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Presented By:
                                                 Lisa Young
                                                 VP of Zing Consulting Group

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Kick The Year Off Right!
How to Successfully Sell & Market Your Business
                     Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
The Art of Selling

“There is only one way to get anybody to do
  anything. And that is by making the other person
  want to do it.”
                                   - Dale Carnegie

                                 Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
Selling is so simple … even a baby could do it.

                                      Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
Give them value!

                                                                Value Added Selling Includes:

                                                                • Customer Service

                                                                • Product/Service Quality

                                                                • After Sales Follow Up

Value Added Selling                                             • Relationships
Value Added Selling is a sales technique that relies on
                                                                • Customer Conveniences – Resident
building on the inherent value of a product or service. It is
                                                                Only Features
selling the benefits – not the price!

                                                                Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
Steven Ozbun | Business Development
      2870 5th Avenue, Suite 202
        San Diego, Ca 92103
619.233.4700 |

                                      Zing Consulting Group ©2011
Did You Know?

• According to a study in Sales and Marketing Management
  Magazine, two-thirds of sales managers claim that selling value
  is the most difficult problem facing salespeople today.

• Two independent studies reported more than ½ of all
  salespeople fail to differientate their solution from the

                                            Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
According to Tom Reilly, author of “Value-Added Selling”,
there are 3 Types of Competitors & 3 dimensions of value:

3 Types of Competitors:

 Equalizers:
  • These companies want to be as good as everyone else in their
  industry. They constantly try to close the gap between them and their
  • If a competitor offers a unique product or service, they will soon
  mimic it.

 Differentiators:
  • These companies want to be better than the rest and are constantly
  looking for ways to stand out. They want to expand the gap between
  them and their competition.

 Equalizers:
  • These companies rarely focus on the gap between them and their
  competitors – they focus solely on the customer’s needs and wants.
  • They defeat the competition by serving the customer better

                                                                          Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
According to Tom Reilly, author of “Value-Added Selling”,
there are 3 Types of Competitors & 3 dimensions of value:

3 Dimensions of Value:

 Product / Service
  • What does your product/service do for the customer? How does it
  solve a problem for them?
  • Example – you offer complimentary business services (fax, copy,
  free Wi-Fi) for residents that work out of their home.

 Company
  • What value added features does your company offer?
  • Example – you offer a 30-day satisfaction guarantee

 Self
  • What do you do personally for the customer that makes you stand
  out from the competition?
  • Example – You are an expert on your neighborhood features,
  including school information, entertainment recommendations, etc.

                                                                      Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
What kind of things can you sell?

Keep in mind – value added selling is    • In Home Washer/Dryer
 not what you deem valuable … it is
                                         • Dog Walking Services
what your customer deems valuable!
                                         • Easy Access to Public Transportation
   It is not a one-size-fits-all sell!
                                         • Extra Storage Space

                                         • Resident Benefits Club

                                         • Pay Rent Online Service

                                         • “Walkable” Neighborhood

                                         • Resident Activities & Events

                                         • Furniture Rental Service
  Find out what’s important to them!

                                         Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
CORT Furniture
Steven Ozbun | Business Development
      2870 5th Avenue, Suite 202
        San Diego, Ca 92103
619.233.4700 |

                                      Zing Consulting Group ©2011
   1. Make a list of a potential customer’s needs, wants and fears
   2. Circle possible “pressure point” features (the items that would affect
      their purchasing decision).
   3. Determine how you would sell a value-added feature to them in
      order to keep the sale.

                                                            Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
Find out what
       they need!
                                                              Examples of Need Base Sales
Need Base Selling

Need Base Selling is a sales approach where the salesperson
                                                              • Can I ask you what specifics you
helps the prospect or customer make an informed purchasing
                                                              are looking for in your new home?
decision based on their identified needs.

                                                              • What don’t you like about your
                                                              current home?

   The right questions will create curiosity in               • What is standing in the way of
     the prospect that will lead them into                    moving forward with the lease
             wanting your services!                           today?

                                                              Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
But, what if they say no?

What to remember about sales objections…

     • Don't be scared of them!

     • Objections are a sign that the prospect is serious about their purchasing decision

     • Objections allow you to better understand the consumer and what they need.

