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Why Should ‘(Smart) Devolution’ Matter in/for the EU?
Shared Leadership and the Right to Decide in Democracy
Dr Igor Calzada, MBA, FeRSA
Lecturer & Research Fellow, Future of Cities & Urban Transformations, University of Oxford
Lecturer, Institute for Future Cities, University of Strathclyde
Associate Fellow, Brussels Centre for Urban Studies, Vrije Universiteit
Regional and Urban Leadership in an Era of Globalisation and De-Globalisation
Brussels, 10th October 2017
‘When	a	Democracy	sends	riot	police	to	beat	old	ladies	over	the	head	
with	batons	and	stop	them	vo>ng,	something	has	gone	badly	wrong’.		
The		Economist
18	of	the	28	na>on-states	in	the	
European	Union	did	not	exist	150	
years	ago.	Remember	also	that	
Spain	(with	Portugal)	is	the	only	
na>on-state	in	Europe	without	a	
single	territorial	change	during	
the	last	200	years
Shared	Leadership,	Right	to	Decide	and	Dialogue	in	Democracy	
Blessed	Legality,	Cons>tu>onal	Principles	and		Territorial	Integrity	
Shared	Leadership,	Right	to	Decide	and	Dialogue	in	Democracy	
Blessed	Legality,	Cons>tu>onal	Principles	and		Territorial	Integrity	
•  The	terms	na#onalism	is	a	slippery	concept:	this	is	why	
poli>cians	find	it	so	easy	to	manipulate.	
•  As	its	best,	it	unites	the	country	around	common	values	to	
accomplish	things	that	people	could	never	manage	alone.	
•  Here	we	should	dis>nguish:	ethnic	and	civic	na>onalisms.	
•  For	the	par>cular	case	of	Spain,	it	is	noteworthy	that	
Catalonia	and	also	the	Basque	Country,	in	the	a`ermath	of	
the	Spanish	dictator	Francisco	Franco,	were	forced	to	be	
integrated	in	a	single	na>onal	‘personality’	through	language	
in	an	‘odious	homogeneisa>on	(Khanna,	2016b:	64),	
inevitably	resulted	in	a	backlash	from	the	Catalan	and	Basque	
na>onal	and	linguis>c	communi>es.
“(Smart)	Devolu#on”	
Policy	Analysis	
	Barcelona	 	Bilbao	 	Glasgow	
Catalonia	 Basque	Country	 Scotland	
1.	Municipali#es	 31	 35	 5	
2.	Surface	(km2)	 636	 500	 368	
3.	Density	(Inhabit/km2)	 5,060	 1,820	 3,171	
4.	Popula#on	 3,218,223	 910,480	 1,166,928	
5.	GDP	per	capita	($)	 36,157	 38,708	 37,753	
6.	Governance	paradigm	 An>-Corporate-Uncertain	 Corporate-In-Transi>on		 Urban-Governance-Transforma>ve	
7.	Current	“Smart	City”	Urban/
Metropolitan	Governance	Transi#ons	
From	the	private-sector-driven	Smart	City	
(iBarcelona)	to	Barcelona	Ini>a>ves	in	
Technological	Sovereignty	
From	the	corporate/post-Guggenheim	
effect	to	Industry	4.0	district	in	
From	Glasgow	Smart	City		
to	Scojsh	Smart	City-Region	
1.	Overlapping	“(Smart)	Devolu#on”	 •  1998:	Municipal	Charter	
•  2010:	Law	of	the	Metropolitan	Area	of	
Barcelona	(MAB)	
•  However,	 in	 2010,	 Statute	 was	
banned	by	the	Cons>tu>onal	Court	of	
•  1979:	Established	full	fiscal	devolu>on	
since	 the	 1979	 Statute	 of	 Autonomy	
and	 the	 concierto	 económico	
(economic	 agreement	 with	 the	
1998:	 Scotland	 Act	 by	 New	 Labour	
government	and	first	Scojsh	Parliament	
in	1999.		
2.	Degrees	of	Devolu#on,	per	se	 In	progress	 High	 In	progress	
3.	Degrees	of	Civic	Engagement	 Very	high	
(A`er	1	million	person	demonstra>on)	
SeEled	down	
(A`er	post-violence	era)	
(A`er	2014	referendum)		
1.	Paradiploma#c	branding	triggering	
metropolitanisa#on	process	
Olympic	Games	(1992)	
Football	Club	Barcelona	
Guggenheim	Bilbao	Museum	(1997)	
Self-government	/	Basque	Country	brand	
Commonwealth	Games	
Independence	referendum	
2.	City-network	composi#on	 Barcelona,	Tarragona,		
Girona,	Lleida	and	Països	Catalans	
Bilbao,	San	Sebas>an,		
Vitoria,	Pamplona	and	BAB	
Glasgow,	Aberdeen,	Dundee,		
Edinburgh,	Inverness,	Perth	and	S>rling	
3.	“(Smart)	Devolu#on”	Strategic	Driver	 Driven	by	the	Civic	Society	 Fixed	by	Ins>tu>ons	 Facilitated	by	Government	
9.	“(Smart)	Devolu#on”	de	facto	 Ongoing	unilateral	independence	
a	binding	referendum		
in	2018?	
Fiscal	Autonomy	via	Economic	
Agreement	and	“right	to	decide”	binding	
consulta>on	or	referendum	to	establish	
the	New	Poli7cal	Status		
in	2018-2019?	
Brexit	and		
second	independence	referendum		
in	2018-2019?		
10.	“Right	to	Decide”	Poten#al/Real	
No	binding	consulta>on	on	9	November	
2014	and	the	Plebiscitary	Elec>ons	on	27	
September	2015	(Maro	and	Cetrà,	2016)	
The	Spanish	Government	rejected	the	
2006	Ibarretxe	“Right	to	Decide”	Plan		
(Turp	and	Sanjaume-Calvet,	2016)	
Independence	referendum	on	18	
September	2014		
(Kea>ng	and	Harvey,	2014)
The	Metropolitan	and	City-Regional	Poli#cs	that	are	Re-Scaling	Na#on-States	
•  In	the	1990s,	many	hyper-globalist	scholars	forecast	the	imminent	demise	of	na>onal	state	
power	(Ohmae,	1995).		
•  However,	a	growing	body	of	literature	on	state-rescaling	has	provided	a	strong	
counterargument,	namely,	that	na>on-states	are	being	qualita>vely	transformed—not	
eroded	(Brenner,	2004).		
•  From	a	longer	historical	perspec>ve,	Kea>ng	(2014b)	argues	for	the	re-scaling	of	na>on-
states	as	the	poli>cisa>on	of	regional	space	through	claims	for	devolu>on	from	their	city-
regions	(Jonas	and	Moisio,	2016).		
•  In	some	cases,	this	coincides	with	strong	historical	iden>>es	and	metropolitan	hubs:	
Glasgow,	Barcelona,	and	Bilbao.
Table	1.	Geo-Economic	Metropolitan	Argument.	
According	to	Álvarez	Pereira	et	al.	(2017:	1),	a	common	paEern	is	likely	to	be	followed	by	
those	devolu>onist	movements	in	Western	Europe	insofar	as	(city-)	“regions	being	rela>vely	
richer	than	the	country	to	which	it	belongs	is	associated	with	higher	electoral	support	to	
regionalist	par>es	only	to	the	extent	that	the	region	is	culturally	differen>ated”.	
Calzada,	I.	&	Hennig,	B.	D.	(2015),	In	Focus:	Regions	between	Recentralisa>on	and	
Independence.	Poli>cal	Insight		6(1):	20-21.	DOI:	10.1111/2041-9066.12083.
Geo	`Economics’	
Geo	`Poli#cs’	
Geo	`Democra#cs’	
Figure	1.	Three	Metropolitan	Arguments	for	Devolu>on	
Three	Metropolitan	Arguments	for	Devolu#on:	
Geo-Economics,	Geo-Poli#cs	and	Geo-Democra#cs
The	preferences	for	future	models	of	territorial	devolu#on	in	Spain		
(Source:	CIS	2012/2956,	extracted	from	the	Centre	on	Cons>tu>onal	Change).	
Arguments Scales & Drivers Main References
Geo-economics Urban-Metropolitan:
“Prosperous Competitiveness”
(CentreForCities, 2016; Clark,
2016; Goodwin et al., 2012;
Harrison et al., 2017; Jones et
al., 2005; Katz and Bradley,
2013; Khanna, 2016a;
OECD/KIPF, 2016; Ortiz,
Geo-politics City-Regional:
“(Smart) Devolution”
(Keating and McEwen, 2005;
Khanna, 2016b; Moreno,
2001; Moreno, 2002)
Geo-democratics National-State:
From the “Right to the City”
to the “Right to Decide”
(Barceló et al., 2015; Cagiao y
Conde and Ferraiuolo, 2016;
Calzada, 2014; Crameri, 2016;
Purcell, 2013)
Three	Metropolitan	Arguments	for	Devolu#on:	
Geo-Economics,	Geo-Poli#cs	and	Geo-Democra#cs	
Table	2.	Three	Metropolitan	Arguments	for	Devolu>on
Conceptual Frames of
(City-)Regional Politics
(adapted from (Keating,
Ethnic Nationalism
Civic Nationalism
Region as a refraction of
social and economic
Internally focused Externally focused
Integrative agenda Protectionist Internationalist
Identity construction Populist Collaborative
Welfare provision Exclusive/Conservative Inclusive/Progressive
Government focus Geo-economics Geo-democratics
Competitiveness Bounded (“Them” vs “Us”) Entrepreneurial/Experimental
Table	3.	Applying	the	conceptual	framework	suggested	by	Kea>ng	(2017)		
Non-Metropolitanised	(Ethnic)	vs	Metropolitanised	(Civic)	Na#onalisms
•  This	resul>ng	“fused”	“civic	na#onalism”	with	the	city	as	its	centre	may	suggest	that	
strategic	na>onalist	ambi>ons	through	the	‘right	to	decide’	(the	urban	version	of	the	right	
to	self-determina#on)	in	small,	stateless	city-regional	na>ons	could	be	considered	an	
updated	and	expanded	version	of	a	metropolitan-based	“right	to	the	city”,	in	Lefebvre	
words	(Purcell,	2014).		
•  Is	the	“right	to	decide”	a	poten>al	“democra>c”	extension	of	the	“right	to	the	city”?	
•  The	Right	to	Decide	as	a	new	version	of	a	metropolitan-based	“Right	to	the	city”	beyond	
•  A	demos-driven,	self-determina>on	2.0	version,	empowered	by	a	wide	range	of	poli>cal	
ideologies		around	a	“civic	na>onalist’	movement,	ac>va>ng	a	boEom-up	and	progressivitst	
city-regional	poli>cal	response
The	Right	to	Decide		
as	a	new	version	of	a	metropolitan-based		
“Right	to	the	City”	beyond	na#on-states
•  So,	why	SHOULD	‘(smart)	devolu#on’	maEer	in	and	for	the	EU?	
•  Because	urban/metropolitan,	city/regional	and	na>onal/state	poli>cs	
are	constantly	being	scaled	up/down	and	overlapped	having	direct	
consequences	for	na>on-states.	
•  Thus,	in	essence,	‘(smart)	devolu#on’	would	be	the	democra>c	
process	and	outcome	in	which	centre	and	periphery	update,	dialogue	
(by	avoiding	confronta>on)	and	agree	upon	(through	shared	
leadership)	their	ongoing	poli>cal	status	through	democra>c	
experimental	mechanisms	as	the	‘right	to	decide’	in	democracy.
Final	Remark:	
Is	the	Urban	Age		
Refounding	“Devolved”	Poli#cs	
in	the	UK		
and	Spain		
and	ul#mately	in	the	EU?
Final	Ques#ons	for	a	respecdul,	construc#ve,	democra#c	and	open	
debate	in	the	EU/Europe:	
1.  Cons#tu#ons	exist	to	serve	ci>zens,	not	the	other	way	around.	Is	this	the	case	in	
Spain	now?	
2.  How	can	the	right	to	decide,	as	an	experimental	democra>c	exercise,	be	‘smartly’	
ar>culated	through	a	shared	leadership	by	coordina>ng	the	exis>ng	overlap	
between	urban,	city-regional	and	na>onal-state	governance	schemes?	
3.  How	to	avoid	the	use	of	poli#cal	violence	to	solve	poli>cal	and	democra>c	issues	
even	between	the	internal/external	affairs	blur	separa>on?	
4.  To	sum	up,	how	could	we	implement	(smart)	devolu#on	schemes	based	on	
dialogue	in	the	EU	by	making	sure	the	freedom	of	regional	dis>nct	minori>es	to	
express	peacefully	and	democra>cally	their	discontent	or	emancipatory	
Dr	Igor	Calzada,	MBA,	FeRSA	
Urban	Transforma#ons	&	Future	of	Ci#es	
University	of	Oxford	
Skype:	icalzada	
Thanks	for	your	ahen#on

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