • Can be called multiple times • Controlled is given to the producer • Is the basic JavaScript unit of work
  • 17. let foo = () => 1 + 2;
  • 18. let foo = ( callback ) => callback(1 + 2); // use it foo(v => console.log(v));
  • 19. const thunk = require('thunks')(); const fs = require('fs'); thunk( done => fs.stat('package.json', done) )( (error, res) => console.log(error, res) );
  • 20. function makeASandwichWithSecretSauce(forPerson) { return (dispatch) => { return fetchSecretSauce().then( sauce => dispatch( makeASandwich(forPerson) ), error => dispatch( apologize(forPerson, error) ) ); }; }
  • 21. • good for passing around work • controlling the flow over time • easy to understand
  • 23. const verifyUser = function(username, password) { database.verifyUser(username, password) .then(userInfo => database.getRoles(userInfo)) .then(rolesInfo => database.logAccess(rolesInfo)) .then(finalResult => { //do whatever the 'callback' would do }) .catch(err => { //do whatever the error handler needs }); };
  • 24. new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", '/api/ponies-of-equestria'); xhr.onload = () => resolve(xhr.responseText); xhr.onerror = () => reject(xhr.statusText); xhr.send(); });
  • 25. fetch(url) .then(res => res.json()) .then(response => console.log('Success:', response)) .catch(error => console.error('Error:', error)) .finally(() => console.log('I will happen either way'));
  • 26. • Eager, not lazy • one value per promise • immutable value once settled • Can’t be cancelled (at this time) • A crazy combination of map and flatmap
  • 27. Tasks
  • 28. const task = new Task( (reject, resolve) => { fs.readFile(path, (error, data) => { if (error) reject(error) else resolve(data) }) }) task.fork( error => { throw error }, data => { console.log(data) } )
  • 29. • Basically like promises without the eager problem • better for composition and such • no crazy behaviour regarding flatmapping
  • 31. function listen(element, eventName) { return new Observable( observer => { // Create an event handler which sends data to the sink let handler = event =>; // Attach the event handler element.addEventListener(eventName, handler, true); // Return a cleanup function which will cancel the stream return () => { // Detach the event handler from the element element.removeEventListener(eventName, handler, true); }; }); }
  • 32. // Return an observable of special key down commands function commandKeys(element) { let keyCommands = { "38": "up", "40": "down" }; return listen(element, "keydown") .filter(event => event.keyCode in keyCommands) .map(event => keyCommands[event.keyCode]) }
  • 33. let subscription = commandKeys(inputElement).subscribe({ next(val) { console.log("Received key command: " + val) }, error(err) { console.log("Received an error: " + err) }, complete() { console.log("Stream complete") }, });
  • 34. Observable.from({ [Symbol.observable]() { return new Observable(observer => { setTimeout(() => {"hello");"world"); observer.complete(); }, 2000); }); } })
  • 35. • Composable • Lazy (don’t do anything until observer subscribes) • declarative • multiple values over time
  • 37. function* generator(i) { yield i; yield i + 10; }
  • 38. function* idMaker() { var index = 0; while (true) { yield index++; } } var gen = idMaker(); console.log( ); // 0 console.log( ); // 1 console.log( ); // 2 console.log( ); // 3
  • 39. function* logGenerator() { console.log( 0 ); console.log( 1, yield ); console.log( 2, yield ); console.log( 3, yield ); } var gen = logGenerator();; // 0 'pretzel' ); // 1 pretzel 'california' ); // 2 california 'mayonnaise' ); // 3 mayonnaise
  • 40. function* anotherGenerator( i ) { yield i + 1; yield i + 2; } function* generator( i ) { yield i; yield* anotherGenerator( i ); yield i + 10; } var gen = generator(10); console.log( ); // 10 console.log( ); // 11 console.log( ); // 12 console.log( ); // 20
  • 41. function* yieldAndReturn() { yield "Y"; return "R"; yield "unreachable"; } var gen = yieldAndReturn() console.log(; // { value: "Y", done: false } console.log(; // { value: "R", done: true } console.log(; // { value: undefined, done: true }
  • 42. const myIterable = {}; myIterable[Symbol.iterator] = function* () { yield 1; yield 2; yield 3; }; [...myIterable]; // [1, 2, 3]
  • 43. co(function *(){ const userResult = yield fetch('/api/current-user'); const { id: user } = yield userResult.json(); const r = yield fetch('/api/books', qs.stringify({ user })); const books = yield r.json(); return books; }) .catch(onerror);
  • 44. • Crazy powerful primitive for building on top of • makes creating iterables a snap • very imperative • led us to async / await
  • 46. async function getCurrentUserBooks(){ const userResult = await fetch('/api/current-user'); const { id: user } = await userResult.json(); const r = await fetch('/api/books', qs.stringify({ user })); return await r.json(); }
  • 47. async function getAllTheThings(){ try { await doSomethingAsync(); const results = await nowGetResults(); return await results.things.getAll(); } catch (err) { handleErrorProperly(err) } }
  • 48. const fs = require('fs'); const util = require('util'); // Convert fs.readFile into Promise version of same const readFile = util.promisify(fs.readFile); async function getStuff() { return await readFile('test'); } getStuff().then(data => { console.log(data); })
  • 49. • Can clean up so much messy code • highly composable • limited in all the ways promises are • no top level await (yet)
