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Book Review
Presented By:
Jikhil John
Fasten Your Seat Belt.. Boarding The Hogwarts Train
About The Author
• Joanne Rowling writing under the pen names J. K. Rowling and Robert Galbraith, is a
British novelist, philanthropist, film producer, television producer and screenwriter, best known for writing the Harry
Potter fantasy series. The books have won multiple awards, and sold more than 500 million copies, becoming
the best-selling book series in history. They have also been the basis for a film series, over which Rowling had
overall approval on the scripts and was a producer on the final films in the series
• Rowling has lived a "rags to riches" life story, in which she progressed from living on state benefits to being the
world's first billionaire author. She lost her billionaire status after giving away much of her earnings to charity, but
remains one of the wealthiest people in the world. She is the United Kingdom's bestselling living author, with sales in
excess of £238M. The 2016 Sunday Times Rich List estimated Rowling's fortune at £600 million, ranking her as the
joint 197th richest person in the UK. Time named her a runner-up for its 2007 Person of the Year, noting the social,
moral, and political inspiration she has given her fans.
Books And Novel In This Series:
• Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone (2001)
• Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (2002)
• Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban (2004)
• Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire (2005)
• Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix (2007)
• Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince (2009)
• Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Pt.1 (2010)
• Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Pt.2 (2011)
• Harry Potter And The Cursed Child (Play ) (2016)
Main Characters In The Book :
• Harry Potter (The Boy Who Lived )
• Ginny Weasley Potter –Wife Of Harry Potter
• Hermione Weasley-Childhood Friend Of Harry Potter
• Ronald Weasley –Another Childhood Friend OF Harry Potter
• Draco Malfoy-Death Eater And Loyal To Lord Voldemort
• Cedric Diggory-Champion Of The Triwizard Tournament And An Excellent Seeker
• James Sirius Potter-First Born Child Of Harry
• Albus Severus Potter-Main Protagonist
• Scorpions Malfoy-First Born Son Of Draco Malfoy
• Professor Albus Dumbledore-Headmaster Of The Hogwarts School Of Magic
• Professor Severus Snape-Death Eater And Teacher Of The Potions Class
• Lord Voldemort- ( Also Known As You Know Who )
• Delphi Riddle – Sole Heir Of You Know Who… :D
The Events That Lead to The Cursed Child +The Back
Story Of The Goblet Of Fire
• At Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore introduces ex-Auror Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody as the new Defence Against the Dark
Arts teacher. He also announces that the school will host an event known as the Triwizard Tournament, in which three magical
schools compete across three dangerous challenges. The Goblet of Fire selects "champions" to take part in the
competition: Cedric Diggory of Hufflepuff representing Hogwarts, Viktor Krum representing the Durmstrang Institute from
Eastern Europe, and Fleur Delacour representing Beauxbatons Academy of Magic from France. The Goblet then unexpectedly
selects Harry as a fourth champion. Dumbledore is unable to pull the underage Harry out of the tournament, as Ministry
official Barty Crouch Sr. insists that the champions are bound by a contract after being selected.
• For the final task, the champions must reach the Triwizard Cup, located in a hedge maze. After Fleur and Viktor are
incapacitated, Harry and Cedric reach the cup together. The two claim a draw and together grab the cup, which turns out to be
a Portkey and transports them to a graveyard where Pettigrew and Voldemort are waiting. Pettigrew kills Cedric with
the Killing Curse and performs a ritual that rejuvenates Voldemort, who then summons the Death Eaters. Voldemort releases
Harry and challenges him to a duel to prove he is the better wizard. A vulnerable Harry tries the Expelliarmus charm to block
Voldemort's attempted Killing Curse. The beams from their wands entwine and Voldemort's wand disgorges the last spells it
performed. The spirits of the people he murdered are seen in the graveyard, including Cedric, and Harry's parents. This distracts
Voldemort and his Death Eaters, allowing Harry to use the Portkey and escape with Cedric's body.
The Harry Potter And The Cursed Child
Brief Synopsis-:
In the opening scene, set during the epilogue of Deathly Hallows in the year 2017, Harry
Potter and Ginny Potter send their second son, Albus Severus Potter, on the Hogwarts
Express to begin his first year at Hogwarts. Harry is now working in a desk job as the
Head of Magical Law Enforcement at the Ministry of Magic, while Ginny is the editor of
the sports section of The Daily Prophet. Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger also send
their daughter Rose Granger-Weasley on the train. Hermione is now Minister of Magic,
while Ron manages Weasley's Wizard Wheezes in Diagon Alley. Albus makes an
unlikely friendship in Scorpius Malfoy, the son of Harry's former nemesis Draco
Malfoy and . The school is stunned when, in a break with the tradition of Potters being
sorted into Gryffindor, Albus is sorted into Slytherin alongside Scorpius.
