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Review of English Semester Essay
English 101–60 has taught me many things and has helped me grow and develop my skills as a
writer. It has taught me how to think more creatively and use clear concrete details. In the
beginning of the semester, our first writing assignment was a narrative journal entry that focused on
writing about an uninteresting moment from your life and making it interesting. This was a
challenging assignment because it was a broad topic that allowed the writers to take it in any
direction. I remember thinking I had no idea what I am going to write about. Once I was able to
narrow down the ideas I started writing what a traumatic experience I had six years ago. This was
when I underwent the surgical procedure, to remove my gallbladder. My main more
Once I found that topic, I was able to start writing the research paper, My group faced a couple of
challenges along the way. One of the biggest challenges we faced was all of us meeting the length
requirement because were all still in the beginning stages of the assignment. The workshop group
was a new experience for me because I have never worked with that many person, this kind of
overwhelmed me because there was so many opinion on one paper. The groups weakness was,
our lack of organization. Fortunately, we were able to make this up with all of us being very
truthful towards each other and not sugarcoating the revisions we suggested among our papers.
We all accomplished the beginning stages of writing our research papers and making sure
everyone had their thesis there. Over the semester I have been challenged and intrigued over and
over by the content of this course and the professor, who thought I could develop a fairly strong
paper if it was not for all my grammatical errors. It has been a very enlightening and enthralling
experience that has taught me a new way to write a paper. In high school there was only one way
to write and that was it. I think that this class is a great way for students to think out of the box,
rather than having to be stuck. It allows them to write more freely about a subject, and I am very
thankful for that. I have learned many new skills and improved the skills I already
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Critical Review Essay
Clinical Operational Management – Assignment 2 (Critical Review Essay) Article Reviewed Clarke,
C., Harcourt, M., & Flynn, M. (2013). Clinical Governance, Performance Appraisal and
Interactional and Procedural Fairness at a New Zealand Public Hospital. Journal of Business Ethics,
117(3), 667–678.–012–1550–9 Introduction This
is a review of article titled, "Clinical Governance, Performance Appraisal and Interactional and
Procedural Fairness at a New Zealand Public Hospital" by Clarke, Harcourt, and Flynn (2013)
which focuses on performance appraisal (PA). The intention of the article is two–fold. It explores
how nurses perceive fairness in the process of their PA and how more content...
Kim and Rubianty (2011) revealed that intrinsic motivation of an employee correlates
significantly with perceived fairness of PA. Hence it is recommended that adequate attention be
paid to avoid discrepancies and injustices, aiming at continuity of pursuance for fairness and
transparency during the PA process (Ikemefuna & Chidi, 2012). Though the author agrees
with the significance and implications of this article, there were many notable weaknesses
identified especially in the area of the research methodology which affects the credibility of the
article. This review will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the article following the structure
of the article reviewed. Critique of reviewed article Title and Abstract The title was ambiguous as
many key terms e.g.; clinical governance, PA, interactional and procedural fairness were identified
as possible phenomena's of interest and no targeted population were identified. Despite a vague
title, the abstract was clear in stating the purpose of the article which was to explore the conduct of
PA and how perceived injustices impact the PA's effectiveness. The methodology was also
described; including sample size, research design and data collection
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Example Of A Critical Review
A Critical Review of Music Therapy's Effect on Postoperative Pain, Anxiety, and Noise Satisfaction
Ross Tapley
University of Memphis
"The Effect of Complementary Music Therapy on the Patient's Postoperative State Anxiety, Pain
Control, and Environment Noise Satisfaction" This is a critical review of the article, "The Effect of
Complementary Music Therapy on the Patient's Postoperative State Anxiety, Pain Control, and
Environment Noise Satisfaction". This study was printed in the Medsurg Nursing Journal in October
of 2013. The authors are Tressa Comeaux and Susan Steele–Moses. This critical review will analyze
the experimental research paper in various aspects. The purpose of this critique is to determine if the
author's more content...
Strengths and Weaknesses
The problem being researched is clinically significant. The purpose is clearly explained and
identifies the reason for the study. The study did not identify who was blinded to the patients, data
collectors, or staff increasing the potential for bias. The hypothesis can only be partially supported
due to various issues regarding sample size, control manipulation, and the patient's reactions to a
negative diagnosis. The training of the data collectors was not clearly expressed. The data was
collected ethically and consistently throughout the study.
Internal and External Validity
The instruments used measured indirectly and were not always reliable due to various issues with
patients. Because the control group was not told to change any behaviors some of the patients
listened to music which tainted their responses. The instrumentation remained the same throughout
the study, but some participants found the questionnaire too disturbing to answer. The researchers
did provide an adequate description of the measurement methods and can find the extent of their
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Research Issues in Psychology
Critical Review of a Research Article
Pupils who exhibit gifted characteristics along with another disability are referred to as
'twice–exceptional students' (Morrison, 2001; Nielsen 2002). This term is used in the article that I
have chosen to review, which analyzes the responses and perceptions through interview, of one
particular individual (Andrew) who was identified as being gifted and talented (G/T) and who had
emotional and behavioral disabilities (EBD). What the researchers aimed to accomplish through this
analysis was a clearer understanding of Andrew's community and school experiences, as they stated
that there was a lack of empirical data focusing upon pupils who displayed such
more content...
Teaching, according to the Teacher's Training Agency, " a job for those who like and respect
young people" (2005). Andrew clearly from his responses, suffered during his schooling, and
perhaps felt disrespected as a result of being labelled. His position as an educator a number of years
later, enable him to look quite critically upon his educators, almost, one could argue with an expert
As well as the questions which are raised about the size of the sample that was used, it is also
necessary to point out the lack of detail present concerning how the sample was chosen. Andrew's
reflective experiences several years after they occurred surely cannot be as valid as for example, a
sample of children displaying twice–exceptional abilities within schools at the time of commencing
the research. Perhaps Morrison and Omdal had valid reasons for choosing Andrew as their lone
participant, but this detail is missing from their study. There is no evidence either to suggest whether
Andrew was de–briefed about the nature of this study, which could prove significant with regard to
his responses to the interview questions, especially as he talks with such fervour about his
Since they only had one participant for this research, an interview was an appropriate method to gain
access to Andrew's experiences in school and in the community. An interview as stated in Cohen et al
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Person Centered Therapy : A Critical Analysis
Person–Centered Therapy (PCT) embodies a humanistic approach, which is intended to increase a
person's feelings of self–worth, and reduce the level of incongruence between the ideal self and the
actual self (Gelso, Cepeda & Davenport, 2006). This critical analysis is meant to examine various
approaches and skills counselors/therapists would use when applying a 'person–centered' type of
therapy. This analysis briefly outlines what PCT is, but focuses more heavily on the various
approaches used by social workers throughout the therapeutic relationship. More specifically, PCT
approaches such as, counselor/client congruence, empathic understanding, and unconditional
positive regard are the main approaches highlighted in this analysis as they play an integral role in
the counseling relationship.
Person–Centered Therapy: A Critical Analysis of PCT Approaches
Often social workers are faced with having to choose from a wide variety of practice approaches,
models, and methods when working with clients. Understanding which approach is appropriate to
use with your client is imperative. "Paying equal attention to people and their environments is a
critical aspect when choosing the appropriate approach, as each client and situation is unique"
(Gitterman & Heller, 2011). For this critical analysis of the therapeutic approach known as
Person–Centered Therapy, I will be outlining the 'core conditions', which guide the counselors
approach. The reason I chose to highlight this
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A Critical Review Of The Big Five Theory
Bangor University School of Psychology PPP–2014 500430560 A critical review of the Big Five
theory Word count: 1067 A critical review of the Big Five theory As a reaction to theorists such
as Cattell explaining personality using theories involving 16 source traits to make up personality
(Cattell, Eber & Tatsuoka, 1970), the Big Five theory emerged (McCrae & Costa Jr, 1999).