  • 53. const fs = require('fs'); const server = require('http').createServer(); server.on('request', (req, res) => { fs.readFile('./big.file', (err, data) => { if (err) throw err; res.end(data); }); }); server.listen(8000);
  • 54. const fs = require('fs'); const server = require('http').createServer(); server.on('request', (req, res) => { const src = fs.createReadStream('./big.file'); src.pipe(res); }); server.listen(8000);
  • 55. const { Readable, Writable } = require('stream'); const { Transform, Duplex } = require('stream'); Readable - example fs.createReadStream() Writable - example fs.createWriteStream() Duplex - example net.Socket Transform - example zlib.createDeflate()
  • 57. const { Writable } = require('stream'); const outStream = new Writable({ write(chunk, encoding, callback) { console.log(chunk.toString()); callback(); } }); process.stdin.pipe(outStream);
  • 58. const { Transform } = require('stream'); const commaSplitter = new Transform({ readableObjectMode: true, transform(chunk, encoding, callback) { this.push( chunk.toString().trim().split(',') ); callback(); } });
  • 59. • Should be your goto async abstraction for nodejs • somewhat declarative composition • handles complex parts, like back pressure for you • Saves memory and resources
  • 61. async function asyncSum(asyncIterable) { let result = 0; const iterator = asyncIterable[Symbol.asyncIterator](); while (true) { const object = await; if (object.done) break; result += object.value; } return result; }
  • 62. // Signature: AsyncIterable ! AsyncIterable async function* numberLines(lines) { let n = 1; for await (const line of lines) { yield `${n} ${line}`; n++; } }
  • 63. async function* readLines(path) { let file = await fileOpen(path); try { while (!file.EOF) { yield await file.readLine(); } } finally { await file.close(); } }
  • 64. • Composable • built in for-await-of • still declarative • multiple values over time
  • 65. CSP
  • 66.
  • 67. import Channel from 'async-csp'; let channel = new Channel(); async function puts(ch) { await ch.put(1); await ch.put(2); await ch.put(3); } async function takes(ch) { console.log(await ch.take()); // resolves to 1 console.log(await ch.take()); // resolves to 2 console.log(await ch.take()); // resolves to 3 } puts(channel); takes(channel);
  • 68. // Channel × Channel ! void async function numberLines(inputChannel, outputChannel) { for (let n=1;; n++) { const line = await inputChannel.take(); if (line === Channel.DONE) { break; } outputChannel.put(`${n} ${line}`); } outputChannel.close(); }
  • 69. import Channel from 'async-csp' async function sleep(duration) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, duration)) } async function player(name, table) { while (true) { let ball = await table.take(); if (ball === Channel.DONE) { console.log('${name}: table is gone!'); break; } ball.hits++; console.log('${name}! Hits: ${ball.hits}'); await sleep(100); await table.put(ball); } } async function pingPong() { console.log('Opening ping-pong channel!'); let table = new Channel(); player('ping', table); player('pong', table); console.log('Serving ball...'); let ball = {hits: 0}; await table.put(ball); await sleep(1000); console.log('Closing ping-pong channel...'); table.close(); await table.done(); console.log('Channel is fully closed!'); console.log('Ball was hit ${ball.hits} times!'); } pingPong()
  • 70. import Channel from 'async-csp' async function sleep(duration) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, duration)) } async function player(name, table) { while (true) { let ball = await table.take(); if (ball === Channel.DONE) { console.log('${name}: table is gone!'); break; } ball.hits++; console.log('${name}! Hits: ${ball.hits}'); await sleep(100); await table.put(ball); } }
  • 71. async function sleep(duration) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, duration)) } async function player(name, table) { while (true) { let ball = await table.take(); if (ball === Channel.DONE) { console.log('${name}: table is gone!'); break; } ball.hits++; console.log('${name}! Hits: ${ball.hits}'); await sleep(100); await table.put(ball); } } async function pingPong() { console.log('Opening ping-pong channel!');
  • 72. async function pingPong() { console.log('Opening ping-pong channel!'); let table = new Channel(); player('ping', table); player('pong', table); console.log('Serving ball...'); let ball = {hits: 0}; await table.put(ball); await sleep(1000); console.log('Closing ping-pong channel...'); table.close(); await table.done(); console.log('Channel is fully closed!'); console.log('Ball was hit ${ball.hits} times!'); }
  • 73. await table.put(ball); await sleep(1000); console.log('Closing ping-pong channel...'); table.close(); await table.done(); console.log('Channel is fully closed!'); console.log('Ball was hit ${ball.hits} times!'); } pingPong()
  • 74. Opening ping-pong channel! Serving ball... ping! Hits: 1 pong! Hits: 2 ping! Hits: 3 pong! Hits: 4 ping! Hits: 5 pong! Hits: 6 ping! Hits: 7 pong! Hits: 8 ping! Hits: 9 Closing ping-pong channel... pong: table's gone! Channel is fully closed! Ball was hit 9 times! ping: table's gone!
  • 75. • Composable • Great Separation of concerns • error handling may be odd • simple but powerful
  • 76. The Patterns • Callbacks • Thunks • Promises • Tasks • Observables • Generators • Async / Await • Streams • Async Iteration • CSP
  • 77. Think Async Asynchronous Patterns in NodeJS - Adam L Barrett @adamlbarrett BigAB