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Highlights from the forum for CEOs
Event Report                                          and presidents of Ontario’s high
                                                      performance firms

               Strategies for Growth

               The Estates of Sunnybrook, Toronto, Ontario
               June 2007
On June 5, 2007, CEOs of Ontario’s
                                                 high performance, innovative growth
                                                 firms met at the 13th Wisdom Exchange
                                                 forum to network and explore Strategies
                                                 for Growth.

                                         We hope this report provides an overview of the insights shared by CEOs,
                                         topic experts and workshop presenters at the event.
Wisdom Exchange 2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                         In this report
                                           Going global: opportunities abound for Ontario growth firms               2

                                           Transformational leadership: look to the bard for inspiration             4

                                           Competitive success: it starts at the top                                 6

                                           Innovative marketing: Web 2.0 technologies                                8

                                           Organizational excellence: the seven keys to making
                                           your organization great                                                  10

                                           Lean culture: techniques for business growth                             12

                                           Financing growth: some capital ideas                                     14

                                           Defining success: learning from the best practices
                                           of Ontario’s high performance firms                                      16

For many of Ontario’s high performance firms, global
                                     Going global:                        expansion and staying on top of constantly changing
                                                                          markets can be a challenge.
Wisdom Exchange 2007 WORKING LUNCH

                                     opportunities                        In his opening remarks to CEOs and presidents of
                                                                          leading growth firms at June’s Wisdom Exchange, the
                                                                          Honourable Harinder Takhar shared his observations
                                     abound for                           on India’s rapid growth and ensuing opportunities for
                                                                          Ontario’s small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

                                     Ontario growth                       “I was born in India and have returned every year or
                                                                          two since the mid-1970’s. During Ontario’s business
                                                                          mission to India earlier this year, I saw things that
                                     firms                                reinforced for me that India has changed more in the
                                                                          past five years than in the previous 25 years,” said
                                                                          the Minister. India’s economy averaged 7% annual
                                     The Honourable Harinder S. Takhar,
                                                                          growth for the past 10 years and grew another 9.2%
                                     MINISTER OF SMALL BUSINESS           in 2006. Home to one-sixth of the world’s population,
                                     AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP                 India has an estimated 350 million middle-class
                                                                          consumers who want the same products and services
                                                                          that are popular in Europe and North America. In
                                                                          recent years, the country has also accelerated its
                                                                          engagement in global trade by opening its domestic
                                                                          markets and increasing its investments overseas.

                                                                          “Ontario companies have an advantage that makes
                                                                          us very competitive,” the Minister explained: In every
                                                                          Ontario community we have people from China,
                                                                          India, and Pakistan who know these countries as
                                                                          well as Canada. This helps us undertake partnerships
                                                                          around the world and we should build on this
                                                                          diversity. In addition, business people will find a
                                                                          communications infrastructure in India supported by a
                                                                          democracy where the legal system is based on
                                                                          English common law, English being the most
                                                                          important language for commercial enterprise and
                                                                          national and political communications.

                                                                          Recognizing India as one of the world’s fast-growing
                                                                          emerging markets, Minister Takhar accompanied
                                                                          Premier Dalton McGuinty and more than 100
                                                                          business delegates on a trade and investment mission
“        It takes more than just thinking globally
         for us to remain competitive in this
         changing environment.
to India and Pakistan in January 2007. With two-way
trade expanding at a rapid pace, Ontario’s mission
was designed to build on this enormous potential.
Canada’s 2005 exports to India surged 25% over
2004, and India became Canada’s 14th largest
export market in 2006. As a major contributor to
Canada’s increase in export growth, Ontario goods
exports to India have more than doubled in the past
three years. Looking ahead, bilateral trade between
Canada and India is targeted at US $20 billion in           On how to build relationships with foreign buyers,
goods and services within the next five years. It is also   Minister Takhar advised, “If you get to know the
expected that India will spend between $150 and             people and culture, work with your contacts in new
$330 billion over the next 5-10 years on infrastructure     markets, and build win-win partnerships, the
alone and will not have the internal capacity to do it      dividends coming out of these countries can be
without help. “This will open up new opportunities for      great.” The Ministry’s Ontario Director for the Middle
Indian and Ontario companies to work together in            East agreed, offering his hands-on description of the
critical areas,” said the Minister.                         export process: “You visit your target market, and
                                                            you meet people. Then you come back and meet
The Minister also cited examples of major Indian            the same people again, plus new people. When
firms such as ICICI Bank, Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals,          you come back the third time, you meet the old
Satyam Computer Services, and the Aditya Birla              people and some new people. On your fourth
Group that have invested millions to start or expand        trip you can ask the first people that you met for
their businesses in Ontario. “The Chairman of Infosys,      an order.”
India’s largest software company, told me that Ontario
is the right place for them to invest,” he said.            Thanking the audience of growth-firm leaders for their
                                                            contributions to the Ontario economy, Minister Takhar
The India-Pakistan trade mission is part of the             said, “You are the innovators who create new
government’s embrace of globalization and                   products and services, high-value jobs, and
aggressive action to attract more investments and           partnerships around the world.” To help Ontario firms
create more avenues of distribution across the globe        enter into some of the world’s hottest markets, the
for Ontario’s world-class products. “It takes more than     province has established 10 International Marketing
just thinking globally for us to remain competitive in      Centres, in New Delhi, New York, London, Los
this changing environment,” said the Minister. “We          Angeles, Munich, Paris, Mexico City, Beijing, Tokyo,
must go global and show the world what Ontario              and Shanghai. These centres, located in Canadian
has to offer.” A strong example of this was when            consulates, are there to assist Ontario firms to make
Premier McGuinty presented the politicians and              local contacts, participate in trade shows, and
business leaders he met on the mission with a               explore the opportunities of new markets.
BlackBerry. The Premier made sure everyone knew
that the world’s most popular personal communication        For more information on programs and services to
device comes from the Ontario-based company                 support Ontario businesses at any stage along their
Research In Motion, as proof of Ontario’s leadership        continuum of growth, visit the Ministry’s new and
in the global economy.                                      improved, one-stop website at
When Jim Fisher, Vice-Dean of MBA Programs and
                               Transformational           Executive Education at the University of Toronto’s
                                                          Joseph L. Rotman School of Management,
                                                          searched for an example of outstanding leadership
                               leadership:                to discuss at this year’s Wisdom Exchange, he
                                                          reached back more than 400 years and brought to
                                                          life Shakespeare’s Henry V – only it was a very
Wisdom Exchange 2007 PLENARY

                               look to the bard           different Shakespeare than the CEOs in the
                                                          audience had studied in high school.

                               for inspiration            Leadership has fascinated Fisher throughout his
                                                          career. Over the last 30 years, he has worked
                                                          closely with some of Canada’s top corporate and
                               Jim Fisher,
                                                          political leaders, including Pierre Trudeau and Galen
                               VICE-DEAN, MBA PROGRAMS    Weston among many, many more.
                               AND EXECUTIVE EDUCATION,
                               JOSEPH L. ROTMAN SCHOOL    Why should Shakespeare be of any interest to the
                               OF MANAGEMENT,             CEOs of some of Ontario’s fastest-growing firms?
                               UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO
                                                          As Fisher explained, half of all today’s English-
                                                          language live theatre productions are of
                                                          Shakespeare’s plays, which were all written around
                                                          1600. “In other words,” Fisher said, “Shakespeare
                                                          still has 50 per cent market share after 400 years
                                                          without introducing any new products.”

                                                          And why is the Bard so successful? “Shakespeare’s
                                                          enduring appeal lies in his tremendous insights
                                                          into people’s inner motivations,” Fisher said.
                                                          “Shakespeare asks why people do the things
                                                          they do. And why other people let them.”

                                                          “He understood that you are not a leader when
                                                          you just take a courageous stand, or when you
                                                          state the great vision, or when you have great
                                                          charisma. You are a leader when people are
                                                          following you in a direction where they would not
                                                          otherwise go,” said Fisher.

“        You are a leader when people are
         following you in a direction where
         they would not otherwise go.
Take the character of Henry V as a case in point.
The year is 1415. King Henry V of England has
invaded France. In late fall, after months of
warfare, his army of approximately 6,000 troops
begins the long march back to Calais, France,
so they can be home for Christmas. They are
tired, sick, injured, wet and hungry. On October
25, at Agincourt, they come face-to-face with
25,000 fresh, well-rested and well-fed French
troops. On the morning of the battle, Henry has      “Henry gave his troops a plan and a vision,”
one chance to rally his troops and turn near-        said Fisher. “All my experience tells me that
certain defeat into an English victory.              leaders have to have both. Bringing the two
                                                     together gives power to both of them.”
History books don’t record exactly what Henry
said that morning, but whatever he said worked       In Fisher’s leadership paradigm, motivating the
extraordinarily well. The battle of Agincourt has    organization is just as important as setting targets
been immortalized as one of the greatest English     and direction, creating organizational structures
victories of all time.                               and monitoring results.

Shakespeare, that master of inner motivations,       Motivating employees inspires them to make
crafted for Henry a speech that galvanized           a commitment to go beyond the minimum and
the English troops. He did it by appealing           empowers them to help the company achieve its
to their honour; he appealed to their sense          objectives. It is about articulating and bringing to
of fellowship; he promised them fame and             life the values that are consistent with the vision
immortality, depending on whether they lived         and give meaning to the work. It is about
or died.                                             connecting emotions with the job at hand.

”The focus was on values – not money, not            “Treat your employees like volunteers and they
authority – because values are what motivate         will go the extra mile for you,” said Fisher. “Lead
people,” said Fisher. “That’s as true today as it    with your heart, as well as your head. Create a
was 400 years ago.”                                  vision. Have a plan. Energize your people.” In
                                                     Fisher’s view, that is the essence of leadership
Henry also had a revolutionary battle plan, Fisher   whether your battle is for market share or for the
pointed out. He chose a wide muddy field as          English throne.
his battleground. The French troops, as they
charged across the field in their heavy armour,      It worked for Henry V. In fact, it made him
got bogged down and became easy targets for          a hero whose fame has lasted more than
the English bowmen.                                  500 years.


                                                                     The success of high performance firms can be
                                            Competitive              grounded in some down-to-earth attitudes. That’s what
                                                                     CEOs discovered at the 2007 Wisdom Exchange
                                                                     when Art Church, President, CEO and Partner of
                                            success:                 Mancor Industries Inc. in Oakville, Ontario, began
                                                                     describing his company’s successful approach to
                                                                     gaining and maintaining competitive advantages in
                                            it starts at the top     North America’s hard-hit manufacturing sector.

                                                                     Church is a down-to-earth guy, even if he does have
                                            Art Church,
                                                                     an MBA in finance from McMaster University and
                                            PRESIDENT, CEO           a bachelor of applied science in mechanical
                                            AND PARTNER,             engineering (P.Eng.) from the University of Waterloo.
                                            MANCOR INDUSTRIES INC.   Over the past 10 years, Mancor, a precision
                                                                     manufacturer of metal components and sub-assemblies
                                                                     to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in the
                                                                     mid-volume transportation-equipment industry, has seen
                                                                     growth in their employee numbers, plant locations and
                                                                     sales. Major clients include John Deere, Freightliner,
                                                                     Caterpillar and Volvo. “Basically, we’re hole drillers,”
                                                                     Church said. “We learned that if we drill the holes in
                                                                     the right place, people pay us more.”

                                                                     His description of Mancor’s approach to business was
                                                                     down to earth and his opinions on major issues were
                                                                     equally up-front. The company’s operating philosophy
                                                                     is based on three principles:
                                                                     • Decentralized plants are run by stand-alone
                                                                        management teams with full profit-and-loss
                                                                        responsibility. “We get far better results,” said
                                                                        Church. “Customer relations are better, as is the
                                                                        rate of technology innovation.”
                                                                     • Head office develops systems infrastructure and
                                                                        facilitates best-in-class performance. “Responsibility
                                                                        for the company’s success lies with the CEO,”
                                                                        Church stated firmly. “The reasons for success have
                                                                        to do with having good employees, good systems
                                                                        and equipment, good suppliers, good customers
                                                                        and good fortune, but the responsibility rests with
                                                                        the boss.”

“         If an idea is good, people can usually just
          explain it. If it’s not so good, they usually
          say, ‘We should do it for strategic reasons.
• Continuous improvement is embedded deeply and
  firmly into the corporate culture. “It means we’re
  never satisfied, that we’re always looking for a
  better way,” he said. “It also means we’re not
  afraid to make mistakes.”

The search for innovations, improvements and new ideas
is never-ending. Every quarterly management meeting, for
example, includes a visit to a customer or other business
in the city where the meeting is being held. “You can          Church’s focused, down-to-earth approach
even learn from a well-run restaurant or dry cleaner,”         characterizes his views on two major issues facing
said Church. “But don’t do something just because              Canadian manufacturers today.
Toyota does it. Do it because you understand the logic         • The high Canadian dollar:
and the wisdom and can see how to apply it successfully          “Stop complaining,” Church told the business
to your own business. Make the idea your own.”                   leaders in the audience. “The Canadian problem
                                                                 is not a high dollar but wage and service costs
In addition to ideas, good plans are absolutely                  that are too high. We need to reduce manpower
essential. Church’s observation is that many ‘get stuck’         expenses with automation. Wage rates are
at the plan and repeatly re-do it; to make the plan              a complex problem to solve. We may need
work, you must work through the cycle and continually            some help with that.”
improve it. At Mancor, new ideas have to pass two              • Competition from China:
critical tests. The One Page Test means they must be             “China is almost impossible to beat so we’ve
able to be described on a single sheet of paper. The             adopted the ‘bear in the woods’ solution,” said
Bar Test means they have to be simple enough to be               Church. “Everyone knows you can’t outrun a bear
described and understood in a crowded, noisy bar.                in the woods. But I don’t need to run faster than the
“If an idea is good, people can usually just explain it,”        bear, I only need to run faster than you.”
said Church. “If it’s not so good, they usually say, ‘We
should do it for strategic reasons.’”                          Despite the competitive threats posed by China and
                                                               other emerging nations, the high Canadian dollar
Church is a big believer in the 80/20 approach, which          and other pressing issues, Mancor is growing. Part
says that 80 per cent of the value is usually generated by     of the spirit driving that growth, is his firm belief in
20 per cent of the activity. It is a rule he applies in many   the importance of focusing on the customer and
areas of the business, including training. “Training plans     combining good business with a little fun. “Have fun”
with high value result in people acquiring skills that help    is embedded right in the company vision, along with
the business improve,” he said. “We develop most of our        being “Best-in-Class”, “Profitably Growing Mancor”
training programs ourselves. First we identify the 20 per      and “Being Safe.”
cent of the concepts or skills that will generate the 80 per
cent value to Mancor, then management teaches the              As Church explained, “If people like to come to work
program. We have learned that shorter is better: the           and people like to do business with us, we think
target time for most training is two hours.”                   that’s cool.”

1.                2.

                                                               During the past 15 years, the Internet, e-mail and
                                Innovative                     the World Wide Web have revolutionized the
                                                               business world, yet many experts believe the real
                                                               transformation has just begun.
Wisdom Exchange 2007 WORKSHOP

                                                               As the Internet transforms from an information
                                                               source to an interactive site for collaboration, new
                                Web 2.0                        opportunities are emerging for businesses of all
                                                               sizes. New Web-based technologies such as
                                                               blogs, wikis, social networks and a remarkable
                                technologies                   new breed of collaborative software suites hold the
                                                               promise of changing even more dramatically how
                                                               businesses operate. Yet these second-generation
                                1. Dr. Cindy M. Gordon,
                                                               Internet capabilities, collectively known as Web
                                   FOUNDER AND CEO,            2.0, also raise a number of questions voiced by
                                   HELIX COMMERCE              CEOs at the innovative marketing workshop.
                                   INTERNATIONAL INC.
                                                               How can SMEs benefit from opportunities arising
                                2. Ron McKenzie,               from new technologies? What precisely is
                                   CEO, OCTOPZ                 changing? How can these advances in technology
                                                               help companies reach customers? What business
                                                               models offer the best chances for success? What
                                                               are the implications of not being Web 2.0 ready?
                                                               How can businesses prepare? Who has time for
                                                               all this?

                                                               These are questions that Dr. Cindy Gordon,
                                                               Founder and CEO of Helix Commerce International
                                                               Inc., has come to grips with on behalf of early-
                                                               stage growth companies and industry leaders such
                                                               as Amdocs, Astra Zeneca, Bell Canada, CIBC,
                                                               Microsoft and Rogers.

                                                               “Where Web 1.0 emphasized connectivity and
                                                               information retrieval, Web 2.0 stresses social
                                                               interaction,” explained Gordon. “Collaboration, in
                                                               the form of a marriage of social networking and new
                                                               media technologies, is the strongest force shaping
                                                               business practices today. It is now mission critical for
                                                               businesses to create organizational structures that

“        The next generation of workers will be
         seeking a sense of ownership of their work
         and will expect to have a level of input in
         every segment of the company.
make collaboration the cornerstone of high
performance workplaces. Collaboration,
globalization and diverse teams will characterize
how and what work is done.” This Open Source
movement, as it has been called, promotes easy
collaboration and improvisation.

One of the most remarkable aspects of these
leading-edge technologies is that users can much
more easily change and re-shape the tools to meet         “What this means is that you can work with
their evolving needs. One of the easiest, simplest        colleagues anywhere in the world, any time,
and least expensive ways for a company to begin           together or individually, without ever leaving
Web 2.0 applications is through a CEO blog.               your office,” said McKenzie. “The result is
A blog (short for “web log”) is like an informal,         improved decision making and accelerated
online diary or newspaper column. A blog can              speed-to-market, which can create a huge
be written daily or even more often by the CEO            competitive advantage in today's fast-paced
and posted on the company’s intranet where                business environment.”
everyone can read it. Anyone can comment,
add information, ask a question or respond                “So-called smokestack industries – financial
to a comment or question. It becomes an open,             services and world-leading brands – are
ongoing conversation in which people across the           adopting these technologies because they add
company can participate equally. Blogs also allow         value,” added Gordon. “They link people so they
the sharing of direction, can be tracked, and             can open doors both within and on behalf of
are searchable.                                           your company.”

“One of the side benefits of blogs is that they have a    For CEOs looking to grow their companies,
strong appeal for the next generation of workers,”        Web 2.0 applications can provide a set of
said Gordon. “The next generation of workers will be      powerful tools with far-reaching potential. Their
seeking a sense of ownership of their work and will       flexibility and ease of use add to their appeal,
expect to have a level of input in every segment of       especially for executives whose 24/7 schedule
the company.”                                             is already fully booked.

Ron McKenzie, CEO of Octopz, provided workshop            On the issue of online security, it should be
participants with a real-time demonstration of the kind   managed and monitored like any asset in
of technology available to companies that embrace         your company. The recommendation is to start
the collaborative potential of Web 2.0. From the          inside your company with social networking to
workshop floor via the Internet, he contacted a           see the results before launching external tool kits.
colleague at another office. They could see each          In Gordon’s expert opinion, there is absolutely no
other on the screen and they could discuss and make       question that, when it comes to Web 2.0, “the
changes to a document in real time.                       benefits far outweigh the risks.”

A curious thing happened with the shift to
                                Organizational              knowledge workers and team-focused environments.
                                                            Companies realized that how people felt about their
                                                            work and how co-workers related to each other had
                                excellence:                 a direct, bottom-line impact. Emotions in the
Wisdom Exchange 2007 WORKSHOP

                                                            workplace could no longer be ignored. The
                                                            challenge was what to do about them.
                                the seven keys
                                                            The concept of emotional intelligence, defined as
                                                            the ability to understand and manage the emotions
                                to making your              of oneself, of others and of groups, began to gain
                                                            traction among people who were trying to build
                                                            high performance organizations. Some people,
                                organization                Steven Stein, CEO of Multi-Health Systems, among
                                                            them, came to believe that great organizations
                                                            thrive by winning the hearts and minds of their
                                great                       people. “It was a tough sell for about 10 years,”
                                                            said Stein, a leading expert on psychological
                                                            assessment and emotional intelligence.
                                Dr. Steven Stein,
                                CEO, MULTI-HEALTH SYSTEMS   Multi-Health recently completed a study involving
                                                            more than 2,000 employees from a variety of
                                                            organizations in several countries. One of the core
                                                            questions was “what makes a workplace great?”

                                                            In Stein’s analysis of the survey results, three core
                                                            elements emerged:
                                                            • The fit between a specific individual and a
                                                               particular job: “There are a lot of square pegs
                                                               trying to fit into round holes,” said Stein.
                                                            • The importance of good relationships in the
                                                               workplace: “The most productive people are the
                                                               ones who have a best friend or friends at work.”
                                                            • Having a sense of purpose and feeling that what
                                                               your company does is important.

                                                            Organizations can boost their performance
                                                            dramatically by improving one or more of
                                                            those elements.

                                                            The U.S. Air Force, for example, came to Multi-
                                                            Health with a serious employee issue. It was under
“        Connecting people with the right jobs, connecting
         co-workers together, and connecting all of them
         to a sense of purpose is the path to building
         a great workplace.

pressure to increase recruitment. One of its biggest
challenges was that the turnover rate among
recruiters was very high – about 50 per cent
retention rate after one year. Multi-Health studied
the emotional intelligence of high-performing
recruiters. They found that the Air Force’s best and
happiest recruiters had, among other attributes,
high levels of empathy. The Air Force started
screening potential new recruiters for empathy and
other key attributes linked to emotional intelligence.      fewer hours than their colleagues and that
The retention rate is now 92 per cent, generating           people who put in long hours – workaholics –
$2.7 million annually in savings because the Air            can be less productive than you would think.
Force no longer has to find, train and replace so           Again, match people to the workload.
many recruiters.
                                                         4. Build strong teams with shared purpose and
“Connecting people with the right jobs, connecting          visible goals: Recognizing and celebrating
co-workers together, and connecting all of them to          measurable achievements helps to validate
a sense of purpose is the path to building a great          relationships and a sense of purpose.
workplace,” Stein told delegates at the Wisdom
Exchange. “What we want our employees to feel            5. Make sure managers can manage: Ensure
is TGIM – Thank God it’s Monday.”                           managers have the right skills. Employee surveys
                                                            show that only about 50 per cent of managers
The links between emotional intelligence and                and supervisors are seen to be dealing
success can be adapted and applied to                       effectively with underperforming team members.
organizations, resulting in higher performing teams
and workplaces. Stein has identified seven keys to       6. Treat people with respect and leverage their
creating a more emotionally intelligent                     unique talents: Studies have shown a link
organization:                                               between lack of respect for diversity and anger
                                                            in the workplace.
1. Hire capable people who love their work:
   Match people to the job and show them how             7. Be proactively responsive by doing the right
   they can be part of something larger than                things to win the hearts and minds of your
   the organization.                                        people: Stay in touch with the issues that are
                                                            important to your employees. Pub nights, bagel
2. Compensate people fairly: Since “fairness” is a          breakfasts and town halls can all help to identify
   perceived value, paying people more money is             staff issues – and solutions.
   not always the answer. Sometimes job flexibility
   or training opportunities are valued more highly      These insights are explored further in Stein’s latest
   than a raise.                                         book, Make Your Workplace Great: The 7 Keys to
                                                         an Emotionally Intelligent Organization, along with
3. Don't overwork (or underwork) people: Studies         strategies that organizations can adapt to take their
   have shown that high performers often work            performance to the next level.
Companies searching for ways to sharpen their
                                Lean culture:                     competitive edge are looking closely at lean
                                                                  manufacturing techniques, and for good reason.
                                                                  Pioneered by Toyota, then spreading to aerospace
                                techniques for                    and other industries, lean processes have been
Wisdom Exchange 2007 WORKSHOP

                                                                  credited with helping some companies gain huge
                                                                  efficiencies. Reductions of 50 per cent or more
                                business growth                   in such areas as manufacturing lead times,
                                                                  inventory and overhead costs and improved quality
                                                                  and productivity have been reported.
                                Scott Smith,
                                PRESIDENT,                        Improvements of that magnitude have caught the
                                HIGH PERFORMANCE SOLUTIONS INC.   attention of business leaders everywhere, including
                                                                  Wisdom Exchange delegates who participated in
                                                                  the Strategies for a Lean Culture workshop. One
                                                                  company was eager to adapt lean strategies but
                                                                  lacked a coherent plan. Another company was
                                                                  moving to a new plant and wanted to set it up as
                                                                  a lean facility. A third firm wanted to learn how to
                                                                  sustain its lean approach after initial successes.

                                                                  Scott Smith, President of High Performance
                                                                  Solutions Inc., brought 20 years’ experience
                                                                  in lean implementation, continuous improvement
                                                                  and supply chain management to help workshop
                                                                  participants understand what “lean” really means
                                                                  and how they could start or expand their lean
                                                                  approaches to manufacturing.

                                                                  One of the myths that many people (especially
                                                                  nervous employees) believe about lean production
                                                                  is that it is just another euphemism for cutbacks.
                                                                  Nothing could be further from the truth. “Lean is
                                                                  about growth, not about reducing head count,”
                                                                  said Smith. “Lean is about eliminating waste. If
                                                                  employees come to believe it’s about head-count
                                                                  reduction, the lean program is dead.”

                                                                  The main drivers of ‘Lean’ are people (to foster lean
                                                                  thinking), processes (to eliminate waste), technology
                                                                  (to provide tools that support people and
                                                                  processes, and the end-result (customer success).
“        More than 95 per cent of opportunities for cutting
         waste are found in production activities that don’t
         directly add value from the customer’s perspective such
         as downtime, too much inventory, overproduction and
         product defects.

First and foremost, the lean approach is holistic.
“It’s a whole enterprise tool that encompasses a
company’s entire business, from preparing the
quote to collecting the cash,” said Smith. “It shapes
both the manufacturing value stream [things that
directly add value] and the customer value stream
[what the customer is willing to pay for].”

Secondly, because the lean approach involves the
entire company, responsibility for implementing it is   Finally, energizing the lean culture is an unwavering
shared throughout the organization. Everyone has        commitment to continuous improvement. Smith
a responsibility to spot where waste is occurring.      suggested that companies focus on four improvement
Everyone has a responsibility to identify               objectives in their order of importance:
opportunities for improvement.                          • Increased safety, which removes waste,
                                                           avoids injury costs and fosters employee
“More than 95 per cent of opportunities for cutting        commitment to lean processes. Increased safety
waste are found in production activities that don’t        leads to . . .
directly add value from the customer’s perspective      • Increased through put, by reducing downtime.
such as downtime, too much inventory,                      Slowing down to get the job done right
overproduction and product defects,” said Smith.           increases safety and also leads to . . .
                                                        • Increased product quality. Higher product quality
This company-wide sharing of responsibility                leads to . . .
and hands-on involvement needs to be                    • Lower costs, by reducing the need for rework to
championed, supported, rewarded and sustained              correct flaws.
by management. It requires learning new
skills. It involves significant investments of time     Adopting lean manufacturing approaches is not a
and money.                                              quick fix. “Changing to a lean culture can be
                                                        challenging and can’t be accomplished overnight,”
For many firms, adopting lean techniques means a        said Smith. “Your company should plan on
dramatic change in corporate culture. “Company          devoting three to 10 years to the effort.”
culture plays a key role in moving toward lean,”
Smith said. Creating and sustaining a successful        In fact, the job of creating a lean production system
lean culture requires company commitment in five        is never complete. The most advanced lean
key areas:                                              practitioners (such as Toyota) continue to seek
• Vision: Without vision, there will be confusion.      improvements, even after many years of
• Skills: Without skills, there will be employee        implementing lean.
• Incentives: Without incentives, change will be        On the other hand, the benefits continue to grow.
   at best gradual.                                     Lean techniques helped Toyota become one of the
• Resources: Without adequate resources, there          world’s largest and most profitable companies. And
  will be frustration.                                  that is a pretty solid endorsement of the power of
• A plan: Without a plan, there will be false starts.   thinking lean.

                                       1.                        3.

                                                                      “There’s more money and more sources of money
                                Financing growth:                     available to Ontario businesses than ever before,”
                                                                      said moderator Rick Spence in setting the tone for
                                                                      the Financing Growth workshop, a crash course
                                some capital                          in how to identify the right type of capital for
Wisdom Exchange 2007 WORKSHOP

                                                                      growing businesses.

                                ideas                                 Spence offered a few recent statistics to show
                                                                      why capital is more abundant than many
                                                                      entrepreneurs think:
                                1. Moderator: Rick Spence,
                                                                      • According to the Canadian Venture Capital
                                   SMALL-BUSINESS CONSULTANT            and Private Equity Association, private capital
                                2. Dennis Ensing, Director,             invested $5.1 billion in 36 disclosed buyout
                                   WISE MENTOR CAPITAL                  transactions in the first quarter of 2007, nearly
                                3. Ryan Kovac, Vice-President,          half of the total amount invested in all of 2006.
                                   MMV FINANCIAL INC.                 • Venture-capital investment in the first quarter of
                                                                        2007 totaled $598 million, a 61% increase over
                                                                        the first quarter of 2006. The growth in dollars
                                                                        invested was even stronger in Ontario, where
                                                                        $302 million was invested in 42 companies.
                                                                      • The Toronto Stock Exchange’s Venture Exchange
                                                                        facilitated $590 million in business financing in
                                                                        2006, more than double the 2005 total.

                                                                      The new PROFIT 100 list of Canada’s Fastest-
                                                                      Growing Companies shows today’s top growth
                                                                      companies tap many kinds of financing. According
                                                                      to the June 2007 issue of PROFIT magazine, many
                                                                      PROFIT 100 companies use the following sources
                                                                      of financing:
                                                                      • Banks (76%)
                                                                      • Leasing (60%)
                                                                      • Friends or relatives (35%)
                                                                      • Public stock issues (28%)
                                                                      • Private investors (25%)
                                                                      • Venture capital (23%)
                                                                      • Foreign banks (17%)
                                                                      • Angel investors (16%)
                                                                      • Asset-based lending (9%)
                                                                      • Employees (8%)
                                                                      • Supplier (6%)
                                                                      • Commercial paper (4%)
                                                                      • Bond issues (2%)
“         When pitching investors, enterpreneurs
          should focus on three key areas in the
          business plan: management, the market
          opportunity and your product or business.
Another theme from this year’s Profit 100 list was
explored: many growth firms advocate conservative
financing. These companies try hard to minimize
expenses and boost cash flow, so they are less
dependent on outside financing. Some companies
keep business plans and financial plans up-to-date
and meet regularly with bankers, venture capitalists
and other financial sources in order to understand
what capital is available to them should they ever
decide to use it.
                                                          These penalties could be as severe as forced
In the workshop discussion, detailed questions            sale of the company or replacement of the
about financial alternatives were answered by             management team.
Ryan Kovac, a former venture capitalist who now         • How long should your business plan be? “
supplies “venture debt” as vice-president of MMV          As a marketing document,” said Ensing,
Financial Inc., and Dennis Ensing, an experienced         “20 pages should be enough. In fact, he said
CFO who now helps other companies raise money             it is your one- or two-page executive summary
as director of finance with Wise Mentor Capital.          that will (or won’t) earn you a meeting with
                                                          potential investors.
Here are some of their key observations:                • “When pitching investors, entrepreneurs
• Web 2.0, health care and “clean tech”                   should focus on three key areas in the
  (environmental technologies) are currently              business plan: management, the market
  considered “hot” by investors.                          opportunity and what’s unique about your
• In discussing the cost of capital, Ensing plotted a     product or business,” Kovac advised.
  chart of financial alternatives based on              • To identify investors most likely to be receptive
  anticipated annual rates of return and the risks        and interested in your business, Ensing advised:
  investors are willing to assume. He said angel          “Do your research. Use a rifle, not a shotgun, to
  investors (private individuals making high-risk,        find investors,” added Ensing. Don’t go to an IT
  early-stage venture investments) usually target         venture-capital firm if you’ve got a biotech deal.”
  50% to 60%, venture capitalists expect about          • Kovac offered more details on venture debt, a
  40%, while private equity about 25%. Expect to          growing form of financing that is secured against
  pay 18% to 19% for venture debt (subordinated           a company’s assets and intellectual property.
  debt for growth companies). The banks look for          Mainly targeted to growth firms in technology
  5% to 6% a year.                                        and life sciences, venture debt includes an
• There is another price to be paid for equity,           equity kicker, but no financial covenants, says
  Ensing noted: “The higher you go on this                Kovac. “We just want you to pay us back
  curve, the more intervention is sought by your          every month.”
  financial partners.”                                  • “Going public ideally should be an event
• Ensing emphasized that business owners should           of liquidity [i.e., cashing out of a company],
  focus more on the terms of a deal (and the              not a financing event,” said Ensing. “Because
  shareholder’s agreement) than the cost of               of the cost and complexity, going public
  financing. Conditions could include penalties for       is the option of last resort; however, it can
  failure to achieve a “liquidity event” within a         generate financing where other options have
  designated time period or for poor performance.         been exhausted.”
Defining Success:
                                            learning from the best
                                            practices of Ontario’s high
                                            performance firms

                                            The Ministry of Small Business and                than 12 ‘best practice’ business activities.

                                            Entrepreneurship released a new report at         Respondents also provided insights into focus
                                            the Wisdom Exchange on June 5, 2007.              areas such as the nature of innovation,
                                                                                              challenges for the future and important
                                            Defining Success: Learning from the Best          business lessons learned.
                                            Practices of Ontario’s High Performance
                                            Firms provides an overview of the importance      Notably, of the four best practices that
                                            of Ontario’s small and medium enterprises         more than two-thirds of the CEOs rated as
                                            (SMEs) that employ 2.8 million people in          most important, three were people-focused.
                                            Ontario and generate $120 billion in annual       Having empowered employees with the
                                            economic activity.                                right skills and winning their commitment
                                                                                              to growth were seen as key reasons for
                                            The report then focuses on high performance       their success.
                                            SMEs as major contributors to Ontario’s
                                            economic vitality. High performance SMEs, have:   The other top-ranked factor was the
                                            • Sales growth of at least 50 per cent in         importance of developing and implementing
                                              three of the past five years;                   product- or service-innovation strategies.
                                            • Between 10 and 500 employees; and               Many of the respondents said that
                                            • A global head office in Ontario.                government programs had helped them
                                                                                              conduct research and develop innovative
                                            To determine what critical business               products and services.
                                            approaches led to high performance and
                                            growth of Ontario firms in today’s global         To read more about the success factors of
                                            marketplace, Defining Success measures            high performance firms in the Defining
                                            best practices used by leading SMEs to            Success report, and to access Wisdom
                                            successfully grow their businesses. For this      Exchange program updates, all of the
                                            study, Deloitte interviewed 130 business          publications in the Leading Growth Firm
                                            owners, presidents, CEOs and other senior         Series, the Ontario Business Program Guide,
                                            leaders in a variety of sectors across the        and more, visit the Ministry’s new and
                                            province and identified the impact of more        improved website at


                                                                 Ministry of Small Business

                                                                     and Entrepreneurship

                                                        Business Advisory Services Branch

                                                     Partnership and Business Development

                                                       56 Wellesley Street West, 4th Floor

                                                               Toronto, Ontario, M7A 2E7


Printed in Ontario, Canada on recycled paper   © Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2007

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Wisdom Exchange 2007 Report

  • 1. Highlights from the forum for CEOs Event Report and presidents of Ontario’s high performance firms WISDOM EXCHANGE 2007 Strategies for Growth 13TH WISDOM EXCHANGE CONFERENCE The Estates of Sunnybrook, Toronto, Ontario June 2007
  • 2.
  • 3. On June 5, 2007, CEOs of Ontario’s high performance, innovative growth firms met at the 13th Wisdom Exchange forum to network and explore Strategies for Growth. We hope this report provides an overview of the insights shared by CEOs, topic experts and workshop presenters at the event. Wisdom Exchange 2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS In this report Going global: opportunities abound for Ontario growth firms 2 Transformational leadership: look to the bard for inspiration 4 Competitive success: it starts at the top 6 Innovative marketing: Web 2.0 technologies 8 Organizational excellence: the seven keys to making your organization great 10 Lean culture: techniques for business growth 12 Financing growth: some capital ideas 14 Defining success: learning from the best practices of Ontario’s high performance firms 16 1
  • 4. For many of Ontario’s high performance firms, global Going global: expansion and staying on top of constantly changing markets can be a challenge. Wisdom Exchange 2007 WORKING LUNCH opportunities In his opening remarks to CEOs and presidents of leading growth firms at June’s Wisdom Exchange, the Honourable Harinder Takhar shared his observations abound for on India’s rapid growth and ensuing opportunities for Ontario’s small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Ontario growth “I was born in India and have returned every year or two since the mid-1970’s. During Ontario’s business mission to India earlier this year, I saw things that firms reinforced for me that India has changed more in the past five years than in the previous 25 years,” said the Minister. India’s economy averaged 7% annual The Honourable Harinder S. Takhar, growth for the past 10 years and grew another 9.2% MINISTER OF SMALL BUSINESS in 2006. Home to one-sixth of the world’s population, AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP India has an estimated 350 million middle-class consumers who want the same products and services that are popular in Europe and North America. In recent years, the country has also accelerated its engagement in global trade by opening its domestic markets and increasing its investments overseas. “Ontario companies have an advantage that makes us very competitive,” the Minister explained: In every Ontario community we have people from China, India, and Pakistan who know these countries as well as Canada. This helps us undertake partnerships around the world and we should build on this diversity. In addition, business people will find a communications infrastructure in India supported by a democracy where the legal system is based on English common law, English being the most important language for commercial enterprise and national and political communications. Recognizing India as one of the world’s fast-growing emerging markets, Minister Takhar accompanied Premier Dalton McGuinty and more than 100 business delegates on a trade and investment mission 2
  • 5. It takes more than just thinking globally for us to remain competitive in this changing environment. “ to India and Pakistan in January 2007. With two-way trade expanding at a rapid pace, Ontario’s mission was designed to build on this enormous potential. Canada’s 2005 exports to India surged 25% over 2004, and India became Canada’s 14th largest export market in 2006. As a major contributor to Canada’s increase in export growth, Ontario goods exports to India have more than doubled in the past three years. Looking ahead, bilateral trade between Canada and India is targeted at US $20 billion in On how to build relationships with foreign buyers, goods and services within the next five years. It is also Minister Takhar advised, “If you get to know the expected that India will spend between $150 and people and culture, work with your contacts in new $330 billion over the next 5-10 years on infrastructure markets, and build win-win partnerships, the alone and will not have the internal capacity to do it dividends coming out of these countries can be without help. “This will open up new opportunities for great.” The Ministry’s Ontario Director for the Middle Indian and Ontario companies to work together in East agreed, offering his hands-on description of the critical areas,” said the Minister. export process: “You visit your target market, and you meet people. Then you come back and meet The Minister also cited examples of major Indian the same people again, plus new people. When firms such as ICICI Bank, Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals, you come back the third time, you meet the old Satyam Computer Services, and the Aditya Birla people and some new people. On your fourth Group that have invested millions to start or expand trip you can ask the first people that you met for their businesses in Ontario. “The Chairman of Infosys, an order.” India’s largest software company, told me that Ontario is the right place for them to invest,” he said. Thanking the audience of growth-firm leaders for their contributions to the Ontario economy, Minister Takhar The India-Pakistan trade mission is part of the said, “You are the innovators who create new government’s embrace of globalization and products and services, high-value jobs, and aggressive action to attract more investments and partnerships around the world.” To help Ontario firms create more avenues of distribution across the globe enter into some of the world’s hottest markets, the for Ontario’s world-class products. “It takes more than province has established 10 International Marketing just thinking globally for us to remain competitive in Centres, in New Delhi, New York, London, Los this changing environment,” said the Minister. “We Angeles, Munich, Paris, Mexico City, Beijing, Tokyo, must go global and show the world what Ontario and Shanghai. These centres, located in Canadian has to offer.” A strong example of this was when consulates, are there to assist Ontario firms to make Premier McGuinty presented the politicians and local contacts, participate in trade shows, and business leaders he met on the mission with a explore the opportunities of new markets. BlackBerry. The Premier made sure everyone knew that the world’s most popular personal communication For more information on programs and services to device comes from the Ontario-based company support Ontario businesses at any stage along their Research In Motion, as proof of Ontario’s leadership continuum of growth, visit the Ministry’s new and in the global economy. improved, one-stop website at 3
  • 6. When Jim Fisher, Vice-Dean of MBA Programs and Transformational Executive Education at the University of Toronto’s Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, searched for an example of outstanding leadership leadership: to discuss at this year’s Wisdom Exchange, he reached back more than 400 years and brought to life Shakespeare’s Henry V – only it was a very Wisdom Exchange 2007 PLENARY look to the bard different Shakespeare than the CEOs in the audience had studied in high school. for inspiration Leadership has fascinated Fisher throughout his career. Over the last 30 years, he has worked closely with some of Canada’s top corporate and Jim Fisher, political leaders, including Pierre Trudeau and Galen VICE-DEAN, MBA PROGRAMS Weston among many, many more. AND EXECUTIVE EDUCATION, JOSEPH L. ROTMAN SCHOOL Why should Shakespeare be of any interest to the OF MANAGEMENT, CEOs of some of Ontario’s fastest-growing firms? UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO As Fisher explained, half of all today’s English- language live theatre productions are of Shakespeare’s plays, which were all written around 1600. “In other words,” Fisher said, “Shakespeare still has 50 per cent market share after 400 years without introducing any new products.” And why is the Bard so successful? “Shakespeare’s enduring appeal lies in his tremendous insights into people’s inner motivations,” Fisher said. “Shakespeare asks why people do the things they do. And why other people let them.” “He understood that you are not a leader when you just take a courageous stand, or when you state the great vision, or when you have great charisma. You are a leader when people are following you in a direction where they would not otherwise go,” said Fisher. 4
  • 7. You are a leader when people are following you in a direction where they would not otherwise go. “ Take the character of Henry V as a case in point. The year is 1415. King Henry V of England has invaded France. In late fall, after months of warfare, his army of approximately 6,000 troops begins the long march back to Calais, France, so they can be home for Christmas. They are tired, sick, injured, wet and hungry. On October 25, at Agincourt, they come face-to-face with 25,000 fresh, well-rested and well-fed French troops. On the morning of the battle, Henry has “Henry gave his troops a plan and a vision,” one chance to rally his troops and turn near- said Fisher. “All my experience tells me that certain defeat into an English victory. leaders have to have both. Bringing the two together gives power to both of them.” History books don’t record exactly what Henry said that morning, but whatever he said worked In Fisher’s leadership paradigm, motivating the extraordinarily well. The battle of Agincourt has organization is just as important as setting targets been immortalized as one of the greatest English and direction, creating organizational structures victories of all time. and monitoring results. Shakespeare, that master of inner motivations, Motivating employees inspires them to make crafted for Henry a speech that galvanized a commitment to go beyond the minimum and the English troops. He did it by appealing empowers them to help the company achieve its to their honour; he appealed to their sense objectives. It is about articulating and bringing to of fellowship; he promised them fame and life the values that are consistent with the vision immortality, depending on whether they lived and give meaning to the work. It is about or died. connecting emotions with the job at hand. ”The focus was on values – not money, not “Treat your employees like volunteers and they authority – because values are what motivate will go the extra mile for you,” said Fisher. “Lead people,” said Fisher. “That’s as true today as it with your heart, as well as your head. Create a was 400 years ago.” vision. Have a plan. Energize your people.” In Fisher’s view, that is the essence of leadership Henry also had a revolutionary battle plan, Fisher whether your battle is for market share or for the pointed out. He chose a wide muddy field as English throne. his battleground. The French troops, as they charged across the field in their heavy armour, It worked for Henry V. In fact, it made him got bogged down and became easy targets for a hero whose fame has lasted more than the English bowmen. 500 years. 5
  • 8. Wisdom Exchange 2007 KEYNOTE PRESENTATION The success of high performance firms can be Competitive grounded in some down-to-earth attitudes. That’s what CEOs discovered at the 2007 Wisdom Exchange when Art Church, President, CEO and Partner of success: Mancor Industries Inc. in Oakville, Ontario, began describing his company’s successful approach to gaining and maintaining competitive advantages in it starts at the top North America’s hard-hit manufacturing sector. Church is a down-to-earth guy, even if he does have Art Church, an MBA in finance from McMaster University and PRESIDENT, CEO a bachelor of applied science in mechanical AND PARTNER, engineering (P.Eng.) from the University of Waterloo. MANCOR INDUSTRIES INC. Over the past 10 years, Mancor, a precision manufacturer of metal components and sub-assemblies to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in the mid-volume transportation-equipment industry, has seen growth in their employee numbers, plant locations and sales. Major clients include John Deere, Freightliner, Caterpillar and Volvo. “Basically, we’re hole drillers,” Church said. “We learned that if we drill the holes in the right place, people pay us more.” His description of Mancor’s approach to business was down to earth and his opinions on major issues were equally up-front. The company’s operating philosophy is based on three principles: • Decentralized plants are run by stand-alone management teams with full profit-and-loss responsibility. “We get far better results,” said Church. “Customer relations are better, as is the rate of technology innovation.” • Head office develops systems infrastructure and facilitates best-in-class performance. “Responsibility for the company’s success lies with the CEO,” Church stated firmly. “The reasons for success have to do with having good employees, good systems and equipment, good suppliers, good customers and good fortune, but the responsibility rests with the boss.” 6
  • 9. If an idea is good, people can usually just explain it. If it’s not so good, they usually say, ‘We should do it for strategic reasons. “ • Continuous improvement is embedded deeply and firmly into the corporate culture. “It means we’re never satisfied, that we’re always looking for a better way,” he said. “It also means we’re not afraid to make mistakes.” The search for innovations, improvements and new ideas is never-ending. Every quarterly management meeting, for example, includes a visit to a customer or other business in the city where the meeting is being held. “You can Church’s focused, down-to-earth approach even learn from a well-run restaurant or dry cleaner,” characterizes his views on two major issues facing said Church. “But don’t do something just because Canadian manufacturers today. Toyota does it. Do it because you understand the logic • The high Canadian dollar: and the wisdom and can see how to apply it successfully “Stop complaining,” Church told the business to your own business. Make the idea your own.” leaders in the audience. “The Canadian problem is not a high dollar but wage and service costs In addition to ideas, good plans are absolutely that are too high. We need to reduce manpower essential. Church’s observation is that many ‘get stuck’ expenses with automation. Wage rates are at the plan and repeatly re-do it; to make the plan a complex problem to solve. We may need work, you must work through the cycle and continually some help with that.” improve it. At Mancor, new ideas have to pass two • Competition from China: critical tests. The One Page Test means they must be “China is almost impossible to beat so we’ve able to be described on a single sheet of paper. The adopted the ‘bear in the woods’ solution,” said Bar Test means they have to be simple enough to be Church. “Everyone knows you can’t outrun a bear described and understood in a crowded, noisy bar. in the woods. But I don’t need to run faster than the “If an idea is good, people can usually just explain it,” bear, I only need to run faster than you.” said Church. “If it’s not so good, they usually say, ‘We should do it for strategic reasons.’” Despite the competitive threats posed by China and other emerging nations, the high Canadian dollar Church is a big believer in the 80/20 approach, which and other pressing issues, Mancor is growing. Part says that 80 per cent of the value is usually generated by of the spirit driving that growth, is his firm belief in 20 per cent of the activity. It is a rule he applies in many the importance of focusing on the customer and areas of the business, including training. “Training plans combining good business with a little fun. “Have fun” with high value result in people acquiring skills that help is embedded right in the company vision, along with the business improve,” he said. “We develop most of our being “Best-in-Class”, “Profitably Growing Mancor” training programs ourselves. First we identify the 20 per and “Being Safe.” cent of the concepts or skills that will generate the 80 per cent value to Mancor, then management teaches the As Church explained, “If people like to come to work program. We have learned that shorter is better: the and people like to do business with us, we think target time for most training is two hours.” that’s cool.” 7
  • 10. 1. 2. During the past 15 years, the Internet, e-mail and Innovative the World Wide Web have revolutionized the business world, yet many experts believe the real transformation has just begun. marketing: Wisdom Exchange 2007 WORKSHOP As the Internet transforms from an information source to an interactive site for collaboration, new Web 2.0 opportunities are emerging for businesses of all sizes. New Web-based technologies such as blogs, wikis, social networks and a remarkable technologies new breed of collaborative software suites hold the promise of changing even more dramatically how businesses operate. Yet these second-generation 1. Dr. Cindy M. Gordon, Internet capabilities, collectively known as Web FOUNDER AND CEO, 2.0, also raise a number of questions voiced by HELIX COMMERCE CEOs at the innovative marketing workshop. INTERNATIONAL INC. How can SMEs benefit from opportunities arising 2. Ron McKenzie, from new technologies? What precisely is CEO, OCTOPZ changing? How can these advances in technology help companies reach customers? What business models offer the best chances for success? What are the implications of not being Web 2.0 ready? How can businesses prepare? Who has time for all this? These are questions that Dr. Cindy Gordon, Founder and CEO of Helix Commerce International Inc., has come to grips with on behalf of early- stage growth companies and industry leaders such as Amdocs, Astra Zeneca, Bell Canada, CIBC, Microsoft and Rogers. “Where Web 1.0 emphasized connectivity and information retrieval, Web 2.0 stresses social interaction,” explained Gordon. “Collaboration, in the form of a marriage of social networking and new media technologies, is the strongest force shaping business practices today. It is now mission critical for businesses to create organizational structures that 8
  • 11. The next generation of workers will be seeking a sense of ownership of their work and will expect to have a level of input in every segment of the company. “ make collaboration the cornerstone of high performance workplaces. Collaboration, globalization and diverse teams will characterize how and what work is done.” This Open Source movement, as it has been called, promotes easy collaboration and improvisation. One of the most remarkable aspects of these leading-edge technologies is that users can much more easily change and re-shape the tools to meet “What this means is that you can work with their evolving needs. One of the easiest, simplest colleagues anywhere in the world, any time, and least expensive ways for a company to begin together or individually, without ever leaving Web 2.0 applications is through a CEO blog. your office,” said McKenzie. “The result is A blog (short for “web log”) is like an informal, improved decision making and accelerated online diary or newspaper column. A blog can speed-to-market, which can create a huge be written daily or even more often by the CEO competitive advantage in today's fast-paced and posted on the company’s intranet where business environment.” everyone can read it. Anyone can comment, add information, ask a question or respond “So-called smokestack industries – financial to a comment or question. It becomes an open, services and world-leading brands – are ongoing conversation in which people across the adopting these technologies because they add company can participate equally. Blogs also allow value,” added Gordon. “They link people so they the sharing of direction, can be tracked, and can open doors both within and on behalf of are searchable. your company.” “One of the side benefits of blogs is that they have a For CEOs looking to grow their companies, strong appeal for the next generation of workers,” Web 2.0 applications can provide a set of said Gordon. “The next generation of workers will be powerful tools with far-reaching potential. Their seeking a sense of ownership of their work and will flexibility and ease of use add to their appeal, expect to have a level of input in every segment of especially for executives whose 24/7 schedule the company.” is already fully booked. Ron McKenzie, CEO of Octopz, provided workshop On the issue of online security, it should be participants with a real-time demonstration of the kind managed and monitored like any asset in of technology available to companies that embrace your company. The recommendation is to start the collaborative potential of Web 2.0. From the inside your company with social networking to workshop floor via the Internet, he contacted a see the results before launching external tool kits. colleague at another office. They could see each In Gordon’s expert opinion, there is absolutely no other on the screen and they could discuss and make question that, when it comes to Web 2.0, “the changes to a document in real time. benefits far outweigh the risks.” 9
  • 12. A curious thing happened with the shift to Organizational knowledge workers and team-focused environments. Companies realized that how people felt about their work and how co-workers related to each other had excellence: a direct, bottom-line impact. Emotions in the Wisdom Exchange 2007 WORKSHOP workplace could no longer be ignored. The challenge was what to do about them. the seven keys The concept of emotional intelligence, defined as the ability to understand and manage the emotions to making your of oneself, of others and of groups, began to gain traction among people who were trying to build high performance organizations. Some people, organization Steven Stein, CEO of Multi-Health Systems, among them, came to believe that great organizations thrive by winning the hearts and minds of their great people. “It was a tough sell for about 10 years,” said Stein, a leading expert on psychological assessment and emotional intelligence. Dr. Steven Stein, CEO, MULTI-HEALTH SYSTEMS Multi-Health recently completed a study involving more than 2,000 employees from a variety of organizations in several countries. One of the core questions was “what makes a workplace great?” In Stein’s analysis of the survey results, three core elements emerged: • The fit between a specific individual and a particular job: “There are a lot of square pegs trying to fit into round holes,” said Stein. • The importance of good relationships in the workplace: “The most productive people are the ones who have a best friend or friends at work.” • Having a sense of purpose and feeling that what your company does is important. Organizations can boost their performance dramatically by improving one or more of those elements. The U.S. Air Force, for example, came to Multi- Health with a serious employee issue. It was under 10
  • 13. Connecting people with the right jobs, connecting co-workers together, and connecting all of them “ to a sense of purpose is the path to building a great workplace. pressure to increase recruitment. One of its biggest challenges was that the turnover rate among recruiters was very high – about 50 per cent retention rate after one year. Multi-Health studied the emotional intelligence of high-performing recruiters. They found that the Air Force’s best and happiest recruiters had, among other attributes, high levels of empathy. The Air Force started screening potential new recruiters for empathy and other key attributes linked to emotional intelligence. fewer hours than their colleagues and that The retention rate is now 92 per cent, generating people who put in long hours – workaholics – $2.7 million annually in savings because the Air can be less productive than you would think. Force no longer has to find, train and replace so Again, match people to the workload. many recruiters. 4. Build strong teams with shared purpose and “Connecting people with the right jobs, connecting visible goals: Recognizing and celebrating co-workers together, and connecting all of them to measurable achievements helps to validate a sense of purpose is the path to building a great relationships and a sense of purpose. workplace,” Stein told delegates at the Wisdom Exchange. “What we want our employees to feel 5. Make sure managers can manage: Ensure is TGIM – Thank God it’s Monday.” managers have the right skills. Employee surveys show that only about 50 per cent of managers The links between emotional intelligence and and supervisors are seen to be dealing success can be adapted and applied to effectively with underperforming team members. organizations, resulting in higher performing teams and workplaces. Stein has identified seven keys to 6. Treat people with respect and leverage their creating a more emotionally intelligent unique talents: Studies have shown a link organization: between lack of respect for diversity and anger in the workplace. 1. Hire capable people who love their work: Match people to the job and show them how 7. Be proactively responsive by doing the right they can be part of something larger than things to win the hearts and minds of your the organization. people: Stay in touch with the issues that are important to your employees. Pub nights, bagel 2. Compensate people fairly: Since “fairness” is a breakfasts and town halls can all help to identify perceived value, paying people more money is staff issues – and solutions. not always the answer. Sometimes job flexibility or training opportunities are valued more highly These insights are explored further in Stein’s latest than a raise. book, Make Your Workplace Great: The 7 Keys to an Emotionally Intelligent Organization, along with 3. Don't overwork (or underwork) people: Studies strategies that organizations can adapt to take their have shown that high performers often work performance to the next level. 11
  • 14. Companies searching for ways to sharpen their Lean culture: competitive edge are looking closely at lean manufacturing techniques, and for good reason. Pioneered by Toyota, then spreading to aerospace techniques for and other industries, lean processes have been Wisdom Exchange 2007 WORKSHOP credited with helping some companies gain huge efficiencies. Reductions of 50 per cent or more business growth in such areas as manufacturing lead times, inventory and overhead costs and improved quality and productivity have been reported. Scott Smith, PRESIDENT, Improvements of that magnitude have caught the HIGH PERFORMANCE SOLUTIONS INC. attention of business leaders everywhere, including Wisdom Exchange delegates who participated in the Strategies for a Lean Culture workshop. One company was eager to adapt lean strategies but lacked a coherent plan. Another company was moving to a new plant and wanted to set it up as a lean facility. A third firm wanted to learn how to sustain its lean approach after initial successes. Scott Smith, President of High Performance Solutions Inc., brought 20 years’ experience in lean implementation, continuous improvement and supply chain management to help workshop participants understand what “lean” really means and how they could start or expand their lean approaches to manufacturing. One of the myths that many people (especially nervous employees) believe about lean production is that it is just another euphemism for cutbacks. Nothing could be further from the truth. “Lean is about growth, not about reducing head count,” said Smith. “Lean is about eliminating waste. If employees come to believe it’s about head-count reduction, the lean program is dead.” The main drivers of ‘Lean’ are people (to foster lean thinking), processes (to eliminate waste), technology (to provide tools that support people and processes, and the end-result (customer success). 12
  • 15. More than 95 per cent of opportunities for cutting waste are found in production activities that don’t directly add value from the customer’s perspective such “ as downtime, too much inventory, overproduction and product defects. First and foremost, the lean approach is holistic. “It’s a whole enterprise tool that encompasses a company’s entire business, from preparing the quote to collecting the cash,” said Smith. “It shapes both the manufacturing value stream [things that directly add value] and the customer value stream [what the customer is willing to pay for].” Secondly, because the lean approach involves the entire company, responsibility for implementing it is Finally, energizing the lean culture is an unwavering shared throughout the organization. Everyone has commitment to continuous improvement. Smith a responsibility to spot where waste is occurring. suggested that companies focus on four improvement Everyone has a responsibility to identify objectives in their order of importance: opportunities for improvement. • Increased safety, which removes waste, avoids injury costs and fosters employee “More than 95 per cent of opportunities for cutting commitment to lean processes. Increased safety waste are found in production activities that don’t leads to . . . directly add value from the customer’s perspective • Increased through put, by reducing downtime. such as downtime, too much inventory, Slowing down to get the job done right overproduction and product defects,” said Smith. increases safety and also leads to . . . • Increased product quality. Higher product quality This company-wide sharing of responsibility leads to . . . and hands-on involvement needs to be • Lower costs, by reducing the need for rework to championed, supported, rewarded and sustained correct flaws. by management. It requires learning new skills. It involves significant investments of time Adopting lean manufacturing approaches is not a and money. quick fix. “Changing to a lean culture can be challenging and can’t be accomplished overnight,” For many firms, adopting lean techniques means a said Smith. “Your company should plan on dramatic change in corporate culture. “Company devoting three to 10 years to the effort.” culture plays a key role in moving toward lean,” Smith said. Creating and sustaining a successful In fact, the job of creating a lean production system lean culture requires company commitment in five is never complete. The most advanced lean key areas: practitioners (such as Toyota) continue to seek • Vision: Without vision, there will be confusion. improvements, even after many years of • Skills: Without skills, there will be employee implementing lean. anxiety. • Incentives: Without incentives, change will be On the other hand, the benefits continue to grow. at best gradual. Lean techniques helped Toyota become one of the • Resources: Without adequate resources, there world’s largest and most profitable companies. And will be frustration. that is a pretty solid endorsement of the power of • A plan: Without a plan, there will be false starts. thinking lean. 13
  • 16. 2. 1. 3. “There’s more money and more sources of money Financing growth: available to Ontario businesses than ever before,” said moderator Rick Spence in setting the tone for the Financing Growth workshop, a crash course some capital in how to identify the right type of capital for Wisdom Exchange 2007 WORKSHOP growing businesses. ideas Spence offered a few recent statistics to show why capital is more abundant than many entrepreneurs think: 1. Moderator: Rick Spence, • According to the Canadian Venture Capital SMALL-BUSINESS CONSULTANT and Private Equity Association, private capital 2. Dennis Ensing, Director, invested $5.1 billion in 36 disclosed buyout WISE MENTOR CAPITAL transactions in the first quarter of 2007, nearly 3. Ryan Kovac, Vice-President, half of the total amount invested in all of 2006. MMV FINANCIAL INC. • Venture-capital investment in the first quarter of 2007 totaled $598 million, a 61% increase over the first quarter of 2006. The growth in dollars invested was even stronger in Ontario, where $302 million was invested in 42 companies. • The Toronto Stock Exchange’s Venture Exchange facilitated $590 million in business financing in 2006, more than double the 2005 total. The new PROFIT 100 list of Canada’s Fastest- Growing Companies shows today’s top growth companies tap many kinds of financing. According to the June 2007 issue of PROFIT magazine, many PROFIT 100 companies use the following sources of financing: • Banks (76%) • Leasing (60%) • Friends or relatives (35%) • Public stock issues (28%) • Private investors (25%) • Venture capital (23%) • Foreign banks (17%) • Angel investors (16%) • Asset-based lending (9%) • Employees (8%) • Supplier (6%) • Commercial paper (4%) • Bond issues (2%) 14
  • 17. When pitching investors, enterpreneurs should focus on three key areas in the business plan: management, the market opportunity and your product or business. “ Another theme from this year’s Profit 100 list was explored: many growth firms advocate conservative financing. These companies try hard to minimize expenses and boost cash flow, so they are less dependent on outside financing. Some companies keep business plans and financial plans up-to-date and meet regularly with bankers, venture capitalists and other financial sources in order to understand what capital is available to them should they ever decide to use it. These penalties could be as severe as forced In the workshop discussion, detailed questions sale of the company or replacement of the about financial alternatives were answered by management team. Ryan Kovac, a former venture capitalist who now • How long should your business plan be? “ supplies “venture debt” as vice-president of MMV As a marketing document,” said Ensing, Financial Inc., and Dennis Ensing, an experienced “20 pages should be enough. In fact, he said CFO who now helps other companies raise money it is your one- or two-page executive summary as director of finance with Wise Mentor Capital. that will (or won’t) earn you a meeting with potential investors. Here are some of their key observations: • “When pitching investors, entrepreneurs • Web 2.0, health care and “clean tech” should focus on three key areas in the (environmental technologies) are currently business plan: management, the market considered “hot” by investors. opportunity and what’s unique about your • In discussing the cost of capital, Ensing plotted a product or business,” Kovac advised. chart of financial alternatives based on • To identify investors most likely to be receptive anticipated annual rates of return and the risks and interested in your business, Ensing advised: investors are willing to assume. He said angel “Do your research. Use a rifle, not a shotgun, to investors (private individuals making high-risk, find investors,” added Ensing. Don’t go to an IT early-stage venture investments) usually target venture-capital firm if you’ve got a biotech deal.” 50% to 60%, venture capitalists expect about • Kovac offered more details on venture debt, a 40%, while private equity about 25%. Expect to growing form of financing that is secured against pay 18% to 19% for venture debt (subordinated a company’s assets and intellectual property. debt for growth companies). The banks look for Mainly targeted to growth firms in technology 5% to 6% a year. and life sciences, venture debt includes an • There is another price to be paid for equity, equity kicker, but no financial covenants, says Ensing noted: “The higher you go on this Kovac. “We just want you to pay us back curve, the more intervention is sought by your every month.” financial partners.” • “Going public ideally should be an event • Ensing emphasized that business owners should of liquidity [i.e., cashing out of a company], focus more on the terms of a deal (and the not a financing event,” said Ensing. “Because shareholder’s agreement) than the cost of of the cost and complexity, going public financing. Conditions could include penalties for is the option of last resort; however, it can failure to achieve a “liquidity event” within a generate financing where other options have designated time period or for poor performance. been exhausted.” 15
  • 18. Defining Success: learning from the best practices of Ontario’s high performance firms The Ministry of Small Business and than 12 ‘best practice’ business activities. Wisdom Exchange 2007 MINISTRY PUBLICATION Entrepreneurship released a new report at Respondents also provided insights into focus the Wisdom Exchange on June 5, 2007. areas such as the nature of innovation, challenges for the future and important Defining Success: Learning from the Best business lessons learned. Practices of Ontario’s High Performance Firms provides an overview of the importance Notably, of the four best practices that of Ontario’s small and medium enterprises more than two-thirds of the CEOs rated as (SMEs) that employ 2.8 million people in most important, three were people-focused. Ontario and generate $120 billion in annual Having empowered employees with the economic activity. right skills and winning their commitment to growth were seen as key reasons for The report then focuses on high performance their success. SMEs as major contributors to Ontario’s economic vitality. High performance SMEs, have: The other top-ranked factor was the • Sales growth of at least 50 per cent in importance of developing and implementing three of the past five years; product- or service-innovation strategies. • Between 10 and 500 employees; and Many of the respondents said that • A global head office in Ontario. government programs had helped them conduct research and develop innovative To determine what critical business products and services. approaches led to high performance and growth of Ontario firms in today’s global To read more about the success factors of marketplace, Defining Success measures high performance firms in the Defining best practices used by leading SMEs to Success report, and to access Wisdom successfully grow their businesses. For this Exchange program updates, all of the study, Deloitte interviewed 130 business publications in the Leading Growth Firm owners, presidents, CEOs and other senior Series, the Ontario Business Program Guide, leaders in a variety of sectors across the and more, visit the Ministry’s new and province and identified the impact of more improved website at 16
  • 19.
  • 20. Contact: Ministry of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Business Advisory Services Branch Partnership and Business Development 56 Wellesley Street West, 4th Floor Toronto, Ontario, M7A 2E7 Printed in Ontario, Canada on recycled paper © Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2007