Introduction Of Main Characters:
• Harry Potter-
Harry James Potter (b. 31 July 1980) was an English half-blood wizard, one of the most famous wizards of
modern times. He was the only child and son of James and Lily Potter (née Evans), both members of the
original Order of the Phoenix. Harry's birth was overshadowed by a prophecy, naming either himself
or Neville Longbottom as the one with the power to vanquish Lord Voldemort. After half of the prophecy
was reported to Voldemort courtesy of Severus Snape, Harry was chosen as the target due to his many
similarities with the Dark Lord. This caused the Potter family to go into hiding. Voldemort made his
first vain attempt to circumvent the prophecy when Harry was a year and three months old. During this
attempt, he murdered Harry's parents as they tried to protect him, but this unsuccessful attempt to kill
Harry led to Voldemort's first downfall. This downfall marked the end of the First Wizarding War, and to
Harry henceforth being known as the "Boy Who Lived.’’
>Tom Riddle/Lord Voldemort
• Tom Marvolo Riddle (31 December 1926 – 2 May 1998), later known as Lord Voldemort or
alternatively as You-Know-Who, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, or the Dark Lord, was
an English half-blood[2] wizard considered to have been the most powerful and dangerous Dark
Wizard of all time. He was amongst the greatest wizards to have ever lived, often considered
to be the second most powerful wizard in history, his only superior being Albus Dumbledore.
The only child and son of Tom and Merope Riddle via the coercive use of a love potion, Riddle
was raised in the Muggle-run Wool's Orphanage after his father abandoned his new family on
the streets of London when the potion's influence was lifted, and his mother died moments after
giving birth to and naming him after his father and maternal grandfather, Marvolo Gaunt.
>Professor Albus Dumbledore
• Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (Summer1881– 30 June, 1997) was an English
half-blood wizard, who was the Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor, later the
Transfiguration Professor, and later Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Professor Dumbledore also served as Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of
Wizards (?–1995) and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot (?–1995; 1996–1997). He was a half-
blood, Muggle-supporting wizard considered to have been the greatest wizard of modern times,
perhaps of all time. The son of Percival and Kendra Dumbledore, and the elder brother of
Aberforth and Ariana. His father died in Azkaban when Dumbledore was young, while his mother
and sister were later accidentally killed. His early losses greatly affected him early on, even at his
death, but, in turn, made him a better person.
>Professor Severus Snape
• Professor Severus Snape (9 January, 1960 – 2 May, 1998) was an English half-
blood wizard serving as Potions Master (1981-1996), Defence Against the Dark
Arts professor (1996-1997), and Headmaster(1997-1998) of the Hogwarts School of
Witchcraft and Wizardry as well as a member of the Order of the Phoenix and a Death
Eater. His double life played an extremely important role in both of the Wizarding
Wars against Voldemort. The only child of Muggle Tobias
Snape and Gobstones witch Eileen Snape .Severus was raised in the Muggle dwelling
of Spinner's End, which was in close proximity to the home of the Evans family,
though in a poorer area. He met Lily and Petunia Evans when he was nine and fell
deeply in love with Lily, becoming a close friend of hers.
> Neville Longbottom
• Professor Neville Longbottom (b. 30 July, 1980 ) was a pure-blood[3] wizard, the only child and
son of Frank and Alice Longbottom. Neville's parents were well-respected Aurors and members
of the original Order of the Phoenix, until they were tortured into insanity by Bellatrix
Lestrange and three other Death Eaters with the Cruciatus Curse when he was about sixteen
months old. They were placed in the Janus Thickey Ward at St Mungo's Hospital for Magical
Maladies and Injuries, leaving Neville to be raised by his grandmother, Augusta Longbottom.
• After the end of the Second Wizarding War, Neville briefly served as an Auror, before becoming
Hogwarts' professor of Herbology and marrying Hannah Abbott from Hufflepuff. He is also the
godfather of Harry's and Ginny's second son, Albus Potter.
• Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft:
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, commonly shortened to Hogwarts is a fictional British school of magic for
students aged eleven to eighteen, and is the primary setting for the first six books in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series
n the novels, Hogwarts is somewhere in Scotland. The school is depicted as having numerous charms and spells on and around it
that make it impossible for a Muggle to locate it. The castle's setting is described as having extensive grounds with sloping lawns,
flowerbeds and vegetable patches, a loch (called The Black Lake), a large dense forest (called the Forbidden Forest)and a full-
size Quidditch pitch. There is also an owlery, which houses all the owls owned by the school and those owned by students. Some
rooms in the school tend to "move around", and so do the stairs in the grand staircase. Witches and wizards cannot Apparate or
Disapparate in Hogwarts grounds, except when the Headmaster lifts the enchantment, whether only in certain areas or for the
entire campus, so as to make the school less vulnerable when it serves the headmaster to allow Apparition.
History Of The Houses:
• Hogwarts is divided into four houses, each bearing the last name of its founder: Godric
Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff. Throughout the school year, the
houses compete for the House Cup, gaining and losing points based on actions such as performance
in class and rule violations. The house with the highest end-of-year total wins and has its colors
displayed in the Great Hall for the following school year. Each house also has its own Quidditch team
that competes for the Quidditch Cup. These two competitions breed rivalries between the houses.
Houses at Hogwarts are living and learning communities for their students. Each house is under the
authority of one of the Hogwarts staff members. The Heads of the houses, as they are called, are in
charge of giving their students important information, dealing with matters of severe punishment, and
responding to emergencies in their houses, among other things. Each year, year level groups of every
separate house share the same dormitory and classes. The dormitory and common room of a House
are, barring rare exceptions, inaccessible to students belonging to other Houses.
