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Why Voting Is Important
Voting plays a significant role in creating freedom and liberty. It gives power to the people and lets them make the choices. Although, it does not
fully guarantee that they have all the power. Even though we can vote for somebody, for example the president, it does not give us control over his
actions. Even though we can vote who is in congress, it does not give us the power to decide on what laws to make. Even though voting is the first step
to freedom, it is not the last. Other things, such as our amendments, need to be present to acquire free, pure liberty. Voting does establish a sense of
control for the people. It lets us think we are making more of a decision for our country, which we indeed are. But, that does not mean that just by
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Importance Of Voting In Democracy
Mandatory voting has been a topic of debate in democratic countries since the creation of democratic republics themselves. Voting is a crucial part of
democracy because it determines who will be the leaders of both the voters and nonvoters. It is the right of a citizen to vote, but whether or not it is the
responsibility remains disputed. However, voting must be performed with a basic understanding of policy and what it takes for someone to fit the role
which they are running for. Voting should not be compulsory because it results in more uneducated voting that counteracts the educated voting.
In Democracy, it is left to the citizens to make decisions, instead of a single monarchical leader. Voting in a Democracy is a responsibility, which is
why most countries have age restrictions on it. Voting requires education. If someone is running for President of a country, education is knowing and
understanding what their general policies are, as well as how they react to stress and criticism. A relatively small portion of the U.S. citizen population
is actually qualified to vote. Qualifications for this are merely a moderate grasp on the candidate's foreign and domestic approach.
There is no denying that a substantial amount of the general public who are citizens are uneducated in regards to politics and policies, but only a
fraction of them cast their votes on voting day. This is beneficial to the voting poll because voting is most efficient when it only contains well–informed
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Why Is It Important For People To Vote
"We, the people... Why vote?" The question posed this year is, although interesting, rather simple. It is very important to vote important due to the
fact that it allows you to express your opinion, to prevent a poor candidate, to influence the government, responsibility, and in rare cases, a protest.
I will go in depth on why these are beneficial or poor reasons, and why, overall, it is necessary for people to vote as often as possible. Our first
reason, to express your opinion, is the usual one. Let's say Jeff enjoys chocolate ice cream. If Jeff and his friends vote on what ice cream they decide
on. This will mean that, even if he doesn't gain the delectable chocolate ice cream, that future benefits can come out of said vote. For
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Why Is Voting Important?
Voting is used to express a wish to follow a particular course of action. When you vote you decide what is best for you. An estimated 57.9 percent of
eligible voters voted in the 2016 election. That mean 57.9 percent of eligible voters expressed their thoughts and opinions in the 2016 election.Voting is
extremely important because you are expressing your thoughts, taking full advantage of a right as a United States citizen, a and helping provide a future
for America.
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Importance of Voting Essay
The Importance of Voting With the Long Lines, the stressful waiting, and the constant question of asking yourself "why am I here?" on going in your
head makes the waiting to vote the most exciting thing ever. But wait aside of that, think for a second. This year there were people going to vote even
when hurricane sandy hit parts of their neighborhood, destroyed their houses or flooded several ways for them to get to their voting station, but they still
voted. They're is people who went to those voting polls and spent long hours putting whatever situation they were in aside and went to vote. They did
so To fulfill their duty as a citizen, to make their voice heard and their vote count. This is why I think whatever the case more content...
That is what is what's beautiful about this great nation, we have a chance to let our voice be heard and to make a statement. Besides what do we gain
by not voting? Nothing. Voting is like gamble things don't always stay the same. According to "" The number one reason to why
Americans don't vote it's because they're too busy or their work doesn't let them, according to "UsGovInfo" the people who were too busy to vote
agreed that voting is important. So what is getting in the way in order for these people to go vote? Their Job schedule. Americanswant to vote, there
just not given the chance to. This issue should be fixed, the people that want to vote and want their opinion heard or to at least take part in
something that will make a difference in their lives should be given the chance to, every job should let their workers have a special time for them
to go vote days before. No one that wants to vote should not do so. Every person with an occupation should be given the chance to make a
difference. The second reason to why people don't vote is because they are disabled. I know that the least thing a disabled person wants to be is
uncomfortable to someone else, they want to feel as if they can go do things themselves without bothering anyone. So even in the voting polls they
have a special place for the disabled so people should just get out there and vote! Maybe if you don't like
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The Importance Of Voting In Congress
Topic Statement The public in America is disillusioned to believe that they run the government as they are on the top in the hierarchy of democracy.
However in practice the incidents suggests that the rich are ruling the country while the general public is left with no choice but to follow the rules
set in favor of the few. Ironically, there is an indifference towards this attitude in the general public as it is seen as a part of the American dream.
