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Wasted 25 September 2017
When	it	comes	to	waste,	the	general	a2tude	is	very	much	“Can’t	someone	else	just	
do	it?”	We	have	been	condi>oned	throughout	our	lives	that	trash	is	dirty	and	should	
not	be	handled.	In	the	poorer	regions	of	the	world,	the	trash	handlers	are	in	a	lot	of	
cases	the	“forgoCen”	people,	the	lowest	casts,	the	poorest	uneducated	people.	
But	the	interes>ng	thing	is	that	we	are	the	people	
genera>ng	the	trash,	not	someone	else	and	unless	we	start	
caring	about	our	own	waste,	this	is	not	going	to	change.	The	
waste	problems	we	are	experiencing	like	plas>c	on	the	
beaches	and	in	the	streams	and	along	the	roads	sides,	is	first	
and	foremost	personal,	it	is	MY	issue.	I	am	the	cause	of	the	problem.	
Now	you	may	immediately	say	that	it	is	not	true.	Hang	on,	let	me	explain.	The	
problem	is	not	actually	waste	but	pollu>on.	Pollu>on	is	nothing	else	but	waste	
without	any	use	and	humans	create	an	awful	lot	of	waste	pollu>on.	
In	nature	there	is	no	waste	pollu>on.	The	waste	of	of	one	organism	
or	process	becomes	the	energy,	food	or	shelter	for	the	next.	
Nature	works	in	a	circular	economy.	Take	trees	for	example,	they	
are	using	CO2	from	the	atmosphere	and	the	waste	product	of	
every	breathing	being	and	harves>ng	the	carbon	to	build	the	tree	
and	in	return	the	waste	product	is	O2	which	we	need	to	breath.	
The	problem	is	we	are	cu2ng	down	the	trees	at	an	alarming	rate	
and	then	we	take	the	fossil	fuels	that	nature	stored	away	and	burn	
it	causing	more	CO2	and	therefore	nature	cannot	keep	up	with	our	
waste.	But	lets	look	at	waste	that	we	see	around	us,	the	plas>cs,	
rubbish	dumps,	inorganic	material	that	we	see	all	around	us.	
As	stated	earlier,	we	have	been	condi>oned	to	just	get	rid	of	waste.	
We	just	want	it	to	go	away.	And	then	we	feel	so	good	if	we	put	it	in	
the	“trash	can”.	Surely	that	is	enough?	Someone	will	pick	it	up	and	
surely	they	are	responsible	enough	not	to	dump	it	illegally?	And	we	
provide	trash	cans	for	the	local	popula>on	so	they	can	put	it	in	the	
bin	and	we	teach	them	that	once	it	is	in	the	bin	it	
is	OK.	Really?	In	Bali,	the	waste	collectors	are	
basically	a	transport	service	and	they	will	dump	it	
wherever	is	the	closest	place	where	someone	else	had	
previously	dumped	trash.	The	nit	shows	up	next	to	the	
roads	and	in	the	streams.	To	be	fair,	the	system	does	
not	support	the	collectors,	legal	dumps	are	far	away	
and	the	traffic	heavy.
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The	story	of	the	4	people	Everybody,	Somebody,	Anybody	and	Nobody	sums	the	situa>on	up	very	well.	In	
then	background	you	will	see	the	Denpasar	TPA	or	trash	dump.	The	highest	point	around	the	area	and	you	
cannot	miss	it,	just	follow	the	smell.	And	by	the	way,	the	small	is	methane	that	is	a	20	>mes	more	potent	
green	house	gas	than	CO2.	
I	hope	that	at	this	stage	you	are	asking	yourself	“What	
can	I	do?	I	cannot	do	anything	about	everyone	else’s	
rubbish!”	Theodore	Roosevelt	said	it	beCer	than	I	can.	
“Start	where	you	are.	Use	what	you	have.	Do	what	you	
can	and	it	will	be	enough.”		
The	starfish	remind	me	of	the	story	of	a	liCle	girl	
walking	on	a	beach	where	hundreds	of	starfish	washed	
out	and	she	was	throwing	some	back	into	the	waves.	A	
man	came	by	and	told	her	that	it	makes	no	difference,	
she	may	as	well	give	up.	She	replied,	“It	makes	a	
difference	to	this	one!”	
So	where	do	we	start,	there	are	so	much	waste	around	and	so	many	types.	We	are	part	of	a	throw	away	
society.	There	are	single	serving	por>on	control	condiments,	straws,	single	use	plas>c	bags,	organic	waste,	
electronic	waste,	hazardous	waste	like	cigaret	buCs	and	baby	diapers,	packaging	and	more.	
There was waste to be handled, and
Everybody was sure Somebody would do it. 

Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.

Somebody got angry about that
because it was Everybody's job. 

Everybody thought Anybody could do it,
but Nobody realised that Everybody wouldn't do it. 

