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Powerpoint Templates
Word Power!
A toolkit to prepare
for changes at KS4
Isabelle Jones, Head of Languages
Powerpoint Templates
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Word Power?
• Teaching grammar and pronunciation
using Literature, Music and ICT
• More opportunities for creative
expression with a focus on developing
independent speaking and writing skills
• Maximise the use of digital and mobile
learning tools to encourage students’
creativity and independence.
Link with changes at KS2 and KS4?
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Key factors
• Gradual implementation of KS2 PoS
• End of National Curriculum levels at KS3
• End of the Controlled Assessment at KS4
• Focus on productive skills
• Grammar and translation
• Creating independent language learners
• Motivation and compulsion
What will be their impact on our KS3 teaching?
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Key factors
• Gradual implementation of KS2 PoS
Basic understanding of grammar (noun-verb-adjective)
already in place?
• End of National Curriculum levels at KS3
Put sentence-building at the centre of assessment?
• End of the Controlled Assessment at KS4
Regular extended writing practice/ speaking
• Focus on productive skills
Need to develop independent language learning skills.
• Grammar and translation
More work at sentence and paragraph level at KS3.
• Creating independent language learners
Early training to use reference materials independently.
• Motivation and compulsion
Provide wide ranges of approaches to get pupils to
speak and write and develop their linguistic self-
What will be their impact on our KS3 teaching?
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Word Power?
Teaching grammar and pronunciation
using Literature, Music and ICT
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What is grammar?
Word: vocabulary, etymology
Sentence: verbs, clauses
Text: connectives
How do I feel about grammar?
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“Understand basic grammar appropriate
to the language being studied, including
(where relevant): feminine, masculine
and neuter forms and the conjugation of
high-frequency verbs; key features and
patterns of the language; how to apply
these, for instance, to build sentencesbuild sentences;
and how these differ from or are similar
to English.”
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Word Power?
Practical ways to teach sentence-building?
Human sentences
Using animation (ppt)
Paper chains
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Word Power?
Pupils should come to us from KS2 with
some idea about…
Definite article/indefinite article
Question forms
Forming the negative
Position of adjectives
Agreement of adjectives
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What is Literature?
short stories
new articles
adverts, posters
magazine articles
scenes from plays
poetry/song lyrics
poem forms such as haiku
fairy tales
tongue twisters
myths and legends
Cartoon strips, comics
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The four skills in the KS3 Programme of Study
a) speak coherently and confidently, with increasingly
accurate pronunciation and intonation
b) transcribe words and short sentences
that they hear with increasing accuracy
c) listen to a variety of forms of spoken language to
obtain information and respond appropriately
d) read literary texts in the language [such as stories, songs, poems
and letters], to stimulate ideas, develop creative expression and
expand understanding of the language and culture
e) write prose using an increasingly wide range of grammar and
vocabulary, write creatively to express their own ideas and
opinions, and translate short written text accurately into the
foreign language.
g) initiate and develop conversations, coping with unfamiliar
language and unexpected responses, making use of important
social conventions such as formal modes of address
h) read and show comprehension of original and adapted materials
from a range of different sources, understanding the purpose,
important ideas and details, and provide an accurate
English translation of short, suitable material
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Tools for Linguistic Creativity
The way words look
The way words sound
The way words interact with each
Being playful with the links between
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Phonic grids
Adapted from Rachel Hawke’s idea for Spanish
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Le samedi, mon amie Paule donne des cours de
français aux petits garçons qui habitent à côté.
Ils s’appellent……
et Nicolas.
Paule n’est pas mariée et n’a pas d’enfants, parce
qu’elle s’occupe de son père qui est très âgé.
When did you realise a particular word was masculine,
feminine or plural?
La dictée
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The sound of language
Extract from “Chant song”, Jacques Prévert, Spectacle
Moon lune
chant song
rivière rêveur
garden river
rêve dream
mer sea
Thank you
moon lune
thank you
mer sea
Moon lune
chant song
rivière river
garden rêveur
Children enfant
mer sea
time temps
Oh flower girl
children enfant
oh yes je t’aime
Je t’aime tant
t’aime tant
t’aime tant
time temps
time temps
time temps
time temps
et tant et tant
et tant et tant
et tant…
et temps.
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The sound of language
L’amiral Jacques Prévert, Parole
L’amiral Larima
Larima quoi
la rime à rien
l’amiral Larima
l’amiral Rien.
