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Visual odometry

                  by Inkyu Sa
       his laser scanner is good enough
     to obtain the position (x, y, θ, z) of
     the quadrotor at 10Hz. This data
     provides from ROS canonical scan
     matcher package.




       y position(m)






                         −0.5   −0.4   −0.3   −0.2   −0.1        0          0.1   0.2   0.3   0.4   0.5
                                                            x position(m)
                                 his laser scanner is good enough
                               to obtain the position (x, y, θ, z) of
                               the quadrotor at 10Hz. This data
                               provides from ROS canonical scan
                               matcher package.




- Relatively high accuracy.                       0.1
                                 y position(m)

- ROS device driver support.                       0





                                                   −0.5   −0.4   −0.3   −0.2   −0.1        0          0.1   0.2   0.3   0.4   0.5
                                                                                      x position(m)
                                 his laser scanner is good enough
                               to obtain the position (x, y, θ, z) of
                               the quadrotor at 10Hz. This data
                               provides from ROS canonical scan
                               matcher package.




- Relatively high accuracy.                       0.1
                                 y position(m)

- ROS device driver support.                       0



- Expensive, USD 2375                            −0.3

- Low frequency 10Hz                             −0.4

- Only for 2D.                                   −0.5
                                                   −0.5   −0.4   −0.3   −0.2   −0.1        0          0.1   0.2   0.3   0.4   0.5
                                                                                      x position(m)
                              inect 3D depth camera can
                           provide not only 2D RGB images but
                           3D depth images at 30Hz.
                                                inect 3D depth camera can
                                             provide not only 2D RGB images but
                                             3D depth images at 30Hz.

- Reasonable price. AUD 180.
- 3 Dimensional information.
- Openni Kinect ROS device driver and
point could library support.
- Available to use for visual odometry and
object recognition, 3D SLAM and so on.
                                             inect 3D depth camera can
                                          provide not only 2D RGB images but
                                          3D depth images at 30Hz.
                                           - Relatively low accuracy and many noise.
- Reasonable price. AUD 180.
                                           - Heavy weight. original kinect over 500g.
- 3 Dimensional information.
- Openni Kinect ROS device driver and      - Requires high computational power.
point could library support.
                                                                       ◦    ◦
                                           - Narrow filed of view. H=57,V=43
- Available to use for visual odometry and
object recognition, 3D SLAM and so on.
                                             inect 3D depth camera can
                                          provide not only 2D RGB images but
                                          3D depth images at 30Hz.
                                           - Relatively low accuracy and many noise.
- Reasonable price. AUD 180.
                                           - Heavy weight. original kinect over 500g.
- 3 Dimensional information.
- Openni Kinect ROS device driver and      - Requires high computational power.
point could library support.
                                                                       ◦    ◦
                                           - Narrow filed of view. H=57,V=43
- Available to use for visual odometry and
object recognition, 3D SLAM and so on.
                                             inect 3D depth camera can
                                          provide not only 2D RGB images but
                                          3D depth images at 30Hz.
                                           - Relatively low accuracy and many noise.
- Reasonable price. AUD 180.
                                           - Heavy weight. original kinect over 500g.
- 3 Dimensional information.
- Openni Kinect ROS device driver and      - Requires high computational power.
point could library support.
                                                                       ◦    ◦
                                           - Narrow filed of view. H=57,V=43
- Available to use for visual odometry and
object recognition, 3D SLAM and so on.
                                             inect 3D depth camera can
                                          provide not only 2D RGB images but
                                          3D depth images at 30Hz.
                                           - Relatively low accuracy and many noise.
- Reasonable price. AUD 180.
                                           - Heavy weight. original kinect over 500g.
- 3 Dimensional information.
- Openni Kinect ROS device driver and      - Requires high computational power.
point could library support.
                                                                       ◦    ◦
                                           - Narrow filed of view. H=57,V=43
- Available to use for visual odometry and
object recognition, 3D SLAM and so on.
                                             inect 3D depth camera can
                                          provide not only 2D RGB images but
                                          3D depth images at 30Hz.
                                           - Relatively low accuracy and many noise.
- Reasonable price. AUD 180.
                                           - Heavy weight. original kinect over 500g.
- 3 Dimensional information.
- Openni Kinect ROS device driver and      - Requires high computational power.
point could library support.
                                                                       ◦    ◦
                                           - Narrow filed of view. H=57,V=43
- Available to use for visual odometry and
object recognition, 3D SLAM and so on.
◦       ◦
◦       ◦
◦       ◦
                    
   x               a
  y =           b 
   z               1

a = tan{α tan−1 u/f } cos β
b = tan{α tan−1 v/f } sin β
u =x point of image plane.
v =y point of image plane.
(∆x, ∆y, ∆θ)