Godric Gryffindor
• Godric Gryffindor was one of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
He was good friends with Salazar Slytherin but they had conflicting ideas as Salazar believed no
muggle-born should be accepted into Hogwarts. "Godric Gryffindor was the most accomplished
dueler of his time, an enlightened fighter against Muggle-discrimination and the first owner of
the celebrated Sorting Hat.
• His known relics are a goblin-made sword adorned with rubies also known as "The Sword of
Gryffindor" and the Sorting Hat. The two items share a particular bond: whenever a Gryffindor
student is in a time of need, the sword will present itself within the Sorting Hat. Gryffindor is said
to have praised courage, determination and strength of heart above all other qualities. He also
was the most accepting of allowing Muggle-born into the school.
Salazar Slytherin
• Salazar Slytherin is described as power-hungry by the Sorting Hat, and was known as "shrewd
Slytherin from fen". Salazar Slytherin was one of the first recorded Parselmouths, an
accomplished Legilimens, and a notorious champion of pureblood supremacy." Slytherin is the
only founder whose physical appearance is ever described in any detail; his statue in
the Chamber of Secrets depicts a man "ancient and monkey-like, with a long thin beard that fell
almost to the bottom of his sweeping robes." According to Dumbledore, the qualities that
Slytherin prized in his handpicked students included his own rare ability to speak
Parseltongue,resourcefulness, and determination. He also selected his students according to
cunning, ambition, and blood purity. Slytherin's first name is a reference to the mid-20th century
Portuguese dictator António de Oliveira Salazar’s surname —
Rowena Ravenclaw
• Rowena Ravenclaw[38] was a witch noted for her cleverness and creativity, and was described by Xenophilius Lovegood as
beautiful. The Sorting Hat introduces her as "Fair Ravenclaw, from glen", suggesting she was from Scotland. Ravenclaw devised
the ever-changing floor plans and moving staircases in the Hogwarts castle and coined the proverb "Wit beyond measure is
man's greatest treasure." Ravenclaw is described by the Sorting Hat as having selected students according to intelligence and
wisdom. "Rowena Ravenclaw was the most brilliant witch of her time, though legend has it that a broken heart—cause
unknown—contributed to her early demise." It is revealed in the Deathly Hallows that the broken heart contributing to her
untimely death was most likely the loss of her daughter, Helena Ravenclaw, who is, in fact, the Ravenclaw House Ghost
(nicknamed The Grey Lady), and the lost diadem, the very relic to which Ravenclaw's astounding wisdom was attributed.
• In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Harry learns that an artefact of Ravenclaw's became a Horcrux: her lost diadem, which
granted enhanced wisdom to its wearer. The Ravenclaw Diadem is destroyed near the end of the book as a result of exposure
to Fiendfyre summoned by Vincent Crabbe, who is killed in the process while trying to control the fire.
Helga Hufflepuff
• Helga Hufflepuff came from a broad valley. The Sorting Hat describes her as "good Hufflepuff" or "sweet Hufflepuff". She
favored loyalty, honesty, and dedication. In Goblet of Fire, she is said to have considered "hard workers almost always most
worthy of admission". Elsewhere, she is described as taking "all the rest" of the students after selection by her colleagues.
She was a good friend of Rowena Ravenclaw; their friendship is used to emphasize the failed friendship between Godric
Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin.
• "One of the four celebrated Founders of Hogwarts, Hufflepuff was particularly famous for her dexterity at food-related
Charms. Many recipes traditionally served at Hogwarts feasts originated with Hufflepuff."]Her wizard card, penned by
Rowling, describes her as having "brought people from different walks of life together to help build Hogwarts", and being
"loved for her charming ways". According to an interview between Rowling and staff from The Leaky Cauldron, Hufflepuff
introduced house-elves to Hogwarts, where she offered them refuge. Both the famous wizard card and the illustration on
Rowling's website depict her as a plump woman with red hair.
• One relic of Hufflepuff, a small golden cup emblazoned with her symbol of a badger, is passed down to her distant
descendant, Hepzibah Smith. This cup is stolen by Riddle (later Voldemort) and made into a Horcrux. The Hufflepuff Cup was
destroyed by Hermione who stabbed it with a basilisk fang in Deathly Hallows.
The Prophecy :
• "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh
month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must
die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord
will be born as the seventh month dies...."
• — Sybill Trelawney's prophecy made to Albus Dumbledore
• Sybill Trelawney's first prophecy, also known as the Lost Prophecy or simply The Prophecy, refers to the prophecy made by
Sybill Trelawney to Albus Dumbledore at the Hog's Head Pub early in 1980.It referred to a boy who would be born at the end
of July in 1980, who had the power to defeat Lord Voldemort (which Voldemort took to mean Harry Potter). It is referenced at
the end of the Secondary Wizarding War, as public knowledge and named "The Big One", in respect of the prophecy and the
sequenced events from it.
• As Snape was apprehended by Albus Dumbledore before the full prophecy could be made, only part of the prophecy was
reported to Voldemort. Voldemort learned that there were two boys that met the requirements of the prophecy: Aside from
Harry Potter, the other was Neville Longbottom, who was born on 30 July, 1980, to a pair of Aurors who, like James and Lily
Potter, had directly defied Voldemort on three separate occasions.