     • Objections can help you build a stronger relationship with the consumer

     • Objections occur for numerous reasons – the consumer could be looking for more

     • Objections are just another step in the sale process – embrace them!

                                                         Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
Sales objections show interest and enable the
salesperson to give more information to the
T here are 3 types of sales objections:



          True Objections

                                                Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |

 Something that prevents the person from purchasing until their stipulation is met.
                    Example: “I need my roommate to see if before I can make a decision.”

 Ask questions to determine the nature of the condition and try and schedule a set time to re-discuss the sale,
                                          once the condition is met.

 Example: “You mentioned your roommate would be in town on Tuesday, can we set up a time that I can give
                                         you both a tour?”

                                                                         Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |

                      When the prospect is putting off making a decision
                                      Example: “I want to think about it.”

 Let the prospect know that you understand and accept their hesitation, but ask questions to find out what the
                                              real problem is.

                Example: “I understand this is a big commitment, are you concerned with the lease terms?”

                                                                         Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
True Objections

             When the prospect has a genuine reason to make a purchase
                                 Example: “I don’t have enough money.”

  Let the prospect know that you respect and appreciate their objection and offer other possible options.

          Example: “I understand our one bedroom is out of your budget. Would you be interested in being
                          put you on the wait list for the studio apartment?”

                                                                       Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
Any ways to eliminate
How to prepare for objections:                                                objections?

  1. Don’t go on the defensive
      •   The consumer’s objection means something to         • Learn everything you can about the
          them. Don’t dismiss it or make them defend it.      consumer, your business, competitors
                                                              and industry. Develop a broad range
  2. Restate the objection                                    of knowledge and you will be
      •   Restate their objection in your own words to show   prepared to squash objections before
          the consumer that you listened and understand       they happen.
          their concern.
                                                              • Match the consumer with the
  3. Reframe the question                                     product or service they need – don’t
      •   Reframe the objection in terms of how your          try to sell them something they didn’t
          product or service will overcome it.                ask for.

                                                              • Fulfill all the steps of the sales
                                                              process in order (i.e. don’t ask for the
                                                              sale without building a strong rapport

                                                              Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
Now that you have sharpened your
sales skills …

                          Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
How do you get motivated?

Ian Dickson (an internationally known sales coach)
  believes that there are 7 motivational techniques an
  indivudal uses in otder to become motivated.

                                    Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
Sales Motivation

 1. Motivation through Challenges:
 Individuals are motivated when working towards personally
 meaningful goals. In order to do so, they must complete
 challenging, but attainable activities – they want the challenge!   “Enthusiasm is
 2. Motivation through Curiosity:
 Individuals are motivated when in an environment that               excitement with
 stimulates their interest to learn and do more. Present these
 individuals with something to do that connects their current        inspiration and a
 knowledge skill set with skills at a more desirable level if that
 person were to engage in a specific activity.                       pinch of
 3. Motivation through Control:
 Individuals are motivated when they feel like they are in control
 of their future and what happens to them. To stay motivated,
 individuals must understand the cause and effect relationship
 between an action and the end result.
 4. Motivation through Fantasy:
 Individuals are motivated when they feel like they are in control
                                                                                   - Bo Bennett
 of their future and what happens to them. To stay motivated,
 individuals must understand the cause and effect relationship
 between an action and the end result.

                                                                     Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
Sales Motivation
 5. Motivation through Competition:
 These individuals gain a certain amount of satisfaction by
 comparing their performance to that of others.

 6. Motivation through Cooperation:
 Individuals are motivated when they are cooperating with
 others or if they believe they are helping others achieve their

 4. Motivation through Recognition:
 Individuals are motivated when their accomplishments are
 recognized by others. However, unlike motivation through
 competition, you do not compare their achievements to those
 of others.

                                                                   Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
Motivation Works!

                Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
What kills motivation?

    Motivation can be lost when an individual loses focus, becomes
    discouraged, feels overwhelmed, procrastinates or isn’t where they
    want to be (both professionally or personally).

                                                Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
How do you stay away from
          motivational drainers?
• Be specific with your goals – You will be more motivated to
“increase my sales by 5%” than by just “increase my sales”.          1.Write down 5 “career values” that
                                                                     are important to you in your career.
• Have a plan of attack – Create an action plan, so you always
know what your next step will be. When you don’t know where          2.Prioritize those values in order of
to go, you can’t get to where you want to be.                        importance (1-5, with 1 being most
• Surround yourself with positives – Make sure that you
eliminate self-criticisms and negative thoughts about yourself.
Surround yourself with upbeat and enthusiastic people.
                                                                     3.Write down how your current job
                                                                     satisfies those career goals.
• Be committed – Commit to your goals on a continual basis and
limit distractions.

