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Workshop 2
Interviewing Skills and
Presentation by
w/c 1 Oct 2018
Interviewing Skills
Workshop 2 – Skills and Preparation
Workshops 3 & 4 – Mock interviews
1. Explain what are the aims of recruitment
2. Understand how an employer selects an
employee for a role
3. Identify the problems with selection interviews
4. Know how to plan and conduct an interview
5. Describe how to give and receive feedback
Aims of Recruitment
• To obtain a pool of suitable candidates for vacant
• To use a fair process and be able to demonstrate
that the process was fair
• To ensure that all recruitment activities contribute to
the organisational goal and a desirable
organisational image
• To conduct recruitment activities in an efficient and
cost effective manner
(Foot and Hook 2011)
Recruitment Questions
• What is a “suitable candidate”?
• Who decides this?
• How is it decided?
• How do you achieve a fair recruitment
Job Analysis
Assessing or defining the components of the
• Nature of the work performed
• Associated responsibilities and
• Skills and knowledge required
• Working conditions
• Outputs or performance standards expected
(Wilton 2013)
Job Description
Job descriptions relate to the task to be undertaken:
• Job Title
• Location
• Responsible to
• Responsible for
• Main purpose of the job
• Responsibilities/duties
• Working conditions
• Other matters
• Any other duties
(Marchington and Wilkinson 2013)
Person Specification
Person specifications outline the attributes required
for the position, including:
• Knowledge
• Skills – IT, foreign language,
• Previous experience – in a similar role, company
• Qualifications
• Personal qualities – professionalism, creativity etc.
It represents the selection criteria
Example of a Person Specification
Competency Frameworks
• Competency frameworks focus on the behaviours
of job applicants that are required to undertake
the role
• Often generic to an organisation rather than
specific to a job
• Person based rather than job based
• People analysis rather than job analysis
• A competency framework is a structure that sets
out the competencies required by individuals
required by individuals working within the
Competency Frameworks
Most commonly sought:
• Communication skills
• People management
• Team skills
• Customer service skills
• Results-orientation
• Problem solving
(CIPD 2014)
Exercise: what competencies are employers looking for?
Work with a partner:
1. Think of a sector you might consider in the future
for a job and/or placement.
2. Think about the kind of roles that might exist.
3. Now add in the attributes or competencies that
you would expect to be important in these jobs.
4. Consider how you would evidence that attribute
or competency
Your list might look a bit like this……….
Exercise: what competencies are employers looking for?
Group Feedback:
1. What sector did you think that you might
consider in the future for a job and/or placement.
2. What role did you consider?
3. What attributes and/or competencies did you
decide would to be important in these jobs.
4. Consider how you would evidence that attribute
or competency.
Selection methods
1. Interviews
• Telephone interviews
• Face to face interviews (individual, group or panel)
2. Psychometric testing
• Personality profiling
• Aptitude tests
• Technical tests
3. Assessment centres
• Work simulations
• Group exercises
4. References
Why are selection interviews so widely used?
• Opportunity for face to face meeting and mutual
• Flexible
• Can be an efficient and practical tool
• Enables information to be provided about job
and company
• Opportunity to ‘sell’ the organisation
Problems with selection interviews
• Subjectivity and unfair bias
• Inconsistency
• Lack of structure
• Lack of preparation
• Lack of interviewer skill and concentration
• Interviewer errors in decision making
• Poor outcomes
YouTube clip
(Most awkward interview ever – David Brent, The
Office )
Discuss the video clip:
• What did David Brent do wrong in the interview?
• How could he improve?
Better interviews…
Planning and preparation
Structuring the interviews
Developing a rapport
Appropriate and effective questioning
Encouraging the candidate to talk and ask
Making notes
Having more than one interviewer
Training interviewers
Preparation for a selection interview: employer
• Look at job descriptions, person specifications,
competency framework
• Identify key selection criteria
• Prepare areas of questioning
• Look at candidate information (CVs/ application forms)
• Plan the structure of the interview itself
Developing a ‘rapport’ and setting the tone
• Aim to make the interviewee feel at ease
• Smile and warmly shake their hand
• At the beginning make introductions and explain
the interview process
• Engage in small talk – travel, weather, etc
• Start with “easy” questions
• Keep body language and tone
of voice neutral
Listening Skills
• Maintain eye contact
• Appropriate physical behavior (don’t fiddle
with a pen or hands etc.)
• Be silent!
• Show interest by nodding and using
appropriate facial expressions
• Do not interrupt
• Don’t talk too much
Questioning Skills
Use a variety of questions:
• Open questions – encourage people to open
up e.g. Why did you leave…How do you feel
• Probing – useful in seeking depth and detail
e.g. Why did you…What made you ….
• Closed questions – useful in verifying
specific information e.g. When did you leave…
Questioning Skills – Funneling technique
Use: Avoid:
Open questions Closed questions
Probing questions Leading questions
Reflective Multiple questions
Checking/summarizing Sidetracking
Behavioral Personally intrusive
Situational Discriminatory
Exercise: Questioning Skills
Working in pairs, take turns to practice ‘funneling’
• Ask your partner an open question.
• When you have an initial answer, use a series of
probing questions to find out more.
• When you have found out as much as you need
move on.
• Summarize to check understanding
Effective feedback is:
• Tailored to the recipient
• Non personal
• Purposeful
• Documentable
• Descriptive
• Timely
• Interactive
• Constructive and balanced
Feedback process
First ask the feedback recipient to comment on their own
▪ What do you think went well?
▪ What do you think you didn’t do so well?
Then give your feedback:
▪ Focus throughout on the positives
▪ Limit yourself to negative feedback on two aspects
▪ Discuss together how to improve performance
Next week….mock interviews
Plan for next week
Candidates hand in CV’s
• 20 minutes – preparation (employers read CV’s and
prepare questions, candidates prepare for interview)
Candidates leave the room and do not return until called
in for interview or feedback
• 45 minutes – mock interviews (15 minutes per
• 10 minutes – employers discuss feedback, candidates
complete feedback forms
• 15 minutes – feedback (5 minutes per candidate)
Everyone return to the room
• 15 minutes – closing and discussion of self reflection
Preparation for next week
o research company
o read placement advert and consider what skills and/or
competencies are required
o prepare a list of questions
o plan structure of the interview
o read placement advert and consider what skills and/or
competencies are required
o prepare your CV (bring 3 printed copies)
o remember tailor it to job advert
o research the company
o prepare some questions
Preparing your CV
• Well written presentable and concise
• Chronological
• No longer than 2 pages
• Keep sentences short and effective
• Honest and accurate
• Relevant and specific to the job
• Read the job description (and person
specification if provided)
Essential reading
• Anderson, N. and Shackleton, V. (1993) Successful
Selection Interviewing. Blackwell: Oxford (Chapter 3)
• Foot, M. and Hook, C (2011) Introducing Human
Resource Management. Essex: Pearson Education
Limited. (Chapter 7)
• Torrington D., Hall L., Taylor S. and Atkinson C. (2014)
Human Resource Management, 9th ed, FT Prentice
Hall: Harlow (Chapter 28)
Further reading
• ACAS (2014) Recruitment and Induction. London: ACAS
• Carbery, R. and Cross, C. (2013) Human Resource
Management. London: Palgrave
Macmillian (Chapter 3)
• CIPD. (2014) Competence and competency frameworks.
• Foot, M. and Hook, C (2011) Introducing Human Resource
Management. Essex:
Pearson Education Limited. (Chapter 6)
• Jackman, J.M., & Strober, M.H. (2003). Fear of feedback.
Harvard Business Review,
81(4), pp101-107.
• Marchington, M and Wilkinson (2012) Human Resource
Management at Work.
London: CIPD. (Chapter 8)
• Taylor, S. (2010) Resourcing and Talent Management. 6th ed.
London: CIPD.
(Chapters 6 and 10)
• Torrington, D., Hall, L., Taylor, T. and Atkinson, C. (2014)
Human Resource
Management. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. (Chapters 6,
7 and 28)
• Wilton, N. An introduction to Human Resource Management.
