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Jing (Sophie) Xia

UCLA Psychobiology Major

       Honors 177

     Professor Vesna

      June 02, 2012
My name is Jing (Sophie) Xia and I am a fourth year Psychobiology Major. I was always
interested in art when I was little but in school, I always seemed to excel and focus more on
science. Before these lectures, I saw the separation of science and art as two distinctive cultures
mainly because of the influence of my educational system. For instance, as a UCLA South
Campus Major (Math and Sciences), I rarely get the opportunity to interact with students from
North Campus Majors (Humanities and Arts) or take classes with them. This physical separation
alone hinders scientists and arts from developing interactively. As a science major, I agree with
some of the ideas from RSA Animate- “Changing Education Paradigms” in that education is
focused on conformity with the growth of standardized tests. School functions similar to that of a
factory and students like me are taught to learn linearly and without creativity. Hence, I feel like
my divergent creativity skills have deteriorated through my educational years.

I found it amusing that the Oxford Dictionary had no word “science” before the 1860’s and that
the first time “science” was termed, it was an analog to artist. I now question the separation in art
and science due to multiple reasons. For instance, the stereotypical images of scientists and
artists in my head have many similar characteristics. Also, I agree with Goethe that as a scientist,
one is not a passive observer but rather a participatory individual.

I am excited to learn more about how science and art integrate.

(How science and art integrate to promote messages about food, healthy eating, and global
(The physical separation between UCLA North and South Campus Majors).

   1. Jennifer Jacquet . Guilty Planet. 2010. Photograph. World Science Festival, Berkeley.
      Web. 9 Apr 2012.
   2. Lehrer, Jonah. "Science Needs to Find a Place for the Arts." Seed. 08 04 2012: n. page.
      Web. 9 Apr. 2012.
   3. Love, Tim. "Science and Arts." Litrefs Articles. N.p., 01 Jan 2011. Web. 9 Apr. 2012.
   4. Skomorowska, Amica. "Beauty, Charm, and Strangeness: Art and Science as Metaphor."
      Lapidarium notes. N.p., 12 03 2012. Web. 9 Apr. 2012.
   5. UCLA Campus Map. 2011. Photograph. UCLA, Los Angeles.
   6. Lehrer, Jonah. "Science Needs to Find a Place for the Arts." Seed. 08 04 2012: n. page.
      Web. 9 Apr. 2012.
GMO Food and My Diet:
As a college student, I live on a tight budget and usually buy low to middle priced items in the
local grocery store, Ralphs. I eat out at fast foods or restaurants for about four meals per week.
For the rest of the week when I’m not running on a busy schedule, I try to cook my own meals
for lunch and dinner. I cook easy meals such as spaghetti, rice and broccoli, and some Chinese
cuisine that include as tomato and eggs. When I go home on the weekends, my parents to buy
and cook organic vegetable and meat. But I tend to not purchase organic foods because they are
mostly twice or three times the price of non-organic foods.

I would like to research more about the chicken I eat. I usually cook Farmer John California
Natural Smoked Chicken or other similarly popular brands. I never knew that the meat I eat was
so industrialized and unnatural until I saw the movie Food, Inc. I realized these chickens are
mass-produced and raised in the dark and packed in cages that do not allow movement. They are
fed not grains or natural seeds but the intestines and leftover meat from cows or other animals.
They are grown so large that they are unable to move and their bodies are consisted of not lean
muscle but unhealthy fat. The chickens are fed antibiotics, GMO Food, and other chemicals to
make them grow large merely for the sake of profit. After watching the movie I never looked at
dinner the same way again. I now see a link between GMO foods and industrialized meat and
how these foods can directly influence my health.