• Recruit – Recruit your family, friends and coworkers to hold you
accountable for your goals.

                                                                      Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
Motivation is also about personal accountability.

       Personal accountability is doing what
       you say you will do and being
       answerable for your actions or lack

                                     Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
Consider this…
    Here is a story about four people named: EVERYBODY, SOMEBODY,
    ANYBODY and NOBODY who all work at the same company.

    There was an important job to be done and EVERYBODY was sure
    that SOMEBODY would do it. ANYBODY could have done it, but
    NOBODY did it. Now, SOMEBODY got angry because it was
    EVERYBODY’s job. EVERYBODY thought ANYBODY could do it, but
    NOBODY realized that EVERYBODY would not do it.

    In the end, EVERYBODY blamed SOMEBODY when NOBODY did
    what ANYBODY could of done.

    Had EVERYBODY agreed to a common goal and SOMEBODY
    volunteered to take ownership, ANYBODY would have been happy
    to help complete the task and the results would have been very

                                           Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
How do you achieve personal
accountability in the workplace?
   Personal Responsibility                     Personal Empowerment

     Begins with the employee taking full        Employees must be willing to take
     ownership of a task and its outcomes.       personal action to see that the end
     They must have the belief that they can     results happen.
     and will get the tasks completed.

   Clear Agreement                             Personal Accountability

     Once employees are willing to take          Employees must be willing to answer
     responsibility, a clear agreement must      for those outcomes – good or bad.
     be in place between the giver and the

                                                         Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
“It is not only
     what we do, but
     also what we do
     not do, for which
     we are

                              - Moliere

Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
You know how to sell…

   You are excited to start selling…

      But how do you get customers to sell

                          Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
Word-of-Mouth or Referral Marketing

                                                                      • 53% of Americans are highly
                                                                      likely to believe in the credibility
                                                                      of a recommendation from a
                                                                      family member or friend.

                                                                      • 51% are highly likely to pass
                                                                      the information along to others.

                                                                      • 48% are highly likely to make a
                                                                      purchase based on these type of
                   *According to the American Marketing Association

                                                                      Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
Referral Marketing
         Referral influence is greatest when buying a
        product for the first time or if the products are
        relatively expensive.

        Word-of-mouth recommendations cut through the
        “noise and fluff” of marketing campaigns. They give
        you credibility without much cost.

According to Jacques Bughin (author of the McKinsey Quarterly),
there are 3 types of word-of-mouth marketing:

   • Experimental – This results from a consumer’s direct
   experience with a product or service that goes either
   above or below their expectations.
   • Consequential – This results in marketing efforts that
   trigger word-of-mouth. Consumers receive the marketing
   messages being put out to the public and pass them
   • Intentional – This occurs when marketers use celebrity
   endorsements or public influencers to trigger positive
   buzz about a product or service.

                                                                  Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
What has the digital age done to
 word-of-mouth marketing?

                                   Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
Technology’s Effect on Word-of-Mouth Marketing
                “It’s a consumer-driven world”

•   Conversations are no longer an intimate conversation

•   Consumers now write online consumer reviews – immediately after having their

•• Opinions are now shared and seen by hundreds through social networks, consumer
    Opinions are now shared and seen by hundreds through social networks, consumer
   blogs and review websites
    blogs and review websites

•• Word-of-mouth messages can now be seen throughout the world, instead of
    Word-of-mouth messages can now be seen throughout the world, instead of
   “locally” through close networks
    “locally” through close networks

•   Consumer reviews don’t disappear – they are available 24/7

                                                           Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
A study by McKinsey Research found…            How do you gain referrals?

