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When Data Visualizations and
Data Imports Just Don’t Work
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About Jim Kaplan, CIA, CFE
 President and Founder of AuditNet®,
the global resource for auditors
(available on iOS, Android and
Windows devices)
 Auditor, Web Site Guru,
 Internet for Auditors Pioneer
 IIA Bradford Cadmus Memorial
Award Recipient
 Local Government Auditor’s Lifetime
 Author of “The Auditor’s Guide to
Internet Resources” 2nd Edition
About AuditNet® LLC
• AuditNet®, the global resource for auditors, serves the global audit
community as the primary resource for Web-based auditing content. As the first online
audit portal, AuditNet® has been at the forefront of websites dedicated to promoting the
use of audit technology.
• Available on the Web, iPad, iPhone, Windows and Android devices and
• Over 2,900 Reusable Templates, Audit Programs, Questionnaires, and
Control Matrices
• Webinars focusing on fraud, data analytics, IT audit, and internal audit
with free CPE for subscribers and site license users.
• Audit guides, manuals, and books on audit basics and using audit
• LinkedIn Networking Groups
• Monthly Newsletters with Expert Guest Columnists
• Surveys on timely topics for internal auditors
The views expressed by the presenters do not necessarily represent the views,
positions, or opinions of AuditNet® LLC. These materials, and the oral
presentation accompanying them, are for educational purposes only and do not
constitute accounting or legal advice or create an accountant-client relationship.
While AuditNet® makes every effort to ensure information is accurate and
complete, AuditNet® makes no representations, guarantees, or warranties as to
the accuracy or completeness of the information provided via this presentation.
AuditNet® specifically disclaims all liability for any claims or damages that may
result from the information contained in this presentation, including any websites
maintained by third parties and linked to the AuditNet® website.
Any mention of commercial products is for information only; it does not imply
recommendation or endorsement by AuditNet® LLC
AuditNet® and cRisk Academy
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Richard B. Lanza, CPA, CFE, CGMA
• Managing Director in Innovation for Grant Thornton, LLP
• Over 25 years of ACL, Excel and other software usage
• Received the outstanding achievement in business award by the
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners for developing the publication
Proactively Detecting Fraud Using Computer Audit Reports as a
research project for the IIA
• Recently was a contributing author of:
• Detecting Corruption with Analytics: A Roadmap – The
International Institute for Analytics
• Global Technology Audit Guide (GTAG #13) Fraud In An
Automated World – Institute Of Internal Auditors.
• Cost Recovery – Turning Your Accounts Payable Department
Into A Profit Center – Wiley And Sons.
• Data Analytics: A Roadmap for Expanding Capabilities
(published 2018 in partnership with the IIA's Internal Audit
• In 2015, discovered a new textual analytic technique using letters
called the Lanza Approach to Letter Analytics (LALA)TM
The views expressed by the
presenters do not necessarily
represent the views, positions, or
opinions of Grant Thornton, LLP.
These materials, and the oral
presentation accompanyingthem,
are for educational purposes only
and do not constitute accounting
or legal advice or create an
accountant-client relationship.
Today’s Agenda
Walk through case studies of “dirty” data and how to improve then
using improved data requests and cleansing tools.
Watch case study examples of top tests to validate data tables to
ensure data quality.
Discover a host of baseline tests and other baseline statistics to
validate, understand and possibly extract key trends for review.
Understand visualization and dashboard types along with their
associated analytical strengths from an audit perspective.
Identify situations where statistics may be more effective audit
extractors than relying on the human eye to spot notable events.
Our perspective on the technology landscape
Source: Adapted from Forrester – Create A Road Map For A Real-Time, Agile, Self-Service Data Platform (Nov. 2017); Grant Thornton Analysis
So Much Time, / So Little Technology
Scratch That and Reverse It!
