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Working to a Brief
Contractual Brief
Definition A contractual brief is a brief that a media company enters with a specific task and
specific guidelines, a time limit and fee set in writing. It is important for the company to stick to the
agreement, if they fail to do so it can result to breech of contract they could face legal action or you
could not get paid.
• You know what you have to do and a set fee at the end. It is organised.
• The brief will be detailed to a specific product so the company knows what they are doing.
• If it is writing and it is set in writing then you have something to fall back on if the brief gets
breeched. The writing makes sure the company sticks to the agreement because it is on paper and
they can take back there words.
• If you do not read the contract correctly you could be signing something you cannot do or agree
• The fixed time could be a problem and could cost you your fee if it is not handing in on time.
• If the company feels there needs to be changes it will not fit to the standards asked for and they
could face legal action, loss of money and a bad reputation.
• Nothing can be changed once the writing has been put down and the contract has been signed. If
is drastically changed then this could be a breech of the contract and this then would face legal
Formal Brief
Definition This is when a client provides a media company with a brief that simply establishes the
product they want to be. The brief only contains the necessary information needed to complete the
project. Any additional information will need to be gained during negotiations with the client. The
brief just has the parties involved and they will formally agree on the project but a formal brief is not
always legally binding because no one has to sign anything it can just be given out so it can not
always be that reliable.
• It is very relaxed and very easy to understand.
• This type of brief means that the client is open to any ideas or issues if there are any that could be raised
by the media company that is employed, this makes the work quite creative for the media company, there
is always room for negotiation.
• It makes the company/client get what they want. It can cater to all as it is a more relaxed breif and easy to
• The media company may feel that the client has not offered enough information for them to complete the
product to the standard that the client wishes.
• Also the fact that the brief is not always legally binding could bring up problems within the project with
things such as financial issues or a breech of contract.
• Formal brief's can take a lot longer to process.
• It does not contain all information which could make then company confused or not giving them enough
detail/ information they may not be able to complete some of the work in which you could face legal
charges or could be a breech of the contract and there is not much that could be done about it.
Informal Brief
Definition This is usual a verbal contract. The client and the employer discuss the requirements
for the product they will be making and ultimately agree upon the project. Nothing is written down
which can be risky if anything is changed. An informal brief is good for a small photography for a
wedding of someone you know but bigger companies it can be risky.
• Lots of verbal communication
• With lots of detailed communication the employer should be able to perform at their best and
complete the project to the standards asked for.
• As there is lots of communication the brief can be understood a lot easier compared to a formal
brief and more questions and quires can be brought up by the company .
• It is good for smaller companies for example a wedding photographer can use this brief because it
is not as long winded as a contractual brief is.
• There is not written document or contract to prove the employment and if the client fails to pay the
employer there is no legal action that can be won.
• Schedules may be confusing for both parties as nothing is written down to organise everyone.
• If something goes wrong and things change there is nothing in writing to support it. This could lead
to arguments and discussions which leads to falling out then the job may not get done.
• Nothing is signed to say that they have to legally do what the brief says this could cause
complications as people could deny what they said and there would be no proof.
Co-Operative Brief
Definition: This is when two or more production companies are hired to work on a specific
brief. That mean that the companies then have to work together in order to complete
the project. However if the two companies have a disagreement a negotiated brief
would have to be submitted to appease both companies
• This type of brief means that there can be more perspectives to creating the product needed
by the client and therefore means that the brief can be more understood than if there were
only one company working on the project.
• There are more minds working on one project. This can make the work twice the standard.
• It halves the amount of work that is needed to be done
• The other company may be stronger at an element that your not and vice versa.
• This type of brief is more prone to conflict and disagreements. This would be caused by the
ideas given to the media companies by the client.
• Arguments could occur then the project may not get done.
• One company could do more work than another and then they would both be paid the same
which would not be fair.
Negotiated Brief
Definition A negotiated brief will be used if a co-operative brief given to the two or more media
companies that are helping to compete the project have any issues between themselves about anything in
the brief that they need to change or discuss. Negotiations to the brief can be changed in order to suite
each party. This can include changing the appearance of the product or changing the products content.
Although it is verbally discussed it is still written down in the contract.
• The brief is open to suggestions therefore it can fit in abetter schedule and the product can be made
better if the employers think so.
