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What Is Germany
Country Overview According to the US Central Intelligence Agency (US CIA), Germany is
Europe's largest economy and second most populated nation. It's located in Central Europe and
borders the Baltic and North Sea. Germany sits between Netherlands and Poland and is just south of
Denmark. The country itself is the seventh–largest European country (Europe). Because of this, the
topography varies throughout the country. The North European Plain stretches across the northern
part of the country. This part is flat and has lowland terrain with many bogs, rivers, and streams. The
area along the Baltic coast is mostly sandy with small hills. The south side of the lowland has a wide
zone of fertile loess. A loess is a sediment that forms from the ... Show more content on ...
Thirty–seven of the world's 500 largest companies (based on stock) are headquartered in Germany.
Many of those companies are car companies like Volkswagen and BMW. Other large names include
Adidas and Puma. These companies are popular clothing and shoe brands found in the US. The
retail store Aldi along with the computer software program, SAP, can also be found in Germany.
Many of these businesses are headquartered near the largest cities in the country. Berlin is the largest
city with over 3,275,000 people (Elledge). The second largest city is Hamburg with 1,686,100 with
Munich following close behind with 1,185,400 people (Elledge). (Unless otherwise noted, all data in
the above paragraph came from the article "Germany Industry Sectors".)
Government & Political Environment The government in Germany is a federal parliamentary
republic. In a government like this, typically most of the executive power is in the Cabinet and the
President is more of a figurehead to the country. The president, Frank–Walter Steinmeier, has been
in office since March 19, 2017 and is the Chief of State. The Head of Government is Chancellor
Angela Merkel, who has been in office since November 22, 2005. Today, the traditional industries
like textiles and steel are declining (Germany– Future Trends). The new growth focuses on finance
and high technology. This will help increase productivity and globalization of business. This current
trend is forcing Germany to invest a lot of money into
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Germany Research Paper
The Religions, Holidays, Festivals, and Food of Germany
Germany is a small country, yet multitudinous diversity composes it within. Composed of East and
West Germany, the country has a variation of language, religion, and people (Germany 151).
However, this diversity does not take away from the country, instead, it only makes the culture of
Germany unique in many ways. Three very important aspects of the German culture that make the
country distinct are religion, holidays, festivals, and food.
To begin, the religion of Germany is very diverse, yet it completes the German culture. The being of
religious diversity began with the Reformation. The Reformation brought Protestantism into the
predominately Roman Catholic country ... Show more content on ...
Yet, Germany's church and state do work together in a partnership. The state finances part of the
cost of church establishments (such as kindergartens and schools) in return for the taxes the church
imposes on its member's to repay the government (447). This system between church and state not
only assists the church, but it also benefits the people of Germany.
Germany's Basic Law protects a variety of religions. Kappler states that, "more than fifty–five
million people in Germany belong to a Christian church, twenty–eight million are Protestants,
twenty–seven million are Roman Catholic, and a minority belongs to other Christian
denominations" (447). Statistically, this breaks down to "thirty–five percent of the German people
are Protestants (mostly Lutherans), thirty–four percent are Roman Catholic, and two percent are
Muslims" ("Germany" 151). This diversity in religion gives birth to many different churches. One
type of Evangelical church in Germany, the EKD, is a community of twenty–four independent
Lutheran, Reformed and United regional churches (447). The Synod is the main legislative body of
this organization, with a chief executive body of Council (447). The church office in Hanover is its
central administration headquarters. The members of this organization meet through the church
conference, and cooperate closely with the Roman
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The History Of Germany
Day 1
By moving an army into Silesia, we gained their territory. Although they lack a supply center
Germany need their country to expand. They will fail as a world power we do not take over
surrounding vulnerable land. Our plan was that once we gained Silesia we would head east, to
Warsaw. This plan is now compromised due to Russia's invasion of Warsaw before we could get to
The Nation that I see as the largest threat is England. One of our outstanding spies (me) lied to
England and told them we were Austria Hungary. In result they asked for an alliance and told us
their entire plan about taking over Germany. England was going after our supply centers and they
have other nations that are in on the plan. That is why me and my fellow ... Show more content on ...
Day 2
Germany has advanced into Norway, If we keep our army there for the next spring turn we can
possibly gain control. We have managed to keep control of our own land although we did not gain
anything new. Our team decided we needed to keep a military force close to were austria hungary
was heading towards, Resulting in us moving our army to the south of the country and our second
army attacking.
The Nations that are our current enemies are Austria hungary. We see them as a threat because we
heard them conspiring against us. They are alliances with our other enemy, England so we are
certain they can not be trusted. If Austria Hungary send any opposing forces we will have no choice
to give them our entire attention.
Our strategy is to know how long to keep an alliance. We do not want to avoid gaining land due to
our alliances so we are keeping our options open. After Russia supports us in attacking Austria
Hungary, we will not need them for anything else. If we keep our country's best interest in mind and
stop worrying about treaties, we believe we can win.
The Alliances we have formed are a triple alliance including Turkey and Russia. We have both
countries willing to support us in our attacking against Austria hungary. Once they assist us in
attacking we can assist them in their attack against England. This benefit us because we know
England is after our supply centers. If this information
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Reunified Germany Timeline
February 7, 1990 – The Central Committee of the Soviet–Communist Party dissolves.
Feb. 11, 1990 – South African anti–apartheid activist, Nelson Mandela, is freed after 27 years as a
political prisoner in Cape Town, South Africa.
October 3, 1990 – East and West Germany come together on what is known as "Unity Day" in less
than a year after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Two months following reunification, Helmut Kohl
became the first chancellor of the reunified Germany.
April 1, 1990 – The 1990 census is conducted, counting 248,718,301, for an increase of 9.8% over
the 1980 census. This is the smallest increase in the population rate since 1940.
April 24, 1990 – The Hubble Telescope is placed into orbit by the United States Space Shuttle:
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Bureaucracy In Germany
The Prussian state developed a well institutionalized bureaucracy and a well–developed legal system
with strong protection of private property and enforcement of contracts. What was the main drive
behind the development of an efficient meritocratic government in Prussia? Explain how this (the
main drive in the prior answer) promoted an efficient bureaucracy. (Chapter 4)
Prussia was a liberal autocracy and the citizens did not have any way to directly hold the state
accountable for these rights, however even with this type of government structure, the state had
sustainable protections regarding the rights of its citizens. What caused the successfulness in the
development of an efficient meritocratic government in Prussia was its Rechtsstaat. Rechtsstaat ...
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In addition, the kaiser could not intrude in citizens' legal cases. The government was regulated and
transparent and it later developed legal limitations on arbitrary rulers. Fukuyama states, that as a
result of these policies in the Prussian government, Germany's industrialization, economy and
development increased significantly from 1871 to 1941.
Consequently, Germany surpassed Britain's industrial potential in Europe.
2) What is corruption? Why is corruption a serious problem? (Chapter 5)
Corruption is a vital obstruction to the economic growth and equality regarded in countries,
especially poor, undeveloped countries. Corruption is also regarded as officials using public
resources for private advantages. These definitions suggest that corruption occurs in modern or
developing states only.
Corruption can be critical for developing countries; an example of this is where foreign aid and
loans are used for private gain by officials instead of aiding the country. Countries that are corrupt
generally have difficult problems in providing services, enforcing laws and representing the public's
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Otto Von Bismarck : The Partification Of Germany In Germany
World History
Assignment Number 1
Submitted by:
Ahmed Najeeb
Abdul Mannan Fouzi
Ali Haider Cheema
Huzaif Abbas Credit Illustration by Patrick Thomas; images from Hulton–Deutsch Collection and
Corbis Otto Von Bismarck (1st April, 1815 – 30th July, 1898)
One of Bismarck's more modern biographers states "Otto Von Bismarck made Germany but never
ruled it" (Steinberg, 2011). To begin with, any study of pre–World War Europe would be incomplete
without a thorough assessment of Bismarck and his work, especially when someone like Adolf
Hitler in his Mein Kampf talks about "Bismarck's Empire", "Bismarck's Reich" and "Bismarck's
Germany" (Hitler, 1971). Bismarck is credited with the unification of the German states in the late
nineteenth century. But how did he do that? And what was "Bismarck's Reich"? These are some of
the questions we will be answering.
In 1862, he was appointed the Minister–President of Prussia by King Wilhelm I. This proved to be a
decisive moment in his career since from then on Bismarck would spearhead a number of wars and
treaties that ultimately lead to the unification of German states. The first began in 1864 when the
Prussians attacked Denmark and took control of German–speaking territories Schleswig–Holstein.
The German–Prussian army then went on to fight the Austro–Prussian war better known as the
Seven Weeks' war in 1866 against the Austrians in what can be termed as somewhat of an upset. The
Austrian–Hungarian House of Habsburg (it should be noted that this is the same house to which the
Archduke Franz Ferdinand belonged, whose assassination incited the First World War and who
Hitler despised) finally knew that the fate of the German people could never again be decided
without the consent of this new "Iron Chancellor". This was followed by the Franco–Prussian war in
1870 which was once again won by Bismarck and the Prussians. By now Bismarck had defeated
Napoleon III. The French had envisioned an easy victory against the Prussians and had expected
help from Italy and Austria–Hungary, none of which arrived. But once again, Bismarck was too
smart for the likes of the French and was not going to let petty alliances get in the way of his Reich.
Two years after crushing the French, in 1873
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The Role Of Immigrants In Germany
"One thing unites Khuê Pham, Özlem Topçu and Alice Bota: They are German citizens and the
children of migrants in a country that has long struggled to define its relationship with foreigners"
(Lindsey), these three girls know firsthand what it is like to be a different than everyone around you.
Although they have only ever known Germany as home themselves, German natives see them
differently because their family did not originate in Germany. This real–world example attests to this
country's previous outlook on immigration, sometimes even current outlook. There are many
different factors that can contribute to the decision to migrate, and Germany has been a prime
location for immigrants. Population, economics, political indicators, and cultural perspectives are
some examples of these factors. Most immigrants choose Germany for the job opportunities, and
arrive as guest workers. According to the Federal Office of Migration and Refugees, there are a few
different circumstances one may be allowed to enter Germany as a guest worker. An example would
be "Family reunification". There are several indicators that explain why Germany is appealing to
those looking to relocate, and these same indicators can drive migrants away from their homeland.
There are many different reasons for someone to migrate to a new country, and Germany did not
necessarily accept immigrants when they first started flowing in. Many came due to difficult
situations in their homeland, or immigrants were
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Germany, And The Federal Republic Of Germany
Germany, or the Federal Republic of Germany, was officially founded 1871 by Otto von Bismarck.
Since then, Germany has had a rich history. As a young nation looking to get more territory,
Germany fought in World War I. However, its loss in the war led to severe punishments in the Treaty
of Versailles, leading to bitterness and resentment among the German people, as well as an
economic depression. These harsh conditions helped to set the stage for Fascism in Germany.
Toppling the Weimar Republic, the Nazi party (the National Social Workers' Party) made a quick
ascent to power. Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazi party, envisioned a new era of glory for
Germany: a Third Reich. His eventual invasion of Poland in sparked the beginning of World War II.
During the war, Germany, along with the other Axis Powers, Japan and Italy, expanded into parts of
Europe and Asia. Hitler invaded Poland, Denmark, Norway, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, and The
Netherlands within the first two years of the war. Determined to create the "perfect Aryan race,"
Hitler set up concentration camps all over Europe. Jews, Communists, and political enemies were
imprisoned in these camps, and millions died while in them. However, after years of war and
multiple significant losses, Hitler committed suicide. Germany surrendered in 1945, shortly
following Hitler's death.
After the war, the decimated Germany was split into four occupation zones by the Allies. There were
three Western zones, occupied by
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Germany Research Paper
Germany does not have a perfect history, and hasn't always had a perfect government, nevertheless,
Germany has had a long and colorful history. Germany has its beginnings in the year 843 A.D.
Thanks to the Treaty of Verdun, the Carolingian Empire was divided among Charlemagne's
grandsons. This led to the creation of France and Germany. Although Germany was overseen by a
monarch, tribe chieftains did most of the work to take care of and defend the country. Germany
seemed to be too difficult to handle from an outsider's point of view. As a result, the chieftains
became dukes, and, once the line of Charlemagne ran out in the year 911, one of the dukes became
the new king of Germany. At this point in German history, the rulers of various states began to vote
for their king. However, like many European countries, Germany eventually came under the rule of
the Holy Roman Empire from 962 until the mid–17th century. But, like before, Germany proved too
difficult to control, and Germany was split among 300 princes after the Thirty Year's War. The
Germanies, as it was now called, was still a part of the Holy Roman Empire, but it was by name
only. After a while, though, the German people grew tired of disunity. Austria and Prussia (the
largest powers of the Germanies) fought for control over the Germanies, and Prussia won. Austria
pulled out of the Germanies, and until World War II Germany was unified. Germany was then
divided until around 1989.
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Communism In Germany
It all started when the rise of the Nazi Party came. Under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, and founded
in 1919, the National Socialist German Workers Party, or Nazi Party, grew into much more than a
meeting on the streets. It grew into a mass movement. The movement itself was Anti–Semitism and
had much turmoil with the Treaty of Versailles. It had helped put an end to the first World War. Once
Hitler was given power over Germany, he swiftly persuaded the people against the Treaty. In 1929,
Germany was in a state of economic depression, and unemployment. Once Nazi power hit, it swore
in more of the party, leading them to get 230 out of the 608 seats, located in Reichstag. January
1933, Hitler was appointed Chancellor and quickly banned ... Show more content on ...
Winston Churchill replaced Neville Chamberlain at the Prime Minister, this went on from June to
October 1940. British people suffered in the war, due to the bombings in Britain. They kept going,
and Britain was able to keep off Germany. Once Pearl Harbor happened, US supported the Allied
powers, in the forms of Lend Lease Act. This caused Germany on May 7th, 1945, Britain lost
300,000 fighting men, and 60,000 people in World War Two. On September 3rd, 1939, France
declared war on Germany after in invasion of Poland. This plunged the world into the beginning of
World War Two. Bombings, executions, and deportation were the main problem in France. Soon, on
May 10th, the Battle of France was the invasion of the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg.