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Ana Tijoux: Las horas
Hace horas que te espero
y hace horas no te veo
hace horas que te quiero pero
hace horas que te pierdo
hace horas que te espero
y hace horas no te veo
hace horas que te quiero pero
hace horas que te pierdo
Hace horas que te pierdo
en esta esquina solo me acompaña esta
tímida neblina el sabor de tus besos
impregnados al vapor de este solitario invierno
quizás me olvidaste
o quizás la verdad tú solo me borraste
este amor es un chiste triste triste
como se siente cuando todo lo perdiste
la miel la piel y el riel
cual es el sentido cuando la vida luego es tan cruel
dame más tiempo frecuento un momento
juro que mi sombra será tan discreta como tu silencio
pero nunca me respondes …
Sound, stress and
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Words and phrases
• Etymology: prefixes & suffixes
• Idioms (lost in translation language)
• «awkward English»
• Set phrases and expressions
• (mind mistake and slang)
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Idiomatic phrases and sayings
2000 everyday English expressions translated into French
Another 2000 everyday English expressions translated into
Kit Brett
Free Podcasts
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Language Awareness
• Jar, coffee, sugar
• Sky, leg, wife
• Pill, wagon
• Damp, luck
• Shampoo, bungalow, cot
• Umbrella, piano, corridor
• Tent, café, route
• Rose, atlas, museum
Which languages have these been borrowed from?
Pronunciation/ Spelling/ Use of vowels and consonants/ Etymology
Norwegian/ Danish
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Creative Grammar:
Music and rhythm
Made-up songs for a specific purpose
*learning specific vocabulary and structure
Use ready-made songs:
j’ai tu as
Soy una pizza
Download your own beats and learn vocabulary
to rhythm…
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Musical grammarMusical grammar
• Why do I like this song? How does it make me
• What is the general theme of the song? Is it
appropriate for my class? Can it enhance
cultural awareness?
• Are the words clear? Is there any slang in the
• What is the image of the singer? (age/ style)
• How typically French, Spanish, Algerian,
Colombian… are they/ is their music?
• What structures are repeated in the chorus?
• What tenses are used in the song?
• How memorable is their official music video?
• Is it a distraction?
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Translation at KS3
• How would you define translation
within the context of a task at
• What is the rationale for using
translation from and into English
at KS3?
• What translation tasks do you
already do with your KS3
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Translation at KS3
• KS3 translation: “rendering of
words, grammatical structures
and short text into English or the
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Translation at KS3
into the Target Language
• Tests the use of suitable vocabulary in context ;
• Provides pupils with an opportunity to develop their
ability to apply the grammatical structures learnt that
are specific to the Target Language ;
• Provides an opportunity for pupils to reflect on the
similarities and differences between languages in
terms of vocabulary and structure ;
• Supports the active development of writing and
speaking skills in the target language (through de-
construction and re-construction) ;
• Enables students to understand language structure
better and be more creative and accurate when
manipulating the language independently.
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Translation at KS3
into English
• Helps pupils develop a wider range of
comprehension strategies
• Provides a way of demonstrating understanding of
• Provides an opportunity for pupils to consolidate their
literacy skills in their own language by paraphrasing a
text or other stimulus in the TL.
• Provides an opportunity for pupils to develop greater
intercultural awareness and understanding
• Provides an opportunity for pupils to develop an
awareness of linguistic structure and overlaps/ gaps
in meanings.
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KS3 Translation activities
• Vocabulary test
• Oral /written dominoes
(words or phrases)
• Gap-fill exercise
• Translation of sentences
illustrating a specific
grammatical point
• Find the English
phrases in the T L text
• Redraft someone else’s
English => TL TL => English
• Vocabulary test
• Oral /written dominoes
(words or phrases)
• Redraft someone else’s
• Add titles (in English) to
text in T L
• Paraphrase or summarise
• Question and answer in
• True / false or multiple
• Subtitles
TL use in danger?
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Musical translation
*Compare words in the song with
transcript-correct mistakes
*Compare words in the song with the
translation-what has been changed?
*Cover versions of popular songs are
useful as they encourage reflection on
Kevin, Karla y la banda-YouTube
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Wrecking Ball"
We clawed,
we chained our hearts in vain
We jumped never asking why
We kissed, I fell under your spell.
A love no one could deny
Don't you ever say I just walked away
I will always want you
I can't live a lie, running for my life
I will always want you
I came in like a wrecking ball
I never hit so hard in love
All I wanted was to break your walls
All you ever did was wreck me
Yeah, you, you wreck me
I put you high up in the sky
And now, you're not coming down
It slowly turned, you let me burn
And now, we're ashes on the ground
Don't you ever say I just walked away
I will always want you
I can't live a lie, running for my life
I will always want you
En vano hoy mi corazón saltó,
Pero sin preguntar, hoy te besé
Un hechizo fue
Amor, no lo puedo negar
No me digas que sólo me alejé
Yo siempre te amaré
Ya no mentiré, por ti escaparé
Yo siempre te amaré
Es como una Demolición
Golpea fuerte el corazón
cada muro en mi derribas hoy
lo único que hiciste tu, fue destruir
sólo, fue destruir
Te puse en lo alto de Cielo
Y ahora no bajarás
Esto cambio el fuego
Me quemó
Cenizas quedarán
No me digas que sólo me alejé
Yo siempre te amaré
Ya no mentiré, por ti escaparé
Yo siempre te amaré
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Essential LinksEssential Links
• Karaoke!
