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Why School Buses Are Not Required to Have Seat Belts
What about seat belts? Why don't school buses have them?
The short answer is that small school buses do in fact require seat belts; large school buses, with a few exceptions do not. Seat belts are not required on
the larger school buses because both the U.S. Department of Transportation and Transport Canada, have determined that compartmentalization is the
preferred occupant protection system.
To explain these differences in a greater detail we begin as follows; a smallbus is categorized as a bus under 10,000lbs in weight, which are required by
federal law to have seat belt systems on them due to the fact that they are closer in nature to the size of the average automobile and/or light trucks. The
federal government requires a ... Show more content on ...
All metal surfaces are covered with foam padding. This structure must then meet rigid test requirements for bending and absorbing energy, such as
would be required if a student's body were thrown against the padded back. In addition, the equivalent of a seat back, called a " barrier", is placed in
the front row of seats at the front of the bus.
In addition to padding, today's seats also must have a steel inner structure that springs and bends forward to help absorb energy when a child is
thrown against it. The steel frame must "give" just enough to absorb the child in the seat ahead. Also, of course, the seat is required to be anchored to
the floor so strongly that it will not pull loose during this bending action. And the floor itself must be strong that it will not be torn by the pulling action
of the seat anchors during a crash.
Seats are spaced close together as another safety precaution to ensure containment of children after a potential crash. If seats are spaced too far apart,
the student could be thrown too far before being cushioned and/or could be thrown outside the compartment altogether.
The federal government concluded that compartmentalization is a better safety measure than seat belts and arguments to favor this are as follows:
Compartmentalization is much more manageable. The protection exists and is in force without depending on any action of children or any extra
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Analysis of a Television Advertisement Aimed at Raising...
Analysis of a Television Advertisement Aimed at Raising Awareness on the Issue of Road Safety
In order to analyse the advertisement, it is necessary to look at the different techniques used throughout. The advertisement has been created in order
to promote road safety, and is from a series of advertisements called 'THINK!' The specific advert I am to analyse is called 'Backwards', and deals
with the decision of whether or not to wear seatbelts whilst travelling in a car. Different techniques used in the advertisement are employed in order to
increase effectiveness, these are as follows; the meaning behind the visuals of the advertisement, the target audience and how it raises the audiences' ...
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It is very the ultimate goal of the advertisement that the meaning comes across very clearly, and also that this message be a lasting one.
Wearing a seatbelt became the law in 1983, therefore the advert is not only for to raise awareness and show that seatbelts save lives, but it is also to
demonstrate that you are breaking the law as well by not wearing one.
Obviously being a road safety advertisement, the target audience of the advertisement is any drivers and passengers that use cars either on a regular
basis or sporadically. An important factor to consider when appealing to a certain audience is the time that the advertisement is shown each day, how
often that it is shown and the language that is used throughout the advertisement. It is important that the target can relate to the tone or features of the
advert, if they are to take anything away from it. This particular advertisement was shown up to 25 times a day. It was also part of a series shown on
television intermittently throughout the year. This means that the advertisement will be shown at the start of the year for 3 weeks, then at the end of
the year for a further 3 weeks. The scene at the end of the advert emerges with a line on it reading, 'If you had another chance, what would you do
differently?' This phrase is easily understood, and can therefore appeal to any person of any age,
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Persuasive Essay On Helmet Laws
Mandatory seat belt laws and motorcycle helmet laws have been a controversial topic and there has been much argument between the two sides. I will
be presenting both sides of the argument and I will be giving my opinion on this topic. Many motorcyclists despite knowing the benefits of wearing a
helmet, are still against the forced helmet laws. A very common argument that is used against these laws for motorcyclists, is that it would be a
violation of their civil liberties. Jeff Hennie of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation says, "We are 100 percent pro–helmet, and 100 percent anti–helmet
law, putting a helmet law in place does not reduce motorcycle fatalities. Educating other motorists to look out for motorcyclists, and teaching
motorcyclists how to ride safely, is the ultimate solution for saving lives." Some motorcyclists actually believe that helmets can be be a safety
problem. According to the Mesriani Law Group, the shape and weight of the helmet can actually add to a motorcyclist breaking his neck during an
accident. Also if your new to riding a motorcycle the helmet might be very distracting, and could a lead to a accident. Seat belts in cars can also be a
violation of freedom. In the Thirteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution, it prohibits ownership of human beings. When you own
something, you have the exclusive ability to use it for your purposes. If the state controls every aspect of a person's life for the "common good," then
people can become owned by
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Motion and Car Safety
Motion is how everything in the universe moves, movement of the solar system never stops and is constantly moving but at a very slow speed.
There are three laws in motion that explain movement, they are the Newton's three laws of motion named after Isaac Newton. The Newton's first
law states that an object that is a rest will stay at rest unless an outside force is acted upon it and an object that is in motion will stay in motion
unless an outside force is acted upon it. This is also called as "inertia", which means the property of an object to restrict its motion. Examples of
inertia would be when a car is driving at a constant speed and instantly stops the person will fall forward if there is no seat belt.
The seat belt is a safety device that is commonly found on car seats and aircraft seats, it is made from strong durable materials such as fabric, nylon
or polyester. Cars that are manufactured are required to have seat belts due to road safety laws. The law was introduced in the 1970s, it was shown
that having seat belts reduced the amount of road deaths. The seat belt was invented by George Cayley in the late 1800's, the seat belt appeared on
planes in the early 1900's but was later developed to a three point seat belt by Nils Bohlin. The purpose of seat belts is to restrain the forward motion
that occurs during an accident, which may end up saving the person's life or preventing serious injuries.
The seat belt was designed to restrain the person from forward motion
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The Physics Of Car Crashes
This is a research assignment on the Physics of Car Crashes. In this report the physics behind car crashes will be reported on in depth to answer the
question, "In a car crash, are you better to trust the science behind a more modern vehicle, or the metal in a large, heavy, older car?" This report will
explain the Physics behind why Modern vehicles are safer than older cars in a car crash.
Impulse – Impulse is the change in momentum, Initial Momentum – Final Momentum or Force x Time. This means that because momentum is
Velocity xMass, a heavier car traveling at the same Velocity as an older car will have a larger momentum, therefore if both cars crashed into a wall at
the same speed and both and end up with a speed of 0ms–1, the Change in Momentum (Impulse) will be higher for the heavier car. Because Impulse is
also equal to Force x Time, we can look at the stopping Force of the and how we can lower it.
Example: A 1500kg car traveling at 100km/h (27.7ms–1) hits a wall and stops to 0ms–1 has an impulse of 41,550kgms–1. An older 2000kg car
traveling at the same speed also hits a wall and stops to 0ms–1 with an impulse of 55,400kgms–1.
What it means: This means the older heavier car will have a higher stopping force which immediately puts it at a disadvantage to the modern, smaller
car. However because Impulse is Force x Time and remains constant, we can decrease the Stopping Force by increasing the collision Time.
Older heavier cars construction consists of heavier,
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Seat Belts Research Paper
It is an event that happens in an instant, an event that can take your life in a second and one that takes the lives of 3,287 each day. This killer goes
by the name of a car crash. Car crashes are one of the main causes of death in the world despite the precautions that are installed in them. The airbag
and the seat belt are the most known precautions within a car, yet seat belts continue to be a precaution many choose to ignore. Precautions are put in
place for a reason, so legally requiring this form of protection can only provide positive results. When someone enters a car, the things to take into
consideration are how it only takes two seconds to put on this single strap that could save your life, prevent legal offenses, and defy the laws ... Show
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Yet as cars are normalized and seen as a regular thing, they are not typically viewed as the danger that they are. This normalcy is the cause for the
lack of seatbelt use and the reason why "Of the teens (aged 13–20 years) that died in crashes in 2012, approximately 55% of them were not wearing a
seat belt" (CDC "Seat Belts: Get the Facts"). Statistically speaking, not wearing a seatbelt increases a person's chance of death immensely from
the second they get in the car. The seat belt was placed in vehicles for a reason, and ignoring that reason could be a life or death decision. And this
life or death scenario is one that doesn't revolve solely around the person involved. Pregnant driver who were not wearing seat belts during the time
of car crash "are nearly three times more likely to experience a fetal death and twice as likely to have excessive maternal bleeding" (Hyde "Seatbelts
Greatly Reduce..."). Wearing a seat belt can save the life of more than one person. The statistics in support of seat belts have shown only positive
results in relation to survival, leading to the conclusion that seat belts should their job and become mandatory in order to save
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Seat Belts Argumentative Essay
Anonymous Writer
Anonymous Teacher
English 10 Honors
November 19, 2013 Argument Based Essay
Seat Belts
A seat belt is a restraining device installed in a vehicle to prevent or minimize the force of an injury during a crash ("Seat Belts" 5). Although it is
also known as a safety belt, the "safety" part is the key issue that is causing much controversy around drivers, manufacturers, and researchers alike. The
main idea around the debate is the fact that although research indicates that when seat belts are used properly they save lives, opponents argue that
mandating their use can actually cause more harm than good in some cases and is an infringement on personal rights. Car accidents are the leading
cause of death for people ... Show more content on ...
Freedom stops when we get to a point where others may be harmed or killed. As soon as something puts lives in danger, the "right" of freedom
disappears thus making mandatory seatbelt laws a non–infringement on freedom.
"Seat belts are the single most effective traffic safety device for preventing death and injury in a vehicle" ("Seat Belt Safety, Seat Belt Laws"). Wearing
a seat belt can reduce the risk of crash injuries by 50%. Seat belts save lives and are effective in preventing ejections from a vehicle. While
opponents argue that in certain cases it is better to not wear a seatbelt, wearing a seatbelt is usually the safer route. A person will never know what
type of accident they might enter and thus can't prepare for a certain type of accident. You can't know whether or not having a seatbelt will save
you. It's better to wear a seatbelt and have a 50% of survival than not wearing a seatbelt and have a 3% chance of being in a situational accident
where not having a seat belt will save you. Research shows that "Seat Belts saved more than 75,000 lives from 2004 to 2008" ("Seat Belt Safety,
Seat Belt Laws"). Without the mandatory use of seat belts, many lives could be put in danger and this would have negative social and economic
effects on society. 49 States in the USA have issued mandatory seat belt laws to promote safe habits and to protect the people. With this law in place,
many lives have been saved as people were forced to wear seat belts to properly
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Independent Study Project: The Chemistry Behind The Airbag
Independent Study Project – The Chemistry Behind the Airbag
By: Rachel Dorey
For: Mr. O'Donnell
Date: May 31st, 2016
Course: SCH 4U
The moment a person sets foot in a vehicle it is instinct to take the one safety precaution that is taught since being able to ride in a motorized vehicle; to
buckle up. However, it is sometimes forgotten that there is a second safety precaution and an incredible, lifesaving invention that is in every vehicle,
and that is the airbag. Each passenger or driver knows of the presence of this safety device in each vehicle, but is it really known how an air bag
actually works? Has the thought ever occurred of what is happening at the exact moment of impact in an airbag and what chemical ... Show more
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This gas can decompose to produce Na (Sodium Metal) and N2 (Nitrogen Gas) at a temperature of 300o C.3 SiO2 and KNO3 are in place to remove
the sodium metal by turning it into a harmless material.3 This occurs when the potassium nitrate reacts with sodium and results in potassium oxide,
sodium oxide, and additional nitrogen gas.3 This additional nitrogen gas from the second reaction also fills the airbag.3 Silicate glass is produced in
the final reaction when the metal oxides react with silicon dioxide.3 All of these series of reactions allow for an airbag to inflate within milliseconds
and give it the ability to prevent further injury or
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Persuasive Essay On Car Seat Safety
Many parents lack education on, or do not fully know, proper car seat use and the consequences of improper car seat safety implementation. Car seat
safety is important for children as they face increase risk of injury at certain ages or physical size.
The Recommendations According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (n.d.), there are distinct types of car seats that should be used
for recommended ages. The recommendations state that parents should also check the seat's label to ensure that the child meets its height and weight
limits (NHTSA, n.d.). Children under the age of one should always use a rear–facing seat placed in the back seat of the vehicle (NHTSA, n.d.). These
are used for small children due to their weak head, neck, and spine, for which a rear facing car seat will provide increased protection (NHTSA, n.d.).
After the age of one and reaching the listed height and weight limits, children may move to a forward–facing car seat (NHTSA, n.d.). This seat is still
positioned in the back of the car and anchored with the seatbelt (NHTSA, n.d.). Forward–facing car seats use a harness that distributes impact across
the child's body and utilize a tether that limits head movement. Again, once meeting the forward–facing car seats limits, recommended only at the age
of four, children may move to a forward–facing booster seat, still placed in the back seat (NHTSA, n.d.). Booster seats proved extra height to the child
so that the seat belt is positioned properly over the child's strongest areas (NHTSA, n.d.). Children should be kept in the booster seat as long as
possible, no earlier than the age of eight. Using the booster seat as long as possible will help ensure that the child properly fits a seat belt (NHTSA,
n.d.). When determining if seat belt positioning is correct for the child, ensure the lap belt is positioned across the thighs, not the stomach, and that the
shoulder belt crosses the shoulder and chest, not the neck or face (NHTSA, n.d.). The intention of seat belts and safety car seats is to distribute any
impacts from an accident across the strongest parts of the body. Failure to follow these recommendations could result in critical injury, such as a severe
spinal injury in an
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Collision Avoidance System : An Automobile Safety System
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Haryana (India)
Abstract: A collision avoidance system is an automobile safety system designed to reduce the rigorousness of a collision. Also known as precrash
system, forward collision warning system, or collision mitigating system. It uses radar and sometimes laser and camera to detect an imminent crash.
Once the detection is done, these systems either provide a warning to the driver when there is an imminent collision or take action autonomously
without any driver input by braking or steering or both. Collision avoidance by braking is appropriate at low vehicle speeds. while collision
avoidance is suitable at higher vehicle speeds.[1] Cars with collision avoidance may also be equipped with adaptive cruise control, and use the same
forward–looking sensors. Keywords: collision, congested, Traffic safety, transmission,sensor networks .
