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Woolf On Lies
The struggle that women had to endure through the centuries has been rooted deeply to the idea that
women are inferior to men. Men, as the stronger sex, were thought to be intelligent, courageous, and
determined. Women, on the other hand, were more governed by their emotions, and their virtues
were expected to be chastity, modesty, compassion, and piety. Men were thought to be more
aggressive; women more passive. Women education was primarily at home by mothers or fathers.
The education comprised of the arts of sewing, water color, and polite conversation for the upper
class and domestic work for lower classes. Those who did attempt to educate themselves in the male
subjects of Greek and Latin were measured by male standards of scholarship when they attempted
to express themselves in print. While this might not be the current situation for women in society
women had to fight to get where they are right now. In this paper, I will to be discussing two
visionary women who saw that women needed change their position in society. I will be discussing
Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own and Adrienne Rich "On Lies, Secrets, and Silence: Selected
Prose and their arguments about the states of women's education. In this paper I hope to prove that
the women used the power of words to express their personal struggle for other women to
understand there are not alone; ... Show more content on ...
It investigates the historical backdrop of ladies in writing through an unusual and exceptionally
provocative examination of the social and material conditions required for the written work of
writing. These conditions–recreation time, protection, and money related freedom–endorse all
scholarly creation, yet they are especially applicable to comprehension the circumstance of ladies in
the abstract custom on the grounds that ladies, verifiably, have been consistently denied of those
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Couple Lies by
Everyday people tell lies that seem minor and ineffective on life. These lies are considered white
lies or kind lies. A white lie is a cautious, wrong statement which is meant to do no harm or is
intended to produce an encouraging result. Adair Lara's Couple lie shows readers white lies in
marriage. She states "This is marital lying. It's not a white lie, meant to spare your feelings. It's a
pink lie, a couple lie." In her opinion white lies and couple lies are different, couple lies are
acceptable. The author and many people see white lies and couple lies as a way to get through life,
but are the results always positive? Couple Lies and White lies may seem innocent and harmless but
can potentially cause problems in relationships and ... Show more content on ...
These white lies are often overlooked and shrugged at, when people should actually be more
cautious because it can be effortless to tell a lie or not say the truth. Telling the truth may hurt
someone, but you will be respected more for your honesty and have a chance to resolve an issue
without having your character
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Lies In The Crucible
Arthur Miller in The Crucible implements many conflicts that define the plot. The people of Salem
were in a state of paranoia after suspected witchcraft by some of the villagers. This state of paranoia
caused many other conflicts in Salem. Many villagers attempted to lie their way out of witchcraft
conviction which led to conflicting sides and drama. Because lies will eventually catch up to you,
Mary and the girls were facing big consequences for attempting to cover up the witchcraft they were
involved in. Lies and deceit played a key role in the unfolding of the plot as Mary Warren and the
other girls involved had conflicting stories. John Proctor mentioned to Mary that "God damns all
liars" because he suspected her of using deceit to tamper with the truth (Miller 196). This quote is
the religious way of saying you will eventually be punished for lying. Mary wanting to tell the truth
about Elizabeth Proctor's accusation of witchcraft countered the whole lie the girls set up to cover
up their act of sorcery in the forest which made all of the lies catch up to the people who told them.
The countering of these lies created a situation of mistrust and paranoia because nobody knew who
was being truthful and who was not. ... Show more content on ...
Mary telling Harthorne that she "only thought [she] saw them but [she] did not" indicates that she
originally claimed to have seen them but then changed her story to get herself out of trouble. This is
important to the story because of the clearly evident deceit that the girls of Salem use to avoid
punishment for their unfaithful actions. Later in Act III this attempt to cover up a lie comes back to
haunt Mary and reflects the theme of lies and deceit bringing you down in the end. Mary shows
self–pity towards the end of Act III even though her own lies dug her into the
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The Necklace Lies
Both the truth and lies can be deceiving; the truth is much harder to start but it is much less painful
in the long run, whereas a lie is much easier to start but once you've started it continues to grow, as
Mathilde found out in The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant. Mathilde is a middle class woman who
doesn't work, she has a cleaning lady yet she always complains about her "worn", "shabby" and
"ugly" apartment. Mathilde dreams of money, beauty and luxurious furniture and accessories, all
things she claims she doesn't have, and doesn't appreciate the luxuries she does have. At this point of
the story Mathilde is selfish, unappreciative, snobby and pessimistic. Later in the story, when
Mathilde and her husband are residing in the attic flat, Mathilde
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Lies In The Crucible
The Importance of Intentions By the standards of virtually any society, lying is an act that is almost
certain to result in some form of contempt, hatred, or even ostracism. However, not all liars are
regarded in the same way– there is an obvious difference of morality between a fraudulent politician
and one lying to protect his own life. In his play The Crucible, Arthur Miller demonstrates the moral
and societal differences between and consequences of different types of lies: A liar's virtue is
determined primarily by intention, and while some forms of dishonesty are more acceptable than
others, truth under all circumstances is vital to true morality. Miller's stance is a rational and realistic
one and can be seen not only in his play, ... Show more content on ...
Then, caught by her father in the unspeakable act of dancing in the woods, Abigail resorts to
claiming to being possessed by the Devil through means of Tituba, and then to "open herself" and
"go back to Jesus" (48), significantly increasing the number of witchcraft accusations because of all
the people she and Betty claim to have seen with the Devil– more than ten accused on just the last
page on Act I. By the end of the play, she is responsible for countless people, even those that held
their ground for so long, confessing to witchcraft. Those aware of the horrendous truth– Goody
Proctor, John Proctor, Reverend Hale– hate her but are helpless as to take any action. The reader
comes to despise her and her lies even more when people are not only wrongly charged with crime,
but also when the admirable Rebecca Nurse and John Proctor must face their death because of the
standards that Abigail has set. Lying to protect reputation is also a common theme seen in politics.
One especially controversial instance was President Nixon's Watergate Scandal: Nixon employed
the FBI, CIA, and IRS to harass and spy on political rivals, going so far as to order break–ins to
acquire secret information. After the scandal had been partially uncovered, Nixon publicly
announced that investigations were being made although he had actually blocked any such activity
from happening.
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A Convenient Untruth. Lies: Essay: Lies
A Convenient Untruth
Lies. According to, a lie is a false statement with deliberate intent to deceive, an
intentional untruth, a falsehood. Oh how the make it sound so bad! But what doesn't
realize is that it is nearly impossible for people to live a life without telling a single lie. I think it's
even unhealthy... One must at one point in their circle of life tell a lie.
Lying is a natural reaction. Everyone lies. It's just that some people do it to get out of difficult and
awkward situations and to avoid getting people's feelings hurt. For instance, you are at a friend's
house, getting ready to go to a party. Your friend, not the skinniest person on earth, is going to wear
this beautiful dress that she has ... Show more content on ...
In this case, if you take the path of lying, your consequences can be good or bad. Now, how can
your consequences be good? Well, for starters, you could get away with your lie and no one gets
hurt, or nothing gets out there. There is a study that says that 56% of Americans think they get away
with a lie. However, they will live the rest of your life with a guilty conscience, unless you don't
have one, which is humanly impossible. Another good thing about lying is that according to a
physiological study published in 2005, compulsive lying actually makes you smarter. Now, how
could your consequences be bad? You might get caught in your lie and make your consequences
even worse. Consequently, people wont be trusting you anymore, not even your friends, not even
your family, you will lose total trust with them. If you lie all the time, it will eventually become a
bad habit therefore, you will feel that doing a bad thing it's actually a good thing. In addition, when
you lie about something and it is revealed, it will create a domino effect like that of finding another
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Darrell Huff How To Lie With Statistics Summary
After a compelling read of "How to lie with statistics" by Darrell Huff, I am pleased to say that I
learned a great amount of quality information. Not only was I shocked about the witty tone but also,
I felt as if this book changed the way I would view statistics for the rest of my life. Even though this
book was written in the 1950's, I would say that the writing is time–less and that it still gives you
great knowledge of how the world statistical works. Huff explains all of the tricky ways that
statistics can cause a person to believe in something that possibility isn't true. I've learned to be
careful and not overlook the things that could be a statisticulation, as the author cleverly calls it, or a
manipulated statistic. Most people would ... Show more content on ...
By calculating averages and graphing them to make the appearance of a strong correlation it can
make the viewer believe the magnification of the data is knowledgeable. In reality no one is lying to
you but they are possibly only giving you biased information. What fascinated me the most was that
by giving the average wasn't always a helpful to the common person. I knew that there was more
than one–way to find the average but, I was not aware of how the mean, median, and mode where
chosen carefully to make a statistic look more appealing to the viewer. Throughout the book Huff
gives you examples of the common ways that data is tampered with. For example, he explains that
when testing a product, the company might choose a smaller sample, making the percentage of the
benefits of using the product much higher than if using a larger sample. Huff states that, even
though it is unclear of how many trials should be done to test a product, its important to notice the
quality of the trials. The steps given at the end of the book are easy to follow and can make a
remarkable difference in wither or not the information is worth your
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The On Jews And Their Lies
On Jews and Their Lies is a pretty explicit title for someone who writes That Jesus Christ was Born
a Jew in his youth to defend the idea that Jesus was born of the "seed of Abraham," that is to say
that he was born a Jew (Marius, 1999). Even the title itself: On the Jews and Their Lies, hints at the
fact that Luther believes that the Jews are unlikely to convert later in life. He says:
First, to set fire to their synagogues or schools.
Second, I advise that their houses also be razed and destroyed.
Third, I advise that all their prayer books and Talmudic writings, in which such adultery, lies,
cursing and blasphemy, are taught, be taken from them.
Fourth, I advise that their rabbis be forbidden to teach henceforth on pain of loss of life and limb.
Fifth, I advise that safe–conduct on the highways be abolished completely for Jews.
Sixth, I advise that ... all cash and treasure of silver and gold be taken from them.
Seventh ... Let whomsoever can, throw brimstone and pitch upon them, so much the better ... and if
this be not enough, let them be driven like mad dogs from the land (Burston, 2014).
These ominous "commandments" foreshadow and foreground some of what is later to come in Nazi
Germany with the reading of these of Luther's statements, among others, in Protestant churches to
incite violence against the Jews. It is no coincidence that Kristallnacht coincides with Luther's
birthday (Burston, 2014). Many Nazis even thought that they were finishing Luther's
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Layered Lies
Layered Lies introduces the crime series, Kelsey's Burden, by author Kaylie Hunter. This first book
in the series establishes the theme of revenge, which drives the protagonist, Kelsey Harrison, to
keep looking for her kidnapped son, Nicholas.
After her enemies, Max and Nola, stole her adopted son and staged his death, Kelsey quits the
Miami police force and moves to Michigan, where she sets up a clothing resale store, The Changing
Room. For two years, she uses the fortune she earns from the store to fund her under–the–radar
investigations to try to find Nicholas; she also keeps her fighting skills sharp and her fitness level
high to be ready to take on Max and Nola at any moment. Meanwhile, Kelsey meets a number of
characters, many of them down–and–outs and a group of bikers. She employs her new friends and
makeshift family at The Changing Room but guards her past from them. When it turns out that one
of her friends, Lisa, is on the run from the mafia, Kelsey must decide whether she trusts her people
enough with her past fears to work together with them to protect their friend. To Kelsey, saving Lisa
means preventing another loss like the one she suffered when Max and Nola kidnapped Nicholas.
As promising as the premise is the book simply could not deliver the speed or build up the tension
needed to make it thrilling: the story started to ... Show more content on ...
A narrative has definitely been written, but that was as far as the writing in Layered Lies went – it
got the job done, but does not shine as the author's chosen art form. I likened the tone of the book to
that of a diary describing events and farcical fun in her clothing store, which hardly suited Kelsey's
mission and focus of rescuing her son from his kidnappers. While I read the book, I noticed some
grammatical errors, such as nouns capitalised for no reason at all and apostrophes in plurals. There
were a few editing inconsistencies
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Damned Lies
Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics
In Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, he explores the hypocrisy and false nature of colonialism.
Throughout the novel, everyone but Marlow continually describes colonialism as a noble endeavor,
yet Marlow's experience while in the Congo constantly and thoroughly disproves such claims.
The argument for colonialism centers on civilizing the natives and providing them with a better,
more European life. The Company describes their endeavors as trade, rather than outright theft, and
'civilizing' the natives, rather than enslaving and killing them. Marlow's aunt describes the Belgian
colonization of the Congo as "weaning those ignorant millions from their horrid ways," prompting
Marlow to "hint that the Company was ... Show more content on ...
