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Except our own
thoughts, there is nothing
absolutely in our power.
Rene Descartes

We are what We think.
All that we are arises with our Thoughts
With our Thoughts we make the world--Buddha
―The first step in the acquisition of
wisdom is silence, the second listening, the
third memory, the fourth practice, the
fifth teaching others.‖
Solomon Ibn Gabriol (1021-1058) quote


Workshop Contents
Introduction of Edu care Concept
Training your Marvelous mind
Introduction of Mindfulness
Introduction to Attunement of brain through Meditation
What are Daily Rituals or Day sculpting
Fear of Failure
Reflection time
• There is art to living with joy and a science to managing all

forms of energy including our own.
• Learning to manage the force of life
flowing through us is a worthy endeavor
and one that brings many rewards.
• Five Great Intellectual Professions, relating to daily
necessities of life have hitherto existed in every
civilized nation.
• The Soldiers' Profession to defend it
• The Teachers to Teach it
• The Physician’s To keep it in health
• The lawyers to enforce justice in it
• The Merchant’s to provide for it
• Duty of all these men/women is on due occasion, to
die for it.
• ―On due occasion‖ namely
• The soldier ,rather than leave his post in the battle
• The Physician, rather than leave his post in Plague
• The teacher, rather than teach falsehood
• The Lawyer, rather than countenance injustice
• The Merchant what is ―the due occasion‖ of death.
• He has to understand to their very root the qualities
of thing he deals in and the means of obtaining or
producing it and he has to apply all his sagacity and
energy to producing or obtaining it in perfect state
and distributing it at the cheapest possible price
where it is most needed
"Education has two aspects; the first is related to external and
worldly education, which is nothing but acquiring bookish
knowledge. In the modern world, we find many well versed and
highly qualified in this aspect. The second aspect known
as Educare, is related to human values. The
word Educare means to bring out that which iswithin. Human
Values are latent in every human being; one cannot acquire them
from outside. They have to be elicited from within. Educare
means to bring out human values. To 'bring out' means to
translate them into action."
• It comes from 'educere', a Latin word meaning to
draw out, because we draw out the values which are
inherent in a human being, rather than impose
anything on children from outside.
Educare therefore refers to a whole system of
education which provides practical knowledge for
educating for life, and not just for earning a living.
LOVE – Using the power of energy
 Love is not an emotion, affected by the sub-conscious mind, but Is
a spontaneous, pure reaction from the heart.
 It is the power of love which causes one person to wish happiness
for another and take pleasure in their well-being. A beneficial
energy (love) is directed towards the other person.
 As this energy flows through our own body first, it also enhances
our own health. Love is having an unconditional positive regard for
the good of another.
 It is giving and unselfish. Love is essential if children are to grow
up healthy in mind and body.
 Love is the unseen undercurrent binding all the other four values
Peace - Using the tool of the mind
 We smile when we are happy and contented.

Contentment is gained when we refuse to give ourselves all the
apparent 'good' things conveyed to us through our five senses.


When our will is sufficiently strong to enable us to discern the
difference between real needs and superfluous desires, we cease to
be driven by the urge to own more and more things.


Inner agitation stops and we are left feeling peaceful. When
there is peace in the individual, there will be peace in the family,
when there is peace in the family, there will be peace in the


In order to learn self esteem, calmness and freedom from anxiety
are necessary. These qualities are fostered by the y silent sitting and
the self-reflective exercises.
Truth – Discrimination and Intellect

Desire to know Truth has prompted mankind to
ask some of the great questions such as ―Who
Am I‖ or ―What is the purpose of this life‖?

Learning to speak the truth is a vital step in the
formation of a strong character.
Voicing an untruth is an anti-social act and
causes confusion in the mind of both the speaker
and the listener and leads to anti-social
Right Conduct - Using the tool of the body
 Information is received through the five

senses, i.e. smell, taste, sight, touch and
 When this information is referred to the
conscience, the resulting action will be
 Every action is preceded by a thought. If the
thought is consciously seen and noted, it aims
to assist and is unselfish, the action will be
good for oneself and others.
 If our minds are busy, or we are
daydreaming, the action may be useless, clumsy
or harmful to ourselves and others.
Non Violence – Awakening the Sprit Within

For the non-violent person the whole
world is his family.
 When the former four values are
practised (i.e. )The conscious mind is keenly
aware, love is overflowing, there is peace
and actions are undertaken without harm
or violation to anything else.
 It is the highest achievement of the
human to live and with encompassing
respect for all life living in harmony with
nature and not hurting by thought, word or
Empathy-Ability to understand and share the feelings of other
Re-Imagination of Learning
Re-Imagination of Books
Re-Imagination of Education
What Can You DO
–Do What You Can To Innovate, Create Jobs.
–Engage in Politics
–Help Others Understand Key Issues

»Improve Education.
• ―Those who educate children well are more to be
honored than they who produce them; for these only
gave them life, those the art of living well.‖
― Aristotle
• The teacher must derive not only the capacity, but the
desire, to observe natural phenomena. The teacher
must understand and feel her position of observer: the
activity must lie in the phenomenon.
Maria Montessori
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The
superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.
William Arthur Ward
If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of
beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key societal
members who can make a difference. They are the father, the
mother and the teacher.
Abdul Kalam
It is the supreme art of
the teacher to awaken
joy in creative expression
and knowledge.
Albert Einstein
“There is nothing that training cannot do.
Nothing is above its reach or below it. It can turn
bad morals to good, good morals to bad; it can
destroy principles, it can recreate them; it can
debase angels to men and lift men to angels.
And it can do any of these miracles in a year -even six months.”
-Mark twain

• Desire
• Belief

• Expectancy
• I shall discover and deliver for the world a
system of illumination that will completely
eliminate the current requirement of oil for
• Thomas Alwa Edison
Edison and Failure

I am not discouraged because
Every wrong attempt
discarded is step forward Edison
Every Brain has capacity for Genius
Mind sight is a kind of focused attention that
allows us to see the internal workings of our own
minds. It helps us to be aware of our mental
processes without being swept away by
them, enables us to get out of autopilot behaviors
and habitual responses and moves us beyond the
emotional traps which we have tendency to get
trapped in
(14 To 32 Hz)

• Produced by thinking mind and conscious thought process
• Most common brain wave pattern
• Concentration ,logic, reasoning, alertness and critical thinking
• Necessary and required to function and navigate in your
everyday life and normal waking consciousness

(7 TO 14 HZ)

Produced during relaxed detached awareness

• Relaxation, super learning & memory retention, increased
concentration & focus, light meditation, increased health
• Enables us to remember our dreams and meditative states
• Link between conscious and subconscious mind, gateway to

• Produced by subconscious mind and present in dreaming sleep and
(3.5 TO 7 HZ)

REM(Rapid Eye Movement) state.

• Deep meditation & spiritual connection, increased creativity -‖AhHa‖ moment
• Key to meditation and spiritual breakthrough
• Long term memory, center of creative inspiration
(0,1 TO 3.5HZ)

• Produced by the unconscious mind and during deep, dreamless sleep
• Loss of body awareness and deep trance-like state.
• Intuition and psychic awareness , enabling knowledge of
information that isn’t available on conscious level
• Gateway to unconscious and collective unconscious, access to
universal psyche or mind




- Dan Siegel’s definition of ―mind‖ • “A core aspect of the mind can be defined as an embodied and
relational process that regulates the flow of energy and
• Brain –collection of cells called neurons and has a spider like
• Relationship: shared symbolic information flow with others
– WE
 Your subconscious is a simple stimulus-response mechanism. It holds all the automatic
processes that make your life possible and all the conditioning that you have accumulated
through your life.

 There’s a lot of good and necessary programming in there: how to breathe, how to pump
blood, how to fight off infection, how to walk, how to drive a car. You can’t live without
the million little tasks that are carried out by your subconscious mind.
 If you were aware of all these activities at once, they would overwhelm you. That’s why
consciousness is set up so that you don’t have to pay attention to them. They are carried
out subconsciously. However, your subconscious also houses those little devils that get in
your way: the habitual tensions, negative emotions, and limiting beliefs that run counter
to your best and highest intentions. How do you neutralize these little devils? You’ve got
to go yet deeper into a third layer of your being, your subtle energy system
Training your marvelous mind