Contemporary theorists found faults within the theories explained by theorists such as Cattell.
They believed that 16 personality traits were too high of a number and that there were fewer than
16 personality traits. Following this, one study asked students to rate each other using several of
Catell's 16 personality factor scales. These results were submitted to factor analysis, from which
five factors were drawn. These five factors included extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness,
emotional stability and culture (Norman, 1963). It was McCrae and Costa that took Norman's
results and created the most influential and respected theory. Norman's five personality traits were
altered, explaining personality through openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion,
agreeableness and neuroticism (McCrae & Costa Jr, 1999). These factors are bipolar and are
named after the high pole side of the trait. This means that someone who is on the high end of the
pole of neuroticism would be worried and insecure, and someone who is on the low end of the pole
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Essay about Critical Review of Journal Article
INTRODUCTION This critical review of the quantitative study "Evaluation of a multiprofessional
community stroke team: a randomised controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation; 18 pp 40–47 STUDY
PURPOSE The study aims to conclusively evaluate how effective it is to employ a specialist
community stroke team for the rehabilitation of stroke victims in a community based setting. This is
clearly established at within the opening lines of the article. In the summary at the beginning of the
article the author claims that the available evidence is inconclusive and his aim is to provide
conclusive proof with regards to evidence based practise for the patient. A research article should
state its' aims clearly and should assume the audience has more content...
According to Sim and Wright (2000) the accessible population is the portion of the target
population that is available to the researcher and the sample is then taken from this accessible
population. The groups are similar to each other with regards to gender and age distribution; this
also increases the validity of the study as this similarity reduces the variables of the study. The
overall population was a convenience sample which was then randomized to two groups. DATA
COLLECTION Six months after randomization all the patients were sent a letter asking them to
consent to being in a study to evaluate the input of a community stroke team. According to Lincoln
et al (2004) the consent forms and outcome questionnaires were sent this late so as to reduce bias. It
was thought that group A which was receiving routine care would have lower expectations if
confronted with the realization that the alternate group may receive superior care. Some would
possibly insist on being referred to the specialist community stroke team The Local Research Ethics
Committee granted ethical approval for this study to go ahead. This indicates that the value of the
research undertaken outweighed any harm that this consenting method may have caused as patients
in Group A were still receiving routine care. However, the department of health has
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Essay about Critical Book Review
Critical Book Review
Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction
Michelle Beel
Liberty University
Psych 307
Summary Dr. Mark Lasser's book "Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction" gives insight to those
who suffer from sexual addiction and to the families, friends and other people in their lives. Dr.
Mark Lasser has chosen to write this book, to share with others his personal struggle and victory
with sexual addiction. Dr. Lasser has written this book from a Christian view, to give other
individuals hope in a difficult and growing disease, which is taking control and destroying our
families. Lasser defines sexual addiction as "a sickness involving any type of uncontrollable sexual
activity, and because the addict cannot control more content...
Mark Lasser's book "Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction" there are 4 major themes being
explored, Part One: What is Sexual Addiction? Here Dr. Lasser explains what sexual addiction is,
and what the three building blocks of sexual addiction are "Sexual Fantasy, Pornography, and
Masturbation". (Lasser, 2004, pp 28)Lasser expands on the different types of sexual addiction, and
give us understanding of the different characteristic of the addiction. Major theme part 2: "The
Roots of Sexual Addiction", here Lassser gives the roots of sexual addiction and explains the reasons
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Systematic Review Essay examples
Systematic Review
University of Phoenix
Systematic Review The purpose of a systematic review is to attempt to find, evaluate and synthesize
high quality research relevant to the research question. A systematic review uses carefully
developed data collection and sampling procedures that are put in place in advance as a protocol.
(Polit, 2012). A systematic review must contain the following: a clear inclusion and exclusion
criteria, an explicit search strategy, systematic coding and analysis of included studies, and a
meta–analysis if possible. (Hemingway & Brereton, 2009). Systematic reviews are conducted by
nurse researchers to avoid reaching incorrect or misleading conclusions more content...
(Bae, 2011).
Seven studies used the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index to measure nurse
working conditions, one used the Work Environment Survey, and the remaining three used a variety
of instruments from prior studies.
In examining the association between working conditions and patient outcomes, the eleven studies
contained a total of fourteen different patient outcome variables. The association between autonomy
and patient outcomes were examined in two studies. Six studies measure the philosophy
emphasizing the quality of clinical care and the association with patient outcomes.
Nurse participation was examined in regards to the relationship between nurse participator and the
patient outcomes, as well as the association between supportive managers and patient outcomes.
Other areas that were examined were collaborative relationships with physicians, supportive
relationships with peers, staffing and decentralization, patient–centered climate and busyness.
The findings of this systematic review suggest that evidence supporting a positive relationship
between better nurse working conditions and improved patient outcomes is
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Example Of A Critical Review Essay
The study consisted of 395 students from the Australian National University studying a first–year
psychology course of which 247 were female, 143 male, 4 as other gender, and 1 one was missing.
The age of the participants ranged from 17 to 56 years of age (Вµ=19.7, Пѓ=4.6). Participants were
recruited through participation in a lab activity, however, all participation was voluntary without the
use of incentives. Data was collected with the awareness and informed consent of the participants.
This study followed a between–subjects design, and the study itself was quasi–experimental. The
variable which was manipulated – the independent variable – was the presence of a childhood
imaginary companion. The variables which were measured – the dependent variables – were fantasy
proneness and the frequency of self– more content...
The study was completed over the duration of a week by nine classes, each with approximately 30
students and was conducted online. Firstly, the participants read an information sheet which briefly
highlighted the study and its procedure. Following this, the participants completed a Creative
Experiences Questionnaire (CEQ), designed by Merckelbach, Horselenberg, & Muris (2001). This
questionnaire aimed to measure the fantasy proneness of the individual and involved choosing either
'yes' or 'no' to the given 25 questions. Then, the participants completed the Self–Talk Scale developed
by Brinthaupt, Hein, & Kramer (2009). This involved 16 questions with the selection of answers 1
(never) to 5 (very often), and was used to assess the frequency of self–talk. The last task to complete
was the Imaginary Companion (IC) questionnaire, of which the first part collected demographic
information such as age and gender. Proceeding this, a definition of imaginary companion was
provided followed by questions relative to imaginary
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example of a critical review
Example: Critical Review of a Journal Article
Article: Carroll, J. (2002). Play Therapy: the children's views, Child and Family Social Work, 7, pg
This article is recent, published within a peer–reviewed journal. The author–conducted research is
empirical, qualitative and phenomenologically designed, uniquely enabling children to describe their
play therapy experiences and identify factors that influence these experiences.
The article's title clarifies the project's purpose of eliciting the child's view. However, although
Carroll clearly describes how children's experiences should take "centre stage" (p.178), she hears the
opinions of the children's therapists first, potentially influencing her questioning of the children more content...
The accuracy, reliability and comprehensive nature of transcripts is therefore called into question,
potentially compromising analysable data.
Carroll's semi–structured questioning may encourage reciprocal communication and perhaps
formulated in–depth data. However, she also offers leading questions: "was that the best thing
about it?" (p.180); "do you think it was helpful playing like that?" (p.184). Such 'closed' questions
could elicit yes or no responses, or suggest a preferred response. Due to the lack of full transcripts,
the reader cannot ascertain whether other leading questions were used and the impact these had on
data gathered. Carroll, as interviewer and data analyst, does not consider this risk.
As grounded theory was employed by Carroll, data analysis and findings were based on the
categorisation of themes. Although Carroll's data analysis methodology has been deemed
appropriate to qualitative research (Strauss, 1997, p. 180), the reader questions whether majority
perspectives were favoured over individual for analysis, potentially distorting eventual findings.
Carroll outlines categories as a result of her data analysis, providing numerous excerpts from
interview transcripts to support her interpretation and analysis of children's perspectives and to add
credibility to her assertions and categorisation. However, the excerpts chosen are mainly positive
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Critical Review of “Theology: the Basics” Essay
Critical Review: Theology; The Basics
By: Luke Knoll
Survey Of Christian Beliefs
Kerry Pretty
Pacific Life Bible College
Theology: The Basics; Critical Review As Christians we often believe certain things simply
because it's what our parents and the people around us believe. We often go about our Christian
walk without ever giving thought or reason to why we believe what we do. The world of Christian
Theology is a place where Christians can find answer to the 'what and why' of Christianity. If we are
able to begin comprehending Christian Theology and the rudimental knowledge of it, then we can
take it with us into more in depth books and discussions about theology, know the importance of it
and how vital it is for more content...
In doing this McGrath lets our minds have enough backstory to more easily understand the
information given. After giving historical background McGrath breaks down the topic in a very
clear format. When talking about Jesus (pg. 58–76) He talks about why Jesus is important "
Christology", but then he educates us by breaking down the considerably large topic of Jesus into
more manageable categories such as the names of Jesus; Messiah, Lord, Son of God, Son of Man,
God. After going through the names of Jesus he then educates us on other important theological
discussions of Jesus like: Functional statements about Jesus, Early Christological Models, The
Council of Chalcedon, The incarnation and icons, and Christ as mediator. Then after discussing
the 'meat' of the topic he then gives us an opportunity to "Engage with a text" at the end of every
topic. These texts give different examples and opinions for each topic and then McGrath gives
the reader a short series of questions for individual or small group discussion about the text/topic
he had given. Though McGrath did do a very good job at giving us insight on the historical
background of the topics and also educated us in a very easy, elementary level on the theology, he
lacked personal touch. In this I'm talking about some personal stories or experiences from his life
that has helped him engage these theological terms and ideas. It was very "theological" in its
approach, however the simple addition of some personal
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The author of this paper is a nurse educator working in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) within the
north–west region of England. For the purpose of this paper, the author has chosen a systematic
review (SR) and a narrative review (NR) and aims to critically analyse these reviews using the
Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) tool. The CASP tool has been developed by the
Solutions for Public Health (SPH) (formerly known as Public Health Resources Unit), which is
controlled by the National Health Service (NHS) (SPH, 2006). The tool is based on the guidelines
formed by a group of clinicians at McMaster University, more content...
The author feels that using two different tools would increase the rigour of the appraisal and its
relevance to practice. In the forthcoming sections of this essay, the author will attempt critically
analyse the two papers using the CASP tool for SRs.
Formulation of the research question
Formulation of the research question guides the type of data collection for the study and states what
the study will 'hypothesise' (Polit and Beck, 2010). The CASP tool acknowledges that
clearly–focused research question will describe the population studied, the intervention given and
the outcomes considered (SPH, 2006). The research question in the SR is clearly formulated.
The population of patients studied were general and critically ill hospital patients, the
intervention was a SR and outcome to be assessed was about the safety of the CPOE and clinical
decision support systems or CDSS (CDSS is a computerised medication prescription system)
based on hierarchy of outcome measures (kindly refer to table 2 of SR) within ICU settings.
Likewise, in the NR, the population of patients studied were general and critically ill patients, the
analysis was done via a NR and the purpose of the study was to assess the results of CPOE on
clinical and surrogate outcomes in hospitalised patients in both general and critical care settings.
Based on this, the author acknowledges that the SR has adopted a narrow and more specific research
question as
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Critical Review Essay
" Fitness Effects on the Cognitive Functions of Older Adults" by Stanley Colcombe and Arthur F.
Kramer (2003) is a meta–analytic study aimed to understand the effect of aerobic fitness on various
cognitive processes in older, sedentary adults. The authors stated that there are some statistical
discrepancies between various scientific articles regarding fitness–cognition relationship and thus
needed to find a better methodological approach to finding an answer(Colcombe & Kramer, 2003).
The purpose of the study by (Colcombe & Kramer, 2003) was to examine whether or not an aerobic
fitness training enhances perceptual, cognitive and motor processes in healthy but inactive older
adults. They discussed that through animal studies, researchers have found a positive correlation
between more content...
In executive category, tasks such as coordination, scheduling, planning, and working
memory(Colcombe & Kramer 2003). The "central executive" plays a large role in working
memory as it helps to regulate attention and overall monitor the brain's cognition (Psych 240
Lecture 2/8/2016). Based on the brain imaging and studies made on Frontal Lobe Syndrome, it
appears that executive processes take place in the frontal lobe. Frontal lobe syndrome shows
difficulties in concentration, organization, and proper behavior control due to damage to the frontal
lobe. (Psych 40 Lecture 2/8/16). Thus fitness may have an effect on the frontal lobe. The
executive–control hypothesis aims to see the fitness's role in working memory as it does diminish
with age. Considering these four cognitive processes, Colcombe and Kramer hypothesized that 1)
there would be a positive correlation between aerobic fitness and the cognition of sedentary older
adults; 2) the fitness will have a greater beneficial effect on the executive
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Running Head: Macbeth
Critical Review of Macbeth by William Shakespeare
[Aijaz Ahmed Shaikh]
[Karachi University]
Critical Review of Macbeth by William Shakespeare
Not only is Macbeth by far the shortest of William Shakespeare's great tragedies, but it is also
anomalous in some structural respects. Like Othello (1604) and only a very few other
Shakespearean plays, Macbeth is without the complications of a subplot. (Bradley, 1905)
Consequently, the action moves forward in a swift and inexorable rush. More significantly, the
climax the murder of Duncan takes place very early in the play. As a result, attention is focused on
the various consequences of the crime rather than on the ambiguities or moral dilemmas that had more content...
Macbeth, who starts more tentatively, becomes stronger, or perhaps more inured, as he faces the
consequences of his initial crime.
The play examines the effects of evil on Macbeth's character and on his subsequent moral behavior.
The later murders flow naturally out of the first. Evil breeds evil because Macbeth, to protect
himself and consolidate his position, is forced to murder again (Harbage, 1963). Successively, he
kills Banquo, attempts to murder Fleance, and brutally exterminates Macduff's family. As his crimes
increase, Macbeth's freedom seems to decrease, but his moral responsibility does not. His actions
become more cold–blooded as his options disappear. Shakespeare does not allow Macbeth any
moral excuses. The dramatist is aware of the notion that any action performed makes it more likely
that the person will perform other such actions. The operation of this phenomenon is apparent as
Macbeth finds it increasingly easier to rise to the gruesome occasion. However, the dominant
inclination never becomes a total determinant of behavior, so Macbeth does not have the excuse of
loss of free will. It does however become ever more difficult to break the chain of events that are
rushing him toward moral and physical destruction.
As he degenerates, he becomes more deluded about his invulnerability and more emboldened. What
he gains in will and confidence is counterbalanced and eventually toppled by the iniquitous weight of
the events he set
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Writing the Critical Response
A critique is an analysis of and a commentary on another piece of writing. It generally focuses on
technique as well as on content.
A critical response essay (or interpretive essay or review) has two missions: to summarize a source's
main idea and to respond to the source's main ideas with reactions based on your synthesis.
Introduction: attention–getting with a thesis statement
Body: clear critical reasoning and adequate examples
Analysis: Evaluate the evidence: sufficient (enough evidence, examples), representative (large
enough pool/sample), relevant (accurate correlations), accurate, claims fairly qualified
Response: base reaction on your own experience, prior knowledge, more content...
Hãy chắc chắn nguồn tà i liệu của bạn hoà n toà n.
TrбєЈ lб»ќi
Hiện tại của bạn quan điểm của riêng về chủ đề nà y
Cơ sở phản ứng trên kinh nghiệm của riêng bạn, trước khi kiến thức,
vГ ГЅ kiбєїn,
Tìm ý kiến của tác giả khác của cuốn sách khóa học hoặc các tà i
liệu đọc thêm.
CONSIDERATION According to new research published by Wayne State University 7
–6 days,
children use computers have better academic skills than children who do not have access to this
In a study in 122 children aged 3 to 5 years old, while doing the tests, the children used computers at
school and at home 3–4 times / week school readiness scores and learning than those who do not use.
Previously, some research suggests that computers help children more active, recognize letters and
numbers better. However, the relationship between the computer and language skills of children
remains controversial.
Effects The researchers also warned that children playing games is not good, and I rarely use
computer games, usually they like playing with toys or interact with friends.
Research results from 100,000 students in 31 countries around the world gave a surprising result that
the computer can cause children to become less intelligent and lazy.
Thomas Fuchs and Ludger Woessmann University of Munich general, the second author on the
study. Two experts have used the test of PISA system to measure the skills of 100,000 15
children in all countries.
The students
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Critical Review Model
The first two questions established formality through basic questions such as the reasoning behind
the interest in this particular career path and the longevity of the career. As the interviewee started to
feel more comfortable the interview took a shift in focus on the learning disabilities that they came
across and how they aid in the students' attentiveness. The notion behind these questions was to
understand how they aid students' concentration level, which was tackled in the latter question.
Question 7 focused on what causes discomfort to students while Question 8 asked how such
obstacles are tackled in the best manner. In the last question the personal opinion of the LSAs is
asked regarding what can be added to improve the students' more content...
The chosen scenarios of the various classroom setups were asked to see what Ms. Buttigieg could
relate to and her opinion regarding the classroom environment on the students' concentration level.
3.5 Evaluation Stage/Testing
The success of the executed design was tested by re–tracing back to the audience that formed the
data of the research. Therefore, the interviewees, Ms. Fava, Ms. Buttigieg and the LSAs shall be
shown the design for evaluation. ALP's administration will also be shown the final design for
evaluation. The testing of the final design will be carried out in the form of a physical model and
visual renders of the proposed space.
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Essay on Critical Book Review
Critical Book Review
Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction
Michelle Beel
Liberty University
Psych 307
Summary Dr. Mark Lasser's book "Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction" gives insight to those
who suffer from sexual addiction and to the families, friends and other people in their lives. Dr.
Mark Lasser has chosen to write this book, to share with others his personal struggle and victory
with sexual addiction. Dr. Lasser has written this book from a Christian view, to give other
individuals hope in a difficult and growing disease, which is taking control and destroying our
families. Lasser defines sexual addiction as "a sickness involving any type of uncontrollable sexual
activity, and because the addict more content...
Mark Lasser's book "Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction" there are 4 major themes being
explored, Part One: What is Sexual Addiction? Here Dr. Lasser explains what sexual addiction is,
and what the three building blocks of sexual addiction are "Sexual Fantasy, Pornography, and
Masturbation". (Lasser, 2004, pp 28)Lasser expands on the different types of sexual addiction, and
give us understanding of the different characteristic of the addiction. Major theme part 2: "The
Roots of Sexual Addiction", here Lassser gives the roots of sexual addiction and explains the
reasons why it happens, these reasons as listed are Unhealthy Family Dynamics, and Family abuse,
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Performance Appraisal: a Critical Review
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL: A CRITICAL REVIEW Abstract: Performance appraisal is used
in many organizations in order to assess the performance of their employees. But there are some
issues and problems that are associated with performance appraisal can have negative impacts on
the performance of employees and can make it useless. These issues and problems are: absence of
objective criteria, gender issues, rater's bias, social and ethnic issues. And there are empirical
research evidences that are very much consistent with the problems and issues I identified before.
But performance appraisal should not be abandoned due to the problems mentioned above. Its can
prove very effective if used by trained appraisers in a constructive more content...
Problems with performance appraisal: Having described the definition, objectives, and the key
elements of performance appraisal, we move on to problems or dilemmas with performance
appraisal. Performance appraisal is considered a way or tool of motivation and enhancing morale
and it is also assumed that appraisal will lead to an improvement in performance or performance
will decrease without appraisal. (Grint, 1995). But it can also lead to negative effects on
performance and motivation and leaves the apprsisee with negative feelings such as inferiority,
bitterness, depression and some other negative feelings (Ridly, 1995). On the part of the
appraiser, there are some dilemmas and difficulties that the appraiser faces in the course of
performance appraisal process. One of these is the subjectivity of the appraiser that cannot be
completely avoided in spite of efforts. Another important dilemma faced by the appraiser is to
play both the roles of a judge and a facilitator at the same time as Fiona Wilson (2002) and many
other including McGregor (1957), and Fletcher and Williams (1985) have described this problem.
One of the aims of performance appraisal is to identify training and development needs of the
employees. In order to do so, the appraiser is assumed to judge the gaps between the desired
performance and the actual performance by assessing the performance of the employee against a set
of objective standards, this not always possible to have objective
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Critical Review Of Forrest Gump
Paramount presented Robert Zemeckis' Forest Gump in theaters on July 6, 1994. This movie
became a six time, Oscar winning film at the 67th Academy Awards. Tom Hanks stared in this
movie as Forrest Gump. He developed this character in a way that would drive the plot smoothly. He
was a lover, a fighter, a football star, and a multimillionaire. Hanks was able to portray Forrest as an
all–American man in the 20th century. Forrest Gump is a great, uplifting saga about a boy's
good–natured attempts to overcome his disabilities through the people he encountered and the
deeply moving experiences in his lifetime.
Forrest Gump started off with a scene of a feather drifting off to a bench at a bus stop. Forrest starts
to tell a story of him growing up in rural Alabama. He was raised by a single mother, Sally Field.
She composed many famous saying in the film such as, "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never
know what you're going to get", and "Stupid is as stupid does." Mrs. Gump was an important role
because she helped shape Forrest to person he became. She dedicated herself to giving him a normal
life and making him believe that he was just as good as everyone else. Before she passed away she
left him with her last piece of advice, "Death is just a part of life."
Forrest found a friend in a young girl named Jenny. Jenny and Forrest grew fond of each other and
became best friends. He grew up with an IQ of 75 and struggled with boyhood bullies. During an
altercation with the
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What Is A Critical Review Essay

  • 1. Review of English Semester Essay English 101–60 has taught me many things and has helped me grow and develop my skills as a writer. It has taught me how to think more creatively and use clear concrete details. In the beginning of the semester, our first writing assignment was a narrative journal entry that focused on writing about an uninteresting moment from your life and making it interesting. This was a challenging assignment because it was a broad topic that allowed the writers to take it in any direction. I remember thinking I had no idea what I am going to write about. Once I was able to narrow down the ideas I started writing what a traumatic experience I had six years ago. This was when I underwent the surgical procedure, to remove my gallbladder. My main more content... Once I found that topic, I was able to start writing the research paper, My group faced a couple of challenges along the way. One of the biggest challenges we faced was all of us meeting the length requirement because were all still in the beginning stages of the assignment. The workshop group was a new experience for me because I have never worked with that many person, this kind of overwhelmed me because there was so many opinion on one paper. The groups weakness was, our lack of organization. Fortunately, we were able to make this up with all of us being very truthful towards each other and not sugarcoating the revisions we suggested among our papers. We all accomplished the beginning stages of writing our research papers and making sure everyone had their thesis there. Over the semester I have been challenged and intrigued over and over by the content of this course and the professor, who thought I could develop a fairly strong paper if it was not for all my grammatical errors. It has been a very enlightening and enthralling experience that has taught me a new way to write a paper. In high school there was only one way to write and that was it. I think that this class is a great way for students to think out of the box, rather than having to be stuck. It allows them to write more freely about a subject, and I am very thankful for that. I have learned many new skills and improved the skills I already Get more content on
  • 2. Critical Review Essay Clinical Operational Management – Assignment 2 (Critical Review Essay) Article Reviewed Clarke, C., Harcourt, M., & Flynn, M. (2013). Clinical Governance, Performance Appraisal and Interactional and Procedural Fairness at a New Zealand Public Hospital. Journal of Business Ethics, 117(3), 667–678.–012–1550–9 Introduction This is a review of article titled, "Clinical Governance, Performance Appraisal and Interactional and Procedural Fairness at a New Zealand Public Hospital" by Clarke, Harcourt, and Flynn (2013) which focuses on performance appraisal (PA). The intention of the article is two–fold. It explores how nurses perceive fairness in the process of their PA and how more content... Kim and Rubianty (2011) revealed that intrinsic motivation of an employee correlates significantly with perceived fairness of PA. Hence it is recommended that adequate attention be paid to avoid discrepancies and injustices, aiming at continuity of pursuance for fairness and transparency during the PA process (Ikemefuna & Chidi, 2012). Though the author agrees with the significance and implications of this article, there were many notable weaknesses identified especially in the area of the research methodology which affects the credibility of the article. This review will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the article following the structure of the article reviewed. Critique of reviewed article Title and Abstract The title was ambiguous as many key terms e.g.; clinical governance, PA, interactional and procedural fairness were identified as possible phenomena's of interest and no targeted population were identified. Despite a vague title, the abstract was clear in stating the purpose of the article which was to explore the conduct of PA and how perceived injustices impact the PA's effectiveness. The methodology was also described; including sample size, research design and data collection Get more content on
  • 3. Example Of A Critical Review A Critical Review of Music Therapy's Effect on Postoperative Pain, Anxiety, and Noise Satisfaction Ross Tapley University of Memphis "The Effect of Complementary Music Therapy on the Patient's Postoperative State Anxiety, Pain Control, and Environment Noise Satisfaction" This is a critical review of the article, "The Effect of Complementary Music Therapy on the Patient's Postoperative State Anxiety, Pain Control, and Environment Noise Satisfaction". This study was printed in the Medsurg Nursing Journal in October of 2013. The authors are Tressa Comeaux and Susan Steele–Moses. This critical review will analyze the experimental research paper in various aspects. The purpose of this critique is to determine if the author's more content... Strengths and Weaknesses The problem being researched is clinically significant. The purpose is clearly explained and identifies the reason for the study. The study did not identify who was blinded to the patients, data collectors, or staff increasing the potential for bias. The hypothesis can only be partially supported due to various issues regarding sample size, control manipulation, and the patient's reactions to a negative diagnosis. The training of the data collectors was not clearly expressed. The data was collected ethically and consistently throughout the study. Internal and External Validity The instruments used measured indirectly and were not always reliable due to various issues with patients. Because the control group was not told to change any behaviors some of the patients listened to music which tainted their responses. The instrumentation remained the same throughout the study, but some participants found the questionnaire too disturbing to answer. The researchers did provide an adequate description of the measurement methods and can find the extent of their errors. Clinical Get more content on
  • 4. Research Issues in Psychology Critical Review of a Research Article Pupils who exhibit gifted characteristics along with another disability are referred to as 'twice–exceptional students' (Morrison, 2001; Nielsen 2002). This term is used in the article that I have chosen to review, which analyzes the responses and perceptions through interview, of one particular individual (Andrew) who was identified as being gifted and talented (G/T) and who had emotional and behavioral disabilities (EBD). What the researchers aimed to accomplish through this analysis was a clearer understanding of Andrew's community and school experiences, as they stated that there was a lack of empirical data focusing upon pupils who displayed such more content... Teaching, according to the Teacher's Training Agency, " a job for those who like and respect young people" (2005). Andrew clearly from his responses, suffered during his schooling, and perhaps felt disrespected as a result of being labelled. His position as an educator a number of years later, enable him to look quite critically upon his educators, almost, one could argue with an expert eye. As well as the questions which are raised about the size of the sample that was used, it is also necessary to point out the lack of detail present concerning how the sample was chosen. Andrew's reflective experiences several years after they occurred surely cannot be as valid as for example, a sample of children displaying twice–exceptional abilities within schools at the time of commencing the research. Perhaps Morrison and Omdal had valid reasons for choosing Andrew as their lone participant, but this detail is missing from their study. There is no evidence either to suggest whether Andrew was de–briefed about the nature of this study, which could prove significant with regard to his responses to the interview questions, especially as he talks with such fervour about his experiences. Since they only had one participant for this research, an interview was an appropriate method to gain access to Andrew's experiences in school and in the community. An interview as stated in Cohen et al Get more content on
  • 5. Person Centered Therapy : A Critical Analysis Person–Centered Therapy (PCT) embodies a humanistic approach, which is intended to increase a person's feelings of self–worth, and reduce the level of incongruence between the ideal self and the actual self (Gelso, Cepeda & Davenport, 2006). This critical analysis is meant to examine various approaches and skills counselors/therapists would use when applying a 'person–centered' type of therapy. This analysis briefly outlines what PCT is, but focuses more heavily on the various approaches used by social workers throughout the therapeutic relationship. More specifically, PCT approaches such as, counselor/client congruence, empathic understanding, and unconditional positive regard are the main approaches highlighted in this analysis as they play an integral role in the counseling relationship. Person–Centered Therapy: A Critical Analysis of PCT Approaches Often social workers are faced with having to choose from a wide variety of practice approaches, models, and methods when working with clients. Understanding which approach is appropriate to use with your client is imperative. "Paying equal attention to people and their environments is a critical aspect when choosing the appropriate approach, as each client and situation is unique" (Gitterman & Heller, 2011). For this critical analysis of the therapeutic approach known as Person–Centered Therapy, I will be outlining the 'core conditions', which guide the counselors approach. The reason I chose to highlight this Get more content on
  • 6. A Critical Review Of The Big Five Theory Bangor University School of Psychology PPP–2014 500430560 A critical review of the Big Five theory Word count: 1067 A critical review of the Big Five theory As a reaction to theorists such as Cattell explaining personality using theories involving 16 source traits to make up personality (Cattell, Eber & Tatsuoka, 1970), the Big Five theory emerged (McCrae & Costa Jr, 1999). Contemporary theorists found faults within the theories explained by theorists such as Cattell. They believed that 16 personality traits were too high of a number and that there were fewer than 16 personality traits. Following this, one study asked students to rate each other using several of Catell's 16 personality factor scales. These results were submitted to factor analysis, from which five factors were drawn. These five factors included extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and culture (Norman, 1963). It was McCrae and Costa that took Norman's results and created the most influential and respected theory. Norman's five personality traits were altered, explaining personality through openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism (McCrae & Costa Jr, 1999). These factors are bipolar and are named after the high pole side of the trait. This means that someone who is on the high end of the pole of neuroticism would be worried and insecure, and someone who is on the low end of the pole would Get more content on
  • 7. Essay about Critical Review of Journal Article INTRODUCTION This critical review of the quantitative study "Evaluation of a multiprofessional community stroke team: a randomised controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation; 18 pp 40–47 STUDY PURPOSE The study aims to conclusively evaluate how effective it is to employ a specialist community stroke team for the rehabilitation of stroke victims in a community based setting. This is clearly established at within the opening lines of the article. In the summary at the beginning of the article the author claims that the available evidence is inconclusive and his aim is to provide conclusive proof with regards to evidence based practise for the patient. A research article should state its' aims clearly and should assume the audience has more content... According to Sim and Wright (2000) the accessible population is the portion of the target population that is available to the researcher and the sample is then taken from this accessible population. The groups are similar to each other with regards to gender and age distribution; this also increases the validity of the study as this similarity reduces the variables of the study. The overall population was a convenience sample which was then randomized to two groups. DATA COLLECTION Six months after randomization all the patients were sent a letter asking them to consent to being in a study to evaluate the input of a community stroke team. According to Lincoln et al (2004) the consent forms and outcome questionnaires were sent this late so as to reduce bias. It was thought that group A which was receiving routine care would have lower expectations if confronted with the realization that the alternate group may receive superior care. Some would possibly insist on being referred to the specialist community stroke team The Local Research Ethics Committee granted ethical approval for this study to go ahead. This indicates that the value of the research undertaken outweighed any harm that this consenting method may have caused as patients in Group A were still receiving routine care. However, the department of health has Get more content on
  • 8. Essay about Critical Book Review Critical Book Review Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction Michelle Beel Liberty University Psych 307 Summary Dr. Mark Lasser's book "Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction" gives insight to those who suffer from sexual addiction and to the families, friends and other people in their lives. Dr. Mark Lasser has chosen to write this book, to share with others his personal struggle and victory with sexual addiction. Dr. Lasser has written this book from a Christian view, to give other individuals hope in a difficult and growing disease, which is taking control and destroying our families. Lasser defines sexual addiction as "a sickness involving any type of uncontrollable sexual activity, and because the addict cannot control more content... Mark Lasser's book "Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction" there are 4 major themes being explored, Part One: What is Sexual Addiction? Here Dr. Lasser explains what sexual addiction is, and what the three building blocks of sexual addiction are "Sexual Fantasy, Pornography, and Masturbation". (Lasser, 2004, pp 28)Lasser expands on the different types of sexual addiction, and give us understanding of the different characteristic of the addiction. Major theme part 2: "The Roots of Sexual Addiction", here Lassser gives the roots of sexual addiction and explains the reasons Get more content on
  • 9. Systematic Review Essay examples Systematic Review NUR/518 University of Phoenix Systematic Review The purpose of a systematic review is to attempt to find, evaluate and synthesize high quality research relevant to the research question. A systematic review uses carefully developed data collection and sampling procedures that are put in place in advance as a protocol. (Polit, 2012). A systematic review must contain the following: a clear inclusion and exclusion criteria, an explicit search strategy, systematic coding and analysis of included studies, and a meta–analysis if possible. (Hemingway & Brereton, 2009). Systematic reviews are conducted by nurse researchers to avoid reaching incorrect or misleading conclusions more content... (Bae, 2011). Seven studies used the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index to measure nurse working conditions, one used the Work Environment Survey, and the remaining three used a variety of instruments from prior studies. In examining the association between working conditions and patient outcomes, the eleven studies contained a total of fourteen different patient outcome variables. The association between autonomy and patient outcomes were examined in two studies. Six studies measure the philosophy emphasizing the quality of clinical care and the association with patient outcomes. Nurse participation was examined in regards to the relationship between nurse participator and the patient outcomes, as well as the association between supportive managers and patient outcomes. Other areas that were examined were collaborative relationships with physicians, supportive relationships with peers, staffing and decentralization, patient–centered climate and busyness. The findings of this systematic review suggest that evidence supporting a positive relationship between better nurse working conditions and improved patient outcomes is Get more content on
  • 10. Example Of A Critical Review Essay The study consisted of 395 students from the Australian National University studying a first–year psychology course of which 247 were female, 143 male, 4 as other gender, and 1 one was missing. The age of the participants ranged from 17 to 56 years of age (Вµ=19.7, Пѓ=4.6). Participants were recruited through participation in a lab activity, however, all participation was voluntary without the use of incentives. Data was collected with the awareness and informed consent of the participants. This study followed a between–subjects design, and the study itself was quasi–experimental. The variable which was manipulated – the independent variable – was the presence of a childhood imaginary companion. The variables which were measured – the dependent variables – were fantasy proneness and the frequency of self– more content... The study was completed over the duration of a week by nine classes, each with approximately 30 students and was conducted online. Firstly, the participants read an information sheet which briefly highlighted the study and its procedure. Following this, the participants completed a Creative Experiences Questionnaire (CEQ), designed by Merckelbach, Horselenberg, & Muris (2001). This questionnaire aimed to measure the fantasy proneness of the individual and involved choosing either 'yes' or 'no' to the given 25 questions. Then, the participants completed the Self–Talk Scale developed by Brinthaupt, Hein, & Kramer (2009). This involved 16 questions with the selection of answers 1 (never) to 5 (very often), and was used to assess the frequency of self–talk. The last task to complete was the Imaginary Companion (IC) questionnaire, of which the first part collected demographic information such as age and gender. Proceeding this, a definition of imaginary companion was provided followed by questions relative to imaginary Get more content on
  • 11. example of a critical review PL4S111 Example: Critical Review of a Journal Article Article: Carroll, J. (2002). Play Therapy: the children's views, Child and Family Social Work, 7, pg 177–187 This article is recent, published within a peer–reviewed journal. The author–conducted research is empirical, qualitative and phenomenologically designed, uniquely enabling children to describe their play therapy experiences and identify factors that influence these experiences. The article's title clarifies the project's purpose of eliciting the child's view. However, although Carroll clearly describes how children's experiences should take "centre stage" (p.178), she hears the opinions of the children's therapists first, potentially influencing her questioning of the children more content... The accuracy, reliability and comprehensive nature of transcripts is therefore called into question, potentially compromising analysable data. Carroll's semi–structured questioning may encourage reciprocal communication and perhaps formulated in–depth data. However, she also offers leading questions: "was that the best thing about it?" (p.180); "do you think it was helpful playing like that?" (p.184). Such 'closed' questions could elicit yes or no responses, or suggest a preferred response. Due to the lack of full transcripts, the reader cannot ascertain whether other leading questions were used and the impact these had on data gathered. Carroll, as interviewer and data analyst, does not consider this risk. As grounded theory was employed by Carroll, data analysis and findings were based on the categorisation of themes. Although Carroll's data analysis methodology has been deemed appropriate to qualitative research (Strauss, 1997, p. 180), the reader questions whether majority perspectives were favoured over individual for analysis, potentially distorting eventual findings. Carroll outlines categories as a result of her data analysis, providing numerous excerpts from interview transcripts to support her interpretation and analysis of children's perspectives and to add credibility to her assertions and categorisation. However, the excerpts chosen are mainly positive Get more content on
  • 12. Critical Review of “Theology: the Basics” Essay Critical Review: Theology; The Basics By: Luke Knoll Survey Of Christian Beliefs Kerry Pretty Pacific Life Bible College Theology: The Basics; Critical Review As Christians we often believe certain things simply because it's what our parents and the people around us believe. We often go about our Christian walk without ever giving thought or reason to why we believe what we do. The world of Christian Theology is a place where Christians can find answer to the 'what and why' of Christianity. If we are able to begin comprehending Christian Theology and the rudimental knowledge of it, then we can take it with us into more in depth books and discussions about theology, know the importance of it and how vital it is for more content... In doing this McGrath lets our minds have enough backstory to more easily understand the information given. After giving historical background McGrath breaks down the topic in a very clear format. When talking about Jesus (pg. 58–76) He talks about why Jesus is important " Christology", but then he educates us by breaking down the considerably large topic of Jesus into more manageable categories such as the names of Jesus; Messiah, Lord, Son of God, Son of Man, God. After going through the names of Jesus he then educates us on other important theological discussions of Jesus like: Functional statements about Jesus, Early Christological Models, The Council of Chalcedon, The incarnation and icons, and Christ as mediator. Then after discussing the 'meat' of the topic he then gives us an opportunity to "Engage with a text" at the end of every topic. These texts give different examples and opinions for each topic and then McGrath gives the reader a short series of questions for individual or small group discussion about the text/topic he had given. Though McGrath did do a very good job at giving us insight on the historical background of the topics and also educated us in a very easy, elementary level on the theology, he lacked personal touch. In this I'm talking about some personal stories or experiences from his life that has helped him engage these theological terms and ideas. It was very "theological" in its approach, however the simple addition of some personal Get more content on
  • 13. CRITICAL APPRAISAL OF A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND NARRATIVE REVIEW RELATED TO COMPUTERISED PHYSICIAN ORDER ENTRY SYSTEM The author of this paper is a nurse educator working in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) within the north–west region of England. For the purpose of this paper, the author has chosen a systematic review (SR) and a narrative review (NR) and aims to critically analyse these reviews using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) tool. The CASP tool has been developed by the Solutions for Public Health (SPH) (formerly known as Public Health Resources Unit), which is controlled by the National Health Service (NHS) (SPH, 2006). The tool is based on the guidelines formed by a group of clinicians at McMaster University, more content... The author feels that using two different tools would increase the rigour of the appraisal and its relevance to practice. In the forthcoming sections of this essay, the author will attempt critically analyse the two papers using the CASP tool for SRs. Formulation of the research question Formulation of the research question guides the type of data collection for the study and states what the study will 'hypothesise' (Polit and Beck, 2010). The CASP tool acknowledges that clearly–focused research question will describe the population studied, the intervention given and the outcomes considered (SPH, 2006). The research question in the SR is clearly formulated. The population of patients studied were general and critically ill hospital patients, the intervention was a SR and outcome to be assessed was about the safety of the CPOE and clinical decision support systems or CDSS (CDSS is a computerised medication prescription system) based on hierarchy of outcome measures (kindly refer to table 2 of SR) within ICU settings. Likewise, in the NR, the population of patients studied were general and critically ill patients, the analysis was done via a NR and the purpose of the study was to assess the results of CPOE on clinical and surrogate outcomes in hospitalised patients in both general and critical care settings. Based on this, the author acknowledges that the SR has adopted a narrow and more specific research question as Get more content on
  • 14. Critical Review Essay " Fitness Effects on the Cognitive Functions of Older Adults" by Stanley Colcombe and Arthur F. Kramer (2003) is a meta–analytic study aimed to understand the effect of aerobic fitness on various cognitive processes in older, sedentary adults. The authors stated that there are some statistical discrepancies between various scientific articles regarding fitness–cognition relationship and thus needed to find a better methodological approach to finding an answer(Colcombe & Kramer, 2003). The purpose of the study by (Colcombe & Kramer, 2003) was to examine whether or not an aerobic fitness training enhances perceptual, cognitive and motor processes in healthy but inactive older adults. They discussed that through animal studies, researchers have found a positive correlation between more content... In executive category, tasks such as coordination, scheduling, planning, and working memory(Colcombe & Kramer 2003). The "central executive" plays a large role in working memory as it helps to regulate attention and overall monitor the brain's cognition (Psych 240 Lecture 2/8/2016). Based on the brain imaging and studies made on Frontal Lobe Syndrome, it appears that executive processes take place in the frontal lobe. Frontal lobe syndrome shows difficulties in concentration, organization, and proper behavior control due to damage to the frontal lobe. (Psych 40 Lecture 2/8/16). Thus fitness may have an effect on the frontal lobe. The executive–control hypothesis aims to see the fitness's role in working memory as it does diminish with age. Considering these four cognitive processes, Colcombe and Kramer hypothesized that 1) there would be a positive correlation between aerobic fitness and the cognition of sedentary older adults; 2) the fitness will have a greater beneficial effect on the executive Get more content on
  • 15. Running Head: Macbeth Critical Review of Macbeth by William Shakespeare [Aijaz Ahmed Shaikh] [Karachi University] Critical Review of Macbeth by William Shakespeare Introduction Not only is Macbeth by far the shortest of William Shakespeare's great tragedies, but it is also anomalous in some structural respects. Like Othello (1604) and only a very few other Shakespearean plays, Macbeth is without the complications of a subplot. (Bradley, 1905) Consequently, the action moves forward in a swift and inexorable rush. More significantly, the climax the murder of Duncan takes place very early in the play. As a result, attention is focused on the various consequences of the crime rather than on the ambiguities or moral dilemmas that had more content... Macbeth, who starts more tentatively, becomes stronger, or perhaps more inured, as he faces the consequences of his initial crime. Conclusion The play examines the effects of evil on Macbeth's character and on his subsequent moral behavior. The later murders flow naturally out of the first. Evil breeds evil because Macbeth, to protect himself and consolidate his position, is forced to murder again (Harbage, 1963). Successively, he kills Banquo, attempts to murder Fleance, and brutally exterminates Macduff's family. As his crimes increase, Macbeth's freedom seems to decrease, but his moral responsibility does not. His actions become more cold–blooded as his options disappear. Shakespeare does not allow Macbeth any moral excuses. The dramatist is aware of the notion that any action performed makes it more likely that the person will perform other such actions. The operation of this phenomenon is apparent as Macbeth finds it increasingly easier to rise to the gruesome occasion. However, the dominant inclination never becomes a total determinant of behavior, so Macbeth does not have the excuse of loss of free will. It does however become ever more difficult to break the chain of events that are rushing him toward moral and physical destruction. As he degenerates, he becomes more deluded about his invulnerability and more emboldened. What he gains in will and confidence is counterbalanced and eventually toppled by the iniquitous weight of the events he set Get more content on
  • 16. Writing the Critical Response WRITING THE CRITICAL RESPONSE A critique is an analysis of and a commentary on another piece of writing. It generally focuses on technique as well as on content. A critical response essay (or interpretive essay or review) has two missions: to summarize a source's main idea and to respond to the source's main ideas with reactions based on your synthesis. Organization Introduction: attention–getting with a thesis statement Body: clear critical reasoning and adequate examples Summary Analysis: Evaluate the evidence: sufficient (enough evidence, examples), representative (large enough pool/sample), relevant (accurate correlations), accurate, claims fairly qualified Response: base reaction on your own experience, prior knowledge, more content... HГЈy chбєЇc chбєЇn nguб»“n tГ i liệu của bбєЎn hoГ n toГ n. TrбєЈ lб»ќi Hiện tбєЎi của bбєЎn quan Д‘iб»ѓm của riГЄng vб»Ѓ chủ Д‘б»Ѓ nГ y CЖЎ sб»џ phбєЈn б»©ng trГЄn kinh nghiệm của riГЄng bбєЎn, trЖ°б»›c khi kiбєїn thб»©c, vГ ГЅ kiбєїn, TГ¬m ГЅ kiбєїn của tГЎc giбєЈ khГЎc của cuб»‘n sГЎch khГіa hб»Ќc hoбє·c cГЎc tГ i liệu Д‘б»Ќc thГЄm. CONSIDERATION According to new research published by Wayne State University 7 –6 days, children use computers have better academic skills than children who do not have access to this device. In a study in 122 children aged 3 to 5 years old, while doing the tests, the children used computers at school and at home 3–4 times / week school readiness scores and learning than those who do not use. Previously, some research suggests that computers help children more active, recognize letters and numbers better. However, the relationship between the computer and language skills of children remains controversial. Effects The researchers also warned that children playing games is not good, and I rarely use computer games, usually they like playing with toys or interact with friends. Research results from 100,000 students in 31 countries around the world gave a surprising result that the computer can cause children to become less intelligent and lazy. Thomas Fuchs and Ludger Woessmann University of Munich general, the second author on the study. Two experts have used the test of PISA system to measure the skills of 100,000 15 –year–old
  • 17. children in all countries. The students Get more content on
  • 18. Critical Review Model The first two questions established formality through basic questions such as the reasoning behind the interest in this particular career path and the longevity of the career. As the interviewee started to feel more comfortable the interview took a shift in focus on the learning disabilities that they came across and how they aid in the students' attentiveness. The notion behind these questions was to understand how they aid students' concentration level, which was tackled in the latter question. Question 7 focused on what causes discomfort to students while Question 8 asked how such obstacles are tackled in the best manner. In the last question the personal opinion of the LSAs is asked regarding what can be added to improve the students' more content... The chosen scenarios of the various classroom setups were asked to see what Ms. Buttigieg could relate to and her opinion regarding the classroom environment on the students' concentration level. 3.5 Evaluation Stage/Testing The success of the executed design was tested by re–tracing back to the audience that formed the data of the research. Therefore, the interviewees, Ms. Fava, Ms. Buttigieg and the LSAs shall be shown the design for evaluation. ALP's administration will also be shown the final design for evaluation. The testing of the final design will be carried out in the form of a physical model and visual renders of the proposed space. 3.5 Get more content on
  • 19. Essay on Critical Book Review Critical Book Review Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction Michelle Beel Liberty University Psych 307 Summary Dr. Mark Lasser's book "Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction" gives insight to those who suffer from sexual addiction and to the families, friends and other people in their lives. Dr. Mark Lasser has chosen to write this book, to share with others his personal struggle and victory with sexual addiction. Dr. Lasser has written this book from a Christian view, to give other individuals hope in a difficult and growing disease, which is taking control and destroying our families. Lasser defines sexual addiction as "a sickness involving any type of uncontrollable sexual activity, and because the addict more content... Mark Lasser's book "Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction" there are 4 major themes being explored, Part One: What is Sexual Addiction? Here Dr. Lasser explains what sexual addiction is, and what the three building blocks of sexual addiction are "Sexual Fantasy, Pornography, and Masturbation". (Lasser, 2004, pp 28)Lasser expands on the different types of sexual addiction, and give us understanding of the different characteristic of the addiction. Major theme part 2: "The Roots of Sexual Addiction", here Lassser gives the roots of sexual addiction and explains the reasons why it happens, these reasons as listed are Unhealthy Family Dynamics, and Family abuse, Get more content on
  • 20. Performance Appraisal: a Critical Review PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL: A CRITICAL REVIEW Abstract: Performance appraisal is used in many organizations in order to assess the performance of their employees. But there are some issues and problems that are associated with performance appraisal can have negative impacts on the performance of employees and can make it useless. These issues and problems are: absence of objective criteria, gender issues, rater's bias, social and ethnic issues. And there are empirical research evidences that are very much consistent with the problems and issues I identified before. But performance appraisal should not be abandoned due to the problems mentioned above. Its can prove very effective if used by trained appraisers in a constructive more content... Problems with performance appraisal: Having described the definition, objectives, and the key elements of performance appraisal, we move on to problems or dilemmas with performance appraisal. Performance appraisal is considered a way or tool of motivation and enhancing morale and it is also assumed that appraisal will lead to an improvement in performance or performance will decrease without appraisal. (Grint, 1995). But it can also lead to negative effects on performance and motivation and leaves the apprsisee with negative feelings such as inferiority, bitterness, depression and some other negative feelings (Ridly, 1995). On the part of the appraiser, there are some dilemmas and difficulties that the appraiser faces in the course of performance appraisal process. One of these is the subjectivity of the appraiser that cannot be completely avoided in spite of efforts. Another important dilemma faced by the appraiser is to play both the roles of a judge and a facilitator at the same time as Fiona Wilson (2002) and many other including McGregor (1957), and Fletcher and Williams (1985) have described this problem. One of the aims of performance appraisal is to identify training and development needs of the employees. In order to do so, the appraiser is assumed to judge the gaps between the desired performance and the actual performance by assessing the performance of the employee against a set of objective standards, this not always possible to have objective Get more content on
  • 21. Critical Review Of Forrest Gump Paramount presented Robert Zemeckis' Forest Gump in theaters on July 6, 1994. This movie became a six time, Oscar winning film at the 67th Academy Awards. Tom Hanks stared in this movie as Forrest Gump. He developed this character in a way that would drive the plot smoothly. He was a lover, a fighter, a football star, and a multimillionaire. Hanks was able to portray Forrest as an all–American man in the 20th century. Forrest Gump is a great, uplifting saga about a boy's good–natured attempts to overcome his disabilities through the people he encountered and the deeply moving experiences in his lifetime. Forrest Gump started off with a scene of a feather drifting off to a bench at a bus stop. Forrest starts to tell a story of him growing up in rural Alabama. He was raised by a single mother, Sally Field. She composed many famous saying in the film such as, "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get", and "Stupid is as stupid does." Mrs. Gump was an important role because she helped shape Forrest to person he became. She dedicated herself to giving him a normal life and making him believe that he was just as good as everyone else. Before she passed away she left him with her last piece of advice, "Death is just a part of life." Forrest found a friend in a young girl named Jenny. Jenny and Forrest grew fond of each other and became best friends. He grew up with an IQ of 75 and struggled with boyhood bullies. During an altercation with the Get more content on