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Video Game Addiction Theory & Treatment
Boys’ Development
Richard Smith
Introduction to
Video Game Addiction
Boys Adrift by Leonard Sax
 Leonard Sax: MD and Psychologist
 Popular author – Also writes opinion
articles for the Washington Post.
Why are boys not
going to college?
 College rates of men in
 1949 – 70%
 1959 – 64%
 1969 – 59%
 1979 – 49%
 1989 - 46%
 1999 - 44%
 2006 - 42%
If these statistics are correct, boys
must not be graduating high school.
From Boys Adrift
The gender cleansing of “boy behavior” in kindergarten through 12th grades. -
Zero tolerance policies (zero conflict, zero threatening language, zero agitation, zero
noise, zero boisterous activity.) This leads to boys’ dissatisfaction in attending school.
Women have a more cooperative approach to learning, men a more independent
approach. - A female more likely to use academic support services (e.g. counseling,
tutoring, etc.) than a male. Women are better at developing the web of supportive
relationships necessary to achieve success in college. Men hide in their dorm rooms.
An embedded belief on college campuses that “Men are the problem.” - “Anti-
maleness”, whether from a compensatory fixation or from fears that young men are
behaving badly and need to be re-programmed, has become structural on most
campuses. Men are being welcomed to college as potential rapists. Fraternities are
under a microscope.
Negative media images of men. In commercials where one of the genders is
depicted as less intelligent, nearly 100% of the time it will be a male.
James Shelley, Ten Reasons Why Men Aren’t Going to College, NEW MALE STUDIES: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ~ ISSN 1839-7816
~ Vol 6, Issue 1, 2017 Pp. 12–22 © 2017 AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF MALE HEALTH AND STUDIES.
Reasons boys fail at school.
Boys’ Elementary School Issues
 Changes in Education
 Not identifying gender differences – an
emphasis on empathy and feelings disengages
boys. Better to ask “what would you do?” than
how would you feel?”
 Pre-literate focus of Kindergarten – Girls
brains read on average at age 5 while boys
start at age 7. They feel dumb in
Kindergarten and first grade and this feeling
 Weisenchraft (data) vs. Kenntnis
(experience) Too much data without
experience shuts boys brains down.
 Focus on behavior problems reduces
No more Dodge Ball
Not much play
in kindergarten.
From Boys Adrift
Reasons for Boys only High School
 Boys don’t have to compete with girls
who start two years ahead in reading.
 They can be taught how to be
 Example High School Core Values –
Scholarship, Integrity, Civility, Tolerance,
Altruism, Sportsmanship, Responsibility,
 They can compete against each other
and grow as men.
 Don’t have to worry about showing off to
or being put down by girls and teen
From Boys Adrift
ADHD meds
 Boys have not stopped playing until around seven
so they are given ADD medications at a high rate
in Kindergarten and 1st grade. Recommendation
is to wait till age six for Kindergarten so boys are
more ready.
 Tom Sawyer was “ADD” and would have been
given medications. ADD meds are over used.
 ADD medications affect the nucleus
accumbens and kids end up apathetic.
 Some boys, especially creative ones, get bullied
at school by girls and benefit from a boys school.
From Boys Adrift
ADHD meds
 Dr. Gabrielli 2006 study showed
ADD medications benefited
normal and ADD kids the same in
terms of focus.
 Dr. Carlezon Harvard study
showed ADHD medications make
apes lazy.
From Boys Adrift
Endocrine Disruptors
 Plastics perhaps?
 Phthalates, BPA – Health hazard, low
 2, 4 and 5 are OK for limited use.
 1 is OK but avoid heat. AVOID 3, 6,&
6,& 7
 Sexual development of children -
Estrogen Impacts?
 Slows development in boys while
speeding development in girls.
Girls are 1year ahead of boys
From Boys Adrift
Endocrine Disruptors
 Plastics?