London: Sage.
(Chapter 6)
1. Explain what are the aims of recruitment
2. Understand how an employer selects an employee
for a role
3. Identify the problems with selection interviews
4. Know how to plan and conduct an interview
5. Describe how to give and receive feedback
Workshop 9: Part 1 Developing an effective training plan
Presentation by
w/c 19 Nov 18
Aims of the workshop
Design a training plan
Draft training aim and objectives
Selecting appropriate training methods
Evaluating training
Exercise 1: Effective training
Consider a training event that you recently attended:
Was it effective?
Why was it effective / ineffective?
How could it have been improved?
Discuss your views in a small group.
What makes a good training session?
Knowing and involving your audience
Having good objectives - plan
Enabling interaction between participants and trainer
Use different learning methods and tools to cater for different
learning styles
Assessment and Evaluation
Training Plan
Do not include trainer name – for blind marking purposes
Training Plan
Identifying Training Topic
Consider the following when selecting your training topic:
Participants’ needs and interests
Your skills and strengths
Some topics from previous years:
Yoga / Meditation
How to make Christmas cards?
Basic language training
Playing Card Tricks
Writing Training Aim and Objectives
When you plan a training session you need to decide the:
Aims - general, broad statements
e.g. the training aims to develop……
Objectives – more precise and specific than aims and are
intended to be measurable (SMART)
e.g. list the types of …
Think carefully - what you want your audience to achieve at the
end of the session?
Writing Training Aim and Objectives
Writing Training Aim and Objectives
Exercise 2
At your company a new security system been introduced. All
staff will now have a passcode to enter when they come into the
office, they have to shut the door behind them, can’t allow other
employees in etc. There are also strict rules about not allowing
visitors into the building and if you do have a visitor you have
to get it approved in advance by a manager and complete the
necessary form.
You have been asked to train all of your team in relation to the
new security policy.
In groups of 3 or 4 please draft:
Aim of the training
3 objectives
Selecting Training Method (Activity)
Considerations for selecting activities:
How well does the activity assist with accomplishing the
learning objectives?
How much time does the activity take? Is the time investment
worth the amount of learning that will occur?
Will it be stimulating and interesting for participants?
Is the activity appropriate for the size of the group?
Think Variety! Try to include different activities while
designing the training
Selecting Training Method (Activity)
Different types of learning require different training methods.
Match the strategy to the learning objectives.Knowledge
SkillsAttitudeLecturesCase StudiesRole
TapesExercises Self-reflectionE-learningVideosStructured
Selecting Training Method (Activity)
Exercise 3
Imagine you are the training manger of a hotel that will open
next year. Your GM asks you to develop a training program that
aims to boost the team spirit of the newly formed Executive
Committee Members.
In groups, discuss the situation and suggest 3 training methods
that suit the training theme described above.
Hint: this is attitude, not skills nor knowledge training
Anticipating Challenges
Try to anticipate any challenges you might face during delivery
of each training activity
This will help you develop a strategy to overcome the
challenges and deliver an effective training
Exercise 4
In pairs list at least 3 challenges you might face during training
Anticipating Challenges
Some examples:
Participants’ engagement
Staying on the topic
Equipment problems
To overcome any problems
Have a backup plan
Follow a specific process
Be Positive!
How to assess change in participants’ knowledge, skills or
What to evaluate?
Skill, knowledge or behaviour
When to evaluate?
During or after the training
How to evaluate?
Quiz, discussion, Survey, Interview, Job performance
Planning your training session…
10-15 minute training sessions and 5 minutes feedback
Individual (or in pairs)
Tentative topic
Group A or Group B
Required Resources
Please bring your completed Training Plan with you to your
practical workshop. Feedback from your group will help you
further develop the plan before submission on 12 December.
Assessment Criteria for Training Plan
Identification of training aims and objectives
Explanation of reason for selecting activity
Analysis of challenges
Quality of writing, expression and presentation
Part 2: Preparation for week 10 guest lecture
‘Ask the HR expert’ - guest lectures
Three guest HRM professionals will share their experiences of
interviewing, performance reviews, negotiations and delivering
& evaluating training and much more…..
Monday 26 November 12-1pm in 6X269
Tuesday 27 November 4-5pm in 2X112
Thursday 29 November 1-2pm in 2X242 and 3-4pm in 2B025
An opportunity for you to ask questions, e.g. what makes a
graduate candidate stand out from other applicants, recruitment
interviews, CVs, advice about your Continuing Professional
development etc.
In groups of 2 or 3 please write at least ONE question that could
be asked to the panel at the guest lecture… and upload onto
padlet :
Once linked to the padlet page, student’s should put their name
and cohort (BIM/MET/Global/ Business & Law) in the TITLE
of their post
Workshop 7:
Negotiation skills and preparation
Presentation by
First Name
Second Name
Date w/c 5 Nov 18
Briefly revise different types of negotiation
Identify the stages in the negotiating process
Describe the key skills required in the negotiating process
Prepare for the workshop activity
Activity: What does negotiating mean?
Working in groups of 3-4, take 10 minutes to agree and write
down a definition of:
What does negotiating mean?
Possible definitions:
A two way discussion to agree terms
Conferring for the purpose of mutual agreement
A process of discussion aimed at reaching agreement
Establishing consensus amongst two or more parties
Resolving conflict through compromise
REVISION: Types of Negotiation
REVISION: Getting to YES!
Fisher, R. and Ury, W. (2012) Getting to yes, negotiating an
agreement without giving in. London: Random House
Any method of negotiation should:
Produce a wise agreement
Be efficient
Improve or at least not damage the relationship between the
Getting to YES!
Principled negotiation
Focuses on basic interests, mutually satisfying options and fair
standards which results in a wise agreement
Getting to YES!
BATNA – Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement
Know your BATNA
BATNA - is the course of action that will be taken by a party if
the current negotiations fail and an agreement cannot be reached
Helps you to determine what is a minimally acceptable
Judge every offer against it
(Fisher and Ury 2012)
Stages in the negotiation process
Activity: How to prepare
Divide group into pairs
One will prepare for the negotiation as a seller and the other
one as a buyer
Seller: think of something you have that you will sell to your
partner, eg a car, a laptop, etc
Give the buyer basic details, eg make; model; age; colour;
general condition
Buyer: you want the object – but how much is up to you.
Activity: How to prepare
You each have 10 minutes to prepare
Consider any research you may want to do now; the negotiation
strategy you will adopt; consider your 3 objectives
You have 10 minutes to try to negotiate a deal
Activity: How to prepare
Group discussion:
How many groups had a successful negotiation?
How many groups had an unsuccessful negotiation?
What did you do in your preparation that helped?
How could you have prepared better?
Examples of ‘if’ and ‘then’
If you are willing to give me a bonus then I will accept a lower
I am happy to relocate to Manchester providing I receive a
significant pay rise.
I am prepared to offer you 3 days’ extra holiday per year if you
will work ‘on call’ for 3 hours/one evening each month.
I can offer you a salary of £20,000 if you start in 3 months.
Next week - practicals
You will be involved in 2 x Role Plays:
Divide group into 2 – Group 1 and Group 2
Each group should keep their case studies a secret from the
other so that the role plays are as realistic as possible.
Each group can work in 4s or 5s to begin to prepare.
You might consider: what are the important issues? What
research might be helpful to do? Where does your power lie?
Begin to think about linking issues.
Continue to prepare both of your parts over the coming week.
Use the Negotiation Preparation Sheet to help you prepare.
Preparation - 20 minutes
Manager and Employee of Anderson’s negotiate - 30 minutes
Employee gives Manager feedback - 10 minutes
Break (10 minutes)
Manager and Employee of Zig Zag negotiate - 30 minutes
Employee gives Manager feedback - 10 minutes
Core reading
Fenn, P. (2011) Commercial Conflict Management and Dispute
Resolution. London: Taylor Francis. Chapter 4.
Malhotra, D. (2014) 15 Rules for negotiating a job offer.
Harvard Business Review. April 2014 pg. 117 – 120
Watson, G. and Reissner, C. (2014) Developing Skills for
Business Leadership. CIPD: London (Chapter 9)
Further reading
Cornelius, N (2002) Human Resource Management (2nd ed)
London: Thomson Learning (Chapter 10)
Ellis, R. (2009) Communication Skills: Stepladders to Success
for the Professional. Bristol: Intellect Books. (Chapter 9)
Fisher, R. and Ury, W. (2012) Getting to yes, negotiating an
agreement without giving in. London: Random House
Fowler, A (1996) Negotiation Skills and Strategies. London:
Gennard, J. and Judge, G. (2010) Managing Employment
Relations. CIPD: London
Raj, R (2008) Business Negotiations: A ‘soft’ perspective. The
Icfai Journal of Soft Skills. Vol II No.1, 2008
Sebenius, J. (2001) Six Habits of Merely Effective Negotiation.
Harvard Business Review. April 2001.
Smith, T. (2007) Let’s make a deal: A guide to successful
workplace negotiations. Business and Economic Review. Oct –
Dec 2007
Thorn, J. (2001) How to negotiate better deals. Gloucestershire:
Management Books
Any questions?
Workshop 5:
Reviewing Performance
Presentation by
First Name
Second Name
Date w/c
Reviewing Performance
Workshop 5 – skills and preparation
Workshop - roleplays
Explain why it is important to review performance
Describe the correct approach, structure and the necessary skills
to review an individual’s performance
Group activity: Reviewing performance - recap
In groups, discuss from the lecture:
5 examples of poor performance
Why should managers review their employees performance
When should managers review their employees performance?
Reviewing Performance
Missing deadlines
Not achieving targets
Why should managers review their employees performance?
Good performance management helps everyone in the
organisation to know:
what the business is trying to achieve
their role in helping the business achieve its goals
the skills and competences they need to fulfil their role
the standards of performance required
how they can develop their performance and contribute to the
development of the organisation
how they are doing
when there are performance problems and what to do about
Why should managers review their employees performance?
If managers do not act they can:
mislead the employee by giving the impression that there is no
deny the employee the chance to improve or put things right
damage the productivity and efficiency of the business
lower the morale amongst team members
Critical feedback can help the employee improve
If there are any underlying reasons why the employee is
underperforming they can be identified
Support can be given to help them to improve.
When should managers review their employees performance?
Promptly because:
Waiting for a more suitable opportunity results in the issue not
being dealt with
A problem will not usually resolve itself
Even if the manager thinks a problem is temporary, it may
reoccur if it is not dealt with
Not dealing with the issue can lead to further complications
Group Activity: How should managers review their employees
Watch the video and consider:
What did the manager do well?
What did the manager do wrong?
How should managers review their employees performance?
ACAS – Challenging conversations and how to manage them
ACAS – Challenging conversation – step by step table
ACAS – How to manage performance
Group activity: How should managers review their employees
In groups:
List the 5 steps (discussed in the lecture) how managers should
review their employees performance.
How should managers review their employees performance?
Explain the issue
Ask for an explanation
Agree a way forward
Remember your interviewing skills….
Questioning skills
Open questions – Why?, What?, How?
Leading questions
Closed questions
Active Listening
Tone of voice
Maintain eye contact
Facial expression and body language
SMART Objectives
What does SMART stand for?
SMART…or not?
Keep delivery bays as tidy as possible.
Improve overall customer satisfaction by 5% over last year
based on the results of the after sales questionnaire sent to all
Answer customer queries as quickly as possible.
Recruit 50 new customers before the end of the year.
Complete staff reports as soon as you can.
Answer all customer queries within two working days.
Clear delivery bays daily of all waste and other material within
30 minutes of delivery vans leaving.
Activity – SMART objectives
Draft a smart objective for each of the following issues:
An employee is regularly 10/15 minutes late for work
An employee fails to reach their sales target of £10,000 by
An employee is regularly abrupt and rude to customers
Next week – role plays
You will all participate in 2 performance reviews
Group 1 - Role Play 1 – Manager A
- Role Play 2 – Student B
Group 2 - Role Play 1 – Student A
- Role Play 2 – Manager B
- Role Play 2 – Student B
Group 2 - Role Play 1 – Student A
- Role Play 2 – Manager B
Next week - timetable
Preparation - 10 minutes
Manager A discusses Student A’s performance - 30 minutes
Student A gives Manager A feedback - 10 minutes
Break (10 minutes)
Manager B discusses Student B’s performance - 30 minutes
Student B gives Manager B feedback - 10 minutes
Task 2 notes & closing – 15 minutes
Please keep your role play brief confidential
Prepare for your Performance Review prior to next week
Check out the ‘Reviewing Performance Guide to Assessment’ in
the Assignments section on Blackboard
Hand out role play briefs.
Essential reading
ACAS (2014) Challenging conversations and how to manage
them London: ACAS
ACAS ( 2014) How to manage performance. London: ACAS
Further reading
Banfield, P., Kay, R and Royles, D. (2018) Introduction to
Human Resource Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press
(Chapter 12)
Carbery, R. and Cross, C. (2013) Human Resource Management.
London: Palgrave Macmillan (Chapter 7)
Crawshaw, J., Budhwar, P. and Davis, A. (2017) Human
Resource Management. London: Sage (Chapter 11)
Foot, M. and Hook, C. (2016) Introducing Human Resource
Management. (7th edition), Essex: Pearson. (Chapter 7)
Marchington, M and Wilkinson (2012) Human Resource
Management at Work. London: CIPD. (Chapter 9)
Torrington, D., Hall, L., Taylor, T. and Atkinson, C. (2014)
Human Resource Management. (10th edition) Harlow: Pearson
Education Limited. (Chapters 11 and 15)
Wilton, N. An introduction to Human Resource Management
London: Sage. (Chapter 7)
Alternative Assignment: Component B – Task 4 – Training plan
This assignment should only be completed if you have not
attended the practical training session.
It should be submitted via Blackboard as part of your
Management Skills portfolio together with Tasks 1, 2 & 3 on 12
Do not send to your module leader or workshop tutor for
Write an outline plan for a training session on a topic of your
choice. The training plan should include the aims and
objectives of your session, a description and justification of the
training activities, and identify potential challenges in the
delivery of the session. The training plan must be completed
using the format shown on page 2 and should not be longer than
2 x A4 pages.
Please include the following title in the heading of your task to
indicate that you have completed the alternative assignment:
Please refer to the slides for Lecture 8 and Workshop 9 for
details of the conceptual frameworks and the academic
literature that may be appropriate for your analysis.
· Use the template on the next page (electronic copy on
· Do not exceed 2 x A4 pages
· Include academic sources where appropriate
Marking criteria
· Identification of training aim and objectives
· Explanation for selecting training activities
· Analysis of challenges in delivery of training
· Quality of writing and good academic practice.
Training plan template:
Alternative Assignment: Component B – Task 3 – Negotiation
This assignment should only be completed if you have not
attended the negotiating skills
practical roleplay sessions.
It should be submitted via Blackboard as part of your
Management Skills portfolio
together with Tasks 1, 2 & 4 on 12 December.
Do not send to your module leader or workshop tutor for
Please read the Bristol CC case study on page 2 and address the
following tasks:
Analyse the case and address the following questions
concerning planning and preparation
for your meeting with Frankie. There is a maximum word limit
of 500 words.
• Outline your plan for the meeting (e.g. identifying the key
areas to be addressed;
what background information may be needed? What negotiation
tactics will you employ
and why? What options will you have in terms of bargaining
• Describe the specific skills you will need to employ during the
Please include the following title in the heading of your task to
indicate that you have
completed the alternative assignment: ‘ALTERNATIVE
ASSIGNMENT: Negotiating skills.’