         (x , y )
                                          (u, v) (u , v )
(x, y)
                      ˆ ˆ
                    (du, dv) = P (u, v, {u0 , v0 , f, α}, {∆x, ∆y, ∆θ})

                    P is optical flow function of
                       the feature coordinate.
   t     t+1
e1 = med           ˆ                 ˆ
           (dui − dui )2 ) + (dvi − dvi )2 )

Solar powered robot, Hyperion,
developed by CMU.
Solar powered robot, Hyperion,
developed by CMU.

The parameter estimates are
somewhat noisy but closely with
those determined using a CMU
calibration method.

                 Calibration method=(True)
R                   W
      ˙                   x
    R      = RZ (θ)     W
      ˙                   y

Then integration of the robot
velocity using sample time
can be produce the position
of the robot as shown the
left image.
     R            R
       x            x
     R     =      R      ∆t
       y            y
Using the following equation,
the observed robot coordinate
velocity can be calculated.
    R                   W
      ˙                   x
    R      = RZ (θ)     W
      ˙                   y

Then integration of the robot
velocity using sample time
can be produce the position
of the robot as shown the
left image.
     R            R
       x            x
     R     =      R      ∆t
       y            y
6DOF of camera position + 3DOF
of features position.
    Observation vector,the projection
data for the current image.
      Process noise covariance,should
be known.
      Measurement noise covariance,
should be know. isotropic with
variance(4.0 pixels).
   Error covariance
   Kalman gain.
   Observation matrix
−                    −
     xk =
     ˆ      xk
            ˆ     + Kk (zk −   H xk )

                               The measurement is re-
                               projection of point.
zj =      (R(ρ) Zj + t)

ρ, t are the camera-to-world rotation Euler angles and translation
   of the camera.
Zj is the 3D world coordinate system position of point j.
This measurement is nonlinear in the estimated parameters and
this motivates use of the iterated extended Kalman filter.
−                    −
     xk =
     ˆ      xk
            ˆ     + Kk (zk −   H xk )

                               The measurement is re-
                               projection of point.
zj =      (R(ρ) Zj + t)

ρ, t are the camera-to-world rotation Euler angles and translation
   of the camera.
Zj is the 3D world coordinate system position of point j.
This measurement is nonlinear in the estimated parameters and
this motivates use of the iterated extended Kalman filter.
Initial state estimate distribution
is done using batch algorithm[1]
to get mean and covariance.

This estimates initial 6D camera
positions corresponding to
several images in the sequence.

29.2m traveled and average
error=22.9cm and maximum

y   Robert Collins CSE486, Penn State


             λ1 = large , λ2 = small
y   Robert Collins CSE486, Penn State


              λ1 = small , λ2 = small
y   Robert Collins CSE486, Penn State


            λ1 = large , λ2 = large
E(u, v) =         w(x, y)[I(x + u, y + v) − I(x, y)]

                                 ≈          [I(x, y) + uIx + vIy − I(x, y)]2

                                 =          u2 Ix + 2uvIx Iy + v 2 Iy
                                                2                   2

                                                           Ix Ix Iy              u
                                 =            u v                 2
                                                           Ix Iy Iy              v
                                                               Ix Ix Iy              u
                                 =      u v      (                    2     )
                                                               Ix Iy Iy              v

                                                           u                               2
                                                                                          Ix Ix Iy
                          E(u, v) ∼
                                  =     u v      M               ,M =           w(x, y)          2
                                                           v                              Ix Iy Iy
R = detM − k(traceM )2
       2 2       2    2
    = Ix Iy − k(Ix + Iy )

   detM =λ1 λ2                      α =Ix
traceM =λ1 + λ2                     β =Iy
                                    Ix =Gx ∗ I
k is an empirically determined           σ

constant range from 0.04~0.06       Iy =Gy ∗ I

                         Ix Ix Iy
   M=          w(x, y)          2
                         Ix Iy Iy
R = detM − k(traceM )2
       2 2       2    2
    = Ix Iy − k(Ix + Iy )

   detM =λ1 λ2                      α =Ix
traceM =λ1 + λ2                     β =Iy
                                    Ix =Gx ∗ I
k is an empirically determined           σ

constant range from 0.04~0.06       Iy =Gy ∗ I

                         Ix Ix Iy
   M=          w(x, y)          2
                         Ix Iy Iy
                                                 Source from [3]
For each detected feature, search every features within a
certain disparity limit from the next image.
(10% of image size)


