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A C.I.A. agent hits the streets undercover to prevent the Presidents assassination. Reports
coming into Langley show that there is a massive manhunt going on to find both the right party
to get the job done by various enemies of the state working together, as well as the fall guy.
Conflicting reports show that the setting picked for the assassination has most definitely been
narrowed to the Greater Los Angeles Area. During the internet attack launched by Pakistan,
several dozen west coast target citizens with the proper demographics in their background were
attempted to be recruited via bait and lure method in their online accounts. Then an all out effort
to manipulate these possible scapegoats and utilize their genuinely useful backgrounds in the
current plans is begun, setting off red flags for a select few who were able somehow to “hack
back” and red flag these goings – on. The other unfortunates are left to survive an all out barrage
of constant terrorist hacking presence in all of their accounts, business, personal, and otherwise
flushed towards the area where the attempt on the President’s life is to take place.
A drug supported terrorist organization has been recruiting from inside of U.S. boundaries. The
payroll of the organization was intercepted and decoded by U.S. officials and it suddenly listed
deep expenditure on lining up well trained assassins and previously high ranking military rejects
in it’s to do list. Several of these were noted to have taken out Visa’s for Pakistan shortly
thereafter, and in an effort to thwart the recruiting, their Visa’s were rejected. This only seemed
to move the central hub for planning to a closer more volatile ground in the Barrio regions of The
San Diego Area where the group had weapons cache’s stored in deep ghetto imbedded
warehouse facilities. The election year travels of the President being unchangeable for the most
part, the group very openly covers all gray areas in possible hit zones, including in some of the
private, wealthier neighborhoods nearby where the President is known to have some close
associations that he may secretly be visiting.
The hit is to come from a professional crew using a dummy taken from the recruits as the fall
man. There is a certain story the organization wants behind the killing of the U.S. President, they
want it to come from a citizen, a disgruntled and wronged man gone deranged. The actual hit is
to be performed by a highly trained sniper with planned and practiced use of munitions that
could be falsely blamed on the fall guy. It has to take place in a spot that enables escape as well
as the angles, not too public which would allow the shot from the setup man. Highly dangerous
mind control methods are employed by the organization to help align the now desperate fall guys
to be in place for the final act. Their bank accounts have been shut down, their phone’s
manipulated, their email accounts compromised and outgoing mail altered, personal blogs
thousands of pages long altered to reflect their descent into madness. At the same time, their
social networking sites have been placed in V.I.P. status to reflect more and more contact with
sensitive high ranking in both government and stock and bond issues persons. These contacts are
meant to ultimately intensify the effect of their slow and total alienation from normal society.
This makes it a barrage of misinformation and coercion from the streets to get the fall man in
place for the hit. As the agent assigned to the covert operations in uncovering the final candidates
and plans covers mostly gangland territory, he finds himself led in an incredible amount of
different directions at once. In order to find the map to the key element at large, the final territory
where the assassination is to take place, he must submerge himself deep within the jaws of the
beast in the underbelly of the underground Los Angeles drug scene. He finds himself gaining the
attention of some Bloods, and is forced to join in a brutal and very final act of killing a former
member by delivering two shots to the head at point blank range in order to gain their support on
his journey ever deeper. This is known as “two to the head”, a blood rite taken by all gang
affiliates as an oath that may they ever betray the wishes of the whole in an unacceptable and out
of hand way, that they fully accept their fate at the hands of their former mates. It is a form of
self policing, and one which the LAPD tend to turn their heads to. “If they’re going to kill each
other, let them!” “Two to the head” soon becomes Tom’s favorite catch phrase.
The subject is to have a sordid history and a brilliant mind to make it a believable set up. From a
wealthy background, but not having made it to the level of success of his immediate prior
lineage, the subject has both the shortcoming sensitivity so frequently noted in the forensic facts
about the world’s most successful serial killers, as well as the mental facilities to carry it out. It is
required that the subject have had a high level of psychological testing and some exposure to
extremes which made necessary diagnosis of some disorder and treatment. The diagnosis must
be an ongoing event that has not been fully recuperated from due to present day trauma.
