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What Are The Pressure Of Teenagers Essay
Teenagers face so much pressure on a day to day basis. They wake up really early in the morning to get ready for seven hours of school. They come
home, have to do homework and study for hours, and then, most teenagers have after school activities. This unables teenagers to get the right amount
of sleep they need. With their life revolving around school they are very stressed, and a lot of teens suffer from depression and anxiety disorders. These
disorders could be because teens do not get enough sleep, and have a lot of pressure at school, because they do not have enough time after school to
finish homework, and they want to have a life besides school, and have time to spend time with their families, and friends.
Most teens are deprived of more content...
"The average amount of sleep that teenagers get is between 7 and 7 Вј hours. However, they need between 9 and 9 ВЅ hours (studies show that most
teenagers need exactly 9 Вј hours of sleep)" states–in–adolescents which is a website that talks about
teenagers and the amount of sleep they receive each night. Waking up early every morning will take a toll on a teenager, especially, since they have
school five days a week, have after school activities, and they have to work on homework for hours on end. With the early start times of high schools
all around the world, how do teens get the adequate amount of sleep they need? The answer is they don't. "The CDC's Youth Risk Behavior Survey in
2015 showed that 73% of U.S. high school students get fewer than 8 hours of sleep on school nights, and 43% get 6 or fewer hours" says http:/
/–up–calls–fast–facts.html which is a website that talks about the amount of sleep teens get, and the amount they
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Teen Stress Essay
Many people in high school, mostly teens, experience dozens of pressure in their life. To be specific, Schoolwork. Most teens want to excel in school,
but want to have a social life or play some kind of sport. One thing that teens don't understand is that once you're out of high school, you have college,
and then maybe graduate school. Our education will not be over just in High School. You have to work hard and these four years of your life, will
impact everything that you do. If you mess up even once, it may ruin everything. This article is named, "Teens Biggest Stress? School." It has been
featured on It is written by, "The Associated Press". It explains how 13–17 years old have the most stress in their high school
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In two years she wants to get married, after a while have a family of her own, and own a house. Most of her stress comes from balancing her school life
and her two part–time jobs. One as a Candy store Clerk and the other as a Bookkeeper. Wow! "Right now.....I've had friends my age who've actually
bought a home. I'm like, "How can they do that?" says Kelly. Also living a middle class life can also raise your stress level. An average middle class
annual income is around $50,000– $70,000. That is a suitable income. The kids that have bought their houses at age 20 could be that they can come
from the rich class whose annual income would be around 200,000 and up. It could also be that they've just excelled in life so much, that over the
period of times, they've become rich. Also Anxiety plays a major role in a teen's life. What does that mean? Anxiety means nervousness, worry,
concerns, or fear. Anxiety is one of the most poisonous things a Teen can experience. Also depression is also one but because of Anxiety many Teens
die every year. "The teen suicide rate is down from 15–20 years ago, however, she says...better medication "says Twenge. Stress relates to how the
parents and the Teen think. When parents and teens don't communicate very well, that also causes stress to both the parent and the teen. If the parents
force the teen to do something that they don't want to, the teen experiences tons of stress. She or He thinks of it a different and wrong way and
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Common Issues Affecting Teenagers Essay
School of Business BTEC HND in Management/Marketing/Information Technology Common Issues Affecting Teenagers in Today's Society and
Generation Background of the study: Now that we are well into the new Millennium society has begun to recognize serious concerns with issues that
teenagers have to deal with today. Some issues have always been there but are now coming to the eyes of the public to find solutions. Other issues
are new trends as society begins to adapt to a faster pace of life. This study will define the common issues that the teenagers are facing in today.
According to Ofer Zur (2011), Some of the most important issues facing our teenagers at this time are cyber–bullying, teen violence, school shootings,
Internet more content...
One of the most popular websites in the internet is very open to video submission of the background stories of a person going through some personal
issues (like cyber–bullying, family problem, etc.) and most of them says that their only way out is to take their own lives. Surprisingly, 90–95% of
those submitted videos are from teenagers ranging from 19 years old and below. A lot of studies and programs have been focused on adolescents.
However, given the complexity and the dynamic nature of the issues, it is helpful to keep on updating and identifying research gaps and challenges in
understanding Filipino adolescents and in shaping a better Filipino society. As the philosopher John Stuart Mill (1947) stated, no one holds the
complete picture of the truth but everyone holds a bit of the truth. For social science researchers, to complete the picture of this truth is the ultimate
goal. All the stakeholders engaged in adolescent development from various areas, focuses, strategies and interests contribute to the molding of young
adults so that they will be ready to assume later the responsibilities of mature individuals. Self development, skills building, awareness and concern of
social, economic and political issues and active community participation are the immediate goals of all concerned stakeholders, and well–being is the
ultimate goal. Specifically, the policy makers, program planners and implementers are always in need of newer and richer
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Teenage Problems Essay
Teenagers face many difficulties. One of them being the treatment we get from our parents. To clarify, our parents treat us like children yet they
expect us to act like adults; hence why their treatment is difficult for us teenagers. They expect us to dress reasonably, keep our rooms tidy, handle
the tremendous amount of work we have, and make smart choices. Accordingly, we are expected to be adults. To illustrate, I struggled aimlessly with
my work during freshman year. One day, after coming home from school, I was extremely stressed with my schoolwork and decided to talk to my
mom about it. I talked to her about problems with my grades, and the troubles I had keeping up with school work. Regarding my statements as
complaints and finding them trivial, she refused to take me seriously. Then insisted that I act as an adult and solve my own problems. She waved me
away and went back to her responsibilities. As a result, I felt overwhelmed with stress. With that said, my parents demanded me to deal with it as
an adult with experience would. They expected me to act like an adult by dealing with my problems. On the contrary of their expectations, my
parents treat me as a child. For instance, when I was in my freshman year my parents told me they wanted to sign me up for a sport; that sport being
soccer. I voiced my dislike and refused to go, but they dismissed my concerns. While they looked for a local team for me to join, I stressed over their
decision. They made a decision that
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Common Teenage Problems Essay
Teenage is a fundamental stage of life that each human being passes through. Some people face this period of their life strongly and positively, while
others face many problems and difficulties. This depends on the environment these young adults live in, their parents, their friends, their living
conditions, their education, and many other factors. Teenagers face many problems such as becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol, being influenced
negatively by their peers, self–image and weight, or even arguments with their parents
Drugs between teenagers is one of the most serious problems, because it causes a change in the behavior of any teenager and a physical change too.
Most of the teenagers use alcoholic drinks as a way to escape more content...
