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Table of Content
About Drupal -- - - ------------------------------------------------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
Overview of Drupal -------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
So what makes Drupal a strong t for enterprise websites? ----------------------------------------------- 5
         Game for bene ts? With Drupal there are truckloads of them for an enterprise ------- 5
                   Cost e ective -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
                   Standards Compliant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
                   Supported ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
                   Here to stay ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
         What enterprise adopters say about Drupal --------------------------------------------------------------- 6
         Key features of Drupal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
                   Security ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                              7
                   Ease of use ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
                   Enterprise Search ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8
                   Integration with Content Delivery Platforms ----------------------------------------------------- 9
                   Drupal is scalable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9
                   Content Management ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
So what is it that makes Drupal a strong & viable product ------------------------------------------------ 12
         Backed up by Acquia to be enterprise ready -------------------------------------------------------------                                                        12
         The Drupal Ecosystem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                           13
So what do customers, markets & analysts say about Drupal -------------------------------------------                                                                    14
         Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Externally Facing Social Software ------------------------------                                                                   15
         Social Networking for Businesses ------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                 16
                   Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Social Software in the Workplace ---------------------                                                                   16
eDynamic’s Expertise on Drupal ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                  18
About eDynamic -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                         20

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Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise

About Drupal
Drupal’s social publishing system found its niche place
amongst many. After being downloaded over 2 million times
since its commencement, it moots its supremacy over 400,000            Standards Compliants
web sites globally. Inclusive of an enterprise class content
management system, Drupal delivers an array of web                     ACCESSIBLE
applications boasting of single or multi-user blogs, wikis,
community networks, digital media portals, e-commerce, the             MODULAR
works! A magnanimous percentage of companies today are
totally addicted to its use. Biggies like SonyBMG, Warner              STABLE
Brothers Records, the New York Observer, Forbes, Disney, Intel,
Harvard University, and Amnesty International are but a few
names that have succumbed to its charms. It’s not surprising to
monitor a gigantic community that swears by Drupal, with
thousands of active contributors vying for its open source

Overview of Drupal
Intriguingly, Drupal began its journey as a college experiment. In the year 2000, when
permanent Internet connections were scarce and those that were demanded a premium
for some Universities; a wireless bridge between student dorms was set-up for sharing an
ADSL modem connection amongst a bunch of roomies. As word spread gradually, work
began on a small news site with a built-in Web board, allowing a larger group of friends to
leave each other notes and messages. As the technology spread even further, naming
conventions were formed, and a suitable domain name was on the cards. Dries Buytaert,
an open-source software programmer and the founder and lead of the Drupal CMS then
thought of placing a name for his Web board, and he settled in for '' after he made
a typo to see if the name '' was still available. Dorp is the Dutch word for 'village',
something he thought was be tting for the small community. As days ew by, the
message board, which got its name, thanks to a typo, which evolved in to an open source
project, was named Drupal in 2001. Drupal actually is a name derived from the Dutch word
"druppel", meaning "drop" or a water droplet.

Written in PHP, the Open Source content management system runs on a LAMP stack, now
empowering close to 200,000 public facing Web sites with numerous other sites tucked

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Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise

safely under its belt. Needless to mention it is a familiar name all across the world, with an
ever growing number of contributors.

Being a powerful platform, Drupal is one open source content management system that
allows users to easily publish, manage and share a wide variety of content on the Internet.
What’s more, Drupal is also excitingly exible! You can create corporate and community
websites in a ash, while managing teams, host discussions, run polls, communicate and
use innumerable forms of productivity-enhancing features with minimal e ort.

A brilliant mix of the traditional web content management features and the now-so
important social features, the tool also enables open communication and participation.
While its exibility helps a tad lot of applications, its modularity provides a strong foothold
for companies seeking to build sites at lightning speed and at lower cost than most others.
Drupal is perhaps the ideal platform, where dynamic features like question-and-answer
forums, live video streaming, and collaborative tools work e ciently while bonding with
the site's infrastructure.

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Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise
So what makes Drupal a strong fit for enterprise websites?
No guesses for bagging that one really as Drupal is truly the ideal open source CMS for
managing large-scale enterprise websites. Thus to reiterate in brief, it provides the

      1.    Rapid business sector adoption
      2.    Modular architecture
      3.    No vendor lock-in
      4.    Backed-up by an expert company - Acquia
      5.    Community supported

Game for bene ts? With Drupal there are truckloads of them for an enterprise

Cost e ective
As is with any tool, Drupal is a free and open-source that is a bit of both. At lower costs,
such that doesn’t mandate any licensing fee, the system is immensely traditional to vendor
solutions. Moreover, Drupal sprints on LAMP stack, so while you save your moolah on
hosting, you also save an awful lot on web servers and databases. What’s even better is
that you aren’t limited to LAMP alone, as Drupal marries itself with just about any other

Standards Compliant
It also uses standard-compliant methods such as XHTML, segregation of content and
layouts through CSS along with squeaky clean URLs that make sites more accessible and
improve search engine ranking.

