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Web Scripts Project
JavaScript and HTML Webpage Demo
Sunny Okoro
Table of Contents
ORDER SYSTEM .............................................................................................................................................3
ORDER SYSTEM CODES .................................................................................................................................8
PAYROLL CALCULATIONS ............................................................................................................................10
PAYROLL CALCULATION CODES ..................................................................................................................13
RESTAURANT SYSTEM.................................................................................................................................15
RESTAURANT SYSTEM CODES.....................................................................................................................18
SPORTS SYSTEM ..........................................................................................................................................25
SPORTS SYSTEM CODES ..............................................................................................................................32
This document contains different web scripting small programs created in Java Scripts and HTML.
Java Scripts & HTML Codes
****************metric.js file***************************************
// convert pounds into kilograms//
var Pounds = parseFloat(prompt ("Enter the number of pounds to be
converted into killograms. n", " "));
varkillograms = Pounds * 0.4536;
//I added the lb symbol for pounds display enterd by the user.
document.writeln("Pounds enterned is: " + Pounds + "lb" );
//I added the kg symbol for killograms result.
document.writeln("<p>killograms is: " + killograms + "Kg" );
*********order.js file***************************************************
// Get the input from the user//
var price = parseFloat(prompt ("What is the price of your order? No dollar
sign. n", " "));
var tax =parseFloat(prompt ("What is the percenntage of the sales tax of
your order? No percentage sign. n", " "));
//calculate the total price and total prince for the order enter
varFinaltax = tax /100;
varSalestax = price * Finaltax;
varFinalprice = price + Salestax ;
// Display the results back to the customer
document.write("<p> Order price entered: $ ");
document.write("<p> Percentage of sales tax entered: ");
document.write( + tax + "%" );
document.write("<p> Calculated sales tax to : $");
document.write("<p> Total price calculated with tax: $");
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns = "">
<title> order java systems</title>
<script type = "text/javascript" src="order.js">
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns = "">
<title> order java systems</title>
<h1> Calculate book price</h1>
<script type = "text/javascript" src = "order.js">
<h1> Metric Calculator </h1>
<script type = "text/javascript" src = "Metric.js">
*****payrollcalculation.js file**************************************
varnetPay = 0;
var gross = 0;
vartotalNet = 0;
vartotalGross = 0;
varhourlyRate = 0;
var rate;
var deduction = 0;
var MAX_HOURS = 80;
var FULL_HOURS = 40;
// get number of eployees from the user
numEmp = parseInt(prompt("Enter the number of employes? n", " "));
// calculate the hours worked.
for (varemp = 1; emp<= numEmp; emp++)
var hours = 0;
// Get the hours worked from the user.
hours = parseFloat(prompt ("Enter number of hours worked by
employee #" + emp + "n", " "));
while(hours < 0 || hours > MAX_HOURS){
hours = parseFloat(prompt ("Enter your hours worked.n
hours must be between 0 and "
hours", " "));
if (hours < FULL_HOURS)
rate = .15;
rate = .30;
// Get the hourly rate from the user.
varhourlyRate = 0;
hourlyRate = parseFloat(prompt ("Enter employee #" + emp + "
hourly raten", " "));
// Validate the input by the user.