Overcoming Data Challenges
Normalizing data is 80% of the time (in the beginning)
 “By most accounts, 80 percent of the development effort in a big data project
goes into data integration and only 20 percent goes toward data analysis.” —
Intel Corporation
Data is in every process
 It may not be ERP / It may be in your “Big Data”
 90% of data is text
Audit (Internal & External) is the best partner to get the data
 They are independent / Not proving the data is a scope limitation
 Tend to establish the most secure data warehouses
Completely Requesting Data
Slide 9
Quick Process to Running
1. Know your audit objectives
2. Align reports to the objectives
3. Use past reports to model /refine reports
4. Set data requirements based on reports
5. Obtain, validate, and normalize data
6. Edit scripts for data needs
7. Run reports and document results
Page 10
Audit Objectives and
Process to Report Mapping
Clear Data Request
Page 13
Importing Various Data
Slide 14
Data Table Types (Sample)
Unicode Text
Mainframe (Cobol)
Microsoft (Excel, Access, SQL)
Quickbooks and QBO
PDF Files
Page 15
Data Import Exercise
Importing Various File Types
Fixed Length Fields
Delimited - Tab / CSV (Variable)
Excel (Variable)
Report (Multiple Record Fixed)
Page 16
Data Field Definition Flowchart
Is it a
Do you add or
subtract the
Define as a
date format
Divide by 100 or
multiply by .01
Define as a
character format
Define as a
Numeric format
Are there any
decimal places?
No No
Page 17
Unicode Considerations
Readable in Excel
Where to select the Unicode:
Page 18
PDF Conversion Options
• Free Online PDF to Excel Converter:
• ABBYY PDF Transformer:
• Able2Extract PDF Conversion:
• Import Wizard:
• PDF Converter:
• Monarch: – Most popular, ease of use, powerful,
• Free Beta -
Page 19
Free Quick Books Converter
Page 20
Working With Difficult Data
Slide 21
Text Editors
Combining Tables
Cleaning Tables
 Tabs, Delimiters, Titles, Etc.
• (Visualize Spaces in EditPadPro)
Page 22
Text Functions
Page 23
With a determined set of characters in a set string, the first character
is returned from, the left of the cell
Identifies the number of characters in a set and returns that as a
number in the cell
Lower case letters substitute upper case letters (reverse for upper)
Identifies characters in a set based on a start position and number of
characters which is determined by the user
Capitalizes the first letter of each character and the remaining are
Pulls the last set of character from a set and the number of character
is set by the user
Returns the text version of a number with a specified number format
(i.e., =TEXT(C999,"0.00") will convert 12345 into a text version of
Keeps single spaces only between words and removes all other
Text Functions
Page 24
Combines numerous strings to one stream (You can also
use the & character to combine/merge/join fields)
Repeats a character as many times as the user wants i.e. :
=REPT (“J”,10) wll lead to ‘JJJJJJJJJJ
Identifies a character with a number which is presented in
the cell.This number then can be used to convert other
CHAR to the number translate code from other sources
(i.e., CHAR(127) is a nonprintable character and CHAR(9)
is a tab)
CLEAN() From a text string, it removes the nonprintable characters
Works to substitute characters such as carriage returns or
other characters with blanks or valid characters for data
Date and Time Functions
Page 25
DATE() A date is created with a year, month, and day (i.e. : 2015,10,7)
DAY() By pointing to a specific field the function identifies the day
Identifies a hour in a time field which is set to military time (0:00-
23:00 hrs.)
MINUTE() Identifies the minutes in a time field which is set at 0-59
MONTH() Identifies the month in a time field which is set as 1=January
NOW() Sets to the actual current date and time
TODAY() Sets to the actual date
Date and Time Functions
Page 26
Identifies the ACTUAL Network days in a whole number from start to
finish dates. (weekends and holidays are excluded unless specified)
SECOND() Identifies seconds in a time field ie:0-59
Identifies a day during a specified week in a specific timeframe.
WEEKUM() Identifies a specific week number in the calendar year
YEAR() Identifies a year with a specific number i.e: 1900-9999
Normalizing a Data File /
Looking for Simple Duplication
 Identifies simple duplication in left 8 characters of a field
Page 27
Validating Data to Avoid
Garbage In = Garbage Out
Slide 28
Sample Data Validation – Accounts
Payable Other Questions
Make a checklist (to make sure you follow it):
Statistical analysis (totals, strata, high / low)
Agreement to batch totals, sample data and hardcopies is critical
Better to do it now instead of after the analysis
Page 29
Factors That
Increase Complexity / Errors
Nested IF formulas
Populated cells
Blank cells
Cells with formula errors
Text fields that should be numeric
Hidden worksheets and cells
External links
Page 30
Automating Data Imports
Process Characteristics for RPA
Automating Data ETL
• All of the Company's data is captured in an SAP G/L
• Audit team had to budget almost 100 hours just on
importing and combining various report extracts
• Data analytics and innovation were introduced in the
current year audit
• Data import process was reduced from 25 hours
/quarter to only 2 hours/quarter
Automated Data Normalization
• Store procedures for data cleanup once
• Create a normalized set of data fields named by YOU
• Ensure data quality tests are run prior to analysis
• Automate these routine tasks to increase analyst’s time
• Enrich the data by organizing it by type codes
Automated Data Normalization
and Validation
Data Mapping to
Common Fields Are
Converted to Final
Data Spec Using
ACL Scripts
Page 35
Robotic Process Automation Limitations
RPA cannot read any data that is non-electronic with unstructured inputs
• An example would be input such as paper invoices. In this case, RPA will only work with a collection of other implemented
technologies (such as OCR) required to make it digital and structured.