There is an active developer and user community that participates in mailing lists, forums,
and IRC. Acquia supports the developers and the community by o ering support and
development using Drupal. Acquia Drupal by the way is the free, packaged Drupal
distribution that provides a quick on-ramp for building Drupal websites.

Here to stay
While Drupal has been in this tumultuous and continuous development for over eight
years, the same group of primary developers have re ned and improved the code quite

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Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise

While this version encourages more people to create additional modules, the group also
contributes patches, and writes vital documentation.

Murmur has it (something that’s been rather a roar than a murmur really!) that its growing
momentum has been noticed by several new corporate websites. For several companies,
their innate wish is to handle their project - the Drupal way.

What enterprise adopters say
about Drupal
There are several challenges when
new software, tool or even an
application is born. And then there
are some that are sure shot
winners. Drupal, must we add, is
one of them. Here’s why:

      1.    Its fully integrated social
            tools are tied to one’s
      2.    There’s always an
            avoidance to a vendor
      3.    It’s a new breed, en
            route to being one of
            the fastest platform
      4.    Being fast, Drupal is also
            wonderfully scalable
      5.    What’s more – it also
            encompasses a large
            pool of available talent.
Could you have asked for anything

Key features of Drupal
To summarise here are some of Drupal’s key features.

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Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise

Enterprise puts security rst. Drupal o ers a host of security features! These are fresh, out
of the box, and best of all, they are compatible with most commercial software.

      1.    Audit trails – This helps to keep track of the activities performed by users.
      2.    Content approval – Get pleased with editing content work ows.
      3.    Granular privileges – Set permissions, be on the prowl to demand and do what
            you choose.
      4.    LDAP, NTLM, OpenID Authentication – There are over a zillion ways to log into
            the site.
      5.    SSL compatible – Drupal also gives you the pleasure of running under HTTPS ,
            completely and/or partially.

Ease of use
Software adoption and the learning curve is a major concern for most enterprises. While
not all of them go hand in hand, you are sure to get that solace with Drupal. It excels in
providing features and functionalities that make life a lot easier. It’s also breezy for the
content administrators managing the website.

      1.    Drag-n-Drop content –This one’s a quick and easy way to re-arrange, re-group
            content using your mouse.
      2.    Image resizing – Change the image size automatically into pre-de ned
            thumbnail sizes. As this feature alienates manual handling, images that are
            de ned by you, stay that way!
      3.    Mass upload – This is one function that is simply too good to be true! All you do
            is zip by, upload and process attachments and images all at one go!
      4.    WYSIWYG editor – While you edit content on a desktop word processor, you can
            also interface with a robust toolbar of features.
      5.    Spell checker –Check content for any spelling errors as you go – without being
            bound by the external software.

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Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise

Enterprise Search
Indulge in a scavenger hunt through all your web content including document
attachments of multiple le formats, auto-complete functionality, spelling suggestions
and customisable output of search results. Don’t ever let searching for stu be a pain!

Enter your Keywords

Search Results

Robclosup                    Rob with Sandy D             Rob with Peabo B

Home   >>   William

Enter your Keywords
 Wiliam                                          Search

Search Results

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Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise

Integration with Content Delivery Platforms
Additionally, Drupal has modules that can integrate with BrightCove, Akamai and several
other content delivery platforms, all in all improving your website performance

Drupal is scalable
Drupal can run virtually on any database including MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL and
Oracle, its scalability is only limited to the knowledge and experience of the technical sta
deploying the Drupal site. But what’s appealing is that Drupal can scale to support very
large enterprise websites.

While there's nothing preventing Drupal from being scaled across any number of web
servers, its scalability of open-source databases such as MySQL and PostgreSQL is an
ongoing issue.

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Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise

Additionally, Drupal has modules that can integrate with BrightCove, Akamai and several
other content delivery platforms, all in all improving your website performance.

Replicating databases is not always the solution and nor is the reason to be contented
enough, so it’s no secret that a very small percentage of websites, daily user visits are
counted not in hundreds or thousands but score that’s much more.

As a platform, Drupal is a dream; without the apprehension of being built with a preset
volume of tra c or throughput. Moreover it is limitless on its scalability.

In fact, the current version of Drupal o ers several mouth-watering opportunities for
organizations to build and strengthen their scalability. In time to come, as the platform
matures, several die-hard developers will soon be eyeing opportunities based on Drupal’s
innate talent of scalability, rather than any particular module. Database sharding too is but
a prime example of Drupal development moving towards greater performance. Sharding
the database allows it to reside across multiple physical machines – e ectively removing
the traditional barrier to scalability.

Currently, Drupal proudly empowers about 1 percent of Websites, trailing WordPress,
running about 8.5 percent of the Web, according to sources.

