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Purpose	Craft	Induction	- Corporate
The ‘Why & How’ of Purpose
Positioning	is	about	differentiation
(within	competition)
Purpose	is	about	making	a	
difference (In	people’s	lives)
Purposing: The new kid on the block!
“Purposing”	is	amongst	the	latest	branding	buzzwords	making	waves.	Is	it	something	entirely	novel?	No!	Either	
consciously	or	intuitively,	some	great	brand	teams	have	undertaken	this	route.	Purposing	is	a	branding	approach	that	
induces	behavior change	by	effectively	shifting	brand	interaction	from	consumer	engagement	to	human	engagement.	
It	also	takes	into	consideration	the	ever-evolving	post-digital	consumer	mindset.
Let’s take a look at what makes Purposing the need of
the hour, replacing the much passé Positioning
1. Positioning	is	for	target	audience;	Purposing	is	for	people	and	society	at	large
Positioning	takes	into	consideration	only	a	certain	consumer	segment	or	target	audience;	whereas,	Purposing	impacts	people	in
general	and	society	at	large.	Therefore,	while	Positioning	aims	to	gain	mind-share	by	propagating	the	brand’s	benefits,	Purposing	
gains	life-share	through	real	impact	on	consumer’s	life.
2. Positioning	aims	to	create	competitive	differentiation;	Competitive	differentiation	is	one	of	the	many	natural	
outcomes	of	Purposing	
The	way	that	the	two	processes	address	competition	is	also	different.	Positioning	is	crafted	as	a	response	to	the	external	
environment	and	aims	to	have	a	differentiation	with	respect	to	competition.	Au	contraire,	Purpose	is	proactive,	and	aims	to	solve	a	
larger	consumer/societal	problem.	In	doing	so,	it	automatically	ends	up	establishing	a	differentiation	over	competition.	
3. Positioning	guides	brand	communication;	Purpose	guides	everything
The	primary	external	manifestation	of	Positioning	is	in	the	crafting	of	brand	communication.	Whereas,	Purpose	application	is	much	
wider;	it	is	the	guiding	force	that	directs	an	organization’s	culture	and	policies,	product	design	and	innovation,	behaviour	change	in	
consumer,	and	of	course,	also	brand	communication.
4. As	compared	to	Purposing,	Positioning	is	quicker	to	execute	and	change
Positioning	is	much	more	elastic,	by	which	it	can	be	altered	relatively	more	frequently	and	is	easier	and	quicker	to	execute.
Purpose,	on	the	other	hand,	takes	time	to	implement	and	doesn't	change,	but	can	evolve	over	time.	It	has	to	percolate	through all	
levels	of	the	organization	and	therefore	requires	complete	internal	alignment.
5. Positioning	sells	product;	Purposing	embraces	a	philosophy	
Since	Positioning	answers	“Who	we	are”,	it	endeavours	to	sell	the	product.	Purpose	dictates	“Why	we	exist,”	and	therefore	
endeavours	to	embrace	and	propagate	a	philosophy.
6. Positioning	Loyalists	are	more	fickle	than	Purpose	Loyalists
One	of	the	very	impactful	and	perceptible	differences	between	the	two	can	be	seen	in	the	type	of	brand	loyalty	that	each	of	them
invokes	in	their	customers.	A	Positioning	loyalist	defends	his/her	brand	only	on	a	product-performance	level.	Whereas,	a	Purpose
loyalty	will	not	only	defend	the	product	on	the	tangible	performance,	but	also	on	intangible	aspects	as	such	the	brands	values	and	
Purpose	craft	is	not	just	limited	
to	brands.	In	fact	there	has	never	
been	a	better	time	for	
Organisations	to		embrace	
Purpose	at	a	corporate	level.
Purpose	=	Profitability	
It’s	not	just	a	philosophy!
Corporates	with	a	purpose	are	able	to	harness	the	power	of	purpose	to	drive	
performance	and	profitability	enjoy	a	distinct	competitive	advantage.	
Brands	that	are	perceived	as	meaningful	and	based	on	values	benefit	from	a	higher	
“Share	of	wallet”
Caught	between	the	need	to	do	good	and	the	paucity	of	time,	people	want	to	
support	brands	that	stand	for	a	larger	cause	
They	are	more	likely	to	recommend	such	brands
They	are	bound	to	be	more	loyal	towards	such	brands
Proof that purpose brands are way more profitable…
Do	people	trust	brands	as	much	as	they	use	to?