• The content of the message must address      • Ask potential customers to “try” your
                                               product or service to build excitement and
  important product or service features in     genuine recommendations.
  order to influence consumers.                    Hold open houses and invite
                                                   neighbors, local business owners,
• Example: a mobile phone’s design is more         chamber members, etc.
  “buzz worthy” than its battery life.
                                               • Give out surveys or ask your customers
  Skincare ingredients and packaging had       for their opinions
  more word-of-mouth potential than the
  way it made women feel.                      •Provide a forum for influencers to talk
                                               about you – consider a consumer blog.
• Companies need to outperform on
                                               • Provide quality products and services –
  features that matter to consumers and will   people WANT to talk about their
  provide more consumer referrals              experiences

                                               •Develop a referral program that rewards
                                               your current customers

                                               Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
            Ed Spiegel| CEO
415.829.2892 |

                                          Zing Consulting Group ©2011
You didn’t think we could

talk marketing without

bringing up social media,

did you?

                            Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
Social Media Marketing

                         Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
Social Media Marketing
                                                                                        *Social Media Marketing Industry Report

 What are the advantages to using social media?

• 85% of businesses using social media said it generated exposure
• 63% said it helped increase traffic
• 56% said it aided in building new business partnerships

                                                                    Zing Consulting Group ©2011       |
Why use Social Media?

  • Brand Building

  • Relationship Management

  • Product Development

  • Reputation Management

  • Customer Interaction

  • Customer Feedback

  • Customer Support          Social media should offer users engaging
                              content, helpful information, streamlined
  • Community Building
                              service and constant user incentives.

  • Increase SEO Ranking
                                                                - Inc. Magazine

                              Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
What can you use social media for?
• Host an online game or contest
   Have users submit pictures of themselves throughout your
   community or at neighborhood hot spots. Other users can        Conversations about
   vote for their favorite photos and the winners can win a
   special prize.                                                 your business are
                                                                  going to happen,
• Give consumers a say                                            whether you take part
   Solicit ideas from your social media networks regarding
what                                                              or not. Embrace it.
  new services they would like added to your community.

• Show consumers around
   Film a video of your community, pointing out unique
   and amenities and upload it to YouTube.

• Use “check-in” feature to promote your business
   Location-based social mapping services (foursquare, Google
   Latitude, Loopt, Facebook Places) allow consumers to
   from their influence. Some retailers give discounts to those
   who “check in” to their store. Users can also find friends,
   share their locations, send updates, tips, photos &
   comments.                                                      Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
What to consider ...
•   Target Audience: Who are your users going to be? How to they prefer to communicate?

•   Goals: What do you want out of your social media campaigns? Are you looking to attract new
    prospects? Increase your customer retention? Grab buzz for new products or services?

•   Measurement: How will you know if you are successful?

•   Competition: Are your competitors using social media? If so, what are they doing?

•   Content: What type of social media content will you use? Audio? Video? Text?

•   Offer: How will you convert users/participants into customers?

•   Tools: What social media sources will you use? Twitter? YouTube? Facebook? Blogs?

•   Resources: Can you invest time into your social media campaigns? How often will you update?
    Will you have one point-of-contact or a team of contributors? Should you use a third-party

                                                                Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
Community Sherpa | Apartment Finder
     Fran McManus| Publisher

                                      Zing Consulting Group ©2011
How do you know what people are
 saying about you?

  Online Reputation Management is the practice of
  monitoring the Internet reputation of a person, brand or

Online conversations should be monitored on a
continual basis to ensure you know what is being
said about your brand. However, due to the size
and speed of the Internet, it is a difficult process
that requires a variety of monitoring resources.

The first step to online reputation management is to
    monitor the online conversations manually.

                                                             Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
What tools monitor online conversations?
Brand Mentions
•   Google Alerts: Choose specific keywords (your brand, company name, key executives) and Google
    will email you a list of websites, blogs, articles, etc. where those keywords were mentioned.
•   How Socialable: Measures your brand’s visibility on the social web by searching the top 20 social
    networking sites and ranking its performance.
•   Google Blog Search: Just type in the keyword you are looking for and Google will search all published
    blogs on the internet that mentions that keyword.
•   IceRocket: An invisible tracker that will count your blog visits and gather statistics on your blog visits.
•   Twilert: Sends users regular email updates of published tweets that contained your brand, company
    name, product or service.
•   Google Trends: Allows you to enter up to 5 topics and see how often they have been searched on
    Google over time
•   Serph: (Still in BETA) A “buzz” tracking tool that searches various online social media sites to find the
    lastest buzz on the web.
Message Boards
•   BoardTracker: Search all message boards for specific keywords related to your brand or company

                                                                         Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
Social Media is Relationship Marketing

Relationship Marketing is an approach that emphasizes
customer retention and satisfaction rather than focusing
on sales. It’s all about the relationship with the customer.

