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Bridging	European	Urban	Transformations	
Workshop	Series	in	Brussels	2016-2018	
Funded	by	the	ESRC	
the	Urban	Commons	
	 in	European	City-Regions	
Co-organised	in	partnership	by	the	
University	of	Oxford	–	Urban	Transformations		
VUB	–	Brussels	Centre	for	Urban	Studies
Date:	12th
	February	2018,	Monday	
Duration:	10:00-15:45	
Venue:	Visit	Brussels.	
Address:	Visit	Brussels.	Koningsstraat	2-4	-	1000	Brussels.	
Agora	Room:	(	
Although	the	“urban	commons”	has	increasingly	appeared	as	a	topic	of	scholarly	inquiry	related	to	the	
urban	politics	and	governance	of	social	innovation	in	austerity,	there	has	yet	to	be	sustained	attention	
to	 the	 research	 questions,	 methodologies,	 and	 disciplinary	 approaches	 necessary	 to	 more	 fully	
conceptualize	and	develop	the	idea	of	the	“urban	commons”	and	the	new	challenges	and	facets	it	
introduces	into	the	ongoing	study	of	the	commons	in	diverse	fields	(Ostrom,	1990,	2000,	2010).	
Generally	speaking,	the	problem	of	governing	resources	used	by	many	individuals	in	common	has	been	
long	 discussed	 in	 economics,	 migration,	 data	 science,	 smart	 urbanism,	 and	 environmental	 studies	
literature	in	certain	European	city-regions	(Calzada,	2015;	Calzada	&	Cowie,	2017;	Keith	&	Calzada,	
2016,	 2017;	 Kitchin,	 2015;	 Labaeye,	 2017;	 McCullough,	 2013;	 Nordling,	 Sager,	 &	 Söderman,	 2017;	
Parker	&	Schmidt,	2016;	Subirats,	2012).	Depending	on	the	type	of	common	resource,	attributes	of	the	
group	of	users	and	property	regime,	collective	action	can	either	preserve	the	commons	or	deplete	it.	
The	 condition	 of	 common	 resources	 in	 urban	 areas	 is	 currently	 affected	 by	 privatization	 and	
deregulation	of	public	services,	as	well	as	by	dismantlement	of	the	traditional	residential	community	
due	to	rapid	urbanization.	As	cities	become	denser	from	large-scale	urban	development	projects,	the	
“urban	commons”	is	either	privatized	or	left	in	open	access.	While	the	latter	puts	the	commons	at	risk	
of	wasteful	usage,	the	former	limits	access	to	shared	resources	to	a	group	of	privileged	users	at	a	cost	
of	excluding	others.	
Based	 on	 the	 assumption	 that	 the	 collectivity	 is	 incapable	 of	 managing	 common	 resources,	
conventional	 solutions	 to	 the	 tragedy	 of	 the	 commons	 (Hardin,	 1968)	 have	 focused	 on	 either	
centralized	government	regulation	or	privatization	of	common	pool	resources.	Challenging	established	
economic	theory,	however,	Ostrom,	showed	how	collectivities	(from	locals	in	Africa	to	Western	Nepal)	
have	developed	institutional	arrangements	for	effective	management	of	common	resources.		
Extrapolating	 (and	 somewhat	 expanding)	 Ostrom’s	 analysis	 to	 the	 level	 of	 cities	 (Amanda,	 2017;	
Bieniok,	2015;	Bollier,	2015,	2016;	Bollier	&	Helfrich,	2016a,	2016b;	Borch	&	Kornberger,	2015;	Bruun,	
2015;	Dellenbaugh,	Kip,	&	Bieniok,	2016;	Foster,	2011;	Foster	&	Iaione,	2016;	Harvey,	2011;	Iaione,	
2017),	 it	 seems	 evident	 that	 rethinking	 the	 notion	 of	 the	 “urban	 commons”	 is	 likely	 to	 generate	
interesting	and	diverse	perspectives	in	the	European	city-regional	scope:	How	are	the	boundaries	of	
the	commons	in	an	urban	context	defined?	What	processes	regulate	the	use	of	the	“urban	commons”?	
What	 exclusionary	 processes	 are	 involved	 in	 such	 definitional	 and	 regulatory	 processes,	 and	 what	
organizational	and	political	implications	follow	in	the	wake	of	such	endeavours?	What	are	the	cognitive,	
symbolic,	technological,	and	material	infrastructures	that	render	the	commons	and	citizens	visible	and	
hence	constitute	them	as	objects	for	governance,	not	just	individually	but	also	collectively	(Calzada,	
2018)?	What	conceptions	of	value(s)	constitute	the	“urban	commons”,	and	how	do	managerial	‘smart’	
technologies	organize	them?
These	days,	it	has	become	fashionable	to	talk	about	the	“urban	commons”,	and	it’s	clear	why.	What	we	
traditionally	 conceive	 of	 as	 “the	 public”	 is	 in	 retreat:	 public	 services	 are	 at	 the	 mercy	 of	 austerity	
policies,	public	housing	is	being	sold	off	and	public	space	is	increasingly	non-public.	In	a	relentlessly	
neoliberal	climate,	the	commons	seems	to	offer	an	alternative	to	the	battle	between	public	and	private.	
The	idea	of	land	or	services	that	are	commonly	owned	and	managed	speaks	to	a	21st-century	sensibility	
of,	to	use	some	jargon,	participative	citizenship	and	peer-to-peer	production.	In	theory,	at	least,	the	
commons	is	full	of	radical	potential	to	implement	social	innovations	in	European	city-regions.		
Hence,	the	workshop	will	seek	to	better	understand	the	idea	of	“urban	commons”	as	a	way	to	rethink	
the	city	as	a	‘commons’,	as	a	‘platform’	(Bollier,	2016;	Borch	&	Kornberger,	2015;	Foster	&	Iaione,	2016)	
at	different	European	city-regional	scales,	under	what	circumstances	and	contexts	urban	commons	
emerge,	what	contributes	to	their	durability	and	effectiveness,	and	what	undermines	them.	In	the	
policy	context	entirely	dominated	by	urban	data	in	the	realm	of	the	so-called	‘smart	city’	hegemonic	
discourse,	this	workshop	is	presented	as	an	invitation	for	reflecting	upon	and	beyond	the	technocratic	
idea	of	the	city	by	reclaiming	public	space	and	urban	ownership	in	different	fields	as	an	experimental	
way	to	address	the	“urban	commons"	(Calzada,	2018;	Labaeye,	2017)	through:	
• social	innovation	and	anti-austerity	public	policy	for	generating	resources	through	alternative	
finance,	harnessing	social	energy	through	grassroots	mobilisation,	
• and	meeting	needs	through	community	provision	in	land	use,	housing	and	rental	cooperatives,	
cooperative	food	initiatives,	etc.	
The	workshop	will	stress	the	importance	of	transitions	as	a	new	“urban	commons”	narrative	for	urban	
infrastructure	(housing,	food,	mobility,	etc.),	collaborative	civilian	empowerment,	network	governance,	
alternative	 finance,	 urban	 co-operatives,	 energy	 grassroots	 mobilisation,	 data-driven	
sovereignties/devolution,	urban	welfare,	and	urban	development.	Additionally,	the	workshop	will	focus	
on	questions	of	urban	governance	and	will	explore	different	frameworks	for	governing	common	urban	
Hence,	after	consideration	of	the	above,	we	should	also	ask	whether	another	urban	governance	model	
is	possible,	a	‘third	way’	of	urban	experimentation	between	state	and	market	(Keith	&	Calzada,	2017;	
Keith	&	Calzada,	2016;	Dellenbaugh	et	al.,	2016).	
The	UT	programme	is	directed	and	coordinated	by	Prof	Michael	Keith	(Director	of	COMPAS	&	Co-
director	of	the	Future	of	Cities	Programme,	at	the	University	of	Oxford).	This	is	the	final	workshop	of	
the	series	‘Bridging	European	Urban	Transformations	2016-2018’.	To	conclude,	this	workshop	series:	
• aimed	to	bring	about	academics	and	non-academics	to	reflect	on	urban	challenges	affecting	
cities	and	regions	in	Europe.	
• emphasized	an	interdisciplinary	dialogue,	bridged	the	gap	between	theory	and	practice,	and	
encouraged	knowledge	exchange	between	academics,	policymakers,	citizens,	and	activists.	
• built	on	the	first,	second,	third,	and	fourth	Brussels	workshop	of	the	ESRC	Urban	
Transformations	programme	and	formed	part	of	a	series	of	interventions	in	partnership.		
Here	are	the	executive	summaries	of	the	previous	workshops:	
• 1st
	Workshop	‘(Un)Plugging	Data	in	Smart	City-Regions’	(#UnpluggingData):
• 2nd
	Workshop	‘Experimenting	Urban	Living	Labs	(ULLs)	Beyond	Smart	City-Regions’	
• 3rd
	Workshop	‘Scaling	Migration	Through	European	City-Regions’	(#ScalingMigration):
Hence,	 building	 on	 the	 emerging	 body	 of	 ongoing	 initiatives,	 the	 workshop	 Rethinking	 the	 Urban	
Commons	 in	 European	 City-Regions	 will	 bring	 together	 a	 group	 of	 European	 academics	 and	
policymakers	 to	 reflect	 on	 and	 debate	 about	 the	 potential	 of	 the	 “urban	 commons”	 and	 social	
innovation	through	European	cities	and	regions.		
This	workshop	considers	the	participation	of	a	broad	scope	of	participants,	such	as	activists,	policy-
makers,	 academics,	 companies,	 social	 entrepreneurs,	 and	 citizens	 to	 react	 upon	 the	 challenges	
austerity	policies	are	posing	in	our	European	cities	and	regions	by	not	only	overcoming	side	effects	of	
the	lack	of	a	comprehensive	governance	framework	but	also	empowering	city-to-city	learning	in	order	
to	remodel	Europe	through	its	cities	and	regions.	
This	one-day	workshop	commences	with	an	introduction	from	Prof	Michael	Keith,	co-ordinator	of	the	
Urban	Transformations	ESRC	portfolio,	and	Prof	Bas	van	Heur,	co-ordinator	of	the	Brussels	Centre	for	
Urban	Studies.	This	will	be	followed	by	six	slots	and	speakers	who	are	experts	in	the	field:	three	from	
the	Urban	Transformations	ESRC	portfolio	projects	and	three	from	the	VUB.		
If	you	are	interested	in	participating	in	the	workshop	please	register	to	the	workshop	via	Evenbrite:
For	further	questions,	please	contact	the	coordinator	directly:		
This	 workshop	 builds	 on	 the	 first,	 second	 and	 third	 Brussels	 workshop	 of	 the	 ESRC	 Urban	
Transformations	programme	and	forms	part	of	a	series	of	interventions	in	partnership.	The	workshop	
series	entitled	‘Bridging	European	Urban	Transformations’.	
• Dr	Igor	Calzada,	MBA	(UOxf-UT)		
@icalzada	&		
• Prof	Bas	Van	Heur	(VUB-BCUS)		
@basvanheur	&
Preliminary	Agenda:	
10:00-10:20	Welcome:	Organisers	
Prof	Michael	Keith	(UOxf-UT)	&	Prof	Bas	van	Heur	(VUB-BCUS)	
10:20-10:40	Policy	Welcome:		
The	Urban	Commons	in	the	EU	
Mr	Richard	Tuffs	(ERRIN	Advisor)	
10:40-11:40	Section	1/3:	Introduction	to	the	“Urban	Commons”	
1. 10:40-11:10	The	Urban	Politics	and	Governance	of	Social	Innovation	in	Austerity	
Professor	Joe	Painter	(Durham	University)
2. 11:10-11:40	Reproducing	Housing	Commons:	Government	Involvement	and	
Differentiated	Forms	of	Commoning	in	a	Rental	Cooperative	
Nele	Aernout	(VUB)		
11:40-12:00	Debate	1/3:	Introduction	to	the	“Urban	Commons”	