Introduction: Collision Avoidance systems, a subsequent step to collision mitigation, are one of the great challenges in the area of active safety for
road vehicles. In India the total annual deaths due to road accidents has crossed 1.18 lakh, according to the latest report of National Crime Records
Bureau (NCRB). If these deficiencies are not controlled at early stages they might cause huge economical problems affecting the road side networks.
The main part of the work was to carry out a feasibility
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Persuasive Essay On Seat Belt Safety
There are many people who do not understand the importance of seat belts for safety. They do not wear their seat belts even though they know the
mortality statistics. Most of them think that seat belts do not help when an accident occurs. We have all made the excuse that the seat belt is
uncomfortable. Driving is a dangerous duty that should always be practiced with more caution and care. Some people think that not wearing a seatbelt
is rebellious. Other people think that they will never get into accident. Some of the consequences of not wearing a seat belt is that you could die, you
can get injured and many more. So far, the only way to avoid these consequences from happening is to wear a seatbelt.
The study of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia found that specific groups of teens, including country residents, African–Americans, those with low
grades or attending lower–socioeconomic school districts, and drivers of pickup trucks, reported the lowest use of seat belts. However, seat belt use
among these groups was higher in states with primary enforcement seat belt safety laws. This is excluding the children who, in all states, are
required to be buckled in a child restraint or booster seat by their guardian, the people most at risk are teens. A 2012 online query conducted by the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), car crashes is the number one killer of teens in the U.S. Teens have the lowest rate of seat belt use
compared to any other age group and they
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Essay about NR505 Critique of Systematic Research Review
Analysis and Application of a Clinical Practice Guideline: Child Passenger Safety
Chamberlain College of Nursing
NR505 Advanced Research Methods
May 2012
Analysis and Application of a Clinical Practice Guideline: Child Passenger SafetyMotor vehicle crashes are identified as the leading cause of death in
children under 19 years of age across the United States (Sauber–Schatz, West, & Bergen, 2014). Due to the large number of child deaths that occur
each year, education regarding the proper use of child passenger safety seats must be provided to families. According to Basco, Hletko, West, and
Darden (2009), although death and injury caused by motor vehicle accidents are deemed accidental, they are ... Show more content on
Recommendations Based on results of the guideline there are specific recommendations that should be followed by families and medical personnel
regarding child passenger safety practices. Rear–facing car seats should be utilized for infants and toddlers until they are 2 years old, or have reached
the maximum weight identified by the car seat manufacturer. Forward facing seats with a harness should be utilized once the child has outgrown the
rear–facing seat and should be utilized until the maximum height or weight identified by the car seat manufacturer has been reached by the child. Once
the maximum height or weight requirement has been reached, the child should be transitioned into a belt–positioning booster seat. The
belt–positioning booster seat should be utilized until the lap–and–shoulder seat belt fits properly, which is usually between 8 and 12 years of age or
around the height of 4 feet nine inches. Until children are at least 14 years of age children should travel in rear seats of vehicles to promote optimal
protection (Committee on Injury, Violence, and Poison Prevention, 2011). Whether working as a nurse in the community or on an inpatient hospital
unit it is important to continually offer education to families regarding appropriate practice for child passenger safety. Parents often base car seat
selection on age of their child, but that is only one of the factors that
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The Importance Of Vehicle Safety
The purpose of this policy is to ensure the safety of those individuals who drive company vehicles and to provide guidance on the proper use of
company vehicles. Vehicle accidents are costly to our company, but more importantly, they may result in injury to you or others. It is the driver's
responsibility to operate the vehicle in a safe manner and to drive defensively to prevent injuries and property damage. As such, employers endorse
all applicable state motor vehicle regulations relating to driver responsibility. Air Conditioning Solutions expects each driver to drive in a safe and
courteous manner pursuant to the following safety rules. The attitude you take when behind the wheel is the single most important factor in driving
safely. Driver Guidelines and Reporting Requirements 1. Company vehicles are to be driven by authorized ACS employees only. 2. Any employee
who has a driver's license revoked or suspended shall immediately notify the office and immediately discontinue operation of the company vehicle.
Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment. 3. All accidents in company vehicles, regardless of severity,
must be reported to the police and to the office. Accidents are to be reported immediately (from the scene, during the same day, or as soon as
practicable. Accidents involving the employee's personal injury must be reported to Susan Taylor and or Brian Phillips. Failing to stop after an
accident and/or failure
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Auto Window Construction
Before, a harmed auto window implied a great deal of smashed glass or a super measured bug catching network like break. Today's auto windows have
a composite structure that can withstand a higher level of anxiety and restrict harm without shattering the glass. This development makes it conceivable
to repair most harms without requiring a costly substitution. Auto window repair can relate to reestablishing any of the glass segments in an auto –
windshield, entryway windows, back glass, and sun rooftops.
Things you ought to think around an auto window repair
Auto windows, be it a windshield or a back window, go about as a shield against extreme climate, shield travelers from flotsam and jetsam and shots,
keep tenants from being tossed out in case of a mischance, and go about as a bolster structure for the rooftop. A window is a basic security segment
that gives drivers a protected ride. It is along these lines critical to repair or supplant a harmed window to guarantee security.
Window repairs can be performed at a car administration focus or an elite ... Show more content on ...
Examines in the past have demonstrate that repaired auto glasses perform well under mechanical anxiety and temperature extremes yet not under
effect loads. A few states in the US may have a direction on auto glass repair and all repairs may not pass wellbeing investigation. It is in this way
fitting to know about state laws and counsel with one or more experienced auto glass specialists before continuing with an auto window repair.
Customers now have admittance to do–it–without anyone else's help repair packs to settle their harmed windshields. While numerous sorts of vehicle
support can be effectively done at home, an auto window repair requires talented specialists and quality materials. Outfitted with the fundamental data
gave here finding the right auto glass master is as simple as going online and writing auto glass
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Automobile Safety Essay
People in developed countries all over the world have come to see automobiles as the preferred way to travel. They allow independence: point to point
transportation without having to rely on others to get where we want to go, to do what we want to do. Long range travel and short range travel can be
undertaken whenever one desires, either alone or with other people. Citizens of the modern world must often wonder how people ever lived without
automobiles. To think that human beings once traveled everywhere by foot or on horseback is not just a humorous idea to reminisce; it is foreign
concept that would not allow the social and business culture of today to exist.
It is almost as foreign a concept that early automobiles were driven ... Show more content on ...
Simple mistakes, that everyone makes, can lead to great harm. Even the most cautious and agile driver cannot avoid every possible stalled car,
unexpected furniture, careless cell phone user, stray animal, unexpected construction, or drunken driver on the road.
Automobiles are therefore a huge source of potential injury, and even death. In the year 2001 alone, 37, 795 people lost their lives in automobile
accidents in the United States. That is more people than the populations of many small cities in America. In fact, that is over ten times more lives lost
than were lost in the horrible attack on the World Trade Center in 2001! On top of that, over two million people were injured in automobile accidents
in the same time frame.3 Neither of these numbers includes the thousands of pedestrians who are killed or injured every year by automobiles.
Given the risks involved in the use of automobiles much consideration should be given to how to best make automobiles safer for humans. Often times,
however, safety is not the first consideration in automobile design. Some automobile manufacturers do not even look carefully at safety considerations
until a new product is sent down the crash test line and adjusted until it makes government safety requirements. On the other hand, some manufacturers
start car design with safety as their first priority.
What Does Automobile Safety Have to Offer?
Safety systems inside an
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The Safety Regulations Of The Automobile Industry
Now days the automobile industry has to bind to a large list of government regulations. While some may just be focusing on the driver comfort and
avoiding unnecessary distraction, the government has safety regulations which have to be strictly imposed on every vehicle. Within these safety
regulations, there is The Clean Air Act; an act to improve, strengthens, and accelerates programs for the prevention and abatement ofair pollution. But
we always had criminals breaking the rules of society. VW (Volkswagen) committed fraud by having their software engineers programing the on–board
engine management module (ECM) in order to obtain higher profits.
Of course they did not care about the consequences neither the harm they will be doing to ... Show more content on ...
It is just not in the best interest of any professional/engineer, nobody want to go to jail. It is clear that there was some sort of pressure imposed by
top executive of this company on these workers. The company saw an opportunity since there is only a few diesel cars on the road. By introducing
diesel powered cars that offer better mpg than gasoline powered vehicles, they knew, they were going to dominate the diesel market.
It was irresponsible to use the ECM, which was designed in part to monitor the emissions system efficiency, to overlook this intended fault and
provide an abstract feedback at the smog testing facilities. Aristotle made clear that all humans seek to flourish. Well, Volkswagen, as a corporation,
was trying to flourish once more but not by good means. Also Aristotle pronounced that "man is a rational creature who lives in poleis" and what
make society are rules, rational rules. Is these are violated, there is going to be a possibility of encountering a highly corrupted society. Aristotle thinks
we should be upset if people do well undeservedly. This engineers fooled government authorities and the public for more than five years. And this case
is an indignant outcome of how low big corporation can behave.
The Aristotelian ethics seeks Eudaimonia or what is call happiness. This is the goal of every human
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Analysis Of The Windshield Replacement
Drivers who know these five amazing facts about auto windshield replacement do not let just anyone touch this life–preserving part of vehicles. A
Windshield is part of the structural integrity of automobiles and airbags rely on this glass to keep people securely in their seats. Each piece of clear
material is engineered specifically for one vehicle. Adhesive and rubber strips hold this strong, clear substance in place but contamination during the
Windshield Replacement weakens the necessary seal.
Structural Integrity
Automobile engineers work hard to keep the weight of these transportation devices down to improve gas mileage. Every component of freedom
mobiles is necessary; even the glass is designed to keep passenger compartments intact.
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Black Caching Research Paper
Back pockets are a safe place to put your car keys right? Until you forget they are there and they end up dropping into the toilet! In the good old
days this wouldn't matter because a car key was just a piece of metal that could be wiped dry and put straight back into the pocket. But today's car
keys are called transponder keys, and they have little computer chips in them that just don't like floating in water. So what do you do when you
drop your keys in the loo? Do Try The Rice Bag Trick Transponder keys have a black casing around the top of the key. This casing keeps small amounts
of water out such as rain drops, but it does not make your key waterproof. One of the first steps you can try if your key is soaking wet is the rice bag
technique.... Show more content on ...
After 24 hours most of the moisture will have been absorbed and you can try the key in your car. Don't Try The Hair Dryer Trick You may be
thinking that the best way to dry out your key is to apply heat to it. Whether your mind has turned to your hair dryer or your microwave, both these
dry out ideas are bad ones. As previously stated, transponder keys have small computer chips in them, and this means they also contain minute
electronic circuitry for the key to work. Applying high doses of heat from a hair dryer is going to fry the circuitry so it never works again.
Additionally, putting metal in a microwave is one way of starting a house fire so this is definitely not a good idea either. If your transponder key
refuses to work after the rice bag trick, or you don't have 24 hours to wait for it to dry out, your next stop is your locksmith to get a replacement
key made. Only a locksmith or an automotive dealer can provide a coded replacement key for your car. While you're there, get a second one made, or
get them to attempt a professional dry of the original. Having a spare car key is not going to got to waste if you want to continue carrying your car
keys in your back
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Teen Driving Essay
Teen driving is unsafe and dangerous, teen driving is the leading cause of teenage deaths in the United States with more than 5,000 teens dying a
year. 17 year old Weston Griggs, killed himself and the 2 passengers he had in his car. But, this accident was no accident. Weston was going 70 mph
in a 40 mph speed zone. The issue in this story is that young drivers like Weston, inexperienced and full of adrenaline are just hurting them selves and
others by getting behind the wheel at such a young age. Teens between the ages 15 through 17 do not belong on the road. Outrageous amounts of teens
are dying every year and these numbers are not changing, so why keep them on the road? Teen driving in the United States have three main problems...
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This fact proves how teens are easily distracted when driving. More than 10,000 teenagers died in Tennessee from speeding in the years from
2005–2008. This proves that teens do have a tendency to speed while driving, let alone this is just one of the 50 states in the U.S (Teen Driver
Safety, page 1"). There are many facts about teen driving and all of the facts I have collected just prove my reasons to be more correct than they
already are. Teen drivers have the mentality were they are untouchable when behind the wheel. But it's obviously to much to handle for them because
when it comes to the facts to many teens die a year. In 2007, 4,200 teens in the U.S aged from 15–17 were killed and 400,000 were treated in the E.R
for injuries because of car accidents ("Motor vehicle safety, Teen Drivers, page 1"). This just shows how irresponsible teens are while driving. In a
national survey 12.5% of all high school students rarely wear seatbelts, this just asking too get hurt in case an accident happens ("Motor vehicle
safety, Teen Drivers, page 1"). This just shows how teens have a bad mentality while driving. In 2005, 54% of teen deaths occurred between 3 p.m.
and midnight on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. This statistic shows that one more reason why a teen would want there license is to get to a party or go
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Wearing A Seat Belt Is Worth It
Now people may tell themselves that they know they should wear a seatbelt, but is it really worth it? The answer is yes, it is worth it. Your life is
worth it, and putting yourself at risk makes you a careless person. In 2012, 7,500 teens and young adults between the ages of 16–24 were killed in a
car crash. 60% were not wearing a seatbelt out of 34,080. Every 16 minutes, someone dies in an accident and about 89 people lose their lives each
day. Wearing a seatbelt slows your body down and decreases how far your body goes before it stops and wearing a seatbelt prevents you from
flying out of the car and decreases the chance of damaging your body. People think that since they are only going a short distance, they don't need
a seatbelt because it's not like they're going to get into an accident for the three blocks they're traveling to. They're wrong about that. Studies show
that 50% of fatal accidents happen near their home or workplace. As a car is going 55 MPH and it hits a solid object, the rest of the car is still going
55 MPH even when a car frame has stopped. While the rear end is going 35 MPH, your body is still traveling at 55 MPH. Seatbelts saved around
13,941 lives in 2015 and it could've saved 2,814 more people if they were wearing a seatbelt. In this world, people take seatbelts for granted. It's the
one thing that can save your life in a car crash and it is also the one thing that people abuse. Not wearing a seatbelt can lead you into being thrown at
an opening
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The Safety Regulations Of The Automobile Industry
Now days the automobile industry has to stick to a large list of government regulations. While some of them may just be focus on the driver comfort
and an avoiding unnecessary distractions. The government also has safety regulations which has to be strictly impose on every vehicle. Within these
safety regulations there is The Clean Air Act; an act to improve, strengthens, and accelerates programs for the prevention and abatement ofair pollution.
