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Research Paper On Adhd In Children
ADHD is a psychological disorder characterized difficulty sitting still, fidgetiness and trouble
paying attention. ADHD is usually diagnosed in children while they are still in elementary school.
According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 11% of all kids in the US
between the ages of 4 and 17 have been diagnosed with ADHD. In recent years, the prevalence of
children being diagnosed with ADHD was spiked tremendously. For example, the rates of diagnosis
increased by almost 6% per year just from the years 2003–2007. Due to increases in diagnosis,
many psychologists have began to question whether or not the increase in ADHD is a true epidemic,
or whether it is simply being over diagnosed. Bruchmüller (2012) set out ... Show more content on ...
In addition to more cases of ADHD in males than females, it appears that there is also a
differentiated difference based on ethnicity. Blacks have the most diagnosis by race (5.65%)
compared to 4.33% for whites and just over 3% for Hispanics (Cuffe, Moore, McKeown, 2005).
ADHD diagnosis can carry negative stigma, as children diagnosed with ADHD are more likely to
drop out of school or fail a class (Cuffe, Moore, McKeown, 2005), therefore it is imperative to
ensure that all children are accurately diagnosed. A 2001 study conducted by the National Center for
Health statistics studied diagnosis in children, recording differences in gender and ethnicity (Cuffe,
Moore, McKeown, 2005). A child between the ages of 4 and 17 was randomly selected from a
family partaking in the study. The parents gave feedback on their child via the Sample Child Core
questionnaires as well as the Strength and Difficulties questionnaire. The SDQ is divided into 5
sections, requiring parents to rate their kids on a scale based on emotional symptoms, conduct
problems, hyperactive behavior, peer relationships and prosocial behavior (Cuffe, Moore,
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How ADHD Affects Students
How ADHD Affects Students Today You're sitting in class and you know you should focus on what
the teacher is saying, but you just can't. You look out the window and there's a lady going for a run
with her dog. Then you hear the teacher say you'll have a quiz on what you learned during the next
class. The problem is, you have no notes to study because for the entire hour you couldn't get
yourself to sit still long enough to focus. While educators are constantly battling with "trouble kids"
they may not realize that those students may have ADHD, and their education is not reaching its
fullest potential, which is why it's so important to understand what ADHD is, know the different
symptoms, and also know how to better help the student. ADHD or ... Show more content on ...
A person who displays symptoms of inattention "might procrastinate, not complete tasks like
homework or chores, or frequently move from one uncompleted activity to another" (Symptoms of
ADHD). Other signs are disorganization, a lack of focus, difficulty paying attention to detail,
tendency to make careless mistakes, forgetful about daily activities, and be easily distracted by
trivial noises and events that others have no problem ignoring. Someone who displays symptoms of
hyperactivity are likely to fidget and squirm or frequently feel the need to get up and move around,
seem restless, have trouble playing quietly or having quiet hobbies, they must always be moving,
and they talk excessively. Symptoms of impulsivity include impatience, difficulty waiting to talk or
react to something, have a hard time waiting their turn, and frequently interrupt others. (Symptoms
of ADHD). "ADHD is a condition that affects individuals "across the lifespan."" (CHADD – The
National Resource on ADHD). Symptoms are experienced from one phase of life to the next, and if
untreated one could struggle their entire life with ADHD. While these are the typical symptoms,
they do change based on
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The Importance Of ADHD In The Classroom
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD) is a mental disorder that can affect the ability to
focus on tasks, control one's motor function and behavior, or even formulate thoughts into written
form. This disorder is becoming more prevalent amongst American students as in the first decade of
this millennium alone the number of children diagnosed with the condition has increased by sixty–
six percent. The condition is primarily treated pharmacologically with the prescription drug Adderall
or similar stimulants (Garfield 2012). The emergent prevalence of this condition and concerns from
the ubiquitous use and potential abuse of the prescribed stimulants makes the argument for
alternative therapies for students diagnosed with ADHD. The positon ... Show more content on ...
Individuals with ADHD experience very low levels of Dopamine in key areas of their brain
(Garfield 2012, Block 2015), exercise raises levels of Dopamine in the human brain (Konopka
2015). In his article "How Exercise Influences the Brain: a Neuroscience Perspective" published in
the April 2015 edition of the Croatian Medical Journal; Lukasz M. Konopka, the executive director
of the Spectrum Center for Integrative Neuroscience in Chicago, specifically addresses the benefits
of exercise in students with ADHD, sharing the results of a 2012
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Adhd In Girls
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the most common disorders among children. It is
classified as a mental disorder that causes problems with paying attention or controlling behavior
that is not suitable for the person's age. Through research I have found that there is a significant
difference between boys and girls in adolescence regarding ADHD. The first source is title Observed
Classroom Behavior of Children with Relationship to Gender and Comorbidity. Something this
study suggests is that boys display more outer conduct than girls do. Boys appear to act out more
through high levels of energy, squirming, or being too loud in inappropriate situations. Girls seem to
show symptoms of ADHD with things like losing things, being ... Show more content on ...
It was found that frontal lobe gray matter volume peaks at around 9.5 years in girls and 10.5 years in
boys. The caudate nucleus peaks at 10.5 in girls and at 14 years in boys. By adulthood, a number of
areas of the brain are larger in women than in men. This includes the frontal lobes and hippocampus.
Early neuroimaging studies of ADHD have identified extensive cortical and subcortical volumetric
decreases, including hindered cortical maturation, among school–aged children with ADHD. A
recent analysis of neuroimaging in ADHD found that only 20% of participants were female and only
50% of the ADHD samples included females. More recent brain mapping studies of ADHD suggest
a more understated pattern of neuroanatomical differences among girls that appears to correspond
the earlier reduction in externalizing
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Understanding ADHD Speech
Does your child ask too many questions without waiting for them to get answered? Is your child a
day–dreamer and have a hard time paying attention? Is he restless most of the time and can't stay
still? Does your child find it difficult to make friends and interact with a social group?
For some children, these may be symptoms of ADHD. However, it isn't necessarily true for all the
children who show similar behaviour.
ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Looking at each word specifically, we
have 'Attention deficit' which means 'difficulty sustaining attention' and 'Hyperactivity' which means
'uncontrollable behaviour'. Combining the two traits we get the condition ADHD.
The awareness of ADHD has
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Adhd In Early Childhood
Everyone can experience difficulty sitting still, being attentive or controlling impulsive behavior on
occasion. However, some people experience problems so pervasive and persistent that every aspect
of their life (including home, academic, social and work) is affected. Attention–deficit/hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD) is a common behavioral condition affecting 11 percent of school–age children
(Visser, et. al., 2014). For instance, in some cases the symptoms continue into adulthood (Brown,
2013). "In early adulthood, ADHD can be associated with depression, mood swings or conduct
disorders, and abuse of narcotics. Adults with ADHD often cope with difficulties in their
professional and personal lives related to ADHD symptoms (CHADD, 2016). ... Show more content
on ...
However, each family must weigh the pros and cons of taking medication. Medications may carry
the risk of side effects. Physicians need to monitor their patients who take medication for potential
side effects, such as mood swings, hypertension, depression and effects on growth. Approximately
70 to 80 percent of children with ADHD respond positively to psychostimulants medications (MTA
1999). Significant academic improvement is shown by students who take these medications:
increases in attention and concentration, compliance and effort on the task, as well as amount and
accuracy of schoolwork, plus decreased activity levels, impulsivity, negative behaviors and social
interactions and physical and verbal hostility. These improvements show up clearly in the short
term, however, long–term effectiveness is still being studied by researchers (Hinshaw, et al., 2015).
A non–stimulant medication––– atomoxetine–– appears to have similar effects as the stimulants.
Antidepressants, antihypertensive and other medications may decrease impulsivity, hyperactivity,
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Essay On Adhd In Children
ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is the most common behavioral disorder that starts
during childhood. However, it does not only affect children – people of all ages can suffer from
ADHD. ADHD is understood as a neurobehavioral developmental disorder.
– Attention–deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition that affects millions of
children and often continues into adulthood. ADHD includes a combination of persistent problems,
such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior.
– Children with ADHD may be hyperactive and unable control their impulses. Or they may have
trouble paying attention. These behaviors interfere with school and home life.
– It's more common in boys than in girls. It's usually ... Show more content on ...
Areas of the brain that control attention are less active in children with ADHD.
– Chemical imbalance. The chemicals in people's brain with ADHD may beunbalanced.
– Toxins, such as lead. They may affect a child's brain development.
– Poor nutrition, infections, smoking, drinking, and substance abuse during pregnancy. These things
can affect a baby's braindevelopment.
– A brain injury or a brain disorder. Damage to the front of the brain, called the frontal lobe, can
cause problems with controlling impulses and emotions.
The primary features of attention–deficit/hyperactivity disorder include inattention and hyperactive–
impulsive behavior. ADHD symptoms start before age 12, and in some children, they're noticeable
as early as 3 years of age. ADHD symptoms can be mild, moderate or severe, and they may continue
into adulthood.
There are three subtypes of ADHD:
– Predominantly inattentive. The majority of symptoms fall under inattention.
– Predominantly hyperactive–impulsive. The majority of symptoms are hyperactive and impulsive.
– Combined. The most common type in the U.S., this is a mix of inattentive symptoms and
hyperactive–impulsive symptoms.
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Facts About ADHD
Facts about ADHD What is ADHD? ADHD is a chronic condition that forms after the infancy of a
person will often continue onto adulthood (every two out of three ADHD kids will still have ADHD
in adulthood). ADHD is short for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and, as the name
suggests, will cause patients to be extremely inattentive and hyperactive, and in many cases even
impulsive. This mental condition is very much well known in the general populace, although its
important facts might not be as well known by the masses. Here are some facts about this chronic
disorder known as ADHD– ADHD is real As odd as it sounds, this fact is something that isn't
believed by a significant amount of people. It could be due to ignorance or maybe even
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The ADHD Nervous System
ADHD, a neurological disorder, can affect the normal functioning of the brain and the nervous
system in a person (Dodson)(Kinman). In the brain, the frontal cortex, also known as the frontal
lobe, and the motor cortex are specific parts that can be affected by ADHD (Kinman). Normally, the
frontal cortex develops a person's personality and performs higher cognitive tasks such as planning
(Frontal). It is also responsible for attention, reason, memory, and inhibition as well (Kinman). In
addition, the frontal lobe is important in being able to speak fluently to others (Frontal). Because of
ADHD, the frontal cortex is involved in cortical thinning. This area of the brain also matures slower
in children with ADHD. There is a chance that some children ... Show more content on ...
("ADD") (Kinman). This is because children with ADHD have a lower brain volume than children
who do not, especially in regions of the brain responsible for attention and emotion (Kinman).
Dopamine and norepinephrine are neurotransmitters that help send messages between areas of brain
associated with attention and motivation. The brain of a person with ADHD may have less of these
chemicals available. This may explain why someone with ADHD has trouble paying attention or
performing repetitive tasks. (Kinman) When people with ADHD are prescribed methylphenidate (a
stimulant), it helps increase the amount of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. This increase
in the level of neurotransmitters seems to improve attentiveness and motivation. Inattentive type
symptoms include daydreaming, becoming easily confused, having difficulty processing information
as quickly and accurately as others, seeming not to listen when spoken to, and more. Hyperactive–
impulsive type symptoms may include fidgeting, talking nonstop, have trouble sitting still for
sustained periods of time, being very impatient and
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ADHD: A Case Study
The aim of this paper is to examine and summarize the general understanding of attention–
deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), including its prevalence, etiology, efficacious cognitive
behavioral therapy treatment, and issues in regard to future research of the disorder. As ADHD is
widely recognized and has become the most commonly diagnosed clinical illness within the past 20
years (Knouse, & Safren, 2010), greater understanding of this neurodevelopmental disorder is
essential to treat and support individuals with ADHD. The American Academy of Pediatrics (2011)
published a clinical guideline in relevance to the diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of ADHD to
effectively communicate the profound influence on the academic achievement, well–being, and
social interactions of individuals. Moreover, Strine et al. (2006) reported that ADHD affects 3–7%
of school–aged children, and its effects have extensive impacts on day–today functions. As
indicated, ADHD is not ... Show more content on ...
They further illustrated that ADHD can leave a tremendous impact on the child's academic
performance and subsequent achievement, social and personal interactions, and maintenance of
well–being. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; DSM–
5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013), the prevalence of ADHD is approximately 5% of
children and 2.5% of adults in most cultures. However, the longitudinal survey conducted by the
National Health Interview Survey revealed that the ADHD diagnoses among school–age children
from 3 through 17 are close to 9%, and that this neurodevelopmental condition tends to be more
common in boys than in girls (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014). The ratio of male
to female diagnosis is approximately 2:1 in children and 1.6:1 in adults (American Psychiatric
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Causes And Effects Of ADHD In Children
Because algae population of children have been relativity diagnosed with ADHD, extensive research
had been conducted on the causes and effects of this disorder. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD), is a childhood disorder and can also continued formative years and maturity.
ADHD is a brain condition that affects between eleven percent of children in the population aged
four to seventeen have been diagnosed. ADHD involves difficulty with paying attention to
information giving to them in school. Children deal with a serious impairment in academic, social
and interpersonal functioning. Clinical studies make it clear that symptoms of ADHD are
heterogeneous and subtile in adults than in children. Generally the symptoms of ADHD affects ...