12:00-12:20	Coffee-break	&	Networking	
12:20-13:20	Section	2/3:	Critical	Reflections	on	the	“Urban	Commons”		
3. 12:20-12:50	Critical	Reflections	on	Austerity,	Innovation,	and	the	Urban	
Professor	Jonathan	Davies	(De	Montfort	University)
4. 12:50-13:20	Re-Commoning	Land	in	Informal	Settlements	as	Strategies	Against	
Line	Algoed	(VUB)		
13:20-13:40	Debate	2/3:	Critical	Reflections	on	the	“Urban	Commons”
13:40-14:20	Lunchtime	
14:20-15:20	Section	3/3:	Social	Innovation	Initiatives	and	the	“Urban	Commons”	
5. 14:20-14:50	Jam	&	Justice:	Co-Producing	Urban	Governance	for	Social	Innovation	
Professor	Beth	Perry	(University	of	Sheffield)
6. 14:50-15:20	Food	Commoning	in	Practice.	Investigating	the	Hybrid	Governance	of	
Local	Food	Networks	in	Brussels	
Alessandra	Manganelli	(VUB)		
15:20-15:40	Debate	3/3:	Social	Innovation	Initiatives	and	the	“Urban	Commons”	
15:40-15:45	Wrapping-Up	and	Conclusions	
In	cooperation	with:	
• ERRIN	(European	Regions	Research	and	Innovation	Network)	
Host	institution:	
• Brussels	Academy	
Amanda,	H.	(2017).	Theorising	the	urban	commons:	New	thoughts,	tensions	and	paths	
forward.	Urban	Studies,	54(4),	1062-1069.	doi:10.1177/0042098016685528	
Bieniok,	M.	(2015).	The	Complexity	of	Urban	Commoning	from	a	Psychological	Perspective	
Urban	Commons:	Moving	Beyond	State	and	Market:	Birkhäuser	and	Bauverlag.	
Bollier,	D.	(2015).	Commoning	as	a	Transformative	Social	Paradigm.	
Bollier,	D.	(2016).	The	City	as	a	Commons.			Retrieved	from	
Bollier,	D.,	&	Helfrich,	S.	(Producer).	(2016a).	The	City	as	a	Commons.	Retrieved	from
Bollier,	D.,	&	Helfrich,	S.	(Producer).	(2016b,	19	March	2017).	Patterns	of	Commoning,	The	
Commons	Strategies	Group.	Retrieved	from
Borch,	C.,	&	Kornberger,	M.	(2015).	Urban	Commons:	Rethinking	the	City.	London:	Routledge.	
Bruun,	M.	H.	(2015).	Communities	And	The	Commons:	Open	Access	and	Community	
Ownership	Of	The	Urban	Commons.	In	C.	Borch	&	M.	Kornberger	(Eds.),	Urban	
Commons:	Rethinking	the	City	(pp.	153-170):	Routledge.	
Calzada,	I.	(2015).	Benchmarking	future	city-regions	beyond	nation-states.	Regional	Studies,	
Regional	Science,	2(1),	351-362.	doi:10.1080/21681376.2015.1046908	
Calzada,	I.	(2018).	From	Smart	Cities	to	Experimental	Cities?	.	In	V.	M.	B.	Giorgino	&	Z.	D.	
Walsh	(Eds.),	Co-Designing	Economies	in	Transition:	Radical	Approaches	in	Dialogue	
with	Contemplative	Social	Sciences.	London:	Palgrave	Macmillan.	
Calzada,	I.,	&	Cowie,	P.	(2017).	Beyond	Smart	and	Data-Driven	City-Regions?	Rethinking	
Stakeholder-Helixes	Strategies.	Regions	Magazine,	308(4),	25-28.	
Dellenbaugh,	M.,	Kip,	M.,	&	Bieniok,	M.	(2016).	Urban	Commons	:	Moving	Beyond	State	and	
Market.	Basel/Berlin/Boston:	Birkhäuser.	
Foster,	S.	(2011).	Collective	action	and	the	urban	commons.	Notre	Dame	Law	Review,	87(1),	
Foster,	S.	R.,	&	Iaione,	C.	(2016).	The	City	as	a	Commons.	Yale	Law	&	Policy	Review,	34(2).		
Hardin,	G.	(1968).	The	tragedy	of	the	commons.	Science,	162(3859),	1243-1248.		
Harvey,	D.	(2011).	The	future	of	the	commons.	Radical	History	Review,	109,	101-107.		
Iaione,	C.	(2017).	Governing	the	Urban	Commons.	Retrieved	from		
Keith,	M.,	&	Calzada,	I.	(2016).	European	Smart	Citizens	as	Decision	Makers	Rather	Than	Data	
Providers.	Bridging	European	Urban	Transformations.	Retrieved	from
Keith,	M.,	&	Calzada,	I.	(2017).	European	Urban	Living	Labs	As	Experimental	City-to-City-
Learning	Platforms.	Bridging	European	Urban	Transformations.	Retrieved	from
Kitchin,	R.	(2015).	Making	sense	of	smart	cities:	addressing	present	shortcomings.	Cambridge	
Journal	of	Regions,	Economy	and	Society,	8(1),	131-136.	doi:10.1093/cjres/rsu027	
Labaeye,	A.	(2017).	Sharing	Cities:	Using	Urban	Data	to	Reclaim	Public	Space	as	a	Commons.			
Retrieved	from
McCullough,	M.	(2013).	Ambient	Commons:	Attention	in	the	Age	of	Embodied	Information	
Cambridge,	MA:	The	MIT	Press.	
Nordling,	V.,	Sager,	M.,	&	Söderman,	E.	(2017).	From	citizenship	to	mobile	commons:	
reflections	on	the	local	struggles	of	undocumented	migrants	in	the	city	of	Malmö,	
Sweden.	Citizenship	Studies,	1-17.	doi:10.1080/13621025.2017.1341660	
Ostrom,	E.	(1990).	Governing	The	Commons:	The	Evolution	Of	Institutions	For	Collective	
Action.	Cambridge,	UK:	Cambridge	University	Press.	
Ostrom,	E.	(2000).	Collective	Action	and	the	Evolution	of	Social	Norms.	The	Journal	of	
Economic	Perspectives,	3,	137.		
Ostrom,	E.	(2010).	Beyond	Markets	and	States:	Polycentric	Governance	of	Complex	Economic	
Systems.	Transnational	Corporations	Review,	2(2),	1-12.	
Parker,	P.,	&	Schmidt,	S.	(2016).	Commons-based	Governance	in	Public	Space:	User	
Participation	and	Inclusion.	Nordic	Journal	of	Architectural	Research,	28(3),	114-139.		
Subirats,	J.	(2012).	The	Commons:	Beyond	the	market	vs.	state	dilemma.	Open	Democracy.	
Retrieved	from

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'Smart City Citizenship' (Nov. 2020)'Smart City Citizenship' (Nov. 2020)
'Smart City Citizenship' (Nov. 2020)
Dr Igor Calzada, MBA, FeRSA
Seeing Tourism Transformations in Europe through Algorithmic, Techno-Politica...
Seeing Tourism Transformations in Europe through Algorithmic, Techno-Politica...Seeing Tourism Transformations in Europe through Algorithmic, Techno-Politica...
Seeing Tourism Transformations in Europe through Algorithmic, Techno-Politica...
Dr Igor Calzada, MBA, FeRSA
The Role of Social Movements in the Social Innovation (SI): Euskaraldia, as a...
The Role of Social Movements in the Social Innovation (SI): Euskaraldia, as a...The Role of Social Movements in the Social Innovation (SI): Euskaraldia, as a...
The Role of Social Movements in the Social Innovation (SI): Euskaraldia, as a...
Dr Igor Calzada, MBA, FeRSA
Will COVID19 be the end of Global Citizens?
Will COVID19 be the end of Global Citizens?Will COVID19 be the end of Global Citizens?
Will COVID19 be the end of Global Citizens?
Dr Igor Calzada, MBA, FeRSA
Emerging Citizenship Regimes and Rescaling (European) Nation-States: Algorith...
Emerging Citizenship Regimes and Rescaling (European) Nation-States: Algorith...Emerging Citizenship Regimes and Rescaling (European) Nation-States: Algorith...
Emerging Citizenship Regimes and Rescaling (European) Nation-States: Algorith...