The issue of if contributors to a particular politician buy the respective congressmen to vote in their favor is highly debatable. While certain groups
believe that contributions are made to campaign of a particular politician because the donators believe in the cause and issues put forward by the
candidate and want to support that cause. There is an increasing belief on assumptions that donations to campaign of a political person leads to a high
level of corruption where congressmen vote for the people they have received donation from. Nowadays, the cost of election campaign of a politician
running more content...
The paper will focus on the circumstantial proof that suggests that voting by politicians in the congress is inclined towards those who have donated
money to their campaigns. Strong emphasis will be paid to evidence that shows that congressional votes are swayed in favor of the donors. Certain
reforms that were made in the financing process to control corruption would be explained and effectiveness of these articles would be evaluated in
light of the available evidence. Moreover scholarly articles on the ways in which contributors bypass the laws limiting financial contribution will also
be given due weight in the paper. Negative impact of such practices in congress on the society and democratic concept is also evaluated in the
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The Importance Of Voting In Texas
Texas remains a large state with masses of diversity in addition. Despite all the Texas greatness and large land there remains one issue that stays still not
immense in, which is voting. Surprisingly, only twenty–two percent of Texans vote. Furthermore, Texas is positioned second to last with the lowest
voting rate. There exist plenty of reasons Texas has such a minimalvoter turnout rate. One reason mentioned in the Texas Civil Health Index
"transpires Texas demographic" (Texas 20). In addition, another reason befalls that people actually believe that their vote doesn't matter. Finally, a
third reason stands that people ensue uneducated. Voting will transform our lives, if citizens just speak up everything will be just the way Texans
want it. Texans need to benefit of their freedom and not let only segment of the state control our appeals and needs. It is essential to vote; that will be
the only way our voice could be heard; more content...
An understanding why Texans might sense this way, endure as they believe that ballots manipulate the votes; their vote will not actually count.
Texans lost faith, and hope that there will ever be adjusted; and that they will be on a waiting list until they fix their proposals. On the other hand
another reason stated in the TCHI is, "Texans reported being overmuch lazy, leading them to not having time to vote" (Texas 21). People do not
realize voting thrives in being important for our lives. It changes the quality of life we have. Lastly, another reason people do not vote is simple; they
are not educated. They don't understand how the government system works. TCHI tells that "Texans were not aware about even voting" (Texas 21).
Most Texans are not informed about what the politicians are offering either. This will result in an overwhelming feeling for whom they will be voting.
This is why it is essential being informed and educated about
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The Importance of Voting
Importance of Voting Introduction The importance of voting is a fundamental aspect of a democracy. The United States is a constitutional republic in
which the population votes on who represents them as their leaders. The populace votes on leaders in the legislative, judicial and executive branches
that serve in a plethora of different positions in the government. The people in these positions will determine things like laws that are drafted that will
help to shape the nation. Some of the current issues that politicians may be deciding upon might be abortion, capital punishment, gay rights, civil
rights, among others. Furthermore, many of the higher offices actually have the right to appoint various other representatives such as judges and
justices. Since the representatives will make decisions that will affect nearly everyone in the country, the importance of voting on the representatives
cannot be understated. Importance of Voting It can be argued that voting for a candidate hardly ever makes a difference. For example, it is rare that
anyone of the elections is decided by one or two votes. Therefore, when someone votes for a candidate and that individual wins or loses by a
significant margin, something in the tens of thousands or even in the millions, then voting for the candidate did not make a difference in the election.
This perspective is actually likely true in most situations. It is incredibly rare that an election is ever decided by slim margin. It is
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The Importance of Voting
Importance of VotingJared CandelariaMay 30, 2012
S.M.S.S.Grade 8
The Importance of Voting
Voting is a special right that all of us have for living in this free country. Voting is a right that, throughout the history in many countries, people from
across the world have fought and sacrificed everything to achieve. It's a right that people to this day continue to fight for in places where corrupt
governments suppress their freedoms and rights and it is why tens of millions of people still do not enjoy this special right. As Americans, we have the
special chance to live in a society that has such rights for their citizens.
To many they may think about that voting is not important when more content...
Then in 1870, five years after the end of the Civil War, the US adopted the 15th Amendment of theUnited States Constitution, which stated: "The right
of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous
conditions of servitude." This allowed people of all ethnicities that were naturalized or born in the Untied States to vote. It also gave a much larger
voting population and allowed far more people to voice their opinions on the government. However, the right to vote was still held exclusively now to
only male citizens.
In August of 1920, 50 years after the ratification of the 15th Amendment, The 19th Amendment was ratified and added to the US Constitution. It
stated: "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex." This
amendment, which women had been fighting for decades for, allowed every legal citizen in the United States to vote and gave everyone citizen a
chance to voice their opinion in the government.
