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1. Introduction

Aptinet has developed a vital new piece of software, and the efforts behind it exceed anything we’ve
tackled as a company in the past. The niche is Content Management. It’s very well-known to marketers
and IT professionals, familiar to most in the web-enabled business world, and just another technical
acronym to the rest. Known as WAVES2, we feel the price, power, and positioning are entirely unique
within the current CMS arena. This is not the typical scenario where heavy marketing obscures a
lightweight product. This is a heavyweight product that warrants attention.

Defining “CMS” is often difficult, as it creeps into a number of disciplines, some new and some old.
Generally speaking, an effective Content Management System brings a company and its content
together, and while most large organizations realized this years ago, mid-size and even small companies
continue to reach the same conclusion. The market is enormous and continually growing. CMS
software concerns itself with the large suite of collaborative processes that facilitate and streamline the
management of an online presence. With that in mind, a viable CMS must accomplish the following:

    •   Automate the content creation and publication processes
    •   Empower stakeholders to flexibly and delegate content management duties
    •   Provide content workflow, approval, and security capabilities
    •   Use current technology to deliver key features and integrate other applications
    •   Centralize and secure the content and branding of a company or organization
    •   Tangibly reduce overall costs through these types of efficiencies

Those seeking an enterprise-level CMS have already made an effective business case for their pursuit.
They are not necessarily concerned with the currency of a single website, but rather a complete online
presence. Somewhere along the line, dealing with content has become either inefficient, fragmented,
or altogether unmanageable. This may be due to simple volume, changes in processes, changes in
operational structure or management, shortcomings in technical infrastructure, or the increased speed
of a competitive market.

Regardless, content delivery is now multi-faceted, and can include a wide variety of sites and channels.
A large organization may have a sizeable public-facing website, multiple delivery platforms, a suite of
dedicated marketing sites, an intranet/extranet, syndicated feeds, integrated SEO elements, legacy and
third-party applications, multiple databases, and a host of other custom requirements. A CMS becomes
extremely valuable when it can manage the entire web footprint, and knowing what a company
specifically requires is the crucial first step when seeking a new or replacement CMS.

While the WAVES2 system rests on over 12 years of proven CMS experience and logic from its
predecessor, a new .NET platform and a host of innovative features give WAVES2 its own unique
identity. While focused on core CMS architecture and fundamentals, where appropriate the system
features some of the best third-party modules available. If a particular tool has already been proven
and perfected in the marketplace, it’s wise to incorporate that power without trying to reinvent the
wheel. This is achieved by integrating tools from companies such as Telerik, which are used to build
extensible “widgets” that can be dropped into any website location.

Fully configured and fully enabled, WAVES2 might overwhelm a small company web manager, so most
elements can be disabled or hidden. However, the same configuration might be incredibly attractive
and eye-opening to the marketing team of a larger organization. Couple the flexibility of an open-source
solution with the fully developed and supported offerings of an enterprise-level CMS, and you’ll find a
uniquely positioned product.

2. WAVES2: The Product

2.1 Choosing a CMS

In today’s market, companies seeking a CMS are presented with an abundance of choices. While there
are wide ranges in terms of software delivery and complexity, there are certain basic considerations that
fuel both the search for a CMS and the selection of a particular system.

All would agree that the manual management of a deep web presence is extremely unwieldy and
expensive. Content management is a fluid concept, which aligns it more accurately with business
processes than business products. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, as every CMS offering requires
the following before it can successfully live and breathe within a business or organization:

    •   Configuration
    •   Implementation
    •   Launch & Adoption
    •   Administration & Management
    •   Support & Maintenance
    •   Upgrades & Enhancements
These steps apply to open-source, direct installations, SaaS, and custom solutions alike. With that in
mind, choosing the correct CMS is about understanding business requirements and coupling that
knowledge with both a system and vendor that meets those ongoing needs. It is essential to select a
flexible, intuitive, and relevant framework. It is also essential to have helpful and capable people on the
other end of the phone. WAVES2 provides these qualities in an approachable, affordable manner.