Horcruxes That Voldemort Possessed Which
Eventually Lead To The 7 Movies-
• Horcrux is an object in which a Dark wizard or witch has hidden a fragment of his or
her soul for the purpose of attaining immortality. Horcruxes can only be created after
committing murder, the supreme act of evil. The process for the creation of a Horcrux involves a
spell and a horrific act is performed after the murder has been committed. There are usually
protective measures made to prevent a Horcrux from being stolen and destroyed, such
as Counter-Charms and Jinxes. The Horcrux is considered the most terrible of all Dark magic.
• The first known Horcrux was created by Herpo the Foul in Ancient Greece. The only other known
creator of a Horcrux was Lord Voldemort, who was likely the only person to have successfully
created more than one Horcrux.
Spells And Curses :
• Riddikulus.
Transforms nasty Boggarts from something scary into something silly.
• Obliviate.
This charm wipes Our memories and haunted experience
• Avada Kedavra.
The Killing curse
• Alohomora.
That one Hermione keeps using to unlock doors when they go sneaking around in the first book.
• Lumos.
The spell equivalent of that little torch app on your iPhone.
• Expelliarmus.
Basically the only spell Harry ever uses when he's in a duel.
• Expecto Patronum.
The Deathly Hallows
• The Deathly Hallows are three highly powerful magical objects supposedly created by Death and given to each of
three brothers in the Peverell family. They consisted of the Elder Wand, an immensely powerful wand that was
considered unbeatable; the Resurrection Stone, a stone which could summon the spirits of the dead, and the Cloak
of Invisibility, which, as its name suggests, renders the user completely invisible. According to the story,
both Antioch Peverell(owner of the Wand) and Cadmus Peverell (owner of the Stone) came to bad ends.
However, Ignotus Peverell's wisdom in requesting the Cloak was rewarded.
• According to legend, he who possesses these three artefacts would become the Master of Death. Dumbledore told
Harry that he and another wizard, Gellert Grindelwald took this to mean that the uniter of the Deathly Hallows would
be invincible. The story of the Deathly Hallows was originally told by Beedle the Bard and subsequently passed from
family to family as a wizard fairytale. Few wizards ever realized that the Deathly Hallows were genuine items. Most
people thought that there were things that Beedle had made up to entertain young wizards and witches.
Prequel To The Introduction Of Harry Potter Series
Fantastic Beast And Where To Find Them
• Newton "Newt" Artemis Fido Scamander is the fictional author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them,
born in 1897.According to the "About the Author" section of the book, Scamander became a magizoologist
because of his own interest in fabulous beasts and the encouragement of his mother, an
enthusiastic Hippogriff breeder. At Hogwarts, he was sorted into Hufflepuff house.
• After being expelled from Hogwarts, Scamander joined the Ministry of Magic in the Department for the
Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. His career included a brief stint in the Office of House-elf
Relocation, a transfer to the Beast Division, the creation of the Werewolf Register in 1947, the 1965 passage of
the Ban on Experimental Breeding, and many research trips for the Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau.
His contributions to Magizoology earned him an Order of Merlin, second Class in 1979.
• When retired, he lived in Dorset with his wife Porpentina and their pet Kneazles: Hoppy, Milly and Mauler.
He had a grandson named Rolf, who married Luna Lovegood (a character who appeared in the last
three Harry Potter novels) some time after the events of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Interested In Becoming A Wizard ??
Hogwarts Acceptance Letter
• The Hogwarts letter is a letter of acceptance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,
sent to British wizards and witches prior to their first year at Hogwarts. A special quill exists,
which writes down the name of every magical child in Britain at the time of their birth. This
allows Hogwarts letters to be sent to all magical children at the appropriate time, even those
who are Muggle-born.
• The Hogwarts letter consists of a note of acceptance from the Deputy Headmaster or
Headmistress of Hogwarts. This note is written in green ink and is accompanied by a list of
required textbooks and materials for the upcoming school year.
>Sorting Hat
• The Sorting Hat is a sentient hat at Hogwarts that magically determines which of the four school Houses each new
student belongs most to. These four Houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. The Sorting Hat
originally belonged to Godric Gryffindor, one of the founders of Hogwarts. It normally stays in the Headmaster's
office until it is needed.
• The famous Hogwarts Sorting Hat gives an account of its own genesis in a series of songs. During the opening
banquet at the beginning of each school year, the first-year students are lined up and their names read aloud
alphabetically. Each then takes a seat on a stool and the hat is placed on his or her head.
• The Sorting Hat is notorious for refusing to admit it has made a mistake in its sorting of a student. On those
occasions when Slytherins behave altruistically or selflessly, when Ravenclaws flunk all their exams,
when Hufflepuffs prove lazy yet academically gifted, and when Gryffindors exhibit cowardice, the Hat steadfastly
backs its original decision. On balance, however, the Hat has made remarkably few errors of judgement over the
many centuries it has been at work.
