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The Behaviour

The results of a Teenage Behaviour
       Survey conducted by Project

             ISBN: 978-0-7974-3932-0


 ISBN: 978-0-7974-3932-0



 ADDRESS: 18 Do Couto Court, 102 Central Ave, Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe

 TEL: +263(4)2918187 OR (733) 417 614

     This publication belongs to the research sponsor and the publisher. All reproductions of
     publications should be with consent of wither party.

Published by

the communications company

 2                                        The Behaviour Report, © 2009
Table of contents
   Executive Summary                            Chapter VII – Knowledge & Learning

   Survey Overview                              Chapter VIII – Money,

   Key Findings                                 Chapter IX – Friends & Lifestyle,

   Chapter I – Personality & Self Image         Chapter X – Sexuality & Addictions

   Chapter II – Decision Making                 Sponsors & Team

   Chapter III – Guidance & Accountability

   Chapter IV – Beliefs, Culture &

   Chapter V – Media & Entertainment

   Chapter VI – Motivation & Achievement

3                                       The Behaviour Report, © 2009

    Whilst Zimbabwe recovers on the economic front, with the corporate, governing,
    educational, spiritual, and family institutions chasing after their well defined
    goals, there is an area under serious neglect that may cause a regression of
    developmental efforts of either institution – the behaviour of the young person.

    Youths are the future of any people or society. How they behave today determines
    that future as it shapes certain behavioural patterns. Behaviour trends are set in
    high activity communities, and for the Zimbabwean youths it is in the urban areas
    – schools, church groups, social communities. Understanding the influences of
    current behaviour will equip decision makers in all institutes.

    The Behaviour Report is a publication containing the results of a behaviour survey
    conducted in 2009 called Project Beyond*REBELLION. This report is available on
    print, CD, and online.

4                                   The Behaviour Report, © 2009

The objective of the survey was to take a dip stick picture of the urban Zimbabwean teenager’s behaviour in order
to assist stakeholders formulate relevant and effective behaviour reformation programmes, relationships, and
resources. we wanted to understand the following:

1. PERSONALITY & SELF IMAGE - What are the influences of personality and self image?
2. DECISION MAKING & REASONING - Can youths make their own decisions and reason well?
3. GUIDANCE & ACCOUNTABILITY - Does the family unit have strong influence regarding moral guidance?
4. BELIEFS, CULTURE & TRADITIONS - Where are the beliefs of the youth coming from?
5. MEDIA & ENTERTAINMENT - Which entertainment captivates the youth and how far does it go?
6. MOTIVATION & ACHIEVEMENT - What motives the youths and what do they aspire?
7. KNOWLEDGE & LEARNING - How much do they know and want to learn?
8. MONEY - Do the youths have money to spend, how much, and where does it come from?
9. FRIEnDS & LIFESTYLE - How much influence do their friends have on them?
10. SEXUALITY & ADICATIONS - Are there any promiscuous sexual activities, homosexuals, drug addicts amongst the
   Zimbabwean youths?

The assumptions are primarily that behaviour trends are set in these places in the teenage world, and then filter
down to the other areas. The survey was limited intentionally to the urban teenager, especially those urban
communities with diverse cultures – college students, first year university students, private school students, high
density church youth groups, and so forth.

After a test sample in December 2008, the survey was conducted between March – October 2009, with youths between
the ages 13 – 22 years, from Harare, Gweru, Bulawayo, Masvingo, Marondera, Mutare, Kadoma, Kwekwe, and Chinhoyi.
The survey gathered 630 records of the population building a report presented herein.

The field survey team travelled to these areas spending an average of an hour collecting the data. Each sample record
was filled in by the students, handing them in to the team in an exam format, though casual to enable freedom when

The data was then captured into a software analysis package developed for the project, used by the analysis team to
come up with the results thereof.

 5                                                            The Behaviour Report, © 2009

    The questions were mixed on the questionnaire to make them more appealing and easier for the teenager to
    answer. Some of the key findings include the following:

    PERSONALITY - The majority is Friendly and easygoing (44%), followed by the loud one who always makes the
    jokes (21%)

    DECISION-MAKING - The majority thinks about situation first then acts (56%), followed by act first and think later

    GUIDANCE & ACCOUNTABILITY - The majority live with one or more of my birth parents (78%), followed by those
    who live with cousins (21%)

    BELIEFS, CULTURE & TRADITIONS - The majority is pick and mix (56%), followed by modern thinkers (18%)

    MEDIA & ENTERTAINMENT - The majority listen to Gospel (63%), then R&B/Soul (55%) and then Hip Hop/Rap

    MOTIVATION & ACHIEVEMENT - The Majority are excited about sports (49%), then 46% are excited about
    business and would like to be involved in it.

    KNOWLEDGE & LEARNING - The majority likes reading mystery or adventure stories (41%), followed by romance
    or fantasies (34%)

    MONEY - The Majority get pocket money of US$1 (21%), whilst 17% get US$2, though a minority of 1.6% get
    US$200 per week.

    FRIENDS & LIFESTYLE - The majority is good at cooperating and like to keeping everyone working together (50%),
    followed by those that say they are the joker and I like to have everyone laughing (22%)

    SEXUALITY & ADDICATIONS - Though the majority (67%) are not homosexual, though 6% are, 13% say other
    including bisexual and 14% did not answer. Possibly 19% or 33% are homosexual considering other and
    unanswered ones.