Finally in July of 1971, another 50 years had past and the 26th Amendment was of the Constitution was ratified. It stated that: "The right of citizens of
the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or
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Explain Why It Is Important To Vote
Why is it Important to Vote? I am free. I am an American. This is why it is important to vote. We are americans who stand up for our peers. We are
people who stand for the flag. We have rights, privileges. This is why we have the freedom to stand up and salute the pledge of allegiance every
morning. This is why it is important to vote. One vote counts overall. You can make a difference. Voting is making the difference. Imagine the two
electives being tied. You go to vote, You just won over the president. This is why it is important to vote. You show pride in our kingdom of America.
This is not a bribe, this is why it is important to vote. You have a voice. Let your voice shine throughout. Have you ever thought about being a judge?
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Why Is It Important To Vote
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for the excellent job you are doing representing the state of Texas. We appreciate that you are working
hard in advancing our great state.
In order to have a democracy, we need people to vote and to participate in elections whether they are local or national. When we compare how young
and older people vote, we can clearly see that older people tend to participate more in voting. I believe in other to increase participation we need to
making voting easier. We need to make it to where people could register and vote from their mobile devices. This could get the younger population to
participate more and increase the turnout. People might be concerned with people voting for other people, however I more content...
No other fingerprint is the same so people are not able to vote for other people. Another thing that would help would be to teach the importance of
voting in the school systems. The education system does not really emphasise the importance of voting. Maybe if we could teach people at a young
age that voting is their duty as citizens of the United States, we would see an increase in participation. We need to do a better job at conveying that
every vote matters. Why not make election day a national holiday. When people are asked why they do not vote many of the responses are "I do not
have time" "I had work and could not go." What these two excuses have in common are that they involve time. Making it a national holiday would
solve many of the time excuses that people proclaim to have. With all this being said I would like to propose 3 things. First, high schools across the
country need to make it mandatory to teach voting procedure and include it in their government course. A high school government class is a senior
level class which is a perfect time to teach people about suffrage and why it is
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Importance of Voting Essay
The Importance of Voting With the Long Lines, the stressful waiting, and the constant question of asking yourself "why am I here?" on going in
your head makes the waiting to vote the most exciting thing ever. But wait aside of that, think for a second. This year there were people going to
vote even when hurricane sandy hit parts of their neighborhood, destroyed their houses or flooded several ways for them to get to their voting station,
but they still voted. They're is people who went to those voting polls and spent long hours putting whatever situation they were in aside and went to
vote. They did so To fulfill their duty as a citizen, to make their voice heard and their vote count. This is why I think whatever the case
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Well, this is America's language. This for Americans; is our voice taken into matter into the decisions that are made in our country. We make the
difference by getting out there and making sure they heard our voice this is the Americans language in Politics, and we should all speak it and speak
up for the well–being of our community and great nation of the United States of
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Why Voting Is Important?
Why Voting Is Important
Presidents, Senates, Chairmen, Congress, and Mayors all have three things in common. One, they hold extreme amounts of power; independently and
as a whole government. Second, they citizens must elect them. Finally, they are put in office to serve and make decisions that represent us as a whole
in a positive manner. It is very important to know the candidates and what they stand for because once elected their ideologies become ours. The
history behind voting is interesting and imperative knowledge for all citizens of the United States of America. From living under the reign of Kings, to
becoming free and able, we have fought many battles that were well worth the fight.
America succeeded from Britain in 1776 after the American Revolution and became the start of what we know today, a democratic nation with strong
morals and ideologies. Many wars were waged, some necessary some not, to create our great nation. Voting in America started on January 7, 1789
during the first presidential election. In no way would this vote be credible in today's society due to the fact only wealthy, white, men were able to vote.
Shocking, right? Not only were blacks and women excluded but young white men as well! The initial Constitution states "all inhabitants...who are
worth fifty pounds" are able to vote. In 1807 the requirement is written to specify only white men. In the 1820'things started becoming more equal for
the white men, no more property requirements. What about
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The Importance Of Voting
Voting is a "valuable privilege" (Miller), that many eligible voters take for granted. Voter apathy is an issue in America. Many eligible voters decide
not to vote either because of political disagreements, political fatigue, or because of the registration process. These eligible voters are adults, they are
mature and although there can not be sufficient time in the day for them to vote, it is in a way their duty to do so but they still don't do it. Teenagers
should not be given the opportunity to vote. Although there are several of teenagers that are mature and can make an appropriate decision, there are
also teenagers that are not mature enough. Teenagers should not be given the right to vote until they are eighteen because of the more
Votingis "a communitarian act" it is "about a connection to a broader community"(Shin), and if there are voters thinking selfishly for their own likings
such as using marijuana in public, then there could be a problem. If teenagers vote, the results can turn out to be non–reliable. Majority of voters are
influenced to vote for a specific person or party based on their family beliefs, their school's belief, and the media. Although adults are not easily
influenced by these three factors, it still implements a great factor in their lives. Teenagers are not aware of what they want, and majority of
teenagers, including myself, can be considered extremely indecisive due to lack of confidence and knowledge, therefore if a teenager were to vote his
/her vote can end up being a guess. Voting is similar to a test, but it can not be a guessing game because it can determine the future for many
individuals. It is possible that teenagers are going to treat voting as a game, and might not take it seriously. This can be the case when letting teenagers
vote and it "won't be worth the time and effort"(Schultz) to implement. It is known that "eighteen–year–olds .. are not a very good first voting age
group" due to the fact that "many of them are in the midst of leaving their childhood"(Shin). If that is the
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The Importance Of Mandatory Voting
Do we enjoy to do things we do not like to do? No that is why voting should be an option not a requirement. We as Americans have the right to say
yes or no to things that we want and don't want to do. If the law gets passed for requiring us to vote there will be many conflicts. Such as people who
are not legalized to vote in the United states what will happen to them? Or people who have never voted a day in there life, why should they now?