One-of-a-kind business processes can be replicated in our CMS and rolled out in a matter of weeks, not
months. Instead of being pushed out of the enterprise market by price tags and timelines, WAVES2
allows you to implement a full-featured and fully scalable CMS in a far more cost-effective and timely
manner. Many are wary of the open-source market due to implementation factors and the unknown.
Our capable account staff can guide you through a well-defined process, or a resident technical team
can take control of the code itself.

With a unique set of innovative and powerful content management tools, WAVES2 puts you in the
driver’s seat. If you’re on the marketing or management side, you can easily manage staff, content, and
electronic assets with no technical experience. With a very modest technical background, website suites
and their full infrastructures come alive within the CMS. For the technically minded, custom
applications can be developed and delivered in short order.

2.2 Differentiating CMS Offerings

There are many definitions of “enterprise” in the marketplace, all with varying degrees of acceptance.
At a root level, all CMS systems capture content, store content, manage content, and deliver content.
WAVES2 establishes itself in the enterprise arena by offering key features such asset/file management,
workflow/approval processes, indexing, multiple site publishing, interactive widgets, portal options,
installed or SaaS models, true scalability, and strong customer support. Prominent WAVES2 features
include the following:

      Site Building                                               Site Management
      AJAX Layer Manager                                          Asset Management
      Bulk Upload                                                 Branded Interfacing
      Content Sharing                                             Database Management
      Form Builder                                                IIS Management
      Style Sheet Editor                                          User & Group Management
      Template Creation                                           WYSIWYG Editor
      Widget Library                                              XML Management

      Site Security                                               Site Publication
      Single Sign-On                                              Distributed Computing
      Backup & Restore                                            Error Console
      Domain Management                                           Metatag & SEO Management
Roles & Permissions                                      Remote Publishing
      System Security                                          Staging & Live Separation
      Workflow Management                                      Version Control

2.3 WAVES2 Technology

WAVES2 is an enterprise CMS built in the .NET framework. This was chosen due its stability,
programming language flexibility, management functions, hardware integration capabilities, and overall
market trends. The core system logic and framework is based on the system’s predecessor (the original
WAVES), which was initially developed in 1998 for large educational institutions. Using a PERL/CGI
framework, the original system eventually became outmoded in terms of technology and a .NET
successor was developed. The top-level technology includes the following:

Application Framework: .NET 3.5 or higher              Platform: Windows 2003/2008
Languages: VB.NET, C#, Java, jQuery                    Databases: SQL Server
Web Server: IIS 6/7                                    CMS Framework: Custom
License: Installation or SaaS

WAVES2 interfacing is extremely comprehensive, and is typically broken into three areas on a given
page: the header, the directory tree, and the main viewing area. The header contains the logo and a set
of personal user options. The directory tree provides a navigation convention for the entire system.
The main viewing area changes depending on what section of the CMS is active. It may contain a visual
navigation dashboard, a visual editor, database grids, or many other types of data/asset/user
management interfaces.

3. The CMS Marketplace

3.1 Market Context

WAVES2 occupies a unique niche between smaller off-the-shelf CMS systems and large enterprise
systems that require the services of a 3rd-party consultant or implementation team. The smaller systems
generally can’t handle the vast requirements of large businesses and organizations, and the larger
systems couple a great deal of time and money with the power they provide. WAVES2 is purchased by
those seeking power without the price, those seeking vendor consolidation, and those who possess a
modest amount of technical know-how. For what WAVES2 provides, it is extremely affordable.
WAVES2 is supported fully by the parent company Aptinet, and it can also be fully implemented and
managed by a capable IT team. And while the system can be used by non-technical staff, users with
even a modest level of technical knowledge can truly exploit the system’s capabilities.

Much of the continued demand for CMS is based on companies seeking more business value from their
online presence. Web-based elements continually usurp/replace offline business processes, all of
which then fall under the CMS umbrella. Overall, the web has progressed from one marketing channel
to the premiere marketing channel, and the concept of Web Engagement (WEM) has been spawned.
WEM dovetails content managers and marketers, and relies heavily on CMS to succeed. The evolution
of the online market to what is currently a multi-channel “conversation” bolsters the CMS market.