 Phthalaperhapstes
 Bisphenol- A (BPA)
 Sexual development of children -
Estrogen Impacts
 Effects on boys – slows
 Effects on girls – speeds
 Some animals exposed towww.wikipedia/menarche, Secular trend in decrease in age of menarche in Western European and
North American girls After: Boaz (1999) CC BY-SA 3.0 (shareable)
Why Boys Play Video Games
 Satisfies a need for control – Boys want
to own their destiny in life. Video games
provide that while school and church are
too concerned about them being
haughty or prideful.
 Provides needed excitement and
 They get a dopamine high from playing.
 Gamification in Learning Management
Systems and apps like Quizlet, brain
training, computer coding and
crosswords are using video games to
From Boys Adrift
Negative Affects of Video Games
 Most games are non-learning video
games don’t make kids smarter. Madden
football does not translate to actual
playing on the high school football team.
Kids can’t solve real problems. They can
press a button fast or turn quickly, but
they can’t solve real world problems.
 Average IQ for boys is dropping.
 Video Gamers are more apt to be obese.
From Boys Adrift
Video Games
 Erodes work ethic – They want a high
score on their video game rather than a
good grade.
 Antisocial – Violent, massive multiplayer
video games cause boys to play alone in
a room.
 Nucleus accumbens is gorged with blood
as if the boy achieved a great victory.
DLPFC gets no blood to provide a goal
target. This puts the boy’s emotions out
of balance.
From Boys Adrift
Brain activation when gamers were shown gaming cues is very similar to those
with nicotine dependence with the frontal-limbic network, gyrus, and the
anterior cingulate cortex.
Conclusion: IGD resembles substance abuse disorder especially with similar
dopamine release to drugs of abuse and opting for short term gains.
Reduced Gray Matter Density in IGD. Reduces attention, control, impulse control, motor
function, emotion regulation, and sensory-motor coordination. White Matter Density was
reduced in other areas related to decision making.
Internet Gaming
Disorder Definition
 Repetitive use of Internet-based games, often
with other players, that leads to significant
issues with functioning
 The American Medical Association defines
heavy gaming usage as playing for two hours
or more a day.
 1. Preoccupation or obsession with Internet games.
 2. Withdrawal symptoms when not playing Internet games.
 3. A build-up of tolerance–more time needs to be spent playing the
 4. The person has tried to stop or curb playing Internet games, but has
failed to do so.
 5. The person has had a loss of interest in other life activities.
 6. A person has had continued overuse of Internet games even with the
knowledge of how much they impact a person’s life.
 7. The person lied to others about his or her Internet game usage.
 8. The person uses Internet games as a way to escape.
 9. The person has lost or put at risk an opportunity or relationship
because of Internet games.
DSM-5 2013 - Internet Gaming Disorder
5 must be met within the last year and last at least six months.
Feng, W., Ramo, D. E., Chan, S. R., & Bourgeois, J. A. (2017). Internet gaming disorder: Trends in prevalence 1998–2016.
Internet Gaming Disorder is 4.7% of Population
 Studies have shown that internet gaming disorder may be
associated with major depressive disorder, ADHD, OCD, and
social problems
 Adolescents who play more than one hour of console or
Internet video games may have more or more intense
symptoms of ADHD or inattention than those who do not
 Socially phobic players may employ online games to satisfy
social relational needs while avoiding stress experienced in
offline social environments
 MMORPGs even allow social interaction without engaging
any other player- gamers often develop relationships with
their avatars
Lawrence T. Lam, Zi-wen Peng, Jin-cheng Mai, and Jin Jing. CyberPsychology & Behavior. October 2009
Trauma is more
prevalent in people
with IGD.
Lawrence T. Lam, Zi-wen Peng, Jin-cheng Mai, and Jin Jing. CyberPsychology & Behavior. October 2009
Addicted gamers had
higher trauma scores.
Intrusion Avoidance Physical Arousal
 Current approaches to treating IGD tend to primarily use the
cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT) model
 Other treatment options are cognitive enhancement therapy,
cognitive bias modification, and mindfulness-based stress
 Therapeutic residential camp (TRC)
 psychotherapy
 psychoeducational therapy
 cognitive behavioral therapy
 Combined Reality therapy and mindfulness meditation
 Targets goal-directed choices and evaluate their choices by helping
reflect their behaviors
 6 week group behavioral intervention
Self-Discovery Camp
 A camp that focused on treating young adults with IGD
 Three goals were hoped to be achieved
 1) to foster awareness of health, wellness, and a well-regulated life
 2) to experience communication without internet or digital devices
 3) to collaborate with others and solve problems
 Results:
 Gamers still played daily, but were wanting to control their behavior and
pursue it in a healthy way.
Sakuma, H., Mihara, S., Nakayama, H., Miura, K., Kitayuguchi, T., Maezono, M., & ... Higuchi, S. (2017). Treatment with the
Self-Discovery Camp (SDiC) improves Internet gaming disorder. Addictive Behaviors, 64357-362.
Positive Psychology
 Positive psychotherapy is intended to realize the goal of
improving positive emotions and life quality while
reducing negative emotions, like anxiety.
 Goal is to achieve: relationship satisfaction, social
support, and happiness
 Results: Improved social adjustment
Computer Gaming Addicts Anonymous
 12-Step Program Meetings online at
 1:30pm and 10pm every day. Uses the 12-step process, references a
Higher Power and the Serenity Prayer.
 Phrases to think about -
 There is not a problem I have that a return to gaming cannot make
 Don’t game, go to meetings, ask for help.
 Any day that I manage to not game is a success.
 If we put even half of the effort into recovery that we put into gaming,
we stand an excellent chance of staying off games and building a
fulfilling life.
 Getting honest:
 How did gaming create or worsen problems in my life?
 The "subtle insanity that precedes the first game": What are the
thoughts that trigger an irresistible compulsion to game? How can I deal
with them?
 One Day at a Time: What can I do to make it between now and the end
of the day without starting that first game?
 Living game-free: As newcomers, we suddenly have much more time on
our hands and can struggle with boredom and lack of motivation to do
constructive things. How can we deal with this?
Addictions and Recovery Counseling
By Dr. Tim Clinton & Eric Scalise
 A Christian approach to Video game addiction – the
love of Christ is the counselor's primary
 Treatment difficulties - people with video game
addiction have generally poor social skills so face-
to-face interactions are awkward for them.
 Assessment interview questions include:
 How much time in the past week if you spend
 Do you have strong negative emotions like
depression and moodiness when you have not
been able to play game?
 Do you use gaming as a form of escape?
 Are your thoughts and emotions correlated to
the release of the new popular video game?
Addictions and Recovery Counseling
By Dr. Tim Clinton & Eric Scalise
 Proverbs 25:28 “Like a city whose walls are broken
through is a person who lacks self-control.”
 Recovery Action Steps
1. Admit There is a Problem.
2. Begin Regulating Game Usage.
3. Remove the Video Game or Computer Entirely.
4. Have Positive Peer Interaction. - need to socialize and
learn to interact with peers.
Addictions and Recovery Counseling
By Dr. Tim Clinton & Eric Scalise
 Prayer Starter
 Lord, You are the master of our time and You desire
to have first place in our heart and life. There is no
greater reward than spending time with You, and so
I pray You would take away from ________ the
addiction to gaming so that he (she) may know You
more intimately. It is not good for us to be alone or
for us to have no fellowship outside our home. God,
may You bring people into ________’s life to
encourage and strengthen him (her) and may You
fill his (her) thoughts with Your words and love. You
care for us and love of our time and You desire to
have first place in our heart and life. Thank you
for the freedom we can experience in You . . .
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Internet Gaming Disorder. Diagnostic and statistical manual
of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC
Bargeron, A. H., & Hormes, J. M. (2017). Psychosocial correlates of internet gaming disorder:
Psychopathology, life satisfaction, and impulsivity. Computers In Human Behavior, 68388-394.
Beard, C. L., & Wickham, R. E. (2016). Gaming-contingent self-worth, gaming motivation, and Internet
Gaming Disorder. Computers In Human Behavior, 61507-515. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2016.03.046
Clinton, T., & Scalise, E. (2013). Addictions and recovery counseling : 40 topics, spiritual insights, and
easy-to-use action steps. Retrieved from
Day, I. (2017). A Family Systems Approach to the Understanding and Treatment of Internet Gaming
Disorder. Family Journal, 25(3), 264-270. doi:10.1177/1066480717711108
Feng, W., Ramo, D. E., Chan, S. R., & Bourgeois, J. A. (2017). Internet gaming disorder: Trends in
prevalence 1998-2016. Addictive Behaviors, 7517-24. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2017.06.010
Johnson, D., Gardner, J., & Sweetser, P. (2016). Motivations for videogame play: Predictors of time
spent playing. Computers In Human Behavior, 63805-812. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2016.06.028
 Kaess, M., Parzer, P., Mehl, L., Weil, L., Strittmatter, E., Resch, F., & Koenig, J. (2017). Stress vulnerability in
male youth with Internet Gaming Disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 77244-251.
Khazaei, F., Khazaei, O., & Ghanbari-H., B. (2017). Full length article: Positive psychology interventions for
internet addiction treatment. Computers In Human Behavior, 72304-311. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2017.02.065
McGraw, Dr. Phil (2015, July 14). Retrieved October 09, 2017, from
Roy, Charley Slideshare template for Boy’s Adift. Used some of it for Boys Adrift part and edited it.
Sakuma, H., Mihara, S., Nakayama, H., Miura, K., Kitayuguchi, T., Maezono, M., & ... Higuchi, S. (2017).
Treatment with the Self-Discovery Camp (SDiC) improves Internet gaming disorder. Addictive Behaviors, 64357-
362. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2016.06.013
Sax, Leonard, Boys Adrift. New York: Basic Books, 2007. (Note that the 2016 book looked very similar.)
Sioni, S. R., Burleson, M. H., & Bekerian, D. A. (2017). Internet gaming disorder: Social phobia and identifying
with your virtual self. Computers In Human Behavior, 7111-15. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2017.01.044
Weinstein, A., Livny, A., & Weizman, A. (2017). New developments in brain research of internet and gaming
disorder. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 75314-330. doi:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2017.01.040
Yao, Y., Chen, P., Li, C. R., Hare, T. A., Li, S., Zhang, J., & ... Fang, X. (2017). Full length article: Combined
reality therapy and mindfulness meditation decrease intertemporal decisional impulsivity in young adults with
Internet gaming disorder. Computers In Human Behavior, 68210-216. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2016.11.038
Zhang, F., & Kaufman, D. (2017). Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs) and Socio-
Emotional Wellbeing. Computers In Human Behavior, 73451-458. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2017.04.00
•, 2017 Global Games Market Report. August 2017 Total Digital Revenue., 2016 MMO & MOBA Market Report.

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Video Game Addiction - Theory and Treatment and Boys' Development

  • 1. Video Game Addiction Theory & Treatment and Boys’ Development By Richard Smith
  • 3. Boys Adrift by Leonard Sax  Leonard Sax: MD and Psychologist  Popular author – Also writes opinion articles for the Washington Post.