6                                                          The Behaviour Report, © 2009

       What are the influences
       of personality and self

7      The Behaviour Report, © 2009
1 - Which of the following statements best describes you:

           The majority is Friendly and easygoing (44%),followed by the loud one who
                                  always makes the jokes (21%)

                                                                 Friendly and easygoing

                                                                 Shy and take my time

                             13%                                 Peacemaker and optimist

                                                                 Loud one

   44% - I am friendly and easygoing
   20% - I am shy and take my time to make friends
   13% - I am the peacemaker and optimist
   21% - I am the loud one who always makes the jokes

8                                          The Behaviour Report, © 2009
14 - When      I am with my friends or in a team situation:

             The majority is good at cooperating and like to keeping
            everyone working together (50%), followed by those that
           say they are the joker and I like to have everyone laughing
                                       15%                             Lead

                      23%                                              Cooperate


                                        53%                            Conquence/Thinker

   14% - I’m the one who comes up with the ideas and leads the group
   50% - I’m a good at cooperating and like to keeping everyone working
   22% - I’m the joker and I like to have everyone laughing
   8% - I’m the one who usually points out the flaws in the ideas and plans we
9   make                                  The Behaviour Report, © 2009

                Can youths make
               their own decisions
                and reason well?

10     The Behaviour Report, © 2009
15 - When I am with my friends:

               The majority do what they like when they are with their
            friends 28%, followed by those that do what’s best for them
                                                                                       Fitting in

                                                                                       Our own thing

                                                                                       What's best for me

                               26%                                                     Did not answer

    2% - I like fitting in and doing what everyone in the group is doing – its important to have my
     friends around me
    28% - I do what I like, we all like to do our own thing and we will always be friends
    22% - I don’t worry about fitting in, but I don’t really like to disrupt things
    26% - I do what’s best for me and I don’t really care what my friends think about my decisions
    22% - Did not answer
11                                                        The Behaviour Report, © 2009
16 - Rank yourself here:


80%       78%                                                                                77%

70%                                                                                                                 68%

60%                           56%

50%                                                                    48%

40%                                                                                                                                   Strongly Agree
                                                                          34%                                   35%
                                  28%                     29%
30%                                                                                                                                   Disagree
                                                                                                                                      Strongly Disagree
20%                        18%
              10%                     9%                           10%        10%                9%
                  2%                                                                                  2%                    3%

      I like to make my I like to know what I like to read about I would prefer to do    In any situation I   I would prefer to do
        own decisions   other teenagers in celebrities I admire what my friends do         will always do       what I know from
                         other countries or and try to do what than do what I           what’s best for me       my religion and
                         regions are doing          they do           have read         as long as its safe     beliefs is the best
                                                                   celebrities would    and I can afford it   thing to do than do
                                                                           do                                    what my friends
                                                                                                                 advise me to do

 12                                                                                     The Behaviour Report, © 2009
24 - Why are you going to school?

           The majority 74% are going to school to get an education, 8% are going to school to learn
                          how to make money and 94% were forced to go to school.






20.00%                                                                                                         16.12%

10.00%                             8.00%

                                                        0.16%              0.94%             0.78%
         Get a good education learn how to make   hang out with people   I was forced   Everyone is going   Did not answer

    74% - To get a good education
    8% - To learn how to make money
    0.16% - To just hang out with people
    0.94% - Because I was forced
    0.78% - Because everyone else is going to school
13                                                                 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
25 - If you could choose not to go to school would you still go?

             The Majority (75%) say if they could choose not to go to
           school they would and 16% refuted and said no they would


                                                          Did not answer

    75% - Yes
    6% - No
    9% Did not answer

14                            The Behaviour Report, © 2009

              Does the family unit
             have strong influence
               regarding moral

15    The Behaviour Report, © 2009
13 - Which is the most relevant statement?


80%                                 78%



         48%                                              49%
40%                                                                                                                          Strongly Agree
                                                               35%                                                           Agree
30%                                                                                      27%
                                                                                                                             Strongly Disagree
                                                      20%                          20%
                                                                   13%                                        14%

10%                                       8%                                  7%
                        2%                     2%
        I don’t want to upset I care about what my My home life affects I would rather do what      I care about what my
         or disturb my family family thinks of me my mood and actions family wants me to do           family thinks of me
                                                                         even if it’s not in line    more than what my
                                                                         with what I believe in       friends think of me
                                                                          or know to be right
                                                                              and wrong

16                                                                                The Behaviour Report, © 2009

       Where are the beliefs of
       the youth coming from?

17   The Behaviour Report, © 2009
5 - Which statement best describes how you feel about culture
                        and tradition:

               The majority is pick and mix (56%), followed by modern
                                     thinkers (18%)

                                                                                         Modern thinker

                                                                                         Traditional and proud

                                                                                         Pick and Mix

                                   58%                                                   What’s the fuss

    18% - Modern thinker – I’m all about the here and now that was then and things have changed, it’s important to
     keep up with the rest of the world
    14% - Traditional and proud – Culture is important and I am proud of our traditions and where we have come from
    56% - Pick and Mix, Anything goes – I don’t mind a mix of tradition and modern stuff; it’s always good to remember
     where you come from but it’s also good to keep up with the times
    9% - What’s the fuss - Who really cares

18                                                            The Behaviour Report, © 2009
6 - Which statement best describes how you feel about your
                         religion or beliefs:

              The majority are Christian that care about their faith but
               think they don’t need to push it everyone’s face (60%)

                                  17%         20%                             Christian & care

                                                                              Christian yet no Fuss

                                                                              Not Religious, yet actions

                                                                              No fuss

    20% - I care that people see I am a Christian in the way I act
    60% - I am a Christian and I care about my faith but I don’t think I need to push it in everyone’s
     face all the time
    17% - I am not very religious but I have my beliefs about what is right and wrong and I always base
     my actions on those beliefs
    3% - I prefer not to make a fuss about these things

19                                                    The Behaviour Report, © 2009
7 - I think my beliefs about what is right and wrong come from:

            The majority thinks their beliefs about right or wrong came
            from the lessons they have learnt in life (47%), followed by
                             parents and family (32%)
                                                            My parents and family

                                                            My friends

                                                            What I see in my community
                                                            Have learnt & seen

                                                            Learnt from youth leaders or church

    32% - My parents and family
    7% - My friends
    16% - What I see in my community
    47% - The lessons I have learnt and what I have seen happening to other people
    9% - What I have learnt from youth leaders or church
20                                          The Behaviour Report, © 2009

            Which entertainment
          captivates the youth and
            how far does it go?