Europeans believe that Congo natives are less intelligent, less civilized, and generally lesser to
European whites. In "The Comparative Worth of Different Races," Francis Galton argues that "the
average intellectual standard of the negro race is some two grades below our own," and goes on to
argue that the Africa race contains a large amount of "half–witted men" (Galton, 226). Additionally,
the 1902 Encyclopædia Britannica has the exact number of Europeans in the Congo down to the
precision of "6 Spaniards," but has only an estimate of "30,000,000 to 14,000,000" natives (99). The
Europeans clearly thought of the native as lesser and considered them significantly less intelligent;
by Galton's standard, the smartest black man was no smarter than a successful English merchant.
This view of Africans provides Europeans with a moral justification for colonialism, allowing them
to claim they are improving the lives of simple, uncivilized barbarians. And should African natives
die, Europeans will view their loss only as the loss of inferior barbarians, making it more palatable
to the masses. Yet, Marlow realizes that the natives are not some lesser species to him; "they were
not inhuman" (Conrad, 36). He reaches this conclusion from observing both his helmsman, a native
with the skill of a European, and Kurtz, a European with the
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Statistics and Lies
Statistics Taken Out Of Context
There are statistics of any topic you can think of. Nine out of ten people say this. Such and such
percent approve or disapprove of this product. But, are these statistics true? Or, did someone twist
the statistics around so we may believe them? Either way the more statistics are fed to people the
more people believe them. In the article, it was explained how statistics were taken out of context
for drugs that are tested on animals. The author takes statistics such as, "92% of drugs fail in clinical
trials, having successfully passed through animal studies" and shows where the true statistic came
from. (Lovell–Badge, 3013) The author takes the statistic and backs it up with facts. I was indeed ...
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You see every three months that the rate rises and falls and the people in the White House are either
praised or bashed. The truth with the unemployment statistic is if you are not actively seeking work,
you are not included in the unemployment statistic. That is really misleading. While we are thinking
that the economy is getting better, it actually is not. The rate is actually falling because people
stopped looking for work. Are statistics important? Yes, they are. Some people do lie about statistics
to make their point come across better. It is our job to dig for the truth in the matter. People love
numbers and the numbers used in statistics grab people's attention. It can either make your point
come across in a positive way or a negative way. Both ways the point is getting across and whatever
product or study that uses statistics is getting some sort of advertisement. Whether the advertisement
used is good or bad.
Works Cited
Bouckley, B. (2011, November 29). Beverage Daily. Retrieved from–Safety/Energy–drinks–are–casualty–of–statistics–
Lovell–Badge, R. (3013, January 23). Speaking of Research. Retrieved from
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Damned Lies
A Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics Media Article– "High consumption of coffee is associated with
decreased multiple sclerosis risk"; results from two independent studies."
In this report, I will explore the eight worry questions as used by Wild and Pfannkuch (1999) and
the seven critical components known as the guidelines from Utts (2004) to evaluate the study and
from this I will discuss the validity of the study and propose ways in which the article could be
improved to truly represent and reflect the findings of the study. Utts (2014 p.18) argues that "the
meaning we can attach to data, and to the resulting conclusions, depends on how well the
information was acquired and summarised", therefore it is important to evaluate how statistical ...
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The study involved 1,620 adults with MS and 2,788 people without multiple sclerosis. The
neurologist in the unit assessed the cases to decide whether the patient had met the McDonald
criteria. The study maintains that two controls were randomly selected for each prospective case
obtained from the national population register, and were matched in accordance by age in "5–year
strata, sex and residential
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Willy Lies
Unlike Happy, who is relatively successful as an adult, Biff goes through his adolescence and young
adulthood completely misled and lost in a sea of lies and falsehoods. As a child, Biff is a football
star and one of the most popular kids at school, yet he slacks on his school work and does not
succeed scholastically. Throughout his adolescence, he is enabled by his father, who leads him to
believe that grades and work ethic are meaningless in the long run, as, popularity is all that matters
in the world. Obviously Willy is completely incorrect in his ideology and makes his son pay the
price by allowing him to fail in school and permanently stunt his growth in becoming a successful
adult. Biff is not given a clear path and loses himself, taking ... Show more content on ...
The symbols of Willy's garden and the buildings in the city towering over him are directly
representative of him as a father. Once again Dusenbury provides detail into Willy's ways of dealing
with his failures and shortcomings and gives insight into the little garden in his backyard.
Dusenbury explains how he is, "...boxed in his Brooklyn house by towering apartment buildings,
trying in vain to grow a few seeds in the darkness of the shadows" (Dusenbury). When shown in this
light, the garden represents Willy's final will to live and attempt to gain redemption by causing the
successful growth of something, even if it is not his own children; however, it can represent his life
as a father and how his efforts to successfully raise his children have failed. The seeds which he
plants are his children and the darkness of the shadows and buildings is symbolic of the underlying
darkness of his mind and his false hopes and dreams. The darkness of his corrupt mind and
perception of the world casts a large shadow over his garden, or his life, and denies his seeds the
vital sunlight needed for proper growth and development. He is the sole barrier between his seeds
and the nutrients they need to grow into healthy fruits that will benefit the world around them. This
parallel is a critical addition to the analysis of Willy
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Lies Of Deception
themselves from perceived risk or danger or risk of being returned to a perceived risk or danger.
Lies of commission are when someone says something that is not a fact and motivated by some
personal gain or to create a more favourable version. An interesting aspect of this is when someone
has a mental reservation and are telling a part truth. Examples are
"I don't cheat on my wife"[unsaid qualifying 2nd part – "on Sundays"] or
"I didn't take the milk money"[unsaid qualifying 2nd part – "this week"].`
This type of lying is used as an "escape" clause – because if accused of lying later – such liars tend
to claim that what they said was true, under certain qualifying conditions.`
(, 2015)
There are times when people tell you things that are unrelated to the question to distract you in order
to cover up a lie. This is described as a character lie or a lie of influence. These lies are meant to
make you believe the liar or to make the liar seem like such a great person that they are unlikely to
be suspected of lying. Whenever someone is trying to convince you of how great they are, they are
probably attempting to cover something up (, 2015).
Does telling lies make you a liar
God hath given you one ... Show more content on ...
Indeed, there are those in the world that would never be considered truthful anywhere or in any
situation. However, there is a distinct difference between someone who tells a lie and a liar.
Everyone lies, as we have seen lying is a human trait and a normal part of human operating.
However, very few people consider themselves to be liars and are inclined to think of liar to be
those that lie at all times or use lies to be unkind or for gainful means. While there are others who
spend their lives avoiding any responsibilities and use lying as a way of navigating difficult
communications rather than admit the truth and accept the
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Guide To Lies
In the age of information and technology, the general public is bombarded with facts and figures
several times a day. It is absolutely essential for one to learn how to take these kinds of stats and
data. If a person does not understand that not all the numbers that are being thrown around are not
entirely what they seem, an individual can start getting persuaded of false claims and notions. In his
book A field guide to lies, Daniel Levitin trains his readers to be prepared to take on this
bombardment of numbers. Also, he reveals the reality of a lot of these stats and how people and
agencies do not show the true form of these numbers or if they are even really true or just straight up
falsified. There are many great points in this book of ... Show more content on ...
From pages 183 till 196, the author tries to sum up a whole logic course. There is a philosophy
course that is offered in most colleges for a whole semester. The author tries to make the reader
understand all of that in thirteen pages. And the author goes really deep into the concepts of
deduction and induction and validating an argument. These concepts need to be explained very
simply or else not taken up. If the author wants to go in that much in depth about logic in a few
pages, he will most likely end up confusing most of the readers instead of helping them. We felt the
author should not have gone that much in depth into the subject of logic. It would have made the
book more clear and smooth throughout that
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Lies In The Crucible
Some people think a lie will just fade away and nobody will find out but little do they know the
truth always comes out. Lying only makes a situation worse not better and in this play it shows why
lies can put you in a serious or dangerous situation. The Crucible written by Arthur Miller relates to
the salem witch trials and is based on a small village that believes there are witches running around
the village using witchcraft to turn people against god and sell themselves to the devil. In the
beginning Mr.Parris, the father of Betty Parris is kneeling down beside his daughter Betty because
he believes that the girls has used witchcraft and caused his daughter to behave strange. This leads
him to question Abigail to find out what went on in ... Show more content on ...
John starts to feel a little guilt. "I set myself entirely in your hands. I know you must see it now."
This shows that he has said everything that has to be said and that he has put himself at Mr.
Danforth's mercy and that he must believe him now. Also in the story Mr.Danforth brings in
Elizabeth to question her on her husband being a lecher and instead of telling the truth she denies it
in order to save her husband's name putting John in a bad situation leaving the court believing that
he was lying the whole time. This makes John regret lying to Elizabeth in the beginning and
accusing her of accusing him about being with Abigail and lying to her. John was too late to confess
and now him and his wife are in the worst predicament they could be in. John should've confessed
early and this goes to show what happens when you keep a lie from people and they still end up
finding out. If John never had that incident with Abigail she probably wouldn't have those intentions
of taking the spot of his wife or having her put in
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Lexicon Of Lies
In Caroline Jack's essay "A Lexicon of Lies," she explores the complex line between propaganda
and advertising. Within this blurred line, there are aspects of the definition that overlap and make it
hard to distinguish between the two. The explanation of these differences depends on the particular
words chosen and the way in which the material is conveyed. Advertisement and propaganda are
terms that are both linked to the promotion of objects and ideas in a specific way to attract a certain
group of people. Propaganda is the promotion of viewpoints and advertising is the promotion of
goods or services. While both forms are used to persuade an audience in some form.
The distinction between advertising and propaganda is dependent upon whether ... Show more
content on ...
Misinformation results when false information is given out of error. This area can even include
mistakes made due to time constraints. For news reporters it is crucial to be the first one with the
most current big story. With time a key factor, it becomes common to make mistakes such as
misprints or misinterpretation of the situation. The example that Jack uses to distinguish the two
from one another is when the Daily Express tweeted false information. It could be determined that it
was misinformation due to the reaction that followed the mistake. After time revealed the true
events that took place in the situation contradicted the tweet the tabloid wrote, the tweet was deleted
and updated to reflect the correct events. The haste to be the first to comment caused the
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Abigail Lies
This is the reason why Abigail is the guiltiest of them all. One lie can cause a detrimental effect. In
the play that Arthur Miller wrote was a girl named Abigail her was a lie she told so many lies that
she couldn't keep count. The play was just one long drama filled story covered by a witchcraft cover
up scheme . Abigail is responsible because of the simple thing she lied. Abigail is a multi faced girl.
She lied about being in the forest dancing and a rousing dead spirit. She (Abigail) is fake .
According to who the person was she was talking determined how she acted or went about doing
things. She is not trustworthy she can't be trusted with anything. Every person she came in contact
with she told a different story. Everything she has
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Lies In The Crucible
How does a person decide on the truth? Deciphering false information from truth can be difficult,
especially when widely known sources can give false or biased news, cough cough Fox News.
Humans trivialize lies and exaggeration, but is a "little white lie" really little if it adds momentum to
the growing boulder of lies that is slowly crushing the already unstable foundation of truth in
society? Is there life in space? No one knows; however, this boulder did start as a small pebble of
truth. Each lie is based on a true subject. Little Johnny's hamster died? Technically, he just ran
away... to heaven. Little Johnny just did not happen to hear the last part. The point of all this is that
the truth can be easily distorted, even to the point where ... Show more content on ...
The novel proceeds akin to a plant; Act I plants the seed of deception that then flowers and
strengthens in Acts II and III. Lies travel along the transfers of powers in order to spread. Once
spread, power is the motivator to keep the deception in play. Finally, the deadly duo of power and
dishonesty grow to a point where simple truth cannot act as an uprooter. The people of The Crucible
are subjected to an overpowered lie, which turns the town to chaos. People go by what they see and
what they hear. Lies are theatrical and bold while the truth is simple and plain. People are attracted
to lies based on sheer curiosity. The lie of witchcraft was too inviting to file away as a simple
mistruth. The horror behind the situation is that this could happen in any society. Thanks to the
human tendency to lie as an escape from the harmful truth, deceit is everywhere. People deny
climate change because the effects of such are frightening. Mass killings are reported as non–
genocidal acts due to the threatening consequences of calling something a genocide. Falsity echoes
in courtrooms full of people trying to escape jail time. This all brings into question the power of
honesty in society. The Crucible is a warning to humankind. Due to the common correlation of
power and deceit, Miller cautions against absolute trust in authoritative powers. Society is
susceptible to subterfuge, therefore "the truth" should be regarded with
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Lies In The Crucible
In a 2002 study by the University of Massachusetts, 60% of adults cannot have a ten minute
conversation without lying at least once. For most people, no matter if they are morally good or bad,
lying is an easy, and maybe seemingly harmless, thing to do. In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, lying
is a main theme throughout the play. As characters are faced with life or death circumstances,
morally good people have to either lie to save themselves and others, or face the unjust
consequences. Lying is generally seen throughout society as immoral, however, it is acceptable to
lie when faced with a life–threatening or dangerous situation. Many people lie when their status is
being threatened or for selfish reasons, as seen in the majority of the lies
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King Of Lies
"The King of Lies" by John Hart is a very exciting and brilliant, murder mystery. It is a suspenseful
thriller that has a the main character, Jackson "Work" Pickens living in North Carolina. Work's
father, Erza Pickens, was a very rich, abusive, and crazy father and husband. Erza was always
running and controlling Work's life, while mistreating his own wife and his daughter, Jean. When
Erza is murdered, everyone blames anyone to try to solve the mystery. The Pickens family was not
in any good shape before, and after the two murders. Erza was a lawyer that forced Work into the
practice too. Work's mother was killed by Erza, the same day Erza was killed. This caused a lot of
grief in the circle of family and friends. Jean, was disowned by her
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Lies My Teacher Told Me by James W. Loewen Essay
Lies My Teacher Told Me by James W. Loewen High school history textbooks are seen, by students,
as presenting the last word on American History. Rarely, if ever, do they question what their text
tells them about our collective past. According to James W. Loewen's Lies My Teacher Told Me,
they should be. Loewen has spent considerable time and effort reviewing history texts that were
written for high school students. In Lies, he has reviewed twenty texts and has compared them to the
actual history. Sadly, not one text measures up to the author's expectation of teaching students to
think. What is worse, though, is that students come away from their classes without "having
developed the ability to think coherently about social ... Show more content on ...
According to Loewen they got his name right, and not much else. Lies points out that there were
many groups of explorers that had "discovered" America before Columbus. He probably used some
of their information as a basis for his plans to sail west. A full eight pages are devoted to other
possible explorers. These groups include ancient groups from Indonesia, Japan, China, and
Phoenicia. More recent groups include the Vikings, British Islanders, West Africans, and Portuguese
fishermen. There are varying levels of evidence connecting these groups to pre–Columbian
America, but still enough to throw doubt into the mix. Columbus got the credit because of the way
in which Europe responded to his "discovery." Other false ideas taught about Columbus deal with
what is left out. His original motivation may have been to find another trade route to the Orient, but
his real motivation, in subsequent expeditions to America, was money. By 1493 Columbus had
planned to plunder Haiti, according to Michele de Cuneo, who had been on Columbus's first
voyage. Columbus, himself, said to Ferdinand and Isabella that his motivation was gold, and " gold
constitutes treasure; and he who has it does all he wants in the world, and can even lift souls up to
Paradise" (Lies p34). Another side of Columbus
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Lies and Deceit
Katie Kirk Mrs. Addington AP Lang 1 12 October 2010 The Many Lies in Salem Arthur Miller's
The Crucible is a tragic play set in 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts, where Miller uses the Salem
Trials as a metaphor for the 1950s McCarthy hearings. In Salem, people value their good names.
The Puritan community acts as a theocracy in which there appears to be no right to privacy, and
people must conform to a strict moral code. The theme of reputation, lying, and deceit are shown in
Abigail, John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, Mary Warren, and other characters. In the play's dialogue,
Miller uses Biblical allusions, situational irony, and dramatic irony to develop these themes. The
play is extremely ironic because when people tell lies they escape ... Show more content on ...
When Elizabeth goes into the courtroom, she does not know John has confessed. This can be
described as dramatic irony because the reader knows what Elizabeth does not. She lies for her first
time by denying John and Abigail's affair, abandoning her Puritan morals in order to protect her
husband's reputation. The truth would have saved John, but Elizabeth's lie destroys him and causes
the court to believe Abigail, which shows situational irony. Abigail has previously accused Elizabeth
of witchcraft. Reverend Hale tries to calm John when Elizabeth is arrested. John alludes to the Bible
and says, "Pontius Pilate! God will not let you wash your hands of this! without my name"(Miller
1285). The only way John Proctor can save himself is by falsely confessing to being involved with
witchcraft; however, he does not confess. This describes another example of situational irony.
Proctor decides to tell the truth and not lie to himself because he now understands the meaning of a
good reputation. As critic Richard Hayes says, "The dilemma of man, fallible, subject to pride, but
forced to choose between the 'negative good' of truth and the morality, and the 'positive good' of
human life under any dispensation." Proctor would rather die than live with the town believing
untrue statements about him. When Proctor is asked to explain why he decides to tell the truth he
replies, "Because it is my name!...How may I live without
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There Will Be Lies Theme
The book There Will Be Lies portrays a mom and her daughter and their adventures as the mom are
on the run from the cops. Based in Scottsdale, Arizona during the present, the mom and her daughter
are on the run from the cops because her mom committed murder. She killed her husband when she
was young out of self–defense. She changed her name and move all around the country avoiding the
cops and now she has been found again. The book's point of view is first person this can be proven
through the daughter, Shelby Cooper, in the book Shelby thinks, "I go in and the AC settles around
me like a cocoon of coolness, I have a tingly feeling" (Lake 27). This Quote proves that the story is
narrated through first person by saying "I" throughout the book. ... Show more content on ...
I know it's a lot to take in. uh, yes, I think. You told me my dad was DEAD" (Lake 58). This quote
proves that this is a serious situation in the book Shelby for her whole life thought her dad was dead
and then all of sudden she figures out he may not be dead after all. The theme of There Will Be Lies
everything is not what it seems this is proven when her mom tells her that her dad is alive for her
whole life she thought he was dead. This can also be proven when her mom tells her that she's not
who she really is when her mom tells her that she killed her dad and changed her name and has been
on the run from the cops for 15 years. Now it has come back to haunt her. Five literary terms or
devices of the book There Will Be Lies. One of the figurative languages in the book is a hyperbole
in the book it says, "Squeezes my heart" (Lake 48). This quote shows a hyperbole by having an
exaggeration of something. Another one is personification in the book it says, "No grass, says first
elk." (Lake 129). This quote shows personification by giving an animal human capability, in this
case an
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Lies In Othello
Iago tells a number of intentionally cruel lies throughout the play Othello. These lies would not have
led to their fatal consequences, if others did not believe and act on them. Certainly, Iago plays a
central role in the tragic result of Othello murdering his wife Desdemona and then himself. Iago is a
jealous and ambitious man seeking revenge from those he feels have wronged him. He is the
ringleader in the deception and manipulation of others throughout the play. While his lying and
scheming leads to many tragic results: including death, He is not completely responsible for these
outcomes. Other characters contribute to the continuation and growth of the lies that lead to
heartbreaking tragedies. Cassio is Iago's first target. He believes ... Show more content on ...
He does this to also addresses his jealous belief that Othello and Cassio have both been with his
wife Emilia. Iago sets up a plan to sabotage Othello and Desdemona's relationship by mentioning
that Cassio and Desdemona are having an affair. To make this lie believable, Iago needs proof. Iago
is aware of the strong sentimental value of the handkerchief Othello gives to his wife Desdemona as
a token of his love for her, as a result he persuades his wife Emilia to steal Desdemona's
handkerchief and to support both of his objectives. Iago tells Othello's that the handkerchief is now
in Cassio position, leading him to think that Desdemona and Cassio are having an affair. Well these
actions were mean spirited, without Othello's willingness to question his wife's faithfulness
contributes immensely to the success of Iago's plan. Othello is a very proud man who doses not like
to be cheated or deceived. Othello is so consumed by jealously that he believes Iago's lie as strong
proof to his existing doubts about Desdemona. When Othello goes to confront Desdemona for her
"wrong" doings she lies to him about the fact it was stole from her. She makes up this lie because
she is anxious that Othello will be angry that she has lost it so she pulls out a different handkerchief
with hopes he will not notice, he does. Not only does he notice the lie by recognizing the difference
of the
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Lies In The Unvanquished
Lies often bring pain and hurt, but they can also be used as a tool to bring hope and relief to those
that are suffering. According to the ninth commandment, "You shall not bear false witness against
your neighbor" which many take to mean that we shouldn't lie but is God going to deny our
salvation if we lie to save our loved ones? Is lying ever acceptable in God's eyes? I argue that lying
can be acceptable under certain conditions.
In the novel The Unvanquished the character Granny Rosa Millard has to lie to protect Ring and
Bayard. This is to save them from having to face the harsh anger of the military personnel when
they shot and killed a horse. Later on, she and Ringo arrange a scam where they collect about two
hundred of the Yankees' stock by deceit. ... Show more content on ...
When you start defining what circumstances there is a danger of making it seem okay to lie all the
time''. He opined that lying is not right and it is important to say the truth, but admitted that he
would lie to defend his family if they were in danger. He gave a good example about ISIS, a group
of terrorists that kill Christians. He said "If ISIS comes to my house and knock on my door and ask
if my daughter Lauren was in her room... I would lie and say that she was not". He believes that
there is no bigger sinner than a father that doesn't protect his family. He is right. When the situation
is related to family and or love ones, you do whatever you have to do even sin. I can't think of one
person who would say there is nothing in life they would lie for, and this is because lying is not
always used to hurt people but instead to protect. When we tell the truth or tell a lie we have to be
willing to live with whatever consequences come with it. If a loved one could be saved by you lying
I highly doubt guilt is a feeling that would arise after having saved their
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Lies In The Crucible
Arthur Miller wrote the crucible during a time period in the U.S that' shared some similarities to the
Salem witch trials. Miller wrote this play during the McCarthy hearings, which is when Senator
Joseph McCarthy began wildly blaming people of being Soviet spies. The
Crucible is about these Salem witch trials but it also contains many universal themes and is
definitely filled with its share of conflicts, but one that stands out the most to me is the constant
lying and how those lies lead to even worse problems in Salem. The constant lying by the girls leads
to most of, if not all, of the conflicts in Salem, which connect perfectly to the theme of lying only
making things worse.
The story begins with young girls, Betty and Ruth, unable to wake ... Show more content on ...
Mary is unable to convince Danforth she isn't a witch so Mary, fearing punishment others have
faced for being claimed witches, joins back with the girls and, in order to save herself, claims John
Proctor "Is the devil's man" and he "comes at me by night to get me to sign", she also claims John
wants her to help him "overthrow the court." (Miller 198). This last lie would result in John Proctor
being put on trial but, instead of lying and claiming witchcraft, he decides to end the cycle of lies
surrounding Salem and doesn't admit to being a witch until he is ultimately hanged.
The Crucible was an amazing play that perfectly captured the time period, but it also contained
many universal themes that could apply to our everyday lives. The biggest and most prevalent one
has to be the over use of lies and how they almost destroyed the village of Salem.
Lying and lying consistently can only make things worse and that is shown perfectly through this
entire play. If the girls were still allowed to have their way, everyone in the village could have been
accused and lost their land or even worse their
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Lies In The Crucible
In the 1600's women and men were blamed for witchcraft that apparently happened in the small
towns. Everyone was blamed when a child started acting up because everyone thought that someone
was putting their spirit amongst them. This is all shown in the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller.
Arthur Miller shows the life in a small village of people with a church and kids. Kids acting really
weird because of 'witchcraft', and all of the women being accused of witchcraft because of what it
says in the Bible. Reverend Parris shows in the play The Crucible that the Bible doesn't lie, but also
people don't lie or try not to lie when their lives are put on the line. In Act 1 and Act 4, Reverend
Parris believes in what ever is in the Bible when it comes
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Analysis Of Hamlet 's ' Hamlet '
Hamlet personal response
Isolation. An eerie dread, a detachment, an unwelcome independence. A feeling that everyone
expects to feel at some point, yet are never prepared for. Why? Why do we accept that we'll feel
isolated if we aren't going to be prepared when the feeling actually hits us? Maybe because despite it
being a common emotion, it's not one brought about naturally. Hamlet, for example, didn't begin to
feel isolated from those around him until the tragic death of his king. After which, he saw the true
colours of those around him, and began to feel isolated.
I didn't feel isolated until discovering that my parents had omitted important information from me,
the moment I truly began questioning the extent of their 'caring' attitude towards me. I started
wondering: are they really the people I thought they were? Should I put as much trust and
companionship into them as I currently am?
To many people, having a relationship is like going on a hike. Despite a few rocks and bumps here
and there, everything that happens in the relationship is within the strict lines created by the original
trailblazers. What we often fail to see, is that none of our paths are truly finished. Each relationship
unravels differently, therefore the task of creating a perfect and complete path, is virtually
impossible. Mistakes are made when we stumble upon those unfinished parts. We don't make
mistakes in how we deal with others in the relationships, but how we deal with our own emotions.
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Defining Lies: A Look at Different Types of Lies Essay
What are lies? A lie is defined as follows: To make a statement that one knows to be false, especially
with the intent to deceive. There are several ways that lies are told for instance, there are white lies,
lies of omission, bold faced lies, and lies of exaggeration. No matter what type of lie that one
chooses to tell many people believe that lies do more harm than good. White lies are defined as
diplomatic or well–intentioned deception. There are many different types of white lies that are told,
such as, lies of flattery for example; if someone gives another person a gift and the gift was not what
the person wanted, this person would reply "thank you so much! I just love it!" This type of white
lie is told because telling someone ... Show more content on ...
White lies are often told when people are afraid of what would happen if they told the truth. To lie
by omission is another way some people choose to tell a lie. To lie by omission means to
intentionally omit a vital piece or pieces of information leaving the other person with a
misconception. For instance, a wife asks her husband if he were at the night club, the husband tells
his wife that he is working late, which is true, however, he omit's the fact that he also visited the
night club. Lying by omission undermines the truth. It is often used to manipulate someone into
altering their behavior to suit the desire of the deceiver. The lie is not the words or lack of words; the
omission is the intention of the deceiver. Lying by omission includes failures to correct pre– existing
misconceptions. A bold–faced lie is a lie which is told when it is obvious to all involved that it is a
lie. For example, a child has written all over his/her room with a red crayon while still holding the
crayon the child attempts to deny it. The bold–faced lie in this instance was used to avoid
punishment. Since most parents do not tolerate lies from their children lying in this situation could
have made matters worse especially since the child was still holding the evidence. Lies
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Lies In The Crucible
Did you know that in 2002, a study was conducted by the University of Massachusetts that yielded a
surprising end result that said sixty percent of adults cannot successfully sit through a simple ten
minute conversation without telling at least one lie? In fact, the average number of lies a subject told
in the exchange was three. Lying has become so second nature to people that sometimes they do not
even realize they are doing it. According to Arthur Miller's The Crucible, a lie– whether it be a small
white one or a large, intricately–knit web of them– can be told in a number of situations for a
number of different circumstances. One circumstance in which people often turn to a lie for an
answer is when trying to protect oneself from danger ... Show more content on ...
In the last scenes of The Crucible, John Proctor became so angry with Abigail's bluffing and
falsifying that he called her a "whore" and proceeded to disclose the truth about his adulterous affair
with Abigail. His wife, Elizabeth Proctor was called in to the court to verify his revelation since
"that woman will never lie" (Miller 96); however, she tainted her own reputation by doing just that,
lying. Elizabeth ended up informing Judge Danforth of John's loyalty, assuring them he had never
had an affair, which contradicted the truth John recited. Because Elizabeth specialized in speaking
the truth, her lie was accepted as an authentic fact. Elizabeth was brought into court, under the
impression that her husband's affair was still a secret and she fully intended to keep it that way to
prove her loyalty and love for him. When someone loves another, they are willing to do almost
anything, to say almost anything in order to keep that person safe; this is exactly what Elizabeth
Proctor does when she broke her no lying streak. It was also what Romeo and Juliet did for each
other in Shakespeare's world famous play, Romeo and Juliet. Juliet takes Friar Lawrence's advice
and drinks a sleeping potion that will allow her to appear dead; this relieves her of marrying Paris,
the man after her hand in marriage. The Friar would then notify Romeo that Juliet was laid to rest in
the Capulet tomb, and he would come to rescue her, the two of them running away together. The
plan had a flaw, however, because when Romeo heard news of Juliet's "death" he grew so distraught
that he joined her in the tomb and drank his own vial of poison so he could die with her.
Unfortunately, when Juliet awoke, it was to Romeo's dead body, and she too killed herself. The
whole arrangement, a bundle of poor lies, was set in place so the two of them could run away
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The Tongue Lies
When the tongue lies
Therefore I lye with her, and she with me,
And in our faults by lyes we flattered be – Shakespeare
Introduction and Definition
Before surveys, studies and prying psychologists Shakespeare was poetically exploring, with a
clever pun, the complexities of romantic relationships. His bawdy yet poignant couplet hints that
lies are a social lubricant. However, it is the submission of this essay that Shakespeare is only
representing one side of a complex dichotomy. Perhaps lies might facilitate a measure of closeness
but depending on the magnitude, or type of lie, they may also damage or destroy it.
The first portion of this essay will define lying and examine how people lie and what they lie about.
Following this, the motivation of liars will be examined from a psychological and practical
perspective. Then some attention will be given to discussing how lies might both help and harm a
close relationship. Finally, discussion will focus on the limitations and challenges involved with
studying this area.
Barnes (1994) quips that lying is a "slippery concept" and borrows a definition from Bok (1978): a
lie "is a statement intended to deceive a dupe about the state of the world, including the intentions
and attitudes of the liar" (p. 11). Within this broad definition, lies can be further distinguished by
categorising them according them to what people lie about and the form they take. These areas will
be addressed in turn.
What people lie about and the
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Secrets and Lies Essay
"Is this Life?" Resolutions, Humour and Family in Mike Leigh's Secrets & Lies In this essay I
would like to argue that in Secrets and Lies Mike Leigh is suggesting that secrets cause tensions in
families and destroys relationships between family members. Firstly, I would like to consider that it
is actually true according my own experience because there is been some lies and hidden secrets in
my family as well and once they are exposed, it causes embarrassments to those whom are affected.
Secondly, I believe secrets can form a negative and positive impact once they are exposed because,
it can be a turning point where families consider reuniting and leave the past behind which
obviously happens in Secrets and Lies. Sometimes it happens ... Show more content on ...
This reflects to Rosenbaum's quote where he asks himself why "Why, then, have I liked Secrets and
Lies so much that I've been able to see it three times with pleasure, and found it as gripping the third
time as the first?" (Rosenbaum) It is how Leigh let his actors create an environment he looking for,
says the author! In my opinion, I believe Rosenbaum is amazed about Leigh's work because, the
producer reveals how he simply does to make his movies become "independent". I assume that most
producers scribble down a script and give it to their actors when it's done and here Leigh does the
opposite and the results prove to come out great. In this paragraph, I emphasize on the difference
between Secrets and Lies in and Hollywood movies and what others say about his work.
Rosenbaum argues that, "Set Secrets and Lies alongside most recent Hollywood pictures it looks
like a masterpiece, but considered in relation to the best of Leigh––say, Meantime or Grown–ups or
High Hopes––or the best of recent non–Hollywood films, it looks rather thin."(Rosenbaum) As the
author puts it, Secrets and Lies don't have enough detailed information to be classified as one of
Leigh's best movies because, he claims that it not one that sticks in one's
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Lies In The Odyssey
In Greek mythology, when a character is looking for knowledge about anything they travel to the
underworld to talk with the dead. When the dead enter the Underworld, they learn the truth about
the lies they were told and what actually happened during their lives. In the Penelopiad, Penelope is
telling the story from the Underworld, this perspective allows her to tell the truth of the ways she
was deceived throughout her life. While in the Underworld Penelope learned the truth about how
Odysseus won her hand in marriage and what Odysseus was truly doing while he was lost at sea. In
order to win Penelope's hand in marriage, Odysseus beat the other suitors in a foot race, but
Penelope later learned; "He cheated, as I later learned. My father's brother, Uncle Tyndareus, father
of Helen .... helped him to do it." (Atwood 35). During Penelope's life she thought that Odysseus
had won her fair and square, but after she died she learned the truth that he had cheated with the
help of her uncle. While Odysseus was lost at sea, many rumors of his "heroic tasks" were brought
to Penelope by other ships. Though at the time she believed them, in the Underworld she learned the
truth: ... Show more content on ...
Some of the men had been eaten by cannibals, said some; no, it was just a brawl of the usual kind,
said others, with ear–biting and nosebleeds and stabbings and eviscerations. Odysseus was the guest
of a goddess on an enchanted isle, said some; she'd turned his men into pigs – not a hard job in my
view – but had turned them back into men because she'd fallen in love with him and was feeding
him unheard–of delicacies prepared by her own immortal hands, and the two of them made love
deliriously every night; no, said others, it was just an expensive whorehouse, and he was sponging
off the Madam. (Atwood
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Pulp Fiction Narrative
Everyone has a favorite movie they love to watch, which triggers their inner emotion for why they
love that particular movie. Some movies may bring tears of joy to a person's heart and some movies
may keep the audience on their toes for what might happen next with action and excitement. Those
action and excitement movies have different techniques which makes the movie stands out in a
viewer eyes. In the 1994 film Pulp Fiction directed by Quentin Taratino and 2015 Mad Max Fury
Road directed by George Miller are arguable known to be two of the best movies when it comes
down to action and excitement. These two movie are both suspenseful, breath–taking, and thrilling
that will keep your toes for what is about to happen in the next scene. Both of these movies use
some of the same technique and tactual which makes the audience stay engaged into the movie. In
the film Pulp Fiction there are a considerable measure of components to this film which makes it an
incredible motion picture to watch and love. The structure of the film to the development to the
tension scenes of the film all adds up to make this movie sensational. Some portion of the
motivation behind why this movie is so darling is on the grounds that it will dependably keep you
on the edge of toes to perceive what will occur next. Seeing this film out of the blue may get
puzzling at first since its bounces forward and backward from four unique stories which all meet up
toward the end for redemption. One of the
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Pryll Lies
Analysis of Lies
The analysis of lies in a hypertext fiction seems interesting and original. Pryll brings about a unique
concept of how it is easy to understand a person by first understanding their lies. Nevertheless, Pryll
introduces a code or a double meaning for phrases or keywords, which force the reader to question
on telling each other about lies. To be honest, I agree with your stating that lies can tell you on what
an individual want, rather than what they are. However, I expected to hear two other concepts that I
saw relevant in Pryll hypertext fiction on lies. The first one, "lies are dreams, and fantasy," while the
other one, "who want to live the truth, when he/she can live a lie." The two may seem obvious, but
have a lot of intensity.
Sunshine 69
I think Lance Olsen used so many jargons and technical words in his narrative that an ordinary
person without any knowledge concerning his concept may not understand. I have read the
description, however, comprehending and synthesizing the idea is like trying to understand an
allegory or ... Show more content on ...
The authors define the color of television as a collage of images and words that give one or several
stories in an arranged random sequence. However, it is enticing to see that you also discovered that
the story did not have one story line. That is, the authors seem to divert from the initial explanation
of their story, complicating the whole idea. For instance, bringing the story of "boing–boing that
one's experience will neither be free nor knowing contradicts on what it means, and whether it
connects with the initial idea. Nevertheless, I can see you have involved your critical thinking to
come up with some highlight on such a mixed and complex narrative such as, there is always a time
in an individual's life when they believe something to be true, but in long–run, turns to be
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Lies In The Crucible
Humans tend to lie for a variety of reasons. Some lie when they are scared of the consequences.
Some are used to lying on a daily basis. Some just want to be in everyone's good graces. Many
characters have lied and deceived others either to preserve their reputation or to achieve something
important in the 1953 play The Crucible by Arthur Miller. Throughout the play, Abigail Williams
constantly lies to other people to keep her good reputation. When John Proctor asks about Betty's
poor condition, she says they were just dancing in the woods and Betty got startled and fainted. She
denies any involvement of witchcraft. However, she doesn't tell Proctor she also drank chicken
blood to kill his wife, Elizabeth. Abigail and John Proctor were deceiving
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Lies In Diversity
I understand that people go through hard times in life. Everyone has a background story, and
everyone has a different view on the way they handle adversity. One Thanksgiving a few years ago,
my dad had called and told me that he was moving to Michigan. I haven't lived more than two hours
from my dad, I had no idea how to take the news. He hasn't been involved in my life for 17 years
now, and I have grown to accept that he will never be a father to me. Stephen R. Covey said,
"Strength lies in differences, not in similarities." I am a carrot, an egg, and a coffee bean because I,
too, suffer from adversity. The carrot represents a strong, hard, and unrelenting person, but can also
have a weak side. When my dad shared the news that he was moving
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Lies In The Crucible
Some people think a lie will just fade away and nobody will find out, but little do they know the
truth always comes out. Lying only makes a situation worse, not better and in this play it shows why
lies can put you in a serious or dangerous situation. The Crucible written by Arthur Miller relates to
the Salem witch trials and is based in a small village that believes there are witches running around
the village using witchcraft to turn people against God and sell themselves to the devil. In the
beginning Mr.Parris, the father of Betty Parris is kneeling down beside his daughter, Betty because
he believes that the girls has used witchcraft and caused his daughter to behave strange. This leads
him to question Abigail to find out what went on ... Show more content on ...
Only if John would've told the truth, maybe Elizabeth wouldn't feel as sad now, but as he keeps
lying to her it's bringing her down even more, this shows that lies really hurt people. Also in the play
John is being very cautious and hesitant by approaching the situation with the court slowly because
he doesn't want to his mistake to be known by the court while he accuses Abigail of lying. "I know I
cannot keep it. I say I will think on it!" (Miller Act 2 Page 51). This shows he is very hesitant and
that he has something to hide from the court and that he knows if the court finds out about his
incident he's not going to have a good outcome. "I am only wondering how I may prove what she
told me, Elizabeth. If the girl's a saint now, I think it is not easy to prove she's a fraud, and the town
gone so silly." (Miller Act 2 Page 52). John is trying to put together all the information that he is
going to tell the court without putting himself at risk with the court. It's better to tell the truth, even
if that means you'll be punished for it because it's not right for an innocent person to be punished
over a
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Woolf On Lies

  • 1. Woolf On Lies The struggle that women had to endure through the centuries has been rooted deeply to the idea that women are inferior to men. Men, as the stronger sex, were thought to be intelligent, courageous, and determined. Women, on the other hand, were more governed by their emotions, and their virtues were expected to be chastity, modesty, compassion, and piety. Men were thought to be more aggressive; women more passive. Women education was primarily at home by mothers or fathers. The education comprised of the arts of sewing, water color, and polite conversation for the upper class and domestic work for lower classes. Those who did attempt to educate themselves in the male subjects of Greek and Latin were measured by male standards of scholarship when they attempted to express themselves in print. While this might not be the current situation for women in society women had to fight to get where they are right now. In this paper, I will to be discussing two visionary women who saw that women needed change their position in society. I will be discussing Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own and Adrienne Rich "On Lies, Secrets, and Silence: Selected Prose and their arguments about the states of women's education. In this paper I hope to prove that the women used the power of words to express their personal struggle for other women to understand there are not alone; ... Show more content on ... It investigates the historical backdrop of ladies in writing through an unusual and exceptionally provocative examination of the social and material conditions required for the written work of writing. These conditions–recreation time, protection, and money related freedom–endorse all scholarly creation, yet they are especially applicable to comprehension the circumstance of ladies in the abstract custom on the grounds that ladies, verifiably, have been consistently denied of those essential ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Couple Lies by Everyday people tell lies that seem minor and ineffective on life. These lies are considered white lies or kind lies. A white lie is a cautious, wrong statement which is meant to do no harm or is intended to produce an encouraging result. Adair Lara's Couple lie shows readers white lies in marriage. She states "This is marital lying. It's not a white lie, meant to spare your feelings. It's a pink lie, a couple lie." In her opinion white lies and couple lies are different, couple lies are acceptable. The author and many people see white lies and couple lies as a way to get through life, but are the results always positive? Couple Lies and White lies may seem innocent and harmless but can potentially cause problems in relationships and ... Show more content on ... These white lies are often overlooked and shrugged at, when people should actually be more cautious because it can be effortless to tell a lie or not say the truth. Telling the truth may hurt someone, but you will be respected more for your honesty and have a chance to resolve an issue without having your character ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Lies In The Crucible Arthur Miller in The Crucible implements many conflicts that define the plot. The people of Salem were in a state of paranoia after suspected witchcraft by some of the villagers. This state of paranoia caused many other conflicts in Salem. Many villagers attempted to lie their way out of witchcraft conviction which led to conflicting sides and drama. Because lies will eventually catch up to you, Mary and the girls were facing big consequences for attempting to cover up the witchcraft they were involved in. Lies and deceit played a key role in the unfolding of the plot as Mary Warren and the other girls involved had conflicting stories. John Proctor mentioned to Mary that "God damns all liars" because he suspected her of using deceit to tamper with the truth (Miller 196). This quote is the religious way of saying you will eventually be punished for lying. Mary wanting to tell the truth about Elizabeth Proctor's accusation of witchcraft countered the whole lie the girls set up to cover up their act of sorcery in the forest which made all of the lies catch up to the people who told them. The countering of these lies created a situation of mistrust and paranoia because nobody knew who was being truthful and who was not. ... Show more content on ... Mary telling Harthorne that she "only thought [she] saw them but [she] did not" indicates that she originally claimed to have seen them but then changed her story to get herself out of trouble. This is important to the story because of the clearly evident deceit that the girls of Salem use to avoid punishment for their unfaithful actions. Later in Act III this attempt to cover up a lie comes back to haunt Mary and reflects the theme of lies and deceit bringing you down in the end. Mary shows self–pity towards the end of Act III even though her own lies dug her into the ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Necklace Lies Both the truth and lies can be deceiving; the truth is much harder to start but it is much less painful in the long run, whereas a lie is much easier to start but once you've started it continues to grow, as Mathilde found out in The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant. Mathilde is a middle class woman who doesn't work, she has a cleaning lady yet she always complains about her "worn", "shabby" and "ugly" apartment. Mathilde dreams of money, beauty and luxurious furniture and accessories, all things she claims she doesn't have, and doesn't appreciate the luxuries she does have. At this point of the story Mathilde is selfish, unappreciative, snobby and pessimistic. Later in the story, when Mathilde and her husband are residing in the attic flat, Mathilde ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Lies In The Crucible The Importance of Intentions By the standards of virtually any society, lying is an act that is almost certain to result in some form of contempt, hatred, or even ostracism. However, not all liars are regarded in the same way– there is an obvious difference of morality between a fraudulent politician and one lying to protect his own life. In his play The Crucible, Arthur Miller demonstrates the moral and societal differences between and consequences of different types of lies: A liar's virtue is determined primarily by intention, and while some forms of dishonesty are more acceptable than others, truth under all circumstances is vital to true morality. Miller's stance is a rational and realistic one and can be seen not only in his play, ... Show more content on ... Then, caught by her father in the unspeakable act of dancing in the woods, Abigail resorts to claiming to being possessed by the Devil through means of Tituba, and then to "open herself" and "go back to Jesus" (48), significantly increasing the number of witchcraft accusations because of all the people she and Betty claim to have seen with the Devil– more than ten accused on just the last page on Act I. By the end of the play, she is responsible for countless people, even those that held their ground for so long, confessing to witchcraft. Those aware of the horrendous truth– Goody Proctor, John Proctor, Reverend Hale– hate her but are helpless as to take any action. The reader comes to despise her and her lies even more when people are not only wrongly charged with crime, but also when the admirable Rebecca Nurse and John Proctor must face their death because of the standards that Abigail has set. Lying to protect reputation is also a common theme seen in politics. One especially controversial instance was President Nixon's Watergate Scandal: Nixon employed the FBI, CIA, and IRS to harass and spy on political rivals, going so far as to order break–ins to acquire secret information. After the scandal had been partially uncovered, Nixon publicly announced that investigations were being made although he had actually blocked any such activity from happening. ... Get more on ...
  • 6. A Convenient Untruth. Lies: Essay: Lies A Convenient Untruth Lies. According to, a lie is a false statement with deliberate intent to deceive, an intentional untruth, a falsehood. Oh how the make it sound so bad! But what doesn't realize is that it is nearly impossible for people to live a life without telling a single lie. I think it's even unhealthy... One must at one point in their circle of life tell a lie. Lying is a natural reaction. Everyone lies. It's just that some people do it to get out of difficult and awkward situations and to avoid getting people's feelings hurt. For instance, you are at a friend's house, getting ready to go to a party. Your friend, not the skinniest person on earth, is going to wear this beautiful dress that she has ... Show more content on ... In this case, if you take the path of lying, your consequences can be good or bad. Now, how can your consequences be good? Well, for starters, you could get away with your lie and no one gets hurt, or nothing gets out there. There is a study that says that 56% of Americans think they get away with a lie. However, they will live the rest of your life with a guilty conscience, unless you don't have one, which is humanly impossible. Another good thing about lying is that according to a physiological study published in 2005, compulsive lying actually makes you smarter. Now, how could your consequences be bad? You might get caught in your lie and make your consequences even worse. Consequently, people wont be trusting you anymore, not even your friends, not even your family, you will lose total trust with them. If you lie all the time, it will eventually become a bad habit therefore, you will feel that doing a bad thing it's actually a good thing. In addition, when you lie about something and it is revealed, it will create a domino effect like that of finding another logical ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Darrell Huff How To Lie With Statistics Summary After a compelling read of "How to lie with statistics" by Darrell Huff, I am pleased to say that I learned a great amount of quality information. Not only was I shocked about the witty tone but also, I felt as if this book changed the way I would view statistics for the rest of my life. Even though this book was written in the 1950's, I would say that the writing is time–less and that it still gives you great knowledge of how the world statistical works. Huff explains all of the tricky ways that statistics can cause a person to believe in something that possibility isn't true. I've learned to be careful and not overlook the things that could be a statisticulation, as the author cleverly calls it, or a manipulated statistic. Most people would ... Show more content on ... By calculating averages and graphing them to make the appearance of a strong correlation it can make the viewer believe the magnification of the data is knowledgeable. In reality no one is lying to you but they are possibly only giving you biased information. What fascinated me the most was that by giving the average wasn't always a helpful to the common person. I knew that there was more than one–way to find the average but, I was not aware of how the mean, median, and mode where chosen carefully to make a statistic look more appealing to the viewer. Throughout the book Huff gives you examples of the common ways that data is tampered with. For example, he explains that when testing a product, the company might choose a smaller sample, making the percentage of the benefits of using the product much higher than if using a larger sample. Huff states that, even though it is unclear of how many trials should be done to test a product, its important to notice the quality of the trials. The steps given at the end of the book are easy to follow and can make a remarkable difference in wither or not the information is worth your ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The On Jews And Their Lies On Jews and Their Lies is a pretty explicit title for someone who writes That Jesus Christ was Born a Jew in his youth to defend the idea that Jesus was born of the "seed of Abraham," that is to say that he was born a Jew (Marius, 1999). Even the title itself: On the Jews and Their Lies, hints at the fact that Luther believes that the Jews are unlikely to convert later in life. He says: First, to set fire to their synagogues or schools. Second, I advise that their houses also be razed and destroyed. Third, I advise that all their prayer books and Talmudic writings, in which such adultery, lies, cursing and blasphemy, are taught, be taken from them. Fourth, I advise that their rabbis be forbidden to teach henceforth on pain of loss of life and limb. Fifth, I advise that safe–conduct on the highways be abolished completely for Jews. Sixth, I advise that ... all cash and treasure of silver and gold be taken from them. Seventh ... Let whomsoever can, throw brimstone and pitch upon them, so much the better ... and if this be not enough, let them be driven like mad dogs from the land (Burston, 2014). These ominous "commandments" foreshadow and foreground some of what is later to come in Nazi Germany with the reading of these of Luther's statements, among others, in Protestant churches to incite violence against the Jews. It is no coincidence that Kristallnacht coincides with Luther's birthday (Burston, 2014). Many Nazis even thought that they were finishing Luther's ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Layered Lies Layered Lies introduces the crime series, Kelsey's Burden, by author Kaylie Hunter. This first book in the series establishes the theme of revenge, which drives the protagonist, Kelsey Harrison, to keep looking for her kidnapped son, Nicholas. After her enemies, Max and Nola, stole her adopted son and staged his death, Kelsey quits the Miami police force and moves to Michigan, where she sets up a clothing resale store, The Changing Room. For two years, she uses the fortune she earns from the store to fund her under–the–radar investigations to try to find Nicholas; she also keeps her fighting skills sharp and her fitness level high to be ready to take on Max and Nola at any moment. Meanwhile, Kelsey meets a number of characters, many of them down–and–outs and a group of bikers. She employs her new friends and makeshift family at The Changing Room but guards her past from them. When it turns out that one of her friends, Lisa, is on the run from the mafia, Kelsey must decide whether she trusts her people enough with her past fears to work together with them to protect their friend. To Kelsey, saving Lisa means preventing another loss like the one she suffered when Max and Nola kidnapped Nicholas. As promising as the premise is the book simply could not deliver the speed or build up the tension needed to make it thrilling: the story started to ... Show more content on ... A narrative has definitely been written, but that was as far as the writing in Layered Lies went – it got the job done, but does not shine as the author's chosen art form. I likened the tone of the book to that of a diary describing events and farcical fun in her clothing store, which hardly suited Kelsey's mission and focus of rescuing her son from his kidnappers. While I read the book, I noticed some grammatical errors, such as nouns capitalised for no reason at all and apostrophes in plurals. There were a few editing inconsistencies ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Damned Lies Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics In Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, he explores the hypocrisy and false nature of colonialism. Throughout the novel, everyone but Marlow continually describes colonialism as a noble endeavor, yet Marlow's experience while in the Congo constantly and thoroughly disproves such claims. The argument for colonialism centers on civilizing the natives and providing them with a better, more European life. The Company describes their endeavors as trade, rather than outright theft, and 'civilizing' the natives, rather than enslaving and killing them. Marlow's aunt describes the Belgian colonization of the Congo as "weaning those ignorant millions from their horrid ways," prompting Marlow to "hint that the Company was ... Show more content on ... Europeans believe that Congo natives are less intelligent, less civilized, and generally lesser to European whites. In "The Comparative Worth of Different Races," Francis Galton argues that "the average intellectual standard of the negro race is some two grades below our own," and goes on to argue that the Africa race contains a large amount of "half–witted men" (Galton, 226). Additionally, the 1902 Encyclopædia Britannica has the exact number of Europeans in the Congo down to the precision of "6 Spaniards," but has only an estimate of "30,000,000 to 14,000,000" natives (99). The Europeans clearly thought of the native as lesser and considered them significantly less intelligent; by Galton's standard, the smartest black man was no smarter than a successful English merchant. This view of Africans provides Europeans with a moral justification for colonialism, allowing them to claim they are improving the lives of simple, uncivilized barbarians. And should African natives die, Europeans will view their loss only as the loss of inferior barbarians, making it more palatable to the masses. Yet, Marlow realizes that the natives are not some lesser species to him; "they were not inhuman" (Conrad, 36). He reaches this conclusion from observing both his helmsman, a native with the skill of a European, and Kurtz, a European with the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Statistics and Lies Statistics Taken Out Of Context There are statistics of any topic you can think of. Nine out of ten people say this. Such and such percent approve or disapprove of this product. But, are these statistics true? Or, did someone twist the statistics around so we may believe them? Either way the more statistics are fed to people the more people believe them. In the article, it was explained how statistics were taken out of context for drugs that are tested on animals. The author takes statistics such as, "92% of drugs fail in clinical trials, having successfully passed through animal studies" and shows where the true statistic came from. (Lovell–Badge, 3013) The author takes the statistic and backs it up with facts. I was indeed ... Show more content on ... You see every three months that the rate rises and falls and the people in the White House are either praised or bashed. The truth with the unemployment statistic is if you are not actively seeking work, you are not included in the unemployment statistic. That is really misleading. While we are thinking that the economy is getting better, it actually is not. The rate is actually falling because people stopped looking for work. Are statistics important? Yes, they are. Some people do lie about statistics to make their point come across better. It is our job to dig for the truth in the matter. People love numbers and the numbers used in statistics grab people's attention. It can either make your point come across in a positive way or a negative way. Both ways the point is getting across and whatever product or study that uses statistics is getting some sort of advertisement. Whether the advertisement used is good or bad. Works Cited Bouckley, B. (2011, November 29). Beverage Daily. Retrieved from–Safety/Energy–drinks–are–casualty–of–statistics– ripped–out–of–context–ABA Lovell–Badge, R. (3013, January 23). Speaking of Research. Retrieved from ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Damned Lies A Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics Media Article– "High consumption of coffee is associated with decreased multiple sclerosis risk"; results from two independent studies." In this report, I will explore the eight worry questions as used by Wild and Pfannkuch (1999) and the seven critical components known as the guidelines from Utts (2004) to evaluate the study and from this I will discuss the validity of the study and propose ways in which the article could be improved to truly represent and reflect the findings of the study. Utts (2014 p.18) argues that "the meaning we can attach to data, and to the resulting conclusions, depends on how well the information was acquired and summarised", therefore it is important to evaluate how statistical ... Show more content on ... The study involved 1,620 adults with MS and 2,788 people without multiple sclerosis. The neurologist in the unit assessed the cases to decide whether the patient had met the McDonald criteria. The study maintains that two controls were randomly selected for each prospective case obtained from the national population register, and were matched in accordance by age in "5–year strata, sex and residential ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Willy Lies Unlike Happy, who is relatively successful as an adult, Biff goes through his adolescence and young adulthood completely misled and lost in a sea of lies and falsehoods. As a child, Biff is a football star and one of the most popular kids at school, yet he slacks on his school work and does not succeed scholastically. Throughout his adolescence, he is enabled by his father, who leads him to believe that grades and work ethic are meaningless in the long run, as, popularity is all that matters in the world. Obviously Willy is completely incorrect in his ideology and makes his son pay the price by allowing him to fail in school and permanently stunt his growth in becoming a successful adult. Biff is not given a clear path and loses himself, taking ... Show more content on ... The symbols of Willy's garden and the buildings in the city towering over him are directly representative of him as a father. Once again Dusenbury provides detail into Willy's ways of dealing with his failures and shortcomings and gives insight into the little garden in his backyard. Dusenbury explains how he is, "...boxed in his Brooklyn house by towering apartment buildings, trying in vain to grow a few seeds in the darkness of the shadows" (Dusenbury). When shown in this light, the garden represents Willy's final will to live and attempt to gain redemption by causing the successful growth of something, even if it is not his own children; however, it can represent his life as a father and how his efforts to successfully raise his children have failed. The seeds which he plants are his children and the darkness of the shadows and buildings is symbolic of the underlying darkness of his mind and his false hopes and dreams. The darkness of his corrupt mind and perception of the world casts a large shadow over his garden, or his life, and denies his seeds the vital sunlight needed for proper growth and development. He is the sole barrier between his seeds and the nutrients they need to grow into healthy fruits that will benefit the world around them. This parallel is a critical addition to the analysis of Willy ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Lies Of Deception themselves from perceived risk or danger or risk of being returned to a perceived risk or danger. Lies of commission are when someone says something that is not a fact and motivated by some personal gain or to create a more favourable version. An interesting aspect of this is when someone has a mental reservation and are telling a part truth. Examples are "I don't cheat on my wife"[unsaid qualifying 2nd part – "on Sundays"] or "I didn't take the milk money"[unsaid qualifying 2nd part – "this week"].` This type of lying is used as an "escape" clause – because if accused of lying later – such liars tend to claim that what they said was true, under certain qualifying conditions.` (, 2015) There are times when people tell you things that are unrelated to the question to distract you in order to cover up a lie. This is described as a character lie or a lie of influence. These lies are meant to make you believe the liar or to make the liar seem like such a great person that they are unlikely to be suspected of lying. Whenever someone is trying to convince you of how great they are, they are probably attempting to cover something up (, 2015). Does telling lies make you a liar God hath given you one ... Show more content on ... Indeed, there are those in the world that would never be considered truthful anywhere or in any situation. However, there is a distinct difference between someone who tells a lie and a liar. Everyone lies, as we have seen lying is a human trait and a normal part of human operating. However, very few people consider themselves to be liars and are inclined to think of liar to be those that lie at all times or use lies to be unkind or for gainful means. While there are others who spend their lives avoiding any responsibilities and use lying as a way of navigating difficult communications rather than admit the truth and accept the ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Guide To Lies In the age of information and technology, the general public is bombarded with facts and figures several times a day. It is absolutely essential for one to learn how to take these kinds of stats and data. If a person does not understand that not all the numbers that are being thrown around are not entirely what they seem, an individual can start getting persuaded of false claims and notions. In his book A field guide to lies, Daniel Levitin trains his readers to be prepared to take on this bombardment of numbers. Also, he reveals the reality of a lot of these stats and how people and agencies do not show the true form of these numbers or if they are even really true or just straight up falsified. There are many great points in this book of ... Show more content on ... From pages 183 till 196, the author tries to sum up a whole logic course. There is a philosophy course that is offered in most colleges for a whole semester. The author tries to make the reader understand all of that in thirteen pages. And the author goes really deep into the concepts of deduction and induction and validating an argument. These concepts need to be explained very simply or else not taken up. If the author wants to go in that much in depth about logic in a few pages, he will most likely end up confusing most of the readers instead of helping them. We felt the author should not have gone that much in depth into the subject of logic. It would have made the book more clear and smooth throughout that ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Lies In The Crucible Some people think a lie will just fade away and nobody will find out but little do they know the truth always comes out. Lying only makes a situation worse not better and in this play it shows why lies can put you in a serious or dangerous situation. The Crucible written by Arthur Miller relates to the salem witch trials and is based on a small village that believes there are witches running around the village using witchcraft to turn people against god and sell themselves to the devil. In the beginning Mr.Parris, the father of Betty Parris is kneeling down beside his daughter Betty because he believes that the girls has used witchcraft and caused his daughter to behave strange. This leads him to question Abigail to find out what went on in ... Show more content on ... John starts to feel a little guilt. "I set myself entirely in your hands. I know you must see it now." This shows that he has said everything that has to be said and that he has put himself at Mr. Danforth's mercy and that he must believe him now. Also in the story Mr.Danforth brings in Elizabeth to question her on her husband being a lecher and instead of telling the truth she denies it in order to save her husband's name putting John in a bad situation leaving the court believing that he was lying the whole time. This makes John regret lying to Elizabeth in the beginning and accusing her of accusing him about being with Abigail and lying to her. John was too late to confess and now him and his wife are in the worst predicament they could be in. John should've confessed early and this goes to show what happens when you keep a lie from people and they still end up finding out. If John never had that incident with Abigail she probably wouldn't have those intentions of taking the spot of his wife or having her put in ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Lexicon Of Lies In Caroline Jack's essay "A Lexicon of Lies," she explores the complex line between propaganda and advertising. Within this blurred line, there are aspects of the definition that overlap and make it hard to distinguish between the two. The explanation of these differences depends on the particular words chosen and the way in which the material is conveyed. Advertisement and propaganda are terms that are both linked to the promotion of objects and ideas in a specific way to attract a certain group of people. Propaganda is the promotion of viewpoints and advertising is the promotion of goods or services. While both forms are used to persuade an audience in some form. The distinction between advertising and propaganda is dependent upon whether ... Show more content on ... Misinformation results when false information is given out of error. This area can even include mistakes made due to time constraints. For news reporters it is crucial to be the first one with the most current big story. With time a key factor, it becomes common to make mistakes such as misprints or misinterpretation of the situation. The example that Jack uses to distinguish the two from one another is when the Daily Express tweeted false information. It could be determined that it was misinformation due to the reaction that followed the mistake. After time revealed the true events that took place in the situation contradicted the tweet the tabloid wrote, the tweet was deleted and updated to reflect the correct events. The haste to be the first to comment caused the ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Abigail Lies This is the reason why Abigail is the guiltiest of them all. One lie can cause a detrimental effect. In the play that Arthur Miller wrote was a girl named Abigail her was a lie she told so many lies that she couldn't keep count. The play was just one long drama filled story covered by a witchcraft cover up scheme . Abigail is responsible because of the simple thing she lied. Abigail is a multi faced girl. She lied about being in the forest dancing and a rousing dead spirit. She (Abigail) is fake . According to who the person was she was talking determined how she acted or went about doing things. She is not trustworthy she can't be trusted with anything. Every person she came in contact with she told a different story. Everything she has ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Lies In The Crucible How does a person decide on the truth? Deciphering false information from truth can be difficult, especially when widely known sources can give false or biased news, cough cough Fox News. Humans trivialize lies and exaggeration, but is a "little white lie" really little if it adds momentum to the growing boulder of lies that is slowly crushing the already unstable foundation of truth in society? Is there life in space? No one knows; however, this boulder did start as a small pebble of truth. Each lie is based on a true subject. Little Johnny's hamster died? Technically, he just ran away... to heaven. Little Johnny just did not happen to hear the last part. The point of all this is that the truth can be easily distorted, even to the point where ... Show more content on ... The novel proceeds akin to a plant; Act I plants the seed of deception that then flowers and strengthens in Acts II and III. Lies travel along the transfers of powers in order to spread. Once spread, power is the motivator to keep the deception in play. Finally, the deadly duo of power and dishonesty grow to a point where simple truth cannot act as an uprooter. The people of The Crucible are subjected to an overpowered lie, which turns the town to chaos. People go by what they see and what they hear. Lies are theatrical and bold while the truth is simple and plain. People are attracted to lies based on sheer curiosity. The lie of witchcraft was too inviting to file away as a simple mistruth. The horror behind the situation is that this could happen in any society. Thanks to the human tendency to lie as an escape from the harmful truth, deceit is everywhere. People deny climate change because the effects of such are frightening. Mass killings are reported as non– genocidal acts due to the threatening consequences of calling something a genocide. Falsity echoes in courtrooms full of people trying to escape jail time. This all brings into question the power of honesty in society. The Crucible is a warning to humankind. Due to the common correlation of power and deceit, Miller cautions against absolute trust in authoritative powers. Society is susceptible to subterfuge, therefore "the truth" should be regarded with ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Lies In The Crucible In a 2002 study by the University of Massachusetts, 60% of adults cannot have a ten minute conversation without lying at least once. For most people, no matter if they are morally good or bad, lying is an easy, and maybe seemingly harmless, thing to do. In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, lying is a main theme throughout the play. As characters are faced with life or death circumstances, morally good people have to either lie to save themselves and others, or face the unjust consequences. Lying is generally seen throughout society as immoral, however, it is acceptable to lie when faced with a life–threatening or dangerous situation. Many people lie when their status is being threatened or for selfish reasons, as seen in the majority of the lies ... Get more on ...
  • 21. King Of Lies "The King of Lies" by John Hart is a very exciting and brilliant, murder mystery. It is a suspenseful thriller that has a the main character, Jackson "Work" Pickens living in North Carolina. Work's father, Erza Pickens, was a very rich, abusive, and crazy father and husband. Erza was always running and controlling Work's life, while mistreating his own wife and his daughter, Jean. When Erza is murdered, everyone blames anyone to try to solve the mystery. The Pickens family was not in any good shape before, and after the two murders. Erza was a lawyer that forced Work into the practice too. Work's mother was killed by Erza, the same day Erza was killed. This caused a lot of grief in the circle of family and friends. Jean, was disowned by her ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Lies My Teacher Told Me by James W. Loewen Essay Lies My Teacher Told Me by James W. Loewen High school history textbooks are seen, by students, as presenting the last word on American History. Rarely, if ever, do they question what their text tells them about our collective past. According to James W. Loewen's Lies My Teacher Told Me, they should be. Loewen has spent considerable time and effort reviewing history texts that were written for high school students. In Lies, he has reviewed twenty texts and has compared them to the actual history. Sadly, not one text measures up to the author's expectation of teaching students to think. What is worse, though, is that students come away from their classes without "having developed the ability to think coherently about social ... Show more content on ... According to Loewen they got his name right, and not much else. Lies points out that there were many groups of explorers that had "discovered" America before Columbus. He probably used some of their information as a basis for his plans to sail west. A full eight pages are devoted to other possible explorers. These groups include ancient groups from Indonesia, Japan, China, and Phoenicia. More recent groups include the Vikings, British Islanders, West Africans, and Portuguese fishermen. There are varying levels of evidence connecting these groups to pre–Columbian America, but still enough to throw doubt into the mix. Columbus got the credit because of the way in which Europe responded to his "discovery." Other false ideas taught about Columbus deal with what is left out. His original motivation may have been to find another trade route to the Orient, but his real motivation, in subsequent expeditions to America, was money. By 1493 Columbus had planned to plunder Haiti, according to Michele de Cuneo, who had been on Columbus's first voyage. Columbus, himself, said to Ferdinand and Isabella that his motivation was gold, and " gold constitutes treasure; and he who has it does all he wants in the world, and can even lift souls up to Paradise" (Lies p34). Another side of Columbus ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Lies and Deceit Katie Kirk Mrs. Addington AP Lang 1 12 October 2010 The Many Lies in Salem Arthur Miller's The Crucible is a tragic play set in 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts, where Miller uses the Salem Trials as a metaphor for the 1950s McCarthy hearings. In Salem, people value their good names. The Puritan community acts as a theocracy in which there appears to be no right to privacy, and people must conform to a strict moral code. The theme of reputation, lying, and deceit are shown in Abigail, John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, Mary Warren, and other characters. In the play's dialogue, Miller uses Biblical allusions, situational irony, and dramatic irony to develop these themes. The play is extremely ironic because when people tell lies they escape ... Show more content on ... When Elizabeth goes into the courtroom, she does not know John has confessed. This can be described as dramatic irony because the reader knows what Elizabeth does not. She lies for her first time by denying John and Abigail's affair, abandoning her Puritan morals in order to protect her husband's reputation. The truth would have saved John, but Elizabeth's lie destroys him and causes the court to believe Abigail, which shows situational irony. Abigail has previously accused Elizabeth of witchcraft. Reverend Hale tries to calm John when Elizabeth is arrested. John alludes to the Bible and says, "Pontius Pilate! God will not let you wash your hands of this! without my name"(Miller 1285). The only way John Proctor can save himself is by falsely confessing to being involved with witchcraft; however, he does not confess. This describes another example of situational irony. Proctor decides to tell the truth and not lie to himself because he now understands the meaning of a good reputation. As critic Richard Hayes says, "The dilemma of man, fallible, subject to pride, but forced to choose between the 'negative good' of truth and the morality, and the 'positive good' of human life under any dispensation." Proctor would rather die than live with the town believing untrue statements about him. When Proctor is asked to explain why he decides to tell the truth he replies, "Because it is my name!...How may I live without ... Get more on ...
  • 24. There Will Be Lies Theme The book There Will Be Lies portrays a mom and her daughter and their adventures as the mom are on the run from the cops. Based in Scottsdale, Arizona during the present, the mom and her daughter are on the run from the cops because her mom committed murder. She killed her husband when she was young out of self–defense. She changed her name and move all around the country avoiding the cops and now she has been found again. The book's point of view is first person this can be proven through the daughter, Shelby Cooper, in the book Shelby thinks, "I go in and the AC settles around me like a cocoon of coolness, I have a tingly feeling" (Lake 27). This Quote proves that the story is narrated through first person by saying "I" throughout the book. ... Show more content on ... I know it's a lot to take in. uh, yes, I think. You told me my dad was DEAD" (Lake 58). This quote proves that this is a serious situation in the book Shelby for her whole life thought her dad was dead and then all of sudden she figures out he may not be dead after all. The theme of There Will Be Lies everything is not what it seems this is proven when her mom tells her that her dad is alive for her whole life she thought he was dead. This can also be proven when her mom tells her that she's not who she really is when her mom tells her that she killed her dad and changed her name and has been on the run from the cops for 15 years. Now it has come back to haunt her. Five literary terms or devices of the book There Will Be Lies. One of the figurative languages in the book is a hyperbole in the book it says, "Squeezes my heart" (Lake 48). This quote shows a hyperbole by having an exaggeration of something. Another one is personification in the book it says, "No grass, says first elk." (Lake 129). This quote shows personification by giving an animal human capability, in this case an ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Lies In Othello Iago tells a number of intentionally cruel lies throughout the play Othello. These lies would not have led to their fatal consequences, if others did not believe and act on them. Certainly, Iago plays a central role in the tragic result of Othello murdering his wife Desdemona and then himself. Iago is a jealous and ambitious man seeking revenge from those he feels have wronged him. He is the ringleader in the deception and manipulation of others throughout the play. While his lying and scheming leads to many tragic results: including death, He is not completely responsible for these outcomes. Other characters contribute to the continuation and growth of the lies that lead to heartbreaking tragedies. Cassio is Iago's first target. He believes ... Show more content on ... He does this to also addresses his jealous belief that Othello and Cassio have both been with his wife Emilia. Iago sets up a plan to sabotage Othello and Desdemona's relationship by mentioning that Cassio and Desdemona are having an affair. To make this lie believable, Iago needs proof. Iago is aware of the strong sentimental value of the handkerchief Othello gives to his wife Desdemona as a token of his love for her, as a result he persuades his wife Emilia to steal Desdemona's handkerchief and to support both of his objectives. Iago tells Othello's that the handkerchief is now in Cassio position, leading him to think that Desdemona and Cassio are having an affair. Well these actions were mean spirited, without Othello's willingness to question his wife's faithfulness contributes immensely to the success of Iago's plan. Othello is a very proud man who doses not like to be cheated or deceived. Othello is so consumed by jealously that he believes Iago's lie as strong proof to his existing doubts about Desdemona. When Othello goes to confront Desdemona for her "wrong" doings she lies to him about the fact it was stole from her. She makes up this lie because she is anxious that Othello will be angry that she has lost it so she pulls out a different handkerchief with hopes he will not notice, he does. Not only does he notice the lie by recognizing the difference of the ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Lies In The Unvanquished Lies often bring pain and hurt, but they can also be used as a tool to bring hope and relief to those that are suffering. According to the ninth commandment, "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor" which many take to mean that we shouldn't lie but is God going to deny our salvation if we lie to save our loved ones? Is lying ever acceptable in God's eyes? I argue that lying can be acceptable under certain conditions. In the novel The Unvanquished the character Granny Rosa Millard has to lie to protect Ring and Bayard. This is to save them from having to face the harsh anger of the military personnel when they shot and killed a horse. Later on, she and Ringo arrange a scam where they collect about two hundred of the Yankees' stock by deceit. ... Show more content on ... When you start defining what circumstances there is a danger of making it seem okay to lie all the time''. He opined that lying is not right and it is important to say the truth, but admitted that he would lie to defend his family if they were in danger. He gave a good example about ISIS, a group of terrorists that kill Christians. He said "If ISIS comes to my house and knock on my door and ask if my daughter Lauren was in her room... I would lie and say that she was not". He believes that there is no bigger sinner than a father that doesn't protect his family. He is right. When the situation is related to family and or love ones, you do whatever you have to do even sin. I can't think of one person who would say there is nothing in life they would lie for, and this is because lying is not always used to hurt people but instead to protect. When we tell the truth or tell a lie we have to be willing to live with whatever consequences come with it. If a loved one could be saved by you lying I highly doubt guilt is a feeling that would arise after having saved their ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Lies In The Crucible Arthur Miller wrote the crucible during a time period in the U.S that' shared some similarities to the Salem witch trials. Miller wrote this play during the McCarthy hearings, which is when Senator Joseph McCarthy began wildly blaming people of being Soviet spies. The Crucible is about these Salem witch trials but it also contains many universal themes and is definitely filled with its share of conflicts, but one that stands out the most to me is the constant lying and how those lies lead to even worse problems in Salem. The constant lying by the girls leads to most of, if not all, of the conflicts in Salem, which connect perfectly to the theme of lying only making things worse. The story begins with young girls, Betty and Ruth, unable to wake ... Show more content on ... Mary is unable to convince Danforth she isn't a witch so Mary, fearing punishment others have faced for being claimed witches, joins back with the girls and, in order to save herself, claims John Proctor "Is the devil's man" and he "comes at me by night to get me to sign", she also claims John wants her to help him "overthrow the court." (Miller 198). This last lie would result in John Proctor being put on trial but, instead of lying and claiming witchcraft, he decides to end the cycle of lies surrounding Salem and doesn't admit to being a witch until he is ultimately hanged. The Crucible was an amazing play that perfectly captured the time period, but it also contained many universal themes that could apply to our everyday lives. The biggest and most prevalent one has to be the over use of lies and how they almost destroyed the village of Salem. Lying and lying consistently can only make things worse and that is shown perfectly through this entire play. If the girls were still allowed to have their way, everyone in the village could have been accused and lost their land or even worse their ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Lies In The Crucible In the 1600's women and men were blamed for witchcraft that apparently happened in the small towns. Everyone was blamed when a child started acting up because everyone thought that someone was putting their spirit amongst them. This is all shown in the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller. Arthur Miller shows the life in a small village of people with a church and kids. Kids acting really weird because of 'witchcraft', and all of the women being accused of witchcraft because of what it says in the Bible. Reverend Parris shows in the play The Crucible that the Bible doesn't lie, but also people don't lie or try not to lie when their lives are put on the line. In Act 1 and Act 4, Reverend Parris believes in what ever is in the Bible when it comes ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Analysis Of Hamlet 's ' Hamlet ' Hamlet personal response Isolation. An eerie dread, a detachment, an unwelcome independence. A feeling that everyone expects to feel at some point, yet are never prepared for. Why? Why do we accept that we'll feel isolated if we aren't going to be prepared when the feeling actually hits us? Maybe because despite it being a common emotion, it's not one brought about naturally. Hamlet, for example, didn't begin to feel isolated from those around him until the tragic death of his king. After which, he saw the true colours of those around him, and began to feel isolated. I didn't feel isolated until discovering that my parents had omitted important information from me, the moment I truly began questioning the extent of their 'caring' attitude towards me. I started wondering: are they really the people I thought they were? Should I put as much trust and companionship into them as I currently am? To many people, having a relationship is like going on a hike. Despite a few rocks and bumps here and there, everything that happens in the relationship is within the strict lines created by the original trailblazers. What we often fail to see, is that none of our paths are truly finished. Each relationship unravels differently, therefore the task of creating a perfect and complete path, is virtually impossible. Mistakes are made when we stumble upon those unfinished parts. We don't make mistakes in how we deal with others in the relationships, but how we deal with our own emotions. ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Defining Lies: A Look at Different Types of Lies Essay What are lies? A lie is defined as follows: To make a statement that one knows to be false, especially with the intent to deceive. There are several ways that lies are told for instance, there are white lies, lies of omission, bold faced lies, and lies of exaggeration. No matter what type of lie that one chooses to tell many people believe that lies do more harm than good. White lies are defined as diplomatic or well–intentioned deception. There are many different types of white lies that are told, such as, lies of flattery for example; if someone gives another person a gift and the gift was not what the person wanted, this person would reply "thank you so much! I just love it!" This type of white lie is told because telling someone ... Show more content on ... White lies are often told when people are afraid of what would happen if they told the truth. To lie by omission is another way some people choose to tell a lie. To lie by omission means to intentionally omit a vital piece or pieces of information leaving the other person with a misconception. For instance, a wife asks her husband if he were at the night club, the husband tells his wife that he is working late, which is true, however, he omit's the fact that he also visited the night club. Lying by omission undermines the truth. It is often used to manipulate someone into altering their behavior to suit the desire of the deceiver. The lie is not the words or lack of words; the omission is the intention of the deceiver. Lying by omission includes failures to correct pre– existing misconceptions. A bold–faced lie is a lie which is told when it is obvious to all involved that it is a lie. For example, a child has written all over his/her room with a red crayon while still holding the crayon the child attempts to deny it. The bold–faced lie in this instance was used to avoid punishment. Since most parents do not tolerate lies from their children lying in this situation could have made matters worse especially since the child was still holding the evidence. Lies ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Lies In The Crucible Did you know that in 2002, a study was conducted by the University of Massachusetts that yielded a surprising end result that said sixty percent of adults cannot successfully sit through a simple ten minute conversation without telling at least one lie? In fact, the average number of lies a subject told in the exchange was three. Lying has become so second nature to people that sometimes they do not even realize they are doing it. According to Arthur Miller's The Crucible, a lie– whether it be a small white one or a large, intricately–knit web of them– can be told in a number of situations for a number of different circumstances. One circumstance in which people often turn to a lie for an answer is when trying to protect oneself from danger ... Show more content on ... In the last scenes of The Crucible, John Proctor became so angry with Abigail's bluffing and falsifying that he called her a "whore" and proceeded to disclose the truth about his adulterous affair with Abigail. His wife, Elizabeth Proctor was called in to the court to verify his revelation since "that woman will never lie" (Miller 96); however, she tainted her own reputation by doing just that, lying. Elizabeth ended up informing Judge Danforth of John's loyalty, assuring them he had never had an affair, which contradicted the truth John recited. Because Elizabeth specialized in speaking the truth, her lie was accepted as an authentic fact. Elizabeth was brought into court, under the impression that her husband's affair was still a secret and she fully intended to keep it that way to prove her loyalty and love for him. When someone loves another, they are willing to do almost anything, to say almost anything in order to keep that person safe; this is exactly what Elizabeth Proctor does when she broke her no lying streak. It was also what Romeo and Juliet did for each other in Shakespeare's world famous play, Romeo and Juliet. Juliet takes Friar Lawrence's advice and drinks a sleeping potion that will allow her to appear dead; this relieves her of marrying Paris, the man after her hand in marriage. The Friar would then notify Romeo that Juliet was laid to rest in the Capulet tomb, and he would come to rescue her, the two of them running away together. The plan had a flaw, however, because when Romeo heard news of Juliet's "death" he grew so distraught that he joined her in the tomb and drank his own vial of poison so he could die with her. Unfortunately, when Juliet awoke, it was to Romeo's dead body, and she too killed herself. The whole arrangement, a bundle of poor lies, was set in place so the two of them could run away without ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Tongue Lies When the tongue lies Therefore I lye with her, and she with me, And in our faults by lyes we flattered be – Shakespeare Introduction and Definition Before surveys, studies and prying psychologists Shakespeare was poetically exploring, with a clever pun, the complexities of romantic relationships. His bawdy yet poignant couplet hints that lies are a social lubricant. However, it is the submission of this essay that Shakespeare is only representing one side of a complex dichotomy. Perhaps lies might facilitate a measure of closeness but depending on the magnitude, or type of lie, they may also damage or destroy it. The first portion of this essay will define lying and examine how people lie and what they lie about. Following this, the motivation of liars will be examined from a psychological and practical perspective. Then some attention will be given to discussing how lies might both help and harm a close relationship. Finally, discussion will focus on the limitations and challenges involved with studying this area. Barnes (1994) quips that lying is a "slippery concept" and borrows a definition from Bok (1978): a lie "is a statement intended to deceive a dupe about the state of the world, including the intentions and attitudes of the liar" (p. 11). Within this broad definition, lies can be further distinguished by categorising them according them to what people lie about and the form they take. These areas will be addressed in turn. What people lie about and the ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Secrets and Lies Essay "Is this Life?" Resolutions, Humour and Family in Mike Leigh's Secrets & Lies In this essay I would like to argue that in Secrets and Lies Mike Leigh is suggesting that secrets cause tensions in families and destroys relationships between family members. Firstly, I would like to consider that it is actually true according my own experience because there is been some lies and hidden secrets in my family as well and once they are exposed, it causes embarrassments to those whom are affected. Secondly, I believe secrets can form a negative and positive impact once they are exposed because, it can be a turning point where families consider reuniting and leave the past behind which obviously happens in Secrets and Lies. Sometimes it happens ... Show more content on ... This reflects to Rosenbaum's quote where he asks himself why "Why, then, have I liked Secrets and Lies so much that I've been able to see it three times with pleasure, and found it as gripping the third time as the first?" (Rosenbaum) It is how Leigh let his actors create an environment he looking for, says the author! In my opinion, I believe Rosenbaum is amazed about Leigh's work because, the producer reveals how he simply does to make his movies become "independent". I assume that most producers scribble down a script and give it to their actors when it's done and here Leigh does the opposite and the results prove to come out great. In this paragraph, I emphasize on the difference between Secrets and Lies in and Hollywood movies and what others say about his work. Rosenbaum argues that, "Set Secrets and Lies alongside most recent Hollywood pictures it looks like a masterpiece, but considered in relation to the best of Leigh––say, Meantime or Grown–ups or High Hopes––or the best of recent non–Hollywood films, it looks rather thin."(Rosenbaum) As the author puts it, Secrets and Lies don't have enough detailed information to be classified as one of Leigh's best movies because, he claims that it not one that sticks in one's ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Lies In The Odyssey In Greek mythology, when a character is looking for knowledge about anything they travel to the underworld to talk with the dead. When the dead enter the Underworld, they learn the truth about the lies they were told and what actually happened during their lives. In the Penelopiad, Penelope is telling the story from the Underworld, this perspective allows her to tell the truth of the ways she was deceived throughout her life. While in the Underworld Penelope learned the truth about how Odysseus won her hand in marriage and what Odysseus was truly doing while he was lost at sea. In order to win Penelope's hand in marriage, Odysseus beat the other suitors in a foot race, but Penelope later learned; "He cheated, as I later learned. My father's brother, Uncle Tyndareus, father of Helen .... helped him to do it." (Atwood 35). During Penelope's life she thought that Odysseus had won her fair and square, but after she died she learned the truth that he had cheated with the help of her uncle. While Odysseus was lost at sea, many rumors of his "heroic tasks" were brought to Penelope by other ships. Though at the time she believed them, in the Underworld she learned the truth: ... Show more content on ... Some of the men had been eaten by cannibals, said some; no, it was just a brawl of the usual kind, said others, with ear–biting and nosebleeds and stabbings and eviscerations. Odysseus was the guest of a goddess on an enchanted isle, said some; she'd turned his men into pigs – not a hard job in my view – but had turned them back into men because she'd fallen in love with him and was feeding him unheard–of delicacies prepared by her own immortal hands, and the two of them made love deliriously every night; no, said others, it was just an expensive whorehouse, and he was sponging off the Madam. (Atwood ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Pulp Fiction Narrative Everyone has a favorite movie they love to watch, which triggers their inner emotion for why they love that particular movie. Some movies may bring tears of joy to a person's heart and some movies may keep the audience on their toes for what might happen next with action and excitement. Those action and excitement movies have different techniques which makes the movie stands out in a viewer eyes. In the 1994 film Pulp Fiction directed by Quentin Taratino and 2015 Mad Max Fury Road directed by George Miller are arguable known to be two of the best movies when it comes down to action and excitement. These two movie are both suspenseful, breath–taking, and thrilling that will keep your toes for what is about to happen in the next scene. Both of these movies use some of the same technique and tactual which makes the audience stay engaged into the movie. In the film Pulp Fiction there are a considerable measure of components to this film which makes it an incredible motion picture to watch and love. The structure of the film to the development to the tension scenes of the film all adds up to make this movie sensational. Some portion of the motivation behind why this movie is so darling is on the grounds that it will dependably keep you on the edge of toes to perceive what will occur next. Seeing this film out of the blue may get puzzling at first since its bounces forward and backward from four unique stories which all meet up toward the end for redemption. One of the ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Pryll Lies Analysis of Lies The analysis of lies in a hypertext fiction seems interesting and original. Pryll brings about a unique concept of how it is easy to understand a person by first understanding their lies. Nevertheless, Pryll introduces a code or a double meaning for phrases or keywords, which force the reader to question on telling each other about lies. To be honest, I agree with your stating that lies can tell you on what an individual want, rather than what they are. However, I expected to hear two other concepts that I saw relevant in Pryll hypertext fiction on lies. The first one, "lies are dreams, and fantasy," while the other one, "who want to live the truth, when he/she can live a lie." The two may seem obvious, but have a lot of intensity. Sunshine 69 I think Lance Olsen used so many jargons and technical words in his narrative that an ordinary person without any knowledge concerning his concept may not understand. I have read the description, however, comprehending and synthesizing the idea is like trying to understand an allegory or ... Show more content on ... The authors define the color of television as a collage of images and words that give one or several stories in an arranged random sequence. However, it is enticing to see that you also discovered that the story did not have one story line. That is, the authors seem to divert from the initial explanation of their story, complicating the whole idea. For instance, bringing the story of "boing–boing that one's experience will neither be free nor knowing contradicts on what it means, and whether it connects with the initial idea. Nevertheless, I can see you have involved your critical thinking to come up with some highlight on such a mixed and complex narrative such as, there is always a time in an individual's life when they believe something to be true, but in long–run, turns to be ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Lies In The Crucible Humans tend to lie for a variety of reasons. Some lie when they are scared of the consequences. Some are used to lying on a daily basis. Some just want to be in everyone's good graces. Many characters have lied and deceived others either to preserve their reputation or to achieve something important in the 1953 play The Crucible by Arthur Miller. Throughout the play, Abigail Williams constantly lies to other people to keep her good reputation. When John Proctor asks about Betty's poor condition, she says they were just dancing in the woods and Betty got startled and fainted. She denies any involvement of witchcraft. However, she doesn't tell Proctor she also drank chicken blood to kill his wife, Elizabeth. Abigail and John Proctor were deceiving ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Lies In Diversity I understand that people go through hard times in life. Everyone has a background story, and everyone has a different view on the way they handle adversity. One Thanksgiving a few years ago, my dad had called and told me that he was moving to Michigan. I haven't lived more than two hours from my dad, I had no idea how to take the news. He hasn't been involved in my life for 17 years now, and I have grown to accept that he will never be a father to me. Stephen R. Covey said, "Strength lies in differences, not in similarities." I am a carrot, an egg, and a coffee bean because I, too, suffer from adversity. The carrot represents a strong, hard, and unrelenting person, but can also have a weak side. When my dad shared the news that he was moving ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Lies In The Crucible Some people think a lie will just fade away and nobody will find out, but little do they know the truth always comes out. Lying only makes a situation worse, not better and in this play it shows why lies can put you in a serious or dangerous situation. The Crucible written by Arthur Miller relates to the Salem witch trials and is based in a small village that believes there are witches running around the village using witchcraft to turn people against God and sell themselves to the devil. In the beginning Mr.Parris, the father of Betty Parris is kneeling down beside his daughter, Betty because he believes that the girls has used witchcraft and caused his daughter to behave strange. This leads him to question Abigail to find out what went on ... Show more content on ... Only if John would've told the truth, maybe Elizabeth wouldn't feel as sad now, but as he keeps lying to her it's bringing her down even more, this shows that lies really hurt people. Also in the play John is being very cautious and hesitant by approaching the situation with the court slowly because he doesn't want to his mistake to be known by the court while he accuses Abigail of lying. "I know I cannot keep it. I say I will think on it!" (Miller Act 2 Page 51). This shows he is very hesitant and that he has something to hide from the court and that he knows if the court finds out about his incident he's not going to have a good outcome. "I am only wondering how I may prove what she told me, Elizabeth. If the girl's a saint now, I think it is not easy to prove she's a fraud, and the town gone so silly." (Miller Act 2 Page 52). John is trying to put together all the information that he is going to tell the court without putting himself at risk with the court. It's better to tell the truth, even if that means you'll be punished for it because it's not right for an innocent person to be punished over a ... Get more on ...