• The cost of acquisition occurs at the beginning of
  the customer relationship, so the longer the
  relationship, the lower the cost.
• Long-term customers are less price sensitive
• Long-term customers tend to initiate word-of-
                                                                 Relationship Marketing
  mouth referrals
                                                               extends communication far
• Customers are more loyal to a specific brand or
                                                                   beyond traditional
  company when they have been a long-term
                                                                    advertising and
                                                                 promotional messages.
• Increased customer loyalty makes the employee’s
  job easier and more satisfied.

                                                               Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |
The Relationship Ladder of Customer Loyalty

                                              The Relationship
                                              Ladder of Customer
                                              Loyalty ranks
                                              customers, according
                                              to their level of
                                              loyalty. In
                                              marketing, the goal is
                                              to take the customer
                                              as high up on the
                                              ladder as possible.

                                              Zing Consulting Group ©2011   |

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Zing video copy

  • 1. Presented By: Lisa Young VP of Zing Consulting Group Compliments of our sponsors: Zing Consulting Group ©2011 | Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 2. Kick The Year Off Right! How to Successfully Sell & Market Your Business Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 3. The Art of Selling “There is only one way to get anybody to do anything. And that is by making the other person want to do it.” - Dale Carnegie Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 4. Selling is so simple … even a baby could do it. Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 5. Give them value! Value Added Selling Includes: • Customer Service • Product/Service Quality • After Sales Follow Up Value Added Selling • Relationships Value Added Selling is a sales technique that relies on • Customer Conveniences – Resident building on the inherent value of a product or service. It is Only Features selling the benefits – not the price! Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 6. LeaseLabs Steven Ozbun | Business Development 2870 5th Avenue, Suite 202 San Diego, Ca 92103 619.233.4700 | | Zing Consulting Group ©2011
  • 7. Did You Know? • According to a study in Sales and Marketing Management Magazine, two-thirds of sales managers claim that selling value is the most difficult problem facing salespeople today. • Two independent studies reported more than ½ of all salespeople fail to differientate their solution from the competition. Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 8. According to Tom Reilly, author of “Value-Added Selling”, there are 3 Types of Competitors & 3 dimensions of value: 3 Types of Competitors:  Equalizers: • These companies want to be as good as everyone else in their industry. They constantly try to close the gap between them and their competition. • If a competitor offers a unique product or service, they will soon mimic it.  Differentiators: • These companies want to be better than the rest and are constantly looking for ways to stand out. They want to expand the gap between them and their competition.  Equalizers: • These companies rarely focus on the gap between them and their competitors – they focus solely on the customer’s needs and wants. • They defeat the competition by serving the customer better Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 9. According to Tom Reilly, author of “Value-Added Selling”, there are 3 Types of Competitors & 3 dimensions of value: 3 Dimensions of Value:  Product / Service • What does your product/service do for the customer? How does it solve a problem for them? • Example – you offer complimentary business services (fax, copy, free Wi-Fi) for residents that work out of their home.  Company • What value added features does your company offer? • Example – you offer a 30-day satisfaction guarantee  Self • What do you do personally for the customer that makes you stand out from the competition? • Example – You are an expert on your neighborhood features, including school information, entertainment recommendations, etc. Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 10. What kind of things can you sell? Keep in mind – value added selling is • In Home Washer/Dryer not what you deem valuable … it is • Dog Walking Services what your customer deems valuable! • Easy Access to Public Transportation It is not a one-size-fits-all sell! • Extra Storage Space • Resident Benefits Club • Pay Rent Online Service • “Walkable” Neighborhood • Resident Activities & Events • Furniture Rental Service Find out what’s important to them! Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 11. CORT Furniture Steven Ozbun | Business Development 2870 5th Avenue, Suite 202 San Diego, Ca 92103 619.233.4700 | | Zing Consulting Group ©2011