This made France fall and full retreat of British soldiers. On May 27th to June 4th was known as
Operation Dynamo, when 300,00 french and British men were evacuated by boats from the beach,
around 40,000 soldiers were either killed or
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Essay On Germany
Germany is the seventh–largest European country. The North European Plain of Germany is flat,
lowland terrain that has several rivers, streams, and is mostly used as farmland. The North Sea
coastline is made up of marshy wet land, with dikes, mudflats and scattered islands, while The
Baltic Sea coastline has more hills with some jagged cliffs. Germany's largest island is called Rugen
which is forested and rather hilly with steep cliffs and sandy beaches. In the northeast, near the city
of Berlin, the land remains sandy and is consisted of small lakes formed by retreating glaciers from
the last Ice Age. In central Germany, the land rises into forested uplands that include the volcanic
origin Harz Mountains and the thickly wooded ... Show more content on ...
On the Autobahn there is a recommended speed limit of 130 km/p (80 mph) that help ease traffic
problems throughout the country. German communication styles are honest and direct. They
generally speak the truth clearly and arrive straight to the point without using much tact to cushion
their words. This approach can feel blunt to a non–German, but it's simply their way of ensuring
clear communication. Germans are generally accustomed to having smaller proximities of personal
space. The people of Germany are extremely punctual and may view those who are late as
unreliable. Many Germans reserve their smile for individuals they personally know and are consider
to have more serious exterior. When being sincere or speaking of something serious, it is important
to maintain eye contact. Avoiding eye contact is seen as an indication of dishonesty or a lack of
confidence. When German speaks to other adults, they normally approach them formally by
referring to them as Frau (Mrs.) and Herr (Mr.) At the start of the First World War, Germany
attacked France through Belgium to avoid French defenses on the French–German border. They
were beaten back at the First Battle of the Marne. Three years of stalemated trench warfare on the
Western Front produced millions of casualties (with one–third killed). New tactics in 1918 opened
up the war, but a series of
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The Illuminati In Germany
The Illuminati is the superior group of people who know many different things that a lot of people
don't know.
First, Baron von Knigge, the man who initially merged the Illuminati with Freemasonry, quit the
Illuminati in 1784 after Adam refused to make him an equal ruler of the Illuminati. German political
activities of Illuminati members ran contradictory to the principles that Adam had defined for the
organization, which led to a disjointed effort and a splintered alternative form of the Illuminati in
Germany with different principles that ran contrary to the anti–nationalist rule. Discontent spread as
disgruntled Illuminati members started to view Adam negatively. Unfortunately, disgruntled
members of the Illuminati broke their oath of ... Show more content on ...
First, Baron von Knigge, the man who initially merged the Illuminati with Freemasonry, quit the
Illuminati in 1784 after Adam refused to make him an equal ruler of the Illuminati. German political
activities of Illuminati members ran contradictory to the principles that Adam had defined for the
organization, which led to a disjointed effort and a splintered alternative form of the Illuminati in
Germany with different principles that ran contrary to the anti–nationalist rule. To the Bavarian
Illuminati, the pyramid denoted the Order of the Illuminati itself. The stones in front of the pyramid
represented the Orders yet–to–complete goals for the honor of the Supreme Architect, just as the
pyramid in the Great seal signifies the newly created and unfinished
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The New Germany
Germany immediately after the end of World War II, lay in ruins. The country's infrastructure was in
disarray. Its industry had come to a halt and its economy was ravaged, a completely new state
needed to be built to get Germany back on its feet. In addition, Germany faced cultural instabilities
involving the film industry. Along with everything else German cinema was completely destroyed.
"The international reputation for German cinema was utterly discredited because of the abuse of the
medium for state propaganda and the willful collaboration of a number of German directors, actors
and producers" (Strathausen). The bulk of the films produced in this time period were of poor
quality with no chance of going United States competitor. The German ... Show more content on ...
First, was the state sponsored support program for the production of German films, at this time the
United States had saturated the German film market making it nearly impossible for Germany's film
industry to recover. In 1965, the Board of Trustees for Young German Film was created. They
helped financially support projects of the young filmmakers in hopes of subsidizing and promoting
the film industry. Secondly, "to ensure the proper financing and distribution of its movies, many
representatives of the New German Cinema worked closely with the German TV stations"
(Strathausen). Playing movies on German TV was a strategic move to revamp the industry and get
German films noticed. Thirdly, was the international success and reputation of New German
Cinema, internationally German cinema was "extremely popular and commercially viable"
(Strathausen). Finally, the student protest movement played an important role. Several of the young
filmmakers during this period were part of the student movement. Which resulted in "a series of
both critical and leftist movies about Germany's Nazi past or its uninspiring present"
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Germany And The Economy Of Germany
understand given the type of product we will be selling and the industries we will be selling to.
Fortunately for us, Germany devotes 2.853% of its GDP to R&D activities which is even higher
than our home country of the United States which only devotes 2.806% of GDP (OECD II 1).
Ultimately, after thoroughly assessing the economic situation in Germany we as a country firmly
believe that we can be successful not just in Berlin, but the entirety of the country. Now that we
have briefly examined what we will sell and who we will sell it to and analyzed the culture and
economy of Germany. It becomes time to move to the final part of our report where we outline just
how we plan to market our product in Berlin to our target customers. Just ... Show more content on ...
This type of technology has countless applications for personalized patient care and the study of the
human body and could greatly assist hospitals and academic researchers. In addition to 3–D
printing's applications in medicine, our 3–D printing technology can also "Produce organic, complex
geometries that can 't be manufactured any other way. For parts that will be 3D printed, like jigs,
fixtures and custom components, you can set aside the usual design–for–manufacturing constraints"
and greatly reduce costs for the pharmaceutical industry in the manufacturing of their products
(Stratasys II 1). Initially we plan on selling two models of printers to service each of these two types
of customers. For the hospitals/clinics and academic researchers, we plan on marketing our Connex3
printer. We have chosen to market this particular model due to its ability to "Simulate everything
from soft tissue and muscles to cartilage and bone in a single print job. It can even incorporate clear
materials to get an unobstructed view of hidden tissues and blood vessels" (Stratasys II 1). For our
customers in the pharmaceutical industry, we are choosing to market our Eden 250 3–D printer due
to its aforementioned ability to construct complex geometries for
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Auschwitz In Germany
The year is 1939. You are in Germany. You have been deemed a most unfortunate status. Being a
Jew. However you do not know of your misfortune quite yet. Your country is recovering from an
economic and social depression. You hear of a new leader. A leader who will make Germany great
again. That leader's name is Adolf Hitler. To many this sounds like good news. It is not. You and
your fellow German citizens lose your rights. The right to free assembly. The right of free press. The
right of free speech. You decide that to make Germany great again it is fine for Hitler to revoke your
and your fellow Germans' rights. One day you decide to go to your neighbor to discuss social
matters. Your neighbor is a financially stable plump man. You stay for ... Show more content on ...
Since Auschwitz–Birkenau was only one of the many Nazi concentration camps that was built to
imprison Jews, it is clear that tens of millions of Jews were put in these concentration camps (mostly
European Jews). Jewish prisoners in the Auschwitz facility "were crammed [by the hundreds] into
tiny horse stables, which were overrun with vermin. Toilets and washing facilities were inadequate
[at these concentration camps] and prisoners were given very little time to use them. [These
imprisoned Jews] were fed with small rations providing about 1,300 calories a day for prisoners and
1,700 calories a day for laborers. [These] prisoners and laborers in the camps were subject to
arbitrary punishment at the whim of the SS guards at all times and could be tortured or executed
without notice and for any reason" (Auschwitz). In addition to this, Jewish prisoners were also
brutally treated along the way to these concentration camps. "In most cases prisoners traveled for
days with nothing to eat or drink and without any toilet facilities and many died on the journey"
(Auschwitz). Although these were clearly vile and inhumane acts which were taken against the
Jews, "the reception of these policies was mixed. Some nations (Poland, for example) willingly gave
their Jews to the Schutzstaffeln (SS). Other countries, like Denmark, resisted handing over Danish
citizens to be murdered by the Nazis. France was mixed in its reaction. The Vichy government
gladly handed over any foreign Jews residing in France, but was hesitant to deport Jewish French
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Imperialism In Germany
In Germany people travel to different places than the US. Many Germans choose to spend their
vacation time going to the Balearic Islands in Spain (clarification). These are tropical islands with
beautiful beaches and jaw dropping views. According to Jan Germans vacation there because it is
"super cheap." (was this place cheap?) Jan also said that many Germans enjoy traveling to the
Mediterranean Sea because it is also cheap. They stay in Spain while there. (How should I word
this??) The Mediterranean Sea also has crystal clear waters and unbelievable views. After hearing
about what Jan had to say about vacationing I started to feel like Germans value travel much more
than Americans. (Need to get more information in order to finish!!!)
When people in Germany have a little bit of free time they choose to watch movies just like many
Americans. Jan said that he really enjoyed watching "hollywood movies." He said that hollywood
movies were way better than the movies that are made in Germany. "Germany movies are terrible,"
is what he had to say about them. After he said that I started to think about how American culture is
slowly imperializing other countries. American culture is becoming the new normal for other
countries. ... Show more content on ...
Germany has been taking in a lot of refugees lately. Most of these people are coming from Syria. In
fact, 98,783 immigrants in Germany are Syrian. (Durden) Many people claim that their crime rate
has gone up due to "...Merkel's "open–door" refugee policy." (Saeed) How do I word this?!>> 92%
of the 10% of crime in one state in Germany has gone up because of male immigrants. ("Crime
Spike") Although some may believe that allowing refugees in hurts their environment 80% of
millennials believe that it actually enriches cultural diversity in their country. (Legraien) A huge
positive for Germany is that their population is no longer shrinking (Nardelli). That may help but
Germany can't deal with the influx. (Dockery) Need a
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The Unification of Germany
THE UNIFICATION OF GERMANY In 1871 the thirty–eight states of what was once the Holy
Roman Empire, re–united to become what was known in the early twentieth century as simply, The
German Empire, united under the rule of the German Emperor, or Kaiser. There are many factors
which led to the unification of the German states; liberalism, nationalism, Otto Von Bismarck, fear
of ‘another Napoleon', the Prussian King William I, and the three wars Prussia fought. One of the
key factors which led to the Unification was nationalism. Nationalism is the idea that certain things
such as race, culture, religion, language or territory set them apart from those around them, and they
could identify their interests with a group of people not just a ... Show more content on ...
At this point William was 70 years of age and had been an army officer since 17. When William
attempted to introduce army reforms that would double army size, increase the period of service and
remove the Landwehr (citizen militia). The Prussian parliament would not pass this bill as it would
give the ‘Junker' class (aristocracy) more power. As William tried alternative means of obtaining
his reforms, there was constitutional crisis as the liberals would not support the King's bill and he
had sworn to uphold the constitution and as such refrained from using force on the liberals, and even
considered abdication. Instead he appointed Otto Von Bismarck as his new Chief Minister in
September of 1862. This proved to be an excellent decision on William's part as it resulted in the
implication of his reforms and the Unification of the German states under his rule.
Otto Von Bismarck, the man who really set the ball rolling, and ensured it landed in the right hole, is
one of the main reasons Germany was unified. He was the Prussian foreign minister and although
his actual reason for wanting to unify Germany was to increase the power of Prussia, still he was the
main reason for why Germany was united under the rule of the Kaiser. When Bismarck was brought
into office in September 1862 he resolved the constitutional crisis in Prussia by simply ignoring
Parliament. He ordered the
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Germany 's Geographical Features Of Germany
The country I was assigned to research is Germany. Germany's geographical features are its rivers
such as the Elbe River, the Danube River, the Weser River and the Rhine River. Germany was by
poor and weak areas that made it quite easy for imperialism to occur. Nonetheless, being by the
water as a coast was really beneficial to Germany, These Rivers helped Germany with receiving and
trading things such as health supply, weapons and food. In 1914, Germany's population was
recorded at 67 million and Germany during World War One was registered at 137,846 square miles.
The type of government Germany had during WWI was called a Federal Republic. A Federal
Republic is a state in which the powers of the central government are restricted and in which the
states, colonies and or provinces retain a degree of self–government. The official language for the
country at the time was German and the name of the currency used was called German Papiermark.
The major religions were both Catholicism and Christianity.
German people were perfectionists to say the least. The German people take pride in their ability to
be well organized and always strive for perfection. Germans do not accept their faults and were
rarely complimentary. German people may come across unfriendly but that is just in their nature to
be stoic. Germans were known to love pork and incorporate it into many of their meals. Something
about a hearty cuisine really made the Germans happy. Beer happens to be the most consumed
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Essay on A Look Into Germany
Country background: Germany is currently the second most populous nation in Europe and one of
the continents largest economies [1]. Since the early half 20th century the nation has gone through 2
world wars. Germany was originally divided into two former states known as the western federal
republic of Germany (FRG) and the eastern German democratic republic (GDR). The FRG was a
key member of western security, and economic organizations. The communist GDR was mainly
involved with the Soviet–led Warsaw pact. By the end of the cold war western and eastern Germany
were eventually united as one nation in 1990 [1]. Germany is a member of NATO, G8 summit and
the United nations. It remains the world's fourth largest economy by average GDP, and ... Show
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Central Germany features a more mountainous country side. Northern regions consist of river
wetlands and sandy soil. Natural resources include coal, cooper, uranium and arable land. Flooding
is one of common natural hazards in the country [2]. The major rivers are the Weser, Rhine, Weser
and the Danube. The first three both flow northward ending up in the North Sea. The Danube River
flows east of more 1700 km which eventually reaches the black sea in Romania. Lake Constance is
the largest lake in Germany which lies at the border separating Austria, and Switzerland [2].
The current population of Germany is about 82,329,758. It is the 14th most populous nation in the
world with more than 80 cities and with up to 100,000 inhabitants. More than 15 million of the
German population is of non–decent [3]. Since the early 1960's Germany has attracting migrants
from across Europe as well as Northern Africa, and Turkey. Refuges from several developing
countries consider Germany as a prime destination due to the changes in its constitution giving
rights to asylum [3]. Ethnic groups consist of Turks, Italian, Russian, Spanish, and Iranian. The
majority of Germans have a strong classical education due to the nation's rich heritage to in history,
music and art. English is widely understood by many Germans [3]. [3]
The word Germany is derived from the Latin word ''Germanic'' which
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The Effects Of The Unification Of Germany And Germany
I'm going to talk about the unification of Germany and Italy and how these two places went about
unification and how that affected Europe. Also, I'm going to compare and contrast the effects that
these two places unifying had on Europe. Before the French revolution both Italy and Germany were
divided into many states, Germany was divided way more than Italy with more than three hundred
states which had to have been harder to unite. Many people don't know about the unification of
Germany and Italy occurred or know that Germany had to do many things to achieve unification and
ultimately start a war and use other wars to work towards the goal of unification. Now looking at
Italy in 1866 Italy signed a pact with Prussia promising support if Prussia went to war with Austria.
Prussia promised to get Venetia for Italy. Eventually several months later, war between Prussia and
Austria did happen. Austria was defeated by Prussia in the Austro–Prussian War. In the peace
settlement, Prussia awarded Italy with Venice and the other surrounding territories. They made
Florence the capital of Italy. Wherefore Germany went to war three times to achieve unification. The
World Book encyclopedia says that for hundreds of years Germany lived in separate states, one of
the most powerful was the kingdom of Prussia. During the late 1800's, Otto Con Bismarck, the
prime minister of Prussia, united most of these states and cities under Prussian leadership. After
Bismarck, German leaders tried
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Germany Essay
The Federal Republic of Germany; with its capital city of Berlin, is located in Central Europe. With
a population of 80,722,792 people; 65 to 70% of that practicing Christianity. The common language
spoken in Germany is German, or Deutsch. With a total land mass of 137,846 square miles,
Germany became one country again after the demolition of the Berlin Wall ending the Soviet
Unions control over East Germany reuniting the country after nearly 30 years. Germany has
prospered and once again become a nation to be recognized. ''Germany is also considered to have a
moderate climate with no specific long periods of hot or cold weather''. Although most of Europe
uses the Euro, Germany has adopted the Deutschmark as its currency. ... Show more content on ...
Under this Republic, the current leader or Chancellor today is Angela Merkel, the first female
Chancellor to be elected in Germany. It is widely considered by most that Merkel is the undisclosed
"leader of the free world". Most recently, Businesses in Germany have been shaken considerably
due to the election of Donald Trump." The United States is Germany's most important single export
destination and President Donald Trump's protectionist comments have unsettled German politicians
and business leaders." (Euronews).
Business Norms
As evidenced by the graph below, the average working hours in Germany, among other countries in
Europe, differ greatly from the United States and have continued to reduce over the years. Over the
years in Germany, the normal 40 hour work week has been considered a thing of the past, instead
adopting a "less can be more attitude" (Savannah Cox). Adopting a policy known as Kurzarbeit,
German officials declared an average 35–hour work week Monday through Friday, with 24 vacation
days throughout the year. This policy was designed to enhance the quality of life, and has actually
dropped Germanys unemployment rate down to 4.8% and, allowing Germany to keep up with the
rest of the world in what it exports. Germans are able to accomplish this by adopting a zero
tolerance attitude when it comes to work time. That means that any lollygagging is severely frowned
Customs, Traditions, Etiquette
The Federal Republic of Germany
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Germany Research Paper
Germany is a country in Central Europe that borders the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. It is located
between Poland and the Netherlands. Germany is a dominant country in Europe, and is one of the
most well known countries around the world. The country is known for the Berlin Wall that
provided the separation between West and East Germany. It was not until the end of the Cold War in
Europe that the Berlin Wall was torn down by the people of both West and East Germany. Although
the Berlin Wall is a huge part of Germany's history, most people know about the conflicts Germany
has with many other countries, and some would assume Germany is not a dominant country in the
world. The country was a part of two world wars, and was a part of the Axis powers. ... Show more
content on ...
The country has adopted several policies; they are conserving energy, the encouragement of better
transportation, and the encouragement of recycling. The next thing that is important about Germany
is its population. Germany is considered the second most populous nation according to the CIA
World Factbook. They are second to Russia, which has the most populous nation in the world. With
a population over eighty million people, it is no wonder that it is one of the most populous countries.
According to the World Factbook, the median age of the people in Germany is around forty–six
years of age, and having a birth rate of 8.47 births per 1,000 people, and a death rate of 11.42 per
1,000 people. Germany receives a lot of immigrants from surrounding countries. According to the
textbook, "...a mass exodus of young people from Spain and Greece is presently taking place
because the dismal economic situation in their home countries, with England and Germany
reportedly the beneficiaries of this internal European migration" (p.366). The Schengen Agreement
was put into place, because of the migration of many people to European countries. If a country is a
part of the Schengen members, for instance Germany, any immigrant that enters one of their
countries is able to move freely around Europe to any country a part of the Schengen Agreement.
Now this agreement brings a lot of concerns to the people of these countries.
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Fascism In Germany
Fascism succeeded in Germany, not as a result of Hitler being elected. There were many factors that
lead Hitler and the Nazi party to succeed. Hitler took advantage of situations such as the Great
Depression and the Reichstag fire to help the Nazi Party gain support and obtain power of Germany.
Along with taking advantage of those factors Hitler was able to convince the members of Reichstag
to pass the Enabling Act. Another way Hitler was able to gain more support was by rewarding the
people of Germany with organizations such as the Gleichstang and strength through joy. The Great
Depression of 1929 impacted Germany tremendously. Already gone through the Hyperinflation of
1923, the struggling Germany economy was facing another challenge. Many Germans encountered
unemployment along with German farmers facing the threat of price declines of commodities and
also the declining of markets. With many Germans facing unemployment this meant they were not
able to earn money so it was difficult to get food or other necessities. This economic hardship gave
Hitler the opportunity to reach out to the people of Germany who were outraged and worried about
their future. So, this economic tragedy brought new supporters, voters, activists to the Nazi Party,
which led them to gain more popularity. With more support and popularity, the Nazi Party kept on
growing and becoming more powerful. In January 1933 Hitler was designated as Chancellor. He did
not have much power at the beginning of
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Weimar Germany
Germany was like a battered solider coming home after War World I. He expected to find his
comfortable and familiar civilian life right where he left it. Back to normality, back to stability and
safety. However, that unchanged and perfect ideal of home that he expected no longer existed. They
had foreign invaders on their soil and influencing their people. After the loss of World War I, the
German economy were imposed with financial responsibilities according the Treaty of Versailles in
1919. Germans were expected to pay reparations to the Allied powers while their territory was
significantly reduced plagued with hyperinflation ( 2014).These reparations created a
serious economic strain on Germany and, according to Holocaust Encyclopedia, ... Show more
content on ...
They had been beaten, economically strained, and the social order that they had maintained for
centuries had been undone. This lack in effective in military performance had a significant effects in
the political, social, and artistic discourse. Feminine culture had the chance to finally challenge the
misogynistic culture to allow for more women's right and equality. Conversely, that confrontation
allowed masculine culture to blame a national failure of war on that marginalized other that only
sought for equality. A war broken Germany was able to oust the "dangerous" foreign influence in
film and created a unique cinematic model to portray the ongoing social battle. These pressures,
blamed on the "others" due to lack of control of foreign influence, may have been the defining
catalyst that allowed Weimar Germany to eventually grow into a National Socialist
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Germany Dbq
Leah Griffin
HIST 121
Document Analysis Paper
World War I played a key role in Adolf Hitler's rise to power. After the devastating war, Germany
was viewed as the main instigator and the European Allied Powers decided to impose strict treaty
obligations upon Germany. This treaty, also known as the Treaty of Versailles, was signed by
Germany and went into effect in June 1919 ("Treaty of Versailles, 1919" 1). The treaty forced
Germany to give up the land it seized from multiple countries during the war and also forced
Germany to recognize the independence of several others ("The Treaty of Versailles – 1919" 37–43).
The treaty also forced Germany to agree to many other humiliating terms that did not rest easy with
the German public ... Show more content on ...
"The Past in Weimar History." Contemporary European History 15.1 (2006): 1–22. Print.
"Peace Treaty of Versailles, Articles 159–213, Military, Naval and Air Clauses." Peace Treaty of
Versailles, Articles 159–213, Military, Naval and Air Clauses. Brigham Young University, 11 Nov.
1988. Web. 05 Mar. 2015. <>.
"Political Disorder: The Weimar Republic and Revolt 1918–23." Untitled Document. Mount
Holyoke College, n.d. Web. 05 Mar. 2015.
Schmidt, Carl Theodore. "The Treaty of Versailles, Inflation and Stabilization." German Business
Cycles, 1924–1933. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1934. 1–24. Print.
"The Treaty of Versailles – 1919." In The Holocaust. Detroit, MI: Omnigraphics, 2006.
"Treaty of Versailles, 1919." The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Holocaust
Encyclopedia. 20 June 2014. <>.
Accessed 28 February 2015.
"World War I: Aftermath." The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Holocaust
Encyclopedia. 20 June 2014. <>.
Accessed 1 March
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Cultural Culture In Germany
Germany is a highly diverse country filled with historic sites and a variety of countryside.
The country is full of all walks of life from the North Sea to the Swiss Alps in the south. The
language spoken there is Deutsch but just like anywhere else depending upon where you are can
determine the different types of dialect you might hear. For instance, in the Northern part of
Germany, you might hear a more Danish dialect and in the South, you might find a lot more
Swedish speaking individuals. The German country is rich in history and has contributed to
Europe in a plethora of ways it's almost unprecedented, and their influence is still felt throughout
Europe and the rest of the world today. To say that there is one single German culture wouldn't
be doing the country any justice. Germany is arguably one of the most culturally diverse nations
in all of Europe. This is largely due in part of the almost central location of Germany in Europe,
and the amount of federally funded programs that are available there. Germany gets its
reputation as one of the major cultural nations due to major influences in the country throughout
the eras from famous music composers to literary geniuses. Cultural awareness is arguably one
of the most important assets as a military we must have that is why I feel the need to cover the
main aspects of Germany in which their culture is influenced and derived from on a day to day
basis of their lives.
When it
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Germany Essay
Germany has become Europe's most powerful country. Germany now has the continent's strongest
and biggest economy. Germany's economy accounts for a fifth of the European Union's output and a
quarter of its exports. Germany has a jobless rate of 5.4%, which is less than half of Europe's
average. Youth employment in Germany is at a 20–year low. Germany's budget is balanced,
government debt is decreasing, and long–term bond yields are the lowest in Europe. Germany is the
largest creditor country in Europe, and as chief paymaster it has the biggest clout in deciding the
single currency's future. Britain, who is outside the euro zone is distracted by a domestic debate
about its EU membership and has lost their influence. The Franco–German ... Show more content on ...
These small–town businesses, along with industrial giants such as Siemens, Bosch, and BMW, help
maintain Germany's manufacturing and export prowess. Germany's manufacturing's share of GDP is
bigger than other rich countries and German exports are stronger than other countries. Half of
Germany's growth over the past decade has come from exports. The external surplus of $243 billion
is the world's largest in absolute terms. Germany has a voided a surge of lay–offs after the financial
crisis and has done far better than others at getting young people and the hard–to–employ into work.
Germany offers vocational training and some firms take on apprentices, mixing practical training
with classroom tuition. Tough labor reforms were introduced in 2003 know as "Agenda 2010" that
freed up the job market. The Hartz reforms brought fundamental changes to the low end of the
German job market. This reform eliminated payroll taxes on earning of less than 400 Euros a month,
encouraging the creation of part–time "mini–jobs".
German manufactures have always been strong in three areas: machine tools, chemicals and cars.
Almost half of German exports, and 72% of its exports to China, are machinery or transport goods.
When demands for exports collapsed, the German government came up with multiple schemes to
stem unemployment,
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Imperialism In Germany
Origins of major cultures
The emergence of the nation has been understood in very different ways at different times. Humanist
scholars of the early sixteenth century initiated a discourse about the German nation by identifying
contemporaneous populations as descendants of ancient Germanic peoples, as they were represented
in the writings of Roman authors such as Julius Caesar (100–44 B.C.E. ) and Cornelius Tacitus (c.
55–c.116 C.E. ), author of the famous work Germania. From the viewpoint of Ulrich von Hutten
(1488–1523), among others, Tacitus provided insight into the origins and character of a virtuous
nation that was in many ways equal or superior to Rome. The German humanists found their hero in
Armin, or Hermann, who defeated the Romans ... Show more content on ...
At the north end of Schleswig, Holstein has nearly 50,000 people of Danish descent. There are
nearly 60,000 people from Sorbian Lusatia in the Saxony and Brandenburg regions, and Romani and
Sinti living in the whole territory. Frisian people live in Schleswig – Holstein in the West Bank and
northwest lower Saxony.
Major Religions
The majority of Germans (60–70%) are Christian. Germany's Christian population is evenly split
between Roman Catholics and the EKD (Evangelical Church of Germany), which includes both
Lutheran Protestants and Calvinists. Germany's two Christian populations are split up by region.
Most areas in the South and West are predominantly Catholic, while areas in the North and East are
mostly Protestant. This divide stems from the preferences of local rulers in the 15th and 16th
centuries. There is also a high atheist population in many eastern parts of Germany. This is due to
the influence of the German Democratic Republic's Communist regime, which discouraged religion
in East Germany from the 1950s to the reunification of Germany in
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Germany as a Victim
Germany as a Victim
On the 16th June the German government, lead by Count Brockdorff–Rantzau, were presented with
the Treaty of Versailles. They were originally given 14, and then 21 days, to agree to it. "The treaty,
which included some 440 Articles, was not as vindictive as Clemenceau had wanted nor as moderate
as Lloyd George would have wished. It certainly fell far short of the conciliatory features of
Wilson's fourteen point proposals." (Evans and Jenkins) However, in order to decipher whether the
end results were destructive to Germany or not, it is necessary to asses not only the main points of
the treaty (including military provisions, territory, financial provisions, war guilt and the ... Show
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The most obvious term was the return of Alsace–Lorraine to France. Schleswig was also returned to
Denmark after it had been annexed by Bismark. Also Eupen and Malmedy were to go to Belgium.
This act is thought to be justified by the fact that much of Belgiums industry was destroyed during
to war, whilst Germany remained relatively untouched. The Saar Basin was also to be overseen by
the League of Nations, the Saar coalfield by France, for fifteen years. This amounted to 13% of
German territory and 12% of the population – half of which were ethnic Germans. Lloyd George
claimed that "I cannot conceive any greater cause of future war than that the German people should
be surrounded by small states . . . each of them containing large masses of Germans clamouring for
reunion with their homeland" It also took away much of their industry including 48% iron ore, 16%
coal, and15% agricultural production. J.M Keynes believes that these terms were "inexpedient and
disasterous" Anthony Wood does not agree with this point of view and states "any defeated country,
whether it negotiates or not, has to accept the conditions the victor demands . . . the terms which
Germany imposed on Russia at Brest–Litovsk in March
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Germany : Germany In The Heart Of Europe
Germany is in the heart of Europe (Geography & Climate, 2016). It's the only Country in Europe to
boarder nine countries. The nine countries include Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark,
Netherlands, Luxembourg, Poland and Switzerland. Germany has direct access to the Baltic and
North seas. With a coast line of one–thousand four–hundred eighty–four miles. Germany stretches
over 137,847 square miles, which is slightly smaller than Montana (Germany: Facts and figures,
2017). The country is covered by nearly one–third forest with only two percent of the land account
for lakes, rivers and other inland waters. The climate supports moderate temperature from July
through late September with an average temperature of twenty–one point ... Show more content on ...
The four options all require children to have vocational training and hands on learning. The
Haptschule school is for children that learn at a slower academic rate. Realschule school also
continues the vocational, hands on aspect of study, however inclines children to learn and pushes for
college attendance. The Gymnasium and Gesamtschule schools are for students that excel in normal
study. At the age of eighteen these students are granted the choice to continue in college or start
apprenticeship. School is paid for by the German Government however, require students to fulfil
their skill sets into the economy to help advance Germanys economy. This is contract based for the
time of agreement the students study (Reeg, 2015). The German work force is forty–five million
three–hundred thousand (Staff, 2017). The education structure is the sheer reason for an outstanding
work force for German citizens (Reeg, 2015).
Germany's structure includes roads, autobahn, train system, airports, harbors and buildings.
Germany's roads cover six–hundred forty–four thousand four–hundred eighty kilometers throughout
the country. Germany has five–hundred thirty–nine airports for everyday travel and business trades.
The railroads cover forty–one thousand nine–hundred eighty–one kilometers in the country. The
citizens of Germany rely heavily on the train systems for everyday use for transport. The train
system offers normal
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Importance Of Tourism In Germany
In the German language the word Germany is called something completely different. Deutschland is
the word they use in the German language for Germany ("Interesting Information about Germany").
Just like how Germany is called Deutschland in the German language is interesting, the tourist
attractions, and the WW2 history and religion in Germany is just as phenomenal. The tourist
attractions, WW2 history, and religion all make Germany the fascinating country that it is today.
Germany has fabulous tourist attractions that have been preserved throughout the centuries. The
scenery is a big part of attracting tourists to Germany. The beautiful German southern Alps along
with gorgeous Rhine, Main, and Danube river valleys make Germany famous for its scenery.
Medieval villages and castles dot this landscaping. In Germany's major cities, there are many
theaters, operas, and orchestral music offered. Plenteous resorts and gorgeous Rugen Island are now
where the formerly German Democratic Republic area once was("Germany, 2017"). Located in the
Southwest edge of Germany the Black forest is a popular place. It is wonderful because of "dark and
densely–wooded hills"("15 Top–Rated Tourist Attractions in Germany"). With 110 acres of flowers,
Insel Mainau attract a lot of people from all around for it's vibrant colors. It is located on Lake
Constance and has lots of tropical vegetation("15 Top–Rated Tourist Attractions in Germany").
Along with the scenery, old historic buildings are a big
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Germany And Its Impact On The Country Of Germany
Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a certain group of people, defined by everything
from language, religion, food, social habits, music and arts. The country of Germany is rich in
culture, from the days of Nazi Reign, to today's alliance with NATO (North Atlantic Treaty
Organization). The architecture of Germany has a long, rich and diverse history. Every major
European style from Roman to Post Modern is demonstrated. Germany has made very significant
technology and science achievements and have a significant part of the country's economy.
Germany's people are a very tolerant and forward thinking group of people. Germany is a modern,
advanced society, shaped by a multitude of lifestyles and regional backgrounds. The ... Show more
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He pulled Germany out of the League of Nations in 1933, claiming its disarmament clauses were
not fair. He felt that they were directly applied to Germany, and only them. In March 1935 Hitler
announced his army would be raised to 550,000 men and that he was establishing an Air Force. On 1
September 1939, Hitler would alter the world's history forever by invading Poland. After the
invasion, Britain and France declared war on Germany. This was the beginning of World War II. By
June 1940, the German Army conquered the Netherlands, Belgium, and on 22 June 1940 France
surrendered. The swift and unexpected defeat of France resulted in an enflux in Hitler 's popularity
and a strong sense of war fever.
Germany's war in the East was based on Hitler's view that Jews were the reason that Germany lost
World War I. His main focus was was on Eastern Europe, aiming to conquer Poland, the Soviet
Union and exterminate the Jewish residents and Slavs in the process. In 1941 Hitler decided to
destroy the Polish nation, and within ten years the section of Poland under Nazi occupation would
be cleared of native Polish residents and resettled by German residents. About 4 million Poles would
remain as slaves as a part of a labour force of 14 million the Nazis intend to create using natives of
countries they conqured through the war. Somewhere around the failed offensive against the Soviet
Union in Moscow in December 1941,
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Germany Research Paper
Germany is a country in Central Europe that borders the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. It is located
between Poland and the Netherlands. Germany is a dominant country in Europe, and is one of the
most well known countries around the world. The country is known for the Berlin Wall that
provided the separation between West and East Germany. It was not until the end of the Cold War in
Europe that the Berlin Wall was torn down by the people of both West and East Germany. Although
the Berlin Wall is a huge part of Germany's history, most people know about the conflicts Germany
has with many other countries, and some would assume Germany is not a dominant country in the
world. The country was a part of two world wars, and was a part of the Axis powers. ... Show more
content on ...
The country has adopted several policies; they are conserving energy, the encouragement of better
transportation, and the encouragement of recycling. The next thing that is important about Germany
is its population. Germany is considered the second most populous nation according to the CIA
World Factbook. They are second to Russia, which has the most populous nation in the world. With
a population over eighty million people, it is no wonder that it is one of the most populous countries.
According to the World Factbook, the median age of the people in Germany is around forty–six
years of age, and having a birth rate of 8.47 births per 1,000 people, and a death rate of 11.42 per
1,000 people. Germany receives a lot of immigrants from surrounding countries. According to the
textbook, "...a mass exodus of young people from Spain and Greece is presently taking place
because the dismal economic situation in their home countries, with England and Germany
reportedly the beneficiaries of this internal European migration" (p.366). The Schengen Agreement
was put into place, because of the migration of many people to European countries. If a country is a
part of the Schengen members, for instance Germany, any immigrant that enters one of their
countries is able to move freely around Europe to any country a part of the Schengen Agreement.
Now this agreement brings a lot of concerns to the people of these countries.
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Germany Political and Economy
Linh Pham
Germany – Political Structure and Economy
Dr. Joanne McKay
November 24 2013
Germany – Political Structure and Economy
After the World War II, the winner of the war divided Germany and its capital, Berlin, among
themselves. East Germany, a brand new country that promised to show the world why socialism was
the best political system, was occupied and controlled by The Soviet Union. West Germany, called
the Federal Republic, was occupied by the Americans, British and French, who would establish a
new democratic government that stood in direct opposition to Communism. Because of the citizen's
emigration to West Germany, East Germany government decided to seal the border to stop their
people keep moving to the West. ... Show more content on ...
Second, Article 106, Section 3.2 of the Basic Law requires the entire political system to guarantee a
'uniformity of living standards across the country' (Ibid). These two articles provide a foundation for
the Länder to fulfill their duties and to work with the federal government to insure the requirement
of uniform living standards. In essence, proportionality requires that governments and agencies must
take legitimate actions that are the least intrusive or limiting upon a citizen's basic rights."
We all know that Germany's army has always been a big power in the world throughout history.
However, they had lost their power after the WWII and their country was divided by the winner of
the war. "After a lot of struggle through the cold war, the army has now again emerged as one of the
best equipped armies of the world...The military armament of the German army is enormous.
Bundeswehr, the German army, is one now of the most powerful and technically advanced armies in
the world. It also has one of the best infrastructure and war machinery.". Currently, there are
approximately 11000 German citizens who voluntarily do up to a year of military service. German's
army is getting involved in a lot of military operations in the world. They appear in Afghanistan,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Coast of Lebanon, Sudan
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Germany : The Country Of Germany
The country that I selected for the country report paper was Germany. Since I was last in the
country, 45 years ago, many things have changed for Germany. The country was reunified in 1990,
became Europe 's economic powerhouse, and is now the most important nation in the European
Union. Germany is situated in northern central Europe and covers an area of 137,983 mi². Sharing
its borders with nine other European countries, it is positioned in the middle of one of the world 's
best access to the Nordic countries and the United Kingdom. The formal name of Germany is now
the Federal Republic of Germany The capital of Germany is Berlin which is the largest city in terms
of area and one of the most influential centers in European politics and culture. Today, Germany is
divided into sixteen States and then the country is further divided into more than 400 districts and
cities. The population of Germany is more than 81 million people with the ratio of 49% male and
51% female. Germany has the largest national economy in Europe, the fourth largest by nominal
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the world, and the fifth largest GDP per person based on
purchasing power parity (PPP), and is a founding member of both the European Union and the
Eurozone. Germany has a social market economy that combines capitalism with social policies
favoring social insurance. Today, Germany 's economy is largely made up of a service sector
(around 70 percent of the total GDP), a robust
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The Federal Republic Of Germany
The Federal Republic of Germany is part of the EU (European Union). Its capital is the beautiful
and globally famous city of Berlin. It is composed by the union of 16 individual states, where people
have the freedom of religion, press and free market economy. Germany has a long history, this town,
just as the majority of all the European towns, was established during the Roman Empire. More than
200 years ago, the north and west regions of Europe were filled with Germanic tribes, and even
though Julio Caesar pushed the limits of the Roman Empire to the east of the Rhine river, the
Romans were not able to conquered that region nor north Danube, which is now known today as the
beautiful country of Germany. In 1949, the German Federal Republic became a constitutional,
parliamentary democracy. Since its reunification in 1990, the country has been composed of 16
federal states.
After having a four–hour conversation via FaceTime with a dear German friend, whom I had the
privilege of meeting back in 2013 when I first visited Germany, I summarized as much as I was able
to the history of this precious country. It was not easy due to a lot of important events that happened
but here is my summary: On November 4 of 1918, the German revolution took place with about
40,000 marines that invaded the port of Kiel. Three years later, on November 1921, the
Sturmabteilung aka SA was formally formed by Adolf Hitler. On November of 1923, an army coup
organized by Hitler failed, but again in 1938,
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The Political System Of Germany
Germany is situated in the Western Europe and they are well known for their economic and political
power. They are one of the super power of the world and they ranked 8th in terms of global army
power. (Globalfirepowercom, 2016). According to the world fact book, the population of Germany
is almost 81 million as of July 2015. Most of the people of Germany lives in the urban area. So,
doing business in Germany is very profitable yet very challenging.
Political Environment Analysis of Germany
Political system and structure: The political system of Germany is very well structured. They follow
federal parliamentary republic system which is based on representative democracy. The Chancellor
is the head of government and he/she is elected for a maximum of two five–year terms. The
President of Germany is the head of state which holds a ritualistic role but considerable reserve
powers. Executive power is vested in the Federal Cabinet and federal legislative power is vested in
the Bundestag and the Bundesrat. The current Chancellor is Angela Merkel and the current President
is Joachim Gauck. The political structure is complicated yet well–structured.
They have two house parliament. Federal judicial power is divided between the Bundestag which is
upper house of the parliament and the Bundesrat which is the lower house in the parliament. The
Bundestag is directly elected by the German people, while the Bundesrat represents the regional
states. (Angloinfocom, 2016) The federal
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Totalitarianism In Germany
Life for people in Germany wasn't better under the Nazi rule in the years 1933 and 1939. The Great
Depression before Hitler came into power caused the citizens of Germany to lose their standard of
living and jobs. The topics that are to be discussed are the development of the totalitarian state also
the positive and negative effects on Germany at the time that Hitler was in power.
The Treaty of Versailles was introduced after WWI, the purpose of this treaty was to start a Peace
treaty with Versailles and the Germans who also had to respect and follow what the treaty said
which meant that the blame had to be accepted without argument, a reparation had to be paid, The
German army wasn't allowed many things and throughout the country territory ... Show more
content on ...
Hitler relied on organisations such as the SS, Gestapo and the SA to show his power throughout the
whole of Germany this is so he could gain even more power and the citizens would listen and
respect his ways. Not many of the citizens liked the way Hitler ruled and others were happy due to
the better economy after The Great Depression and The Treaty of Versailles (Treaty of Versailles
PPT, 2015). Some of the youth in Germany was brainwashed due to the Jewish and anti–Nazi
teachers being forced out of their jobs due to get the youth to believe in the Nazi ideas, Catholic
Youth Leagues were also broken even after there was an agreement signed with the pope, the
catholic priests had been arrested and the teaching of religions was bad (Hitler's Dictatorship and the
Third Reich, N.d., No author). Hitler had decided to create his own Reich church that had Nazis as
bishops (, 2015). If the ways that Hitler ruled was questioned then the people would be
liable for arrested if the rules were followed then they wouldn't come in contact with the SS also
Known as Gestapo. These are the ways that Hitler managed to take over most of the society and how
some believed that it was done for the better of the country (,
... Get more on ...
Unification Of Germany And Germany : Unification In Europe
I'm going to talk about the unification of Germany and Italy and how these two places went about
unification and how that affected Europe. Also, I'm going to compare and contrast the effects that
these two places unifying had on Europe. Before the French revolution both Italy and Germany were
divided into many states, Germany was divided way more than Italy with more than three hundred
states which had to have been harder to unite. Many people don't know about the unification of
Germany and Italy occurred or know that Germany had to do many things to achieve unification and
ultimately start a war and use other wars to work towards the goal of unification. The World Book
Encyclopedia says that," Italy in 1866 Italy signed a pact with Prussia promising support if Prussia
went to war with Austria. Prussia promised to give Venetia to Italy. Eventually several months later,
war between Prussia and Austria did happen. Austria was defeated by Prussia in the Austro–Prussian
War. In the peace settlement, Prussia awarded Italy with Venice and the other surrounding territories.
They made Florence the capital of Italy. Wherefore Germany went to war three times to achieve
unification. ("Italian unification") For hundreds of years Germany lived in separate states, one of the
most powerful was the kingdom of Prussia. During the late 1800's, Otto Con Bismarck, the prime
minister of Prussia, united most of these states and cities under Prussian leadership. After Bismarck,
German leaders
... Get more on ...

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What Is Germany

  • 1. What Is Germany Country Overview According to the US Central Intelligence Agency (US CIA), Germany is Europe's largest economy and second most populated nation. It's located in Central Europe and borders the Baltic and North Sea. Germany sits between Netherlands and Poland and is just south of Denmark. The country itself is the seventh–largest European country (Europe). Because of this, the topography varies throughout the country. The North European Plain stretches across the northern part of the country. This part is flat and has lowland terrain with many bogs, rivers, and streams. The area along the Baltic coast is mostly sandy with small hills. The south side of the lowland has a wide zone of fertile loess. A loess is a sediment that forms from the ... Show more content on ... Thirty–seven of the world's 500 largest companies (based on stock) are headquartered in Germany. Many of those companies are car companies like Volkswagen and BMW. Other large names include Adidas and Puma. These companies are popular clothing and shoe brands found in the US. The retail store Aldi along with the computer software program, SAP, can also be found in Germany. Many of these businesses are headquartered near the largest cities in the country. Berlin is the largest city with over 3,275,000 people (Elledge). The second largest city is Hamburg with 1,686,100 with Munich following close behind with 1,185,400 people (Elledge). (Unless otherwise noted, all data in the above paragraph came from the article "Germany Industry Sectors".) Government & Political Environment The government in Germany is a federal parliamentary republic. In a government like this, typically most of the executive power is in the Cabinet and the President is more of a figurehead to the country. The president, Frank–Walter Steinmeier, has been in office since March 19, 2017 and is the Chief of State. The Head of Government is Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has been in office since November 22, 2005. Today, the traditional industries like textiles and steel are declining (Germany– Future Trends). The new growth focuses on finance and high technology. This will help increase productivity and globalization of business. This current trend is forcing Germany to invest a lot of money into ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Germany Research Paper The Religions, Holidays, Festivals, and Food of Germany Germany is a small country, yet multitudinous diversity composes it within. Composed of East and West Germany, the country has a variation of language, religion, and people (Germany 151). However, this diversity does not take away from the country, instead, it only makes the culture of Germany unique in many ways. Three very important aspects of the German culture that make the country distinct are religion, holidays, festivals, and food. To begin, the religion of Germany is very diverse, yet it completes the German culture. The being of religious diversity began with the Reformation. The Reformation brought Protestantism into the predominately Roman Catholic country ... Show more content on ... Yet, Germany's church and state do work together in a partnership. The state finances part of the cost of church establishments (such as kindergartens and schools) in return for the taxes the church imposes on its member's to repay the government (447). This system between church and state not only assists the church, but it also benefits the people of Germany. Germany's Basic Law protects a variety of religions. Kappler states that, "more than fifty–five million people in Germany belong to a Christian church, twenty–eight million are Protestants, twenty–seven million are Roman Catholic, and a minority belongs to other Christian denominations" (447). Statistically, this breaks down to "thirty–five percent of the German people are Protestants (mostly Lutherans), thirty–four percent are Roman Catholic, and two percent are Muslims" ("Germany" 151). This diversity in religion gives birth to many different churches. One type of Evangelical church in Germany, the EKD, is a community of twenty–four independent Lutheran, Reformed and United regional churches (447). The Synod is the main legislative body of this organization, with a chief executive body of Council (447). The church office in Hanover is its central administration headquarters. The members of this organization meet through the church conference, and cooperate closely with the Roman ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. The History Of Germany Day 1 By moving an army into Silesia, we gained their territory. Although they lack a supply center Germany need their country to expand. They will fail as a world power we do not take over surrounding vulnerable land. Our plan was that once we gained Silesia we would head east, to Warsaw. This plan is now compromised due to Russia's invasion of Warsaw before we could get to it. The Nation that I see as the largest threat is England. One of our outstanding spies (me) lied to England and told them we were Austria Hungary. In result they asked for an alliance and told us their entire plan about taking over Germany. England was going after our supply centers and they have other nations that are in on the plan. That is why me and my fellow ... Show more content on ... Day 2 Germany has advanced into Norway, If we keep our army there for the next spring turn we can possibly gain control. We have managed to keep control of our own land although we did not gain anything new. Our team decided we needed to keep a military force close to were austria hungary was heading towards, Resulting in us moving our army to the south of the country and our second army attacking. The Nations that are our current enemies are Austria hungary. We see them as a threat because we heard them conspiring against us. They are alliances with our other enemy, England so we are certain they can not be trusted. If Austria Hungary send any opposing forces we will have no choice to give them our entire attention. Our strategy is to know how long to keep an alliance. We do not want to avoid gaining land due to our alliances so we are keeping our options open. After Russia supports us in attacking Austria Hungary, we will not need them for anything else. If we keep our country's best interest in mind and stop worrying about treaties, we believe we can win. The Alliances we have formed are a triple alliance including Turkey and Russia. We have both countries willing to support us in our attacking against Austria hungary. Once they assist us in attacking we can assist them in their attack against England. This benefit us because we know England is after our supply centers. If this information ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Reunified Germany Timeline February 7, 1990 – The Central Committee of the Soviet–Communist Party dissolves. Feb. 11, 1990 – South African anti–apartheid activist, Nelson Mandela, is freed after 27 years as a political prisoner in Cape Town, South Africa. October 3, 1990 – East and West Germany come together on what is known as "Unity Day" in less than a year after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Two months following reunification, Helmut Kohl became the first chancellor of the reunified Germany. April 1, 1990 – The 1990 census is conducted, counting 248,718,301, for an increase of 9.8% over the 1980 census. This is the smallest increase in the population rate since 1940. April 24, 1990 – The Hubble Telescope is placed into orbit by the United States Space Shuttle: Discovery. ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Bureaucracy In Germany The Prussian state developed a well institutionalized bureaucracy and a well–developed legal system with strong protection of private property and enforcement of contracts. What was the main drive behind the development of an efficient meritocratic government in Prussia? Explain how this (the main drive in the prior answer) promoted an efficient bureaucracy. (Chapter 4) Prussia was a liberal autocracy and the citizens did not have any way to directly hold the state accountable for these rights, however even with this type of government structure, the state had sustainable protections regarding the rights of its citizens. What caused the successfulness in the development of an efficient meritocratic government in Prussia was its Rechtsstaat. Rechtsstaat ... Show more content on ... In addition, the kaiser could not intrude in citizens' legal cases. The government was regulated and transparent and it later developed legal limitations on arbitrary rulers. Fukuyama states, that as a result of these policies in the Prussian government, Germany's industrialization, economy and development increased significantly from 1871 to 1941. Consequently, Germany surpassed Britain's industrial potential in Europe. 2) What is corruption? Why is corruption a serious problem? (Chapter 5) Corruption is a vital obstruction to the economic growth and equality regarded in countries, especially poor, undeveloped countries. Corruption is also regarded as officials using public resources for private advantages. These definitions suggest that corruption occurs in modern or developing states only. Corruption can be critical for developing countries; an example of this is where foreign aid and loans are used for private gain by officials instead of aiding the country. Countries that are corrupt generally have difficult problems in providing services, enforcing laws and representing the public's ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Otto Von Bismarck : The Partification Of Germany In Germany World History Assignment Number 1 Submitted by: Ahmed Najeeb Abdul Mannan Fouzi Ali Haider Cheema Huzaif Abbas Credit Illustration by Patrick Thomas; images from Hulton–Deutsch Collection and Corbis Otto Von Bismarck (1st April, 1815 – 30th July, 1898) One of Bismarck's more modern biographers states "Otto Von Bismarck made Germany but never ruled it" (Steinberg, 2011). To begin with, any study of pre–World War Europe would be incomplete without a thorough assessment of Bismarck and his work, especially when someone like Adolf Hitler in his Mein Kampf talks about "Bismarck's Empire", "Bismarck's Reich" and "Bismarck's Germany" (Hitler, 1971). Bismarck is credited with the unification of the German states in the late nineteenth century. But how did he do that? And what was "Bismarck's Reich"? These are some of the questions we will be answering. In 1862, he was appointed the Minister–President of Prussia by King Wilhelm I. This proved to be a decisive moment in his career since from then on Bismarck would spearhead a number of wars and treaties that ultimately lead to the unification of German states. The first began in 1864 when the Prussians attacked Denmark and took control of German–speaking territories Schleswig–Holstein. The German–Prussian army then went on to fight the Austro–Prussian war better known as the Seven Weeks' war in 1866 against the Austrians in what can be termed as somewhat of an upset. The Austrian–Hungarian House of Habsburg (it should be noted that this is the same house to which the Archduke Franz Ferdinand belonged, whose assassination incited the First World War and who Hitler despised) finally knew that the fate of the German people could never again be decided without the consent of this new "Iron Chancellor". This was followed by the Franco–Prussian war in 1870 which was once again won by Bismarck and the Prussians. By now Bismarck had defeated Napoleon III. The French had envisioned an easy victory against the Prussians and had expected help from Italy and Austria–Hungary, none of which arrived. But once again, Bismarck was too smart for the likes of the French and was not going to let petty alliances get in the way of his Reich. Two years after crushing the French, in 1873 ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Role Of Immigrants In Germany "One thing unites Khuê Pham, Özlem Topçu and Alice Bota: They are German citizens and the children of migrants in a country that has long struggled to define its relationship with foreigners" (Lindsey), these three girls know firsthand what it is like to be a different than everyone around you. Although they have only ever known Germany as home themselves, German natives see them differently because their family did not originate in Germany. This real–world example attests to this country's previous outlook on immigration, sometimes even current outlook. There are many different factors that can contribute to the decision to migrate, and Germany has been a prime location for immigrants. Population, economics, political indicators, and cultural perspectives are some examples of these factors. Most immigrants choose Germany for the job opportunities, and arrive as guest workers. According to the Federal Office of Migration and Refugees, there are a few different circumstances one may be allowed to enter Germany as a guest worker. An example would be "Family reunification". There are several indicators that explain why Germany is appealing to those looking to relocate, and these same indicators can drive migrants away from their homeland. There are many different reasons for someone to migrate to a new country, and Germany did not necessarily accept immigrants when they first started flowing in. Many came due to difficult situations in their homeland, or immigrants were ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Germany, And The Federal Republic Of Germany History Germany, or the Federal Republic of Germany, was officially founded 1871 by Otto von Bismarck. Since then, Germany has had a rich history. As a young nation looking to get more territory, Germany fought in World War I. However, its loss in the war led to severe punishments in the Treaty of Versailles, leading to bitterness and resentment among the German people, as well as an economic depression. These harsh conditions helped to set the stage for Fascism in Germany. Toppling the Weimar Republic, the Nazi party (the National Social Workers' Party) made a quick ascent to power. Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazi party, envisioned a new era of glory for Germany: a Third Reich. His eventual invasion of Poland in sparked the beginning of World War II. During the war, Germany, along with the other Axis Powers, Japan and Italy, expanded into parts of Europe and Asia. Hitler invaded Poland, Denmark, Norway, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, and The Netherlands within the first two years of the war. Determined to create the "perfect Aryan race," Hitler set up concentration camps all over Europe. Jews, Communists, and political enemies were imprisoned in these camps, and millions died while in them. However, after years of war and multiple significant losses, Hitler committed suicide. Germany surrendered in 1945, shortly following Hitler's death. After the war, the decimated Germany was split into four occupation zones by the Allies. There were three Western zones, occupied by ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Germany Research Paper Germany does not have a perfect history, and hasn't always had a perfect government, nevertheless, Germany has had a long and colorful history. Germany has its beginnings in the year 843 A.D. Thanks to the Treaty of Verdun, the Carolingian Empire was divided among Charlemagne's grandsons. This led to the creation of France and Germany. Although Germany was overseen by a monarch, tribe chieftains did most of the work to take care of and defend the country. Germany seemed to be too difficult to handle from an outsider's point of view. As a result, the chieftains became dukes, and, once the line of Charlemagne ran out in the year 911, one of the dukes became the new king of Germany. At this point in German history, the rulers of various states began to vote for their king. However, like many European countries, Germany eventually came under the rule of the Holy Roman Empire from 962 until the mid–17th century. But, like before, Germany proved too difficult to control, and Germany was split among 300 princes after the Thirty Year's War. The Germanies, as it was now called, was still a part of the Holy Roman Empire, but it was by name only. After a while, though, the German people grew tired of disunity. Austria and Prussia (the largest powers of the Germanies) fought for control over the Germanies, and Prussia won. Austria pulled out of the Germanies, and until World War II Germany was unified. Germany was then divided until around 1989. ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Communism In Germany It all started when the rise of the Nazi Party came. Under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, and founded in 1919, the National Socialist German Workers Party, or Nazi Party, grew into much more than a meeting on the streets. It grew into a mass movement. The movement itself was Anti–Semitism and had much turmoil with the Treaty of Versailles. It had helped put an end to the first World War. Once Hitler was given power over Germany, he swiftly persuaded the people against the Treaty. In 1929, Germany was in a state of economic depression, and unemployment. Once Nazi power hit, it swore in more of the party, leading them to get 230 out of the 608 seats, located in Reichstag. January 1933, Hitler was appointed Chancellor and quickly banned ... Show more content on ... Winston Churchill replaced Neville Chamberlain at the Prime Minister, this went on from June to October 1940. British people suffered in the war, due to the bombings in Britain. They kept going, and Britain was able to keep off Germany. Once Pearl Harbor happened, US supported the Allied powers, in the forms of Lend Lease Act. This caused Germany on May 7th, 1945, Britain lost 300,000 fighting men, and 60,000 people in World War Two. On September 3rd, 1939, France declared war on Germany after in invasion of Poland. This plunged the world into the beginning of World War Two. Bombings, executions, and deportation were the main problem in France. Soon, on May 10th, the Battle of France was the invasion of the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. This made France fall and full retreat of British soldiers. On May 27th to June 4th was known as Operation Dynamo, when 300,00 french and British men were evacuated by boats from the beach, around 40,000 soldiers were either killed or ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Essay On Germany Germany is the seventh–largest European country. The North European Plain of Germany is flat, lowland terrain that has several rivers, streams, and is mostly used as farmland. The North Sea coastline is made up of marshy wet land, with dikes, mudflats and scattered islands, while The Baltic Sea coastline has more hills with some jagged cliffs. Germany's largest island is called Rugen which is forested and rather hilly with steep cliffs and sandy beaches. In the northeast, near the city of Berlin, the land remains sandy and is consisted of small lakes formed by retreating glaciers from the last Ice Age. In central Germany, the land rises into forested uplands that include the volcanic origin Harz Mountains and the thickly wooded ... Show more content on ... On the Autobahn there is a recommended speed limit of 130 km/p (80 mph) that help ease traffic problems throughout the country. German communication styles are honest and direct. They generally speak the truth clearly and arrive straight to the point without using much tact to cushion their words. This approach can feel blunt to a non–German, but it's simply their way of ensuring clear communication. Germans are generally accustomed to having smaller proximities of personal space. The people of Germany are extremely punctual and may view those who are late as unreliable. Many Germans reserve their smile for individuals they personally know and are consider to have more serious exterior. When being sincere or speaking of something serious, it is important to maintain eye contact. Avoiding eye contact is seen as an indication of dishonesty or a lack of confidence. When German speaks to other adults, they normally approach them formally by referring to them as Frau (Mrs.) and Herr (Mr.) At the start of the First World War, Germany attacked France through Belgium to avoid French defenses on the French–German border. They were beaten back at the First Battle of the Marne. Three years of stalemated trench warfare on the Western Front produced millions of casualties (with one–third killed). New tactics in 1918 opened up the war, but a series of ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. The Illuminati In Germany The Illuminati is the superior group of people who know many different things that a lot of people don't know. First, Baron von Knigge, the man who initially merged the Illuminati with Freemasonry, quit the Illuminati in 1784 after Adam refused to make him an equal ruler of the Illuminati. German political activities of Illuminati members ran contradictory to the principles that Adam had defined for the organization, which led to a disjointed effort and a splintered alternative form of the Illuminati in Germany with different principles that ran contrary to the anti–nationalist rule. Discontent spread as disgruntled Illuminati members started to view Adam negatively. Unfortunately, disgruntled members of the Illuminati broke their oath of ... Show more content on ... First, Baron von Knigge, the man who initially merged the Illuminati with Freemasonry, quit the Illuminati in 1784 after Adam refused to make him an equal ruler of the Illuminati. German political activities of Illuminati members ran contradictory to the principles that Adam had defined for the organization, which led to a disjointed effort and a splintered alternative form of the Illuminati in Germany with different principles that ran contrary to the anti–nationalist rule. To the Bavarian Illuminati, the pyramid denoted the Order of the Illuminati itself. The stones in front of the pyramid represented the Orders yet–to–complete goals for the honor of the Supreme Architect, just as the pyramid in the Great seal signifies the newly created and unfinished ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The New Germany Germany immediately after the end of World War II, lay in ruins. The country's infrastructure was in disarray. Its industry had come to a halt and its economy was ravaged, a completely new state needed to be built to get Germany back on its feet. In addition, Germany faced cultural instabilities involving the film industry. Along with everything else German cinema was completely destroyed. "The international reputation for German cinema was utterly discredited because of the abuse of the medium for state propaganda and the willful collaboration of a number of German directors, actors and producers" (Strathausen). The bulk of the films produced in this time period were of poor quality with no chance of going United States competitor. The German ... Show more content on ... First, was the state sponsored support program for the production of German films, at this time the United States had saturated the German film market making it nearly impossible for Germany's film industry to recover. In 1965, the Board of Trustees for Young German Film was created. They helped financially support projects of the young filmmakers in hopes of subsidizing and promoting the film industry. Secondly, "to ensure the proper financing and distribution of its movies, many representatives of the New German Cinema worked closely with the German TV stations" (Strathausen). Playing movies on German TV was a strategic move to revamp the industry and get German films noticed. Thirdly, was the international success and reputation of New German Cinema, internationally German cinema was "extremely popular and commercially viable" (Strathausen). Finally, the student protest movement played an important role. Several of the young filmmakers during this period were part of the student movement. Which resulted in "a series of both critical and leftist movies about Germany's Nazi past or its uninspiring present" ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Germany And The Economy Of Germany understand given the type of product we will be selling and the industries we will be selling to. Fortunately for us, Germany devotes 2.853% of its GDP to R&D activities which is even higher than our home country of the United States which only devotes 2.806% of GDP (OECD II 1). Ultimately, after thoroughly assessing the economic situation in Germany we as a country firmly believe that we can be successful not just in Berlin, but the entirety of the country. Now that we have briefly examined what we will sell and who we will sell it to and analyzed the culture and economy of Germany. It becomes time to move to the final part of our report where we outline just how we plan to market our product in Berlin to our target customers. Just ... Show more content on ... This type of technology has countless applications for personalized patient care and the study of the human body and could greatly assist hospitals and academic researchers. In addition to 3–D printing's applications in medicine, our 3–D printing technology can also "Produce organic, complex geometries that can 't be manufactured any other way. For parts that will be 3D printed, like jigs, fixtures and custom components, you can set aside the usual design–for–manufacturing constraints" and greatly reduce costs for the pharmaceutical industry in the manufacturing of their products (Stratasys II 1). Initially we plan on selling two models of printers to service each of these two types of customers. For the hospitals/clinics and academic researchers, we plan on marketing our Connex3 printer. We have chosen to market this particular model due to its ability to "Simulate everything from soft tissue and muscles to cartilage and bone in a single print job. It can even incorporate clear materials to get an unobstructed view of hidden tissues and blood vessels" (Stratasys II 1). For our customers in the pharmaceutical industry, we are choosing to market our Eden 250 3–D printer due to its aforementioned ability to construct complex geometries for ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Auschwitz In Germany The year is 1939. You are in Germany. You have been deemed a most unfortunate status. Being a Jew. However you do not know of your misfortune quite yet. Your country is recovering from an economic and social depression. You hear of a new leader. A leader who will make Germany great again. That leader's name is Adolf Hitler. To many this sounds like good news. It is not. You and your fellow German citizens lose your rights. The right to free assembly. The right of free press. The right of free speech. You decide that to make Germany great again it is fine for Hitler to revoke your and your fellow Germans' rights. One day you decide to go to your neighbor to discuss social matters. Your neighbor is a financially stable plump man. You stay for ... Show more content on ... Since Auschwitz–Birkenau was only one of the many Nazi concentration camps that was built to imprison Jews, it is clear that tens of millions of Jews were put in these concentration camps (mostly European Jews). Jewish prisoners in the Auschwitz facility "were crammed [by the hundreds] into tiny horse stables, which were overrun with vermin. Toilets and washing facilities were inadequate [at these concentration camps] and prisoners were given very little time to use them. [These imprisoned Jews] were fed with small rations providing about 1,300 calories a day for prisoners and 1,700 calories a day for laborers. [These] prisoners and laborers in the camps were subject to arbitrary punishment at the whim of the SS guards at all times and could be tortured or executed without notice and for any reason" (Auschwitz). In addition to this, Jewish prisoners were also brutally treated along the way to these concentration camps. "In most cases prisoners traveled for days with nothing to eat or drink and without any toilet facilities and many died on the journey" (Auschwitz). Although these were clearly vile and inhumane acts which were taken against the Jews, "the reception of these policies was mixed. Some nations (Poland, for example) willingly gave their Jews to the Schutzstaffeln (SS). Other countries, like Denmark, resisted handing over Danish citizens to be murdered by the Nazis. France was mixed in its reaction. The Vichy government gladly handed over any foreign Jews residing in France, but was hesitant to deport Jewish French citizens" ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Imperialism In Germany HOOK! In Germany people travel to different places than the US. Many Germans choose to spend their vacation time going to the Balearic Islands in Spain (clarification). These are tropical islands with beautiful beaches and jaw dropping views. According to Jan Germans vacation there because it is "super cheap." (was this place cheap?) Jan also said that many Germans enjoy traveling to the Mediterranean Sea because it is also cheap. They stay in Spain while there. (How should I word this??) The Mediterranean Sea also has crystal clear waters and unbelievable views. After hearing about what Jan had to say about vacationing I started to feel like Germans value travel much more than Americans. (Need to get more information in order to finish!!!) When people in Germany have a little bit of free time they choose to watch movies just like many Americans. Jan said that he really enjoyed watching "hollywood movies." He said that hollywood movies were way better than the movies that are made in Germany. "Germany movies are terrible," is what he had to say about them. After he said that I started to think about how American culture is slowly imperializing other countries. American culture is becoming the new normal for other countries. ... Show more content on ... Germany has been taking in a lot of refugees lately. Most of these people are coming from Syria. In fact, 98,783 immigrants in Germany are Syrian. (Durden) Many people claim that their crime rate has gone up due to "...Merkel's "open–door" refugee policy." (Saeed) How do I word this?!>> 92% of the 10% of crime in one state in Germany has gone up because of male immigrants. ("Crime Spike") Although some may believe that allowing refugees in hurts their environment 80% of millennials believe that it actually enriches cultural diversity in their country. (Legraien) A huge positive for Germany is that their population is no longer shrinking (Nardelli). That may help but Germany can't deal with the influx. (Dockery) Need a ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Unification of Germany THE UNIFICATION OF GERMANY In 1871 the thirty–eight states of what was once the Holy Roman Empire, re–united to become what was known in the early twentieth century as simply, The German Empire, united under the rule of the German Emperor, or Kaiser. There are many factors which led to the unification of the German states; liberalism, nationalism, Otto Von Bismarck, fear of ‘another Napoleon', the Prussian King William I, and the three wars Prussia fought. One of the key factors which led to the Unification was nationalism. Nationalism is the idea that certain things such as race, culture, religion, language or territory set them apart from those around them, and they could identify their interests with a group of people not just a ... Show more content on ... At this point William was 70 years of age and had been an army officer since 17. When William attempted to introduce army reforms that would double army size, increase the period of service and remove the Landwehr (citizen militia). The Prussian parliament would not pass this bill as it would give the ‘Junker' class (aristocracy) more power. As William tried alternative means of obtaining his reforms, there was constitutional crisis as the liberals would not support the King's bill and he had sworn to uphold the constitution and as such refrained from using force on the liberals, and even considered abdication. Instead he appointed Otto Von Bismarck as his new Chief Minister in September of 1862. This proved to be an excellent decision on William's part as it resulted in the implication of his reforms and the Unification of the German states under his rule. Otto Von Bismarck, the man who really set the ball rolling, and ensured it landed in the right hole, is one of the main reasons Germany was unified. He was the Prussian foreign minister and although his actual reason for wanting to unify Germany was to increase the power of Prussia, still he was the main reason for why Germany was united under the rule of the Kaiser. When Bismarck was brought into office in September 1862 he resolved the constitutional crisis in Prussia by simply ignoring Parliament. He ordered the ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Germany 's Geographical Features Of Germany The country I was assigned to research is Germany. Germany's geographical features are its rivers such as the Elbe River, the Danube River, the Weser River and the Rhine River. Germany was by poor and weak areas that made it quite easy for imperialism to occur. Nonetheless, being by the water as a coast was really beneficial to Germany, These Rivers helped Germany with receiving and trading things such as health supply, weapons and food. In 1914, Germany's population was recorded at 67 million and Germany during World War One was registered at 137,846 square miles. The type of government Germany had during WWI was called a Federal Republic. A Federal Republic is a state in which the powers of the central government are restricted and in which the states, colonies and or provinces retain a degree of self–government. The official language for the country at the time was German and the name of the currency used was called German Papiermark. The major religions were both Catholicism and Christianity. German people were perfectionists to say the least. The German people take pride in their ability to be well organized and always strive for perfection. Germans do not accept their faults and were rarely complimentary. German people may come across unfriendly but that is just in their nature to be stoic. Germans were known to love pork and incorporate it into many of their meals. Something about a hearty cuisine really made the Germans happy. Beer happens to be the most consumed ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Essay on A Look Into Germany Country background: Germany is currently the second most populous nation in Europe and one of the continents largest economies [1]. Since the early half 20th century the nation has gone through 2 world wars. Germany was originally divided into two former states known as the western federal republic of Germany (FRG) and the eastern German democratic republic (GDR). The FRG was a key member of western security, and economic organizations. The communist GDR was mainly involved with the Soviet–led Warsaw pact. By the end of the cold war western and eastern Germany were eventually united as one nation in 1990 [1]. Germany is a member of NATO, G8 summit and the United nations. It remains the world's fourth largest economy by average GDP, and ... Show more content on ... Central Germany features a more mountainous country side. Northern regions consist of river wetlands and sandy soil. Natural resources include coal, cooper, uranium and arable land. Flooding is one of common natural hazards in the country [2]. The major rivers are the Weser, Rhine, Weser and the Danube. The first three both flow northward ending up in the North Sea. The Danube River flows east of more 1700 km which eventually reaches the black sea in Romania. Lake Constance is the largest lake in Germany which lies at the border separating Austria, and Switzerland [2]. Demographics: The current population of Germany is about 82,329,758. It is the 14th most populous nation in the world with more than 80 cities and with up to 100,000 inhabitants. More than 15 million of the German population is of non–decent [3]. Since the early 1960's Germany has attracting migrants from across Europe as well as Northern Africa, and Turkey. Refuges from several developing countries consider Germany as a prime destination due to the changes in its constitution giving rights to asylum [3]. Ethnic groups consist of Turks, Italian, Russian, Spanish, and Iranian. The majority of Germans have a strong classical education due to the nation's rich heritage to in history, music and art. English is widely understood by many Germans [3]. [3] History: The word Germany is derived from the Latin word ''Germanic'' which ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. The Effects Of The Unification Of Germany And Germany United I'm going to talk about the unification of Germany and Italy and how these two places went about unification and how that affected Europe. Also, I'm going to compare and contrast the effects that these two places unifying had on Europe. Before the French revolution both Italy and Germany were divided into many states, Germany was divided way more than Italy with more than three hundred states which had to have been harder to unite. Many people don't know about the unification of Germany and Italy occurred or know that Germany had to do many things to achieve unification and ultimately start a war and use other wars to work towards the goal of unification. Now looking at Italy in 1866 Italy signed a pact with Prussia promising support if Prussia went to war with Austria. Prussia promised to get Venetia for Italy. Eventually several months later, war between Prussia and Austria did happen. Austria was defeated by Prussia in the Austro–Prussian War. In the peace settlement, Prussia awarded Italy with Venice and the other surrounding territories. They made Florence the capital of Italy. Wherefore Germany went to war three times to achieve unification. The World Book encyclopedia says that for hundreds of years Germany lived in separate states, one of the most powerful was the kingdom of Prussia. During the late 1800's, Otto Con Bismarck, the prime minister of Prussia, united most of these states and cities under Prussian leadership. After Bismarck, German leaders tried ... Get more on ...
  • 40.
  • 41. Germany Essay Overview The Federal Republic of Germany; with its capital city of Berlin, is located in Central Europe. With a population of 80,722,792 people; 65 to 70% of that practicing Christianity. The common language spoken in Germany is German, or Deutsch. With a total land mass of 137,846 square miles, Germany became one country again after the demolition of the Berlin Wall ending the Soviet Unions control over East Germany reuniting the country after nearly 30 years. Germany has prospered and once again become a nation to be recognized. ''Germany is also considered to have a moderate climate with no specific long periods of hot or cold weather''. Although most of Europe uses the Euro, Germany has adopted the Deutschmark as its currency. ... Show more content on ... Under this Republic, the current leader or Chancellor today is Angela Merkel, the first female Chancellor to be elected in Germany. It is widely considered by most that Merkel is the undisclosed "leader of the free world". Most recently, Businesses in Germany have been shaken considerably due to the election of Donald Trump." The United States is Germany's most important single export destination and President Donald Trump's protectionist comments have unsettled German politicians and business leaders." (Euronews). Business Norms As evidenced by the graph below, the average working hours in Germany, among other countries in Europe, differ greatly from the United States and have continued to reduce over the years. Over the years in Germany, the normal 40 hour work week has been considered a thing of the past, instead adopting a "less can be more attitude" (Savannah Cox). Adopting a policy known as Kurzarbeit, German officials declared an average 35–hour work week Monday through Friday, with 24 vacation days throughout the year. This policy was designed to enhance the quality of life, and has actually dropped Germanys unemployment rate down to 4.8% and, allowing Germany to keep up with the rest of the world in what it exports. Germans are able to accomplish this by adopting a zero tolerance attitude when it comes to work time. That means that any lollygagging is severely frowned upon. Customs, Traditions, Etiquette The Federal Republic of Germany ... Get more on ...
  • 42.
  • 43. Germany Research Paper Germany is a country in Central Europe that borders the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. It is located between Poland and the Netherlands. Germany is a dominant country in Europe, and is one of the most well known countries around the world. The country is known for the Berlin Wall that provided the separation between West and East Germany. It was not until the end of the Cold War in Europe that the Berlin Wall was torn down by the people of both West and East Germany. Although the Berlin Wall is a huge part of Germany's history, most people know about the conflicts Germany has with many other countries, and some would assume Germany is not a dominant country in the world. The country was a part of two world wars, and was a part of the Axis powers. ... Show more content on ... The country has adopted several policies; they are conserving energy, the encouragement of better transportation, and the encouragement of recycling. The next thing that is important about Germany is its population. Germany is considered the second most populous nation according to the CIA World Factbook. They are second to Russia, which has the most populous nation in the world. With a population over eighty million people, it is no wonder that it is one of the most populous countries. According to the World Factbook, the median age of the people in Germany is around forty–six years of age, and having a birth rate of 8.47 births per 1,000 people, and a death rate of 11.42 per 1,000 people. Germany receives a lot of immigrants from surrounding countries. According to the textbook, "...a mass exodus of young people from Spain and Greece is presently taking place because the dismal economic situation in their home countries, with England and Germany reportedly the beneficiaries of this internal European migration" (p.366). The Schengen Agreement was put into place, because of the migration of many people to European countries. If a country is a part of the Schengen members, for instance Germany, any immigrant that enters one of their countries is able to move freely around Europe to any country a part of the Schengen Agreement. Now this agreement brings a lot of concerns to the people of these countries. ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Fascism In Germany Fascism succeeded in Germany, not as a result of Hitler being elected. There were many factors that lead Hitler and the Nazi party to succeed. Hitler took advantage of situations such as the Great Depression and the Reichstag fire to help the Nazi Party gain support and obtain power of Germany. Along with taking advantage of those factors Hitler was able to convince the members of Reichstag to pass the Enabling Act. Another way Hitler was able to gain more support was by rewarding the people of Germany with organizations such as the Gleichstang and strength through joy. The Great Depression of 1929 impacted Germany tremendously. Already gone through the Hyperinflation of 1923, the struggling Germany economy was facing another challenge. Many Germans encountered unemployment along with German farmers facing the threat of price declines of commodities and also the declining of markets. With many Germans facing unemployment this meant they were not able to earn money so it was difficult to get food or other necessities. This economic hardship gave Hitler the opportunity to reach out to the people of Germany who were outraged and worried about their future. So, this economic tragedy brought new supporters, voters, activists to the Nazi Party, which led them to gain more popularity. With more support and popularity, the Nazi Party kept on growing and becoming more powerful. In January 1933 Hitler was designated as Chancellor. He did not have much power at the beginning of ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Weimar Germany Germany was like a battered solider coming home after War World I. He expected to find his comfortable and familiar civilian life right where he left it. Back to normality, back to stability and safety. However, that unchanged and perfect ideal of home that he expected no longer existed. They had foreign invaders on their soil and influencing their people. After the loss of World War I, the German economy were imposed with financial responsibilities according the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. Germans were expected to pay reparations to the Allied powers while their territory was significantly reduced plagued with hyperinflation ( 2014).These reparations created a serious economic strain on Germany and, according to Holocaust Encyclopedia, ... Show more content on ... They had been beaten, economically strained, and the social order that they had maintained for centuries had been undone. This lack in effective in military performance had a significant effects in the political, social, and artistic discourse. Feminine culture had the chance to finally challenge the misogynistic culture to allow for more women's right and equality. Conversely, that confrontation allowed masculine culture to blame a national failure of war on that marginalized other that only sought for equality. A war broken Germany was able to oust the "dangerous" foreign influence in film and created a unique cinematic model to portray the ongoing social battle. These pressures, blamed on the "others" due to lack of control of foreign influence, may have been the defining catalyst that allowed Weimar Germany to eventually grow into a National Socialist ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Germany Dbq Leah Griffin 3/6/15 HIST 121 Document Analysis Paper World War I played a key role in Adolf Hitler's rise to power. After the devastating war, Germany was viewed as the main instigator and the European Allied Powers decided to impose strict treaty obligations upon Germany. This treaty, also known as the Treaty of Versailles, was signed by Germany and went into effect in June 1919 ("Treaty of Versailles, 1919" 1). The treaty forced Germany to give up the land it seized from multiple countries during the war and also forced Germany to recognize the independence of several others ("The Treaty of Versailles – 1919" 37–43). The treaty also forced Germany to agree to many other humiliating terms that did not rest easy with the German public ... Show more content on ... "The Past in Weimar History." Contemporary European History 15.1 (2006): 1–22. Print. "Peace Treaty of Versailles, Articles 159–213, Military, Naval and Air Clauses." Peace Treaty of Versailles, Articles 159–213, Military, Naval and Air Clauses. Brigham Young University, 11 Nov. 1988. Web. 05 Mar. 2015. <>. "Political Disorder: The Weimar Republic and Revolt 1918–23." Untitled Document. Mount Holyoke College, n.d. Web. 05 Mar. 2015. <>. Schmidt, Carl Theodore. "The Treaty of Versailles, Inflation and Stabilization." German Business Cycles, 1924–1933. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1934. 1–24. Print. "The Treaty of Versailles – 1919." In The Holocaust. Detroit, MI: Omnigraphics, 2006. "Treaty of Versailles, 1919." The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Holocaust Encyclopedia. 20 June 2014. <>. Accessed 28 February 2015. "World War I: Aftermath." The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Holocaust Encyclopedia. 20 June 2014. <>. Accessed 1 March
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  • 52. Cultural Culture In Germany Germany is a highly diverse country filled with historic sites and a variety of countryside. The country is full of all walks of life from the North Sea to the Swiss Alps in the south. The language spoken there is Deutsch but just like anywhere else depending upon where you are can determine the different types of dialect you might hear. For instance, in the Northern part of Germany, you might hear a more Danish dialect and in the South, you might find a lot more Swedish speaking individuals. The German country is rich in history and has contributed to Europe in a plethora of ways it's almost unprecedented, and their influence is still felt throughout Europe and the rest of the world today. To say that there is one single German culture wouldn't be doing the country any justice. Germany is arguably one of the most culturally diverse nations in all of Europe. This is largely due in part of the almost central location of Germany in Europe, and the amount of federally funded programs that are available there. Germany gets its reputation as one of the major cultural nations due to major influences in the country throughout the eras from famous music composers to literary geniuses. Cultural awareness is arguably one of the most important assets as a military we must have that is why I feel the need to cover the main aspects of Germany in which their culture is influenced and derived from on a day to day basis of their lives. When it ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Germany Essay Germany has become Europe's most powerful country. Germany now has the continent's strongest and biggest economy. Germany's economy accounts for a fifth of the European Union's output and a quarter of its exports. Germany has a jobless rate of 5.4%, which is less than half of Europe's average. Youth employment in Germany is at a 20–year low. Germany's budget is balanced, government debt is decreasing, and long–term bond yields are the lowest in Europe. Germany is the largest creditor country in Europe, and as chief paymaster it has the biggest clout in deciding the single currency's future. Britain, who is outside the euro zone is distracted by a domestic debate about its EU membership and has lost their influence. The Franco–German ... Show more content on ... These small–town businesses, along with industrial giants such as Siemens, Bosch, and BMW, help maintain Germany's manufacturing and export prowess. Germany's manufacturing's share of GDP is bigger than other rich countries and German exports are stronger than other countries. Half of Germany's growth over the past decade has come from exports. The external surplus of $243 billion is the world's largest in absolute terms. Germany has a voided a surge of lay–offs after the financial crisis and has done far better than others at getting young people and the hard–to–employ into work. Germany offers vocational training and some firms take on apprentices, mixing practical training with classroom tuition. Tough labor reforms were introduced in 2003 know as "Agenda 2010" that freed up the job market. The Hartz reforms brought fundamental changes to the low end of the German job market. This reform eliminated payroll taxes on earning of less than 400 Euros a month, encouraging the creation of part–time "mini–jobs". German manufactures have always been strong in three areas: machine tools, chemicals and cars. Almost half of German exports, and 72% of its exports to China, are machinery or transport goods. When demands for exports collapsed, the German government came up with multiple schemes to stem unemployment, ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Imperialism In Germany Origins of major cultures The emergence of the nation has been understood in very different ways at different times. Humanist scholars of the early sixteenth century initiated a discourse about the German nation by identifying contemporaneous populations as descendants of ancient Germanic peoples, as they were represented in the writings of Roman authors such as Julius Caesar (100–44 B.C.E. ) and Cornelius Tacitus (c. 55–c.116 C.E. ), author of the famous work Germania. From the viewpoint of Ulrich von Hutten (1488–1523), among others, Tacitus provided insight into the origins and character of a virtuous nation that was in many ways equal or superior to Rome. The German humanists found their hero in Armin, or Hermann, who defeated the Romans ... Show more content on ... At the north end of Schleswig, Holstein has nearly 50,000 people of Danish descent. There are nearly 60,000 people from Sorbian Lusatia in the Saxony and Brandenburg regions, and Romani and Sinti living in the whole territory. Frisian people live in Schleswig – Holstein in the West Bank and northwest lower Saxony. Major Religions The majority of Germans (60–70%) are Christian. Germany's Christian population is evenly split between Roman Catholics and the EKD (Evangelical Church of Germany), which includes both Lutheran Protestants and Calvinists. Germany's two Christian populations are split up by region. Most areas in the South and West are predominantly Catholic, while areas in the North and East are mostly Protestant. This divide stems from the preferences of local rulers in the 15th and 16th centuries. There is also a high atheist population in many eastern parts of Germany. This is due to the influence of the German Democratic Republic's Communist regime, which discouraged religion in East Germany from the 1950s to the reunification of Germany in ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Germany as a Victim Germany as a Victim On the 16th June the German government, lead by Count Brockdorff–Rantzau, were presented with the Treaty of Versailles. They were originally given 14, and then 21 days, to agree to it. "The treaty, which included some 440 Articles, was not as vindictive as Clemenceau had wanted nor as moderate as Lloyd George would have wished. It certainly fell far short of the conciliatory features of Wilson's fourteen point proposals." (Evans and Jenkins) However, in order to decipher whether the end results were destructive to Germany or not, it is necessary to asses not only the main points of the treaty (including military provisions, territory, financial provisions, war guilt and the ... Show more content on ... The most obvious term was the return of Alsace–Lorraine to France. Schleswig was also returned to Denmark after it had been annexed by Bismark. Also Eupen and Malmedy were to go to Belgium. This act is thought to be justified by the fact that much of Belgiums industry was destroyed during to war, whilst Germany remained relatively untouched. The Saar Basin was also to be overseen by the League of Nations, the Saar coalfield by France, for fifteen years. This amounted to 13% of German territory and 12% of the population – half of which were ethnic Germans. Lloyd George claimed that "I cannot conceive any greater cause of future war than that the German people should be surrounded by small states . . . each of them containing large masses of Germans clamouring for reunion with their homeland" It also took away much of their industry including 48% iron ore, 16% coal, and15% agricultural production. J.M Keynes believes that these terms were "inexpedient and disasterous" Anthony Wood does not agree with this point of view and states "any defeated country, whether it negotiates or not, has to accept the conditions the victor demands . . . the terms which Germany imposed on Russia at Brest–Litovsk in March ... Get more on ...
  • 59.
  • 60. Germany : Germany In The Heart Of Europe Germany is in the heart of Europe (Geography & Climate, 2016). It's the only Country in Europe to boarder nine countries. The nine countries include Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Poland and Switzerland. Germany has direct access to the Baltic and North seas. With a coast line of one–thousand four–hundred eighty–four miles. Germany stretches over 137,847 square miles, which is slightly smaller than Montana (Germany: Facts and figures, 2017). The country is covered by nearly one–third forest with only two percent of the land account for lakes, rivers and other inland waters. The climate supports moderate temperature from July through late September with an average temperature of twenty–one point ... Show more content on ... The four options all require children to have vocational training and hands on learning. The Haptschule school is for children that learn at a slower academic rate. Realschule school also continues the vocational, hands on aspect of study, however inclines children to learn and pushes for college attendance. The Gymnasium and Gesamtschule schools are for students that excel in normal study. At the age of eighteen these students are granted the choice to continue in college or start apprenticeship. School is paid for by the German Government however, require students to fulfil their skill sets into the economy to help advance Germanys economy. This is contract based for the time of agreement the students study (Reeg, 2015). The German work force is forty–five million three–hundred thousand (Staff, 2017). The education structure is the sheer reason for an outstanding work force for German citizens (Reeg, 2015). Germany's structure includes roads, autobahn, train system, airports, harbors and buildings. Germany's roads cover six–hundred forty–four thousand four–hundred eighty kilometers throughout the country. Germany has five–hundred thirty–nine airports for everyday travel and business trades. The railroads cover forty–one thousand nine–hundred eighty–one kilometers in the country. The citizens of Germany rely heavily on the train systems for everyday use for transport. The train system offers normal ... Get more on ...
  • 61.
  • 62. Importance Of Tourism In Germany In the German language the word Germany is called something completely different. Deutschland is the word they use in the German language for Germany ("Interesting Information about Germany"). Just like how Germany is called Deutschland in the German language is interesting, the tourist attractions, and the WW2 history and religion in Germany is just as phenomenal. The tourist attractions, WW2 history, and religion all make Germany the fascinating country that it is today. Germany has fabulous tourist attractions that have been preserved throughout the centuries. The scenery is a big part of attracting tourists to Germany. The beautiful German southern Alps along with gorgeous Rhine, Main, and Danube river valleys make Germany famous for its scenery. Medieval villages and castles dot this landscaping. In Germany's major cities, there are many theaters, operas, and orchestral music offered. Plenteous resorts and gorgeous Rugen Island are now where the formerly German Democratic Republic area once was("Germany, 2017"). Located in the Southwest edge of Germany the Black forest is a popular place. It is wonderful because of "dark and densely–wooded hills"("15 Top–Rated Tourist Attractions in Germany"). With 110 acres of flowers, Insel Mainau attract a lot of people from all around for it's vibrant colors. It is located on Lake Constance and has lots of tropical vegetation("15 Top–Rated Tourist Attractions in Germany"). Along with the scenery, old historic buildings are a big ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. Germany And Its Impact On The Country Of Germany Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a certain group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, food, social habits, music and arts. The country of Germany is rich in culture, from the days of Nazi Reign, to today's alliance with NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). The architecture of Germany has a long, rich and diverse history. Every major European style from Roman to Post Modern is demonstrated. Germany has made very significant technology and science achievements and have a significant part of the country's economy. Germany's people are a very tolerant and forward thinking group of people. Germany is a modern, advanced society, shaped by a multitude of lifestyles and regional backgrounds. The ... Show more content on ... He pulled Germany out of the League of Nations in 1933, claiming its disarmament clauses were not fair. He felt that they were directly applied to Germany, and only them. In March 1935 Hitler announced his army would be raised to 550,000 men and that he was establishing an Air Force. On 1 September 1939, Hitler would alter the world's history forever by invading Poland. After the invasion, Britain and France declared war on Germany. This was the beginning of World War II. By June 1940, the German Army conquered the Netherlands, Belgium, and on 22 June 1940 France surrendered. The swift and unexpected defeat of France resulted in an enflux in Hitler 's popularity and a strong sense of war fever. Germany's war in the East was based on Hitler's view that Jews were the reason that Germany lost World War I. His main focus was was on Eastern Europe, aiming to conquer Poland, the Soviet Union and exterminate the Jewish residents and Slavs in the process. In 1941 Hitler decided to destroy the Polish nation, and within ten years the section of Poland under Nazi occupation would be cleared of native Polish residents and resettled by German residents. About 4 million Poles would remain as slaves as a part of a labour force of 14 million the Nazis intend to create using natives of countries they conqured through the war. Somewhere around the failed offensive against the Soviet Union in Moscow in December 1941, ... Get more on ...
  • 65.
  • 66. Germany Research Paper Germany is a country in Central Europe that borders the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. It is located between Poland and the Netherlands. Germany is a dominant country in Europe, and is one of the most well known countries around the world. The country is known for the Berlin Wall that provided the separation between West and East Germany. It was not until the end of the Cold War in Europe that the Berlin Wall was torn down by the people of both West and East Germany. Although the Berlin Wall is a huge part of Germany's history, most people know about the conflicts Germany has with many other countries, and some would assume Germany is not a dominant country in the world. The country was a part of two world wars, and was a part of the Axis powers. ... Show more content on ... The country has adopted several policies; they are conserving energy, the encouragement of better transportation, and the encouragement of recycling. The next thing that is important about Germany is its population. Germany is considered the second most populous nation according to the CIA World Factbook. They are second to Russia, which has the most populous nation in the world. With a population over eighty million people, it is no wonder that it is one of the most populous countries. According to the World Factbook, the median age of the people in Germany is around forty–six years of age, and having a birth rate of 8.47 births per 1,000 people, and a death rate of 11.42 per 1,000 people. Germany receives a lot of immigrants from surrounding countries. According to the textbook, "...a mass exodus of young people from Spain and Greece is presently taking place because the dismal economic situation in their home countries, with England and Germany reportedly the beneficiaries of this internal European migration" (p.366). The Schengen Agreement was put into place, because of the migration of many people to European countries. If a country is a part of the Schengen members, for instance Germany, any immigrant that enters one of their countries is able to move freely around Europe to any country a part of the Schengen Agreement. Now this agreement brings a lot of concerns to the people of these countries. ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Germany Political and Economy Linh Pham Germany – Political Structure and Economy HIS200 Dr. Joanne McKay November 24 2013 Germany – Political Structure and Economy After the World War II, the winner of the war divided Germany and its capital, Berlin, among themselves. East Germany, a brand new country that promised to show the world why socialism was the best political system, was occupied and controlled by The Soviet Union. West Germany, called the Federal Republic, was occupied by the Americans, British and French, who would establish a new democratic government that stood in direct opposition to Communism. Because of the citizen's emigration to West Germany, East Germany government decided to seal the border to stop their people keep moving to the West. ... Show more content on ... Second, Article 106, Section 3.2 of the Basic Law requires the entire political system to guarantee a 'uniformity of living standards across the country' (Ibid). These two articles provide a foundation for the Länder to fulfill their duties and to work with the federal government to insure the requirement of uniform living standards. In essence, proportionality requires that governments and agencies must take legitimate actions that are the least intrusive or limiting upon a citizen's basic rights." We all know that Germany's army has always been a big power in the world throughout history. However, they had lost their power after the WWII and their country was divided by the winner of the war. "After a lot of struggle through the cold war, the army has now again emerged as one of the best equipped armies of the world...The military armament of the German army is enormous. Bundeswehr, the German army, is one now of the most powerful and technically advanced armies in the world. It also has one of the best infrastructure and war machinery.". Currently, there are approximately 11000 German citizens who voluntarily do up to a year of military service. German's army is getting involved in a lot of military operations in the world. They appear in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Coast of Lebanon, Sudan ... Get more on ...
  • 69.
  • 70. Germany : The Country Of Germany INTRODUCTION The country that I selected for the country report paper was Germany. Since I was last in the country, 45 years ago, many things have changed for Germany. The country was reunified in 1990, became Europe 's economic powerhouse, and is now the most important nation in the European Union. Germany is situated in northern central Europe and covers an area of 137,983 mi². Sharing its borders with nine other European countries, it is positioned in the middle of one of the world 's best access to the Nordic countries and the United Kingdom. The formal name of Germany is now the Federal Republic of Germany The capital of Germany is Berlin which is the largest city in terms of area and one of the most influential centers in European politics and culture. Today, Germany is divided into sixteen States and then the country is further divided into more than 400 districts and cities. The population of Germany is more than 81 million people with the ratio of 49% male and 51% female. Germany has the largest national economy in Europe, the fourth largest by nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the world, and the fifth largest GDP per person based on purchasing power parity (PPP), and is a founding member of both the European Union and the Eurozone. Germany has a social market economy that combines capitalism with social policies favoring social insurance. Today, Germany 's economy is largely made up of a service sector (around 70 percent of the total GDP), a robust ... Get more on ...
  • 71.
  • 72. The Federal Republic Of Germany The Federal Republic of Germany is part of the EU (European Union). Its capital is the beautiful and globally famous city of Berlin. It is composed by the union of 16 individual states, where people have the freedom of religion, press and free market economy. Germany has a long history, this town, just as the majority of all the European towns, was established during the Roman Empire. More than 200 years ago, the north and west regions of Europe were filled with Germanic tribes, and even though Julio Caesar pushed the limits of the Roman Empire to the east of the Rhine river, the Romans were not able to conquered that region nor north Danube, which is now known today as the beautiful country of Germany. In 1949, the German Federal Republic became a constitutional, parliamentary democracy. Since its reunification in 1990, the country has been composed of 16 federal states. After having a four–hour conversation via FaceTime with a dear German friend, whom I had the privilege of meeting back in 2013 when I first visited Germany, I summarized as much as I was able to the history of this precious country. It was not easy due to a lot of important events that happened but here is my summary: On November 4 of 1918, the German revolution took place with about 40,000 marines that invaded the port of Kiel. Three years later, on November 1921, the Sturmabteilung aka SA was formally formed by Adolf Hitler. On November of 1923, an army coup organized by Hitler failed, but again in 1938, ... Get more on ...
  • 73.
  • 74. The Political System Of Germany Germany is situated in the Western Europe and they are well known for their economic and political power. They are one of the super power of the world and they ranked 8th in terms of global army power. (Globalfirepowercom, 2016). According to the world fact book, the population of Germany is almost 81 million as of July 2015. Most of the people of Germany lives in the urban area. So, doing business in Germany is very profitable yet very challenging. Political Environment Analysis of Germany Political system and structure: The political system of Germany is very well structured. They follow federal parliamentary republic system which is based on representative democracy. The Chancellor is the head of government and he/she is elected for a maximum of two five–year terms. The President of Germany is the head of state which holds a ritualistic role but considerable reserve powers. Executive power is vested in the Federal Cabinet and federal legislative power is vested in the Bundestag and the Bundesrat. The current Chancellor is Angela Merkel and the current President is Joachim Gauck. The political structure is complicated yet well–structured. They have two house parliament. Federal judicial power is divided between the Bundestag which is upper house of the parliament and the Bundesrat which is the lower house in the parliament. The Bundestag is directly elected by the German people, while the Bundesrat represents the regional states. (Angloinfocom, 2016) The federal ... Get more on ...
  • 75.
  • 76. Totalitarianism In Germany Life for people in Germany wasn't better under the Nazi rule in the years 1933 and 1939. The Great Depression before Hitler came into power caused the citizens of Germany to lose their standard of living and jobs. The topics that are to be discussed are the development of the totalitarian state also the positive and negative effects on Germany at the time that Hitler was in power. The Treaty of Versailles was introduced after WWI, the purpose of this treaty was to start a Peace treaty with Versailles and the Germans who also had to respect and follow what the treaty said which meant that the blame had to be accepted without argument, a reparation had to be paid, The German army wasn't allowed many things and throughout the country territory ... Show more content on ... Hitler relied on organisations such as the SS, Gestapo and the SA to show his power throughout the whole of Germany this is so he could gain even more power and the citizens would listen and respect his ways. Not many of the citizens liked the way Hitler ruled and others were happy due to the better economy after The Great Depression and The Treaty of Versailles (Treaty of Versailles PPT, 2015). Some of the youth in Germany was brainwashed due to the Jewish and anti–Nazi teachers being forced out of their jobs due to get the youth to believe in the Nazi ideas, Catholic Youth Leagues were also broken even after there was an agreement signed with the pope, the catholic priests had been arrested and the teaching of religions was bad (Hitler's Dictatorship and the Third Reich, N.d., No author). Hitler had decided to create his own Reich church that had Nazis as bishops (, 2015). If the ways that Hitler ruled was questioned then the people would be liable for arrested if the rules were followed then they wouldn't come in contact with the SS also Known as Gestapo. These are the ways that Hitler managed to take over most of the society and how some believed that it was done for the better of the country (, ... Get more on ...
  • 77.
  • 78. Unification Of Germany And Germany : Unification In Europe I'm going to talk about the unification of Germany and Italy and how these two places went about unification and how that affected Europe. Also, I'm going to compare and contrast the effects that these two places unifying had on Europe. Before the French revolution both Italy and Germany were divided into many states, Germany was divided way more than Italy with more than three hundred states which had to have been harder to unite. Many people don't know about the unification of Germany and Italy occurred or know that Germany had to do many things to achieve unification and ultimately start a war and use other wars to work towards the goal of unification. The World Book Encyclopedia says that," Italy in 1866 Italy signed a pact with Prussia promising support if Prussia went to war with Austria. Prussia promised to give Venetia to Italy. Eventually several months later, war between Prussia and Austria did happen. Austria was defeated by Prussia in the Austro–Prussian War. In the peace settlement, Prussia awarded Italy with Venice and the other surrounding territories. They made Florence the capital of Italy. Wherefore Germany went to war three times to achieve unification. ("Italian unification") For hundreds of years Germany lived in separate states, one of the most powerful was the kingdom of Prussia. During the late 1800's, Otto Con Bismarck, the prime minister of Prussia, united most of these states and cities under Prussian leadership. After Bismarck, German leaders ... Get more on ...