But we always had criminals breaking the rules of society. VW (Volkswagen) committed fraud by having their software engineers programing the
onboard engine management module (ECM) in order to obtain higher profits.
Of course they did not care about the consequences neither the harm they will be ... Show more content on ...
Aristotle made clear that all humans seek to flourish. Well, Volkswagen, as a corporation, was trying to flourish once more but not by good means.
Also Aristotle pronounced that "man is a rational creature who lives in poleis" and what make society are rules, rational rules. Is these are violated
there is going to be a possibility of encountering a highly corrupted society. Aristotle thinks we should be upset if people do well undeservedly. This
engineers fooled government authorities and the public for more than five years. And this case is an indignant outcome of how low big corporation can
The Aristotelian ethics seeks Eudaimonia or what is call happiness. This is the goal of every human being. The executives, who elaborated this fraud,
mandate to have bigger profits because they want to be happier or perhaps they just are vicious men. The software engineer's, that decide to obey,
want to keep their jobs in order to be happy. Also they thought that the public will be happier with their new revolutionary product. It is good to know
that criminal behavior is a sign that the resource is lacking. Aristotle did raise a set of ethical questions that are directly relevant to corporate leaders
who wish to behave in ethical ways, even when Aristotle didn't know anything about
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Essay on The Importance of Wearing a Seatbelt
The Importance of Wearing a Seatbelt
We have all heard the excuses before, "It's uncomfortable, I'm only going around the corner", I'd rather be thrown out of a car than be stuck in a
seatbelt," and my favorite, "I'm a good driver I don't need to wear one." Well you may be a good driver but there are situations beyond your control
such as bad weather, road conditions and not to mention other drivers that can affect your safety. Seat belts can mean the difference between life and
death in an auto accident. Wearing aseat belt every time you enter a vehicle is not only the smart thing to do it is the right thing because it saves lives,
it's the law and it will save you money.
Car accidents are the leading cause of death for people ... Show more content on ...
For the people who use the excuse that "They are just going around the corner" should realize that 80% of traffic fatalities occur within a 25–mile
radius of your home and at a speed of 40 miles an hour. Buckling up to drive around the block is probably the best time to do so. Everyone knows that
car crashes can cause death; yet because people do not buckle up all the time thousands of people still die in traffic crashes yearly. Seatbelts can save
your life in a crash and can reduce your risk of a serious injury. Seat belts keep drivers and passengers from being ejected through windows or
doors. This is important because your chances of being killed are five times greater if you are thrown from the vehicle. Thousands of people who die
in car crashes each year might still be alive today if they had only been wearing their seat belts.
Wearing a seat belt isn't just a good idea; it's the law and many states conduct heightened enforcement of their seat belt laws. Forty–nine states, all
except New Hampshire have mandatory safety belt laws. In most states, these laws cover front seat occupants only, although belt laws in 16
jurisdictions including New York cover all rear seat occupants also. New York is one of 19 jurisdictions where belt use laws are standard, or primary,
meaning police may stop vehicles solely for belt law violations. In 17 states including New York the safety belt defense is allowed, meaning damages
collected by someone in a crash may be reduced
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Antilock Brakes Essay
Antilock Brakes Antilock brakes are impressive performers on the test track and in television advertising. What has surprised a lot of people is that
anti–lock brakes are not reducing the frequency or cost of accidents. This is the case despite the obvious benefits of antilock brakes in test situations.
The reason why anti–locks are not making the expected and much projected difference is because many drivers lack the knowledge and experience need
to use ABS (Anti–lock Braking System) effectively. I. Introduction A. What are ABS (Anti
–lock Braking System) B. Popularity of ABS II. What ABS
do and don't do A. In normal breaking conditions B. In conditions such as: rain, snow, ... Show more content on ...
II. What Anti–lock brakes do and don't do Many car owners don't know how to use antilock brakes effectively and the manuals that come with their
automobiles offer little help. Some of the manuals don't spell out how using antilock brakes is different from using regular brakes. Some manufacturers
provide no instructions at all. Traditionally, drivers are trained tobrake gently on slippery roads or to pump their brakes to avoid a skid. But it is firm,
continuous brake pressure that is required to activate anti–locks, which should never be pumped. This is exactly what the antilock feature does for the
driver automatically, it pumps the brakes many times a second. With the driver pumping antilock brakes during a skid, braking effectiveness may
be reduced to the point of not having brakes at all. Because of misconceptions about the circumstances in which antilock brakes can help, it's useful
to review what they can and cannot do. In normal braking, a vehicle slows as its wheels are gradually brought to a stop. Without antilock brakes,
hard or emergency braking will cause the wheels to lock before the vehicle comes to a halt. In this case, some or all of the tires skid along the road.
How the vehicle skids depends on the coefficient of friction, or drag factor, between the tires and the road surface. A vehicle may skid forward in a
straight line or it may
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Speech On Importance Of A Seat Belt
The Importance of a Seat belt There are many factors that are included in a vehicle to keep everyone safe. One of these, is the seat belt. Safety
comes first when someone gets in a vehicle. Seat belts save the lives of many people everyday. When seat belts were invented, they were put into
every vehicle to keep people from flying out a window when involved in a wreck. There are statistics that show that wearing a seat belt decreases the
possibility of being injured to the point of death.
A seat belt is a long strap attached to a car seat, this tool was designed to keep the passenger in place when in a collision. According to, Traffic with
a smile, " Today, the seat belt serves to protect drivers and passengers from injury during any type of collision." says, "More than 50%
of vehicle occupants killed in crashes in Tennessee were not wearing seat belts." There are many people that die everyday, because they had a collision
and were not wearing a seatbelt.
The seat belt is neatly made up of many materials such as polyester, fiber materials and coating materials. It is woven this way so that the passenger
will feel comfortable when wearing a seatbelt. According to TAKATA, "The width of the webbing is about 48mm and has a tensile strength sufficient
to support approximately three metric tons." The seat belt is built to support any height, body structure, and weight. To make the seat belt move it has a
built in retractor. The retractor helps it move efficiently
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Airbags Are Necessary To Have In A Car
Have you ever wondered why bags that fill with air are so necessary to have in a car? Airbags are devices that are installed in most cars usually on the
front and the sides. Airbags fill with air once a collision is sensed in the car and they slowly release air through small holes, this is intending to slow
your acceleration down but not rapidly. Airbags work because they slow down your impulse from a fast and dangerous negative acceleration to a slow
and safe negative acceleration. Airbags slow down a person's speed as a car is rapidly slowing down, thus saving a person from a hard collision with
the dashboard. A person in a car will travel at the same speed as the car. Someone will keep moving after a car stops because of Newton's First
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Toyota Corolla Im Research Paper
2017 Toyota Corolla iM Model Information
If you are seeking for 2017 Toyota Corolla iM model information, Toyota of Tacoma has the details for you. You will realize that the Toyota reliability
and durability are intact and an integral part of the all–new Toyota Corolla iM.
With the Scion not taking off as anticipated, Toyota decided to discontinue this youth–oriented brand. Instead, the Scion iM has made a comeback in
the form of Toyota Corolla iM, with some changes and amazing features that can leave you spellbound.
The latest Toyota Corolla iM is a five–door hatchback that has a larger cargo space and better equipped that the Corolla. However, there are many
other pluses that you will notice when you check out the 2017 Toyota Corolla iM.
Exterior ... Show more content on ...
So, the latest Toyota Corolla iM is no different. It comes with curtain airbags, driver's knee airbag, side airbags and seat cushion airbag to keep the front
passenger safe during a collision.
Other safety features include anti–lock braking system and stability and traction control. Like any other Toyota, even the all–new Toyota Corolla iM
comes with Toyota Safety Senseв„ў C suite of technologies, which include Lane Departure Alert and Pre–Collision System.
Engine Specs of the 2017 Toyota Corolla iM
The 2017 Toyota Corolla iM model information will show you that this model comes with a 1.8–liter, four–cylinder powerful engine that is capable of
generating 137 horsepower and 126 lb–ft of torque. It also has a rather sophisticated six–speed manual shift, while the CVT system is optional.
The vehicle is capable of going from 0 to 60mph in 9.1 seconds and can achieve a top speed of about 121 mph. While it may not be the fastest
hatchback on the market, it is definitely quite fuel efficient. A manual Toyota iM has an EPA
–estimated fuel economy of 27 miles per gallon in the city
and 35 miles per gallon on highways.
Other Features in the 2017 Toyota Corolla
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Final Semester Project, Exterior Airbags
Final Semester Project, Exterior Airbags Air bags are made out of a fabric, like nylon. They saved around 15,000, inside the car pedestrians, over the
last 20 years. They are in about every car in the world. They save a lot of people involved in crashes inside the car, but don't help the people outside of
the car. Many people get in a car accident and there are surrounding pedestrian who are in harm's way. They may be injured or killed during these
vehicular accidents. There is nothing protecting these people walking on the sidewalks, in the cross walk, biking, or are just near the roads. That is
why many companies are looking to add new airbags, not only on the inside off cars, but on the outside. Google might be adding it to the self–driving ...
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The Netherlands population is 16,652,800, while the number of cyclists in The Netherlands is 16,500,000. According to Jesse Emspak, "The idea
comes from TNO, a car company in the Netherlands, where there are now 1.3 bicycles for every resident. Amsterdam alone is home to a half a
million riders daily. In tests, TNO researchers found that when a car hits a bicycle, the rider usually ends up landing on the windshield, with the
head and shoulder leading. So they developed an air bag that inflates on the outside of the car, between the bottom edge of the front windshield
and the hood." So, pedestrians riding bicycles will be safer now, not just pedestrians in the cross walk. He also stated that there are 600 traffic
deaths in the Netherlands where the fatality was a cyclist. In 2013, there were almost 5,000 traffic deaths in the United States in motor vehicle
/pedestrian crashes. There were about 750 cyclists killed in 2013 in the U.S. Although almost everyone in the Netherlands has a bike, the problem is
larger in the U.S., due to its large population. In 2009, 51,000 cyclists were killed, but with Google's exterior airbags, and their memory foam
material, that number would decrease rapidly. According to Maggie Fox, "U.S. cyclists are three more likely to be killed than German cyclists and six
times more than Dutch cyclists, whether compared per–trip or per–distance traveled." The problem that cyclists are being killed by being hit with cars
is tragic, but like stated above the exterior airbags would decrease, but not eliminate the problem. This problem seems to be hitting the United States
much harder that other countries in the
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Personal Essay : The Importance Of Road Safety
Road safety is very important to those who are given the privilege to operate a motor vehicle. It is especially if you are constantly being taught
from the most junior drivers to the more experienced drivers, safety is everybody's responsibility, not just something that you only follow when
you just get your license; it is something that should continually be used in your everyday driving experience. Driving safety can be as simple as
remembering to turn your headlights on in the dark to the more complicated and complex rules of the road such as right of way. In order to drive
you must follow a large number of rules, the most basic one being following the speed limit, it may sound fairly easy but most people have a
problem with following that one rule, whether it is because you may be in a hurry, impatient, or just like to drive fast or faster than everyone. The
speed limit is the most common broken law of driving but it can also be excuse such as when traffic is flowing well and everyone is going around
eighty miles per hour on the highway, for example some may say "what is the cop going to do pull over all of us" though that may not be the case,
driving at fast speeds may still cause your life to be in danger. Turn signals is another common one that people seem to constantly miss, although it is
literally a click away drivers tend to forget its existence especially if they may be in a hurry or just find them unnecessary. I, during my daily driving,
find myself using my
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Seatbelts Essay
Coming out of 2016, many citizens in the United States and around the world are tired of hearing about politics, but when we need consider a
situation where a group of people are not thinking, it is evident politics is the best example to demonstrate. The purpose of our political system is to
introduce new laws into our society, and to amend current ones to better fit our current system. Politicians, therefore, have an extremely important job
in creating and maintaining these laws. We as a society need to be careful when we give up our freedoms with certain laws in order to maintain the
social contract. In a society where we give up certain freedoms, we are expecting the government to use laws to protect us from other people. The
definition... Show more content on ...
Every citizen is tasked with the responsibility of thinking about the society they live in. It seems strange that people wouldn't bring up a bigger debate
about the requirement of seatbelts, but any multi–daily task should be commonly thought about, specially if the fine is $161! Additionally to this
argument, the ever–increasing functionalities of autonomous driving seem like they could do away with common human driving mistakes that may
replace the need for a seatbelt – so our questions regarding these laws should be answered
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Motor Vehicle Safety Essays
Motor Vehicle Safety
Motor accidents are one of the leading causes of unintentional injuries in the United States. In the year 2000 the National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration (NHTSA) estimated that around 41,000 people were killed in traffic accidents within the United States. This mortality rate has since
dropped 25% from 2000 to 2009 (Rockett et al., 2012). There are many reasons for motor vehicle injuries, ranging from lack of seat belt use, elderly
drivers, alcohol and young children being improperly secured. All of these things factor into motor injuries differently and must be addressed as a
separate problem. Highway safety is an important issue in public health and many things have already been implemented to help reduce ... Show more
content on ...