There	is	an	increasing	number	of	mistrust	when	it	comes	to	Brands	and	
advertising	amongst	people.
People	are	now	craving	honesty	and	vulnerability	from	the	brands	they	aspire	to	
and	spend	their	money	with.
There	can	be	huge	exaggeration	around	brand	promises	and	they	fail	to	deliver	
the	same.
There’s	enough	documented	evidence	to	prove	that	they	don’t!
Purpose	aligns	the	companies	under	one	Architecture.
Having	a	corporate	purpose	seamlessly	ties	all	brands	under	common	values.	
It	sets	guidelines	for	the	daughter	brands	on	what	it	can	do	and	what	it	can’t	do.	
It	endows	each	daughet brand	with	corporate	values	elevating	the	daughter	brands	
to	fight		category	&	competition	battle	only	and	not	having	to	fight	trust	and	
pedigree	battle.
Guess	which	Group?
The	new	branding	exercise	comes	after	a	pan-India	study	commissioned	by	the	group	after	drawing	its	
near	term	growth	plans.	
It	was	found	that	while	the	group	was	recognised	for	business	ethics,	the	diverse	businesses	of	the	group	
were	not	known.	
The	group	felt	the	need	to	deepen	the	understanding	with	core	customers	and	also	to	connect	with	future	
Clean	Slate				
Purpose	helps	clean	up	the	past	and	start	over	fresh	in	the	mind’s	of	
In	their	journey	and	evolution,	brands	sometimes	create	mistakes	or	may	take	a	
wrong	call.	
Purpose	helps	cleanse	the	brands	past	and	wipes	the	slate	clean.
When	corporates	live	their	purpose	persistently	people	forgive	them	of	their	past.
How	many	people	know	this	about	TATA	group	– opium	origin	story	and	a	spate	of	new	scandals	as	well!!
2003	worms	
in	Dairy	Milk
Imported	Rs.15	crore	packaging	machinery	in	
2004,	to	revamped	packaging	of	Dairy	Milk.	
Continues	to	lead	the	Indian	chocolate	
market	with over	70	per	cent	market	share
Escalated	level	of	
lead	in	Maggie	
Noodles	in	2007
Consumer	saw	the	whole	
episode	as	a	lapse	not	a	
breach	of	trust	
Nearly	a	year	after	the	ban,	Maggi	
noodles	are	back	on	shelves	in	India
Consumers	have	recalled	
Maggie	back	in	to	theirs	homes	
but	somewhat	precariously	so
This	is	a	classic	example	of	the	Purposive	Corporate	brand.
In	time	of	crisis	Cadbury’s	equity	helped	resurrect	trust	in	the	product	once	again.	
Vis-à-vis	Maggie,	a	brand		that	found	its	ways	back	on	the	equity	it	had	established	,	as	consumers	had	little	
resonance	with	mother	brand	Nestle.	Would	another	Nestle	brand	with	lower	equity	than	Maggie	be	as	
forgiven?	No	– because	Nestle	as	the	corporate	brand	does	not	connect	with	the	consumer,	like	a	Cabury or	a	
Tata	does.
Purpose	attracts	capital	and	investors.
It	gets	easier	to	attract	investors	through	IPO	when	purpose	is	based	on	their	values.
With	a	Demographic	Dividend	in	India’s	favour	the	largest	targeted	segment	is	
naturally	very	purposive	and	as	individual	investors	are	putting	their	money	where	
the	mission	is.		
Purpose	enables	public	trust		&	earns	an	organization	social	capitaland not	
just	consumer	trust,	hence	Purpose	at	a	corporate	level	directly	impacts	
your	IPO.
Assocham survey	said	that	the	USD	100	billion	Tata	Group	is	perceived	to	be	India's	
best-known	global	brand	within	and	outside	the	country.
The	Tata	story	which	began	in	1868	by	Jamsedji N	Tata	has	been	the	most	
successful	among	India	Inc.
