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Appendix D
Skills are competencies developed from learning and practice (Lock 2005). Appendix D illustrates and exemplifies the transferable, content, and
stylistic skills in which I have acquired through my education and experiences. A value is anything to which an individual gives worth, merit, or
usefulness (Lock 2005). Appendix E and F articulate values in which I place great emphasis on in my life. Personality describes a pattern of values,
attitudes, and behaviors which represent distinctive ways people think and act (Lock 2005). Appendix B and C provide the fundamental key
components of my inner and social personality through the usage of the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator assessment. Appendix A, provided through the
Strong Interest Inventory, documents
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Symptoms And Treatment Of Appendicitis
Appendix Removal
said, LET 'S BEGIN. All of a sudden, your friend begins non–stop complaining of lower abdominal pain, chills, fever, and a "little" vomiting. Finally,
after a few minutes of hearing them wail and moan, you decide to do something about it. The question is: what do you do? So, you do what anyone in
this odd predicament would do, you ask google. After some searching on and, you conclude that it has to be, without a
reasonable doubt, appendicitis. Appendicitis is a serious medical condition in which the appendix becomes inflamed and painful; if ruptured, it can
actually be quite fatal. After receiving all of the information you needed, you come to the resolution that there 's no time for you to take your friend
to the hospital, so you 're going to do it yourself. After more questionable searching on the dark web, and a little memorization of steps; you prepare
your materials. The list of items goes as follows: A kitchen knife (maybe a scalpel, if you're fancy), a sharpie, lots towels, some liquor, roofies (if you
don't know where to obtain them, they may be substituted with hard liquor), some rope, some gloves, a mason jar, and a sewing needle/needles, and
dissolvable floss/string. Here's a little anatomy lesson; the appendix is affixed adjacently to small intestines, meaning it 's connected to your small
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Appendix A Case Study
Environmental conditions can directly impact one's health and safety. . "Primary prevention is the simplest, and most economical way of addressing
these possible threats to health," (Davis, 2007). Environmental assessments serve an important component in determining the degree of safety,
functionality, and in identifying interventions to reduce barriers to safety and ensure health benefits. For this assessment, the "Home Environmental
Health and Safety Tool" by Davis, was utililzed (2007). It is referred to as Appendix A. The L family reside in a 2
–story single family home, built over
100 years ago, in a modest rural neighborhood. It is unknown if radon testing has been conducted. It is noted that the upper story has an exterior
balcony extending the length of the house. The yard, both front and back, is well kept and without obstructions. No fence is observed. There is no
exterior garage noted. A patio with one step leading into the house is noted in the backyard. The interior of the home has a large open living area/den,
formal living area, dining room, and kitchen and is clean and tidy. A fireplace is more content...
It is suggested that they visit the CDC (Center for Disease Control) website at to gain further knowledge regarding the risks lead,
radon, and carbon monoxide pose and for further preventative measures. A visit to the local fire department is suggested to gain information in
implementing a plan for disaster/fire. Family members are encouraged to practice this plan periodically in order to stay prepared. Additionally, an
emergency call list is
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The Appendix In The Human Body
The appendix is a tubed shaped organ attached to the lower end of the large intestine. For a long period of time, the appendix was seen as a vestigial
structure in the human body. However, scientists began to perform experiments in order to discover that the appendix might actually have a true
purpose in the human body. It is hypothesized today that this structure might assist in the role of storing good bacteria in the body. The two articles
discussed in this paper explain two author's differing hypotheses of how the function of the appendix actually evolved to what it is today.
In the article, "Appendix Evolved More Than 30 Times," Colin Barras states that the appendix is a "wormlike structure found near the junction of the
small and large intestines evolved 32 times among mammals." Barras is describing the evolution of the appendix and the whether or not human beings
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Fifty of the species they chose to study have an appendix today. They plotted data of these species diets on a figure called an "mammalian evolutionary
tree." By analyzing the diets of all these mammals and plotting the data, the scientists recognized that the species greatly varied in their diets and
questioned the use of the appendix. From the data published from this team in Comptes Rendus Palevol, other biologists interested in this topic then
spoke up about their own opinions regarding the evolution of the appendix. This led to the conclusion that the appendix does have a useful function,
however it is still an ongoing mystery (Barras).
The article "Major Evolutionary Blunders: Our Useful Appendix–Evidence of Design, Not Evolution," by Randy Guliuzza is examining the idea that
the appendix has evolved over time due to "intelligent design," or that the organ evolved by a greater being or design. Guliuzza is arguing that there is
a "God
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Appendix A Demographic Survey
Appendix A
Demographic Survey
1).What is your age? A. 25 or under B. 26–40 C. 41–55 D. 56 or older
A. Male B. Female
3).What is you ethnic and racial background? A. African–American, Black
B. Chinese
C. Filipino
D. Indian
E. Japanese
F. Korean
G. Southeast Asian
H. White Caucasian – Non Hispanic
I. Hispanic or Latino
J. Mexican
K. American Indian, Alaskan Native
L. Middle Eastern
M. More than one race
N. Unknown or not reported
O. Decline to answer
4).Where were you born? (city, region, country) (Option to enter text)
5).What is your primary language? (Option to enter text)
6).What is the highest level of education you have completed? A. Grammar School B. High School or equivalent C. Vocational/Technical School D. more content...
G. Hinduism Sikhism
H. Unitarian–Universalism
I. Wiccan Pagan Druid
J. Spiritualism
K. Native American
L. Baha'i
M. Not Listed
N. N/A
O. Decline to answer
9).Which of the following best describes you political orientation?
A. Very liberal
B. Slightly liberal
C. Neither liberal nor conservative
D. Slightly conservative
E. Very conservative
F. Decline to answer
10).Are you currently married? A. Yes B. No C. Decline to answer
Appendix B
Interview Guide
I will first introduce my study and explain why I'm conducting my study and what their responses will be used for.
I will then get written consent from them whether they decide to participate or not.
I will then give a brief rundown on what mental disorders are.
I will then procced to ask my open ended questions.
1.When you hear mental disorder, what is the first thing you think of?