ASAP has led the way for many alcohol programs to follow including many citizen organized programs. Programs such as Remove Intoxicated Drivers
(RID) in 1978 and Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) in 1980. These programs were created by people personally affected by a accident
caused by drunk driving. Their focus is to prevent the loss of loved ones for other families. These programs educate the public on the risks of DUI
and promote safer driving and smarter choices. MADD has even received support from alcohol companies because of their focus on the offender, and
not blaming the alcohol companies. Alcohol related highway fatalities in 1982 were at 57% of all fatalities. This number dropped to only 38% by 1999.
In 2005 vehicle crashes were a leading cause of injury and death for children over the age of one. 510 children 3 years or younger were killed in a
highway accidents in 2005.Proper restraint for children must be used until they have reached the recommend height. Child restraint systems for
children help to reduce serious injury by up to 70% in an accident. (Anderson & Rice, 2009) Simply restraining the child with a seatbelt though is
not enough. For children under the age of 5, child safety seats are far more effective then seat belts at preventing injuries in a crash. Until the child is
old enough or tall enough to use a seat belt child safety seats are far superior then seat belts. It is up to the parent or guardian to ensure
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Rolling Disasters: Safety in Automobiles
Rolling Disasters
In 1886 Carl Benz applied for the patent of his "vehicle powered by a gasoline engine" leading to the birth of the automobile. His creation was a
crude three wheeled vehicle powered by a 0.75 horsepower engine. (Daimler Corporation). Benz's creation would slowly progress into what we know
today as the modern automobile. The French and Germans perfected the blueprint for the early automobile, however the Americans would be the ones
to dominate the industry in the early twentieth century. In 1908 Henry Ford introduced mass production techniques with the Ford Model T that would
soon become industry standards. (Foner). His introduction of mass production would put the automobile in the hands of the common man and ingrain
them in our society. The automobile has changed the way we work, play, travel, and do business. The automobile industry is a cut throat business full
of corporate greed, political lobbying, and poor decision making that has led to countless deadly designs that have been put on American highways.
Automotive safety advocate Ralph Nader published his book "Unsafe at any speed" in 1965 bringing awareness to automotive safety and accusing
automakers about their resistance to introduce safety features. Nader showed that automakers had the technology to improve safety it just depended on
if they wanted to use it: "The gap between existing design and attainable safety has widened enormously in the postwar period. As these attainable
levels of
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Motor Driver Safety : The Consequences Of Motor Vehicle...
From my very own high school, two girls were involved in an accident where their lives and futures were on the line. On a back road near home,
listening to music, like most people find themselves doing at some point in their teen years, these girls thought nothing different of it than any other
car ride. Upon hitting loose gravel, the driver lost control of the car and ran off the road. The two girls in this case suffered significantly different
consequences which affected their senior year respectively. The driver had only minor bruises and continued her senior year and volleyball season
with no restrictions. The passenger was ejected through the sunroof and her severe injuries kept her from participating in her final year of her
favorite sport. Spot the difference? The passenger had not buckled in before the ride. Each time you step into a car your life is on the line. While you
may be the best driver you know, you cannot trust that those around are taking all precautions to avoid an accident. From those aged 1–54 years old,
motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death ("Motor Vehicle Safety"). By following the law of wearing yourseat belt, no matter the distance of
your drive, you can reduce your risk of injury or even death by about 50% ("Motor Vehicle Safety"). Nonetheless, by reminding your passengers
and yourself that two seconds of clicking in the restraints could save your life, your vehicle becomes a safer unit on the roads. Awareness is
important when it comes to the risks associated with not wearing a seat belt: accidents do not only happen for other people, each driver must
believe it can happen to them too. Too often people are caught with the idea that because they are a "safe" driver, they are not threatened by car
accidents, but this behavior needs to be stopped. Seatbelts were made for a reason: to protect drivers and passengers on the roads. Due to their
effectiveness and success, seat belts should be worn by all passengers above the booster seat age in a moving vehicle. Seat belts are a safe and
effective way to protect all young adult and grown commuters. In an aforementioned statistic, it is shown that seat belts dramatically reduce the risk of
injury by up to 50%. By
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Newton 's Laws Of Motion
Newton's Laws of motion has influenced the safety aspects on cars in a revolutionary way and has very much acted as a backbone of its development
over the past century. Since, the invention of the first functioning car in 1885 by Karl Benz, the conception of a car has been completely transformed,
from its design and engines to its safety features, everything has been entirely transmuted. Correlating the first functional car to the automobiles of the
current period, the evident dissimilarity between the two are vast. The major features comprised within the first two–seated gasoline powered vehicle
was the compressed high–speed single–cylinder four–stroke engine with an output of 0.55 kW and maximum speed of 16 km/h (, as
shown... Show more content on ...
Exemplifying this in a real–life context, if a tissue box is positioned on the back dashboard and if the car approaches to a sudden stop, the tissue box
would fly forward and could potentially injure the occupants of the car. This example correlated to the Law of Inertia and seat belts because the
car was travelling at an excessive speed, and when it came to a halt, the law of inertia made the tissue box fly forward as it continued to travel in
its same motion, but if the tissue box was stationed by an external force, it wouldn't fly forward. The major role of Seat belts' in a collision is to
prevent the passenger from moving around inside the car. After detecting an impact, the seat belts lock in place. At the point when the car collision
occurs, there is no unbalanced force acting on the passenger, so they are jolted forward onto the windscreen as stated by Newton 's First Law. The
seatbelts cause a controlled deceleration of the person, reducing the brutality of the injuries. As shown in Figure 2 in 2008 alone, more than 255,115
lives were saved as a result of seatbelts and since 1975, it has saved over 2,000,000 lives, proving its significance (, 2016). Eventhough
Newton's first law has inclined the introduction of this feature, Newton's second law has also made a significant mark on safety aspect of cars.
Newton's second Law of Motion, which states that the larger the
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Automobile Safety
Informative speech on automobile safety
Informative Speech Outline
Automobiles! You just have to have one in this fast paced world! In the United States, or maybe just in a popular city such as Los Angeles or New
York, automobiles are necessary. People need to move from point A to point B. These points can be as close as a few hundred feet or even range up
to a few hundred miles! When making these trips safety is a priority. There are hundreds of thousands of automobiles on the roads across the nation
and if safety was not considered, thousand would be injured or even killed daily! Automobile safety has come a long way over the years and as every
day goes by more and more new ways are created to keep drivers, and their passengers, ... Show more content on ...
This survey only states that you get the safety you pay for with Volvo vehicles and also that Volvo customers are satisfied with their vehicles. One of
the things that helped Volvo achieve this award is that they provide standard three–point safety belts, which is one of the industries most cost effective
vehicular safety features. Volvo was also one of the first brands to adopt padded dashboards, ergonomic seats, disk brakes, crumple zones, split steering
columns, integrated child booster cushions, and side airbags. Recent additions to Volvos signature safety features are whiplash protection seating
systems, rollover protection system, roll stability control, and their intelligent vehicle architecture. Volvo has been around for over 75 years and they
been amazing their customers with better and stylish vehicles every time they renew or introduce a new model.
Transition from 2 to 3
Now that we seen how advertisement and research studies on safety can help the consumer make their decision, let us look at some issues vehicle
manufacturers have and what precautions can be taken to avoid danger on the road.
Point 3
Tires. No matter what vehicle manufacturer you chose, there is always the fear of getting a flat tire or even having a tire explode while the vehicle is
in motion. Tire manufacturers design all kinds of tires such as Run–Flats, which are basically thicker tires with insulation that allow the vehicle to be
driven even though the tire is flat. Just
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Chipped Windshield Research Paper
A windshield restore is an environmentally sound selection in view that windshield glass cannot be recycled. The legislation is designed to defend us
from the dangers of using with a windshield chip restore markham. The windshield continues us trustworthy from flying debris and need to have
structural integrity.A chipped windshield could crack out at any time causing detrimental solar glare and impairing your imaginative and prescient. An
automobile glass restore technician can help you when the unfortunate windshield crack happens at a slash fee than exchanging your windshield.
Modern day car development approaches make the windshield and the windshields adhesion to the vehicle or truck as part of the structural integrity. The
integrity requires that every one ... Show more content on ...
The sun glare induced by using the cracked windshield may also be damaging to your eyes, to the factor of temporary blindness. Other things that
occur are fire brought on by means of the metallic or copper strips which are in between the two layers of glass used to defrost the window. When the
windshield cracked water can enter and cause a brief and this in turn motives the fire.Fallacious re–installation of the windshield may additionally
purpose these same issues.
Car glass can look after you when the unfortunate happens, especially if you are in a severe adequate accident the place the air bags deployed to
preserve you and your passengers. When an air bag is deployed, it have got to fill rapidly and this need to happen rapid sufficient to shield everyone.
To do this rapid sufficient managed explosives are used, to fill the airbags rapidly. The structural integrity of the windshield is jeopardized when the
windshield is chipped or cracked, it would possibly not withstand this explosive strain and pop
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Persuasive Essay On Road Safety
On the way to work or school today did you wear your seatbelt? If not you were risking you life. Not wearing your seatbelt increases your risk of
being killed or critically injured in car crashes exponentially. Although some people find seatbelts uncomfortable, seat belts decrease death in car
crashes, allow the car's safety features to perform more efficiently, and saves lives The first reason that not wearing a seatbelt should be illegal is
that seatbelts decrease death in car crashes. Although there are laws that state people have to wear seatbelts, 11.5% of people in America don't
(Jensen). With the combination of low gas prices and cars getting better gas milage more people are getting on roads causing more crashes
(Korosec). The number of total registered vehicles from the years 1960 to 2017 has increased by a whopping 189,178,419 (Number of U.S.
Aircraft, vehicles, vessels and other conveyances). In 2014, about 2,000 less people died in a car accident than 2017 (Number of U.S. Aircraft,
vehicles, vessels and other conveyance). In 2015 the number of people that were killed in a crash was 35,092 (National Highway Traffic Safety
Association).The United States has the most deaths due to car crashes than any other advantageous country (Chen). In countries with high income, the
United States has the highest "Death per 100,00 people" and "Per 10,000 registered vehicles"(Chen). According to a congressional speech from Jeffrey
W. Runge, "95% of vehicles related deaths were
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Persuasive Essay On Seat Belt Safety
Did you know that every hour, someone dies in a car crash for not wearing his or her seat belt? When you are driving or even riding in a vehicle,
buckling your seat belt will decrease your chance of death or serious injury, if you are involved in a severe accident. Seat belts are there regarding to
your safety and protection for the prevention of your life being in danger. In 2015, seat belt use in passenger vehicles saved an estimated 13,941 lives,
according to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (Seat Belts np). Recognizing the importance, consequences, and how an individual
can deal with the problem are the key aspects to this solution. According to the CDC, a total of 22,441 passenger vehicle occupants died in motor
vehicle traffic crashes and 2.5 million passengers were treated for injuries in 2015 (Motor Vehicle Safety np). More than half of the 22,441
occupants were unrestrained, or not held in place by a seat belt. People that do not wear a seat belt, are 30 times more effective being ejected from
the vehicle at the time of the crash and 3 out of 4 people who are ejected during a fatal crash die from their injuries (Motor Vehicle Safety np).
Ejection from a vehicle will not stop you from flying across the highway, because inertia and gravity will keep moving your body forward. What is
the cause for us not wearing our seat belts? According to the NHTSA, people get in a hurry, distraction, or simply forgetting is the main cause for not
wearing our seat
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Airbags And Seat Belts : What Is An Airbag?
Airbags and seat belts:
What is an airbag?
A typical airbag is a soft pillow to land against during a car crash. Airbags can be the necessity for saving your life in an accident. It is proven to be
a major factor in vehicle passenger safety and survival. Airbags protect the passenger's head from striking the dashboard and are extremely important
in side collisions where a person can still be struck by an object entering the car. Statistics, according to, show that airbags reduce the
risk of dying in a direct frontal crash by at least 30%.
When were they invented?
During WW2, the first patent on an inflatable crash landing device for aeroplanes was established by who? and then during the 1980s the first
commercial airbags in automobiles appeared. Where?
How do they work?
Airbags want to slow the speed of the passengers' forward motion with little or no damage within a fraction of a second. The law that applies here is
inertia, Newton's first law. It states that an object wants to keep on doing what it's doing and will do so unless an outside force is acted upon it.
There are three major parts to the airbag;
Airbag: the airbag is made of a thin, nylon fabric that is folded into the steering wheel or dashboard.
Inflation system: this reacts sodium azide (NaN3) with potassium nitrate (KNO3) to produce nitrogen gas. It 's hot blasts of this gas that inflates the
Sensor: the sensor tells the bag when to inflate. The inflation happens when
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Air Filters Essay
Regular auto maintenance is necessary to ensure the safety of your car and pro–longed service. Modern cars are quite complex and most of their
maintenance services demand professional mechanic. However, there are a few do–it–yourself maintenance tasks such as replacing filters that you can
do on own. The following is a detailed look at car filter replacement.
Type of car filters and why need replacement
Air filters: They trap harmful contaminants and prevent them from entering the engine of your vehicle. It is good to ensure they are clean since dirty
and contaminated filters can cause engine damage and expose you to expensive repairs. Well–maintained air filters increase fuel efficiency, improve the
ability of your vehicle to accelerate, ... Show more content on ...
They are crucial elements in protecting the fuel system of your vehicle. They require routine maintenance so as to prevent even the tiniest specks of
dirt particles from entering your fuel system. As a result, your fuel injector is not clogged by dirt which may block fuel delivery to your engine or
cause poor gas mileage and sub–par vehicle performance.
How to replace air filters
It is quite easy to change the air filters of your car. You only need to ensure you have parked your car safely with the appropriate tools and the right
type of air filter as specified by the vehicle manufacturer. Once you are ready, proceed as follows;
Locate the air filters: Ensure the engine is cool before beginning the replacement. Most air filters are usually located in the black plastic casing close to
the top of your engine.