3.2 CMS Categories

While there are unique and cross-over products the blur some of the lines, most CMS offerings fall into
one of four primary camps. Each category has its own set of positive and negative attributes:

Open Source
There is a common misconception that open source solutions are truly “free.” While there are cases
where an open source package has merit, the reality is that most open source implementations become
more lengthy and costly than other CMS types. The negligible initial investment for a CMS shell is
quickly overshadowed by implementation, custom development, quality assurance, training, and
ongoing maintenance. This is obviously fine when it’s anticipated, but far less welcome when it’s not.
Open source software has the obvious benefit of a support “community”, but that exists without the
security of dedicated support and legal contracts. Leveraged development expands reach but doesn’t
allow a product to mature or offer the financial incentives of commercial development.

Software Installations
Tangible, installed software provides a measure of security and control on both literal and psychological
levels. The code sits on resident machines, and a contract generally exists both for its use and its
ongoing support. There is an inherent depth of functionality based on the need to satisfy the diverse
requirements of large companies and organizations. Often the entry point in terms of pricing is out of
reach to smaller companies and organizations, so many do not feel that they can afford a true
enterprise-level or “commercial” offering. Others cannot justify the larger fixed costs in the context of
other technical or web-based initiatives, or the recurring costs of draining their own IT resources to
support the product.

Custom Solutions
Custom solutions, by nature, spotlessly align themselves with business processes. This can be very
effective in the short-term but very problematic in the longer term when those processes, and the
resources behind the related programming/development, shift. While there are certain fortunate
businesses that thrive on predictability, the overall CMS market has shifted dramatically to offer highly
configurable products that remove most constraints from the equation. While extremely capable
technology staff may exist within an organization, the related return on investment for custom CMS
projects is remarkably low. By the time a custom application matures, the investment in terms of cost
and man-hours is typically huge, and the application itself may continue to be more of a cost center than
a cost savings. Often the company is left attempting to tackle newer challenges with older technology.

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
SaaS continues to claim market share from the other CMS types due to its flexibility, lack of
infrastructure and IT requirements, cloud computing power, fast turnaround, and price points. It tends
to favor smaller companies and organizations for the same reasons, and certainly favors groups that
have varied or work-from-home office locations. Though many take advantage of SaaS, larger entities
often have distinct policies and protocols that prevent SaaS as an option. Because the CMS data,
security settings, and the CMS software itself reside outside of a corporate firewall, SaaS may not be
possible due to sensitivity or related risk issues. SaaS also relies on an internet connection for delivery,
which is generally reliable but still a vulnerability.

3.3 CMS Category Pros & Cons

                             Pros                                     Cons

Open Source                  No cost for code base                    Hidden costs for actual viability
                             Development community                    No dedicated support
                             No contractual obligations               No contract security or stability
                             Leveraged development base               Difficult for product to mature
                             Open and accessible code                 Fewer commercialized features
                                                                      Not as tested or refined

Software Installation        Feature-rich                             Overt complexity
                             Full influence over software             Required infrastructure
                             Customized configurations                IT resource consumption
                             Strong pre-launch support                Poor/costly post-launch support
                             Strong product maturity                  Potentially high costs
                             Integration flexibility

Custom Solution              Meets precise requirements               Lack of system flexibility
                             Less outsourcing required                Relies on specific developers
                                                                      Extended development cycles

SaaS                         No hardware/software                     Reliance on 3rd-party services
                             Low maintenance                          Reliance on live connection
                             Strong technical support                 Security incompatibilities
                             Fast deployment                          Excludes certain markets
                             Simple system access
3.4 WAVES2 Advantages

In the delivery of WAVES2, we have combined many of the positive aspects of all CMS types and
eliminated many of the related shortcomings. It is offered as either a software installation or SaaS, with
several related tiers in each category. Both the software and the company behind the software play
equal roles in making it an approachable and surprising enterprise-level CMS:

      Open Source                                         WAVES2
      Pro: no cost for code base                          Disclosed pricing well below industry levels
      Pro: development community                          Flexible technical support
      Pro: leveraged development base                     Active clients constantly evolving application
      Pro: open and accessible code                       Open-source for all CMS customers
      Con: hidden costs for actual viability              Flexible delivery with no hidden costs
      Con: no dedicated support                           Flexible account support
      Con: no contract security or stability              12 years of CMS experience
      Con: fewer commercialized features                  Wide range of powerful features and modules
      Con: not as tested or refined                       Proven system with attractive interfacing

      Software Installation                               WAVES2
      Pro: feature-rich                                   Wide range of powerful features and modules
      Pro: full influence over software                   Flexibly offered as a software installation
      Pro: customized configurations                      Highly configurable
      Pro: strong pre-launch support                      Active and reliable pre-launch support
      Pro: strong product maturity                        Long-term clients with WAVES2 migrations
      Con: overt complexity                               Advanced features can be hidden
      Con: required infrastructure                        Can reside on one or multiple servers
      Con: IT resource consumption                        Automates many IT-related tasks
      Con: poor/costly post-launch support                Active and reliable post-launch support
      Con: potentially high costs                         Pricing well below market levels

      Custom Solution                                     WAVES2
      Pro: meets precise requirements                     Extremely flexible configuration options
      Pro: no outsourcing required                        Full-service technology company behind it
      Con: lack of system flexibility                     Highly flexible and scalable
      Con: relies on specific developers                  Built using industry-standard technology
      Con: extended development cycles                    Fast deployment and custom development

      SaaS                                                WAVES2
      Pro: no hardware/software                           Flexibly offered as SaaS
      Pro: low maintenance                                No maintenance with SaaS model
Pro: strong technical support                       Flexible technical support
      Pro: fast deployment                                Quick deployment with SaaS model
      Pro: feature-rich                                   Full suite of features available with Saas model
      Pro: simple system access via browser               Offered as Saas or Software Installation
      Con: reliance on 3rd-party services                 Offered as Saas or Software Installation
      Con: reliance on live connection                    Offered as Saas or Software Installation
      Con: security incompatibilities                     Offered as Saas or Software Installation

Most enterprise-level CMS offerings provide a framework for the development of custom features.
WAVES2 provides that level of flexibility while offering a large suite of built-in widgets. Marketers can
perform complex tasks without the need to write a line of code, as the system provides standard CMS
users with the tools to perform common server-related tasks (that are typically a regular distraction to
IT teams). Meanwhile, IT departments are fully empowered and enabled to administer and configure
the entirety of the system. WAVES2 provides a strong central hub that allows an entire team of
stakeholders to play to their strengths. The model does not rely on 3rd party consultants – the system
can be installed by the company backing it, or by a client’s internal IT department. The result is a unique
product backed by a company you can have a unique relationship with.

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Waves2 Wcms Informational Guide