• Fill in the gap exercises (10%,
30% or transcription)
• All songs graded for difficulty
• All authentic songs with YouTube
• Ipad/iphone apps: Discovr Music
• Shazam! (for lyrics)
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Essential LinksEssential Links
• blog with French songs-videos
and lyrics
• Links to
French videos, lyrics and activities
(for French)
Keeping up to date with French music
• Spanish songs,
videos and activities
Carmen Vera (French)
Sharon Birch (Spanish)
• Todo
ELE (Spanish)
• (blog with resources)
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Tools to encourage playfulness with language
Listen to it
Say it
Read it
Understand it
De-construct it
Re-construct it
Create something different from it
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Tools to encourage playfulness with language
Does not have to rhyme (writing-exploring a topic)
Using rhymes (speaking-exploring the sounds of the language,
reinforcing patterns)
Rhyming dictionary (online or app) (fr-sp-Gr-it-En
Puns and jokes:
Cultural references
Sounds of the language
Double meaning
Carambar jokes
Tongue twisters:
Great for pronunciation practice
Translation and creativity
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Word Power?
More opportunities for creative expression
with a focus on developing independent
speaking and writing skills
*Use of grammar terminology to access reference materials &
understanding of different types of verbs:
infinitive endings,
reflexive verbs,
transitive verbs,
Intransitive verbs,
stem changes,
order of pronouns in verb tables,
tense recognition and concept.
*Reward the correct use of verbs in full sentences (stage 1)
*Reward the correct use of a range of verbs (stage 2)
*Reward the correct use of a range of verbs in different
persons & different tenses (stage 3)
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Word Power?
More opportunities for creative expression
with a focus on developing independent
speaking and writing skills
Schemes of Work update:
Prioritise grammatical concepts
1) Choose your receptive/ productive priorities for verbs
Y7 : productive: Present tense, regular/irregular, questions and
Negatives, introduction to full verb paradigm, practice of the verb
forms for I, you (singular), he/she, we, you (plural) they.
2) Reinforcement of adjectival agreement: masculine/ feminine
and singular/ plural (applied to productive skills)
3) Incidental grammar linked with content e.g. pronouns,
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Playfulness with language
Premier jour Jacques Prévert, Parole
Des draps blancs dans une armoire
Des draps rouges dans un lit
Un enfant dans sa mere
Sa mère dans les douleurs
Le père dans le couloir
Le couloir dans la maison
La maison dans la ville
La ville dans la nuit
La mort dans un cri
Et l’enfant dans la vie.
Une histoire?
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Playfulness with language
Le message Jacques Prévert, Parole
La porte que quelqu’un a ouverte
La porte que quelqu’un a refermée
La chaise où quelqu’un s’est assis
Le chat que quelqu’un a caressé
Le fruit que quelqu’un a mordu
La lettre que quelqu’un a lue
La chaise que quelqu’un a renversée
La porte que quelqu’un a ouverte
La route où quelqu’un court encore
Le bois que quelqu’un traverse
La rivière où quelqu’un se jette
L’hôpital où quelqu’un est mort.
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• Vous ne ferez pas de phrases complètes, mais une liste de
thèmes, objets, sentiments, personnes, actions…ayant rapport à
• ·Nombre de vers : maximum 20
• Vous utiliserez des allitérations et/ou des assonances.
• Utilisez au moins trois mots de chacune des listes suivantes dans
votre poème :
► adjectifs : ému, heureux, ensorcelé, amusé, ébloui, séduit,
amoureux, fasciné, fou
► verbes : embrasser, murmurer, serrer contre soi, manquer,
cajoler, penser à, tomber sous le charme de…
► adverbes : tendrement, doucement, amoureusement,
passionnément, follement, affectueusement, intensément
► substantifs : la passion, l’amour, la flamme, la rencontre, la
femme de ma vie, l’homme idéal, le coup de foudre.
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Un verbe : Aimer
• 1. Un regard, une rencontre... un été, un sourire…
2. un numéro, un mail, une attente, un souvenir…
3. un appel, une voix, un début, un rencard…
4. un horaire, un endroit, une venue, un espoir…
5. une terrasse, un café, un dialogue, un moment…
6. un soleil, une lumière, un cœur, un battement…
7. une seconde, une minute, une heure, un plaisir…
8. un au-revoir, une prochaine, une promesse, un désir..