Open the casing: You will need a standard screwdriver, Phillips head screwdriver, butter knife and rag to open the casing depending on whether the
case is held in place by screws or metal clips. Use the right screwdriver to unscrew the screws.
Remove the old and replace: Lift the old air filter out of the casing, wipe any dirt in the casing with the rag and place the new air filter at the top.
Reattach the screws or clips to finish the replacement
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Why School Buses Are Not Required To Have Seat Belts

  • 1. Why School Buses Are Not Required to Have Seat Belts What about seat belts? Why don't school buses have them? The short answer is that small school buses do in fact require seat belts; large school buses, with a few exceptions do not. Seat belts are not required on the larger school buses because both the U.S. Department of Transportation and Transport Canada, have determined that compartmentalization is the preferred occupant protection system. To explain these differences in a greater detail we begin as follows; a smallbus is categorized as a bus under 10,000lbs in weight, which are required by federal law to have seat belt systems on them due to the fact that they are closer in nature to the size of the average automobile and/or light trucks. The federal government requires a ... Show more content on ... All metal surfaces are covered with foam padding. This structure must then meet rigid test requirements for bending and absorbing energy, such as would be required if a student's body were thrown against the padded back. In addition, the equivalent of a seat back, called a " barrier", is placed in the front row of seats at the front of the bus. In addition to padding, today's seats also must have a steel inner structure that springs and bends forward to help absorb energy when a child is thrown against it. The steel frame must "give" just enough to absorb the child in the seat ahead. Also, of course, the seat is required to be anchored to the floor so strongly that it will not pull loose during this bending action. And the floor itself must be strong that it will not be torn by the pulling action of the seat anchors during a crash. Seats are spaced close together as another safety precaution to ensure containment of children after a potential crash. If seats are spaced too far apart, the student could be thrown too far before being cushioned and/or could be thrown outside the compartment altogether. The federal government concluded that compartmentalization is a better safety measure than seat belts and arguments to favor this are as follows: Compartmentalization is much more manageable. The protection exists and is in force without depending on any action of children or any extra
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  • 3. Analysis of a Television Advertisement Aimed at Raising... Analysis of a Television Advertisement Aimed at Raising Awareness on the Issue of Road Safety In order to analyse the advertisement, it is necessary to look at the different techniques used throughout. The advertisement has been created in order to promote road safety, and is from a series of advertisements called 'THINK!' The specific advert I am to analyse is called 'Backwards', and deals with the decision of whether or not to wear seatbelts whilst travelling in a car. Different techniques used in the advertisement are employed in order to increase effectiveness, these are as follows; the meaning behind the visuals of the advertisement, the target audience and how it raises the audiences' ... Show more content on ... It is very the ultimate goal of the advertisement that the meaning comes across very clearly, and also that this message be a lasting one. Wearing a seatbelt became the law in 1983, therefore the advert is not only for to raise awareness and show that seatbelts save lives, but it is also to demonstrate that you are breaking the law as well by not wearing one. Obviously being a road safety advertisement, the target audience of the advertisement is any drivers and passengers that use cars either on a regular basis or sporadically. An important factor to consider when appealing to a certain audience is the time that the advertisement is shown each day, how often that it is shown and the language that is used throughout the advertisement. It is important that the target can relate to the tone or features of the advert, if they are to take anything away from it. This particular advertisement was shown up to 25 times a day. It was also part of a series shown on television intermittently throughout the year. This means that the advertisement will be shown at the start of the year for 3 weeks, then at the end of the year for a further 3 weeks. The scene at the end of the advert emerges with a line on it reading, 'If you had another chance, what would you do differently?' This phrase is easily understood, and can therefore appeal to any person of any age, ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Persuasive Essay On Helmet Laws Mandatory seat belt laws and motorcycle helmet laws have been a controversial topic and there has been much argument between the two sides. I will be presenting both sides of the argument and I will be giving my opinion on this topic. Many motorcyclists despite knowing the benefits of wearing a helmet, are still against the forced helmet laws. A very common argument that is used against these laws for motorcyclists, is that it would be a violation of their civil liberties. Jeff Hennie of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation says, "We are 100 percent pro–helmet, and 100 percent anti–helmet law, putting a helmet law in place does not reduce motorcycle fatalities. Educating other motorists to look out for motorcyclists, and teaching motorcyclists how to ride safely, is the ultimate solution for saving lives." Some motorcyclists actually believe that helmets can be be a safety problem. According to the Mesriani Law Group, the shape and weight of the helmet can actually add to a motorcyclist breaking his neck during an accident. Also if your new to riding a motorcycle the helmet might be very distracting, and could a lead to a accident. Seat belts in cars can also be a violation of freedom. In the Thirteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution, it prohibits ownership of human beings. When you own something, you have the exclusive ability to use it for your purposes. If the state controls every aspect of a person's life for the "common good," then people can become owned by ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Motion and Car Safety Motion is how everything in the universe moves, movement of the solar system never stops and is constantly moving but at a very slow speed. There are three laws in motion that explain movement, they are the Newton's three laws of motion named after Isaac Newton. The Newton's first law states that an object that is a rest will stay at rest unless an outside force is acted upon it and an object that is in motion will stay in motion unless an outside force is acted upon it. This is also called as "inertia", which means the property of an object to restrict its motion. Examples of inertia would be when a car is driving at a constant speed and instantly stops the person will fall forward if there is no seat belt. The seat belt is a safety device that is commonly found on car seats and aircraft seats, it is made from strong durable materials such as fabric, nylon or polyester. Cars that are manufactured are required to have seat belts due to road safety laws. The law was introduced in the 1970s, it was shown that having seat belts reduced the amount of road deaths. The seat belt was invented by George Cayley in the late 1800's, the seat belt appeared on planes in the early 1900's but was later developed to a three point seat belt by Nils Bohlin. The purpose of seat belts is to restrain the forward motion that occurs during an accident, which may end up saving the person's life or preventing serious injuries. The seat belt was designed to restrain the person from forward motion ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Physics Of Car Crashes This is a research assignment on the Physics of Car Crashes. In this report the physics behind car crashes will be reported on in depth to answer the question, "In a car crash, are you better to trust the science behind a more modern vehicle, or the metal in a large, heavy, older car?" This report will explain the Physics behind why Modern vehicles are safer than older cars in a car crash. Impulse – Impulse is the change in momentum, Initial Momentum – Final Momentum or Force x Time. This means that because momentum is Velocity xMass, a heavier car traveling at the same Velocity as an older car will have a larger momentum, therefore if both cars crashed into a wall at the same speed and both and end up with a speed of 0ms–1, the Change in Momentum (Impulse) will be higher for the heavier car. Because Impulse is also equal to Force x Time, we can look at the stopping Force of the and how we can lower it. Example: A 1500kg car traveling at 100km/h (27.7ms–1) hits a wall and stops to 0ms–1 has an impulse of 41,550kgms–1. An older 2000kg car traveling at the same speed also hits a wall and stops to 0ms–1 with an impulse of 55,400kgms–1. What it means: This means the older heavier car will have a higher stopping force which immediately puts it at a disadvantage to the modern, smaller car. However because Impulse is Force x Time and remains constant, we can decrease the Stopping Force by increasing the collision Time. Older heavier cars construction consists of heavier, ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Seat Belts Research Paper It is an event that happens in an instant, an event that can take your life in a second and one that takes the lives of 3,287 each day. This killer goes by the name of a car crash. Car crashes are one of the main causes of death in the world despite the precautions that are installed in them. The airbag and the seat belt are the most known precautions within a car, yet seat belts continue to be a precaution many choose to ignore. Precautions are put in place for a reason, so legally requiring this form of protection can only provide positive results. When someone enters a car, the things to take into consideration are how it only takes two seconds to put on this single strap that could save your life, prevent legal offenses, and defy the laws ... Show more content on ... Yet as cars are normalized and seen as a regular thing, they are not typically viewed as the danger that they are. This normalcy is the cause for the lack of seatbelt use and the reason why "Of the teens (aged 13–20 years) that died in crashes in 2012, approximately 55% of them were not wearing a seat belt" (CDC "Seat Belts: Get the Facts"). Statistically speaking, not wearing a seatbelt increases a person's chance of death immensely from the second they get in the car. The seat belt was placed in vehicles for a reason, and ignoring that reason could be a life or death decision. And this life or death scenario is one that doesn't revolve solely around the person involved. Pregnant driver who were not wearing seat belts during the time of car crash "are nearly three times more likely to experience a fetal death and twice as likely to have excessive maternal bleeding" (Hyde "Seatbelts Greatly Reduce..."). Wearing a seat belt can save the life of more than one person. The statistics in support of seat belts have shown only positive results in relation to survival, leading to the conclusion that seat belts should their job and become mandatory in order to save ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Seat Belts Argumentative Essay Anonymous Writer Anonymous Teacher English 10 Honors November 19, 2013 Argument Based Essay Seat Belts A seat belt is a restraining device installed in a vehicle to prevent or minimize the force of an injury during a crash ("Seat Belts" 5). Although it is also known as a safety belt, the "safety" part is the key issue that is causing much controversy around drivers, manufacturers, and researchers alike. The main idea around the debate is the fact that although research indicates that when seat belts are used properly they save lives, opponents argue that mandating their use can actually cause more harm than good in some cases and is an infringement on personal rights. Car accidents are the leading cause of death for people ... Show more content on ... Freedom stops when we get to a point where others may be harmed or killed. As soon as something puts lives in danger, the "right" of freedom disappears thus making mandatory seatbelt laws a non–infringement on freedom. "Seat belts are the single most effective traffic safety device for preventing death and injury in a vehicle" ("Seat Belt Safety, Seat Belt Laws"). Wearing a seat belt can reduce the risk of crash injuries by 50%. Seat belts save lives and are effective in preventing ejections from a vehicle. While opponents argue that in certain cases it is better to not wear a seatbelt, wearing a seatbelt is usually the safer route. A person will never know what type of accident they might enter and thus can't prepare for a certain type of accident. You can't know whether or not having a seatbelt will save you. It's better to wear a seatbelt and have a 50% of survival than not wearing a seatbelt and have a 3% chance of being in a situational accident where not having a seat belt will save you. Research shows that "Seat Belts saved more than 75,000 lives from 2004 to 2008" ("Seat Belt Safety, Seat Belt Laws"). Without the mandatory use of seat belts, many lives could be put in danger and this would have negative social and economic effects on society. 49 States in the USA have issued mandatory seat belt laws to promote safe habits and to protect the people. With this law in place, many lives have been saved as people were forced to wear seat belts to properly ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Independent Study Project: The Chemistry Behind The Airbag Independent Study Project – The Chemistry Behind the Airbag By: Rachel Dorey For: Mr. O'Donnell Date: May 31st, 2016 Course: SCH 4U Introduction The moment a person sets foot in a vehicle it is instinct to take the one safety precaution that is taught since being able to ride in a motorized vehicle; to buckle up. However, it is sometimes forgotten that there is a second safety precaution and an incredible, lifesaving invention that is in every vehicle, and that is the airbag. Each passenger or driver knows of the presence of this safety device in each vehicle, but is it really known how an air bag actually works? Has the thought ever occurred of what is happening at the exact moment of impact in an airbag and what chemical ... Show more content on ... This gas can decompose to produce Na (Sodium Metal) and N2 (Nitrogen Gas) at a temperature of 300o C.3 SiO2 and KNO3 are in place to remove the sodium metal by turning it into a harmless material.3 This occurs when the potassium nitrate reacts with sodium and results in potassium oxide, sodium oxide, and additional nitrogen gas.3 This additional nitrogen gas from the second reaction also fills the airbag.3 Silicate glass is produced in the final reaction when the metal oxides react with silicon dioxide.3 All of these series of reactions allow for an airbag to inflate within milliseconds and give it the ability to prevent further injury or ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Persuasive Essay On Car Seat Safety Many parents lack education on, or do not fully know, proper car seat use and the consequences of improper car seat safety implementation. Car seat safety is important for children as they face increase risk of injury at certain ages or physical size. The Recommendations According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (n.d.), there are distinct types of car seats that should be used for recommended ages. The recommendations state that parents should also check the seat's label to ensure that the child meets its height and weight limits (NHTSA, n.d.). Children under the age of one should always use a rear–facing seat placed in the back seat of the vehicle (NHTSA, n.d.). These are used for small children due to their weak head, neck, and spine, for which a rear facing car seat will provide increased protection (NHTSA, n.d.). After the age of one and reaching the listed height and weight limits, children may move to a forward–facing car seat (NHTSA, n.d.). This seat is still positioned in the back of the car and anchored with the seatbelt (NHTSA, n.d.). Forward–facing car seats use a harness that distributes impact across the child's body and utilize a tether that limits head movement. Again, once meeting the forward–facing car seats limits, recommended only at the age of four, children may move to a forward–facing booster seat, still placed in the back seat (NHTSA, n.d.). Booster seats proved extra height to the child so that the seat belt is positioned properly over the child's strongest areas (NHTSA, n.d.). Children should be kept in the booster seat as long as possible, no earlier than the age of eight. Using the booster seat as long as possible will help ensure that the child properly fits a seat belt (NHTSA, n.d.). When determining if seat belt positioning is correct for the child, ensure the lap belt is positioned across the thighs, not the stomach, and that the shoulder belt crosses the shoulder and chest, not the neck or face (NHTSA, n.d.). The intention of seat belts and safety car seats is to distribute any impacts from an accident across the strongest parts of the body. Failure to follow these recommendations could result in critical injury, such as a severe spinal injury in an ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Collision Avoidance System : An Automobile Safety System CAR COLLISION AVOIDANCE SYSTEM Kirti Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Haryana (India) Email: Abstract: A collision avoidance system is an automobile safety system designed to reduce the rigorousness of a collision. Also known as precrash system, forward collision warning system, or collision mitigating system. It uses radar and sometimes laser and camera to detect an imminent crash. Once the detection is done, these systems either provide a warning to the driver when there is an imminent collision or take action autonomously without any driver input by braking or steering or both. Collision avoidance by braking is appropriate at low vehicle speeds. while collision avoidance is suitable at higher vehicle speeds.