For each detected feature, calculate the normalized
correlation using 11x11 window.
              A=           I

              B=           I2
              C =√
                      nB − A2
              D=           I1 I2

  n = 121, 11 × 11

The normalized correlation         Find the highest value of NC,
between two patches is             (Mutual consistency check)
    N C1,2 = (nD − A1 A2 )C1 C2          = max(N C1, 2)
Circles shows the current feature locations
and lines are feature tracks over the images
Track matched features and estimate relative position
using 5-points algorithm. RANSAC refines position.
Track matched features and estimate relative position
using 5-points algorithm. RANSAC refines position.

Construct 3D points with first and last observation
and estimate the scale factor.
Track matched features and estimate relative position
using 5-points algorithm. RANSAC refines position.

Construct 3D points with first and last observation
and estimate the scale factor.

Track additional number of frames and compute the
position of camera with known 3D point using
3-point algorithm. RANSAC refines positions.
Track matched features and estimate relative position
using 5-points algorithm. RANSAC refines position.

Construct 3D points with first and last observation
and estimate the scale factor.

Track additional number of frames and compute the
position of camera with known 3D point using
3-point algorithm. RANSAC refines positions.
Triangulate the observed matches into 3D points.

= abs(y1 − y1 )
Triangulate the observed matches into 3D points.

              Track features for a certain number of frames
              and calculate the position of stereo rig and
              refine with RANSAC and 3points algorithm.
E{(p1 , p1 ), (p2 , p2 ), (p3 , p3 )}

From this equation, we                  p1
could get R,T matrix.                                t
                                        p2   p3

                                        p1            t-1
Triangulate the observed matches into 3D points.

              Track features for a certain number of frames
              and calculate the position of stereo rig and
              refine with RANSAC and 3points algorithm.
E{(p1 , p1 ), (p2 , p2 ), (p3 , p3 )}

From this equation, we                  p1
could get R,T matrix.                                t
                                        p2   p3

                                        p1            t-1
Triangulate the observed matches into 3D points.

              Track features for a certain number of frames
              and calculate the position of stereo rig and
              refine with RANSAC and 3points algorithm.
E{(p1 , p1 ), (p2 , p2 ), (p3 , p3 )}

From this equation, we                  p1
could get R,T matrix.                                t
                                        p2   p3

                                        p1            t-1
Triangulate the observed matches into 3D points.

Track features for a certain number of frames
and calculate the position of stereo rig and
refine with RANSAC and 3points algorithm.

Triangulate all new feature matches and repeat
previous step a certain number of time.
Triangulate the observed matches into 3D points.

Track features for a certain number of frames
and calculate the position of stereo rig and
refine with RANSAC and 3points algorithm.

Triangulate all new feature matches and repeat
previous step a certain number of time.
Note: In this paper, fire wall refers to the tool in order to avoid error
propagation. Idea is that don’t triangulate of 3D points using observation beyond
the most recent firewall.

   projection error                                 Set the firewall at this frame
                                                      Then using from this frame
                                                      to triangulate 3D points.

Image size: 720x240
Baseline: 28cm
HVOF: 50
Image size: 720x240
Baseline: 28cm
HVOF: 50
Visual Odometry’s frame processing rate
is around 13Hz.
No a priori knowledge of the motion.
3D trajectory is estimated.
DGPS accuray in RG-2 mode is 2cm
Red=VO, Blue=DGPS, Traveling=184m,
Error of the endpoint is 4.1 meters.
Frame-to-frame error analysis of the
vehicle heading estimates. Approximately
zero-mean suggests that estimates are not
                                            Autonomous run
                                            Remote control
Official runs to report results of visual   GPS-(Gyro+Vis)=3.5m
odometry to DARPA. “Remote” means
manual control by a person who is not a
member of the vo team.