  • 4. Why are boys not going to college?  College rates of men in college  1949 – 70%  1959 – 64%  1969 – 59%  1979 – 49%  1989 - 46%  1999 - 44%  2006 - 42% If these statistics are correct, boys must not be graduating high school. From Boys Adrift
  • 5. The gender cleansing of “boy behavior” in kindergarten through 12th grades. - Zero tolerance policies (zero conflict, zero threatening language, zero agitation, zero noise, zero boisterous activity.) This leads to boys’ dissatisfaction in attending school. Women have a more cooperative approach to learning, men a more independent approach. - A female more likely to use academic support services (e.g. counseling, tutoring, etc.) than a male. Women are better at developing the web of supportive relationships necessary to achieve success in college. Men hide in their dorm rooms. An embedded belief on college campuses that “Men are the problem.” - “Anti- maleness”, whether from a compensatory fixation or from fears that young men are behaving badly and need to be re-programmed, has become structural on most campuses. Men are being welcomed to college as potential rapists. Fraternities are under a microscope. Negative media images of men. In commercials where one of the genders is depicted as less intelligent, nearly 100% of the time it will be a male. James Shelley, Ten Reasons Why Men Aren’t Going to College, NEW MALE STUDIES: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ~ ISSN 1839-7816 ~ Vol 6, Issue 1, 2017 Pp. 12–22 © 2017 AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF MALE HEALTH AND STUDIES. Reasons boys fail at school.
  • 6. Boys’ Elementary School Issues  Changes in Education  Not identifying gender differences – an emphasis on empathy and feelings disengages boys. Better to ask “what would you do?” than how would you feel?”  Pre-literate focus of Kindergarten – Girls brains read on average at age 5 while boys start at age 7. They feel dumb in Kindergarten and first grade and this feeling continues.  Weisenchraft (data) vs. Kenntnis (experience) Too much data without experience shuts boys brains down.  Focus on behavior problems reduces No more Dodge Ball Not much play in kindergarten. From Boys Adrift
  • 7. Reasons for Boys only High School  Boys don’t have to compete with girls who start two years ahead in reading.  They can be taught how to be gentlemen.  Example High School Core Values – Scholarship, Integrity, Civility, Tolerance, Altruism, Sportsmanship, Responsibility, Self-discipline.  They can compete against each other and grow as men.  Don’t have to worry about showing off to or being put down by girls and teen From Boys Adrift
  • 8. ADHD meds  Boys have not stopped playing until around seven so they are given ADD medications at a high rate in Kindergarten and 1st grade. Recommendation is to wait till age six for Kindergarten so boys are more ready.  Tom Sawyer was “ADD” and would have been given medications. ADD meds are over used.  ADD medications affect the nucleus accumbens and kids end up apathetic.  Some boys, especially creative ones, get bullied at school by girls and benefit from a boys school. From Boys Adrift
  • 9. ADHD meds  Dr. Gabrielli 2006 study showed ADD medications benefited normal and ADD kids the same in terms of focus.  Dr. Carlezon Harvard study showed ADHD medications make apes lazy. From Boys Adrift
  • 10. Endocrine Disruptors  Plastics perhaps?  Phthalates, BPA – Health hazard, low IQ.  2, 4 and 5 are OK for limited use.  1 is OK but avoid heat. AVOID 3, 6,& 6,& 7  Sexual development of children - Estrogen Impacts?  Slows development in boys while speeding development in girls. Girls are 1year ahead of boys From Boys Adrift
  • 11. Endocrine Disruptors  Plastics?  Phthalaperhapstes  Bisphenol- A (BPA)  Sexual development of children - Estrogen Impacts  Effects on boys – slows development  Effects on girls – speeds development  Some animals exposed towww.wikipedia/menarche, Secular trend in decrease in age of menarche in Western European and North American girls After: Boaz (1999) CC BY-SA 3.0 (shareable)
  • 12. Why Boys Play Video Games  Satisfies a need for control – Boys want to own their destiny in life. Video games provide that while school and church are too concerned about them being haughty or prideful.  Provides needed excitement and challenge.  They get a dopamine high from playing.  Gamification in Learning Management Systems and apps like Quizlet, brain training, computer coding and crosswords are using video games to From Boys Adrift
  • 13. Negative Affects of Video Games  Most games are non-learning video games don’t make kids smarter. Madden football does not translate to actual playing on the high school football team. Kids can’t solve real problems. They can press a button fast or turn quickly, but they can’t solve real world problems.  Average IQ for boys is dropping.  Video Gamers are more apt to be obese. From Boys Adrift
  • 14. Video Games  Erodes work ethic – They want a high score on their video game rather than a good grade.  Antisocial – Violent, massive multiplayer video games cause boys to play alone in a room.  Nucleus accumbens is gorged with blood as if the boy achieved a great victory. DLPFC gets no blood to provide a goal target. This puts the boy’s emotions out of balance. From Boys Adrift
  • 15. Brain activation when gamers were shown gaming cues is very similar to those with nicotine dependence with the frontal-limbic network, gyrus, and the anterior cingulate cortex. Conclusion: IGD resembles substance abuse disorder especially with similar dopamine release to drugs of abuse and opting for short term gains. Reduced Gray Matter Density in IGD. Reduces attention, control, impulse control, motor function, emotion regulation, and sensory-motor coordination. White Matter Density was reduced in other areas related to decision making.
  • 17.
  • 20.
  • 21. Internet Gaming Disorder Definition  Repetitive use of Internet-based games, often with other players, that leads to significant issues with functioning  The American Medical Association defines heavy gaming usage as playing for two hours or more a day.
  • 22.  1. Preoccupation or obsession with Internet games.  2. Withdrawal symptoms when not playing Internet games.  3. A build-up of tolerance–more time needs to be spent playing the games.  4. The person has tried to stop or curb playing Internet games, but has failed to do so.  5. The person has had a loss of interest in other life activities.  6. A person has had continued overuse of Internet games even with the knowledge of how much they impact a person’s life.  7. The person lied to others about his or her Internet game usage.  8. The person uses Internet games as a way to escape.  9. The person has lost or put at risk an opportunity or relationship because of Internet games. DSM-5 2013 - Internet Gaming Disorder 5 must be met within the last year and last at least six months.
  • 23. Feng, W., Ramo, D. E., Chan, S. R., & Bourgeois, J. A. (2017). Internet gaming disorder: Trends in prevalence 1998–2016. Internet Gaming Disorder is 4.7% of Population
  • 24. Comorbidity  Studies have shown that internet gaming disorder may be associated with major depressive disorder, ADHD, OCD, and social problems  Adolescents who play more than one hour of console or Internet video games may have more or more intense symptoms of ADHD or inattention than those who do not  Socially phobic players may employ online games to satisfy social relational needs while avoiding stress experienced in offline social environments  MMORPGs even allow social interaction without engaging any other player- gamers often develop relationships with their avatars
  • 25. Lawrence T. Lam, Zi-wen Peng, Jin-cheng Mai, and Jin Jing. CyberPsychology & Behavior. October 2009 Trauma is more prevalent in people with IGD.
  • 26. Lawrence T. Lam, Zi-wen Peng, Jin-cheng Mai, and Jin Jing. CyberPsychology & Behavior. October 2009 Addicted gamers had higher trauma scores. Intrusion Avoidance Physical Arousal
  • 27. Treatments  Current approaches to treating IGD tend to primarily use the cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT) model  Other treatment options are cognitive enhancement therapy, cognitive bias modification, and mindfulness-based stress reduction  Therapeutic residential camp (TRC)  psychotherapy  psychoeducational therapy  cognitive behavioral therapy  Combined Reality therapy and mindfulness meditation  Targets goal-directed choices and evaluate their choices by helping reflect their behaviors  6 week group behavioral intervention
  • 28. Self-Discovery Camp  A camp that focused on treating young adults with IGD  Three goals were hoped to be achieved  1) to foster awareness of health, wellness, and a well-regulated life  2) to experience communication without internet or digital devices  3) to collaborate with others and solve problems  Results:  Gamers still played daily, but were wanting to control their behavior and pursue it in a healthy way. Sakuma, H., Mihara, S., Nakayama, H., Miura, K., Kitayuguchi, T., Maezono, M., & ... Higuchi, S. (2017). Treatment with the Self-Discovery Camp (SDiC) improves Internet gaming disorder. Addictive Behaviors, 64357-362. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2016.06.013
  • 29. Positive Psychology  Positive psychotherapy is intended to realize the goal of improving positive emotions and life quality while reducing negative emotions, like anxiety.  Goal is to achieve: relationship satisfaction, social support, and happiness  Results: Improved social adjustment
  • 30. Computer Gaming Addicts Anonymous  12-Step Program Meetings online at  1:30pm and 10pm every day. Uses the 12-step process, references a Higher Power and the Serenity Prayer.  Phrases to think about -  There is not a problem I have that a return to gaming cannot make worse.  Don’t game, go to meetings, ask for help.  Any day that I manage to not game is a success.  If we put even half of the effort into recovery that we put into gaming, we stand an excellent chance of staying off games and building a fulfilling life.  Getting honest:  How did gaming create or worsen problems in my life?  The "subtle insanity that precedes the first game": What are the thoughts that trigger an irresistible compulsion to game? How can I deal with them?  One Day at a Time: What can I do to make it between now and the end of the day without starting that first game?  Living game-free: As newcomers, we suddenly have much more time on our hands and can struggle with boredom and lack of motivation to do constructive things. How can we deal with this?
  • 31. Addictions and Recovery Counseling By Dr. Tim Clinton & Eric Scalise  A Christian approach to Video game addiction – the love of Christ is the counselor's primary motivation.  Treatment difficulties - people with video game addiction have generally poor social skills so face- to-face interactions are awkward for them.  Assessment interview questions include:  How much time in the past week if you spend gaming?  Do you have strong negative emotions like depression and moodiness when you have not been able to play game?  Do you use gaming as a form of escape?  Are your thoughts and emotions correlated to the release of the new popular video game?
  • 32. Addictions and Recovery Counseling By Dr. Tim Clinton & Eric Scalise  Proverbs 25:28 “Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control.”  Recovery Action Steps 1. Admit There is a Problem. 2. Begin Regulating Game Usage. 3. Remove the Video Game or Computer Entirely. 4. Have Positive Peer Interaction. - need to socialize and learn to interact with peers.
  • 33. Addictions and Recovery Counseling By Dr. Tim Clinton & Eric Scalise  Prayer Starter  Lord, You are the master of our time and You desire to have first place in our heart and life. There is no greater reward than spending time with You, and so I pray You would take away from ________ the addiction to gaming so that he (she) may know You more intimately. It is not good for us to be alone or for us to have no fellowship outside our home. God, may You bring people into ________’s life to encourage and strengthen him (her) and may You fill his (her) thoughts with Your words and love. You care for us and love of our time and You desire to have first place in our heart and life. Thank you for the freedom we can experience in You . . .
  • 34. References American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Internet Gaming Disorder. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC Bargeron, A. H., & Hormes, J. M. (2017). Psychosocial correlates of internet gaming disorder: Psychopathology, life satisfaction, and impulsivity. Computers In Human Behavior, 68388-394. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2016.11.029 Beard, C. L., & Wickham, R. E. (2016). Gaming-contingent self-worth, gaming motivation, and Internet Gaming Disorder. Computers In Human Behavior, 61507-515. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2016.03.046 Clinton, T., & Scalise, E. (2013). Addictions and recovery counseling : 40 topics, spiritual insights, and easy-to-use action steps. Retrieved from Day, I. (2017). A Family Systems Approach to the Understanding and Treatment of Internet Gaming Disorder. Family Journal, 25(3), 264-270. doi:10.1177/1066480717711108 Feng, W., Ramo, D. E., Chan, S. R., & Bourgeois, J. A. (2017). Internet gaming disorder: Trends in prevalence 1998-2016. Addictive Behaviors, 7517-24. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2017.06.010 Johnson, D., Gardner, J., & Sweetser, P. (2016). Motivations for videogame play: Predictors of time spent playing. Computers In Human Behavior, 63805-812. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2016.06.028
  • 35. References  Kaess, M., Parzer, P., Mehl, L., Weil, L., Strittmatter, E., Resch, F., & Koenig, J. (2017). Stress vulnerability in male youth with Internet Gaming Disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 77244-251. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2017.01.008 Khazaei, F., Khazaei, O., & Ghanbari-H., B. (2017). Full length article: Positive psychology interventions for internet addiction treatment. Computers In Human Behavior, 72304-311. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2017.02.065 McGraw, Dr. Phil (2015, July 14). Retrieved October 09, 2017, from Roy, Charley Slideshare template for Boy’s Adift. Used some of it for Boys Adrift part and edited it. Sakuma, H., Mihara, S., Nakayama, H., Miura, K., Kitayuguchi, T., Maezono, M., & ... Higuchi, S. (2017). Treatment with the Self-Discovery Camp (SDiC) improves Internet gaming disorder. Addictive Behaviors, 64357- 362. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2016.06.013 Sax, Leonard, Boys Adrift. New York: Basic Books, 2007. (Note that the 2016 book looked very similar.) Sioni, S. R., Burleson, M. H., & Bekerian, D. A. (2017). Internet gaming disorder: Social phobia and identifying with your virtual self. Computers In Human Behavior, 7111-15. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2017.01.044 Weinstein, A., Livny, A., & Weizman, A. (2017). New developments in brain research of internet and gaming disorder. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 75314-330. doi:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2017.01.040 Yao, Y., Chen, P., Li, C. R., Hare, T. A., Li, S., Zhang, J., & ... Fang, X. (2017). Full length article: Combined reality therapy and mindfulness meditation decrease intertemporal decisional impulsivity in young adults with Internet gaming disorder. Computers In Human Behavior, 68210-216. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2016.11.038 Zhang, F., & Kaufman, D. (2017). Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs) and Socio- Emotional Wellbeing. Computers In Human Behavior, 73451-458. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2017.04.00 •, 2017 Global Games Market Report. August 2017 Total Digital Revenue., 2016 MMO & MOBA Market Report.

Editor's Notes

  1. This is a Dr. Phil intervention for a young man who is addicted to video games. Only the beginning should be shown.
  2. Note that #1 water bottles and other bottles probably are in a warehouse at some time and get heated up and the estrogen and phthalates leech into the liquid. PVC piping is used everywhere and that is on the avoid list. Apparently many household items like shampoo have plastics in the avoid list. Puberty has been reducing from 17 to the 11 to 12 range for both sexes. Therefore, the estrogen may just help girls develop more confidence in themselves as they get more of what they need. Boys’ bodies are getting something they are not expecting, and boys may be reacting to the increased estrogen and the phthalates in strange ways that doesn’t enhance their development. Just a guess.
  3. Menarche is the girls first menstruation. Note that puberty in total includes a range of items including growth and muscle build. Boys and girls graphs have similar reductions in age for puberty.
  4. Video Game Revenues for 2017 –
  5. This changes often. Fortnite is changing the game. Kids are spending tons of time playing it.
  6. This is 2016 data and it actually may be dropping fast as games like Fortnite take hold of kids attention.
  7. The World Health Organization declared in June of 2018 that Video Game Disorder exists.
  8. Other data shows it includes 15-20% of gamers.
  9. The correlation between trauma and video game addiction is true but not that pronounced.
  10. On YouTube, you can find a variety of other approaches like the electric shock therapy used in South Korea for hardcore gamers.
  11. Very healthy to get kids outside.