• Silence is not an absence of sound; it is the
presence of meaning,
• In an age of increasing electronic chatter —
24x7 television, mobile phones, Twitter,
SMSs — ―getting the silent bits right‖ is
becoming more and more difficult. And, for
that reason, more and more necessary.
Pranayama Breathing Technique
•Pranayama, also known as yoga breathing, is a system of controlled
breathing used to help balance the amount of carbon dioxide and oxygen in
the body. Pranayama's deeper breathing allows you to increase the amount
of oxygen you take in and purge toxic waste, including carbon
dioxide, from your body.
• By eliminating more waste from the body, states that you will improve
your digestion and immunity to sickness, as well as lower your stress
•Pranayama to calm and soothe stressful situations. The first step to
Pranayama is mastering "the complete breath." The complete breath

incorporates movement in the abdomen, chest cavity and shoulders to take
in the deepest and most productive breath possible.
• India ,China and Japan have given birth to sages who realized their
essential nature as flow of intelligence
• In India flow of energy is called Prana (translated into life force)
which can be increased and decreased at will moved here and there
and manipulated to keep the physical body orderly and young.
• Ability to contract and use Prana is within all of us.
• A Yogi moves Prana using nothing more than attention
• At the deep level attention and Prana are the same
• Life is awareness and awareness is life
. Meditation

is now scientifically proven to help you relax and







health, vitality, and immune response, and generate positive
thoughts, feelings, and success in your life. In addition, as

always, meditation is still a proven path for spiritual growth.
It is powerfully effective training for mind, body, heart, and

spirit. Because of the widening interest in meditation, those
interested can find a wealth of different meditative styles to
*Greater relaxation and ease
*Less negativity and subconscious interference
*Improved health and energy
*Greater mental clarity and focus
*Positive ―core heart feelings‖ such as appreciation, gratitude, and
*Deeper feelings of inner peace
*Feeling at one with who you are
*Better communication and relationship skills
*A stronger sense of connection with others, the world around
you, and the One Life that we all share.
What is Mindfulness
• Mindfulness is deliberately paying full
attention to what is happening around
you and within you –in your
body,heart,and mind.
• Mindfulness is awareness without
criticism or judgment.
Benefits of Mindfulness


Mindfulness Conserve Energy
Mindfulness trains and strengthens the mind
Mindfulness is good for the Environment
Mindfulness stops our struggling and conquer Fear
Mindfulness supports our spiritual life
Mindfulness Exercise

Eating Mindfully
Leaving no traces in the Bathroom
Telephone Meditation
Mindful driving

• Mindful walking













Day Sculpting

What do you want to Focus
What does it Mean to you.
What is the action you are going to take
He/She must form a clear mental picture of things he
wants and must do with a faith and purpose all that
he can do each day and each separate things in an
efficient manner
• Every act can be strong and efficient by holding your
vision while you are doing it and by putting the
whole power of faith and purpose in it.
Deep within man dwell those slumbering powers;
powers that would astonish him, that he never
dreamed of possessing; forces that would
revolutionize his life if aroused and put into
Orison Swett Marden
• Nature has placed mankind under the government of
two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure - they
govern us in all we do, in all we say, in all we think:
every effort we can make to throw off our subjection,
will serve but to demonstrate and confirm
Jeremy Benthom
Neuro-Associative Conditioning or NAC
Soichiro Honda & Failure
Success represents 1% of your work which
results from 99% that is called failure
You don’t have to believe in miracles to
believe in the power of dreams
Soichiro Honda
Founder-Honda Motor Co.Ltd
DON’T let the Noise of others opinion drown your inner
voice, most importantly have the courage to follow your
intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want
to become. Everything else is secondary
• Be Present mindfully
• Meditate for 20 minutes a day
• Understand 4M-power (Mind,Meals,Muscle and Motions)

• Drink plenty of water
• Accept people, situations and events as they are, not as you wish they were, in this moment
• Commune with nature: spend quality time with nature
God grant me the serenity to accept the
things I cannot change; the courage to
change the things I can; and the wisdom
to know the difference.