It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody
when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.
Page of3 6
The	first	step	is	to	become	aware	of	the	waste	you	are	crea>ng	and	then	to	reduce,	reuse	and	recycle	-	in	
that	order.	REDUCE	-	this	means	say	no	to	plas>c	bags	and	straws	and	single	serving	condiments,	buy	in	bulk	
in	paper	bags,	etc.	But	you	have	to	first	be	aware	of	what	you	are	was>ng.	Next	will	be	to	REUSE	those	
items	that	you	cannot	reduce,	especially	plas>c	bags	and	containers.	Only	then	RECYCLE.		
So	lets	look	at	plas>cs	as	that	is	the	one	item	that	is	very	visible	in	waste	pollu>on	and	when	it	breaks	down	
into	smaller	pieces	it	becomes	invisible	and	gets	consumed	by	the	animals	and	fishes	and	stored	in	their	
systems	and	then	we	eat	this	animals	of	fish.	Full	circle.	
The	recycling	of	plas>cs	have	been	made	easier	by	the	recycling	symbols	that	should	be	printed	or	stamped	
on	the	plas>cs.	They	are	numbered	from	1	to	7.	These	are	not	the	only	recycling	numbers	though	but	for	
our	purposes	we	will	s>ck	to	these.	The	codes	are	normally	stamped	at	the	boComs	of	the	container.	If	you	
want	to	know	more	go	to:		
Plas%c	#1	PET	Polyethylene	terephthalate.	
The	easiest	one	is	the	plas>c	water	boCles.	Also	food	
containers	and	other	boCles.	
PET	is	a	valuable	resource	and	will	fetch	good	money	
especially	if	it	is	clean	and	dry.	It	will	help	if	you	can	take	the	
label	and	cap	off	and	then	flaCen	it	for	storage	un>l	you	
have	enough	volume	for	a	waste	collector	to	pick	up.		
Recyclable	in	Indonesia	
Plas%c	#2	HDPE	High	
Density	polyethylene	
Plas>c	boCles,	plas>c	bags,	trash	cans,	oil	cans.		
The	same	applies	here,	clean	dry	products	are	worth	more	and	it	will	 also	
not	s>nk	so	you	can	store	it	longer	
The	boCle	caps	on	PET	boCles	are	normally	also	#2	
Recyclable	in	Indonesia	
Plas%c	#3	PVC	Polyvinyl	Chloride	
This	is	most	probably	the	most	widely	used	plas>c.	We	find	it	in	bags,	plumbing	
pipes,	rain	coats,	toys,	boCles	for	chemicals,	flooring.	The	problem	with	PVC	is	that	
known	carcinogens	outgases	from	PVC.	Please	read	up	more	about	it.		
PVC	is	also	recyclable	in	Indonesia.	But	keep	in	mind	that	there	are	no	recycle	
facili>es	in	Bali,	all	the	plas>cs	are	transported	to	Surabaya	adding	to	the	traffic	and	
the	traffic	pollu>on
Page of4 6
Plas%c	#4	LDPE	Low	density	Polyethylene	
Plas>c	bags,	milk	boCles,	buckets,	plas>c	tubes,	bread	
wrappers.	Some	of	then	plas>c	boCle	labels	
Recyclable	in	Indonesia	
Plas%c	#5	PP	Polypropylene	
Some	beverage	cups,	food	containers,	yogurt	containers	but	also	car	bumpers,	
car	interior	trim,	industrial	fibers.	
Recyclable	in	Indonesia.	
Plas%c	#6	PS	Polystyrene	
Also	know	as	Styrofoam.		Toys,	flower	potsCD	covers,	coolers,	
plas>c	cutlery,	take	away	containers,	bean	bags.	
This	is	a	very	tough	plas>c	to	recycle	and	nit	processed		widely	in	
Indonesia.	The	Styrofoam	packing	material	is	also	very	light	and	
breaks	up	and	blows	away	easily.	Styrofoam	however	makes	a	very	
good	insula>on.	But	beCer	to	avoid	ge2ng	this	as	a	waste	product.	
Plas%c	#	7	Everything	else	
This	includes	polycarbonate,	nylon	(polyamide),	acrylic	plas>cs	and	any	products	
that	has	plas>cs	laminated	into	the	container.	The	Gallon	boCles	for	drinking	
water	falls	under	this	category.	
This	a	a	generic	category	and	is	not	recyclable	as	it	can	also	be	a	mixture	of	
different	plas>cs.	
Another	point	to	keep	in	mind	is	that	when	we	say	plas>cs	are	recyclable	it	is	
actually	down-cycled.	Meaning	PET	is	not	recycled	to	make	water	boCles	again	
but	other	products	of	lesser	value.
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Laminated	Packaging	
We	have	men>oned	laminated	packaging	and	here	are	2	of	the	widely	used	ones,	Chip	packets	and	Tetra	