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Some studies show that treatment with a combo of medication and behavioral therapy is much better
that just medication treatment. A class drug called psychostimulants is highly effective treatment for
childhood ADHD. These medicines including Adderall, Vyvanse, Concerta, Focalin, Daytrana,
Ritalin, and Quillivant XR(webmd). These medications help a child focus their thoughts and ignore
distractions.Some doctors considered the medication to be short acting, meaning that once its way
through the child system, it goes away. Another treatment in kids is nonstimulant medication.
Although stimulants are the best tested and most widely used medications of ADHD, some children
respond just as well or better to treatment with other medications that are not stimulants.
Antidepressants can have a positive effect on ADHD symptoms. Recent research shows that long–
acting clonidine and guanfacine, which are sometimes prescribed to reduce excessive hyperactivity
in children with ADHD. A person considering medication treatment for ADHD should first have a
careful, comprehensive assessment to clarify the diagnosis. A treatment plan should be developed in
discussion with the physician or other medical professional. With ADHD medication there are
possible side effects. The most common side effect are reduced appetite and difficulty sleeping.
Some children experience stimulant rebound, a brief period of negative mood, fatigue or increased
activity when the medication is wearing off. Tics can be another side effect to the medication for
ADHD. Tics are involuntary motor movements, such as eye blinking, facial twitching, shrugging
and throat clearing.
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Student ADHD Study
The Effects of ADHD in Younger Students and Their Academic Performance Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurobiological disorder that affects the brain in a way that causes the
way a child to grow up(in what way?). ADHD affects between 3–5% of children (Mental Health
Canada, 2015) and within 30–70% of children that have been diagnosed with ADHD will also
correlate with other neuropsychological disorders. Such as, Bipolar disorder (BD) and general
anxiety disorder (GAD).* Students with ADHD will often face complications and have different
aspects on daily elements compared to the average child/young adult within the education realm.
Children and teenagers with ADHD will 'fidget', play with objects, and ultimately are restless when
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Often people with anxiety in mild cases will have trouble in attending and completing daily
activities. Such as going to school (ADAA, 2015). That will warrant one to feel its normal to be in
activities that should be attended and can cause their performance to decline. With ADHD in
students, it can really be detrimental because of the fact that It can cause correlate with other
psychological disorders. Although it can still be different for one with ADHD to be Attentive and
focus on one's environment. With ADHD in younger years, the maturity in primary school will start
to slow down as the rest of the peers will start to increase in maturity. As a student with ADHD will
start to fall behind in school, this will start to cause emotional effects on one's self. Such as: lower
self esteem, lower social skills, feeling excluded in social environments, and that results in children
with ADHD and in that environment to feel excluded. Children will then respond in such a way that
will have them thinking they will get involved. Often though, this could lead to criminal behaviours
(trying to be acceptable) such as: substance use, challenging behaviours (towards secondary peers;
teachers, parents). However, ADHD students that usually find something that they become attentive
too and will then focus on that goal. With that being said, ADHD is a chemical imbalance in the
brain which collaborates with BD and other psychological effects which need to be treated and
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Adhd And Comprehension Strategies For Students With Adhd
ADHD and Comprehension
JVT2 Task 2
Jennifer Blake
July 19, 2015
A Written Project Presented to the Faculty of the Teachers College of Western Governors University
There is a need to provide effective comprehension support for students labeled with ADHD. ADHD
students struggle with comprehension and there is limited research on comprehension strategies for
these student. This is a qualitative research study that proposes to find useful comprehension
strategies for students with ADHD. The literature points to a need for further research in this area.
The participants of the study are 1st to 4th grade teachers that teach students diagnosed with ADHD.
The duration of the study will be approximately three months. The proposed data would be collected
through questionnaires, interviews and focus groups. Data will be compared and analyzed
throughout the study process. For each data collection method, narrative data collection and analysis
will be performed. To meet triangulation, all notes from the interviews, questionnaires and focus
groups will be examined, compared and coded for common themes. The study will conclude with a
report listing useful strategies and intervention, the pros and cons found for each and the usefulness
of each according to the data.
Table of Contents
Problem Statement 3
Research Questions and Hypothesis 4
Goals of the Study 4
Importance of the Study 4
Literature Review 5
Role of the Researcher 16
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Essay about ADHD and Adolescence
ADHD and Adolescence Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is a common mental disorder
whose definition continues to change. Most clinicians make a diagnosis off of a list of symptoms in
three categories: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. There are three different subtypes of
ADHD: Attention–Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Combined Type if both the inattentive criteria
and the hyperactive/impulsive criteria have been present for the past six months; Attention–
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Predominantly Inattentive Type if the inattention criteria are met but
the hyperactive/impulsive criteria has not been present for the past six months; and Attention
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Predominantly Hyperactive/Impulsive ... Show more content on ...
Generally they have difficulty staying on task, organizing, and scheduling tasks. They have trouble
following through with tasks assigned to them even if they are repeatedly reminded. They simply
are distracted internally or externally and fail to remember the task at hand. They tend to make
careless mistakes because they're doing something too fast and don't have the patience to go back
and check work. They also tend to lose things, sometimes more than once in a single week. It often
appears that they are not listening. Other symptoms include fidgeting, squirming blurting out
answers and interrupting others when they are talking. Most adolescents that have ADHD have been
diagnosed earlier in life. For those who present symptoms in adolescence, it is a little more difficult
to diagnose. Clinicians have to distinguish normal adolescent behavior with ADHD behavior. These
two can be surprisingly similar, but an adolescent with ADHD usually takes the behavior to a more
extreme level. An adolescent without ADHD might forget to do his/her homework once or twice a
month. The adolescent with ADHD frequently forgets to do homework several times a week. An
adolescent without ADHD might delay taking out the garbage when asked to do so. The adolescent
with ADHD rarely takes out the garbage, if ever, even after being repeatedly asked (Young 117).
There are three basic types of treatment: education and adherence, medication, and psychosocial
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Adhd In Classroom
What is ADHD
ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and it is a condition of the brain, which
results in a persistent pattern of behaviours that interferes with development or functioning in
several environments (ADHD Institute, 2016). This disorder is a common chronic condition
diagnosed in childhood, however it can continue on into adolescence and adulthood (Donnelly,
2016). This disorder is diagnosed more often in boys than in girls since boys display more overt or
noticeable symptoms, like hyperactivity, and girls commonly exhibit more covert symptoms, such as
inattention (Lerner & Johns, 2012).
Common characteristics and symptoms of this disorder include: inattention, impulsiveness,
hyperactivity, deficits in academic ... Show more content on ...
Class–wide peer tutoring (CWPT) program was developed to target academic performance. It
involves two students working together on an academic activity, with one student providing
instruction, assistance, and feedback to the other (DuPaul, Ervin, Hook, & McGoey, 1998). CWPT
was effective in changing both classroom behaviour and academic performance (DuPaul et al.,
1998). In addition, it was easy to implement with minimal training and both teachers and students
found it to be an effective strategy. Frequently children with ADHD experience behavioural
difficulty across multiple settings, so a communication program between home and school is very
important. Daily report cards (DRCs) have been shown to be effective as a component of multi–
method intervention (DuPaul, Weyandt, & Janusis, 2011). They contain a list of several behaviours,
on which the student is being rated by the teacher. The student and their parents are able to review
this feedback at home on daily
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Adhd Psychopathology
The potential influence of ADHD symptoms on autistic psychopathology
Frequently the indications of autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD) can co–occur. Previously, in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, 4th edition (DSM–IV), it identified that an ASD diagnosis is an exclusion criterion for
ADHD . This reduced exploration of the phenotypical connection amid ASD and ADHD in children.
ASD and ADHD both consist of certain phenotypic resemblances, however they are categorized by
distinctive analytical measures. The current literature review will inspect the occurrence and
inferences of this medical co–occurrence in children, highlighting on the accessible data. The review
will ... Show more content on ...
The review was to establish the regularity of (ADHD) in a clinical selection of children and
adolescents with (ASD), to parallel ADHD indications in children with Asperger's Disorder, Autistic
Disorder, and pervasive developmental disorders–not otherwise specified, to compare ADHD
symptoms in individuals with and without ADHD–related principal complaints, and to conclude the
connection amongst ADHD Rating Scale scores and age. This logical analysis inspected data from
children and adolescents who were serially referred to a university–based autism
psychopharmacology program. All individuals were diagnosed by semistructured interview for ASD
and ADHD, and ADHD symptoms were assessed using ADHD RS scores. The outcomes discovered
out of the 83 children, 78% fitted the (DSM–IV) criteria for ADHD and surpassed the 93rd
percentile norm for the ADHD RS. Hyperactivity–impulsivity scores were notably larger in
individuals with autism than those with other ASDs. DSM–IV ADHD diagnosis was represented
equally in individuals with and without ADHD as their chief complaints. ADHD RS hyperactivity–
impulsivity and complete scores were negatively correlated with age. The conclusion being that
ADHD signs are prevalent in clinically referred children and adolescents with
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Nutrition And ADHD Research
Attention–Hyperactivity/Deficit Disorder (ADHD) has become an increasingly significant topic
over recent years. A considerable amount of research has been conducted in looking for an answer to
why and how ADHD arises, especially in children. While there is consistent research that shows that
many children are genetically predisposed to developing ADHD, there is also sufficient evidence to
suggest nutrition effects ADHD as well. Food additives in particular have been linked to both
causation and pronunciation of ADHD symptoms in children. Through careful research into
causation, nutrition, food additives and symptoms, the link from nutrition to ADHD in young
children can be drawn.
It is difficult to find a more headlining disorder ... Show more content on ...
The first thing that is needed is more concise, defined research. There is no use banning all artificial
additives and certain foods if only a small contingent of them contribute to this problem. More
research on specific additives other than food coloring is needed so that the field as a whole cannot
be generalized to be harmful for children. The sheer amount of data alone, not just recently but
spanning all the way back to Feingold's original findings in 1975, show that this is not an issue that
is going away. This can be clearly seen by the sheer number of diagnoses of ADHD over the past
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Disadvantages Of Adhd
Attention–deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurocognitive behavioral developmental
disorder that affects about 5% of adults and is characterized by hyperactivity, impulsivity, and
inattention. Individuals with ADHD have severe impairments in the social, academic, and health
domains. Most ADHD research focuses on individuals with ADHD–Combined type (ADHD–C) and
features predominantly male samples; limited research exists on the Inattentive type (ADHD–I).
More recently, Haack, Villodas, McBurnett, Hinshaw, and Pfiffner (2016) examined potential
pathways between inattentive symptom severity and positive and negative parenting practices, and
functional impairment (i.e., academic, school, home) in a sample of children with ADHD–I. To
expand ... Show more content on ...
waves). Nevertheless, this design made it particularly susceptible for participant attrition. Initially,
the study sample was socioeconomically diverse and was comprised of 228 girls (140 girls with
ADHD and 80 comparison girls) aged 6–12 years. The researchers omitted a subgroup, which was
more likely to be of minority ethnicity, and have a lower household income and IQ. This omission
decreased external validity and provided a restricted range for generalizability. Nevertheless, the
extensive diagnostic screening process ensured valid participant data. The study's inclusion criteria
allowed for common comorbidities (e.g., oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder), which
presents the issue of a potential third variable influencing the
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Adhd Concept
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a disorder that causes difficulty staying focused
and paying attention, difficulty controlling behavior and hyperactivity. ADHD has three main
subtypes. The first subtype is predominantly hyperactive–impulsive which means the child must
fidget or squirm have trouble being quite, always moving and cannot sit still. The second subtype is
predominantly inattentive, children who have this subtype have a small probability of acting out.
They may sit quietly but are not paying attention. The last subtype is combined hyperactive–
impulsive and inattentive. Attention deficit hyperactivity is one of the most common childhood
disorders that can continue into adulthood. Each subtype has 9 symptoms ... Show more content on ...
Treatments can relieve many of the symptoms, but there is no cure for the disorder. Hygiene and diet
can be beneficial in reducing the symptoms of a child with ADHD. Parents who have children with
this disorder try to reduce the child's sugar intake and also their intake of processed foods.
Nutritional supplements can be a treatment for ADHD based on the assumption that certain nutrients
are crucial for normal brain functioning. Macronutrients (amino acids, lipids, and carbohydrates, and
micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) have propped as treatment for ADHD (Spetie 278). When a
patient is under the care of a physician their weight and vital signs are monitored on a routinely
bases in order to insure there are no drastic changes. The most common type of medication used for
treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a "Stimulant". Stimulants have a calming effect on
children with ADHD. Medication reduces children's hyperactivity and impulsivity which can
improve their ability to focus work, learn and live a normal life. Medications for ADHD can come in
different forms, such as pills, liquid, skin patches, and capsules. Some of the medications that are
widely used are Adderall (amphetamine) approved for children age 3 and older. Another common
medication is Concerta (methylphenidate which is long acting. These medications can have different
side effects on the patient, so it may take trial and error and close monitoring of the patient to
determine what medication is best for the
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Adhd Research Paper
Attention–Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, also known as ADHD, is the lifespan neurodevelopment
disorder, that symptomizes of inattentiveness, impulsiveness, forgetfulness, distractibility and
hyperactivity and is highly heritable and this heritable disorder has been transition, or a process that
events throughout the lifespan should not affected it, into adulthood (Swift, Sayal, & Hollis, (2014);
Ertekin, et. al.,). Often, adults with ADHD also experience a negative effect on socio–personal
adaptation (Miranda et al., 2014). Young adults with ADHD fall I not the category between Child
and Adolescent Mental Health Service, also known as CAMHS, and Adult Mental Health Service,
or AMHS: it is possible that ADHD in adults is not recognizable ... Show more content on ...