Refer to the slides for Lecture 6 and Workshop 7 for details of
the conceptual frameworks and
the academic literature that may be appropriate for your
lectures as well as your
own study to support your analysis.
within the work and include a
Reference List (not
included in the word count)
Marking criteria
writing and good academic practice.
You are a Manager with The Bristol CC with responsibility for
eight staff members in your
department. Of these staff members, six have been with the
company for over five years and
two are coming to the end of their six-month probation period
as Graduate trainees. These
two have both done very well and the company would like to
offer them permanent positions
if they wish to stay.
The Bristol CC is a relatively new company of 18 years (known
initially as The Bristol Clothing
Company) with one outlet in the area of Clifton, popular with
students, and a healthy on-line
sales outlet. They concentrate upon fashionwear for the 15-30
year old male/female market,
a particularly competitive market in terms of
price/quality/competitors, but for the past
seven years they have been steadily, if slowly, expanding each
year. There are a few new
posts and planned vacancies that will need to be filled over the
next six months. The company
has no trouble filling vacancies and there is a regular interest
from Graduates in the various
internships and trainee jobs on offer.
Frankie’s probation period will end next week and has requested
a meeting with you to
discuss it. You have had a brief chat today to roughly identify
what Frankie wishes to discuss
in the meeting next Tuesday. You have found Frankie to be
ambitious - eager for promotion
and the benefits that might accompany that, specifically: a
significant pay rise, a company
car/mobile/laptop, an additional five days’ annual leave, the
opportunity of foreign travel, the
ability to regularly work from home when suitable.
According to your own experience, Frankie appears to be a very
good employee: quick to
learn, a creative thinker, a likeable team player, eager to take on
new tasks (though
sometimes a little too eager as Frankie has once or twice missed
a task’s deadline). Frankie is
regularly late which annoys the rest of the team, but Frankie
does have an hour’s travel to
and from work on the bus.
As a manager, there are some areas that you are able to
negotiate and some that the
company regulations would not allow. You are able to
negotiate on pay; flexibility of working
hours and location of work; benefits in terms of an annual
bonus, training, company car,
mobile and laptop. You are not able to agree to longer
holidays, a reduction in monthly hours
worked, and you’d have trouble with any benefits not necessary
to the job, such as foreign
travel, unless there was a good business reason offered. You
are a little uncertain what the
rules say regarding company pension scheme and the
membership of the profit sharing
The Bristol CC
Reviewing Performance – Guide to assessment
Management Skills – Component B – Task 2: Reviewing
Write a report to your line manager outlining what issues were
discussed at Performance Review and what action was agreed to
resolve the issue.
Word Count
Maximum 500 words
Assessment Criteria
1. Identification of issues discussed at review
2. Identification of SMART objectives
3. Explanation of additional support required
4. Detail of timescales and follow up action
5. Quality of writing and good academic practice
Name of Reviewer:
Name of Reviewee:
Date of Performance review:
Issues raised:
1. Identify all issues that were discussed at Performance
2. What were the causes of underperformance?
Action agreed:
1. What SMART objectives were agreed (include at least 3)?
2. What training, development and support should be
3. What follow up action is needed and by whom?
4. Timescale for next review?
Additional comments:
Alternative Assignment: Component B – Task 1 - Interviewing
This assignment should only be completed if you have not
attended the interviewing skills
practical roleplay sessions.
It should be submitted via Blackboard as part of your
Management Skills portfolio together with
Tasks 2-4 on 12 December.
Do not send to your module leader or workshop tutor for
Please read the advert for the ENTERPRISE placement and
watch the video of the manager (Andy)
interviewing the candidate (Emily) for that vacancy. Complete
the following task:
Write a 500-word analysis of the experience of the manager in
the video interview. You should explain
elements of his interviewing skills by reference to the relevant
literature and theories and critically
analyse his performance in the context of the literature. You
should also identify how he could
improve in future and support this by reference to the relevant
literature and theory.
Please include the following title in the heading of your task to
indicate that you have completed the
alternative assignment: ‘ALTERNATIVE ASSIGNMENT:
Please refer to the workshop 2 – preparation slides for details of
the conceptual frameworks and the
academic literature that may be appropriate for your analysis.
• Write your analysis on the performance of the manager.
• Don’t be too descriptive. It is easy to write what happens, it’s
the why, how and what if which
is really important.
• Concentrate on 2 issues to allow suitable depth of coverage
and integration of literature.
• Draw on relevant theory within your answers.
• Proof read - read your work aloud to yourself.
Marking criteria
Critical analysis into strengths and limitations of the managers
Integration of theory with analysis of performance
Identification and justification of steps for improvement
Quality of writing and good academic practice
Enterprise Business Management Placement
This application is for our undergraduates undertaking a
placement to start in 2019.
Add an annual turnover of $20.9 billion to a rental and leasing
fleet of over 1.9 million vehicles spread across 9,600 locations
worldwide and you get Enterprise Rent-A-Car – a business
that’s grown into the largest global mobility provider in the
During our year-long placement, our students play an integral
role in the success of Enterprise and will have a comprehensive
introduction to our Graduate Management Training Programme.
For a university student, real world professional business
experience can put you above the rest when you enter the job
Our placements go at a highly energised pace. From day one
you’ll learn what it takes to run a successful business and
acquire the highly marketable skills and experience that you get
when you’re helping to run and operate a successful business.
But don’t just take our word for it – our interns have been voted
Best Intern of the Year at the NUE awards for the last two
consecutive years.
It’s learning by doing, not by getting coffee or filing all day.
Our university interns take on the same challenges on their
internship as our first and second year full-time professionals.
You’ll be part of a team-based environment where Enterprise
employees are supportive and fun to work with.
After an initial classroom-based orientation session, you’ll be
assigned to a branch office for hands-on business training. Here
you will learn valuable business skills from capable mentors
who were once in your shoes. Our promote-from-within culture
ensures that you’ll have a well-rounded training experience and
learn skills in management, finance, operations, sales and
customer service.
When you join our Management Placement Programme, you’ll
soon discover that every day is different because it is filled with
so many new, exciting, rewarding, and often unexpected
challenges. There is not one consistent aspect; however, you’ll
not only get the chance to put into practice all that you’ve
learned so far while at university, but you’ll learn more about
sales, marketing, customer service, business management, and
administrative skills than you ever thought possible.
Throughout our placement programme, there are a series of
carefully monitored tests and evaluations, after which you'll
receive pay increases, rewards, and more opportunities for
You will develop skills in:
· Management skills: leadership, training, mentoring, people
skills and soft skills, and looking at the big picture
· Business management: cost control, profits, growth, account
management, employee development, and administrative skills
· Marketing: how to gain new customers both retail and
corporate, how to manage dealerships, and run bodyshop
· Sales: how to increase revenue by generating more sales
· Customer service: taking reservations, handling customer
enquiries, problem solving and delivering cars to customers
· Fleet control: how to handle repairs, and getting the right
number and type of cars in your fleet
Your duties will include:
Providing customers with a great customer experience, you'll be
marketing our business, selling our service and liaising with
insurance companies, dealerships, body shops and corporations.
Not to mention all the day-to-day stuff, like office management
and administration as well as collecting and delivering vehicles
and keeping them clean.
Not only is it a paid placement programme, but you may also be
eligible for performance incentives and employee referral
rewards. The business training you’ll receive will be an
amazing jump-start to your career.
· We accept applications for our Placement Programme from
university students that are due to take undertake a placement
year starting summer 2019, regardless of university attended
and subjects being studied. Our assessment is based on how you
perform against our competencies and will judge you on that
· You must have a full UK/EU manual driving licence, but we
do make accommodations for applicants who don’t drive due to
a disability.
· No drug or alcohol related offence on driving record within
the last five years is permitted.
Additional Information
· Please let us know about any accommodations you may need
to participate in our recruitment process.
· Please limit your application to only one job posting based on
where you live and/or plan to work. Applying to multiple
locations will delay your application being processed.
· This job posting is for applications within the following
locations: Basingstoke, Farnborough, Aldershot and surrounding

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Workshop 2Interviewing Skills and PreparationPresent.docx

  • 1. Workshop 2 Interviewing Skills and Preparation Presentation by Sarah-Louise Weller Date: w/c 1 Oct 2018 Interviewing Skills Workshop 2 – Skills and Preparation Workshops 3 & 4 – Mock interviews Objectives 1. Explain what are the aims of recruitment 2. Understand how an employer selects an employee for a role 3. Identify the problems with selection interviews
  • 2. 4. Know how to plan and conduct an interview 5. Describe how to give and receive feedback Aims of Recruitment • To obtain a pool of suitable candidates for vacant posts • To use a fair process and be able to demonstrate that the process was fair • To ensure that all recruitment activities contribute to the organisational goal and a desirable organisational image • To conduct recruitment activities in an efficient and cost effective manner (Foot and Hook 2011) Recruitment Questions • What is a “suitable candidate”? • Who decides this? • How is it decided? • How do you achieve a fair recruitment process?
  • 3. Job Analysis Assessing or defining the components of the post: • Nature of the work performed • Associated responsibilities and accountabilities • Skills and knowledge required • Working conditions • Outputs or performance standards expected (Wilton 2013) Job Description Job descriptions relate to the task to be undertaken: • Job Title • Location • Responsible to • Responsible for • Main purpose of the job
  • 4. • Responsibilities/duties • Working conditions • Other matters • Any other duties (Marchington and Wilkinson 2013) Person Specification Person specifications outline the attributes required for the position, including: • Knowledge • Skills – IT, foreign language, • Previous experience – in a similar role, company • Qualifications • Personal qualities – professionalism, creativity etc. It represents the selection criteria Example of a Person Specification Receptionist
  • 5. Competency Frameworks • Competency frameworks focus on the behaviours of job applicants that are required to undertake the role • Often generic to an organisation rather than specific to a job • Person based rather than job based • People analysis rather than job analysis • A competency framework is a structure that sets out the competencies required by individuals required by individuals working within the organisation. Competency Frameworks Most commonly sought: • Communication skills • People management • Team skills • Customer service skills • Results-orientation • Problem solving
  • 6. (CIPD 2014) Exercise: what competencies are employers looking for? Work with a partner: 1. Think of a sector you might consider in the future for a job and/or placement. 2. Think about the kind of roles that might exist. 3. Now add in the attributes or competencies that you would expect to be important in these jobs. 4. Consider how you would evidence that attribute or competency Your list might look a bit like this………. Exercise: what competencies are employers looking for? Group Feedback: 1. What sector did you think that you might consider in the future for a job and/or placement. 2. What role did you consider?
  • 7. 3. What attributes and/or competencies did you decide would to be important in these jobs. 4. Consider how you would evidence that attribute or competency. Selection methods 1. Interviews • Telephone interviews • Face to face interviews (individual, group or panel) 2. Psychometric testing • Personality profiling • Aptitude tests • Technical tests 3. Assessment centres • Work simulations • Group exercises 4. References Why are selection interviews so widely used?
  • 8. • Opportunity for face to face meeting and mutual preview • Flexible • Can be an efficient and practical tool • Enables information to be provided about job and company • Opportunity to ‘sell’ the organisation Problems with selection interviews • Subjectivity and unfair bias • Inconsistency • Lack of structure • Lack of preparation • Lack of interviewer skill and concentration • Interviewer errors in decision making • Poor outcomes YouTube clip (Most awkward interview ever – David Brent, The Office )
  • 9. Exercise Discuss the video clip: • What did David Brent do wrong in the interview? • How could he improve? Better interviews… Planning and preparation Structuring the interviews Developing a rapport Appropriate and effective questioning Encouraging the candidate to talk and ask questions Making notes Having more than one interviewer Training interviewers Preparation for a selection interview: employer
  • 10. • Look at job descriptions, person specifications, competency framework • Identify key selection criteria • Prepare areas of questioning • Look at candidate information (CVs/ application forms) • Plan the structure of the interview itself Developing a ‘rapport’ and setting the tone • Aim to make the interviewee feel at ease • Smile and warmly shake their hand • At the beginning make introductions and explain the interview process • Engage in small talk – travel, weather, etc • Start with “easy” questions • Keep body language and tone of voice neutral Listening Skills • Maintain eye contact
  • 11. • Appropriate physical behavior (don’t fiddle with a pen or hands etc.) • Be silent! • Show interest by nodding and using appropriate facial expressions • Do not interrupt • Don’t talk too much Questioning Skills Use a variety of questions: • Open questions – encourage people to open up e.g. Why did you leave…How do you feel about… • Probing – useful in seeking depth and detail e.g. Why did you…What made you …. • Closed questions – useful in verifying specific information e.g. When did you leave… Questioning Skills – Funneling technique Questions
  • 12. Use: Avoid: Open questions Closed questions Probing questions Leading questions Reflective Multiple questions Checking/summarizing Sidetracking Behavioral Personally intrusive Situational Discriminatory Exercise: Questioning Skills Working in pairs, take turns to practice ‘funneling’ • Ask your partner an open question. • When you have an initial answer, use a series of probing questions to find out more. • When you have found out as much as you need move on. • Summarize to check understanding Feedback Effective feedback is:
  • 13. • Tailored to the recipient • Non personal • Purposeful • Documentable • Descriptive • Timely • Interactive • Constructive and balanced Feedback process First ask the feedback recipient to comment on their own performance: ▪ What do you think went well? ▪ What do you think you didn’t do so well? Then give your feedback: ▪ Focus throughout on the positives ▪ Limit yourself to negative feedback on two aspects ▪ Discuss together how to improve performance
  • 14. Next week….mock interviews Plan for next week Candidates hand in CV’s • 20 minutes – preparation (employers read CV’s and prepare questions, candidates prepare for interview) Candidates leave the room and do not return until called in for interview or feedback • 45 minutes – mock interviews (15 minutes per candidate) • 10 minutes – employers discuss feedback, candidates complete feedback forms • 15 minutes – feedback (5 minutes per candidate) Everyone return to the room • 15 minutes – closing and discussion of self reflection Preparation for next week Managers o research company o read placement advert and consider what skills and/or
  • 15. competencies are required o prepare a list of questions o plan structure of the interview Candidates o read placement advert and consider what skills and/or competencies are required o prepare your CV (bring 3 printed copies) o remember tailor it to job advert o research the company o prepare some questions Preparing your CV • Well written presentable and concise • Chronological • No longer than 2 pages • Keep sentences short and effective • Honest and accurate • Relevant and specific to the job • Read the job description (and person
  • 16. specification if provided) Essential reading • Anderson, N. and Shackleton, V. (1993) Successful Selection Interviewing. Blackwell: Oxford (Chapter 3) • Foot, M. and Hook, C (2011) Introducing Human Resource Management. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. (Chapter 7) • Torrington D., Hall L., Taylor S. and Atkinson C. (2014) Human Resource Management, 9th ed, FT Prentice Hall: Harlow (Chapter 28) Further reading • ACAS (2014) Recruitment and Induction. London: ACAS • Carbery, R. and Cross, C. (2013) Human Resource Management. London: Palgrave Macmillian (Chapter 3) • CIPD. (2014) Competence and competency frameworks. resources/factsheets/competence-competency-frameworks.aspx • Foot, M. and Hook, C (2011) Introducing Human Resource Management. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. (Chapter 6)
  • 17. • Jackman, J.M., & Strober, M.H. (2003). Fear of feedback. Harvard Business Review, 81(4), pp101-107. • Marchington, M and Wilkinson (2012) Human Resource Management at Work. London: CIPD. (Chapter 8) • Taylor, S. (2010) Resourcing and Talent Management. 6th ed. London: CIPD. (Chapters 6 and 10) • Torrington, D., Hall, L., Taylor, T. and Atkinson, C. (2014) Human Resource Management. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. (Chapters 6, 7 and 28) • Wilton, N. An introduction to Human Resource Management. London: Sage. (Chapter 6) competency-frameworks.aspx Objectives 1. Explain what are the aims of recruitment 2. Understand how an employer selects an employee for a role 3. Identify the problems with selection interviews 4. Know how to plan and conduct an interview
  • 18. 5. Describe how to give and receive feedback QUESTIONS? Workshop 9: Part 1 Developing an effective training plan Presentation by w/c 19 Nov 18 Aims of the workshop Design a training plan Draft training aim and objectives Selecting appropriate training methods Evaluating training Exercise 1: Effective training Consider a training event that you recently attended: Was it effective? Why was it effective / ineffective? How could it have been improved? Discuss your views in a small group. What makes a good training session? Knowing and involving your audience Having good objectives - plan
  • 19. Enabling interaction between participants and trainer Use different learning methods and tools to cater for different learning styles Assessment and Evaluation Training Plan Do not include trainer name – for blind marking purposes 5 Training Plan Identifying Training Topic Consider the following when selecting your training topic: Participants’ needs and interests Your skills and strengths Some topics from previous years: Yoga / Meditation How to make Christmas cards? Basic language training Playing Card Tricks
  • 20. Writing Training Aim and Objectives When you plan a training session you need to decide the: Aims - general, broad statements e.g. the training aims to develop…… Objectives – more precise and specific than aims and are intended to be measurable (SMART) e.g. list the types of … Think carefully - what you want your audience to achieve at the end of the session? Video Writing Training Aim and Objectives Writing Training Aim and Objectives Exercise 2 At your company a new security system been introduced. All staff will now have a passcode to enter when they come into the office, they have to shut the door behind them, can’t allow other employees in etc. There are also strict rules about not allowing visitors into the building and if you do have a visitor you have to get it approved in advance by a manager and complete the necessary form. You have been asked to train all of your team in relation to the new security policy. In groups of 3 or 4 please draft: Aim of the training
  • 21. 3 objectives Selecting Training Method (Activity) Considerations for selecting activities: How well does the activity assist with accomplishing the learning objectives? How much time does the activity take? Is the time investment worth the amount of learning that will occur? Will it be stimulating and interesting for participants? Is the activity appropriate for the size of the group? Think Variety! Try to include different activities while designing the training Selecting Training Method (Activity) Different types of learning require different training methods. Match the strategy to the learning objectives.Knowledge SkillsAttitudeLecturesCase StudiesRole playsReadingDemonstrationDebates/DiscussionAudio TapesExercises Self-reflectionE-learningVideosStructured gamesWorksheets Selecting Training Method (Activity) Exercise 3 Imagine you are the training manger of a hotel that will open next year. Your GM asks you to develop a training program that aims to boost the team spirit of the newly formed Executive Committee Members.
  • 22. In groups, discuss the situation and suggest 3 training methods that suit the training theme described above. Hint: this is attitude, not skills nor knowledge training 13 Anticipating Challenges Try to anticipate any challenges you might face during delivery of each training activity This will help you develop a strategy to overcome the challenges and deliver an effective training Exercise 4 In pairs list at least 3 challenges you might face during training delivery Anticipating Challenges Some examples: Participants’ engagement Staying on the topic Equipment problems To overcome any problems Have a backup plan Follow a specific process
  • 23. Be Positive! Evaluation How to assess change in participants’ knowledge, skills or behaviour? Consider: What to evaluate? Skill, knowledge or behaviour When to evaluate? During or after the training How to evaluate? Quiz, discussion, Survey, Interview, Job performance Planning your training session… 10-15 minute training sessions and 5 minutes feedback Individual (or in pairs) Tentative topic Group A or Group B Required Resources Please bring your completed Training Plan with you to your practical workshop. Feedback from your group will help you further develop the plan before submission on 12 December. Assessment Criteria for Training Plan Identification of training aims and objectives Explanation of reason for selecting activity
  • 24. Analysis of challenges Quality of writing, expression and presentation Part 2: Preparation for week 10 guest lecture ‘Ask the HR expert’ - guest lectures Three guest HRM professionals will share their experiences of interviewing, performance reviews, negotiations and delivering & evaluating training and much more….. Monday 26 November 12-1pm in 6X269 Tuesday 27 November 4-5pm in 2X112 Thursday 29 November 1-2pm in 2X242 and 3-4pm in 2B025 An opportunity for you to ask questions, e.g. what makes a graduate candidate stand out from other applicants, recruitment interviews, CVs, advice about your Continuing Professional development etc. In groups of 2 or 3 please write at least ONE question that could be asked to the panel at the guest lecture… and upload onto padlet : Once linked to the padlet page, student’s should put their name and cohort (BIM/MET/Global/ Business & Law) in the TITLE of their post 20
  • 25. Workshop 7: Negotiation skills and preparation Presentation by First Name Second Name Date w/c 5 Nov 18 Objectives Briefly revise different types of negotiation Identify the stages in the negotiating process Describe the key skills required in the negotiating process Prepare for the workshop activity Activity: What does negotiating mean? Working in groups of 3-4, take 10 minutes to agree and write down a definition of: “negotiations” What does negotiating mean? Possible definitions: A two way discussion to agree terms
  • 26. Conferring for the purpose of mutual agreement A process of discussion aimed at reaching agreement Establishing consensus amongst two or more parties Resolving conflict through compromise REVISION: Types of Negotiation Win-Lose Win-Win Lose-Lose REVISION: Getting to YES! Fisher, R. and Ury, W. (2012) Getting to yes, negotiating an agreement without giving in. London: Random House Any method of negotiation should: Produce a wise agreement Be efficient Improve or at least not damage the relationship between the parties
  • 27. Getting to YES! Principled negotiation Focuses on basic interests, mutually satisfying options and fair standards which results in a wise agreement Getting to YES! BATNA – Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement Know your BATNA BATNA - is the course of action that will be taken by a party if the current negotiations fail and an agreement cannot be reached Helps you to determine what is a minimally acceptable agreement Judge every offer against it (Fisher and Ury 2012) Stages in the negotiation process Preparation Discuss Propose Bargain Agreement
  • 28. Activity: How to prepare Divide group into pairs One will prepare for the negotiation as a seller and the other one as a buyer Seller: think of something you have that you will sell to your partner, eg a car, a laptop, etc Give the buyer basic details, eg make; model; age; colour; general condition Buyer: you want the object – but how much is up to you. Activity: How to prepare You each have 10 minutes to prepare Consider any research you may want to do now; the negotiation strategy you will adopt; consider your 3 objectives You have 10 minutes to try to negotiate a deal Activity: How to prepare Group discussion: How many groups had a successful negotiation? How many groups had an unsuccessful negotiation? What did you do in your preparation that helped?
  • 29. How could you have prepared better? Examples of ‘if’ and ‘then’ If you are willing to give me a bonus then I will accept a lower salary. I am happy to relocate to Manchester providing I receive a significant pay rise. I am prepared to offer you 3 days’ extra holiday per year if you will work ‘on call’ for 3 hours/one evening each month. I can offer you a salary of £20,000 if you start in 3 months. Next week - practicals You will be involved in 2 x Role Plays: Divide group into 2 – Group 1 and Group 2 Preparation Each group should keep their case studies a secret from the other so that the role plays are as realistic as possible. Each group can work in 4s or 5s to begin to prepare. You might consider: what are the important issues? What research might be helpful to do? Where does your power lie? Begin to think about linking issues.
  • 30. Continue to prepare both of your parts over the coming week. Use the Negotiation Preparation Sheet to help you prepare. Timetable Preparation - 20 minutes Manager and Employee of Anderson’s negotiate - 30 minutes Employee gives Manager feedback - 10 minutes Break (10 minutes) Manager and Employee of Zig Zag negotiate - 30 minutes Employee gives Manager feedback - 10 minutes Core reading Fenn, P. (2011) Commercial Conflict Management and Dispute Resolution. London: Taylor Francis. Chapter 4. Malhotra, D. (2014) 15 Rules for negotiating a job offer. Harvard Business Review. April 2014 pg. 117 – 120 Watson, G. and Reissner, C. (2014) Developing Skills for Business Leadership. CIPD: London (Chapter 9)
  • 31. Further reading Cornelius, N (2002) Human Resource Management (2nd ed) London: Thomson Learning (Chapter 10) Ellis, R. (2009) Communication Skills: Stepladders to Success for the Professional. Bristol: Intellect Books. (Chapter 9) Fisher, R. and Ury, W. (2012) Getting to yes, negotiating an agreement without giving in. London: Random House Fowler, A (1996) Negotiation Skills and Strategies. London: IPD Gennard, J. and Judge, G. (2010) Managing Employment Relations. CIPD: London Raj, R (2008) Business Negotiations: A ‘soft’ perspective. The Icfai Journal of Soft Skills. Vol II No.1, 2008 Sebenius, J. (2001) Six Habits of Merely Effective Negotiation. Harvard Business Review. April 2001. Smith, T. (2007) Let’s make a deal: A guide to successful workplace negotiations. Business and Economic Review. Oct – Dec 2007 Thorn, J. (2001) How to negotiate better deals. Gloucestershire: Management Books Any questions? Workshop 5: Reviewing Performance Presentation by
  • 32. First Name Second Name Date w/c Reviewing Performance Workshop 5 – skills and preparation Workshop - roleplays Objectives Explain why it is important to review performance Describe the correct approach, structure and the necessary skills to review an individual’s performance Group activity: Reviewing performance - recap In groups, discuss from the lecture: 5 examples of poor performance Why should managers review their employees performance When should managers review their employees performance? Reviewing Performance Examples: Missing deadlines Appearance
  • 33. Attitude Not achieving targets Lateness Mistakes Why should managers review their employees performance? Good performance management helps everyone in the organisation to know: what the business is trying to achieve their role in helping the business achieve its goals the skills and competences they need to fulfil their role the standards of performance required how they can develop their performance and contribute to the development of the organisation how they are doing when there are performance problems and what to do about them. Why should managers review their employees performance? If managers do not act they can: mislead the employee by giving the impression that there is no problem deny the employee the chance to improve or put things right damage the productivity and efficiency of the business lower the morale amongst team members Critical feedback can help the employee improve
  • 34. If there are any underlying reasons why the employee is underperforming they can be identified Support can be given to help them to improve. When should managers review their employees performance? Promptly because: Waiting for a more suitable opportunity results in the issue not being dealt with A problem will not usually resolve itself Even if the manager thinks a problem is temporary, it may reoccur if it is not dealt with Not dealing with the issue can lead to further complications Group Activity: How should managers review their employees performance Watch the video and consider: What did the manager do well? What did the manager do wrong? Video
  • 35. 10 How should managers review their employees performance? ACAS – Challenging conversations and how to manage them ACAS – Challenging conversation – step by step table ACAS – How to manage performance Group activity: How should managers review their employees performance? In groups: List the 5 steps (discussed in the lecture) how managers should review their employees performance. How should managers review their employees performance?
  • 36. Prepare Introduction Explain the issue Ask for an explanation Agree a way forward (ACAS, 2014) Remember your interviewing skills…. Questioning skills Open questions – Why?, What?, How? Probing Leading questions Closed questions Active Listening Words Tone of voice Maintain eye contact Facial expression and body language SMART Objectives What does SMART stand for? S.....
  • 37. M….. A….. R….. T….. SMART…or not? Keep delivery bays as tidy as possible. Improve overall customer satisfaction by 5% over last year based on the results of the after sales questionnaire sent to all customers. Answer customer queries as quickly as possible. Recruit 50 new customers before the end of the year. Complete staff reports as soon as you can. Answer all customer queries within two working days. Clear delivery bays daily of all waste and other material within 30 minutes of delivery vans leaving. Activity – SMART objectives Draft a smart objective for each of the following issues: An employee is regularly 10/15 minutes late for work An employee fails to reach their sales target of £10,000 by £2000
  • 38. An employee is regularly abrupt and rude to customers Next week – role plays You will all participate in 2 performance reviews Group 1 - Role Play 1 – Manager A - Role Play 2 – Student B Group 2 - Role Play 1 – Student A - Role Play 2 – Manager B - Role Play 2 – Student B Group 2 - Role Play 1 – Student A - Role Play 2 – Manager B 18 Next week - timetable Preparation - 10 minutes Manager A discusses Student A’s performance - 30 minutes Student A gives Manager A feedback - 10 minutes
  • 39. Break (10 minutes) Manager B discusses Student B’s performance - 30 minutes Student B gives Manager B feedback - 10 minutes Task 2 notes & closing – 15 minutes Preparation Please keep your role play brief confidential Prepare for your Performance Review prior to next week Check out the ‘Reviewing Performance Guide to Assessment’ in the Assignments section on Blackboard Hand out role play briefs. 20 Essential reading ACAS (2014) Challenging conversations and how to manage them London: ACAS ACAS ( 2014) How to manage performance. London: ACAS
  • 40. Further reading Banfield, P., Kay, R and Royles, D. (2018) Introduction to Human Resource Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press (Chapter 12) Carbery, R. and Cross, C. (2013) Human Resource Management. London: Palgrave Macmillan (Chapter 7) Crawshaw, J., Budhwar, P. and Davis, A. (2017) Human Resource Management. London: Sage (Chapter 11) Foot, M. and Hook, C. (2016) Introducing Human Resource Management. (7th edition), Essex: Pearson. (Chapter 7) Marchington, M and Wilkinson (2012) Human Resource Management at Work. London: CIPD. (Chapter 9) Torrington, D., Hall, L., Taylor, T. and Atkinson, C. (2014) Human Resource Management. (10th edition) Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. (Chapters 11 and 15) Wilton, N. An introduction to Human Resource Management London: Sage. (Chapter 7) Alternative Assignment: Component B – Task 4 – Training plan This assignment should only be completed if you have not attended the practical training session. It should be submitted via Blackboard as part of your Management Skills portfolio together with Tasks 1, 2 & 3 on 12 December. Do not send to your module leader or workshop tutor for marking. TASK Write an outline plan for a training session on a topic of your
  • 41. choice. The training plan should include the aims and objectives of your session, a description and justification of the training activities, and identify potential challenges in the delivery of the session. The training plan must be completed using the format shown on page 2 and should not be longer than 2 x A4 pages. Please include the following title in the heading of your task to indicate that you have completed the alternative assignment: ‘ALTERNATIVE ASSIGNMENT: TRAINING PLAN’. Please refer to the slides for Lecture 8 and Workshop 9 for details of the conceptual frameworks and the academic literature that may be appropriate for your analysis. Tips · Use the template on the next page (electronic copy on Blackboard) · Do not exceed 2 x A4 pages · Include academic sources where appropriate Marking criteria · Identification of training aim and objectives · Explanation for selecting training activities · Analysis of challenges in delivery of training · Quality of writing and good academic practice. Training plan template: 2
  • 42. 1 Alternative Assignment: Component B – Task 3 – Negotiation This assignment should only be completed if you have not attended the negotiating skills practical roleplay sessions. It should be submitted via Blackboard as part of your Management Skills portfolio together with Tasks 1, 2 & 4 on 12 December. Do not send to your module leader or workshop tutor for marking. TASK Please read the Bristol CC case study on page 2 and address the following tasks: Analyse the case and address the following questions concerning planning and preparation for your meeting with Frankie. There is a maximum word limit of 500 words. • Outline your plan for the meeting (e.g. identifying the key areas to be addressed; what background information may be needed? What negotiation tactics will you employ
  • 43. and why? What options will you have in terms of bargaining power?) • Describe the specific skills you will need to employ during the meeting. Please include the following title in the heading of your task to indicate that you have completed the alternative assignment: ‘ALTERNATIVE ASSIGNMENT: Negotiating skills.’ Refer to the slides for Lecture 6 and Workshop 7 for details of the conceptual frameworks and the academic literature that may be appropriate for your analysis. Tips: lectures as well as your own study to support your analysis. within the work and include a Reference List (not included in the word count) Marking criteria
  • 44. writing and good academic practice. 2 You are a Manager with The Bristol CC with responsibility for eight staff members in your department. Of these staff members, six have been with the company for over five years and two are coming to the end of their six-month probation period as Graduate trainees. These two have both done very well and the company would like to offer them permanent positions if they wish to stay. The Bristol CC is a relatively new company of 18 years (known initially as The Bristol Clothing Company) with one outlet in the area of Clifton, popular with students, and a healthy on-line sales outlet. They concentrate upon fashionwear for the 15-30 year old male/female market, a particularly competitive market in terms of price/quality/competitors, but for the past seven years they have been steadily, if slowly, expanding each year. There are a few new
  • 45. posts and planned vacancies that will need to be filled over the next six months. The company has no trouble filling vacancies and there is a regular interest from Graduates in the various internships and trainee jobs on offer. Frankie’s probation period will end next week and has requested a meeting with you to discuss it. You have had a brief chat today to roughly identify what Frankie wishes to discuss in the meeting next Tuesday. You have found Frankie to be ambitious - eager for promotion and the benefits that might accompany that, specifically: a significant pay rise, a company car/mobile/laptop, an additional five days’ annual leave, the opportunity of foreign travel, the ability to regularly work from home when suitable. According to your own experience, Frankie appears to be a very good employee: quick to learn, a creative thinker, a likeable team player, eager to take on new tasks (though sometimes a little too eager as Frankie has once or twice missed a task’s deadline). Frankie is regularly late which annoys the rest of the team, but Frankie does have an hour’s travel to and from work on the bus. As a manager, there are some areas that you are able to negotiate and some that the company regulations would not allow. You are able to negotiate on pay; flexibility of working hours and location of work; benefits in terms of an annual bonus, training, company car, mobile and laptop. You are not able to agree to longer holidays, a reduction in monthly hours
  • 46. worked, and you’d have trouble with any benefits not necessary to the job, such as foreign travel, unless there was a good business reason offered. You are a little uncertain what the rules say regarding company pension scheme and the membership of the profit sharing scheme. The Bristol CC Reviewing Performance – Guide to assessment Management Skills – Component B – Task 2: Reviewing Performance Assignment Write a report to your line manager outlining what issues were discussed at Performance Review and what action was agreed to resolve the issue. Word Count Maximum 500 words Assessment Criteria 1. Identification of issues discussed at review 2. Identification of SMART objectives 3. Explanation of additional support required 4. Detail of timescales and follow up action 5. Quality of writing and good academic practice Name of Reviewer:
  • 47. Name of Reviewee: Date of Performance review: Issues raised: 1. Identify all issues that were discussed at Performance Review? 2. What were the causes of underperformance? Action agreed: 1. What SMART objectives were agreed (include at least 3)?
  • 48. 2. What training, development and support should be undertaken? 3. What follow up action is needed and by whom? 4. Timescale for next review?
  • 49. Additional comments: Signed:………………………………………. Date:……………………………………………. 3 Alternative Assignment: Component B – Task 1 - Interviewing skills This assignment should only be completed if you have not attended the interviewing skills practical roleplay sessions. It should be submitted via Blackboard as part of your Management Skills portfolio together with Tasks 2-4 on 12 December. Do not send to your module leader or workshop tutor for marking. TASK
  • 50. Please read the advert for the ENTERPRISE placement and watch the video of the manager (Andy) interviewing the candidate (Emily) for that vacancy. Complete the following task: Write a 500-word analysis of the experience of the manager in the video interview. You should explain elements of his interviewing skills by reference to the relevant literature and theories and critically analyse his performance in the context of the literature. You should also identify how he could improve in future and support this by reference to the relevant literature and theory. Please include the following title in the heading of your task to indicate that you have completed the alternative assignment: ‘ALTERNATIVE ASSIGNMENT: INTERVIEWING SKILLS – ENTERPRISE PLACEMENT ANALYSIS’ Please refer to the workshop 2 – preparation slides for details of the conceptual frameworks and the academic literature that may be appropriate for your analysis. Tips • Write your analysis on the performance of the manager.
  • 51. • Don’t be too descriptive. It is easy to write what happens, it’s the why, how and what if which is really important. • Concentrate on 2 issues to allow suitable depth of coverage and integration of literature. • Draw on relevant theory within your answers. • Proof read - read your work aloud to yourself. Marking criteria Critical analysis into strengths and limitations of the managers performance Integration of theory with analysis of performance Identification and justification of steps for improvement Quality of writing and good academic practice Enterprise Business Management Placement This application is for our undergraduates undertaking a placement to start in 2019. Add an annual turnover of $20.9 billion to a rental and leasing fleet of over 1.9 million vehicles spread across 9,600 locations worldwide and you get Enterprise Rent-A-Car – a business that’s grown into the largest global mobility provider in the world. During our year-long placement, our students play an integral role in the success of Enterprise and will have a comprehensive introduction to our Graduate Management Training Programme. For a university student, real world professional business
  • 52. experience can put you above the rest when you enter the job market. Our placements go at a highly energised pace. From day one you’ll learn what it takes to run a successful business and acquire the highly marketable skills and experience that you get when you’re helping to run and operate a successful business. But don’t just take our word for it – our interns have been voted Best Intern of the Year at the NUE awards for the last two consecutive years. It’s learning by doing, not by getting coffee or filing all day. Our university interns take on the same challenges on their internship as our first and second year full-time professionals. You’ll be part of a team-based environment where Enterprise employees are supportive and fun to work with. After an initial classroom-based orientation session, you’ll be assigned to a branch office for hands-on business training. Here you will learn valuable business skills from capable mentors who were once in your shoes. Our promote-from-within culture ensures that you’ll have a well-rounded training experience and learn skills in management, finance, operations, sales and customer service. Responsibilities: When you join our Management Placement Programme, you’ll soon discover that every day is different because it is filled with so many new, exciting, rewarding, and often unexpected challenges. There is not one consistent aspect; however, you’ll not only get the chance to put into practice all that you’ve learned so far while at university, but you’ll learn more about sales, marketing, customer service, business management, and administrative skills than you ever thought possible. Throughout our placement programme, there are a series of carefully monitored tests and evaluations, after which you'll receive pay increases, rewards, and more opportunities for
  • 53. promotion. You will develop skills in: · Management skills: leadership, training, mentoring, people skills and soft skills, and looking at the big picture · Business management: cost control, profits, growth, account management, employee development, and administrative skills · Marketing: how to gain new customers both retail and corporate, how to manage dealerships, and run bodyshop accounts · Sales: how to increase revenue by generating more sales · Customer service: taking reservations, handling customer enquiries, problem solving and delivering cars to customers · Fleet control: how to handle repairs, and getting the right number and type of cars in your fleet Your duties will include: Providing customers with a great customer experience, you'll be marketing our business, selling our service and liaising with insurance companies, dealerships, body shops and corporations. Not to mention all the day-to-day stuff, like office management and administration as well as collecting and delivering vehicles and keeping them clean. Not only is it a paid placement programme, but you may also be eligible for performance incentives and employee referral rewards. The business training you’ll receive will be an amazing jump-start to your career. Qualifications: · We accept applications for our Placement Programme from university students that are due to take undertake a placement year starting summer 2019, regardless of university attended and subjects being studied. Our assessment is based on how you perform against our competencies and will judge you on that alone. · You must have a full UK/EU manual driving licence, but we do make accommodations for applicants who don’t drive due to
  • 54. a disability. · No drug or alcohol related offence on driving record within the last five years is permitted. Additional Information · Please let us know about any accommodations you may need to participate in our recruitment process. · Please limit your application to only one job posting based on where you live and/or plan to work. Applying to multiple locations will delay your application being processed. · This job posting is for applications within the following locations: Basingstoke, Farnborough, Aldershot and surrounding areas.