2.When you picture an individual with a mental disorder, who and what do you picture?
3.Where did you get this picture of an individual with a mental disorder from?
4.When you think mental disorder, where and by whom have you heard and learned about this before?
5.Do you know of anyone or are you yourself affiliated with a mental disorder, please
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A Business 's Only Responsibility
Appendix 1
B.Argumentation and Academic Essay Writing (CSR Essay) appendix:
A business's only responsibility is to produce profit. To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Businesses should take social responsibility in addition to producing profits. Corporate social responsibility refers to a business practices that involves
participating and make benefits to society. CSR is a way of companies benefiting themselves so; business should also take social responsibility instead
of only taking profit. This is because taking on social responsibility benefits both the society and the companies themselves. CSR refers to a business
practice that contributes to the economic development while improving the quality of life of not only more content...
As customers have the choice to choose where to consume, taking social responsibility in the business helps the business to gain confidence and faith
from customers because it creates a nice and strong image.
Hence, more business opportunities will be manufactured when the business takes social responsibility. Relationship with the customers, suppliers,
employees and networks from cooperates may develop and be enhanced. Apart from these, the business will be more profitable. Because if the
businesses are socially responsible, it allows the business to attract customers, which means the business will able to earn more. Business taking social
responsibility can help the environment. Mainly large corporates can strongly influence the society, they can impact the world by taking social
responsibility and guide customers and educate them such as donations. They can inspire other business. It is important for a business to have a good
reputation. Taking social responsibility can reduce potential risk reputation suddenly being damaged so it increases the sustainability of the business.
This is a worthwhile and easy way to build up a good reputation of the business. It helps for the company to know its supply chain to help them in
targeting customers more conveniently. This can also produce a certain and constant amount of customers to guarantee the income of the
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Hypothesis Of Human Appendix
The human appendix is a part of the digestive tract. It is a blind ended tube, and its base is located in the cecum, approximately 2 cm beneath the
ileocecal valve. The purpose of the appendix is unclear. It has traditionally been proposed to be a vestigial organ, but recent studies suggest that the
appendix may play an important role in maintaining gut flora. [1]
One hypothesis proposes that the appendix is a vestigial remnant of a longer cecum that helped early primates to digest foliage. The long cecum then
shrunk and formed the appendix, as primates began to eat a less cellulose rich diet. [2] This theory appears to be supported by the very long cecum
and a lack of an appendix found in herbivorous mammals, [2] and the absence of side effects following appendectomy. [3] more content...
It would therefore aid recovery by enabling the bacteria to re–colonize the intestines more rapidly. The shape and the location of the appendix just
below the normal flow of food and bacteria helps to support the hypothesis. [3] The hypothesis is further supported by recent studies that have found
several species having both a long cecum and an appendix, contradicting the idea that the latter is a remnant of the former.
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Appendix A Work-Based Assignment
Appendix A– Research Methods
I have utilised a number of research methods as part of this work based assignment. These research methods include:
I took a step back and decided on what I thought the pros and cons were of the current performance management process at the Society.
I looked at all the documentation I have available to me on the process from the Society's intranet and looked at previous communications about the
process and at the results of the last people survey.
I used the internet to research and read up on performance management generally. A good source of information was 'The Chartered Institute of
Personnel and Development' and 'Forbes'.
I consulted with friends and family who are employed elsewhere to see what
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Appendix D: Task Analysis: Squat
Appendix D: Task Analysis: Squat Clean Squat Clean Participant Initials: ___ Coach's Initials: _____ Condition: ___ Session #____ 65% of one rep
max: ____lbs. Weight on bar: ____lbs. Date: ________ Instructions: Mark (+) if correct (–) if incorrect Trials1.Hip–width stance2.Hands about one
thumb's distance from hips3.Hook grip on the barbell4.Both shoulders slightly in front of the barbell at set up5.Lumbar curve maintained6.Hips and
shoulders rise at the same rate, then hips extend rapidly7.Heels down until hips and legs extend8.Shoulders shrug upwards followed by a pull under
with the arms9.Bar is received in a full squat (below parallel)10.Complete at full
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Appendix Research Paper
The appendix may not be useless after all. The worm–shaped structure found near the junction of the small and large intestines evolved 32 times
among mammals, according to a new study. The finding adds weight to the idea that the appendix helps protect our beneficial gut bacteria when a
serious infection strikes. Charles Darwin was one of the first scientists to theorize on the function of the appendix, which in his day had been
identified only in humans and other great apes. The appendix is a dangerous organ in your body and i say this because it has killed many people and
made many people have surgery which could be fatal. For unclear reasons, the appendix often becomes inflamed, infected, and can rupture.Surgery is
the only treatment for appendicitis. The doctor may use the traditional technique (one large cut) or laparoscopy (several small cuts and using a camera
to see inside). The appendix is in the digestive system. The presence of lymphoid tissue suggests that the appendix may play a role in the immune
system in addition to the digestive system. Normally, the appendix sits in the lower right abdomen. The function of the appendix is unknown. One
theory is that the appendix acts as more content...
Changes in the abdominal exam help doctors tell if appendicitis is progressing, as well." this is cited from––disorders
/picture–of–the–appendix. For unclear reasons, the appendix often becomes inflamed, infected, and can rupture. This causes severe pain in the right
lower part of the belly, along with nausea and vomiting.Tumors of the appendix: Carcinoid tumors secrete chemicals that cause periodic flushing,
wheezing, and diarrhea. Epithelial tumors are growths in the appendix that can be benign or cancerous. Appendix tumors are rare. This comes
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Appendix A Positive Self-Talk
Appendix A Positive Self Talk What we say to ourselves (that is, our "self
–talk") has a significant effect on how we feel and what we do (Blackmer,
2012). In sports, negative self–talk has been shown to have a negative effect on performance. Thus, producing both negative feelings, like anxiety, as
well as physical tension, which leads to decreased motor coordination and speed (Blackmer, 2012). In the sports culture, negative self–talk also has the
ability to deprive an athlete from focusing on the task at hand. Thus, causing the athlete to miss something important, which could lead to other forced
errors or mistakes. Hence why, when an athlete talks negatively to him/herself, it not only affects mental skills such as intensity regulation, confidence,
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My Appendix Operation at Age 11
1.My appendix operation at the age of 11: I was in class 6. Final exam was about to begin only one month left. It was month of November. I
remember one morning I woke up and found that I have severe stomach pain. From last few days I was feeling that pain. My mother gave me some
digestive pills but it did not work. That morning the pain was unbearable. I was writhing in pain. My father took me to our family doctor nearby.