What’s pivotal is to understand Drupal’s scalability there are other opportunities for
improvement. Open source software on the whole has the agility to meet challenges at
the pace of innovation. Several organizations are aghast with the sea-like exibility and
changes that have been created after the birth of Drupal and consequently, there are
several high decibel thoughts on software investment and ownership. We have listed
some of the bene ts, here’s what Drupal can also manage with Content Management:

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Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise

Content Management

      1.    It can create, manage and control content.
      2.    It can help in the usage of editorial work ows to manage content lifecycle.
      3.    It also possesses user templates to publish contents.
      4.    Untarnished document management.
      5.    Allows the storage and organization of documents, images, attachments –
            virtually any content.

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Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise

So what is it that makes Drupal a strong &
viable product

Backed up by Acquia to be enterprise ready
Drupal is backed up by Acquia – a company
founded in 2007 by the original creator and
project lead of Drupal, Dries Bartaert.

Acquia engineers work with Drupal’s
community to x bugs, to implement missing
features, when they are not writing
documentation or helping sponsors and
organizing community events. Acquia’s success
is driven by the overall success of its
predecessor, Drupal whose project at large is a
story in itself, stands alone, una ected by the
demands of any one customer.

The company is thus able to look broadly across
Drupal as it identi es gaps to be lled in
contrast to other companies. Acquia today has
positioned itself as a strong contributor within
the community's overall e ort to make Drupal
even better. With every passing day, Acquia
invests into making Drupal enterprise a tad
more compatible than it was!

According to sources, selling services or hosting
software is the way to go for any company
doing business in open-source (RedHat, Bryght,
Zimbra to name a few), but the actual need
today lies in services surrounding products like
Drupal for sure. People need websites, but
companies use web agencies. Individuals use
blogs, geeks install Drupal themselves; the
charm of Drupal never seems to rest!

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Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise

The Drupal Ecosystem

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Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise

So what do customers, markets & analysts say about Drupal
Drupal's marketing resources provides market and promotional material for the software.
Drupal assists those who publish stories by providing anything from its logo to
informational lea ets or additional text and references for a report.

For starters, Drupal — no matter how friendly Acquia and the community make it — is still
a download and all you install is a bundle of software. It's also one known for having a fairly
steep learning curve. Analyst’s feel that the curve can be addressed to some extent, unless
there are changes made to the complete model altogether. However it is a fact that
Drupal’s download, con guration, installation and server management could possess
minor issues.

Staying abreast is a tall order for Drupal; one that can be dimmed that easily, as the web
content management system market becomes a crowded place.

On the ipside, Drupal has some great things going for it. The architecture has a grace
about it and with a thriving community, the LAMP platform too scores high. Open source is
increasingly accepted in the enterprise. With Acquia today there is lies a funded
organization working to make Drupal more attractive and critical to enterprise IT managers.

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Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise

Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Externally Facing Social Software
The social software market is evolving fast; at the point of being very rapid. In response to
this Gartner is working on a presentation that places each of the social software players on
a pedestal. It compares the di erent players in the enterprise market, including
open-source projects like Drupal.

As part of that process, Acquia was also invited to review the presentation and provide
comments about the social software landscape and of course on Drupal's success stories.
These success stories, important as they are in Gartner’s analysis, also help it positioning
Drupal against its ever growing competitors.
Gartner considers three di erent use cases for social software:

      (i)    Team collaboration software,
      (ii)   Community software and
      (iii) Networking software.

Each of these scenarios has varied requirements that naturally emphasize its vivid features
of social software. User pro les and group support carry a lot of weight in their evaluations.
Thus in each of these use cases, Gartner considers two di erent deployment scenarios: (a)
sites inside the workplace and (b) externally facing websites.

While publishing their Top 10 Strategic Technologies for 2008 back in October 2007 at their
Gartner Symposium/ITXpo event, they mulled over the good fortune the IT industry had
garnered in the form of the Social Software category. The category included many di erent
point technologies including blogs, wikis, tagging, bookmarking, and social networking.

And the greatness about Drupal is that it does all of this AND more. It does traditional web
content publishing/management., it’s not blog software with wikis bolted on, nor is it wiki
software with blogs bolted on, or a web publishing/content management system with
wikis and blogs bolted on.

It is architecture for doing all of this and more, mashing them however you want. The
genius of what Dries and the community has done is to reduce all aspects of social software
to their core DNA; content nodes and membership, in building a platform that can be
in nitely extended to allow the assembly of almost any style of online social interaction.

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Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise

Social Networking for Businesses
Ideally speaking, Drupal is ably equipped to be used as a base system for creating a custom
social networking site like Facebook and MySpace. While these large social networks have
scratched their pug marks on niche social networking, the web sites in turn can help
promote businesses, products, projects, and hobbies of any nature.

Social Networking in the workplace is increasing annually at rapid paces, something that
has been re ected on the number of vendors creating new software or making their
existing products “socially-aware”. Drupal is perhaps another visionary in this process.

Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Social Software in the Workplace
Gartner, Inc., the leading research and advisory rm, identi ed Drupal CMS as the pioneers
for Social Software in the Workplace." Here is an image of what that quadrant looks like:

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Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise

According to Gartner, Drupal did well enough last year in its intended area of the market to
merit a 'niche player' title. This year however they've managed to break the mould, say

According to Gartner, Drupal has its place amongst the visionaries’ quadrant because of its
consistent and e cient use of the open source model as it drives to popularly adopt and
provide enterprise services through organizations such as Acquia. A strong content-centric,
community and web application is the foundation that holds Drupal. It is also noted that
Gartner appreciated the software’s rapidly extending characteristics that embraces
hundreds of modules, including many that could be used for collaboration and social
interaction support.

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Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise
eDynamic’s Expertise on Drupal
Rated as a leading CMS product by Gartner, Forrester & other analyst rms, Drupal has
emerged as a leader of the pack among Open Source CMS Products with rapid adoption
globally. It is easy to assess Drupal’s e ortless means of creating content and seasoned
experience of dealing with websites. This not only helps you in achieving your business
goals but also aids in the spiralling sales and search engine visibility; all this while being
simple to integrate and administer.

eDynamic provides end to end services for Drupal CMS:
        Consulting, Strategy & Roadmap for Drupal implementations
            Solution Design, Development/Implementation and Deployment
            Managed Services
            Large & Multi-site/multiple website/portal implementations on Drupal
            Content Migration
            User Experience and Design
            Re-platforming/Migration services from other CMS platforms to Drupal

eDynamic Di erentiators as Drupal Implementation Partner
eDynamic is uniquely positioned with proven expertise as one of the largest Drupal
implementers globally:
        eDynamic has a Global Delivery Model with local and o shore teams that bring
        unmatched cost & scale advantages to its Drupal customers.
            eDynamic has one of the larger Drupal teams that can manage projects of
            signi cant scale

eDynamic’s global delivery model provides exible engagement options to our customers
based on strategic needs, scale and budget:
         Local – All local Drupal expertise from our o ces in New York, Phoenix, Los
         Angeles and Toronto in North America, Dubai in the Middle East or New Delhi in
            Blended – A team of o shore resources are engaged to work in conjunction with
            local/client site experts
            O shore – A complete team of o shore experts who manage the
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Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise

Managed Services/Support Models

            Design, Build and Run Model – eDynamic can manage websites and Drupal
            applications from a support and maintenance perspective
            Dedicated Seat Model – A dedicated team of o shore resources are provides to
            manage and run websites & Drupal applications

eDynamic o ers end-to-end Drupal content management solutions for:

            Corporate Websites
            Social Media
            Knowledge Management
            Document Management

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India: +91-11-26384306-07
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Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise

           About eDynamic                                                                  Web Strategy &
           Established in 1999, eDynamic is a Global Web Solutions Firm. We                 Consulting
           Blend strategy, technology and creativity to deliver integrated,                Web Design &
           fully customized business solutions, and partner without clients                User Experience
           for cornerstone strategies and critical Web initiatives.
                                                                                          Web Enterprise
                                                                                        Content Management
                 O ces
                    New York, Toronto, Dubai and New Delhi
                                                                                        Portals & Collaboration
                    Near-shore Delivery Center in Toronto
                    O shore Delivery Center in India                                     Business Intelligence
                                                                                          & Datawarehousing
                 eDynamic blends strong user experience with exceptional
                 technology capabilities to deliver best of breed web                      Online Marketing
                                                                                        Customer Relationship
                 Our Global Delivery Model helps us to deliver cutting edge                 Management
                 solutions                                                                 Custom & Web
                                                                                      Application Development
                 We blend strategy, technology and creativity to deliver
                 integrated, fully customized business solutions, and partner                   Mobile
                 with our clients for comer stone strategies and critical Web
                 By blending strong user experience & technology, eDynamic
                 has been delivering best-of-breed Web solutions to customers such as American
                 Express, Pepsi and New York Life among many others...


New York, USA                        Phoenix, Arizona USA                 Los Angeles, California, USA
153 W 27th Street, Suite 503         19940 N 23rd Avenue, Suite 1003      8730 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 412
New York, NY 10001                   Phoenix, AZ 85027                    Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Phone: 1-877-339-6264 | Fax: +1-888-828-0747 | Email: | Visit us:

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Why is drupal an ideal open source cms for an enterprise