RPA requires some form of static consistency
• For example, invoices may be received in different formats, with fields placed in different areas. For a ‘Bot’ to be able to read an
invoice, all supplier invoices must be received in the same format with the same fields.
• Although robots can be trained by exception to read different fields, they cannot read multiple different formats – unless these are
all digital and configured separately.
RPA is not a cognitive computing solution
• It cannot learn from experience and therefore has a ‘shelf life’.
• As processes evolve – for example, through the introduction and use of other technologies — they may become redundant and
require changes.
• It is therefore wise for a company to examine the process prior to building a ‘Bot’. Applied to a process that is inefficient and/or on
the way out, that shelf life may be reduced to just a year.
Applying RPA to a broken and inefficient process will not fix it – "paving cowpaths"
• RPA is not a Business Process Management solution and does not bring an end-to-end process view
• The same goes for out of date infrastructure – RPA will only mask the underlying issues.
• Clients should focus first on addressing the root causes of their process or technology inefficiencies and then apply RPA to
maximize the benefits.
Data extends beyond
accounting systems
Structured Data
 Accounting records
 Sub ledger details
 Monthly performance
Unstructured DataUnstructured Data
 Documents (Excel, PDF)
 Emails
 Network Logs
External DataExternal Data
 Geomap Service
 OFAC, SAM.Gov Watch
 IRS Tax ID Match
The Value of Visualizations
Data analytics defined – AICPA
"The science and art of discovering and analyzing
patterns, identifying anomalies, and extracting
other useful information in data underlying or related
to the subject matter of an audit through analysis,
modeling, and visualization for the purpose of
planning or performing the audit".
Exploratory vs. Confirmatory
Exploratory analytics Confirmatory analytics
Bottom-up and inductive Top-down and deductive
What does the data suggest is happening? Is the subject matter consistent with my model
On what assertions should we focus? Are there deviations that are individually
significant or that form a pattern?
Most useful in audit planning Most useful with substantive or controls
Dashboards, Dashbaords,
Dashboards – Oh My
When Visualizations Work
Trending Revenue
 Store sales were expected to decrease year over year
 One store closed
 One store had 2.3% increase overall (but that tells only
part of the story)
Visualizations Video:
Social Network Analysis
How is SNA useful?
• The classic use case for SNA is analyzing the connections between people
on Social Networking websites ( Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)
• SNA can be used to gain a better understanding of fraud
• Connections of individuals can be examined for potential collusion
• Ringleaders can be discovered quickly
• Connections between known fraud records and nonfraud records
can give auditors/investigators new leads to follow
The Limits of Visualizations
Audit procedures Data Analytic approach
Recalculation Using robotic process automation to check the mathematical
accuracy of documents and records
Reperformance The continuous reperformance and testing on a 100 percent basis
(i.e. account reconciliations)
Focused and precise analytics utilized during the planning,
substantive and concluding phases of the audit that analyze the
plausibility and predictability of a given relationship and identify
differences that could give rise to a potential misstatement (i.e.
regression, volatility)
Confirmation Obtaining a information from a third party to test a specific condition
Inspection Utilizing the process of mining event logs to inspect and corroborate
the accuracy of information
Analytics to Obtain Audit Evidence
Transactional Risk Scoring
New Functions To Learn
Page 48
Focus on 2 and 3 Std
Consider Sampling
“Strata of Z”
Math Functions
Page 49
VALUE() A number is given to identify a string now as a number
Returns true if the formula leads to a NA solution – This is
normally combined with IF so =IF(ISNA(C3/D3),0,(D3/D3))
AVERAGE() Is the mean of a range of cells set in the average function
Provides the middle number between the largest set value of
numbers and the lowest value of numbers
MAX() Provides the top value in a set of values
MIN() Provides the lowest value in a set of values
STDEV() Calculates the standard deviation for a range of numbers
Math Functions
Page 50
ABS() Turns a negative or positive number into a positive number
Determines whether a number is round to a divisor set by the
user (i.e. : divisor equals 1000 and all numbers where MOD() are
=0 would be round to 1000)
ROUND() Sets a number to a specified decimal place
Journal Entry Stratification
In this case, 15 of the 65
largest journal entries
make up 94% of the net
income effect
Millions of journal entries
can be compressed into a
single view.