9. un après, une durée, une patience, un silence..
10. un doute, un pourquoi, un regret, une distance..
11. un retour, une surprise, un déluge, une marée..
12. une suite, une envie un projet.. une soirée..
13. une pleine lune, une virée, un instant, une pulsion..
14. un frôlement, un baiser, une magie ... Un frisson...
15. un accord, un avenir, une force,
• une destinée..
16. une étoile, un poème
• et un verbe "aimer"
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Diamond poems
adjective adjective
verb verb verb
adjective adjective
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Diamond poems
Le temps
La pluie
torentielle froide
tombe est plane
épais mystérieux
Le brouillard
Invente les règles pour les accords…
Infinitifs/ conjugués/ verbes pour les deux noms…
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En/core/ de/ la/ pluie (5)
Comme/ je/ pré/fére/ le/ so/leil… (7)
Vi/ ve/ ment/ l’é/té (5)
Expressions/ phrase complètes
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A kenning is a form of metaphor,
originally used in Anglo-Saxon and
Norse poetry.
In a kenning, an object is described in a
two-word phrase, such as 'whale-road'
for 'sea'.
Some kennings can be more obscure
than others, and are close to being a
Un jardin
Un ordinateur
Un teléfono
Un amigo
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Spontaneous Speaking
Provide regular protected lesson time for this
(beginning or end) or unplanned opportunities
arising in the lesson.
Give them something worth talking about-encourage
Reward participation and risk-taking-praise, merits,
mentions in reports. This is WORK.
Give them some tools-cross-topic phrases/ prompt
Let them go.. Move away from over-correction.
Encourage language recycling.
Highlight key grammar from useful cross-topic
phrases at appropriate times
Group Talk (Greg Horton)
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Word Power?
Maximise the use of digital and mobile
learning tools to encourage students’
creativity and independence.
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Word clouds &
• Wordle
• Tagxedo
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Supporting and Recording Creative Talk http://audacity.sourceforge.
net/ Tellagami (app) Ppt recording function
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Real or fake technology?
Visual support & Engagement
Site with templates for resources
to be printed or put on a blog or a VLE.
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Creative Writing
Decide Now! app!/id383718755?mt=8
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•Write about it: newspaper article/
to penpal/ blog post/ short play/ poem/ story for
young audience.
•Talk about it: record an interview/ podcast
News report, drama...) audio/ video
•Apply imagination
Nightmare holiday/day, Famous for a day:
Life Swap (dice), School of the future, My film
Summer/ Winter uniform..
Extended Writing
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Flip your lesson!
Identify and create resources for
pupils to have access to key
Vocabulary and structures before the
How would you do this?
Pros & cons?
How does this approach support the
development of pupils’ independence?
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Flip your lesson!
Traditional resources and references:
Free Collins online dictionary
Reading support:
Related articles:
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Flip your lesson!
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Key factors
• Gradual implementation of KS2 PoS
• End of National Curriculum levels at KS3
• End of the Controlled Assessment at KS4
• Focus on productive skills
• Grammar and translation
• Creating independent language learners
• Motivation and compulsion
What will be their impact on our KS3 teaching?
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Word Power?
• Teaching grammar and pronunciation
using Literature, Music and ICT
• More opportunities for creative
expression with a focus on developing
independent speaking and writing skills
• Maximise the use of digital and mobile
learning tools to encouragge students’
creativity and independence.
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Powerpoint Templates
Word Power!
A toolkit to prepare
for changes at KS4
Isabelle Jones, Head of Languages

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Similar to Wordpower for ks3

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Wordpower for ks3

  • 1. Powerpoint Templates Page 1 Powerpoint Templates Word Power! A toolkit to prepare KS3 for changes at KS4 Isabelle Jones, Head of Languages @icpjones
  • 2. Powerpoint Templates Page 2 Word Power? • Teaching grammar and pronunciation using Literature, Music and ICT • More opportunities for creative expression with a focus on developing independent speaking and writing skills • Maximise the use of digital and mobile learning tools to encourage students’ creativity and independence. Link with changes at KS2 and KS4?
  • 3. Powerpoint Templates Page 3 Key factors • Gradual implementation of KS2 PoS • End of National Curriculum levels at KS3 • End of the Controlled Assessment at KS4 • Focus on productive skills • Grammar and translation • Creating independent language learners • Motivation and compulsion What will be their impact on our KS3 teaching?
