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scientific literacy Essay
Scientific literacy
Introduction and audience
When talk about science, perhaps majority of us think it is less relative with real life. However, as
society developed, science encompassed us everywhere. This situation forces everyone to acquire the
ability to learn and understand science. Some may think that, scientific literacy is what a scientist
should have and nothing about normal people, however it is just too narrow. Look around the
surroundings of us, everything is conned with science. Also, we encounter science in our normal life
as well. Therefore, the ability to acquire and understand science is necessary and important, which is
called scientific literacy. Scientific literacy is the foundation of science and more
Also, they might doubt the ingredient of their product (thinking creatively). What were they made
of, would that influence their health? Finally, we made the decision, it was a deceptive advertising
and we wouldn't purchase it(problem solved). This is the one typical example process of using
scientific way to solve problems.
So far, we could tell scientific literacy is useful, but does it necessary for us? The next part is
telling why it is necessary and the basic science knowledge to acquire it.
Science knowledge is necessary
As the rapid development of science and technology, everyone in society is required to acquire
higher scientific literate skill. What if one doesn't acquire scientific literacy, not only he/she could
not engage in science study or research, but would encounter difficulties in normal life. For
example, when we want to look for a book in the library, it would be so simply if we check it
online, copy the index of the book and then go find it directly. However, people who don't have the
ability to acquire computer skill would have difficult. Therefore, scientific literacy is necessary in
contemporary life.
There is no doubt that science knowledge is the significant part of scientific literacy. Therefore,
learning science is the first step. What is science? Just taking a look at our surroundings, it not hard
to find that science is everywhere. Simply example like how the lamp is lighted, which
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Medical Advances Essay
Medical Advances
Besides the computer revolution, medical advances have caused tension between faith and reason.
The medical advances of the Twentieth Century have many beneficial effects for humanity.
Diseases that used to be dangerous or life threatening, like mumps, measles, and whooping cough,
are no longer worries in todays medical world. Tetanus, typhoid, and the bubonic plaque can now
be treated with antibiotics or other medicines. Vaccines, especially the polio vaccine, freed many
people from the effects of a disease. Advances in heart surgery and organ transplants have saved
many lives. Anesthetics and painkillers have been made to reduce or eliminate pain during surgery
or a painful disease. Advances in cancer and AIDS more content...
This will tremendously benefit farmers who raise livestock, and cloning of the superior animals
will also make the food supply healthier and larger in this growing world. Other advances in
medical technology deal with the preborn and postborn babies and prolonging life techniques.
Prenatal technology and obstetrics have allowed babies to be born as early as twenty–two weeks
after conception. Life support systems have helped to prolong lives and have even supported
people in comas who have "woken up" after many years. However, these medical advances have
been questioned as to whether they really are "advance." Many of these new medical techniques
conflict with peoples faith in medical ethics and with their religious beliefs, especially Catholicism.
A debate about the extent to which humans are allowed to "play God" to destroy, alter, or create
life forms has risen. Most of the new controversial medical procedures have become accepteed in
this impersonal, technological world, but many people do not believe these procedures are really
"progress." Many people believe that Church should be the driving force in the fight against AIDS.
Robert K. Gray in "Some Diseases Are Less Equal Than Others": The War Against AIDS (1990)
states that "the pulpit of the Catholic Church is the mightiest of weapons" against the spreading of
AIDS and against the hate that evolves for AIDS victims.(6) However, most people who have AIDS
were contaminated by sinning
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Scientific Writing Proposal
I propose to study in technical writing in scientific field, to learning effective science writing. The
metaphor of context as rhetorical situation may understate the power that context has to shape
scientific discourse. The observed study of the scientific process can be challenging, but it will
provide you with better perception of how is the scientific process in writing. The rhetorical role of
scientific discourse have can create in persuasive scientific, narrative, emotional appeals, and
innovations of imagination. Technical writing in certain field is how we write to communicate in
unique language to communicate to audience within community and to other beyond scientific
community. The significance of utilizing special language will more content...