Each of these items can
be further explored by
location, segment, and
entry process/employee.
Compressing the G/L Sequences
1,000 Journal Entries of:
• Debit: A/R
• Credit: Revenue
The account combination is then summarized into 1 unique account sequence:
Sequence Occurrences DR CR
ACCSEQ_1 1,000 A/R Revenue
Limits of Word Clouds
Predictive Analytic Times
Slide 53
The First and Last Letters
Tell the Story
• It deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod
are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat
ltteer be at the rghit pclae.
Unstructured Text and Letter Analytics
“The Benford’s Law of Words”
• Same words tend to occur year over
• Changes may indicate some change
in the client that could affect risk
Letter Analysis
Scatter Chart
Page 57
Adding Labels to a Scatter - Video on the scatter macro - Macro for running the scatter
Page 58
AuditNet® and cRisk Academy
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to this webinar recording
If you are watching the
recording, and would like to
obtain CPE credit for this
Previous AuditNet® webinars
are also available on-demand for
CPE credit
Use coupon code: 50OFF for a
discount on this webinar for one week
Thank You!
Jim Kaplan
AuditNet® LLC
Richard B. Lanza, CPA, CFE, CGMA
Contact Information
D: +1 732 516 5527
M: +1 732 331 3494

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When Data Visualizations and Data Imports Just Don’t Work

  • 1. When Data Visualizations and Data Imports Just Don’t Work Slide 0 About Jim Kaplan, CIA, CFE  President and Founder of AuditNet®, the global resource for auditors (available on iOS, Android and Windows devices)  Auditor, Web Site Guru,  Internet for Auditors Pioneer  IIA Bradford Cadmus Memorial Award Recipient  Local Government Auditor’s Lifetime Award  Author of “The Auditor’s Guide to Internet Resources” 2nd Edition 1 0 1
  • 2. About AuditNet® LLC • AuditNet®, the global resource for auditors, serves the global audit community as the primary resource for Web-based auditing content. As the first online audit portal, AuditNet® has been at the forefront of websites dedicated to promoting the use of audit technology. • Available on the Web, iPad, iPhone, Windows and Android devices and features: • Over 2,900 Reusable Templates, Audit Programs, Questionnaires, and Control Matrices • Webinars focusing on fraud, data analytics, IT audit, and internal audit with free CPE for subscribers and site license users. • Audit guides, manuals, and books on audit basics and using audit technology • LinkedIn Networking Groups • Monthly Newsletters with Expert Guest Columnists • Surveys on timely topics for internal auditors Introductions 2 The views expressed by the presenters do not necessarily represent the views, positions, or opinions of AuditNet® LLC. These materials, and the oral presentation accompanying them, are for educational purposes only and do not constitute accounting or legal advice or create an accountant-client relationship. While AuditNet® makes every effort to ensure information is accurate and complete, AuditNet® makes no representations, guarantees, or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided via this presentation. AuditNet® specifically disclaims all liability for any claims or damages that may result from the information contained in this presentation, including any websites maintained by third parties and linked to the AuditNet® website. Any mention of commercial products is for information only; it does not imply recommendation or endorsement by AuditNet® LLC 3 2 3
  • 3. AuditNet® and cRisk Academy If you would like forever access to this webinar recording If you are watching the recording, and would like to obtain CPE credit for this webinar Previous AuditNet® webinars are also available on-demand for CPE credit Use coupon code: 50OFF for a discount on this webinar for one week 4 Richard B. Lanza, CPA, CFE, CGMA • Managing Director in Innovation for Grant Thornton, LLP • Over 25 years of ACL, Excel and other software usage • Received the outstanding achievement in business award by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners for developing the publication Proactively Detecting Fraud Using Computer Audit Reports as a research project for the IIA • Recently was a contributing author of: • Detecting Corruption with Analytics: A Roadmap – The International Institute for Analytics • Global Technology Audit Guide (GTAG #13) Fraud In An Automated World – Institute Of Internal Auditors. • Cost Recovery – Turning Your Accounts Payable Department Into A Profit Center – Wiley And Sons. • Data Analytics: A Roadmap for Expanding Capabilities (published 2018 in partnership with the IIA's Internal Audit Foundation) • In 2015, discovered a new textual analytic technique using letters called the Lanza Approach to Letter Analytics (LALA)TM 5 The views expressed by the presenters do not necessarily represent the views, positions, or opinions of Grant Thornton, LLP. These materials, and the oral presentation accompanyingthem, are for educational purposes only and do not constitute accounting or legal advice or create an accountant-client relationship. 4 5