  • 1.
  • 2. 1. Introduction Aptinet has developed a vital new piece of software, and the efforts behind it exceed anything we’ve tackled as a company in the past. The niche is Content Management. It’s very well-known to marketers and IT professionals, familiar to most in the web-enabled business world, and just another technical acronym to the rest. Known as WAVES2, we feel the price, power, and positioning are entirely unique within the current CMS arena. This is not the typical scenario where heavy marketing obscures a lightweight product. This is a heavyweight product that warrants attention. Defining “CMS” is often difficult, as it creeps into a number of disciplines, some new and some old. Generally speaking, an effective Content Management System brings a company and its content together, and while most large organizations realized this years ago, mid-size and even small companies continue to reach the same conclusion. The market is enormous and continually growing. CMS software concerns itself with the large suite of collaborative processes that facilitate and streamline the management of an online presence. With that in mind, a viable CMS must accomplish the following: • Automate the content creation and publication processes • Empower stakeholders to flexibly and delegate content management duties • Provide content workflow, approval, and security capabilities • Use current technology to deliver key features and integrate other applications • Centralize and secure the content and branding of a company or organization • Tangibly reduce overall costs through these types of efficiencies Those seeking an enterprise-level CMS have already made an effective business case for their pursuit. They are not necessarily concerned with the currency of a single website, but rather a complete online presence. Somewhere along the line, dealing with content has become either inefficient, fragmented, or altogether unmanageable. This may be due to simple volume, changes in processes, changes in operational structure or management, shortcomings in technical infrastructure, or the increased speed of a competitive market. Regardless, content delivery is now multi-faceted, and can include a wide variety of sites and channels. A large organization may have a sizeable public-facing website, multiple delivery platforms, a suite of dedicated marketing sites, an intranet/extranet, syndicated feeds, integrated SEO elements, legacy and third-party applications, multiple databases, and a host of other custom requirements. A CMS becomes extremely valuable when it can manage the entire web footprint, and knowing what a company specifically requires is the crucial first step when seeking a new or replacement CMS. While the WAVES2 system rests on over 12 years of proven CMS experience and logic from its predecessor, a new .NET platform and a host of innovative features give WAVES2 its own unique identity. While focused on core CMS architecture and fundamentals, where appropriate the system
  • 3. features some of the best third-party modules available. If a particular tool has already been proven and perfected in the marketplace, it’s wise to incorporate that power without trying to reinvent the wheel. This is achieved by integrating tools from companies such as Telerik, which are used to build extensible “widgets” that can be dropped into any website location. Fully configured and fully enabled, WAVES2 might overwhelm a small company web manager, so most elements can be disabled or hidden. However, the same configuration might be incredibly attractive and eye-opening to the marketing team of a larger organization. Couple the flexibility of an open-source solution with the fully developed and supported offerings of an enterprise-level CMS, and you’ll find a uniquely positioned product. 2. WAVES2: The Product 2.1 Choosing a CMS In today’s market, companies seeking a CMS are presented with an abundance of choices. While there are wide ranges in terms of software delivery and complexity, there are certain basic considerations that fuel both the search for a CMS and the selection of a particular system. All would agree that the manual management of a deep web presence is extremely unwieldy and expensive. Content management is a fluid concept, which aligns it more accurately with business processes than business products. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, as every CMS offering requires the following before it can successfully live and breathe within a business or organization: • Configuration • Implementation • Launch & Adoption • Administration & Management • Support & Maintenance • Upgrades & Enhancements
  • 4. These steps apply to open-source, direct installations, SaaS, and custom solutions alike. With that in mind, choosing the correct CMS is about understanding business requirements and coupling that knowledge with both a system and vendor that meets those ongoing needs. It is essential to select a flexible, intuitive, and relevant framework. It is also essential to have helpful and capable people on the other end of the phone. WAVES2 provides these qualities in an approachable, affordable manner. One-of-a-kind business processes can be replicated in our CMS and rolled out in a matter of weeks, not months. Instead of being pushed out of the enterprise market by price tags and timelines, WAVES2 allows you to implement a full-featured and fully scalable CMS in a far more cost-effective and timely manner. Many are wary of the open-source market due to implementation factors and the unknown. Our capable account staff can guide you through a well-defined process, or a resident technical team can take control of the code itself. With a unique set of innovative and powerful content management tools, WAVES2 puts you in the driver’s seat. If you’re on the marketing or management side, you can easily manage staff, content, and electronic assets with no technical experience. With a very modest technical background, website suites and their full infrastructures come alive within the CMS. For the technically minded, custom applications can be developed and delivered in short order. 