21      The Behaviour Report, © 2009
17 - Which of the following modern music do you like?

            The majority listen to Gospel (63%), followed by R & B/Soul
                        (55%) and then Hip Hop/Rap (49%)
            Gospel                                                                               63%

          R&B/Soul                                                                   55%

       Hip Hop/Rap                                                        49%

      House/Kwaito                                                 41%

     Urban Grooves                          19%

Rock/Contemporary                          18%

             Ragga                        17%

      Sungura/Local                 11%

                      0%      10%         20%     30%        40%         50%               60%         70%

    49% - Hip Hop/Rap                                 19% - Urban Grooves
    55% - R&B/Soul                                    63% - Gospel
    18% -                                             11% - Sungura/Local
    17% - Ragga
    41% - House/Kwaito
22                                                The Behaviour Report, © 2009
18 - Which of the following movies do you like?

                     The majority watch Comedies (73%), followed by
                    Action/Thriller (51%), and a tie between Cartoons &
80%          73%

                                            41%        41%
40%                                                               37%
                                                                           29%              27%



           Comedy       Action/thriller   Adventure   Cartoon    Musical   Horror          Drama

    51% - Action/thriller                               73% - Comedy
    41% - Adventure                                     41% - Cartoon
    29% - Horror
    27% - Drama
    37% - Musical
23                                           The Behaviour Report, © 2009
19 - Which TV show(s) do you like?

                 The Majority like watching movies (73%), whilst (65%)
                    watch comedies and only 24% watch the news.
70%                                65%


30%                                                                     25%                24%


             Movies           Comedies   Drama/Soaps   Educational   Documentary           News

    24% - News
    43% - Drama/Soaps
    65% - Comedies
    28% - Educational
    25% - Documentary
    73% - Movies
24                                           The Behaviour Report, © 2009

       What motives the youths
       and what do they aspire?

25   The Behaviour Report, © 2009
26 - Which stage of educational life do you think is better than
                          the other?

               The Majority (39%) think that University or college is
           better, 29% believe that high school is best and only 9% say
                          that primary school was better.
                                                               Primary school
                                        12%        10%
                                                         9%    High school


                                  39%                    29%
                                                               Did not answer

    10% - Preschool
    9% - Primary school
    29% - High school
    39% - University/College
    12% - Working
26                                   The Behaviour Report, © 2009
27 - What would you say was the best moment in your life?

               The Majority say that their best moment was when they passed their exams or test
                           (40%), followed by 18% being raised at home or at school.

                                  4% 4%
                                                                              Praised at home/school
                                                                              Got a lover
                                                                              Hugged with love
                                                                              Gained money
                           40%                                                Won something
                                                                              Passed exams/test
                                           12%       3%                       Did not answer

    18% - Praised at home/school                            40% - Passed exams/test
    13% - Got a lover                                       4% - Trading/Business/Transactions
    6% - Hugged with love
    3% - Gained money
    12% - Won something
27                                                    The Behaviour Report, © 2009
28 - What was the worst moment in life for you?

            They majority said their worst moment was when they lost something or
                someone (29%), whilst some said failing exams or a test (25%)

Lost something/someone                                                                  29%

           Embarrassed                                                               28%

       Failed exams/test                                                     25%

        Falsely accused                                14%

                Abused                      6%

        Caught stealing           3%

                Starved         2%

                           0%          5%        10%   15%       20%       25%         30%           35%

    28% - Embarrassed                                    25% - Failed exams/test
    6% - Abused                                          29% - Lost something/someone
    3% - Caught stealing
    2% - Starved
    14% - Falsely accused
28                                              The Behaviour Report, © 2009

        How much do they know
          and want to learn?

29     The Behaviour Report, © 2009
3 - I like reading…

               The majority likes reading mystery or adventure stories
                   (41%), followed by romance or fantasies (34%)

                                         9%                    Mystery or Adventure

                                                               Romance or fantasy

                                                               Non-Fiction or biographies

                                   36%                         Science Fiction

    41% - Mystery stories or Adventure Stories
    34% - Romance or fantasy stories
    11% - Non-Fiction books and biographies
    9% - Science Fiction stories

30                                      The Behaviour Report, © 2009
4 - What do you think about your ideas and decisions:


 70%               67%



 40%                                                                                                          38%

                                                                                             32%                           Strongly Agree
                                                                    29%   29%
 30%             27%                                                                   27%                                 Agree
 20%                   17%
                                               10%              10%
 10%                                                                              7%

          I don’t think many Everyone else    I find it hard to I usually feel I find it hard to    I often wish I
           people would be seems to come make decisions in foolish talking         accept a            could be
           interested in my   up with better case I am wrong about my ideas to   compliment        someone else
                 ideas       ideas than me                        my family

31                                                                            The Behaviour Report, © 2009

     Do the youths have money
     to spend, how much, and
     where does it come from?

32                      The Behaviour Report, © 2009
29 - Do you get pocket money when you go to school?

            The Majority said they get pocket money when they go to school (75%) and
                               19% said they don’t get pocket money.


                                  19%                                  Yes


                                                                       Did not answer

    75% - Yes
    9% - No
    6% - Did not answer

33                                         The Behaviour Report, © 2009
30 - How much pocket money (US$) do you get per week
                          (include bus fare)

               The Majority get pocket money of US$1 (21%), whilst 17% get US$2, though
                                 a minority of 1.6% get US$200 per week.