   1. Anne Smith. Food, Inc. - You Can Change The World One Bite At A Time . 2009.
      Photograph. Let it Shine, Pennsylvania. Web. 14 Apr 2012.
2. Cancer Risk Reduction. 2011. Photograph. Organic Food BenefitsWeb. 14 Apr 2012.
3. GMO feed to Chicken . 2012. Photograph. Agricultural Blog, Pakistan. Web. 14 Apr
   2012. <>.
4. Sprague, Jonathan. "Getting Real About the High Price of Cheap Food." Time Magazine
   Health. 20 Aug 2009: n. page. Web. 14 Apr. 2012.
5. Wilner, Nicole. "What is Industrial Food?." TLC. TLC, 2010. Web. 14 Apr 2012.
My Relationship with Animals:
I have an adorable kitty that resembles the physical appearance of Garfield. I love coming home
to him because he always greets me with warmth and elegance. It always cheers me up when I
see him even after a bad day. I am very fond of furry pets of all types because they provide
unconditional support, companionship, and even entertainment. I believe that for the sake of
companionship, owners should appreciate pets the way they are naturally and not have to have
genetically engineered pets. Genetically engineered animals may yield imperfect results such as
unpredictable growth and development and even other debilitating health issues. Pet owners
should appreciate pets the away they are and not seek perfection in pet’s breed, physical
appearance, or temperament.
On the other hand, cloning animals may be progressive in that the research results may benefit
humans in the future. It is still very controversial because these types of research also carry great
risks. For instance, Dolly, the first successful cloning of a mammal from adult cells, lived about
half the age of that of the average sheep and had illnesses similar to those of old sheep while she
was still young.

Steven Kurtz story serves as evidence that the government often has motives other than the most
apparent one. It was frustrating to see that the FBI did not act reasonably and simply framed
Steven Kurtz because they wanted to end his research. Obviously Kurtz’ research served as
threatening to the U.S. government so that the FBI made an excuse to accuse Kurtz. The
government restricts the media and publications about issues that are controversial, thus we often
do not hear the truth. Kurtz was researching for the sake of the public health but since he did not
benefit the government in anyway, the government was willing to use any excuse to frame him.
The lesson is to always be doubtful of the media and what the government tells (and don’t tell)

1. Dolly, Cloned Sheep | Mar. 10, 1997. 1997. Photograph. TIME MagazineWeb. 24 Apr
   2012. <,16641,19970310,00.html>
2. "Genetic Engineering." Kindness and Care for Animals. MSPCA–Angell, 24 Feb 2011.
   Web. 24 Apr. 2012. <
3. Messer, Mel. "Genetically Modified Pets." Care to Make a Difference. N.p., 30 Dec 2008.
   Web. 24 Apr. 2012. <>.
4. "Observing life and pursuing my reflections ." N.p., 24 Feb 2012. Web. 24 Apr. 2012. <>.
5. "1996: July – Dolly." Oracle Think Quest. Roslin Institute, n. d. Web. 24 Apr. 2012.
Noa Kaplan, Nutrition, and Mental Health:
Noa Kaplan’s works focused on texture and bringing awareness about diets and microscopic
structures. My favorite piece of her art work is the “Pollen”, in which she magnified one single
piece of pollen and dripped honey from an illuminated bottle above the pollen. It explored the
relationship between the fruitful honey that bees make and the great amount of effort that it
really takes to create such delicious honey. It not only reflected her own personal growth in her
changing diet but also provoked questions such as “is it moral to take honey from such hard
working bees and sell it in such massive amounts?” I really enjoyed this piece because from her
presentation, I can really tell that she grew as a person throughout this piece of art.

I also enjoyed her piece on the “Dust Bunny”. I felt like she put a lot of effort into this project,
even risking her own health. She really showed me that there is a whole other world of
microscopic structures that I ignore on a daily basis. It really reminds me again how much art can
influence its viewers.

Her art led to my research on Diets and Art. I came upon a website that had art pieces that
portrayed artworks made of vegetables and molded into shapes of animals or objects. I found that
entertaining and also intriguing- as some mammals (such as cows and pigs) were composed of
vegetables. I wonder if the artist that constructed those pieces thought about the relationship
between meat and vegetables.

I also explored Nutrition and Mental Health and found out that certain types of food significantly
affect your mental health! For example, when people have tea or coffee, they may also socialize
with friends, which may result in positive feelings. Since I am a Psychobiology major, I found
this very relatable to my major and interest.

Lastly, I want to share a photo that captured my eyes. It is a portrayal of honey, and it is very
focused on the structure and the texture of it. It somehow reminds me of the honey talked about
by Noa but the honey is also similar to the textures of “Dust Bunny”!


   1. "A Pathy Place." N.p., 05 May 2011. Web. 30 Apr. 2012.
2. Melville, Barbara. "Nutrition and Mental Health." Psychiatric Disorders. N.p., 8 June
   2008. Web. 30 Apr. 2012. <
3. Saleem, M. "Incredible Artworks Made From Food." Web Urbanist. N.p., 23 June 2011.
   Web. 30 Apr. 2012. <>.
4. "Vegan Diet." US News Health. N.p., n. d. Web. 30 Apr. 2012.
5. "Vegetarian Diet." Mayo Clinic. N.p., n. d. Web. 30 Apr. 2012.
Kathy Brew on Aging Extra Credit:
I thought Kathy Brew’s art was very close to heart and quite understandable. She had one central
theme, and that is to explore her own aging process and the public’s conception of aging. She
wanted bring out a message that motivates people to accept, appreciate, and embrace the beauty
of the aging process. One particular part of her exhibition that left an impression on me is the
wall full of degrading adjectives for old people. The wall had words such as “old fogey”, “biddy”,
and “hag” and they represent the malicious ways that society views old people. I also liked the
silver haired wig in the center of the exhibition. It was something in the exhibition for viewers to
participate in and for a moment, be in the shoes of an old person. Overall, I felt this exhibition
was very informative and educational.

 Ageism is alive and well in our country. I believe that instead of anti-aging, we should promote
pro-aging. After all, aging is a natural process and should be embraced just like youth and
maturity. There are campaigns already targeting pro-aging, such as Dove. They encourage
women to embrace their skin and appearance no matter how old they are.
Dove came out with a body lotion specifically for older women and it’s called “Dove Pro-Age”.
By having a major brand come out with this type of lotion, I think it is a step towards accepting
and embracing aging.


   1. "Dove pro age body lotion review." Makeup Diaries. N.p., 25 Mar 2012. Web. 12 May.
      2012. <
   2. Forgaard, Kim. "The New View on Beauty." Kim Forgaard's Take. N.p., 31 Mar 2011.
      Web. 12 May. 2012. <>.
   3. Jasheway, Leigh Anne. "I’m Pro-Aging." National Association of Baby Bommer Women.
      N.p., n. d. Web. 12 May. 2012. <
   4. "Pro-Aging." Changing Aging. N.p., n. d. Web. 12 May. 2012.
   5. "Pro Aging Network." Web. 12 May. 2012. <
   6. UCLA California NanoSystems Institude. <
Alan Turing and Fibonacci Numbers:
Our group will study Alan Turing's Fibonacci Numbers and I will specifically focus on Natural
Occurrence of Fibonacci Numbers in pine cones and plant leafs. Pine cones display the
Fibonacci Spirals clearly. The best way to examine these patterns is to observe pine cones form
the base where the stalk connects it to the tree. For instance, one set of spirals go in one uniform
direction whereas another set of spirals go in the opposite direction (see images below). In one
direction, we count 8 whirls whereas in the other direction, we count 13 whirls. Both 8 and 13

In another pine cone, there is also evidence of Fibonacci spirals as the patterns on the pine cone
arrange in two different directions of spirals.

In addition, many plants show the Fibonacci numbers in the arrangements of the leaves around
their stems. When we look down on a plant, we notice that the leaves are arranged such that the
leaves higher up on the stem do not hide leaves below. This ensures that no matter where leaves
are located on a stem, they are able to receive sunlight. Fibonacci numbers are evident in two
ways in terms of leaves per turn. First, it occurs when we count the number of times we go
around the stem. Secondly, it occurs when we count leaves until we encounter a leaf directly
above the leaf we started with. If we count in the other direction, we get a different number of
turns with same number of leaves. The number of turns in each direction and the number of
leaves met are three consecutive Fibonacci numbers. In the example below, we have to rotate 3
turns clockwise to meet a leaf that is directly above the first leaf we counted. On the way, we
pass by 5 leaves. If now we count anti-clockwise, we only turn 2 times. Indeed, 2, 3, and 5 are
consecutive Fibonacci numbers.


   1. "Evolution." How Stuff Works. N.p., n. d. Web. 20 May. 2012.
   2. "Fibonacci Numbers and Nature." Rabbits, Cows and Bees Family Trees . N.p., n. d. Web.
      20 May. 2012. <
   3. "Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section." N.p., n. d. Web. 20 May. 2012.
   4. "Fibonacci numbers and Golden ratio." Natural occurrence of Fibonacci numbers. N.p.,
      n. d. Web. 20 May. 2012. <>.
   5. Parveen, Nikhat. "Fibonacci in Nature." N.p., n. d. Web. 20 May. 2012.
Extra Credit: Biotech to Biopunk:
Last Thursday, Lejla Kucukalic delivered this speech to highlight the great impacts Science
Fiction and literature have on science. She presented a variety of different types of science
fiction literature and movies and explained how they influenced and perhaps motivated scientists
of their times. Kucukalic also suggested that science fiction books and movies often are a step
ahead of the science at the time and predict what is about to come in the field of science.
Through the lecture, she also summarized genetic types of scientists. They include human being
narratives, GMO narratives, monster narratives and biopunk. The scientists portrayed on novels
tend to be either insane and out of their minds or tormented by internal struggles. In fact,
scientists portrayed in novels and movies rarely seemed to have a “normal” personality,
especially evident in earlier works. For instance, a science fiction that she mentioned was
Frankenstein (1818) by Mary Shelley. Biopunk ultimately is a combination of science fiction,
urban-industry, gothic fiction, and extreme violence. It is a movement towards public access to
genetic information.

   1. Boris Karloff-Annex. House of Frankenstein. N.d. Photograph. n.p. Web. 24 May 2012.
      < star pages/Karloff, Boris-Annex.htm>.
   2. Splice. N.d. Photograph. IMDbWeb. 24 May 2012. <>.
   3. Tarantula. N.d. Photograph. n.p. Web. 24 May 2012.
   4. The Deadly Mantis. N.d. Photograph. n.p. Web. 24 May 2012.
   5. UCLA CNSI. Biotech to Biopunk: Science Fiction’s Visions of Genetics.
        I came into this class with a Psychobiology science background and an interest in art. I
didn’t know what to expect but ended this class understanding the magnificent connections that
one can draw from art and science. We explored topics such as genetic engineering, animals in
resources, medical technologies, aging, and food and discussed them in artistic perspectives. I
visited exhibitions by Noa Kaplan, Kathy Brew, and Paul Thomas and participated in many talks
in UCLA CNSI throughout the quarter. I learned more about the overlaps in biotechnology and
art from Professor Vesna and various guest speakers and interacted with classmates on a weekly
basis. We were asked to take the knowledge we learnt one step further and create an original idea
and project for our midterm. I came up with the idea of the Bioluminescence Experience, a
glowing enchanting garden. At the end of the class, classmates and I pooled our knowledge on
Alan Turing and dwelled deeper into his concept of Fibonacci numbers and the natural
occurrence of Fibonacci numbers in pine cones and plant leafs. I am grateful to come out of this
class enlightened with different perspectives on the sciences and new ideas on the connections
between science and art.

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Xia j 177_final

  • 1. Jing (Sophie) Xia UCLA Psychobiology Major Honors 177 Professor Vesna June 02, 2012
  • 2. Introduction: My name is Jing (Sophie) Xia and I am a fourth year Psychobiology Major. I was always interested in art when I was little but in school, I always seemed to excel and focus more on science. Before these lectures, I saw the separation of science and art as two distinctive cultures mainly because of the influence of my educational system. For instance, as a UCLA South Campus Major (Math and Sciences), I rarely get the opportunity to interact with students from North Campus Majors (Humanities and Arts) or take classes with them. This physical separation alone hinders scientists and arts from developing interactively. As a science major, I agree with some of the ideas from RSA Animate- “Changing Education Paradigms” in that education is focused on conformity with the growth of standardized tests. School functions similar to that of a factory and students like me are taught to learn linearly and without creativity. Hence, I feel like my divergent creativity skills have deteriorated through my educational years. I found it amusing that the Oxford Dictionary had no word “science” before the 1860’s and that the first time “science” was termed, it was an analog to artist. I now question the separation in art and science due to multiple reasons. For instance, the stereotypical images of scientists and artists in my head have many similar characteristics. Also, I agree with Goethe that as a scientist, one is not a passive observer but rather a participatory individual. I am excited to learn more about how science and art integrate. (How science and art integrate to promote messages about food, healthy eating, and global sustainability).
  • 3. (The physical separation between UCLA North and South Campus Majors).
  • 4. References: 1. Jennifer Jacquet . Guilty Planet. 2010. Photograph. World Science Festival, Berkeley. Web. 9 Apr 2012. <>. 2. Lehrer, Jonah. "Science Needs to Find a Place for the Arts." Seed. 08 04 2012: n. page. Web. 9 Apr. 2012. <>. 3. Love, Tim. "Science and Arts." Litrefs Articles. N.p., 01 Jan 2011. Web. 9 Apr. 2012. <>. 4. Skomorowska, Amica. "Beauty, Charm, and Strangeness: Art and Science as Metaphor." Lapidarium notes. N.p., 12 03 2012. Web. 9 Apr. 2012. < 5. UCLA Campus Map. 2011. Photograph. UCLA, Los Angeles. 6. Lehrer, Jonah. "Science Needs to Find a Place for the Arts." Seed. 08 04 2012: n. page. Web. 9 Apr. 2012. <>.
  • 5. GMO Food and My Diet: As a college student, I live on a tight budget and usually buy low to middle priced items in the local grocery store, Ralphs. I eat out at fast foods or restaurants for about four meals per week. For the rest of the week when I’m not running on a busy schedule, I try to cook my own meals for lunch and dinner. I cook easy meals such as spaghetti, rice and broccoli, and some Chinese cuisine that include as tomato and eggs. When I go home on the weekends, my parents to buy and cook organic vegetable and meat. But I tend to not purchase organic foods because they are mostly twice or three times the price of non-organic foods. I would like to research more about the chicken I eat. I usually cook Farmer John California Natural Smoked Chicken or other similarly popular brands. I never knew that the meat I eat was so industrialized and unnatural until I saw the movie Food, Inc. I realized these chickens are mass-produced and raised in the dark and packed in cages that do not allow movement. They are fed not grains or natural seeds but the intestines and leftover meat from cows or other animals. They are grown so large that they are unable to move and their bodies are consisted of not lean muscle but unhealthy fat. The chickens are fed antibiotics, GMO Food, and other chemicals to make them grow large merely for the sake of profit. After watching the movie I never looked at dinner the same way again. I now see a link between GMO foods and industrialized meat and how these foods can directly influence my health.
  • 6. References: 1. Anne Smith. Food, Inc. - You Can Change The World One Bite At A Time . 2009. Photograph. Let it Shine, Pennsylvania. Web. 14 Apr 2012. <
  • 7. 2. Cancer Risk Reduction. 2011. Photograph. Organic Food BenefitsWeb. 14 Apr 2012. <>. 3. GMO feed to Chicken . 2012. Photograph. Agricultural Blog, Pakistan. Web. 14 Apr 2012. <>. 4. Sprague, Jonathan. "Getting Real About the High Price of Cheap Food." Time Magazine Health. 20 Aug 2009: n. page. Web. 14 Apr. 2012. <,9171,1917726,00.html>"> /time/magazine/article/0,9171,1917726,00.html>. 5. Wilner, Nicole. "What is Industrial Food?." TLC. TLC, 2010. Web. 14 Apr 2012. <>.
  • 8. My Relationship with Animals: I have an adorable kitty that resembles the physical appearance of Garfield. I love coming home to him because he always greets me with warmth and elegance. It always cheers me up when I see him even after a bad day. I am very fond of furry pets of all types because they provide unconditional support, companionship, and even entertainment. I believe that for the sake of companionship, owners should appreciate pets the way they are naturally and not have to have genetically engineered pets. Genetically engineered animals may yield imperfect results such as unpredictable growth and development and even other debilitating health issues. Pet owners should appreciate pets the away they are and not seek perfection in pet’s breed, physical appearance, or temperament.
  • 9. On the other hand, cloning animals may be progressive in that the research results may benefit humans in the future. It is still very controversial because these types of research also carry great risks. For instance, Dolly, the first successful cloning of a mammal from adult cells, lived about half the age of that of the average sheep and had illnesses similar to those of old sheep while she was still young. Steven Kurtz story serves as evidence that the government often has motives other than the most apparent one. It was frustrating to see that the FBI did not act reasonably and simply framed Steven Kurtz because they wanted to end his research. Obviously Kurtz’ research served as threatening to the U.S. government so that the FBI made an excuse to accuse Kurtz. The government restricts the media and publications about issues that are controversial, thus we often do not hear the truth. Kurtz was researching for the sake of the public health but since he did not benefit the government in anyway, the government was willing to use any excuse to frame him. The lesson is to always be doubtful of the media and what the government tells (and don’t tell) you. References:
  • 10. 1. Dolly, Cloned Sheep | Mar. 10, 1997. 1997. Photograph. TIME MagazineWeb. 24 Apr 2012. <,16641,19970310,00.html> 2. "Genetic Engineering." Kindness and Care for Animals. MSPCA–Angell, 24 Feb 2011. Web. 24 Apr. 2012. < legislation/animal-welfa....>. 3. Messer, Mel. "Genetically Modified Pets." Care to Make a Difference. N.p., 30 Dec 2008. Web. 24 Apr. 2012. <>. 4. "Observing life and pursuing my reflections ." N.p., 24 Feb 2012. Web. 24 Apr. 2012. <>. 5. "1996: July – Dolly." Oracle Think Quest. Roslin Institute, n. d. Web. 24 Apr. 2012. <>.
  • 11. Noa Kaplan, Nutrition, and Mental Health: Noa Kaplan’s works focused on texture and bringing awareness about diets and microscopic structures. My favorite piece of her art work is the “Pollen”, in which she magnified one single piece of pollen and dripped honey from an illuminated bottle above the pollen. It explored the relationship between the fruitful honey that bees make and the great amount of effort that it really takes to create such delicious honey. It not only reflected her own personal growth in her changing diet but also provoked questions such as “is it moral to take honey from such hard working bees and sell it in such massive amounts?” I really enjoyed this piece because from her presentation, I can really tell that she grew as a person throughout this piece of art. I also enjoyed her piece on the “Dust Bunny”. I felt like she put a lot of effort into this project, even risking her own health. She really showed me that there is a whole other world of microscopic structures that I ignore on a daily basis. It really reminds me again how much art can influence its viewers. Her art led to my research on Diets and Art. I came upon a website that had art pieces that portrayed artworks made of vegetables and molded into shapes of animals or objects. I found that entertaining and also intriguing- as some mammals (such as cows and pigs) were composed of vegetables. I wonder if the artist that constructed those pieces thought about the relationship between meat and vegetables. I also explored Nutrition and Mental Health and found out that certain types of food significantly affect your mental health! For example, when people have tea or coffee, they may also socialize
  • 12. with friends, which may result in positive feelings. Since I am a Psychobiology major, I found this very relatable to my major and interest. Lastly, I want to share a photo that captured my eyes. It is a portrayal of honey, and it is very focused on the structure and the texture of it. It somehow reminds me of the honey talked about by Noa but the honey is also similar to the textures of “Dust Bunny”! References: 1. "A Pathy Place." N.p., 05 May 2011. Web. 30 Apr. 2012. <>.
  • 13. 2. Melville, Barbara. "Nutrition and Mental Health." Psychiatric Disorders. N.p., 8 June 2008. Web. 30 Apr. 2012. < a56326>. 3. Saleem, M. "Incredible Artworks Made From Food." Web Urbanist. N.p., 23 June 2011. Web. 30 Apr. 2012. <>. 4. "Vegan Diet." US News Health. N.p., n. d. Web. 30 Apr. 2012. <>. 5. "Vegetarian Diet." Mayo Clinic. N.p., n. d. Web. 30 Apr. 2012. <>.
  • 14. Kathy Brew on Aging Extra Credit: I thought Kathy Brew’s art was very close to heart and quite understandable. She had one central theme, and that is to explore her own aging process and the public’s conception of aging. She wanted bring out a message that motivates people to accept, appreciate, and embrace the beauty of the aging process. One particular part of her exhibition that left an impression on me is the wall full of degrading adjectives for old people. The wall had words such as “old fogey”, “biddy”, and “hag” and they represent the malicious ways that society views old people. I also liked the silver haired wig in the center of the exhibition. It was something in the exhibition for viewers to participate in and for a moment, be in the shoes of an old person. Overall, I felt this exhibition was very informative and educational. Ageism is alive and well in our country. I believe that instead of anti-aging, we should promote pro-aging. After all, aging is a natural process and should be embraced just like youth and maturity. There are campaigns already targeting pro-aging, such as Dove. They encourage women to embrace their skin and appearance no matter how old they are.
  • 15. Dove came out with a body lotion specifically for older women and it’s called “Dove Pro-Age”. By having a major brand come out with this type of lotion, I think it is a step towards accepting and embracing aging. References: 1. "Dove pro age body lotion review." Makeup Diaries. N.p., 25 Mar 2012. Web. 12 May. 2012. < review/>. 2. Forgaard, Kim. "The New View on Beauty." Kim Forgaard's Take. N.p., 31 Mar 2011. Web. 12 May. 2012. <>. 3. Jasheway, Leigh Anne. "I’m Pro-Aging." National Association of Baby Bommer Women. N.p., n. d. Web. 12 May. 2012. < entertainment/boomer-humor/im-pro-aging/>. 4. "Pro-Aging." Changing Aging. N.p., n. d. Web. 12 May. 2012. <>. 5. "Pro Aging Network." Web. 12 May. 2012. < network/>. 6. UCLA California NanoSystems Institude. < aging-symposium-going-gray-kat...>.
  • 16. Alan Turing and Fibonacci Numbers: Our group will study Alan Turing's Fibonacci Numbers and I will specifically focus on Natural Occurrence of Fibonacci Numbers in pine cones and plant leafs. Pine cones display the Fibonacci Spirals clearly. The best way to examine these patterns is to observe pine cones form the base where the stalk connects it to the tree. For instance, one set of spirals go in one uniform direction whereas another set of spirals go in the opposite direction (see images below). In one direction, we count 8 whirls whereas in the other direction, we count 13 whirls. Both 8 and 13 are In another pine cone, there is also evidence of Fibonacci spirals as the patterns on the pine cone arrange in two different directions of spirals. In addition, many plants show the Fibonacci numbers in the arrangements of the leaves around their stems. When we look down on a plant, we notice that the leaves are arranged such that the leaves higher up on the stem do not hide leaves below. This ensures that no matter where leaves are located on a stem, they are able to receive sunlight. Fibonacci numbers are evident in two ways in terms of leaves per turn. First, it occurs when we count the number of times we go around the stem. Secondly, it occurs when we count leaves until we encounter a leaf directly
  • 17. above the leaf we started with. If we count in the other direction, we get a different number of turns with same number of leaves. The number of turns in each direction and the number of leaves met are three consecutive Fibonacci numbers. In the example below, we have to rotate 3 turns clockwise to meet a leaf that is directly above the first leaf we counted. On the way, we pass by 5 leaves. If now we count anti-clockwise, we only turn 2 times. Indeed, 2, 3, and 5 are consecutive Fibonacci numbers. References: 1. "Evolution." How Stuff Works. N.p., n. d. Web. 20 May. 2012. <>. 2. "Fibonacci Numbers and Nature." Rabbits, Cows and Bees Family Trees . N.p., n. d. Web. 20 May. 2012. < sites/R.Knott/Fibonacci/fibnat.html>. 3. "Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section." N.p., n. d. Web. 20 May. 2012. <>. 4. "Fibonacci numbers and Golden ratio." Natural occurrence of Fibonacci numbers. N.p., n. d. Web. 20 May. 2012. <>. 5. Parveen, Nikhat. "Fibonacci in Nature." N.p., n. d. Web. 20 May. 2012. <>.
  • 18. Extra Credit: Biotech to Biopunk: Last Thursday, Lejla Kucukalic delivered this speech to highlight the great impacts Science Fiction and literature have on science. She presented a variety of different types of science fiction literature and movies and explained how they influenced and perhaps motivated scientists of their times. Kucukalic also suggested that science fiction books and movies often are a step ahead of the science at the time and predict what is about to come in the field of science. Through the lecture, she also summarized genetic types of scientists. They include human being narratives, GMO narratives, monster narratives and biopunk. The scientists portrayed on novels tend to be either insane and out of their minds or tormented by internal struggles. In fact, scientists portrayed in novels and movies rarely seemed to have a “normal” personality, especially evident in earlier works. For instance, a science fiction that she mentioned was Frankenstein (1818) by Mary Shelley. Biopunk ultimately is a combination of science fiction, urban-industry, gothic fiction, and extreme violence. It is a movement towards public access to genetic information.
  • 19. References: 1. Boris Karloff-Annex. House of Frankenstein. N.d. Photograph. n.p. Web. 24 May 2012. < star pages/Karloff, Boris-Annex.htm>. 2. Splice. N.d. Photograph. IMDbWeb. 24 May 2012. <>. 3. Tarantula. N.d. Photograph. n.p. Web. 24 May 2012. <>. 4. The Deadly Mantis. N.d. Photograph. n.p. Web. 24 May 2012. <>. 5. UCLA CNSI. Biotech to Biopunk: Science Fiction’s Visions of Genetics. <>.
  • 20. Conclusion: I came into this class with a Psychobiology science background and an interest in art. I didn’t know what to expect but ended this class understanding the magnificent connections that one can draw from art and science. We explored topics such as genetic engineering, animals in resources, medical technologies, aging, and food and discussed them in artistic perspectives. I visited exhibitions by Noa Kaplan, Kathy Brew, and Paul Thomas and participated in many talks in UCLA CNSI throughout the quarter. I learned more about the overlaps in biotechnology and art from Professor Vesna and various guest speakers and interacted with classmates on a weekly basis. We were asked to take the knowledge we learnt one step further and create an original idea and project for our midterm. I came up with the idea of the Bioluminescence Experience, a glowing enchanting garden. At the end of the class, classmates and I pooled our knowledge on Alan Turing and dwelled deeper into his concept of Fibonacci numbers and the natural occurrence of Fibonacci numbers in pine cones and plant leafs. I am grateful to come out of this class enlightened with different perspectives on the sciences and new ideas on the connections between science and art.