This is a major problem in most schools all around the world. Teenagers usually feelpeer pressure when they feel unpopular between their friends, or
when they want to be accepted in a group of other teenagers. The group is a place where one feels accepted, where he can feel good about himself,
where he feels secure. It increases his self esteem, and it also enhances his self–image. Unfortunately, teenagers who want to be part of these groups,
need to follow certain unpleasant routines, such as stealing, smoking, taking drugs, or drinking alcohol. Many times they do things that they would
never have imagined themselves doing before meeting a new group of people. Some teens try to make the "right" decision so others will admire
them. Having parents or other responsible adults they can turn to for help or advice is crucial at this point in a teen's life.
Teenagers might also face self–image or weight problems. One of the main illnesses that comes from these problems is an illness called anorexia.
Anorexia is a sickness that happens most commonly with girls. Girls with anorexia dislike food because they think it makes them obese. Some girls
exercise a lot to become skinny when they don't need to because they are already extremely thin. One reason that makes teens become anorexic is the
jealousy of other beautiful and fit girls. They compare themselves with other thin girls in their classes and wish to become like them. Another reason
that makes teens anorexic is
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In recent years, teenage crime has become a social problem of the world 's attention. At the same time, the teenage crime increasing both in number and
in dimension. Most of the crime forms concentrated in robbery, serious injury, rape, and other show the young ages tendency. This phenomenon has
become a serious problem that endangers public security and the impact of society development. There are three significant causes of teenage crime:
incorrect family education, social factors, and individual teenage problems. The first cause of the teenage crime is incorrect family education. The
family is the first class for teenagers, and the parents are the first teachers. Proper family education is extremely important and a lifelong influence on
the healthy growth of teenagers. Many parents are busy with working or get divorced. They do not have time to attend to children. It causes the
teenager become introverted,and they hate the opposite genders. The abnormal mentality misleads them. Likewise, if the teenage lives in the
surrounding, which the parents do something that is not allowed by the social norms; and it will make the teenagers to form the wrong values and
exert a subtle influence on their behaviors. Similarly, the parents' education methods are simple and rude also causing the crime of teenagers. Some
parents do not respect children and do not listen to their children, and they think that abuse and reprimanding their children is a good way to correct
them when they
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Essay About Teenagers
"I believe the children are the future" are the words of the late Whitney Houston which many heard while growing up. Teens are changing rapidly as a
result of changes in society and other changes. Few people want to speak to teens, but cannot do so anymore because most if not all the teenagers think
they are grown. The people the teens associate themselves with or even spend time with is one the main reasons why they have been changing. Their
friends contribute greatly in the decision–making aspect of their lives; they manage to do this in numerous ways. The teens are now becoming
reckless as they believe their friends are always right. This results in them being out of control where parents and teachers are unable to steer them in
the right path or even talk to the teens. Teenagers are being involved in sexual activities and as a result, it has an impact on their social behavior, their
risk of STD's and the risk of pregnancy. Some of these teens are very innocent but they love to follow their friends. Teenagers back in the days
would be solely focused on their school work and house work if they had any. Nowadays, it is much different. As mentioned before, society has
changed, and it has not changed for the best but the worst. Teens would never talk back to their parents at a particular point in time, unfortunately,
that is what is trending now. How is it possible to disrespect the elders? Does that even make sense? No, it does not, but the activities that they are
indulging in are causing these actions. Teens are sexually active as they are left loose and with no guidance as these parents are afraid to speak to their
children. Any teenager would be, not knowing what the outcome would be. It can be noticed when these teens are involved in sexual activities as their
manners, morals and self–esteem are gone. Little good morning is said, but only when they feel like it or if they think it is necessary. Parents,
teachers and some friends cannot even have a conversation with them as they are ignorant and behave rambunctiously when spoken to. These
activities allow teenagers to be bold in the wrong way. Going to school with bite marks on them just to prove a point to their friends is one of the
ways in which this
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Being A Teenager
There are good things about being both an adult and a teenager however there are also some disadvantages. Adults and teenagers probably both
wish they could switch places at times but we have to learn to live with ourselves and see that there is a good side and bad side to both situations.
Now I am going to explain the advantages and disadvantages of both and try to give you are perspective from both sides of it. For example, what
makes life unique at this age and what are some problems you will face as an adult or teen. Being an adult has many advantages and disadvantages
about it but you learn to make it work. One good reason for being an adult is you have more freedom to make your own desecions. No one is
holding you back or telling you what to do and when to do it. Another good reason for being an adult is you can purchase what you drive, where u
live and everything else about your life. You can also make yourself unique, you don't have to act a certain way to impress someone you can just
be yourself. There are sadly some downsides to being an adult as well. For example, you have to start paying for everything a house, a car, phone
bill, electric bill etc. I mean there are countless fees you have to pay to be an adult. When you were a teen all you had to do was buy things you
wanted and that was it ,but as an adult everything you buy you now have to pay for. Also when you are a adult you have to do everything now, you
have so much responsibility like showing up to work every day on time and guess what if you don't more content...
With all the pros of being a teen yet not the maturity of an adult it's a tough decision for most people to choose. From recent polls most people say
they would prefer teen life over adult life. just for the few reasons of not having to pay bills and other things that adults have to do. For all of those
reasons listed we don't really know which is best to
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Hardest Part Of Being A Teenager
What is the hardest part of being a teenager now? What's the best part? What advice would you give younger siblings or friends (assuming they
would listen to you)? Perception vs actuality is a great way to describe what it is like to grow up and becoming a teenager. When I was younger, I had
the perception that high school and being a teenager were going to be the best times of my life. While there are many great opportunities and perks,
there are also many tough times. To be blunt, there are many ups and downs in the life of a teenager. I still vividly remember the late nights of my
sophomore and junior years. A typical day would start with going through all my classes at school, followed by either football practice or lifting
weights. Then finally getting home at around six to seven and starting a long night of homework. The days were long and stressful during this
time. It was definitely a challenging part of my life having to balance all of my obligations during the school year. Another part of being a teenager
that can be difficult is change. There are many childhood friends that I still have a great relationship with, but there are also some who I have not
talked to in years. Not only did my relationships with others change, but my outlook on the world and society changed as well. I began to start to see
the problems that we have as a human race. It was a hard pill to swallow realizing that the world is not how I thought it was when I was younger. Just
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Essay The Difficult Teenage Years
The most important problems teenagers face are adapting, the desire to rebel, and responsibilities. A person's teenage years take them through many
stages in life. One becomes a teenager when they turn thirteen and it ends when you turn twenty. Teenage years start in middle school and follow you
halfway through your college career. When you are a young teenager, the age of thirteen to about sixteen, the body starts to make a few changes,
externally, and internally. Females start at a younger age than males. Female hormones start to develop when they are eleven or twelve, but the
thoughts the girls have only start to change when they are teenagers. Girls start to develop curves during their development stage. more
For others, it's not so easy, there's rejection, and wait listing. This may seem okay, but for some teenagers, being rejected at such a young age can
really make one feel insecure. In high school, you start to realize, you are no longer the oldest anymore. You are lost in a new building, surrounded