while (hourlyRate< 7.50 || hourlyRate> 15.00 )
hourlyRate = parseFloat(prompt ("Enter your hourly raten
Must be between 7.50 & 15.00", " "));
gross = hours * hourlyRate;
deduction = rate * gross;
netPay = gross - deduction;
totalNet += netPay;
totalGross += gross;
// print the results
document.write("<p>Employee #" + emp + " worked " + hours +
" hours at $" + hourlyRate + " per hour for gross pay of $" + gross
+ " and net pay of $" + netPay + " based on a tax rate of " + rate * 100 +
"%." );
document.write("<p> Total grosspay is $" + totalGross);
document.write("<p> Total netpay is $" + totalNet );
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns = "">
<title>Payroll Caclculator</title>
<h2>Payroll Calculations</h2>
<script type = "text/javascript" src =
Java Scripts & Html Codes
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns = "">
<!-- IST 350 LAB 16 -->
<script type = "text/javascript" src = "lab.js" >
<form name = "orderForm" action = " ">
<input type= "button" id = "submit" name = "submit" value
= "Submit Order" />
<input type = "reset" id = "Reset" value = "Clear Order"/>
<p> Please enter your initials </p>
<input type =" text" id = "name" name ="name" size="3" maxlength="3" />
<p> Please enter the discount rate without % sign </p>
<input type =" text" id = "discount" name ="discount" size="5"
maxlength="5" />
<p><h4>Main dish </h4></p>
<input type= "radio" name = "mainDish" id ="fchicken"
value=" FriedChicken" checked ="checked" /> Fried Chicken <br
<input type = "radio" name ="mainDish" id = "chicken"
value="BakedChicken" /> Baked Chicken<br />
<input type = "radio" name ="mainDish" id ="Burger"
value= "Burger" onclick="handlemainDishBurgerclick();" />
Burger <br />
<p><h4>Side dish</h4></p>
<input type= "checkbox" name = "SideDish" id ="fries"
value=" fries" checked ="checked" /> French fries
<br />
<input type = "checkbox" name ="SideDish" id ="cake"
value="cake" /> Triple fudge cake <br />
<input type = "checkbox" name ="SideDish" id = "cream"
value= "cream" /> International Ice Cream <br
<hr />
<p>Customer Special Request</p>
<textarea name = "customer request" rows ="3" cols= "40">
<script type = "text/javascript" src = "lab2.js" >
*******************JS FILE1*******************************************
// Event handler for the form
functiongiveInitsFocus ()
// Give focus to the textbox;
// text input function
var name = document.getElementById("name").value;
varpos = (/^([A-Z]|[a-z]){2,3}$/);
if (pos != 0 )
alert ("Error in initials entered is not in correct form. n" +
"Must be first letters of first and last names" );
return false;
} else
return true;
// tax function
var discount = document.getElementById("discount").value;
var position = (/^d{1,2}$/);
if (position != 0 )
alert ("Error in the discount rate entered. n" + " Must be
in x formate one or two digits. No % sign.");
return false;
} else
return true;
var FRIES_COST = 9.50;
var CAKE_COST = 12.50;
var ICE_COST = 7.50;
if (document.orderForm.SideDish[0].checked == true)
alert ("The cost of large basket of fries is $" + FRIES_COST);
if (document.orderForm.SideDish[1].checked == true)
alert ("The cost of large tripple fudge cake is $" + CAKE_COST);
if (document.orderForm.SideDish[2].checked == true)
alert ("The cost of international ice cream is $" + ICE_COST);
var BCHICKEN_COST = 6.50;
var FCHICKEN_COST = 5.50;
var BURGER_COST = 4.50;
alert("The cost of 10 piece fried chicken is $" +FCHICKEN_COST);
alert("The cost of 10 piece baked chicken is $" + BCHICKEN_COST);
alert ("The cost of regular burger is $" + BURGER_COST);
var Total = 0;
// statements for sidedish
if (document.orderForm.SideDish[0].checked == true)
Total += FRIES_COST;
else if (document.orderForm.SideDish[1].checked == true)
Total += CAKE_COST;
else if (document.orderForm.SideDish[2].checked == true)
Total += ICE_COST;
// statements for the main dish
if (document.orderForm.mainDish[0].checked == true)
if(document.orderForm.mainDish[1].checked == true)
if (document.orderForm.mainDish[2].checked == true)
// caculate the discount price
var rate;
rate = parseFloat (document.getElementById("discount").value / 100 * Total
costFinal = ( Total - rate );
alert("The total cost of the meal is $ " + Total + " and the
discount rate is $" + rate.toFixed(2) );
recipt = confirm("The total cost of the meal with discount is
$ "+ costFinal.toFixed(2) + ".n" +
"Do you want to place this order or cancel it");
// test the text input
nameCalc = isInitialsTextValid();
if (nameCalc == false)
// check the discount
function checkDiscount()
rateCalc = isDiscountValid();
if (rateCalc == false)
// check the recipt
if (recipt == false )
****************JS FILE2.********************
// focus
onload = giveInitsFocus;
// submit
document.orderForm.submit.onclick = checkDiscount;
// side dish
document.orderForm.SideDish[0].onclick = handlefriesclick;
document.orderForm.SideDish[1].onclick = handlecakeclick;
document.orderForm.SideDish[2].onclick = handlecreamclick;
// main dish.