     Did not answer                                                                          26.4%
US$200 per week             1.6%
US$100 per week             2.0%
 US$50 per week                       5.0%
 US$20 per week                              9.0%
 US$15 per week                                                  17.0%
 US$10 per week                    4.0%
     US$5 per week                                       14.0%
     US$1 per week                                                           21.0%
                     0.0%          5.0%      10.0%       15.0%       20.0%           25.0%            30.0%

     21% - US$1 per week                                5% - US$50 per week
     14% - US$5 per week                                2% - US$100 per week
     4% - US$10 per week                                1.6% - US$200 per week
     17% - US$15 per week                               26.4% did not answer
     9% - US$20 per week
34                                              The Behaviour Report, © 2009
31 - Where does your pocket money come from?

              The Majority (71%) get pocket money from a local parent or guardian while 15% say they
                     get money from the Diaspora parent or guardian whilst 2% from a lover.

                     Lover         2%

           Diaspora friend              6%

         Diaspora relative              5%

             Local relative        3%

Diaspora parent/guardian                           15%

     Local parent/guardian                                                                             71%

                              0%             10%     20%   30%   40%       50%        60%        70%         80%

    71% - Local parent/guardian
    15% - Diaspora parent/guardian
    3% - Local relative
    5% - Diaspora relative
    0.6% - Diaspora friend
    2% - Lover
35                                                     The Behaviour Report, © 2009

How much influence do their
  friends have on them?

36         The Behaviour Report, © 2009
14 - When      I am with my friends or in a team situation:

              The majority is good at cooperating and like to keeping
             everyone working together (50%), followed by those that
            say they are the joker and I like to have everyone laughing
                                        15%                             Lead

                       23%                                              Cooperate


                                         53%                            Conquence/Thinker

    14% - I’m the one who comes up with the ideas and leads the group
    50% - I’m a good at cooperating and like to keeping everyone working
    22% - I’m the joker and I like to have everyone laughing
    8% - I’m the one who usually points out the flaws in the ideas and plans we
37   make                                  The Behaviour Report, © 2009
15 - When I am with my friends:

               The majority do what they like when they are with their
            friends 28%, followed by those that do what’s best for them
                                                                                       Fitting in

                                                                                       Our own thing

                                                                                       What's best for me

                               26%                                                     Did not answer

    2% - I like fitting in and doing what everyone in the group is doing – its important to have my
     friends around me
    28% - I do what I like, we all like to do our own thing and we will always be friends
    22% - I don’t worry about fitting in, but I don’t really like to disrupt things
    26% - I do what’s best for me and I don’t really care what my friends think about my decisions
    22% - Did not answer
38                                                        The Behaviour Report, © 2009
32 - Who or what influences the style of clothes you wear?

            The Majority (2%) have their dressing being influenced by a famous person
             as well as parents, while 17% are influenced by factors such as pastors
             wives ,Christian belief, media and some have their own dressing styles.

                            12%    16%

                                                                         Famous Person

                                                                         Did not answer

    16% - Friends
    20% - Parents
    15% - Brother/Sister
    20% - Famous Person
    17% - Other (Myself, Pastor’s wives, My background, Season, Style, Christian
     belief, Media)
39                                         The Behaviour Report, © 2009
33 - What do you and your friends talk about the most during
                     breaks or on the way home?

                 The Majority( 32%)talk about music during breaks or on their way home, 27%talk about
                   movies while 31%talk of other matters such as girls, clubbing, porn and business

         Music                                                                                           32%

         Other                                                                                        31%

        Movies                                                                            27%

         Love                                                     18%

 Other People                                                  17%

          Sex                             9%

        Drugs             3%

                 0%            5%         10%           15%          20%         25%            30%            35%

    32% - Music                              3% - Drugs
    27% - Movies                             31% - Other (Sports , Business, Girls, Everything, Life
    17% - Other People                        Situations, Clubbing, Sex & Porn, Video
                                               Games, Success)
    18% - Love
    9% - Sex
40                                                       The Behaviour Report, © 2009
37 - Do your friends have to like him/her or approve of

               The Majority say that their friends do not have to approve of him or her
             (55%) followed by 30% who agree that their friends should approve, while
                                  15% did not answer the question.


                                                                      Yes   No    Did not answer


    Yes 30%
    No 55%
    15% did not answer

41                                             The Behaviour Report, © 2009

         Are there any promiscuous
        activities, homosexuals, drug
             addicts amongst the
            Zimbabwean youths?

42     The Behaviour Report, © 2009
38 - Are you a homosexual?

             Though the majority (67%) are not homosexual, though 6% are, 13% say
            other including bisexual and 14% did not answer. Possibly 19% or 33% are
                       homosexual considering other and unanswered ones.



                           13%                                           No


                                                                         Did not answer

    Yes 6%
    No 67%
    Other 13%,
    14% did not answer

43                                         The Behaviour Report, © 2009
42 - Do you have a child?

           The Majority (62%) did not answer the question, 37% said they do not have a
                          child, while 1% agreed that they have children.


                                                                         Did not answer

    Yes 1%
    No 37%
    62% did not answer

44                                          The Behaviour Report, © 2009

The survey was built over the years and conducted in 2009, under the auspices of voluntary youth
organisations and colleges, such as Youth Encounter, Scripture Union, Harvesters in Sport, private
colleges, churches, and other technical and financial sponsors that sought to understand teenage

Key Sponsors
Oscar Manduku (Researcher), a media & communications consultant, is author of Beyond*REBELLION
(the book of which the survey is extracted) and other consumer behaviour material, is the former national
director of Youth Encounter Zimbabwe, and an executive committee member of the Advertising &
Publicity Club. He has participated in various key capacities in researches conducted for institutes like
World Vision, Unilever SEA, and ARIPO.