by new people, new peers, new teachers, new principals. Everything is new. Looking around at the older grades, you notice they don't have as
many pimples, or they have learned what clothing works, and what doesn't work together. The older grades, look much older than just eighteen
year old. They have already developed their fashion styles, they are in relationships, they have figured out to do their makeup, so even if they have
pimples, they are covered. Through high school, people change. There's bullies, and people don't want to be friends anymore. There are teams, and
groups to join, you make new friends in your new surroundings. After three and half long years in high schools, you start applying for college. This
is the second school related adaption they will have to do. This time it's more difficult. There are many options, and many decisions SUNYs, CUNYs,
dorm, commuter school, the options are endless. Applying to college is difficult, one is expected to know what they want to do with their lives at the
age of eighteen. Think of going to a college that will help you with your major, some don't even
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Teens : An Essay : Being A Teenage
The title of a topic is the subject, please tell what I can add or remove, critic away! Being told to write approximate 400 to 600 words. Believe it or
not, being a teenager is really tough. It's where you have to cope and deal with the important things in your whole life. This transition from
childhood to adulthood can be a smooth sail for some people, but can be treacherous for others. The one utterly most important thing about being a
teenager are responsibilities. When you're a teenager, all blame goes to you for anything that is done wrong, get grounded, called out, unlike
before when you were young and you could get away with "murder", and nobody would do anything about it or even blame an innocent looking
child! Those days are now long gone and goodbyes were said. It's not all terrible and overwhelming being a teenager. Now since you are grown up
and have your driver's license; you don't have to bother your parents to drive you to places you wanted to go to. You can now hang out with some
friends and have fun driving to places to spend time together and get out of the house! You can now go to the beach, parks, and where ever interest
you and lets you have fun with time ticking away. These are enjoyable and memorable times in life, as long as you are being responsible and putting
thought into what you are doing. But with all good things, must come the bad. During this fulfilling age, you are hopefully mature and intelligent
enough to know what to do, and make
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Case Study on Treating a Teenager Having Problems A seventeen
–year–old high school student is showing difficulty in his academics at school. He has
lately been a "troublemaker" in his class and his grades have significantly dropped. After a conference scheduled with the mother, the teacher discovered
that recently his father died of alcohol poisoning which emotionally disturbed the young boy. On the other hand, she also discovered that the mother
was having an affair with another man in California and so did not show much emotion towards her late husband. As a result, the son became frustrated
and angry towards his mother and started interacting with the wrong peer group. The student was recently caught with the possession more
Clearly, with his mother not spending enough time to instill values and guide the young boy not only as a mother but also a confidante, destroyed the
young boy's identity. Perhaps he could have been an "A" student in honors classes, but because there was no one to show him right from wrong and
share experiences, he began to lose himself. The adolescent got under the wrong influence of people who thought that smoking pot was just
experimenting for the sake of experimenting. Improper judgment was used and the situation became out of control. The mother's parenting style was
permissive because she was very lenient and had no set rules or structure in the household. If she had high maturity demands but yet a nurturing and
communicative environment the adolescent would not be suffering as much. Unfortunately, the young boy had no one to turn to and so he got
involved in the wrong crowd. After collecting some additional data, the school learned that the father spent whatever time he could with his son even
though he traveled extensively. Hence, the young boy had some emotional ties with his father, which seemed to provide any structural aspect in his
life. He helped him with his work at school and played basketball with him indicating to be a positive outlet for the young boy. Thus, when the young
boy came to know of his mother's affair with another man he was devastated and lost respect for her. At this point, the young boy might have been
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Effects Of Teenage Society Essay
Over the years our teen society has made drastic changes. The teen society has made many positive attributes in the past years. Recently there have
been a couple of problems surfacing into the world. These issues has caused the teen society to deteriorate slowly. I believe that teen pregnancy is a
leading cause to many negative things. Being a teen parent is a significant factor that affects almost everyone close to them. In some cases this could
be a positive situation but in most cases it's not. Teen parents are introduced into a lifestyle that is completely unfamiliar and dangerous. Parents that
are at young age is a huge problem because it causes a variety of strains on the parents, the child is exposed to health issues, and it more
Teen pregnancy is a problem in today's society because it destroys the quality of education. It harms an innocent child and puts he or she life at risk.
The family involuntarily has another responsibility.
This issue has a wide range of possible complications, but I believe it can be solved. I think a class should be created for high school students and
incoming freshman that has a mission to educate the students about the result of becoming parents at an early age. Lesson will be taught about how
to prevent pregancy and other sexual transmitted dieases. I think that if this course was required for students to graduate they would take it serious
and it could prevent early parenthood. Not only do I think classes and programs in school will have an positive effect on the teen community, I think
it will have a positive effect on the parents. If programs were created for parents to get more involved in school it will add more positive growth in the
community. Parents have a strong impact on their children's lives. If the parents put a strong impact on how teen pregnancy can change he or she life it
will be very beneficial to the child. Also I think the school should have available family counseling. So if the parent or the child think that birth control
should be an option they can go through that process with the counselor. Having support systems and good communications with peers and family is a
great way to discuss any
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Strengths And Weaknesses Of Adolescence
Each adolescent is unique, and as adolescents we all have our strengths and weaknesses, but during this time we are preparing ourselves for our
future. We are getting an idea of what life will be like and the responsibility and maturity that is needed. Throughout adolescence is the time where we
can take matters into our own hands and we are allowed to make mistakes. Making those mistakes is what can help us improve or even help us learn
something that can benefit us in the future. Sometimes we even allow the social media to have an influence on our day to day life, which can cause us
to second guess ourselves in how we look and even how we act. This is the time that prepares us for our future, where we will have good times and bad
times. more content...
You are being taught and given an idea of the challenges that you could be facing in the future. Whether it be decide your career or deciding your next
step in life. Throughout all this is the time for you to trying new things which gives you an idea of the responsibility and maturity you are going to need
throughout your life. For example if you get a part–time job, you are learning how important it is to show up on time, to try your best. Taking the
responsibility to complete the tasks you are given and to do them the best of your ability. You can't rely on anybody but yourself, you're in charge of
completing your job and doing it yourself to the best of your ability. By having a part–time job it can also help you decide what is best for you future.
You can learn the skills that your best at, how you like to work, and additionally the environment that you work best in. You are taking the time,
resources, and knowledge you have and putting it to use in your life. Secondly throughout the years the use technology has increased tremendously.
What the technology today is capable of doing now compared to 10 years ago is a lot more and we are obsessing of it. As adolescents we allow the
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Essay on Common Teenage Problems
Teenage is a fundamental stage of life that each human being passes through. Some people face this period of their life strongly and positively, while
others face many problems and difficulties. This depends on the environment these young adults live in, their parents, their friends, their living
conditions, their education, and many other factors. Teenagers face many problems such as becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol, being influenced
negatively by their peers, self–image and weight, or even arguments with their parents
Drugs between teenagers is one of the most serious problems, because it causes a change in the behavior of any teenager and a physical change too.