There are many question and debates on this topic. Voting should not be mandatory because it violated the first amendments, it will not change political
ignorance, violates civil liberties.
First of all forcing civilians to vote is against our amendments. Our civil rights say we have the right to speak, more content...
Not everyone wants to vote and in my opinion it should be a choice to vote or not. Not everyone wants to vote or thinks their vote will make a big
difference or impact. Making people vote goes against a lot of rules and can lead to problems with the law. Americans have the right to stand up
for themselves. We have the right to do what we want to do. We do not have to do things we do not want to do such as voting. Whether people
vote or not should be the least of our worries. We have worse problems in this world then worrying about if people are voting or not. The
government cannot make people vote it is our choice to vote or not to vote. We are our own people and we stand up for what we believe
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The Importance of Voting
The importance of voting
"Your vote is your voice as an American citizen. It's your opportunity to be heard, to hold elected officials accountable for their elections and to have a
say in important issues that affect your community. OnElection Day, every vote matters". Anonymous
Election Day is a standout amongst the most energizing days of the year. Our country meets up to choose a leader who will speak to us on the
worldwide stage for the following four years. We will choose a leader that will remain for our rights as natives, students, representatives and
businesses. We will choose a leader that will ideally stay faithful to their obligations. It is a more content...
The following are reasons why it is important to vote in any election as long as one is alive and kicking:
1.First of all, voting is your right; use it:
Voting is the chance to contribute to the political process, and the framework was made to work best when everybody partakes. Along these lines,
utilizing your entitlement to vote is not only an expansion to the voter turnout insights distributed by each significant media site (which reliably
demonstrate seniors as having the most astounding voter turnout – time for the young to lift it up). Your vote really matters and the country needs and
needs to hear your feeling. We live in a vote based system (a term utilized delicately as a part of our general public). A democracy is a system of
government in which the entirety of the population participates. So, participate all the time.
2.You have an opinion on the issues.
There is no way you have been able to watch these debates without responding to the TV as if the candidates could hear your opinion. The candidates
represent two polar opposite views on issues like women's rights, immigration, healthcare, education and taxes, and you undoubtedly have some opinion
on it. As a voter, you will be sharing your opinion on questions like: Who should be getting tax breaks? Should the government help fund education?
Should illegal immigrants be allowed to stay in the United States to continue their education? Your opinion must be heard. As a minor, I can advocate
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Synthesis Essay: The Importance Of Voting
Imagine this, Lily just turned 18 and with the election coming around the corner, she paced around her room thinking about the election. She knew
who she wanted to vote for, but her family didn't agree. She stopped pacing and sat on her bed and thought about why voting is important. She
realized that voting is important because it is her opinion, not her family's. She also realized that it is important because she wants her voice to be
heard and to have someone in office that will meet her needs. We could all learn a little something from Lily because of her actions. She chose to vote
for someone who met her needs, even though her family does not agree. Voting is very important, even if some people think it is not worth their time. I
know that
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3 Reasons Why It Is Important To Vote
The reason why it is important to vote is you can speak your freedom and thought of your own mind. It is an opportunity to influence the
government. Also to see what the new president has in mind for the United States of America. For an idea you want to state your own opinion to
be specific , you want to be that person, and different president's has ideas . Speaking for people's rights is a good idea and sometimes you don't to
because you might be wrong. Sometimes you can lead to speaking for you rights go to court. Other idea's like protesters sometimes they speak the
wrong right. That is one of the idea why you vote because for rights and your words. You want to be like that president. You would want to listen to
that presidents debate.