Keep your thoughts positive because they become your words
Keep your words positive because they become your behaviour
Keep your behaviour positive because it becomes your habit
Keep your habit positive because they become your values
Keep your values positive because they become your destiny

• M.K.Gandhi
URL to access in future
• BlOG name
• Mail id:
• Contact No: 9930991104
Workshop for Teachers Fraternity at NES International School-Mulund````````````````````

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Workshop for Teachers Fraternity at NES International School-Mulund````````````````````

  • 1.
  • 3. Except our own thoughts, there is nothing absolutely in our power. Rene Descartes We are what We think. All that we are arises with our Thoughts With our Thoughts we make the world--Buddha
  • 4. ―The first step in the acquisition of wisdom is silence, the second listening, the third memory, the fourth practice, the fifth teaching others.‖ Solomon Ibn Gabriol (1021-1058) quote
  • 6. Workshop Contents Introduction of Edu care Concept Training your Marvelous mind Introduction of Mindfulness Introduction to Attunement of brain through Meditation What are Daily Rituals or Day sculpting Fear of Failure Reflection time
  • 7. • There is art to living with joy and a science to managing all forms of energy including our own. • Learning to manage the force of life flowing through us is a worthy endeavor and one that brings many rewards.
  • 8. FIVE GREAT INTELLECTUAL PROFESSIONS • Five Great Intellectual Professions, relating to daily necessities of life have hitherto existed in every civilized nation. • The Soldiers' Profession to defend it • The Teachers to Teach it • The Physician’s To keep it in health • The lawyers to enforce justice in it • The Merchant’s to provide for it
  • 9. FIVE GREAT INTELLECTUAL PROFESSIONS • Duty of all these men/women is on due occasion, to die for it. • ―On due occasion‖ namely • The soldier ,rather than leave his post in the battle • The Physician, rather than leave his post in Plague • The teacher, rather than teach falsehood
  • 10. FIVE GREAT INTELLECTUAL PROFESSIONS • The Lawyer, rather than countenance injustice • The Merchant what is ―the due occasion‖ of death. • He has to understand to their very root the qualities of thing he deals in and the means of obtaining or producing it and he has to apply all his sagacity and energy to producing or obtaining it in perfect state and distributing it at the cheapest possible price where it is most needed
  • 11. EDUCATION TO INCLUDE EDUCARE "Education has two aspects; the first is related to external and worldly education, which is nothing but acquiring bookish knowledge. In the modern world, we find many well versed and highly qualified in this aspect. The second aspect known as Educare, is related to human values. The word Educare means to bring out that which iswithin. Human Values are latent in every human being; one cannot acquire them from outside. They have to be elicited from within. Educare means to bring out human values. To 'bring out' means to translate them into action."
  • 12. • It comes from 'educere', a Latin word meaning to draw out, because we draw out the values which are inherent in a human being, rather than impose anything on children from outside. Educare therefore refers to a whole system of education which provides practical knowledge for educating for life, and not just for earning a living.
  • 13. LOVE – Using the power of energy  Love is not an emotion, affected by the sub-conscious mind, but Is a spontaneous, pure reaction from the heart.  It is the power of love which causes one person to wish happiness for another and take pleasure in their well-being. A beneficial energy (love) is directed towards the other person.  As this energy flows through our own body first, it also enhances our own health. Love is having an unconditional positive regard for the good of another.  It is giving and unselfish. Love is essential if children are to grow up healthy in mind and body.  Love is the unseen undercurrent binding all the other four values together.
  • 14. Peace - Using the tool of the mind  We smile when we are happy and contented.  Contentment is gained when we refuse to give ourselves all the apparent 'good' things conveyed to us through our five senses.  When our will is sufficiently strong to enable us to discern the difference between real needs and superfluous desires, we cease to be driven by the urge to own more and more things.  Inner agitation stops and we are left feeling peaceful. When there is peace in the individual, there will be peace in the family, when there is peace in the family, there will be peace in the community.  In order to learn self esteem, calmness and freedom from anxiety are necessary. These qualities are fostered by the y silent sitting and the self-reflective exercises.
  • 15. Truth – Discrimination and Intellect Desire to know Truth has prompted mankind to ask some of the great questions such as ―Who Am I‖ or ―What is the purpose of this life‖? Learning to speak the truth is a vital step in the formation of a strong character. Voicing an untruth is an anti-social act and causes confusion in the mind of both the speaker and the listener and leads to anti-social behaviour.
  • 16. Right Conduct - Using the tool of the body  Information is received through the five senses, i.e. smell, taste, sight, touch and hearing.  When this information is referred to the conscience, the resulting action will be beneficial.  Every action is preceded by a thought. If the thought is consciously seen and noted, it aims to assist and is unselfish, the action will be good for oneself and others.  If our minds are busy, or we are daydreaming, the action may be useless, clumsy or harmful to ourselves and others.
  • 17. Non Violence – Awakening the Sprit Within For the non-violent person the whole world is his family.  When the former four values are practised (i.e. )The conscious mind is keenly aware, love is overflowing, there is peace and actions are undertaken without harm or violation to anything else.  It is the highest achievement of the human to live and with encompassing respect for all life living in harmony with nature and not hurting by thought, word or deed. 
  • 18. Empathy-Ability to understand and share the feelings of other
  • 22. What Can You DO –Do What You Can To Innovate, Create Jobs. –Engage in Politics –Help Others Understand Key Issues »Improve Education.
  • 23. • ―Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well.‖ ― Aristotle • The teacher must derive not only the capacity, but the desire, to observe natural phenomena. The teacher must understand and feel her position of observer: the activity must lie in the phenomenon. Maria Montessori
  • 24. The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. William Arthur Ward If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are the father, the mother and the teacher. Abdul Kalam
  • 25. It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. Albert Einstein
  • 26. IMPORTANCE OF TRAINING “There is nothing that training cannot do. Nothing is above its reach or below it. It can turn bad morals to good, good morals to bad; it can destroy principles, it can recreate them; it can debase angels to men and lift men to angels. And it can do any of these miracles in a year -even six months.” -Mark twain
  • 28. • I shall discover and deliver for the world a system of illumination that will completely eliminate the current requirement of oil for illumination • Thomas Alwa Edison
  • 29. Edison and Failure I am not discouraged because Every wrong attempt discarded is step forward Edison
  • 30. Every Brain has capacity for Genius
  • 31. HEALTHY MIND Mind sight is a kind of focused attention that allows us to see the internal workings of our own minds. It helps us to be aware of our mental processes without being swept away by them, enables us to get out of autopilot behaviors and habitual responses and moves us beyond the emotional traps which we have tendency to get trapped in
  • 32. BETA BRAINWAVES (14 To 32 Hz) • Produced by thinking mind and conscious thought process • Most common brain wave pattern • Concentration ,logic, reasoning, alertness and critical thinking • Necessary and required to function and navigate in your everyday life and normal waking consciousness ALPPHA BRAINWAVES • (7 TO 14 HZ) Produced during relaxed detached awareness • Relaxation, super learning & memory retention, increased concentration & focus, light meditation, increased health benefits • Enables us to remember our dreams and meditative states • Link between conscious and subconscious mind, gateway to meditation
  • 33. THETA BRAINWAVES • Produced by subconscious mind and present in dreaming sleep and (3.5 TO 7 HZ) REM(Rapid Eye Movement) state. • Deep meditation & spiritual connection, increased creativity -‖AhHa‖ moment • Key to meditation and spiritual breakthrough • Long term memory, center of creative inspiration DELTA BRAINWAVES (0,1 TO 3.5HZ) • Produced by the unconscious mind and during deep, dreamless sleep • Loss of body awareness and deep trance-like state. • Intuition and psychic awareness , enabling knowledge of information that isn’t available on conscious level • Gateway to unconscious and collective unconscious, access to universal psyche or mind
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 37. DEFINITION - Dan Siegel’s definition of ―mind‖ • “A core aspect of the mind can be defined as an embodied and relational process that regulates the flow of energy and information.” • Brain –collection of cells called neurons and has a spider like formation • Relationship: shared symbolic information flow with others – SELF – YOU – WE
  • 38.  Your subconscious is a simple stimulus-response mechanism. It holds all the automatic processes that make your life possible and all the conditioning that you have accumulated through your life.  There’s a lot of good and necessary programming in there: how to breathe, how to pump blood, how to fight off infection, how to walk, how to drive a car. You can’t live without the million little tasks that are carried out by your subconscious mind.  If you were aware of all these activities at once, they would overwhelm you. That’s why consciousness is set up so that you don’t have to pay attention to them. They are carried out subconsciously. However, your subconscious also houses those little devils that get in your way: the habitual tensions, negative emotions, and limiting beliefs that run counter to your best and highest intentions. How do you neutralize these little devils? You’ve got to go yet deeper into a third layer of your being, your subtle energy system