Interview from others student can be useful data to claim the importance of how scientific writing
shapes us in educational system. The first step I would manage my bibliography and literature view
as center of activity. Over the time the lists of articles read and cited becomes significant works. For
applying bibliography from peer–reviewed, books and other sources allow me to generate more
concepts. Using Mendeley as a tool to generate bibliographies, and annotation of texts, also
encourage communication between scientists around the sharing of references. Technology currently
impact on my ability to work. Useful data on how scientific writing using language to communicate
between scientific community and outside the community for exchange common interests, and their
requirements to work as scientific platform. In order to make the content interesting to audience;
visual aid including maps, charts, graphs, and photographs will helps audiences comprehend the
reading much better than the plain contexts. Using proofread from writing center and peers may
reduce chance of getting confuse words: heat has an effect on the reaction and heat affects the
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Scientific Notation Essay
Scientific Notation
Essential question: How can you use scientific notation to express numbers of different quantities?
Scientific notation is a method of writing or displaying numbers in terms of a decimal number
between 1 and 10, which is multiplied by a power of 10
Ex. Step 1 – 3 105 First, you would solve for the exponents Step 2 – 3 100000 Then, you would
multiply the factors that are left Step 3 – 300000 Lastly, you get your answer
Essential Answer: Scientific Notation can be used to express different quantities by reducing a large
or small number into a short mathematical sentence.
Essential Question: Why are using integers easier than more content...
How to find a 3D figures Volume
Essential Question: What figures does volume apply to?
Volume is the amount of 3–dimensional space an object occupies. In the equations for volume, B
means area of the bases and h means distance between the bases. Remember to always add the
cubed sign at the end of your answer ( # unit3).
Ex. Find the volume of a figure that is 5 in. long, 7 in. wide, and 8 in. tall. Step 1– V = BhFirst, find
the equation for the figure.
Step 2– V = (35)8Then, find the base and substitute.
Step 3– V = 280 in3Lastly, solve for V.
Essential Answer: It applies to only 3D figures.
How to find a 3D figures Surface Area
Essential Question: How is finding surface area different than finding volume?
Surface area is the total area of the surface of a three–dimensional object. For surface area, the
equation is SA = Ph + 2B. P stands for the perimeter of the base. The h stands for the distance
between the bases. B stands for area of the bases.
Ex. Find the volume of a box that is 2 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 3 feet
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Scientific Theory Essay
Scientific Theory
A scientific theory is a well–substantiated explanation of some aspects of the natural world, based on
a body of knowledge that has been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment.
Scientist creates scientific theories from hypothesis that have been corroborated through the
scientific method, then gather evidence to test their accuracy. The strength of a scientific theory is
related to the diversity of phenomena it can explain, which is measured by its ability to make
falsifiable predictions with respect to the phenomena. Scientific theories are the most reliable,
rigorous, and comprehensive for of scientific knowledge.
The scientific method involves the proposal and testing of hypotheses, by more
Theories are the main goal in science and no explanation can achieve a higher rank. (to the belief
that "theories" become "laws" over time). In some cases, theories can unify. Two or more theories
can be replaces by a single theory which explains the previous theories as approximations or
special cases, comparable to the way a theorys is connecting explanation for many confirmed
hypotheses: This is reffered to as Unification of Theories. Both scientific laws and scientific theories
are produced from scientific methods through the formation and testing of hypotheses, and can
predict the behavior of the natural world. Both are typically supported by observation and
experimental science. However, scientific laws are descriptive accounts of how nature will behave
under certain conditions. Scientific theories are broader in scope, and give overarching explanations
of how nature works and why it exhibits certain characteristics. They are supported by evidence from
many different sources, and may contain one or more laws.
Both scientific laws and scientific theories come from the scientific method through the formation
and testing of hypotheses, and can predict the behavior of the natural world. Both are usually well
supported by observations and/or experimental evidence. However laws are descriptive accounts of
how nature will behave under certain conditions. Assumption is a
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The Scientific Method Essay
The Scientific Method is the standardized procedure that scientists are supposed to follow when
conducting experiments, in order to try to construct a reliable, consistent, and non–arbitrary
representation of our surroundings. To follow the Scientific Method is to stick very tightly to a order
of experimentation. First, the scientist must observe the phenomenon of interest. Next, the scientist
must propose a hypothesis, or idea in which the experiments will be based around. Then, through
repeated experimentation, the hypothesis can either be proven false or become a theory. If the
hypothesis is proven to be false, the scientist must reformulate his or her ideas and come up with
another hypothesis, and the experimentation begins again. more content...
Furthermore, flies were observed laying eggs where the maggots formed. Thus, he concluded that
maggots are the result of flies, not spontaneous generation. He then called the principles behind his
experiment "Metodo Scientifico" or The Scientific Method.
The first cases of what would be considered properly using the Scientific Method can be found
earlier, though, back in the studies of Galileo, early in the 17th century. He first observed that
heavy objects gain speed as they fall. He then proposed, or hypothesized, that the rate of falling of
massive objects was proportional to the distance that the object has fallen. Following the Scientific
Method, he tested his hypothesis and found it to be false, since objects falling unequal distances do
not fall in the same amount of time, as his hypothesis led to. Since his hypothesis failed, he made a
new one, which proposed that the rate at which an object falls is directly proportional to the time the
object has spent falling. This was tested by rolling balls down an inclined plane and calculating the
speed and time values from those observations. Later, these experiments led to the discovery of the
gravitational constant g, and a better understanding of the Scientific Method.
The Method has been used many times since Galileo conducted his experiments, and it has been
considered a valid way of conducting experiments since
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Value of Science Essay
Science is undoubtedly a very important part of growing as the human race. It has improved our
lives drastically from the first stone tools, to iPods and cars we drive. But what is it really that
matters when it comes to science? Material things are not the only things that science gives
humanity. Richard Feynman explains his point of view of the values of science, and on how
science is used to create things beneficial and afflicting, how the values behind science are affected
by society, and how science affects people. The very first point brought up ismorality. Science is not
morally oriented to do good or bad and can easily do either. Feynman referenced a Buddhist proverb
he heard while visiting Honolulu, " more content...
For example, recently we had a large hoopla about stem cell research because of the supposed
"farming babies". When in reality, the stem cells were in vitro fertilized eggs from artificially
inseminated parents that would have been thrown away. Those extra fertilized eggs contained cells
that have the capability of creating any cell in the human body, and with the future possibility of
growing replacement/repair body parts of patients; it would have been a huge leap in the medical
field. But because of our own ignorance to the science behind it, we effectively closed the continuum
of scientific progress. Feynman wrote a small poetic section putting into perspective how great and
complicated humans are, but showing how miniscule they are compared to the universe. Also, how
it is a "religious experience" to have you put into perspective through science itself. He says that
artists and singers won't sing about it because not everyone can understand the science, but the
scientists who can explain it.
The last value of science is the methodology behind being a scientist. Feynman explains how all
scientists have lots of experience with "ignorance and doubt" and after time, effort, testing and
further degrees of uncertainty, subjects can still are unsure, with doubt, and uncertainty. Logic, data,
critical thinking and reasoning can only be as important of understanding. The understanding of the
numerous struggles within science has been
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M & M Scientific Method
M&M Investigation Lab
Kayla Prendergast
Audrey Hutchison, Cara Self
Mrs. Dirrigl
Introduction: This M&M investigation served as a useful tool to the students. This
investigationtaught the students how to use the scientific method, and act how scientists would.
This investigation also gave the students the opportunity to learn how to write a lab report from and
experiment/investigation done in class.
Purpose: The purpose of this investigation is to learn how to write a proper lab report and how to
use the scientific method with the use of M&M's.
Prediction: It was predicted that each package of M&M's would contain the same number of candies.
package of M&M's (47.9 g)
paper towel
1.Place paper towel on lab table.
2.Place package of M&M's on paper towel.
3.Carefully open the M&M package, and display its contents on the paper towel.
4.Separate the M&M's by color, and count the number in each group. Record data.
5.Count the total of all M&M's. Record data. more content...
The results did not support the prediction. There were different amounts of M&M's in each bag,
but the overall average was approximately 56 candies per bag. There were more orange M&M's,
and brown M&M's were found the least. An average of 9.2 green, 12.2 blue, 6.8 red, and 8.2
yellow M&M's were found as well. One further study would include a comparison of M&M's and a
similar candy like Skittles to see if skittles have the same number of candies in each bag, and
compare the two. Another study would include an investigation similar to this one. It would run the
same investigation but compare the previous study to the current one and see if the average numbers
are relatively
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Scientific Literacy Evaluation
"Scientific literacy is knowing science as a way of thinking, finding, organising and utilising
information to make decisions" (Rennie, 2005).
I have planned and chosen the curriculum links aligned with the activity and the outcome. I have
carefully planned the resources/ materials required for the experiment, including plain flour, soft
icing mixture and corn flour, water and food colouring. I believe that children would be engaged and
motivated in the experiment, as they observe my demonstration and the curiosity to find out the
mysterious mixture. Next time, I would ask students to bring a list of items from their kitchen
pantry, and to use one of them as an additional mixture, as they will be interested in trying out a
mixture of their choic, such as whole meal (wheat, flour), and rice flour. Next time, I would ensure
that the lesion is timed well. more content...
It instantly triggered her enthusiasm and she was set ready to answer educator's questions. The
activity was mainly focussed upon chemical science. She had the basic knowledge about the state of
matter, as she could clearly identify the difference between solid and liquid (Transcript line).
However, she was unsure about the state of flour. According to Vygotsky, children can carry out
difficult things when they collaborate with adults, when compared to their own effort (McDevitt,
p.222). To clarify the child's doubt about the state of flour, educator has crafted the fourth question,
aligning with the zone of proximal development proposed by Vygotsky, presenting maximum
cognitive growth (p.223). Once she gained the confidence of making a mixture with plain flour, she
could not wait longer, as she proceeded in making the other mixtures. As she answered educator's
questions, she experimented with the mixture, observing and exploring the
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The Scientific Method is the approach that scientists use to investigate some phenomena. It's a
standard technique to find cause and effect of a particular problem.
I am going to introduce how the scientific method works using interesting research paper "Racial and
Ethnic Residential Segregation, the Neighborhood Socioeconomic Environment, and Obesity among
Blacks and Mexican Americans". There are a series of steps that scientists used to understand the
The first step of the scientific method is observation of phenomena. The authors of article observed a
high rate of obesity. In such a case they began their investigation with making a number of different
observations concerning obesity.
So once they decided what to investigate, more content...
Goal of the experiment was to determine the effect of racial and ethnic residential segregation, the
neighborhood socioeconomic environment on level of obesity. So to know if our hypothesis is
correct was used cross–sectional data of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey on
approximately 5000 black and Mexican–American adult participants who was living in
disadvantaged segregated neighborhoods (1999–2006). These areas were chosen for the experiment
because they implied as poor with limited access to health–promoting resources. Segregation could
impact the obesity level, which had increased for blacks and Mexican Americans. So to prove the
hypothesis was conducted experiment which determines the impact of racial/ethnic segregation with
limiting opportunities on the level of obesity.
During the experiment were calculated obesity body mass index and were identified participants
who were obese in areas of black and Mexican American segregations. Having carefully recorded
data is very important during the experiment because it could lead to more correct conclusion. So for
accurate recording of observation some of participants were excluded from the experiment because
was missing the information about their height or weight, educational level, income, or because
some of them were
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Science Essay
For some people science is the supreme form of all knowledge. Is this view reasonable or does it
involve a misunderstanding of science or of knowledge?
For many persons science is considered the supreme form of all knowledge, as science is based on
facts and theories and it reaches its results through an approved scientific method. Consequently, it
seems to be objective and thus more truthful and reliable. However, other persons argue that this is a
misunderstanding of science. Hence, one should question what science and knowledge entail. Can
there actually be some form of knowledge that overrules all other types of human knowledge? Is
scientific knowledge actually always objective? Are there other types of knowledge of equal worth? more content...
Thus, perception, in this case could be considered an important factor that makes a piece of
knowledge supreme. One could then deduce that frogs have these organs and that most
multi–cellular animals also have these organs, after having looked and compared a large sample.
This is where reasoning, as a way of knowing, comes into use to make generalisations. And one can
be quite sure that this fact is true since it has been seen, and at any moment in time, if someone
dissects a frog, he/she will see these organs. In this example, there is very little room for human
emotions/ bias to affect the perception, since one cannot argue that what's inside the frog's body is
something other than its organs.
On the other hand, there are other parts in the field of biology that are less supreme. Consider the
example of a field study where a scientist is to investigate if leaves closer to the trunk of oak trees
in Scania are larger than those being further away from the trunk. The biologist will make a plan
on how to conduct the experiment, and since he cannot measure all leaves in all trees existing in
Scania, the biologist will have to carry out the field study on a sample, which raises the question:
what could be an appropriate sample? Most scientists agree that the best way to conduct a field
study is being as random as possible. But how does one go about being random? Scientist may have
different ways of reasoning on what would make an appropriate sample, but no way
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Writing A Scientific Essay

  • 1. scientific literacy Essay Scientific literacy Introduction and audience When talk about science, perhaps majority of us think it is less relative with real life. However, as society developed, science encompassed us everywhere. This situation forces everyone to acquire the ability to learn and understand science. Some may think that, scientific literacy is what a scientist should have and nothing about normal people, however it is just too narrow. Look around the surroundings of us, everything is conned with science. Also, we encounter science in our normal life as well. Therefore, the ability to acquire and understand science is necessary and important, which is called scientific literacy. Scientific literacy is the foundation of science and more content... Also, they might doubt the ingredient of their product (thinking creatively). What were they made of, would that influence their health? Finally, we made the decision, it was a deceptive advertising and we wouldn't purchase it(problem solved). This is the one typical example process of using scientific way to solve problems. So far, we could tell scientific literacy is useful, but does it necessary for us? The next part is telling why it is necessary and the basic science knowledge to acquire it. Science knowledge is necessary As the rapid development of science and technology, everyone in society is required to acquire higher scientific literate skill. What if one doesn't acquire scientific literacy, not only he/she could not engage in science study or research, but would encounter difficulties in normal life. For example, when we want to look for a book in the library, it would be so simply if we check it online, copy the index of the book and then go find it directly. However, people who don't have the ability to acquire computer skill would have difficult. Therefore, scientific literacy is necessary in contemporary life. There is no doubt that science knowledge is the significant part of scientific literacy. Therefore, learning science is the first step. What is science? Just taking a look at our surroundings, it not hard to find that science is everywhere. Simply example like how the lamp is lighted, which Get more content on
  • 2. Medical Advances Essay Medical Advances Besides the computer revolution, medical advances have caused tension between faith and reason. The medical advances of the Twentieth Century have many beneficial effects for humanity. Diseases that used to be dangerous or life threatening, like mumps, measles, and whooping cough, are no longer worries in todays medical world. Tetanus, typhoid, and the bubonic plaque can now be treated with antibiotics or other medicines. Vaccines, especially the polio vaccine, freed many people from the effects of a disease. Advances in heart surgery and organ transplants have saved many lives. Anesthetics and painkillers have been made to reduce or eliminate pain during surgery or a painful disease. Advances in cancer and AIDS more content... This will tremendously benefit farmers who raise livestock, and cloning of the superior animals will also make the food supply healthier and larger in this growing world. Other advances in medical technology deal with the preborn and postborn babies and prolonging life techniques. Prenatal technology and obstetrics have allowed babies to be born as early as twenty–two weeks after conception. Life support systems have helped to prolong lives and have even supported people in comas who have "woken up" after many years. However, these medical advances have been questioned as to whether they really are "advance." Many of these new medical techniques conflict with peoples faith in medical ethics and with their religious beliefs, especially Catholicism. A debate about the extent to which humans are allowed to "play God" to destroy, alter, or create life forms has risen. Most of the new controversial medical procedures have become accepteed in this impersonal, technological world, but many people do not believe these procedures are really "progress." Many people believe that Church should be the driving force in the fight against AIDS. Robert K. Gray in "Some Diseases Are Less Equal Than Others": The War Against AIDS (1990) states that "the pulpit of the Catholic Church is the mightiest of weapons" against the spreading of AIDS and against the hate that evolves for AIDS victims.(6) However, most people who have AIDS were contaminated by sinning Get more content on
  • 3. Scientific Writing Proposal I propose to study in technical writing in scientific field, to learning effective science writing. The metaphor of context as rhetorical situation may understate the power that context has to shape scientific discourse. The observed study of the scientific process can be challenging, but it will provide you with better perception of how is the scientific process in writing. The rhetorical role of scientific discourse have can create in persuasive scientific, narrative, emotional appeals, and innovations of imagination. Technical writing in certain field is how we write to communicate in unique language to communicate to audience within community and to other beyond scientific community. The significance of utilizing special language will more content... Interview from others student can be useful data to claim the importance of how scientific writing shapes us in educational system. The first step I would manage my bibliography and literature view as center of activity. Over the time the lists of articles read and cited becomes significant works. For applying bibliography from peer–reviewed, books and other sources allow me to generate more concepts. Using Mendeley as a tool to generate bibliographies, and annotation of texts, also encourage communication between scientists around the sharing of references. Technology currently impact on my ability to work. Useful data on how scientific writing using language to communicate between scientific community and outside the community for exchange common interests, and their requirements to work as scientific platform. In order to make the content interesting to audience; visual aid including maps, charts, graphs, and photographs will helps audiences comprehend the reading much better than the plain contexts. Using proofread from writing center and peers may reduce chance of getting confuse words: heat has an effect on the reaction and heat affects the Get more content on
  • 4. Scientific Notation Essay Scientific Notation Essential question: How can you use scientific notation to express numbers of different quantities? Scientific notation is a method of writing or displaying numbers in terms of a decimal number between 1 and 10, which is multiplied by a power of 10 Ex. Step 1 – 3 105 First, you would solve for the exponents Step 2 – 3 100000 Then, you would multiply the factors that are left Step 3 – 300000 Lastly, you get your answer Essential Answer: Scientific Notation can be used to express different quantities by reducing a large or small number into a short mathematical sentence. Integers Essential Question: Why are using integers easier than more content... How to find a 3D figures Volume Essential Question: What figures does volume apply to? Volume is the amount of 3–dimensional space an object occupies. In the equations for volume, B means area of the bases and h means distance between the bases. Remember to always add the cubed sign at the end of your answer ( # unit3). Ex. Find the volume of a figure that is 5 in. long, 7 in. wide, and 8 in. tall. Step 1– V = BhFirst, find the equation for the figure. Step 2– V = (35)8Then, find the base and substitute. Step 3– V = 280 in3Lastly, solve for V. Essential Answer: It applies to only 3D figures. How to find a 3D figures Surface Area Essential Question: How is finding surface area different than finding volume? Surface area is the total area of the surface of a three–dimensional object. For surface area, the equation is SA = Ph + 2B. P stands for the perimeter of the base. The h stands for the distance between the bases. B stands for area of the bases. Ex. Find the volume of a box that is 2 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 3 feet Get more content on
  • 5. Scientific Theory Essay Scientific Theory A scientific theory is a well–substantiated explanation of some aspects of the natural world, based on a body of knowledge that has been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Scientist creates scientific theories from hypothesis that have been corroborated through the scientific method, then gather evidence to test their accuracy. The strength of a scientific theory is related to the diversity of phenomena it can explain, which is measured by its ability to make falsifiable predictions with respect to the phenomena. Scientific theories are the most reliable, rigorous, and comprehensive for of scientific knowledge. The scientific method involves the proposal and testing of hypotheses, by more content... Theories are the main goal in science and no explanation can achieve a higher rank. (to the belief that "theories" become "laws" over time). In some cases, theories can unify. Two or more theories can be replaces by a single theory which explains the previous theories as approximations or special cases, comparable to the way a theorys is connecting explanation for many confirmed hypotheses: This is reffered to as Unification of Theories. Both scientific laws and scientific theories are produced from scientific methods through the formation and testing of hypotheses, and can predict the behavior of the natural world. Both are typically supported by observation and experimental science. However, scientific laws are descriptive accounts of how nature will behave under certain conditions. Scientific theories are broader in scope, and give overarching explanations of how nature works and why it exhibits certain characteristics. They are supported by evidence from many different sources, and may contain one or more laws. Both scientific laws and scientific theories come from the scientific method through the formation and testing of hypotheses, and can predict the behavior of the natural world. Both are usually well supported by observations and/or experimental evidence. However laws are descriptive accounts of how nature will behave under certain conditions. Assumption is a Get more content on
  • 6. The Scientific Method Essay The Scientific Method is the standardized procedure that scientists are supposed to follow when conducting experiments, in order to try to construct a reliable, consistent, and non–arbitrary representation of our surroundings. To follow the Scientific Method is to stick very tightly to a order of experimentation. First, the scientist must observe the phenomenon of interest. Next, the scientist must propose a hypothesis, or idea in which the experiments will be based around. Then, through repeated experimentation, the hypothesis can either be proven false or become a theory. If the hypothesis is proven to be false, the scientist must reformulate his or her ideas and come up with another hypothesis, and the experimentation begins again. more content... Furthermore, flies were observed laying eggs where the maggots formed. Thus, he concluded that maggots are the result of flies, not spontaneous generation. He then called the principles behind his experiment "Metodo Scientifico" or The Scientific Method. The first cases of what would be considered properly using the Scientific Method can be found earlier, though, back in the studies of Galileo, early in the 17th century. He first observed that heavy objects gain speed as they fall. He then proposed, or hypothesized, that the rate of falling of massive objects was proportional to the distance that the object has fallen. Following the Scientific Method, he tested his hypothesis and found it to be false, since objects falling unequal distances do not fall in the same amount of time, as his hypothesis led to. Since his hypothesis failed, he made a new one, which proposed that the rate at which an object falls is directly proportional to the time the object has spent falling. This was tested by rolling balls down an inclined plane and calculating the speed and time values from those observations. Later, these experiments led to the discovery of the gravitational constant g, and a better understanding of the Scientific Method. The Method has been used many times since Galileo conducted his experiments, and it has been considered a valid way of conducting experiments since Get more content on
  • 7. Value of Science Essay 3/14/2013 Values Science is undoubtedly a very important part of growing as the human race. It has improved our lives drastically from the first stone tools, to iPods and cars we drive. But what is it really that matters when it comes to science? Material things are not the only things that science gives humanity. Richard Feynman explains his point of view of the values of science, and on how science is used to create things beneficial and afflicting, how the values behind science are affected by society, and how science affects people. The very first point brought up ismorality. Science is not morally oriented to do good or bad and can easily do either. Feynman referenced a Buddhist proverb he heard while visiting Honolulu, " more content... For example, recently we had a large hoopla about stem cell research because of the supposed "farming babies". When in reality, the stem cells were in vitro fertilized eggs from artificially inseminated parents that would have been thrown away. Those extra fertilized eggs contained cells that have the capability of creating any cell in the human body, and with the future possibility of growing replacement/repair body parts of patients; it would have been a huge leap in the medical field. But because of our own ignorance to the science behind it, we effectively closed the continuum of scientific progress. Feynman wrote a small poetic section putting into perspective how great and complicated humans are, but showing how miniscule they are compared to the universe. Also, how it is a "religious experience" to have you put into perspective through science itself. He says that artists and singers won't sing about it because not everyone can understand the science, but the scientists who can explain it. The last value of science is the methodology behind being a scientist. Feynman explains how all scientists have lots of experience with "ignorance and doubt" and after time, effort, testing and further degrees of uncertainty, subjects can still are unsure, with doubt, and uncertainty. Logic, data, critical thinking and reasoning can only be as important of understanding. The understanding of the numerous struggles within science has been Get more content on
  • 8. M & M Scientific Method M&M Investigation Lab Kayla Prendergast Audrey Hutchison, Cara Self Mrs. Dirrigl 8–11–16 Introduction: This M&M investigation served as a useful tool to the students. This investigationtaught the students how to use the scientific method, and act how scientists would. This investigation also gave the students the opportunity to learn how to write a lab report from and experiment/investigation done in class. Purpose: The purpose of this investigation is to learn how to write a proper lab report and how to use the scientific method with the use of M&M's. Prediction: It was predicted that each package of M&M's would contain the same number of candies. Materials: package of M&M's (47.9 g) paper towel paper pencil Methods: 1.Place paper towel on lab table. 2.Place package of M&M's on paper towel. 3.Carefully open the M&M package, and display its contents on the paper towel. 4.Separate the M&M's by color, and count the number in each group. Record data. 5.Count the total of all M&M's. Record data. more content... The results did not support the prediction. There were different amounts of M&M's in each bag, but the overall average was approximately 56 candies per bag. There were more orange M&M's, and brown M&M's were found the least. An average of 9.2 green, 12.2 blue, 6.8 red, and 8.2 yellow M&M's were found as well. One further study would include a comparison of M&M's and a similar candy like Skittles to see if skittles have the same number of candies in each bag, and compare the two. Another study would include an investigation similar to this one. It would run the same investigation but compare the previous study to the current one and see if the average numbers are relatively
  • 9. Get more content on
  • 10. Scientific Literacy Evaluation "Scientific literacy is knowing science as a way of thinking, finding, organising and utilising information to make decisions" (Rennie, 2005). Evaluation I have planned and chosen the curriculum links aligned with the activity and the outcome. I have carefully planned the resources/ materials required for the experiment, including plain flour, soft icing mixture and corn flour, water and food colouring. I believe that children would be engaged and motivated in the experiment, as they observe my demonstration and the curiosity to find out the mysterious mixture. Next time, I would ask students to bring a list of items from their kitchen pantry, and to use one of them as an additional mixture, as they will be interested in trying out a mixture of their choic, such as whole meal (wheat, flour), and rice flour. Next time, I would ensure that the lesion is timed well. more content... It instantly triggered her enthusiasm and she was set ready to answer educator's questions. The activity was mainly focussed upon chemical science. She had the basic knowledge about the state of matter, as she could clearly identify the difference between solid and liquid (Transcript line). However, she was unsure about the state of flour. According to Vygotsky, children can carry out difficult things when they collaborate with adults, when compared to their own effort (McDevitt, p.222). To clarify the child's doubt about the state of flour, educator has crafted the fourth question, aligning with the zone of proximal development proposed by Vygotsky, presenting maximum cognitive growth (p.223). Once she gained the confidence of making a mixture with plain flour, she could not wait longer, as she proceeded in making the other mixtures. As she answered educator's questions, she experimented with the mixture, observing and exploring the Get more content on
  • 11. The Scientific Method is the approach that scientists use to investigate some phenomena. It's a standard technique to find cause and effect of a particular problem. I am going to introduce how the scientific method works using interesting research paper "Racial and Ethnic Residential Segregation, the Neighborhood Socioeconomic Environment, and Obesity among Blacks and Mexican Americans". There are a series of steps that scientists used to understand the problem. The first step of the scientific method is observation of phenomena. The authors of article observed a high rate of obesity. In such a case they began their investigation with making a number of different observations concerning obesity. So once they decided what to investigate, more content... Goal of the experiment was to determine the effect of racial and ethnic residential segregation, the neighborhood socioeconomic environment on level of obesity. So to know if our hypothesis is correct was used cross–sectional data of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey on approximately 5000 black and Mexican–American adult participants who was living in disadvantaged segregated neighborhoods (1999–2006). These areas were chosen for the experiment because they implied as poor with limited access to health–promoting resources. Segregation could impact the obesity level, which had increased for blacks and Mexican Americans. So to prove the hypothesis was conducted experiment which determines the impact of racial/ethnic segregation with limiting opportunities on the level of obesity. During the experiment were calculated obesity body mass index and were identified participants who were obese in areas of black and Mexican American segregations. Having carefully recorded data is very important during the experiment because it could lead to more correct conclusion. So for accurate recording of observation some of participants were excluded from the experiment because was missing the information about their height or weight, educational level, income, or because some of them were Get more content on
  • 12. Science Essay For some people science is the supreme form of all knowledge. Is this view reasonable or does it involve a misunderstanding of science or of knowledge? For many persons science is considered the supreme form of all knowledge, as science is based on facts and theories and it reaches its results through an approved scientific method. Consequently, it seems to be objective and thus more truthful and reliable. However, other persons argue that this is a misunderstanding of science. Hence, one should question what science and knowledge entail. Can there actually be some form of knowledge that overrules all other types of human knowledge? Is scientific knowledge actually always objective? Are there other types of knowledge of equal worth? more content... Thus, perception, in this case could be considered an important factor that makes a piece of knowledge supreme. One could then deduce that frogs have these organs and that most multi–cellular animals also have these organs, after having looked and compared a large sample. This is where reasoning, as a way of knowing, comes into use to make generalisations. And one can be quite sure that this fact is true since it has been seen, and at any moment in time, if someone dissects a frog, he/she will see these organs. In this example, there is very little room for human emotions/ bias to affect the perception, since one cannot argue that what's inside the frog's body is something other than its organs. On the other hand, there are other parts in the field of biology that are less supreme. Consider the example of a field study where a scientist is to investigate if leaves closer to the trunk of oak trees in Scania are larger than those being further away from the trunk. The biologist will make a plan on how to conduct the experiment, and since he cannot measure all leaves in all trees existing in Scania, the biologist will have to carry out the field study on a sample, which raises the question: what could be an appropriate sample? Most scientists agree that the best way to conduct a field study is being as random as possible. But how does one go about being random? Scientist may have different ways of reasoning on what would make an appropriate sample, but no way Get more content on