Most of the teenagers use alcoholic drinks as a way to more content...
Peer pressure has always been present and will also always be present. It is not a disease or a crime, it is an influence; either a negative or a positive
one. Negative peer pressure is an influence put on a person to do something wrong, or something the person doesn't want to do. This may be
stealing, taking drugs, or other dangerous actions. If someone influences you into doing something like this it is considered a negative peer
pressure. This is a major problem in most schools all around the world. Teenagers usually feel peer pressure when they feel unpopular between their
friends, or when they want to be accepted in a group of other teenagers. The group is a place where one feels accepted, where he can feel good about
himself, where he feels secure. It increases his self esteem, and it also enhances his self–image. Unfortunately, teenagers who want to be part of these
groups, need to follow certain unpleasant routines, such as stealing, smoking, taking drugs, or drinking alcohol. Many times they do things that they
would never have imagined themselves doing before meeting a new group of people. Some teens try to make the "right" decision so
others will admire them. Having parents or other responsible adults they can turn to for help or advice is crucial at this point in a teen's life.
Teenagers might also face self–image or weight problems. One of the main illnesses that comes from these
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Difference Between Teenagers And Modern Teenagers
Compare and contrast the lifestyles of Thai teenagers, past and present
Today's teenagers are different from the past teenagers because of the time and the prosperity of the technology. In the past, there was little equipment
and technology, so they had to try their best to do the routines. But nowadays, I think that technology makes routines easier than before like listening to
music, games and photography.
The difference between listening to the music in the past and current. In the past, about the year 1990, Thailand was not very technologically
advanced. Equipment related to electronics was expensive. If they wanted to collect the songs of their famous singer, they needed to buy a cassette of
the album. Even though they only liked one song, they had to buy the whole album. Each tape was expensive. When a singer made a new song, they
needed to buy more. And if they brought only the tape, they could not listen to the music. They needed a tape player that came with a radio which was
more expensive than tape. If teens did not have enough money to buy, they have to call the dj on the radio so that they can play it through the radio.
Currently they just use the phone and listen to music. If they like that music, they can buy only that song. Or they can listen to music on the Internet as
YouTube or 4share, and they can download it when there is no Internet without paying.
The current game is more realistic than old games. In the 1990s. The games had been designed for the fun of the players. The story of the games did
not focus much. The story was to help the girl or queen to return to the peace like Mario, etc. Also, players tried to play the game to finish and watch
the scene. The games were 2D image with a side view. Atpresent, this view is greatly reduced. The games in the past were not focused on the story,
but the games were very focused on gameplay. Old games were fun and also very difficult. To find people through was very difficult. Sometimes, they
brought a summary of the game to pass the game. But with the technology of the past, they could not be create games like reality, so they created the
game character as in the cartoon. There were not many effects in the game. They made the games with almost no
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Some (but not all) teens may go through adolescence experiencing serious psychological and behavioral problems (i.e. substance abuse, delinquency,
and depression). These problems can have direct (i.e. being in contact with personal youth) or indirect (i.e. increased taxes for community services and
raised anxiety about safety of neighborhoods) effects on troubled teens and those around them. The media often exaggerates the psychosocial problems
of adolescents, which leads to the stereotype of adolescents being troublesome. Therefore, it is important to distinguish between normative, transitory
problems that most adolescence face (e.g. self–doubt, broken hearts, etc.) and more serious psychosocial problems that few adolescents experience
(e.g. drug abuse, depression, etc.). This can be done by distinguishing between occasional experimentation and ongoing patterns of troublesome
behavior. The rates of adolescent experimentation often exceed rates of enduring problems. For example, while a teen may break the law once during
adolescence, that doesn't mean the teenager will go on to have a criminal career. Despite this, delinquency if often associated with adolescence,
However, just because a problem behavior is seen during adolescence, doesn't mean it necessarily began during adolescence. In addition, most
psychosocial problems experienced during adolescence are usually resolved by adulthood, unless an adolescent had a traumatic childhood. Popular
theories such as that
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Paragraph On Teenage Depression
Teenage Depression: a Growing Issue in Today's Society Most Especially in Girls When a child reaches the adolescence stage, it can be an amazing
time of discovery, learning and building friendship; but it is also a time of rapid change and emotional highs and lows, where things can feel really
tough. In this stage, the area of the brain, that is responsible for planning ahead, and assessing risk, is still immature in teenagers, which is why teens
are more likely to participate in high–risk behavior leading to different results in which in today's time, the most common is Depression. Teenage
depression is probably more common than you think. Depression is an emotional or mental disorder that leads to symptoms such as prolonged sadness,
loss of interest in activities, lowered self–worth and feelings of discouragement. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, rates of
adolescent depression peak right around the age of 16 and by 18, around 11% of kids had been diagnosed with depression. Further, teenage girls are
twice as likely to experience depression. Also, according to SAHMSA National Survey, between ages 12 and 15, depression rates triple among girls. To
expound this statistical observation and investigation, there are no medical evidences and explanation to accurately support this notion however; it
probably has something to do with the mixture of different reasons. One reason is the hormonal changes brought on by puberty. When on this stage,
there comes
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My Teenage Years
My teenage years were a rollercoaster. For the most part, I had a lot of growing up to do and to figure out my future ahead of me. Like most
teenagers, I was mainly focused on my own difficulties and great moments. Many times, I found myself in complicated situations ashamed to talk
about. This course and textbook, Adolescent psychology, allowed me to reflect on my teenage year. There are better ways to explain the aspects in
my younger years. I will be going over my family, friends and even myself to analyze my adolescent years. There were more supportive answers to
explain a few of my teenage years. As well as, issues most teenagers have gone through. There are also explanations on relations with family and friends
playing a role through my youth. The importance and impact it can have on young adults. There always growth and development going throughout our
I think the unusual part was my parent's relationship. They were not together but lived together. This often threw off relations with each other. My
dad at moved out but then moved back in because of immigration. This brought my parents back together once they figured out the legal orders. Yet,
a year went by and the relationship did not seem to work out. At the time I thought it would be best if my parents would separate. I grew frustrated
my mom would use the excuse that they were together because of us. Honestly, that hurt me more than wanting them to stay together. If they were not
happy together what's the point of having them together? I told my parents at one point they did not have to do it for us. I remember my brother
crying but of the idea of my father moving away rather than them not being together. In the textbook, there are advantages of them staying together
because of economically reasons (287). But my father had his own problems that dragged us down. There were more pros to my parents divorcing
right away then trying to stay together. If it is economic reason is why most people stayed my mother used because of the children for financial
reasoning and not the emotional toll on us. I believe the unusual part was the lack of family attention. My relationship with my family was
complicated. My father was rarely in my teenage
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What Are The Pressure Of Teenagers Essay

  • 1. What Are The Pressure Of Teenagers Essay Teenagers face so much pressure on a day to day basis. They wake up really early in the morning to get ready for seven hours of school. They come home, have to do homework and study for hours, and then, most teenagers have after school activities. This unables teenagers to get the right amount of sleep they need. With their life revolving around school they are very stressed, and a lot of teens suffer from depression and anxiety disorders. These disorders could be because teens do not get enough sleep, and have a lot of pressure at school, because they do not have enough time after school to finish homework, and they want to have a life besides school, and have time to spend time with their families, and friends. Most teens are deprived of more content... "The average amount of sleep that teenagers get is between 7 and 7 Вј hours. However, they need between 9 and 9 ВЅ hours (studies show that most teenagers need exactly 9 Вј hours of sleep)" states–in–adolescents which is a website that talks about teenagers and the amount of sleep they receive each night. Waking up early every morning will take a toll on a teenager, especially, since they have school five days a week, have after school activities, and they have to work on homework for hours on end. With the early start times of high schools all around the world, how do teens get the adequate amount of sleep they need? The answer is they don't. "The CDC's Youth Risk Behavior Survey in 2015 showed that 73% of U.S. high school students get fewer than 8 hours of sleep on school nights, and 43% get 6 or fewer hours" says http:/ /–up–calls–fast–facts.html which is a website that talks about the amount of sleep teens get, and the amount they Get more content on
  • 2. Teen Stress Essay Many people in high school, mostly teens, experience dozens of pressure in their life. To be specific, Schoolwork. Most teens want to excel in school, but want to have a social life or play some kind of sport. One thing that teens don't understand is that once you're out of high school, you have college, and then maybe graduate school. Our education will not be over just in High School. You have to work hard and these four years of your life, will impact everything that you do. If you mess up even once, it may ruin everything. This article is named, "Teens Biggest Stress? School." It has been featured on It is written by, "The Associated Press". It explains how 13–17 years old have the most stress in their high school more content... In two years she wants to get married, after a while have a family of her own, and own a house. Most of her stress comes from balancing her school life and her two part–time jobs. One as a Candy store Clerk and the other as a Bookkeeper. Wow! "Right now.....I've had friends my age who've actually bought a home. I'm like, "How can they do that?" says Kelly. Also living a middle class life can also raise your stress level. An average middle class annual income is around $50,000– $70,000. That is a suitable income. The kids that have bought their houses at age 20 could be that they can come from the rich class whose annual income would be around 200,000 and up. It could also be that they've just excelled in life so much, that over the period of times, they've become rich. Also Anxiety plays a major role in a teen's life. What does that mean? Anxiety means nervousness, worry, concerns, or fear. Anxiety is one of the most poisonous things a Teen can experience. Also depression is also one but because of Anxiety many Teens die every year. "The teen suicide rate is down from 15–20 years ago, however, she says...better medication "says Twenge. Stress relates to how the parents and the Teen think. When parents and teens don't communicate very well, that also causes stress to both the parent and the teen. If the parents force the teen to do something that they don't want to, the teen experiences tons of stress. She or He thinks of it a different and wrong way and Get more content on
  • 3. Common Issues Affecting Teenagers Essay School of Business BTEC HND in Management/Marketing/Information Technology Common Issues Affecting Teenagers in Today's Society and Generation Background of the study: Now that we are well into the new Millennium society has begun to recognize serious concerns with issues that teenagers have to deal with today. Some issues have always been there but are now coming to the eyes of the public to find solutions. Other issues are new trends as society begins to adapt to a faster pace of life. This study will define the common issues that the teenagers are facing in today. According to Ofer Zur (2011), Some of the most important issues facing our teenagers at this time are cyber–bullying, teen violence, school shootings, Internet more content... One of the most popular websites in the internet is very open to video submission of the background stories of a person going through some personal issues (like cyber–bullying, family problem, etc.) and most of them says that their only way out is to take their own lives. Surprisingly, 90–95% of those submitted videos are from teenagers ranging from 19 years old and below. A lot of studies and programs have been focused on adolescents. However, given the complexity and the dynamic nature of the issues, it is helpful to keep on updating and identifying research gaps and challenges in understanding Filipino adolescents and in shaping a better Filipino society. As the philosopher John Stuart Mill (1947) stated, no one holds the complete picture of the truth but everyone holds a bit of the truth. For social science researchers, to complete the picture of this truth is the ultimate goal. All the stakeholders engaged in adolescent development from various areas, focuses, strategies and interests contribute to the molding of young adults so that they will be ready to assume later the responsibilities of mature individuals. Self development, skills building, awareness and concern of social, economic and political issues and active community participation are the immediate goals of all concerned stakeholders, and well–being is the ultimate goal. Specifically, the policy makers, program planners and implementers are always in need of newer and richer Get more content on
  • 4. Teenage Problems Essay Teenagers face many difficulties. One of them being the treatment we get from our parents. To clarify, our parents treat us like children yet they expect us to act like adults; hence why their treatment is difficult for us teenagers. They expect us to dress reasonably, keep our rooms tidy, handle the tremendous amount of work we have, and make smart choices. Accordingly, we are expected to be adults. To illustrate, I struggled aimlessly with my work during freshman year. One day, after coming home from school, I was extremely stressed with my schoolwork and decided to talk to my mom about it. I talked to her about problems with my grades, and the troubles I had keeping up with school work. Regarding my statements as complaints and finding them trivial, she refused to take me seriously. Then insisted that I act as an adult and solve my own problems. She waved me away and went back to her responsibilities. As a result, I felt overwhelmed with stress. With that said, my parents demanded me to deal with it as an adult with experience would. They expected me to act like an adult by dealing with my problems. On the contrary of their expectations, my parents treat me as a child. For instance, when I was in my freshman year my parents told me they wanted to sign me up for a sport; that sport being soccer. I voiced my dislike and refused to go, but they dismissed my concerns. While they looked for a local team for me to join, I stressed over their decision. They made a decision that Get more content on
  • 5. Common Teenage Problems Essay Teenage is a fundamental stage of life that each human being passes through. Some people face this period of their life strongly and positively, while others face many problems and difficulties. This depends on the environment these young adults live in, their parents, their friends, their living conditions, their education, and many other factors. Teenagers face many problems such as becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol, being influenced negatively by their peers, self–image and weight, or even arguments with their parents Drugs between teenagers is one of the most serious problems, because it causes a change in the behavior of any teenager and a physical change too. Most of the teenagers use alcoholic drinks as a way to escape more content... This is a major problem in most schools all around the world. Teenagers usually feelpeer pressure when they feel unpopular between their friends, or when they want to be accepted in a group of other teenagers. The group is a place where one feels accepted, where he can feel good about himself, where he feels secure. It increases his self esteem, and it also enhances his self–image. Unfortunately, teenagers who want to be part of these groups, need to follow certain unpleasant routines, such as stealing, smoking, taking drugs, or drinking alcohol. Many times they do things that they would never have imagined themselves doing before meeting a new group of people. Some teens try to make the "right" decision so others will admire them. Having parents or other responsible adults they can turn to for help or advice is crucial at this point in a teen's life. Teenagers might also face self–image or weight problems. One of the main illnesses that comes from these problems is an illness called anorexia. Anorexia is a sickness that happens most commonly with girls. Girls with anorexia dislike food because they think it makes them obese. Some girls exercise a lot to become skinny when they don't need to because they are already extremely thin. One reason that makes teens become anorexic is the jealousy of other beautiful and fit girls. They compare themselves with other thin girls in their classes and wish to become like them. Another reason that makes teens anorexic is Get more content on
  • 6. In recent years, teenage crime has become a social problem of the world 's attention. At the same time, the teenage crime increasing both in number and in dimension. Most of the crime forms concentrated in robbery, serious injury, rape, and other show the young ages tendency. This phenomenon has become a serious problem that endangers public security and the impact of society development. There are three significant causes of teenage crime: incorrect family education, social factors, and individual teenage problems. The first cause of the teenage crime is incorrect family education. The family is the first class for teenagers, and the parents are the first teachers. Proper family education is extremely important and a lifelong influence on the healthy growth of teenagers. Many parents are busy with working or get divorced. They do not have time to attend to children. It causes the teenager become introverted,and they hate the opposite genders. The abnormal mentality misleads them. Likewise, if the teenage lives in the surrounding, which the parents do something that is not allowed by the social norms; and it will make the teenagers to form the wrong values and exert a subtle influence on their behaviors. Similarly, the parents' education methods are simple and rude also causing the crime of teenagers. Some parents do not respect children and do not listen to their children, and they think that abuse and reprimanding their children is a good way to correct them when they Get more content on
  • 7. Essay About Teenagers "I believe the children are the future" are the words of the late Whitney Houston which many heard while growing up. Teens are changing rapidly as a result of changes in society and other changes. Few people want to speak to teens, but cannot do so anymore because most if not all the teenagers think they are grown. The people the teens associate themselves with or even spend time with is one the main reasons why they have been changing. Their friends contribute greatly in the decision–making aspect of their lives; they manage to do this in numerous ways. The teens are now becoming reckless as they believe their friends are always right. This results in them being out of control where parents and teachers are unable to steer them in the right path or even talk to the teens. Teenagers are being involved in sexual activities and as a result, it has an impact on their social behavior, their risk of STD's and the risk of pregnancy. Some of these teens are very innocent but they love to follow their friends. Teenagers back in the days would be solely focused on their school work and house work if they had any. Nowadays, it is much different. As mentioned before, society has changed, and it has not changed for the best but the worst. Teens would never talk back to their parents at a particular point in time, unfortunately, that is what is trending now. How is it possible to disrespect the elders? Does that even make sense? No, it does not, but the activities that they are indulging in are causing these actions. Teens are sexually active as they are left loose and with no guidance as these parents are afraid to speak to their children. Any teenager would be, not knowing what the outcome would be. It can be noticed when these teens are involved in sexual activities as their manners, morals and self–esteem are gone. Little good morning is said, but only when they feel like it or if they think it is necessary. Parents, teachers and some friends cannot even have a conversation with them as they are ignorant and behave rambunctiously when spoken to. These activities allow teenagers to be bold in the wrong way. Going to school with bite marks on them just to prove a point to their friends is one of the ways in which this Get more content on
  • 8. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Being A Teenager There are good things about being both an adult and a teenager however there are also some disadvantages. Adults and teenagers probably both wish they could switch places at times but we have to learn to live with ourselves and see that there is a good side and bad side to both situations. Now I am going to explain the advantages and disadvantages of both and try to give you are perspective from both sides of it. For example, what makes life unique at this age and what are some problems you will face as an adult or teen. Being an adult has many advantages and disadvantages about it but you learn to make it work. One good reason for being an adult is you have more freedom to make your own desecions. No one is holding you back or telling you what to do and when to do it. Another good reason for being an adult is you can purchase what you drive, where u live and everything else about your life. You can also make yourself unique, you don't have to act a certain way to impress someone you can just be yourself. There are sadly some downsides to being an adult as well. For example, you have to start paying for everything a house, a car, phone bill, electric bill etc. I mean there are countless fees you have to pay to be an adult. When you were a teen all you had to do was buy things you wanted and that was it ,but as an adult everything you buy you now have to pay for. Also when you are a adult you have to do everything now, you have so much responsibility like showing up to work every day on time and guess what if you don't more content... With all the pros of being a teen yet not the maturity of an adult it's a tough decision for most people to choose. From recent polls most people say they would prefer teen life over adult life. just for the few reasons of not having to pay bills and other things that adults have to do. For all of those reasons listed we don't really know which is best to Get more content on
  • 9. Hardest Part Of Being A Teenager What is the hardest part of being a teenager now? What's the best part? What advice would you give younger siblings or friends (assuming they would listen to you)? Perception vs actuality is a great way to describe what it is like to grow up and becoming a teenager. When I was younger, I had the perception that high school and being a teenager were going to be the best times of my life. While there are many great opportunities and perks, there are also many tough times. To be blunt, there are many ups and downs in the life of a teenager. I still vividly remember the late nights of my sophomore and junior years. A typical day would start with going through all my classes at school, followed by either football practice or lifting weights. Then finally getting home at around six to seven and starting a long night of homework. The days were long and stressful during this time. It was definitely a challenging part of my life having to balance all of my obligations during the school year. Another part of being a teenager that can be difficult is change. There are many childhood friends that I still have a great relationship with, but there are also some who I have not talked to in years. Not only did my relationships with others change, but my outlook on the world and society changed as well. I began to start to see the problems that we have as a human race. It was a hard pill to swallow realizing that the world is not how I thought it was when I was younger. Just because Get more content on
  • 10. Essay The Difficult Teenage Years The most important problems teenagers face are adapting, the desire to rebel, and responsibilities. A person's teenage years take them through many stages in life. One becomes a teenager when they turn thirteen and it ends when you turn twenty. Teenage years start in middle school and follow you halfway through your college career. When you are a young teenager, the age of thirteen to about sixteen, the body starts to make a few changes, externally, and internally. Females start at a younger age than males. Female hormones start to develop when they are eleven or twelve, but the thoughts the girls have only start to change when they are teenagers. Girls start to develop curves during their development stage. more content... For others, it's not so easy, there's rejection, and wait listing. This may seem okay, but for some teenagers, being rejected at such a young age can really make one feel insecure. In high school, you start to realize, you are no longer the oldest anymore. You are lost in a new building, surrounded by new people, new peers, new teachers, new principals. Everything is new. Looking around at the older grades, you notice they don't have as many pimples, or they have learned what clothing works, and what doesn't work together. The older grades, look much older than just eighteen year old. They have already developed their fashion styles, they are in relationships, they have figured out to do their makeup, so even if they have pimples, they are covered. Through high school, people change. There's bullies, and people don't want to be friends anymore. There are teams, and groups to join, you make new friends in your new surroundings. After three and half long years in high schools, you start applying for college. This is the second school related adaption they will have to do. This time it's more difficult. There are many options, and many decisions SUNYs, CUNYs, dorm, commuter school, the options are endless. Applying to college is difficult, one is expected to know what they want to do with their lives at the age of eighteen. Think of going to a college that will help you with your major, some don't even Get more content on
  • 11. Teens : An Essay : Being A Teenage The title of a topic is the subject, please tell what I can add or remove, critic away! Being told to write approximate 400 to 600 words. Believe it or not, being a teenager is really tough. It's where you have to cope and deal with the important things in your whole life. This transition from childhood to adulthood can be a smooth sail for some people, but can be treacherous for others. The one utterly most important thing about being a teenager are responsibilities. When you're a teenager, all blame goes to you for anything that is done wrong, get grounded, called out, unlike before when you were young and you could get away with "murder", and nobody would do anything about it or even blame an innocent looking child! Those days are now long gone and goodbyes were said. It's not all terrible and overwhelming being a teenager. Now since you are grown up and have your driver's license; you don't have to bother your parents to drive you to places you wanted to go to. You can now hang out with some friends and have fun driving to places to spend time together and get out of the house! You can now go to the beach, parks, and where ever interest you and lets you have fun with time ticking away. These are enjoyable and memorable times in life, as long as you are being responsible and putting thought into what you are doing. But with all good things, must come the bad. During this fulfilling age, you are hopefully mature and intelligent enough to know what to do, and make Get more content on
  • 12. Case Study on Treating a Teenager Having Problems A seventeen –year–old high school student is showing difficulty in his academics at school. He has lately been a "troublemaker" in his class and his grades have significantly dropped. After a conference scheduled with the mother, the teacher discovered that recently his father died of alcohol poisoning which emotionally disturbed the young boy. On the other hand, she also discovered that the mother was having an affair with another man in California and so did not show much emotion towards her late husband. As a result, the son became frustrated and angry towards his mother and started interacting with the wrong peer group. The student was recently caught with the possession more content... Clearly, with his mother not spending enough time to instill values and guide the young boy not only as a mother but also a confidante, destroyed the young boy's identity. Perhaps he could have been an "A" student in honors classes, but because there was no one to show him right from wrong and share experiences, he began to lose himself. The adolescent got under the wrong influence of people who thought that smoking pot was just experimenting for the sake of experimenting. Improper judgment was used and the situation became out of control. The mother's parenting style was permissive because she was very lenient and had no set rules or structure in the household. If she had high maturity demands but yet a nurturing and communicative environment the adolescent would not be suffering as much. Unfortunately, the young boy had no one to turn to and so he got involved in the wrong crowd. After collecting some additional data, the school learned that the father spent whatever time he could with his son even though he traveled extensively. Hence, the young boy had some emotional ties with his father, which seemed to provide any structural aspect in his life. He helped him with his work at school and played basketball with him indicating to be a positive outlet for the young boy. Thus, when the young boy came to know of his mother's affair with another man he was devastated and lost respect for her. At this point, the young boy might have been undergoing Get more content on
  • 13. Effects Of Teenage Society Essay Over the years our teen society has made drastic changes. The teen society has made many positive attributes in the past years. Recently there have been a couple of problems surfacing into the world. These issues has caused the teen society to deteriorate slowly. I believe that teen pregnancy is a leading cause to many negative things. Being a teen parent is a significant factor that affects almost everyone close to them. In some cases this could be a positive situation but in most cases it's not. Teen parents are introduced into a lifestyle that is completely unfamiliar and dangerous. Parents that are at young age is a huge problem because it causes a variety of strains on the parents, the child is exposed to health issues, and it more content... Teen pregnancy is a problem in today's society because it destroys the quality of education. It harms an innocent child and puts he or she life at risk. The family involuntarily has another responsibility. This issue has a wide range of possible complications, but I believe it can be solved. I think a class should be created for high school students and incoming freshman that has a mission to educate the students about the result of becoming parents at an early age. Lesson will be taught about how to prevent pregancy and other sexual transmitted dieases. I think that if this course was required for students to graduate they would take it serious and it could prevent early parenthood. Not only do I think classes and programs in school will have an positive effect on the teen community, I think it will have a positive effect on the parents. If programs were created for parents to get more involved in school it will add more positive growth in the community. Parents have a strong impact on their children's lives. If the parents put a strong impact on how teen pregnancy can change he or she life it will be very beneficial to the child. Also I think the school should have available family counseling. So if the parent or the child think that birth control should be an option they can go through that process with the counselor. Having support systems and good communications with peers and family is a great way to discuss any Get more content on
  • 14. Strengths And Weaknesses Of Adolescence Each adolescent is unique, and as adolescents we all have our strengths and weaknesses, but during this time we are preparing ourselves for our future. We are getting an idea of what life will be like and the responsibility and maturity that is needed. Throughout adolescence is the time where we can take matters into our own hands and we are allowed to make mistakes. Making those mistakes is what can help us improve or even help us learn something that can benefit us in the future. Sometimes we even allow the social media to have an influence on our day to day life, which can cause us to second guess ourselves in how we look and even how we act. This is the time that prepares us for our future, where we will have good times and bad times. more content... You are being taught and given an idea of the challenges that you could be facing in the future. Whether it be decide your career or deciding your next step in life. Throughout all this is the time for you to trying new things which gives you an idea of the responsibility and maturity you are going to need throughout your life. For example if you get a part–time job, you are learning how important it is to show up on time, to try your best. Taking the responsibility to complete the tasks you are given and to do them the best of your ability. You can't rely on anybody but yourself, you're in charge of completing your job and doing it yourself to the best of your ability. By having a part–time job it can also help you decide what is best for you future. You can learn the skills that your best at, how you like to work, and additionally the environment that you work best in. You are taking the time, resources, and knowledge you have and putting it to use in your life. Secondly throughout the years the use technology has increased tremendously. What the technology today is capable of doing now compared to 10 years ago is a lot more and we are obsessing of it. As adolescents we allow the social Get more content on
  • 15. Essay on Common Teenage Problems Teenage is a fundamental stage of life that each human being passes through. Some people face this period of their life strongly and positively, while others face many problems and difficulties. This depends on the environment these young adults live in, their parents, their friends, their living conditions, their education, and many other factors. Teenagers face many problems such as becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol, being influenced negatively by their peers, self–image and weight, or even arguments with their parents Drugs between teenagers is one of the most serious problems, because it causes a change in the behavior of any teenager and a physical change too. Most of the teenagers use alcoholic drinks as a way to more content... Peer pressure has always been present and will also always be present. It is not a disease or a crime, it is an influence; either a negative or a positive one. Negative peer pressure is an influence put on a person to do something wrong, or something the person doesn't want to do. This may be stealing, taking drugs, or other dangerous actions. If someone influences you into doing something like this it is considered a negative peer pressure. This is a major problem in most schools all around the world. Teenagers usually feel peer pressure when they feel unpopular between their friends, or when they want to be accepted in a group of other teenagers. The group is a place where one feels accepted, where he can feel good about himself, where he feels secure. It increases his self esteem, and it also enhances his self–image. Unfortunately, teenagers who want to be part of these groups, need to follow certain unpleasant routines, such as stealing, smoking, taking drugs, or drinking alcohol. Many times they do things that they would never have imagined themselves doing before meeting a new group of people. Some teens try to make the "right" decision so others will admire them. Having parents or other responsible adults they can turn to for help or advice is crucial at this point in a teen's life. Teenagers might also face self–image or weight problems. One of the main illnesses that comes from these Get more content on
  • 16. Difference Between Teenagers And Modern Teenagers Compare and contrast the lifestyles of Thai teenagers, past and present Today's teenagers are different from the past teenagers because of the time and the prosperity of the technology. In the past, there was little equipment and technology, so they had to try their best to do the routines. But nowadays, I think that technology makes routines easier than before like listening to music, games and photography. The difference between listening to the music in the past and current. In the past, about the year 1990, Thailand was not very technologically advanced. Equipment related to electronics was expensive. If they wanted to collect the songs of their famous singer, they needed to buy a cassette of the album. Even though they only liked one song, they had to buy the whole album. Each tape was expensive. When a singer made a new song, they needed to buy more. And if they brought only the tape, they could not listen to the music. They needed a tape player that came with a radio which was more expensive than tape. If teens did not have enough money to buy, they have to call the dj on the radio so that they can play it through the radio. Currently they just use the phone and listen to music. If they like that music, they can buy only that song. Or they can listen to music on the Internet as YouTube or 4share, and they can download it when there is no Internet without paying. The current game is more realistic than old games. In the 1990s. The games had been designed for the fun of the players. The story of the games did not focus much. The story was to help the girl or queen to return to the peace like Mario, etc. Also, players tried to play the game to finish and watch the scene. The games were 2D image with a side view. Atpresent, this view is greatly reduced. The games in the past were not focused on the story, but the games were very focused on gameplay. Old games were fun and also very difficult. To find people through was very difficult. Sometimes, they brought a summary of the game to pass the game. But with the technology of the past, they could not be create games like reality, so they created the game character as in the cartoon. There were not many effects in the game. They made the games with almost no Get more content on
  • 17. Some (but not all) teens may go through adolescence experiencing serious psychological and behavioral problems (i.e. substance abuse, delinquency, and depression). These problems can have direct (i.e. being in contact with personal youth) or indirect (i.e. increased taxes for community services and raised anxiety about safety of neighborhoods) effects on troubled teens and those around them. The media often exaggerates the psychosocial problems of adolescents, which leads to the stereotype of adolescents being troublesome. Therefore, it is important to distinguish between normative, transitory problems that most adolescence face (e.g. self–doubt, broken hearts, etc.) and more serious psychosocial problems that few adolescents experience (e.g. drug abuse, depression, etc.). This can be done by distinguishing between occasional experimentation and ongoing patterns of troublesome behavior. The rates of adolescent experimentation often exceed rates of enduring problems. For example, while a teen may break the law once during adolescence, that doesn't mean the teenager will go on to have a criminal career. Despite this, delinquency if often associated with adolescence, However, just because a problem behavior is seen during adolescence, doesn't mean it necessarily began during adolescence. In addition, most psychosocial problems experienced during adolescence are usually resolved by adulthood, unless an adolescent had a traumatic childhood. Popular theories such as that Get more content on
  • 18. Paragraph On Teenage Depression Teenage Depression: a Growing Issue in Today's Society Most Especially in Girls When a child reaches the adolescence stage, it can be an amazing time of discovery, learning and building friendship; but it is also a time of rapid change and emotional highs and lows, where things can feel really tough. In this stage, the area of the brain, that is responsible for planning ahead, and assessing risk, is still immature in teenagers, which is why teens are more likely to participate in high–risk behavior leading to different results in which in today's time, the most common is Depression. Teenage depression is probably more common than you think. Depression is an emotional or mental disorder that leads to symptoms such as prolonged sadness, loss of interest in activities, lowered self–worth and feelings of discouragement. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, rates of adolescent depression peak right around the age of 16 and by 18, around 11% of kids had been diagnosed with depression. Further, teenage girls are twice as likely to experience depression. Also, according to SAHMSA National Survey, between ages 12 and 15, depression rates triple among girls. To expound this statistical observation and investigation, there are no medical evidences and explanation to accurately support this notion however; it probably has something to do with the mixture of different reasons. One reason is the hormonal changes brought on by puberty. When on this stage, there comes Get more content on
  • 19. My Teenage Years My teenage years were a rollercoaster. For the most part, I had a lot of growing up to do and to figure out my future ahead of me. Like most teenagers, I was mainly focused on my own difficulties and great moments. Many times, I found myself in complicated situations ashamed to talk about. This course and textbook, Adolescent psychology, allowed me to reflect on my teenage year. There are better ways to explain the aspects in my younger years. I will be going over my family, friends and even myself to analyze my adolescent years. There were more supportive answers to explain a few of my teenage years. As well as, issues most teenagers have gone through. There are also explanations on relations with family and friends playing a role through my youth. The importance and impact it can have on young adults. There always growth and development going throughout our lives. I think the unusual part was my parent's relationship. They were not together but lived together. This often threw off relations with each other. My dad at moved out but then moved back in because of immigration. This brought my parents back together once they figured out the legal orders. Yet, a year went by and the relationship did not seem to work out. At the time I thought it would be best if my parents would separate. I grew frustrated my mom would use the excuse that they were together because of us. Honestly, that hurt me more than wanting them to stay together. If they were not happy together what's the point of having them together? I told my parents at one point they did not have to do it for us. I remember my brother crying but of the idea of my father moving away rather than them not being together. In the textbook, there are advantages of them staying together because of economically reasons (287). But my father had his own problems that dragged us down. There were more pros to my parents divorcing right away then trying to stay together. If it is economic reason is why most people stayed my mother used because of the children for financial reasoning and not the emotional toll on us. I believe the unusual part was the lack of family attention. My relationship with my family was complicated. My father was rarely in my teenage Get more content on