Before he knows it, our agent has become part of the set up list with his cover not blown. The
depth of the technologies at hand and in use to manipulate all of his accounts is exposed, and
sends teams of agents working feverishly at Langley into a feeding frenzy of tracing hacks that
seem to emanate from within previously placed viruses contained at length from their origins on
the internet. Other hacks seem to originate from very local sources. The severity of the control
exhibited suggests that the satellites previously thought to be used for Pakistani government
conflicts only are being put to use by the terrorists, suggesting government ties much closer and
worrisome than ever thought before. The satellites are used for their agile “in and out”
capabilities in making the connections for even the simplest of target hacks. The list is growing
smaller, and time shorter.
Assaulted on all sides by the trappings of crime, he infiltrates gangland protests of federal drug
busts. The busts have become increasingly violent and the death tolls staggering as the
takedowns are executed in an all out military strike fashion by WASP Teams. Whole city blocks
decimated, the collateral damage gone untold in the press or otherwise, things are heating up in a
very progressive fashion. These takedowns seem to be happening during visits from the higher
ups in the drug organization who are normally only on the properties to do various incentive
based walk through to try and boost production and hopes of a way out of the streets for the
employees. Underground avenues never before disturbed in decades of the drug wars, are now on
a regular basis being exposed, raided, and shut down. Our agent knows the primary source of the
information being uncovered is a French benefit of the work at the desks at Langley backing up
his current mission objective. He also knows that has been only very lucky in not being at several
of the takedowns. His boss’s protection has become limited to the extent that he can
communicate with headquarters on his drastic and near round the clock ventures all over the
topography of the Greater Los Angeles Area. On top of which, being a prime candidate for the
assassination setup, his accounts have all been compromised as well as monitored heavily by
both sides of the fence. He runs the risk of exposure if he doesn’t take care to make fresh
accounts on falsified documents daily to run his communications through. And even then, it
takes Langley hours after his message was sent to filter through all of their junk mail being sliced
off through various corridors from the other accounts being monitored by both the terrorists and
the Central Intelligence Agency.
Making moves from Venice Beach to Long Beach to South Central Los Angeles, he finds
himself in the midst of a game he never knew could be so instantly deadly. As tensions rise
within the affiliates of the various drug organizations from whom he procures his goods, he falls
witness to more and more inter- group and gang related violence as the people behind the scenes
are moving to the front lines to try and flush out their hood rat. Pressure builds within his own
circles for him to play more the role of a soldier and less of a runner, and he finds he must find
an alternate path, and quickly or he is going to wind up a victim of a controversial “two to the
head” himself. It seems to be the pattern that when too much blood ends up on your hands, you
end up at the hands of someone they loved.
Surrounded by gun toting thugs, he knows it isn't just his acute sense of paranoia that smells
danger. Everywhere he goes, everyone is armed these days. Used to be the threat of having a
weapon come to terms with a tight squeeze was enough to kill the conflict, but not anymore. As
he desperately tries to keep clear of random gun fights and shooting spats brought on by
increasingly desperate for their former earnings dealers, con artists, and high class thieves, he
finds it ever more present that if he doesn’t take sides soon, he will be left behind, and his
mission a failure. At nights he lays awake in his Venice flat, listening to his ears ringing from the
concussions of everything from Smith and Wesson’s to AK’s to the far off fallout of a shoulder
launched missile on a crack cocaine factory. His world has become an all out war ground in
which there is no definable General to lead the troops. The General he would pick is the one that
sends him back to the front lines to put himself in harm’s way for what is coming apparently by
all methods of easy deduction based on the President’s travel plans, very soon. He worries that
he won’t be able to be violent enough to stay in the inner ring, at the same time as he worries that
he won’t be jurisprudent enough to stay with the upper echelon. And as of recent, checking his
compromised accounts, he finds that he is being asked to do both by the setup as well. The lines
are drawn so tightly, there is almost no distinguishing.