  • 40. QUIET TIME MANAGEMENT(STILLNESS) • Silence is not an absence of sound; it is the presence of meaning, • In an age of increasing electronic chatter — 24x7 television, mobile phones, Twitter, SMSs — ―getting the silent bits right‖ is becoming more and more difficult. And, for that reason, more and more necessary.
  • 41. Pranayama Breathing Technique •Pranayama, also known as yoga breathing, is a system of controlled breathing used to help balance the amount of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the body. Pranayama's deeper breathing allows you to increase the amount of oxygen you take in and purge toxic waste, including carbon dioxide, from your body. • By eliminating more waste from the body, states that you will improve your digestion and immunity to sickness, as well as lower your stress levels. •Pranayama to calm and soothe stressful situations. The first step to Pranayama is mastering "the complete breath." The complete breath incorporates movement in the abdomen, chest cavity and shoulders to take in the deepest and most productive breath possible.
  • 42. • India ,China and Japan have given birth to sages who realized their essential nature as flow of intelligence • In India flow of energy is called Prana (translated into life force) which can be increased and decreased at will moved here and there and manipulated to keep the physical body orderly and young. • Ability to contract and use Prana is within all of us. • A Yogi moves Prana using nothing more than attention • At the deep level attention and Prana are the same • Life is awareness and awareness is life
  • 43. . Meditation is now scientifically proven to help you relax and de-stress your nervous system, improve your health, vitality, and immune response, and generate positive thoughts, feelings, and success in your life. In addition, as always, meditation is still a proven path for spiritual growth. It is powerfully effective training for mind, body, heart, and spirit. Because of the widening interest in meditation, those interested can find a wealth of different meditative styles to
  • 44. *Greater relaxation and ease *Less negativity and subconscious interference *Improved health and energy *Greater mental clarity and focus *Positive ―core heart feelings‖ such as appreciation, gratitude, and trust *Deeper feelings of inner peace *Feeling at one with who you are *Better communication and relationship skills *A stronger sense of connection with others, the world around you, and the One Life that we all share.
  • 45.
  • 46. What is Mindfulness • Mindfulness is deliberately paying full attention to what is happening around you and within you –in your body,heart,and mind. • Mindfulness is awareness without criticism or judgment.
  • 47. Benefits of Mindfulness • • • • • Mindfulness Conserve Energy Mindfulness trains and strengthens the mind Mindfulness is good for the Environment Mindfulness stops our struggling and conquer Fear Mindfulness supports our spiritual life
  • 48. Mindfulness Exercise • • • • Eating Mindfully Leaving no traces in the Bathroom Telephone Meditation Mindful driving • Mindful walking
  • 51. Day Sculpting • • • • What do you want to Focus What does it Mean to you. What is the action you are going to take He/She must form a clear mental picture of things he wants and must do with a faith and purpose all that he can do each day and each separate things in an efficient manner • Every act can be strong and efficient by holding your vision while you are doing it and by putting the whole power of faith and purpose in it.
  • 52. Deep within man dwell those slumbering powers; powers that would astonish him, that he never dreamed of possessing; forces that would revolutionize his life if aroused and put into action. Orison Swett Marden
  • 53. PAIN AND PLEASURE • Nature has placed mankind under the government of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure - they govern us in all we do, in all we say, in all we think: every effort we can make to throw off our subjection, will serve but to demonstrate and confirm Jeremy Benthom Neuro-Associative Conditioning or NAC
  • 54. Soichiro Honda & Failure Success represents 1% of your work which results from 99% that is called failure You don’t have to believe in miracles to believe in the power of dreams Soichiro Honda Founder-Honda Motor Co.Ltd
  • 55. DON’T let the Noise of others opinion drown your inner voice, most importantly have the courage to follow your intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary STEVE JOBS
  • 57. • Be Present mindfully • Meditate for 20 minutes a day • Understand 4M-power (Mind,Meals,Muscle and Motions) • Drink plenty of water • Accept people, situations and events as they are, not as you wish they were, in this moment • Commune with nature: spend quality time with nature
  • 58.
  • 59. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference. — REINHOLD NIEBUHR, THE SERENITY PRAYER
  • 60. • • • • • Keep your thoughts positive because they become your words Keep your words positive because they become your behaviour Keep your behaviour positive because it becomes your habit Keep your habit positive because they become your values Keep your values positive because they become your destiny • M.K.Gandhi
  • 61. URL to access in future • BlOG name • • Mail id: • Contact No: 9930991104