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Virtual Child – Part 1
Healthy Development
Professor Christine Cadieux

Suwon Choi
The Infant Years (0-4 Months)
How does your baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains compare to the developmental
                                    milestones patterns? Is it typical?

Developmental             Answer                Prove It (give examples       Example (give examples
   Domain             (Your original              from your reports)               from the book)
                         thoughts)               (Cite your references)        (cite your references)
                    It seems that Kyul’s       Labour was about ten hours     There are three stages of
                     birth was typical.           long, and I gave birth       labour and these stages
                                                        naturally.            usually take 12-24 hours.
   Physical          She shows typical                                         (Child Development: A
                      developmental              She is sensitive to loud     Chronological Approach)
                    milestones patterns.       noises and intense stimuli.
                                                  (Virtual Child report)

                      Kyul is trying to            Kyul shows several        Crying tells its parents that
                   communicate with me          different types of crying.    it’s hungry, tired, angry or
                     and my partner in         She can focus her eyes on       hurt. (A Chronological
   Social /            variety ways                        me.                        Approach)
                  I observe Kyul began to       She is likely to cry when    When infants become wary
                  show negative emotions       she meets new people or in        in the presence of an
                           “fear”                    new situations.         unfamiliar adult, a reaction
                                                  (Virtual Child report)     known as stranger wariness.
                                                                             (A Chronological Approach)

                    It seems that Kyul’s       At 3 months of age, she is    According to sensorimotor
                    cognitive domain is          showing interest in her                 stage,
                     developing well.             surroundings such as        The infant shows greater
 Intellectual                                   smiling at familiar people      interest in the world, ..
                                                and toys and laughing at     Secondary circular reactions
surprising. (Virtual Child    represent an infant’s first
                                                        report)             efforts to explore properties
                                                                            and actions of objects in the
                                                                                 environment. (A
                                                                             Chronological Approach)

                                    The Infant Years (5-8 Months)
How does your baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains compare to the developmental
                                   milestones patterns? Is it typical?

Developmental             Answer               Prove It (give examples       Example (give examples
   Domain             (Your original             from your reports)               from the book)
                         thoughts)              (cite your references)        (cite your references)
                  Kyul’s motor skills are      Kyul crawls very actively      Crawling is an activity
                   developing typically.       and always tries to move.      involving motor skills-
                                                                            coordinated movements of
   Physical                                   She shows typical physical    the muscles and limbs. (A
                                               motor skills development      Chronological Approach)
                                                 such as sitting up and
                                              standing up but not walking
                                                 (Virtual Child report)

                   Kyul begins to behave       Kyul frequently clings to     By approximately 6 or 7
                   differently to strangers    me while sobbing and it       months, infants have the
                    and family members        occurs usually when she is    primary attachment figure
   Social /         especially me and I          in a new situation, or      usually the mother … this
  Emotional       think it shows we have         meeting new people.        attachment figure becomes
                      good and typical           (Virtual Child report)      that infant’s stable social-
                   emotional attachment.                                        emotional base. (A
                                                                            Chronological Approaches)
I observe Kyul adjusts       Kyul seems to like to have        By eight months, infants
                  her environment and go        little goals that involve two   search for toys hidden under
                    next further step of         steps of planning ahead.        a blanket or container and
 Intellectual            learning.                 (Virtual Child report)        explore objects. (Age and
                                                                                 Stages: A Brief Overview)

                                  The Infant Years (9-12 Months)
How does your baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains compare to the developmental
                                     milestones patterns? Is it typical?

Developmental            Answer                 Prove It (give examples          Example (give examples
   Domain             (Your original              from your reports)                 from the book)
                        thoughts)                (cite your references)           (cite your references)
                    These days, Kyul is       At 12 months, Kyul became         By 9 months, they can stand
                   crawling well and it        an efficient crawler and she     if they hold on to an object
                  shows her locomotion          learned to walk recently.        for support. A typical 14-
   Physical        is growing typically.           She’s exploring her          month-old can stand alone
                                                  environment eagerly.             briefly and walk with
                                                  (Virtual Child report)                assistance.
(A Chronological Approach)

                  Kyul seems to have      Kyul and I are getting more         Mothers and infants
                  securing attachment      and more in sync and she       gradually synchronize their
                 with not only me and     seems to be as comfortable       behaviours so that they are
   Social /       my partner but also          with Nanny as an          both “on” at the same time…
  Emotional           with nanny.          attachment as me and my       these interactions provide the
                                            partner. (Virtual Child           foundation for more
                                                    report)              sophisticated communication
                                                                           and foster the infant’s trust
                                                                          that the mother will respond
                                                                          predictable and reassuringly.
                                                                          (A Chronological Approach)
                 I observe she is eager   She enjoys throwing every        Substage 4:using means to
                     to explore her         toy and watching what         achieve ends(roughly 8 to 12
                environment and try to             happens.                          months)
 Intellectual      do something as           She is able to find the      Using one action as a means
                   learning process.        object even though after      to achieve a particular end is
                                                  long delays.                the first indication of
                                             (Virtual Child report)       purposeful behavior during
                                                                          (A Chronological Approach)

                                The Infant Years (15-19 Months)
    How does your baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains compare to the
                       developmental milestones patterns? Is it typical?

Developmental          Answer             Prove It (give examples       Example (give examples from
   Domain          (Your original           from your reports)                    the book)
thoughts)              (cite your references)           (cite your references)
               I think I should give     Kyul was about average for       The progress we observe in
                    Kyul more            gross motor development.       gross motor or fine motor skills
               opportunities to play           The examiner               is due to a combination of
 Physical        indoor or outdoor        recommended that I give         maturation and experience.
               play gyms. She seems       her opportunities to play      (A Chronological Approach)
                like to develop her          games of catch and
               motor skills little bit        kickball with me.
               slowly than other age        (Virtual Child report)

                 I observe Kyul is       Kyul gets very irritable and   Child-development researchers
                  struggling for         cries easily when she tired     have discovered that emotion
                  regulating her          or hungry and sometimes         regulation clearly begins in
  Social /          emotions.               she shows tantrums.           infancy…both genetics and
Emotional                                                               parenting also have their impact
                                          She uses the world “me”           on children’s emotions
                                         and she acts shy when she                regulation.
                                             looks in the mirror.        (A Chronological Approach)
                                          Besides she wants to do
                                                   herself.              Infants responds to name and
                                            (Virtual Child report)        likes to watch self in mirror
                                                                           (Age and Stages: A Brief

                 Kyul’s language           She still communicates        At about 1 1/2 years, children
                 domain is being         with gestures, and seems to     begin to combine individual
                 developed slowly        have a vocabulary of only         words to creat tow-word
Intellectual    than typical speed.              ten words.               sentences, like more juice,
                                         At 19 months, Kyul is able        gimme cookie, truck go…
                                         to imitate actions or words     (A Chronological Approach)
                                          and seems to know basic
                                          categories because she is
                                              sorting her toys.
(Virtual Child report)

                                     The Toddler Years (2 Years old)
                How is your child progressing based on typical toddler development?
     Give specific examples in the areas of Physical, Social / Emotional and Intellectual domains.

Developmental           Answer               Prove It (give examples       Example (give examples from
   Domain            (Your original              from the report                     the book)
                       thoughts)              (cite your references)           (cite your references)
                     Kyul seems to           Kyul has been riding “hot      Through the preschool years,
                   develop her motor           wheels” tricycle a lot.     children move beyond simple
                   skills with typical         (Virtual Child report)         walking to running and
  Physical                pace.                                             jumping and other complex
                                                                           motor skills…. Some learn to
                                                                           ride a tricycle or ski downhill.
                                                                            (A Chronological Approach)