Miranda et al. (2014) stated that young adults with ADHD and as well comorbid disorders have a
higher risk of abuse on nicotine, alcohol, cocaine, marijuana and other substance. Scully, Young and
Bramham (2014) researched that seventy–three adults with ADHD were divided into two groups,
one with a history pf offending behaviour, which were thirty people in total and of non–group
offenders, who were forty–three people in total. Ganesh et al. (2017) aimed to explore ADHD and
its subtypes in treatment who seek patients with substance used disorder (SUD). Among 240
patients with SUD, 135 patients were tested positive for likely to have ADHD and 52 were highly
likely to have ADHD., and those 52 were had a higher score on the inattentive domain (Ganesh et
al., 2017). Ganesh et al. (2017) concluded that those with a high score would likely develop
comorbid disorders. Leung and Chan (2017) reviewed that the meta–analysis from Faraone et. al.
determined that two–third of children who had ADHD continue to have impairing levels of ADHD
as adults, along with the psychiatric disorders. Two main aims that were important was to estimate
the prevalence of ADHD among new psychiatric outpatient clinics and to understand the correlates
and co–morbidities of ADHD among a population (Leung and Chang, 2017). Fasmer et al. (2016)
aimed to studied the characteristic of ADHD adults with mood, anxiety, and attentional problems
using a neuropsychological test of
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Misdiagnoses Of ADHD
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder also known as ADHD is chronic condition marked by
persistent inattention, hyperactivity, and sometimes impulsivity. According to the centers for disease
control and prevention, in the United States at least 4.5 million people have been diagnosed with
ADHD under the age of eighteen. The misdiagnoses of ADHD is problematic because it causes
people to take medication that they didn't need in the first place. It labels young children for
something they never had and could cause self– esteem issues. And also makes it hard for the mis–
diagnosed to find out what's really wrong with them. Americans need to be more aware of the vast
misdiagnosing of ADHD because it's a growing problem and it needs to be
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Causes Of ADHD In Children
According to, the three main symptoms of ADHD are developmentally
inappropriate levels of inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. www.adhd– states
that inattention in children can include making careless mistakes, failing to finish schoolwork, and
being disorganized or losing things. Adolescents often have trouble staying focused during lectures.
Hyperactivity and impulsivity in children often includes interrupting or intruding on others, inability
to play quietly, running or climbing about in situations where inappropriate, and always being "on
the go." In adolescents, they can feel an inner restlessness or impatience and are often fidgety. states that in the vast majority of cases, ADHD persists
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Students With ADHD
A good teacher knows the subject. A great teacher knows the students. A challenge for teachers is
learning to successfully teach every student. A student who finds it difficult to focus will need extra
help from the instructor. One issue educators face in the modern world is Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). According to Geraldina Gaastra, a writer for Plos ONE, the
average classroom will accommodate at least one student with ADHD (2). Therefore, a teacher must
know and understand the disorder, and find ways to cooperate with student with ADHD. The best
way to aid someone with ADHD is to first understand the disorder. The National Institute of Mental
Health describes the behaviors of the disorder to be hyperactivity, impulsivity, ... Show more content
on ...
Mary Fowler, creator of many workshops to help teachers advise students with ADHD, offers
different illustrations to help teachers keep the attention. Fowler incorporates colors, physical
objects, and games in teaching students with ADHD. Also she suggests, "eliminate rushing by
removing all external incentives for finishing quickly." Have the students take time to finish the
assignment. Often times, the student will need large projects given one step at a time.
Accompanying step by step projects, track the students task time to keep raise awareness of time
used to complete each step. Another strategy used to help students with ADHD is to physically do
more in the classroom. Moving around, reorganizing desks, using hand motions, adding interest to
explanations, and working with manipulatives all encourage the full attention of the student (49).
The United States Department of Education reinforces teachers to review lessons from the day
before. By reviewing, the student remembers much of what was forgotten, and the student can now
build off of what was learned the previous day. Being predictable is another approach to teaching
students with ADHD. Consistency is a key in all learning, as it is extremely beneficial. Finally,
allow the student to attempt to correct their own mistake. This can help the student to be self–
teaching which allows for
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Essay On ADHD Treatment
Liberty Kent
Kade Parry
English 1010
November 15, 2017
ADHD Treatment: Conventional or Differential Attention–deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is
a well–known and much debated neurological disorder. ADHD is the reoccurring pattern of
inattention where a child wanders off task and has difficulty sustaining focus. Other signs of ADHD
include hyperactivity–impulsivity where a child seems to move about constantly, and excessively
fidget, tap, or talk. ADHD may also cause the child to make hasty actions that occur in the moment
without thinking about the potential harm. There is no cure, but there are many different treatment
options for children with ADHD. Many are questioning, reviewing, and comparing treatments
within many ... Show more content on ...
Parent viewpoint: There is no single determined cause of ADHD. However, originally ADHD was
thought to be caused by "bad parenting." Psychologists believed that ADHD was caused by a child's
lax environment and that permissible parents were the cause. New research has come to show that
although children with ADHD benefit from added structure and daily routines, lack of structure and
discipline does not cause ADHD. Many psychologists now believe that since it can be difficult for
some parents to implement a change in their parenting style for ADHD, that it is the disorder that
causes bad parenting. Parents with ADHD children are quickly forced to change a lot of the ways in
which they operate in their home and in discipline, especially if it is not their first child. Most of the
time parents are able to adjust, but in a lot of severe cases it becomes very difficult. The different
treatment options can either hinder or help parents in raising children with ADHD. Many choose to
have their children medicated, and others may take the less traditional psychosocial route. In the
Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology Coletti et al. described a focus group of
parents that volunteered to share their personal thoughts on the options they had tried. The accounts
suggest that multiple social,
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ADHD False Impressions
Cassandra Thomas
English 111
Professor Thompson
False Impressions of ADHD Imagine if your child's check up with the doctor resulted in your child
being diagnosed with ADHD. You begin to ask yourself questions. Why? Did I ever notice it before?
Could the doctor be wrong? Is it something I could have prevented? Will my child live a normal
life? Now imagine over 5 million parents sitting in their child's doctor's office asking these same
questions. Children across America continue to be over diagnosed with Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder also known as ADHD and rates continued to rise within the ongoing years.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder also known as ADHD is when someone has issues with
inattentiveness, over–activity, ... Show more content on ...
Statistics that are out there are seemingly farfetched. Claiming race, gender, and even location all
have been noted on the determination of ADHD. ADHD is claiming the lives of very young children
and affecting the lives of them and their families. Each diagnoses of ADHD, is a direct link of
money into the pockets of many health professionals. This disorder involving "hyperactivity" makes
it easier to diagnose with children, because most children are active. If we compared two disorders
such as Bipolar disorder with ADHD there would be no clear distinctive race, state, age, gender, or
location of this disorder. It is something to consider because it further proves that professionals are
targeting a certain class of people or children with a
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Dreams And ADHD Essay
Dreams and ADHD
"Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a term used to describe hyperactivity,
inattentiveness, and/or impulsivity. It is a common condition that begins in childhood and may
persist into adulthood. Children with ADHD typically have trouble sitting still, staying focused,
and/or controlling their behavior and emotions, which can lead to lower social skills, isolation,
dependence, and poor performance in school" (Sleep & ADHD, 2013). In Sartorius and Schredl's
study, Dream Recall and Dream Content in Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder,
they were trying to establish a strong correlation between negatively toned dreams and attention
deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). They studied 103 children with ADHD (47 girls and 56
boys). The mean of the sample was 10.1 years. The control group consisted of 100 children (51 girls
and 49 boys) whose mean age was 9.9 years. "The controls were recruited at three different local
schools and they completed–after obtaining written consent from the parents–their questionnaire in
the classroom. The parents completed their questionnaires at home" (Sartorius & Schredl, 2010).
Socio–demographic and dream questionnaires were used to successfully gather their ... Show more
content on ...
Because of this relationship, checking for possible sleep problems should be part of the evaluation
for everyone with academic and behavioral problems. If a sleep problem is suspected, the clinician
who evaluated should take a complete history of it. The history should include questions about the
usual time they go to bed, the time required to fall asleep, how many times they wake up at night, if
snoring is evident, if they have difficulty waking up, and if the patient naps or has daytime
sleepiness. Asking the patient to keep a sleep diary that records daily sleep behaviors for several
weeks would also be
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Three Forms Of ADHD
Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental
disorders children face. It is typically diagnosed in childhood and often lasts into adulthood.
"Children with ADHD may have trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors (may act
without thinking about what the result will be), or be overly active" (CDC 2013). While there is no
known direct cause of ADHD, many factors including genetics, environment, social class, and diet
are possible links to the disorder. "There are three forms of ADHD; Predominately inattentive
presentation, Predominately hyperactive–impulsive presentation and Combined presentation. Forms
of ADHD are diagnosed based upon the extremity of displayed symptoms"( CDC 2015). ... Show
more content on ...
Jacobson, "mask the absence of real food", thus one can conclude that foods containing AFA's are
targeting a demographic that is more concerned with appearance rather than nutritional substance.
Children typically fit said description. While usually containing no flavor, the bright colors of AFA's
are visually appealing to children, and since the process of digesting first begins with the eyes,
children are more inclined to be attracted to these products.
Households with children that range from lower middle class to poor consume the greatest amount
of AFA's; also children in this economic range are responsible for the majority of the reported 6.4
million cases of hyperactivity and other behavioral concerns in children (CDC 2014). In 2010
Swedish medical journal Acta Paediatrica, published findings from an experiment believed to be the
"first study of risk factor for ADHD, the study analyzed 1.6 million children", in hopes of finding a
link between low maternal education, lone parents and welfare benefits (Wiley 2010). The study
The average family income for households whose child was affected by ADHD was $523 per week,
compared to $633 for those whose child was not.
Women who had only received the most basic education were 130 per cent more likely to have a
child on ADHD medication than women with university
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Adhd In Children Essay
ADHD or attention–deficit hyperactivity disorder is often diagnosed after a child or adult has
behaviors that are disruptive to their school, social or work situations. There are a two types of
ADHD. One is marked by hyperactivity while the other is not. It can be tough to diagnose ADHD in
children because the symptoms are often mistaken for normal kid–like behavior.
ADHD Symptoms in Children
Children who are unable to concentrate in school, miss homework assignments or are unable to
interact with classmates can be suffering from inattention. This is a symptom of ADHD.
A child who is hyperactive is constantly in motion. They are fidgeting, talking or moving at
inappropriate times. They always seem to interrupt as if they can't sit still and wait to be called upon
in class.
Impulsive ... Show more content on ...
It can occur as a result of alcohol use and cigarette smoking during pregnancy
Treatment for ADHD
Adults and Children
One of the most common types of ADHD treatment is the use of medications. Stimulants are often
used to relieve the symptoms of ADHD like inattention and distracted thinking. The stimulants
increase the chemicals like norepinephrine and dopamine that have an impact on that area of the
In other people with ADHD, non–stimulants are more effective. They'll improve focus, impulsivity
and inattention. Anyone with ADHD has to be under the care and supervision of a doctor or therapist
to make sure they are taking the correct medication. It can take a few tries to find the right
medication to treat a particular person.
ADHD in adults and children must be diagnosed before it can be treated. It can often be quite
difficult to diagnose because everyone occasionally has issues with inattention and impulsivity.
After diagnosis, treatment can consist of therapy as well as medications to treat
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ADD/ADHD Research
The topic of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) was a very fitting topic of
research for me. There was plenty of knowledge I already had on the subject and it relates to my
personal life. In my family, my younger sister was diagnosed with ADD around the age of six. I was
diagnosed with ADD at the age of 14, just as I was beginning high school. Both of us take the
stimulant drug lisdexamfetamine, otherwise known as Vyvanse. Reading about the symptoms and
different effects that ADD/ADHD has on individuals, it was very easy to see them in both myself
and my sister. Around the time my sister was diagnosed, she was having behavioral issues in school.
The principal of her elementary school was calling almost daily due to disciplinary ... Show more
content on ...
There was a great deal of information I already knew on this particular topic, but of course while
searching for more I came across facts that were new to me. The research on this topic also lead me
to find that I had some slight misunderstanding regarding some of my prior knowledge on the topic,
which may also be common misunderstandings. The fact that " least 65% of children with
ADHD have one or more comorbid conditions." (Harpin, 2005, p. i4) was something that I had
never heard before. I had never once thought that developmental disorders like ADHD could be
linked to or exist simultaneously with conditions like mental retardation or Oppositional Defiant
Disorder. Another piece of information that was new to me was that even the siblings of people with
ADD or ADHD that do not have it themselves are profoundly affected by the disorder. While I had
assumed that the disorder probably had a significant impact on the lives of parents of children with
the disorder, I did not think that it might have even a slight impact on the lives of the siblings that do
not have the disorder themselves. Research suggests that siblings of children with ADHD are more
likely to suffer from behavioral and emotional issues due to feelings that they are frequently
victimized by their hyperactive siblings. (Harpin, 2005, p. i3) There are many misunderstandings
regarding ADD and ADHD. One of the more
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Fifth Edition (ADHD)
The most recent edition of manual for ADHD , is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM–5) which was released in 2013 that changed how ADHD is being
diagnosed in children and adult.
Teen and Adult ADHD ; the diagnoses is focused on children as the primary ones to be diagnosed
with ADHD . This means that many children would meet diagnoses because the DSM–5 requires the
diagnoses and documentation of children before the age of 7 years . So to get the accurate symptoms
diagnoses , the clinicians are required to look back on the early age of the child for obvious
symptoms of ADHD in order to get the criteria description and give example of how the disorder
appears in the teens and adult.
The article ... Show more content on ...
Teen and Adult ADHD ; the diagnoses is focused on children as the primary ones to be diagnosed
with ADHD . This means that many children would meet diagnoses because the DSM–5 requires the
diagnoses and documentation of children before the age of 7 years . So to get the accurate symptoms
diagnoses , the clinicians are required to look back on the early age of the child for obvious
symptoms of ADHD in order to get the criteria description and give example of how the disorder
appears in the teens and adult.
The article from National Resource Center on ADHD also said that, the previous edition DSM–IV
TR, referred ADHD as " Subtype " but it has changed to "Presentations", for the reason that
symptoms of ADHD changes over constantly and the effects on the victims changes as well during
the lifetime of the
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Persuasive Essay On Adhd
The legitimacy of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has been a controversial topic since it's
recognition as a part of the DSM–III, although there is copious research proving how many children
are affected by this disorder. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, ADHD may
affect around 3–5 percent of children. Psychiatrist Sami Timimi and psychologist Nick Radcliffe
believe that ADHD does not exist and that the rapid increase of children taking stimulant medication
to control it since 1996 is astonishing. Timimi and Radcliffe assert that it is a disorder made up by
Western culture in order to explain away normal behavior in adolescents. They claim that normal
adolescent behavior is viewed as unacceptable in today's self–indulgent society. There have been
millions of dollars and countless hours spent funding research about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder, how it affects children, and what is the cause of ADHD. Children with ADHD will show
characteristics such as hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and inattention. Fidgeting while sitting,
behaving abnormally when expected to sit down or remain quiet, and trouble waiting in line can
show ... Show more content on ...
In order to diagnose a child with ADHD, medical professionals ask family members about the
child's behavior. The information needed can tend to focus on fulfilling the criteria for the disorder
and overemphasize certain behaviors, such as more hyperactivity, than other less easily observable,
but still important characteristics. The rating scales used as a part of the diagnostic process also use
a cutoff point, which is subjective for each professional in charge of diagnosing the individual.
Timimi and Radcliffe see the subjective diagnostic process as a convenient way to avoid
understanding the differences between people and how children are raised and using this as an
excuse for the ones that they see as
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The Role Of ADHD In Children
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a group of behavioral and mental symptoms that
include inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. ADHD is a mental disorder that takes
place in childhood (1). It can continue through teenage years and adulthood. ADHD makes it
difficult for a child to pay attention. Children diagnosed with ADHD can be hyperactive. Also,
children with ADHD find it difficult to say patient. In addition, children with ADHD may not do
well in school or have a good behavior at their home or in their community. Children from all
around the world and at any age can develop ADHD (2). ADHD affects around 2–5% school–aged
children, it is more diagnosed in boys than girls. Most symptoms of ADHD cases are related ...
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Researchers haven't found any cure for ADHD until now, but there are available treatments which
can reduce the symptoms and increase functioning well (4). First type of treatment is medication,
there are four types of medications that are officially licensed for treating ADHD. These medications
are, methylphenidate, dexamphetamine, dexamfetamine, lisdexamfetamine, and atomoxetine. These
medications can help ADHD patients focus better, concentrate more, and feel more comfortable, but,
they are not a permanent cure for ADHD. Another type of therapy is psycho education. This types of
therapy help a patient to cope more with their disorder and live more comfortably. In addition,
behavioral therapy is another type of treatment. Behavioral therapy provides support for ADHD
patients' parents, teachers, colleagues, friends, and the patient himself. This type of treatment
includes rewarding the patients to encourage them to control their disorder. For children, this type of
therapy can identify and choose which type of behavior you want to encourage. It also includes how
to manage and structure the child's activities
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Adhd Research Paper
The CDC or Center for Disease Control & Prevention has been the top leading expert for over 71
years. They have been researching the cause and effects of many of our illness, one being ADHD
(Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder). This disorder affects nearly 2 million of the 6 million
children born each year, these children are between the ages of two and five (CDC, 2017) The
website is based as a teaching tool for parents and educators to gain more information. There is no
one person who has come up with this information. The information is based on years of the
scientific research and testing for them to put together this website. As writers and scientist, they
have ensured that everything is the most up to date facts presented in a ... Show more content on ...
However, when looking at the French's website their logos are based on customs, discipline, crying
it out methods and strict regimes to ensure children do not get this disorder. While these are great
facts there is Aaron T. Mattified, a neuroscientist, who believes that even though all the research
shows that this disorder is genetic that there is still a cure, all we need to do is repair the synchrony
pattern. Dan T.A Eisenberg did the latest research that states that a child that is born with a 4–
receptor called DRD47R (or a genetic abnormality) which is directly linked to the cause of ADHD
(Friedman, Richard 2014). He too believes that there can be a fix for it, but it is still in the research
stage. Even though each website has different views based on logic and credibility, readers tend to
pay attention to the pathos, or emotional response.
Pathos is a little subtler when it comes to reading something. Pathos is the emotional aspect of the
article or document, believe it or not, everything is supposed to incite an emotional response. The
CDC plays with our emotions of empathy, sadness, and concern by lining their page with images of
young children and ads for other articles that state:
"2 million of the more than 6 million children with ADHD were diagnosed as young as 2 to 5 years
old." (VitalSigns, 2017)
They, the CDC, also use babies and young children which
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Adhd Informative Speech
I. Resistors, capacitors, derivatives, integrals, cell phones, computers, electronics, artworks,
concerts, politics, Mitochondrial DNA Replacement Therapy, stem–cell therapy, vaccinations,
medications, prescription drugs, and much more. Without the ability to pay attention to something
over a specific time period, the human race would not be as accomplished as it is today.
II. Today, I will be informing you about Attention–Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
III. ADHD is a disorder that many psychiatrists, parents, and teachers are now labeling normal
childhood behaviors as mental disorders. So you have to be careful with your children from now on
as well.
IV. In researching this speech and having written a research paper on this topic, ... Show more
content on ...
Such improvements include the increasing use of praise and giving more effective commands
toward their offspring (Waxmonsky et al., 2014).
e. These results correlate with what was expected from the beginning, since it was predicted to be
helpful – not harmful – to both the parents and children.
f. An older study conducted by Dr. Brian Reichow, adjunct professor at Yale University School of
Medicine, and his colleagues discovered similar findings, "Methylphenidate, [a psychostimulant
medication, was] effective for treating ADHD symptoms in children."
(Transition: We have just examined a recent psychological and medical study conducted on ADHD.)
I. I have just informed you about the basics of ADHD including its definition, and as we have seen
from the study, not only would adults benefit from being treated for ADHD, but their children would
also be able to reap the benefits as a result of a treated parent.
II. Being able to pay attention is something that some people take for granted without appreciating
it. Bereft of this luxury, we wouldn't be able to properly communicate with others, focus on our
goals, and most importantly, live as who we are
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Informative Essay On Adhd
ADHD The population of people with ADHD has increased by a significant amount.ADHD stands
for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.An ongoing question about ADHD is how do you
manage it and can it ever be outgrown.Adhd can't be outgrown but if it's treated the right way then
kids grow to go on and live well constructive lives .ADHD is hard to control and manage for some
kids ,ADHD is a chronic disorder that tough on a lot of people. I'm writing about ADHD because it's
a condition that concerns a lot of people ,like parents and children diagnosed with ADHD.ADHD
has affected so many people in so many that it's become a disorder that people have a lot of
questions about.i feel like people ... Show more content on ...
KIds with ADHD face a lot of challenges.A Challenge that is very common are learning Disabilities
.It affects their way of learning because they are constantly distracted by noises in other students in
their classrooms.THe most common learning disabilities are Dyslexia ,Dyscalculia,Dysgraphia,and
Non–verbal disabilities these learning disabilities have an effect on a lot of people.An additional
challenge is challenges with there sociasl skills.It affec ts there social skills because of there mood
swings and
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ADHD In Childhood
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder has a complicated and interesting history and because of that
it is important to understands this disorders implications and comorbidity to better treat and
diagnose it. Research done by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that 11%
of the US population between the ages of 4–17 are affected with ADHD; that's 6.4 million children
and the prevalence of diagnosis is only increasing (2016). It was generally assumed that ADHD was
something children would grow out of but new studies show that approximately 4% of the adult
population in the US are still suffering from ADHD or have developed ADHD (Breyer, J. L., Lee,
S., Winters, K. C., August, G. J., & Realmuto, G. M. 2014). ADHD is ... Show more content on ...
In a study published by Hung–Pollock and Karalunas, they created an experiment that tested
children with and without ADHD's working memory (WM) to better understand how their executive
functioning (EF) developed (2010). In order for an individual to use and learn an executive function,
that individual must first use WM to remember and practice that function until it becomes
automatic. Hung–Pollock and Karalunas used two types of test to measure reaction time (RT) and
apply that data to WM. The first test was alphabet arithmetic (AA), a computer program that would
present a question with a number and a letter (i.e A+1=?) (Hung–Pollock C. L., & Karalunas S. L.
2010). Children were expected to replace the letter with the number associated with its position in
the alphabet (i.e. A=1, B=2, C=3) and solve. The children were told to press that enter button with
would record their RT and then say their answer aloud to the research assistant who then recorded
answers (Hung–Pollock C. L., & Karalunas S. L. 2010). The second test, called finger math (FM),
was another computer program that presented children with the same math problems as the AA
(Hung–Pollock C. L., Karalunas S. L.
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ADHD Situation Analysis
Mercedes Glosson
English 111–03L
Professor Chapman
October 25, 2015
Situation Analysis
For my writing project 3, Informative essay my intended audience would have to be parents. My
essay will help parents to understand the techniques and reasons behind diagnosing a child with
ADHD. It will also help parents to recognize the symptoms of ADHD so that they can better
understand the signs and get their child the help they need faster. It will give parents ideas and whys
to help their children cope with ADHD and deal with the symptoms. My essay will not only be good
for parents to read but students as well. My essay will help students understand the symptoms of
ADHD. It will also help them to know when they need to seek help form parents or professionals. ...
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Medication may be a valuable part of ADHD treatment. There are several different types of
medications may be used to treat ADHD. Stimulants are the most widely used treatments. However
non stimulants has fewer side effects than stimulants and can last up to 24 hours. Medications can
affect children differently, one child may respond well with little to no medication, another may
have to have a high dosage of medication. When deciding the best treatment option for your child,
the doctor may try different options, it is important to work with your child's doctor to find a
treatment that works best for your
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Benefits Of ADHD
Caffeine is said to help people with ADHD and to help them focus more. Caffeine is supposed to
help people focus more on homework and work they are doing. Caffeine provides more energy for
people. Pop is supposed to help since you can buy it with caffeine which can help you focus. This
story is not uncommon ADHD has been a problem ADHD doesn't have a cure for some ages.
ADHD is mental health disorder that some kids have right away when they are born. (Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) Since ADHD has been a problem supporters of ADHD believe; the
patients should have help. While critics of ADHD believe there should be goals.
The way ADHD has been medicated is still going on in the United states. To begin, ADHD has been
looking for ... Show more content on ...
ADHD patients need help from doctors and they also need help from parents. The history of ADHD
has been looking for medicine for different ages. ADHD has begun to find cures for different ages.
There should be long term care from parents and doctors. Those who support ADHD believe that
there should be long term care from parents and doctors. ADHD has begun to find cures for different
ages. ADHD doctors have been looking for cures for all ages. Critics that oppose ADHD believe
there are already many cures. In the end, this is still an issue that caffeine will help patients even
though it is bad for you. ADHD doctors have been looking for a cure for a long time. Some ADHD
patients have a harder time because not all of them have a cure. Doctors are working hard to find a
cure for patients of all
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Different Types Of ADHD
The primary features of attention–deficit/hyperactivity disorder include inattention and hyperactive–
impulsive behavior. ADHD symptoms start before age 12, and in some children, they're noticeable
as early as 3 years of age. ADHD symptoms can be mild, moderate or severe, and they may continue
into adulthood.
ADHD occurs more often in males than in females, and behaviors can be different in boys and girls.
For example, boys may be more hyperactive and girls may tend to be quietly inattentive.
There are three subtypes of ADHD:
Predominantly inattentive. The majority of symptoms fall under inattention.
Predominantly hyperactive–impulsive. The majority of symptoms are hyperactive and impulsive.
Combined. The most common type in the ... Show more content on ...
Many issues in childhood can lead to difficulty sustaining attention, but that's not the same as
Attention–deficit/hyperactivity disorder can make life difficult for children. Children with ADHD:
Often struggle in the classroom, which can lead to academic failure and judgment by other children
and adults
Tend to have more accidents and injuries of all kinds than do children who don't have ADHD
Tend to have poor self–esteem
Are more likely to have trouble interacting with and being accepted by peers and adults
Are at increased risk of alcohol and drug abuse and other delinquent behavior
Coexisting conditions
ADHD doesn't cause other psychological or developmental problems. However, children with
ADHD are more likely than others to also have conditions such as:
Learning disabilities, including problems with understanding and communicating
Anxiety disorders, which may cause overwhelming worry, nervousness
Depression, which frequently occurs in children with
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Research Paper On Adhd In Children

  • 1. Research Paper On Adhd In Children ADHD is a psychological disorder characterized difficulty sitting still, fidgetiness and trouble paying attention. ADHD is usually diagnosed in children while they are still in elementary school. According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 11% of all kids in the US between the ages of 4 and 17 have been diagnosed with ADHD. In recent years, the prevalence of children being diagnosed with ADHD was spiked tremendously. For example, the rates of diagnosis increased by almost 6% per year just from the years 2003–2007. Due to increases in diagnosis, many psychologists have began to question whether or not the increase in ADHD is a true epidemic, or whether it is simply being over diagnosed. Bruchmüller (2012) set out ... Show more content on ... In addition to more cases of ADHD in males than females, it appears that there is also a differentiated difference based on ethnicity. Blacks have the most diagnosis by race (5.65%) compared to 4.33% for whites and just over 3% for Hispanics (Cuffe, Moore, McKeown, 2005). ADHD diagnosis can carry negative stigma, as children diagnosed with ADHD are more likely to drop out of school or fail a class (Cuffe, Moore, McKeown, 2005), therefore it is imperative to ensure that all children are accurately diagnosed. A 2001 study conducted by the National Center for Health statistics studied diagnosis in children, recording differences in gender and ethnicity (Cuffe, Moore, McKeown, 2005). A child between the ages of 4 and 17 was randomly selected from a family partaking in the study. The parents gave feedback on their child via the Sample Child Core questionnaires as well as the Strength and Difficulties questionnaire. The SDQ is divided into 5 sections, requiring parents to rate their kids on a scale based on emotional symptoms, conduct problems, hyperactive behavior, peer relationships and prosocial behavior (Cuffe, Moore, McKeown, ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. How ADHD Affects Students How ADHD Affects Students Today You're sitting in class and you know you should focus on what the teacher is saying, but you just can't. You look out the window and there's a lady going for a run with her dog. Then you hear the teacher say you'll have a quiz on what you learned during the next class. The problem is, you have no notes to study because for the entire hour you couldn't get yourself to sit still long enough to focus. While educators are constantly battling with "trouble kids" they may not realize that those students may have ADHD, and their education is not reaching its fullest potential, which is why it's so important to understand what ADHD is, know the different symptoms, and also know how to better help the student. ADHD or ... Show more content on ... A person who displays symptoms of inattention "might procrastinate, not complete tasks like homework or chores, or frequently move from one uncompleted activity to another" (Symptoms of ADHD). Other signs are disorganization, a lack of focus, difficulty paying attention to detail, tendency to make careless mistakes, forgetful about daily activities, and be easily distracted by trivial noises and events that others have no problem ignoring. Someone who displays symptoms of hyperactivity are likely to fidget and squirm or frequently feel the need to get up and move around, seem restless, have trouble playing quietly or having quiet hobbies, they must always be moving, and they talk excessively. Symptoms of impulsivity include impatience, difficulty waiting to talk or react to something, have a hard time waiting their turn, and frequently interrupt others. (Symptoms of ADHD). "ADHD is a condition that affects individuals "across the lifespan."" (CHADD – The National Resource on ADHD). Symptoms are experienced from one phase of life to the next, and if untreated one could struggle their entire life with ADHD. While these are the typical symptoms, they do change based on ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. The Importance Of ADHD In The Classroom Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD) is a mental disorder that can affect the ability to focus on tasks, control one's motor function and behavior, or even formulate thoughts into written form. This disorder is becoming more prevalent amongst American students as in the first decade of this millennium alone the number of children diagnosed with the condition has increased by sixty– six percent. The condition is primarily treated pharmacologically with the prescription drug Adderall or similar stimulants (Garfield 2012). The emergent prevalence of this condition and concerns from the ubiquitous use and potential abuse of the prescribed stimulants makes the argument for alternative therapies for students diagnosed with ADHD. The positon ... Show more content on ... Individuals with ADHD experience very low levels of Dopamine in key areas of their brain (Garfield 2012, Block 2015), exercise raises levels of Dopamine in the human brain (Konopka 2015). In his article "How Exercise Influences the Brain: a Neuroscience Perspective" published in the April 2015 edition of the Croatian Medical Journal; Lukasz M. Konopka, the executive director of the Spectrum Center for Integrative Neuroscience in Chicago, specifically addresses the benefits of exercise in students with ADHD, sharing the results of a 2012 ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Adhd In Girls Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the most common disorders among children. It is classified as a mental disorder that causes problems with paying attention or controlling behavior that is not suitable for the person's age. Through research I have found that there is a significant difference between boys and girls in adolescence regarding ADHD. The first source is title Observed Classroom Behavior of Children with Relationship to Gender and Comorbidity. Something this study suggests is that boys display more outer conduct than girls do. Boys appear to act out more through high levels of energy, squirming, or being too loud in inappropriate situations. Girls seem to show symptoms of ADHD with things like losing things, being ... Show more content on ... It was found that frontal lobe gray matter volume peaks at around 9.5 years in girls and 10.5 years in boys. The caudate nucleus peaks at 10.5 in girls and at 14 years in boys. By adulthood, a number of areas of the brain are larger in women than in men. This includes the frontal lobes and hippocampus. Early neuroimaging studies of ADHD have identified extensive cortical and subcortical volumetric decreases, including hindered cortical maturation, among school–aged children with ADHD. A recent analysis of neuroimaging in ADHD found that only 20% of participants were female and only 50% of the ADHD samples included females. More recent brain mapping studies of ADHD suggest a more understated pattern of neuroanatomical differences among girls that appears to correspond the earlier reduction in externalizing ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Understanding ADHD Speech UNDERSTANDING ADHD Does your child ask too many questions without waiting for them to get answered? Is your child a day–dreamer and have a hard time paying attention? Is he restless most of the time and can't stay still? Does your child find it difficult to make friends and interact with a social group? For some children, these may be symptoms of ADHD. However, it isn't necessarily true for all the children who show similar behaviour. ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Looking at each word specifically, we have 'Attention deficit' which means 'difficulty sustaining attention' and 'Hyperactivity' which means 'uncontrollable behaviour'. Combining the two traits we get the condition ADHD. The awareness of ADHD has ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Adhd In Early Childhood Everyone can experience difficulty sitting still, being attentive or controlling impulsive behavior on occasion. However, some people experience problems so pervasive and persistent that every aspect of their life (including home, academic, social and work) is affected. Attention–deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common behavioral condition affecting 11 percent of school–age children (Visser, et. al., 2014). For instance, in some cases the symptoms continue into adulthood (Brown, 2013). "In early adulthood, ADHD can be associated with depression, mood swings or conduct disorders, and abuse of narcotics. Adults with ADHD often cope with difficulties in their professional and personal lives related to ADHD symptoms (CHADD, 2016). ... Show more content on ... However, each family must weigh the pros and cons of taking medication. Medications may carry the risk of side effects. Physicians need to monitor their patients who take medication for potential side effects, such as mood swings, hypertension, depression and effects on growth. Approximately 70 to 80 percent of children with ADHD respond positively to psychostimulants medications (MTA 1999). Significant academic improvement is shown by students who take these medications: increases in attention and concentration, compliance and effort on the task, as well as amount and accuracy of schoolwork, plus decreased activity levels, impulsivity, negative behaviors and social interactions and physical and verbal hostility. These improvements show up clearly in the short term, however, long–term effectiveness is still being studied by researchers (Hinshaw, et al., 2015). A non–stimulant medication––– atomoxetine–– appears to have similar effects as the stimulants. Antidepressants, antihypertensive and other medications may decrease impulsivity, hyperactivity, and ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Essay On Adhd In Children Opening: ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is the most common behavioral disorder that starts during childhood. However, it does not only affect children – people of all ages can suffer from ADHD. ADHD is understood as a neurobehavioral developmental disorder. Body: DEFINITION – Attention–deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition that affects millions of children and often continues into adulthood. ADHD includes a combination of persistent problems, such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior. – Children with ADHD may be hyperactive and unable control their impulses. Or they may have trouble paying attention. These behaviors interfere with school and home life. – It's more common in boys than in girls. It's usually ... Show more content on ... Areas of the brain that control attention are less active in children with ADHD. – Chemical imbalance. The chemicals in people's brain with ADHD may beunbalanced. – Toxins, such as lead. They may affect a child's brain development. – Poor nutrition, infections, smoking, drinking, and substance abuse during pregnancy. These things can affect a baby's braindevelopment. – A brain injury or a brain disorder. Damage to the front of the brain, called the frontal lobe, can cause problems with controlling impulses and emotions. SYMPTOMS The primary features of attention–deficit/hyperactivity disorder include inattention and hyperactive– impulsive behavior. ADHD symptoms start before age 12, and in some children, they're noticeable as early as 3 years of age. ADHD symptoms can be mild, moderate or severe, and they may continue into adulthood. There are three subtypes of ADHD: – Predominantly inattentive. The majority of symptoms fall under inattention. – Predominantly hyperactive–impulsive. The majority of symptoms are hyperactive and impulsive. – Combined. The most common type in the U.S., this is a mix of inattentive symptoms and hyperactive–impulsive symptoms. ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Facts About ADHD Facts about ADHD What is ADHD? ADHD is a chronic condition that forms after the infancy of a person will often continue onto adulthood (every two out of three ADHD kids will still have ADHD in adulthood). ADHD is short for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and, as the name suggests, will cause patients to be extremely inattentive and hyperactive, and in many cases even impulsive. This mental condition is very much well known in the general populace, although its important facts might not be as well known by the masses. Here are some facts about this chronic disorder known as ADHD– ADHD is real As odd as it sounds, this fact is something that isn't believed by a significant amount of people. It could be due to ignorance or maybe even ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The ADHD Nervous System ADHD, a neurological disorder, can affect the normal functioning of the brain and the nervous system in a person (Dodson)(Kinman). In the brain, the frontal cortex, also known as the frontal lobe, and the motor cortex are specific parts that can be affected by ADHD (Kinman). Normally, the frontal cortex develops a person's personality and performs higher cognitive tasks such as planning (Frontal). It is also responsible for attention, reason, memory, and inhibition as well (Kinman). In addition, the frontal lobe is important in being able to speak fluently to others (Frontal). Because of ADHD, the frontal cortex is involved in cortical thinning. This area of the brain also matures slower in children with ADHD. There is a chance that some children ... Show more content on ... ("ADD") (Kinman). This is because children with ADHD have a lower brain volume than children who do not, especially in regions of the brain responsible for attention and emotion (Kinman). Dopamine and norepinephrine are neurotransmitters that help send messages between areas of brain associated with attention and motivation. The brain of a person with ADHD may have less of these chemicals available. This may explain why someone with ADHD has trouble paying attention or performing repetitive tasks. (Kinman) When people with ADHD are prescribed methylphenidate (a stimulant), it helps increase the amount of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. This increase in the level of neurotransmitters seems to improve attentiveness and motivation. Inattentive type symptoms include daydreaming, becoming easily confused, having difficulty processing information as quickly and accurately as others, seeming not to listen when spoken to, and more. Hyperactive– impulsive type symptoms may include fidgeting, talking nonstop, have trouble sitting still for sustained periods of time, being very impatient and ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. ADHD: A Case Study The aim of this paper is to examine and summarize the general understanding of attention– deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), including its prevalence, etiology, efficacious cognitive behavioral therapy treatment, and issues in regard to future research of the disorder. As ADHD is widely recognized and has become the most commonly diagnosed clinical illness within the past 20 years (Knouse, & Safren, 2010), greater understanding of this neurodevelopmental disorder is essential to treat and support individuals with ADHD. The American Academy of Pediatrics (2011) published a clinical guideline in relevance to the diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of ADHD to effectively communicate the profound influence on the academic achievement, well–being, and social interactions of individuals. Moreover, Strine et al. (2006) reported that ADHD affects 3–7% of school–aged children, and its effects have extensive impacts on day–today functions. As indicated, ADHD is not ... Show more content on ... They further illustrated that ADHD can leave a tremendous impact on the child's academic performance and subsequent achievement, social and personal interactions, and maintenance of well–being. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; DSM– 5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013), the prevalence of ADHD is approximately 5% of children and 2.5% of adults in most cultures. However, the longitudinal survey conducted by the National Health Interview Survey revealed that the ADHD diagnoses among school–age children from 3 through 17 are close to 9%, and that this neurodevelopmental condition tends to be more common in boys than in girls (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014). The ratio of male to female diagnosis is approximately 2:1 in children and 1.6:1 in adults (American Psychiatric Association, ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Causes And Effects Of ADHD In Children Because algae population of children have been relativity diagnosed with ADHD, extensive research had been conducted on the causes and effects of this disorder. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), is a childhood disorder and can also continued formative years and maturity. ADHD is a brain condition that affects between eleven percent of children in the population aged four to seventeen have been diagnosed. ADHD involves difficulty with paying attention to information giving to them in school. Children deal with a serious impairment in academic, social and interpersonal functioning. Clinical studies make it clear that symptoms of ADHD are heterogeneous and subtile in adults than in children. Generally the symptoms of ADHD affects ... Show more content on ... Some studies show that treatment with a combo of medication and behavioral therapy is much better that just medication treatment. A class drug called psychostimulants is highly effective treatment for childhood ADHD. These medicines including Adderall, Vyvanse, Concerta, Focalin, Daytrana, Ritalin, and Quillivant XR(webmd). These medications help a child focus their thoughts and ignore distractions.Some doctors considered the medication to be short acting, meaning that once its way through the child system, it goes away. Another treatment in kids is nonstimulant medication. Although stimulants are the best tested and most widely used medications of ADHD, some children respond just as well or better to treatment with other medications that are not stimulants. Antidepressants can have a positive effect on ADHD symptoms. Recent research shows that long– acting clonidine and guanfacine, which are sometimes prescribed to reduce excessive hyperactivity in children with ADHD. A person considering medication treatment for ADHD should first have a careful, comprehensive assessment to clarify the diagnosis. A treatment plan should be developed in discussion with the physician or other medical professional. With ADHD medication there are possible side effects. The most common side effect are reduced appetite and difficulty sleeping. Some children experience stimulant rebound, a brief period of negative mood, fatigue or increased activity when the medication is wearing off. Tics can be another side effect to the medication for ADHD. Tics are involuntary motor movements, such as eye blinking, facial twitching, shrugging and throat clearing. ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Student ADHD Study The Effects of ADHD in Younger Students and Their Academic Performance Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurobiological disorder that affects the brain in a way that causes the way a child to grow up(in what way?). ADHD affects between 3–5% of children (Mental Health Canada, 2015) and within 30–70% of children that have been diagnosed with ADHD will also correlate with other neuropsychological disorders. Such as, Bipolar disorder (BD) and general anxiety disorder (GAD).* Students with ADHD will often face complications and have different aspects on daily elements compared to the average child/young adult within the education realm. Children and teenagers with ADHD will 'fidget', play with objects, and ultimately are restless when ... Show more content on ... Often people with anxiety in mild cases will have trouble in attending and completing daily activities. Such as going to school (ADAA, 2015). That will warrant one to feel its normal to be in activities that should be attended and can cause their performance to decline. With ADHD in students, it can really be detrimental because of the fact that It can cause correlate with other psychological disorders. Although it can still be different for one with ADHD to be Attentive and focus on one's environment. With ADHD in younger years, the maturity in primary school will start to slow down as the rest of the peers will start to increase in maturity. As a student with ADHD will start to fall behind in school, this will start to cause emotional effects on one's self. Such as: lower self esteem, lower social skills, feeling excluded in social environments, and that results in children with ADHD and in that environment to feel excluded. Children will then respond in such a way that will have them thinking they will get involved. Often though, this could lead to criminal behaviours (trying to be acceptable) such as: substance use, challenging behaviours (towards secondary peers; teachers, parents). However, ADHD students that usually find something that they become attentive too and will then focus on that goal. With that being said, ADHD is a chemical imbalance in the brain which collaborates with BD and other psychological effects which need to be treated and ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Adhd And Comprehension Strategies For Students With Adhd ADHD and Comprehension JVT2 Task 2 Jennifer Blake July 19, 2015 A Written Project Presented to the Faculty of the Teachers College of Western Governors University Abstract There is a need to provide effective comprehension support for students labeled with ADHD. ADHD students struggle with comprehension and there is limited research on comprehension strategies for these student. This is a qualitative research study that proposes to find useful comprehension strategies for students with ADHD. The literature points to a need for further research in this area. The participants of the study are 1st to 4th grade teachers that teach students diagnosed with ADHD. The duration of the study will be approximately three months. The proposed data would be collected through questionnaires, interviews and focus groups. Data will be compared and analyzed throughout the study process. For each data collection method, narrative data collection and analysis will be performed. To meet triangulation, all notes from the interviews, questionnaires and focus groups will be examined, compared and coded for common themes. The study will conclude with a report listing useful strategies and intervention, the pros and cons found for each and the usefulness of each according to the data. Table of Contents Problem Statement 3 Research Questions and Hypothesis 4 Goals of the Study 4 Importance of the Study 4 Literature Review 5 Role of the Researcher 16 Proposed ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Essay about ADHD and Adolescence ADHD and Adolescence Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is a common mental disorder whose definition continues to change. Most clinicians make a diagnosis off of a list of symptoms in three categories: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. There are three different subtypes of ADHD: Attention–Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Combined Type if both the inattentive criteria and the hyperactive/impulsive criteria have been present for the past six months; Attention– Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Predominantly Inattentive Type if the inattention criteria are met but the hyperactive/impulsive criteria has not been present for the past six months; and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Predominantly Hyperactive/Impulsive ... Show more content on ... Generally they have difficulty staying on task, organizing, and scheduling tasks. They have trouble following through with tasks assigned to them even if they are repeatedly reminded. They simply are distracted internally or externally and fail to remember the task at hand. They tend to make careless mistakes because they're doing something too fast and don't have the patience to go back and check work. They also tend to lose things, sometimes more than once in a single week. It often appears that they are not listening. Other symptoms include fidgeting, squirming blurting out answers and interrupting others when they are talking. Most adolescents that have ADHD have been diagnosed earlier in life. For those who present symptoms in adolescence, it is a little more difficult to diagnose. Clinicians have to distinguish normal adolescent behavior with ADHD behavior. These two can be surprisingly similar, but an adolescent with ADHD usually takes the behavior to a more extreme level. An adolescent without ADHD might forget to do his/her homework once or twice a month. The adolescent with ADHD frequently forgets to do homework several times a week. An adolescent without ADHD might delay taking out the garbage when asked to do so. The adolescent with ADHD rarely takes out the garbage, if ever, even after being repeatedly asked (Young 117). There are three basic types of treatment: education and adherence, medication, and psychosocial ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Adhd In Classroom What is ADHD ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and it is a condition of the brain, which results in a persistent pattern of behaviours that interferes with development or functioning in several environments (ADHD Institute, 2016). This disorder is a common chronic condition diagnosed in childhood, however it can continue on into adolescence and adulthood (Donnelly, 2016). This disorder is diagnosed more often in boys than in girls since boys display more overt or noticeable symptoms, like hyperactivity, and girls commonly exhibit more covert symptoms, such as inattention (Lerner & Johns, 2012). Common characteristics and symptoms of this disorder include: inattention, impulsiveness, hyperactivity, deficits in academic ... Show more content on ... Class–wide peer tutoring (CWPT) program was developed to target academic performance. It involves two students working together on an academic activity, with one student providing instruction, assistance, and feedback to the other (DuPaul, Ervin, Hook, & McGoey, 1998). CWPT was effective in changing both classroom behaviour and academic performance (DuPaul et al., 1998). In addition, it was easy to implement with minimal training and both teachers and students found it to be an effective strategy. Frequently children with ADHD experience behavioural difficulty across multiple settings, so a communication program between home and school is very important. Daily report cards (DRCs) have been shown to be effective as a component of multi– method intervention (DuPaul, Weyandt, & Janusis, 2011). They contain a list of several behaviours, on which the student is being rated by the teacher. The student and their parents are able to review this feedback at home on daily ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Adhd Psychopathology The potential influence of ADHD symptoms on autistic psychopathology Frequently the indications of autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can co–occur. Previously, in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM–IV), it identified that an ASD diagnosis is an exclusion criterion for ADHD . This reduced exploration of the phenotypical connection amid ASD and ADHD in children. ASD and ADHD both consist of certain phenotypic resemblances, however they are categorized by distinctive analytical measures. The current literature review will inspect the occurrence and inferences of this medical co–occurrence in children, highlighting on the accessible data. The review will ... Show more content on ... The review was to establish the regularity of (ADHD) in a clinical selection of children and adolescents with (ASD), to parallel ADHD indications in children with Asperger's Disorder, Autistic Disorder, and pervasive developmental disorders–not otherwise specified, to compare ADHD symptoms in individuals with and without ADHD–related principal complaints, and to conclude the connection amongst ADHD Rating Scale scores and age. This logical analysis inspected data from children and adolescents who were serially referred to a university–based autism psychopharmacology program. All individuals were diagnosed by semistructured interview for ASD and ADHD, and ADHD symptoms were assessed using ADHD RS scores. The outcomes discovered out of the 83 children, 78% fitted the (DSM–IV) criteria for ADHD and surpassed the 93rd percentile norm for the ADHD RS. Hyperactivity–impulsivity scores were notably larger in individuals with autism than those with other ASDs. DSM–IV ADHD diagnosis was represented equally in individuals with and without ADHD as their chief complaints. ADHD RS hyperactivity– impulsivity and complete scores were negatively correlated with age. The conclusion being that ADHD signs are prevalent in clinically referred children and adolescents with ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Nutrition And ADHD Research Attention–Hyperactivity/Deficit Disorder (ADHD) has become an increasingly significant topic over recent years. A considerable amount of research has been conducted in looking for an answer to why and how ADHD arises, especially in children. While there is consistent research that shows that many children are genetically predisposed to developing ADHD, there is also sufficient evidence to suggest nutrition effects ADHD as well. Food additives in particular have been linked to both causation and pronunciation of ADHD symptoms in children. Through careful research into causation, nutrition, food additives and symptoms, the link from nutrition to ADHD in young children can be drawn. It is difficult to find a more headlining disorder ... Show more content on ... The first thing that is needed is more concise, defined research. There is no use banning all artificial additives and certain foods if only a small contingent of them contribute to this problem. More research on specific additives other than food coloring is needed so that the field as a whole cannot be generalized to be harmful for children. The sheer amount of data alone, not just recently but spanning all the way back to Feingold's original findings in 1975, show that this is not an issue that is going away. This can be clearly seen by the sheer number of diagnoses of ADHD over the past few ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Disadvantages Of Adhd Attention–deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurocognitive behavioral developmental disorder that affects about 5% of adults and is characterized by hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention. Individuals with ADHD have severe impairments in the social, academic, and health domains. Most ADHD research focuses on individuals with ADHD–Combined type (ADHD–C) and features predominantly male samples; limited research exists on the Inattentive type (ADHD–I). More recently, Haack, Villodas, McBurnett, Hinshaw, and Pfiffner (2016) examined potential pathways between inattentive symptom severity and positive and negative parenting practices, and functional impairment (i.e., academic, school, home) in a sample of children with ADHD–I. To expand ... Show more content on ... waves). Nevertheless, this design made it particularly susceptible for participant attrition. Initially, the study sample was socioeconomically diverse and was comprised of 228 girls (140 girls with ADHD and 80 comparison girls) aged 6–12 years. The researchers omitted a subgroup, which was more likely to be of minority ethnicity, and have a lower household income and IQ. This omission decreased external validity and provided a restricted range for generalizability. Nevertheless, the extensive diagnostic screening process ensured valid participant data. The study's inclusion criteria allowed for common comorbidities (e.g., oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder), which presents the issue of a potential third variable influencing the ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Adhd Concept Concept Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a disorder that causes difficulty staying focused and paying attention, difficulty controlling behavior and hyperactivity. ADHD has three main subtypes. The first subtype is predominantly hyperactive–impulsive which means the child must fidget or squirm have trouble being quite, always moving and cannot sit still. The second subtype is predominantly inattentive, children who have this subtype have a small probability of acting out. They may sit quietly but are not paying attention. The last subtype is combined hyperactive– impulsive and inattentive. Attention deficit hyperactivity is one of the most common childhood disorders that can continue into adulthood. Each subtype has 9 symptoms ... Show more content on ... Treatments can relieve many of the symptoms, but there is no cure for the disorder. Hygiene and diet can be beneficial in reducing the symptoms of a child with ADHD. Parents who have children with this disorder try to reduce the child's sugar intake and also their intake of processed foods. Nutritional supplements can be a treatment for ADHD based on the assumption that certain nutrients are crucial for normal brain functioning. Macronutrients (amino acids, lipids, and carbohydrates, and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) have propped as treatment for ADHD (Spetie 278). When a patient is under the care of a physician their weight and vital signs are monitored on a routinely bases in order to insure there are no drastic changes. The most common type of medication used for treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a "Stimulant". Stimulants have a calming effect on children with ADHD. Medication reduces children's hyperactivity and impulsivity which can improve their ability to focus work, learn and live a normal life. Medications for ADHD can come in different forms, such as pills, liquid, skin patches, and capsules. Some of the medications that are widely used are Adderall (amphetamine) approved for children age 3 and older. Another common medication is Concerta (methylphenidate which is long acting. These medications can have different side effects on the patient, so it may take trial and error and close monitoring of the patient to determine what medication is best for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Adhd Research Paper Attention–Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, also known as ADHD, is the lifespan neurodevelopment disorder, that symptomizes of inattentiveness, impulsiveness, forgetfulness, distractibility and hyperactivity and is highly heritable and this heritable disorder has been transition, or a process that events throughout the lifespan should not affected it, into adulthood (Swift, Sayal, & Hollis, (2014); Ertekin, et. al.,). Often, adults with ADHD also experience a negative effect on socio–personal adaptation (Miranda et al., 2014). Young adults with ADHD fall I not the category between Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, also known as CAMHS, and Adult Mental Health Service, or AMHS: it is possible that ADHD in adults is not recognizable ... Show more content on ... Miranda et al. (2014) stated that young adults with ADHD and as well comorbid disorders have a higher risk of abuse on nicotine, alcohol, cocaine, marijuana and other substance. Scully, Young and Bramham (2014) researched that seventy–three adults with ADHD were divided into two groups, one with a history pf offending behaviour, which were thirty people in total and of non–group offenders, who were forty–three people in total. Ganesh et al. (2017) aimed to explore ADHD and its subtypes in treatment who seek patients with substance used disorder (SUD). Among 240 patients with SUD, 135 patients were tested positive for likely to have ADHD and 52 were highly likely to have ADHD., and those 52 were had a higher score on the inattentive domain (Ganesh et al., 2017). Ganesh et al. (2017) concluded that those with a high score would likely develop comorbid disorders. Leung and Chan (2017) reviewed that the meta–analysis from Faraone et. al. determined that two–third of children who had ADHD continue to have impairing levels of ADHD as adults, along with the psychiatric disorders. Two main aims that were important was to estimate the prevalence of ADHD among new psychiatric outpatient clinics and to understand the correlates and co–morbidities of ADHD among a population (Leung and Chang, 2017). Fasmer et al. (2016) aimed to studied the characteristic of ADHD adults with mood, anxiety, and attentional problems using a neuropsychological test of ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Misdiagnoses Of ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder also known as ADHD is chronic condition marked by persistent inattention, hyperactivity, and sometimes impulsivity. According to the centers for disease control and prevention, in the United States at least 4.5 million people have been diagnosed with ADHD under the age of eighteen. The misdiagnoses of ADHD is problematic because it causes people to take medication that they didn't need in the first place. It labels young children for something they never had and could cause self– esteem issues. And also makes it hard for the mis– diagnosed to find out what's really wrong with them. Americans need to be more aware of the vast misdiagnosing of ADHD because it's a growing problem and it needs to be ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Causes Of ADHD In Children According to, the three main symptoms of ADHD are developmentally inappropriate levels of inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. www.adhd– states that inattention in children can include making careless mistakes, failing to finish schoolwork, and being disorganized or losing things. Adolescents often have trouble staying focused during lectures. Hyperactivity and impulsivity in children often includes interrupting or intruding on others, inability to play quietly, running or climbing about in situations where inappropriate, and always being "on the go." In adolescents, they can feel an inner restlessness or impatience and are often fidgety. states that in the vast majority of cases, ADHD persists ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Students With ADHD A good teacher knows the subject. A great teacher knows the students. A challenge for teachers is learning to successfully teach every student. A student who finds it difficult to focus will need extra help from the instructor. One issue educators face in the modern world is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). According to Geraldina Gaastra, a writer for Plos ONE, the average classroom will accommodate at least one student with ADHD (2). Therefore, a teacher must know and understand the disorder, and find ways to cooperate with student with ADHD. The best way to aid someone with ADHD is to first understand the disorder. The National Institute of Mental Health describes the behaviors of the disorder to be hyperactivity, impulsivity, ... Show more content on ... Mary Fowler, creator of many workshops to help teachers advise students with ADHD, offers different illustrations to help teachers keep the attention. Fowler incorporates colors, physical objects, and games in teaching students with ADHD. Also she suggests, "eliminate rushing by removing all external incentives for finishing quickly." Have the students take time to finish the assignment. Often times, the student will need large projects given one step at a time. Accompanying step by step projects, track the students task time to keep raise awareness of time used to complete each step. Another strategy used to help students with ADHD is to physically do more in the classroom. Moving around, reorganizing desks, using hand motions, adding interest to explanations, and working with manipulatives all encourage the full attention of the student (49). The United States Department of Education reinforces teachers to review lessons from the day before. By reviewing, the student remembers much of what was forgotten, and the student can now build off of what was learned the previous day. Being predictable is another approach to teaching students with ADHD. Consistency is a key in all learning, as it is extremely beneficial. Finally, allow the student to attempt to correct their own mistake. This can help the student to be self– teaching which allows for ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Essay On ADHD Treatment Liberty Kent Kade Parry English 1010 November 15, 2017 ADHD Treatment: Conventional or Differential Attention–deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a well–known and much debated neurological disorder. ADHD is the reoccurring pattern of inattention where a child wanders off task and has difficulty sustaining focus. Other signs of ADHD include hyperactivity–impulsivity where a child seems to move about constantly, and excessively fidget, tap, or talk. ADHD may also cause the child to make hasty actions that occur in the moment without thinking about the potential harm. There is no cure, but there are many different treatment options for children with ADHD. Many are questioning, reviewing, and comparing treatments within many ... Show more content on ... Parent viewpoint: There is no single determined cause of ADHD. However, originally ADHD was thought to be caused by "bad parenting." Psychologists believed that ADHD was caused by a child's lax environment and that permissible parents were the cause. New research has come to show that although children with ADHD benefit from added structure and daily routines, lack of structure and discipline does not cause ADHD. Many psychologists now believe that since it can be difficult for some parents to implement a change in their parenting style for ADHD, that it is the disorder that causes bad parenting. Parents with ADHD children are quickly forced to change a lot of the ways in which they operate in their home and in discipline, especially if it is not their first child. Most of the time parents are able to adjust, but in a lot of severe cases it becomes very difficult. The different treatment options can either hinder or help parents in raising children with ADHD. Many choose to have their children medicated, and others may take the less traditional psychosocial route. In the Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology Coletti et al. described a focus group of parents that volunteered to share their personal thoughts on the options they had tried. The accounts suggest that multiple social, ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. ADHD False Impressions Cassandra Thomas English 111 4/29/13 Professor Thompson False Impressions of ADHD Imagine if your child's check up with the doctor resulted in your child being diagnosed with ADHD. You begin to ask yourself questions. Why? Did I ever notice it before? Could the doctor be wrong? Is it something I could have prevented? Will my child live a normal life? Now imagine over 5 million parents sitting in their child's doctor's office asking these same questions. Children across America continue to be over diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder also known as ADHD and rates continued to rise within the ongoing years. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder also known as ADHD is when someone has issues with inattentiveness, over–activity, ... Show more content on ... Statistics that are out there are seemingly farfetched. Claiming race, gender, and even location all have been noted on the determination of ADHD. ADHD is claiming the lives of very young children and affecting the lives of them and their families. Each diagnoses of ADHD, is a direct link of money into the pockets of many health professionals. This disorder involving "hyperactivity" makes it easier to diagnose with children, because most children are active. If we compared two disorders such as Bipolar disorder with ADHD there would be no clear distinctive race, state, age, gender, or location of this disorder. It is something to consider because it further proves that professionals are targeting a certain class of people or children with a ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Dreams And ADHD Essay Dreams and ADHD "Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a term used to describe hyperactivity, inattentiveness, and/or impulsivity. It is a common condition that begins in childhood and may persist into adulthood. Children with ADHD typically have trouble sitting still, staying focused, and/or controlling their behavior and emotions, which can lead to lower social skills, isolation, dependence, and poor performance in school" (Sleep & ADHD, 2013). In Sartorius and Schredl's study, Dream Recall and Dream Content in Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, they were trying to establish a strong correlation between negatively toned dreams and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). They studied 103 children with ADHD (47 girls and 56 boys). The mean of the sample was 10.1 years. The control group consisted of 100 children (51 girls and 49 boys) whose mean age was 9.9 years. "The controls were recruited at three different local schools and they completed–after obtaining written consent from the parents–their questionnaire in the classroom. The parents completed their questionnaires at home" (Sartorius & Schredl, 2010). Socio–demographic and dream questionnaires were used to successfully gather their ... Show more content on ... Because of this relationship, checking for possible sleep problems should be part of the evaluation for everyone with academic and behavioral problems. If a sleep problem is suspected, the clinician who evaluated should take a complete history of it. The history should include questions about the usual time they go to bed, the time required to fall asleep, how many times they wake up at night, if snoring is evident, if they have difficulty waking up, and if the patient naps or has daytime sleepiness. Asking the patient to keep a sleep diary that records daily sleep behaviors for several weeks would also be ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Three Forms Of ADHD Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders children face. It is typically diagnosed in childhood and often lasts into adulthood. "Children with ADHD may have trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors (may act without thinking about what the result will be), or be overly active" (CDC 2013). While there is no known direct cause of ADHD, many factors including genetics, environment, social class, and diet are possible links to the disorder. "There are three forms of ADHD; Predominately inattentive presentation, Predominately hyperactive–impulsive presentation and Combined presentation. Forms of ADHD are diagnosed based upon the extremity of displayed symptoms"( CDC 2015). ... Show more content on ... Jacobson, "mask the absence of real food", thus one can conclude that foods containing AFA's are targeting a demographic that is more concerned with appearance rather than nutritional substance. Children typically fit said description. While usually containing no flavor, the bright colors of AFA's are visually appealing to children, and since the process of digesting first begins with the eyes, children are more inclined to be attracted to these products. Households with children that range from lower middle class to poor consume the greatest amount of AFA's; also children in this economic range are responsible for the majority of the reported 6.4 million cases of hyperactivity and other behavioral concerns in children (CDC 2014). In 2010 Swedish medical journal Acta Paediatrica, published findings from an experiment believed to be the "first study of risk factor for ADHD, the study analyzed 1.6 million children", in hopes of finding a link between low maternal education, lone parents and welfare benefits (Wiley 2010). The study concluded, The average family income for households whose child was affected by ADHD was $523 per week, compared to $633 for those whose child was not. Women who had only received the most basic education were 130 per cent more likely to have a child on ADHD medication than women with university ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Adhd In Children Essay ADHD or attention–deficit hyperactivity disorder is often diagnosed after a child or adult has behaviors that are disruptive to their school, social or work situations. There are a two types of ADHD. One is marked by hyperactivity while the other is not. It can be tough to diagnose ADHD in children because the symptoms are often mistaken for normal kid–like behavior. ADHD Symptoms in Children Inattention Children who are unable to concentrate in school, miss homework assignments or are unable to interact with classmates can be suffering from inattention. This is a symptom of ADHD. Hyperactivity A child who is hyperactive is constantly in motion. They are fidgeting, talking or moving at inappropriate times. They always seem to interrupt as if they can't sit still and wait to be called upon in class. Impulsive ... Show more content on ... It can occur as a result of alcohol use and cigarette smoking during pregnancy Treatment for ADHD Adults and Children One of the most common types of ADHD treatment is the use of medications. Stimulants are often used to relieve the symptoms of ADHD like inattention and distracted thinking. The stimulants increase the chemicals like norepinephrine and dopamine that have an impact on that area of the brain. In other people with ADHD, non–stimulants are more effective. They'll improve focus, impulsivity and inattention. Anyone with ADHD has to be under the care and supervision of a doctor or therapist to make sure they are taking the correct medication. It can take a few tries to find the right medication to treat a particular person. ADHD in adults and children must be diagnosed before it can be treated. It can often be quite difficult to diagnose because everyone occasionally has issues with inattention and impulsivity. After diagnosis, treatment can consist of therapy as well as medications to treat