  • 4. Powerpoint Templates Page 4 Key factors • Gradual implementation of KS2 PoS Basic understanding of grammar (noun-verb-adjective) already in place? • End of National Curriculum levels at KS3 Put sentence-building at the centre of assessment? • End of the Controlled Assessment at KS4 Regular extended writing practice/ speaking opportunities. • Focus on productive skills Need to develop independent language learning skills. • Grammar and translation More work at sentence and paragraph level at KS3. • Creating independent language learners Early training to use reference materials independently. • Motivation and compulsion Provide wide ranges of approaches to get pupils to speak and write and develop their linguistic self- esteem. What will be their impact on our KS3 teaching?
  • 5. Powerpoint Templates Page 5 Word Power? Teaching grammar and pronunciation using Literature, Music and ICT
  • 6. Powerpoint Templates Page 6 What is grammar? Word: vocabulary, etymology Sentence: verbs, clauses Text: connectives How do I feel about grammar?
  • 7. Powerpoint Templates Page 7 “Understand basic grammar appropriate to the language being studied, including (where relevant): feminine, masculine and neuter forms and the conjugation of high-frequency verbs; key features and patterns of the language; how to apply these, for instance, to build sentencesbuild sentences; and how these differ from or are similar to English.” KS2 PoS
  • 8. Powerpoint Templates Page 8 Word Power? Practical ways to teach sentence-building? Human sentences Lego Using animation (ppt) Colour-coding Paper chains
  • 9. Powerpoint Templates Page 9 Word Power? Pupils should come to us from KS2 with some idea about… Definite article/indefinite article Plurals Question forms Forming the negative Position of adjectives Agreement of adjectives
  • 10. Powerpoint Templates Page 10 What is Literature? short stories new articles songs adverts, posters magazine articles publications scenes from plays poetry/song lyrics poem forms such as haiku fairy tales rhymes tongue twisters letters myths and legends Cartoon strips, comics proverbs jokes
  • 11. Powerpoint Templates Page 11 The four skills in the KS3 Programme of Study a) speak coherently and confidently, with increasingly accurate pronunciation and intonation b) transcribe words and short sentences that they hear with increasing accuracy c) listen to a variety of forms of spoken language to obtain information and respond appropriately d) read literary texts in the language [such as stories, songs, poems and letters], to stimulate ideas, develop creative expression and expand understanding of the language and culture e) write prose using an increasingly wide range of grammar and vocabulary, write creatively to express their own ideas and opinions, and translate short written text accurately into the foreign language. g) initiate and develop conversations, coping with unfamiliar language and unexpected responses, making use of important social conventions such as formal modes of address h) read and show comprehension of original and adapted materials from a range of different sources, understanding the purpose, important ideas and details, and provide an accurate English translation of short, suitable material
  • 12. Powerpoint Templates Page 12 Tools for Linguistic Creativity The way words look The way words sound The way words interact with each other Being playful with the links between languages
  • 13. Powerpoint Templates Page 13 Phonic grids Adapted from Rachel Hawke’s idea for Spanish
  • 14. Powerpoint Templates Page 14 Dictation Le samedi, mon amie Paule donne des cours de français aux petits garçons qui habitent à côté. Ils s’appellent…… …Paul… et Nicolas. Paule n’est pas mariée et n’a pas d’enfants, parce qu’elle s’occupe de son père qui est très âgé. When did you realise a particular word was masculine, feminine or plural? La dictée
  • 15. Powerpoint Templates Page 15 The sound of language Extract from “Chant song”, Jacques Prévert, Spectacle Moon lune chant song rivière rêveur garden river rêve dream mer sea Thank you moon lune thank you mer sea Moon lune chant song rivière river garden rêveur Children enfant mer sea time temps Oh flower girl children enfant oh yes je t’aime Je t’aime tant t’aime tant t’aime tant time temps time temps time temps time temps et tant et tant et tant et tant et tant… et temps.
  • 16. Powerpoint Templates Page 16 The sound of language L’amiral Jacques Prévert, Parole L’amiral Larima Larima quoi la rime à rien l’amiral Larima l’amiral Rien.
  • 17. Powerpoint Templates Page 17 Ana Tijoux: Las horas • Hace horas que te espero y hace horas no te veo hace horas que te quiero pero hace horas que te pierdo hace horas que te espero y hace horas no te veo hace horas que te quiero pero hace horas que te pierdo Hace horas que te pierdo en esta esquina solo me acompaña esta tímida neblina el sabor de tus besos impregnados al vapor de este solitario invierno quizás me olvidaste o quizás la verdad tú solo me borraste este amor es un chiste triste triste como se siente cuando todo lo perdiste la miel la piel y el riel cual es el sentido cuando la vida luego es tan cruel dame más tiempo frecuento un momento juro que mi sombra será tan discreta como tu silencio pero nunca me respondes … Sound, stress and accents
  • 18. Powerpoint Templates Page 18 Words and phrases • Etymology: prefixes & suffixes • • Idioms (lost in translation language) • «awkward English» • Set phrases and expressions • • • (mind mistake and slang)
  • 19. Powerpoint Templates Page 19 Idiomatic phrases and sayings Fluency? 2000 everyday English expressions translated into French Another 2000 everyday English expressions translated into French Kit Brett Free Podcasts
  • 20. Powerpoint Templates Page 20 Language Awareness starters • Jar, coffee, sugar • Sky, leg, wife • Pill, wagon • Damp, luck • Shampoo, bungalow, cot • Umbrella, piano, corridor • Tent, café, route • Rose, atlas, museum Which languages have these been borrowed from? Pronunciation/ Spelling/ Use of vowels and consonants/ Etymology Arabic Norwegian/ Danish Dutch German Hindi Italian French Greek
  • 21. Powerpoint Templates Page 21 Creative Grammar: Music and rhythm Made-up songs for a specific purpose *learning specific vocabulary and structure Use ready-made songs: j’ai tu as Soy una pizza Download your own beats and learn vocabulary to rhythm…
  • 22. Powerpoint Templates Page 22 Musical grammarMusical grammar • Why do I like this song? How does it make me feel? • What is the general theme of the song? Is it appropriate for my class? Can it enhance cultural awareness? • Are the words clear? Is there any slang in the song? • What is the image of the singer? (age/ style) • How typically French, Spanish, Algerian, Colombian… are they/ is their music? • What structures are repeated in the chorus? • What tenses are used in the song? • How memorable is their official music video? • Is it a distraction?
  • 23. Powerpoint Templates Page 23 Translation at KS3 • How would you define translation within the context of a task at KS3? • What is the rationale for using translation from and into English at KS3? • What translation tasks do you already do with your KS3 classes?
  • 24. Powerpoint Templates Page 24 Translation at KS3 • KS3 translation: “rendering of words, grammatical structures and short text into English or the TL”
  • 25. Powerpoint Templates Page 25 Translation at KS3 into the Target Language • Tests the use of suitable vocabulary in context ; • Provides pupils with an opportunity to develop their ability to apply the grammatical structures learnt that are specific to the Target Language ; • Provides an opportunity for pupils to reflect on the similarities and differences between languages in terms of vocabulary and structure ; • Supports the active development of writing and speaking skills in the target language (through de- construction and re-construction) ; • Enables students to understand language structure better and be more creative and accurate when manipulating the language independently.
  • 26. Powerpoint Templates Page 26 Translation at KS3 into English • Helps pupils develop a wider range of comprehension strategies • Provides a way of demonstrating understanding of texts • Provides an opportunity for pupils to consolidate their literacy skills in their own language by paraphrasing a text or other stimulus in the TL. • Provides an opportunity for pupils to develop greater intercultural awareness and understanding • Provides an opportunity for pupils to develop an awareness of linguistic structure and overlaps/ gaps in meanings.
  • 27. Powerpoint Templates Page 27 KS3 Translation activities • Vocabulary test • Oral /written dominoes (words or phrases) • Gap-fill exercise • Translation of sentences illustrating a specific grammatical point • Find the English phrases in the T L text • Redraft someone else’s translation English => TL TL => English • Vocabulary test • Oral /written dominoes (words or phrases) • Redraft someone else’s translation • Add titles (in English) to text in T L • Paraphrase or summarise • Question and answer in English • True / false or multiple choice • Subtitles TL use in danger?
  • 28. Powerpoint Templates Page 28 Musical translation *Compare words in the song with transcript-correct mistakes *Compare words in the song with the translation-what has been changed? Why? *Cover versions of popular songs are useful as they encourage reflection on translation. Kevin, Karla y la banda-YouTube z/videos
  • 29. Powerpoint Templates Page 29 Wrecking Ball" We clawed, we chained our hearts in vain We jumped never asking why We kissed, I fell under your spell. A love no one could deny Don't you ever say I just walked away I will always want you I can't live a lie, running for my life I will always want you I came in like a wrecking ball I never hit so hard in love All I wanted was to break your walls All you ever did was wreck me Yeah, you, you wreck me I put you high up in the sky And now, you're not coming down It slowly turned, you let me burn And now, we're ashes on the ground Don't you ever say I just walked away I will always want you I can't live a lie, running for my life I will always want you En vano hoy mi corazón saltó, Pero sin preguntar, hoy te besé Un hechizo fue Amor, no lo puedo negar No me digas que sólo me alejé Yo siempre te amaré Ya no mentiré, por ti escaparé Yo siempre te amaré Es como una Demolición Golpea fuerte el corazón cada muro en mi derribas hoy lo único que hiciste tu, fue destruir sólo, fue destruir Te puse en lo alto de Cielo Y ahora no bajarás Esto cambio el fuego Me quemó Cenizas quedarán No me digas que sólo me alejé Yo siempre te amaré Ya no mentiré, por ti escaparé Yo siempre te amaré
  • 30. Powerpoint Templates Page 30 Essential LinksEssential Links • Karaoke! • • Fill in the gap exercises (10%, 30% or transcription) • All songs graded for difficulty • All authentic songs with YouTube videos • Ipad/iphone apps: Discovr Music • Shazam! (for lyrics)
  • 31. Powerpoint Templates Page 31 Essential LinksEssential Links • blog with French songs-videos and lyrics • Links to French videos, lyrics and activities • (for French) • Keeping up to date with French music • Spanish songs, videos and activities • Carmen Vera (French) • Sharon Birch (Spanish) • Todo ELE (Spanish) • (mindmap) • (blog with resources)
  • 32. Powerpoint Templates Page 32 Tools to encourage playfulness with language Listen to it Say it Read it Understand it De-construct it Re-construct it Create something different from it
  • 33. Powerpoint Templates Page 33 Tools to encourage playfulness with language Poetry: Does not have to rhyme (writing-exploring a topic) Using rhymes (speaking-exploring the sounds of the language, reinforcing patterns) Rhyming dictionary (online or app) (fr-sp-Gr-it-En Puns and jokes: Cultural references Sounds of the language Double meaning Carambar jokes Lepe Tongue twisters: Great for pronunciation practice Translation and creativity
  • 34. Powerpoint Templates Page 34 Word Power? More opportunities for creative expression with a focus on developing independent speaking and writing skills *Use of grammar terminology to access reference materials & understanding of different types of verbs: infinitive endings, reflexive verbs, transitive verbs, Intransitive verbs, stem changes, order of pronouns in verb tables, tense recognition and concept. *Reward the correct use of verbs in full sentences (stage 1) *Reward the correct use of a range of verbs (stage 2) *Reward the correct use of a range of verbs in different persons & different tenses (stage 3)
  • 35. Powerpoint Templates Page 35 Word Power? More opportunities for creative expression with a focus on developing independent speaking and writing skills Schemes of Work update: Prioritise grammatical concepts 1) Choose your receptive/ productive priorities for verbs e.g. Y7 : productive: Present tense, regular/irregular, questions and Negatives, introduction to full verb paradigm, practice of the verb forms for I, you (singular), he/she, we, you (plural) they. 2) Reinforcement of adjectival agreement: masculine/ feminine and singular/ plural (applied to productive skills) 3) Incidental grammar linked with content e.g. pronouns, determiners/articles…
  • 36. Powerpoint Templates Page 36 Playfulness with language Premier jour Jacques Prévert, Parole Des draps blancs dans une armoire Des draps rouges dans un lit Un enfant dans sa mere Sa mère dans les douleurs Le père dans le couloir Le couloir dans la maison La maison dans la ville La ville dans la nuit La mort dans un cri Et l’enfant dans la vie. Une histoire?
  • 37. Powerpoint Templates Page 37 Playfulness with language Le message Jacques Prévert, Parole La porte que quelqu’un a ouverte La porte que quelqu’un a refermée La chaise où quelqu’un s’est assis Le chat que quelqu’un a caressé Le fruit que quelqu’un a mordu La lettre que quelqu’un a lue La chaise que quelqu’un a renversée La porte que quelqu’un a ouverte La route où quelqu’un court encore Le bois que quelqu’un traverse La rivière où quelqu’un se jette L’hôpital où quelqu’un est mort. Grammar/Narrative/Art/Film
  • 38. Powerpoint Templates Page 38 UN INVENTAIRE A LA PREVERT • Vous ne ferez pas de phrases complètes, mais une liste de thèmes, objets, sentiments, personnes, actions…ayant rapport à l’amour. • ·Nombre de vers : maximum 20 • Vous utiliserez des allitérations et/ou des assonances. • Utilisez au moins trois mots de chacune des listes suivantes dans votre poème : ► adjectifs : ému, heureux, ensorcelé, amusé, ébloui, séduit, amoureux, fasciné, fou ► verbes : embrasser, murmurer, serrer contre soi, manquer, cajoler, penser à, tomber sous le charme de… ► adverbes : tendrement, doucement, amoureusement, passionnément, follement, affectueusement, intensément ► substantifs : la passion, l’amour, la flamme, la rencontre, la femme de ma vie, l’homme idéal, le coup de foudre.
  • 39. Powerpoint Templates Page 39 Un verbe : Aimer • 1. Un regard, une rencontre... un été, un sourire… 2. un numéro, un mail, une attente, un souvenir… 3. un appel, une voix, un début, un rencard… 4. un horaire, un endroit, une venue, un espoir… 5. une terrasse, un café, un dialogue, un moment… 6. un soleil, une lumière, un cœur, un battement… 7. une seconde, une minute, une heure, un plaisir… 8. un au-revoir, une prochaine, une promesse, un désir.. 9. un après, une durée, une patience, un silence.. 10. un doute, un pourquoi, un regret, une distance.. 11. un retour, une surprise, un déluge, une marée.. 12. une suite, une envie un projet.. une soirée.. 13. une pleine lune, une virée, un instant, une pulsion.. 14. un frôlement, un baiser, une magie ... Un frisson... 15. un accord, un avenir, une force, • une destinée.. 16. une étoile, un poème • et un verbe "aimer"
  • 40. Powerpoint Templates Page 40 Diamond poems noun adjective adjective verb verb verb adjective adjective noun
  • 41. Powerpoint Templates Page 41 Diamond poems Le temps La pluie torentielle froide tombe est plane épais mystérieux Le brouillard Invente les règles pour les accords… Infinitifs/ conjugués/ verbes pour les deux noms…
  • 42. Powerpoint Templates Page 42 Haikus En/core/ de/ la/ pluie (5) Comme/ je/ pré/fére/ le/ so/leil… (7) Vi/ ve/ ment/ l’é/té (5) Expressions/ phrase complètes
  • 43. Powerpoint Templates Page 43 Kennings A kenning is a form of metaphor, originally used in Anglo-Saxon and Norse poetry. In a kenning, an object is described in a two-word phrase, such as 'whale-road' for 'sea'. Some kennings can be more obscure than others, and are close to being a riddle. Un jardin Un ordinateur Un teléfono Un amigo
  • 44. Powerpoint Templates Page 44 Spontaneous Speaking Provide regular protected lesson time for this (beginning or end) or unplanned opportunities arising in the lesson. Give them something worth talking about-encourage banter? Reward participation and risk-taking-praise, merits, mentions in reports. This is WORK. Give them some tools-cross-topic phrases/ prompt Let them go.. Move away from over-correction. Encourage language recycling. Highlight key grammar from useful cross-topic phrases at appropriate times Group Talk (Greg Horton)
  • 45. Powerpoint Templates Page 45 Word Power? Maximise the use of digital and mobile learning tools to encourage students’ creativity and independence.
  • 47. Powerpoint Templates Page 47 Word clouds & Calligrammes • Wordle • Tagxedo
  • 48. Powerpoint Templates Page 48 Supporting and Recording Creative Talk http://audacity.sourceforge. net/ Tellagami (app) Ppt recording function
  • 49. Powerpoint Templates Page 49 Real or fake technology? Visual support & Engagement Site with templates for resources to be printed or put on a blog or a VLE. Drama!
  • 50. Powerpoint Templates Page 50 Creative Writing Decide Now! app!/id383718755?mt=8
  • 51. Powerpoint Templates Page 51 •Write about it: newspaper article/ letter/presentation to penpal/ blog post/ short play/ poem/ story for young audience. http://mfl- •Talk about it: record an interview/ podcast (dialogue, News report, drama...) audio/ video •Apply imagination Nightmare holiday/day, Famous for a day: who/what/why, Life Swap (dice), School of the future, My film (dice) Summer/ Winter uniform.. Extended Writing
  • 52. Powerpoint Templates Page 52 Flip your lesson! Identify and create resources for pupils to have access to key Vocabulary and structures before the lesson: How would you do this? Pros & cons? How does this approach support the development of pupils’ independence?
  • 53. Powerpoint Templates Page 53 Flip your lesson! Traditional resources and references: Free Collins online dictionary y/english?showCookiePolicy=true Text-to-speech: Reading support: Related articles:
  • 54. Powerpoint Templates Page 54 Flip your lesson!
  • 56. Powerpoint Templates Page 56 Key factors • Gradual implementation of KS2 PoS • End of National Curriculum levels at KS3 • End of the Controlled Assessment at KS4 • Focus on productive skills • Grammar and translation • Creating independent language learners • Motivation and compulsion What will be their impact on our KS3 teaching? ACTION!
  • 57. Powerpoint Templates Page 57 Word Power? • Teaching grammar and pronunciation using Literature, Music and ICT • More opportunities for creative expression with a focus on developing independent speaking and writing skills • Maximise the use of digital and mobile learning tools to encouragge students’ creativity and independence.
  • 58. Powerpoint Templates Page 58 Powerpoint Templates Word Power! A toolkit to prepare KS3 for changes at KS4 Isabelle Jones, Head of Languages @icpjones