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              A new territory for communications
Executive summary3
Avant propos4
Entretien        5

B	     LinkedIn, a communications tool that’s underutilized       6

C	     LinkedIn’s Ecosystem                                       7
2.1	    A look at the Company space                               7
2.2	    A look at the Careers space                               8
2.3	    A look at the Products and Services space                 8
2.4	    A look at the Group space                                 9

D	    Which strategy should you adopt?                            10
3.1	 Define your objectives…                                      10
3.2 	 …and possible focus areas                                   10
3.3 	 Structure your ecosystem                                    11
3.4 	 Activate your ecosystem                                     12
3.5 	 Best practices: Dell and Microsoft                          13
3.6 	 A content strategy in line with different types of usage    14
3.7 	The Company space: using your audience to generate clicks   15

E	    Resources                                                   16
4.1 	 Entry level: Engage employees                               16
4.2 	  he importance of involving high potentials
      T                                                            16
4.3 	 The role of top management                                  16
4.4 	 Community managers and ambassadors                          17
4.5 	  he role of community animators
      T                                                            17
F	 Measurement                                                    18
5.1 	 Performance measurement                                     18
5.2 	 Proposed KPIs                                               18

Check list: how can I develop my presence on LinkedIn?            19
Executive Summary
                              LinkedIn is the biggest professional social network in the world. Most
                              companies develop their presence on it as part of their recruitment policy,
                              but LinkedIn is so much more than just a recruitment tool – it’s a professional
                              networking platform, and a B2B communications channel. According to a
                              recent study*, LinkedIn generates four times more B2B leads than any other
                              social network, including Facebook and Twitter.

                              So why are companies still not using LinkedIn to its full potential?

                              In this whitepaper we highlight the benefits an enterprise can reap from having
                              a structured LinkedIn ecosystem and outline how to develop the right editorial
                              approach for the ‘Company’ and ‘Groups’ spaces.

                              We believe that:

                              	Most companies aren’t making full use of LinkedIn’s potential for
                               communications and building their corporate image

                              	 ompanies need to develop a dedicated editorial strategy and community
                               management policy to encourage discussion, and increase awareness
                               among their target audience (including potential employees, partners and
                               industry professionals)

                              	 LinkedIn offers powerful business solutions with a range of tools that
                                companies need to exploit if they’re to grow their influence

                              	 Employees act as potential ambassadors, and this fact should be leveraged
                                on LinkedIn: those ambassadors can carry corporate messaging, share
                                experiences and support the company’s values

                              	 When measuring the impact of your company’s LinkedIn activity, do take
                                into account criteria beyond traditional HR indicators: as for any other social
                                network (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), the commitment rate, active membership and
                                reach prove to be the main KPIs

                              * Hubspot study, 2011:

3 LinkedIn Guide for Brands
LinkedIn – a neglected
                            communications tool

                            Today, the world of social media and digital communication is heavily
                            focused on Facebook and Twitter, based on the significant audience
                            and creative communications campaigns seen on them. LinkedIn by
DIGITAL IDENTITY            comparison is considered a somewhat humble and understated social
                            network. But don’t be fooled - a look at some factoids about the global
Stanislas Magniant,         professional network tells a different story:
EMEA Head of Social Hive,
                            •	 More than 161 million members, across 200 countries
                            •	 Since December 31st, LinkedIn has seen it’s fastest growth within the
                               student and graduate demographic
  Twitter account:          •	 Two new members join LinkedIn every second, - that is 1 million new
@msl_group                     members every week
                            •	 Recruiting solutions proposed by LinkedIn are used by 82 out of 100 of
                               Fortune’s 2011 largest companies
                            •	 More than 2 million businesses have a corporate LinkedIn page
                            •	 As of 31 March 2012, more than 400,000 unique domains actively use the
                               LinkedIn «Share» button from their web-sites in order to share relevant  
           SOCIAL HIVE
                               content on the LinkedIn platform

                              LinkedIn is a corporate communications platform that is
                              at once both deeply efficient and significantly undervalued

                            •	 LinkedIn has evolved and grown significantly over the past few years. It
                               is no longer just an HR platform that caters to recruiters, candidates and
                               professional networking.
                            •	 With the development of LinkedIn Enterprise, LinkedIn Today, and
                               a slew of social applications, LinkedIn has become a corporate
                               communications platform, as effective as it is undervalued.
                            •	 Communication directors, marketing directors and even sales
                               departments should focus less on how to grow their fanbase on the
                               company Facebook page and more on the opportunities that LinkedIn
                               presents. They can share their company’s activities, develop expertise
                               and thought leadership, leverage a network of employees to develop an
                               e-ambassadors program and even generate commercial leads using
                            •	 In short, companies can replicate what they currently do on Facebook,
                               but in a more professionally appropriate and effective way to engage
                               employees, business partners and potential candidates.
                            •	 This whitepaper is not meant to be a detailed manual, but an introduction
                               to the opportunities that LinkedIn offers corporate communications and
                               B2B professionals.
                            •	 It is also a guide for community managers who wish to develop the
                               right editorial strategies on LinkedIn. If you’re looking to develop your
                               company’s presence and reputation on social networks, we invite you to
                               take another look at LinkedIn’s potential using our whitepaper.

                                                                                         LinkedIn Guide for Brands 4
L au r e n c e B r e t
                                                                                    MARK ETING DIRECTOR,
                                                                                      L I N K EDI N EU ROPE


       LinkedIn has significantly evolved over the last year and         product called the LinkedIn Talent Pipeline that allows
       added apps such as the newsfeed and LinkedIn Today. Can           recruiters to integrate external sources into this working
       you share with us the reason behind this increased focus          environment such as a candidate’s or an employee’s CV.
       on content?
       Among other reasons, LinkedIn members log on to the               In addition, in the area of employer branding, we offer
       network to access information about the sector they work in.      the Careers space, which allow businesses to promote
       Information plays a key role in the decision making process,      themselves and disseminate job offers. And we fully
       and we need to offer quicker access to it. That is why LinkedIn   contextualize this space based on recruitment needs and the
       offers information applications such as LinkedIn Today,           company’s targets.
       discussion groups, company spaces and members’ status
       updates.                                                          In addition to these products for recruiters, we offer the
                                                                         opportunity for advertisers to communicate through our
       There are more than a million groups on LinkedIn today. 81%       marketing solutions. This offer includes both “classic”
       of our members subscribe to group discussions and 50%             products such as text ads and posters as well as social
       are active participants. In addition, 47% of our members use      networking opportunities offered exclusively through
       LinkedIn to find and understand the latest trends in their        LinkedIn.
                                                                         What benefits might one expect as a result of developing
       Tell us more about the editorial feature ‘LinkedIn Today’.        a content management strategy for a Company and Group
       LinkedIn Today is a fairly revolutionary tool in terms of         space on LinkedIn?
       content curation: it automatically selects and distributes to     Creating a Company space helps increase visibility on
       each user the information that is most relevant for him or        the network. This space can then include paid marketing
       her.                                                              services. The company space helps in marketing the brand,
                                                                         both business to business (B2B) and business to consumer
       Articles are selected based on popularity amongst members         (B2C). You can also use our advertising solutions to reach
       on LinkedIn and what fellow industry members are reading.         a very specialized audience, by targeting your campaign
       This allows our users to stay up to date with the current         based on member profiles.
       trends and receive a continuous flow of information about
       those trends. LinkedIn Today is a popular feature that builds     Companies can publish articles and status updates on their
       visitors’ engagement.                                             space and allow members to follow their content. Since
                                                                         LinkedIn is a professional network, following a company
       Do companies use LinkedIn more as a source of information         on it brings more opportunities to engage in a professional
       rather than a communications tool?                                fashion, than on other social networks. This allows
                                                                         companies to create more involved communities around
       LinkedIn’s activity for recruiters is based on two pillars:       their brands and services.
       sourcing and employer branding. The latter evolves around
       communication campaigns. In terms of sourcing, our
       flagship product is the Recruiter, which provides unlimited
       access to the entire network as well as the ability to post job
       announcements. We have also recently launched another

5 LinkedIn Guide for Brands

    a communications tool that’s underutilized
    MOST COMPANIES HAVE A                  LinkedIn pages of the 10 most followed companies* as of 10/05/2012
    HUNT FOR POTENTIAL EMPLOYEES.                                     NUMBER OF          STATUS              LINKS TO          ONLINE
    HOWEVER, LINKEDIN HAS ALSO                                        FOLLOWERS          UPDATES             BLOG              DISCUSSIONS
    COMMUNICATIONS TOOL BOTH                IBM                       649,210
    FROM AN HR COMMUNICATIONS               Hewlett-Packard           485,641
    OF A COMPANY’S IMAGE AND                Microsoft                 473,197
                                            Accenture                 467,689

                                            Google                    457,638

                                            Oracle                    321,910

                                            Deloitte                  317,242

                                            Apple                     286,192

                                            Cisco Systems             264,104

                                            Dell                      277,892

                                           * According to The Tecnica

    LinkedIn is a communications
    platform that the majority of
    companies have not yet fully
    integrated into their communications
    The 10 most followed companies on
    LinkedIn* animate their space with
    status updates (in most cases with
    new hires and job announcements),
    but only five update their space
    with blog posts and only three have
    a proper community management
    strategy, which involves generating
    discussions on the page.

                                                                                                                               LinkedIn Guide for Brands 6

       LinkedIn’s Ecosystem
                   N   Y SPACE
                PA                             2.1 A look at the Company space
      TH E CO

                                                	 A Company space is created         	 LinkedIn offers information and
                                                  automatically as soon as a           statistics for your company’s
                                                  LinkedIn user declares herself       presence on the network, as well
                                                  an employee of a given company       as a News space which is open for
       THE COMPANY SPACE                          on her profile. So your company      other users’ comments. Certain
       ON LINKEDIN CAN BE                         might already be present on          types of information are managed
       COMPARED WITH FAN PAGES                    LinkedIn, but you’re perhaps not     by the company, others are not.
       ON FACEBOOK : IT ACTS                      aware, and may not control that
       AS A HUB FOR ALL THE                       presence.
       THE NETWORK                              	 There are two types of LinkedIn
                                                  users to target: your employees
                                                  and users who follow your

                Logo and company branding
                                                                                                       Statistics :
                                                                                                       • Number of employees,
                                                                                                         demographics, data
                                                                                                         and history
                                                                                                       • Number of followers

                         LinkedIn members
                 who show up as employees
                           of your company
                                                                                                       A space dedicated to
                                                                                                       your subsidiaries

                                                                                                       More space for
    If your company has a blog or a Twitter                                                            information about your
      account, you can promote these links                                                             company
                             on your page

          This space shows activities on
           LinkedIn, including: job offers,
            new hires and appointments,
                 blog posts and any other
               communications published
              by the company. This space
            can be managed to a degree.
                    Messages published in
               this space are visible in the
             information flow of members
             of the page. One can like the
          news, comment and share it in
          the same way as on Facebook.

7 LinkedIn Guide for Brands
       RS                                  2.2 A look at the Careers space

                                             	The Careers space
                                              showcases your recruitment          	This space is completely under
                                              activities on LinkedIn: new          your control. It’s possible to
                                              job announcements, HR                personalize it by adding your
THE CAREERS PAGE IS                           communications and other             company’s colors and your
USUALLY INTEGRATED INTO                       information about your company       objectives. The space can be
THE COMPANY SPACE. YOU                        can add value to the space.          further modified to match the type
CAN HAVE ACCESS TO YOUR                                                            of visitor, so a communications
COMPANY SPACE WITHOUT                                                              professional would not see the
VIEWING THE CAREERS                                                                same home page as an engineer
SPACE.                                                                             for example.

                                                                                  	The Careers space is paid for and
                                                                                   is not mandatory

             Personalized banners for
             different types of visitors                                              Links to the
          A personalized introduction                                                 career site
       depending on the type of visitor


         Job offers at your company -
                      personalised for
             different types of visitors
                                                                                      Video campaigns

                                           2.3 A look at the Products and Services space

                                             	LinkedIn offers all Company         including expert points of view.
                                              spaces a special tab to promote     Think about managing what you
                                              their products and services.        post here, keeping in mind the
                                                                                  content should be consistent with
                                             	Like in the Careers space, you      the story you want to tell about
                                              have full control over the the      your business.
                                              content under this tab and you
                                              can target your content in line     	The only social aspect of this tab
                                              with your visitors’ demographics.    is that LinkedIn members can
                                                                                   recommend your products and
                                             	The space is fully customizable:     services.
                                              you can add banners and a
                                              video to showcase products or
                                              services. Rather than adding an
                                              advertisement, consider more
                                              personal and original content

                                                                                                        LinkedIn Guide for Brands 8
            U                                2.4  look at the Group space

                                              	 Current job offers, information    Group space is not managed by
                                                about training sessions and best   the company, but by individuals.
                                                practices can all be shared on
                                                Group space. In addition, most
       A GROUP IS A SPACE FOR                   LinkedIn users tend to look for
       EMPLOYEES TO EXCHANGE                    expert opinions in the Groups.
       INDUSTRY EXPERTS. IT’S AN              	 Unlike the Company space, a

                      Logo and description

           Launch a discussion or a poll

                                                                                                      Group news, updates
                 RSS feed with the latest                                                             on new members


                                                                                                      A list of the most active
                                                                                                      users in the Group,
                                                                                                      which effectively
                                                                                                      highlights the most
                The most commented on                                                                 influential experts in
             discussions. It’s possible to                                                            the discussion space
           like a status, add a comment
                  and share it in the same
            way you would on Facebook.
                                                                                                      The Group’s statistics
                    Types of messages :
          • Experience, knowledge and
                   best-practice sharing
        • Job offers or training sessions

9 LinkedIn Guide for Brands

    Which strategy should you adopt?

                               3.1 Define your objectives…

                                   	Don’t only think of LinkedIn as       	To achieve your goals, be active
    AS WITH OTHER SOCIAL            a recruitment tool. LinkedIn in        on the site, and develop your own
    NETWORKS, SIMPLY BEING          fact enables companies to build        tone of voice. A member connects
    ON LINKEDIN IS NOT              an image that attracts talent          to the network on average 1-2
    SUFFICIENT.  YOU NEED           and makes people want to work          times a month. The challenge is
    TO DO MORE. AND BEFORE          for your company. In addition          to find a way to be there when
    THAT, YOU NEED TO DEFINE        to advertising, joining in the         they are connected and have the
    YOUR OBJECTIVES.                discussions on LinkedIn also           content you posted highlighted.
                                    gives you the opportunity to polish    You can help do this by interacting
                                    your employer brand. So, look          with more active members who
                                    beyond traditional recruitment         log in several times a day, and
                                    goals, and make sure you set           exchanging experience and best
                                    new ones: reaching out to expert       practices with them.
                                    communities, attracting new
                                    suppliers, influencing professional
                                    communities, etc.

                               3.2 …and possible focus areas

                                  	Define a focus area that’s in line    	Once you’ve defined your focus
                                    with your expertise, strengths and     area, you will be in a good position
                                    the values of your organisation.       to develop an editorial strategy for
                                    Why would following you or             each LinkedIn space.
                                    participating in the discussions be
                                    an added value for a professional?
                                   	Are you considered a talent
                                    incubator in your field? Is
                                    your expertise acknowledged
                                    worldwide? Have you adopted an
                                    innovative management system?
                                    These are all assets that can add
                                    value when shaped through the
                                    prism of your ambassadors and
                                    your employees, and their stories
                                    and experiences.

                                                                                              LinkedIn Guide for Brands 10
                                                                                                                          R    TY GR
                                                                                                                       PA              O

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    T Y G RO

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               AR              U



                                                                                                                                                                                                                     TH I RD

                                                                                                                      TARY GR



      The Company Space
  The Company space is the
  center of your LinkedIn
  ecosystem. It should enhance
                                                       S AND SER
  the visibility of the company’s                 CT

  news, its views, projects                                              VI
                                    T H E PRO D

  and goals. It should also be a
                                                                             S S PAC

  hub for your entire LinkedIn

      The Careers Space                                                  E
  The Careers space is the                                          AC                                                                                                                                 TY G RO
                                                             SP                                                                                                                                   AR             U

  space dedicated to HR –                                Y


                                                                                                                                                                                        TH I RD


  opportunities, career paths,

  testimonials – a showcase

  dedicated to recruitment. The

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    TY G RO
                                                                                                                                                       TARY GR                                                                                                 AR             U
  pages are most useful for                                                                                                                       IE


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     TH I RD

  medium or large companies

  that have to manage a                                                                                                                                                         02

  significant number of
  prospective employees.

             The Groups Space
  The Groups are the main
  spaces for conversation                                                                                     RS
                                                                                                                     S PACE
  on LinkedIn, and need a                                                                                EE
                                                                                              T H E CA

  targeted, clear and content-
  focused editorial positioning.
  A company can create and
  animate several groups
  based on various professional
  communities, its target,
  its core businesses or its
  geographical locations... The
  challenge is to structure
  these groups so as to be able
  to tap into both internal and                                                                                                     TY G RO
  external audiences that are                                                                                                                 U

                                                                      A RY G R
                                                                                                                     TH I RD

  broad enough to encourage                                         ET


                                                        PRO P

  dialogue and a fruitful


                                                                                                                                                                      TY G RO
                                                                                                                                                                 AR             U

                                                                                                                                                       TH I RD


11 LinkedIn Guide for Brands
3.4  ctivate your ecosystem

                                     Focus on the three components of your editorial policy
       SYNERGIES BETWEEN              • Corporate information and news               • Thought leadership
       THE CAREERS SPACE AND          1.	First off, include this on the              1.	Depending on the topic, add
       THE GROUPS. THE MOST              Company space                                  to the relevant themed Groups
       EFFECTIVE WAY TO DO                                                              so as to encourage discussion
       THIS IS TO CREATE LINKS        2.	Add it to the Careers space,                   and attract people to the Group
       BETWEEN THESE SPACES,             if that’s in line with your                    through exclusive content
       BUT AT THE SAME TIME              company’s HR and CSR policy
       MAINTAIN THE PARTICULAR                                                       2.	You can also add to the
       IDENTITY AND PURPOSE           3.	Add news to the Group pages                    Company space to support the
       OF EACH PAGE. DO TAKE             only if it relates to those users              corporate vision, and leverage
       INTO CONSIDERATION THAT                                                          the discussions and the
       USERS SPEND LESS TIME                                                            dynamism of the group
       ON LINKEDIN THAN ON            • Third-party content (*curation)
       FACEBOOK, THEREFORE IT’S                                                      3.	Add to themed Groups that are
       BETTER TO CONCENTRATE          1.	In the first instance, include                 similar to the current Group
       ON THE QUALITY VERSUS             this on the Group pages. This                  in terms of either audience of
       QUANTITY WHERE CONTENT            is essential if you’re going to                subject matter
       IS CONCERNED.                     animate conversations between
                                         professionals interested in the             4.	Add to the Careers space
                                         same topic (warning : make sure                only if the content talks to
                                         it does not exceed 50% of your                 top management’s vision or
                                         editorial content)                             throws fresh light on HR and
                                                                                        management policy
                                      2.	Include in the Careers space
                                         only if the content focuses
                                         on career paths within the

                                      3.	Add to the Company space only
                                         if the article, which should be
                                         available online, provides a new
                                         perspective on the company

                                         *Curation is the art of selecting, filtering, organizing, indexing and
                                         commenting on content across specific topics

12 LinkedIn Guide for Brands
3.5  est practices: Dell and Microsoft

Dell is one of the 10 most-followed   Alongside the editorial
companies on LinkedIn with nearly     approach, the company also engages
270,000 followers. The company        in real-time community management
makes the most of this significant    activity: each post is monitored
community through a content           and as soon as a follower of the
management strategy: interesting      page in question reacts, a company
articles, company news and an         spokesperson responds. Thanks
updated calendar help to turn this    to this openness, the company
potential audience into an actual     has established a dialogue which
audience.                             helps engage people in the long-
                                      term. Moreover, Dell is sharing its
                                      messages and values ​​n a way that
                                      brings a strong human element to the

                                      Microsoft is one of the most active
                                      companies on LinkedIn and its
                                      Company page is exemplary. Followed
                                      by just under 500,000 people,
                                      Microsoft has embraced LinkedIn
                                      at the heart of its communications
                                      strategy. Working with both company
                                      and industry news as well as
                                      employee testimonials, Microsoft
                                      works off an editorial strategy
                                      focused on several new posts each
                                      day. That said, you can’t help notice
                                      that while their the community
                                      manager has adopted a very
                                      engaging way of posting articles, s/he
                                      is somewhat reserved when it comes
                                      to responding to comments.

                                      Microsoft’s Company page is an
                                      example ​​ a dynamic company,
                                      looking to the future and open to its
                                      followers’ comments.

                                                             LinkedIn Guide for Brands 13
3.6  content strategy in line with
                                        different types of usage
       NEWS / SHORT UPDATES,         Help on how to adapt each space according to how it’s used:
       ARE LESS OR MORE                              Y SPACE                         SPACE                   S
                                                 N                              RS                      UP
       RELEVANT TO ANY GIVEN                  PA                           EE                      RO


                                    TH E CO

                                                                T H E CA

                 Company News                                                                APPROACH NEEDED}


              Thought Leadership                                 APPROACH NEEDED}

                Job Opportunities                                                            APPROACH NEEDED}

                   Discussions                         -                             -

14 LinkedIn Guide for Brands
3.7  he Company space:
                               using your audience to generate clicks


                           LinkedIn now gives companies a legitimate way to talk directly to
                           their target audience…..

                                                                                          LinkedIn Guide for Brands 15


                                           4.1  ntry level :
                                               Engage employees

                                           When you’re starting out, the most cost-effective and efficient approach is to let
                                           employees know, via your traditional internal communication channels, that your
                                           spaces and groups on LinkedIn exist. The core of your LinkedIn community are
                                           your  employees. It may be useful to incentivize contributors so as to create a
                                           little competition.

                                           4.2  he importance of involving
                                               high potentials

                                           LinkedIn provides a forum for high potentials. Their involvement in LinkedIn’s
                                           Groups discussions can humanize communications, highlight their talent... and
                                           keep them in the company! They can animate one or more groups by
                                           posting articles, links and opinions... It’s a win/win strategy : personal branding is
                                           the motivation while you’re also helping develop the company’s employer brand.

                                           4.3  he Role of top management

                                           As well as average users and high potentials, the role of top management can be
                                           crucial in bringing to life internal and professional communities. Simply posting
                                           a «like» or commenting on a colleague’s post can be powerful, and encourage
                                           further participation.

                                                                      PARTY GR


                            TY GR

                        PAR       O




                                                                                                PARTY GR



16 LinkedIn Guide for Brands
4.4  ommunity managers
    and ambassadors

Creating a thriving social network is impossible without a community manager,
and LinkedIn is no exception. A question left unanswered, a post that’s been
ignored.... These are factors that can dampen enthusiasm in a community, and
cause your audience’s engagement levels to dip. Every post, message, question...
should be addressed, no matter how small or insignificant.

As far as professional communities are concerned, the level of expertise must be
extremely high. That’s why you must identify Ambassadors, high potentials who
embody excellence within their profession, their peer group, their role… These
people need to actively participate in the animation of their thematic groups –
supported by a community manager, someone who is responsible for the flow
of communications, for measuring it and helping members and followers find
their way around.

4.5  he role of community animators

        Community Manager                          Ambassadors
 • Monitoring
 • Editorial planning                  • Sectors and topic monitoring
 • Content publication                 • Content publication, providing links,
 • Comments management,                  posting thought leadership…
   answering members/followers         • Answering questions/comments on
 • Help/redirect members/followers       expert topics
 • Acts as a link between the          • Engages the company’s employees
   company and LinkedIn users          • Posts in the ‘Answers’ space and thus
 • Alert management should a             ultimately earns Expert status on
   sensitive topic come up               their profile
 • Moderates

                                                                 LinkedIn Guide for Brands 17


                               5.1  erformance measurement

                               What are the KPIs for LinkedIn? If you decide to implement an editorial strategy,
                               the KPIs should be the same as those of the other social networks where your
                               company has a presence: engagement rate, audience, loyalty, etc. In addition, any
                               impact on the employer brand, the number of CVs received, and the cost of hiring
                               using traditional methods should be taken into consideration.

                               5.2  roposed KPIs


                               •	 The engagement rate for the Company space posts (based on the number of
                                  interactions with the audience)
                               •	 Visitors to the Company and Group spaces
                               •	 Internal and external reach rate
                               •	 The number of discussions where your company’s experts participate on Group
                                  spaces (yours and affiliates’)
                               •	 The number of CVs received
                               •	 The number of information requests received


                               •	 The tone of comments received across the company’s LinkedIn presence
                                  (Company and Group spaces)

18 LinkedIn Guide for Brands
Check list: how can I develop my
presence on LinkedIn?

              1. Audit what you have

              How many pages are linked to your company and its focus areas (name,
              audience, employee usage rate)?

              2. Define your objectives

              There are three types of objectives :
                  - Business objectives
                  - HR objectives
                  - Image/reputation objectives

              3. Define your focus areas and structure
                 your LinkedIn ecosystem

                  -	 Restructure your Company space, and if you have them, your Careers and
                     Products and Services spaces according to the objectives you’ve already
                  -	 Outline your editorial strategy for spaces you manage
                  -	 Identify Groups in which your company can legitimately add comments, and
                     also new Groups it can create
                  -	 Identify your internal ambassadors
                  -	 Produce a guide for employees as to how they can best be part of your
                     company’s LinkedIn presence

              4. Community management

              Implement a community management strategy.

               Contact us                             Follow us
               Stanislas Magniant                  
               stanislas.magniant@                           MSLgroup
               Dimitri Granger

               Tel. : +33 (0)1 44 82 45 00

                                                                 SOCIAL HIVE

                                                                                LinkedIn Guide for Brands 19
20 LinkedIn Guide for Brands

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Value of LinkedIn's Ecosystem

  • 1. SOCIAL HIVE LinkedIn A new territory for communications
  • 2. Summary Executive summary3 Avant propos4 Entretien 5 B LinkedIn, a communications tool that’s underutilized 6 C LinkedIn’s Ecosystem 7 2.1 A look at the Company space 7 2.2 A look at the Careers space 8 2.3 A look at the Products and Services space 8 2.4 A look at the Group space 9 D Which strategy should you adopt? 10 3.1 Define your objectives… 10 3.2 …and possible focus areas 10 3.3 Structure your ecosystem 11 3.4 Activate your ecosystem 12 3.5 Best practices: Dell and Microsoft 13 3.6 A content strategy in line with different types of usage 14 3.7 The Company space: using your audience to generate clicks 15 E Resources 16 4.1 Entry level: Engage employees 16 4.2 he importance of involving high potentials T 16 4.3 The role of top management 16 4.4 Community managers and ambassadors 17 4.5 he role of community animators T 17 F Measurement 18 5.1 Performance measurement 18 5.2 Proposed KPIs 18 Check list: how can I develop my presence on LinkedIn? 19
  • 3. Executive Summary LinkedIn is the biggest professional social network in the world. Most companies develop their presence on it as part of their recruitment policy, but LinkedIn is so much more than just a recruitment tool – it’s a professional networking platform, and a B2B communications channel. According to a recent study*, LinkedIn generates four times more B2B leads than any other social network, including Facebook and Twitter. So why are companies still not using LinkedIn to its full potential? In this whitepaper we highlight the benefits an enterprise can reap from having a structured LinkedIn ecosystem and outline how to develop the right editorial approach for the ‘Company’ and ‘Groups’ spaces. We believe that: Most companies aren’t making full use of LinkedIn’s potential for communications and building their corporate image ompanies need to develop a dedicated editorial strategy and community C management policy to encourage discussion, and increase awareness among their target audience (including potential employees, partners and industry professionals) LinkedIn offers powerful business solutions with a range of tools that companies need to exploit if they’re to grow their influence Employees act as potential ambassadors, and this fact should be leveraged on LinkedIn: those ambassadors can carry corporate messaging, share experiences and support the company’s values When measuring the impact of your company’s LinkedIn activity, do take into account criteria beyond traditional HR indicators: as for any other social network (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), the commitment rate, active membership and reach prove to be the main KPIs * Hubspot study, 2011: experts/ 3 LinkedIn Guide for Brands
  • 4. LinkedIn – a neglected communications tool Today, the world of social media and digital communication is heavily focused on Facebook and Twitter, based on the significant audience and creative communications campaigns seen on them. LinkedIn by DIGITAL IDENTITY comparison is considered a somewhat humble and understated social network. But don’t be fooled - a look at some factoids about the global Stanislas Magniant, professional network tells a different story: EMEA Head of Social Hive, • More than 161 million members, across 200 countries MSLGROUP • Since December 31st, LinkedIn has seen it’s fastest growth within the student and graduate demographic Twitter account: • Two new members join LinkedIn every second, - that is 1 million new @msl_group members every week • Recruiting solutions proposed by LinkedIn are used by 82 out of 100 of Fortune’s 2011 largest companies Sites: • More than 2 million businesses have a corporate LinkedIn page • As of 31 March 2012, more than 400,000 unique domains actively use the LinkedIn «Share» button from their web-sites in order to share relevant SOCIAL HIVE content on the LinkedIn platform LinkedIn is a corporate communications platform that is at once both deeply efficient and significantly undervalued • LinkedIn has evolved and grown significantly over the past few years. It is no longer just an HR platform that caters to recruiters, candidates and professional networking. • With the development of LinkedIn Enterprise, LinkedIn Today, and a slew of social applications, LinkedIn has become a corporate communications platform, as effective as it is undervalued. • Communication directors, marketing directors and even sales departments should focus less on how to grow their fanbase on the company Facebook page and more on the opportunities that LinkedIn presents. They can share their company’s activities, develop expertise and thought leadership, leverage a network of employees to develop an e-ambassadors program and even generate commercial leads using LinkedIn. • In short, companies can replicate what they currently do on Facebook, but in a more professionally appropriate and effective way to engage employees, business partners and potential candidates. • This whitepaper is not meant to be a detailed manual, but an introduction to the opportunities that LinkedIn offers corporate communications and B2B professionals. • It is also a guide for community managers who wish to develop the right editorial strategies on LinkedIn. If you’re looking to develop your company’s presence and reputation on social networks, we invite you to take another look at LinkedIn’s potential using our whitepaper. LinkedIn Guide for Brands 4
  • 5. L au r e n c e B r e t MARK ETING DIRECTOR, L I N K EDI N EU ROPE INTERVIEW A PLATFORM FOR EDITORIAL CONTENT LinkedIn has significantly evolved over the last year and product called the LinkedIn Talent Pipeline that allows added apps such as the newsfeed and LinkedIn Today. Can recruiters to integrate external sources into this working you share with us the reason behind this increased focus environment such as a candidate’s or an employee’s CV. on content? Among other reasons, LinkedIn members log on to the In addition, in the area of employer branding, we offer network to access information about the sector they work in. the Careers space, which allow businesses to promote Information plays a key role in the decision making process, themselves and disseminate job offers. And we fully and we need to offer quicker access to it. That is why LinkedIn contextualize this space based on recruitment needs and the offers information applications such as LinkedIn Today, company’s targets. discussion groups, company spaces and members’ status updates. In addition to these products for recruiters, we offer the opportunity for advertisers to communicate through our There are more than a million groups on LinkedIn today. 81% marketing solutions. This offer includes both “classic” of our members subscribe to group discussions and 50% products such as text ads and posters as well as social are active participants. In addition, 47% of our members use networking opportunities offered exclusively through LinkedIn to find and understand the latest trends in their LinkedIn. industry. What benefits might one expect as a result of developing Tell us more about the editorial feature ‘LinkedIn Today’. a content management strategy for a Company and Group LinkedIn Today is a fairly revolutionary tool in terms of space on LinkedIn? content curation: it automatically selects and distributes to Creating a Company space helps increase visibility on each user the information that is most relevant for him or the network. This space can then include paid marketing her. services. The company space helps in marketing the brand, both business to business (B2B) and business to consumer Articles are selected based on popularity amongst members (B2C). You can also use our advertising solutions to reach on LinkedIn and what fellow industry members are reading. a very specialized audience, by targeting your campaign This allows our users to stay up to date with the current based on member profiles. trends and receive a continuous flow of information about those trends. LinkedIn Today is a popular feature that builds Companies can publish articles and status updates on their visitors’ engagement. space and allow members to follow their content. Since LinkedIn is a professional network, following a company Do companies use LinkedIn more as a source of information on it brings more opportunities to engage in a professional rather than a communications tool? fashion, than on other social networks. This allows companies to create more involved communities around LinkedIn’s activity for recruiters is based on two pillars: their brands and services. sourcing and employer branding. The latter evolves around communication campaigns. In terms of sourcing, our flagship product is the Recruiter, which provides unlimited access to the entire network as well as the ability to post job announcements. We have also recently launched another 5 LinkedIn Guide for Brands
  • 6. 1 LinkedIn, a communications tool that’s underutilized MOST COMPANIES HAVE A LinkedIn pages of the 10 most followed companies* as of 10/05/2012 VERY PRACTICAL APPROACH TO LINKEDIN, USING IT PRIMARILY TO HUNT FOR POTENTIAL EMPLOYEES. NUMBER OF STATUS LINKS TO ONLINE COMPANY HOWEVER, LINKEDIN HAS ALSO FOLLOWERS UPDATES BLOG DISCUSSIONS PROVED ITSELF AS AN ESSENTIAL COMMUNICATIONS TOOL BOTH IBM 649,210 FROM AN HR COMMUNICATIONS Hewlett-Packard 485,641 PERSPECTIVE AND IN TERMS OF A COMPANY’S IMAGE AND Microsoft 473,197 INFLUENCE. Accenture 467,689 Google 457,638 Oracle 321,910 Deloitte 317,242 Apple 286,192 Cisco Systems 264,104 Dell 277,892 * According to The Tecnica LinkedIn is a communications platform that the majority of companies have not yet fully integrated into their communications strategies. The 10 most followed companies on LinkedIn* animate their space with status updates (in most cases with new hires and job announcements), but only five update their space with blog posts and only three have a proper community management strategy, which involves generating discussions on the page. LinkedIn Guide for Brands 6
  • 7. 2 LinkedIn’s Ecosystem N Y SPACE PA 2.1 A look at the Company space M TH E CO A Company space is created LinkedIn offers information and automatically as soon as a statistics for your company’s LinkedIn user declares herself presence on the network, as well an employee of a given company as a News space which is open for THE COMPANY SPACE on her profile. So your company other users’ comments. Certain ON LINKEDIN CAN BE might already be present on types of information are managed COMPARED WITH FAN PAGES LinkedIn, but you’re perhaps not by the company, others are not. ON FACEBOOK : IT ACTS aware, and may not control that AS A HUB FOR ALL THE presence. COMPANY’S ACTIVITIES ON THE NETWORK There are two types of LinkedIn users to target: your employees and users who follow your company. Logo and company branding Statistics : • Number of employees, demographics, data and history • Number of followers LinkedIn members who show up as employees of your company A space dedicated to your subsidiaries More space for If your company has a blog or a Twitter information about your account, you can promote these links company on your page This space shows activities on LinkedIn, including: job offers, new hires and appointments, blog posts and any other communications published by the company. This space can be managed to a degree. Messages published in this space are visible in the information flow of members of the page. One can like the news, comment and share it in the same way as on Facebook. 7 LinkedIn Guide for Brands
  • 8. SPACE RS 2.2 A look at the Careers space EE CA R The Careers space showcases your recruitment This space is completely under activities on LinkedIn: new your control. It’s possible to job announcements, HR personalize it by adding your THE CAREERS PAGE IS communications and other company’s colors and your USUALLY INTEGRATED INTO information about your company objectives. The space can be THE COMPANY SPACE. YOU can add value to the space. further modified to match the type CAN HAVE ACCESS TO YOUR of visitor, so a communications COMPANY SPACE WITHOUT professional would not see the VIEWING THE CAREERS same home page as an engineer SPACE. for example. The Careers space is paid for and is not mandatory Personalized banners for different types of visitors Links to the Company’s A personalized introduction career site depending on the type of visitor Statistics Job offers at your company - personalised for different types of visitors Video campaigns 2.3 A look at the Products and Services space LinkedIn offers all Company including expert points of view. spaces a special tab to promote Think about managing what you their products and services. post here, keeping in mind the content should be consistent with Like in the Careers space, you the story you want to tell about have full control over the the your business. content under this tab and you can target your content in line The only social aspect of this tab with your visitors’ demographics. is that LinkedIn members can recommend your products and The space is fully customizable: services. you can add banners and a video to showcase products or services. Rather than adding an advertisement, consider more personal and original content LinkedIn Guide for Brands 8
  • 9. PACE PS U 2.4 look at the Group space A O GR Current job offers, information Group space is not managed by about training sessions and best the company, but by individuals. practices can all be shared on Group space. In addition, most A GROUP IS A SPACE FOR LinkedIn users tend to look for EMPLOYEES TO EXCHANGE expert opinions in the Groups. BEST PRACTICES WITH INDUSTRY EXPERTS. IT’S AN Unlike the Company space, a OPTIMAL PLATFORM FOR EXCHANGE OF IDEAS WIT- HIN YOUR COMPANY! Logo and description Launch a discussion or a poll Group news, updates RSS feed with the latest on new members discussions Ads A list of the most active users in the Group, which effectively highlights the most The most commented on influential experts in discussions. It’s possible to the discussion space like a status, add a comment and share it in the same way you would on Facebook. The Group’s statistics Types of messages : • Experience, knowledge and best-practice sharing • Job offers or training sessions 9 LinkedIn Guide for Brands
  • 10. 3 Which strategy should you adopt? 3.1 Define your objectives… Don’t only think of LinkedIn as To achieve your goals, be active AS WITH OTHER SOCIAL a recruitment tool. LinkedIn in on the site, and develop your own NETWORKS, SIMPLY BEING fact enables companies to build tone of voice. A member connects ON LINKEDIN IS NOT an image that attracts talent to the network on average 1-2 SUFFICIENT. YOU NEED and makes people want to work times a month. The challenge is TO DO MORE. AND BEFORE for your company. In addition to find a way to be there when THAT, YOU NEED TO DEFINE to advertising, joining in the they are connected and have the YOUR OBJECTIVES. discussions on LinkedIn also content you posted highlighted. gives you the opportunity to polish You can help do this by interacting your employer brand. So, look with more active members who beyond traditional recruitment log in several times a day, and goals, and make sure you set exchanging experience and best new ones: reaching out to expert practices with them. communities, attracting new suppliers, influencing professional communities, etc. 3.2 …and possible focus areas Define a focus area that’s in line Once you’ve defined your focus ON LINKEDIN, MORE THEN with your expertise, strengths and area, you will be in a good position ANYWHERE ELSE, THE the values of your organisation. to develop an editorial strategy for BEST WAY TO ADD VALUE Why would following you or each LinkedIn space. TO YOUR COMPANY IS TO participating in the discussions be ANIMATE SPACES VIA an added value for a professional? EDITORIAL CONTENT. Are you considered a talent incubator in your field? Is your expertise acknowledged worldwide? Have you adopted an innovative management system? These are all assets that can add value when shaped through the prism of your ambassadors and your employees, and their stories and experiences. LinkedIn Guide for Brands 10
  • 11. STRUCTURE YOUR ECOSYSTEM R TY GR PA O D T Y G RO UP THIR AR U 01 P P0 TH I RD 1 TARY GR IE O R UP PROP 01 The Company Space The Company space is the center of your LinkedIn ecosystem. It should enhance S AND SER the visibility of the company’s CT U news, its views, projects VI T H E PRO D CE and goals. It should also be a S S PAC hub for your entire LinkedIn ecosystem. E The Careers Space E The Careers space is the AC TY G RO SP AR U space dedicated to HR – Y P P0 TH I RD N 2 A opportunities, career paths, MP testimonials – a showcase CO dedicated to recruitment. The THE TY G RO TARY GR AR U pages are most useful for IE P P0 TH I RD O R 2 medium or large companies UP PROP that have to manage a 02 significant number of prospective employees. The Groups Space The Groups are the main spaces for conversation RS S PACE on LinkedIn, and need a EE R T H E CA targeted, clear and content- focused editorial positioning. A company can create and animate several groups based on various professional communities, its target, its core businesses or its geographical locations... The challenge is to structure these groups so as to be able to tap into both internal and TY G RO AR external audiences that are U P A RY G R P0 TH I RD broad enough to encourage ET 3 I O R UP PRO P dialogue and a fruitful 03 exchange. TY G RO AR U P P0 TH I RD 3 11 LinkedIn Guide for Brands
  • 12. 3.4 ctivate your ecosystem A IN ORDER TO CREATE A Focus on the three components of your editorial policy REAL LINKEDIN ECOSYSTEM, YOU NEED TO CREATE SYNERGIES BETWEEN • Corporate information and news • Thought leadership THE COMPANY SPACE, THE CAREERS SPACE AND 1. First off, include this on the 1. Depending on the topic, add THE GROUPS. THE MOST Company space to the relevant themed Groups EFFECTIVE WAY TO DO so as to encourage discussion THIS IS TO CREATE LINKS 2. Add it to the Careers space, and attract people to the Group BETWEEN THESE SPACES, if that’s in line with your through exclusive content BUT AT THE SAME TIME company’s HR and CSR policy MAINTAIN THE PARTICULAR 2. You can also add to the IDENTITY AND PURPOSE 3. Add news to the Group pages Company space to support the OF EACH PAGE. DO TAKE only if it relates to those users corporate vision, and leverage INTO CONSIDERATION THAT the discussions and the USERS SPEND LESS TIME dynamism of the group ON LINKEDIN THAN ON • Third-party content (*curation) FACEBOOK, THEREFORE IT’S 3. Add to themed Groups that are BETTER TO CONCENTRATE 1. In the first instance, include similar to the current Group ON THE QUALITY VERSUS this on the Group pages. This in terms of either audience of QUANTITY WHERE CONTENT is essential if you’re going to subject matter IS CONCERNED. animate conversations between professionals interested in the 4. Add to the Careers space same topic (warning : make sure only if the content talks to it does not exceed 50% of your top management’s vision or editorial content) throws fresh light on HR and management policy 2. Include in the Careers space only if the content focuses on career paths within the company 3. Add to the Company space only if the article, which should be available online, provides a new perspective on the company *Curation is the art of selecting, filtering, organizing, indexing and commenting on content across specific topics 12 LinkedIn Guide for Brands
  • 13. 3.5 est practices: Dell and Microsoft B Dell is one of the 10 most-followed Alongside the editorial companies on LinkedIn with nearly approach, the company also engages 270,000 followers. The company in real-time community management makes the most of this significant activity: each post is monitored community through a content and as soon as a follower of the management strategy: interesting page in question reacts, a company articles, company news and an spokesperson responds. Thanks updated calendar help to turn this to this openness, the company potential audience into an actual has established a dialogue which audience. helps engage people in the long- term. Moreover, Dell is sharing its messages and values ​​n a way that i brings a strong human element to the brand. Microsoft is one of the most active companies on LinkedIn and its Company page is exemplary. Followed by just under 500,000 people, Microsoft has embraced LinkedIn at the heart of its communications strategy. Working with both company and industry news as well as employee testimonials, Microsoft works off an editorial strategy focused on several new posts each day. That said, you can’t help notice that while their the community manager has adopted a very engaging way of posting articles, s/he is somewhat reserved when it comes to responding to comments. Microsoft’s Company page is an example ​​ a dynamic company, of looking to the future and open to its followers’ comments. LinkedIn Guide for Brands 13
  • 16. 4 Resources 4.1 ntry level : E Engage employees When you’re starting out, the most cost-effective and efficient approach is to let employees know, via your traditional internal communication channels, that your spaces and groups on LinkedIn exist. The core of your LinkedIn community are your  employees. It may be useful to incentivize contributors so as to create a little competition. 4.2 he importance of involving T high potentials LinkedIn provides a forum for high potentials. Their involvement in LinkedIn’s Groups discussions can humanize communications, highlight their talent... and keep them in the company! They can animate one or more groups by posting articles, links and opinions... It’s a win/win strategy : personal branding is the motivation while you’re also helping develop the company’s employer brand. 4.3 he Role of top management T As well as average users and high potentials, the role of top management can be crucial in bringing to life internal and professional communities. Simply posting a «like» or commenting on a colleague’s post can be powerful, and encourage further participation. PARTY GR RD O I UP TY GR TH PAR O 03 D U IR P0 TH 3 PARTY GR RD O I UP TH 03 16 LinkedIn Guide for Brands
  • 17. 4.4 ommunity managers C and ambassadors Creating a thriving social network is impossible without a community manager, and LinkedIn is no exception. A question left unanswered, a post that’s been ignored.... These are factors that can dampen enthusiasm in a community, and cause your audience’s engagement levels to dip. Every post, message, question... should be addressed, no matter how small or insignificant. As far as professional communities are concerned, the level of expertise must be extremely high. That’s why you must identify Ambassadors, high potentials who embody excellence within their profession, their peer group, their role… These people need to actively participate in the animation of their thematic groups – supported by a community manager, someone who is responsible for the flow of communications, for measuring it and helping members and followers find their way around. 4.5 he role of community animators T Community Manager Ambassadors • Monitoring • Editorial planning • Sectors and topic monitoring • Content publication • Content publication, providing links, • Comments management, posting thought leadership… answering members/followers • Answering questions/comments on • Help/redirect members/followers expert topics • Acts as a link between the • Engages the company’s employees company and LinkedIn users • Posts in the ‘Answers’ space and thus • Alert management should a ultimately earns Expert status on sensitive topic come up their profile • Moderates LinkedIn Guide for Brands 17
  • 18. 5 Measurement 5.1 erformance measurement P What are the KPIs for LinkedIn? If you decide to implement an editorial strategy, the KPIs should be the same as those of the other social networks where your company has a presence: engagement rate, audience, loyalty, etc. In addition, any impact on the employer brand, the number of CVs received, and the cost of hiring using traditional methods should be taken into consideration. 5.2 roposed KPIs P Quantitative • The engagement rate for the Company space posts (based on the number of interactions with the audience) • Visitors to the Company and Group spaces • Internal and external reach rate • The number of discussions where your company’s experts participate on Group spaces (yours and affiliates’) • The number of CVs received • The number of information requests received Qualitative • The tone of comments received across the company’s LinkedIn presence (Company and Group spaces) 18 LinkedIn Guide for Brands
  • 19. Check list: how can I develop my presence on LinkedIn? 1. Audit what you have How many pages are linked to your company and its focus areas (name, audience, employee usage rate)? 2. Define your objectives There are three types of objectives : - Business objectives - HR objectives - Image/reputation objectives 3. Define your focus areas and structure your LinkedIn ecosystem - Restructure your Company space, and if you have them, your Careers and Products and Services spaces according to the objectives you’ve already defined - Outline your editorial strategy for spaces you manage - Identify Groups in which your company can legitimately add comments, and also new Groups it can create - Identify your internal ambassadors - Produce a guide for employees as to how they can best be part of your company’s LinkedIn presence 4. Community management Implement a community management strategy. Contact us Follow us Stanislas Magniant stanislas.magniant@ MSLgroup Dimitri Granger dimitri.granger@ mslgroupofficial Tel. : +33 (0)1 44 82 45 00 SOCIAL HIVE LinkedIn Guide for Brands 19
  • 20. 20 LinkedIn Guide for Brands