2.2 Differentiating CMS Offerings There are many definitions of “enterprise” in the marketplace, all with varying degrees of acceptance. At a root level, all CMS systems capture content, store content, manage content, and deliver content. WAVES2 establishes itself in the enterprise arena by offering key features such asset/file management, workflow/approval processes, indexing, multiple site publishing, interactive widgets, portal options, installed or SaaS models, true scalability, and strong customer support. Prominent WAVES2 features include the following: Site Building Site Management AJAX Layer Manager Asset Management Bulk Upload Branded Interfacing Content Sharing Database Management Form Builder IIS Management Style Sheet Editor User & Group Management Template Creation WYSIWYG Editor Widget Library XML Management Site Security Site Publication Single Sign-On Distributed Computing Backup & Restore Error Console Domain Management Metatag & SEO Management
  • 5. Roles & Permissions Remote Publishing System Security Staging & Live Separation Workflow Management Version Control 2.3 WAVES2 Technology WAVES2 is an enterprise CMS built in the .NET framework. This was chosen due its stability, programming language flexibility, management functions, hardware integration capabilities, and overall market trends. The core system logic and framework is based on the system’s predecessor (the original WAVES), which was initially developed in 1998 for large educational institutions. Using a PERL/CGI framework, the original system eventually became outmoded in terms of technology and a .NET successor was developed. The top-level technology includes the following: Application Framework: .NET 3.5 or higher Platform: Windows 2003/2008 Languages: VB.NET, C#, Java, jQuery Databases: SQL Server Web Server: IIS 6/7 CMS Framework: Custom License: Installation or SaaS WAVES2 interfacing is extremely comprehensive, and is typically broken into three areas on a given page: the header, the directory tree, and the main viewing area. The header contains the logo and a set of personal user options. The directory tree provides a navigation convention for the entire system. The main viewing area changes depending on what section of the CMS is active. It may contain a visual navigation dashboard, a visual editor, database grids, or many other types of data/asset/user management interfaces. 3. The CMS Marketplace 3.1 Market Context WAVES2 occupies a unique niche between smaller off-the-shelf CMS systems and large enterprise systems that require the services of a 3rd-party consultant or implementation team. The smaller systems generally can’t handle the vast requirements of large businesses and organizations, and the larger systems couple a great deal of time and money with the power they provide. WAVES2 is purchased by those seeking power without the price, those seeking vendor consolidation, and those who possess a modest amount of technical know-how. For what WAVES2 provides, it is extremely affordable. WAVES2 is supported fully by the parent company Aptinet, and it can also be fully implemented and
  • 6. managed by a capable IT team. And while the system can be used by non-technical staff, users with even a modest level of technical knowledge can truly exploit the system’s capabilities. Much of the continued demand for CMS is based on companies seeking more business value from their online presence. Web-based elements continually usurp/replace offline business processes, all of which then fall under the CMS umbrella. Overall, the web has progressed from one marketing channel to the premiere marketing channel, and the concept of Web Engagement (WEM) has been spawned. WEM dovetails content managers and marketers, and relies heavily on CMS to succeed. The evolution of the online market to what is currently a multi-channel “conversation” bolsters the CMS market. 3.2 CMS Categories While there are unique and cross-over products the blur some of the lines, most CMS offerings fall into one of four primary camps. Each category has its own set of positive and negative attributes: Open Source There is a common misconception that open source solutions are truly “free.” While there are cases where an open source package has merit, the reality is that most open source implementations become more lengthy and costly than other CMS types. The negligible initial investment for a CMS shell is quickly overshadowed by implementation, custom development, quality assurance, training, and ongoing maintenance. This is obviously fine when it’s anticipated, but far less welcome when it’s not. Open source software has the obvious benefit of a support “community”, but that exists without the security of dedicated support and legal contracts. Leveraged development expands reach but doesn’t allow a product to mature or offer the financial incentives of commercial development. Software Installations Tangible, installed software provides a measure of security and control on both literal and psychological levels. The code sits on resident machines, and a contract generally exists both for its use and its ongoing support. There is an inherent depth of functionality based on the need to satisfy the diverse requirements of large companies and organizations. Often the entry point in terms of pricing is out of reach to smaller companies and organizations, so many do not feel that they can afford a true enterprise-level or “commercial” offering. Others cannot justify the larger fixed costs in the context of other technical or web-based initiatives, or the recurring costs of draining their own IT resources to support the product. Custom Solutions Custom solutions, by nature, spotlessly align themselves with business processes. This can be very effective in the short-term but very problematic in the longer term when those processes, and the resources behind the related programming/development, shift. While there are certain fortunate businesses that thrive on predictability, the overall CMS market has shifted dramatically to offer highly configurable products that remove most constraints from the equation. While extremely capable technology staff may exist within an organization, the related return on investment for custom CMS projects is remarkably low. By the time a custom application matures, the investment in terms of cost