  • 12. Activity 1. Make a list of a potential customer’s needs, wants and fears 2. Circle possible “pressure point” features (the items that would affect their purchasing decision). 3. Determine how you would sell a value-added feature to them in order to keep the sale. Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 13. Find out what they need! Examples of Need Base Sales Questions: Need Base Selling Need Base Selling is a sales approach where the salesperson • Can I ask you what specifics you helps the prospect or customer make an informed purchasing are looking for in your new home? decision based on their identified needs. • What don’t you like about your current home? The right questions will create curiosity in • What is standing in the way of the prospect that will lead them into moving forward with the lease wanting your services! today? Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 14. But, what if they say no? What to remember about sales objections… • Don't be scared of them! • Objections are a sign that the prospect is serious about their purchasing decision • Objections allow you to better understand the consumer and what they need. • Objections can help you build a stronger relationship with the consumer • Objections occur for numerous reasons – the consumer could be looking for more information. • Objections are just another step in the sale process – embrace them! Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 15. Sales objections show interest and enable the salesperson to give more information to the prospect. T here are 3 types of sales objections: Conditions Stalls True Objections Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 16. Conditions Something that prevents the person from purchasing until their stipulation is met. Example: “I need my roommate to see if before I can make a decision.” Ask questions to determine the nature of the condition and try and schedule a set time to re-discuss the sale, once the condition is met. Example: “You mentioned your roommate would be in town on Tuesday, can we set up a time that I can give you both a tour?” Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 17. Stalls When the prospect is putting off making a decision Example: “I want to think about it.” Let the prospect know that you understand and accept their hesitation, but ask questions to find out what the real problem is. Example: “I understand this is a big commitment, are you concerned with the lease terms?” Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 18. True Objections When the prospect has a genuine reason to make a purchase Example: “I don’t have enough money.” Let the prospect know that you respect and appreciate their objection and offer other possible options. Example: “I understand our one bedroom is out of your budget. Would you be interested in being put you on the wait list for the studio apartment?” Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 19. Any ways to eliminate How to prepare for objections: objections? 1. Don’t go on the defensive • The consumer’s objection means something to • Learn everything you can about the them. Don’t dismiss it or make them defend it. consumer, your business, competitors and industry. Develop a broad range 2. Restate the objection of knowledge and you will be • Restate their objection in your own words to show prepared to squash objections before the consumer that you listened and understand they happen. their concern. • Match the consumer with the 3. Reframe the question product or service they need – don’t • Reframe the objection in terms of how your try to sell them something they didn’t product or service will overcome it. ask for. • Fulfill all the steps of the sales process in order (i.e. don’t ask for the sale without building a strong rapport first) Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 20. Now that you have sharpened your sales skills … Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 21. How do you get motivated? Ian Dickson (an internationally known sales coach) believes that there are 7 motivational techniques an indivudal uses in otder to become motivated. Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 22. Sales Motivation 1. Motivation through Challenges: Individuals are motivated when working towards personally meaningful goals. In order to do so, they must complete challenging, but attainable activities – they want the challenge! “Enthusiasm is 2. Motivation through Curiosity: Individuals are motivated when in an environment that excitement with stimulates their interest to learn and do more. Present these individuals with something to do that connects their current inspiration and a knowledge skill set with skills at a more desirable level if that person were to engage in a specific activity. pinch of 3. Motivation through Control: Individuals are motivated when they feel like they are in control creativity,” of their future and what happens to them. To stay motivated, individuals must understand the cause and effect relationship between an action and the end result. 4. Motivation through Fantasy: Individuals are motivated when they feel like they are in control - Bo Bennett of their future and what happens to them. To stay motivated, individuals must understand the cause and effect relationship between an action and the end result. Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 23. Sales Motivation 5. Motivation through Competition: These individuals gain a certain amount of satisfaction by comparing their performance to that of others. 6. Motivation through Cooperation: Individuals are motivated when they are cooperating with others or if they believe they are helping others achieve their goals. 4. Motivation through Recognition: Individuals are motivated when their accomplishments are recognized by others. However, unlike motivation through competition, you do not compare their achievements to those of others. Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 24. Motivation Works! Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 25. What kills motivation? Motivation can be lost when an individual loses focus, becomes discouraged, feels overwhelmed, procrastinates or isn’t where they want to be (both professionally or personally). Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 26. How do you stay away from motivational drainers? Activity: • Be specific with your goals – You will be more motivated to “increase my sales by 5%” than by just “increase my sales”. 1.Write down 5 “career values” that are important to you in your career. • Have a plan of attack – Create an action plan, so you always know what your next step will be. When you don’t know where 2.Prioritize those values in order of to go, you can’t get to where you want to be. importance (1-5, with 1 being most important). • Surround yourself with positives – Make sure that you eliminate self-criticisms and negative thoughts about yourself. Surround yourself with upbeat and enthusiastic people. 3.Write down how your current job satisfies those career goals. • Be committed – Commit to your goals on a continual basis and limit distractions. • Recruit – Recruit your family, friends and coworkers to hold you accountable for your goals. Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 27. Motivation is also about personal accountability. Personal accountability is doing what you say you will do and being answerable for your actions or lack thereof. Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 28. Consider this… Here is a story about four people named: EVERYBODY, SOMEBODY, ANYBODY and NOBODY who all work at the same company. There was an important job to be done and EVERYBODY was sure that SOMEBODY would do it. ANYBODY could have done it, but NOBODY did it. Now, SOMEBODY got angry because it was EVERYBODY’s job. EVERYBODY thought ANYBODY could do it, but NOBODY realized that EVERYBODY would not do it. In the end, EVERYBODY blamed SOMEBODY when NOBODY did what ANYBODY could of done. Had EVERYBODY agreed to a common goal and SOMEBODY volunteered to take ownership, ANYBODY would have been happy to help complete the task and the results would have been very different. Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 29. How do you achieve personal accountability in the workplace? Personal Responsibility Personal Empowerment Begins with the employee taking full Employees must be willing to take ownership of a task and its outcomes. personal action to see that the end They must have the belief that they can results happen. and will get the tasks completed. Clear Agreement Personal Accountability Once employees are willing to take Employees must be willing to answer responsibility, a clear agreement must for those outcomes – good or bad. be in place between the giver and the receiver. Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 30. “It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable.” - Moliere Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 31. You know how to sell… You are excited to start selling… But how do you get customers to sell to? Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 32. Word-of-Mouth or Referral Marketing • 53% of Americans are highly likely to believe in the credibility of a recommendation from a family member or friend. • 51% are highly likely to pass the information along to others. • 48% are highly likely to make a purchase based on these type of recommendations. *According to the American Marketing Association Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 33. Referral Marketing Referral influence is greatest when buying a product for the first time or if the products are relatively expensive. Word-of-mouth recommendations cut through the “noise and fluff” of marketing campaigns. They give you credibility without much cost. According to Jacques Bughin (author of the McKinsey Quarterly), there are 3 types of word-of-mouth marketing: • Experimental – This results from a consumer’s direct experience with a product or service that goes either above or below their expectations. • Consequential – This results in marketing efforts that trigger word-of-mouth. Consumers receive the marketing messages being put out to the public and pass them along. • Intentional – This occurs when marketers use celebrity endorsements or public influencers to trigger positive buzz about a product or service. Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 34. What has the digital age done to word-of-mouth marketing? Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 35. Technology’s Effect on Word-of-Mouth Marketing “It’s a consumer-driven world” • Conversations are no longer an intimate conversation • Consumers now write online consumer reviews – immediately after having their experience •• Opinions are now shared and seen by hundreds through social networks, consumer Opinions are now shared and seen by hundreds through social networks, consumer blogs and review websites blogs and review websites •• Word-of-mouth messages can now be seen throughout the world, instead of Word-of-mouth messages can now be seen throughout the world, instead of “locally” through close networks “locally” through close networks • Consumer reviews don’t disappear – they are available 24/7 Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 36. A study by McKinsey Research found… How do you gain referrals? • The content of the message must address • Ask potential customers to “try” your product or service to build excitement and important product or service features in genuine recommendations. order to influence consumers. Hold open houses and invite neighbors, local business owners, • Example: a mobile phone’s design is more chamber members, etc. “buzz worthy” than its battery life. • Give out surveys or ask your customers Skincare ingredients and packaging had for their opinions more word-of-mouth potential than the way it made women feel. •Provide a forum for influencers to talk about you – consider a consumer blog. • Companies need to outperform on • Provide quality products and services – features that matter to consumers and will people WANT to talk about their provide more consumer referrals experiences •Develop a referral program that rewards your current customers Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 37. RentMineOnline Ed Spiegel| CEO 415.829.2892 | | Zing Consulting Group ©2011
  • 38. You didn’t think we could talk marketing without bringing up social media, did you? Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 39. Social Media Marketing Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 40. Social Media Marketing *Social Media Marketing Industry Report What are the advantages to using social media? • 85% of businesses using social media said it generated exposure • 63% said it helped increase traffic • 56% said it aided in building new business partnerships Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 41. Why use Social Media? • Brand Building • Relationship Management • Product Development • Reputation Management • Customer Interaction • Customer Feedback • Customer Support Social media should offer users engaging content, helpful information, streamlined • Community Building service and constant user incentives. • Increase SEO Ranking - Inc. Magazine Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 42. What can you use social media for? • Host an online game or contest Have users submit pictures of themselves throughout your community or at neighborhood hot spots. Other users can Conversations about vote for their favorite photos and the winners can win a special prize. your business are going to happen, • Give consumers a say whether you take part Solicit ideas from your social media networks regarding what or not. Embrace it. new services they would like added to your community. • Show consumers around Film a video of your community, pointing out unique features and amenities and upload it to YouTube. • Use “check-in” feature to promote your business Location-based social mapping services (foursquare, Google Latitude, Loopt, Facebook Places) allow consumers to benefit from their influence. Some retailers give discounts to those who “check in” to their store. Users can also find friends, share their locations, send updates, tips, photos & comments. Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 43. What to consider ... • Target Audience: Who are your users going to be? How to they prefer to communicate? • Goals: What do you want out of your social media campaigns? Are you looking to attract new prospects? Increase your customer retention? Grab buzz for new products or services? • Measurement: How will you know if you are successful? • Competition: Are your competitors using social media? If so, what are they doing? • Content: What type of social media content will you use? Audio? Video? Text? • Offer: How will you convert users/participants into customers? • Tools: What social media sources will you use? Twitter? YouTube? Facebook? Blogs? • Resources: Can you invest time into your social media campaigns? How often will you update? Will you have one point-of-contact or a team of contributors? Should you use a third-party service? Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 44. Community Sherpa | Apartment Finder Fran McManus| Publisher 650.994.2247 | Zing Consulting Group ©2011
  • 45. How do you know what people are saying about you? Online Reputation Management is the practice of monitoring the Internet reputation of a person, brand or business. Online conversations should be monitored on a continual basis to ensure you know what is being said about your brand. However, due to the size and speed of the Internet, it is a difficult process that requires a variety of monitoring resources. The first step to online reputation management is to monitor the online conversations manually. Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 46. What tools monitor online conversations? Brand Mentions • Google Alerts: Choose specific keywords (your brand, company name, key executives) and Google will email you a list of websites, blogs, articles, etc. where those keywords were mentioned. • How Socialable: Measures your brand’s visibility on the social web by searching the top 20 social networking sites and ranking its performance. Blogs • Google Blog Search: Just type in the keyword you are looking for and Google will search all published blogs on the internet that mentions that keyword. • IceRocket: An invisible tracker that will count your blog visits and gather statistics on your blog visits. Twitter • Twilert: Sends users regular email updates of published tweets that contained your brand, company name, product or service. Trends • Google Trends: Allows you to enter up to 5 topics and see how often they have been searched on Google over time • Serph: (Still in BETA) A “buzz” tracking tool that searches various online social media sites to find the lastest buzz on the web. Message Boards • BoardTracker: Search all message boards for specific keywords related to your brand or company Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 47. Social Media is Relationship Marketing Relationship Marketing is an approach that emphasizes customer retention and satisfaction rather than focusing on sales. It’s all about the relationship with the customer. • The cost of acquisition occurs at the beginning of the customer relationship, so the longer the relationship, the lower the cost. • Long-term customers are less price sensitive • Long-term customers tend to initiate word-of- Relationship Marketing mouth referrals extends communication far • Customers are more loyal to a specific brand or beyond traditional company when they have been a long-term advertising and customer promotional messages. • Increased customer loyalty makes the employee’s job easier and more satisfied. Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |
  • 48. The Relationship Ladder of Customer Loyalty The Relationship Ladder of Customer Loyalty ranks customers, according to their level of loyalty. In relationship marketing, the goal is to take the customer as high up on the ladder as possible. Zing Consulting Group ©2011 |