Dr Igor Calzada, MBA, FeRSA
Brexit: erraietatik (Brexit: From inside, from my guts)
Brexit: erraietatik (Brexit: From inside, from my guts)Brexit: erraietatik (Brexit: From inside, from my guts)
Brexit: erraietatik (Brexit: From inside, from my guts)
Dr Igor Calzada, MBA, FeRSA
Data Spaces and Democracy
Data Spaces and DemocracyData Spaces and Democracy
Data Spaces and Democracy
Dr Igor Calzada, MBA, FeRSA
Libro verde del (de los) Territorio(s) de Vasconia
Libro verde del (de los) Territorio(s) de VasconiaLibro verde del (de los) Territorio(s) de Vasconia
Libro verde del (de los) Territorio(s) de Vasconia
Dr Igor Calzada, MBA, FeRSA
Smart Cities All-Party Parliamentary Group: Intelligent leadership. How gover...
Smart Cities All-Party Parliamentary Group: Intelligent leadership. How gover...Smart Cities All-Party Parliamentary Group: Intelligent leadership. How gover...
Smart Cities All-Party Parliamentary Group: Intelligent leadership. How gover...
Dr Igor Calzada, MBA, FeRSA
'Do Digital Social Networks Foster Civilian Participation among Millennials? ...
'Do Digital Social Networks Foster Civilian Participation among Millennials? ...'Do Digital Social Networks Foster Civilian Participation among Millennials? ...
'Do Digital Social Networks Foster Civilian Participation among Millennials? ...
Dr Igor Calzada, MBA, FeRSA
CfP Territories: A Trans-Cultural Journal of Regional Studies. Keynote paper.
CfP Territories: A Trans-Cultural Journal of Regional Studies. Keynote paper.CfP Territories: A Trans-Cultural Journal of Regional Studies. Keynote paper.
CfP Territories: A Trans-Cultural Journal of Regional Studies. Keynote paper.
Dr Igor Calzada, MBA, FeRSA
From Smart Cities to Experimental Cities?
From Smart Cities to Experimental Cities?From Smart Cities to Experimental Cities?
From Smart Cities to Experimental Cities?
Dr Igor Calzada, MBA, FeRSA
Replication Workshop: From Follower to Lighthouse City for Smarter Cities
Replication Workshop: From Follower to Lighthouse City for Smarter CitiesReplication Workshop: From Follower to Lighthouse City for Smarter Cities
Replication Workshop: From Follower to Lighthouse City for Smarter Cities
Dr Igor Calzada, MBA, FeRSA
Barcelona City Council Board Meeting: Technology & Digital Innovation Plan
Barcelona City Council Board Meeting: Technology & Digital Innovation PlanBarcelona City Council Board Meeting: Technology & Digital Innovation Plan
Barcelona City Council Board Meeting: Technology & Digital Innovation Plan
Dr Igor Calzada, MBA, FeRSA
Brochure MIT Metro Lab Initiative Course 2018 (Boston-Massachusetts, USA)
Brochure MIT Metro Lab Initiative Course 2018 (Boston-Massachusetts, USA)Brochure MIT Metro Lab Initiative Course 2018 (Boston-Massachusetts, USA)
Brochure MIT Metro Lab Initiative Course 2018 (Boston-Massachusetts, USA)
Dr Igor Calzada, MBA, FeRSA
Dr Calzada invited instructor/guest lecturer at the MIT Metro Lab Initiative ...
Dr Calzada invited instructor/guest lecturer at the MIT Metro Lab Initiative ...Dr Calzada invited instructor/guest lecturer at the MIT Metro Lab Initiative ...
Dr Calzada invited instructor/guest lecturer at the MIT Metro Lab Initiative ...
Dr Igor Calzada, MBA, FeRSA
Dr Igor Calzada Invited instructor/Guest speaker at MIT Metro Lab Initiative ...
Dr Igor Calzada Invited instructor/Guest speaker at MIT Metro Lab Initiative ...Dr Igor Calzada Invited instructor/Guest speaker at MIT Metro Lab Initiative ...
Dr Igor Calzada Invited instructor/Guest speaker at MIT Metro Lab Initiative ...
Dr Igor Calzada, MBA, FeRSA
Beyond Smart and Data-Driven City-Regions? Rethinking Stakeholder-Helixes Str...
Beyond Smart and Data-Driven City-Regions? Rethinking Stakeholder-Helixes Str...Beyond Smart and Data-Driven City-Regions? Rethinking Stakeholder-Helixes Str...
Beyond Smart and Data-Driven City-Regions? Rethinking Stakeholder-Helixes Str...
Dr Igor Calzada, MBA, FeRSA

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Western US Basque-American e-Diaspora: Action Research in California, Idaho, ...
Western US Basque-American e-Diaspora: Action Research in California, Idaho, ...Western US Basque-American e-Diaspora: Action Research in California, Idaho, ...
Western US Basque-American e-Diaspora: Action Research in California, Idaho, ...
Fulbright Scholar In Residence SIR Reception at CSUB Institute for Basque Stu...
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'Smart City Citizenship' (Nov. 2020)
'Smart City Citizenship' (Nov. 2020)'Smart City Citizenship' (Nov. 2020)
'Smart City Citizenship' (Nov. 2020)
Seeing Tourism Transformations in Europe through Algorithmic, Techno-Politica...
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Seeing Tourism Transformations in Europe through Algorithmic, Techno-Politica...
The Role of Social Movements in the Social Innovation (SI): Euskaraldia, as a...
The Role of Social Movements in the Social Innovation (SI): Euskaraldia, as a...The Role of Social Movements in the Social Innovation (SI): Euskaraldia, as a...
The Role of Social Movements in the Social Innovation (SI): Euskaraldia, as a...
Will COVID19 be the end of Global Citizens?
Will COVID19 be the end of Global Citizens?Will COVID19 be the end of Global Citizens?
Will COVID19 be the end of Global Citizens?
Emerging Citizenship Regimes and Rescaling (European) Nation-States: Algorith...
Emerging Citizenship Regimes and Rescaling (European) Nation-States: Algorith...Emerging Citizenship Regimes and Rescaling (European) Nation-States: Algorith...
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Brexit: erraietatik (Brexit: From inside, from my guts)
Brexit: erraietatik (Brexit: From inside, from my guts)Brexit: erraietatik (Brexit: From inside, from my guts)
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Data Spaces and Democracy
Data Spaces and DemocracyData Spaces and Democracy
Data Spaces and Democracy
Libro verde del (de los) Territorio(s) de Vasconia
Libro verde del (de los) Territorio(s) de VasconiaLibro verde del (de los) Territorio(s) de Vasconia
Libro verde del (de los) Territorio(s) de Vasconia
Smart Cities All-Party Parliamentary Group: Intelligent leadership. How gover...
Smart Cities All-Party Parliamentary Group: Intelligent leadership. How gover...Smart Cities All-Party Parliamentary Group: Intelligent leadership. How gover...
Smart Cities All-Party Parliamentary Group: Intelligent leadership. How gover...
'Do Digital Social Networks Foster Civilian Participation among Millennials? ...
'Do Digital Social Networks Foster Civilian Participation among Millennials? ...'Do Digital Social Networks Foster Civilian Participation among Millennials? ...
'Do Digital Social Networks Foster Civilian Participation among Millennials? ...
CfP Territories: A Trans-Cultural Journal of Regional Studies. Keynote paper.
CfP Territories: A Trans-Cultural Journal of Regional Studies. Keynote paper.CfP Territories: A Trans-Cultural Journal of Regional Studies. Keynote paper.
CfP Territories: A Trans-Cultural Journal of Regional Studies. Keynote paper.
From Smart Cities to Experimental Cities?
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From Smart Cities to Experimental Cities?
Replication Workshop: From Follower to Lighthouse City for Smarter Cities
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Brochure MIT Metro Lab Initiative Course 2018 (Boston-Massachusetts, USA)
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Brochure MIT Metro Lab Initiative Course 2018 (Boston-Massachusetts, USA)
Dr Calzada invited instructor/guest lecturer at the MIT Metro Lab Initiative ...
Dr Calzada invited instructor/guest lecturer at the MIT Metro Lab Initiative ...Dr Calzada invited instructor/guest lecturer at the MIT Metro Lab Initiative ...
Dr Calzada invited instructor/guest lecturer at the MIT Metro Lab Initiative ...
Dr Igor Calzada Invited instructor/Guest speaker at MIT Metro Lab Initiative ...
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