                   Kyul’s emotion is            Kyul has some new          By age 2, children can express
                  getting variable like        emotions such as shy,          both basic and complex
                 the typical age groups     guilty and embarrassment.       emotions like guilt and pride
   Social /            of infants.                                              which require more
 Emotional                                                                  sophisticated understanding.
                                             She knows her gender and       (A Chronological Approach)
                       She began            starts categorizing behavior
                    recognizing her          and objects as boys thing        As youngsters learn the
                         gender.            and girls thing. Besides she   behaviours culturally expected
prefers to play with girls.   of boys and girls, they begin to
                                                (Virtual Child report)         identify with one of these
                                                                            groups. Children forge a gender
                                                                               identity, the perception of
                                                                                oneself as either male or
                                                                             (A Chronological Approach)

                       Kyul seems to            She likes to play make            Substage 6: mental
                   understand events and     believe with cups and dolls     representation(roughly 18 to
                    predict what is going      and sometimes talks to       24months) most infants are able
  Intellectual           to happen.           herself or makes the dolls         to think about what is
                                               and toy figurines talk to    happening around them without
                                                     each other.             having to physically explore a
                                                (Virtual Child report)       situation… the start of make-
                                                                                      believe play
                                                                             (A Chronological Approach)

                               The Infant years (Birth to 12 Months Old)

 Identify specific health and safety considerations that you will have to consider during the infant years.
                                      How will you address these issues?

Breast feeding

 Fortunately, I can afford to breast feeding my baby. I think it will affect my baby’s health. ”Breastfed
babies are ill less often because breast milk contains the mother’s antibodies. Breastfed babies also are
less prone to diarrhea and constipation …” (Kale, Zolner, Page 115) I believe breast feeding is the first
step of nutrition and will be the cornerstone for physical development of my baby.


 Next, I worry about several kinds of disease that my baby is likely to get in infant stage. Even though
there are positive and negative opinions about immunization, I decided to vaccinate my child.
“Immunization is one of the most important ways of promoting the health of children.”(Pimento, Page
123) and I’m following the immunization schedule as my baby growth.


 After few times of indigestion and diarrhea, my baby seems to be interested in new foods. Knowing
balanced diet with sufficient calorie is crucial for physical development, I also worry if my baby has
allergic to specific ingredient. Besides sometimes my baby is irritated when she tries to new food, so I
decided to try new baby food such as vegetable and meats at a time for several days. “Introduction of
only one food at a time is a good rule…In this way, allergies that might develop-skin rash or diarrhea- can
be linked to a particular food, making it easier to prevent recurrences.”(Kale, Zolner, Page 114)


 As my baby starts to explore world, it is likely to suck mouthing toys. Therefore I concerned about
hygienic condition for protecting diarrhea and indigestion. “One of the infection control practices is
identify what needs to be cleaned, sanitized, or bath and using effective cleaning and sanitizing products
and techniques” (Pimento, Page 140) I’m sanitizing toys especially mouthing toys every day with a
cleaning products; the recommended dilution is 1 part bleach and in 100 parts water. (Pimento, Page 142)

Safety Promotion

 “Infant and toddlers are developing stronger grasps, and those who can stand, crawl, or walk put
themselves at risk of falling down stairs, pulling on an appliance and hanging down the front of a counter,
grabbing a cup of hot coffee or tea from a table, becoming tangled in drapery cords and strangling, or
pulling off small parts from a toy and choking..”(Pimento, Page 359) Since my baby showed typical
physical developments such as crawling, sitting up and standing up, I became more concerned about
environment if there are components which are harmful for my baby or not. Because this behavioral
change of my baby is showing that my baby is growing well with typical pace and in normal stage of
growing, what I have to do is not detaching my baby from this environment but giving my baby chance to
explore environment safely as much as possible. Covering the edge of table with soft buffer, cushioning
floors, removing dangerous materials on the table and bookshelves in everywhere are good preventative
ways. However I know the most important and effective way for encouraging my child to develop and
protecting from danger at the same time is keeping an eye on my baby.

                               The Toddler Years (1year ~ 2 Years Old)
Have there been any environmental events that you think might have influenced your child’s
                      Does this create any health or safety concerns for your toddler?

Hand washing

 These days my baby is suffering from cold and earache and she couldn’t sleep well because of pain.
According to Virtual Child report, doctor said there is no clear evident that antibiotic medicine are
beneficial, so I am trying to care about precaution that I and my baby can do. “Hand washing is the most
important health practice that educators and children must implement to reduce the spread of
infections.”(Pimento, Page 129) I also keep updated to a variety of common childhood illnesses at “The
Canadian Pediatric Society’s Caring for Kids website include fact sheets on a common
illnesses..”(Pimento, Page 172)

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria

 Above all, I pay attention for my children not to develop resistance to antibiotic medicines because my
baby has often suffered from earache and usually the medicine includes antibiotic medicine. “They
(antibiotic medicine) are often misused for nonbacterial infections or automatically given for bacterial
infections(e.g.,ear infections)” (Pimento, Page 178)

Ways to Reduce Accident Risk for Young Children

 As my baby’s motor skills are developing well, she had small accidents such as climbing up on a chair
and falling over on the carpet, falling off a swing and bicycle (Virtual Child report),so I worried about my
baby’s safety. “When a child rides in a seat on a bicycle, be sure that the seat is installed properly, and
that the child wears a helmet. When riding a tricycle or bicycle, the child should stay off streets, be
supervised by a parent.” (Kale, Zolner, Page 228) Not only riding bicycle, I also try to apply proper safety
rules to each situations. Besides, I also keep my observation to my child. Since playing plays crucial role
of developing emotionally, physically and socially, if my child gets scared of doing activities, it will have
negative effect to development in whole domains.

Safety Promotion

 “Infant and toddlers are developing stronger grasps, and those who can stand, crawl, or walk put
themselves at risk of falling down stairs, pulling on an appliance and hanging down the front of a counter,
grabbing a cup of hot coffee or tea from a table, becoming tangled in drapery cords and strangling, or
pulling off small parts from a toy and choking..”(Pimento, Page 359) Since my baby showed typical
physical developments such as crawling, sitting up and standing up, I became more concerned about
environment if there are components which are harmful for my baby or not. Because this behavioral
change of my baby is showing that my baby is growing well with typical pace and in normal stage of
growing, what I have to do is not detaching my baby from this environment but giving my baby chance to
explore environment safely as much as possible. Covering the edge of table with soft buffer, cushioning
floors, removing dangerous materials on the table and bookshelves in everywhere are good preventative
ways. However I know the most important and effective way for encouraging my child to develop and
protecting from danger at the same time is keeping an eye on my baby.

Ages and Stages: A brief Overview Birth to 12 Years

Kail, R V. (2011) Children: A Chronological Approach (3rd Canadian Edition) Pearson Canada

Pimento, B. (2010) Healthy Foundations in Early Childhood Settings (4th edition) Nelson Education

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Infant year revised

  • 1. Virtual Child – Part 1 Healthy Development Professor Christine Cadieux Suwon Choi 11/28/2011
  • 2. The Infant Years (0-4 Months) How does your baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains compare to the developmental milestones patterns? Is it typical? Developmental Answer Prove It (give examples Example (give examples Domain (Your original from your reports) from the book) thoughts) (Cite your references) (cite your references) It seems that Kyul’s Labour was about ten hours There are three stages of birth was typical. long, and I gave birth labour and these stages naturally. usually take 12-24 hours. Physical She shows typical (Child Development: A developmental She is sensitive to loud Chronological Approach) milestones patterns. noises and intense stimuli. (Virtual Child report) Kyul is trying to Kyul shows several Crying tells its parents that communicate with me different types of crying. it’s hungry, tired, angry or and my partner in She can focus her eyes on hurt. (A Chronological Social / variety ways me. Approach) Emotional I observe Kyul began to She is likely to cry when When infants become wary show negative emotions she meets new people or in in the presence of an “fear” new situations. unfamiliar adult, a reaction (Virtual Child report) known as stranger wariness. (A Chronological Approach) It seems that Kyul’s At 3 months of age, she is According to sensorimotor cognitive domain is showing interest in her stage, developing well. surroundings such as The infant shows greater Intellectual smiling at familiar people interest in the world, .. and toys and laughing at Secondary circular reactions
  • 3. surprising. (Virtual Child represent an infant’s first report) efforts to explore properties and actions of objects in the environment. (A Chronological Approach) The Infant Years (5-8 Months) How does your baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains compare to the developmental milestones patterns? Is it typical? Developmental Answer Prove It (give examples Example (give examples Domain (Your original from your reports) from the book) thoughts) (cite your references) (cite your references) Kyul’s motor skills are Kyul crawls very actively Crawling is an activity developing typically. and always tries to move. involving motor skills- coordinated movements of Physical She shows typical physical the muscles and limbs. (A motor skills development Chronological Approach) such as sitting up and standing up but not walking yet. (Virtual Child report) Kyul begins to behave Kyul frequently clings to By approximately 6 or 7 differently to strangers me while sobbing and it months, infants have the and family members occurs usually when she is primary attachment figure Social / especially me and I in a new situation, or usually the mother … this Emotional think it shows we have meeting new people. attachment figure becomes good and typical (Virtual Child report) that infant’s stable social- emotional attachment. emotional base. (A Chronological Approaches)
  • 4. I observe Kyul adjusts Kyul seems to like to have By eight months, infants her environment and go little goals that involve two search for toys hidden under next further step of steps of planning ahead. a blanket or container and Intellectual learning. (Virtual Child report) explore objects. (Age and Stages: A Brief Overview) The Infant Years (9-12 Months) How does your baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains compare to the developmental milestones patterns? Is it typical? Developmental Answer Prove It (give examples Example (give examples Domain (Your original from your reports) from the book) thoughts) (cite your references) (cite your references) These days, Kyul is At 12 months, Kyul became By 9 months, they can stand crawling well and it an efficient crawler and she if they hold on to an object shows her locomotion learned to walk recently. for support. A typical 14- Physical is growing typically. She’s exploring her month-old can stand alone environment eagerly. briefly and walk with (Virtual Child report) assistance.
  • 5. (A Chronological Approach) Kyul seems to have Kyul and I are getting more Mothers and infants securing attachment and more in sync and she gradually synchronize their with not only me and seems to be as comfortable behaviours so that they are Social / my partner but also with Nanny as an both “on” at the same time… Emotional with nanny. attachment as me and my these interactions provide the partner. (Virtual Child foundation for more report) sophisticated communication and foster the infant’s trust that the mother will respond predictable and reassuringly. (A Chronological Approach) I observe she is eager She enjoys throwing every Substage 4:using means to to explore her toy and watching what achieve ends(roughly 8 to 12 environment and try to happens. months) Intellectual do something as She is able to find the Using one action as a means learning process. object even though after to achieve a particular end is long delays. the first indication of (Virtual Child report) purposeful behavior during infancy. (A Chronological Approach) The Infant Years (15-19 Months) How does your baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains compare to the developmental milestones patterns? Is it typical? Developmental Answer Prove It (give examples Example (give examples from Domain (Your original from your reports) the book)
  • 6. thoughts) (cite your references) (cite your references) I think I should give Kyul was about average for The progress we observe in Kyul more gross motor development. gross motor or fine motor skills opportunities to play The examiner is due to a combination of Physical indoor or outdoor recommended that I give maturation and experience. play gyms. She seems her opportunities to play (A Chronological Approach) like to develop her games of catch and motor skills little bit kickball with me. slowly than other age (Virtual Child report) group. I observe Kyul is Kyul gets very irritable and Child-development researchers struggling for cries easily when she tired have discovered that emotion regulating her or hungry and sometimes regulation clearly begins in Social / emotions. she shows tantrums. infancy…both genetics and Emotional parenting also have their impact She uses the world “me” on children’s emotions and she acts shy when she regulation. looks in the mirror. (A Chronological Approach) Besides she wants to do herself. Infants responds to name and (Virtual Child report) likes to watch self in mirror (Age and Stages: A Brief Overview) Kyul’s language She still communicates At about 1 1/2 years, children domain is being with gestures, and seems to begin to combine individual developed slowly have a vocabulary of only words to creat tow-word Intellectual than typical speed. ten words. sentences, like more juice, At 19 months, Kyul is able gimme cookie, truck go… to imitate actions or words (A Chronological Approach) and seems to know basic categories because she is sorting her toys.
  • 7. (Virtual Child report) The Toddler Years (2 Years old) How is your child progressing based on typical toddler development? Give specific examples in the areas of Physical, Social / Emotional and Intellectual domains. Developmental Answer Prove It (give examples Example (give examples from Domain (Your original from the report the book) thoughts) (cite your references) (cite your references) Kyul seems to Kyul has been riding “hot Through the preschool years, develop her motor wheels” tricycle a lot. children move beyond simple skills with typical (Virtual Child report) walking to running and Physical pace. jumping and other complex motor skills…. Some learn to ride a tricycle or ski downhill. (A Chronological Approach) Kyul’s emotion is Kyul has some new By age 2, children can express getting variable like emotions such as shy, both basic and complex the typical age groups guilty and embarrassment. emotions like guilt and pride Social / of infants. which require more Emotional sophisticated understanding. She knows her gender and (A Chronological Approach) She began starts categorizing behavior recognizing her and objects as boys thing As youngsters learn the gender. and girls thing. Besides she behaviours culturally expected
  • 8. prefers to play with girls. of boys and girls, they begin to (Virtual Child report) identify with one of these groups. Children forge a gender identity, the perception of oneself as either male or female. (A Chronological Approach) Kyul seems to She likes to play make Substage 6: mental understand events and believe with cups and dolls representation(roughly 18 to predict what is going and sometimes talks to 24months) most infants are able Intellectual to happen. herself or makes the dolls to think about what is and toy figurines talk to happening around them without each other. having to physically explore a (Virtual Child report) situation… the start of make- believe play (A Chronological Approach) The Infant years (Birth to 12 Months Old) Identify specific health and safety considerations that you will have to consider during the infant years. How will you address these issues? Breast feeding Fortunately, I can afford to breast feeding my baby. I think it will affect my baby’s health. ”Breastfed babies are ill less often because breast milk contains the mother’s antibodies. Breastfed babies also are less prone to diarrhea and constipation …” (Kale, Zolner, Page 115) I believe breast feeding is the first step of nutrition and will be the cornerstone for physical development of my baby. Immunization Next, I worry about several kinds of disease that my baby is likely to get in infant stage. Even though there are positive and negative opinions about immunization, I decided to vaccinate my child.
  • 9. “Immunization is one of the most important ways of promoting the health of children.”(Pimento, Page 123) and I’m following the immunization schedule as my baby growth. Nutrition After few times of indigestion and diarrhea, my baby seems to be interested in new foods. Knowing balanced diet with sufficient calorie is crucial for physical development, I also worry if my baby has allergic to specific ingredient. Besides sometimes my baby is irritated when she tries to new food, so I decided to try new baby food such as vegetable and meats at a time for several days. “Introduction of only one food at a time is a good rule…In this way, allergies that might develop-skin rash or diarrhea- can be linked to a particular food, making it easier to prevent recurrences.”(Kale, Zolner, Page 114) Sanitization As my baby starts to explore world, it is likely to suck mouthing toys. Therefore I concerned about hygienic condition for protecting diarrhea and indigestion. “One of the infection control practices is identify what needs to be cleaned, sanitized, or bath and using effective cleaning and sanitizing products and techniques” (Pimento, Page 140) I’m sanitizing toys especially mouthing toys every day with a cleaning products; the recommended dilution is 1 part bleach and in 100 parts water. (Pimento, Page 142) Safety Promotion “Infant and toddlers are developing stronger grasps, and those who can stand, crawl, or walk put themselves at risk of falling down stairs, pulling on an appliance and hanging down the front of a counter, grabbing a cup of hot coffee or tea from a table, becoming tangled in drapery cords and strangling, or pulling off small parts from a toy and choking..”(Pimento, Page 359) Since my baby showed typical physical developments such as crawling, sitting up and standing up, I became more concerned about environment if there are components which are harmful for my baby or not. Because this behavioral change of my baby is showing that my baby is growing well with typical pace and in normal stage of growing, what I have to do is not detaching my baby from this environment but giving my baby chance to explore environment safely as much as possible. Covering the edge of table with soft buffer, cushioning floors, removing dangerous materials on the table and bookshelves in everywhere are good preventative ways. However I know the most important and effective way for encouraging my child to develop and protecting from danger at the same time is keeping an eye on my baby. The Toddler Years (1year ~ 2 Years Old)
  • 10. Have there been any environmental events that you think might have influenced your child’s development? Does this create any health or safety concerns for your toddler? Hand washing These days my baby is suffering from cold and earache and she couldn’t sleep well because of pain. According to Virtual Child report, doctor said there is no clear evident that antibiotic medicine are beneficial, so I am trying to care about precaution that I and my baby can do. “Hand washing is the most important health practice that educators and children must implement to reduce the spread of infections.”(Pimento, Page 129) I also keep updated to a variety of common childhood illnesses at “The Canadian Pediatric Society’s Caring for Kids website include fact sheets on a common illnesses..”(Pimento, Page 172) Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Above all, I pay attention for my children not to develop resistance to antibiotic medicines because my baby has often suffered from earache and usually the medicine includes antibiotic medicine. “They (antibiotic medicine) are often misused for nonbacterial infections or automatically given for bacterial infections(e.g.,ear infections)” (Pimento, Page 178) Ways to Reduce Accident Risk for Young Children As my baby’s motor skills are developing well, she had small accidents such as climbing up on a chair and falling over on the carpet, falling off a swing and bicycle (Virtual Child report),so I worried about my baby’s safety. “When a child rides in a seat on a bicycle, be sure that the seat is installed properly, and that the child wears a helmet. When riding a tricycle or bicycle, the child should stay off streets, be supervised by a parent.” (Kale, Zolner, Page 228) Not only riding bicycle, I also try to apply proper safety rules to each situations. Besides, I also keep my observation to my child. Since playing plays crucial role of developing emotionally, physically and socially, if my child gets scared of doing activities, it will have negative effect to development in whole domains. Safety Promotion “Infant and toddlers are developing stronger grasps, and those who can stand, crawl, or walk put themselves at risk of falling down stairs, pulling on an appliance and hanging down the front of a counter, grabbing a cup of hot coffee or tea from a table, becoming tangled in drapery cords and strangling, or
  • 11. pulling off small parts from a toy and choking..”(Pimento, Page 359) Since my baby showed typical physical developments such as crawling, sitting up and standing up, I became more concerned about environment if there are components which are harmful for my baby or not. Because this behavioral change of my baby is showing that my baby is growing well with typical pace and in normal stage of growing, what I have to do is not detaching my baby from this environment but giving my baby chance to explore environment safely as much as possible. Covering the edge of table with soft buffer, cushioning floors, removing dangerous materials on the table and bookshelves in everywhere are good preventative ways. However I know the most important and effective way for encouraging my child to develop and protecting from danger at the same time is keeping an eye on my baby.
  • 12. References Ages and Stages: A brief Overview Birth to 12 Years Kail, R V. (2011) Children: A Chronological Approach (3rd Canadian Edition) Pearson Canada Pimento, B. (2010) Healthy Foundations in Early Childhood Settings (4th edition) Nelson Education