• Lots of verbal communication.
• It is written down still, so if someone said they had not changed the brief and they were causing breech
they have something in writing to back themselves up to show that they have changed something
• Issues can be sorted using this brief. Instead of the client suffering this is a quicker method for issues and
arguments between a co-operative brief to be sorted.
• Negations can take time and it can delay the product
• If the parties do not get on it can cause conflict or loss of business.
• If it takes a lot of time to do then a product may not make it’s release date.
• It can still cause arguments and issues between companies if they can not decide on the negotiations.
• This may loose money for the client.
Commission Brief
Definition: This brief is where a large media company will employ an other independent media
company to create and produce the product for them, and after the product has been made the
larger company may go on to use the product for an external client who will pay the independent
media company for making the product and they could even get a cut.
• This type of brief means that larger companies do not have to do all of the hard work. They can sub-
contract the work that is set in the brief out to another company and each company will both receive
money for the work they have contributed.
• The independent media company can make more time for what they have been hired for and may do a
better job than the larger company.
• The independent company can get a cut of what is made, This is good because it is giving smaller
companies business and could potentially give them a chance to get more money and grow bigger.
• The larger company can give the parts that they do not really cater for to companies that will do a much
better job than them
• In this brief they are two different companies working on a project and this could cause conflict and
disagreements, but because the brief is not negotiated with the client, the product made may not be to
the client’s standards.
• It may be more expensive as the client will have to pay the small company something as well and then
they a loosing more money on their product because the small company may get a cut to.
• If there is conflict between companies then it could slow down the production time and cost the client
company. It could also breech the brief if it has a certain time limit in which the product has to be made.
Tender Brief
Definition A tender brief is when a client will advertise their brief and a production team will build
a proposal that they will pitch to different clients so the clients will then get the chance to choose
the proposal that they think best suits their brief and offers the job to that production company.
• Clients can look at different proposals and ideas to make their product better to achieve the most
successful product.
• There is more of a variety of proposals.
• The client does not have to produce the brief. This may be better as they are leaving it to the
professionals to come up with an idea that works better than what the client may come up with
• This is a lot more relaxed than a brief such as a contractual brief.
• If a companies pitch is turned down by a client this can set them back in business, it is very hard to
gain work.
• Thinking a client would accept their proposal and if they decline any other work they were offered
it could have effect on business.
• It could loose the company money and give them a bad name if they get turned down and they
turn other work down.
• They could be conflict between the company and client if the company do not propose something
that the client wants
• It may be hard for the client to find a production team that want to build a proposal because the
company may be scared of getting turned down and loosing work.
Competition Brief
Definition: A brief is made to all participating production companies. It can be It can sometimes been seen as a free
competition as each production company will complete the brief and the client can then judge which company has the best
project. The client has to pay for the winning company.
• The client only has to pay the one winning production company, but sometimes will not have to pay them at all.
• They have multiple companies producing a product meaning that they have a larger choice of products and can choose the
one that they believe will be the most successful.
• There is a lot more talent going into one product.
• The winning company could be a small company which then gets work from winning and this puts them on the map. They
then may expand into a bigger company
• It is a good opportunity for small starting companies to get their foot in the door.
• The client has again a lot of choice to choose from. They can support starting up companies and gain a company which is
always happy to do win.
• Cheaper for the client. They may not need to pay a smaller company as much as a big company would want.
• The companies that are turned down by the client may become disheartened as they have missed out on potential work and
• The company that has been turned down. May loose money this may be a bad thing because they could have turned down
work to work on the projects.
• Clients could give companies a bad name if it is not what they wanted.
• The client may attract not very good companies that are wanting to enter for free and there not a professional as a alreadu
up and running successful company would be.
My Brief
Which type of brief is being used in the recipe card project? Explain your response.
The brief we will be using is a formal brief. This is when a client provides a media
company with a brief that simply establishes the product. It contains the necessary
information needed for the project. We are using this brief because it is very relaxed
and easy to understand. If we need additional information we will be able to gain this
with negotiating with the client. Because it is a creative project this brief means that
the client is open to ideas and if there is any issues they can be raised by the media
The things that show that the brief is a formal brief is the way it formally tells you in the
written document a simple outline of what the company wants from you in the final
product, for example it tells us how many cards need to be printed and a set of 8
different recipes on the cards need to be printed. The material needed to be used has
also been informed. The brief tells us exactly what needs to be done and we have to
follow and make sure we add each part in our product. We are working in a more
relaxed environment which this brief is a lot more suited for because it is not that strict
and a lot more relaxed than a brief such as a contractual brief.
I have been given a formal brief that is not legally binded and it has the necessities of what
the client wants in the recipe project. The brief establishes what needs to be done. So
this is a good brief to follow in a creative concept project like this.
Reading the Brief
Why is important to thoroughly read your brief?
Ensuring you read the brief thoroughly will allow you to completely understand
what you have been asked. This allows you to understand the nature and the
demand too. The nature is what has been asked of you, what the final product is
to be expected etc. and the demand is the time schedule and man power needed.
Hypothetically if we did not read the brief we would not know the details in which
the client wanted their product produced to and if a time schedule was not
possible but you signed the brief you would be breeching the contract and could
face legal actions or not get paid for your work. It could be a disaster if we did not
read through the brief properly. Because we need to know what the client wants.
If we do not do what the client wants this could give us a bad name for our
company and not get us any more work. It could give us an after effect. When we
read the brief thoroughly we know everything that we need to put in to the
product. We know all the tiny details and if we are unsure about anything we
should double check with the client.
Reading the Brief
What is the nature of the Vegetarian Recipe Cards brief?
The nature of this brief is to provide some creative designs for a set of vegetarian recipe cards that
will include a recipe that is suitable for vegetarians and a photograph of the food. Eight cards have
been asked to be produced and they have to be recognised as a set, they could be connected by a
theme based on certain country/culture or an specific age range. The client has asked for there to
be a design on both the front and back of the recipe card. What we have gathered from this is we
need to make the nature of the recipe cards original and unique because this is what the brief is
telling us to do. We want to make a set of recipe cards that are not already on the market and
hopefully this is going to sell the recipe cards fast. The vegetarian cards need to colorful, bright and
attract our target audience which we have not thought of yet exactly as we are in early stages.
What is the demand of the Vegetarian Recipe Cards brief?
The demands that has been given through the brief is to use 100% recycled paper and vegetable
inks when producing the product. The client usually uses 350gsm paper stock so we will be sure to
provide them with this as it keeps in theme with their other products. The client has also stated
that they would like 3,500 copies of the product. Like I said the recipe cards need to be unique and
original as this is what the client wants and this is what has been gathered from the brief. The
demand is that we are going to create a recipe card that has a gap in the market and the we need to
make sure that is completely environmentally friendly and of course for vegetarians.
Negotiating a Brief
Why is it important to discuss the brief with your client prior to production?
It is important to discuss the brief when you meet your client so you are able to discuss
changes and things you are not happy with. It is also a good opportunity for any issues to be
raised, it also offer any ideas that you have to maybe added to the project. You can then
begin to ‘green light’ any ideas that you think can work with in the future. If you complete
the product with your own ideas that you have not negotiated with the client you may not
get paid if you have not spoken to them about it first and if you have not worked to the
guidelines within the brief that your client has provided.
For example a company wants to place their logo on hoodies but in summer so hoodies wont
be sold as much. The company could consider putting them on t-shirts so they would sell
more in the season. This will be negotiated with the client and employer.
If you did not negotiate the brief with your client prior the production then the client could be
really annoyed as if you start to change things and go straight into production then the client
may be annoyed you are not doing what they want and this could be damaging to you. You
must always ask as the client may not be open to new ideas from the brief and they may
want everything to be the same. Making the client annoyed is something that you was to
avoid doing because it could lose you future work which you don’t want as this industry is
very hard to get into and get work from.
Negotiating a Brief
What are the advantages and disadvantages of employing discretion with a brief?
When negotiating a brief the advantages of this are a positive digression within a brief
would make the brief more flexible between you and the client. This would mean
that you would be able to discuss freely different ideas that you have for the client
and they will be able to accept or decline them without any hostility. The product
could be better if you could give some more professional advice on the ideas. You
can change an idea if it does not work out.
The disadvantages would be that the brief could be seen as being quite flakey with the
respect that certain aspects may not be set in stone. The client may think that we
don’t like the brief that they have set us and we are trying to change it all. This
could cause an argument/conflict between the company and the client in which
then the production could be slowed down and loose the company and client
Negotiating a Brief
Are there any potential legal/ethical/regulatory issues with the Vegetarian Society brief’s
proposed product?