Becoming a part of the drug ring, he makes it part of his modus operandi to try and separate the
average busts from the conspiracy. But the lines are so blurred and the contact so little and the
manipulation of his accounts so deep, that he has a hard time recognizing the work of his
colleagues from the work of the terrorists. His social networking account has become a
collection of Hollywood’s finest, along with Political bigwigs and Rap and Rock stars. In the
behest of the critics who also line his friends list, and with his gun toting thug friends becoming
ever more impressed by his duress, he continues his posts and contacts despite his most basic
inner fears and instincts about being able to recognize orders. When that day comes, will he
know whom he is conversing with, and their rank in both government and stock and bond? Will
he know it is an order for the endgame? They both wield very much the same power and
To cover his tracks, he begins a new assault as a rap artist to further infiltrate the travel plans of
the killers. Under the name OZENOZ, he records at a local studio with some of the extra cash
from playing personal bodyguard to some higher ups through the past few weeks of work and
runs. He books a small tour of the local area, including very large and powerful underground
private clubs which feature some of the billboards tops amongst the same crowd he has been
running with. Off duty dirty cops line the sidewalks ignoring the all out free for all’s inside,
being paid in many forms to ensure nothing goes public about the club under their protection. At
these gigs, he finally finds a clear avenue using his talent, which is being lifted up by his network
of friends, to stay clear of the random violence and in line for the bigger plans. He has found a
safety in the most public of places. Though the majority of the big money clubs are very private
and selective on its attendees the concert attendance numbers in the tens of thousands at various
shows which feature multiple artists to perform under their near arena sized packed venues. The
exposure is a rush, and he needs to be very careful about it going to his head. As an undercover
agent of the Central Intelligence Agency, one slip could prove lethal.
The plan for the assassination emerges on the verges of completion and it is so simple it could
just change way the world leaders move as well as the ways the gangs do the streets. Utilizing
the network of V.I.P’s lined up in the setup users accounts and their now open and narrowed
focus of communications, the terrorists begin to see the pattern of the larger campaign fund
donors and their whispered and hinted promised pre- arrival visits from the President. It won’t
have to be like the Kennedy assassination, in fact for all intensive purposes with the unique
reputation and background of the current United States Chief, it would be a blunder to have it all
too public. Something learned from in the vast even present day conspiracies surrounding the
Kennedy assassination, our terrorist cells optimistically note of their chances of killing further
Our agent makes his way through the beginnings of his journey with his crazy motif as a make it
or break it artist. His path leads ever more frequently to the luxurious homes where he is asked to
make appearances to rival and peer contributing shared label artists. These homes in these
neighborhoods are often viewed on as the black sheep of their wealthy surroundings. The money
they are throwing in the direction of their favorite ethnic current United States President and his
campaign rivals that with the fifty thousand kilo coke shipments our agent witnessed at the docks
in Los Angeles. They have money to burn, and bridges to build, and connections to appoint to
their offshoot merchandise corporations and to the powerhouses that may one day buy them the
rights to their own music. The freedom to own their most sought out and painstaking work will
come only at the cost of making high political connections which can reach within of corridors of
the music labels.
He lives on the thrill of the danger found at the hands of F.B.I., mafia and the local yokels ready
to cash in on a little risk. At these mansion rendezvous, the crews who run the clubs are inclusive
of the crews who run the drugs. Our agent finds himself surrounded by undercover agents from
the Federal Bureau of Investigation, helping him to ease out of his tight spots. When he finds a
dirty one, he simply put his “two to the head” motto to work, and exposes them while easily
steering clear of the difficult deal. It’s something that has begun to keep him awake at nights. He
finds solace in the fact that he isn’t about the violence, as shown by his artwork, and he is not a
rat of any kind, to either side. He simply plays by the rules like a shark that has them mastered.
But in the misty eyed morning of his big break, he finds himself at the whim of the terrorists.
When he is offered a previously built, in exquisite architecture, a countrywide street team, and
the chance for an arena tour, he receives a call from Pakistan. They offer their congratulations,
and a formal meeting to take place for the awarding of a very prestigious peacemaking and
understanding through the arts honor given to him due to the charismatic and openly criticizing
nature of some of his of his lyrics. The first meeting is to take place this very afternoon in a
quiet, gated neighborhood off of route one- oh -one. As he enters the neighborhood in his silent
electric sports car, he is awed by the site of dozens of flags flying in representation of the nations
within our own United Nations.
He is in fact in place for the hit, and now having been chosen as the fall man as he runs for his
life and the life of his president. He arrives, and is greeted much to his surprise by the President
of The United States of America himself. Evidently a dummy- mock up fake of the President has
been completing his regularly scheduled itinerary to allow for the visit. Shocked, and
immediately recognizing his first duty as an agent to his ever present chief, he braces himself as
the house is rocked by large slug remote fired sniper gunfire. The President, first lady, and
several present young children take cover under the nearby dining room table as it appears even
the on duty Secret Service has been infiltrated. There to ensure nothing but his ultimate demise
and all of their deaths is a General in the Pakistani Army. Stripping him of his weapon, and
holding him hostage ends the firefight, and ultimately buys the time for the good guys to arrive.

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The six up synopsis

  • 1. A C.I.A. agent hits the streets undercover to prevent the Presidents assassination. Reports coming into Langley show that there is a massive manhunt going on to find both the right party to get the job done by various enemies of the state working together, as well as the fall guy. Conflicting reports show that the setting picked for the assassination has most definitely been narrowed to the Greater Los Angeles Area. During the internet attack launched by Pakistan, several dozen west coast target citizens with the proper demographics in their background were attempted to be recruited via bait and lure method in their online accounts. Then an all out effort to manipulate these possible scapegoats and utilize their genuinely useful backgrounds in the current plans is begun, setting off red flags for a select few who were able somehow to “hack back” and red flag these goings – on. The other unfortunates are left to survive an all out barrage of constant terrorist hacking presence in all of their accounts, business, personal, and otherwise flushed towards the area where the attempt on the President’s life is to take place. A drug supported terrorist organization has been recruiting from inside of U.S. boundaries. The payroll of the organization was intercepted and decoded by U.S. officials and it suddenly listed deep expenditure on lining up well trained assassins and previously high ranking military rejects in it’s to do list. Several of these were noted to have taken out Visa’s for Pakistan shortly thereafter, and in an effort to thwart the recruiting, their Visa’s were rejected. This only seemed to move the central hub for planning to a closer more volatile ground in the Barrio regions of The San Diego Area where the group had weapons cache’s stored in deep ghetto imbedded warehouse facilities. The election year travels of the President being unchangeable for the most part, the group very openly covers all gray areas in possible hit zones, including in some of the private, wealthier neighborhoods nearby where the President is known to have some close associations that he may secretly be visiting. The hit is to come from a professional crew using a dummy taken from the recruits as the fall man. There is a certain story the organization wants behind the killing of the U.S. President, they want it to come from a citizen, a disgruntled and wronged man gone deranged. The actual hit is to be performed by a highly trained sniper with planned and practiced use of munitions that could be falsely blamed on the fall guy. It has to take place in a spot that enables escape as well as the angles, not too public which would allow the shot from the setup man. Highly dangerous mind control methods are employed by the organization to help align the now desperate fall guys to be in place for the final act. Their bank accounts have been shut down, their phone’s manipulated, their email accounts compromised and outgoing mail altered, personal blogs thousands of pages long altered to reflect their descent into madness. At the same time, their social networking sites have been placed in V.I.P. status to reflect more and more contact with sensitive high ranking in both government and stock and bond issues persons. These contacts are meant to ultimately intensify the effect of their slow and total alienation from normal society. This makes it a barrage of misinformation and coercion from the streets to get the fall man in place for the hit. As the agent assigned to the covert operations in uncovering the final candidates and plans covers mostly gangland territory, he finds himself led in an incredible amount of different directions at once. In order to find the map to the key element at large, the final territory where the assassination is to take place, he must submerge himself deep within the jaws of the
  • 2. beast in the underbelly of the underground Los Angeles drug scene. He finds himself gaining the attention of some Bloods, and is forced to join in a brutal and very final act of killing a former member by delivering two shots to the head at point blank range in order to gain their support on his journey ever deeper. This is known as “two to the head”, a blood rite taken by all gang affiliates as an oath that may they ever betray the wishes of the whole in an unacceptable and out of hand way, that they fully accept their fate at the hands of their former mates. It is a form of self policing, and one which the LAPD tend to turn their heads to. “If they’re going to kill each other, let them!” “Two to the head” soon becomes Tom’s favorite catch phrase. The subject is to have a sordid history and a brilliant mind to make it a believable set up. From a wealthy background, but not having made it to the level of success of his immediate prior lineage, the subject has both the shortcoming sensitivity so frequently noted in the forensic facts about the world’s most successful serial killers, as well as the mental facilities to carry it out. It is required that the subject have had a high level of psychological testing and some exposure to extremes which made necessary diagnosis of some disorder and treatment. The diagnosis must be an ongoing event that has not been fully recuperated from due to present day trauma. Before he knows it, our agent has become part of the set up list with his cover not blown. The depth of the technologies at hand and in use to manipulate all of his accounts is exposed, and sends teams of agents working feverishly at Langley into a feeding frenzy of tracing hacks that seem to emanate from within previously placed viruses contained at length from their origins on the internet. Other hacks seem to originate from very local sources. The severity of the control exhibited suggests that the satellites previously thought to be used for Pakistani government conflicts only are being put to use by the terrorists, suggesting government ties much closer and worrisome than ever thought before. The satellites are used for their agile “in and out” capabilities in making the connections for even the simplest of target hacks. The list is growing smaller, and time shorter. Assaulted on all sides by the trappings of crime, he infiltrates gangland protests of federal drug busts. The busts have become increasingly violent and the death tolls staggering as the takedowns are executed in an all out military strike fashion by WASP Teams. Whole city blocks decimated, the collateral damage gone untold in the press or otherwise, things are heating up in a very progressive fashion. These takedowns seem to be happening during visits from the higher ups in the drug organization who are normally only on the properties to do various incentive based walk through to try and boost production and hopes of a way out of the streets for the employees. Underground avenues never before disturbed in decades of the drug wars, are now on a regular basis being exposed, raided, and shut down. Our agent knows the primary source of the information being uncovered is a French benefit of the work at the desks at Langley backing up his current mission objective. He also knows that has been only very lucky in not being at several of the takedowns. His boss’s protection has become limited to the extent that he can communicate with headquarters on his drastic and near round the clock ventures all over the topography of the Greater Los Angeles Area. On top of which, being a prime candidate for the assassination setup, his accounts have all been compromised as well as monitored heavily by both sides of the fence. He runs the risk of exposure if he doesn’t take care to make fresh accounts on falsified documents daily to run his communications through. And even then, it
  • 3. takes Langley hours after his message was sent to filter through all of their junk mail being sliced off through various corridors from the other accounts being monitored by both the terrorists and the Central Intelligence Agency. Making moves from Venice Beach to Long Beach to South Central Los Angeles, he finds himself in the midst of a game he never knew could be so instantly deadly. As tensions rise within the affiliates of the various drug organizations from whom he procures his goods, he falls witness to more and more inter- group and gang related violence as the people behind the scenes are moving to the front lines to try and flush out their hood rat. Pressure builds within his own circles for him to play more the role of a soldier and less of a runner, and he finds he must find an alternate path, and quickly or he is going to wind up a victim of a controversial “two to the head” himself. It seems to be the pattern that when too much blood ends up on your hands, you end up at the hands of someone they loved. Surrounded by gun toting thugs, he knows it isn't just his acute sense of paranoia that smells danger. Everywhere he goes, everyone is armed these days. Used to be the threat of having a weapon come to terms with a tight squeeze was enough to kill the conflict, but not anymore. As he desperately tries to keep clear of random gun fights and shooting spats brought on by increasingly desperate for their former earnings dealers, con artists, and high class thieves, he finds it ever more present that if he doesn’t take sides soon, he will be left behind, and his mission a failure. At nights he lays awake in his Venice flat, listening to his ears ringing from the concussions of everything from Smith and Wesson’s to AK’s to the far off fallout of a shoulder launched missile on a crack cocaine factory. His world has become an all out war ground in which there is no definable General to lead the troops. The General he would pick is the one that sends him back to the front lines to put himself in harm’s way for what is coming apparently by all methods of easy deduction based on the President’s travel plans, very soon. He worries that he won’t be able to be violent enough to stay in the inner ring, at the same time as he worries that he won’t be jurisprudent enough to stay with the upper echelon. And as of recent, checking his compromised accounts, he finds that he is being asked to do both by the setup as well. The lines are drawn so tightly, there is almost no distinguishing. Becoming a part of the drug ring, he makes it part of his modus operandi to try and separate the average busts from the conspiracy. But the lines are so blurred and the contact so little and the manipulation of his accounts so deep, that he has a hard time recognizing the work of his colleagues from the work of the terrorists. His social networking account has become a collection of Hollywood’s finest, along with Political bigwigs and Rap and Rock stars. In the behest of the critics who also line his friends list, and with his gun toting thug friends becoming ever more impressed by his duress, he continues his posts and contacts despite his most basic inner fears and instincts about being able to recognize orders. When that day comes, will he know whom he is conversing with, and their rank in both government and stock and bond? Will he know it is an order for the endgame? They both wield very much the same power and influence. To cover his tracks, he begins a new assault as a rap artist to further infiltrate the travel plans of the killers. Under the name OZENOZ, he records at a local studio with some of the extra cash
  • 4. from playing personal bodyguard to some higher ups through the past few weeks of work and runs. He books a small tour of the local area, including very large and powerful underground private clubs which feature some of the billboards tops amongst the same crowd he has been running with. Off duty dirty cops line the sidewalks ignoring the all out free for all’s inside, being paid in many forms to ensure nothing goes public about the club under their protection. At these gigs, he finally finds a clear avenue using his talent, which is being lifted up by his network of friends, to stay clear of the random violence and in line for the bigger plans. He has found a safety in the most public of places. Though the majority of the big money clubs are very private and selective on its attendees the concert attendance numbers in the tens of thousands at various shows which feature multiple artists to perform under their near arena sized packed venues. The exposure is a rush, and he needs to be very careful about it going to his head. As an undercover agent of the Central Intelligence Agency, one slip could prove lethal. The plan for the assassination emerges on the verges of completion and it is so simple it could just change way the world leaders move as well as the ways the gangs do the streets. Utilizing the network of V.I.P’s lined up in the setup users accounts and their now open and narrowed focus of communications, the terrorists begin to see the pattern of the larger campaign fund donors and their whispered and hinted promised pre- arrival visits from the President. It won’t have to be like the Kennedy assassination, in fact for all intensive purposes with the unique reputation and background of the current United States Chief, it would be a blunder to have it all too public. Something learned from in the vast even present day conspiracies surrounding the Kennedy assassination, our terrorist cells optimistically note of their chances of killing further investigation. Our agent makes his way through the beginnings of his journey with his crazy motif as a make it or break it artist. His path leads ever more frequently to the luxurious homes where he is asked to make appearances to rival and peer contributing shared label artists. These homes in these neighborhoods are often viewed on as the black sheep of their wealthy surroundings. The money they are throwing in the direction of their favorite ethnic current United States President and his campaign rivals that with the fifty thousand kilo coke shipments our agent witnessed at the docks in Los Angeles. They have money to burn, and bridges to build, and connections to appoint to their offshoot merchandise corporations and to the powerhouses that may one day buy them the rights to their own music. The freedom to own their most sought out and painstaking work will come only at the cost of making high political connections which can reach within of corridors of the music labels. He lives on the thrill of the danger found at the hands of F.B.I., mafia and the local yokels ready to cash in on a little risk. At these mansion rendezvous, the crews who run the clubs are inclusive of the crews who run the drugs. Our agent finds himself surrounded by undercover agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, helping him to ease out of his tight spots. When he finds a dirty one, he simply put his “two to the head” motto to work, and exposes them while easily steering clear of the difficult deal. It’s something that has begun to keep him awake at nights. He finds solace in the fact that he isn’t about the violence, as shown by his artwork, and he is not a rat of any kind, to either side. He simply plays by the rules like a shark that has them mastered.
  • 5. But in the misty eyed morning of his big break, he finds himself at the whim of the terrorists. When he is offered a previously built, in exquisite architecture, a countrywide street team, and the chance for an arena tour, he receives a call from Pakistan. They offer their congratulations, and a formal meeting to take place for the awarding of a very prestigious peacemaking and understanding through the arts honor given to him due to the charismatic and openly criticizing nature of some of his of his lyrics. The first meeting is to take place this very afternoon in a quiet, gated neighborhood off of route one- oh -one. As he enters the neighborhood in his silent electric sports car, he is awed by the site of dozens of flags flying in representation of the nations within our own United Nations. He is in fact in place for the hit, and now having been chosen as the fall man as he runs for his life and the life of his president. He arrives, and is greeted much to his surprise by the President of The United States of America himself. Evidently a dummy- mock up fake of the President has been completing his regularly scheduled itinerary to allow for the visit. Shocked, and immediately recognizing his first duty as an agent to his ever present chief, he braces himself as the house is rocked by large slug remote fired sniper gunfire. The President, first lady, and several present young children take cover under the nearby dining room table as it appears even the on duty Secret Service has been infiltrated. There to ensure nothing but his ultimate demise and all of their deaths is a General in the Pakistani Army. Stripping him of his weapon, and holding him hostage ends the firefight, and ultimately buys the time for the good guys to arrive.