The	brand	Tata	stands	out	among	all	the	top	Indian	corporates	and	perceived	as	
the	truly	international	brand. (Infosys	Technologies,	Wipro,	Mahindra	and	
Mahindra	and	Aditya	Birla	Group)
Talking	about	the	group's	perception	outside	India,	it	stated	that	the	best	
perception	for	the	Tata	was	seen	in	western	Europe,	followed	by	the	US	and	the	
South-East	Asia.
Besides	making	bold	business	decisions	and	running	the	businesses	professionally,	
one	of	the	hallmarks	of	the	group	has	been	its	ethical	business	practices	&	social	
Need	of	the	hour				
In	a	digital	plus	world	Purpose	is	inevitable!
In	a	digital	plus	world	people’s	attention	is	fragmented.	Brands	are	targeting	their	
communication	via	content	but	only	organic	content	or	branded	content	that	
impacts	them	gets	eyeballs	
With	information	at	the	tip	of	a	finger	people	are	discerning	and	are	open	to	voicing	
their	dissent
Purpose	helps	you	seamlessly	fit	into	people’s	lives	and	add	value	to	it.
Hence	where	everyone	wants	a	“Share	of	mind”,	Purpose	helps	create	“Share	of	life”	
and	hence	enjoys	10	times	more	engagement.
The	digital	world	has	enabled	every	consumer	to	become	a	journalist	and	an	
activist,	leading	to	reverse	advertising
Brand Promise: “There for you in
your moments of hunger”
Proof of promise:
• 30 minutes delivery.
• Geo-tagged delivery via app.
“Hunger can strike you
anywhere, we will deliver
Brand Promise: “We are made
different, because we strive for a
relationship beyond the insurance
Proof of promise: NTUC Orange
force. A team of Mountain bikers, who
reach you immediately through an app
for accident assistance.
Product: accident insurance.
Brand Promise: “We are for pets”
Proof of promise: Not only do they
deliver on product promise, but go
beyond and help consumers take care
of their pets & infact even help them
Purpose creates ACTS which leads to engagement
Purpose	induces	blue	ocean	businesses	for	the	organization
It	comes	with	extendibility	that	helps	create	more	avenues	and	reach	out	to	segments	
that	were	out	of	your	consideration.
When	you	own	a	solution	to	a	tension	in	people’s	lives	it	extends	to	other	businesses	
and	product	lines.
We	exist	to	help	
you	belong	
Living	like	locals	
eeing	/	
get	–together
Local	exotic	
Purpose	takes	into	consideration	Culture,	because	its	born	out	of	people.		
There	always	is	either	an	origin	story,	a	unique	value	or	a	specific	idea	when	the	company	
was	founded.	
Identifying	and	using	it	in	the	purpose	helps	people	universally	to	resonate	with	the	
Dove infact failed miserably when it started its advertising around creaminess & softness.
Its success can be attributed only after they went beyond the roduct USP’s and searched for their brand
value (borne out of the Brand DNA & its marriage with the product USP).
The origin Story:
Dove was originally invented during world war 2. The need came from washing the deep scathes and
sensitive wounds of soldiers with great gentle care. Normal soaps were unable to do the same.
Values: Care beyond the skin, care beyond mere cleansing or beauty
Unique Brand Values
Therefore,	for	a	Corporate,	the	three	clear,	interdependent,	manifestations	of	a	compelling	Purpose	are…
Corporate	Purpose
Corporate	Purpose
• The	trust	and	loyalty	it	generates	in	an	
untrusting	consumer	environment
• Its	helps	in	wiping	the	slate	clean
• It	shapes	internal	culture	and	helps	in	
strengthening	internal	equity	by	aligning	
everyone	to	a	common	vision
• Empirical	evidence	that	meaningful	bands	
outperform	competitors	within	the	category
• Purpose	brands	attract	better	capital	and	
• Purpose	gives	a	brand	longevity	by	guiding	it	
entry	into	newer	businesses	and	products	
• In	a	digital	plus	world,	with	multiplicity	of	platforms,	
only	purpose	brands	can	break	the	clutter	to	get	the	
attention	of	an	overstimulated	consumer
• Purpose	brands	create	deeper	relationships	with	
consumers	as	they	impact	their	daily	lives
• Purposing	can	help	a	brand	create	many	more	
touchpoints	for	consumer	engagement

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