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Why It Is Important To Vote Essay
This year's topic is, "Why is it important to vote?" . It is very important to vote in the kind of government that we, as citizens of America, are involved
in. Our type of regime requires that we vote. In American policies, we have democratic and republican parties.Because we are involved in this type of
government, we have the liberty to choose our government leader, and other offices, through voting. Because our direction depends on voting, it is
important to do so. Voting allows the citizens of America to make their voices heard. In 1776, we declared our independence from Great Britain. Our
founding fathers decided to have a government that allowed us to choose. They died for us so that we could vote, which allowed us to have the freedom
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Why Voting Is Important

  • 1. Why Voting Is Important Voting plays a significant role in creating freedom and liberty. It gives power to the people and lets them make the choices. Although, it does not fully guarantee that they have all the power. Even though we can vote for somebody, for example the president, it does not give us control over his actions. Even though we can vote who is in congress, it does not give us the power to decide on what laws to make. Even though voting is the first step to freedom, it is not the last. Other things, such as our amendments, need to be present to acquire free, pure liberty. Voting does establish a sense of control for the people. It lets us think we are making more of a decision for our country, which we indeed are. But, that does not mean that just by Get more content on
  • 2. Importance Of Voting In Democracy Mandatory voting has been a topic of debate in democratic countries since the creation of democratic republics themselves. Voting is a crucial part of democracy because it determines who will be the leaders of both the voters and nonvoters. It is the right of a citizen to vote, but whether or not it is the responsibility remains disputed. However, voting must be performed with a basic understanding of policy and what it takes for someone to fit the role which they are running for. Voting should not be compulsory because it results in more uneducated voting that counteracts the educated voting. In Democracy, it is left to the citizens to make decisions, instead of a single monarchical leader. Voting in a Democracy is a responsibility, which is why most countries have age restrictions on it. Voting requires education. If someone is running for President of a country, education is knowing and understanding what their general policies are, as well as how they react to stress and criticism. A relatively small portion of the U.S. citizen population is actually qualified to vote. Qualifications for this are merely a moderate grasp on the candidate's foreign and domestic approach. There is no denying that a substantial amount of the general public who are citizens are uneducated in regards to politics and policies, but only a fraction of them cast their votes on voting day. This is beneficial to the voting poll because voting is most efficient when it only contains well–informed Get more content on
  • 3. Why Is It Important For People To Vote "We, the people... Why vote?" The question posed this year is, although interesting, rather simple. It is very important to vote important due to the fact that it allows you to express your opinion, to prevent a poor candidate, to influence the government, responsibility, and in rare cases, a protest. I will go in depth on why these are beneficial or poor reasons, and why, overall, it is necessary for people to vote as often as possible. Our first reason, to express your opinion, is the usual one. Let's say Jeff enjoys chocolate ice cream. If Jeff and his friends vote on what ice cream they decide on. This will mean that, even if he doesn't gain the delectable chocolate ice cream, that future benefits can come out of said vote. For Get more content on
  • 4. Why Is Voting Important? Voting is used to express a wish to follow a particular course of action. When you vote you decide what is best for you. An estimated 57.9 percent of eligible voters voted in the 2016 election. That mean 57.9 percent of eligible voters expressed their thoughts and opinions in the 2016 election.Voting is extremely important because you are expressing your thoughts, taking full advantage of a right as a United States citizen, a and helping provide a future for America. Get more content on
  • 5. Importance of Voting Essay The Importance of Voting With the Long Lines, the stressful waiting, and the constant question of asking yourself "why am I here?" on going in your head makes the waiting to vote the most exciting thing ever. But wait aside of that, think for a second. This year there were people going to vote even when hurricane sandy hit parts of their neighborhood, destroyed their houses or flooded several ways for them to get to their voting station, but they still voted. They're is people who went to those voting polls and spent long hours putting whatever situation they were in aside and went to vote. They did so To fulfill their duty as a citizen, to make their voice heard and their vote count. This is why I think whatever the case more content... That is what is what's beautiful about this great nation, we have a chance to let our voice be heard and to make a statement. Besides what do we gain by not voting? Nothing. Voting is like gamble things don't always stay the same. According to "" The number one reason to why Americans don't vote it's because they're too busy or their work doesn't let them, according to "UsGovInfo" the people who were too busy to vote agreed that voting is important. So what is getting in the way in order for these people to go vote? Their Job schedule. Americanswant to vote, there just not given the chance to. This issue should be fixed, the people that want to vote and want their opinion heard or to at least take part in something that will make a difference in their lives should be given the chance to, every job should let their workers have a special time for them to go vote days before. No one that wants to vote should not do so. Every person with an occupation should be given the chance to make a difference. The second reason to why people don't vote is because they are disabled. I know that the least thing a disabled person wants to be is uncomfortable to someone else, they want to feel as if they can go do things themselves without bothering anyone. So even in the voting polls they have a special place for the disabled so people should just get out there and vote! Maybe if you don't like Get more content on