After inspecting he directed my father to take me to hospital. I was immediately taken to hospital where first I was given an injection. I was taken
to a bed. A nurse asked me how I was feeling. Even after injection the pain did not stop and it was becoming unbearable. I asked nurse why I am
here and what they are going to do. She said not to worry and I will be cured by some medicine. My father later came to me and said me that a
senior doctor has said I will be cured by medicine. I was feeling very uneasy and worrying why they are not giving me medicine and curing me.
After some time the nurse changed my dress and to me to another room where many doctors were there with cloth closing their mouth. It was then I
realized that I will be operated. I asked doctor where is my father. He said that he is there outside and everything will be fine. One remember one
doctor asked me about my name. Then he put one mask on my face and asked me another question. The gas coming out from that mask was terrible.
My eyes closed and after that I don't know what happened.
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Case Study: Appendix D
Gross Profits
When taking a look at capacity as a whole, Appendix D illustrates demand throughout the summer, winter, and shoulder seasons by contrasting
weekdays to weekends. Shoulder season is understood to be the months that do fall between summer and winter months. Right off the bat, we are able
to appreciate that on weekends the restaurant generates much more revenue than it does during the week, which supports management's decision to keep
a light staff during these times. Additionally, Appendix D shows that the most demand occurs in summer during the weekends. Based on the
information, the best area for improvement is serving the customer on winter weekends because it seems it is the best season to establish improvements
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It was an all–day breakfast restaurant with a business model to serve fresh, healthy and tasty food to a loyal customer base. However, there were some
major problems and the owner, Melhuish decided to rectify the situation. The first was to increase customer loyalty and increase sales, and the best way
to do so was by reducing the waiting period so the customers can get their food more quickly. In addition, all menu items were cooked fresh and
healthy to differentiate themselves from competitors. Secondly, the owner wanted to find a life–time partner who will meet the company's expectation.
Therefore, the prospective franchisee must engaged in various steps in order to be consider to buy a franchise restaurant "because Sunset–at–Blue was
one of only two Sunset Grill franchises operating in tourist destinations, Melhuish faced an array of challenges unknown to Toronto–area locations"
(Haywood et al., 2011). In order to get this situation under controlled, effective inventory management needed to take place. This allows
Sunset–at–Blue the opportunity to meet or exceed customer's expectations. According to Haywood et al. (2011), "To accomplish this, he deviated
(with approval from the franchisor) from the franchise model by adding personal touches. Melhuish changed the floor plan and the order process, as
well as added more affordable meals and alcoholic beverages on the menu to create a more relaxed comfortable ambiance atmosphere for the entire
family. However, the capacity constraint was still an issue and to accommodate Sunset Grill customers, Melhuish should maximize operating capacity
to meet all current and future
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Appendix N
Associate Level Material
Appendix N
Topic Sentences and Supporting Paragraphs
Topic Sentences
When you write, you form paragraphs. A paragraph is a group of sentences that relate in topic and thought. A paragraph generally consists of three to
five sentences and usually begins with a topic sentence. A topic sentence is a general statement that announces what theparagraph is about. By starting a
paragraph with a topic sentence, your audience may immediately identify your topic. This construction also helps you, the writer, stay focused on your
Consider the following example of an essay introduction:
The first sentence is the topic sentence: It tells the readers they will learn about more content...
You learn about writing concluding paragraphs later in this course.
Transitions are words used to move readers smoothly from one sentence to another or from one paragraph to another. Think of transitions as traffic
signals alerting readers to the direction your writing takes, based on the relationship between the ideas within or between paragraphs.
Examples of Transitions
The following are examples of relationships between words and examples of transitional words:
|Relationship |Example of Transitions |
| | |
|To show similarity between two ideas |Additionally |
| |Also |
| |And |
| |In the same way |
| |Moreover |
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Appendix C: Risk Management Plan
Risk Management Plan
Identifying risks is an essential component of planning a large project. A thorough risk analysis is necessary to identify potential issues to the endeavor
and assess the probability of therisk occurring, along with the impact on the project if the risk occurs (PMI, 2013). A thorough assessment of the impact
that the project will have on the organization should be completed to evaluate the risk of the project, in addition to the impact the project will have on
the organization. The risk assessment tool used in Appendix C illustrates the impact this expansion project will have to stakeholders and the
After the risk assessment tool was used to evaluate the risk to the organization, an appraisal of all potential risks were identified, for the initial part of
the project through brainstorming. The following are risks that have been identified initially for this project:
1.Physician buy–in – It is essential to gain the support of physicians that oversee chronic non–healing wound care. Since the physician determines the
types of treatments that the patients receive, it is essential to gain their patronage in using the products.
2.Hospital more content...
A "risk impact assessment investigates the potential effect on a project objective such as schedule, cost quality, or performance" (PMI, 2013, p.
330). Table 1 illustrates the potential risks for the MTF Wound Allograft Expansion Project utilizing the impact assessment tool. Each risk is
evaluated on a scale of impact and probability from 0 to 1.0 (Kumar, 2013). After each risk is assessed, the risk is assessed utilizing the matrix in
Table 2 by cross referencing the score of the probability versus the impact on the matrix in Table 3. The risks with the highest probability of occurring
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Appendix A Essay
After his father's tragic death in 1987, Antoine Chami took control of Chabros International Group as owner and president. Motivated by an ambition to
make Chabros a global player in the worldwide wood industry, Chami pursued international expansion into multiple new markets. An overview of all
Chabros' international operations, their purpose, and the growth strategy is presented in Appendix A. The most frequent strategy was that of market
development to reach new markets in the UAE, Serbia, Qatar, Oman, Egypt, and KSA. Unique to Egypt was its conductivity to a diversification
strategy due to its market for the difficult to sell, high–margin, low–quality wood. Expansion to Serbia was first motivated by a supply shortage, and
therefore a strategy of product development was more content...
Accordingly, Chami is considering strategies to expand existing and capture additional markets. A VRIO analysis demonstrates that Chabros has
numerous competitive advantages that will enable above average performance in a variety of markets (Appendix B). In order to assess the
attractiveness of locations for new markets development and current market penetration, major economic, political, legal, commercial, and
geographical characteristics are taken into account (Appendix C). Based on these data, it is recommended that Chabros enter the new market of
Kuwait and expand their presence in Egypt. Kuwait has high political stability, favorable ease of doing business, and extremely high GNI per capita.
Although the market size is small, it is preferable to Chabros enter a favorable market over a large one during this time of economic uncertainty. If
Chabros seeks to reach a larger market, they could simultaneously enter the next highest scoring country, Bahrain. Moreover, market size is a more
important factor for market penetration growth, thus Egypt is an ideal selection for this
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Case Study on a Patient with Appendicitis
Case study
Patient name: J.K
Sex: Male
Race: Fijian
Age: 47
Personal History
Mr. J.K is married with four children. He describes himself as a socialable person likes to explore new things.
He works at the Nasinu Town Council as a Carpenter
Family History: –his father is a known diabetic patient and his grandmother died of leukemia –his paternal uncle had died from septicemia.
Social History:
Cigarettes 1 pack per week x 12years now; he stopped smoking in 2000 and continued again recently. He drinks alcohol occasionally when a function
occurs at home. Social drinker. He has been married for 18years; he has 4 children who are healthy. He is currently a carpenter at Nasinu Town Council. more content...
Contraindication : Hypersensitivity
Side Effect/Toxic Effect: Dizziness, fatigue, and headache.
Nursing Precaution: Asses the patient routinely for epigastric or abdominal pain and occult blood in the stool..
Pathophysiology of Acute Appendicitis Decreased venous drainage
Obstruction of the appendix(By fecalith, lymph node, tumor, foreign objects)
Inflammation Increased intraluminal pressure
Distention of the appendix – causes pain
Decreased venous drainage
Blood flow and oxygen restriction to the appendix
Bacterial invasion of the blood wall– causes fever
Necrosis of the appendix
The Pathophysiology of appendicitis is the constellation of process that leads to the Dev. Of acute appendicitis from a normal appendix. The main
thrust of events leading to the dev. Of acute appendicitis lies in the appendix developing a compromised blood supply due to obstruction of its lumen
and becoming very vulnerable to invasion by bacteria found in gut normally. Obstruction of the appendix lumen by fecalith, enlarge lymph rode, worms
tumor, or indeed foreign objects, brings about a raised intra–luminal pressure, w/cause the wall of the appendix to become distended. Normal mucus
secretions con–w/in the lumen of the appendix, thus causing further build up of intralumenal pressures. This in turn
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Appendix A
The experience of illness is unique to every individual. Alongside illness, a perceptual state of uncertainty is felt amongst patients undergoing the
processes of diagnosis, illness, and treatment within the illness trajectory. "Our Ends Are Beginnings", a digital drawing by ParadisiacPicture is an
art piece that depicts the experience of uncertainty through two ways of viewing the image. Appendix A depicts the whole image, Appendix B
showcases a cropped version of the image to highlight the perspective of the girl falling from the orange sky into the water, and Appendix C is
cropped in a different variation to show the girl soaring in the dark sky towards the city below. The multiple ways to view this image encapsulates the
potential more content...
Accompanying illness is the loss of control over one's life and the development of vulnerability and doubt in the future (Hansen et al., 2012). By
experiencing these emotions, individuals often go through the psychological state of uncertainty. While the feeling is subjective to each
individual, uncertainty can be characterized as a process that has the ability to change over time with the influence of support from external
resources. The initial stages of illness (diagnosis and coping) is equivalent to the girl sinking into the ocean perspective of the image (see
Appendix B). In this cropped version of the image, the sky is a nostalgic, orange colour which represents one's personal comfort and equilibrium.
The girl is reaching towards the sky as she falls deeper into the ocean because she longs to be placed back in a place of comfort as her new oceanic
surroundings are strange and her future is uncertain. However, in another perspective of the same image (see Appendix C), the girl is now soaring
towards the city down below – her body language indicates that she is comfortable and living in the moment, seemingly enjoying her time in the
contextual sky that used to be an ocean. The city below represents reality and society. Although not represented in the art piece, the healthcare
environment – particularly nurses – possess a
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Appendix : Financial Statement Analysis : Tesla
Appendix: Financial Statement Analysis
Tesla's gross margin has remained steadily above 20% for the past three years, which is in line with other high end automobile manufacturers such as
Mercedes Benz ("Daimler Gross Profit Margin (Quarterly) (DDAIF)," n.d.). This shows that Tesla's pricing model accurately considers costs relating
to production and sets prices at an appropriate level for it products.
Operating and net profit margins for this organization have been negative for the past three years, indicating that operating expenses are not being
incorporated into the pricing model. This may indicate inefficient administration or processes in the organization or that the pricing model is not
efficient and products are being underpriced. Based on the price elasticity of demand for this organization's products, the firm might not be
competitive if these operating costs were considered in their pricing model. On the other hand, as the organization grows and develops economies of
scale and learning, these costs may shrink and no longer be a concern.
Comparing Tesla's liquidity ratios, the current and cash ratios, to Mercedes Benz, they appear to be in line ("Growth, Profitability, andFinancial Ratios
for Daimler AG (DDAIF) from," n.d.). These ratios indicate that Tesla has sufficient assets to meet its short term needs. The cash
ratio indicates there is little concern for imminent financial distress.
Working capital ratios for Tesla indicate that this
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Appendix D

  • 1. Appendix D Skills are competencies developed from learning and practice (Lock 2005). Appendix D illustrates and exemplifies the transferable, content, and stylistic skills in which I have acquired through my education and experiences. A value is anything to which an individual gives worth, merit, or usefulness (Lock 2005). Appendix E and F articulate values in which I place great emphasis on in my life. Personality describes a pattern of values, attitudes, and behaviors which represent distinctive ways people think and act (Lock 2005). Appendix B and C provide the fundamental key components of my inner and social personality through the usage of the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator assessment. Appendix A, provided through the Strong Interest Inventory, documents Get more content on
  • 2. Symptoms And Treatment Of Appendicitis Appendix Removal WARNING: PLEASE DO NOT ACTUALLY TRY AND REMOVE YOUR FRIEND 'S APPENDIX, THIS IS MORE OF A JOKE. With that being said, LET 'S BEGIN. All of a sudden, your friend begins non–stop complaining of lower abdominal pain, chills, fever, and a "little" vomiting. Finally, after a few minutes of hearing them wail and moan, you decide to do something about it. The question is: what do you do? So, you do what anyone in this odd predicament would do, you ask google. After some searching on and, you conclude that it has to be, without a reasonable doubt, appendicitis. Appendicitis is a serious medical condition in which the appendix becomes inflamed and painful; if ruptured, it can actually be quite fatal. After receiving all of the information you needed, you come to the resolution that there 's no time for you to take your friend to the hospital, so you 're going to do it yourself. After more questionable searching on the dark web, and a little memorization of steps; you prepare your materials. The list of items goes as follows: A kitchen knife (maybe a scalpel, if you're fancy), a sharpie, lots towels, some liquor, roofies (if you don't know where to obtain them, they may be substituted with hard liquor), some rope, some gloves, a mason jar, and a sewing needle/needles, and dissolvable floss/string. Here's a little anatomy lesson; the appendix is affixed adjacently to small intestines, meaning it 's connected to your small Get more content on
  • 3. Appendix A Case Study Environmental conditions can directly impact one's health and safety. . "Primary prevention is the simplest, and most economical way of addressing these possible threats to health," (Davis, 2007). Environmental assessments serve an important component in determining the degree of safety, functionality, and in identifying interventions to reduce barriers to safety and ensure health benefits. For this assessment, the "Home Environmental Health and Safety Tool" by Davis, was utililzed (2007). It is referred to as Appendix A. The L family reside in a 2 –story single family home, built over 100 years ago, in a modest rural neighborhood. It is unknown if radon testing has been conducted. It is noted that the upper story has an exterior balcony extending the length of the house. The yard, both front and back, is well kept and without obstructions. No fence is observed. There is no exterior garage noted. A patio with one step leading into the house is noted in the backyard. The interior of the home has a large open living area/den, formal living area, dining room, and kitchen and is clean and tidy. A fireplace is more content... It is suggested that they visit the CDC (Center for Disease Control) website at to gain further knowledge regarding the risks lead, radon, and carbon monoxide pose and for further preventative measures. A visit to the local fire department is suggested to gain information in implementing a plan for disaster/fire. Family members are encouraged to practice this plan periodically in order to stay prepared. Additionally, an emergency call list is Get more content on
  • 4. The Appendix In The Human Body The appendix is a tubed shaped organ attached to the lower end of the large intestine. For a long period of time, the appendix was seen as a vestigial structure in the human body. However, scientists began to perform experiments in order to discover that the appendix might actually have a true purpose in the human body. It is hypothesized today that this structure might assist in the role of storing good bacteria in the body. The two articles discussed in this paper explain two author's differing hypotheses of how the function of the appendix actually evolved to what it is today. In the article, "Appendix Evolved More Than 30 Times," Colin Barras states that the appendix is a "wormlike structure found near the junction of the small and large intestines evolved 32 times among mammals." Barras is describing the evolution of the appendix and the whether or not human beings need more content... Fifty of the species they chose to study have an appendix today. They plotted data of these species diets on a figure called an "mammalian evolutionary tree." By analyzing the diets of all these mammals and plotting the data, the scientists recognized that the species greatly varied in their diets and questioned the use of the appendix. From the data published from this team in Comptes Rendus Palevol, other biologists interested in this topic then spoke up about their own opinions regarding the evolution of the appendix. This led to the conclusion that the appendix does have a useful function, however it is still an ongoing mystery (Barras). The article "Major Evolutionary Blunders: Our Useful Appendix–Evidence of Design, Not Evolution," by Randy Guliuzza is examining the idea that the appendix has evolved over time due to "intelligent design," or that the organ evolved by a greater being or design. Guliuzza is arguing that there is a "God Get more content on
  • 5. Appendix A Demographic Survey Appendix A Demographic Survey 1).What is your age? A. 25 or under B. 26–40 C. 41–55 D. 56 or older 2).Gender? A. Male B. Female 3).What is you ethnic and racial background? A. African–American, Black B. Chinese C. Filipino D. Indian E. Japanese F. Korean G. Southeast Asian H. White Caucasian – Non Hispanic I. Hispanic or Latino J. Mexican K. American Indian, Alaskan Native L. Middle Eastern M. More than one race N. Unknown or not reported O. Decline to answer 4).Where were you born? (city, region, country) (Option to enter text) 5).What is your primary language? (Option to enter text) 6).What is the highest level of education you have completed? A. Grammar School B. High School or equivalent C. Vocational/Technical School D. more content... Buddhism G. Hinduism Sikhism
  • 6. H. Unitarian–Universalism I. Wiccan Pagan Druid J. Spiritualism K. Native American L. Baha'i M. Not Listed N. N/A O. Decline to answer 9).Which of the following best describes you political orientation? A. Very liberal B. Slightly liberal C. Neither liberal nor conservative D. Slightly conservative E. Very conservative F. Decline to answer 10).Are you currently married? A. Yes B. No C. Decline to answer Appendix B Interview Guide I will first introduce my study and explain why I'm conducting my study and what their responses will be used for. I will then get written consent from them whether they decide to participate or not. I will then give a brief rundown on what mental disorders are. I will then procced to ask my open ended questions. 1.When you hear mental disorder, what is the first thing you think of? 2.When you picture an individual with a mental disorder, who and what do you picture? 3.Where did you get this picture of an individual with a mental disorder from? 4.When you think mental disorder, where and by whom have you heard and learned about this before? 5.Do you know of anyone or are you yourself affiliated with a mental disorder, please
  • 7. Get more content on
  • 8. A Business 's Only Responsibility Appendix 1 B.Argumentation and Academic Essay Writing (CSR Essay) appendix: A business's only responsibility is to produce profit. To what extent do you agree with this statement? Businesses should take social responsibility in addition to producing profits. Corporate social responsibility refers to a business practices that involves participating and make benefits to society. CSR is a way of companies benefiting themselves so; business should also take social responsibility instead of only taking profit. This is because taking on social responsibility benefits both the society and the companies themselves. CSR refers to a business practice that contributes to the economic development while improving the quality of life of not only more content... As customers have the choice to choose where to consume, taking social responsibility in the business helps the business to gain confidence and faith from customers because it creates a nice and strong image. Hence, more business opportunities will be manufactured when the business takes social responsibility. Relationship with the customers, suppliers, employees and networks from cooperates may develop and be enhanced. Apart from these, the business will be more profitable. Because if the businesses are socially responsible, it allows the business to attract customers, which means the business will able to earn more. Business taking social responsibility can help the environment. Mainly large corporates can strongly influence the society, they can impact the world by taking social responsibility and guide customers and educate them such as donations. They can inspire other business. It is important for a business to have a good reputation. Taking social responsibility can reduce potential risk reputation suddenly being damaged so it increases the sustainability of the business. This is a worthwhile and easy way to build up a good reputation of the business. It helps for the company to know its supply chain to help them in targeting customers more conveniently. This can also produce a certain and constant amount of customers to guarantee the income of the Get more content on
  • 9. Hypothesis Of Human Appendix The human appendix is a part of the digestive tract. It is a blind ended tube, and its base is located in the cecum, approximately 2 cm beneath the ileocecal valve. The purpose of the appendix is unclear. It has traditionally been proposed to be a vestigial organ, but recent studies suggest that the appendix may play an important role in maintaining gut flora. [1] One hypothesis proposes that the appendix is a vestigial remnant of a longer cecum that helped early primates to digest foliage. The long cecum then shrunk and formed the appendix, as primates began to eat a less cellulose rich diet. [2] This theory appears to be supported by the very long cecum and a lack of an appendix found in herbivorous mammals, [2] and the absence of side effects following appendectomy. [3] more content... It would therefore aid recovery by enabling the bacteria to re–colonize the intestines more rapidly. The shape and the location of the appendix just below the normal flow of food and bacteria helps to support the hypothesis. [3] The hypothesis is further supported by recent studies that have found several species having both a long cecum and an appendix, contradicting the idea that the latter is a remnant of the former. Get more content on
  • 10. Appendix A Work-Based Assignment Appendix A– Research Methods I have utilised a number of research methods as part of this work based assignment. These research methods include: I took a step back and decided on what I thought the pros and cons were of the current performance management process at the Society. I looked at all the documentation I have available to me on the process from the Society's intranet and looked at previous communications about the process and at the results of the last people survey. I used the internet to research and read up on performance management generally. A good source of information was 'The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development' and 'Forbes'. I consulted with friends and family who are employed elsewhere to see what Get more content on
  • 11. Appendix D: Task Analysis: Squat Appendix D: Task Analysis: Squat Clean Squat Clean Participant Initials: ___ Coach's Initials: _____ Condition: ___ Session #____ 65% of one rep max: ____lbs. Weight on bar: ____lbs. Date: ________ Instructions: Mark (+) if correct (–) if incorrect Trials1.Hip–width stance2.Hands about one thumb's distance from hips3.Hook grip on the barbell4.Both shoulders slightly in front of the barbell at set up5.Lumbar curve maintained6.Hips and shoulders rise at the same rate, then hips extend rapidly7.Heels down until hips and legs extend8.Shoulders shrug upwards followed by a pull under with the arms9.Bar is received in a full squat (below parallel)10.Complete at full Get more content on
  • 12. Appendix Research Paper Appendix The appendix may not be useless after all. The worm–shaped structure found near the junction of the small and large intestines evolved 32 times among mammals, according to a new study. The finding adds weight to the idea that the appendix helps protect our beneficial gut bacteria when a serious infection strikes. Charles Darwin was one of the first scientists to theorize on the function of the appendix, which in his day had been identified only in humans and other great apes. The appendix is a dangerous organ in your body and i say this because it has killed many people and made many people have surgery which could be fatal. For unclear reasons, the appendix often becomes inflamed, infected, and can rupture.Surgery is the only treatment for appendicitis. The doctor may use the traditional technique (one large cut) or laparoscopy (several small cuts and using a camera to see inside). The appendix is in the digestive system. The presence of lymphoid tissue suggests that the appendix may play a role in the immune system in addition to the digestive system. Normally, the appendix sits in the lower right abdomen. The function of the appendix is unknown. One theory is that the appendix acts as more content... Changes in the abdominal exam help doctors tell if appendicitis is progressing, as well." this is cited from––disorders /picture–of–the–appendix. For unclear reasons, the appendix often becomes inflamed, infected, and can rupture. This causes severe pain in the right lower part of the belly, along with nausea and vomiting.Tumors of the appendix: Carcinoid tumors secrete chemicals that cause periodic flushing, wheezing, and diarrhea. Epithelial tumors are growths in the appendix that can be benign or cancerous. Appendix tumors are rare. This comes Get more content on
  • 13. Appendix A Positive Self-Talk Appendix A Positive Self Talk What we say to ourselves (that is, our "self –talk") has a significant effect on how we feel and what we do (Blackmer, 2012). In sports, negative self–talk has been shown to have a negative effect on performance. Thus, producing both negative feelings, like anxiety, as well as physical tension, which leads to decreased motor coordination and speed (Blackmer, 2012). In the sports culture, negative self–talk also has the ability to deprive an athlete from focusing on the task at hand. Thus, causing the athlete to miss something important, which could lead to other forced errors or mistakes. Hence why, when an athlete talks negatively to him/herself, it not only affects mental skills such as intensity regulation, confidence, Get more content on