  • 7. and man-hours is typically huge, and the application itself may continue to be more of a cost center than a cost savings. Often the company is left attempting to tackle newer challenges with older technology. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) SaaS continues to claim market share from the other CMS types due to its flexibility, lack of infrastructure and IT requirements, cloud computing power, fast turnaround, and price points. It tends to favor smaller companies and organizations for the same reasons, and certainly favors groups that have varied or work-from-home office locations. Though many take advantage of SaaS, larger entities often have distinct policies and protocols that prevent SaaS as an option. Because the CMS data, security settings, and the CMS software itself reside outside of a corporate firewall, SaaS may not be possible due to sensitivity or related risk issues. SaaS also relies on an internet connection for delivery, which is generally reliable but still a vulnerability. 3.3 CMS Category Pros & Cons Pros Cons Open Source No cost for code base Hidden costs for actual viability Development community No dedicated support No contractual obligations No contract security or stability Leveraged development base Difficult for product to mature Open and accessible code Fewer commercialized features Not as tested or refined Software Installation Feature-rich Overt complexity Full influence over software Required infrastructure Customized configurations IT resource consumption Strong pre-launch support Poor/costly post-launch support Strong product maturity Potentially high costs Integration flexibility Custom Solution Meets precise requirements Lack of system flexibility Less outsourcing required Relies on specific developers Extended development cycles SaaS No hardware/software Reliance on 3rd-party services Low maintenance Reliance on live connection Strong technical support Security incompatibilities Fast deployment Excludes certain markets Feature-rich Simple system access
  • 8. 3.4 WAVES2 Advantages In the delivery of WAVES2, we have combined many of the positive aspects of all CMS types and eliminated many of the related shortcomings. It is offered as either a software installation or SaaS, with several related tiers in each category. Both the software and the company behind the software play equal roles in making it an approachable and surprising enterprise-level CMS: Open Source WAVES2 Pro: no cost for code base Disclosed pricing well below industry levels Pro: development community Flexible technical support Pro: leveraged development base Active clients constantly evolving application Pro: open and accessible code Open-source for all CMS customers Con: hidden costs for actual viability Flexible delivery with no hidden costs Con: no dedicated support Flexible account support Con: no contract security or stability 12 years of CMS experience Con: fewer commercialized features Wide range of powerful features and modules Con: not as tested or refined Proven system with attractive interfacing Software Installation WAVES2 Pro: feature-rich Wide range of powerful features and modules Pro: full influence over software Flexibly offered as a software installation Pro: customized configurations Highly configurable Pro: strong pre-launch support Active and reliable pre-launch support Pro: strong product maturity Long-term clients with WAVES2 migrations Con: overt complexity Advanced features can be hidden Con: required infrastructure Can reside on one or multiple servers Con: IT resource consumption Automates many IT-related tasks Con: poor/costly post-launch support Active and reliable post-launch support Con: potentially high costs Pricing well below market levels Custom Solution WAVES2 Pro: meets precise requirements Extremely flexible configuration options Pro: no outsourcing required Full-service technology company behind it Con: lack of system flexibility Highly flexible and scalable Con: relies on specific developers Built using industry-standard technology Con: extended development cycles Fast deployment and custom development SaaS WAVES2 Pro: no hardware/software Flexibly offered as SaaS Pro: low maintenance No maintenance with SaaS model
  • 9. Pro: strong technical support Flexible technical support Pro: fast deployment Quick deployment with SaaS model Pro: feature-rich Full suite of features available with Saas model Pro: simple system access via browser Offered as Saas or Software Installation Con: reliance on 3rd-party services Offered as Saas or Software Installation Con: reliance on live connection Offered as Saas or Software Installation Con: security incompatibilities Offered as Saas or Software Installation Most enterprise-level CMS offerings provide a framework for the development of custom features. WAVES2 provides that level of flexibility while offering a large suite of built-in widgets. Marketers can perform complex tasks without the need to write a line of code, as the system provides standard CMS users with the tools to perform common server-related tasks (that are typically a regular distraction to IT teams). Meanwhile, IT departments are fully empowered and enabled to administer and configure the entirety of the system. WAVES2 provides a strong central hub that allows an entire team of stakeholders to play to their strengths. The model does not rely on 3rd party consultants – the system can be installed by the company backing it, or by a client’s internal IT department. The result is a unique product backed by a company you can have a unique relationship with.