Caleb Musodza (Patron), – General Manager Sales & Marketing for Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited, is a
leader in FMCG marketing strategies in Zimbabwe, has been key in market intelligence for companies
like Schweppes and Unilever SEA. At Unilever SEA he was responsible for the market surveys that
determined consumer behaviour regarding their products.

The Research Team
The survey and analysis team included Rudo Kaposonore (Administration), Pamela Zigomo
(Questionnaire, London), Tafadzwa Muchopa (Questionnaire, Harare), Marylyn Chimombe (Field Project
Manager), Idzai Chaduka (Analysis Co-ordinator), Musekiwa Samuriwo (Analysis), Mandy Sibanda
(Analysis), Fitzgerald Mujuru (Analysis), and a host of field and analysis volunteers from Youth
Encounter, Harvesters in Sport, Scripture Union, churches, and private schools and colleges across the

Financial Sponsors
This survey would not have been possible without the sponsorship of individuals and institutions such
as George Nheweyembwa, Mrs C. Ndlovu, Roselyn Zigomo, Webolutions OS, Cafe Espresso, just to name
a few.

 45                                                  The Behaviour Report, © 2009

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Zimbabwe Teenage Behaviour Survey Report 2009 (Summarized)

  • 1. The Behaviour REPORT The results of a Teenage Behaviour Survey conducted by Project Beyond*REBELLION ISBN: 978-0-7974-3932-0
  • 2. COPYRIGHT ISBN: 978-0-7974-3932-0 WEB: EMAIL: ADDRESS: 18 Do Couto Court, 102 Central Ave, Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe TEL: +263(4)2918187 OR (733) 417 614 This publication belongs to the research sponsor and the publisher. All reproductions of publications should be with consent of wither party. Published by the communications company 2 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 3. Table of contents  Executive Summary  Chapter VII – Knowledge & Learning  Survey Overview  Chapter VIII – Money,  Key Findings  Chapter IX – Friends & Lifestyle,  Chapter I – Personality & Self Image  Chapter X – Sexuality & Addictions  Chapter II – Decision Making  Sponsors & Team  Chapter III – Guidance & Accountability  Chapter IV – Beliefs, Culture & Traditions  Chapter V – Media & Entertainment  Chapter VI – Motivation & Achievement 3 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 4. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION Whilst Zimbabwe recovers on the economic front, with the corporate, governing, educational, spiritual, and family institutions chasing after their well defined goals, there is an area under serious neglect that may cause a regression of developmental efforts of either institution – the behaviour of the young person. SITUATION ANALYSIS Youths are the future of any people or society. How they behave today determines that future as it shapes certain behavioural patterns. Behaviour trends are set in high activity communities, and for the Zimbabwean youths it is in the urban areas – schools, church groups, social communities. Understanding the influences of current behaviour will equip decision makers in all institutes. THE BEHAVIOUR REPORT The Behaviour Report is a publication containing the results of a behaviour survey conducted in 2009 called Project Beyond*REBELLION. This report is available on print, CD, and online. 4 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 5. SURVEY OVERVIEW OBJECTIVES The objective of the survey was to take a dip stick picture of the urban Zimbabwean teenager’s behaviour in order to assist stakeholders formulate relevant and effective behaviour reformation programmes, relationships, and resources. we wanted to understand the following: 1. PERSONALITY & SELF IMAGE - What are the influences of personality and self image? 2. DECISION MAKING & REASONING - Can youths make their own decisions and reason well? 3. GUIDANCE & ACCOUNTABILITY - Does the family unit have strong influence regarding moral guidance? 4. BELIEFS, CULTURE & TRADITIONS - Where are the beliefs of the youth coming from? 5. MEDIA & ENTERTAINMENT - Which entertainment captivates the youth and how far does it go? 6. MOTIVATION & ACHIEVEMENT - What motives the youths and what do they aspire? 7. KNOWLEDGE & LEARNING - How much do they know and want to learn? 8. MONEY - Do the youths have money to spend, how much, and where does it come from? 9. FRIEnDS & LIFESTYLE - How much influence do their friends have on them? 10. SEXUALITY & ADICATIONS - Are there any promiscuous sexual activities, homosexuals, drug addicts amongst the Zimbabwean youths? THE METHODOLOGY The assumptions are primarily that behaviour trends are set in these places in the teenage world, and then filter down to the other areas. The survey was limited intentionally to the urban teenager, especially those urban communities with diverse cultures – college students, first year university students, private school students, high density church youth groups, and so forth. After a test sample in December 2008, the survey was conducted between March – October 2009, with youths between the ages 13 – 22 years, from Harare, Gweru, Bulawayo, Masvingo, Marondera, Mutare, Kadoma, Kwekwe, and Chinhoyi. The survey gathered 630 records of the population building a report presented herein. The field survey team travelled to these areas spending an average of an hour collecting the data. Each sample record was filled in by the students, handing them in to the team in an exam format, though casual to enable freedom when answering. The data was then captured into a software analysis package developed for the project, used by the analysis team to come up with the results thereof. 