  • 6. The Importance Of Voting In Congress Topic Statement The public in America is disillusioned to believe that they run the government as they are on the top in the hierarchy of democracy. However in practice the incidents suggests that the rich are ruling the country while the general public is left with no choice but to follow the rules set in favor of the few. Ironically, there is an indifference towards this attitude in the general public as it is seen as a part of the American dream. The issue of if contributors to a particular politician buy the respective congressmen to vote in their favor is highly debatable. While certain groups believe that contributions are made to campaign of a particular politician because the donators believe in the cause and issues put forward by the candidate and want to support that cause. There is an increasing belief on assumptions that donations to campaign of a political person leads to a high level of corruption where congressmen vote for the people they have received donation from. Nowadays, the cost of election campaign of a politician running more content... The paper will focus on the circumstantial proof that suggests that voting by politicians in the congress is inclined towards those who have donated money to their campaigns. Strong emphasis will be paid to evidence that shows that congressional votes are swayed in favor of the donors. Certain reforms that were made in the financing process to control corruption would be explained and effectiveness of these articles would be evaluated in light of the available evidence. Moreover scholarly articles on the ways in which contributors bypass the laws limiting financial contribution will also be given due weight in the paper. Negative impact of such practices in congress on the society and democratic concept is also evaluated in the Get more content on
  • 7. The Importance Of Voting In Texas Texas remains a large state with masses of diversity in addition. Despite all the Texas greatness and large land there remains one issue that stays still not immense in, which is voting. Surprisingly, only twenty–two percent of Texans vote. Furthermore, Texas is positioned second to last with the lowest voting rate. There exist plenty of reasons Texas has such a minimalvoter turnout rate. One reason mentioned in the Texas Civil Health Index "transpires Texas demographic" (Texas 20). In addition, another reason befalls that people actually believe that their vote doesn't matter. Finally, a third reason stands that people ensue uneducated. Voting will transform our lives, if citizens just speak up everything will be just the way Texans want it. Texans need to benefit of their freedom and not let only segment of the state control our appeals and needs. It is essential to vote; that will be the only way our voice could be heard; more content... An understanding why Texans might sense this way, endure as they believe that ballots manipulate the votes; their vote will not actually count. Texans lost faith, and hope that there will ever be adjusted; and that they will be on a waiting list until they fix their proposals. On the other hand another reason stated in the TCHI is, "Texans reported being overmuch lazy, leading them to not having time to vote" (Texas 21). People do not realize voting thrives in being important for our lives. It changes the quality of life we have. Lastly, another reason people do not vote is simple; they are not educated. They don't understand how the government system works. TCHI tells that "Texans were not aware about even voting" (Texas 21). Most Texans are not informed about what the politicians are offering either. This will result in an overwhelming feeling for whom they will be voting. This is why it is essential being informed and educated about Get more content on
  • 8. The Importance of Voting Importance of Voting Introduction The importance of voting is a fundamental aspect of a democracy. The United States is a constitutional republic in which the population votes on who represents them as their leaders. The populace votes on leaders in the legislative, judicial and executive branches that serve in a plethora of different positions in the government. The people in these positions will determine things like laws that are drafted that will help to shape the nation. Some of the current issues that politicians may be deciding upon might be abortion, capital punishment, gay rights, civil rights, among others. Furthermore, many of the higher offices actually have the right to appoint various other representatives such as judges and justices. Since the representatives will make decisions that will affect nearly everyone in the country, the importance of voting on the representatives cannot be understated. Importance of Voting It can be argued that voting for a candidate hardly ever makes a difference. For example, it is rare that anyone of the elections is decided by one or two votes. Therefore, when someone votes for a candidate and that individual wins or loses by a significant margin, something in the tens of thousands or even in the millions, then voting for the candidate did not make a difference in the election. This perspective is actually likely true in most situations. It is incredibly rare that an election is ever decided by slim margin. It is Get more content on
  • 9. The Importance of Voting Importance of VotingJared CandelariaMay 30, 2012 S.M.S.S.Grade 8 The Importance of Voting Voting is a special right that all of us have for living in this free country. Voting is a right that, throughout the history in many countries, people from across the world have fought and sacrificed everything to achieve. It's a right that people to this day continue to fight for in places where corrupt governments suppress their freedoms and rights and it is why tens of millions of people still do not enjoy this special right. As Americans, we have the special chance to live in a society that has such rights for their citizens. To many they may think about that voting is not important when more content... Then in 1870, five years after the end of the Civil War, the US adopted the 15th Amendment of theUnited States Constitution, which stated: "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous conditions of servitude." This allowed people of all ethnicities that were naturalized or born in the Untied States to vote. It also gave a much larger voting population and allowed far more people to voice their opinions on the government. However, the right to vote was still held exclusively now to only male citizens. In August of 1920, 50 years after the ratification of the 15th Amendment, The 19th Amendment was ratified and added to the US Constitution. It stated: "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex." This amendment, which women had been fighting for decades for, allowed every legal citizen in the United States to vote and gave everyone citizen a chance to voice their opinion in the government. Finally in July of 1971, another 50 years had past and the 26th Amendment was of the Constitution was ratified. It stated that: "The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or
