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          In partial
     Fulfillment of the
Requiremant of the Course
 Field Study 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

         Submitted by:
  Ma. Linda C. yanga

         Submitted to:
 Dr. Petronlia Tila-On
Associate Professor
Director of Acadmics
Field Study 1

                              Episode 1
                       School as a Learning Environment

                       SCHOOL FACILITIES CHECKLIST

         Facilities              Available      Not             Description
1. Office of the principal                                Clean, Well ventilated

2. Library                                               Has a wide space

3. Counseling room                                            Well organize

4. Canteen/cafeteria                                              Clean

5. Medical clinic                                        Has a complete facilities

6. Audio Visual/Materials            
7. Reading Center                                               Lots of books.

                             My Observation Report here:

Name of the school Observed: BNCS
School address: Sta. Ana St. Buarauen, Leyte
Date of Visit: July 27 2011

  Burauen north central school is located at Burauen north district. The school has a
wide and enough space to accommodate a large numbers of pupils. There are lots of
classrooms and all of them are clean, well ventilate and well-lighted and properly
organized. The school has its own canteen and its clean as well as their offices. As I
look around I have observe that the school is generally clean, fresh, and conducive to

                                 Classroom Facilities

Classroom facilities                   Description(location, number, arrangement
      1. Wall Display               Located at every wall of classroom, there are
                                    many. Well organized and eye-catching.

      2. Teachers Table             Located at the back near the door facing the
                                    blackboard only one teachers table.
3. Learners Desk               Properly arranged, 50 in all and they were in a
                                     good condition.

      4. Blackboard                  Located at the front inside the classroom, two
                                     blackboards left and right. In a good condition.

      5. Learning                    They are at one corner. There are lots of pictures
         materials/Visual aids.      and visual aids and it seems that the learning
                                     materials are well-prepared.

      6. News and magazines          Locates at the mini-library inside the classroom.
                                     Most of them are old.

      7. Comfort room                Located at the back inside the classroom, one
                                     comfort room and it is clean.
Your analysis:

   1. How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact on the
      learning of the students going to school? What is your conclusion?
          The school campus and the classroom has a great impact toward the
             learning of the student because it influences the interest of the learners. If
             the school campus/the classroom and school facilities were good the
             students will be excited and interested in going to school and because of
             this they will be easily motivated to learn. I conclude that school campus
             and the classroom has a big impact on the learning of the students in
             going to school.

   2. How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent
      development/ how does it relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?
          Through the good environment of the school the child and the adolescent
            will be develop faster.

Your reflection:
   1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed?
 Yes, because for me the school that I just observed is already conducive
        to learning. I like the location of the school; it can be locate easily because
        it is on the town proper. I will not suffer in transportation unlike the school
        in far places.

2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?

       A kind of school campus that is properly organize, spacious enough to
        accommodate large numbers of students, has a complete facilities enough
        classrooms in a good location, clean, not noisy, free from bad odors, there
        are effective teachers, the school must be in a good condition and ensure
        the safety and protection of the students.

3. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?

       A kind of classrooms which is conducive for learning is well-lighted, well-
        ventilated, has an enough space, has its own comfort room inside the
        classroom, lots of instructional materials, and complete facilities which is
        necessary for the whole class. And the classroom must be a place where
        in learners feel belongingness and has an equal treatment to the pupils.

4. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3?

       To accomplish a classroom which is conducive to learning in the future the
        best thing that I will do is by preparing myself to do this task and I will bear
        in mind that this is one of my goal so that I will strive hard to accomplish

5. Write additional learning’s and insight s here:

       Through observation, I have learned a lot and one of those learning’s, is
        that the school environment/condition affects the student’s interest in
        learning. But despite of this it would be much better if they will not focus
        on the environment of the school
My Personal illustration of an Effective School Environment
Episode 2
                         Learner’s Characteristics and Needs

                         Learners’ Development Matrix

 Development            Preschooler          Elementary           High school
   domain            Indicate age range   Indicate age range   Indicate age range
                         of children          of children          of children
                          observed:            observed:            observed:
                             2-5                 6-12                 12-16
Gross-motor skills      They keep on       They already feel     They are already
                     roaming around and   ashamed when they     theirs actions and
                        play with their     Were scolded.      know to be careful.