The Epilogue:
• The Reason Why I Chose This Book As My First And Formal Book Review Was
Because This Franchise Or Series Holds A Special Place In My Library As I Grew up
Watching Harry Potter Movies And Listening To The Novel Read By My Elder
• The Style Of Writing That JK Rowling Put Forward Makes Us Stop At A Cliffhanger
On Every Page That’s What I Believe Lead To Such A Huge Amass Of Success And
Fortune Of This Book
Wizarding 101

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Wizarding 101

  • 1. Book Review Presented By: Jikhil John III-BA.English
  • 2. h Fasten Your Seat Belt.. Boarding The Hogwarts Train
  • 3. About The Author • Joanne Rowling writing under the pen names J. K. Rowling and Robert Galbraith, is a British novelist, philanthropist, film producer, television producer and screenwriter, best known for writing the Harry Potter fantasy series. The books have won multiple awards, and sold more than 500 million copies, becoming the best-selling book series in history. They have also been the basis for a film series, over which Rowling had overall approval on the scripts and was a producer on the final films in the series • Rowling has lived a "rags to riches" life story, in which she progressed from living on state benefits to being the world's first billionaire author. She lost her billionaire status after giving away much of her earnings to charity, but remains one of the wealthiest people in the world. She is the United Kingdom's bestselling living author, with sales in excess of £238M. The 2016 Sunday Times Rich List estimated Rowling's fortune at £600 million, ranking her as the joint 197th richest person in the UK. Time named her a runner-up for its 2007 Person of the Year, noting the social, moral, and political inspiration she has given her fans.
  • 4. Books And Novel In This Series: • Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone (2001) • Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (2002) • Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban (2004) • Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire (2005) • Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix (2007) • Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince (2009) • Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Pt.1 (2010) • Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Pt.2 (2011) • Harry Potter And The Cursed Child (Play ) (2016)
  • 5. Main Characters In The Book : • Harry Potter (The Boy Who Lived ) • Ginny Weasley Potter –Wife Of Harry Potter • Hermione Weasley-Childhood Friend Of Harry Potter • Ronald Weasley –Another Childhood Friend OF Harry Potter • Draco Malfoy-Death Eater And Loyal To Lord Voldemort • Cedric Diggory-Champion Of The Triwizard Tournament And An Excellent Seeker • James Sirius Potter-First Born Child Of Harry • Albus Severus Potter-Main Protagonist • Scorpions Malfoy-First Born Son Of Draco Malfoy • Professor Albus Dumbledore-Headmaster Of The Hogwarts School Of Magic • Professor Severus Snape-Death Eater And Teacher Of The Potions Class • Lord Voldemort- ( Also Known As You Know Who ) • Delphi Riddle – Sole Heir Of You Know Who… :D
  • 6. The Events That Lead to The Cursed Child +The Back Story Of The Goblet Of Fire • At Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore introduces ex-Auror Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. He also announces that the school will host an event known as the Triwizard Tournament, in which three magical schools compete across three dangerous challenges. The Goblet of Fire selects "champions" to take part in the competition: Cedric Diggory of Hufflepuff representing Hogwarts, Viktor Krum representing the Durmstrang Institute from Eastern Europe, and Fleur Delacour representing Beauxbatons Academy of Magic from France. The Goblet then unexpectedly selects Harry as a fourth champion. Dumbledore is unable to pull the underage Harry out of the tournament, as Ministry official Barty Crouch Sr. insists that the champions are bound by a contract after being selected. • For the final task, the champions must reach the Triwizard Cup, located in a hedge maze. After Fleur and Viktor are incapacitated, Harry and Cedric reach the cup together. The two claim a draw and together grab the cup, which turns out to be a Portkey and transports them to a graveyard where Pettigrew and Voldemort are waiting. Pettigrew kills Cedric with the Killing Curse and performs a ritual that rejuvenates Voldemort, who then summons the Death Eaters. Voldemort releases Harry and challenges him to a duel to prove he is the better wizard. A vulnerable Harry tries the Expelliarmus charm to block Voldemort's attempted Killing Curse. The beams from their wands entwine and Voldemort's wand disgorges the last spells it performed. The spirits of the people he murdered are seen in the graveyard, including Cedric, and Harry's parents. This distracts Voldemort and his Death Eaters, allowing Harry to use the Portkey and escape with Cedric's body.
  • 7. The Harry Potter And The Cursed Child Brief Synopsis-: In the opening scene, set during the epilogue of Deathly Hallows in the year 2017, Harry Potter and Ginny Potter send their second son, Albus Severus Potter, on the Hogwarts Express to begin his first year at Hogwarts. Harry is now working in a desk job as the Head of Magical Law Enforcement at the Ministry of Magic, while Ginny is the editor of the sports section of The Daily Prophet. Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger also send their daughter Rose Granger-Weasley on the train. Hermione is now Minister of Magic, while Ron manages Weasley's Wizard Wheezes in Diagon Alley. Albus makes an unlikely friendship in Scorpius Malfoy, the son of Harry's former nemesis Draco Malfoy and . The school is stunned when, in a break with the tradition of Potters being sorted into Gryffindor, Albus is sorted into Slytherin alongside Scorpius.
  • 8. Introduction Of Main Characters: • Harry Potter- Harry James Potter (b. 31 July 1980) was an English half-blood wizard, one of the most famous wizards of modern times. He was the only child and son of James and Lily Potter (née Evans), both members of the original Order of the Phoenix. Harry's birth was overshadowed by a prophecy, naming either himself or Neville Longbottom as the one with the power to vanquish Lord Voldemort. After half of the prophecy was reported to Voldemort courtesy of Severus Snape, Harry was chosen as the target due to his many similarities with the Dark Lord. This caused the Potter family to go into hiding. Voldemort made his first vain attempt to circumvent the prophecy when Harry was a year and three months old. During this attempt, he murdered Harry's parents as they tried to protect him, but this unsuccessful attempt to kill Harry led to Voldemort's first downfall. This downfall marked the end of the First Wizarding War, and to Harry henceforth being known as the "Boy Who Lived.’’
  • 9. >Tom Riddle/Lord Voldemort • Tom Marvolo Riddle (31 December 1926 – 2 May 1998), later known as Lord Voldemort or alternatively as You-Know-Who, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, or the Dark Lord, was an English half-blood[2] wizard considered to have been the most powerful and dangerous Dark Wizard of all time. He was amongst the greatest wizards to have ever lived, often considered to be the second most powerful wizard in history, his only superior being Albus Dumbledore. The only child and son of Tom and Merope Riddle via the coercive use of a love potion, Riddle was raised in the Muggle-run Wool's Orphanage after his father abandoned his new family on the streets of London when the potion's influence was lifted, and his mother died moments after giving birth to and naming him after his father and maternal grandfather, Marvolo Gaunt.
  • 10. >Professor Albus Dumbledore • Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (Summer1881– 30 June, 1997) was an English half-blood wizard, who was the Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor, later the Transfiguration Professor, and later Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Professor Dumbledore also served as Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards (?–1995) and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot (?–1995; 1996–1997). He was a half- blood, Muggle-supporting wizard considered to have been the greatest wizard of modern times, perhaps of all time. The son of Percival and Kendra Dumbledore, and the elder brother of Aberforth and Ariana. His father died in Azkaban when Dumbledore was young, while his mother and sister were later accidentally killed. His early losses greatly affected him early on, even at his death, but, in turn, made him a better person.
  • 11. >Professor Severus Snape • Professor Severus Snape (9 January, 1960 – 2 May, 1998) was an English half- blood wizard serving as Potions Master (1981-1996), Defence Against the Dark Arts professor (1996-1997), and Headmaster(1997-1998) of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as well as a member of the Order of the Phoenix and a Death Eater. His double life played an extremely important role in both of the Wizarding Wars against Voldemort. The only child of Muggle Tobias Snape and Gobstones witch Eileen Snape .Severus was raised in the Muggle dwelling of Spinner's End, which was in close proximity to the home of the Evans family, though in a poorer area. He met Lily and Petunia Evans when he was nine and fell deeply in love with Lily, becoming a close friend of hers.
  • 12. > Neville Longbottom • Professor Neville Longbottom (b. 30 July, 1980 ) was a pure-blood[3] wizard, the only child and son of Frank and Alice Longbottom. Neville's parents were well-respected Aurors and members of the original Order of the Phoenix, until they were tortured into insanity by Bellatrix Lestrange and three other Death Eaters with the Cruciatus Curse when he was about sixteen months old. They were placed in the Janus Thickey Ward at St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, leaving Neville to be raised by his grandmother, Augusta Longbottom. • After the end of the Second Wizarding War, Neville briefly served as an Auror, before becoming Hogwarts' professor of Herbology and marrying Hannah Abbott from Hufflepuff. He is also the godfather of Harry's and Ginny's second son, Albus Potter.
  • 13. Location: • Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, commonly shortened to Hogwarts is a fictional British school of magic for students aged eleven to eighteen, and is the primary setting for the first six books in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series n the novels, Hogwarts is somewhere in Scotland. The school is depicted as having numerous charms and spells on and around it that make it impossible for a Muggle to locate it. The castle's setting is described as having extensive grounds with sloping lawns, flowerbeds and vegetable patches, a loch (called The Black Lake), a large dense forest (called the Forbidden Forest)and a full- size Quidditch pitch. There is also an owlery, which houses all the owls owned by the school and those owned by students. Some rooms in the school tend to "move around", and so do the stairs in the grand staircase. Witches and wizards cannot Apparate or Disapparate in Hogwarts grounds, except when the Headmaster lifts the enchantment, whether only in certain areas or for the entire campus, so as to make the school less vulnerable when it serves the headmaster to allow Apparition.
  • 14. History Of The Houses: • Hogwarts is divided into four houses, each bearing the last name of its founder: Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff. Throughout the school year, the houses compete for the House Cup, gaining and losing points based on actions such as performance in class and rule violations. The house with the highest end-of-year total wins and has its colors displayed in the Great Hall for the following school year. Each house also has its own Quidditch team that competes for the Quidditch Cup. These two competitions breed rivalries between the houses. Houses at Hogwarts are living and learning communities for their students. Each house is under the authority of one of the Hogwarts staff members. The Heads of the houses, as they are called, are in charge of giving their students important information, dealing with matters of severe punishment, and responding to emergencies in their houses, among other things. Each year, year level groups of every separate house share the same dormitory and classes. The dormitory and common room of a House are, barring rare exceptions, inaccessible to students belonging to other Houses.
  • 15. Godric Gryffindor • Godric Gryffindor was one of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He was good friends with Salazar Slytherin but they had conflicting ideas as Salazar believed no muggle-born should be accepted into Hogwarts. "Godric Gryffindor was the most accomplished dueler of his time, an enlightened fighter against Muggle-discrimination and the first owner of the celebrated Sorting Hat. • His known relics are a goblin-made sword adorned with rubies also known as "The Sword of Gryffindor" and the Sorting Hat. The two items share a particular bond: whenever a Gryffindor student is in a time of need, the sword will present itself within the Sorting Hat. Gryffindor is said to have praised courage, determination and strength of heart above all other qualities. He also was the most accepting of allowing Muggle-born into the school.
  • 16. Salazar Slytherin • Salazar Slytherin is described as power-hungry by the Sorting Hat, and was known as "shrewd Slytherin from fen". Salazar Slytherin was one of the first recorded Parselmouths, an accomplished Legilimens, and a notorious champion of pureblood supremacy." Slytherin is the only founder whose physical appearance is ever described in any detail; his statue in the Chamber of Secrets depicts a man "ancient and monkey-like, with a long thin beard that fell almost to the bottom of his sweeping robes." According to Dumbledore, the qualities that Slytherin prized in his handpicked students included his own rare ability to speak Parseltongue,resourcefulness, and determination. He also selected his students according to cunning, ambition, and blood purity. Slytherin's first name is a reference to the mid-20th century Portuguese dictator António de Oliveira Salazar’s surname —
  • 17. Rowena Ravenclaw • Rowena Ravenclaw[38] was a witch noted for her cleverness and creativity, and was described by Xenophilius Lovegood as beautiful. The Sorting Hat introduces her as "Fair Ravenclaw, from glen", suggesting she was from Scotland. Ravenclaw devised the ever-changing floor plans and moving staircases in the Hogwarts castle and coined the proverb "Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure." Ravenclaw is described by the Sorting Hat as having selected students according to intelligence and wisdom. "Rowena Ravenclaw was the most brilliant witch of her time, though legend has it that a broken heart—cause unknown—contributed to her early demise." It is revealed in the Deathly Hallows that the broken heart contributing to her untimely death was most likely the loss of her daughter, Helena Ravenclaw, who is, in fact, the Ravenclaw House Ghost (nicknamed The Grey Lady), and the lost diadem, the very relic to which Ravenclaw's astounding wisdom was attributed. • In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Harry learns that an artefact of Ravenclaw's became a Horcrux: her lost diadem, which granted enhanced wisdom to its wearer. The Ravenclaw Diadem is destroyed near the end of the book as a result of exposure to Fiendfyre summoned by Vincent Crabbe, who is killed in the process while trying to control the fire.
  • 18. Helga Hufflepuff • Helga Hufflepuff came from a broad valley. The Sorting Hat describes her as "good Hufflepuff" or "sweet Hufflepuff". She favored loyalty, honesty, and dedication. In Goblet of Fire, she is said to have considered "hard workers almost always most worthy of admission". Elsewhere, she is described as taking "all the rest" of the students after selection by her colleagues. She was a good friend of Rowena Ravenclaw; their friendship is used to emphasize the failed friendship between Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin. • "One of the four celebrated Founders of Hogwarts, Hufflepuff was particularly famous for her dexterity at food-related Charms. Many recipes traditionally served at Hogwarts feasts originated with Hufflepuff."]Her wizard card, penned by Rowling, describes her as having "brought people from different walks of life together to help build Hogwarts", and being "loved for her charming ways". According to an interview between Rowling and staff from The Leaky Cauldron, Hufflepuff introduced house-elves to Hogwarts, where she offered them refuge. Both the famous wizard card and the illustration on Rowling's website depict her as a plump woman with red hair. • One relic of Hufflepuff, a small golden cup emblazoned with her symbol of a badger, is passed down to her distant descendant, Hepzibah Smith. This cup is stolen by Riddle (later Voldemort) and made into a Horcrux. The Hufflepuff Cup was destroyed by Hermione who stabbed it with a basilisk fang in Deathly Hallows.
  • 19. The Prophecy : • "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...." • — Sybill Trelawney's prophecy made to Albus Dumbledore • Sybill Trelawney's first prophecy, also known as the Lost Prophecy or simply The Prophecy, refers to the prophecy made by Sybill Trelawney to Albus Dumbledore at the Hog's Head Pub early in 1980.It referred to a boy who would be born at the end of July in 1980, who had the power to defeat Lord Voldemort (which Voldemort took to mean Harry Potter). It is referenced at the end of the Secondary Wizarding War, as public knowledge and named "The Big One", in respect of the prophecy and the sequenced events from it. • As Snape was apprehended by Albus Dumbledore before the full prophecy could be made, only part of the prophecy was reported to Voldemort. Voldemort learned that there were two boys that met the requirements of the prophecy: Aside from Harry Potter, the other was Neville Longbottom, who was born on 30 July, 1980, to a pair of Aurors who, like James and Lily Potter, had directly defied Voldemort on three separate occasions.