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  • 11. Explain Why It Is Important To Vote Why is it Important to Vote? I am free. I am an American. This is why it is important to vote. We are americans who stand up for our peers. We are people who stand for the flag. We have rights, privileges. This is why we have the freedom to stand up and salute the pledge of allegiance every morning. This is why it is important to vote. One vote counts overall. You can make a difference. Voting is making the difference. Imagine the two electives being tied. You go to vote, You just won over the president. This is why it is important to vote. You show pride in our kingdom of America. This is not a bribe, this is why it is important to vote. You have a voice. Let your voice shine throughout. Have you ever thought about being a judge? Get more content on
  • 12. Why Is It Important To Vote I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for the excellent job you are doing representing the state of Texas. We appreciate that you are working hard in advancing our great state. In order to have a democracy, we need people to vote and to participate in elections whether they are local or national. When we compare how young and older people vote, we can clearly see that older people tend to participate more in voting. I believe in other to increase participation we need to making voting easier. We need to make it to where people could register and vote from their mobile devices. This could get the younger population to participate more and increase the turnout. People might be concerned with people voting for other people, however I more content... No other fingerprint is the same so people are not able to vote for other people. Another thing that would help would be to teach the importance of voting in the school systems. The education system does not really emphasise the importance of voting. Maybe if we could teach people at a young age that voting is their duty as citizens of the United States, we would see an increase in participation. We need to do a better job at conveying that every vote matters. Why not make election day a national holiday. When people are asked why they do not vote many of the responses are "I do not have time" "I had work and could not go." What these two excuses have in common are that they involve time. Making it a national holiday would solve many of the time excuses that people proclaim to have. With all this being said I would like to propose 3 things. First, high schools across the country need to make it mandatory to teach voting procedure and include it in their government course. A high school government class is a senior level class which is a perfect time to teach people about suffrage and why it is Get more content on
  • 13. Importance of Voting Essay The Importance of Voting With the Long Lines, the stressful waiting, and the constant question of asking yourself "why am I here?" on going in your head makes the waiting to vote the most exciting thing ever. But wait aside of that, think for a second. This year there were people going to vote even when hurricane sandy hit parts of their neighborhood, destroyed their houses or flooded several ways for them to get to their voting station, but they still voted. They're is people who went to those voting polls and spent long hours putting whatever situation they were in aside and went to vote. They did so To fulfill their duty as a citizen, to make their voice heard and their vote count. This is why I think whatever the case more content... Well, this is America's language. This for Americans; is our voice taken into matter into the decisions that are made in our country. We make the difference by getting out there and making sure they heard our voice this is the Americans language in Politics, and we should all speak it and speak up for the well–being of our community and great nation of the United States of Get more content on
  • 14. Why Voting Is Important? Why Voting Is Important Presidents, Senates, Chairmen, Congress, and Mayors all have three things in common. One, they hold extreme amounts of power; independently and as a whole government. Second, they citizens must elect them. Finally, they are put in office to serve and make decisions that represent us as a whole in a positive manner. It is very important to know the candidates and what they stand for because once elected their ideologies become ours. The history behind voting is interesting and imperative knowledge for all citizens of the United States of America. From living under the reign of Kings, to becoming free and able, we have fought many battles that were well worth the fight. America succeeded from Britain in 1776 after the American Revolution and became the start of what we know today, a democratic nation with strong morals and ideologies. Many wars were waged, some necessary some not, to create our great nation. Voting in America started on January 7, 1789 during the first presidential election. In no way would this vote be credible in today's society due to the fact only wealthy, white, men were able to vote. Shocking, right? Not only were blacks and women excluded but young white men as well! The initial Constitution states "all inhabitants...who are worth fifty pounds" are able to vote. In 1807 the requirement is written to specify only white men. In the 1820'things started becoming more equal for the white men, no more property requirements. What about Get more content on
  • 15. The Importance Of Voting Voting is a "valuable privilege" (Miller), that many eligible voters take for granted. Voter apathy is an issue in America. Many eligible voters decide not to vote either because of political disagreements, political fatigue, or because of the registration process. These eligible voters are adults, they are mature and although there can not be sufficient time in the day for them to vote, it is in a way their duty to do so but they still don't do it. Teenagers should not be given the opportunity to vote. Although there are several of teenagers that are mature and can make an appropriate decision, there are also teenagers that are not mature enough. Teenagers should not be given the right to vote until they are eighteen because of the more content... Votingis "a communitarian act" it is "about a connection to a broader community"(Shin), and if there are voters thinking selfishly for their own likings such as using marijuana in public, then there could be a problem. If teenagers vote, the results can turn out to be non–reliable. Majority of voters are influenced to vote for a specific person or party based on their family beliefs, their school's belief, and the media. Although adults are not easily influenced by these three factors, it still implements a great factor in their lives. Teenagers are not aware of what they want, and majority of teenagers, including myself, can be considered extremely indecisive due to lack of confidence and knowledge, therefore if a teenager were to vote his /her vote can end up being a guess. Voting is similar to a test, but it can not be a guessing game because it can determine the future for many individuals. It is possible that teenagers are going to treat voting as a game, and might not take it seriously. This can be the case when letting teenagers vote and it "won't be worth the time and effort"(Schultz) to implement. It is known that "eighteen–year–olds .. are not a very good first voting age group" due to the fact that "many of them are in the midst of leaving their childhood"(Shin). If that is the Get more content on
  • 16. The Importance Of Mandatory Voting Do we enjoy to do things we do not like to do? No that is why voting should be an option not a requirement. We as Americans have the right to say yes or no to things that we want and don't want to do. If the law gets passed for requiring us to vote there will be many conflicts. Such as people who are not legalized to vote in the United states what will happen to them? Or people who have never voted a day in there life, why should they now? There are many question and debates on this topic. Voting should not be mandatory because it violated the first amendments, it will not change political ignorance, violates civil liberties. First of all forcing civilians to vote is against our amendments. Our civil rights say we have the right to speak, more content... Not everyone wants to vote and in my opinion it should be a choice to vote or not. Not everyone wants to vote or thinks their vote will make a big difference or impact. Making people vote goes against a lot of rules and can lead to problems with the law. Americans have the right to stand up for themselves. We have the right to do what we want to do. We do not have to do things we do not want to do such as voting. Whether people vote or not should be the least of our worries. We have worse problems in this world then worrying about if people are voting or not. The government cannot make people vote it is our choice to vote or not to vote. We are our own people and we stand up for what we believe Get more content on
  • 17. The Importance of Voting The importance of voting Name: Course: Instructor: Date: "Your vote is your voice as an American citizen. It's your opportunity to be heard, to hold elected officials accountable for their elections and to have a say in important issues that affect your community. OnElection Day, every vote matters". Anonymous Introduction Election Day is a standout amongst the most energizing days of the year. Our country meets up to choose a leader who will speak to us on the worldwide stage for the following four years. We will choose a leader that will remain for our rights as natives, students, representatives and businesses. We will choose a leader that will ideally stay faithful to their obligations. It is a more content... The following are reasons why it is important to vote in any election as long as one is alive and kicking: 1.First of all, voting is your right; use it: Voting is the chance to contribute to the political process, and the framework was made to work best when everybody partakes. Along these lines, utilizing your entitlement to vote is not only an expansion to the voter turnout insights distributed by each significant media site (which reliably demonstrate seniors as having the most astounding voter turnout – time for the young to lift it up). Your vote really matters and the country needs and needs to hear your feeling. We live in a vote based system (a term utilized delicately as a part of our general public). A democracy is a system of government in which the entirety of the population participates. So, participate all the time. 2.You have an opinion on the issues. There is no way you have been able to watch these debates without responding to the TV as if the candidates could hear your opinion. The candidates represent two polar opposite views on issues like women's rights, immigration, healthcare, education and taxes, and you undoubtedly have some opinion on it. As a voter, you will be sharing your opinion on questions like: Who should be getting tax breaks? Should the government help fund education? Should illegal immigrants be allowed to stay in the United States to continue their education? Your opinion must be heard. As a minor, I can advocate for
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  • 19. Synthesis Essay: The Importance Of Voting Imagine this, Lily just turned 18 and with the election coming around the corner, she paced around her room thinking about the election. She knew who she wanted to vote for, but her family didn't agree. She stopped pacing and sat on her bed and thought about why voting is important. She realized that voting is important because it is her opinion, not her family's. She also realized that it is important because she wants her voice to be heard and to have someone in office that will meet her needs. We could all learn a little something from Lily because of her actions. She chose to vote for someone who met her needs, even though her family does not agree. Voting is very important, even if some people think it is not worth their time. I know that Get more content on
  • 20. 3 Reasons Why It Is Important To Vote The reason why it is important to vote is you can speak your freedom and thought of your own mind. It is an opportunity to influence the government. Also to see what the new president has in mind for the United States of America. For an idea you want to state your own opinion to be specific , you want to be that person, and different president's has ideas . Speaking for people's rights is a good idea and sometimes you don't to because you might be wrong. Sometimes you can lead to speaking for you rights go to court. Other idea's like protesters sometimes they speak the wrong right. That is one of the idea why you vote because for rights and your words. You want to be like that president. You would want to listen to that presidents debate. Get more content on
  • 21. Why It Is Important To Vote Essay This year's topic is, "Why is it important to vote?" . It is very important to vote in the kind of government that we, as citizens of America, are involved in. Our type of regime requires that we vote. In American policies, we have democratic and republican parties.Because we are involved in this type of government, we have the liberty to choose our government leader, and other offices, through voting. Because our direction depends on voting, it is important to do so. Voting allows the citizens of America to make their voices heard. In 1776, we declared our independence from Great Britain. Our founding fathers decided to have a government that allowed us to choose. They died for us so that we could vote, which allowed us to have the freedom Get more content on