There are not any legal problems within this brief, however there may be some
issues with keeping within the ecological theme of the product if it comes to
laminating the product. Because the recipe cards will be used in a kitchen by the
customers, it would be good for the cards to be laminated, however this would
then make the product non biodegradable and it will not fit the brief and product
asked for and it is not 100% recycled material like the client has asked for. This is
an issue that will need to be discussed when designing the product.
The Vegetarian Society has taken into consideration the Copyright law and has told
us to create something that is different from what we have seen in previous
existing products. We ourselves need to think about the regulatory body of the
ASA when advertising to make sure that we do not insult vegetarians and do not
single them out as individuals and them in a bad lime light.
Negotiating a Brief
Amendments you have considered to;
The Product
After reading the brief there may be some things that will need to be changed such as any ambitious
deadlines, time schedules and scopes to make the product the best it can be. The materials used needs to
be thought of in this project because of the 100% recycled material, the cost could be a problem. So the
materials used for this product needs to be considered in the brief as they have to 100% recycled. This
could cost a bit more. Negotiating this in the brief needs to be stated. As negotiating between materials as
some material that you will have to use on the recipe card such as ink can not be recycled.
The Budget
Always make sure there is enough finance supplied to the project in order to complete it. Amendments to
the project may need to be considered if there isn't. if this was the case the budget of the project would
need to be increased or the scope of the project will need to be decreased. If the budget doesn’t cover
costs of certain materials that are more valuable to the project that other materials but the brief states
that it needs this. Then you you have consider negotiating which materials you need more to cut some out
so you have enough of the budget for contingency if anything goes wrong.
The Conditions
If the project took longer than what was produced in the contract you may need to discuss this with the
client to the prospects to having to increase your pay. After the contract is signed, this might be difficult.
Make sure negotiation takes place with your client before your project starts. Considering changing the
deadline to a few days later you will have to negotiate this with the brief. You need to make sure you talk
about you negotiating with your client so then they are aware of anything that needs changing. Failing to
do this the client may become annoyed that you have changed elements without negotiating with them
What opportunities could this brief allow you to explore? Be specific with your responses.
Self Development
The brief will be a good opportunity to find tasks that particularly good at, there may be certain aspects that may include us learning
new skills. This will build our self development as we will be practicing ones we already know and learning new important and helpful
skills. In myself I can work to a brief which will bring my confidence up when needing to work to a brief when going into freelancing.
Confidence development is going to be really useful when taking this into the work place when I will be following briefs in future work
also for the work I do at college as this will not be the only brief that I will have to follow in future projects to come. So this project is
really good for self development in this case for working.
Learning New Skills
There could be such things as designing cards, this may mean we need to use new equipment and strategies. This will teach use new
skills and strengthen our abilities. Learning to deal with a brief is a new skill that is going to help me in future work to come at college,
university and work place because for being journalist a brief is what I will be given when I am starting a project so learning this new
skill is vital. Design skills are also really helpful to learn new skills because I will be designing magazine layout for what I want to do and
this will come in handy for learning design skills of what looks good with what and what goes together and what does not. Working in a
team is not a new skill but it is a skill that is new when working in team on a project like this because I am sure they will be plenty of
times I will working with a partner in future media related projects that is a new skills as I have not worked with anyone on a media
project before.
We will not have a large production team we will need to allocate ourselves between the both of us. We will have to multi-skill to
complete parts of the project and complete it by the deadline. We are going to share work out so one of starts on one piece then
another goes on an another piece. This is so we are both completely focused on one piece of work and we can dedicated ourselves then
also we can work on each others and give each other advice. We will be multi skilling on the recipe cards to create all the recipe cards.
We shall be working on these together
Contributing to a brief
Going through the brief we have come to the conclusion that mind maps and mood boards will help generate ideas that we can put
towards the product but we need to stick to the brief set by the client. The brief doesn’t actually say that we need this but we think this
is going to help the project and we can to contribute this to the brief as we want the recipe cards to be the best they can be. We are
also going to contribute the fact that we are going to create very detailed research and look at very big analysis again this is going to
create amazing recipe cards which we want. So contributing the brief is in the clients interest because we want to make the recipe
cards the best they can be

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Working to a breif 3

  • 1. Working to a Brief LO1
  • 2. Contractual Brief Definition A contractual brief is a brief that a media company enters with a specific task and specific guidelines, a time limit and fee set in writing. It is important for the company to stick to the agreement, if they fail to do so it can result to breech of contract they could face legal action or you could not get paid. Advantages • You know what you have to do and a set fee at the end. It is organised. • The brief will be detailed to a specific product so the company knows what they are doing. • If it is writing and it is set in writing then you have something to fall back on if the brief gets breeched. The writing makes sure the company sticks to the agreement because it is on paper and they can take back there words. Disadvantages • If you do not read the contract correctly you could be signing something you cannot do or agree with. • The fixed time could be a problem and could cost you your fee if it is not handing in on time. • If the company feels there needs to be changes it will not fit to the standards asked for and they could face legal action, loss of money and a bad reputation. • Nothing can be changed once the writing has been put down and the contract has been signed. If is drastically changed then this could be a breech of the contract and this then would face legal charges.
  • 3. Formal Brief Definition This is when a client provides a media company with a brief that simply establishes the product they want to be. The brief only contains the necessary information needed to complete the project. Any additional information will need to be gained during negotiations with the client. The brief just has the parties involved and they will formally agree on the project but a formal brief is not always legally binding because no one has to sign anything it can just be given out so it can not always be that reliable. Advantages: • It is very relaxed and very easy to understand. • This type of brief means that the client is open to any ideas or issues if there are any that could be raised by the media company that is employed, this makes the work quite creative for the media company, there is always room for negotiation. • It makes the company/client get what they want. It can cater to all as it is a more relaxed breif and easy to understand. Disadvantages: • The media company may feel that the client has not offered enough information for them to complete the product to the standard that the client wishes. • Also the fact that the brief is not always legally binding could bring up problems within the project with things such as financial issues or a breech of contract. • Formal brief's can take a lot longer to process. • It does not contain all information which could make then company confused or not giving them enough detail/ information they may not be able to complete some of the work in which you could face legal charges or could be a breech of the contract and there is not much that could be done about it.
  • 4. Informal Brief Definition This is usual a verbal contract. The client and the employer discuss the requirements for the product they will be making and ultimately agree upon the project. Nothing is written down which can be risky if anything is changed. An informal brief is good for a small photography for a wedding of someone you know but bigger companies it can be risky. Advantages • Lots of verbal communication • With lots of detailed communication the employer should be able to perform at their best and complete the project to the standards asked for. • As there is lots of communication the brief can be understood a lot easier compared to a formal brief and more questions and quires can be brought up by the company . • It is good for smaller companies for example a wedding photographer can use this brief because it is not as long winded as a contractual brief is. Disadvantages • There is not written document or contract to prove the employment and if the client fails to pay the employer there is no legal action that can be won. • Schedules may be confusing for both parties as nothing is written down to organise everyone. • If something goes wrong and things change there is nothing in writing to support it. This could lead to arguments and discussions which leads to falling out then the job may not get done. • Nothing is signed to say that they have to legally do what the brief says this could cause complications as people could deny what they said and there would be no proof.
  • 5. Co-Operative Brief Definition: This is when two or more production companies are hired to work on a specific brief. That mean that the companies then have to work together in order to complete the project. However if the two companies have a disagreement a negotiated brief would have to be submitted to appease both companies Advantages: • This type of brief means that there can be more perspectives to creating the product needed by the client and therefore means that the brief can be more understood than if there were only one company working on the project. • There are more minds working on one project. This can make the work twice the standard. • It halves the amount of work that is needed to be done • The other company may be stronger at an element that your not and vice versa. Disadvantages: • This type of brief is more prone to conflict and disagreements. This would be caused by the ideas given to the media companies by the client. • Arguments could occur then the project may not get done. • One company could do more work than another and then they would both be paid the same which would not be fair.
  • 6. Negotiated Brief Definition A negotiated brief will be used if a co-operative brief given to the two or more media companies that are helping to compete the project have any issues between themselves about anything in the brief that they need to change or discuss. Negotiations to the brief can be changed in order to suite each party. This can include changing the appearance of the product or changing the products content. Although it is verbally discussed it is still written down in the contract. Advantages • The brief is open to suggestions therefore it can fit in abetter schedule and the product can be made better if the employers think so. • Lots of verbal communication. • It is written down still, so if someone said they had not changed the brief and they were causing breech they have something in writing to back themselves up to show that they have changed something • Issues can be sorted using this brief. Instead of the client suffering this is a quicker method for issues and arguments between a co-operative brief to be sorted. Disadvantages • Negations can take time and it can delay the product • If the parties do not get on it can cause conflict or loss of business. • If it takes a lot of time to do then a product may not make it’s release date. • It can still cause arguments and issues between companies if they can not decide on the negotiations. • This may loose money for the client.
  • 7. Commission Brief Definition: This brief is where a large media company will employ an other independent media company to create and produce the product for them, and after the product has been made the larger company may go on to use the product for an external client who will pay the independent media company for making the product and they could even get a cut. Advantages: • This type of brief means that larger companies do not have to do all of the hard work. They can sub- contract the work that is set in the brief out to another company and each company will both receive money for the work they have contributed. • The independent media company can make more time for what they have been hired for and may do a better job than the larger company. • The independent company can get a cut of what is made, This is good because it is giving smaller companies business and could potentially give them a chance to get more money and grow bigger. • The larger company can give the parts that they do not really cater for to companies that will do a much better job than them Disadvantages: • In this brief they are two different companies working on a project and this could cause conflict and disagreements, but because the brief is not negotiated with the client, the product made may not be to the client’s standards. • It may be more expensive as the client will have to pay the small company something as well and then they a loosing more money on their product because the small company may get a cut to. • If there is conflict between companies then it could slow down the production time and cost the client company. It could also breech the brief if it has a certain time limit in which the product has to be made.
  • 8. Tender Brief Definition A tender brief is when a client will advertise their brief and a production team will build a proposal that they will pitch to different clients so the clients will then get the chance to choose the proposal that they think best suits their brief and offers the job to that production company. Advantages • Clients can look at different proposals and ideas to make their product better to achieve the most successful product. • There is more of a variety of proposals. • The client does not have to produce the brief. This may be better as they are leaving it to the professionals to come up with an idea that works better than what the client may come up with • This is a lot more relaxed than a brief such as a contractual brief. Disadvantages • If a companies pitch is turned down by a client this can set them back in business, it is very hard to gain work. • Thinking a client would accept their proposal and if they decline any other work they were offered it could have effect on business. • It could loose the company money and give them a bad name if they get turned down and they turn other work down. • They could be conflict between the company and client if the company do not propose something that the client wants • It may be hard for the client to find a production team that want to build a proposal because the company may be scared of getting turned down and loosing work.
  • 9. Competition Brief Definition: A brief is made to all participating production companies. It can be It can sometimes been seen as a free competition as each production company will complete the brief and the client can then judge which company has the best project. The client has to pay for the winning company. Advantages: • The client only has to pay the one winning production company, but sometimes will not have to pay them at all. • They have multiple companies producing a product meaning that they have a larger choice of products and can choose the one that they believe will be the most successful. • There is a lot more talent going into one product. • The winning company could be a small company which then gets work from winning and this puts them on the map. They then may expand into a bigger company • It is a good opportunity for small starting companies to get their foot in the door. • The client has again a lot of choice to choose from. They can support starting up companies and gain a company which is always happy to do win. • Cheaper for the client. They may not need to pay a smaller company as much as a big company would want. Disadvantages: • The companies that are turned down by the client may become disheartened as they have missed out on potential work and money. • The company that has been turned down. May loose money this may be a bad thing because they could have turned down work to work on the projects. • Clients could give companies a bad name if it is not what they wanted. • The client may attract not very good companies that are wanting to enter for free and there not a professional as a alreadu up and running successful company would be.