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  • 58. ADD/ADHD Research The topic of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) was a very fitting topic of research for me. There was plenty of knowledge I already had on the subject and it relates to my personal life. In my family, my younger sister was diagnosed with ADD around the age of six. I was diagnosed with ADD at the age of 14, just as I was beginning high school. Both of us take the stimulant drug lisdexamfetamine, otherwise known as Vyvanse. Reading about the symptoms and different effects that ADD/ADHD has on individuals, it was very easy to see them in both myself and my sister. Around the time my sister was diagnosed, she was having behavioral issues in school. The principal of her elementary school was calling almost daily due to disciplinary ... Show more content on ... There was a great deal of information I already knew on this particular topic, but of course while searching for more I came across facts that were new to me. The research on this topic also lead me to find that I had some slight misunderstanding regarding some of my prior knowledge on the topic, which may also be common misunderstandings. The fact that " least 65% of children with ADHD have one or more comorbid conditions." (Harpin, 2005, p. i4) was something that I had never heard before. I had never once thought that developmental disorders like ADHD could be linked to or exist simultaneously with conditions like mental retardation or Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Another piece of information that was new to me was that even the siblings of people with ADD or ADHD that do not have it themselves are profoundly affected by the disorder. While I had assumed that the disorder probably had a significant impact on the lives of parents of children with the disorder, I did not think that it might have even a slight impact on the lives of the siblings that do not have the disorder themselves. Research suggests that siblings of children with ADHD are more likely to suffer from behavioral and emotional issues due to feelings that they are frequently victimized by their hyperactive siblings. (Harpin, 2005, p. i3) There are many misunderstandings regarding ADD and ADHD. One of the more ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Fifth Edition (ADHD) The most recent edition of manual for ADHD , is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM–5) which was released in 2013 that changed how ADHD is being diagnosed in children and adult. Teen and Adult ADHD ; the diagnoses is focused on children as the primary ones to be diagnosed with ADHD . This means that many children would meet diagnoses because the DSM–5 requires the diagnoses and documentation of children before the age of 7 years . So to get the accurate symptoms diagnoses , the clinicians are required to look back on the early age of the child for obvious symptoms of ADHD in order to get the criteria description and give example of how the disorder appears in the teens and adult. The article ... Show more content on ... Teen and Adult ADHD ; the diagnoses is focused on children as the primary ones to be diagnosed with ADHD . This means that many children would meet diagnoses because the DSM–5 requires the diagnoses and documentation of children before the age of 7 years . So to get the accurate symptoms diagnoses , the clinicians are required to look back on the early age of the child for obvious symptoms of ADHD in order to get the criteria description and give example of how the disorder appears in the teens and adult. The article from National Resource Center on ADHD also said that, the previous edition DSM–IV TR, referred ADHD as " Subtype " but it has changed to "Presentations", for the reason that symptoms of ADHD changes over constantly and the effects on the victims changes as well during the lifetime of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Persuasive Essay On Adhd The legitimacy of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has been a controversial topic since it's recognition as a part of the DSM–III, although there is copious research proving how many children are affected by this disorder. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, ADHD may affect around 3–5 percent of children. Psychiatrist Sami Timimi and psychologist Nick Radcliffe believe that ADHD does not exist and that the rapid increase of children taking stimulant medication to control it since 1996 is astonishing. Timimi and Radcliffe assert that it is a disorder made up by Western culture in order to explain away normal behavior in adolescents. They claim that normal adolescent behavior is viewed as unacceptable in today's self–indulgent society. There have been millions of dollars and countless hours spent funding research about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, how it affects children, and what is the cause of ADHD. Children with ADHD will show characteristics such as hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and inattention. Fidgeting while sitting, behaving abnormally when expected to sit down or remain quiet, and trouble waiting in line can show ... Show more content on ... In order to diagnose a child with ADHD, medical professionals ask family members about the child's behavior. The information needed can tend to focus on fulfilling the criteria for the disorder and overemphasize certain behaviors, such as more hyperactivity, than other less easily observable, but still important characteristics. The rating scales used as a part of the diagnostic process also use a cutoff point, which is subjective for each professional in charge of diagnosing the individual. Timimi and Radcliffe see the subjective diagnostic process as a convenient way to avoid understanding the differences between people and how children are raised and using this as an excuse for the ones that they see as ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. The Role Of ADHD In Children Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a group of behavioral and mental symptoms that include inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. ADHD is a mental disorder that takes place in childhood (1). It can continue through teenage years and adulthood. ADHD makes it difficult for a child to pay attention. Children diagnosed with ADHD can be hyperactive. Also, children with ADHD find it difficult to say patient. In addition, children with ADHD may not do well in school or have a good behavior at their home or in their community. Children from all around the world and at any age can develop ADHD (2). ADHD affects around 2–5% school–aged children, it is more diagnosed in boys than girls. Most symptoms of ADHD cases are related ... Show more content on ... Researchers haven't found any cure for ADHD until now, but there are available treatments which can reduce the symptoms and increase functioning well (4). First type of treatment is medication, there are four types of medications that are officially licensed for treating ADHD. These medications are, methylphenidate, dexamphetamine, dexamfetamine, lisdexamfetamine, and atomoxetine. These medications can help ADHD patients focus better, concentrate more, and feel more comfortable, but, they are not a permanent cure for ADHD. Another type of therapy is psycho education. This types of therapy help a patient to cope more with their disorder and live more comfortably. In addition, behavioral therapy is another type of treatment. Behavioral therapy provides support for ADHD patients' parents, teachers, colleagues, friends, and the patient himself. This type of treatment includes rewarding the patients to encourage them to control their disorder. For children, this type of therapy can identify and choose which type of behavior you want to encourage. It also includes how to manage and structure the child's activities ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Adhd Research Paper The CDC or Center for Disease Control & Prevention has been the top leading expert for over 71 years. They have been researching the cause and effects of many of our illness, one being ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder). This disorder affects nearly 2 million of the 6 million children born each year, these children are between the ages of two and five (CDC, 2017) The website is based as a teaching tool for parents and educators to gain more information. There is no one person who has come up with this information. The information is based on years of the scientific research and testing for them to put together this website. As writers and scientist, they have ensured that everything is the most up to date facts presented in a ... Show more content on ... However, when looking at the French's website their logos are based on customs, discipline, crying it out methods and strict regimes to ensure children do not get this disorder. While these are great facts there is Aaron T. Mattified, a neuroscientist, who believes that even though all the research shows that this disorder is genetic that there is still a cure, all we need to do is repair the synchrony pattern. Dan T.A Eisenberg did the latest research that states that a child that is born with a 4– receptor called DRD47R (or a genetic abnormality) which is directly linked to the cause of ADHD (Friedman, Richard 2014). He too believes that there can be a fix for it, but it is still in the research stage. Even though each website has different views based on logic and credibility, readers tend to pay attention to the pathos, or emotional response. Pathos is a little subtler when it comes to reading something. Pathos is the emotional aspect of the article or document, believe it or not, everything is supposed to incite an emotional response. The CDC plays with our emotions of empathy, sadness, and concern by lining their page with images of young children and ads for other articles that state: "2 million of the more than 6 million children with ADHD were diagnosed as young as 2 to 5 years old." (VitalSigns, 2017) They, the CDC, also use babies and young children which ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Adhd Informative Speech I. Resistors, capacitors, derivatives, integrals, cell phones, computers, electronics, artworks, concerts, politics, Mitochondrial DNA Replacement Therapy, stem–cell therapy, vaccinations, medications, prescription drugs, and much more. Without the ability to pay attention to something over a specific time period, the human race would not be as accomplished as it is today. II. Today, I will be informing you about Attention–Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). III. ADHD is a disorder that many psychiatrists, parents, and teachers are now labeling normal childhood behaviors as mental disorders. So you have to be careful with your children from now on as well. IV. In researching this speech and having written a research paper on this topic, ... Show more content on ... Such improvements include the increasing use of praise and giving more effective commands toward their offspring (Waxmonsky et al., 2014). e. These results correlate with what was expected from the beginning, since it was predicted to be helpful – not harmful – to both the parents and children. f. An older study conducted by Dr. Brian Reichow, adjunct professor at Yale University School of Medicine, and his colleagues discovered similar findings, "Methylphenidate, [a psychostimulant medication, was] effective for treating ADHD symptoms in children." (Transition: We have just examined a recent psychological and medical study conducted on ADHD.) Conclusion I. I have just informed you about the basics of ADHD including its definition, and as we have seen from the study, not only would adults benefit from being treated for ADHD, but their children would also be able to reap the benefits as a result of a treated parent. II. Being able to pay attention is something that some people take for granted without appreciating it. Bereft of this luxury, we wouldn't be able to properly communicate with others, focus on our goals, and most importantly, live as who we are ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Informative Essay On Adhd ADHD The population of people with ADHD has increased by a significant amount.ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.An ongoing question about ADHD is how do you manage it and can it ever be outgrown.Adhd can't be outgrown but if it's treated the right way then kids grow to go on and live well constructive lives .ADHD is hard to control and manage for some kids ,ADHD is a chronic disorder that tough on a lot of people. I'm writing about ADHD because it's a condition that concerns a lot of people ,like parents and children diagnosed with ADHD.ADHD has affected so many people in so many that it's become a disorder that people have a lot of questions about.i feel like people ... Show more content on ... KIds with ADHD face a lot of challenges.A Challenge that is very common are learning Disabilities .It affects their way of learning because they are constantly distracted by noises in other students in their classrooms.THe most common learning disabilities are Dyslexia ,Dyscalculia,Dysgraphia,and Non–verbal disabilities these learning disabilities have an effect on a lot of people.An additional challenge is challenges with there sociasl skills.It affec ts there social skills because of there mood swings and ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. ADHD In Childhood Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder has a complicated and interesting history and because of that it is important to understands this disorders implications and comorbidity to better treat and diagnose it. Research done by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that 11% of the US population between the ages of 4–17 are affected with ADHD; that's 6.4 million children and the prevalence of diagnosis is only increasing (2016). It was generally assumed that ADHD was something children would grow out of but new studies show that approximately 4% of the adult population in the US are still suffering from ADHD or have developed ADHD (Breyer, J. L., Lee, S., Winters, K. C., August, G. J., & Realmuto, G. M. 2014). ADHD is ... Show more content on ... In a study published by Hung–Pollock and Karalunas, they created an experiment that tested children with and without ADHD's working memory (WM) to better understand how their executive functioning (EF) developed (2010). In order for an individual to use and learn an executive function, that individual must first use WM to remember and practice that function until it becomes automatic. Hung–Pollock and Karalunas used two types of test to measure reaction time (RT) and apply that data to WM. The first test was alphabet arithmetic (AA), a computer program that would present a question with a number and a letter (i.e A+1=?) (Hung–Pollock C. L., & Karalunas S. L. 2010). Children were expected to replace the letter with the number associated with its position in the alphabet (i.e. A=1, B=2, C=3) and solve. The children were told to press that enter button with would record their RT and then say their answer aloud to the research assistant who then recorded answers (Hung–Pollock C. L., & Karalunas S. L. 2010). The second test, called finger math (FM), was another computer program that presented children with the same math problems as the AA (Hung–Pollock C. L., Karalunas S. L. ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. ADHD Situation Analysis Mercedes Glosson English 111–03L Professor Chapman October 25, 2015 Situation Analysis For my writing project 3, Informative essay my intended audience would have to be parents. My essay will help parents to understand the techniques and reasons behind diagnosing a child with ADHD. It will also help parents to recognize the symptoms of ADHD so that they can better understand the signs and get their child the help they need faster. It will give parents ideas and whys to help their children cope with ADHD and deal with the symptoms. My essay will not only be good for parents to read but students as well. My essay will help students understand the symptoms of ADHD. It will also help them to know when they need to seek help form parents or professionals. ... Show more content on ... Medication may be a valuable part of ADHD treatment. There are several different types of medications may be used to treat ADHD. Stimulants are the most widely used treatments. However non stimulants has fewer side effects than stimulants and can last up to 24 hours. Medications can affect children differently, one child may respond well with little to no medication, another may have to have a high dosage of medication. When deciding the best treatment option for your child, the doctor may try different options, it is important to work with your child's doctor to find a treatment that works best for your ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Benefits Of ADHD Caffeine is said to help people with ADHD and to help them focus more. Caffeine is supposed to help people focus more on homework and work they are doing. Caffeine provides more energy for people. Pop is supposed to help since you can buy it with caffeine which can help you focus. This story is not uncommon ADHD has been a problem ADHD doesn't have a cure for some ages. ADHD is mental health disorder that some kids have right away when they are born. (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) Since ADHD has been a problem supporters of ADHD believe; the patients should have help. While critics of ADHD believe there should be goals. The way ADHD has been medicated is still going on in the United states. To begin, ADHD has been looking for ... Show more content on ... ADHD patients need help from doctors and they also need help from parents. The history of ADHD has been looking for medicine for different ages. ADHD has begun to find cures for different ages. There should be long term care from parents and doctors. Those who support ADHD believe that there should be long term care from parents and doctors. ADHD has begun to find cures for different ages. ADHD doctors have been looking for cures for all ages. Critics that oppose ADHD believe there are already many cures. In the end, this is still an issue that caffeine will help patients even though it is bad for you. ADHD doctors have been looking for a cure for a long time. Some ADHD patients have a harder time because not all of them have a cure. Doctors are working hard to find a cure for patients of all ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Different Types Of ADHD Symptoms The primary features of attention–deficit/hyperactivity disorder include inattention and hyperactive– impulsive behavior. ADHD symptoms start before age 12, and in some children, they're noticeable as early as 3 years of age. ADHD symptoms can be mild, moderate or severe, and they may continue into adulthood. ADHD occurs more often in males than in females, and behaviors can be different in boys and girls. For example, boys may be more hyperactive and girls may tend to be quietly inattentive. There are three subtypes of ADHD: Predominantly inattentive. The majority of symptoms fall under inattention. Predominantly hyperactive–impulsive. The majority of symptoms are hyperactive and impulsive. Combined. The most common type in the ... Show more content on ... Many issues in childhood can lead to difficulty sustaining attention, but that's not the same as ADHD. Complications Attention–deficit/hyperactivity disorder can make life difficult for children. Children with ADHD: Often struggle in the classroom, which can lead to academic failure and judgment by other children and adults Tend to have more accidents and injuries of all kinds than do children who don't have ADHD Tend to have poor self–esteem Are more likely to have trouble interacting with and being accepted by peers and adults Are at increased risk of alcohol and drug abuse and other delinquent behavior Coexisting conditions ADHD doesn't cause other psychological or developmental problems. However, children with ADHD are more likely than others to also have conditions such as: Learning disabilities, including problems with understanding and communicating
  • 79. Anxiety disorders, which may cause overwhelming worry, nervousness Depression, which frequently occurs in children with ... Get more on ...