Fine-motor skills     They are fond in    They learn how to       Fond of many
                       drawing and              read.             activities like
                      coloring books.                          watching tV, texting,
                                                                 and listening to

 Self-help skills     Do simple things    They already know    They can be able to
                     independently like   how to dress their     do some task.
                       eating alone?             self.

Interaction with    They are ashamed          They talk to their     They interact with
     teachers       to interact with their    teachers just likely        respect
                          teachers,          the same on how to
                                               talk their parents.

 Interaction with       They played             They keep on      They talk about their
classmates/friend        together            chatting about funny       crushes.

     Interest       Fond of playing toys     Sometimes playing       Hang outs with their
                     watching cartoon        with their playmates         friends.


   Moods &            They easily cry.         They are happy         They can already
 temperament,                                  being with their      hold their emotion.
 expression of                                  friends while
    feelings                                       playing.



Communication           Too poor in            Can’t be able to      Can communicate
   Skills             communication           pronounce words              well.
                      can’t pronounce             properly.
                        words well.

 Thinking skills      They start to            Can be able to        Can be able to think
                    become curious of          answer simple            and answer
                       everything                questions.              questions.

Problem solving      They find to solve      Knows how to solve         Can be able to
    Others            problem in their        simple problems.         solve problems.
Your analysis:
   Write the most salient developmental characteristics of the learners you observed.
           Based on these characteristics, think of implication for the teacher.

       Level             Salient characteristics         Implicate to the Teaching-
                               Observed                      LearningProcess


Age range of                Early childhood            A teacher must narrate some
learner’s observed          pre-schooler the             story and show pictures.
3-5 yrs. old                questioning and
                            exploratory age.

Age      range    of

High school
Age      range    of
Your reflections

     1. While you were observing the learners, did recall your own experiences
        when you were their age? What similarities or differences do you have
        with the learners you observed?
         While I was observing the learners, I did recall my own experiences when
           I was at their ages . in similarity to them I am also playful and every time
           we seen our teacher coming we keep quiet and we behave, like what the
           learners I have observe do.

     2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons.
        How did she/he help or not help you with your need (physical,
        emotional, social, and cognitive)? How did it affect you?
         I can’t forget that teacher for negative reasons, because of her bad
           attitude that she don’t care about her students feelings. Whenever one of
           us can’t answer her question correctly she will suddenly put the students
           in shame and embarrass in front of the class. For that reasons during
           discussion I am afraid in committing mistakes and she might embarrass
           me if my answer is wrong I hate going to school just to attend her class
           because every time she begin throwing questions my heart beats faster
           because of nervous and I know I’m not the only one can’t concentrate with
           our lessons who feel that way also my classmates. Because of fear to that
           teacher I lose my interest to attend in her class.

     3. Which is your favorite theory of development? How can this guide you
        as a future teacher?
         My favorite theory is the reinforcement theory because it is focused on the
           association of events that stimulate behavior, and it concentrates on the
consequences. It strength then my performances of a desired behavior
             and it motivates me to do my best in the class.

                                    Episode 3
                    Classroom Management and Learning

Name of the school Observed: BNCS
School address: Sta. Ana St. Buarauen, Leyte
Date of Visit: aug. 2011

   There are areas inside the classroom for specific purposes just like audio-
visual corner mini library filipiniana section, students belonging teaching aids
and there are lots of charts are posted in the walls. There are also rules and
procedures posted in the room. And every study follows it.

    The daily routines done by the teachers start with prayer warm-up activities,
checking of attendance, monitor assignments, discussion, giving 5 item quiz and
giving assignments.

                                Classroom Management Matrix

  Aspect of classroom                Description               Effect on the learners

   1. Specific areas in the           Mini-library            The learners just behave
      classroom                                               and read books instead of
   2. Classroom rules         It is a classrooms rules that   The learners know how to
requires the students to      follow rules and regulation
                                 follow and obey.              inside the classroom.

  3. Classroom                This requires students         These guide the learners
     procedures             awareness and participation     on what to do on every day
                                                                      at school.
  4. daily routines             These are the habitual         These will make the
                                procedure done by the          students actions and
                             teacher and the students.        activities in organized.
  5. Seating                 The student’s seats were         They will not sit on the
     arrangement                arranged alphabetically     other seats it helps them to
                               according to their family           be organized.
  6. Handling               This is not giving additional     It gains self discipline
     misbehavior/off task      incentives for those who        among the students.
     behavior.                        misbehave.
  7. Reinforcement of       Learners are rewarded and       Learners are motivated and
     positive behavior      given incentives if done and    encourage to do more and
                              follow the teachers given            aims more.

Your analysis
  1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learners

         Through the classroom organization and routines the learners becomes
          aware if what is happening inside the classroom and also because of
          classroom organization and routines the learners becomes discipline.

  2. What should the teacher have in mind when she/he designs the classrooms
     organization and routines? What theories should you have in mind?

         Before a teacher designs the classrooms organizations she must ask
          herself first if her designs will help her students learning’s. Will it be
          effective for teaching? A teacher must consider always her students
          before she designs the classroom organization and routines.

  3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the
     learners? In motivating students? Why were they effective?
 Giving praises good comments and rewards to the learners whenever they
          have good deeds. These will help the learners to be motivated and have
          interest with their studies. They will be encourage to study harder t o gain
          these praises, good comments and rewards.

Your reflection
  1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade
     level do you see yourself? What routines would you consider for this level?

         I imagine myself organizing my classroom in the future in grade six level,
          before I start my discussion we will pray first, next is checking attendance
          then I will monitor if they do their assignments after that I will start my
          discussions and lastly I will give 5 items quiz for evaluation.

  2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level. Why would
     you choose these rules?

         The list of the rules that I would like to implement in this level are the ff:
                 Come to school in an exact time.
                 Always wear your proper uniform
                 Do not make noise when class is goin on.
                 Be in proper seats.
                 Keep the cleanliness of the room.

                  I choose these rules because I know that following all of these will
                  help the learners to be discipline, and easily if the classroom is
                  organized well.

  3. Should learners be involved in making in class rules? Why?
 Yes, the learners must be involved in making these class rules because,
          they are the main reasons why teachers make rules and it is always for
          the sake of them as well as to the teacher.

                                      Episode 4
                     Individual differences and Learners Interaction

Your reflection
  1. How did you feel being in what classroom? Did you feel a sense of oneness
     or unity among the learners and between the teacher and the learners?

         Being in the classrooms I feel happy to see the learners unity and I feel a
          sense of oneness between the teacher and the learners.

  2. In the future, how would you want learners in your classroom to interact?
     How will you make this happen?

         In the future I want the learners in my classroom to interact in me with
          respect. I will make this happen by showing interaction with respect to
          them too.

  3. How will you encourage all learners, regardless of religious, ethnic or racial
     background, to interact and participate?

         By explaining the importance of these to them.

Your analysis
1. Identify the persons who play key roles in he relationships in the
   classrooms. What roles do they play? Is there somebody who appears to
   be the leader? A mascot/joker, an attention seeker, a little teacher, a

       The person who plays key roles in the relationships and interactions in the
        classrooms are the teacher, students, and classmates. The teacher is the
        leader. If the class is over I have observed the pupils playing, some are
        making jokes and some of them imitate as a little teacher.

2. Are students coming from the minority group accepted or rejected by the
   others? How is this shown?

       Yes, they were accepted this is shown by giving them attention and

3. How does the teacher influence the class interaction considering
   differences of the students?

       The teacher influence the class interaction considering the individual
        differences of the students in a sense that a teacher is the one who will
        manage and treat them if she treat her students equally. The students will
        not feel bad and they will be happy to interact in the class despite of their

4. What factors influence the grouping of leaner’s outside the classroom?

       The factors that influence the grouping of learners outside the classroom
        are their age, gender, or may be their ethnic background and attitude.
Episode 5
                 Individual Differences and Learners Interaction

Your analysis

     1. Did your observation match information given by the teacher? Were you
        able to correctly identify who among the students performed well and
        who did not? What helped you identify them? (Volunteering to answer,
        responding to teachers directions, etc.)

         My observation matches the information given by the teachers. I was able
          to correctly identify who among the students performed well and who did
          not, through their behavior. The students who performed well volunteer
          easily to teachers directions.

     2. Describe the difference in ability levels of the students in the class. Is
        there a wide gap between the students who are performing well and
        those are not?

         There are differences in ability levels of the students in the class. Some
          students are performing well and some are not and there is a wide gap
          between them.

     3. Describe the methods used by the teachers in handling the students
        differences in abilities/ how did the students respond to the teacher?
 The teacher discusses her lessons by showing pictures to her pupils so
          that the pupils will understand more. The pupils respond to the teacher by

Your reflection

     1. Recall the time when you were in the elementary or high school. Recall
        the high and low achievers in your class. How did your teacher deal with
        differences in abilities? Was your teacher effective?

         As I recall time when I was in high school, I remember that I have a
          classmates who were high-achievers and low-achievers in our class. My
          teachers assign the high-achievers to be a leader and help the low-
          achievers to perform well.

     2. With the principle of individual differences in mind, what methods and
        strategies will you remember in the future to ensure that will be able to
        meet the needs of both the high and low achievers in your class?

         With the principle of individual differences in mind, in the future I will use
          methods and strategies in teaching to ensure that I will be able to more
          the needs of both the high and low achievers in my class. These methods
          and strategies like knowing the nature of the child and understanding them
          will help me meet their needs.
Episode 6
                            HOME-SCHOOL LINK

                 The learners Development Profile (outline)

                    The Learners Development Profile

Name of the Learner: Glazyl Lyle N. Camasin
School: BNCS
Date of home visit: September 20,2011
Date of birth: December 9 2000                                    age:10
Grade/year Level: V_sped                                  gender: Female

Number of Siblings: 1
Birth order: 1
Mother: Grace N. Camasin
Age: 36
Occupation: Principal II                educational attainment: College
Father: Allan Camasin
Occupation: PNP                         educational attainment: College

Your analysis
Your findings and recommendations in the learner development profile will help
you answer the question here.
1. From your home-visit and interview, what do you think is the style of
        parenting experienced by the learner? Explain your answer.


     2. Relating your data with what you learned from child development, what
        family factors do you think contribute to the development and over-all
        adjustment of the learner in school?
     3. Does the communication between the home-school have an effect on
        the learner? If, yes what are these effects?

Your reflections:
  1. Reflect on your own development as a child. What type of parenting did
     you experience? How did it affect you?

         I experience authoritative type of parenting. My parents are firm yet loving.
          They have clear and reasonable expectations.

  2. As a future teacher, how would you establish good home-school
     collaboration? How can you work well with the parents? How can you help
     them? How can they help you?

         As a future teacher I would establish good home-school collaboration by
          having a meeting in school with the parents even just once a month
          because through this meeting I can talk to the parents with what is
          happening to their child and we can help each other by changing
          information. about the condition of the child at home in school.
Optional Reflection Activities:

      Hearty relationship at home

      Motivates to have

      Education to become a




      Outlook in



      Independently in a

      Nation o f


                                     Episode 1
                       Looking Through the Meaningful Learning

Your tools:

   1. What principle in teaching-learning was commonly applied?

          The principle in teaching-learning that were commonly applied is principle
           this involve the nature of the child it deals with the nature of the child who
           is to be educated.

   2. What instructional materials were used in teaching?

             Visual aids
             Pictures
             Concrete materials
             Flashcards
             Books
3. Which of the principle on teaching facilitate the cognitive, metacognitive
   and positive motivational process of learning?

                                  Episode 2
                     Learners’ Characteristics and Needs

                                  MY JOURNAL


SCHOOL ADDRESS:                           DATE OF VISIT: AUG. 02 2011

GRADE LEVEL: ONE                          SUBJECT AREAS: MATH


   The teacher discuss the topic she explain it well to their pupils by giving
               examples and board work and group activities.


                     The learners cooperate their group.


  The learners raise their hand if they want to answer. They cooperate with
  their classmates especially when they have group activities. The learners
           participate especially which they understand the lessons.
Episode 3
                      Assisting Teacher with a “Teachers’ Toolbox”

Your tools:

                   An Observation Guide For Assisting Teacher

      1. What are the objectives of the lessons?

      2. How do the learners participate in the learning activities?

      3. What instructional materials are employed?

      4. How does the teacher assess the learning activities? Is she assessing
         the process or the product?

      5. What reasons does the teacher give in such learning activities?
Yanga fs

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  • 1. EASTERN VISAYAS STATE UNIVERSITY BURAUEN CAMPUS BURAUEN,LEYTE In partial Fulfillment of the Requiremant of the Course Field Study 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (PORTFOLIO) Submitted by: Ma. Linda C. yanga Bthele-II Submitted to: Dr. Petronlia Tila-On
  • 3. Field Study 1 LEARNERS DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT Episode 1 School as a Learning Environment SCHOOL FACILITIES CHECKLIST Facilities Available Not Description available 1. Office of the principal  Clean, Well ventilated 2. Library  Has a wide space 3. Counseling room  Well organize 4. Canteen/cafeteria  Clean 5. Medical clinic  Has a complete facilities 6. Audio Visual/Materials 
  • 4. 7. Reading Center  Lots of books. My Observation Report here: Name of the school Observed: BNCS School address: Sta. Ana St. Buarauen, Leyte Date of Visit: July 27 2011 Burauen north central school is located at Burauen north district. The school has a wide and enough space to accommodate a large numbers of pupils. There are lots of classrooms and all of them are clean, well ventilate and well-lighted and properly organized. The school has its own canteen and its clean as well as their offices. As I look around I have observe that the school is generally clean, fresh, and conducive to learning. Classroom Facilities Classroom facilities Description(location, number, arrangement condition) 1. Wall Display Located at every wall of classroom, there are many. Well organized and eye-catching. 2. Teachers Table Located at the back near the door facing the blackboard only one teachers table.
  • 5. 3. Learners Desk Properly arranged, 50 in all and they were in a good condition. 4. Blackboard Located at the front inside the classroom, two blackboards left and right. In a good condition. 5. Learning They are at one corner. There are lots of pictures materials/Visual aids. and visual aids and it seems that the learning materials are well-prepared. 6. News and magazines Locates at the mini-library inside the classroom. Most of them are old. 7. Comfort room Located at the back inside the classroom, one comfort room and it is clean. Your analysis: 1. How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact on the learning of the students going to school? What is your conclusion?  The school campus and the classroom has a great impact toward the learning of the student because it influences the interest of the learners. If the school campus/the classroom and school facilities were good the students will be excited and interested in going to school and because of this they will be easily motivated to learn. I conclude that school campus and the classroom has a big impact on the learning of the students in going to school. 2. How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development/ how does it relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?  Through the good environment of the school the child and the adolescent will be develop faster. Your reflection: 1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why?
  • 6.  Yes, because for me the school that I just observed is already conducive to learning. I like the location of the school; it can be locate easily because it is on the town proper. I will not suffer in transportation unlike the school in far places. 2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?  A kind of school campus that is properly organize, spacious enough to accommodate large numbers of students, has a complete facilities enough classrooms in a good location, clean, not noisy, free from bad odors, there are effective teachers, the school must be in a good condition and ensure the safety and protection of the students. 3. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?  A kind of classrooms which is conducive for learning is well-lighted, well- ventilated, has an enough space, has its own comfort room inside the classroom, lots of instructional materials, and complete facilities which is necessary for the whole class. And the classroom must be a place where in learners feel belongingness and has an equal treatment to the pupils. 4. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3?  To accomplish a classroom which is conducive to learning in the future the best thing that I will do is by preparing myself to do this task and I will bear in mind that this is one of my goal so that I will strive hard to accomplish this. 5. Write additional learning’s and insight s here:  Through observation, I have learned a lot and one of those learning’s, is that the school environment/condition affects the student’s interest in learning. But despite of this it would be much better if they will not focus on the environment of the school
  • 7. My Personal illustration of an Effective School Environment
  • 8. Episode 2 Learner’s Characteristics and Needs Learners’ Development Matrix Development Preschooler Elementary High school domain Indicate age range Indicate age range Indicate age range of children of children of children observed: observed: observed: 2-5 6-12 12-16 Physical Gross-motor skills They keep on They already feel They are already roaming around and ashamed when they theirs actions and play with their Were scolded. know to be careful. classmates. Fine-motor skills They are fond in They learn how to Fond of many drawing and read. activities like coloring books. watching tV, texting, and listening to music. Self-help skills Do simple things They already know They can be able to independently like how to dress their do some task. eating alone? self. Social
  • 9. Interaction with They are ashamed They talk to their They interact with teachers to interact with their teachers just likely respect teachers, the same on how to talk their parents. Interaction with They played They keep on They talk about their classmates/friend together chatting about funny crushes. things. Interest Fond of playing toys Sometimes playing Hang outs with their watching cartoon with their playmates friends. programs. Emotional Moods & They easily cry. They are happy They can already temperament, being with their hold their emotion. expression of friends while feelings playing. Emotional independence Cognitive Communication Too poor in Can’t be able to Can communicate Skills communication pronounce words well. can’t pronounce properly. words well. Thinking skills They start to Can be able to Can be able to think become curious of answer simple and answer everything questions. questions. Problem solving They find to solve Knows how to solve Can be able to Others problem in their simple problems. solve problems. own.
  • 10. Your analysis: Write the most salient developmental characteristics of the learners you observed. Based on these characteristics, think of implication for the teacher. Level Salient characteristics Implicate to the Teaching- Observed LearningProcess Preschool Age range of Early childhood A teacher must narrate some learner’s observed pre-schooler the story and show pictures. 3-5 yrs. old questioning and exploratory age. Elementary Age range of learner’s observed___. High school Age range of learner’s observed___.
  • 11. Your reflections 1. While you were observing the learners, did recall your own experiences when you were their age? What similarities or differences do you have with the learners you observed?  While I was observing the learners, I did recall my own experiences when I was at their ages . in similarity to them I am also playful and every time we seen our teacher coming we keep quiet and we behave, like what the learners I have observe do. 2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons. How did she/he help or not help you with your need (physical, emotional, social, and cognitive)? How did it affect you?  I can’t forget that teacher for negative reasons, because of her bad attitude that she don’t care about her students feelings. Whenever one of us can’t answer her question correctly she will suddenly put the students in shame and embarrass in front of the class. For that reasons during discussion I am afraid in committing mistakes and she might embarrass me if my answer is wrong I hate going to school just to attend her class because every time she begin throwing questions my heart beats faster because of nervous and I know I’m not the only one can’t concentrate with our lessons who feel that way also my classmates. Because of fear to that teacher I lose my interest to attend in her class. 3. Which is your favorite theory of development? How can this guide you as a future teacher?  My favorite theory is the reinforcement theory because it is focused on the association of events that stimulate behavior, and it concentrates on the
  • 12. consequences. It strength then my performances of a desired behavior and it motivates me to do my best in the class. Episode 3 Classroom Management and Learning Name of the school Observed: BNCS School address: Sta. Ana St. Buarauen, Leyte Date of Visit: aug. 2011 There are areas inside the classroom for specific purposes just like audio- visual corner mini library filipiniana section, students belonging teaching aids and there are lots of charts are posted in the walls. There are also rules and procedures posted in the room. And every study follows it. The daily routines done by the teachers start with prayer warm-up activities, checking of attendance, monitor assignments, discussion, giving 5 item quiz and giving assignments. Classroom Management Matrix Aspect of classroom Description Effect on the learners Management 1. Specific areas in the Mini-library The learners just behave classroom and read books instead of playing. 2. Classroom rules It is a classrooms rules that The learners know how to
  • 13. requires the students to follow rules and regulation follow and obey. inside the classroom. 3. Classroom This requires students These guide the learners procedures awareness and participation on what to do on every day at school. 4. daily routines These are the habitual These will make the procedure done by the students actions and teacher and the students. activities in organized. 5. Seating The student’s seats were They will not sit on the arrangement arranged alphabetically other seats it helps them to according to their family be organized. names. 6. Handling This is not giving additional It gains self discipline misbehavior/off task incentives for those who among the students. behavior. misbehave. 7. Reinforcement of Learners are rewarded and Learners are motivated and positive behavior given incentives if done and encourage to do more and follow the teachers given aims more. tasks. Your analysis 1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learners behavior?  Through the classroom organization and routines the learners becomes aware if what is happening inside the classroom and also because of classroom organization and routines the learners becomes discipline. 2. What should the teacher have in mind when she/he designs the classrooms organization and routines? What theories should you have in mind?  Before a teacher designs the classrooms organizations she must ask herself first if her designs will help her students learning’s. Will it be effective for teaching? A teacher must consider always her students before she designs the classroom organization and routines. 3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the learners? In motivating students? Why were they effective?
  • 14.  Giving praises good comments and rewards to the learners whenever they have good deeds. These will help the learners to be motivated and have interest with their studies. They will be encourage to study harder t o gain these praises, good comments and rewards. Your reflection 1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade level do you see yourself? What routines would you consider for this level? Why?  I imagine myself organizing my classroom in the future in grade six level, before I start my discussion we will pray first, next is checking attendance then I will monitor if they do their assignments after that I will start my discussions and lastly I will give 5 items quiz for evaluation. 2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level. Why would you choose these rules?  The list of the rules that I would like to implement in this level are the ff: Come to school in an exact time. Always wear your proper uniform Do not make noise when class is goin on. Be in proper seats. Keep the cleanliness of the room. I choose these rules because I know that following all of these will help the learners to be discipline, and easily if the classroom is organized well. 3. Should learners be involved in making in class rules? Why?
  • 15.  Yes, the learners must be involved in making these class rules because, they are the main reasons why teachers make rules and it is always for the sake of them as well as to the teacher. Episode 4 Individual differences and Learners Interaction Your reflection 1. How did you feel being in what classroom? Did you feel a sense of oneness or unity among the learners and between the teacher and the learners?  Being in the classrooms I feel happy to see the learners unity and I feel a sense of oneness between the teacher and the learners. 2. In the future, how would you want learners in your classroom to interact? How will you make this happen?  In the future I want the learners in my classroom to interact in me with respect. I will make this happen by showing interaction with respect to them too. 3. How will you encourage all learners, regardless of religious, ethnic or racial background, to interact and participate?  By explaining the importance of these to them. Your analysis
  • 16. 1. Identify the persons who play key roles in he relationships in the classrooms. What roles do they play? Is there somebody who appears to be the leader? A mascot/joker, an attention seeker, a little teacher, a double/pessimist?  The person who plays key roles in the relationships and interactions in the classrooms are the teacher, students, and classmates. The teacher is the leader. If the class is over I have observed the pupils playing, some are making jokes and some of them imitate as a little teacher. 2. Are students coming from the minority group accepted or rejected by the others? How is this shown?  Yes, they were accepted this is shown by giving them attention and entertainment. 3. How does the teacher influence the class interaction considering differences of the students?  The teacher influence the class interaction considering the individual differences of the students in a sense that a teacher is the one who will manage and treat them if she treat her students equally. The students will not feel bad and they will be happy to interact in the class despite of their differences. 4. What factors influence the grouping of leaner’s outside the classroom?  The factors that influence the grouping of learners outside the classroom are their age, gender, or may be their ethnic background and attitude.
  • 17. Episode 5 Individual Differences and Learners Interaction Your analysis 1. Did your observation match information given by the teacher? Were you able to correctly identify who among the students performed well and who did not? What helped you identify them? (Volunteering to answer, responding to teachers directions, etc.)  My observation matches the information given by the teachers. I was able to correctly identify who among the students performed well and who did not, through their behavior. The students who performed well volunteer easily to teachers directions. 2. Describe the difference in ability levels of the students in the class. Is there a wide gap between the students who are performing well and those are not?  There are differences in ability levels of the students in the class. Some students are performing well and some are not and there is a wide gap between them. 3. Describe the methods used by the teachers in handling the students differences in abilities/ how did the students respond to the teacher?
  • 18.  The teacher discusses her lessons by showing pictures to her pupils so that the pupils will understand more. The pupils respond to the teacher by recitation. Your reflection 1. Recall the time when you were in the elementary or high school. Recall the high and low achievers in your class. How did your teacher deal with differences in abilities? Was your teacher effective?  As I recall time when I was in high school, I remember that I have a classmates who were high-achievers and low-achievers in our class. My teachers assign the high-achievers to be a leader and help the low- achievers to perform well. 2. With the principle of individual differences in mind, what methods and strategies will you remember in the future to ensure that will be able to meet the needs of both the high and low achievers in your class?  With the principle of individual differences in mind, in the future I will use methods and strategies in teaching to ensure that I will be able to more the needs of both the high and low achievers in my class. These methods and strategies like knowing the nature of the child and understanding them will help me meet their needs.
  • 19. Episode 6 HOME-SCHOOL LINK The learners Development Profile (outline) The Learners Development Profile Name of the Learner: Glazyl Lyle N. Camasin School: BNCS Date of home visit: September 20,2011 Date of birth: December 9 2000 age:10 Grade/year Level: V_sped gender: Female FAMILY PROFILE: Number of Siblings: 1 Birth order: 1 Parent: Mother: Grace N. Camasin Age: 36 Occupation: Principal II educational attainment: College Father: Allan Camasin Occupation: PNP educational attainment: College Your analysis Your findings and recommendations in the learner development profile will help you answer the question here.
  • 20. 1. From your home-visit and interview, what do you think is the style of parenting experienced by the learner? Explain your answer.  2. Relating your data with what you learned from child development, what family factors do you think contribute to the development and over-all adjustment of the learner in school? 3. Does the communication between the home-school have an effect on the learner? If, yes what are these effects? Your reflections: 1. Reflect on your own development as a child. What type of parenting did you experience? How did it affect you?  I experience authoritative type of parenting. My parents are firm yet loving. They have clear and reasonable expectations. 2. As a future teacher, how would you establish good home-school collaboration? How can you work well with the parents? How can you help them? How can they help you?  As a future teacher I would establish good home-school collaboration by having a meeting in school with the parents even just once a month because through this meeting I can talk to the parents with what is happening to their child and we can help each other by changing information. about the condition of the child at home in school.
  • 21. Optional Reflection Activities: Hearty relationship at home Often Motivates to have Education to become a Strong Citizen Having Outstanding Outlook in Life Living Independently in a Nation o f Knowledge
  • 22. FIELD STUDY 2 EXPERINCING THE TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESS Episode 1 Looking Through the Meaningful Learning Experiences Your tools: 1. What principle in teaching-learning was commonly applied?  The principle in teaching-learning that were commonly applied is principle this involve the nature of the child it deals with the nature of the child who is to be educated. 2. What instructional materials were used in teaching?  Visual aids  Pictures  Concrete materials  Flashcards  Books
  • 23. 3. Which of the principle on teaching facilitate the cognitive, metacognitive and positive motivational process of learning? Episode 2 Learners’ Characteristics and Needs MY JOURNAL NAME OF THE SCHOOL OBSERVED: BNCS SCHOOL ADDRESS: DATE OF VISIT: AUG. 02 2011 GRADE LEVEL: ONE SUBJECT AREAS: MATH DESCRIPTION OF TEACHING STRATEGIES: The teacher discuss the topic she explain it well to their pupils by giving examples and board work and group activities. DESCRIPTION OF LEARNING ACTIVITIES The learners cooperate their group. DESCRIPTION OF LEARNERS PARTICIPATION: The learners raise their hand if they want to answer. They cooperate with their classmates especially when they have group activities. The learners participate especially which they understand the lessons.
  • 24. Episode 3 Assisting Teacher with a “Teachers’ Toolbox” Your tools: An Observation Guide For Assisting Teacher 1. What are the objectives of the lessons? 2. How do the learners participate in the learning activities? . 3. What instructional materials are employed? 4. How does the teacher assess the learning activities? Is she assessing the process or the product? 5. What reasons does the teacher give in such learning activities?