  • 14. My Appendix Operation at Age 11 1.My appendix operation at the age of 11: I was in class 6. Final exam was about to begin only one month left. It was month of November. I remember one morning I woke up and found that I have severe stomach pain. From last few days I was feeling that pain. My mother gave me some digestive pills but it did not work. That morning the pain was unbearable. I was writhing in pain. My father took me to our family doctor nearby. After inspecting he directed my father to take me to hospital. I was immediately taken to hospital where first I was given an injection. I was taken to a bed. A nurse asked me how I was feeling. Even after injection the pain did not stop and it was becoming unbearable. I asked nurse why I am here and what they are going to do. She said not to worry and I will be cured by some medicine. My father later came to me and said me that a senior doctor has said I will be cured by medicine. I was feeling very uneasy and worrying why they are not giving me medicine and curing me. After some time the nurse changed my dress and to me to another room where many doctors were there with cloth closing their mouth. It was then I realized that I will be operated. I asked doctor where is my father. He said that he is there outside and everything will be fine. One remember one doctor asked me about my name. Then he put one mask on my face and asked me another question. The gas coming out from that mask was terrible. My eyes closed and after that I don't know what happened. Get more content on
  • 15. Case Study: Appendix D Gross Profits When taking a look at capacity as a whole, Appendix D illustrates demand throughout the summer, winter, and shoulder seasons by contrasting weekdays to weekends. Shoulder season is understood to be the months that do fall between summer and winter months. Right off the bat, we are able to appreciate that on weekends the restaurant generates much more revenue than it does during the week, which supports management's decision to keep a light staff during these times. Additionally, Appendix D shows that the most demand occurs in summer during the weekends. Based on the information, the best area for improvement is serving the customer on winter weekends because it seems it is the best season to establish improvements in more content... It was an all–day breakfast restaurant with a business model to serve fresh, healthy and tasty food to a loyal customer base. However, there were some major problems and the owner, Melhuish decided to rectify the situation. The first was to increase customer loyalty and increase sales, and the best way to do so was by reducing the waiting period so the customers can get their food more quickly. In addition, all menu items were cooked fresh and healthy to differentiate themselves from competitors. Secondly, the owner wanted to find a life–time partner who will meet the company's expectation. Therefore, the prospective franchisee must engaged in various steps in order to be consider to buy a franchise restaurant "because Sunset–at–Blue was one of only two Sunset Grill franchises operating in tourist destinations, Melhuish faced an array of challenges unknown to Toronto–area locations" (Haywood et al., 2011). In order to get this situation under controlled, effective inventory management needed to take place. This allows Sunset–at–Blue the opportunity to meet or exceed customer's expectations. According to Haywood et al. (2011), "To accomplish this, he deviated (with approval from the franchisor) from the franchise model by adding personal touches. Melhuish changed the floor plan and the order process, as well as added more affordable meals and alcoholic beverages on the menu to create a more relaxed comfortable ambiance atmosphere for the entire family. However, the capacity constraint was still an issue and to accommodate Sunset Grill customers, Melhuish should maximize operating capacity to meet all current and future Get more content on
  • 16. Appendix N Associate Level Material Appendix N Topic Sentences and Supporting Paragraphs Topic Sentences When you write, you form paragraphs. A paragraph is a group of sentences that relate in topic and thought. A paragraph generally consists of three to five sentences and usually begins with a topic sentence. A topic sentence is a general statement that announces what theparagraph is about. By starting a paragraph with a topic sentence, your audience may immediately identify your topic. This construction also helps you, the writer, stay focused on your subject. Consider the following example of an essay introduction: The first sentence is the topic sentence: It tells the readers they will learn about more content... You learn about writing concluding paragraphs later in this course. Transitions Transitions are words used to move readers smoothly from one sentence to another or from one paragraph to another. Think of transitions as traffic signals alerting readers to the direction your writing takes, based on the relationship between the ideas within or between paragraphs. Examples of Transitions The following are examples of relationships between words and examples of transitional words:
  • 17. |Relationship |Example of Transitions | | | | |To show similarity between two ideas |Additionally | | |Also | | |And | | |In the same way | | |Moreover | |To Get more content on
  • 18. Appendix C: Risk Management Plan Risk Management Plan Identifying risks is an essential component of planning a large project. A thorough risk analysis is necessary to identify potential issues to the endeavor and assess the probability of therisk occurring, along with the impact on the project if the risk occurs (PMI, 2013). A thorough assessment of the impact that the project will have on the organization should be completed to evaluate the risk of the project, in addition to the impact the project will have on the organization. The risk assessment tool used in Appendix C illustrates the impact this expansion project will have to stakeholders and the organization. After the risk assessment tool was used to evaluate the risk to the organization, an appraisal of all potential risks were identified, for the initial part of the project through brainstorming. The following are risks that have been identified initially for this project: 1.Physician buy–in – It is essential to gain the support of physicians that oversee chronic non–healing wound care. Since the physician determines the types of treatments that the patients receive, it is essential to gain their patronage in using the products. 2.Hospital more content... A "risk impact assessment investigates the potential effect on a project objective such as schedule, cost quality, or performance" (PMI, 2013, p. 330). Table 1 illustrates the potential risks for the MTF Wound Allograft Expansion Project utilizing the impact assessment tool. Each risk is evaluated on a scale of impact and probability from 0 to 1.0 (Kumar, 2013). After each risk is assessed, the risk is assessed utilizing the matrix in Table 2 by cross referencing the score of the probability versus the impact on the matrix in Table 3. The risks with the highest probability of occurring Get more content on
  • 19. Appendix A Essay After his father's tragic death in 1987, Antoine Chami took control of Chabros International Group as owner and president. Motivated by an ambition to make Chabros a global player in the worldwide wood industry, Chami pursued international expansion into multiple new markets. An overview of all Chabros' international operations, their purpose, and the growth strategy is presented in Appendix A. The most frequent strategy was that of market development to reach new markets in the UAE, Serbia, Qatar, Oman, Egypt, and KSA. Unique to Egypt was its conductivity to a diversification strategy due to its market for the difficult to sell, high–margin, low–quality wood. Expansion to Serbia was first motivated by a supply shortage, and therefore a strategy of product development was more content... Accordingly, Chami is considering strategies to expand existing and capture additional markets. A VRIO analysis demonstrates that Chabros has numerous competitive advantages that will enable above average performance in a variety of markets (Appendix B). In order to assess the attractiveness of locations for new markets development and current market penetration, major economic, political, legal, commercial, and geographical characteristics are taken into account (Appendix C). Based on these data, it is recommended that Chabros enter the new market of Kuwait and expand their presence in Egypt. Kuwait has high political stability, favorable ease of doing business, and extremely high GNI per capita. Although the market size is small, it is preferable to Chabros enter a favorable market over a large one during this time of economic uncertainty. If Chabros seeks to reach a larger market, they could simultaneously enter the next highest scoring country, Bahrain. Moreover, market size is a more important factor for market penetration growth, thus Egypt is an ideal selection for this Get more content on
  • 20. Case Study on a Patient with Appendicitis APPENDICITIS Case study Patient name: J.K Sex: Male Race: Fijian Age: 47 Personal History Mr. J.K is married with four children. He describes himself as a socialable person likes to explore new things. Occupation: He works at the Nasinu Town Council as a Carpenter Family History: –his father is a known diabetic patient and his grandmother died of leukemia –his paternal uncle had died from septicemia. Social History: Cigarettes 1 pack per week x 12years now; he stopped smoking in 2000 and continued again recently. He drinks alcohol occasionally when a function occurs at home. Social drinker. He has been married for 18years; he has 4 children who are healthy. He is currently a carpenter at Nasinu Town Council. more content... Contraindication : Hypersensitivity Side Effect/Toxic Effect: Dizziness, fatigue, and headache. Nursing Precaution: Asses the patient routinely for epigastric or abdominal pain and occult blood in the stool.. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY WITH ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGYA. Pathophysiology of Acute Appendicitis Decreased venous drainage Obstruction of the appendix(By fecalith, lymph node, tumor, foreign objects)
  • 21. Inflammation Increased intraluminal pressure Distention of the appendix – causes pain Decreased venous drainage Blood flow and oxygen restriction to the appendix Bacterial invasion of the blood wall– causes fever Necrosis of the appendix ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY The Pathophysiology of appendicitis is the constellation of process that leads to the Dev. Of acute appendicitis from a normal appendix. The main thrust of events leading to the dev. Of acute appendicitis lies in the appendix developing a compromised blood supply due to obstruction of its lumen and becoming very vulnerable to invasion by bacteria found in gut normally. Obstruction of the appendix lumen by fecalith, enlarge lymph rode, worms tumor, or indeed foreign objects, brings about a raised intra–luminal pressure, w/cause the wall of the appendix to become distended. Normal mucus secretions con–w/in the lumen of the appendix, thus causing further build up of intralumenal pressures. This in turn Get more content on
  • 22. Appendix A The experience of illness is unique to every individual. Alongside illness, a perceptual state of uncertainty is felt amongst patients undergoing the processes of diagnosis, illness, and treatment within the illness trajectory. "Our Ends Are Beginnings", a digital drawing by ParadisiacPicture is an art piece that depicts the experience of uncertainty through two ways of viewing the image. Appendix A depicts the whole image, Appendix B showcases a cropped version of the image to highlight the perspective of the girl falling from the orange sky into the water, and Appendix C is cropped in a different variation to show the girl soaring in the dark sky towards the city below. The multiple ways to view this image encapsulates the potential more content... Accompanying illness is the loss of control over one's life and the development of vulnerability and doubt in the future (Hansen et al., 2012). By experiencing these emotions, individuals often go through the psychological state of uncertainty. While the feeling is subjective to each individual, uncertainty can be characterized as a process that has the ability to change over time with the influence of support from external resources. The initial stages of illness (diagnosis and coping) is equivalent to the girl sinking into the ocean perspective of the image (see Appendix B). In this cropped version of the image, the sky is a nostalgic, orange colour which represents one's personal comfort and equilibrium. The girl is reaching towards the sky as she falls deeper into the ocean because she longs to be placed back in a place of comfort as her new oceanic surroundings are strange and her future is uncertain. However, in another perspective of the same image (see Appendix C), the girl is now soaring towards the city down below – her body language indicates that she is comfortable and living in the moment, seemingly enjoying her time in the contextual sky that used to be an ocean. The city below represents reality and society. Although not represented in the art piece, the healthcare environment – particularly nurses – possess a Get more content on
  • 23. Appendix : Financial Statement Analysis : Tesla Appendix: Financial Statement Analysis Tesla Tesla's gross margin has remained steadily above 20% for the past three years, which is in line with other high end automobile manufacturers such as Mercedes Benz ("Daimler Gross Profit Margin (Quarterly) (DDAIF)," n.d.). This shows that Tesla's pricing model accurately considers costs relating to production and sets prices at an appropriate level for it products. Operating and net profit margins for this organization have been negative for the past three years, indicating that operating expenses are not being incorporated into the pricing model. This may indicate inefficient administration or processes in the organization or that the pricing model is not efficient and products are being underpriced. Based on the price elasticity of demand for this organization's products, the firm might not be competitive if these operating costs were considered in their pricing model. On the other hand, as the organization grows and develops economies of scale and learning, these costs may shrink and no longer be a concern. Comparing Tesla's liquidity ratios, the current and cash ratios, to Mercedes Benz, they appear to be in line ("Growth, Profitability, andFinancial Ratios for Daimler AG (DDAIF) from," n.d.). These ratios indicate that Tesla has sufficient assets to meet its short term needs. The cash ratio indicates there is little concern for imminent financial distress. Working capital ratios for Tesla indicate that this Get more content on