  • 10. My Brief Which type of brief is being used in the recipe card project? Explain your response. The brief we will be using is a formal brief. This is when a client provides a media company with a brief that simply establishes the product. It contains the necessary information needed for the project. We are using this brief because it is very relaxed and easy to understand. If we need additional information we will be able to gain this with negotiating with the client. Because it is a creative project this brief means that the client is open to ideas and if there is any issues they can be raised by the media company. The things that show that the brief is a formal brief is the way it formally tells you in the written document a simple outline of what the company wants from you in the final product, for example it tells us how many cards need to be printed and a set of 8 different recipes on the cards need to be printed. The material needed to be used has also been informed. The brief tells us exactly what needs to be done and we have to follow and make sure we add each part in our product. We are working in a more relaxed environment which this brief is a lot more suited for because it is not that strict and a lot more relaxed than a brief such as a contractual brief. I have been given a formal brief that is not legally binded and it has the necessities of what the client wants in the recipe project. The brief establishes what needs to be done. So this is a good brief to follow in a creative concept project like this.
  • 11. Reading the Brief Why is important to thoroughly read your brief? Ensuring you read the brief thoroughly will allow you to completely understand what you have been asked. This allows you to understand the nature and the demand too. The nature is what has been asked of you, what the final product is to be expected etc. and the demand is the time schedule and man power needed. Hypothetically if we did not read the brief we would not know the details in which the client wanted their product produced to and if a time schedule was not possible but you signed the brief you would be breeching the contract and could face legal actions or not get paid for your work. It could be a disaster if we did not read through the brief properly. Because we need to know what the client wants. If we do not do what the client wants this could give us a bad name for our company and not get us any more work. It could give us an after effect. When we read the brief thoroughly we know everything that we need to put in to the product. We know all the tiny details and if we are unsure about anything we should double check with the client.
  • 12. Reading the Brief What is the nature of the Vegetarian Recipe Cards brief? The nature of this brief is to provide some creative designs for a set of vegetarian recipe cards that will include a recipe that is suitable for vegetarians and a photograph of the food. Eight cards have been asked to be produced and they have to be recognised as a set, they could be connected by a theme based on certain country/culture or an specific age range. The client has asked for there to be a design on both the front and back of the recipe card. What we have gathered from this is we need to make the nature of the recipe cards original and unique because this is what the brief is telling us to do. We want to make a set of recipe cards that are not already on the market and hopefully this is going to sell the recipe cards fast. The vegetarian cards need to colorful, bright and attract our target audience which we have not thought of yet exactly as we are in early stages. What is the demand of the Vegetarian Recipe Cards brief? The demands that has been given through the brief is to use 100% recycled paper and vegetable inks when producing the product. The client usually uses 350gsm paper stock so we will be sure to provide them with this as it keeps in theme with their other products. The client has also stated that they would like 3,500 copies of the product. Like I said the recipe cards need to be unique and original as this is what the client wants and this is what has been gathered from the brief. The demand is that we are going to create a recipe card that has a gap in the market and the we need to make sure that is completely environmentally friendly and of course for vegetarians.
  • 13. Negotiating a Brief Why is it important to discuss the brief with your client prior to production? It is important to discuss the brief when you meet your client so you are able to discuss changes and things you are not happy with. It is also a good opportunity for any issues to be raised, it also offer any ideas that you have to maybe added to the project. You can then begin to ‘green light’ any ideas that you think can work with in the future. If you complete the product with your own ideas that you have not negotiated with the client you may not get paid if you have not spoken to them about it first and if you have not worked to the guidelines within the brief that your client has provided. For example a company wants to place their logo on hoodies but in summer so hoodies wont be sold as much. The company could consider putting them on t-shirts so they would sell more in the season. This will be negotiated with the client and employer. If you did not negotiate the brief with your client prior the production then the client could be really annoyed as if you start to change things and go straight into production then the client may be annoyed you are not doing what they want and this could be damaging to you. You must always ask as the client may not be open to new ideas from the brief and they may want everything to be the same. Making the client annoyed is something that you was to avoid doing because it could lose you future work which you don’t want as this industry is very hard to get into and get work from.
  • 14. Negotiating a Brief What are the advantages and disadvantages of employing discretion with a brief? When negotiating a brief the advantages of this are a positive digression within a brief would make the brief more flexible between you and the client. This would mean that you would be able to discuss freely different ideas that you have for the client and they will be able to accept or decline them without any hostility. The product could be better if you could give some more professional advice on the ideas. You can change an idea if it does not work out. The disadvantages would be that the brief could be seen as being quite flakey with the respect that certain aspects may not be set in stone. The client may think that we don’t like the brief that they have set us and we are trying to change it all. This could cause an argument/conflict between the company and the client in which then the production could be slowed down and loose the company and client money.