  • 1. E i c na t d n mi n t mal o tc@e y a c e : . N rhA r a 1 8 7 E Y A C ( 3 - 2 4 o t mei : - 7 - D N MI 3 9 6 6 ) c I da +9 - 1 2 3 4 0 - 7 n i: 1 1 - 6 8 3 6 0 W h I Drp l ys u a A Iel O e S uc C nd a p n o r MS e Fr n nepi o A E trre s A is hfl n ni t g u p r et e y D n mi es ci b e y a c p v a l aEp riWe &E trre o tn Ma a e n S l i s Go lx et b n b nepi C ne t n g me t o t n s uo N WY R E O K | T R NO O O T | P O NX H E I | L SA G L S O N EE | D BI U A | N WD LI E EH
  • 2. Table of Content About Drupal -- - - ------------------------------------------------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 Overview of Drupal -------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 So what makes Drupal a strong t for enterprise websites? ----------------------------------------------- 5 Game for bene ts? With Drupal there are truckloads of them for an enterprise ------- 5 Cost e ective -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Standards Compliant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Supported ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 Here to stay ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 What enterprise adopters say about Drupal --------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Key features of Drupal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Security --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Ease of use ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Enterprise Search ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 Integration with Content Delivery Platforms ----------------------------------------------------- 9 Drupal is scalable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 Content Management ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 So what is it that makes Drupal a strong & viable product ------------------------------------------------ 12 Backed up by Acquia to be enterprise ready ------------------------------------------------------------- 12 The Drupal Ecosystem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13 So what do customers, markets & analysts say about Drupal ------------------------------------------- 14 Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Externally Facing Social Software ------------------------------ 15 Social Networking for Businesses ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16 Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Social Software in the Workplace --------------------- 16 eDynamic’s Expertise on Drupal ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 About eDynamic ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 Call us at: North America: 1-877-EDYNAMIC (339-6264) India: +91-11-26384306-07 Email: Visit us at:
  • 3. Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise About Drupal Drupal’s social publishing system found its niche place amongst many. After being downloaded over 2 million times since its commencement, it moots its supremacy over 400,000 Standards Compliants web sites globally. Inclusive of an enterprise class content management system, Drupal delivers an array of web ACCESSIBLE applications boasting of single or multi-user blogs, wikis, community networks, digital media portals, e-commerce, the MODULAR works! A magnanimous percentage of companies today are totally addicted to its use. Biggies like SonyBMG, Warner STABLE Brothers Records, the New York Observer, Forbes, Disney, Intel, Harvard University, and Amnesty International are but a few names that have succumbed to its charms. It’s not surprising to FREE monitor a gigantic community that swears by Drupal, with thousands of active contributors vying for its open source technology. Overview of Drupal Intriguingly, Drupal began its journey as a college experiment. In the year 2000, when permanent Internet connections were scarce and those that were demanded a premium for some Universities; a wireless bridge between student dorms was set-up for sharing an ADSL modem connection amongst a bunch of roomies. As word spread gradually, work began on a small news site with a built-in Web board, allowing a larger group of friends to leave each other notes and messages. As the technology spread even further, naming conventions were formed, and a suitable domain name was on the cards. Dries Buytaert, an open-source software programmer and the founder and lead of the Drupal CMS then thought of placing a name for his Web board, and he settled in for '' after he made a typo to see if the name '' was still available. Dorp is the Dutch word for 'village', something he thought was be tting for the small community. As days ew by, the message board, which got its name, thanks to a typo, which evolved in to an open source project, was named Drupal in 2001. Drupal actually is a name derived from the Dutch word "druppel", meaning "drop" or a water droplet. Written in PHP, the Open Source content management system runs on a LAMP stack, now empowering close to 200,000 public facing Web sites with numerous other sites tucked Call us at: North America: 1-877-EDYNAMIC (339-6264) India: +91-11-26384306-07 Email: Visit us at:
  • 4. Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise safely under its belt. Needless to mention it is a familiar name all across the world, with an ever growing number of contributors. Being a powerful platform, Drupal is one open source content management system that allows users to easily publish, manage and share a wide variety of content on the Internet. What’s more, Drupal is also excitingly exible! You can create corporate and community websites in a ash, while managing teams, host discussions, run polls, communicate and use innumerable forms of productivity-enhancing features with minimal e ort. A brilliant mix of the traditional web content management features and the now-so important social features, the tool also enables open communication and participation. While its exibility helps a tad lot of applications, its modularity provides a strong foothold for companies seeking to build sites at lightning speed and at lower cost than most others. Drupal is perhaps the ideal platform, where dynamic features like question-and-answer forums, live video streaming, and collaborative tools work e ciently while bonding with the site's infrastructure. Call us at: North America: 1-877-EDYNAMIC (339-6264) India: +91-11-26384306-07 Email: Visit us at:
  • 5. Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise So what makes Drupal a strong fit for enterprise websites? No guesses for bagging that one really as Drupal is truly the ideal open source CMS for managing large-scale enterprise websites. Thus to reiterate in brief, it provides the following: 1. Rapid business sector adoption 2. Modular architecture 3. No vendor lock-in 4. Backed-up by an expert company - Acquia 5. Community supported Game for bene ts? With Drupal there are truckloads of them for an enterprise Cost e ective As is with any tool, Drupal is a free and open-source that is a bit of both. At lower costs, such that doesn’t mandate any licensing fee, the system is immensely traditional to vendor solutions. Moreover, Drupal sprints on LAMP stack, so while you save your moolah on hosting, you also save an awful lot on web servers and databases. What’s even better is that you aren’t limited to LAMP alone, as Drupal marries itself with just about any other platform. Standards Compliant It also uses standard-compliant methods such as XHTML, segregation of content and layouts through CSS along with squeaky clean URLs that make sites more accessible and improve search engine ranking. Supported There is an active developer and user community that participates in mailing lists, forums, and IRC. Acquia supports the developers and the community by o ering support and development using Drupal. Acquia Drupal by the way is the free, packaged Drupal distribution that provides a quick on-ramp for building Drupal websites. Here to stay While Drupal has been in this tumultuous and continuous development for over eight years, the same group of primary developers have re ned and improved the code quite recently. Call us at: North America: 1-877-EDYNAMIC (339-6264) India: +91-11-26384306-07 Email: Visit us at:
  • 6. Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise While this version encourages more people to create additional modules, the group also contributes patches, and writes vital documentation. Murmur has it (something that’s been rather a roar than a murmur really!) that its growing momentum has been noticed by several new corporate websites. For several companies, their innate wish is to handle their project - the Drupal way. What enterprise adopters say about Drupal There are several challenges when new software, tool or even an application is born. And then there are some that are sure shot winners. Drupal, must we add, is one of them. Here’s why: 1. Its fully integrated social tools are tied to one’s content 2. There’s always an avoidance to a vendor lock-in 3. It’s a new breed, en route to being one of the fastest platform 4. Being fast, Drupal is also wonderfully scalable 5. What’s more – it also encompasses a large pool of available talent. Could you have asked for anything more? Key features of Drupal To summarise here are some of Drupal’s key features. Call us at: North America: 1-877-EDYNAMIC (339-6264) India: +91-11-26384306-07 Email: Visit us at:
  • 7. Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise Security Enterprise puts security rst. Drupal o ers a host of security features! These are fresh, out of the box, and best of all, they are compatible with most commercial software. 1. Audit trails – This helps to keep track of the activities performed by users. 2. Content approval – Get pleased with editing content work ows. 3. Granular privileges – Set permissions, be on the prowl to demand and do what you choose. 4. LDAP, NTLM, OpenID Authentication – There are over a zillion ways to log into the site. 5. SSL compatible – Drupal also gives you the pleasure of running under HTTPS , completely and/or partially. Ease of use Software adoption and the learning curve is a major concern for most enterprises. While not all of them go hand in hand, you are sure to get that solace with Drupal. It excels in providing features and functionalities that make life a lot easier. It’s also breezy for the content administrators managing the website. 1. Drag-n-Drop content –This one’s a quick and easy way to re-arrange, re-group content using your mouse. 2. Image resizing – Change the image size automatically into pre-de ned thumbnail sizes. As this feature alienates manual handling, images that are de ned by you, stay that way! 3. Mass upload – This is one function that is simply too good to be true! All you do is zip by, upload and process attachments and images all at one go! 4. WYSIWYG editor – While you edit content on a desktop word processor, you can also interface with a robust toolbar of features. 5. Spell checker –Check content for any spelling errors as you go – without being bound by the external software. Call us at: North America: 1-877-EDYNAMIC (339-6264) India: +91-11-26384306-07 Email: Visit us at:
  • 8. Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise Enterprise Search Indulge in a scavenger hunt through all your web content including document attachments of multiple le formats, auto-complete functionality, spelling suggestions and customisable output of search results. Don’t ever let searching for stu be a pain! Search Enter your Keywords rob Search Results Robclosup Rob with Sandy D Rob with Peabo B Search Home >> William Enter your Keywords Wiliam Search Search Results Call us at: North America: 1-877-EDYNAMIC (339-6264) India: +91-11-26384306-07 Email: Visit us at:
  • 9. Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise Integration with Content Delivery Platforms Additionally, Drupal has modules that can integrate with BrightCove, Akamai and several other content delivery platforms, all in all improving your website performance Drupal is scalable Drupal can run virtually on any database including MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL and Oracle, its scalability is only limited to the knowledge and experience of the technical sta deploying the Drupal site. But what’s appealing is that Drupal can scale to support very large enterprise websites. While there's nothing preventing Drupal from being scaled across any number of web servers, its scalability of open-source databases such as MySQL and PostgreSQL is an ongoing issue. Call us at: North America: 1-877-EDYNAMIC (339-6264) India: +91-11-26384306-07 Email: Visit us at:
  • 10. Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise Additionally, Drupal has modules that can integrate with BrightCove, Akamai and several other content delivery platforms, all in all improving your website performance. Replicating databases is not always the solution and nor is the reason to be contented enough, so it’s no secret that a very small percentage of websites, daily user visits are counted not in hundreds or thousands but score that’s much more. As a platform, Drupal is a dream; without the apprehension of being built with a preset volume of tra c or throughput. Moreover it is limitless on its scalability. In fact, the current version of Drupal o ers several mouth-watering opportunities for organizations to build and strengthen their scalability. In time to come, as the platform matures, several die-hard developers will soon be eyeing opportunities based on Drupal’s innate talent of scalability, rather than any particular module. Database sharding too is but a prime example of Drupal development moving towards greater performance. Sharding the database allows it to reside across multiple physical machines – e ectively removing the traditional barrier to scalability. Currently, Drupal proudly empowers about 1 percent of Websites, trailing WordPress, running about 8.5 percent of the Web, according to sources. What’s pivotal is to understand Drupal’s scalability there are other opportunities for improvement. Open source software on the whole has the agility to meet challenges at the pace of innovation. Several organizations are aghast with the sea-like exibility and changes that have been created after the birth of Drupal and consequently, there are several high decibel thoughts on software investment and ownership. We have listed some of the bene ts, here’s what Drupal can also manage with Content Management: Call us at: North America: 1-877-EDYNAMIC (339-6264) India: +91-11-26384306-07 Email: Visit us at:
  • 11. Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise Content Management 1. It can create, manage and control content. 2. It can help in the usage of editorial work ows to manage content lifecycle. 3. It also possesses user templates to publish contents. 4. Untarnished document management. 5. Allows the storage and organization of documents, images, attachments – virtually any content. Call us at: North America: 1-877-EDYNAMIC (339-6264) India: +91-11-26384306-07 Email: Visit us at:
  • 12. Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise So what is it that makes Drupal a strong & viable product Backed up by Acquia to be enterprise ready Drupal is backed up by Acquia – a company founded in 2007 by the original creator and project lead of Drupal, Dries Bartaert. Acquia engineers work with Drupal’s community to x bugs, to implement missing features, when they are not writing documentation or helping sponsors and organizing community events. Acquia’s success is driven by the overall success of its predecessor, Drupal whose project at large is a story in itself, stands alone, una ected by the demands of any one customer. The company is thus able to look broadly across Drupal as it identi es gaps to be lled in contrast to other companies. Acquia today has positioned itself as a strong contributor within the community's overall e ort to make Drupal even better. With every passing day, Acquia invests into making Drupal enterprise a tad more compatible than it was! According to sources, selling services or hosting software is the way to go for any company doing business in open-source (RedHat, Bryght, Zimbra to name a few), but the actual need today lies in services surrounding products like Drupal for sure. People need websites, but companies use web agencies. Individuals use blogs, geeks install Drupal themselves; the charm of Drupal never seems to rest! Call us at: North America: 1-877-EDYNAMIC (339-6264) India: +91-11-26384306-07 Email: Visit us at:
  • 13. Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise The Drupal Ecosystem Call us at: North America: 1-877-EDYNAMIC (339-6264) India: +91-11-26384306-07 Email: Visit us at:
  • 14. Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise So what do customers, markets & analysts say about Drupal Drupal's marketing resources provides market and promotional material for the software. Drupal assists those who publish stories by providing anything from its logo to informational lea ets or additional text and references for a report. For starters, Drupal — no matter how friendly Acquia and the community make it — is still a download and all you install is a bundle of software. It's also one known for having a fairly steep learning curve. Analyst’s feel that the curve can be addressed to some extent, unless there are changes made to the complete model altogether. However it is a fact that Drupal’s download, con guration, installation and server management could possess minor issues. Staying abreast is a tall order for Drupal; one that can be dimmed that easily, as the web content management system market becomes a crowded place. On the ipside, Drupal has some great things going for it. The architecture has a grace about it and with a thriving community, the LAMP platform too scores high. Open source is increasingly accepted in the enterprise. With Acquia today there is lies a funded organization working to make Drupal more attractive and critical to enterprise IT managers. Call us at: North America: 1-877-EDYNAMIC (339-6264) India: +91-11-26384306-07 Email: Visit us at:
  • 15. Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Externally Facing Social Software The social software market is evolving fast; at the point of being very rapid. In response to this Gartner is working on a presentation that places each of the social software players on a pedestal. It compares the di erent players in the enterprise market, including open-source projects like Drupal. As part of that process, Acquia was also invited to review the presentation and provide comments about the social software landscape and of course on Drupal's success stories. These success stories, important as they are in Gartner’s analysis, also help it positioning Drupal against its ever growing competitors. Gartner considers three di erent use cases for social software: (i) Team collaboration software, (ii) Community software and (iii) Networking software. Each of these scenarios has varied requirements that naturally emphasize its vivid features of social software. User pro les and group support carry a lot of weight in their evaluations. Thus in each of these use cases, Gartner considers two di erent deployment scenarios: (a) sites inside the workplace and (b) externally facing websites. While publishing their Top 10 Strategic Technologies for 2008 back in October 2007 at their Gartner Symposium/ITXpo event, they mulled over the good fortune the IT industry had garnered in the form of the Social Software category. The category included many di erent point technologies including blogs, wikis, tagging, bookmarking, and social networking. And the greatness about Drupal is that it does all of this AND more. It does traditional web content publishing/management., it’s not blog software with wikis bolted on, nor is it wiki software with blogs bolted on, or a web publishing/content management system with wikis and blogs bolted on. It is architecture for doing all of this and more, mashing them however you want. The genius of what Dries and the community has done is to reduce all aspects of social software to their core DNA; content nodes and membership, in building a platform that can be in nitely extended to allow the assembly of almost any style of online social interaction. Call us at: North America: 1-877-EDYNAMIC (339-6264) India: +91-11-26384306-07 Email: Visit us at:
  • 16. Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise Social Networking for Businesses Ideally speaking, Drupal is ably equipped to be used as a base system for creating a custom social networking site like Facebook and MySpace. While these large social networks have scratched their pug marks on niche social networking, the web sites in turn can help promote businesses, products, projects, and hobbies of any nature. Social Networking in the workplace is increasing annually at rapid paces, something that has been re ected on the number of vendors creating new software or making their existing products “socially-aware”. Drupal is perhaps another visionary in this process. Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Social Software in the Workplace Gartner, Inc., the leading research and advisory rm, identi ed Drupal CMS as the pioneers for Social Software in the Workplace." Here is an image of what that quadrant looks like: Call us at: North America: 1-877-EDYNAMIC (339-6264) India: +91-11-26384306-07 Email: Visit us at:
  • 17. Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise According to Gartner, Drupal did well enough last year in its intended area of the market to merit a 'niche player' title. This year however they've managed to break the mould, say sources. According to Gartner, Drupal has its place amongst the visionaries’ quadrant because of its consistent and e cient use of the open source model as it drives to popularly adopt and provide enterprise services through organizations such as Acquia. A strong content-centric, community and web application is the foundation that holds Drupal. It is also noted that Gartner appreciated the software’s rapidly extending characteristics that embraces hundreds of modules, including many that could be used for collaboration and social interaction support. Call us at: North America: 1-877-EDYNAMIC (339-6264) India: +91-11-26384306-07 Email: Visit us at:
  • 18. Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise eDynamic’s Expertise on Drupal Rated as a leading CMS product by Gartner, Forrester & other analyst rms, Drupal has emerged as a leader of the pack among Open Source CMS Products with rapid adoption globally. It is easy to assess Drupal’s e ortless means of creating content and seasoned experience of dealing with websites. This not only helps you in achieving your business goals but also aids in the spiralling sales and search engine visibility; all this while being simple to integrate and administer. eDynamic provides end to end services for Drupal CMS: Consulting, Strategy & Roadmap for Drupal implementations Solution Design, Development/Implementation and Deployment Managed Services Large & Multi-site/multiple website/portal implementations on Drupal Content Migration User Experience and Design Re-platforming/Migration services from other CMS platforms to Drupal eDynamic Di erentiators as Drupal Implementation Partner eDynamic is uniquely positioned with proven expertise as one of the largest Drupal implementers globally: eDynamic has a Global Delivery Model with local and o shore teams that bring unmatched cost & scale advantages to its Drupal customers. eDynamic has one of the larger Drupal teams that can manage projects of signi cant scale eDynamic’s global delivery model provides exible engagement options to our customers based on strategic needs, scale and budget: Local – All local Drupal expertise from our o ces in New York, Phoenix, Los Angeles and Toronto in North America, Dubai in the Middle East or New Delhi in India. Blended – A team of o shore resources are engaged to work in conjunction with local/client site experts O shore – A complete team of o shore experts who manage the implementation Call us at: North America: 1-877-EDYNAMIC (339-6264) India: +91-11-26384306-07 Email: Visit us at:
  • 19. Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise Managed Services/Support Models Design, Build and Run Model – eDynamic can manage websites and Drupal applications from a support and maintenance perspective Dedicated Seat Model – A dedicated team of o shore resources are provides to manage and run websites & Drupal applications eDynamic o ers end-to-end Drupal content management solutions for: Corporate Websites ePublishing Social Media Intranets Knowledge Management Document Management Portals Call us at: North America: 1-877-EDYNAMIC (339-6264) India: +91-11-26384306-07 Email: Visit us at:
  • 20. Why is Drupal an Ideal Open Source CMS for an enterprise About eDynamic Web Strategy & Established in 1999, eDynamic is a Global Web Solutions Firm. We Consulting Blend strategy, technology and creativity to deliver integrated, Web Design & fully customized business solutions, and partner without clients User Experience for cornerstone strategies and critical Web initiatives. Web Enterprise Content Management O ces New York, Toronto, Dubai and New Delhi Portals & Collaboration Near-shore Delivery Center in Toronto O shore Delivery Center in India Business Intelligence & Datawarehousing eDynamic blends strong user experience with exceptional technology capabilities to deliver best of breed web Online Marketing solutions Customer Relationship Our Global Delivery Model helps us to deliver cutting edge Management solutions Custom & Web Application Development We blend strategy, technology and creativity to deliver integrated, fully customized business solutions, and partner Mobile with our clients for comer stone strategies and critical Web initiatives. eCommerce By blending strong user experience & technology, eDynamic has been delivering best-of-breed Web solutions to customers such as American Express, Pepsi and New York Life among many others... NEW YORK | TORONTO | PHOENIX | LOS ANGELES | DUBAI | NEW DELHI New York, USA Phoenix, Arizona USA Los Angeles, California, USA 153 W 27th Street, Suite 503 19940 N 23rd Avenue, Suite 1003 8730 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 412 New York, NY 10001 Phoenix, AZ 85027 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Phone: 1-877-339-6264 | Fax: +1-888-828-0747 | Email: | Visit us: