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History Assessment Task 
Thematic Studies- Heroes and Villians 
Historical Figure Oral Presentation 
Charles 'Lucky' Luciano (1897–1962) essay 
Major events in his life, legacy and hero or villian 
By: Musbah Fayed 10B 
Charles Lucky Luciano was born in Sicily, Italy, in 1897. He was born as Salvatore Lucania, and 
was raised in the Sicilian sulfur minning town of Lercardia Friddi. At the age of about 9 or 10, he 
migrated with his parents to the United States in about 1906, and, not being able to speak English, 
he struggled at school. Instead of focusing on bettering his education, he preferred to learn about 
how to make it on the streets of New York's Lower East Side. The very first hint of Luciano 
becoming somewhat of a 'criminal' was when he got his schoolmates to pay him for protection, 
and if no money was given, then they were likely to recieve a beating from himself. 
At the age of 14, he already had racked up a record of arrests ranging from shoplifting, drug 
dealing and assault. He dropped out of school in 1914 and turned to other 'offences', and while 
working as a clerk for a hat company, he managed a budding criminal career as well. As a 
teenager, he befriended Jewish gang memebers Meyer Lansky and his associate Benjamin 'Bugsy' 
Siegel, who, after a time, became important allies. Luciano also came into contact with Guiseppe 
'Joe the Boss' Masseria's criminal operation where he got involved in dealing drugs, running him 
with the law in 1916 after he was caught selling heroin and served 6 months at a reformatory for 
the crime that he committed. 
Luciano was a tough teenage hoodlum that lived on the Lower East Side of New York City. His 
gang targeted a skinny Jewish kid whose bold defiance won their respect. This encounter led to a 
merger of Jewish and Italian gangs and a lifelong friendship between them. When Luciano rebuilt 
the mob, Meyer Lansky, the 'skinny Jewish kid' his gang attacked, was the architect. A ruthless 
natural ability enabled them to rise through the ranks of their chosen profession. The Prohibition 
Act in 1920, which prevented the selling and consumption of alcohol, allowed Luciano and 
Lansky to supply alcohol to Manhattan speakeasies. Some of them used small boats to offload 
supplies from the mother ships, however, their contacts enabled them to dock ships in the New 
York harbour. 
As a member of New York's largest Mafia family, that was run by Giuseppe 'Joe the Boss' 
Masseria, Luciano began to grow impatient at the Castellammarese War in the late 1920s. The 
Castellammarese War was a long and bloody power struggle between Giuseppe Masseria and 
Salvatore Maranzano. Due to his impatient manner, Luciano offered to eliminate his boss and end 
the violence, which he saw as 'disruptive' to business. At an Italian restaurant, Joe the Boss was 
killed by Luciano's men. He gained control of the dead man's lottery business, while Maranzano 
seized his bootlegging turf. Luciano's idea of replacing traditional Sicilian strong-arm methods 
with a corporate structure, a board of directors and systematic infiltration of legitimate enterprise 
failed to impress Maranzano. Maranzano believed himself to be boss of all bosses, and, like 
Julius Caeser, he found Luciano was too ambitious, too enterprising and too dangerous.
However, Maranzano was too late because he was killed by men who pretended to be police 
officers, men who were provided by Lansky and mutual friend Benjamin 'Bugsy' Siegel. 
Luciano's management style was different from that of Al Capone, his Chicago counterpart, who 
spent more time killing than doing business. The FBI states that Luciano's ascendancy as the 
watershed event in the history of organized crime. Luciano organized organized crime after his 
hostile takeover. He modernized the Mafia by shaping it into a smoothly run national crime 
organisation that focused on the bottom line. This organisation was run by two dozen family 
bosses who controlled bootlegging, numbers, narcotics, prostitution, the waterfront, the unions, 
food marts, bakeries and the garment trade. Their influence and tentacles kept expanding, 
infiltrating and corrupting legitimate business, politics and law enforcement. Luciano was also 
famous for his trend in gangster chic. Living in a large suite at the Waldorf Astoria, he wore 
expensive and elegant suits, silk shirts, handmade shoes, cashmere topcoats and fedoras which 
enhanced his executive image. Frank Sinatra and actor George Raft were his friends. 
Unfortunantly, that good life ended in 1935 when a man by the name of Thomas E. Dewey was 
appointed New York City's special prosecutor to crack down on the crime. He mainly targeted 
Luciano, and called him "the czar of organized crime in this city." He charged him with multiple 
counts of compulsory prostitution, which made the the trial a sensation. Luciano denied being a 
pimp and was quoted saying: "It's a bum rap." Some of the men that were part of the mob 
remember Charlie. "Nobody had anything bad to say about Charlie," one of them had said. "He's 
the one who put it all together. A gentleman. He'd give a girl a hundred dollars just for smiling at 
him. That pimp charge was a frame just to get him off the streets." 
He was convicted on 62 counts in the June of 1936 and recieved 30 to 50 years imprisonment. It 
was the outbreak of World War II that caused Luciano to have his freedom back. After Pearl 
Harbor, German U-boats off the U.S. coast were sinking merchant ships on a daily basis. U.S. 
intelligence suspected they were helped by spies or Nazi sympathizers. Then the Normandie, 
which was a French liner that was being transformed into a troop ship, sank in the Hudson River, 
sparking fears of sabotage. Because of this, U.S intelligence agents turned to the underworld for 
help. Lansky, known in the '30s for breaking heads at pro-Nazi meetings, acted as liaison and was 
allowed to visit Luciano. He said he would cooperate, and made the dockworkers, fishermen and 
hoodlums become the eyes and ears of naval intelligence. Soon after that, eight German spies, 
landing by U-boat, were arrested. Explosives, maps and blueprints for sabotage were seized from 
the arrest. 
The Allies needed intelligence for the landing at Sicily when the invasion of Italy was planned. 
Luciano's lawyer petitioned for clemency, citing his war efforts on V-E day in 1945. 
Consequently, a deal was reached that included deportation and he was sent to Italy in February 
1946. He went to sunny, pre-Castro Cuba months later. Lansky, Sinatra and other his other friends 
paid visits to Luciano, in fact, so many times that the media took note, and in February 1947 the 
U.S. Bureau of Narcotics learned of Luciano's reappearance in the Americas. U.S. authorities 
claimed that he planned to headquarter a worldwide drug-smuggling operation in Cuba. Luciano 
was again sent back to Italy. He died there on January 26, 1962, in homesick exile. 
Luciano died of natural causes, unlike so many of his predecessors and colleagues who were 
killed, murdered or assainated. Maybe he was just lucky to have died from a heart attack instead 
of being shot to death. Italian and U.S. officials quickly announced they had been about to arrest 
him in a $150 million heroin ring. The heart attack came at an airport, where he had gone to meet
a Hollywood producer. Always captivated by bad guys, Lucky Luciano excited the American 
imagination. Asked if he would do it all again by a reporter, Luciano replied: "I'd do it legal. I 
learned too late that you need just as good a brain to make a crooked million as an honest million. 
These days you apply for a license to steal from the public. If I had my time again, I'd make sure I 
got that license first." 
Charles 'Lucky' Luciano was an interesting fellow. Many people today consider Luciano to be an 
all out villian. Others say that he was a villian because of his gangster and mobster background. A 
few consider him a hero, because he stood up to many of the major 'bosses' in New York at that 
time, because of his leadership skills, his contributions in World War II and his ability to survive 
many beatings and wounds. I consider him a villian as a consequence of his personalities, impatcs 
and legacy in history. 
His personalities, as described in my essay as his 'trend in gangster chic', would be described in 
the following words: brave, cruel, drooped right eye, scar on chin, gangster, mobster, lucky 
person, wealthy, celebrity, great leadership skills and respected greatly in the criminal world. 
These can be considered the ideal personalities of a villian. Luciano's impact in history included 
his ideas in creating the very first organised crime syndicate, the killings of the two major bosses 
in New York City, Masseria and Maranzano, his selling of booze due to the Prohibition Act of the 
1920's, his compulsory prostitution business and his rebuilding of the Mafia. These can also be 
considered impacts that would have been done by a villian. His legacy that he left behind for us 
consisted being the 'father' of organised crime, a different perspective and way of running the city 
of New York, the development of the Five Families that led the city with Sicilian style rulings and 
his contributions to the Castellammarese War in the late 1920s and World War II in the early 
1940's. These are legacies that wolud be left behind, in my opinion, by a villian. Because of these 
characteristics and events in Luciano's life, I have no objections to call Luciano a real villian. 
Evidence and sources about Luciano: 
Caught: Gangster Charles Luciano in a February 1931 mugshot after he was arrested for leading 
a prostitution ring. His right eye is drooped after he was stabbed and left for dead, earning him 
the nickname 'Lucky'.
Incriminating: Women, pictured in full length portraits, were arrested by police carrying out 
raids of 80 New York City brothels. Hundreds agreed to give evidence in exchange for avoiding 
jail time. 
Witnesses: In total, 28 women testified against Luciano and his men in open court in 1936. The 
prostitutes and madams were told they would serve seven years in prison if they did not 
Doubt: While Luciano would have earned some money from the brothels as gang leader, some 
believe he did not run them and was framed by DA Thomas E. Dewey, who had targeted the 
Working woman: Mugshot of Mildred Balizer in December 18, 1933. 
On the witness stand: Florence 'Cokey' Newman's mug shot from October 10, 1934. 
Wanted: Luciano appears on a Wanted poster. Following his arrest, he fled to Arkansas, where he 
paid off police to help him evade capture. New York officers eventually came to get him. 
No escape: Luciano (left) enters the police headquarters with a detective after being found in 
Arkansas in 1936.
Luciano's men: (left to right) Meyer Berkman, Benny Spiller, Joseph 'Jo-Jo' Weintraub, Al 
Weiner and Jack Eller were also arrested on prostitution charges. Some of the men were loan 
sharks to the women. 
Reference 1: 
Author: Edna Buchanan 
Title of Article: 'LUCKY LUCIANO: Criminal Mastermind' 
Title of encyclopedia: TIME 
Year of publication: Monday, Dec. 07, 1998 
Medium: Web 
Publisher: TIME Magazine 
Date accessed: 21/8/2014 
Reference 2: 
Author: Unknown 
Page title: Primary sources about Lucky Luciano 
Site title: Mail Online 
Year of publication: Unknown 
Medium: Web 
Publisher: Daily Mail 
Date accessed: 21/8/2014 
URL: Black-and-white pictures of mob leader Charles 'Lucky' Luciano and the high class prostitutes that led 
to his 1936 arrest | Mail Online 
Reference 3: 
Author: Unknown 
Page title: Charles-Lucky-Luciano 
Site title: Surfnetkids 
Year of publication: Unknown 
Medium: Web 
Publisher: Surf Net Kids 
Date accessed: 22/8/2014 
Reference 4: 
Author: Unknown
Page title: Charles "Lucky" Luciano- Facts & Summary 
Site title: 
Year of publication: Unknown 
Medium: Web 
Publisher: HISTORY 
Date accessed: 23/8/2014 
URL: Charles “Lucky” Luciano - Facts & Summary - 
Reference 5: 
Author: Unknown 
Page title: Charles 'Lucky' Luciano Biography (Gangster) 
Site title: 
Year of publication: Unknown 
Medium: Web 
Publisher: Infoplease 
Date accessed: 20/8/2014 
URL: Charles 'Lucky' Luciano Biography (Gangster) | 
Reference 6: 
Author: Unknown 
Title: Law and History Review, Vol.17, No.1 
Pages used: pp.197-199 
Year of publication: Spring, 1999 
Country: U.S.A 
Publisher: JSTOR 
Copyright Date: 1997 
Reference 7: 
Author: Unknown 
Page title: Lucky Luciano Images 
Site title: Google Images 
Year of publication: Unknown 
Medium: Web 
Publisher: Unknown 
Date accessed: 24/8/2014 
h & sa=X & ei=yGD1U5e1L9jm8AWd4IKIBw & sqi=2 & ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ & biw=1680 & bih=906#imgdii=_ 
Reference 8: 
Author: Unknown 
Page title: Charles "Lucky" Luciano Images 
Site title: Google Images 
Year of publication: Unknown 
Medium: Web 
Publisher: Unknown 
Date accessed: 24/8/2014 
sa=X & ei=yGD1U5e1L9jm8AWd4IKIBw & sqi=2 & ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ & biw=1680 & bih=906#facrc=0%3Blucky 
%20luciano%20quotes & imgdii=_ & imgrc=_ 
Reference 9: 
Author: Unknown 
Page title: Lucky Luciano Synopsis 
Site title: 
Year of publication: Unknown 
Medium: Web 
Publisher: Biography 
Date accessed: 24/8/2014 

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True Villians

  • 1. History Assessment Task Thematic Studies- Heroes and Villians Historical Figure Oral Presentation Charles 'Lucky' Luciano (1897–1962) essay Major events in his life, legacy and hero or villian By: Musbah Fayed 10B Charles Lucky Luciano was born in Sicily, Italy, in 1897. He was born as Salvatore Lucania, and was raised in the Sicilian sulfur minning town of Lercardia Friddi. At the age of about 9 or 10, he migrated with his parents to the United States in about 1906, and, not being able to speak English, he struggled at school. Instead of focusing on bettering his education, he preferred to learn about how to make it on the streets of New York's Lower East Side. The very first hint of Luciano becoming somewhat of a 'criminal' was when he got his schoolmates to pay him for protection, and if no money was given, then they were likely to recieve a beating from himself. At the age of 14, he already had racked up a record of arrests ranging from shoplifting, drug dealing and assault. He dropped out of school in 1914 and turned to other 'offences', and while working as a clerk for a hat company, he managed a budding criminal career as well. As a teenager, he befriended Jewish gang memebers Meyer Lansky and his associate Benjamin 'Bugsy' Siegel, who, after a time, became important allies. Luciano also came into contact with Guiseppe 'Joe the Boss' Masseria's criminal operation where he got involved in dealing drugs, running him with the law in 1916 after he was caught selling heroin and served 6 months at a reformatory for the crime that he committed. Luciano was a tough teenage hoodlum that lived on the Lower East Side of New York City. His gang targeted a skinny Jewish kid whose bold defiance won their respect. This encounter led to a merger of Jewish and Italian gangs and a lifelong friendship between them. When Luciano rebuilt the mob, Meyer Lansky, the 'skinny Jewish kid' his gang attacked, was the architect. A ruthless natural ability enabled them to rise through the ranks of their chosen profession. The Prohibition Act in 1920, which prevented the selling and consumption of alcohol, allowed Luciano and Lansky to supply alcohol to Manhattan speakeasies. Some of them used small boats to offload supplies from the mother ships, however, their contacts enabled them to dock ships in the New York harbour. As a member of New York's largest Mafia family, that was run by Giuseppe 'Joe the Boss' Masseria, Luciano began to grow impatient at the Castellammarese War in the late 1920s. The Castellammarese War was a long and bloody power struggle between Giuseppe Masseria and Salvatore Maranzano. Due to his impatient manner, Luciano offered to eliminate his boss and end the violence, which he saw as 'disruptive' to business. At an Italian restaurant, Joe the Boss was killed by Luciano's men. He gained control of the dead man's lottery business, while Maranzano seized his bootlegging turf. Luciano's idea of replacing traditional Sicilian strong-arm methods with a corporate structure, a board of directors and systematic infiltration of legitimate enterprise failed to impress Maranzano. Maranzano believed himself to be boss of all bosses, and, like Julius Caeser, he found Luciano was too ambitious, too enterprising and too dangerous.
  • 2. However, Maranzano was too late because he was killed by men who pretended to be police officers, men who were provided by Lansky and mutual friend Benjamin 'Bugsy' Siegel. Luciano's management style was different from that of Al Capone, his Chicago counterpart, who spent more time killing than doing business. The FBI states that Luciano's ascendancy as the watershed event in the history of organized crime. Luciano organized organized crime after his hostile takeover. He modernized the Mafia by shaping it into a smoothly run national crime organisation that focused on the bottom line. This organisation was run by two dozen family bosses who controlled bootlegging, numbers, narcotics, prostitution, the waterfront, the unions, food marts, bakeries and the garment trade. Their influence and tentacles kept expanding, infiltrating and corrupting legitimate business, politics and law enforcement. Luciano was also famous for his trend in gangster chic. Living in a large suite at the Waldorf Astoria, he wore expensive and elegant suits, silk shirts, handmade shoes, cashmere topcoats and fedoras which enhanced his executive image. Frank Sinatra and actor George Raft were his friends. Unfortunantly, that good life ended in 1935 when a man by the name of Thomas E. Dewey was appointed New York City's special prosecutor to crack down on the crime. He mainly targeted Luciano, and called him "the czar of organized crime in this city." He charged him with multiple counts of compulsory prostitution, which made the the trial a sensation. Luciano denied being a pimp and was quoted saying: "It's a bum rap." Some of the men that were part of the mob remember Charlie. "Nobody had anything bad to say about Charlie," one of them had said. "He's the one who put it all together. A gentleman. He'd give a girl a hundred dollars just for smiling at him. That pimp charge was a frame just to get him off the streets." He was convicted on 62 counts in the June of 1936 and recieved 30 to 50 years imprisonment. It was the outbreak of World War II that caused Luciano to have his freedom back. After Pearl Harbor, German U-boats off the U.S. coast were sinking merchant ships on a daily basis. U.S. intelligence suspected they were helped by spies or Nazi sympathizers. Then the Normandie, which was a French liner that was being transformed into a troop ship, sank in the Hudson River, sparking fears of sabotage. Because of this, U.S intelligence agents turned to the underworld for help. Lansky, known in the '30s for breaking heads at pro-Nazi meetings, acted as liaison and was allowed to visit Luciano. He said he would cooperate, and made the dockworkers, fishermen and hoodlums become the eyes and ears of naval intelligence. Soon after that, eight German spies, landing by U-boat, were arrested. Explosives, maps and blueprints for sabotage were seized from the arrest. The Allies needed intelligence for the landing at Sicily when the invasion of Italy was planned. Luciano's lawyer petitioned for clemency, citing his war efforts on V-E day in 1945. Consequently, a deal was reached that included deportation and he was sent to Italy in February 1946. He went to sunny, pre-Castro Cuba months later. Lansky, Sinatra and other his other friends paid visits to Luciano, in fact, so many times that the media took note, and in February 1947 the U.S. Bureau of Narcotics learned of Luciano's reappearance in the Americas. U.S. authorities claimed that he planned to headquarter a worldwide drug-smuggling operation in Cuba. Luciano was again sent back to Italy. He died there on January 26, 1962, in homesick exile. Luciano died of natural causes, unlike so many of his predecessors and colleagues who were killed, murdered or assainated. Maybe he was just lucky to have died from a heart attack instead of being shot to death. Italian and U.S. officials quickly announced they had been about to arrest him in a $150 million heroin ring. The heart attack came at an airport, where he had gone to meet
  • 3. a Hollywood producer. Always captivated by bad guys, Lucky Luciano excited the American imagination. Asked if he would do it all again by a reporter, Luciano replied: "I'd do it legal. I learned too late that you need just as good a brain to make a crooked million as an honest million. These days you apply for a license to steal from the public. If I had my time again, I'd make sure I got that license first." Charles 'Lucky' Luciano was an interesting fellow. Many people today consider Luciano to be an all out villian. Others say that he was a villian because of his gangster and mobster background. A few consider him a hero, because he stood up to many of the major 'bosses' in New York at that time, because of his leadership skills, his contributions in World War II and his ability to survive many beatings and wounds. I consider him a villian as a consequence of his personalities, impatcs and legacy in history. His personalities, as described in my essay as his 'trend in gangster chic', would be described in the following words: brave, cruel, drooped right eye, scar on chin, gangster, mobster, lucky person, wealthy, celebrity, great leadership skills and respected greatly in the criminal world. These can be considered the ideal personalities of a villian. Luciano's impact in history included his ideas in creating the very first organised crime syndicate, the killings of the two major bosses in New York City, Masseria and Maranzano, his selling of booze due to the Prohibition Act of the 1920's, his compulsory prostitution business and his rebuilding of the Mafia. These can also be considered impacts that would have been done by a villian. His legacy that he left behind for us consisted being the 'father' of organised crime, a different perspective and way of running the city of New York, the development of the Five Families that led the city with Sicilian style rulings and his contributions to the Castellammarese War in the late 1920s and World War II in the early 1940's. These are legacies that wolud be left behind, in my opinion, by a villian. Because of these characteristics and events in Luciano's life, I have no objections to call Luciano a real villian. Evidence and sources about Luciano: Caught: Gangster Charles Luciano in a February 1931 mugshot after he was arrested for leading a prostitution ring. His right eye is drooped after he was stabbed and left for dead, earning him the nickname 'Lucky'.
  • 4. Incriminating: Women, pictured in full length portraits, were arrested by police carrying out raids of 80 New York City brothels. Hundreds agreed to give evidence in exchange for avoiding jail time. Witnesses: In total, 28 women testified against Luciano and his men in open court in 1936. The prostitutes and madams were told they would serve seven years in prison if they did not Doubt: While Luciano would have earned some money from the brothels as gang leader, some believe he did not run them and was framed by DA Thomas E. Dewey, who had targeted the gangster.
  • 5. Working woman: Mugshot of Mildred Balizer in December 18, 1933. On the witness stand: Florence 'Cokey' Newman's mug shot from October 10, 1934. Wanted: Luciano appears on a Wanted poster. Following his arrest, he fled to Arkansas, where he paid off police to help him evade capture. New York officers eventually came to get him. No escape: Luciano (left) enters the police headquarters with a detective after being found in Arkansas in 1936.
  • 6. Luciano's men: (left to right) Meyer Berkman, Benny Spiller, Joseph 'Jo-Jo' Weintraub, Al Weiner and Jack Eller were also arrested on prostitution charges. Some of the men were loan sharks to the women. Bibliography: Reference 1: Author: Edna Buchanan Title of Article: 'LUCKY LUCIANO: Criminal Mastermind' Title of encyclopedia: TIME Year of publication: Monday, Dec. 07, 1998 Medium: Web Publisher: TIME Magazine Date accessed: 21/8/2014 Reference 2: Author: Unknown Page title: Primary sources about Lucky Luciano Site title: Mail Online Year of publication: Unknown Medium: Web Publisher: Daily Mail Date accessed: 21/8/2014 URL: Black-and-white pictures of mob leader Charles 'Lucky' Luciano and the high class prostitutes that led to his 1936 arrest | Mail Online Reference 3: Author: Unknown Page title: Charles-Lucky-Luciano Site title: Surfnetkids Year of publication: Unknown Medium: Web Publisher: Surf Net Kids Date accessed: 22/8/2014 URL: Reference 4: Author: Unknown
  • 7. Page title: Charles "Lucky" Luciano- Facts & Summary Site title: Year of publication: Unknown Medium: Web Publisher: HISTORY Date accessed: 23/8/2014 URL: Charles “Lucky” Luciano - Facts & Summary - Reference 5: Author: Unknown Page title: Charles 'Lucky' Luciano Biography (Gangster) Site title: Year of publication: Unknown Medium: Web Publisher: Infoplease Date accessed: 20/8/2014 URL: Charles 'Lucky' Luciano Biography (Gangster) | Reference 6: Author: Unknown Title: Law and History Review, Vol.17, No.1 Pages used: pp.197-199 Year of publication: Spring, 1999 Country: U.S.A Publisher: JSTOR Copyright Date: 1997 Reference 7: Author: Unknown Page title: Lucky Luciano Images Site title: Google Images Year of publication: Unknown Medium: Web Publisher: Unknown Date accessed: 24/8/2014 URL: q=lucky+lucian o & espv= 2 & source=lnm s
  • 8. & tbm=isc h & sa=X & ei=yGD1U5e1L9jm8AWd4IKIBw & sqi=2 & ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ & biw=1680 & bih=906#imgdii=_ Reference 8: Author: Unknown Page title: Charles "Lucky" Luciano Images Site title: Google Images Year of publication: Unknown Medium: Web Publisher: Unknown Date accessed: 24/8/2014 URL: q=lucky+lucian o & espv= 2 & source=lnm s & tbm=isc h & sa=X & ei=yGD1U5e1L9jm8AWd4IKIBw & sqi=2 & ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ & biw=1680 & bih=906#facrc=0%3Blucky %20luciano%20quotes & imgdii=_ & imgrc=_ Reference 9: Author: Unknown Page title: Lucky Luciano Synopsis Site title: Year of publication: Unknown Medium: Web Publisher: Biography Date accessed: 24/8/2014 URL: