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Highlights from the forum for CEOs
Event Report                                       and presidents of Ontario’s leading
                                                   growth firms



               Strategies for Growth

               Ottawa Congress Centre, Ottawa, Ontario
               February 2008
On February 28, 2008, the Ontario Ministry of Small Business
                                         and Entrepreneurship hosted the 14th Wisdom Exchange for CEOs and
                                         presidents of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Participating firms
                                         from the manufacturing; professional, scientific and technical services;
                                         information and cultural industries; and service sectors ranged in size
                                         from 10 to 500 employees with annual sales between $2 million and
                                         $100 million. This report provides an overview of the insights shared
                                         by CEOs, topic experts and workshop presenters at the event.

                                         In this report
Wisdom Exchange 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS
Wisdom Exchange 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                          Going global: Entering new markets through partnerships                 3

                                          Power to perform: Tight focus sharpens Linamar’s competitive edge       4

                                          Sometimes things change: The new discipline of innovation               6

                                          Leadership: Establishing, living and measuring the mission              8

                                          Recruiting and retaining talent: Innovative approaches and solutions   10

                                          Capitalizing from green: An emerging business paradigm                 12

                                          Financing Growth: Reports from the front lines                         14

                                          Business Advisory Services: Your partner for growth                    15

“         We will continue to work with Ontario SMEs “
                                                  and industry associations to create a positive
                                                  business environment for growth, investment,
                                                  exports and innovation.

                                        Going global: Entering new markets
                                        through partnerships
Wisdom Exchange 2008 NETWORKING LUNCH

                                        The Honourable Harinder S. Takhar
                                        MINISTER OF SMALL BUSINESS
                                        AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP

                                        With business conditions shifting unpredictably     The Minister invited the audience to think of the
                                        across North America and around the world,          Ministry of Small Business and Entrepreneurship as
                                        leaders of Ontario’s small and medium               a partner in developing new markets world-wide.
                                        enterprises are recognizing and taking              Ontario has a network of 10 international
                                        advantage of global opportunities to innovate,      marketing centres, in New Delhi, New York,
                                        expand and open new markets.                        London, Los Angeles, Munich, Paris, Mexico City,
                                                                                            Beijing, Tokyo and Shanghai. These centres,
                                        In his opening remarks to CEOs and presidents       located in Canadian consulates, are there to assist
                                        at the Wisdom Exchange, Honourable Harinder         Ontario firms to make local contacts, participate in
                                        Takhar shared his views on global growth            trade shows and explore new markets.
                                        opportunities for Ontario’s SMEs. “The U.S.
                                        market is important, no question about it, but we   Recognizing the vital contribution of SMEs to
                                        also need to look at other markets like India,      the provincial economy, the Ontario government
                                        China and the Middle East where there are lots      created the Ministry of Small Business and
                                        of opportunities,” said the Minister.               Entrepreneurship as a one-stop-shop for support
                                                                                            and advocacy. “I thank you for all your hard
                                        In many countries, the best way to enter            work,” the Minister said. “You are the engine
                                        markets is through partnerships with local          of Ontario’s economy.”
                                        companies well established in the field. The
                                        Minister cited the example of Samco Machinery       In closing, Minister Takhar said, “We will
                                        Limited. A well-known designer and manufacturer     continue to work with Ontario SMEs and
                                        of roll-forming systems and equipment, Samco        industry associations to create a positive
                                        aggressively pursued international markets. One     business environment for growth, investment,
                                        of its recent successes was to form a partnership   exports and innovation, by providing a variety
                                        with Tata Ryerson Ltd. in India to make parts for   of programs, services and resources to help
                                        the ground-breaking US$2500 Nano car, which         companies committed to growth and innovation,
                                        is sending shockwaves through the international     like yours, to gain market intelligence, export
                                        auto industry. The other was a global alliance      assistance, support for new technologies and
                                        with Formia Tech Oy out of Finland, which also      access to government programs.”
                                        has manufacturing facilities in China. Samco
                                        evolved from a one-man operation with a sales       For more information on programs and services
                                        desk to a global enterprise with locations in       to support Ontario businesses at any stage along
                                        Canada, India, Finland and China, largely           their continuum of growth, visit the Ministry’s
                                        by innovating the company.                          website

Linamar Corporation is one of the great success stories
                                                                      of Ontario’s advanced manufacturing industry. From its
                                                                      beginning more than 40 years ago in Guelph, Linamar
                                                                      has grown to be a world-class designer and diversified

                                                                      manufacturer of precision metallic components and
                                            Power to perform:         systems for the automotive industry, and mobile industrial
                                                                      markets. Today, it has more than 11,700 employees
                                                                      and 37 manufacturing facilities around the world
                                            Tight focus               (25 in Canada).

                                                                      What strategies drove Linamar’s growth? More importantly,
                                            sharpens Linamar’s        what strategies is the company now pursuing to meet
                                                                      today’s challenges? In her keynote presentation at the
                                                                      Wisdom Exchange, Linamar Corporation’s Chief Executive
                                            competitive edge          Officer Linda Hasenfratz provided the inside view.

                                                                      Three drivers of success
                                            LINDA HASENFRATZ
                                                                      Linamar’s key business success factors in today’s volatile
                                            CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER   business environment lie in three areas: competitiveness,
                                            LINAMAR CORPORATION       finding and pursuing opportunities, and maintaining a
                                                                      strong culture.

                                                                      “Competitiveness is about innovation, efficiency, speed,”
                                                                      said Hasenfratz. “We’re always learning, finding new
                                                                      and better ways to do things. New technologies and
                                                                      new materials are coming along all the time, so there
                                                                      are always opportunities to improve.”

                                                                      Linamar’s focus on competitiveness places product and
                                                                      process innovation and living Lean through continuous
                                                                      improvement high on its list of success strategies. The
                                                                      company has adopted many Lean processes, and the
                                                                      continuous improvement philosophy runs throughout the
                                                                      organization, from the plant floor through to planning,
                                                                      purchasing, labour-cost management and beyond.
                                                                      “You don’t do a ‘lean’ exercise once,” Hasenfratz said.
                                                                      “We’ve been doing it for about five years, every single
                                                                      day. It’s a never-ending journey.”

                                                                      For Linamar, competitiveness also involves minimizing
                                                                      risks wherever possible. As a multinational organization,
                                                                      volatile exchange rates can be a real headache and
                                                                      very costly. To mitigate this risk, Linamar makes a point of

         You don’t do a ‘lean’ exercise once. We’ve been
         doing it for about five years, every single day. It’s
         a never-ending journey.

buying materials and services in the countries they sell
in, which creates a natural currency hedge.

The pursuit of global opportunities
Over the years, product and market diversification has
been one of Linamar’s core strategies both to mitigate
risk and grow the business. At the beginning, Linamar
machined parts. Now it designs and manufactures full
systems. In the early days, it built power drives for
Renault. Now it manufactures scissor lifts.
                                                           senior executives ‘walk the talk’ and demonstrate the
“The key is to identify the hot buttons of your            same attitudes and behaviours expected from the rest
customers—or your customers’ customers,” said              of the workforce.
Hasenfratz. Meeting those customer needs in a way
that makes competitive sense could mean opening            “The Linamar Way” focuses its efforts on people
plants in other parts of the world, she continued,         development, which includes succession planning,
because “customers buy our camshafts not because           as a key enabler to the company’s success. “We
of where they were manufactured but by what it can         spent a good deal of time over the past ten years
do for them.”                                              defining who we are and how we want to do
                                                           business,” said Hasenfratz. “We realize that, for
Linamar has a strong global presence and facilities in     us, success in every area depends on having smart,
Canada, Germany, Korea, Mexico, the U.S.A.,                capable people with a skill based foundation. Once
Hungary and China. Hasenfratz said there are               we find those people, we want to keep them.”
huge opportunities in foreign markets and identified
aggressive market penetration in areas of opportunity      Rewards play a significant role in how Linamar recognizes
as a way to maximize potential towards a prosperous        the contributions of staff to the company’s overall success.
future. Thinking globally, Hasenfratz listed Linamar’s     The Stepping Stool Awards and Bonus program’s goal
operational philosophies as:                               setting and performance measurement system, part of
                                                           the ‘lean’ strategy, has paid out $57 million in awards
• Small manageable autonomous profit centres               and bonuses since 1999.
• Product focused factories utilizing flexible equipment
  wherever possible                                        That drive for continuous improvement with a close
• Plant clusters (link and leverage)                       eye on the bottom line is at the heart of Linamar’s
• Decentralized organization                               outlook for growing the company in the decades to
• Commitment to continuous improvement                     come. “We’re always evolving how we do things,”
• Stepping Stool goal setting and performance              said Hasenfratz. “The Tata $2,500 Nano car means
  measurement                                              re-thinking engines. You can’t just cut costs by 90%,
                                                           you have to re-think the whole thing.”
Rewarding success
The foundation for the company’s continuing growth,        Despite the turmoil in the auto industry, Hasenfratz is
Hasenfratz believes, is the strong culture they’ve built   a firm believer that “in every challenge there is opportunity.
at Linamar. It’s marked by open communication,             In the words of Henry Ford—a plane always takes off into
rewarding real contributions and making sure that          the wind.”

We’ve all heard it a thousand times: innovation is the key
                                                             to growth. But what if almost everything we believed about
                                                             innovation is wrong?

                                                             That might explain why only about four per cent of all
                               Sometimes things              innovation efforts are successful, says Larry Keeley. Fortunately,
                                                             a new discipline of innovation is emerging today that can
                                                             dramatically increase innovation success rates into the 35
                               change:                       to 70 per cent range. That’s not just wishful thinking. Keeley
                                                             mentioned one of Canada’s most respected business thinkers,
                                                             Roger Martin, Dean of the University of Toronto’s Rotman
Wisdom Exchange 2008 PLENARY

                               The new discipline            School of Management, is currently reinventing the training
                                                             of MBAs to increase the success rate of innovation.

                                                             Keeley, a renowned innovation strategist and business advisor
                               of innovation                 who has worked to develop more effective growth strategies
                                                             and innovation methods for over 27 years, while working with
                               LARRY KEELEY                  some of the largest firms in the world, takes a practical and
                               PRESIDENT, DOBLIN INC.        business-minded approach to innovation. He captivated the
                                                             Wisdom Exchange audience for 90 minutes with his droll
                               INNOVATION STRATEGIST
                                                             sense of humour and keen insights on innovation.
                               AND PROFESSOR
                               CHICAGO INSTITUTE OF DESIGN   Keeley believes that most successful innovations are not just a
                                                             happy product of random inspiration but the direct result of
                                                             corporate or community leaders setting goals and making
                                                             things happen. Innovation needs to be a hands-on process that
                                                             personally engages an organization’s leaders.

                                                             As Keeley explained: Out of problems and strategy comes a
                                                             vision, and that vision is applied to a solution, which can
                                                             differentiate an organization from the competition. He cited
                                                             three transformative examples of problem-solving combined
                                                             with leadership that led to innovations in North America,
                                                             Europe and Asia:

                                                             • Helsinki, Finland’s Municipal Lighting Project: Helsinki
                                                               has become a global centre for innovations in lighting,
                                                               which, Keeley pointed out, makes sense “because it’s friggin’
                                                               dark there for a lot of the year.”
                                                             • Tata Group: In India, the Tata Group are recognized as
                                                               one of the world’s finest hospitality chains. The brand is
                                                               synonymous with luxury and high-quality service. For
                                                               price-driven consumers, Tata Group developed an entirely
                                                               new approach to low-cost, high-style hotels called Ginger.
                                                               Their slogan is “Welcome to the world of smart basics. No
                                                               frills chic, Indian style.”
“         If you hear about a new technology or innovative discovery
          that might be important to your business, find out where
          you can go to see it in person. You can’t just experience
          it intellectually. You have to feel it in your gut.

• Suntech and Dr. Zhengrong: In China, Suntech’s Dr. Shi
  Zhengrong is creating the world’s most efficient passive
  solar arrays. The main Olympic stadium in Beijing is
  powered almost entirely by passive solar energy. The
  outcome: remarkable environmental savings.

“If you hear about a new technology or innovative
discovery that might be important to your business, find
out where you can go to see it in person,” Keeley
recommended. “You can’t just experience it intellectually.
You have to feel it in your gut.”                                 creates a unique and holistic customer experience only
                                                                  loosely controlled by the platform owner; usually supported
He further advised, “As leaders you have to shape change          by proprietary technologies; and typically characterized by
and redefine your business. Figure out what is fundamentally      interdependent products and services provided through a
and permanently changing in your industry and address this        network of business partners.
shift—even if it scares you. Pick a focus, he recommends,
and aim to be the best.”                                          Money, printing, free markets and capital markets,
                                                                  property ownership and the Internet are on his list of
The first step in making the innovation process more effective    15 Top innovations of all time. “All of these platforms,”
and efficient, said Keeley, is myth-busting. Contrary to          explained Keeley, “transcended enterprises, industries
popular belief, innovation is not random, ‘eureka!’ inspiration   and political borders.” Google, TIVO, MS Windows XP,
that comes out of the blue. “Nonsense,” he says. “It’s about      Yahoo and eBay are examples of the popular consumer
taking a disciplined approach that has clearly stated goals       platforms today. “All of the important stuff now cuts across
and is guided by metrics that matter.” There are now proven       companies and markets.” He added: “Think of modern
innovation protocols and diagnostics that help keep               bikes as a system of platforms, where a bike is
people focused.                                                   assembled by choosing your own frame, peddles,
                                                                  seat, stem, handle bars, wheels, etc.”
According to innovation studies, the big winners in the inno-
vation game over the past ten years got rich by developing        Keeley shared 10 types of innovation to move beyond
innovative processes or partnerships, not products or             products to win. Studies have shown that if you can
technologies. For example, Dell Computer’s success came           integrate six or more at once, you will achieve disruptive
from breakthroughs in their business model, financing,            market changes.
service, brand, and customer experience, but not product.
In fact, the strength of their consumer offer came from            1. Business model (how the enterprise makes money)
positioning their product—a computer or peripherals—as             2. Networking (value chain and partnering)
a reliably standardized commodity.                                 3. Enabling process (assembling capabilities)
                                                                   4. Core process (creating greater efficiencies)
The runaway success of the iPOD is not simply because it’s         5. Product performance (basic failures, performance
a better MP3 player. The iPOD is an innovative platform that          and functionality)
extends beyond a single industry and involves partners             6. Product system (product extensions that surround
including the iTunes software suite, an on-line music store           an offering)
and third-party accessories to create an integrated music          7. Service (how you support your customers)
“solution” for consumers.                                          8. Channel (how you reach your customers)
                                                                   9. Brand (how your customers perceive you)
Keeley believes in an interconnected world, platforms matter      10. Customer experience (intangible benefits received by
most. He defined a platform as an integrated offering that            your customers)innovation.”
1.               2.

                                                             The look of today’s business leaders ranges from traditional
                                                             blue suits of Bay Street bankers to the funky informality of
                                                             digital gamers, but the essential skills of great leadership
                                                             remain the same.

                                Leadership:                  Exactly what defines great leadership was the source
                                                             of hot debate among CEOs in this workshop where
                                                             management styles spanned the spectrum, but their shared
                                Establishing, living         commitment to leadership and what it meant to business
Wisdom Exchange 2008 WORKSHOP

                                                             growth showed there was a lot of common ground.

                                and measuring                For Ian Curry, President and CEO of DNA Genotek,
                                                             leadership starts with setting the course for both the
                                                             company and employees, and the cornerstone of this
                                the mission                  process is designing a mission statement.

                                                             “Lots of people don’t want to talk about mission statements
                                1. DON GIBBS                 because they think mission statements are too ‘artsy’ or high-
                                   CHAIRMAN AND CEO          level,” said Curry. “But our experience has been that it can
                                   TARQUIN GROUP INC.        be a powerful tool for the organization.”

                                2. IAN CURRY                 The proof of his approach may well be in the company
                                   PRESIDENT AND CEO         balance sheets. DNA Genotek, which manufactures and
                                   DNA GENOTEK INC.          markets a breakthrough DNA collection kit, has been lauded
                                                             by everyone from the World Economic Forum to TIME
                                                             magazine. Revenues and the number of employees have both
                                                             grown by 100 per cent every year for the past four years.

                                                             Corporate mission statements are often designed to include
                                                             everything and offend no one. But it can be more than that.
                                                             For Curry, the key is to make the mission statement meaningful
                                                             and a living part of the hearts and minds of all employees.
                                                             One hundred per cent buy-in is critically important.

                                                             To help accomplish this, DNA Genotek engages all employees
                                                             one-on-one in a ‘partial sentence exercise’ where staff
                                                             members are asked to finish an incomplete statements about
                                                             the company such as:

                                                             • “The things I value most at work are…”
                                                             • “I believe our mission is to…”
                                                             • “We will be successful when…”
                                                             • “I believe our customers are…”
                                                             • The key issues/standards we must maintain with
                                                               vigilance are…”

“         As CEOs we sometimes make too many assumptions
          about what our employees know and don’t know.

“As CEOs we sometimes make too many assumptions about
what our employees know and don’t know,” said Curry. The
similarities and differences of the answers are discussed in
what Ian described as “getting what is in people’s heads on
paper,” and “100% participation equates to 100% buy in.”
In addition to achieving buy-in, the practice also has an
important result: clarifying what your employees think, know
and don’t know about your business.

According to Curry, the mission statement may appear
simple, but it should project the aim and direction of the      Other points raised were:
company, and the intellectual/philosophical origins of these
goals. It should be clear, concise and doable.                  • How do you ask and impart employee opinion in a
                                                                  company of 150 rather than 30?
The discussion broadened to cover on-going leadership           • How are new values ingrained in larger companies?
challenges, such as motivating staff, planning for the          • How does the company’s values and character change
future and coping with the impact of success. A number            when the firm’s revenue goes up from $2 to $10 million?
of participants felt a mission statement was only part          • How many companies had excellent mission statements,
of a complex set of requirements for business growth,             yet failed?
including long and short term strategies, capable
and diligent execution and getting the right people             “The mission statement should be under constant
on the bus.                                                     evaluation,” Curry said. It should serve as a benchmark
                                                                of the company’s success, built on questions like:
Others emphasized “company fit,” suggesting that no
amount of commitment to a mission statement was going           • Would I recommend us to your colleagues
to be able to adapt an individual who simply did not fit the      (customer satisfaction)?
culture. One CEO said his experience was that employees         • How would I rate our company against its mission
tend to “self edit” when a company vision does not coincide       statement (1-10)?
with their own. Another pointed out that peer pressure is a     • Does the mission statement translate into customer
factor in bringing people together. Another issue was how         satisfaction?
a firm’s vision impacts recruiting and retention “in this age
of difficult staffing challenges.”                              Curry suggested ways of keeping the mission alive, such
                                                                as sharing testimonials and ‘mission statement stories’ from
Don Gibbs, a successful financier and leader in a               customers and end users. He underscored the importance of
spectrum of firms, from start-ups to acquisitions, has          bringing people together, aligning their vision and allowing
been instrumental in building several of Canada’s most          them to collectively respond to change. “Mining the visions
successful technology companies. Gibbs believes, “To            of your employees is the most critical component of this form
really learn a business, you have to live and die in it.” He    of leadership,” Curry said, “and finding tangible ways of
started his career with Leigh Instruments and then moved        engagement to keep the mission alive day-to-day.”
to Mitel Corporation as its CFO, where in eight years, he
helped the company go public and grow in sales revenue          Although approaches differ, the goal of workshop
to $250 million. As CFO of Cognos Inc. he successfully          participants was the same…to lead and grow their
took it public. Today, as Chairman and CEO of Tarquin           companies. For Genotek, its mission statement has
Group Inc., Don leads by example and plays a primary            proven to be a powerful tool in helping to achieve
role in the day-to-day efforts of his firm.                     the company’s impressive growth rates.

1.                            2.

                                                                           For most employers, finding and keeping good people is one
                                                                           of the toughest challenges, and the competition for talent is
                                                                           becoming even tougher.

                                                                           Dr. Michel Jullian of Ottawa-based OCM Manufacturing Inc.
                                Recruiting and                             has been through the hiring process numerous times and has
                                                                           developed some innovative approaches and effective solutions
                                                                           to improve his firm’s recruitment and retention (R&R) success rate.
                                retaining talent:
Wisdom Exchange 2008 WORKSHOP

                                                                           OCM, with a small management team and staff of 50,
                                                                           provides turnkey electronics manufacturing services for small
                                Innovative                                 and mid-sized companies whose products include electronics.
                                                                           Customers are in the transportation, industrial, consumer,
                                                                           medical, oil and gas, mining, security, and instrument and
                                approaches                                 controls sectors.

                                                                           The three top R&R considerations at OCM are attracting
                                and solutions                              and retaining good people, satisfying a diverse workforce,
                                                                           and maintaining both quality and processes through good
                                                                           ongoing performance.
                                1. DR. MICHEL JULLIAN, PANELIST
                                   PRESIDENT & CEO                         One challenge OCM grappled with, once they attracted the
                                   OCM MANUFACTURING INC.                  right potential employees, was that the hiring process did not
                                                                           screen the candidates very effectively. “There are always some
                                2. MICHAEL PALMER, PANELIST                people who are great at interviews,” said Jullian. “They’re per-
                                   VICE-PRESIDENT AND GLOBAL LEADER        sonable, they say all the right things, but then they’re not very
                                   TALENT ACQUISITION PRACTICE             good when they get the job.”
                                   CERIDIAN CANADA
                                                                           In 2005, OCM went through a corporate re-branding
                                                                           process to heighten its “brand name recognition” and attract
                                                                           both customers and talent that would be a great fit. A new
                                                                           corporate identity, website and media presence were
                                                                           created to increase OCM’s competitiveness in the local
                                                                           market, both as a supplier and employer.

                                                                           OCM’s revamped approach to hiring incorporated an industrial
                                                                           psychologist who developed standardized questions, a
                                                                           multi-stage interview process that includes three interviews with
                                                                           three different people, asking open-ended questions, and having
                                                                           candidates complete a computer-based behavioural test on site.
                                                                           For specialized positions, Jullian hires recruitment experts.

                                                                           With employees ranging in age from Gen X to Boomers
                                                                           of numerous mother tongues from many geographic regions,
                                                                           Jullian understands the importance of satisfying the needs of a

“                                       “
          People want to be treated fairly. If there is a survey in place
          you can use to establish your wage rates, use it. We
          have profit sharing and are very open in our communication
          with employees.

diverse workforce. OCM has developed four broad solutions
to meet their diversified needs:

1. Open communication to understand each other
2. Recognize you can’t assess or reward everyone in the
   same way
3. Provide a mixture of advantages (good wages, health
   and dental benefits, lenient vacation schedule,
   telecommuting, flex hours and job sharing, and perks
   like cell phone, laptops, etc.)
4. Team building and social events                                 Palmer and Jullian agreed that one of the most important
                                                                   aspects of retention is engaging your workforce. Work has
“Innovative benefits should help staff meet their real needs,”     to be meaningful to all generations; the millenials (currently
said Jullian. For example, recent immigrants who return to         18-25 years soon to be leaving university or college),
their native country for several weeks each year to visit family   Generations X and Y as well as the baby boomers.
are offered a flexible vacation schedule that allows employ-       “At OCM, we give quarterly updates on the business and
ees the “extra” time off without compensation.                     employees feel more connected because they can see
                                                                   where their efforts can make a difference,” said Jullian. “By
“People want to be treated fairly,” he said. ”If there is a        empowering employees with knowledge and training, they
survey in place you can use to establish your wage rates,          engage in the company’s success.”
use it.” He adds, “We have profit sharing and are very
open in our communication with employees.”                         After you have found and hired the right person, one of the
                                                                   best ways to keep them is to make sure they get the right
Michael Palmer of Ceridian Canada, a thriving HR/Payroll           first impression of the company. OCM has a Great Start
outsourcer for many SMEs—primarily in high technology,             program, where a buddy is on hand. Everything is set up
financial services and telecomm—talked about the                   to welcome and show new hires the ropes, which helps them
importance of tailoring the message to find the candidate.         to confirm their choice. The program focuses on company
                                                                   culture and helps employees to live and experience the
Palmer said, “You can’t just post a job ad and pray                employment brand.
that you’ll get good candidates. Recruiting is not about
posting and praying. Recruiting is figuring out what               With its employment brand well underway, OCM continues
you need and strategizing where to find people to fill             to leverage its talent pool to communicate new openings and
that need.”                                                        build its candidate network. The firm’s Chinese operation was
                                                                   launched four years ago and Jullian continues to promote the
Taking it a step further, “you have to market tough to fill        company through OCM’s website, newsletters and white
positions, not just advertise to fill them,” he advised. To        papers. With HR processes in place, OCM tracks candidates
attract the right people and tailor your recruiting messaging      against a specific requisition and metrics. The policy is to find
and vehicle to various audiences, Palmer offered the               a way to respond to each and every candidate: when they
following tips:                                                    apply, when they are declined and they are selected.
• Analyze your workforce and break it down into categories
   if possible                                                     With a greatly improved R&R success rate and quality /process
• Identify what elements of the job and benefits are impor-        solutions in play, OCM now “avoids the black hole” when new
   tant to applicants in particular categories                     positions become available and Dr. Jullian continues to foster an
• Determine where certain types of candidates are likely to        environment where every individual can experience his/her
   seek employment                                                 contribution to the company as a way of life.


                                       1.                      3.

                                                                    “Going green” has suddenly slipped into the mainstream,
                                                                    taking many companies and consumers by surprise. Now,
                                                                    many leading growth firms are exploring what it all means
                                                                    and how they can begin to reduce their carbon footprint.

                                Capitalizing                        Niel Hiscox, publisher of Green Business magazine, is
                                                                    watching the impact unfold at companies in many sectors.
                                                                    The whole discussion, he reports, has shifted from ‘green’
                                from green:                         advocacy to a hard-nosed analysis of ROI (return-on-investment),
Wisdom Exchange 2008 WORKSHOP

                                                                    strategic implementation and decision-making issues.

                                An emerging                         New companies, such as Patagonia clothing, are emerging
                                                                    that have sustainable materials and processes as a core part
                                                                    of who they are and how they do business.
                                business paradigm
                                                                    Major corporations, such as Interface, the world’s largest
                                                                    carpet manufacturer, are transforming themselves into widely
                                1. NIEL HISCOX, MODERATOR
                                                                    recognized world leaders in sustainability practices.
                                   GREEN BUSINESS MAGAZINE          Still other companies are devastated when they discover that
                                                                    they have huge liabilities in terms of environmental clean-ups
                                2. TOM HEINTZMAN, PANELIST          for issues that no one had even thought about ten or twenty
                                   PRESIDENT                        years ago.
                                   BULLFROG POWER INC.
                                                                    “Everybody agrees that sustainability is going to be the
                                3. THIBAUT MILLET, PANELIST         next big thing because it changes the shareholder value
                                   SENIOR MANAGER                   paradigm of business costs and risks,” said panellist
                                                                    Thibaut Millet from Deloitte and Touche. “People are
                                   CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY
                                                                    beginning to realize that sustainability has the potential
                                   & SUSTAINABILITY SERVICES        for both value creation and value protection.” Defined by
                                   DELOITTE & TOUCHE                Millet, “sustainability is simply how a company manages
                                                                    its business to generate shareholder value, while having a
                                                                    positive impact on the community, and minimizing adverse
                                                                    impact on the environment.”

                                                                    The value-creation concept was born out in a comment
                                                                    from the president of a firm providing packaging and
                                                                    crating for all industries. “Customers want less packaging,
                                                                    customers want shorter supply chains, customers want
                                                                    branding, and customers want to get an edge over their
                                                                    competitors. This has actually driven down our costs,”
                                                                    he said.

                                                                    Niel Hiscox related how consumer behaviour and ‘going
                                                                    green’ are not always clear. He recently attended a media
                                                                    briefing at the Canadian auto show where presidents of the
“         Sustainability is simply how a company manages its
          business to generate shareholder value, while having
          a positive impact on the community, and minimizing
          adverse impact on the environment.

major car companies participated in a panel discussion on
green initiatives. “These senior executives are seeing a very
big disconnect between consumer awareness of sustainability
issues and any connections with their purchasing decisions,”
stated Hiscox. “Consumers are saying ‘yes, environmental
issues are very important to me,’ then they are getting in their
SUVs and driving away.”

“The continuing escalation of gas prices may change
consumer response, but price pressures are not the only
drivers of behavioural change,” said Tom Heintzman,                In exploring green opportunities, Hiscox advised it’s not just
President of Bullfrog Power Inc. Launched in 2005, Bullfrog        about products. It’s also about processes, how you manage
provides residential and commercial customers in Ontario           infrastructure, waste, and looking through the entire
and Alberta with clean, green power from 100 percent               organization to identify, implement and sustain green
renewable sources such as wind power and low-impact                initiatives. “Part of it means understanding your own customer
hydro facilities.                                                  base to see what their concerns are about you,” he added.
                                                                   “Customers are always looking for leaders. In addition to
“There is a diverse range of companies that have chosen to         financial gains, your green image can help you to head a
go green and a long list of reasons why,” said Heintzman,          market, keep customers and be perceived as an innovator,”
who talks with businesses every day about sustainability           Hiscox added. All of these merits can add to the bottom line,
issues. For some companies, their motives are altruistic: they     which one CEO attested to, having won an environmental
simply want to reduce the environmental impact of their            award that resulted in a “big payoff” for the company.
activities. Others may want to earn a position on the Dow
Jones sustainability index. Still others see it as a competitive   Some participants found themselves struggling to balance
advantage because they can add “green” points to their             their desire to go green with practical concerns. “I take our
customers’ value chains.                                           social responsibilities seriously and we are interested in
                                                                   having a product that is as environmentally friendly as
“More and more, we’re hearing that the impact on                   possible,” said the head of a specialty manufacturer of a
internal staff is as important as the external impact on           comfort and safety product for men and women. “Then I
customers,” Heintzman said. “In terms of attracting top            look at components that go into our products. Some of them
talent, people want to work for companies that reflect             travel 10,000 miles to get here. We are green in many
their personal beliefs.”                                           ways, but how can I go to my customers and say this is a
                                                                   green product?” The panel recommended transparency is
Green initiatives are no longer just for activists, as             the best policy.
environment and social issues are, more and more,
becoming a public concern and critical factor for                  For Ontario manufacturers wishing to reduce their greenhouse
government policy and corporate strategy. A critical question      gas emissions, Heintzman offered a simplified outline:
is “how to differentiate your company?”
                                                                   1. Gather baseline data on energy use, use of recycled
According to a survey of 500 business executives conducted            materials etc.
by Grant Thornton, “Company executives believe that                2. Reduce consumption through efficiencies, conservation,
corporate responsibility programs can positively impact their         new technologies, etc.
business and help achieve strategic goals (…) 77 percent           3. Buy green products and services to replace those that
said they expect corporate responsibility initiatives to have         you can’t eliminate.
a major impact on their business strategies over the next          4. Offset your greenhouse gases, as a last resort, by
several years.”                                                       purchasing carbon credits.
Financing the growth of high performance companies has always been
                                     a challenge, but today’s economic and financial market conditions are
                                     enough to test the most optimistic entrepreneur.
                                     Amidst these somewhat discouraging and contradictory conditions,
                                     16 CEOs from Ontario firms sat down to discuss financing growth.
                                     Breaking from the usual workshop format, the moderators rearranged
                                     the seating into a large square so everyone could talk face-to-face .
1.                              2.

                                     Financing growth:
                                     Reports from the front lines
                                     1. DENNIS ENSING, MODERATOR                      ‘You’re our partner. We want you to help us
                                        PARTNER                                       find additional financing.’ That’s when they
                                        WISE MENTOR CAPITAL                           brought in BDC.”
Wisdom Exchange 2008 WORKSHOP

                                     2. DENIS GODCHARLES, MODERATOR                   Business Development Bank of
                                        MANAGING PRINCIPAL                            Canada (BDC)
                                        INTERIS CONSULTING INC.                       “Our experience with BDC has been quite
                                                                                      good. Our bank really loves working with
                                     To kick-start the discussion, co-moderator       BDC. We find that it’s not too intrusive, the
                                     Dennis Ensing pitched out the provocative        conditions are quite reasonable.”
                                     question: “So, how are banks
                                     treating you these days?”                        Export Development Canada (EDC)
                                                                                      “The EDC is also a good way to check a
                                     Following are fly-on-the-wall quotes from        company’s credit. If EDC won’t insure them,
                                     participating CEOs with the names omitted.       you may not want to get involved.”

                                     Commercial banks                                 Private equity
                                     “We’ve found that if you’ve got good EBITA       “VC’s (venture capitalists) want 25–40%
                                     (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation   return per year. Angels want 60%.”
                                     and amortization) you can get pretty
                                     good deals.”                                     “The question is, what do you give up? Everyone
                                                                                      thinks the magic number is 50%. It’s not. It all
                                     “We recently went bank shopping and I was        depends on how the deal is structured. The key
                                     really surprised that they all came back with    is your relationship with your investors and your
                                     very different platforms, very different         agreement with your Board.”
                                     approaches. Some banks won’t look at
                                     SRE&D financing credits, others will.”           Words of wisdom
                                                                                      “You have to ask yourself—Is money really
                                     “We put a lot of effort into our relationship    the missing engine of growth? Sure, it’s an
                                     with our bank. We’ve been with them 12           easy answer. But sometimes you need
                                     years. We tell them that, every two years,       innovation or new management. Sometimes
                                     we’ll benchmark them against the best offer      it’s really important to step back and think
                                     we can get. At one point, we told them           about it.”

The Ministry of Small Business and Entrepreneurship
                                                                                    delivers direct support to Ontario business leaders to
                                                                                    help small and medium sized companies (SMEs) identify
                                                                                    and access critical information, key resources and expert
                                                                                    advice needed to overcome obstacles or pursue new
                                                                                    growth opportunities.
                                                                                    Bob Marrs, Director, Business Advisory Services with Dennis Ensing, Partner,
                                                                                    Wise Mentor Capital and Dr. Michel Jullian, President, OCM Manufacturing Inc.

                                                      Business Advisory Services:
                                                      Your partner for growth
                                                      As a sounding board to provide unbiased,              government funding programs, and information on
                                                      objective and strategic advice, the Ministry’s        other programs of interest to Ontario manufacturers
                                                      team of experienced business advisors located         and exporters.
                                                      in twelve regional offices across Ontario have
                                                      assisted literally thousands of companies over        Leading Growth Firm Series
                                                      the years. Business advisors have a network of        The Leading Growth Firm Series of publications
                                                      business contacts in both the pubic and private       researches and promotes the effective
                                                      sector to assist with market intelligence,            management practices of CEOs and presidents
                                                      R&D programs, export assistance, support              of successful Ontario firms. Report 16: Thinking
                                                      for innovation and new technology, and                Lean…Improving performance, customer
                                                      expansion plans.                                      satisfaction and the bottom line was released in
                                                                                                            April, 2008. The series delves into a range of
                                                      With expertise in business planning, finance,         critical business issues and shares best practices,
                                                      exporting, and more, one of your local advisors       growth strategies, tactics and perspectives through
                                                      will get to know your company, assess its             interviews/profiles of CEOs of successful Ontario
                                                      operations and identify issues that are crucial to    SMEs, insights from topic experts, lessons learned
                                                      your firm’s growth. Business Advisory Services        from corporations and resource information.To
                                                      connects you to government programs and               access all of the reports, visit
                                                      services, networking, and growth opportunities        (click Leading Growth Firm Series).
                                                      through events, workshops, seminars,
                                                      publications and one-on-one consultation.             The Ontario Oil Sands Connection
                                                                                                            Business Advisory Services is working to connect
                                                      The Wisdom Exchange                                   qualified Ontario manufacturers and suppliers
                                                      Now in its 14th year, the Wisdom Exchange is          with the right Alberta Oil Sands opportunities.
                                                      “the forum” where CEOs and presidents of              Alberta Oil Sands development is creating
                                                      Ontario’s leading growth firms meet to hear from      demand for manufactured products from across
                                                      top business strategists, share knowledge, learn      North America, with an estimated $170 billion in
                                                      best practices and make valuable business             oil sands related development. With a focus on
                                                      connections. For information on past Wisdom           metal fabrication and industrial machinery,
                                                      Exchange events, visit          equipment and service sectors, Business Advisory
                                                                                                            Services has developed the means to connect
                                                      The Breakfast Series                                  you with a pipeline of opportunities. One of our
                                                      Business Advisory Services just launched a series     Business Advisors will consult with you to assess
                                                      of breakfast sessions to support Ontario business     your current position and help develop your
                                                      leaders by exploring timely growth topics and         Oil Sands Market Development Plan.
                                                      providing the latest on government programs and (Click Grow Your
                                                      initiatives. The first three events in southwestern   Business/Talk to Experts).
                                                      Ontario (June, 2008) feature a presentation/
                                                      discussion on Lean and how it is reshaping            Let Business Advisory Services help
                                                      manufacturing, updates on two new Ontario             to put the pieces together for you!              15

                                                                 Ministry of Small Business

                                                                     and Entrepreneurship

                                                        Business Advisory Services Branch

                                                     Partnership and Business Development

                                                       56 Wellesley Street West, 4th Floor

                                                               Toronto, Ontario, M7A 2E7


Printed in Ontario, Canada on recycled paper   © Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2008

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Wisdom Exchange 2008 - Strategies for Growth

  • 1. Highlights from the forum for CEOs Event Report and presidents of Ontario’s leading growth firms WISDOM 2008 EXCHANGE Strategies for Growth 14TH WISDOM EXCHANGE CONFERENCE Ottawa Congress Centre, Ottawa, Ontario February 2008
  • 2. On February 28, 2008, the Ontario Ministry of Small Business and Entrepreneurship hosted the 14th Wisdom Exchange for CEOs and presidents of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Participating firms from the manufacturing; professional, scientific and technical services; information and cultural industries; and service sectors ranged in size from 10 to 500 employees with annual sales between $2 million and $100 million. This report provides an overview of the insights shared by CEOs, topic experts and workshop presenters at the event. In this report Wisdom Exchange 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS Wisdom Exchange 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS Going global: Entering new markets through partnerships 3 Power to perform: Tight focus sharpens Linamar’s competitive edge 4 Sometimes things change: The new discipline of innovation 6 Leadership: Establishing, living and measuring the mission 8 Recruiting and retaining talent: Innovative approaches and solutions 10 Capitalizing from green: An emerging business paradigm 12 Financing Growth: Reports from the front lines 14 Business Advisory Services: Your partner for growth 15 2
  • 3. We will continue to work with Ontario SMEs “ and industry associations to create a positive business environment for growth, investment, exports and innovation. Going global: Entering new markets through partnerships Wisdom Exchange 2008 NETWORKING LUNCH The Honourable Harinder S. Takhar MINISTER OF SMALL BUSINESS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP With business conditions shifting unpredictably The Minister invited the audience to think of the across North America and around the world, Ministry of Small Business and Entrepreneurship as leaders of Ontario’s small and medium a partner in developing new markets world-wide. enterprises are recognizing and taking Ontario has a network of 10 international advantage of global opportunities to innovate, marketing centres, in New Delhi, New York, expand and open new markets. London, Los Angeles, Munich, Paris, Mexico City, Beijing, Tokyo and Shanghai. These centres, In his opening remarks to CEOs and presidents located in Canadian consulates, are there to assist at the Wisdom Exchange, Honourable Harinder Ontario firms to make local contacts, participate in Takhar shared his views on global growth trade shows and explore new markets. opportunities for Ontario’s SMEs. “The U.S. market is important, no question about it, but we Recognizing the vital contribution of SMEs to also need to look at other markets like India, the provincial economy, the Ontario government China and the Middle East where there are lots created the Ministry of Small Business and of opportunities,” said the Minister. Entrepreneurship as a one-stop-shop for support and advocacy. “I thank you for all your hard In many countries, the best way to enter work,” the Minister said. “You are the engine markets is through partnerships with local of Ontario’s economy.” companies well established in the field. The Minister cited the example of Samco Machinery In closing, Minister Takhar said, “We will Limited. A well-known designer and manufacturer continue to work with Ontario SMEs and of roll-forming systems and equipment, Samco industry associations to create a positive aggressively pursued international markets. One business environment for growth, investment, of its recent successes was to form a partnership exports and innovation, by providing a variety with Tata Ryerson Ltd. in India to make parts for of programs, services and resources to help the ground-breaking US$2500 Nano car, which companies committed to growth and innovation, is sending shockwaves through the international like yours, to gain market intelligence, export auto industry. The other was a global alliance assistance, support for new technologies and with Formia Tech Oy out of Finland, which also access to government programs.” has manufacturing facilities in China. Samco evolved from a one-man operation with a sales For more information on programs and services desk to a global enterprise with locations in to support Ontario businesses at any stage along Canada, India, Finland and China, largely their continuum of growth, visit the Ministry’s by innovating the company. website 3
  • 4. Linamar Corporation is one of the great success stories of Ontario’s advanced manufacturing industry. From its beginning more than 40 years ago in Guelph, Linamar has grown to be a world-class designer and diversified Wisdom Exchange 2008 KEYNOTE PRESENTATION manufacturer of precision metallic components and Power to perform: systems for the automotive industry, and mobile industrial markets. Today, it has more than 11,700 employees and 37 manufacturing facilities around the world Tight focus (25 in Canada). What strategies drove Linamar’s growth? More importantly, sharpens Linamar’s what strategies is the company now pursuing to meet today’s challenges? In her keynote presentation at the Wisdom Exchange, Linamar Corporation’s Chief Executive competitive edge Officer Linda Hasenfratz provided the inside view. Three drivers of success LINDA HASENFRATZ Linamar’s key business success factors in today’s volatile CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER business environment lie in three areas: competitiveness, LINAMAR CORPORATION finding and pursuing opportunities, and maintaining a strong culture. “Competitiveness is about innovation, efficiency, speed,” said Hasenfratz. “We’re always learning, finding new and better ways to do things. New technologies and new materials are coming along all the time, so there are always opportunities to improve.” Linamar’s focus on competitiveness places product and process innovation and living Lean through continuous improvement high on its list of success strategies. The company has adopted many Lean processes, and the continuous improvement philosophy runs throughout the organization, from the plant floor through to planning, purchasing, labour-cost management and beyond. “You don’t do a ‘lean’ exercise once,” Hasenfratz said. “We’ve been doing it for about five years, every single day. It’s a never-ending journey.” For Linamar, competitiveness also involves minimizing risks wherever possible. As a multinational organization, volatile exchange rates can be a real headache and very costly. To mitigate this risk, Linamar makes a point of 4
  • 5. “ You don’t do a ‘lean’ exercise once. We’ve been doing it for about five years, every single day. It’s a never-ending journey. buying materials and services in the countries they sell in, which creates a natural currency hedge. The pursuit of global opportunities Over the years, product and market diversification has been one of Linamar’s core strategies both to mitigate risk and grow the business. At the beginning, Linamar machined parts. Now it designs and manufactures full systems. In the early days, it built power drives for Renault. Now it manufactures scissor lifts. senior executives ‘walk the talk’ and demonstrate the “The key is to identify the hot buttons of your same attitudes and behaviours expected from the rest customers—or your customers’ customers,” said of the workforce. Hasenfratz. Meeting those customer needs in a way that makes competitive sense could mean opening “The Linamar Way” focuses its efforts on people plants in other parts of the world, she continued, development, which includes succession planning, because “customers buy our camshafts not because as a key enabler to the company’s success. “We of where they were manufactured but by what it can spent a good deal of time over the past ten years do for them.” defining who we are and how we want to do business,” said Hasenfratz. “We realize that, for Linamar has a strong global presence and facilities in us, success in every area depends on having smart, Canada, Germany, Korea, Mexico, the U.S.A., capable people with a skill based foundation. Once Hungary and China. Hasenfratz said there are we find those people, we want to keep them.” huge opportunities in foreign markets and identified aggressive market penetration in areas of opportunity Rewards play a significant role in how Linamar recognizes as a way to maximize potential towards a prosperous the contributions of staff to the company’s overall success. future. Thinking globally, Hasenfratz listed Linamar’s The Stepping Stool Awards and Bonus program’s goal operational philosophies as: setting and performance measurement system, part of the ‘lean’ strategy, has paid out $57 million in awards • Small manageable autonomous profit centres and bonuses since 1999. • Product focused factories utilizing flexible equipment wherever possible That drive for continuous improvement with a close • Plant clusters (link and leverage) eye on the bottom line is at the heart of Linamar’s • Decentralized organization outlook for growing the company in the decades to • Commitment to continuous improvement come. “We’re always evolving how we do things,” • Stepping Stool goal setting and performance said Hasenfratz. “The Tata $2,500 Nano car means measurement re-thinking engines. You can’t just cut costs by 90%, you have to re-think the whole thing.” Rewarding success The foundation for the company’s continuing growth, Despite the turmoil in the auto industry, Hasenfratz is Hasenfratz believes, is the strong culture they’ve built a firm believer that “in every challenge there is opportunity. at Linamar. It’s marked by open communication, In the words of Henry Ford—a plane always takes off into rewarding real contributions and making sure that the wind.” 5
  • 6. We’ve all heard it a thousand times: innovation is the key to growth. But what if almost everything we believed about innovation is wrong? That might explain why only about four per cent of all Sometimes things innovation efforts are successful, says Larry Keeley. Fortunately, a new discipline of innovation is emerging today that can dramatically increase innovation success rates into the 35 change: to 70 per cent range. That’s not just wishful thinking. Keeley mentioned one of Canada’s most respected business thinkers, Roger Martin, Dean of the University of Toronto’s Rotman Wisdom Exchange 2008 PLENARY The new discipline School of Management, is currently reinventing the training of MBAs to increase the success rate of innovation. Keeley, a renowned innovation strategist and business advisor of innovation who has worked to develop more effective growth strategies and innovation methods for over 27 years, while working with LARRY KEELEY some of the largest firms in the world, takes a practical and PRESIDENT, DOBLIN INC. business-minded approach to innovation. He captivated the Wisdom Exchange audience for 90 minutes with his droll INNOVATION STRATEGIST sense of humour and keen insights on innovation. AND PROFESSOR CHICAGO INSTITUTE OF DESIGN Keeley believes that most successful innovations are not just a happy product of random inspiration but the direct result of corporate or community leaders setting goals and making things happen. Innovation needs to be a hands-on process that personally engages an organization’s leaders. As Keeley explained: Out of problems and strategy comes a vision, and that vision is applied to a solution, which can differentiate an organization from the competition. He cited three transformative examples of problem-solving combined with leadership that led to innovations in North America, Europe and Asia: • Helsinki, Finland’s Municipal Lighting Project: Helsinki has become a global centre for innovations in lighting, which, Keeley pointed out, makes sense “because it’s friggin’ dark there for a lot of the year.” • Tata Group: In India, the Tata Group are recognized as one of the world’s finest hospitality chains. The brand is synonymous with luxury and high-quality service. For price-driven consumers, Tata Group developed an entirely new approach to low-cost, high-style hotels called Ginger. Their slogan is “Welcome to the world of smart basics. No frills chic, Indian style.” 6
  • 7. If you hear about a new technology or innovative discovery that might be important to your business, find out where you can go to see it in person. You can’t just experience it intellectually. You have to feel it in your gut. • Suntech and Dr. Zhengrong: In China, Suntech’s Dr. Shi “ Zhengrong is creating the world’s most efficient passive solar arrays. The main Olympic stadium in Beijing is powered almost entirely by passive solar energy. The outcome: remarkable environmental savings. “If you hear about a new technology or innovative discovery that might be important to your business, find out where you can go to see it in person,” Keeley recommended. “You can’t just experience it intellectually. You have to feel it in your gut.” creates a unique and holistic customer experience only loosely controlled by the platform owner; usually supported He further advised, “As leaders you have to shape change by proprietary technologies; and typically characterized by and redefine your business. Figure out what is fundamentally interdependent products and services provided through a and permanently changing in your industry and address this network of business partners. shift—even if it scares you. Pick a focus, he recommends, and aim to be the best.” Money, printing, free markets and capital markets, property ownership and the Internet are on his list of The first step in making the innovation process more effective 15 Top innovations of all time. “All of these platforms,” and efficient, said Keeley, is myth-busting. Contrary to explained Keeley, “transcended enterprises, industries popular belief, innovation is not random, ‘eureka!’ inspiration and political borders.” Google, TIVO, MS Windows XP, that comes out of the blue. “Nonsense,” he says. “It’s about Yahoo and eBay are examples of the popular consumer taking a disciplined approach that has clearly stated goals platforms today. “All of the important stuff now cuts across and is guided by metrics that matter.” There are now proven companies and markets.” He added: “Think of modern innovation protocols and diagnostics that help keep bikes as a system of platforms, where a bike is people focused. assembled by choosing your own frame, peddles, seat, stem, handle bars, wheels, etc.” According to innovation studies, the big winners in the inno- vation game over the past ten years got rich by developing Keeley shared 10 types of innovation to move beyond innovative processes or partnerships, not products or products to win. Studies have shown that if you can technologies. For example, Dell Computer’s success came integrate six or more at once, you will achieve disruptive from breakthroughs in their business model, financing, market changes. service, brand, and customer experience, but not product. In fact, the strength of their consumer offer came from 1. Business model (how the enterprise makes money) positioning their product—a computer or peripherals—as 2. Networking (value chain and partnering) a reliably standardized commodity. 3. Enabling process (assembling capabilities) 4. Core process (creating greater efficiencies) The runaway success of the iPOD is not simply because it’s 5. Product performance (basic failures, performance a better MP3 player. The iPOD is an innovative platform that and functionality) extends beyond a single industry and involves partners 6. Product system (product extensions that surround including the iTunes software suite, an on-line music store an offering) and third-party accessories to create an integrated music 7. Service (how you support your customers) “solution” for consumers. 8. Channel (how you reach your customers) 9. Brand (how your customers perceive you) Keeley believes in an interconnected world, platforms matter 10. Customer experience (intangible benefits received by most. He defined a platform as an integrated offering that your customers)innovation.” 7
  • 8. 1. 2. The look of today’s business leaders ranges from traditional blue suits of Bay Street bankers to the funky informality of digital gamers, but the essential skills of great leadership remain the same. Leadership: Exactly what defines great leadership was the source of hot debate among CEOs in this workshop where management styles spanned the spectrum, but their shared Establishing, living commitment to leadership and what it meant to business Wisdom Exchange 2008 WORKSHOP growth showed there was a lot of common ground. and measuring For Ian Curry, President and CEO of DNA Genotek, leadership starts with setting the course for both the company and employees, and the cornerstone of this the mission process is designing a mission statement. “Lots of people don’t want to talk about mission statements 1. DON GIBBS because they think mission statements are too ‘artsy’ or high- CHAIRMAN AND CEO level,” said Curry. “But our experience has been that it can TARQUIN GROUP INC. be a powerful tool for the organization.” 2. IAN CURRY The proof of his approach may well be in the company PRESIDENT AND CEO balance sheets. DNA Genotek, which manufactures and DNA GENOTEK INC. markets a breakthrough DNA collection kit, has been lauded by everyone from the World Economic Forum to TIME magazine. Revenues and the number of employees have both grown by 100 per cent every year for the past four years. Corporate mission statements are often designed to include everything and offend no one. But it can be more than that. For Curry, the key is to make the mission statement meaningful and a living part of the hearts and minds of all employees. One hundred per cent buy-in is critically important. To help accomplish this, DNA Genotek engages all employees one-on-one in a ‘partial sentence exercise’ where staff members are asked to finish an incomplete statements about the company such as: • “The things I value most at work are…” • “I believe our mission is to…” • “We will be successful when…” • “I believe our customers are…” • The key issues/standards we must maintain with vigilance are…” 8
  • 9. “ “ As CEOs we sometimes make too many assumptions about what our employees know and don’t know. “As CEOs we sometimes make too many assumptions about what our employees know and don’t know,” said Curry. The similarities and differences of the answers are discussed in what Ian described as “getting what is in people’s heads on paper,” and “100% participation equates to 100% buy in.” In addition to achieving buy-in, the practice also has an important result: clarifying what your employees think, know and don’t know about your business. According to Curry, the mission statement may appear simple, but it should project the aim and direction of the Other points raised were: company, and the intellectual/philosophical origins of these goals. It should be clear, concise and doable. • How do you ask and impart employee opinion in a company of 150 rather than 30? The discussion broadened to cover on-going leadership • How are new values ingrained in larger companies? challenges, such as motivating staff, planning for the • How does the company’s values and character change future and coping with the impact of success. A number when the firm’s revenue goes up from $2 to $10 million? of participants felt a mission statement was only part • How many companies had excellent mission statements, of a complex set of requirements for business growth, yet failed? including long and short term strategies, capable and diligent execution and getting the right people “The mission statement should be under constant on the bus. evaluation,” Curry said. It should serve as a benchmark of the company’s success, built on questions like: Others emphasized “company fit,” suggesting that no amount of commitment to a mission statement was going • Would I recommend us to your colleagues to be able to adapt an individual who simply did not fit the (customer satisfaction)? culture. One CEO said his experience was that employees • How would I rate our company against its mission tend to “self edit” when a company vision does not coincide statement (1-10)? with their own. Another pointed out that peer pressure is a • Does the mission statement translate into customer factor in bringing people together. Another issue was how satisfaction? a firm’s vision impacts recruiting and retention “in this age of difficult staffing challenges.” Curry suggested ways of keeping the mission alive, such as sharing testimonials and ‘mission statement stories’ from Don Gibbs, a successful financier and leader in a customers and end users. He underscored the importance of spectrum of firms, from start-ups to acquisitions, has bringing people together, aligning their vision and allowing been instrumental in building several of Canada’s most them to collectively respond to change. “Mining the visions successful technology companies. Gibbs believes, “To of your employees is the most critical component of this form really learn a business, you have to live and die in it.” He of leadership,” Curry said, “and finding tangible ways of started his career with Leigh Instruments and then moved engagement to keep the mission alive day-to-day.” to Mitel Corporation as its CFO, where in eight years, he helped the company go public and grow in sales revenue Although approaches differ, the goal of workshop to $250 million. As CFO of Cognos Inc. he successfully participants was the same…to lead and grow their took it public. Today, as Chairman and CEO of Tarquin companies. For Genotek, its mission statement has Group Inc., Don leads by example and plays a primary proven to be a powerful tool in helping to achieve role in the day-to-day efforts of his firm. the company’s impressive growth rates. 9
  • 10. 1. 2. For most employers, finding and keeping good people is one of the toughest challenges, and the competition for talent is becoming even tougher. Dr. Michel Jullian of Ottawa-based OCM Manufacturing Inc. Recruiting and has been through the hiring process numerous times and has developed some innovative approaches and effective solutions to improve his firm’s recruitment and retention (R&R) success rate. retaining talent: Wisdom Exchange 2008 WORKSHOP OCM, with a small management team and staff of 50, provides turnkey electronics manufacturing services for small Innovative and mid-sized companies whose products include electronics. Customers are in the transportation, industrial, consumer, medical, oil and gas, mining, security, and instrument and approaches controls sectors. The three top R&R considerations at OCM are attracting and solutions and retaining good people, satisfying a diverse workforce, and maintaining both quality and processes through good ongoing performance. 1. DR. MICHEL JULLIAN, PANELIST PRESIDENT & CEO One challenge OCM grappled with, once they attracted the OCM MANUFACTURING INC. right potential employees, was that the hiring process did not screen the candidates very effectively. “There are always some 2. MICHAEL PALMER, PANELIST people who are great at interviews,” said Jullian. “They’re per- VICE-PRESIDENT AND GLOBAL LEADER sonable, they say all the right things, but then they’re not very TALENT ACQUISITION PRACTICE good when they get the job.” CERIDIAN CANADA In 2005, OCM went through a corporate re-branding process to heighten its “brand name recognition” and attract both customers and talent that would be a great fit. A new corporate identity, website and media presence were created to increase OCM’s competitiveness in the local market, both as a supplier and employer. OCM’s revamped approach to hiring incorporated an industrial psychologist who developed standardized questions, a multi-stage interview process that includes three interviews with three different people, asking open-ended questions, and having candidates complete a computer-based behavioural test on site. For specialized positions, Jullian hires recruitment experts. With employees ranging in age from Gen X to Boomers of numerous mother tongues from many geographic regions, Jullian understands the importance of satisfying the needs of a 10
  • 11. “ People want to be treated fairly. If there is a survey in place you can use to establish your wage rates, use it. We have profit sharing and are very open in our communication with employees. diverse workforce. OCM has developed four broad solutions to meet their diversified needs: 1. Open communication to understand each other 2. Recognize you can’t assess or reward everyone in the same way 3. Provide a mixture of advantages (good wages, health and dental benefits, lenient vacation schedule, telecommuting, flex hours and job sharing, and perks like cell phone, laptops, etc.) 4. Team building and social events Palmer and Jullian agreed that one of the most important aspects of retention is engaging your workforce. Work has “Innovative benefits should help staff meet their real needs,” to be meaningful to all generations; the millenials (currently said Jullian. For example, recent immigrants who return to 18-25 years soon to be leaving university or college), their native country for several weeks each year to visit family Generations X and Y as well as the baby boomers. are offered a flexible vacation schedule that allows employ- “At OCM, we give quarterly updates on the business and ees the “extra” time off without compensation. employees feel more connected because they can see where their efforts can make a difference,” said Jullian. “By “People want to be treated fairly,” he said. ”If there is a empowering employees with knowledge and training, they survey in place you can use to establish your wage rates, engage in the company’s success.” use it.” He adds, “We have profit sharing and are very open in our communication with employees.” After you have found and hired the right person, one of the best ways to keep them is to make sure they get the right Michael Palmer of Ceridian Canada, a thriving HR/Payroll first impression of the company. OCM has a Great Start outsourcer for many SMEs—primarily in high technology, program, where a buddy is on hand. Everything is set up financial services and telecomm—talked about the to welcome and show new hires the ropes, which helps them importance of tailoring the message to find the candidate. to confirm their choice. The program focuses on company culture and helps employees to live and experience the Palmer said, “You can’t just post a job ad and pray employment brand. that you’ll get good candidates. Recruiting is not about posting and praying. Recruiting is figuring out what With its employment brand well underway, OCM continues you need and strategizing where to find people to fill to leverage its talent pool to communicate new openings and that need.” build its candidate network. The firm’s Chinese operation was launched four years ago and Jullian continues to promote the Taking it a step further, “you have to market tough to fill company through OCM’s website, newsletters and white positions, not just advertise to fill them,” he advised. To papers. With HR processes in place, OCM tracks candidates attract the right people and tailor your recruiting messaging against a specific requisition and metrics. The policy is to find and vehicle to various audiences, Palmer offered the a way to respond to each and every candidate: when they following tips: apply, when they are declined and they are selected. • Analyze your workforce and break it down into categories if possible With a greatly improved R&R success rate and quality /process • Identify what elements of the job and benefits are impor- solutions in play, OCM now “avoids the black hole” when new tant to applicants in particular categories positions become available and Dr. Jullian continues to foster an • Determine where certain types of candidates are likely to environment where every individual can experience his/her seek employment contribution to the company as a way of life. 11
  • 12. 2. 1. 3. “Going green” has suddenly slipped into the mainstream, taking many companies and consumers by surprise. Now, many leading growth firms are exploring what it all means and how they can begin to reduce their carbon footprint. Capitalizing Niel Hiscox, publisher of Green Business magazine, is watching the impact unfold at companies in many sectors. The whole discussion, he reports, has shifted from ‘green’ from green: advocacy to a hard-nosed analysis of ROI (return-on-investment), Wisdom Exchange 2008 WORKSHOP strategic implementation and decision-making issues. An emerging New companies, such as Patagonia clothing, are emerging that have sustainable materials and processes as a core part of who they are and how they do business. business paradigm Major corporations, such as Interface, the world’s largest carpet manufacturer, are transforming themselves into widely 1. NIEL HISCOX, MODERATOR recognized world leaders in sustainability practices. PUBLISHER GREEN BUSINESS MAGAZINE Still other companies are devastated when they discover that they have huge liabilities in terms of environmental clean-ups 2. TOM HEINTZMAN, PANELIST for issues that no one had even thought about ten or twenty PRESIDENT years ago. BULLFROG POWER INC. “Everybody agrees that sustainability is going to be the 3. THIBAUT MILLET, PANELIST next big thing because it changes the shareholder value SENIOR MANAGER paradigm of business costs and risks,” said panellist Thibaut Millet from Deloitte and Touche. “People are CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY beginning to realize that sustainability has the potential & SUSTAINABILITY SERVICES for both value creation and value protection.” Defined by DELOITTE & TOUCHE Millet, “sustainability is simply how a company manages its business to generate shareholder value, while having a positive impact on the community, and minimizing adverse impact on the environment.” The value-creation concept was born out in a comment from the president of a firm providing packaging and crating for all industries. “Customers want less packaging, customers want shorter supply chains, customers want branding, and customers want to get an edge over their competitors. This has actually driven down our costs,” he said. Niel Hiscox related how consumer behaviour and ‘going green’ are not always clear. He recently attended a media briefing at the Canadian auto show where presidents of the 12
  • 13. Sustainability is simply how a company manages its business to generate shareholder value, while having a positive impact on the community, and minimizing adverse impact on the environment. major car companies participated in a panel discussion on “ green initiatives. “These senior executives are seeing a very big disconnect between consumer awareness of sustainability issues and any connections with their purchasing decisions,” stated Hiscox. “Consumers are saying ‘yes, environmental issues are very important to me,’ then they are getting in their SUVs and driving away.” “The continuing escalation of gas prices may change consumer response, but price pressures are not the only drivers of behavioural change,” said Tom Heintzman, In exploring green opportunities, Hiscox advised it’s not just President of Bullfrog Power Inc. Launched in 2005, Bullfrog about products. It’s also about processes, how you manage provides residential and commercial customers in Ontario infrastructure, waste, and looking through the entire and Alberta with clean, green power from 100 percent organization to identify, implement and sustain green renewable sources such as wind power and low-impact initiatives. “Part of it means understanding your own customer hydro facilities. base to see what their concerns are about you,” he added. “Customers are always looking for leaders. In addition to “There is a diverse range of companies that have chosen to financial gains, your green image can help you to head a go green and a long list of reasons why,” said Heintzman, market, keep customers and be perceived as an innovator,” who talks with businesses every day about sustainability Hiscox added. All of these merits can add to the bottom line, issues. For some companies, their motives are altruistic: they which one CEO attested to, having won an environmental simply want to reduce the environmental impact of their award that resulted in a “big payoff” for the company. activities. Others may want to earn a position on the Dow Jones sustainability index. Still others see it as a competitive Some participants found themselves struggling to balance advantage because they can add “green” points to their their desire to go green with practical concerns. “I take our customers’ value chains. social responsibilities seriously and we are interested in having a product that is as environmentally friendly as “More and more, we’re hearing that the impact on possible,” said the head of a specialty manufacturer of a internal staff is as important as the external impact on comfort and safety product for men and women. “Then I customers,” Heintzman said. “In terms of attracting top look at components that go into our products. Some of them talent, people want to work for companies that reflect travel 10,000 miles to get here. We are green in many their personal beliefs.” ways, but how can I go to my customers and say this is a green product?” The panel recommended transparency is Green initiatives are no longer just for activists, as the best policy. environment and social issues are, more and more, becoming a public concern and critical factor for For Ontario manufacturers wishing to reduce their greenhouse government policy and corporate strategy. A critical question gas emissions, Heintzman offered a simplified outline: is “how to differentiate your company?” 1. Gather baseline data on energy use, use of recycled According to a survey of 500 business executives conducted materials etc. by Grant Thornton, “Company executives believe that 2. Reduce consumption through efficiencies, conservation, corporate responsibility programs can positively impact their new technologies, etc. business and help achieve strategic goals (…) 77 percent 3. Buy green products and services to replace those that said they expect corporate responsibility initiatives to have you can’t eliminate. a major impact on their business strategies over the next 4. Offset your greenhouse gases, as a last resort, by several years.” purchasing carbon credits. 13
  • 14. Financing the growth of high performance companies has always been a challenge, but today’s economic and financial market conditions are enough to test the most optimistic entrepreneur. Amidst these somewhat discouraging and contradictory conditions, 16 CEOs from Ontario firms sat down to discuss financing growth. Breaking from the usual workshop format, the moderators rearranged the seating into a large square so everyone could talk face-to-face . 1. 2. Financing growth: Reports from the front lines 1. DENNIS ENSING, MODERATOR ‘You’re our partner. We want you to help us PARTNER find additional financing.’ That’s when they WISE MENTOR CAPITAL brought in BDC.” Wisdom Exchange 2008 WORKSHOP 2. DENIS GODCHARLES, MODERATOR Business Development Bank of MANAGING PRINCIPAL Canada (BDC) INTERIS CONSULTING INC. “Our experience with BDC has been quite good. Our bank really loves working with To kick-start the discussion, co-moderator BDC. We find that it’s not too intrusive, the Dennis Ensing pitched out the provocative conditions are quite reasonable.” question: “So, how are banks treating you these days?” Export Development Canada (EDC) “The EDC is also a good way to check a Following are fly-on-the-wall quotes from company’s credit. If EDC won’t insure them, participating CEOs with the names omitted. you may not want to get involved.” Commercial banks Private equity “We’ve found that if you’ve got good EBITA “VC’s (venture capitalists) want 25–40% (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation return per year. Angels want 60%.” and amortization) you can get pretty good deals.” “The question is, what do you give up? Everyone thinks the magic number is 50%. It’s not. It all “We recently went bank shopping and I was depends on how the deal is structured. The key really surprised that they all came back with is your relationship with your investors and your very different platforms, very different agreement with your Board.” approaches. Some banks won’t look at SRE&D financing credits, others will.” Words of wisdom “You have to ask yourself—Is money really “We put a lot of effort into our relationship the missing engine of growth? Sure, it’s an with our bank. We’ve been with them 12 easy answer. But sometimes you need years. We tell them that, every two years, innovation or new management. Sometimes we’ll benchmark them against the best offer it’s really important to step back and think we can get. At one point, we told them about it.” 14
  • 15. The Ministry of Small Business and Entrepreneurship delivers direct support to Ontario business leaders to help small and medium sized companies (SMEs) identify and access critical information, key resources and expert advice needed to overcome obstacles or pursue new growth opportunities. Bob Marrs, Director, Business Advisory Services with Dennis Ensing, Partner, Wise Mentor Capital and Dr. Michel Jullian, President, OCM Manufacturing Inc. Wisdom Exchange 2008 MINISTRY PROGRAMS AND SERVICES Business Advisory Services: Your partner for growth As a sounding board to provide unbiased, government funding programs, and information on objective and strategic advice, the Ministry’s other programs of interest to Ontario manufacturers team of experienced business advisors located and exporters. in twelve regional offices across Ontario have assisted literally thousands of companies over Leading Growth Firm Series the years. Business advisors have a network of The Leading Growth Firm Series of publications business contacts in both the pubic and private researches and promotes the effective sector to assist with market intelligence, management practices of CEOs and presidents R&D programs, export assistance, support of successful Ontario firms. Report 16: Thinking for innovation and new technology, and Lean…Improving performance, customer expansion plans. satisfaction and the bottom line was released in April, 2008. The series delves into a range of With expertise in business planning, finance, critical business issues and shares best practices, exporting, and more, one of your local advisors growth strategies, tactics and perspectives through will get to know your company, assess its interviews/profiles of CEOs of successful Ontario operations and identify issues that are crucial to SMEs, insights from topic experts, lessons learned your firm’s growth. Business Advisory Services from corporations and resource information.To connects you to government programs and access all of the reports, visit services, networking, and growth opportunities (click Leading Growth Firm Series). through events, workshops, seminars, publications and one-on-one consultation. The Ontario Oil Sands Connection Business Advisory Services is working to connect The Wisdom Exchange qualified Ontario manufacturers and suppliers Now in its 14th year, the Wisdom Exchange is with the right Alberta Oil Sands opportunities. “the forum” where CEOs and presidents of Alberta Oil Sands development is creating Ontario’s leading growth firms meet to hear from demand for manufactured products from across top business strategists, share knowledge, learn North America, with an estimated $170 billion in best practices and make valuable business oil sands related development. With a focus on connections. For information on past Wisdom metal fabrication and industrial machinery, Exchange events, visit equipment and service sectors, Business Advisory Services has developed the means to connect The Breakfast Series you with a pipeline of opportunities. One of our Business Advisory Services just launched a series Business Advisors will consult with you to assess of breakfast sessions to support Ontario business your current position and help develop your leaders by exploring timely growth topics and Oil Sands Market Development Plan. providing the latest on government programs and (Click Grow Your initiatives. The first three events in southwestern Business/Talk to Experts). Ontario (June, 2008) feature a presentation/ discussion on Lean and how it is reshaping Let Business Advisory Services help manufacturing, updates on two new Ontario to put the pieces together for you! 15
  • 16. Contact: Ministry of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Business Advisory Services Branch Partnership and Business Development 56 Wellesley Street West, 4th Floor Toronto, Ontario, M7A 2E7 Printed in Ontario, Canada on recycled paper © Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2008