5 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 6. KEY FINDINGS The questions were mixed on the questionnaire to make them more appealing and easier for the teenager to answer. Some of the key findings include the following: PERSONALITY - The majority is Friendly and easygoing (44%), followed by the loud one who always makes the jokes (21%) DECISION-MAKING - The majority thinks about situation first then acts (56%), followed by act first and think later (17%) GUIDANCE & ACCOUNTABILITY - The majority live with one or more of my birth parents (78%), followed by those who live with cousins (21%) BELIEFS, CULTURE & TRADITIONS - The majority is pick and mix (56%), followed by modern thinkers (18%) MEDIA & ENTERTAINMENT - The majority listen to Gospel (63%), then R&B/Soul (55%) and then Hip Hop/Rap (49%) MOTIVATION & ACHIEVEMENT - The Majority are excited about sports (49%), then 46% are excited about business and would like to be involved in it. KNOWLEDGE & LEARNING - The majority likes reading mystery or adventure stories (41%), followed by romance or fantasies (34%) MONEY - The Majority get pocket money of US$1 (21%), whilst 17% get US$2, though a minority of 1.6% get US$200 per week. FRIENDS & LIFESTYLE - The majority is good at cooperating and like to keeping everyone working together (50%), followed by those that say they are the joker and I like to have everyone laughing (22%) SEXUALITY & ADDICATIONS - Though the majority (67%) are not homosexual, though 6% are, 13% say other including bisexual and 14% did not answer. Possibly 19% or 33% are homosexual considering other and unanswered ones. 6 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 7. CHAPTER I – PERSONALITY & SELF IMAGE What are the influences of personality and self image? 7 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 8. 1 - Which of the following statements best describes you: The majority is Friendly and easygoing (44%),followed by the loud one who always makes the jokes (21%) Friendly and easygoing 22% Shy and take my time 45% 13% Peacemaker and optimist Loud one 20%  44% - I am friendly and easygoing  20% - I am shy and take my time to make friends  13% - I am the peacemaker and optimist  21% - I am the loud one who always makes the jokes 8 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 9. 14 - When I am with my friends or in a team situation: The majority is good at cooperating and like to keeping everyone working together (50%), followed by those that say they are the joker and I like to have everyone laughing (22%) 9% 15% Lead 23% Cooperate Joker 53% Conquence/Thinker  14% - I’m the one who comes up with the ideas and leads the group  50% - I’m a good at cooperating and like to keeping everyone working together  22% - I’m the joker and I like to have everyone laughing  8% - I’m the one who usually points out the flaws in the ideas and plans we 9 make The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 10. CHAPTER II – DECISION MAKING & REASONING Can youths make their own decisions and reason well? 10 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 11. 15 - When I am with my friends: The majority do what they like when they are with their friends 28%, followed by those that do what’s best for them 2% (26%). Fitting in 22% Our own thing 28% Cautious What's best for me 26% Did not answer 22%  2% - I like fitting in and doing what everyone in the group is doing – its important to have my friends around me  28% - I do what I like, we all like to do our own thing and we will always be friends  22% - I don’t worry about fitting in, but I don’t really like to disrupt things  26% - I do what’s best for me and I don’t really care what my friends think about my decisions  22% - Did not answer 11 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 12. 16 - Rank yourself here: 90% 80% 78% 77% 70% 68% 63% 60% 56% 50% 48% 42% 39% 40% Strongly Agree 34% 35% Agree 28% 29% 30% Disagree Strongly Disagree 20% 20% 18% 15% 10% 9% 10% 10% 9% 10% 5% 2% 2% 3% 0% I like to make my I like to know what I like to read about I would prefer to do In any situation I I would prefer to do own decisions other teenagers in celebrities I admire what my friends do will always do what I know from other countries or and try to do what than do what I what’s best for me my religion and regions are doing they do have read as long as its safe beliefs is the best celebrities would and I can afford it thing to do than do do what my friends advise me to do 12 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 13. 24 - Why are you going to school? The majority 74% are going to school to get an education, 8% are going to school to learn how to make money and 94% were forced to go to school. 80.00% 74.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 16.12% 10.00% 8.00% 0.16% 0.94% 0.78% 0.00% Get a good education learn how to make hang out with people I was forced Everyone is going Did not answer money  74% - To get a good education  8% - To learn how to make money  0.16% - To just hang out with people  0.94% - Because I was forced  0.78% - Because everyone else is going to school 13 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 14. 25 - If you could choose not to go to school would you still go? The Majority (75%) say if they could choose not to go to school they would and 16% refuted and said no they would not. 9% Yes 16% No Did not answer 75%  75% - Yes  6% - No  9% Did not answer 14 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 15. CHAPTER III – GUIDANCE & ACCOUNTABILITY Does the family unit have strong influence regarding moral guidance? 15 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 16. 13 - Which is the most relevant statement? 90% 83% 80% 78% 72% 70% 63% 60% 48% 49% 50% 42% 40% Strongly Agree 35% Agree 32% Disagree 30% 27% Strongly Disagree 20% 20% 20% 13% 14% 10% 8% 7% 6% 4% 2% 2% 0% I don’t want to upset I care about what my My home life affects I would rather do what I care about what my or disturb my family family thinks of me my mood and actions family wants me to do family thinks of me even if it’s not in line more than what my with what I believe in friends think of me or know to be right and wrong 16 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 17. CHAPTER IV – BELIEFS, CULTURE & TRADITIONS Where are the beliefs of the youth coming from? 17 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 18. 5 - Which statement best describes how you feel about culture and tradition: The majority is pick and mix (56%), followed by modern thinkers (18%) 9% Modern thinker 19% Traditional and proud 14% Pick and Mix 58% What’s the fuss  18% - Modern thinker – I’m all about the here and now that was then and things have changed, it’s important to keep up with the rest of the world  14% - Traditional and proud – Culture is important and I am proud of our traditions and where we have come from  56% - Pick and Mix, Anything goes – I don’t mind a mix of tradition and modern stuff; it’s always good to remember where you come from but it’s also good to keep up with the times  9% - What’s the fuss - Who really cares 18 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 19. 