[1] Cars with collision avoidance may also be equipped with adaptive cruise control, and use the same forward–looking sensors. Keywords: collision, congested, Traffic safety, transmission,sensor networks . Introduction: Collision Avoidance systems, a subsequent step to collision mitigation, are one of the great challenges in the area of active safety for road vehicles. In India the total annual deaths due to road accidents has crossed 1.18 lakh, according to the latest report of National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). If these deficiencies are not controlled at early stages they might cause huge economical problems affecting the road side networks. The main part of the work was to carry out a feasibility ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Persuasive Essay On Seat Belt Safety There are many people who do not understand the importance of seat belts for safety. They do not wear their seat belts even though they know the mortality statistics. Most of them think that seat belts do not help when an accident occurs. We have all made the excuse that the seat belt is uncomfortable. Driving is a dangerous duty that should always be practiced with more caution and care. Some people think that not wearing a seatbelt is rebellious. Other people think that they will never get into accident. Some of the consequences of not wearing a seat belt is that you could die, you can get injured and many more. So far, the only way to avoid these consequences from happening is to wear a seatbelt. The study of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia found that specific groups of teens, including country residents, African–Americans, those with low grades or attending lower–socioeconomic school districts, and drivers of pickup trucks, reported the lowest use of seat belts. However, seat belt use among these groups was higher in states with primary enforcement seat belt safety laws. This is excluding the children who, in all states, are required to be buckled in a child restraint or booster seat by their guardian, the people most at risk are teens. A 2012 online query conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), car crashes is the number one killer of teens in the U.S. Teens have the lowest rate of seat belt use compared to any other age group and they ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Essay about NR505 Critique of Systematic Research Review Analysis and Application of a Clinical Practice Guideline: Child Passenger Safety Chamberlain College of Nursing NR505 Advanced Research Methods May 2012 Analysis and Application of a Clinical Practice Guideline: Child Passenger SafetyMotor vehicle crashes are identified as the leading cause of death in children under 19 years of age across the United States (Sauber–Schatz, West, & Bergen, 2014). Due to the large number of child deaths that occur each year, education regarding the proper use of child passenger safety seats must be provided to families. According to Basco, Hletko, West, and Darden (2009), although death and injury caused by motor vehicle accidents are deemed accidental, they are ... Show more content on ... Recommendations Based on results of the guideline there are specific recommendations that should be followed by families and medical personnel regarding child passenger safety practices. Rear–facing car seats should be utilized for infants and toddlers until they are 2 years old, or have reached the maximum weight identified by the car seat manufacturer. Forward facing seats with a harness should be utilized once the child has outgrown the rear–facing seat and should be utilized until the maximum height or weight identified by the car seat manufacturer has been reached by the child. Once the maximum height or weight requirement has been reached, the child should be transitioned into a belt–positioning booster seat. The belt–positioning booster seat should be utilized until the lap–and–shoulder seat belt fits properly, which is usually between 8 and 12 years of age or around the height of 4 feet nine inches. Until children are at least 14 years of age children should travel in rear seats of vehicles to promote optimal protection (Committee on Injury, Violence, and Poison Prevention, 2011). Whether working as a nurse in the community or on an inpatient hospital unit it is important to continually offer education to families regarding appropriate practice for child passenger safety. Parents often base car seat selection on age of their child, but that is only one of the factors that ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Importance Of Vehicle Safety The purpose of this policy is to ensure the safety of those individuals who drive company vehicles and to provide guidance on the proper use of company vehicles. Vehicle accidents are costly to our company, but more importantly, they may result in injury to you or others. It is the driver's responsibility to operate the vehicle in a safe manner and to drive defensively to prevent injuries and property damage. As such, employers endorse all applicable state motor vehicle regulations relating to driver responsibility. Air Conditioning Solutions expects each driver to drive in a safe and courteous manner pursuant to the following safety rules. The attitude you take when behind the wheel is the single most important factor in driving safely. Driver Guidelines and Reporting Requirements 1. Company vehicles are to be driven by authorized ACS employees only. 2. Any employee who has a driver's license revoked or suspended shall immediately notify the office and immediately discontinue operation of the company vehicle. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment. 3. All accidents in company vehicles, regardless of severity, must be reported to the police and to the office. Accidents are to be reported immediately (from the scene, during the same day, or as soon as practicable. Accidents involving the employee's personal injury must be reported to Susan Taylor and or Brian Phillips. Failing to stop after an accident and/or failure ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Auto Window Construction Before, a harmed auto window implied a great deal of smashed glass or a super measured bug catching network like break. Today's auto windows have a composite structure that can withstand a higher level of anxiety and restrict harm without shattering the glass. This development makes it conceivable to repair most harms without requiring a costly substitution. Auto window repair can relate to reestablishing any of the glass segments in an auto – windshield, entryway windows, back glass, and sun rooftops. Things you ought to think around an auto window repair Auto windows, be it a windshield or a back window, go about as a shield against extreme climate, shield travelers from flotsam and jetsam and shots, keep tenants from being tossed out in case of a mischance, and go about as a bolster structure for the rooftop. A window is a basic security segment that gives drivers a protected ride. It is along these lines critical to repair or supplant a harmed window to guarantee security. Window repairs can be performed at a car administration focus or an elite ... Show more content on ... Examines in the past have demonstrate that repaired auto glasses perform well under mechanical anxiety and temperature extremes yet not under effect loads. A few states in the US may have a direction on auto glass repair and all repairs may not pass wellbeing investigation. It is in this way fitting to know about state laws and counsel with one or more experienced auto glass specialists before continuing with an auto window repair. Customers now have admittance to do–it–without anyone else's help repair packs to settle their harmed windshields. While numerous sorts of vehicle support can be effectively done at home, an auto window repair requires talented specialists and quality materials. Outfitted with the fundamental data gave here finding the right auto glass master is as simple as going online and writing auto glass ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Automobile Safety Essay People in developed countries all over the world have come to see automobiles as the preferred way to travel. They allow independence: point to point transportation without having to rely on others to get where we want to go, to do what we want to do. Long range travel and short range travel can be undertaken whenever one desires, either alone or with other people. Citizens of the modern world must often wonder how people ever lived without automobiles. To think that human beings once traveled everywhere by foot or on horseback is not just a humorous idea to reminisce; it is foreign concept that would not allow the social and business culture of today to exist. It is almost as foreign a concept that early automobiles were driven ... Show more content on ... Simple mistakes, that everyone makes, can lead to great harm. Even the most cautious and agile driver cannot avoid every possible stalled car, unexpected furniture, careless cell phone user, stray animal, unexpected construction, or drunken driver on the road. Automobiles are therefore a huge source of potential injury, and even death. In the year 2001 alone, 37, 795 people lost their lives in automobile accidents in the United States. That is more people than the populations of many small cities in America. In fact, that is over ten times more lives lost than were lost in the horrible attack on the World Trade Center in 2001! On top of that, over two million people were injured in automobile accidents in the same time frame.3 Neither of these numbers includes the thousands of pedestrians who are killed or injured every year by automobiles. Given the risks involved in the use of automobiles much consideration should be given to how to best make automobiles safer for humans. Often times, however, safety is not the first consideration in automobile design. Some automobile manufacturers do not even look carefully at safety considerations until a new product is sent down the crash test line and adjusted until it makes government safety requirements. On the other hand, some manufacturers start car design with safety as their first priority. What Does Automobile Safety Have to Offer? Safety systems inside an ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Safety Regulations Of The Automobile Industry Now days the automobile industry has to bind to a large list of government regulations. While some may just be focusing on the driver comfort and avoiding unnecessary distraction, the government has safety regulations which have to be strictly imposed on every vehicle. Within these safety regulations, there is The Clean Air Act; an act to improve, strengthens, and accelerates programs for the prevention and abatement ofair pollution. But we always had criminals breaking the rules of society. VW (Volkswagen) committed fraud by having their software engineers programing the on–board engine management module (ECM) in order to obtain higher profits. Of course they did not care about the consequences neither the harm they will be doing to ... Show more content on ... It is just not in the best interest of any professional/engineer, nobody want to go to jail. It is clear that there was some sort of pressure imposed by top executive of this company on these workers. The company saw an opportunity since there is only a few diesel cars on the road. By introducing diesel powered cars that offer better mpg than gasoline powered vehicles, they knew, they were going to dominate the diesel market. It was irresponsible to use the ECM, which was designed in part to monitor the emissions system efficiency, to overlook this intended fault and provide an abstract feedback at the smog testing facilities. Aristotle made clear that all humans seek to flourish. Well, Volkswagen, as a corporation, was trying to flourish once more but not by good means. Also Aristotle pronounced that "man is a rational creature who lives in poleis" and what make society are rules, rational rules. Is these are violated, there is going to be a possibility of encountering a highly corrupted society. Aristotle thinks we should be upset if people do well undeservedly. This engineers fooled government authorities and the public for more than five years. And this case is an indignant outcome of how low big corporation can behave. The Aristotelian ethics seeks Eudaimonia or what is call happiness. This is the goal of every human ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Analysis Of The Windshield Replacement Drivers who know these five amazing facts about auto windshield replacement do not let just anyone touch this life–preserving part of vehicles. A Windshield is part of the structural integrity of automobiles and airbags rely on this glass to keep people securely in their seats. Each piece of clear material is engineered specifically for one vehicle. Adhesive and rubber strips hold this strong, clear substance in place but contamination during the Windshield Replacement weakens the necessary seal. Structural Integrity Automobile engineers work hard to keep the weight of these transportation devices down to improve gas mileage. Every component of freedom mobiles is necessary; even the glass is designed to keep passenger compartments intact. ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Black Caching Research Paper Back pockets are a safe place to put your car keys right? Until you forget they are there and they end up dropping into the toilet! In the good old days this wouldn't matter because a car key was just a piece of metal that could be wiped dry and put straight back into the pocket. But today's car keys are called transponder keys, and they have little computer chips in them that just don't like floating in water. So what do you do when you drop your keys in the loo? Do Try The Rice Bag Trick Transponder keys have a black casing around the top of the key. This casing keeps small amounts of water out such as rain drops, but it does not make your key waterproof. One of the first steps you can try if your key is soaking wet is the rice bag technique.... Show more content on ... After 24 hours most of the moisture will have been absorbed and you can try the key in your car. Don't Try The Hair Dryer Trick You may be thinking that the best way to dry out your key is to apply heat to it. Whether your mind has turned to your hair dryer or your microwave, both these dry out ideas are bad ones. As previously stated, transponder keys have small computer chips in them, and this means they also contain minute electronic circuitry for the key to work. Applying high doses of heat from a hair dryer is going to fry the circuitry so it never works again. Additionally, putting metal in a microwave is one way of starting a house fire so this is definitely not a good idea either. If your transponder key refuses to work after the rice bag trick, or you don't have 24 hours to wait for it to dry out, your next stop is your locksmith to get a replacement key made. Only a locksmith or an automotive dealer can provide a coded replacement key for your car. While you're there, get a second one made, or get them to attempt a professional dry of the original. Having a spare car key is not going to got to waste if you want to continue carrying your car keys in your back ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Teen Driving Essay Teen driving is unsafe and dangerous, teen driving is the leading cause of teenage deaths in the United States with more than 5,000 teens dying a year. 17 year old Weston Griggs, killed himself and the 2 passengers he had in his car. But, this accident was no accident. Weston was going 70 mph in a 40 mph speed zone. The issue in this story is that young drivers like Weston, inexperienced and full of adrenaline are just hurting them selves and others by getting behind the wheel at such a young age. Teens between the ages 15 through 17 do not belong on the road. Outrageous amounts of teens are dying every year and these numbers are not changing, so why keep them on the road? Teen driving in the United States have three main problems... Show more content on ... This fact proves how teens are easily distracted when driving. More than 10,000 teenagers died in Tennessee from speeding in the years from 2005–2008. This proves that teens do have a tendency to speed while driving, let alone this is just one of the 50 states in the U.S (Teen Driver Safety, page 1"). There are many facts about teen driving and all of the facts I have collected just prove my reasons to be more correct than they already are. Teen drivers have the mentality were they are untouchable when behind the wheel. But it's obviously to much to handle for them because when it comes to the facts to many teens die a year. In 2007, 4,200 teens in the U.S aged from 15–17 were killed and 400,000 were treated in the E.R for injuries because of car accidents ("Motor vehicle safety, Teen Drivers, page 1"). This just shows how irresponsible teens are while driving. In a national survey 12.5% of all high school students rarely wear seatbelts, this just asking too get hurt in case an accident happens ("Motor vehicle safety, Teen Drivers, page 1"). This just shows how teens have a bad mentality while driving. In 2005, 54% of teen deaths occurred between 3 p.m. and midnight on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. This statistic shows that one more reason why a teen would want there license is to get to a party or go ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Wearing A Seat Belt Is Worth It Now people may tell themselves that they know they should wear a seatbelt, but is it really worth it? The answer is yes, it is worth it. Your life is worth it, and putting yourself at risk makes you a careless person. In 2012, 7,500 teens and young adults between the ages of 16–24 were killed in a car crash. 60% were not wearing a seatbelt out of 34,080. Every 16 minutes, someone dies in an accident and about 89 people lose their lives each day. Wearing a seatbelt slows your body down and decreases how far your body goes before it stops and wearing a seatbelt prevents you from flying out of the car and decreases the chance of damaging your body. People think that since they are only going a short distance, they don't need a seatbelt because it's not like they're going to get into an accident for the three blocks they're traveling to. They're wrong about that. Studies show that 50% of fatal accidents happen near their home or workplace. As a car is going 55 MPH and it hits a solid object, the rest of the car is still going 55 MPH even when a car frame has stopped. While the rear end is going 35 MPH, your body is still traveling at 55 MPH. Seatbelts saved around 13,941 lives in 2015 and it could've saved 2,814 more people if they were wearing a seatbelt. In this world, people take seatbelts for granted. It's the one thing that can save your life in a car crash and it is also the one thing that people abuse. Not wearing a seatbelt can lead you into being thrown at an opening ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Safety Regulations Of The Automobile Industry Now days the automobile industry has to stick to a large list of government regulations. While some of them may just be focus on the driver comfort and an avoiding unnecessary distractions. The government also has safety regulations which has to be strictly impose on every vehicle. Within these safety regulations there is The Clean Air Act; an act to improve, strengthens, and accelerates programs for the prevention and abatement ofair pollution. But we always had criminals breaking the rules of society. VW (Volkswagen) committed fraud by having their software engineers programing the onboard engine management module (ECM) in order to obtain higher profits. Of course they did not care about the consequences neither the harm they will be ... Show more content on ... Aristotle made clear that all humans seek to flourish. Well, Volkswagen, as a corporation, was trying to flourish once more but not by good means. Also Aristotle pronounced that "man is a rational creature who lives in poleis" and what make society are rules, rational rules. Is these are violated there is going to be a possibility of encountering a highly corrupted society. Aristotle thinks we should be upset if people do well undeservedly. This engineers fooled government authorities and the public for more than five years. And this case is an indignant outcome of how low big corporation can behave. The Aristotelian ethics seeks Eudaimonia or what is call happiness. This is the goal of every human being. The executives, who elaborated this fraud, mandate to have bigger profits because they want to be happier or perhaps they just are vicious men. The software engineer's, that decide to obey, want to keep their jobs in order to be happy. Also they thought that the public will be happier with their new revolutionary product. It is good to know that criminal behavior is a sign that the resource is lacking. Aristotle did raise a set of ethical questions that are directly relevant to corporate leaders who wish to behave in ethical ways, even when Aristotle didn't know anything about ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Essay on The Importance of Wearing a Seatbelt The Importance of Wearing a Seatbelt We have all heard the excuses before, "It's uncomfortable, I'm only going around the corner", I'd rather be thrown out of a car than be stuck in a seatbelt," and my favorite, "I'm a good driver I don't need to wear one." Well you may be a good driver but there are situations beyond your control such as bad weather, road conditions and not to mention other drivers that can affect your safety. Seat belts can mean the difference between life and death in an auto accident. Wearing aseat belt every time you enter a vehicle is not only the smart thing to do it is the right thing because it saves lives, it's the law and it will save you money. Car accidents are the leading cause of death for people ... Show more content on ... For the people who use the excuse that "They are just going around the corner" should realize that 80% of traffic fatalities occur within a 25–mile radius of your home and at a speed of 40 miles an hour. Buckling up to drive around the block is probably the best time to do so. Everyone knows that car crashes can cause death; yet because people do not buckle up all the time thousands of people still die in traffic crashes yearly. Seatbelts can save your life in a crash and can reduce your risk of a serious injury. Seat belts keep drivers and passengers from being ejected through windows or doors. This is important because your chances of being killed are five times greater if you are thrown from the vehicle. Thousands of people who die in car crashes each year might still be alive today if they had only been wearing their seat belts. Wearing a seat belt isn't just a good idea; it's the law and many states conduct heightened enforcement of their seat belt laws. Forty–nine states, all except New Hampshire have mandatory safety belt laws. In most states, these laws cover front seat occupants only, although belt laws in 16 jurisdictions including New York cover all rear seat occupants also. New York is one of 19 jurisdictions where belt use laws are standard, or primary, meaning police may stop vehicles solely for belt law violations. In 17 states including New York the safety belt defense is allowed, meaning damages collected by someone in a crash may be reduced ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Antilock Brakes Essay Antilock Brakes Antilock brakes are impressive performers on the test track and in television advertising. What has surprised a lot of people is that anti–lock brakes are not reducing the frequency or cost of accidents. This is the case despite the obvious benefits of antilock brakes in test situations. The reason why anti–locks are not making the expected and much projected difference is because many drivers lack the knowledge and experience need to use ABS (Anti–lock Braking System) effectively. I. Introduction A. What are ABS (Anti –lock Braking System) B. Popularity of ABS II. What ABS do and don't do A. In normal breaking conditions B. In conditions such as: rain, snow, ... Show more content on ... II. What Anti–lock brakes do and don't do Many car owners don't know how to use antilock brakes effectively and the manuals that come with their automobiles offer little help. Some of the manuals don't spell out how using antilock brakes is different from using regular brakes. Some manufacturers provide no instructions at all. Traditionally, drivers are trained tobrake gently on slippery roads or to pump their brakes to avoid a skid. But it is firm, continuous brake pressure that is required to activate anti–locks, which should never be pumped. This is exactly what the antilock feature does for the driver automatically, it pumps the brakes many times a second. With the driver pumping antilock brakes during a skid, braking effectiveness may be reduced to the point of not having brakes at all. Because of misconceptions about the circumstances in which antilock brakes can help, it's useful to review what they can and cannot do. In normal braking, a vehicle slows as its wheels are gradually brought to a stop. Without antilock brakes, hard or emergency braking will cause the wheels to lock before the vehicle comes to a halt. In this case, some or all of the tires skid along the road. How the vehicle skids depends on the coefficient of friction, or drag factor, between the tires and the road surface. A vehicle may skid forward in a straight line or it may ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Speech On Importance Of A Seat Belt The Importance of a Seat belt There are many factors that are included in a vehicle to keep everyone safe. One of these, is the seat belt. Safety comes first when someone gets in a vehicle. Seat belts save the lives of many people everyday. When seat belts were invented, they were put into every vehicle to keep people from flying out a window when involved in a wreck. There are statistics that show that wearing a seat belt decreases the possibility of being injured to the point of death. A seat belt is a long strap attached to a car seat, this tool was designed to keep the passenger in place when in a collision. According to, Traffic with a smile, " Today, the seat belt serves to protect drivers and passengers from injury during any type of collision." says, "More than 50% of vehicle occupants killed in crashes in Tennessee were not wearing seat belts." There are many people that die everyday, because they had a collision and were not wearing a seatbelt. The seat belt is neatly made up of many materials such as polyester, fiber materials and coating materials. It is woven this way so that the passenger will feel comfortable when wearing a seatbelt. According to TAKATA, "The width of the webbing is about 48mm and has a tensile strength sufficient to support approximately three metric tons." The seat belt is built to support any height, body structure, and weight. To make the seat belt move it has a built in retractor. The retractor helps it move efficiently ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Airbags Are Necessary To Have In A Car Have you ever wondered why bags that fill with air are so necessary to have in a car? Airbags are devices that are installed in most cars usually on the front and the sides. Airbags fill with air once a collision is sensed in the car and they slowly release air through small holes, this is intending to slow your acceleration down but not rapidly. Airbags work because they slow down your impulse from a fast and dangerous negative acceleration to a slow and safe negative acceleration. Airbags slow down a person's speed as a car is rapidly slowing down, thus saving a person from a hard collision with the dashboard. A person in a car will travel at the same speed as the car. Someone will keep moving after a car stops because of Newton's First ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Toyota Corolla Im Research Paper 2017 Toyota Corolla iM Model Information If you are seeking for 2017 Toyota Corolla iM model information, Toyota of Tacoma has the details for you. You will realize that the Toyota reliability and durability are intact and an integral part of the all–new Toyota Corolla iM. With the Scion not taking off as anticipated, Toyota decided to discontinue this youth–oriented brand. Instead, the Scion iM has made a comeback in the form of Toyota Corolla iM, with some changes and amazing features that can leave you spellbound. The latest Toyota Corolla iM is a five–door hatchback that has a larger cargo space and better equipped that the Corolla. However, there are many other pluses that you will notice when you check out the 2017 Toyota Corolla iM. Exterior ... Show more content on ... So, the latest Toyota Corolla iM is no different. It comes with curtain airbags, driver's knee airbag, side airbags and seat cushion airbag to keep the front passenger safe during a collision. Other safety features include anti–lock braking system and stability and traction control. Like any other Toyota, even the all–new Toyota Corolla iM comes with Toyota Safety Senseв„ў C suite of technologies, which include Lane Departure Alert and Pre–Collision System. Engine Specs of the 2017 Toyota Corolla iM The 2017 Toyota Corolla iM model information will show you that this model comes with a 1.8–liter, four–cylinder powerful engine that is capable of generating 137 horsepower and 126 lb–ft of torque. It also has a rather sophisticated six–speed manual shift, while the CVT system is optional. The vehicle is capable of going from 0 to 60mph in 9.1 seconds and can achieve a top speed of about 121 mph. While it may not be the fastest hatchback on the market, it is definitely quite fuel efficient. A manual Toyota iM has an EPA –estimated fuel economy of 27 miles per gallon in the city and 35 miles per gallon on highways. Other Features in the 2017 Toyota Corolla
  • 28. ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Final Semester Project, Exterior Airbags Final Semester Project, Exterior Airbags Air bags are made out of a fabric, like nylon. They saved around 15,000, inside the car pedestrians, over the last 20 years. They are in about every car in the world. They save a lot of people involved in crashes inside the car, but don't help the people outside of the car. Many people get in a car accident and there are surrounding pedestrian who are in harm's way. They may be injured or killed during these vehicular accidents. There is nothing protecting these people walking on the sidewalks, in the cross walk, biking, or are just near the roads. That is why many companies are looking to add new airbags, not only on the inside off cars, but on the outside. Google might be adding it to the self–driving ... Show more content on ... The Netherlands population is 16,652,800, while the number of cyclists in The Netherlands is 16,500,000. According to Jesse Emspak, "The idea comes from TNO, a car company in the Netherlands, where there are now 1.3 bicycles for every resident. Amsterdam alone is home to a half a million riders daily. In tests, TNO researchers found that when a car hits a bicycle, the rider usually ends up landing on the windshield, with the head and shoulder leading. So they developed an air bag that inflates on the outside of the car, between the bottom edge of the front windshield and the hood." So, pedestrians riding bicycles will be safer now, not just pedestrians in the cross walk. He also stated that there are 600 traffic deaths in the Netherlands where the fatality was a cyclist. In 2013, there were almost 5,000 traffic deaths in the United States in motor vehicle /pedestrian crashes. There were about 750 cyclists killed in 2013 in the U.S. Although almost everyone in the Netherlands has a bike, the problem is larger in the U.S., due to its large population. In 2009, 51,000 cyclists were killed, but with Google's exterior airbags, and their memory foam material, that number would decrease rapidly. According to Maggie Fox, "U.S. cyclists are three more likely to be killed than German cyclists and six times more than Dutch cyclists, whether compared per–trip or per–distance traveled." The problem that cyclists are being killed by being hit with cars is tragic, but like stated above the exterior airbags would decrease, but not eliminate the problem. This problem seems to be hitting the United States much harder that other countries in the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Personal Essay : The Importance Of Road Safety Road safety is very important to those who are given the privilege to operate a motor vehicle. It is especially if you are constantly being taught from the most junior drivers to the more experienced drivers, safety is everybody's responsibility, not just something that you only follow when you just get your license; it is something that should continually be used in your everyday driving experience. Driving safety can be as simple as remembering to turn your headlights on in the dark to the more complicated and complex rules of the road such as right of way. In order to drive you must follow a large number of rules, the most basic one being following the speed limit, it may sound fairly easy but most people have a problem with following that one rule, whether it is because you may be in a hurry, impatient, or just like to drive fast or faster than everyone. The speed limit is the most common broken law of driving but it can also be excuse such as when traffic is flowing well and everyone is going around eighty miles per hour on the highway, for example some may say "what is the cop going to do pull over all of us" though that may not be the case, driving at fast speeds may still cause your life to be in danger. Turn signals is another common one that people seem to constantly miss, although it is literally a click away drivers tend to forget its existence especially if they may be in a hurry or just find them unnecessary. I, during my daily driving, find myself using my ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Seatbelts Essay Coming out of 2016, many citizens in the United States and around the world are tired of hearing about politics, but when we need consider a situation where a group of people are not thinking, it is evident politics is the best example to demonstrate. The purpose of our political system is to introduce new laws into our society, and to amend current ones to better fit our current system. Politicians, therefore, have an extremely important job in creating and maintaining these laws. We as a society need to be careful when we give up our freedoms with certain laws in order to maintain the social contract. In a society where we give up certain freedoms, we are expecting the government to use laws to protect us from other people. The definition... Show more content on ... Every citizen is tasked with the responsibility of thinking about the society they live in. It seems strange that people wouldn't bring up a bigger debate about the requirement of seatbelts, but any multi–daily task should be commonly thought about, specially if the fine is $161! Additionally to this argument, the ever–increasing functionalities of autonomous driving seem like they could do away with common human driving mistakes that may replace the need for a seatbelt – so our questions regarding these laws should be answered ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Motor Vehicle Safety Essays Motor Vehicle Safety Motor accidents are one of the leading causes of unintentional injuries in the United States. In the year 2000 the National Highway Trafп¬Ѓc Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimated that around 41,000 people were killed in traffic accidents within the United States. This mortality rate has since dropped 25% from 2000 to 2009 (Rockett et al., 2012). There are many reasons for motor vehicle injuries, ranging from lack of seat belt use, elderly drivers, alcohol and young children being improperly secured. All of these things factor into motor injuries differently and must be addressed as a separate problem. Highway safety is an important issue in public health and many things have already been implemented to help reduce ... Show more content on ... ASAP has led the way for many alcohol programs to follow including many citizen organized programs. Programs such as Remove Intoxicated Drivers (RID) in 1978 and Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) in 1980. These programs were created by people personally affected by a accident caused by drunk driving. Their focus is to prevent the loss of loved ones for other families. These programs educate the public on the risks of DUI and promote safer driving and smarter choices. MADD has even received support from alcohol companies because of their focus on the offender, and not blaming the alcohol companies. Alcohol related highway fatalities in 1982 were at 57% of all fatalities. This number dropped to only 38% by 1999. In 2005 vehicle crashes were a leading cause of injury and death for children over the age of one. 510 children 3 years or younger were killed in a highway accidents in 2005.Proper restraint for children must be used until they have reached the recommend height. Child restraint systems for children help to reduce serious injury by up to 70% in an accident. (Anderson & Rice, 2009) Simply restraining the child with a seatbelt though is not enough. For children under the age of 5, child safety seats are far more effective then seat belts at preventing injuries in a crash. Until the child is old enough or tall enough to use a seat belt child safety seats are far superior then seat belts. It is up to the parent or guardian to ensure ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Rolling Disasters: Safety in Automobiles Rolling Disasters In 1886 Carl Benz applied for the patent of his "vehicle powered by a gasoline engine" leading to the birth of the automobile. His creation was a crude three wheeled vehicle powered by a 0.75 horsepower engine. (Daimler Corporation). Benz's creation would slowly progress into what we know today as the modern automobile. The French and Germans perfected the blueprint for the early automobile, however the Americans would be the ones to dominate the industry in the early twentieth century. In 1908 Henry Ford introduced mass production techniques with the Ford Model T that would soon become industry standards. (Foner). His introduction of mass production would put the automobile in the hands of the common man and ingrain them in our society. The automobile has changed the way we work, play, travel, and do business. The automobile industry is a cut throat business full of corporate greed, political lobbying, and poor decision making that has led to countless deadly designs that have been put on American highways. Automotive safety advocate Ralph Nader published his book "Unsafe at any speed" in 1965 bringing awareness to automotive safety and accusing automakers about their resistance to introduce safety features. Nader showed that automakers had the technology to improve safety it just depended on if they wanted to use it: "The gap between existing design and attainable safety has widened enormously in the postwar period. As these attainable levels of ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Motor Driver Safety : The Consequences Of Motor Vehicle... From my very own high school, two girls were involved in an accident where their lives and futures were on the line. On a back road near home, listening to music, like most people find themselves doing at some point in their teen years, these girls thought nothing different of it than any other car ride. Upon hitting loose gravel, the driver lost control of the car and ran off the road. The two girls in this case suffered significantly different consequences which affected their senior year respectively. The driver had only minor bruises and continued her senior year and volleyball season with no restrictions. The passenger was ejected through the sunroof and her severe injuries kept her from participating in her final year of her favorite sport. Spot the difference? The passenger had not buckled in before the ride. Each time you step into a car your life is on the line. While you may be the best driver you know, you cannot trust that those around are taking all precautions to avoid an accident. From those aged 1–54 years old, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death ("Motor Vehicle Safety"). By following the law of wearing yourseat belt, no matter the distance of your drive, you can reduce your risk of injury or even death by about 50% ("Motor Vehicle Safety"). Nonetheless, by reminding your passengers and yourself that two seconds of clicking in the restraints could save your life, your vehicle becomes a safer unit on the roads. Awareness is important when it comes to the risks associated with not wearing a seat belt: accidents do not only happen for other people, each driver must believe it can happen to them too. Too often people are caught with the idea that because they are a "safe" driver, they are not threatened by car accidents, but this behavior needs to be stopped. Seatbelts were made for a reason: to protect drivers and passengers on the roads. Due to their effectiveness and success, seat belts should be worn by all passengers above the booster seat age in a moving vehicle. Seat belts are a safe and effective way to protect all young adult and grown commuters. In an aforementioned statistic, it is shown that seat belts dramatically reduce the risk of injury by up to 50%. By ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Newton 's Laws Of Motion Newton's Laws of motion has influenced the safety aspects on cars in a revolutionary way and has very much acted as a backbone of its development over the past century. Since, the invention of the first functioning car in 1885 by Karl Benz, the conception of a car has been completely transformed, from its design and engines to its safety features, everything has been entirely transmuted. Correlating the first functional car to the automobiles of the current period, the evident dissimilarity between the two are vast. The major features comprised within the first two–seated gasoline powered vehicle was the compressed high–speed single–cylinder four–stroke engine with an output of 0.55 kW and maximum speed of 16 km/h (, as shown... Show more content on ... Exemplifying this in a real–life context, if a tissue box is positioned on the back dashboard and if the car approaches to a sudden stop, the tissue box would fly forward and could potentially injure the occupants of the car. This example correlated to the Law of Inertia and seat belts because the car was travelling at an excessive speed, and when it came to a halt, the law of inertia made the tissue box fly forward as it continued to travel in its same motion, but if the tissue box was stationed by an external force, it wouldn't fly forward. The major role of Seat belts' in a collision is to prevent the passenger from moving around inside the car. After detecting an impact, the seat belts lock in place. At the point when the car collision occurs, there is no unbalanced force acting on the passenger, so they are jolted forward onto the windscreen as stated by Newton 's First Law. The seatbelts cause a controlled deceleration of the person, reducing the brutality of the injuries. As shown in Figure 2 in 2008 alone, more than 255,115 lives were saved as a result of seatbelts and since 1975, it has saved over 2,000,000 lives, proving its significance (, 2016). Eventhough Newton's first law has inclined the introduction of this feature, Newton's second law has also made a significant mark on safety aspect of cars. Newton's second Law of Motion, which states that the larger the ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Automobile Safety Informative speech on automobile safety Informative Speech Outline Intro Automobiles! You just have to have one in this fast paced world! In the United States, or maybe just in a popular city such as Los Angeles or New York, automobiles are necessary. People need to move from point A to point B. These points can be as close as a few hundred feet or even range up to a few hundred miles! When making these trips safety is a priority. There are hundreds of thousands of automobiles on the roads across the nation and if safety was not considered, thousand would be injured or even killed daily! Automobile safety has come a long way over the years and as every day goes by more and more new ways are created to keep drivers, and their passengers, ... Show more content on ... This survey only states that you get the safety you pay for with Volvo vehicles and also that Volvo customers are satisfied with their vehicles. One of the things that helped Volvo achieve this award is that they provide standard three–point safety belts, which is one of the industries most cost effective vehicular safety features. Volvo was also one of the first brands to adopt padded dashboards, ergonomic seats, disk brakes, crumple zones, split steering columns, integrated child booster cushions, and side airbags. Recent additions to Volvos signature safety features are whiplash protection seating systems, rollover protection system, roll stability control, and their intelligent vehicle architecture. Volvo has been around for over 75 years and they been amazing their customers with better and stylish vehicles every time they renew or introduce a new model. Transition from 2 to 3 Now that we seen how advertisement and research studies on safety can help the consumer make their decision, let us look at some issues vehicle manufacturers have and what precautions can be taken to avoid danger on the road. Point 3 Tires. No matter what vehicle manufacturer you chose, there is always the fear of getting a flat tire or even having a tire explode while the vehicle is in motion. Tire manufacturers design all kinds of tires such as Run–Flats, which are basically thicker tires with insulation that allow the vehicle to be driven even though the tire is flat. Just
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  • 38. Chipped Windshield Research Paper A windshield restore is an environmentally sound selection in view that windshield glass cannot be recycled. The legislation is designed to defend us from the dangers of using with a windshield chip restore markham. The windshield continues us trustworthy from flying debris and need to have structural integrity.A chipped windshield could crack out at any time causing detrimental solar glare and impairing your imaginative and prescient. An automobile glass restore technician can help you when the unfortunate windshield crack happens at a slash fee than exchanging your windshield. Modern day car development approaches make the windshield and the windshields adhesion to the vehicle or truck as part of the structural integrity. The integrity requires that every one ... Show more content on ... The sun glare induced by using the cracked windshield may also be damaging to your eyes, to the factor of temporary blindness. Other things that occur are fire brought on by means of the metallic or copper strips which are in between the two layers of glass used to defrost the window. When the windshield cracked water can enter and cause a brief and this in turn motives the fire.Fallacious re–installation of the windshield may additionally purpose these same issues. Car glass can look after you when the unfortunate happens, especially if you are in a severe adequate accident the place the air bags deployed to preserve you and your passengers. When an air bag is deployed, it have got to fill rapidly and this need to happen rapid sufficient to shield everyone. To do this rapid sufficient managed explosives are used, to fill the airbags rapidly. The structural integrity of the windshield is jeopardized when the windshield is chipped or cracked, it would possibly not withstand this explosive strain and pop ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Persuasive Essay On Road Safety On the way to work or school today did you wear your seatbelt? If not you were risking you life. Not wearing your seatbelt increases your risk of being killed or critically injured in car crashes exponentially. Although some people find seatbelts uncomfortable, seat belts decrease death in car crashes, allow the car's safety features to perform more efficiently, and saves lives The first reason that not wearing a seatbelt should be illegal is that seatbelts decrease death in car crashes. Although there are laws that state people have to wear seatbelts, 11.5% of people in America don't (Jensen). With the combination of low gas prices and cars getting better gas milage more people are getting on roads causing more crashes (Korosec). The number of total registered vehicles from the years 1960 to 2017 has increased by a whopping 189,178,419 (Number of U.S. Aircraft, vehicles, vessels and other conveyances). In 2014, about 2,000 less people died in a car accident than 2017 (Number of U.S. Aircraft, vehicles, vessels and other conveyance). In 2015 the number of people that were killed in a crash was 35,092 (National Highway Traffic Safety Association).The United States has the most deaths due to car crashes than any other advantageous country (Chen). In countries with high income, the United States has the highest "Death per 100,00 people" and "Per 10,000 registered vehicles"(Chen). According to a congressional speech from Jeffrey W. Runge, "95% of vehicles related deaths were ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Persuasive Essay On Seat Belt Safety Did you know that every hour, someone dies in a car crash for not wearing his or her seat belt? When you are driving or even riding in a vehicle, buckling your seat belt will decrease your chance of death or serious injury, if you are involved in a severe accident. Seat belts are there regarding to your safety and protection for the prevention of your life being in danger. In 2015, seat belt use in passenger vehicles saved an estimated 13,941 lives, according to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (Seat Belts np). Recognizing the importance, consequences, and how an individual can deal with the problem are the key aspects to this solution. According to the CDC, a total of 22,441 passenger vehicle occupants died in motor vehicle traffic crashes and 2.5 million passengers were treated for injuries in 2015 (Motor Vehicle Safety np). More than half of the 22,441 occupants were unrestrained, or not held in place by a seat belt. People that do not wear a seat belt, are 30 times more effective being ejected from the vehicle at the time of the crash and 3 out of 4 people who are ejected during a fatal crash die from their injuries (Motor Vehicle Safety np). Ejection from a vehicle will not stop you from flying across the highway, because inertia and gravity will keep moving your body forward. What is the cause for us not wearing our seat belts? According to the NHTSA, people get in a hurry, distraction, or simply forgetting is the main cause for not wearing our seat ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Airbags And Seat Belts : What Is An Airbag? Airbags and seat belts: What is an airbag? A typical airbag is a soft pillow to land against during a car crash. Airbags can be the necessity for saving your life in an accident. It is proven to be a major factor in vehicle passenger safety and survival. Airbags protect the passenger's head from striking the dashboard and are extremely important in side collisions where a person can still be struck by an object entering the car. Statistics, according to, show that airbags reduce the risk of dying in a direct frontal crash by at least 30%. When were they invented? During WW2, the first patent on an inflatable crash landing device for aeroplanes was established by who? and then during the 1980s the first commercial airbags in automobiles appeared. Where? How do they work? Airbags want to slow the speed of the passengers' forward motion with little or no damage within a fraction of a second. The law that applies here is inertia, Newton's first law. It states that an object wants to keep on doing what it's doing and will do so unless an outside force is acted upon it. There are three major parts to the airbag; Airbag: the airbag is made of a thin, nylon fabric that is folded into the steering wheel or dashboard. Inflation system: this reacts sodium azide (NaN3) with potassium nitrate (KNO3) to produce nitrogen gas. It 's hot blasts of this gas that inflates the airbag. Sensor: the sensor tells the bag when to inflate. The inflation happens when
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  • 43. Air Filters Essay Regular auto maintenance is necessary to ensure the safety of your car and pro–longed service. Modern cars are quite complex and most of their maintenance services demand professional mechanic. However, there are a few do–it–yourself maintenance tasks such as replacing filters that you can do on own. The following is a detailed look at car filter replacement. Type of car filters and why need replacement Air filters: They trap harmful contaminants and prevent them from entering the engine of your vehicle. It is good to ensure they are clean since dirty and contaminated filters can cause engine damage and expose you to expensive repairs. Well–maintained air filters increase fuel efficiency, improve the ability of your vehicle to accelerate, ... Show more content on ... They are crucial elements in protecting the fuel system of your vehicle. They require routine maintenance so as to prevent even the tiniest specks of dirt particles from entering your fuel system. As a result, your fuel injector is not clogged by dirt which may block fuel delivery to your engine or cause poor gas mileage and sub–par vehicle performance. How to replace air filters It is quite easy to change the air filters of your car. You only need to ensure you have parked your car safely with the appropriate tools and the right type of air filter as specified by the vehicle manufacturer. Once you are ready, proceed as follows; Locate the air filters: Ensure the engine is cool before beginning the replacement. Most air filters are usually located in the black plastic casing close to the top of your engine. Open the casing: You will need a standard screwdriver, Phillips head screwdriver, butter knife and rag to open the casing depending on whether the case is held in place by screws or metal clips. Use the right screwdriver to unscrew the screws. Remove the old and replace: Lift the old air filter out of the casing, wipe any dirt in the casing with the rag and place the new air filter at the top. Reattach the screws or clips to finish the replacement ... Get more on ...