Distance from true DGPS position at the
end of eacho run. (in metres)
Dark plus(Blue)=DGPS
Thick line(Green)=Vo
Thin line(Red)=Wheel+IMU
Dark plus(Blue)=DGPS
Thick line(Green)=Vo
Thin line(Red)=Wheel+IMU

 Because of slippage on
 muddy trail
Dark plus(Blue)=DGPS
Thick line(Green)=Vo
Thin line(Red)=Wheel+IMU
Dark plus(Blue)=DGPS       Dark plus(Blue)=DGPS
Thick line(Green)=Vo       Thick line(Green)=Vo
Thin line(Red)=Wheel+IMU   Thin line(Red)=Wheel+Vo
Thank you
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Visual odometry presentation_without_video

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Visual odometry presentation_without_video

  • 1. Visual odometry by Inkyu Sa
  • 3. Motivation his laser scanner is good enough to obtain the position (x, y, θ, z) of the quadrotor at 10Hz. This data provides from ROS canonical scan matcher package. 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 y position(m) 0 −0.1 −0.2 −0.3 −0.4 −0.5 −0.5 −0.4 −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 x position(m)
  • 4. Motivation his laser scanner is good enough to obtain the position (x, y, θ, z) of the quadrotor at 10Hz. This data provides from ROS canonical scan matcher package. 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 - Relatively high accuracy. 0.1 y position(m) - ROS device driver support. 0 −0.1 −0.2 −0.3 −0.4 −0.5 −0.5 −0.4 −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 x position(m)
  • 5. Motivation his laser scanner is good enough to obtain the position (x, y, θ, z) of the quadrotor at 10Hz. This data provides from ROS canonical scan matcher package. 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 - Relatively high accuracy. 0.1 y position(m) - ROS device driver support. 0 −0.1 −0.2 - Expensive, USD 2375 −0.3 - Low frequency 10Hz −0.4 - Only for 2D. −0.5 −0.5 −0.4 −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 x position(m)
  • 7. Motivation inect 3D depth camera can provide not only 2D RGB images but 3D depth images at 30Hz.
  • 8. Motivation inect 3D depth camera can provide not only 2D RGB images but 3D depth images at 30Hz. - Reasonable price. AUD 180. - 3 Dimensional information. - Openni Kinect ROS device driver and point could library support. - Available to use for visual odometry and object recognition, 3D SLAM and so on.
  • 9. Motivation inect 3D depth camera can provide not only 2D RGB images but 3D depth images at 30Hz. - Relatively low accuracy and many noise. - Reasonable price. AUD 180. - Heavy weight. original kinect over 500g. - 3 Dimensional information. - Openni Kinect ROS device driver and - Requires high computational power. point could library support. ◦ ◦ - Narrow filed of view. H=57,V=43 - Available to use for visual odometry and object recognition, 3D SLAM and so on.
  • 10. Motivation inect 3D depth camera can provide not only 2D RGB images but 3D depth images at 30Hz. - Relatively low accuracy and many noise. - Reasonable price. AUD 180. - Heavy weight. original kinect over 500g. - 3 Dimensional information. - Openni Kinect ROS device driver and - Requires high computational power. point could library support. ◦ ◦ - Narrow filed of view. H=57,V=43 - Available to use for visual odometry and object recognition, 3D SLAM and so on.
  • 11. Motivation inect 3D depth camera can provide not only 2D RGB images but 3D depth images at 30Hz. - Relatively low accuracy and many noise. - Reasonable price. AUD 180. - Heavy weight. original kinect over 500g. - 3 Dimensional information. - Openni Kinect ROS device driver and - Requires high computational power. point could library support. ◦ ◦ - Narrow filed of view. H=57,V=43 - Available to use for visual odometry and object recognition, 3D SLAM and so on.
  • 12. Motivation inect 3D depth camera can provide not only 2D RGB images but 3D depth images at 30Hz. - Relatively low accuracy and many noise. - Reasonable price. AUD 180. - Heavy weight. original kinect over 500g. - 3 Dimensional information. - Openni Kinect ROS device driver and - Requires high computational power. point could library support. ◦ ◦ - Narrow filed of view. H=57,V=43 - Available to use for visual odometry and object recognition, 3D SLAM and so on.
  • 13. Motivation inect 3D depth camera can provide not only 2D RGB images but 3D depth images at 30Hz. - Relatively low accuracy and many noise. - Reasonable price. AUD 180. - Heavy weight. original kinect over 500g. - 3 Dimensional information. - Openni Kinect ROS device driver and - Requires high computational power. point could library support. ◦ ◦ - Narrow filed of view. H=57,V=43 - Available to use for visual odometry and object recognition, 3D SLAM and so on.
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18. ◦ ◦
  • 19. ◦ ◦
  • 20. ◦ ◦
  • 21.    x a  y =  b  z 1 a = tan{α tan−1 u/f } cos β b = tan{α tan−1 v/f } sin β u =x point of image plane. v =y point of image plane.
  • 22. (∆x, ∆y, ∆θ) (x , y ) (u, v) (u , v ) (x, y) ˆ ˆ (du, dv) = P (u, v, {u0 , v0 , f, α}, {∆x, ∆y, ∆θ}) P is optical flow function of the feature coordinate. t t+1
  • 23. e1 = med ˆ ˆ (dui − dui )2 ) + (dvi − dvi )2 ) e1
  • 24.
  • 25. Solar powered robot, Hyperion, developed by CMU.
  • 26. Solar powered robot, Hyperion, developed by CMU. The parameter estimates are somewhat noisy but closely with those determined using a CMU calibration method. estimates=(Value) Calibration method=(True)
  • 27. R W x ˙ x ˙ R = RZ (θ) W y ˙ y ˙ Then integration of the robot velocity using sample time can be produce the position of the robot as shown the left image. R R x x ˙ R = R ∆t y y ˙
  • 28. Using the following equation, the observed robot coordinate velocity can be calculated. R W x ˙ x ˙ R = RZ (θ) W y ˙ y ˙ Then integration of the robot velocity using sample time can be produce the position of the robot as shown the left image. R R x x ˙ R = R ∆t y y ˙
  • 29.
  • 30.
  • 31. 6DOF of camera position + 3DOF of features position. Observation vector,the projection data for the current image. Process noise covariance,should be known. Measurement noise covariance, should be know. isotropic with variance(4.0 pixels). Error covariance Kalman gain. Observation matrix
  • 32. − xk = ˆ xk ˆ + Kk (zk − H xk ) ˆ The measurement is re- projection of point. T zj = (R(ρ) Zj + t) ρ, t are the camera-to-world rotation Euler angles and translation of the camera. Zj is the 3D world coordinate system position of point j. This measurement is nonlinear in the estimated parameters and this motivates use of the iterated extended Kalman filter.
  • 33. − xk = ˆ xk ˆ + Kk (zk − H xk ) ˆ The measurement is re- projection of point. T zj = (R(ρ) Zj + t) ρ, t are the camera-to-world rotation Euler angles and translation of the camera. Zj is the 3D world coordinate system position of point j. This measurement is nonlinear in the estimated parameters and this motivates use of the iterated extended Kalman filter.
  • 34. Initial state estimate distribution is done using batch algorithm[1] to get mean and covariance. This estimates initial 6D camera positions corresponding to several images in the sequence. 29.2m traveled and average error=22.9cm and maximum error=72.7cm.
  • 35.
  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 38.
  • 39. é
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 42. y x
  • 43. y Robert Collins CSE486, Penn State x λ1 = large , λ2 = small
  • 44. y Robert Collins CSE486, Penn State x λ1 = small , λ2 = small
  • 45. y Robert Collins CSE486, Penn State x λ1 = large , λ2 = large
  • 46. 2 E(u, v) = w(x, y)[I(x + u, y + v) − I(x, y)] x,y ≈ [I(x, y) + uIx + vIy − I(x, y)]2 x,y = u2 Ix + 2uvIx Iy + v 2 Iy 2 2 x,y 2 Ix Ix Iy u = u v 2 Ix Iy Iy v x,y 2 Ix Ix Iy u = u v ( 2 ) Ix Iy Iy v x,y u 2 Ix Ix Iy E(u, v) ∼ = u v M ,M = w(x, y) 2 v Ix Iy Iy x,y
  • 47. R = detM − k(traceM )2 2 2 2 2 = Ix Iy − k(Ix + Iy ) 2 detM =λ1 λ2 α =Ix 2 traceM =λ1 + λ2 β =Iy Ix =Gx ∗ I k is an empirically determined σ constant range from 0.04~0.06 Iy =Gy ∗ I σ 2 Ix Ix Iy M= w(x, y) 2 Ix Iy Iy x,y
  • 48. R = detM − k(traceM )2 2 2 2 2 = Ix Iy − k(Ix + Iy ) 2 detM =λ1 λ2 α =Ix 2 traceM =λ1 + λ2 β =Iy Ix =Gx ∗ I k is an empirically determined σ constant range from 0.04~0.06 Iy =Gy ∗ I σ 2 Ix Ix Iy M= w(x, y) 2 Ix Iy Iy x,y Source from [3]
  • 49.
  • 50. For each detected feature, search every features within a certain disparity limit from the next image. (10% of image size) (t) (t-1)