As	you	can	see	from	the	images,	the	wrappings	are	mul>	layered	and	
very	hard	to	delaminate.	Chip	packets	are	not	recyclable	and	will	
break	down	slowly.	BeCer	to	avoid	it		
Tetra	Pack	 however	are	recycled	in	
Indonesia.		 As	previously	 noted,	the	value	goes	up	if	
it	is	clean.	Wash	out	the	mild	and	juice	containers	
and	remove	the	plas>c	caps	and	flaCen	them.		
Eco	Bali	is	the	agent	for	recycling	the	tetra	packs.	If	
have	enough	stocked	up	call	them	and	find	out	
they	can	pick	it	up.	
Organic	Waste.	This	makes	up	the	majority	of	waste	in	the	rubbish	dumps	and	it	also	contaminates	the	
plas>c	waste.	The	biggest	contribu>on	you	can	make	towards	reducing	the	waste	is	to	not	mix	organics	with	
any	other	waste.	Use	it	in	your	gardens,	make	compost.	If	you	have	smaller	vegetable	peel	amounts,	put	it	
in	a	blender	and	mix	it	in	with	the	garden	waste	in	a	heap	and	put	a	cardboard	cover	over	it.	Turn	it	very	4	
days	and	in	no	>me	you	will	have	compost.	
Paper	and	cardboard	also	falls	under	the	label	of	organics.	Cardboard	has	a	commercial	value	and	will	be	
easy	to	recycle.	Take	the	tape	and	labels	off	and	flaCen	it	for	storage.	Store	brown	cardboard	separate	from	
color	printed	cardboard.	Wri>ng	paper	can	be	shredded	and	mixed	in	with	your	garden	waste	to	become	
compost.	Or	put	it	in	your	new	garden	beds,	water	it	well,	cover	with	cardboard	and	wet	the	card	board	and	
then	put	a	thick	layer	of	leaves	and	garden	waste	on	top	of	it	and	it	will	also	turn	into	soil.	
Metals	-	all	metals	are	recyclable	but	especially	aluminium	cans.	Keep	it	clean	and	dry	and	store	it	un>l	you	
have	enough	to	give	to	a	waste	collector.	
Hazardous	waste	
This	is	waste	that	poses	a	health	hazard	to	us.	It	also	contaminates	the	rest	of	the	waste	to	such	an	extent	
that	it	renders	it	absolutely	useless.	
CigareOe	buOs	-	highly	toxic	and	should	be	handled	as	toxic	
waste	in	separate	containers.	There	is	no	recycling	value	in	
this	and	it	should	be	incinerated	
Baby	diapers	-	Diapers	are	
mul>	layered	products	and	
when	soiled	not	recyclable	
in	Indonesia.	This	should	
also	ideally	be	incinerated	
but	at	this	stage	there	is	no	
facility	to	do	this.	
Mosquito	coils	are	the	other	item	that	contaminates	waste	and	makes	it	
a	worthless	material.	Keep	in	the	same	container	as	cigareCe	buCs.
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This	is	an	interes>ng	ques>on	when	it	comes	to	
waste	pollu>on.		The	answer	is	NO.	Les	bad	is	just	
less	bad	and	cannot	be	good.	It	may	be	beCer	but	not	good.	
When	it	comes	to	waste,	it	is	our	personal	responsibility	to	firstly	know	what	waste	we	are	producing	and	
then	to	ensure	that	it	does	not	go	to	a	landfill.	This	is	not	easy	in	Bali	as	there	are	limited	op>ons.	The	take	
away	from	this	is	to	do	the	separa>ons	and	sor>ng	at	home	into	the	various	categories,	keep	it	clean	and	
store	it	un>l	you	have	enough	to	give	to	a	waste	collector.		
For	more	informa>on	about	waste	collectors	in	your	area	please	contact	Olivier	Pouillon	of	Bali	Recycle	
about	his	Gringo	APP	that	gives	informa>on	about	waste	collectors	in	the	urban	areas.	
For	Tetra	Pack	recycling	contact	Paola	Cannucciari	of	Eco	Bali	
Both	are	Bookgreener	Members	and	have	been	in	the	waste	industry	in	Bali	for	a	long	>me.	
To	make	the	whole	waste	issue	a	team	effort	for	those	with	businesses,	I	recommend	that	you	form	a	Green	
Team	or	Environment	Team	to	handle	the	research	and	innova>on	and	implementa>on	in	your	business	and	
community.	(I	call	them	PIONEER	teams)	
Please	contact	me	if	you	need	help	se2ng	this	up.	
Good	luck	in	achieving	the	Zero	Waste	to	Landfill	goal	
And	remember	it	is	“Personal”	
Piet	van	Zyl
Is less Bad Good?

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