  • 20. Horcruxes That Voldemort Possessed Which Eventually Lead To The 7 Movies- • Horcrux is an object in which a Dark wizard or witch has hidden a fragment of his or her soul for the purpose of attaining immortality. Horcruxes can only be created after committing murder, the supreme act of evil. The process for the creation of a Horcrux involves a spell and a horrific act is performed after the murder has been committed. There are usually protective measures made to prevent a Horcrux from being stolen and destroyed, such as Counter-Charms and Jinxes. The Horcrux is considered the most terrible of all Dark magic. • The first known Horcrux was created by Herpo the Foul in Ancient Greece. The only other known creator of a Horcrux was Lord Voldemort, who was likely the only person to have successfully created more than one Horcrux.
  • 21. Spells And Curses : • Riddikulus. Transforms nasty Boggarts from something scary into something silly. • Obliviate. This charm wipes Our memories and haunted experience • Avada Kedavra. The Killing curse • Alohomora. That one Hermione keeps using to unlock doors when they go sneaking around in the first book. • Lumos. The spell equivalent of that little torch app on your iPhone. • Expelliarmus. Basically the only spell Harry ever uses when he's in a duel. • Expecto Patronum.
  • 22. The Deathly Hallows • The Deathly Hallows are three highly powerful magical objects supposedly created by Death and given to each of three brothers in the Peverell family. They consisted of the Elder Wand, an immensely powerful wand that was considered unbeatable; the Resurrection Stone, a stone which could summon the spirits of the dead, and the Cloak of Invisibility, which, as its name suggests, renders the user completely invisible. According to the story, both Antioch Peverell(owner of the Wand) and Cadmus Peverell (owner of the Stone) came to bad ends. However, Ignotus Peverell's wisdom in requesting the Cloak was rewarded. • According to legend, he who possesses these three artefacts would become the Master of Death. Dumbledore told Harry that he and another wizard, Gellert Grindelwald took this to mean that the uniter of the Deathly Hallows would be invincible. The story of the Deathly Hallows was originally told by Beedle the Bard and subsequently passed from family to family as a wizard fairytale. Few wizards ever realized that the Deathly Hallows were genuine items. Most people thought that there were things that Beedle had made up to entertain young wizards and witches.
  • 23. Prequel To The Introduction Of Harry Potter Series Fantastic Beast And Where To Find Them • Newton "Newt" Artemis Fido Scamander is the fictional author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, born in 1897.According to the "About the Author" section of the book, Scamander became a magizoologist because of his own interest in fabulous beasts and the encouragement of his mother, an enthusiastic Hippogriff breeder. At Hogwarts, he was sorted into Hufflepuff house. • After being expelled from Hogwarts, Scamander joined the Ministry of Magic in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. His career included a brief stint in the Office of House-elf Relocation, a transfer to the Beast Division, the creation of the Werewolf Register in 1947, the 1965 passage of the Ban on Experimental Breeding, and many research trips for the Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau. His contributions to Magizoology earned him an Order of Merlin, second Class in 1979. • When retired, he lived in Dorset with his wife Porpentina and their pet Kneazles: Hoppy, Milly and Mauler. He had a grandson named Rolf, who married Luna Lovegood (a character who appeared in the last three Harry Potter novels) some time after the events of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
  • 24. Interested In Becoming A Wizard ?? Hogwarts Acceptance Letter • The Hogwarts letter is a letter of acceptance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, sent to British wizards and witches prior to their first year at Hogwarts. A special quill exists, which writes down the name of every magical child in Britain at the time of their birth. This allows Hogwarts letters to be sent to all magical children at the appropriate time, even those who are Muggle-born. • The Hogwarts letter consists of a note of acceptance from the Deputy Headmaster or Headmistress of Hogwarts. This note is written in green ink and is accompanied by a list of required textbooks and materials for the upcoming school year.
  • 25. >Sorting Hat • The Sorting Hat is a sentient hat at Hogwarts that magically determines which of the four school Houses each new student belongs most to. These four Houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. The Sorting Hat originally belonged to Godric Gryffindor, one of the founders of Hogwarts. It normally stays in the Headmaster's office until it is needed. • The famous Hogwarts Sorting Hat gives an account of its own genesis in a series of songs. During the opening banquet at the beginning of each school year, the first-year students are lined up and their names read aloud alphabetically. Each then takes a seat on a stool and the hat is placed on his or her head. • The Sorting Hat is notorious for refusing to admit it has made a mistake in its sorting of a student. On those occasions when Slytherins behave altruistically or selflessly, when Ravenclaws flunk all their exams, when Hufflepuffs prove lazy yet academically gifted, and when Gryffindors exhibit cowardice, the Hat steadfastly backs its original decision. On balance, however, the Hat has made remarkably few errors of judgement over the many centuries it has been at work.
  • 26. The Epilogue: • The Reason Why I Chose This Book As My First And Formal Book Review Was Because This Franchise Or Series Holds A Special Place In My Library As I Grew up Watching Harry Potter Movies And Listening To The Novel Read By My Elder Brother. • The Style Of Writing That JK Rowling Put Forward Makes Us Stop At A Cliffhanger On Every Page That’s What I Believe Lead To Such A Huge Amass Of Success And Fortune Of This Book