document.orderForm.mainDish[0].onclick = handlemainDishfchickenclick;
document.orderForm.mainDish[1].onclick = handlemainDishbchickenclick;
document.orderForm.mainDish[2].onclick = handlemainDishBurgerclick;
***********HTML FILE***********************************************
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns = "">
<title>SPORTS SYSTEM</title>
<h2>Student Athlete </h2>
<script type = "text/javascript" src = "student.js">
*************** Java Scripts file 1*****************
// Event handler for the form
functiongiveInitsFocus ()
// Give focus to the textbox;
// text input function
var name = document.getElementById("name").value;
varpos = (/^([A-Z]|[a-z]){2,3}$/);
if (pos != 0 )
alert ("Error in initials entered is not in correct form. n" +
"Must be first letters of first and last names" );
return false;
} else
return true;
// tax function
var discount = document.getElementById("discount").value;
var position = (/^d{1,2}$/);
if (position != 0 )
alert ("Error in the discount rate entered. n" + " Must be
in x formate one or two digits. No % sign.");
return false;
} else
return true;
var FRIES_COST = 9.50;
var CAKE_COST = 12.50;
var ICE_COST = 7.50;
if (document.orderForm.SideDish[0].checked == true)
alert ("The cost of large basket of fries is $" + FRIES_COST);
if (document.orderForm.SideDish[1].checked == true)
alert ("The cost of large tripple fudge cake is $" + CAKE_COST);
if (document.orderForm.SideDish[2].checked == true)
alert ("The cost of international ice cream is $" + ICE_COST);
var BCHICKEN_COST = 6.50;
var FCHICKEN_COST = 5.50;
var BURGER_COST = 4.50;
alert("The cost of 10 piece fried chicken is $" +FCHICKEN_COST);
alert("The cost of 10 piece baked chicken is $" + BCHICKEN_COST);
alert ("The cost of regular burger is $" + BURGER_COST);
var Total = 0;
// statements for sidedish
if (document.orderForm.SideDish[0].checked == true)
Total += FRIES_COST;
else if (document.orderForm.SideDish[1].checked == true)
Total += CAKE_COST;
else if (document.orderForm.SideDish[2].checked == true)
Total += ICE_COST;
// statements for the main dish
if (document.orderForm.mainDish[0].checked == true)
if(document.orderForm.mainDish[1].checked == true)
if (document.orderForm.mainDish[2].checked == true)
// caculate the discount price
var rate;
rate = parseFloat (document.getElementById("discount").value / 100 * Total
costFinal = ( Total - rate );
alert("The total cost of the meal is $ " + Total + " and the
discount rate is $" + rate.toFixed(2) );
recipt = confirm("The total cost of the meal with discount is
$ "+ costFinal.toFixed(2) + ".n" +
"Do you want to place this order or cancel it");
// test the text input
nameCalc = isInitialsTextValid();
if (nameCalc == false)
// check the discount
function checkDiscount()
rateCalc = isDiscountValid();
if (rateCalc == false)
// check the recipt
if (recipt == false )
*******************Java Scripts File2*******************
// focus
onload = giveInitsFocus;
// submit
document.orderForm.submit.onclick = checkDiscount;
// side dish
document.orderForm.SideDish[0].onclick = handlefriesclick;
document.orderForm.SideDish[1].onclick = handlecakeclick;
document.orderForm.SideDish[2].onclick = handlecreamclick;
// main dish.
document.orderForm.mainDish[0].onclick = handlemainDishfchickenclick;
document.orderForm.mainDish[1].onclick = handlemainDishbchickenclick;
document.orderForm.mainDish[2].onclick = handlemainDishBurgerclick;

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Web Scripting Project JavaScripts and HTML WebPage

  • 1. Web Scripts Project JavaScript and HTML Webpage Demo By Sunny Okoro
  • 2. Table of Contents INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................................2 ORDER SYSTEM .............................................................................................................................................3 ORDER SYSTEM CODES .................................................................................................................................8 PAYROLL CALCULATIONS ............................................................................................................................10 PAYROLL CALCULATION CODES ..................................................................................................................13 RESTAURANT SYSTEM.................................................................................................................................15 RESTAURANT SYSTEM CODES.....................................................................................................................18 SPORTS SYSTEM ..........................................................................................................................................25 SPORTS SYSTEM CODES ..............................................................................................................................32
  • 3. INTRODUCTION This document contains different web scripting small programs created in Java Scripts and HTML.
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9. ORDER SYSTEM CODES Java Scripts & HTML Codes ****************metric.js file*************************************** // convert pounds into kilograms// var Pounds = parseFloat(prompt ("Enter the number of pounds to be converted into killograms. n", " ")); varkillograms = Pounds * 0.4536; //I added the lb symbol for pounds display enterd by the user. document.writeln("Pounds enterned is: " + Pounds + "lb" ); //I added the kg symbol for killograms result. document.writeln("<p>killograms is: " + killograms + "Kg" ); *********order.js file*************************************************** // Get the input from the user// var price = parseFloat(prompt ("What is the price of your order? No dollar sign. n", " ")); var tax =parseFloat(prompt ("What is the percenntage of the sales tax of your order? No percentage sign. n", " ")); //calculate the total price and total prince for the order enter varFinaltax = tax /100; varSalestax = price * Finaltax; varFinalprice = price + Salestax ; // Display the results back to the customer document.write("<p> Order price entered: $ "); document.writeln(price); document.write("<p> Percentage of sales tax entered: "); document.write( + tax + "%" ); document.write("<p> Calculated sales tax to : $"); document.write(Salestax); document.write("<p> Total price calculated with tax: $"); document.write(Finalprice); ******************order.html**********************************
  • 10. <?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns = ""> <head> <title> order java systems</title> </head> <body> <script type = "text/javascript" src="order.js"> </script> </body> </html> ******************************systemorder.html************ <?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns = ""> <head> <title> order java systems</title> </head> <body> <h1> Calculate book price</h1> <script type = "text/javascript" src = "order.js"> </script><br/> <h1> Metric Calculator </h1> <script type = "text/javascript" src = "Metric.js"> </script><br/> </body> </html> ************************************************************************** **
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14. PAYROLL CALCULATION CODES *****payrollcalculation.js file************************************** varnetPay = 0; var gross = 0; vartotalNet = 0; vartotalGross = 0; varnumEmp; varhourlyRate = 0; var rate; var deduction = 0; var MAX_HOURS = 80; var FULL_HOURS = 40; // get number of eployees from the user numEmp = parseInt(prompt("Enter the number of employes? n", " ")); // calculate the hours worked. for (varemp = 1; emp<= numEmp; emp++) {
  • 15. var hours = 0; // Get the hours worked from the user. hours = parseFloat(prompt ("Enter number of hours worked by employee #" + emp + "n", " ")); while(hours < 0 || hours > MAX_HOURS){ hours = parseFloat(prompt ("Enter your hours worked.n hours must be between 0 and " + MAX_HOURS + " hours", " ")); } if (hours < FULL_HOURS) rate = .15; else rate = .30; // Get the hourly rate from the user. varhourlyRate = 0; hourlyRate = parseFloat(prompt ("Enter employee #" + emp + " hourly raten", " ")); // Validate the input by the user. while (hourlyRate< 7.50 || hourlyRate> 15.00 ) { hourlyRate = parseFloat(prompt ("Enter your hourly raten Must be between 7.50 & 15.00", " ")); } gross = hours * hourlyRate; deduction = rate * gross; netPay = gross - deduction; totalNet += netPay; totalGross += gross; // print the results document.write("<p>Employee #" + emp + " worked " + hours + " hours at $" + hourlyRate + " per hour for gross pay of $" + gross + " and net pay of $" + netPay + " based on a tax rate of " + rate * 100 + "%." ); } document.write("<p> Total grosspay is $" + totalGross); document.write("<p> Total netpay is $" + totalNet ); ************************payrollcalculation.html*************************** <?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns = ""> <head> <title>Payroll Caclculator</title>
  • 16. </head> <body> <h2>Payroll Calculations</h2> <script type = "text/javascript" src = "payrollcalculations.js"> </script> </body> </html> RESTAURANT SYSTEM
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19. RESTAURANT SYSTEM CODES Java Scripts & Html Codes <?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns = ""> <!-- IST 350 LAB 16 --> <head> <title> ROSEHILL STAR RESTAURANT </title> <script type = "text/javascript" src = "lab.js" > </script>
  • 20. </head> <body> <p><h1>ROSEHILL STAR RESTAURANT ORDER SYSTEM</h1></p> <form name = "orderForm" action = " "> <p> <input type= "button" id = "submit" name = "submit" value = "Submit Order" /> <input type = "reset" id = "Reset" value = "Clear Order"/> </p> <p> Please enter your initials </p> <input type =" text" id = "name" name ="name" size="3" maxlength="3" /> <p> Please enter the discount rate without % sign </p> <input type =" text" id = "discount" name ="discount" size="5" maxlength="5" /> <p><h2>MENU</h2></p>
  • 21. <p><h4>Main dish </h4></p> <input type= "radio" name = "mainDish" id ="fchicken" value=" FriedChicken" checked ="checked" /> Fried Chicken <br /> <input type = "radio" name ="mainDish" id = "chicken" value="BakedChicken" /> Baked Chicken<br /> <input type = "radio" name ="mainDish" id ="Burger" value= "Burger" onclick="handlemainDishBurgerclick();" /> Burger <br /> <p><h4>Side dish</h4></p> <input type= "checkbox" name = "SideDish" id ="fries" value=" fries" checked ="checked" /> French fries <br /> <input type = "checkbox" name ="SideDish" id ="cake" value="cake" /> Triple fudge cake <br /> <input type = "checkbox" name ="SideDish" id = "cream" value= "cream" /> International Ice Cream <br />
  • 22. <hr /> <p>Customer Special Request</p> <hr/> <textarea name = "customer request" rows ="3" cols= "40"> (ANY SPECIAL REQUEST) </textarea> </form> <script type = "text/javascript" src = "lab2.js" > </script> </body> </html> *******************JS FILE1******************************************* // Event handler for the form functiongiveInitsFocus () { // Give focus to the textbox; } // text input function functionisInitialsTextValid() { varpos; var name = document.getElementById("name").value; varpos = (/^([A-Z]|[a-z]){2,3}$/);
  • 23. if (pos != 0 ) { alert ("Error in initials entered is not in correct form. n" + "Must be first letters of first and last names" ); return false; } else return true; } // tax function functionisDiscountValid() { var discount = document.getElementById("discount").value; var position = (/^d{1,2}$/); if (position != 0 ) { alert ("Error in the discount rate entered. n" + " Must be in x formate one or two digits. No % sign."); return false; } else return true; } // SIDE DISH var FRIES_COST = 9.50; var CAKE_COST = 12.50; var ICE_COST = 7.50; functionhandlefriesclick() { if (document.orderForm.SideDish[0].checked == true) { alert ("The cost of large basket of fries is $" + FRIES_COST); } } functionhandlecakeclick() { if (document.orderForm.SideDish[1].checked == true) { alert ("The cost of large tripple fudge cake is $" + CAKE_COST); } } functionhandlecreamclick() { if (document.orderForm.SideDish[2].checked == true) { alert ("The cost of international ice cream is $" + ICE_COST); } } // MAIN DISH
  • 24. var BCHICKEN_COST = 6.50; var FCHICKEN_COST = 5.50; var BURGER_COST = 4.50; functionhandlemainDishfchickenclick() { alert("The cost of 10 piece fried chicken is $" +FCHICKEN_COST); } functionhandlemainDishbchickenclick() { alert("The cost of 10 piece baked chicken is $" + BCHICKEN_COST); } functionhandlemainDishBurgerclick() { alert ("The cost of regular burger is $" + BURGER_COST); } functionhandleSubmitClick() { var Total = 0; // statements for sidedish if (document.orderForm.SideDish[0].checked == true) { Total += FRIES_COST; } else if (document.orderForm.SideDish[1].checked == true) { Total += CAKE_COST; } else if (document.orderForm.SideDish[2].checked == true) { Total += ICE_COST; } // statements for the main dish if (document.orderForm.mainDish[0].checked == true) { Total += FCHICKEN_COST; } if(document.orderForm.mainDish[1].checked == true) { Total += BCHICKEN_COST; } if (document.orderForm.mainDish[2].checked == true) { Total += BURGER_COST; }
  • 25. // caculate the discount price var rate; varcostFinal; rate = parseFloat (document.getElementById("discount").value / 100 * Total ); costFinal = ( Total - rate ); alert("The total cost of the meal is $ " + Total + " and the discount rate is $" + rate.toFixed(2) ); recipt = confirm("The total cost of the meal with discount is $ "+ costFinal.toFixed(2) + ".n" + "Do you want to place this order or cancel it"); } // test the text input functioncheckInitials() { nameCalc = isInitialsTextValid(); if (nameCalc == false) {;; } else { handleSubmitClick(); } } // check the discount function checkDiscount() { rateCalc = isDiscountValid(); if (rateCalc == false) {;; } else { handleSubmitClick();
  • 26. } } // check the recipt if (recipt == false ) {; } ****************JS FILE2.******************** // focus onload = giveInitsFocus; // submit document.orderForm.submit.onclick = checkDiscount; // side dish document.orderForm.SideDish[0].onclick = handlefriesclick; document.orderForm.SideDish[1].onclick = handlecakeclick; document.orderForm.SideDish[2].onclick = handlecreamclick; // main dish. document.orderForm.mainDish[0].onclick = handlemainDishfchickenclick; document.orderForm.mainDish[1].onclick = handlemainDishbchickenclick; document.orderForm.mainDish[2].onclick = handlemainDishBurgerclick; SPORTS SYSTEM
  • 27.
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  • 33. SPORTS SYSTEM CODES ***********HTML FILE*********************************************** <?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns = ""> <head> <title>SPORTS SYSTEM</title> </head> <body> <h2>Student Athlete </h2> <script type = "text/javascript" src = "student.js"> </script> </body> </html> *************** Java Scripts file 1***************** // Event handler for the form functiongiveInitsFocus () { // Give focus to the textbox; } // text input function functionisInitialsTextValid() { varpos; var name = document.getElementById("name").value;
  • 34. varpos = (/^([A-Z]|[a-z]){2,3}$/); if (pos != 0 ) { alert ("Error in initials entered is not in correct form. n" + "Must be first letters of first and last names" ); return false; } else return true; } // tax function functionisDiscountValid() { var discount = document.getElementById("discount").value; var position = (/^d{1,2}$/); if (position != 0 ) { alert ("Error in the discount rate entered. n" + " Must be in x formate one or two digits. No % sign."); return false; } else return true; } // SIDE DISH var FRIES_COST = 9.50; var CAKE_COST = 12.50; var ICE_COST = 7.50; functionhandlefriesclick() { if (document.orderForm.SideDish[0].checked == true) { alert ("The cost of large basket of fries is $" + FRIES_COST); } } functionhandlecakeclick() { if (document.orderForm.SideDish[1].checked == true) { alert ("The cost of large tripple fudge cake is $" + CAKE_COST); } } functionhandlecreamclick() { if (document.orderForm.SideDish[2].checked == true) { alert ("The cost of international ice cream is $" + ICE_COST); }
  • 35. } // MAIN DISH var BCHICKEN_COST = 6.50; var FCHICKEN_COST = 5.50; var BURGER_COST = 4.50; functionhandlemainDishfchickenclick() { alert("The cost of 10 piece fried chicken is $" +FCHICKEN_COST); } functionhandlemainDishbchickenclick() { alert("The cost of 10 piece baked chicken is $" + BCHICKEN_COST); } functionhandlemainDishBurgerclick() { alert ("The cost of regular burger is $" + BURGER_COST); } functionhandleSubmitClick() { var Total = 0; // statements for sidedish if (document.orderForm.SideDish[0].checked == true) { Total += FRIES_COST; } else if (document.orderForm.SideDish[1].checked == true) { Total += CAKE_COST; } else if (document.orderForm.SideDish[2].checked == true) { Total += ICE_COST; } // statements for the main dish if (document.orderForm.mainDish[0].checked == true) { Total += FCHICKEN_COST; } if(document.orderForm.mainDish[1].checked == true) { Total += BCHICKEN_COST; } if (document.orderForm.mainDish[2].checked == true) { Total += BURGER_COST; }
  • 36. // caculate the discount price var rate; varcostFinal; rate = parseFloat (document.getElementById("discount").value / 100 * Total ); costFinal = ( Total - rate ); alert("The total cost of the meal is $ " + Total + " and the discount rate is $" + rate.toFixed(2) ); recipt = confirm("The total cost of the meal with discount is $ "+ costFinal.toFixed(2) + ".n" + "Do you want to place this order or cancel it"); } // test the text input functioncheckInitials() { nameCalc = isInitialsTextValid(); if (nameCalc == false) {;; } else { handleSubmitClick(); } } // check the discount function checkDiscount() { rateCalc = isDiscountValid(); if (rateCalc == false) {;; } else
  • 37. { handleSubmitClick(); } } // check the recipt if (recipt == false ) {; } *******************Java Scripts File2******************* // focus onload = giveInitsFocus; // submit document.orderForm.submit.onclick = checkDiscount; // side dish document.orderForm.SideDish[0].onclick = handlefriesclick; document.orderForm.SideDish[1].onclick = handlecakeclick; document.orderForm.SideDish[2].onclick = handlecreamclick; // main dish. document.orderForm.mainDish[0].onclick = handlemainDishfchickenclick; document.orderForm.mainDish[1].onclick = handlemainDishbchickenclick; document.orderForm.mainDish[2].onclick = handlemainDishBurgerclick;