6 - Which statement best describes how you feel about your religion or beliefs: The majority are Christian that care about their faith but think they don’t need to push it everyone’s face (60%) 3% 17% 20% Christian & care Christian yet no Fuss Not Religious, yet actions No fuss 60%  20% - I care that people see I am a Christian in the way I act  60% - I am a Christian and I care about my faith but I don’t think I need to push it in everyone’s face all the time  17% - I am not very religious but I have my beliefs about what is right and wrong and I always base my actions on those beliefs  3% - I prefer not to make a fuss about these things 19 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 20. 7 - I think my beliefs about what is right and wrong come from: The majority thinks their beliefs about right or wrong came from the lessons they have learnt in life (47%), followed by parents and family (32%) 8% My parents and family 29% My friends What I see in my community 42% 6% Have learnt & seen 15% Learnt from youth leaders or church  32% - My parents and family  7% - My friends  16% - What I see in my community  47% - The lessons I have learnt and what I have seen happening to other people  9% - What I have learnt from youth leaders or church 20 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 21. CHAPTER V – MEDIA & ENTERTAINMENT Which entertainment captivates the youth and how far does it go? 21 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 22. 17 - Which of the following modern music do you like? The majority listen to Gospel (63%), followed by R & B/Soul (55%) and then Hip Hop/Rap (49%) Gospel 63% R&B/Soul 55% Hip Hop/Rap 49% House/Kwaito 41% Urban Grooves 19% Rock/Contemporary 18% Ragga 17% Sungura/Local 11% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%  49% - Hip Hop/Rap  19% - Urban Grooves  55% - R&B/Soul  63% - Gospel  18% -  11% - Sungura/Local Rock/Contemporary  17% - Ragga  41% - House/Kwaito 22 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 23. 18 - Which of the following movies do you like? The majority watch Comedies (73%), followed by Action/Thriller (51%), and a tie between Cartoons & Adventure. 80% 73% 70% 60% 51% 50% 41% 41% 40% 37% 29% 27% 30% 20% 10% 0% Comedy Action/thriller Adventure Cartoon Musical Horror Drama  51% - Action/thriller  73% - Comedy  41% - Adventure  41% - Cartoon  29% - Horror  27% - Drama  37% - Musical 23 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 24. 19 - Which TV show(s) do you like? The Majority like watching movies (73%), whilst (65%) watch comedies and only 24% watch the news. 80% 73% 70% 65% 60% 50% 43% 40% 28% 30% 25% 24% 20% 10% 0% Movies Comedies Drama/Soaps Educational Documentary News  24% - News  43% - Drama/Soaps  65% - Comedies  28% - Educational  25% - Documentary  73% - Movies 24 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 25. CHAPTER VI – MOTIVATION & ACHIEVEMENT What motives the youths and what do they aspire? 25 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 26. 26 - Which stage of educational life do you think is better than the other? The Majority (39%) think that University or college is better, 29% believe that high school is best and only 9% say that primary school was better. Preschool 1% Primary school 12% 10% 9% High school University/College Working 39% 29% Did not answer  10% - Preschool  9% - Primary school  29% - High school  39% - University/College  12% - Working 26 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 27. 27 - What would you say was the best moment in your life? The Majority say that their best moment was when they passed their exams or test (40%), followed by 18% being raised at home or at school. 4% 4% Praised at home/school 18% Got a lover Hugged with love Gained money 13% 40% Won something Passed exams/test 6% Trading/Business 12% 3% Did not answer  18% - Praised at home/school  40% - Passed exams/test  13% - Got a lover  4% - Trading/Business/Transactions  6% - Hugged with love  3% - Gained money  12% - Won something 27 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 28. 28 - What was the worst moment in life for you? They majority said their worst moment was when they lost something or someone (29%), whilst some said failing exams or a test (25%) Lost something/someone 29% Embarrassed 28% Failed exams/test 25% Falsely accused 14% Abused 6% Caught stealing 3% Starved 2% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%  28% - Embarrassed  25% - Failed exams/test  6% - Abused  29% - Lost something/someone  3% - Caught stealing  2% - Starved  14% - Falsely accused 28 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 29. CHAPTER VII – KNOWLEDGE & LEARNING How much do they know and want to learn? 29 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 30. 3 - I like reading… The majority likes reading mystery or adventure stories (41%), followed by romance or fantasies (34%) 9% Mystery or Adventure 12% Romance or fantasy 43% Non-Fiction or biographies 36% Science Fiction  41% - Mystery stories or Adventure Stories  34% - Romance or fantasy stories  11% - Non-Fiction books and biographies  9% - Science Fiction stories 30 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 31. 4 - What do you think about your ideas and decisions: 80% 71% 70% 67% 64% 63% 59% 60% 50% 46% 45% 40% 38% 34% 32% Strongly Agree 29% 29% 30% 27% 27% Agree 23% 22% Disagree 20% 17% 14% 12% 10% 10% 10% 7% 5% 4% 0% I don’t think many Everyone else I find it hard to I usually feel I find it hard to I often wish I people would be seems to come make decisions in foolish talking accept a could be interested in my up with better case I am wrong about my ideas to compliment someone else ideas ideas than me my family 31 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 32. CHAPTER VIII – MONEY Do the youths have money to spend, how much, and where does it come from? 32 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 33. 29 - Do you get pocket money when you go to school? The Majority said they get pocket money when they go to school (75%) and 19% said they don’t get pocket money. 6% 19% Yes No Did not answer 75%  75% - Yes  9% - No  6% - Did not answer 33 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 34. 30 - How much pocket money (US$) do you get per week (include bus fare) The Majority get pocket money of US$1 (21%), whilst 17% get US$2, though a minority of 1.6% get US$200 per week. Did not answer 26.4% US$200 per week 1.6% US$100 per week 2.0% US$50 per week 5.0% US$20 per week 9.0% US$15 per week 17.0% US$10 per week 4.0% US$5 per week 14.0% US$1 per week 21.0% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0%  21% - US$1 per week  5% - US$50 per week  14% - US$5 per week  2% - US$100 per week  4% - US$10 per week  1.6% - US$200 per week  17% - US$15 per week  26.4% did not answer  9% - US$20 per week 34 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 35. 