  • 15. Negotiating a Brief Are there any potential legal/ethical/regulatory issues with the Vegetarian Society brief’s proposed product? There are not any legal problems within this brief, however there may be some issues with keeping within the ecological theme of the product if it comes to laminating the product. Because the recipe cards will be used in a kitchen by the customers, it would be good for the cards to be laminated, however this would then make the product non biodegradable and it will not fit the brief and product asked for and it is not 100% recycled material like the client has asked for. This is an issue that will need to be discussed when designing the product. The Vegetarian Society has taken into consideration the Copyright law and has told us to create something that is different from what we have seen in previous existing products. We ourselves need to think about the regulatory body of the ASA when advertising to make sure that we do not insult vegetarians and do not single them out as individuals and them in a bad lime light.
  • 16. Negotiating a Brief Amendments you have considered to; The Product After reading the brief there may be some things that will need to be changed such as any ambitious deadlines, time schedules and scopes to make the product the best it can be. The materials used needs to be thought of in this project because of the 100% recycled material, the cost could be a problem. So the materials used for this product needs to be considered in the brief as they have to 100% recycled. This could cost a bit more. Negotiating this in the brief needs to be stated. As negotiating between materials as some material that you will have to use on the recipe card such as ink can not be recycled. The Budget Always make sure there is enough finance supplied to the project in order to complete it. Amendments to the project may need to be considered if there isn't. if this was the case the budget of the project would need to be increased or the scope of the project will need to be decreased. If the budget doesn’t cover costs of certain materials that are more valuable to the project that other materials but the brief states that it needs this. Then you you have consider negotiating which materials you need more to cut some out so you have enough of the budget for contingency if anything goes wrong. The Conditions If the project took longer than what was produced in the contract you may need to discuss this with the client to the prospects to having to increase your pay. After the contract is signed, this might be difficult. Make sure negotiation takes place with your client before your project starts. Considering changing the deadline to a few days later you will have to negotiate this with the brief. You need to make sure you talk about you negotiating with your client so then they are aware of anything that needs changing. Failing to do this the client may become annoyed that you have changed elements without negotiating with them first.
  • 17. Opportunities What opportunities could this brief allow you to explore? Be specific with your responses. Self Development The brief will be a good opportunity to find tasks that particularly good at, there may be certain aspects that may include us learning new skills. This will build our self development as we will be practicing ones we already know and learning new important and helpful skills. In myself I can work to a brief which will bring my confidence up when needing to work to a brief when going into freelancing. Confidence development is going to be really useful when taking this into the work place when I will be following briefs in future work also for the work I do at college as this will not be the only brief that I will have to follow in future projects to come. So this project is really good for self development in this case for working. Learning New Skills There could be such things as designing cards, this may mean we need to use new equipment and strategies. This will teach use new skills and strengthen our abilities. Learning to deal with a brief is a new skill that is going to help me in future work to come at college, university and work place because for being journalist a brief is what I will be given when I am starting a project so learning this new skill is vital. Design skills are also really helpful to learn new skills because I will be designing magazine layout for what I want to do and this will come in handy for learning design skills of what looks good with what and what goes together and what does not. Working in a team is not a new skill but it is a skill that is new when working in team on a project like this because I am sure they will be plenty of times I will working with a partner in future media related projects that is a new skills as I have not worked with anyone on a media project before. Multi-Skilling We will not have a large production team we will need to allocate ourselves between the both of us. We will have to multi-skill to complete parts of the project and complete it by the deadline. We are going to share work out so one of starts on one piece then another goes on an another piece. This is so we are both completely focused on one piece of work and we can dedicated ourselves then also we can work on each others and give each other advice. We will be multi skilling on the recipe cards to create all the recipe cards. We shall be working on these together Contributing to a brief Going through the brief we have come to the conclusion that mind maps and mood boards will help generate ideas that we can put towards the product but we need to stick to the brief set by the client. The brief doesn’t actually say that we need this but we think this is going to help the project and we can to contribute this to the brief as we want the recipe cards to be the best they can be. We are also going to contribute the fact that we are going to create very detailed research and look at very big analysis again this is going to create amazing recipe cards which we want. So contributing the brief is in the clients interest because we want to make the recipe cards the best they can be