  • 51. For each detected feature, calculate the normalized correlation using 11x11 window. A= I x,y B= I2 x,y 1 C =√ nB − A2 D= I1 I2 x,y n = 121, 11 × 11 The normalized correlation Find the highest value of NC, between two patches is (Mutual consistency check) N C1,2 = (nD − A1 A2 )C1 C2 = max(N C1, 2)
  • 52. Circles shows the current feature locations and lines are feature tracks over the images
  • 53. Track matched features and estimate relative position using 5-points algorithm. RANSAC refines position.
  • 54. Track matched features and estimate relative position using 5-points algorithm. RANSAC refines position. Construct 3D points with first and last observation and estimate the scale factor.
  • 55. Track matched features and estimate relative position using 5-points algorithm. RANSAC refines position. Construct 3D points with first and last observation and estimate the scale factor. Track additional number of frames and compute the position of camera with known 3D point using 3-point algorithm. RANSAC refines positions.
  • 56. Track matched features and estimate relative position using 5-points algorithm. RANSAC refines position. Construct 3D points with first and last observation and estimate the scale factor. Track additional number of frames and compute the position of camera with known 3D point using 3-point algorithm. RANSAC refines positions.
  • 57. Triangulate the observed matches into 3D points. = abs(y1 − y1 )
  • 58. Triangulate the observed matches into 3D points. Track features for a certain number of frames and calculate the position of stereo rig and refine with RANSAC and 3points algorithm. E{(p1 , p1 ), (p2 , p2 ), (p3 , p3 )} From this equation, we p1 could get R,T matrix. t p2 p3 p1 t-1 p3 p2
  • 59. Triangulate the observed matches into 3D points. Track features for a certain number of frames and calculate the position of stereo rig and refine with RANSAC and 3points algorithm. E{(p1 , p1 ), (p2 , p2 ), (p3 , p3 )} From this equation, we p1 could get R,T matrix. t p2 p3 p1 t-1 p3 p2
  • 60. Triangulate the observed matches into 3D points. Track features for a certain number of frames and calculate the position of stereo rig and refine with RANSAC and 3points algorithm. E{(p1 , p1 ), (p2 , p2 ), (p3 , p3 )} From this equation, we p1 could get R,T matrix. t p2 p3 p1 t-1 p3 p2
  • 61. Triangulate the observed matches into 3D points. Track features for a certain number of frames and calculate the position of stereo rig and refine with RANSAC and 3points algorithm. Triangulate all new feature matches and repeat previous step a certain number of time.
  • 62. Triangulate the observed matches into 3D points. Track features for a certain number of frames and calculate the position of stereo rig and refine with RANSAC and 3points algorithm. Triangulate all new feature matches and repeat previous step a certain number of time.
  • 63. Note: In this paper, fire wall refers to the tool in order to avoid error propagation. Idea is that don’t triangulate of 3D points using observation beyond the most recent firewall. time projection error Set the firewall at this frame Then using from this frame to triangulate 3D points. time
  • 64.
  • 65.
  • 68.
  • 69. Visual Odometry’s frame processing rate is around 13Hz. No a priori knowledge of the motion. 3D trajectory is estimated. DGPS accuray in RG-2 mode is 2cm
  • 70.
  • 71. Red=VO, Blue=DGPS, Traveling=184m, Error of the endpoint is 4.1 meters.
  • 72.
  • 73.
  • 74.
  • 75. Frame-to-frame error analysis of the vehicle heading estimates. Approximately zero-mean suggests that estimates are not biased.
  • 76.
  • 77.
  • 78. Unit=metre Autonomous run GPS-(Gyro+Wheel)=0.29m GPS-(Gyro+Vis)=0.77m Remote control GPS-(Gyro+Wheel)=-6.78m Official runs to report results of visual GPS-(Gyro+Vis)=3.5m odometry to DARPA. “Remote” means manual control by a person who is not a member of the vo team. Distance from true DGPS position at the end of eacho run. (in metres)
  • 79.
  • 81.
  • 84. Dark plus(Blue)=DGPS Thick line(Green)=Vo Thin line(Red)=Wheel+IMU Because of slippage on muddy trail
  • 86. Dark plus(Blue)=DGPS Dark plus(Blue)=DGPS Thick line(Green)=Vo Thick line(Green)=Vo Thin line(Red)=Wheel+IMU Thin line(Red)=Wheel+Vo
  • 87.
  • 88.
  • 89.
  • 90.
  • 91.
  • 92.
  • 93.

Editor's Notes

  1. \n
  2. This is our quadrotor. Currently we use the laser scanner to get the position.\n\nStdev for x=0.13m and y=0.09m, The graph is 1m x 1m for 2D. \n\nExplain advantages and disadvantage.\n\nLet’s look at vision sensor for visual odometry.\n
  3. This is our quadrotor. Currently we use the laser scanner to get the position.\n\nStdev for x=0.13m and y=0.09m, The graph is 1m x 1m for 2D. \n\nExplain advantages and disadvantage.\n\nLet’s look at vision sensor for visual odometry.\n
  4. This is our quadrotor. Currently we use the laser scanner to get the position.\n\nStdev for x=0.13m and y=0.09m, The graph is 1m x 1m for 2D. \n\nExplain advantages and disadvantage.\n\nLet’s look at vision sensor for visual odometry.\n
  5. This is our quadrotor. Currently we use the laser scanner to get the position.\n\nStdev for x=0.13m and y=0.09m, The graph is 1m x 1m for 2D. \n\nExplain advantages and disadvantage.\n\nLet’s look at vision sensor for visual odometry.\n
  6. This is our quadrotor. Currently we use the laser scanner to get the position.\n\nStdev for x=0.13m and y=0.09m, The graph is 1m x 1m for 2D. \n\nExplain advantages and disadvantage.\n\nLet’s look at vision sensor for visual odometry.\n
  7. This is our quadrotor. Currently we use the laser scanner to get the position.\n\nStdev for x=0.13m and y=0.09m, The graph is 1m x 1m for 2D. \n\nExplain advantages and disadvantage.\n\nLet’s look at vision sensor for visual odometry.\n
  8. This is our quadrotor. Currently we use the laser scanner to get the position.\n\nStdev for x=0.13m and y=0.09m, The graph is 1m x 1m for 2D. \n
  9. This is our quadrotor. Currently we use the laser scanner to get the position.\n\nStdev for x=0.13m and y=0.09m, The graph is 1m x 1m for 2D. \n
  10. This is our quadrotor. Currently we use the laser scanner to get the position.\n\nStdev for x=0.13m and y=0.09m, The graph is 1m x 1m for 2D. \n
  11. This is our quadrotor. Currently we use the laser scanner to get the position.\n\nStdev for x=0.13m and y=0.09m, The graph is 1m x 1m for 2D. \n
  12. This is our quadrotor. Currently we use the laser scanner to get the position.\n\nStdev for x=0.13m and y=0.09m, The graph is 1m x 1m for 2D. \n
  13. This is our quadrotor. Currently we use the laser scanner to get the position.\n\nStdev for x=0.13m and y=0.09m, The graph is 1m x 1m for 2D. \n
  14. This is our quadrotor. Currently we use the laser scanner to get the position.\n\nStdev for x=0.13m and y=0.09m, The graph is 1m x 1m for 2D. \n
  15. This is our quadrotor. Currently we use the laser scanner to get the position.\n\nStdev for x=0.13m and y=0.09m, The graph is 1m x 1m for 2D. \n
  16. This is our quadrotor. Currently we use the laser scanner to get the position.\n\nStdev for x=0.13m and y=0.09m, The graph is 1m x 1m for 2D. \n
  17. \n
  18. \n
  19. \n
  20. \n
  21. \n
  22. \n
  23. \n
  24. \n
  25. \n
  26. \n
  27. \n
  28. \n
  29. principle point u0,v0, focal length f, elevation gain alpha\nP = a \n
  30. principle point u0,v0, focal length f, elevation gain alpha\nP = a \n
  31. principle point u0,v0, focal length f, elevation gain alpha\nP = a \n
  32. principle point u0,v0, focal length f, elevation gain alpha\nP = a \n
  33. principle point u0,v0, focal length f, elevation gain alpha\nP = a \n
  34. principle point u0,v0, focal length f, elevation gain alpha\nP = a \n
  35. principle point u0,v0, focal length f, elevation gain alpha\nP = a \n
  36. principle point u0,v0, focal length f, elevation gain alpha\nP = a \n
  37. principle point u0,v0, focal length f, elevation gain alpha\nP = a \n
  38. principle point u0,v0, focal length f, elevation gain alpha\nP = a \n
  39. The different approach which is proposed in this paper is structure from motion.\nx_hat=posteriori state estimate\nx_hat_minus=priori state estimate\n
  40. The different approach which is proposed in this paper is structure from motion.\nx_hat=posteriori state estimate\nx_hat_minus=priori state estimate\n
  41. The different approach which is proposed in this paper is structure from motion.\nx_hat=posteriori state estimate\nx_hat_minus=priori state estimate\n
  42. The different approach which is proposed in this paper is structure from motion.\nx_hat=posteriori state estimate\nx_hat_minus=priori state estimate\n
  43. The different approach which is proposed in this paper is structure from motion.\nx_hat=posteriori state estimate\nx_hat_minus=priori state estimate\n
  44. The different approach which is proposed in this paper is structure from motion.\nx_hat=posteriori state estimate\nx_hat_minus=priori state estimate\n
  45. The different approach which is proposed in this paper is structure from motion.\nx_hat=posteriori state estimate\nx_hat_minus=priori state estimate\n
  46. The different approach which is proposed in this paper is structure from motion.\nx_hat=posteriori state estimate\nx_hat_minus=priori state estimate\n
  47. The different approach which is proposed in this paper is structure from motion.\nx_hat=posteriori state estimate\nx_hat_minus=priori state estimate\n
  48. The different approach which is proposed in this paper is structure from motion.\nx_hat=posteriori state estimate\nx_hat_minus=priori state estimate\n
  49. The different approach which is proposed in this paper is structure from motion.\nx_hat=posteriori state estimate\nx_hat_minus=priori state estimate\n
  50. \n
  51. \n
  52. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  53. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  54. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  55. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  56. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  57. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  58. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  59. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  60. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  61. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  62. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  63. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  64. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  65. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  66. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  67. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  68. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  69. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  70. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  71. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  72. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  73. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  74. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  75. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  76. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  77. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  78. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  79. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  80. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  81. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  82. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  83. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  84. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  85. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  86. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  87. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  88. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  89. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  90. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  91. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  92. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  93. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  94. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  95. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  96. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  97. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  98. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  99. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  100. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  101. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  102. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  103. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  104. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  105. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  106. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  107. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  108. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  109. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  110. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  111. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  112. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  113. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  114. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  115. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  116. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  117. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  118. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  119. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  120. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  121. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  122. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  123. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  124. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  125. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  126. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  127. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  128. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  129. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  130. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  131. Basic idea: we can calculate the cornet point by looking at intensity value of the window.\nMoving the window in any direction and find the point that yield a large change in appearance.\n\n
  132. Autonomous run: 96.09-95.80 =0.29 GPS-(Gyro+Wheel)\n96.09-95.32=0.77 GPS-(Gyro+Vis)\n\n
  133. Autonomous run: 96.09-95.80 =0.29 GPS-(Gyro+Wheel)\n96.09-95.32=0.77 GPS-(Gyro+Vis)\n\n
  134. Autonomous run: 96.09-95.80 =0.29 GPS-(Gyro+Wheel)\n96.09-95.32=0.77 GPS-(Gyro+Vis)\n\n
  135. Autonomous run: 96.09-95.80 =0.29 GPS-(Gyro+Wheel)\n96.09-95.32=0.77 GPS-(Gyro+Vis)\n\n
  136. Autonomous run: 96.09-95.80 =0.29 GPS-(Gyro+Wheel)\n96.09-95.32=0.77 GPS-(Gyro+Vis)\n\n
  137. Autonomous run: 96.09-95.80 =0.29 GPS-(Gyro+Wheel)\n96.09-95.32=0.77 GPS-(Gyro+Vis)\n\n
  138. Autonomous run: 96.09-95.80 =0.29 GPS-(Gyro+Wheel)\n96.09-95.32=0.77 GPS-(Gyro+Vis)\n\n
  139. Autonomous run: 96.09-95.80 =0.29 GPS-(Gyro+Wheel)\n96.09-95.32=0.77 GPS-(Gyro+Vis)\n\n
  140. Autonomous run: 96.09-95.80 =0.29 GPS-(Gyro+Wheel)\n96.09-95.32=0.77 GPS-(Gyro+Vis)\n\n
  141. Autonomous run: 96.09-95.80 =0.29 GPS-(Gyro+Wheel)\n96.09-95.32=0.77 GPS-(Gyro+Vis)\n\n
  142. Autonomous run: 96.09-95.80 =0.29 GPS-(Gyro+Wheel)\n96.09-95.32=0.77 GPS-(Gyro+Vis)\n\n
  143. Autonomous run: 96.09-95.80 =0.29 GPS-(Gyro+Wheel)\n96.09-95.32=0.77 GPS-(Gyro+Vis)\n\n
  144. Autonomous run: 96.09-95.80 =0.29 GPS-(Gyro+Wheel)\n96.09-95.32=0.77 GPS-(Gyro+Vis)\n\n
  145. Autonomous run: 96.09-95.80 =0.29 GPS-(Gyro+Wheel)\n96.09-95.32=0.77 GPS-(Gyro+Vis)\n\n
  146. \n
  147. principle point u0,v0, focal length f, elevation gain alpha\nP = a \n