  • 4. Today’s Agenda Walk through case studies of “dirty” data and how to improve then using improved data requests and cleansing tools. Watch case study examples of top tests to validate data tables to ensure data quality. Discover a host of baseline tests and other baseline statistics to validate, understand and possibly extract key trends for review. Understand visualization and dashboard types along with their associated analytical strengths from an audit perspective. Identify situations where statistics may be more effective audit extractors than relying on the human eye to spot notable events. 6 Our perspective on the technology landscape Source: Adapted from Forrester – Create A Road Map For A Real-Time, Agile, Self-Service Data Platform (Nov. 2017); Grant Thornton Analysis 7 So Much Time, / So Little Technology Scratch That and Reverse It! 6 7
  • 5. Overcoming Data Challenges Normalizing data is 80% of the time (in the beginning)  “By most accounts, 80 percent of the development effort in a big data project goes into data integration and only 20 percent goes toward data analysis.” — Intel Corporation Data is in every process  It may not be ERP / It may be in your “Big Data”  90% of data is text Audit (Internal & External) is the best partner to get the data  They are independent / Not proving the data is a scope limitation  Tend to establish the most secure data warehouses 8 Completely Requesting Data Slide 9 8 9
  • 6. Quick Process to Running Data 1. Know your audit objectives 2. Align reports to the objectives 3. Use past reports to model /refine reports 4. Set data requirements based on reports 5. Obtain, validate, and normalize data 6. Edit scripts for data needs 7. Run reports and document results Page 10 Audit Objectives and Questions 11 10 11
  • 7. Process to Report Mapping Clear Data Request Page 13 12 13
  • 8. Importing Various Data Slide 14 Data Table Types (Sample) ASCII Text Unicode Text EBCIDIC (IBM) Mainframe (Cobol) Microsoft (Excel, Access, SQL) Quickbooks and QBO PDF Files Page 15 14 15
  • 9. Data Import Exercise Importing Various File Types Fixed Length Fields Delimited - Tab / CSV (Variable) Excel (Variable) Report (Multiple Record Fixed) Page 16 Data Field Definition Flowchart Is it a date? Do you add or subtract the field? Define as a date format Divide by 100 or multiply by .01 Yes Yes Define as a character format Define as a Numeric format Are there any decimal places? Yes No No No Page 17 16 17
  • 10. Unicode Considerations Readable in Excel Where to select the Unicode: Page 18 PDF Conversion Options • Free Online PDF to Excel Converter: • ABBYY PDF Transformer: • PDF2XL: • Able2Extract PDF Conversion: • Import Wizard: • PDF Converter: • Monarch: – Most popular, ease of use, powerful, • Free Beta - Page 19 18 19
  • 11. Free Quick Books Converter Page 20 Working With Difficult Data Slide 21 20 21
  • 12. Text Editors Combining Tables  PAID FILE Copy of PAID FILE Cleaning Tables  Tabs, Delimiters, Titles, Etc. • (Visualize Spaces in EditPadPro) – – Page 22 Text Functions Page 23 LEFT() With a determined set of characters in a set string, the first character is returned from, the left of the cell LEN() Identifies the number of characters in a set and returns that as a number in the cell LOWER() UPPER() Lower case letters substitute upper case letters (reverse for upper) MID() Identifies characters in a set based on a start position and number of characters which is determined by the user PROPER() Capitalizes the first letter of each character and the remaining are lowercase RIGHT() Pulls the last set of character from a set and the number of character is set by the user TEXT() Returns the text version of a number with a specified number format (i.e., =TEXT(C999,"0.00") will convert 12345 into a text version of 12345.00) TRIM() Keeps single spaces only between words and removes all other spaces 22 23
  • 13. Text Functions Page 24 CONCATENATE() Combines numerous strings to one stream (You can also use the & character to combine/merge/join fields) REPT() Repeats a character as many times as the user wants i.e. : =REPT (“J”,10) wll lead to ‘JJJJJJJJJJ CHAR() Identifies a character with a number which is presented in the cell.This number then can be used to convert other CHAR to the number translate code from other sources (i.e., CHAR(127) is a nonprintable character and CHAR(9) is a tab) CLEAN() From a text string, it removes the nonprintable characters SUBSTITUTE() Works to substitute characters such as carriage returns or other characters with blanks or valid characters for data processing. Date and Time Functions Page 25 DATE() A date is created with a year, month, and day (i.e. : 2015,10,7) DAY() By pointing to a specific field the function identifies the day HOUR() Identifies a hour in a time field which is set to military time (0:00- 23:00 hrs.) MINUTE() Identifies the minutes in a time field which is set at 0-59 MONTH() Identifies the month in a time field which is set as 1=January NOW() Sets to the actual current date and time TODAY() Sets to the actual date 24 25
  • 14. Date and Time Functions Page 26 NETWORKS () Identifies the ACTUAL Network days in a whole number from start to finish dates. (weekends and holidays are excluded unless specified) SECOND() Identifies seconds in a time field ie:0-59 WEEKDAY() Identifies a day during a specified week in a specific timeframe. 1=Sunday WEEKUM() Identifies a specific week number in the calendar year YEAR() Identifies a year with a specific number i.e: 1900-9999 Normalizing a Data File / Looking for Simple Duplication  Identifies simple duplication in left 8 characters of a field Page 27 26 27
  • 15. Validating Data to Avoid Garbage In = Garbage Out Slide 28 Sample Data Validation – Accounts Payable Other Questions Make a checklist (to make sure you follow it): Statistical analysis (totals, strata, high / low) Agreement to batch totals, sample data and hardcopies is critical Better to do it now instead of after the analysis Page 29 28 29
  • 16. Factors That Increase Complexity / Errors Formulas Nested IF formulas Populated cells Labels Blank cells Cells with formula errors Text fields that should be numeric Hidden worksheets and cells External links Page 30 Automating Data Imports 31 30 31
  • 17. Process Characteristics for RPA 32 Automating Data ETL • All of the Company's data is captured in an SAP G/L • Audit team had to budget almost 100 hours just on importing and combining various report extracts • Data analytics and innovation were introduced in the current year audit • Data import process was reduced from 25 hours /quarter to only 2 hours/quarter 33 32 33
  • 18. Automated Data Normalization • Store procedures for data cleanup once • Create a normalized set of data fields named by YOU • Ensure data quality tests are run prior to analysis • Automate these routine tasks to increase analyst’s time • Enrich the data by organizing it by type codes 34 Automated Data Normalization and Validation Data Mapping to Common Fields Are Converted to Final Data Spec Using ACL Scripts Page 35 34 35
  • 19. Robotic Process Automation Limitations 36 RPA cannot read any data that is non-electronic with unstructured inputs • An example would be input such as paper invoices. In this case, RPA will only work with a collection of other implemented technologies (such as OCR) required to make it digital and structured. RPA requires some form of static consistency • For example, invoices may be received in different formats, with fields placed in different areas. For a ‘Bot’ to be able to read an invoice, all supplier invoices must be received in the same format with the same fields. • Although robots can be trained by exception to read different fields, they cannot read multiple different formats – unless these are all digital and configured separately. RPA is not a cognitive computing solution • It cannot learn from experience and therefore has a ‘shelf life’. • As processes evolve – for example, through the introduction and use of other technologies — they may become redundant and require changes. • It is therefore wise for a company to examine the process prior to building a ‘Bot’. Applied to a process that is inefficient and/or on the way out, that shelf life may be reduced to just a year. Applying RPA to a broken and inefficient process will not fix it – "paving cowpaths" • RPA is not a Business Process Management solution and does not bring an end-to-end process view • The same goes for out of date infrastructure – RPA will only mask the underlying issues. • Clients should focus first on addressing the root causes of their process or technology inefficiencies and then apply RPA to maximize the benefits. Data extends beyond accounting systems 37 Structured Data  Accounting records  Sub ledger details  Monthly performance measures Unstructured DataUnstructured Data  Documents (Excel, PDF)  Emails  Network Logs External DataExternal Data  Geomap Service  OFAC, SAM.Gov Watch Lists  IRS Tax ID Match 36 37
  • 20. The Value of Visualizations 38 Data analytics defined – AICPA "The science and art of discovering and analyzing patterns, identifying anomalies, and extracting other useful information in data underlying or related to the subject matter of an audit through analysis, modeling, and visualization for the purpose of planning or performing the audit". 39 38 39
  • 21. Exploratory vs. Confirmatory 40 Exploratory analytics Confirmatory analytics Bottom-up and inductive Top-down and deductive What does the data suggest is happening? Is the subject matter consistent with my model On what assertions should we focus? Are there deviations that are individually significant or that form a pattern? Most useful in audit planning Most useful with substantive or controls assurance Dashboards, Dashbaords, Dashboards – Oh My 41 Visualizations 40 41
  • 22. When Visualizations Work Trending Revenue  Store sales were expected to decrease year over year  One store closed  One store had 2.3% increase overall (but that tells only part of the story) 42 Visualizations Video: Social Network Analysis 43 42 43
  • 23. How is SNA useful? Influencers • The classic use case for SNA is analyzing the connections between people on Social Networking websites ( Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) Fraud • SNA can be used to gain a better understanding of fraud • Connections of individuals can be examined for potential collusion • Ringleaders can be discovered quickly • Connections between known fraud records and nonfraud records can give auditors/investigators new leads to follow 44 The Limits of Visualizations 45 44 45
  • 24. 46 Audit procedures Data Analytic approach Recalculation Using robotic process automation to check the mathematical accuracy of documents and records Reperformance The continuous reperformance and testing on a 100 percent basis (i.e. account reconciliations) Analytical procedures Focused and precise analytics utilized during the planning, substantive and concluding phases of the audit that analyze the plausibility and predictability of a given relationship and identify differences that could give rise to a potential misstatement (i.e. regression, volatility) Confirmation Obtaining a information from a third party to test a specific condition Inspection Utilizing the process of mining event logs to inspect and corroborate the accuracy of information Analytics to Obtain Audit Evidence Transactional Risk Scoring 47 46 47
  • 25. New Functions To Learn Page 48 Focus on 2 and 3 Std Deviations Consider Sampling “Strata of Z” Math Functions Page 49 VALUE() A number is given to identify a string now as a number ISNA() Returns true if the formula leads to a NA solution – This is normally combined with IF so =IF(ISNA(C3/D3),0,(D3/D3)) AVERAGE() Is the mean of a range of cells set in the average function MEDIAN() Provides the middle number between the largest set value of numbers and the lowest value of numbers MAX() Provides the top value in a set of values MIN() Provides the lowest value in a set of values STDEV() Calculates the standard deviation for a range of numbers 48 49
  • 26. Math Functions Page 50 ABS() Turns a negative or positive number into a positive number MOD() Determines whether a number is round to a divisor set by the user (i.e. : divisor equals 1000 and all numbers where MOD() are =0 would be round to 1000) ROUND() Sets a number to a specified decimal place Journal Entry Stratification In this case, 15 of the 65 largest journal entries make up 94% of the net income effect Millions of journal entries can be compressed into a single view. Each of these items can be further explored by location, segment, and entry process/employee. 51 50 51
  • 27. Compressing the G/L Sequences 52 EXAMPLE DATA: 1,000 Journal Entries of: • Debit: A/R • Credit: Revenue The account combination is then summarized into 1 unique account sequence: Sequence Occurrences DR CR ACCSEQ_1 1,000 A/R Revenue Limits of Word Clouds Predictive Analytic Times Slide 53 52 53
  • 28. The First and Last Letters Tell the Story • It deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. 54 Unstructured Text and Letter Analytics “The Benford’s Law of Words” 55 • Same words tend to occur year over year • Changes may indicate some change in the client that could affect risk assessment 54 55
  • 30. Adding Labels to a Scatter - Video on the scatter macro - Macro for running the scatter Page 58 59 Questions? 58 59
  • 31. AuditNet® and cRisk Academy If you would like forever access to this webinar recording If you are watching the recording, and would like to obtain CPE credit for this webinar Previous AuditNet® webinars are also available on-demand for CPE credit Use coupon code: 50OFF for a discount on this webinar for one week 60 Thank You! Jim Kaplan AuditNet® LLC 1-800-385-1625 Email: Richard B. Lanza, CPA, CFE, CGMA Contact Information D: +1 732 516 5527 M: +1 732 331 3494 Email: 61 60 61