31 - Where does your pocket money come from? The Majority (71%) get pocket money from a local parent or guardian while 15% say they get money from the Diaspora parent or guardian whilst 2% from a lover. Lover 2% Diaspora friend 6% Diaspora relative 5% Local relative 3% Diaspora parent/guardian 15% Local parent/guardian 71% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%  71% - Local parent/guardian  15% - Diaspora parent/guardian  3% - Local relative  5% - Diaspora relative  0.6% - Diaspora friend  2% - Lover 35 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 36. CHAPTER VIII – FRIENDS & LIFESTYLE How much influence do their friends have on them? 36 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 37. 14 - When I am with my friends or in a team situation: The majority is good at cooperating and like to keeping everyone working together (50%), followed by those that say they are the joker and I like to have everyone laughing (22%) 9% 15% Lead 23% Cooperate Joker 53% Conquence/Thinker  14% - I’m the one who comes up with the ideas and leads the group  50% - I’m a good at cooperating and like to keeping everyone working together  22% - I’m the joker and I like to have everyone laughing  8% - I’m the one who usually points out the flaws in the ideas and plans we 37 make The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 38. 15 - When I am with my friends: The majority do what they like when they are with their friends 28%, followed by those that do what’s best for them 2% (26%). Fitting in 22% Our own thing 28% Cautious What's best for me 26% Did not answer 22%  2% - I like fitting in and doing what everyone in the group is doing – its important to have my friends around me  28% - I do what I like, we all like to do our own thing and we will always be friends  22% - I don’t worry about fitting in, but I don’t really like to disrupt things  26% - I do what’s best for me and I don’t really care what my friends think about my decisions  22% - Did not answer 38 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 39. 32 - Who or what influences the style of clothes you wear? The Majority (2%) have their dressing being influenced by a famous person as well as parents, while 17% are influenced by factors such as pastors wives ,Christian belief, media and some have their own dressing styles. Friends 12% 16% Parents Brother/Sister 17% Famous Person 20% Other Did not answer 20% 15%  16% - Friends  20% - Parents  15% - Brother/Sister  20% - Famous Person  17% - Other (Myself, Pastor’s wives, My background, Season, Style, Christian belief, Media) 39 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 40. 33 - What do you and your friends talk about the most during breaks or on the way home? The Majority( 32%)talk about music during breaks or on their way home, 27%talk about movies while 31%talk of other matters such as girls, clubbing, porn and business Music 32% Other 31% Movies 27% Love 18% Other People 17% Sex 9% Drugs 3% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%  32% - Music  3% - Drugs  27% - Movies  31% - Other (Sports , Business, Girls, Everything, Life  17% - Other People Situations, Clubbing, Sex & Porn, Video Games, Success)  18% - Love  9% - Sex 40 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 41. 37 - Do your friends have to like him/her or approve of him/her? The Majority say that their friends do not have to approve of him or her (55%) followed by 30% who agree that their friends should approve, while 15% did not answer the question. 15% 30% Yes No Did not answer 55%  Yes 30%  No 55%  15% did not answer 41 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 42. CHAPTER IX – SEXUALITY & ADDICATIONS Are there any promiscuous sexual activities, homosexuals, drug addicts amongst the Zimbabwean youths? 42 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 43. 38 - Are you a homosexual? Though the majority (67%) are not homosexual, though 6% are, 13% say other including bisexual and 14% did not answer. Possibly 19% or 33% are homosexual considering other and unanswered ones. 6% 14% Yes 13% No Other Did not answer 67%  Yes 6%  No 67%  Other 13%,  14% did not answer 43 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 44. 42 - Do you have a child? The Majority (62%) did not answer the question, 37% said they do not have a child, while 1% agreed that they have children. 1% Yes 37% No 62% Did not answer  Yes 1%  No 37%  62% did not answer 44 The Behaviour Report, © 2009
  • 45. SPONSORS & TEAMS The survey was built over the years and conducted in 2009, under the auspices of voluntary youth organisations and colleges, such as Youth Encounter, Scripture Union, Harvesters in Sport, private colleges, churches, and other technical and financial sponsors that sought to understand teenage behaviour. Key Sponsors Oscar Manduku (Researcher), a media & communications consultant, is author of Beyond*REBELLION (the book of which the survey is extracted) and other consumer behaviour material, is the former national director of Youth Encounter Zimbabwe, and an executive committee member of the Advertising & Publicity Club. He has participated in various key capacities in researches conducted for institutes like World Vision, Unilever SEA, and ARIPO. Caleb Musodza (Patron), – General Manager Sales & Marketing for Schweppes Zimbabwe Limited, is a leader in FMCG marketing strategies in Zimbabwe, has been key in market intelligence for companies like Schweppes and Unilever SEA. At Unilever SEA he was responsible for the market surveys that determined consumer behaviour regarding their products. The Research Team The survey and analysis team included Rudo Kaposonore (Administration), Pamela Zigomo (Questionnaire, London), Tafadzwa Muchopa (Questionnaire, Harare), Marylyn Chimombe (Field Project Manager), Idzai Chaduka (Analysis Co-ordinator), Musekiwa Samuriwo (Analysis), Mandy Sibanda (Analysis), Fitzgerald Mujuru (Analysis), and a host of field and analysis volunteers from Youth Encounter, Harvesters in Sport, Scripture Union, churches, and private schools and colleges across the country. Financial Sponsors This survey would not have been possible without the sponsorship of individuals and institutions such as George Nheweyembwa, Mrs C. Ndlovu, Roselyn Zigomo, Webolutions OS, Cafe Espresso, just to name a few. 45 The Behaviour Report, © 2009